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THE CATHOLIC Thursday, February 5, ÏÔ53 Tighe, public relations manager, Latin America First Saturday Catholic U. Players Father Rice Paid Pittsburgh Railways Co.; C. How- To Give Shakespeare ard McPeak, area rent control Warm Tribute at director, and Mr. Hart. Theme of North's The customary First Saturday Comedy in Butler observance, sponsored by the Founder of House Minstrel Show Dinner Session Father Rice was one of the Third Order Secular of Mount The Players, Inc., travelling founders of the House of Hospi- Carmet will be conducted Feb. 7 dramatic group oi the speech Latin America will provide the school of the Catholic University At an "appreciation dinner" tality, and resided there until June at Holy ) Trinity Church, Center theme for the annual minstrel va- of America, Washington, D.C., will held Jan. 21 in the Pittsburgh of 1951, when he was made ad- Ave. and Crawford St., opening Athletic Association, with some riety show of North Catholic High present Shakespeare's "Love's La« 200 persons present, tribute was School to be held the evenings of with Mass at 8:30 o'clock. The bor Lost," in the auditorium Of paid to Rev. Charles Owen Rice Feb. 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, at 8:15 Rosary will be recited continuously the senior high schopl, Butler, on for his services to the poor, to o'clock, with a special perfqnn- during the day, and the exercises Wednesday evening. Feb. 11, at the workers and to the communi- ance for children and teachers will close with Holy Hour from 8:30 o'clock, under the auspices of ty as a whole during his 15 years Saturday, Feb. 14, at 2:30 P.M.^ 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. St. Paul's Parish, Butler. Reserve* as director of St Joseph's House tions are being received at Butler Taking part will be a jl70-voice 29850. of Hospitality. Father Rice was chorus, tihe school choral club, la Allegheny K. of C. transferred last November to the group of ten singers e&He, Feb. 8 Rice's direction the house- has good as professional speakers/' End. 8:00 to 3:15 A. M., WISR, Butler, provided about four million free Available Without charge to inter- 8 Main St. Phone Si (880) {"Hour of St Frauds." * meals to "down-and-out" men and ested organizations, the speakers 8:00 to 10:00 A. M., WJAS: St has given a million nights' lodg- appear in groups of two to four, WILLIAM sntLm Patrick's Church. ing. I treating topics of morality, gov- ernment, science, culture and in- Mo rtuaries Dinner and Lunch 8:18 to 9:45 AM., KQV (1410}: For years Father Rice has been v o m. • a4Nt • • "Ave Maria Hour." conducting a weekly broadcast, ternational affairs, and take part 620 E. Ohio St. — CEdar 1-3*31 in a question period, if desired. 10:00 to 10:30 A. M., WMCK, Mc- Sunday evenings, on station Calif. A Termon Ave., LI 1-011 Tomllnson Hall Keesport (1300); "Ave Maria WWSW, and this he is continu- Open Daily— Hour.'* ing. He is also on the faculty of cesan director of the Society pi Sunday» and Holidays the diocesan Institute of Adult St Vincerlt de Paul, succeeded 10:00 to 10:30, WJAS: Archbishop Catari** to WsMlag Richard J. Cashing of Boston. Education, and writes a weekly Father Rice as director of St WALL DRUG COMPANY Brsakfaata aa« Oa—»Usoa 10:30 to 10:45 A. M., WPIT (730): column "On the Condition of La- Joseph's House of Hospitality and - THOMAS k WALL bor" for The xPitisburgh Catholic. "Hour of St Francis." administrator of St. Brigid's Par- Prescriptions • Sarah Tornitami 10:30 to 11:00 A. M., WESA, Char- Rev. Paul M. Bassompierre, dio- ish. m Rldce Are. leroi: "Hour of St Francis." 641-4J-5th Ave., cor. Tunnel St. WA 1 -cm — 011-917« 12:00 to 12:1^ P. M., WISR, Butler: 1 Pittsburgh AT 1-9183 "Butler Catholic Hour." FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 1:18 to 1:30 P. M., WKST, New Castle (1230): "Salve Regina DAIRY ASSOCIATION Hour." EASTER Note is the Time 1:30 to 2:00 P. M., WLOA, Brad- CONNELl-SVILLE, PA. in the HOLT LAND or dock (1550): Lithuanian Cath- . Telephone 880 RE-UNION IN IRELAND ITo Have Your Call, for Information on many olic Hour. Pilgrimages and Tour* now book- Mirrors Resilvered 2:00 to 2:30 P. M., KDKA (1020): ing fast. Mantle Mirrors, Picture "Catholic Hour." ItolrfeM Pergonal ly Conducted Windows, Furniture and 7:00 to 7:15 P. M., WRYO (Ro- PUMmaoe Table Tope chester) K. of C. Rosary broad- frofocM cast. eer cjCaki THIRD ORDER »f 8T. FRANCIS JEANNETTE Private for TOMh Anniversary of St. Clara 8:00 to 8:30 P. M., WBVP, Beaver IN TBS MOUNTAINS—ABOVE CNIONTOWN MIRROR WORKS Falls (1230): "Catholic Truth OS MILKS S. B. OS PITTSBURGH Anne Egon Hour." For Sal* Travel Service For Free" Estimates 10:45 to 11:00 P. M., WWSW Rustic Log Cabins—Native Stone and Leg Park Bid*. CO «1-3943 Phone Jeannette 767 (970): ReV. Charles Owen Rice. Lodges—Beautiful Lake-View Sites 500 N. 3rd St. * Jeannette Monday, Feb. 9 "nils eooi fresh-water mountain laks ruu two miles of shoreline end to 7:00 to 7:15 P. M. WMBS, Union- privately stocked with bass end bluaiills—It is surrounded by nearly one thousand seres of virgin timbered cabin sites—Paved trails wind through the town (590): K. of C. Catholic woods—AU modern conveniences are available. Forum. Bxcelleal Fishing: 8afe Swimming Beach; Beating; Sailing; Tennis; SeKkaOi Picnle Groanda; Biding; Beer and Small Game Hunting; lee Skating; Skllag, Tuesday, Feb. 19 and Other Natural Sports For All Members at the Family. 8:45 to 7:00 P. M., WEDO, Mc- DEER LAKE CORPORATION Keesport, Vesper Hour. ROBERT E. MORGAN. President and Founder ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL CHALK wri t , PA. Phone UNIONTOWN «-317f The Rosary is recited daily CLEANING ft DECORATING Monday through Friday at 7:00 A. M. on station WLOA, Braddock, and at 7:00 P. M., on station THE PLAYERS, INCORPORATED BY WCAE, Pittsburgh; also at 11:30 A. (Connected with the Catholic University of M. on Mondays and Tuesdays on America Speech School) station WLOA, and at 7:00 P. M., Saturdays on station WCAE. Presents William Shakespeare's "Love's | Labor's Lost" Television in the Senior High School Auditorium, Butler, Pa. 413 N. HIGHLAND AVE. Sunday, Feb. 8 10:30 to 11:00 A.M., WDTV: Cath- Benefit of St. Paul's Church, Butler i , PITTSBURGH, PA. olic Hour. Wednesday, February 11 at 8:30 P. M. * Tuesday, Feb. 19 EST. 1873 t MO 1-2892 8:00 to 8:30 P.M., WDTV: Bishop For Reservations Call Butler 29850 Fulton J. Sheen.