C"- y/ THE BOONTON TIMES AND THE BOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN - S. L. GARnj§O"S.\ Editor Emcritua ^ VOLUME TWENTY-NINE NUMBER NINETEEN .THOMAS} H. TRENHOLMi. Editor BOONTON. N. 3. FI'IDAY DBCFMBFK 7 l'<21 CHARLES h. GRUBB, ABSO. Editor SINGLE COPIES THREE CENTS GREAT MUSICAL TREAf Rev; J. T,' Dclehanty, whose silver^ jubilee on entering CHRISTMAS MYSTERY PLAY,.: AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH; Father and Son Towns Must Pay ' priesthood, jvill-be celebrated December 17th. The children of St. John's Church Hanover Cojnmittee •, Last /Wednesday evening the First School will present ti Chrjstmas Mys- Banquet Success Presbyterian Church was well-filled for County Library tery Play, entitled "They Holy "Nati- Amends Ordinance by a large audience^who were, delight- vity," at Christmaatide. This mystery, ed with the fine entertainment fur- play has been arranged.by the Sis- Held Last Wednesday in thenished by The Gloria Trumpeters, Decision Handed Down by ters of Che Holy Nativity, an Episco- Parking Distance From Fire Lathrop Avenue Henry Allan Price, dramatic reader Supreme Court at Trenton pal religious order at Fond da Lac, House Changed From and Mrs. Laura H. O'Brien, the church Wisconsin. It is a beautiful-drama- School. organist. "'",.. Yesterday. tisation of the -events of the Nativity 75 to 50 Feet.. ' AH of. the numbers were heartily of our Llord. In medieval, fashion the -'-.'• A father and son banquet will be encored and probably the selection Morristown and Boonton will have children take the part of the Blessed An ordinance prohibiting parking/ one of, the annual features in the that was most popular was the "Theto p1 ay the money, raised by'taxes, Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Three Kings, King Herod, angels, shepherds, within 75 feet of a'fire house on life of; the community from now ort Lost Chord/' by the Gloria Trumpet-^ for ;the. Free Library* although par- each side of the rood,'was amended as it was unanimously, so voted on era and Mrs. O'Brien, in which the tilly supporting libraries of their.own; scribes, pages. Many an ancient Eng- Tuesday night* by'ithe 250 jor more trumpets and pipe organ blended.BO according to a decision of the Supreme lish* carols are sung,-and there is a to 50 feet on feach side, after some fathers and\sons .who were present harmoniously in this grand selection; Court, announced at Trenton yester- very beautiful carol written and setdiscussion, at the Regular. monthly : in the gymnasium on Tuesday eve- The mtisic furnished by the lady trum- dayJ to music My the sisters of the Holy •meeting of the'' Hanover Township. Nativity. The unalloyed simplicity of ning in the • Lathrop avenue -school. peters was.great and coupled .with The Supreme Court upheld the-con- Committee, held at 'Mussel's Hall, . .' The banquet waB prepared by thethe realistic recitation given by Mr. the acting of the children, the sweet stitutianality of the actundeer which singing of carols by childish voices, Whippany, Saturday afternoon..' ..Domestic Science Department, undpr Price furnisEed on entertainment of the County Library was created, and . The ordinance came up for: its' • . the supervision of Mrs. Schenck, and rare excellence which >the public ( the beautiful tableaux, all tend to en- ordered the Town of Boonton-which dear the play to the hearts of those second reading and Committeeman . was served by a dozen orjnore young seldom gets the opportunity of hear- was! contesting the case",-to'pay to .adits of the domestic science class. ing. ThatJ.eyery• number was, enjoy- wh'o see it. ' • • . - Aaron Losey stated that he had (the . County Treasurer the --'. $837.67, heard several comflaints from -res-. , *. The gymnasium was tastefully deco- ed* was evidenced by the hearty ap^ which it "had collected for, that pur- Rehearsals are being l)eld on Wed- Vrated with streamers and Christmas plause" which followed. pose. nesday afternoons. idents of Morris Plains, claimirig .. greens, under, the direction of Art By action of the Board.of Alder- that it" was not necessary to have '; Teacher Miss Faulks. Well along, men, Morristown's .' share, totaling 75 feet on either side of a fire house'':;; toward the close of the banquet, $2,802,24 a year, was held up this year, for an engine to get ..out, and he-'* which by the way was most excel- Locals Personals - ; lent,. Cheer Leader Callahan had tho pending the decision in, the Boonton suggesteJ that the distance be i"e- case, but will new have to* be paid duced to 50 feet, making. 100 feet -100 or more T>oys give their usual The Rotary Club of Boonton met over to the County Treasurer. Mrs. Rose Porzio is confined to snappy cheers;for Coach Marvel, Mr. Tuesday at the Mansion House Secre- her home with tho gripiie. of the street to be kept clear. . . - • *. Noyes, manual • training teacher; Boonton contested the case on the tary Clarke nntl Wilbur. F. Day ofgrounds that it had its own-library, . ultss Marion-l!y=rs spent the Committeeman Dr. R. V. D. Totten^, \ President of the Board Harry Moller, Morrisiown were present ajid assisted Dr. C. A. Beam, Supervising Prin- which it lielijed to support by. a yearly, week-end with 5Ir. nnd Mrs. Frank who introduced the ordinance in' No-*^-, in getting data in shape to send to appropriation,' and Morristown' took Ilioffmnh. of Middle Volley. . cipal Albert S. Davis and many oth- RMar> International vembcr, wes not present, and there-; ers,- including -Mr, Trenholm, editor the same'attitude7*it contributing by Mrg. Charles Parfett, of Newark, fo«e the argument w*r; rather, one-.; > of the* Times.'The tables and equip- A life sized Elk, stuffed, has'been taxation to the Morrist6wn Library. has heen the guest during the past sided, although some discussion fol- week of her parents, Mr. and iirs. ment, -which were loaned, by the received by a brother Elk from Mon- The total amount raised by taxation lowed, "'because the ordinance will x South Boonton firemen and the local tana. The atuffed Elk (not the for;the library in th& county is $10,- G. t'ihlblad, of West Boonton. have to bo rcradvertiaed. -.;•!. /,,-.;. lodge of '*"Ell«,- occupied practically Brother Elk) is on exhibition at the 000, and'Morristo'wn pays more than Mr. L. J. Boycr; who has been • While the ordinance will affect all • the whole of the. gym. At the'head Elk Club House on Cornelia Street, a qliarter of this. living for ever a year past at Dover, fire houses in. the township,/ the ,- .table, the remainder of the where it majt be seen by the public has returned-to Boonton and is,re- center of* interest is at ' Morris ' . tables, sat: members of the Board any • evening. j MARRIAGES , : , siding at 3D5 Main street.. Plains, where it has been. rumored ' of Education, Mr. Davis, Elmer- Ro-_ Dean Douglas, of the Women's Mrs. W. V,'. Scott, of Pnssaic, victted that if the ordinance was put/ mine, Mayor Moller,, former Alder- College at New, Brunswick, will ad- A very pretty, Redding vraa cele- her sisters, Mrs. Frederic!: Gordon and through as it originally was; Jts man' John Dunn, Mr. Trenholm, Mr. dress the Woman's Club, Friday after- brated when Miss-E^hel Beatrice" Zc- lltss Elizabeth Trimble, of Cornelia legality would be contested. .". "" . .. street, yesterday. - - Goble of;, the physical -training de- noon, December 14th, at 2.30 o'clock^ [jiffi daughter of. George Zeliff, was Mr. Losey finally made the ameifd-.•.'. 'partment; Samuel Husk, who. acted at the .'home of Mrs. Gcorgre Fitzi. ^married Thanksgiving'.evening, a.t .6 as chairman of the meeting. ALL ELITE A. C. TO PLAY "B. H. S .NOTES ment, which reduced the prohibited . Patrick, Cornelia street. It is hoped o'clock', to Arnold A. Decker, of-.Boon- MIGHTY PATEnSON distance to 50 feet ^;i both sideeof th,at all members of the club and tonj at the home of* the bride, on Boon- Priest pj^eirves the street, by a resolution, which Community singing, Iod by Mr. ton>tprnpike. ^ •'- '•; . .{ All CoUegiates Basketball. practice started Tues- Morrison,'County. Y. M. C. A. sec-every one interested In the New Jer- day About 60 candidates reported was carried .-unanimously. retary, jyas indulged in by the whole sey College will be present at this The house was beautifully decorated Opponents are Recognized Contenders. for the firBt practice. A whole new An ordinance revising the boun- meeting. with pink, and white carnations.'. The ;i::Sirer;Jtifeilee • audience from leaflets distributed at for Football Championship r team is to be chosen a» only two" let- dary lines of a township road near -. ' each plate. By way of test, Mr. More than two hundred children at- ceremony was performed by'the Rev.. ter men are in school. . Practically Denville and known as the Pear Morrison 'asked how many present tended the opening • performance B. S. Crfowcroft, pastor'of -the Metho- Ori3iiihed to| tlfe Priesthiaiod Sunday afternoon: at - the ' Van the entire football squad has re-Tree^ road,, passed its third;reading' showing "The Boy Wanamaker," at : had one son; whether present or not. dist Episcopal ^Church, in the parlor Twenty-five Years Ago ~ Raaltc field, the doughty All Elites ported for basketball practice and and "was accepted. , ; > . . It was.impossible to count that nnm- the Harris Lyceum yesterday after- under a large wedding bell. The new road as changed will be'., noon. The picture will be shown this . The bride was given in marriage by will ptay ~Z c^ack pSerso^Air^ j\ ^^a^".^Ke"dny e to their kber. When it'came to those haying ', - in^ontreal.' called the Rainbow Trail, and wilt afternoon and evening. her fathcV. 'She was attired in-a gown leeiateslegiates. . Th.inis s wilwlm probablprooaDiy bDCe m&jtha- ••-••-•-•,•-. ... become the main road to - a new '3 sons, about' a do5en arose; two 1 responded for five sons and two the There will, be a danco at .Troy of grey Canton crepe, exquisite in.its The 17th of December will mark the last appearance of the local team this Mr. Tom Thorp, fonTerAll-Amen- building development. There were '• simplicity and distinctive touches/and : two maps, of the 'Rainbow Lakes De- same for six. On being asked how Hills schoolhouBc on Friday; Decem- Silver Jubilee of the Rev. J.'.T. Dele- - •. ,. ' . • . . , -\ . can tackle, while at Columbia and many, were present from out of ber 14th. Price's Orchestra, of Flor- carried a. .bouquet.of pink roses* Her year, and they,.,.therefore, have en-- > footbflll CQa^^ N.- Y.. U.; ad- yclopmerit^filed and accepted by the'. town, fifteen stood up from Moun- ham Park, will furnish the music only ornament,'a family heirloom, was hanty'a ordination (o the priesthood. gaged this crack team for a game in j dressed the school in assembly V>- -Township Committee. order to "give, themselves a chimce for tain "Lakes; four from Towaco, three WHUnnr Winters, fljrty'five years a -brooch; of her great • grandmother's^ For a quarter of i century he has day- . He awnrded letters for football .John : Davhv •£,*. Parsippany, com- weddmg :day. - Sho was attended by real fame. ,'The "All Collegiate^ 'foot- to .18 men and monograms to' six.plained .about some of the roads in • from ..Lincoln Park and two eacij old, died at his homo in.. Hibernia preached the gbapel of Christ anil good ball, team is r?cognked 'as the lead-- re3 .from. Boonton Township, and Montr hor cousiil, Miss' Etta Da Hart* as r Frank Pierce is capta'm-elect for next the. section in, which ho *&>irfcHe 1 Tuesday morning after a long illness, will to nil inen. jTwelye of these years ing contender for the. : football ville' Township, Mr. Morrison intro- , Miss Dc Hart's gown year. '•"..''__ ,••.'. ' ' '' (", . ; •stated it .was impossible to^^Ph? * He waa a eolfector of taxes for.Uocka- Imdc ha^.beeTirs'penVjjV Bpcjntori:.atid th»' championship,, duo ;tT ".thfeir . vlctovy his homo In a machine, becaub& of duced a test game, "stand tip and sit iway Township. Ho is survived by hia•was of tu'rqlioise'blubl e satiri'andlact d l e 'Me. /Palmer, psfhtent stnte super- : - down." The catch wns "the Mayor steady prcBTess^fromvyear to yenrf over the-Mohawks^'*••/ .". • ,'•"•. visor of physical training, raid;us a the holes in fhe road. Members-of wife and five children. and she carried a bouquet of -pkilc "In a game earlier in the season, the . committeo , explained that, the U says" stand up or. sit down, as theJ roses.. Kenneth Zeliff,' brother- of the of-things spiritua!,.. educational and visit* yesterday. He ,carae' to inspect 1 Mr. M. M.Cranoj.a director of the the.local boys were whitewashed-. 31.ou—r rphysical--- — ' training dopartment and 'heavy auto .trucking in that section i cass'-niay be. Several were caught, bride, waa the best' manv After.the material in the parish bespeak his un- ; standing up or Bitting/, down when Boonton Trust Co'mpany since its or- to O.^but since th?n thsy have pr*?-1 pxpressed himself as. beiru? Tor the past six months, bos done ganization "and under its former name, ceremony a collation was .served to tiring effort, energy and zeal.: • greased: rapidly, and in the right di- I pleased with its evident good mah- considerable 'damage, and7 as funds.'V he said some one else says stand.up* thejrimmediato relatives, and friends 'or sit down. Just a bit of memory has resigned His resignation was ac- Father Delehanty's . ediication be- and they are'sure that they j agement.. In the aftsrnopn he enter-, were low; it-would hardly be possible cepted with regret at a meeting kf of the couple. Later In the evenin? rection " talncd us with some eonp';. He sang to do much at this time.';*"' " \ , j\< '.''test.' .;N ,- -••-. - .-. •.-:-. Mr. and Sirs. Decker departed on-a ffan in the schools of his native town, j provide u^jood battle for th? the Board of Directors 'en Tuesday Worcester, Mass. - After .-hi3 high! visitors.. Furthermore, in their last us same humorous and one" or two Davin stated that he Had to get ; Samuel Husk, member of the night. bridal trip. ' Upon' their return they. heavier on»s Mr. Palmer sometimes Eenior doss, acted as chairman, wel- will reside at Mountain View. ./ ,. school honors,; be passed.: on for^hiB' four games the All Elites have been t jm»s,v out in order to earn .money to pay coming the fathers to this auspicious Lewis and Maher, the Brook street college course to Holy" Cross where victorious,, so a good game is assur- jsingn over the radio, .so listen his taxes, arid" suggested that - the mineral water manufacturers, have Among tho guesta'were Mr.-^rid occasion- and expressed regrets that Sirs. Harland Decker, Mrs. Ro3e Por-!he received his degree of Bachelor of red. Come out and s^e it! you-may hear him some night.- worst holes be filled with stone, and ; Mayor,. Elect Henry G. Rolston was purchased n Graham truck for use Art3 in; 1894. . From Worcester he The persons who will-probably The Students' Kcgalio'n Association the- r^ad scraped, in ordy to make in their business. zio, of Bfoonton;,Mr; and Mrs. Hi Iver- ill and unable to be present- . ' , son of Richmond Hill, L.: C;"Mn.iWil- Vent for his theological studies to the play in Sunday's game are" as fol- is to hold an invitation dance in hon- it passable.- ,' ;. • . •-'- ,%-V./ x Former Alderman 'John' E. Dunn Julius Strohne, of Boonton, who Ham Curren, .Agnes Curren, .Helen Grand Seminary,\ Montreal, Septem- lows: Colt and Van Pentz, Tony Sera- or of this year's football team. The Road Overseer~H^ison Mead'waf was the first . speaker introduced. was taken into, custody on achargc ber, isd4.v > ,' •-.•:. fino, "Dutch" Shaumburg, "AI"-Cul- only Qualificatio(Qualification for admittancadmttance is instructed to make some temporrfy ( w Curren, of Little Falls; Miss Ray 1 membership in the S. R. A. or a bid It Is. one of the greatest' pleasures of failing' to comply, with an order to Bolton of Lincoln Park; Louis Bruis- In-the Basilica of Stt James in Mon- lon, "Johnny '; Stocum, John Curtinf repairs, and do the best he' could,. of my life," said he, in the history pay for the support of his child; has ma, of Hawthorne; Mrs. Adna Gol- treal he was ordained • on December, '*To\vn" • Bishop, Duncan,* Condon, from a member. . . / "• congidoring- financial conditions.•"•',' -r'of 'Boonton. For years we- were been released on his promise to make lerd, of Pine Brcl.k; William .Hoyt, 17,1898, by Archbishop-Paul Brucheai. Kajhart, Art Conn, and Coach An-_ The Seniors defeated the Sophs, G- An" application to operate a bus divided as to where tho school house up the back payments. "Adele Hoyt, of Paterson; Kenneth "After o'rdination he offered himself drus. | to 0, this y/inning the iriter-class foot- between Mountain'Lakes anH. Boon- was to., have been and what - kind of As Harry Wean and two sons, of Zeliff, Mrs. Ella De Hart, Miss Etta for services to the Diocese 6f Newark ball championship, for which they are Ion, by way of Morris avenue, was a building we were to have, but now Ken\iL were driving to their work FIND BICVCLE SM \bHEp to receive the football trophy, em- made by John C. Garnzer, but it wns De, Hart, the Rev. anil Mrs. ». S. and was appointed curate in St. laid over for further consideration. we have reached-a point of solidifi- near Boonton ion Monday morning, his Crowcroft, Mrs. George Van Riper, Gary's and; St. John's, ; City. .WITH STAINS OF BLOOD j blematlc "of" championship 'in'mter- •cation. He. congratulated the Board automobile was struck on Mine Hill In 1903 ho was callea^o be assistant . •••* . ;—= ' Ulasa football for the year 1923-24. Bills amounting to. $1,109.14 were and George Zeliff. . t passed upon, and a fire-fighting bill of Education upon the present build- h,y a trailer attached to a truck and priest at St.,Mary's, Plainfleld, where A blood-stained and.smashed bicy-j Xh- first'issue of tha school paper ing and >he "splendid faculty. -We skidded across the road into a fence he remained until 1908 when advanced amounting, to- byer $200:.:^wiis laid 1 Kuehn—Luccke. cle was found Tueaduy morning in a i is . lo come, out either Tuesday or i are* fortunate'in. having a man like and'the car was badly damaged. Uo the pastorate of St. Andrew's, over' for correctioH. ;, "f -. )*'-,¥ , Davis here iri'our midsti There' 'are The marriage is announced of Miss sand pit, just off, a side road,': and Wednesday and it will be a big sue- This yenVs Imsiness will bd finished John A. Scott who is assisting Rev, Frieda Luecke, daughter, of >lr. andWestwoqd,, N. J/ On. August 21, 1912, 0 10C SU> three principles of real Americanism ho.was made paslor. Evttngelistic Mrs. Louis Luecko of Preakneso aven- December 22J, at 2:30 o'clock. . for the teacher' to_ inculcate in tho Campaigr at Dovtr, will sing, in the ue, Paterson, ahd Frederick Kuehn of parish of Boonton. - ' 1' * ; road,, by a driver for Swift fi; Conv Tho basketball season opens next children, respect for the American 'Brick Presbyterian -Church, PatBip- J'ompton.Plains. The ceremony was :The anniversary will be one of iin'- j Friday, when Wharton boys and girls flog, fox it is the embodiment of all pany, on Sunday morning. Mr. Hains performed Thanksgiving ofterrtoon at .feigned joy and sincercst congratula^ County Detective Fred^Hubert come to visit us. It is rather short MARUILD AT ' ', - that 6ur-

Whirlers scored seven points to the gates from all sections of New Jer- famous throughout the State, -will iel A. Poling, of the World's Chris- lows testified a day to the help and to get home to their county early in wto by Webb. In the first half the sey will attend UiTi three-day con- sing at all sessions at the confer- tian Endeavor; Albert E. Roberts, inspiration that they received at the evening. Mrs. Danrteman Oak Bidge total of twelve. A. Sles- ference. ence. Music will bo in charge of senior secretary for town and county these treat affairs. r inger getting two field goals and H On Saturday uorning there will Paul Conrad, Newark; Joseph N. work, International Y« M. C. A.; Morris County can certainly be A sure cure for tonsilitis^ is to Entertains Guild Slealngtr one field goal and a foul bo upcci&I conference on rural work, Brown, Chftnn, and Guy* O. Hendry, P. V. Slack, of Calcutta, nnd Rev. proud of its splendid delegation. The have a warm sleeve wrapped"around employed boys, physlct.1 w;rk, high Mt. Holly. The State Older JJuy*' U. Joseph Twomey, of Nowark. fathers and friends of the delegates tho neck,'but tt I* no good unlcs* it The second half opened with the school, rnurch and Sunday school and Council have been working on the These.-conferences, in-New Jersey are invited to the farewell meeting, has a young lady's arm tn it. r Mrs. J. Barlow Gave Short Whirlers determined to win. On quick Christian callings. One of the in- program for weeks and, bare secured started back Ih 1891 and have be- to bo held in the Franklin School on One way to get out. of paying a arjd Humorous . plays, H. Slcsingcr piled up four bas- teresting features will be a visit to a great list of speakers who under- come the greatest annual • meeting the Lincoln Highway Sunday after- tip, - after eating, is to shoot the kets in a row and during the half the State Reformatory at Rahway. stand boys and young men. of boys and young men in the State noon at 3 o'clock. It will be a great waiter. This ia one of tho poorest Monologue; —; Ben Newmark also made- two goals The Bordentown Colored Quartette, Among iha speakers are Rev. Dan- of New Jersey and hundreds of fel- service and will enable tho delegates ways. but thejlountnln Lakes crew played their easy steady game and with two The riant JFloweran4ijruit held their social mestrng at the homo field gcals by Emerson, two by Webb of Mrs. William Danneman on W-rrI: and three by VanGelder and added to Stamp Out yubtttuloiii-Buy Christmas Seats avenue. Mountain Lakes. .: this two foul shots by Spach, kept the f ; Tho meeting was. opened by thi victory in Mountain Lakes. H. Slea- lnger was the hign point scorer for president, Mrs. Higgins and after at- his team making eleven points while tending to the old. business, the mat- Phil VanGelder and Freddie Webb ter of Xmas donations was. brought each registered eight fof ^Mountain up and voted upon. .Ten (J10.00) Lakes. Phil VnnGelder very ably 0 dollars is to be senj: the National filled the rank of forwnrd in' the ab- MEYER BROTHERS Office as their usual yearly gift, the sence of Allan Browning, regular apron money-jaised by Mrs. J. Brandt forward.' PATERSON'S FOREMOST STORE amounting to $11.00 to be spent;for This was the sixtth gamB tho Oak cigarettes Jkr the shell shocked sol- Kidgo A. C. has played this season. diers and an individual Xmas box of They won the first three, lost the cigarettes candy and cookie3 to be fourth and fifth and again came, out given to 102 of these boys at Grey- victorious in the sixth. . Fancy Sets and stone. This \7as~the suggestion of The Oak Ridge A. C. playB at the Mrs. Bartman and will be worked out school house gym every Friday even- Pieces for Gifts by her and Mrs. Brandt, and--was ing at 8:30 and dancing follows the fJUTS for the hope chest—gifts for those who Uke seconded unanimously by all. Mrs. gamc3. The attendance at all the VJ pride In their home collections of —are certain Brandt assisted in collecting the vol- games thus far "Bas been good but a For Christmas Giving That to bo appredited at ChrUtmis tune. .Our Fancy Linen _ untary


fe^i&iiSj^^^asii'Ci bd --ti'M FOUR THE BOONTON TIMES AN0 THE BOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN LINCOLN PARK. line. It was a well-played game and are on a ten days motor trip to Nor- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1923 enjoyed' by the 10,000 people were Buttercups of Mrs. Maximilian von i\lk, Va., to visit MTB. ?ohn£bn'i her bfrds won three first, two sec- tercup entries. Other Buttercup The Mask and Civic Ball given by witnessed it. The better team won. IjHoegen carried off prizes for first told the court, among other things,. brother who resides there. cock, first and fourth cockerels, sec- ond and third and fourth ribbons, the breeders in the vicinity should take the Broadacrea Community Club, Inc., The Blue and Gray seldom loae in the Morristown Poultry Association de- that her husband hit her in the bakery, Mrr. Charlese WandUng has re- ond and third pullets and first, pen, note of this and enter—their best in the Lincoln Park Pire Hall on annuat contest with the Bronx eleven, cided, to encourage -the breeding of and broke her gas "range. ' - signed an secretary to the Board of this giving: Mrs. \on Hoegen tho birds. Entries clone December 29. Thanksgiving Eve ^Vas well attended, A capacity house enjoyed the big Uuttcrcupa. For this purpose they Everybody is satisfied with the Health and Mr. Harry Comly Senior display of- ten dollars,' besides the Mrs. von Hoegen w^H gladly assist and proved to be a big success in feature picture 'The Isle of Lost premium money olloted to first and have alloted a silver cup to be anyone to prepare and condition But- coal settlement except the man who has been elected to fill the vacancy awarded to the beit display of But- has to buy iU e\ery respect. , Ships" given by the Donnelly Bros, in second ribbons. These prizes ..were tercups entered in this poultry show and as soon as the approval of the tercups ot the Morristown Poultry ••• One New, York courtr has fixed Boonton Lodge, No. 1405, Elks, held ! Fire Hall last Saturday. This Fri- Won against keen competition. The by addressing her at Towaco, N. J. State Board of Health in received he cock exhibited not only took first Show, to be .held January 8 to 12, $2 as a reasonable price for a kiss, its^ third annual Memorial Services in day and Saturday nights the feature besides cash awards and other special but we have seen cases in which the Darress Theatre, Boonton, on Sun- l.wifl be suceeded by Mr. Comly, Sr. place, but won special ribbons award- The. divorce was granted on the picture will be Priscilla Dean in \ Mr. and Mrs. WiULm JJtevenSj ed by the Buttercup Club of America. prizes for Individuals among But- this might be called excessive.prof- day afternoon. It waa well attended grounds of intolerable cruelty. She iteering.' CTJTl parentsTif^MrTWr Part"Johnson are•(-of—which~~MrsT~"Von Hoegen is a by members of the lodge and the, pub- that the crowds will show their ap- on a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. inember, these ribbons being for lie of Boonton and vicinity. Eulogies preciation of the high calibre pf Johnson to Norfolk, Va. pest shape, comb and color, this auto- were delivered by Bro. Arthur Blan- pictures presented by attending regu- matically carrying the Association chard, former Mayor of Boonton and larly in goodly numbers.- A son baa been born to Mr. and medal for best male bird exhibited among'Buttercups. Chaplain faX the ^odge, and Dr. Theo- Mr. and Mrs. W. Eberhardt of Mont- Mrs.'George Knorr, and named Har- dore T, Joseph1, a member of Seattle clair were week epd visitors here last old Everett Knorr.' It is interesting to note that be- Lodge. week. Mr. Henry Slevers has given up cause of the fine display of Butter- playing at dances at various towns Miss Helfred Busse and Mr. Cal- Mr. William Sloan has recovered cups exhibited by Mrs. von Hoegen about here, having to give up this at our Morria County Fair, where dera were the prize winners at the from his recent illness, and is back work for the want of time and other Masquerade Ball of the Broadavres to business again. AS THE SPOKES TO THE HUB Community Club for the most at- business reasons, the last dance of tractive female and male costume. The Master John Villeresi is visiting his the Broadacres Community Club on selections of the judges was absolute- Grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Price at Thanksgiving evening was cared for SO ALL ROADS LEAD , ly fair and there was no criticism' her home in Henryville, Fa. by Mr. Campbell of Boonton, N.- J. made with their decision. Miss Busse Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stratum are Mr. William T. Ackerson of River looked beautiful in her costume, and rejoicing over the arrival of a baby Edge road In the West Mountain View TO MORRISTOWN Caldera as a simple farmer boy made at their home. . Section of the Borough died on a big hit. Miss Teresa Sloan has become quite Thanksgiving night age 85 years. Mr. an authority on hats for women and Ackerson was born in Tennant, N. J. Attorney John P. Raffo met many girls, and many artistic models can and was a civil war veteran, and has of his former college mates at the be seen at her shop on the Turnpike been living here fo«* the paat four From all points of the compass, fine roads lead into Football Game between Georgetown near the, canal bridge. j years, he is survived by his wife, and Morristown, the Hub of the County, the center of all .and Fordham at the Yankee Stadium one son who resides in Rutherford, last Saturday afternoon. They all Mr. William M. Coyle" has resigned affairs pertaining to the county. The affair of greatest from the Board of Health and Mr. N. J. Services were held on Sunday rooted hard for Georgetown, their Al- and burial waa at Tennant, N. J. interest to the people of Morris and- its adjoining coun- ma. Mater, which won by a 6-0 score. Harry Comly, Senior has been elected ties is "Christmas Shopping." The. Morristown Cham- Fordham put up a strong game and in his place. • • ; ber" of Commerce extends, a hearty welcome to the • four times held Georgetown for downs Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchenfelder PRIZE WINNERS AT when the Washingtontans were with- and daughter Miss Dorothy spent POULTRY SHOW folks of Boonton and vicinity to make Morristown their in a few feet of the Maroon's goal Thanksgiving Day with relatives in Christmas Shopping Headquarters. Plainfield, N. J, During the past week at (he Pat- erson Poultry Show, the Sicilian Mr. Victor Klein who was injured Morristown, the foremost and largest shopping in an automobile-accident on Election Wm.H.COTTE day, has returned to his home fully center nearest you, with its modern and progressive recovered from his injuries. Oriental & Domestic stores, covering every branch of merchandising, are Funeral Home. Mr, and Mrs. Karl Kirschner of veritable Treasure Houses this Holiday-Season, with Orangeburg, N. V. spent Thanksgiv- their hoards of Lovely, Practical Gifts for every "name 910 Main Street, Phone 734 ing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick on your list. BOONTON, N. J. Meyer. • '' •rll^W Mr. and Mrss. W. Park Johnson RUGS THE DIVERSITY PERMITS ALMOST Thoroughly and Properly UNLIMITED CHOICE TAKE NOTICE CLEANSED THE PRICES ARE AS LOW AND i OFTIMES LOWER THAN If you are looking for a good used car, don't go out Oriental Rugs VICTROLA ELSEWHERE of Boonton. Stop in arid look these cars over^—open' | Repaired by Armenian Weavers for So. from every angle of gift purchasing Morristown and closed cars of all makes. WELLS~RUG Christmas offers practically 100 per cent, efficiency. Used Car Department Reserve your Victrola Morristown, with its superior banking institutions SERVICE now for Christmas and and other business places,, presents a quality of com- •65 Harrison Street, Tel. 798 we will deliver it when- mercial service^ that keeps apace with the country's , BOOKTON, N.J. , . ever you prefer. Make finest. YOUR SERVICE GARAGE your choice early. The Myrtle and Vreeland Avenues, BOONTON, N. J. demand towards the All these advantages that Morristown offers you are ; Phone 370 last days is always only a short, pleasant ride from your- home. And so, Boonton Construction & very heavy. the road to successful Gift Buying leads to Morristown. Realty Co., Inc. OPEN EVENINGS General Contractors and BOONTON MUSIC SHOP DON'T MISS THIS ' Builders '.;.«• Telephone 17-M' New Homes Cor Sale B04Main Street Boonton, N. J. - Mornstowfl Chamber of Commerce THE GLORIA TRUMPETERS Phone 399

. —and— . . , HARRY ALLAN PRICE, Dramatic Reader


Wednesday Evening, December 5th, 1923 • M 1 Tickets on Sale at Hitchcock's Store

Slip Cavers W.C.DURANT REAL ESTATE fOR SALE OR TO LET Mads to Order • \j i • ' • . o •'• -••• - ' FO~ B SALE—To Let, Attnc Unusual attractive develop- Do »t hava ytnr «»k«lit*ry i -r • oays: . • tive dwelling, and grounds, ment opportunity, 28 Tower ajid'attp eevara done aatil y«u Laurel Hill road; one hour New Hill road; two comers perfect t*t m »rlettN . W* hava a fin* York, LacRowanna; all modern, iteek «f tapMtry, enttnna, for immediate development; no damask, V*I*OT and leather. ready for immediate occupan- bonus cost to purchaser intend- We also repair furniture, cy; price $20,000. , Terms can ing development. Moneys sup- caned and rush bottom chair*. be arranged. plied at usual rate. 8had«s made to «r4«r. Therecan be butone leader . E. E. ANDROVETTE E. E. ANDROVETTE Call 712 .-;• 227 Water Street 227 Water Street ' ! New York New York , . Walter A. KoUitrunlc Telephone Beekman 2329 Telephone Beekman 2329 1T4 Clicafcut ItrwL in a class. You have it in

$42.50 SPECIAL LOOK Are You HOLIDAY MEN / Laying Your OFFER Car Up For OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME the Winter? THE SIX Don't spend your hard earned money foolishly and buy Then you will want to be for Father, Brother, Husband or Sweetheart, a cheap •uro that your battery l» gold filled or plated watch. • properly taken eara of. It U likely to be Mriouilr Give him the beat there is—it is the cheapest in tbo end— Injured or ruined if not kept to be remembered forever. charged and alao protected . from freezing-. Limited quantity, genuine, solid 14 (fourteen) kaaat Gold Our winter Moral* eerrlo watches. Plain-eng, thin or octagon shape. Elgin or Insure* your battery at a Waltham movements, fifteen Jewelled, or Illinois twenty- trifling- cost, and ralUrM you one jewelled movements. Guarantee enclosed with every of UM troubb of looking- watch. Send Post Office Order now, don't delay, and aftarlt. receive watch immediately sent to you, registered, fully injured, packed In expensive, beautiful lined gift cue. Act y (ON EXHIBITION quick. Boonton Storage Wonderful 18 (eighteen) karat, aolld-gold white or green wrist watches, latest de- Battery .; A BOONTON FLINT CORPORATION signs, octagon shape models, jjlll Jewelled. The very thing that you have wanted and Attention Phone 295; 719 Main SL 719 Main Street, Boonton, N. J. ? admired on others. Now in the reach of everybody. Get one while they laat. Ladies 'ff Our Price—Fully Equipped, "Delivered at. Your hoor" EXCLUSIVE WATCH CO. 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. $27.50 . Telephone Bryant 10259 WillarH

i : '^^^f^^t^:f^^^^^\^^^i^i:^s^;y':^.;->.:-;. .,";.i:. \\-''w~ •. --~' • A • -- . • -•• •••#"••'.•--.\ • FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1923 TIIE BOONTON TIMES AND TTIE BOONTON WEKKtY BUTt.KTIN

BAINS EVANGELISTIC. RESIDENTS OF MONTVILLE Oklahoma sections. D. L. & W. It. R. Co., 5D0 feet the division line.between tho Town- the lines of the. proposed borough. SHIP BRINGS IN A MEETINGS AT DOVER WANT INCORPORATION The tern tori si lines commence at easterly from the center! of. the over- ship of Buonton,. the Town of Boon- This action on the part of citizens LAKGE CARGO OF OHAPES Courtc.r'B fbridgfl'Q.vur thii Rnckuwny head 'bridge ovi;r the MonlviHe-To- ton - and the Towns))ip of Montvillo of tho crntor pirt ' of Mmitvilt" The. peopTu are coming in" such Elsewhere in this paper will be River; thence to the northerly side •.vneo road, near the property of tilias to a point in ttie Kockaway Klver, Township comes as a surprise qs The Steamer Zwr of Almenp, great numbers to thu. Grace M. E. found a notice to the effect that of a small stone bridge located on *"• Vni'Lanrl, thence rloii? had rail- Ahere\1ho v/ith (52,591 Church, Dover, 'where . Evangelist the road leading from Montville to road right of way to the center of seLtt the same; thence along the f roni the Towaca -and Pine Brook application will be made to the Leg- n barrels \t{ ginpqs, s^tid to be one of IJnina.is conducting a cpnipaign, that islature of tho,. State, at its session Pine Brook between, tho properties suid ov erliLnd bridge; th nc£- due di\iEion line but we en the Township tnda of the' Township, and what" the-largest cargoes.ot. its kind ever it 13 evident that the meeting's will next'month, for the passage of an fornjerly owned by John D. Qourter north to a point in tho division line of rHanover- and the Township' of action these parts of tl'e township brought here. "Plenty of grapes for and John W; Young; 'thence to a between formerly the Township of Montville, being in the cuntcr of be • overcrowded oh several nights. Act to incorporate the. Borough lof will • now- take is awaited with in- the holidajs. In order to avoid turning people point at the intersection of the roads Pequannock and .-Township of Morit- the Uockjiway River, to" tlie point terest. Montvillc. The territory specified to ailaf, Mr. Halns will preach in the at Azariah Crane's corner, now viHo; thence alang^said division line' and place of beginning. One of the surest ways to'.remove be taken in said borough comprises "•• Baker Theatre Sunday afternoon and known as Faulk's .corner; thence to to the northwesterly corner of the There are A" tun teen nanun wigntd It pays io advertise in The Times- superfluous ""hair is »to shoot a bol- evening, December ICth. Thc_ large the Lower Montville, Montville and a point in the right of way of .the Township of Montville; whence along to the notice of persons living within Bulletin. shevik. choir which is singing every evening at. the Hains meetings; will bo ag^ mented and will be seated on the stage of tho Xheatrij Sunday after- noon and evening. On this coming Sunday afternoon, Deccfnber Oth, Mr. Hains will, preach a special sermon to- men only, at 3:30 o'clock at the Grace M. E; Church. Tho title ol the sermon is "Sowing Wild Oats/ A male quartet and a male chorua S--THE STO will be present and will render sev- eral selections. MF, Hains will preach agajn in the^evcning for ev- erybody at the Grace M. E. Church, at which time tho Hams Evangelistic choir of Dover will be present. On Tuesday, evening Mr. Hains preached a stirring sermon on the MILUON SELECTED GIFTS lukewarmnesi of the church. In this Eermon he said* "I am not worried about tho non-churchgoers of Dover, We've prepared for this Christmas since last January. We've scoured ev- but I am worried about the non- going church of Dover. I went into your big Stove Works this noon and ery possible market for wonder values. Now we're ready. Ready with g?ft blew the cornet, and hud Mi. Scott sing, "I think when I lend that tweet story of old" and "What a friend values that challenge comparison andthat no store in New Jersey can eq- we have in Jesus" The men u cred around me in their ovorulls and dirt I told them about the Christ, %ho knew \vlmt ifvns to jjet Hi hands dirty and to work hard nt the carpenter's bench I then went on to preach a Gospel sermon that I EMBER-GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY had preached to my congregation at Parsippany. There was such intense interest' and 'demand for this Gospel, that I saw proper to cull to the men Beautiful Needlepoint and Tapestry Designs A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ART LAMP TRIM- to give their hearts: to Christ then Knit Lfnderwear and there. Mr. Scott told me that If it'i s gift of your own handiwork you wish to (ire—one that trill last—> AN INSTRUCTOR TO HELP YOU 9 two or three of the men wero cry- then give these designs And get them at DlskoniT An. .art aa 013 .aa 'Civilisation For Men and Women ing; although I had told no sad story. Lamp trimmiiigB, Lamp frames, Lamp jcoverings—a splen- "itBelt An expert Instructor direct from a famous Fifth Avenue, Hew York, shop, la HEN'S (ico SH CO I asked th

Sleds for big and little feMows. AH - Wheelbarrows, Kiddie gars, Drums

"sorts of dolls fotlittlenrlothera. Trains and Pram Sticks, Toy Tea Bets and* for Juvenile engineers. Velocipedes, TOYS others. All kinds of games.' AnjtL a At Prices that When you break your Toy Autos,' Books and Erector Sets. Can't be Equalled thousand morel glasses, try our repair ser- vice an n^fa i noarly all. new EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. SJ.49 $2-25 Mali and Van Houten Sts. Telephone Xambert jOo/and 3S05. t ConnKtlnf All Drpjcrtujint*. 17 Efttt BhukwcU SUvtt, D«T«T

••«•> \


ship, which is a very laige towpship. water mains. THE BOONTON TIMES At Mountain Lakes it is considered a necessity by many to Passed December 3, 1923. find ncorporate on account of the many roads there to be maintained Approved December 8, 1923. "Of Being Independent" The Boonton Weekly Bulletin and other matters that they think they could get better results Attest: Albert P. .Smith, Town Clerk, ' Founded 1870 under a government of and by thl Approved, August Moller, Jr., To catch Dame Fortune's golden smile, Subscription $2.50 a Year MONTVILU5 SI. H. CHUIICH An Ordinance _. — Mayor. Entered at the Post Office st Boonton, W, J., as Second-class Matter Establishing the lines and grades of s Assiduous wait upon her,. Sunday, December Dtli. Sunday that part of Morns A\*"nue lying be- / An Ordinance And gather gold by every wile PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY school, 10:00 A. M.; morning worship, tween Washington S.tn'et and the Publication "ffi"1 • Time.i-Bullctin Building, 606 Main Street 11.00, evening service, 7.30, Kockaway Itiver. ' \ Regulating blasting within the limits That's justified by honour— of the- Town of Boonton. * Long Distance Telephone 688 The subject at the morning hour will Passed. December 3, 1923 'be"'"Tlte Highest Privilege of the Approved December 3, 1J23. Passed December 3, 1923. Not for to hide it in a hedge THOMAS II. TRENHOLM_ Editor Christian," In. the evening the ser- Attest: Albert P, Smith, Approved December 3, 1923, Nor for the train attendant. S. L. GARRISON -Editor Emeritus mon wtll.be on, the subject, "The Town Clerk. Attest: Albert P. Smith, CHARLES h. GRUBB ,. -Associate Editor Greatest Victory in the World." Approved, August Holler, Jr., Town Clerk. But for the glorious privilege Approved, August Moller, Jr., Everyone is invited to hz present at Mayor. Of being independent.—Burns. &U tTie services of this church. ^ •. Mayor. THE BOONTON BUILDNG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION An Ordinance Establishing- the lines and grades of We pay 4 per cent. • LEGION NOTES l)nion Street, If you are paying more In s recent issue of this paper was published the annual-re- Passed December 3, 1923. than 31c for butter, see port of the Boonton Building and Loan Association; It is a most Orchestra meets Friday night, De- Approved December 3, 1923. excellent showing of the prosperous condition of this well estab- cember 7, nt 8 P, M.. All service men Attest: Albert P. Smith, FIRST PRIZE advertise- lished and conducted institution which has played so important a ho play instruments invited. Town Clerk. ment oh page eight. : : Boonton National Bank . part in the building up of Boonton and vicinity during its nearly Regular business meeting Monday Approved, August Bloller, Jr., thirty-five years of existence. It commenced business May 17th, night, December 10, S.HO P. M.. • Big Mayor. CHARLES A. NORRIS, President -• . 1889, and on May I7th, next will have completed thirty-five years turnout requested. Business'of im- •;> . JOHN B. HOWELL, Vice President . '. of inestimable service to this community. At that time Boonton portance to Posts' future-success to An Ordinance was making very poor, if any progress,, but it was not long be- be undertaken. R. U". READY? To authorize the laying of additional EDWIN A. FISHER, Cashier Commander Bconton Post, No. 124 fore-the turning point catne and the town commenced to steadily FOK RZNT1—-Fire pil of beaemeitf, grow arid it has been a steady growth ever since. The prospects •suitable for storage, 60x20 feet, L.J. for the future are bright and as this association has kept pace Jjoyer, 307 Main $t., Boonton,* N. J. with the growth of the town there is no apparent reason why it AD Ordinance 19-t2-p should not continue to "function and assist many more of our Efltal/il'shirip the lines and grades of CHRISTMAS ONLY 17 DAYS MORE!!!! townsmen to start the saving habit and thus be enabled to own Grant Street/ West, of Washington Street. "Imagination" their own homes. It has always been conservatively managed Passed December 3, 1023. Comfort Overcoats Most of us "imagine" that our and running its business_economically, making no pretensions be- Approved December 3, 1923. Fast experience has taught us to prepare our Holiday Footwear yond its'means, occupying modest quarters for the immense busi- ojes are 10D& n^rm^l.' Cold Attest: Albert IV Smith, facts, hawever, prove 'j. be jar- "early to prevent last-minute rush and shortage of sizes. Wo BOW ness it was doing,'thus layin&a substantial, foundation for the Town Clerk. • * An Irish Fleece, $50. ring " "eye-openers." ..Statistics have in stock and on display a COMPLETE LINE OF HOLIDAY step forward it is now taking By erecting it own building where Approved, August Moller, Jr.. jhow that fuily 10Vc oZ/us rJl its growing heeds can be better taken.care of \and The Times- .Mayor. Warmth without weight, rich in have defective eyesight, still GIFTEpr—high-and low shoes, plain and fancy colored slippers, Bulletin extends congratulations. appearance, a pleasing fabric. we "don't realize it; and we FOB SALE—Vim delivery car in wouldn't ordinarily until a aeri- hosiery, Uuckjes, aTctics, rubbers, boots and;a most complete assort- Al condition all good tires, motor, O. .In roomy box models very well otij defect developed. Precau- ment'of children's staple and novelty footwear, and stockings. THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE K. Price (85.00 Can be seen at 140 ^adored. Single "breasted, $50, tion now may mean preservation Division street. I^mbiiue Bros. TeL of perfect vision indefinitely. President Coolidge's message is an admirable one in which he 83-M Boonton. np $53, $55." DouL:e, $38, $o0 Have jonr eye* examined. Ycu comes out firmly for what he considers best for the interests of Suits—Splend'd imported ira- may not.need glasses. If you our great country and in which he does not evade any of the great WAITED—100 demonstrators for <5., our All Shell Frauanot o;i- SHOP EARLY A^JD GET YOUR CHOICE Bamboo SelS-filling Fountain Pen*. It tcriab, $45, $50. I mode the "itestions, evfti though he knows full well that some of the things ly give, you complete comfort makes carbon copies. .Point lias 8 All Our Merchandise Exchangeable •^stands for arc hot at all calculated to make him popular with a suita,'a saving of $10 to you. -and lqng wear, but look well. gj.'ovcs for- ink to feed.. Can't blot, too. .large element of his constituents. But he shows his honesty leak, or dog* Guaranteed for one of purpose ajid courage in the stand he has taken," for which he year. Your money back if you think G, N. VINCENT should command even the respect of his opponents in the views it is not tho best pen you ever wrote he expresses. He is against a bonus plan, but urges, however, ade- with. Ask for Bamboo Self-filling 524-626 Gth Avenue, near Slst quate care for the disabled former service men, on whom the in any store, or phone 5D1-R. Each in street. New York City P. A BOURKE BACBMAN'S SHOE STOUE great burden of the war has fallen the hardest. Backs World a. Holly box. It makes an ideal Xmas Optometrist 705 MAIN STREET . 4- BOON.TON, N. J. ; Court, but opposes League.. Endorses Mellon plan for the re- present. • •• • • , 18-t2-p 10 IIAMILTON STRSET duction of taxes. Opposes any further reduction in the Army Opposite Recent Theatre,' Exclasive Agents for Red Cross, Dorothy Dodd, Yorker and and Navy. Favors restricted immigration and urges a reduction Paterso^.'N. J. Florsheim Shoes in the price of coal, which he states has become unbearably high. Established 20 years These and many other subjects in bis message are handled as you would expect from a man of his calibre and the message should be carefully _read by every one interested in the-"affairs of our country.

WANT BOROUGH GOVERNMENT THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT It is likely that the coming Legislative session will be asked to pass on a number of bills regarding localities in Morris Coun- v - OFTHE • V ty, where a number of the citizens desire to have incorporated as boroughs. One section of Montville Township is advertising that it will ask to bo incorporated. Two other sections of.the BOONTON BUILDING AND. LOAN ASSOCIATION •same township are considering the same thing and if they all AMERICAN FOOD CO succeed it would wipe out the township. Then, there "is a proba- OF BOONTON, N. J. bility that Mountain Lakes and Whippany jnl] both seek a bor- ough form of government which would come out of Hanover Town- MEAT SPECIALS Organized May 2,1889 Commenced Business May 17, 1889 SMALL LEAN PKIMEj * FORKiOIN GHUCSrt •v LIABILITIES . REJ\L ESTATE MART ASSETS . Due Installment •buehoUcn due. paid. .J5S7.JJ1.W -' ROAST ROAST "Due installment •harehojderiprofjta appor- BOONTON MOUNTAIN LAKES wnoLE I^kthed on Dond and Horts*C* ' < tioned .....yr...... »».11M» N 18c lb. Ftwf lim ....._.;._*7»,MiW Due prepaid or paid*]? •abscripUona...... 127.6O0.0* $6,600—Bungalow, 6 rooms and Do*' on Bond «&d Mortg**« Da. prepaid or paid-up Hibieriptiana profua $8,800—Stncco dwelling. Six 22c lb. •WEIUIW eomplctlon -.. BJWtM bath. AU improvements. Lot rooms .and bath. . All- ta- apportioned J.Wi.lI BONELESS ——riwei-M f Dne advance laUrest paTmeot.....!...... ^ ZUt t/ 60 ft. x-126 ft. 'provements. Fireplace. Lot LEAN PORK LMUtd on Bhmt*.f..;.....>/....;..;.;. 1W88.M Ihw Bood and' HortPC«. aceonnt awaltins 100 ft x 100 ft " ' , SHOULDERS POT ROAST Culi In Buk U4UT completloa ..'. .^...... &90B.O* $7,500—Brick dwelling, 8 rooms Fumltarw and Ffictorw ;....,...." 1M 'and bath. 2 fireplaces. All $10,500—8 room, stucco house, 15c lb. 22c lb. . J>HCB doe and unpaid .....J 7HJ0O ' . ' > improvements. Land 60 ft. fire place. All improvements. laterat.diM and unpaid.. - X.450^9 •- . - . . 976MS7.U x 100 ft. TOPORI(OTTOM Finn dw asd unpaid..... 11S-M Lot-100 ft x 180 ft x M ft LEAN LITTLE ,• . I.805.M DISB0fiaEMEHTS . FRESH Taxes and Inratmac* advanced to nwmben 9USt Loaned on BcAd and IJortoca .$8,600—Frame dwelling. Six ROUND H*al E.t»t* .MOM* Loaned oa sham ..*.,.. rooms and bath. 'AH im- ,m, 3 baths. Stuccor dwelling. .; All' im- HAMS Dora paid cm Withdrawals...':.....;.. 91.0M-6f provcraents. Garage. Prop- ROAST Docs paid on tutored ahares J8^5O-W erty 327 ft x 118 ft. provements, fire place. - ' ' WHOLE DiTidtaids paid'o^ Bnfawrfption tbarea..... ItJJJ.1T 35c Dividends paid on sham matsnd J92I...'. ' 1.578.U J9.00O—Frame, French* "roofi $25,000—Stucco dwelling. 11. 23c lb. Paid pnpaJd atock 4UM-W Gaih on hand lait report..,'.. ".% 1,702.05 : dwelling,.9 rooms and bath. rooms, 3 baths. : Fire place. BREAST SHOULDER Dun netted In mitacription itoek. 180,77Si0 Paid interest on prepaid atock it S per / . Fire place. Lot 106 ft. x 1 car - garage. Lot 170 ft Deceived fcr prepaid itock '... iiMtM cent. . B.717.08 200 ft VEAL VEAL neceoived for Interart ...:. , **•*"•*<' Paid "Satarle* to Qlttcert.'..../.. .-.. S^61.00 x 185 ft . Received for fines ...^....: .- **8-m> Paid Direeton! Feei K2.0* 18c lb. 22c lb. Uecelved for.ent«inc« feel.„;.. : 4W0O Paid interest and discount,'. .> 1.33&2S Received for tranifer fees..^...—: •••• *tS"22 Received for appraUement fee* i«00 Paid borrowed noncf*.. I66^00.«* : Paid for light., heat, .taxes, etc.. 1.489.0A S?S?«e. tanT°TO»a?.".V.V.'.'. .V.V.V.V.V 116^07.00 Paid Insurance and iax6 for fie A-u-oct- Fancy Fresh Roasting Fowl- . 35c lb. Bo k loan* repaid..;...;..... - ,?*Ci?-5? Borrowed moner ">""-°0 ati'on * ' 462.69 Dividends on withdrawn-shares told J lt~*l?Z Paid aJvanc«'to r&mtui .'.' «9J5 Heeeiied for ml e»ate repaui ^v-" CMP In Bank 6.143.87 •-""'. W31.M7.oG | Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak.- 40c lb. SS3I.817^f D!VJDKNT>3 Pr'l intere.t on prepaid itor*: ntereit one Ia:t repart nirce' Jaly 1. K23 S Good Morning Interest _di'e on Tttreraid yznek inei das In;t r.inirt siree JannajT 1. J921 .' * Dividend on- ubscription eharea' | We Say Dining Room Coffee Movember 5. itZZ : ,..5 Interest on ihrfi matured 192.1

For Breakfast * 38c lb Ailmliilon feeu Transfer iees .., J What say yon? If you.have never used it, try Apprawement few .; it once and yqu will set what you havo long P.ld Eilulci to Offlonl looked for. A real cup of coffee-with the JUST IrWeitcfn. and onp=-.! , l.«0^9 PrciUint ...... !. » «00.00 ' Kinea doe and unpr."J - . US-30 Vice Pnsideat 60.00 | RIGHT AROMA. - * ^ 100.00 THE TflJJCtB S.500.0O 100.00 Nomber of ihare* in force Attornrr fbral TW J. S8L00 GROCERY SPECIALS Nur-.Vr fwned darinc year Audllon 10.00 ,S62.OO Del Monte' Aiivtnce latcmt parmrat. U.20 PINEAPPLE 1'JM intxxnt and dlMouat! CHERRIES n^oi:r:f CUCE3 iaU for lljiht, brat, taxes, etc 1.875.73 No. 2 1-2 CAN Paid for ground rent, 75.00 Noj 4 CAN r.ld flllm to 1.00 . 29c 27o NW«mhc«by^rtJr3*. hare audited the book, and afiouna of Ui? *btn« AM

- - • \ L r jg - • < A• ••:•• -- •.•,> Fttrt>AY.'»EfailBEB 7, 1923 THE BOONTON TIMES AND TITB BOONTON-'WEFKI.T BUMJBTlM SBVEN ever get We idea you know more ment, the mind, the spirit and the speaker. • He referred to the diffi- have to take" the form of a bond late, Mr. DavlB'a remarks were brief, been, much greater. than Dad on the practical things of body, or education, religion and phys-1 culty in getting Mr. Davjg here and issue, and aaked that those present He said, he wouldn't swap this job (The writer of this report has failed Father aim! Son life.; You rnay- know more about ical development. . congratulated him upon sscurJLnK. come .out ;and_vote .for it. , It. was for1*, the best other job in the world, to mention that W. II. Morehouflo re- T geometry, about chemistry and other •Mr. Trenholhi was the next apeak- SMvh tt fuciiUjTas ho hail. TTo had no unanfmoUBly- Voted at this time that Said he liked Boonton and its people. porter for the Newark Evtningr > ws studies, but you don't know lT1'fpe an andd along the lines apologies to offer,-for the men teach- this affair bo made.an..annual one.,. JJe^teld a number of anecdotes and wfl8_given.a rousing "ovation. At a •Banquet Success er and he als0 fipoke " Mr. Husk announced that, "some- advised getting - better acquainted (Continued from page one) . what lies ahead of you* and when o( ^-operation. Co-operate I with ers and referred to the.kindness of givon signal under the direction of your eiders give .you good solid ad-. 4'bihcr days than this the Lodge of Elks" and South Boon- thing was'missing'* and introduced with our boys. cheer leader Callahan and Toastmag- the doy is fast coming. In our large lyoUr boVfl 36 Mr. Davis as that mystical object.. -cities ~today-therft-are:-whdlejjlocks .vice for your own future, heed it. jntn e year. !He.also referred to the ton Fire Companies co-operating to The sinking of ''Swpefc.. .Adeline" ter HUSK a concerted yell shoak the -where DQ language is spoken except -^The-important__thIng_to_J«sJathers- .different. acti6nB-flf-(.he-boys during' lenaing~lheTf"equlpment to. make the T>y all present Wosed the first annual very foundation of the school,, "We a foreign language and :where the is to be a living cample of a clean, j the past year, being more business- affair a success. He also stated that very strongly' in being introduced aa father and son banquet, which .was a want Bill Storehouse." This shows .customs-"are'that of Europe; This vvholesomc Ijfe.- Join the boys in • like• active'and snappy. Pictures in necessary repairs to the Harrison "something missing" • and Cheer success from every^ standpoint, , that the efforts of Mr. Morehouse in .country is the Mecca of every-lapii heart and Bpirit and grow up .with j the home should mean something. street school and School street school Leader Callahan called for cheers for Had not tlfere been an entertain- hia representation of the interests of .almost under the sun and *»o long your boys. There are three 'things j Harry SloUer, president of the would entail an expenditure of $15,- Mr. Davis, which were given wfth a ment in the'Presbyterian Church that the people of Boonton in a metropoli- 1 as we can mould them into one com-to always be-borne in life's develop- jjjoard. of Education, was the next 000 extra next year, which' would vim.. As 'the hour was then getting evening the attendance would have tan newspaper are appreciated.) jnoa mass for American law, Ameri- can , institutions and reverence for the flag, we are safe. Mayor Moller followed Mr. Dunrt. JIri Roller's viewpoint was co-opera- tion. Such meetings as this .should '•• . - .- • w. • . • •• _-/•-.-..••;• t. teach us to show a more co-operative spirit in our school work and he ad- vised more co-operation as parents .and citizens, with the boys. - He referred to the fact that at the last election in his ward there were 190 meri and 263 women out o£ 930 .voters that did not vote at the polls, Be Good to And, if this proportion held good, nearly. 700 voters in the whole town • cared nothing for the right of citi-' ^enship. This is not co-operation. Today if a man hustles to get out recently en- The "Boys' Shop," given the entire fifth the Vote he.is called a dirty politi- cian irrespective of anything else. floor when Schoonrnaker & Co: adopted Would- to God we had some' more scj, thY^ung Mens Cloth- politicians of the same sort. die "No Sale PJan}" tQ ?are for increasecj The May or. referred to his reasons floor—Men's Cloth- for entering politics for the reason business, has outgrown our expectations. that. whenever he offered any criti- , th'e second floor, furnishings, cism of public matters he was told , to get into it himself, which he did, \ and had been knocked around ever Kate and caps, the main floor, and v The fifth floor is overcrowded, so we / -since, .-"Be boosters and hot knock- < era." If I-was Supervising Principal have added half "of the sixth floor to the JheroVl would see that the boys here men's Regal Shoes in the Base- were organized politically - and let "Boys' Shop," and great stocks of boys' —rthem hustle after their dads; and line ment up that ^0i> shy vote. . clothing, furnishings, hats, caps, shoes , At this juncture Mr. Husk an- nounced, that Mr. Davis, Mr. Marvel and slippers are arranged sosystemat- and Mrr. K»;yes would favor the gath- In all, the greatest Men's and ering with song, and Mr. Morrison r ically, choosing practical gifts for the started the song "Stand Up, Stand , Young Men's Shop in New Jersey XTp/* mentioning the faculty; but boy has been made surprisingly easy. r Messrs. Marvel and Davis declined —aihd growing greater every day most vigorously. Mr, Noycs' was apparently game and would have taken his part as he had advanced by riie adoption of the *^No Sale "No Sale Plan " selling stand- -as far as the piano, but he had no support. Plan," offering gifts of definite ard merchandise at a price as low as it can The next speaker was -Harry practicality at prices just as low ever be, makes gift-buying more eco- .Blanchnn], of the senior class, who outlined the history of tho Regnlian nomical than American people have ever - Society and its past work. ,nc«^ as they can possibly be in ' , Mr. Marvel followed and'dwelt on ' kqowji. ' the aim of athletics in the school January. He' praised the students for their work of the past season, which \yas but the foundation of real success ior another year. He nlso thanked the Board of Education and the :, .townspeople for their support and .the mnnual training department for Be good to yourself this Christmas. Your the work on the blca'cHers which now .^will seflt 500. appearance will thank you, your comfort ... ,.; ExaJlted Ruler Elmer- XV. Kominc, ' of Boonton Lodge of Elks, was the will thank you, and your common sense •;> iwnrt speaker. Air. Rornine's* talk waa pracUcally on the manner of will thank you if you buy one of these .. nraJdng better sons, that much of . - -the future success of the son de- pended on wDad.w What is a boy . -worth? Just what we make of them. ••. Mean's and Young Men's • i4 They are nuggetSkof gold waiting to /be shaped and burnished by our hands. There is no suck thing as a , boy's problem. It's a man's 'prob- * , OVERCOATS ? lem. The life of a boy is like that Men's Hosiery^ of a plant. It develops each day o , 7-M92 from a manufacturer, and 8% little.. He need& the sanshine of Motor Coats * -smiles and the encouragement' of from the House of Kuppenheimefc those older in life, and at the same time he .needs plucked from his way Men's Pajamas - ' Bought, on account of a backward aet§ .the evils that are so easily developed -Mackinaw* * - • • once they are started. Boys, don't v Wardrobe Trunk* •pn,at»i sold at- . Stockings- BIG BARGAINS Bathrobes \ - ~~ i - Hats and Cap* for Friday and Saturday House Coats t* \ ^-' I '.- . j • December 7 and'8 ' ISheep Lined Coat* i^neir qualify and style are just as good gs, Neckwear BLANKETS v , ' , Silk Neckwear Coats on our racks, marked under th$ value 2.98 Gloves and Mittens' '% Sale Plan" at $39, $45 and $50,, Selling Out Sheeplined Coats 98c Beautifully patterned fabrics. Superbly MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS tailored. Original and exclusive styles. value 2.00 Models for Men-and Young Men of all SELLING OUT 98c shapes and sizes from a 32lo 50. ^ MEN'S GOOD WORK Other Overcoats, $25 to $100. -' SHOES , value 2.98 SELLING OUT $1.98 ~. Infants' and Juvenile Underwear Wash Suits XADIES BLOOMERS Mackinaw s OVERCOATS value 69c Odd Knickerbocker* A. special purchase, If bought re SELLING 6UT 29c ' Hats and Caps - would be priced $12—your choice of Boys'Blouses Full Dress Vests -til sold at BOYS'SUITS .!.. Boys' Shirts value 12.50 Silk Shirts, ?§.5O 4 SELLING OUT $5.88 Raincoat* *' Men's Gloves CHILDREN'S Big, Wann all wool Overcoats, lieatKer,"brown, gtBea Shoes and Slippers * House Slippers -and Olive mixtures—some buttonJto the neck, others SHIRTS open front—but all have big itorm collars, BJseJ Bathrobe* l%io 8 years. and DRAWERS Wool Sweaters 8 •: Boy** Umbrella* '" value 98c SELLING OUT 39c Full Dress Suits Boy*'Leggitu BOYS' SCHOOL Jewelry /e W SAL& iLAT^ SHOES Tuxedo Suits value~2.69 BRINGS LOWEST PRK^ Kr&kfbookjur Sufy SELLING pUT Silk Umbrellas SELF-SERVICE Men'* Scarfs - /. STORE Belts and : '307 Main Street . BOONTON, N.J. 'ft ' y' EIGH1 THE BOONTON TIMES AND *THE HOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN FKIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1923 fllOTOn-COMPANY River Rouge Plant is of finor quality being exceptionally large.* Tho prices and drivers continue to put k(t get- "was tho first to fall into the net; A number of small stills and some than any.on the market, running' be- i>f these certificates,' which mature ting their permits until the last min- At his home a still, mash" and liquor mash and liquor were found. For more Uian'throo years tlio Ford tween. 70 and 75 per cent lion. It fa' five years from tho ditto of issue, uLe wcro found. Thcno were 'selzutl and, Tho three 11)011 ware released under Motor Company at its River Rouge considered "better 'and more effective are as follows; $20 fur the $25 Cer- the" owner placed under .arrest. In $1,000 bail each for a later appear- l'lant here ima been-caving dust un- operation of the b'aat with the result tificate, |80 fpr the $100 denomina- MANY DOGS POISONED Whippany the detectives. arrested ance before Judge C. Franklin, Wil- til" today a veritable mountain of it, that the furnace,product is more uni- tion and $300 for the $1,000 piece. • AT IIUTLEU Joe Kineses! and Frank Keronbio. son. iimtaiiung at lea-»t oO.OUO Ions, ttantlg form and therefore a higher quality out' in imposing -propbrtions at one iron for the casting's. 1924 LICENSES FOR AUTOS James E. Welsh of Morristown, su- jilau! on ihc-plant-grounds. - An averogejpf fifty tt-ns of blo'rt MAY HE HAD NOW perintendent of ' the , Morris County Of course, it isn't dust in the or- furnn'co dust comes from the two 'Society, for the Prevention .at. Cruelty dinary" accepted terms, but a much furnaces daily. The Bjntorlng plant Last Saturday was the'first" day to Anyimls, beean an invtstigati n nt inorc valuable property; will produce more, than 250 tons of for ' the issuing of car registration Butler on Monday of the poisoning of An Attractive Lamp Makes an and*drivcrs' licenses for 1024, and the a number of dogs, some of them valu- Mr. Electro-serve says: It is blast furnace dust, a fine, sand- sinter a day duo to the mixture of "An electric iron will also like substance which is blown from iron borings* and dust, which speeds yearly, repeated advice to get the li- able, owned by residents of flutter, cense early ja more applicable1 this residing in the vicinity of Kiel and IDEAH CHRISTMAS GIFT iron the wrinkles out of the furnaces in the blast and uttur- up the process reducing the sintering her brow." . . '. Iyworthless in thaf state, but val- period from 20 to, 30 minutes under year than ever. Under a new ruling, Roosevelt avenues. Eight or U-n dogs uable because fifty per cent of. it is ordinary circumstances to a Lout a even the method of making but the licenses have beer, killed in the last two or. iron ore. Tho' other 'fifty- per cent minutes. At least 100 tons are be- has been changed and will tak'e*longer, three weeks, supposedly by qrsehic is coke dust. ing taken every day fromtho great so that those who wait until the last poisoning, the animals dying in great Electric luxuries ot minute will find themselves standing agony. So the Fiord Motor Company has mountain of dust which the company yesterday are • electric ne- been saving it until the time came has been Baying and Is estimated that jn line-longer than usual. Amon.T the dogs killed were a hound when the ore could be reclaimed, and at this rate it will take a year and a The i:n1y change this year is that owned by Chester Ross, David Shep- cessities of today. in examples of the value or Jittle half to use up the mountain and turn instead of the registration and drivers' ard's collie, William Olson's shepherd uvlngs thii, certainly stands oat as it into Ford iron. license cards being on small separate dog, Harvey Ketche-Il's fox terrier, a umong the most striking", cards, which the agent filled out fox hound belonging to William. Ifal- For one week only we quickly by hand in the. past, these dene and a. hound owned by Henry A moment's figurine will show it. 411J,f ISSUE QF TREASURY Brennan. Two huntervwho passed in are offering a standard Of the 50,000 torfs in the duaE moun- SAVINGS CERTIFICATES cards form part of a strip of five. tain nt River -Rouge, 50 per cent or the neighborhood Saturday had,two 1 The auto registration cards arc in hounds withrthem, one of which picked make, guaranteed iron for 25,000 tons is iron ere in dust form. The Federal Reserve Bank of New triplicate, and the 'drivers'licenses in up meat containing arsenic! and died The fbrd Model T cylinder casting York called special attention today duplicate. These have to be filled out in a short time. It is understood that $3.95 when finished weighs 82 pounds, and! to the fact that aa fiscal agent of the by the agent on the typewriter* and the investigation hats disclosed a ttus- reclaiming of the 25,000 tons of iron United Sues is ia now nccepting the typing of these cards/with dupli- pect, apaiDfat whom Mr. Welsh is try- ere dost means sufficient iron for War Savings Stamps and Certificates cates and , triplicates, will na.turall$ ing to get evidence. more than COO.OOO cylinder castings. of the 1910 series for exchange or take longer than the old method. The company now has started to redemption. Stamps of the 1919 The poisoning has created more thar iBDPNTDN reclaim, this dust through the new acnes arc easily distinguished from Those who wait until the last, week, ordinary-interest here because of the sintering plunt which just begun oper- those vi other ibffues, ab they arc as so many^do," will'find their pit - recent; discussion by the Borough feELECTRICSUPPLYIO. ations and which forms another high- Hue in color nnd bear the portrait press towards the agent's office nvuel) Council*:f the proposal to increase the ly interesting feature_ of the River cf Benjiimin Franklin. __ . slower than before, and unless they .tax on dogs. At a meeting at which It Utfe activities. heed the ''advice to get'their licences the proposal WHS defeated.a tlirpnjr of The TrttBury is endeavoring to fac- early, they *.1I have loiift' hours of persons packed the council chamber Floor, Table; Bridge, Vanity, Desk and The Sintering Plant, a model of ef- ilitate prompt payment on Januni 7 waiting Inter in the month. • to protest against iU .iduptuil 1 ficiency, is erected in close proximity 1st by urging holders to present their Bouddoir Lamps . Mahogany, Metal, Pottery to tho,two big blast furnaces and joins stamps and certificates at their local Tho local agent,Albert Husk, with 'the giant ore bins ~uh.ch the furnaces post Suffices or by sending them to the office in Bunta and Husk's store,!& RENEWED CAMPAIGN arc fed. - Federal Reserve Bank at New York ready for the ucunl rush, and has * AGAINST LIQUOR VIOLATORS and: Polychrome Bases; Silk, Glass, Parch- or its branch at Buffalo during the n big.supply, of the license,plates on The furnace dust, caught up in suc- hand ready for distribution^ Two new 1 A renewed activity on the part of tion conveyors, is carried directly to early part of December. If cash" re- ,t5T)ewriting machines have been sent ment, Metal and Shades. the Sintering Plant and there is mixed demption ts desired, a check will be {lie members of the prosecutor's of- prepared in advance and mailed 30 .cut by,tho Department of Motor Ve- fice against prohibition law violators with cast iron borings gathered from hicles for use'in making out the reg- took form Tuesday when three men Jhc various"Ford manufacturing units. as to reach the holder January 1st, istration cards. Conveners also carry the mixed dust when payment ia due. Where holders in widely separated sections of the The 1024 licenses.will bo red, with county were arrested on charges of and borings to the plant and dump prefer to exchange all or part of their v the mixture into the Sintering pan holdings for the new Treasury Sav- white numerals. illegal possession of-lirjuor, and stills: which is of three ton capacity. A gas ings Certificates which were placed The rates and. laws applying to se- For^ieveral weeks past the prose- The Central Jersey Power & light Co,, flnnic of intense heat -is; passed over on sale December 1 at Federal Re- curing the licenses arc the f^ame as cutor's staff has not been as active the dust and action of the coite, under serve Banks and all money-order pfcst loBt year. against the liqupr violators as they 20 South Street, Morristown, N. J. this heat and the suction fuscs-the offices, new certificates will bo is- In a statement Commissioner Wil- were formerly, but Tuesday the mixture into chunks of sufficient size >ued at once bearing the date of Jan- liam L.^JDiIl urges applications to be campaign against this clas£ of law - 'r' • Telephone 770-771 evaders was reopened and the first and weight for use in the furnace uary.!, 1924. filed early to avoid a last minute rush. 9" Main Street i» B.«iwood R«d and thus the iron ore in the dust is He said the department will not stand dash netted five stills, a quantity of reclaimed. It Is understood that the new is- responsible if drivers do not have mash and several bottles of, alleged ,BOONTON. N: J. SUMMIT, N. 1. Ford sinter as produced at the new sue of Treasury Savings Certificates necessary licenses to operate their I liquor. Telephone178 '': ' ' , . Telephone lttO is proving very popular, initial sales cars oh January 1st, if these owners' Paul Schumuki, «f Upper Hibcrnia,

New and Second Hand Furniture Store Just opened on Mechanic Street, near' K.D.LEARY Main.' Price's right A riew FOR SALE OR RENT 2 Five-room. BUNGALOWS awaits you with all modern improve- ments.. Inquire '• JOHN KOHUT 418 Main, Street Balloon : Tel. 404 or I62-J

BUSH GARAGE AND Comfort TOOL WORKS Telephone «8-W We moke parts for your car If yon ese tires are twice as big as ordinary cords but can't.buy them, such as gears, axles,, couplings, etc inflated to less than half the pressure—that is the Complete overhauling, including- electric system, rcgrinding, new pis- secret of their comfort. They fit present rims, last tons and rings. Satisfactory service is our aim. longer than ordinary tires and cost hardly any more. Wo! Sleep your car on the road, not tnflio grange. - a Your first ride on these remarkable new tires will change Willard Ford_Batteries your conception of motoring. Holes and obstructions $15.85 and yeur old battery simply disappear. Rough-roads become boulevards. This same battery fits Over- land, Chevrolet, Buick 4, some Tests covering hundreds of-thousands of miles indicate Maxwells, Dorts and many that the life of the car will be increased as much as 50%. others. Boonton Auto Supply Co. Yet these tires cost hardly any more than ordinary cords. Service Station Deportment West Main Street' "Come in and see them* - ~ A Good Policy Between - you; and an accidental firo cawinr — - , •< great damage,' will bo a protection that costs you littlo but moasa Tery / r BOONTON AUTO SUPPLY CO much. .Every householdb and PTQP- erty owner ghoul- dprotcct hiaudf aEalnst posiiblo accidents by having 205 Myrtle Avenue/ Boonton, New Jersey a Firo Iniuraneo Policy in one of our Companies, securing him against loss .in caso of accidental fire. The ARROW GARAGE , Towaco, New Jersey" Policy costs little, hut covers great damages. ( EMERICK, NORRIS ~ and FLANNERY Real Estate & Insurance' !04 Uafa 8tifeet Opposite Mjrtla Av»m» BOONTON, N. J. Pk«M Ali- > K


EIVERDALE. Stockholm,. N.J., where a new bun- ing water on Wednesday afternoon, soon after medical aid arrived. Fu- construction of the new bus garage galow, just completed, it awaiting Christine Vntukro, tho tliFcu-year-old neral services were held on Satur- near Richard's Corner', Mri. Frank Jardine is seriously ill their coming. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank day with burial in St. Anthony's The businest man in. town now is Cemetery at Butler. You need Window Shades. You peed Win- at her home here. • An overheated stov'e set fire to the Vandere, died from her. injuries on' contractor John .F. Drace, and** from Thursday morning. Mrs. Vandere was The engagement has been an- chimney in the home of Mr. Arthur Mrs. Jennie' Van Ness is spending early in the morning to late at night washing a blanket and the three Iw . dow . • You need Furniture, Ruga nounced of Miss Marion Rush to Hopper, in Meade avenue, on Thurs- some t ** with her sister in Brook- he will be found hustling hla men day, while Mrs. Hopjier was roasting children were at play in the room, Mr. Lambert Arian, of Haledon, N. lyn, N. Y. ; " along to complete' the new building J, The wedding will take place at her Thanksgiving 'turkey. .The roof; and while the - mother was in the and Linoleum. High Class Groceries, such as the home of the bride oh New Year's was on fire when the firemen ar- yard hanging- up the blanket, Chris- Mr. Schilling of the Great Eastern at the Corners before bad weather Day and Miss Iila Reynolds will be rived but they sodn extinguished the; tine fell backward into the tub of Stores has gotten in a large stock sets in. Royal and Park & Tilfotds. bridesmaid with Mr. Henry Manger flames and the dinner^ was held at! boiling water. The little one was of good things for the holidays. the usual time. , jlifted out but not before she was so best man, .and after a wedding trip With fine weather insight excel- It pays to advertise in The Times- ' • * •' they "will take up their residence-in After falling into a tub of scald- badly scalded that she passed away lent progress ought to be made in the Bulletin. You can get them all at Satisfying: the Public Through Satisfied Workers Fred. Gordon Co. Bring the Visit Our Main Street, Boohton, N. J. Kiddies Piano to Toyland. Salon. Basement Third Floor

.THE BOONTON BUILDING ft LOAN ASSOCIATION Organized May 2nd, list' Join and help us build bousei for aur Eoonton ptoplt New Shares issued at any regular meeting The Christmas Store Beautiful -Subscription Shares Pay fi% Prepaid Shares Pay I* v Sec the Secretary at ear Office No. 4M Mala Street Miscellany of Gifts That THB BOONTON BUILDING * LOAN ASSOCIATION , Charming (GIFTS fo r'tfienmteTAMl LY Spell Lasting Gifts Comfort to for Women AllMen

- 'Imported Smoking Beaded Bags, ' Jackets 3.98 to 35.00 ,. 7.50 Of raro beauty; cleverly Then'a no chance of fall- beaded In Oriental and ing to please him with a •moklng Jacket of this French design*. Smart character. Our new. sup- draw-string effect; .An ply, boasts of the prettiest exceptionally fine ,glfL -styles that ever were seen. He . surely can't help but hare a,tender thought for you in help- Vanity Boxes Ing: him start the year 'right with a pretty and 2.98 to12.0 0 comfortable Smoking- Jacket that fills the blU lie Expensive In assorted colors and In hla leisure momenta. black. Made of fine Tispossibletohaveawarm 1 Quality leather with In- ECEMBER—that glorious month that brings the spirit of Christmas Into I comfortableliome at little tereBtlng Inside fittings; the world to spread a mystic joyousness throughout all lands. That Men's Shaker cost if care is taken in select- also large mirror. Very spirit which climbs into all our hearts and turns sadness into joy, and Knit Sweaters ing a heater that has proven useful Christmas gifts. qualities of economy in foci neglect into love. To this spirit this store sincerely dedicates itself that 8.50 consumption and in heat you this year may know the true meaning of Gift Happiness. Your visit here to- transmission. Women's 'Kerchiefs These Keller made morrow will reveal the thoroughness and thoughtfulness involved to present to all shaker - sweaters for men * The Thatcher Boiler has many Christmas shoppers only such gift merchandise as is worthy th« quality standard are very desirable for Individual features that combine 25c winter wear. They're of Tear . j to make this heater universally of Quackenbush's and the appreciation of the recipiente. ' heavyweight pure wool SEND FOB ^ popular with home owners. , Of fine quality linen. Warm * and worsted; fall fash- Frimd" CABUJOGI Visit our nearest show rooms four choice of oolld ioned and hand sewn with : for further particulars. tolon, or white with large roll storm collar In Bring Real Christinas Cheer to the Home— pnll-orer style. A prao- hand embroidered cor- tlcal Christmas gift. ners. Others with With One of These Handsome - and H-lnch . THATCHER & RANGES >• Men's Auto 8UcaI85O tbdaioNcmik Sold Ererrwhtr. •y' : THATCHER FURNACE CCThudur Dofldio*, St. Fnftda rod Geon» So, NmJf Cavalier Collar and Wrought Iron Lamps Gloves, 3.50 133-135 Wot ISthBata JT , Cuff Sets, In Bridge and Junior Styles Large and good .warm flveoa lined gauntlets. Bridge and Junior lamps occupy such an important place in any home that , The famous Hanaen make 98c to 1.98 their appropriateness for gift giving cannot be denied. These bases sturdily aato flores for. men that made of genuine wrought iron may be had in old gOt, black and polychrome fin-. gtra lasting satisfaction. The newest' neckwear fad He'd hardly find time to U the Caraller collar and Ishea. The character of their workmanship, is of the very highest. You 11 agree tray them himself and caff lets that will proro with us that the following prices are very low considering the elegance and this Is your chance to a sprightly Christmas beauty of the bases themselves. ( surprise and pleaaa, him. gift. - They're trimmed Street Floor . with black, silk ribbon Bridge Lamp Bases, 14.00 and^MTeral'rows of Val— endennes lace. Dainty, • "Junior Lamp Bases,15.00 904 Main Street Telephone Orders. don't you think? Very Make a Pretty National Beef Ca youthful and charming to Parchment and silk shades in various colors and decorative treatments are priced - Lamp Shade Telephone 534 Promptly Filled the fashionable woman from $3.50 to $34.00 for Bridge Lamps and from $10.00 to $50.00 for Junior Dr miss. «.... • Lamps. •••;'•'• for Some One's , - Qnackenbnsh's—yiUrd Floor Christmas "TAX REDUCTION" > Women's Boxed Invariably a hand-made gift receives first and The front pages of Every Newspaper announce plans for 'Kerchiefs best consideration In the tax reductions. You do not have to wait a Congressional eyes of tho recipient. Our Warm Winter Overcoats Lamp Shade Material De- decision to save money. "National" Specials are immediate 2.98 partment Is most com- Money-savers Always. plete with wlro frames, Of puro white linen with for 12 to 18 Year Boys metal , metal neat Irish hand embroid- Cloths,, silks, flowers, tas- EAT MORE QUALITY BEEF ered Initial. Ideal Christ- sels,^ fringes and other mas suggestion. Ready . trimmings. With the.aid Prime Top Round Steak, per pound. ." 39c 18.95 of bur Instructor you can for gift glrlng. Box of «. rery successfully' make Prime Sirloin Steak (first cuts) per, pound .39c •everal beautiful lamp Prime Porterhouse Roast, per pound •..'.> 39c In presenting these splendid overcoats for boys we aro not nn- shades for your chosen Indestructible . friends. It's fascinating Prime Top and Bottom Round Roast, per pound; 35c mindful of the qualities in overcoats that boys like and, as work too. „. *'.. . . , FINEST CITY-CUT FRESH PORK Pearl Necklaces a matter of fact, that boys really insist upon. They're coats Fourth Floor Fresh Cali Hams, per pound , 15c 2.98- to 35.00 of superb workmanship, and tailoring through and through. Fresh Flat Ribs, per pound '.'.' ...16c Boutltul pearl necklaces Every one is wool lined which insures extra warmth and long EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL h chtished by all women. service. They're Bhown in a large variety of (models and in For a Girl's Fresh Regular Hams (note National price), per lb 20c NeaUy strung, cream col- • various shades of tan and brown.. Get yonr boy one of them or*** Indestructible pearls. Christmas! LOWEST PRICES RECORDED IN YEARS FOR THE Included are the famous for his Christmas, VERY BEST FANCY SELECTED, FRESH-KILLED, La Tausca pearls. Choice ' DRY-PICKED POULTRY , of solid gold spring ring Girls'. Coats Fresh-killed, Dry-picked Young Fowl (3 to 3 1-2 lbs. each) or sterling allror clasp. Boys' All Wool Boys' Sport Coats Enclosed In handsome 7.98 to 49.98 29c per pound Suits With Extra Fresh-killed, Dry-picked Frying Chickens, per pound . .35c relvet Jewel cases that and Overcoats Infused with all the stylo will greet her with a hap- of clever erectors; de- Fresh-killed, Dry-picked" Roasting Chickens (i lbs. each) py smile on Christmas Knickers, 9.95 Sizes 5 to 17 Years, 10.95 ilgned of, various high .'..-• , • 35c per pound mprn. Both pairs of knickers, coat and.Test are of all pure Here Is a group at coats made of hoary weight, all grade fabrics —v , One Carload of the Finest Fresh-killed, Dry-picked a tripes and plaids, . dou- wool tweeds and casslmeres. The coats are lined pure wool materials and tailored with the unmis- Young Turkeys (finest quality guaranteed), lb 38c with heavy quality . Norfolk models In takable snap and style seldom found In coats sell- ble-faced polaires, bollvfa, grey, tan and brown. Perfect flUIng sizes from 7 ing for considerably more. Come nee them Satur- chinchilla and astrachan. Women's Colored- to 18 years. , day. In dressy or tailored ef- A "NATIONAL" SPECIAL fects., Fully lined. Choice Fancy Large Jack Rabbits... 69c each Silk Umbrellas of plain or fur collars. Gloves Make Ideal Christmas Gifts for Boys Sixes 7 to 10; 10 to 16.. A "NATIONAL" SPECIAL Oood, warm gloves are not amiss on cold, wintry dari. Hers ara the kinds that bora apprors ot. 8tyl Finest Smoked. Pork Tenderloins, per pound...... 29c 4.95 [or dres* and play at very moderate prices. Of kid and suede, 1.0,0 to 1.95: gauntlet glorei of kid ai A silk umbrella for relour. 1.00 to 2.26; and wool knit HA \CS at ~5r • . ' . ' • • . ' •• • • Another "National" Market will open in this territory, on v Christmas Is al Important rn"t—Pconi Floor Girls' Saturday, December 8th, 1923, at 133 Hollywood avenue, ns holly that lends to the Hillside, New Jersey. Christian* spirit. These ' Raincoats, 6.93 Selected Egg's ...... ,..... 87c dozen are of heavy nllk Beatyette b^and'' miao* rinWieti with tape edge gua ran teed waterproof. -, tin irwl Btub ends. A»- Fashioned of rubberized tweeds, poplins and bom- ~ NATibNAL BEEF COMPANY torlod handles :— carved bazines. Bolted mod oil K >udt baknllto trimmed. In navy, brown- and tan. "Largest Retafcn of Meats in America" lcithir loops and s'dc?. Outfits Include hut*. straps With cases to More practical gifts for 904 Main Street ' Phone 534 Boonton, N. J. in-lcli school girls 6 to 16 years Phone Orders Filled Promptly i ' would be hard to find • STOBES IN NEW YORK, NEW JEBflEY, MASSACHUSETTS Street Floor PENNBHJVANIA, »nd CONNECTICUT Tb« Abon SoeelaU atsnll Our Nnr Jersey Stores for Friday' unit 4 T B O I> O LIT A I ' / S*lnrdll>r' TEN THE BOONTON TIMES AND THE BOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1923 MOUNTAIN VIEW covers the stream, perhaps they may rived for the construction of the new so some of, you members call for with Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Daw- put-Bkates on the-motor, and so be telephone building which. Postmaster him1 some night with a limousine car son, of Weehaw^cen. Mr. Paul pelamalre. of River Edge able to enjoy this itport while the IIHmmonJ Is erecting for the Moun- and it may be poasiblo to induce Mr. Byrom Moore.and family have road, while on duty__aa^ ajineman cold weather lasts. tain View Telephone-Central, and when our once excellently qualified enter- The Pudding Stone Inn for tlie Western Union Company, Mr.—Hany Mnmford - 'has—taken this -building is completed and the tainment manager to become active ONE SQUASlTTVTIX" Open all year; favorable weekly rates; (older. it upon' himself to establish a pri- Hello Girls are on'their jobs, what a MAKE 673 J.UES fell four stories from a window sill pjeasure it will be to secure phone con- again. G. N; Vincent, Boonton, New Jersey. ". in New York City, straining the vate fire department with a fight- We all expected that the genial ing machine of his own which car- nection without having to wait, as How many pieces' to a pumpkin is ligaments of his^left leg and be- our people have been subjected to for Manager of the Great Eastern Stores tides being badly jarred by the fall, ries'weU filled extinguishers of large carried something of great importance i question asked and while the town capacity all in his touring car. The many long years. if Oneco, Conn., cahnot answer, one was unhurt.. He has ha(J to keep other afternoon Harry was driving At the basketball game last Sat- up his sleeve, and now we know it, quiet for three weeks and hopes, to for Herbert discovered some-one about of the town's.officials, Mr. Fred G. 1 about town when suddenly one of urday night at the Mountain View PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK be soon on the job again. His, par- the extinguishera'fell out and when Community Club the Mountain View Bergen County who cared for him, Marriott, can answer it, by inform- ents and younger sister started on our honorable vice president started team won against the Paterson Fire and during Thanksgiving week they ing everyone that lie raised a squash a motor trip last October to Cali- to pick it up this useful friend in Department headquarters team by hied themselves before a Minister and which is a first cousin to a pump- THE MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK fornia to be ended next April, and need began to cover him with its the score of 34 to 23. After the were mad one. "We offer our con-* kin that by careful figuring will A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK understand that they are now. well contents, evidently thinking the fire game, the fire department team was gratulations." - make the body of 673 good thick pies ,on their way to the Golden Gate. was about him, and before it could entertained by Country Club Fire be stopped, all the fire in Harry's like Grandma used to make, simply All of the folks amongst the bun- Department and a demonstration DENVILLE 21 South Street, corner DeHart Street make-up was extinguished. "Post given of their new fire engine, under, adding the milk u and eggs to com- MOREISTOWN, MOBKIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY galow dwellers are glad Miss Mabel it on the bulletin that a separate plete the filling. Langland has recovered from her re- the instruction of Chief Jacobus and The N. J. Power and Light Co., of branch of the fire department has Fire Marshall Weber, Dover, is installing a new electric^ cent, serious illness, and very soon been created by Mr. Mumford." , she will again bo seen at the sta- The Walker Dry Goods Store on light line on the back road leading A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK ' The Variety,store in another win- from Denville to Boor-^n. tion mornings to take the 7:50 train dow has something attractive for all Greenwod Avenue is getting in new THE ONLY SAVINGS BANK IN MORRIS COUNTY on the Lackawanna road. supplies each week, and if this vast Mr. and'Mrs. William Green, of the boys of the village, and this will I % * Interest Dividends Payable Quarterly Have you seen the new motor boat be given to the young man having stock continues to come in; Mr. Denville road, are planning to leave F.LEONE on the river? If not, stop on the the largest number of votes. v">It is Walker will have almost everything this week for St. Petersburg, Florida, January, April, July and October . required by the housekeeper. to spend the winter. . 311 Old Booriton Road bridge when passing over, it and see called a flexible flyer." —4V per cent. Interest Paid Since 1921— how Granger Davenport has arrang- Mr. Nick Turner has become an Mr. and Mrs. ^ James Bart and Dealer in 4 ed his Elto motor to thcr rear of Station Agent Robert Roe has a expert in auto driving and one daughter,'Eliza, and Mr. John Saun- his canoe, and what pleasure he has faithful guardian in his office, and should see him back bis car out of ders, of Paterson, are guests of Mr. 4% per cent.. any ope who does not belong. there Paper, Magazines and Rags taking his mother, pet dog and' oc- a small yard without hitting the cars and Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth. ASSETS OVER NINE MILLION DOLLARS casionally^ stray youngster for. a had better' look out for hia four- parked close by or knocking down legged companion. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Righter, METALS AT MARKET trip, on the river and when the the fence posts of the adjoining of Rockaway, spent Thanksgiving National arid State Banks and Trust Companies are NOT Savings weather becomes colder and ice Several loads of lumber have ar- property. Banks, and Savings or Thrift Depositors in such institutions have Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. NOT the special protection of the Savings Bank Laws of the State The Hon. Recorder had a happy David Righter, of Church street. of New Jersey. Thanksgiving this year. With his Mr. and Mrs." William Curry, of new daughter-in-law and the rest of Church street, have as week-end ti his family, the day passed entirely guests Mr..-and Mrs. Patrick Riley, PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK Telephones Dover 995, 905-M too fast for him. of Newark.' ' The other evening when the turkey moved from the J. D. Cooper house supper was in full blast, at the to Mt. Tabor. • . • church, 'some one discovered the Mr. John K. Watson, of Harvard building was on fire, and with, .the College,, spent the week-end with.his SCHOECK BROS. aid of the firemen, many of whom FIRST NATIONAL BANK parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'R. \ were there with mouthfuls of turkey Watson,, of Main etreeet. Organized 1865 MORRlSTOWN, N. J.* - r and cranberry sauce all over their Mr." Charles L. Kress and family CATERERS faces, the blaze, which otherwise have moved from Dover to the Gus- might have been a large conflagra- tin house, on Main street. COMPETENT ADMINISTRATION tion, was extinguished. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Thoughtful persons realize that it is prudent to arrange for the Have you seen - Baker Madison's Denville Methodist Church will.hold future management of their eBtatcs.. ..' ' Dover, New Jersey car with its new lettering on the their regular monthly meeting on The' individual trustee may die^—his health or reason may fail— sides? 'Every one gazes at it "when- he may move away or the pressure .of business .affairs may interfere 1 Thursday afternoon at the home of Weddings, Banquets , Socials, Beef-Steak ever it passes by their homes. Mrs. Joseph Righter. Feel quit* certain—4n your with the proper attention to his duties. '. Mr. Dick Burgess has quite dealings Thia bank can honestly assure the faithful and efficient perform- Dr. Joseph Tattersall, of. Lynd- ance of all fiduciary obligations it assumes. . Dinners contract on hand, just now to cart hurst, spent Thanksgiving with his With D« we woa't hurt - you gravel and dirt tor filling in pur- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and poses from .the pits at Pompton. Mrs. George Tattersall, of Valley feelmp. 3 per cent, interest on checking accounts Plains t« Mr. David • Ryerson's de- View Farm. We choree what our supplies 4 per cent interest on savings accounts Ten Years' Experience velopment at Wayne, Mrs. Louis Vanning, of Denville, and s«rnces are worth and not The State Highway Department will be hostess Thursday afternoon a jitney more. Yon will be •• Fifty-eight years of financial success and conservative banking. * has whitewashed all of the trees, to the ladies of the Needlecraft osresably surprised at the TRAVELERS' CHECKS AND LETTERS OP CREDIT ON ALL stones and projections along the Society. . •-'- smaUnui of. our chsxfces and PARTS OP THE WORLD Qur Rates on Application Pompton turnpike, and with these Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCartifey and the comylvtenest of our plumb-' distinguishable marks no one should ins; performance. Yon know onr FIREPROOF STORAGE ROOMS SILVER VAULTS have the misfortune to ride over Miss Harriet Dkkerson of Paterson, telephone number, so yon will SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, J2.60 UP ( References Freely Given N. J., have been visiting Mrs. Joseph into the ditches or think the high- find It easy to reach cs. OFFICERS way lies out in some one's field. B. Kighter. H. WARD FORD, President HENRY CORY, Cashier, V. P. When will the si-reen be arranged Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hardman and GUT MINTON, Vice President R. C. CASKEY, Trust Officer. and Our facilities enable us to contract for small so that one oan tell where the. fire Mr. and Mrs. William Hardman ex- CAREY BROS. F. D. ABELL, Vic* President Assistant Cashier is raging? Seems about time that pect to start this week on an auto- . '" F. Q. MILLEN, Asst. Cashier and large parties this work was done, and our talented mobile trip to the South, where they SneewMr to C. E. Estltr fire commissioner ought to have the will spend the winter. Plumbing & Heating r Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Armstrong problem worked out by this time. T«U»fca« 1IT 111 Mak SL Mr. Sherwood Fuller is longing to and family, of Cedar Lake, are get back to the Community Club, spending the Thanksgiving holidays EYES EXAMINED AND .•v'-. "INTEGRITY; SERVICE ®b GLASSES^ CORRECTLY FITTED _ AT MODERATE PRICES We beg to announce that beginning November 21, 1923, DR, B. W. SILVERSTEIN the prominent Eye Sifeht Specialist and Optometrist, of Newton, N. J., who has had thirty years' experience, will be in , BOONTON EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 821 MAIN STREET • :-'.'.. ^ In Mazzie's Drug Store ^ Bring your eye troubles to him. belays are dangerouB Take care of them NOW

DR. B. W. SILVERSTEIN 821 Main Street BOONTON, N. J. . From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., Every Wednesday Christmas Shopping Light-Six two-passenger Coupe-Roadster Light-Six five-passenger Coupe . . . $1395 AT BUIS' light-Six five-passenger Sedan , . . . $1485 Special-Six five-passenger Coupe . . . $1895 203 Main Street, Corner Myrtle Avenue Special-Six five-passenger Sedan . . . $1985 BOONTON, N. J: Cigars of all kinds from 50c to $8.00 a box Big-Six five-passenger Coupe ...... • $2495, 1-lb. jars of Tobacco of all kinds Big-Six seven-passenger Sedan.. . . $2685 Pipes from 50 cents to $10.00 each \ \ . ~ :" All prices f. o. b. factory ' ' ' , Cigarettes of all kinds . Studebaker's increased production and reduced cost of Closed Cars made in 'Cigar and Cigarette Holders the new $8,000,000 Closed Car plants at South Bend (the finesti n the industry) Cigarette Cases, all prices make possible these new low prices. •.* . .. ,. Tobacco Pouches, Bill Folds, Change Purses, \fbu cannot afford to buy any car without first seeing these splendid products Fountain Pens , * of one of America's greatest manufacturers. A large assortment of Writing Paper in large and small boxes / ' An3 most of all, that large box of . "" r NORTH JERSEY MOTOR SALES CO. V SCHRAFFTS CANDY ' 925 Main Street, Boonton, N. J. Just received a large assortment of Hohner's Harmonicas. , , THIS \ ;S T U D,E B A K E R YEAR Christmas Cards and Booklets "SHOP IN BUIS' BLOCK" THE BOONTON TIMES AND TOE BOONTON WEEKLY BULLETIN Eunnor

cuse, N. Y, on Monday to continue Gladys have retyrne(Tto their home home of Mrs. A. F. Grenler, ofWest returned Saturday to her home in Hcdding place. „ ton, N. J, and Mr and Mn, L. H. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan'Mac Uougal, Jabor Heights. ding place, will entertain at bridge Page and daughter of Bichmond Hill, her studies at the Unlieroity. in Simpson avenue after a visit to Mrs, Frank Siirrons at Sussex, N. J. of Pitman place, is entertaining the The Fortnightly-Bridge Club-will tnv'Thursday -afternoon. Miss Grace Leiblein.has been visit- N. ~i/, have been spending several Mr Joseph Higgins returned from lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George be * entertained Wednesday afternoon Harold Sofield, of New Y"r!t;-i.i ing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Setbit of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn on Monday where he has Unit No. S of the Ladles' League L. Taylor, of Newark. at the home of Mrs. George Tate, sick at the borne of his parents. Dr. Momstown road. Norman Page at-their home in Em- been spending several dayp. will hold a meeting Friday afternoon Floyd S. Goble, of Port Jervls, Is' "of Boehm place. end Mrs. P. B. Sofield, of Fox Hill Mr. and Mrs Horace Barrett have burg place. s V Mr. Harold Sotleld of New York at the home of Mrs. William McCIel- visiting his son and daughter, Harry The Sewing Society will be enter- road. closed their cottage in Summcrfield Miss Ruth Didcerson who spent the is' ill at the home of Us parents Dr. 'en, of Trinity Circle. V. Goblo, of Hope' road,' and Mrs. tained Friday afternoon at the home The Beacon Five Hundred Club road and will spend the winter in Thanksgiving holiday with her par- and Mrs. D. B. Sofield of Fox Hill An aM-dny meeting of the' first G. U. Hill, of Embury place. of Mrs. Gustav Stobcr, of Lacka- will meet Saturday night at the wanna rood. ' East Orange. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dickerson, road. permanent pattern class of the Home Mrs. Charles Mount, who has been home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hill, Mrs. A. F. Grenicr, of West Hed- of Embury place. Mr. and Mrs. Gillraaa Ford of Tren- of Morristown road, returned to Syra- Mr. and Mrs. William Leightbn and Bureau will be hel dtoday at the seriously ill at All Souls' Hospital;

An Appeal for Early Christmas Shopping —and an invitation from more than 600 Paterson Merchants, members of the "Better Business Bureau" of the Chamber of Commerce of Paterson, to do your Christmas Shopping here —and early, while stocks "are complete and offer best selec- tions. Pictured on the lefts are a few i representative Paterson Stores containing great stocks of every manufactured article known in- the markets of the world. Is Paterson' Your Shopping Place ? —it should be, for it is the most accessible large Retail Center to your home^—you can reach it directly and quickly by Rail- road, by Trolley, by Auto Roads.

And when you reach it you have the privilege of choosing from large assort- ments of any article you want or need— and at a price fully 10%Jess than stores in other large Retail Centers ask for the same thing.

Paterson merchants want you to come in

and see what c,vpu can get here for your dollar—they have an earnest and sincere interest in your patronage—your continued good will means their pros- perity—their ability to s.ell for less is being used to cement friendships that\vill last forever. - C

Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Paterson, N. J.

- Hi Terry (former CivihSenfce exajn- tBKr of IIU Briil»s; thenn IE) dui I -cd cn'ltrd fur Monday evening, Decem- on Street. WANT COLUMN iner) 2410 Barrister Bldg., Washing- l^ point In the division line bo- ber 10, 1923, at 8 P M . In the Town Hall. To the Members of Our 1923 merly Ui« Tonnnhlp of Peqiunnock to com.tier th« appeal of Thou V Gnrrmon, passed December 'i, 1023. on,-J>. C. 18t2 l».rnahfp ot JUontviUg, thence (6) felativs to the erection of a carage on hit Local AdvertiainE Miut.Tw ivc lerly alonn the ilivl.ion line U Iwt-m property aa Dlxon avenue, Doonlon, New Approved December 3. 1923 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS QLUB WANTED — Young townili p the kevenil eouna anil dif Prepaid Euicei thervof Ut the iuiruiweit«r!y rorner'of Attest: Albert P. Smift). < Wti take pleasure in informing you that tlic VJ23. Cliristma.s positipn, working in the Tovmhlp ut Muntvllle; thene* (7) ftoilth- 'Town Clerk. Ziicker ond Company. ebttjrj In a RtrsUcht line alotiic the dlvbion Savings Club checks will bo ready for distribution on Friday, Decent- \ k caarga *f It and *ilr« will U liD«*^(ietweLa the Tawnahtp of Boonton, the Approved, August Holler, Jr., •fCurn of Boonton. and the Townihlp of Mont, ber 7th, 1323. suaa f»r any a«ttriUeiainl ^1 pn- FOR RENT-^5Pho -shingled houjji vine, to a point Is the RocVawar ltivcr' where ^ Mayor. Our Ciub this year numbers more than 1,000 and the amount paid MM. till «y> • > lha laid uivwion line tui«r>rctji the »aiie. An Ordinante t Ball's Crossing, on Intcrvalosffld (hrncp (8) southerly and southeasterly along \ in is in excess, of $31,000,00. , H.'UBall. Telephone 86-M.j^tf-np the dlvbion line between the Towmhip of Establishing the linca and grades of It pays to advertise in The Times- Hanover, and the Town hip of MontvUle. Harrigon Street, West of' Washing- Were you a member this year? If hot, join our 1024 Club, Wmnted—For rty dienta, bomea and being" in the center of the rtockaway njver, BulIeUn. - • ' which opens December 7th, 1923, other real eatat^offonngs in Soon- , FOR SAfiE—EiBht UID sevpraj^courdes and dUlanees thereof to WSHIani street" with ell ii the pojdTand Place of brrinnlng ton; phone' Mrs. Klintrup, Boonton Sjajd. Edw.rd Kayhart, Prank F Occupancy December 1 CD**T Charles E. Witty. Oeorse Ear], Daniel A Merry Christinas 4o AH sonablo .for.caBh. For J^-'oy. T n Lewis, tin T II Lewis. cuiars, jnquirc of A --- .™ C, Euian. Man F. Beack. Ilasel M MORE PROFITS FROM LOW PRICES Attention ShopperslAriano -floor Cook, Clarence C CookC Gertrude E Uathjtri. estate and insurance. 01 J KaUijen, Louis* K. Schrfena. Elliabrth lamps, boudoir lfmp&~ table lamps phone 719, "* pstkk, yiorence Hice. Uarth C Zabrlskle Wool worth, Ford and Wrigley became leaders in their lines because Boonton Trust Company and bridge lamps j$n be found at D. niUFri BOONTON, N. J. C Barton's Hardware Store in large '•FOR RENT—Five ro.ojns onBrool they knew that small profits taken frequently pay better than W. & SALMON, Pr.ild.at JAKES V. BEAM, Vie* PIMMM* TBrietlea. Strf- street. ^-Inquire at Mansion House. occasional profiteering. M-D HAYWARD, Viea Pruldat OSCAB P. MTERS, »ae>-7r«M. 17-tf-np , y^ THE DOONTON NATIONAL BANK WHY PAY KENT and Ltise th_ ' Boonten. New Jersey FOR, RENT—Three rooms, all im- comforts of .a real home, Jfimve two -December «. 1023 fire-room-bungalows wiUfeVery mod- provements, phone BoontcD ,31G-M. The lua] meetlna of the shareholders THAT'S US - bank, for the election of Directors ern convenience. To bffy either, will 17-t2-np juch other busfifess as may come be- only require a fomatfiffpayment down. the meeUnir, will be held In the Banking with a similar policy, volume business and small profits. fc .FOR, SALE—Six-; »"w«. 612 Main Street, Boonton, H J, on Real Estate ' y Insurance Farther details, «ffiJohn Kofcut, 418 Tueaday, January BUJ, 1B24. betweeh the % We want e\ery person to know our prices are the lowest in town. Vain Street; telephone' 4U4 orl62-J. all the latest improyVm hour* «r D and 10 A M h Lock holder! may CLARENCE A. TAYLOR block'from Main si olitain blank form* of proxies at the Rank, That's^ why folks are shopping at Terms. For furth< or, on application, blank forms will b* MISB Belle F. Nash i^given up mailed to them, 220 Main Street Telephone 725 (jijire A. E. nstlcr,5018 EDWIN A FISHER her class in Netf Y^JTCity, and will of phone 719. ^ 12-7 to 1 8 Indus Cashier f^otf JevoU. her entfre attention to the WATCH—a WILLIE FRANKEL'S - - local icrk at the Studio, 107 Union st, FOR SAIX—Pekin Ducks a n d, NOTICE. 4th defor from Main street. Telephone clucLeni. Sunnjsidc Farm, Paro.p-I A mccting ot ^ ^^ ^ o< A ;u OUR H . H GIFTS 1«-W. , H-tf-np naDy. N- J* — p'has l>rcn~eaHed /or Monday oening, Uctcm- .... 10, 1 £3, at 8 Ut M , in the lown Hall. MEN All Kinds of Stable Supplies Horse' niankcts for Sale » ; FOR SALE prncr housfewjrooms, LEGAL NOTICES t to consider Lhe aptwa) of 1 T li.hUr WINDOWS I Shop for Men and Boys 1 1 rclati.0 to the rrntlun of a gurnee uri hn all modern irr .cements, nrfc!>«£55()0. NOTICE.' >perty, on MandevIHe Avenue. IJwnton. NOTE 1 * * * I n'nd BENJAMIN BELINSKY, Harness Maker George W.j " :ard, 405 Mairi^t. mUreile-J ni-e- In»it*J u be 10-tf-np Uint ValrtMday. Dcceml-rr 1 , l PIUCCS S "ALWAYS SOMETHING 'NEW Q BOYS All Orders and Repairing Neatly and I'romptly Attended to at 8 o dock I* SI , be and hereby u appointei I ZOMM; BOARD or"APPE\is. is tho time, and the Toun Hall tu the place. I Auiomobile Tops and Curtains Repaired WANTED—Wood pp^ Jun and where the tloard o( Ai«<->an)e*.t will cross cutters; steady wtrj^fnd good net t to aicc1* f Api>c-ili Town Ckrk TWO OR Three . " "" c&trujly located Boi SIlLRItF'S SALE t; . In Chancery of New J«r>cy rooms may be.had Uctwwrj C, Frank Mrel cr. Truitco under ately, 20-1 Church st. the will of Wlllikm I'enmnftlon. fur thr benefit of Almle C Tolcr and other*. Com Dlainnnt. *nd Mountain Lakes,-Incorpurn FOR SALE—One "Ensy Vncuum l#-l. and htuart A Yoimt' an 1 Claule V Electric. Washer" in excellent condi- I'atJ.itrr, Keceiwr* thwroof. Defend* nU 1 i. f?, for lale of mortcosed prem^ci. tion; .also large, parlor stove, and '•- to herruarr 21t«t, A D. 1021 flower tabled John R. Baker, 619 HUMPHREYS & SUMNER, r | fcoliettora Brook street, phone C29-W. X8-t2-p , virtu* of the above *Uted writ of _ icri Facias in my hand", 1 thai, expose From the New York Herald /or *ale at Public V en due at the Court Hom«j New Jersey Sale or M^ In Morrlatown, N J . on Monday, the twen- ty-foruth dar of December, next 'A D. BOONTON, Moir.stoun.yltfbnntain lbl2, between the huuni or 12 21 and t> Lakes and Morns/Count^residences o'clock I' M, that is to say- at 2 o'clock in thf afternoon of said day from $3,500 to $50tf100Q$2v,ater powers, All that tract of land and premise* here- lakes, farms anif$jscts up to 1,000 inafter particularly described, situate. Ijin* anil being in the Township or IUDover, acres; all prices.^*EdwaTd 3, Cahill, County of Morris and State at New tlener, Boon ton, N. J. ' and known and designated at lota No*. 24. 28, 28, Block V. as shown on map of the 16-1 mo-np , property of Mountain Lake* Inc. C. O Martindale, engineer, filed in the office of lhe\CIerfc of the County of Morris Joly BUICKS BUICKS FOR SALE—,-A Real Home, The lfth/UBlS, being more particularly bounded Horr place, NoJ 125 Chestnut street, • * "d u follows: at a •tone monument set on the a country place of two acres in town.. , li of Pollard Road at tha second One house of ten rooms and th* angle waterly of Uldral« Boad then** (1) along the nirtherly aid* of ollard Road baths; one house of four^tib A9 deffr«*t 10 mlnutcawal. twenty-three bath, electric /lights ' an*Jrrangc; and nine tenths 423 9) feet to a stone monu- ment thence (2) north 47 degrees, 60 minute chicken houses, garag^f splendid wr t one hundred and serenty and •ifihty- shade trees afid Jarrf^lawn; many tbn« one hundredth* U"0^3>' fe.t to a OW is the time to place your order for your stono monument thf nee (XK north AS degree*, fine fruit trees anirvinea; a large ,10 ^ninutrt east titty-*iftht (58) feet, man garden in fine-rffmpc; & California or leu, to a vtone. monument set on the privet hedge around the whole plot •.iviiliriB line between lots Nos 20 and 28 Block V, thence H> along the lands of WfU EW BUICK so you will be sure to have it for of 400 feet front by 200 feet" deep. IiamJIoFK north CO detrrees, 10 minutes, mit N nleftf'Qin* and fifty-*ix one hundredth* Edward J. Cahill, real estate agent, i«68) feet to a stone monument tltence (5> 710 Main street, Boonton, ft. J. ^ along the lends of fZdwaru* F Wilson and wil> south S3 desrees, .TS minjtn etut one hunhundred d ami seventy and K>cn tenths (170 7) CHRISTMAS. x :-: x x From the New York ft>c* t" to a stone monument set on the uorth- erly «[.Ier 26lh/ 1321. WINDOW SHADES, sidySffiim, CHARLES E. E81XER, ; DELCO STARTING AND. LIGHTING Sheriff furniture rcpnircif nnu jefimahed; R. anhcp-Doonton Times P. F 131 OS. E. Scholz, phones, sfaW 410J.; Res. TtlKri FfiHER BODIES , 373; 410 Main Street; Boonton, N. J. -NOTICE TO CBEDITCms , TO LET—In convenient loptf Instate of Jalia MacUride Post, de- r FOUR WHEEL BRAKES BouIevQrd,'East, two nicely,i£?hished cejuscd. bedrooms; kitchen pnvjl^el Phone Pursuant to the order of the'Surro- Boonton C02. tif"" 15-tf-np gate of thn County of Morris, made 122 to 128 INCH WHEELBASE on the Tenth 'day of October, A. D., FOR SALE—Grhy cnnmdeil bed- one thousand nine hundred and Twen- room suite (twin beds); porch furni- ty-three notice is hereby given to all ture; persons^ having claims against the hogany citato of Julia MacBnde Post, late i of the County of Morr.3, deceased, to vacuum present the same under oath or affir- feet hose- mation, Co the subscriber on or be* EVERY UNIT THE BEST KNOWN TO AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS tools, cot. "^Teliphoiie Boi fore tha Tenth day o£ April, next, be- 18-t2-P-t^n six months from date of said order and any Creditor neglecting to bring AND'THEY COST NO MORE. x x x CHICKEN'S und. dui'ks for sale. exhibit his, her or their claim Fresh'Air Farm. Boonton Manor, N. tinder oath or affirmation within the J. ^ 19 tl-p time so limited will be forever barred : of his, her or their action thereafter Have' nil-?- house, bath, ogainit the executors. light. Will accept an P d the tenth day of October, A. piano, diamond rinp, p^fiiake offer, D., X923. as first paymtnt; fj^^te moiUhly, \V. AonnM'W. Post and II. Willis Post, Jr. G. Vanderhoff, JI^TaLor, N. J. np Executors •> 422'Washin;ton Street, Boonton, N. J, ¥200 cash, $1*; inonthK bu%i ^o6m 123 Bolucvard ttcst Mt Lakes, N. J. house, bath, cleric liglit,^^it one Delivered Joshua R. Salmon, Proctor, Mcrris- half acre land .'near trifle}, sl>rcs, town, >f. J. 10-2G—12-28—fn etc. W. G. VAderhoO1, Mt Tabor, N. J. S^''

CHRISTMAS rr.CES—we !ce is herebr tjli-en that application will madtf 'to the Legislature of the State of several thousand Norway Spru< Jrw' Jersey, to*w>nvene or) the tecond Tue*. 'to ten ft. high, for ., (1024, for the psi*age f no Act to Incorporate the Uorouifh of for less than 25. Ajarcsj^fF. Kem- lnntvllle, said Boron it h to Include the Terri- ble Farms, phone 13S\MlSrrisk>wn, N. tory wlthla tht following described limlU J. , - •••'. 19-tt-np At! that certain tract or territory of land, iltuaU, Jylnsr and bcin^ in th« present Town- Delivered ihlp 'of Montvllle, In the County of Morris FOB ,SALE—1 carriage, ivory fin- tnd State of New Jenjry- Dcstnnfns at the southeasterly torn a of ish; cheap, 31C-K. p Uie bridge rrosifng the Ilockawar Hirer, .A large assortment of linen hand- known aa Courier's 'Dri-Jara; thenea (1) In a straight line easterly from said Courter's kerchiefs^ towels ;ahd sUntpcd goods. Bridi* to the Northerly vide of a small stone L. A. Frond, 612 Main street. bife located on the road leading from MonCVill* to Pino Brook between the prop- 10-t2-p ertXta formerly owned by John D. Conrter and John.W, Younx; thene* (2) northeasterly PULL. BRED; RABBIT, hound hi • straJght line to m point at th* lnter- fUop, of th«. roads at Azariah Crane'* eor- puppies, for sale" at; Gecrge Westcn- sow known aa Fanlk'a eorner; thcotw berger, 16G Chestnut Street, Beonton, tM northerly In m straight lint to a point in N. J, tclcpliono 129-W. p th* rteht-af-wa> of tb« D. L. * W. A. R "A Telephpne Will Get Us." - CA/ whlthipolnt is distant five hundred and fifty <6B0) fact ewUrly from tba center of BOAEDERS WANTED—in private tht, Orerhead Bridie, wblcb Overhead Bride* fc* «p tb« road laadins from llontvUto to To* ^amilyr home cooking,; steam heated waco, near th« property of Ellas O VracUndj rooms, bath and electric' light; one lhesca (4) northwesterly Along th« stfuthcHy •id* of the ri«htHDf-iray oT the D. L A W. block from Newark buses; business B. &• Co, fin fcttndnd «nd fifty (UOJ ' ladies preferred, 60 Harrison street, Boonton. p I will tako care of children at my '"homo, from 0:30 to S:00 P. M. for 11.00 each.. Mra. J^T. Thomas, 120 A Church Street, Boonton, N. J. Unbreakable dolls, walking, talkjnj) and sleeping dolls, all prices. Call BIRCH &BASSETT amHec them, L. A. French, 51? Main Street . J9-t2-p Tel. 60b Distributors Dover, N. J. _ WANTED—CookrJ.and.-dogs»taffa CofKnnut worker,' neat, /obliging,Lj|iHfowon>an for family wth cWMfm, iU. Uikn, Peanut and telephone Boijitoff 04. " 19-t3:np

Churned arid SfchedtoTute COtLIB PUPS for" Mill). 3oho Fctchlk, Boonton Manor.- * '•>",' p SCHERSON

KOT.fnmont posltloni. ***** »•

; ? > ( "" ""'"" '."^ 1s ^ «- , ' ' i ' * ' ' v , rf *• *' •*