Angewandte Chemie

International Edition:DOI:10.1002/anie.201507805 Protonation Hot Paper German Edition:DOI:10.1002/ange.201507805 Syntheses of and Substituted QuinolinesinCharged Microdroplets Shibdas Banerjee and RichardN.Zare*

Abstract: APomeranz–Fritsch synthesis of isoquinoline and enhancement in reaction rate,but more importantly,weare Friedländer and Combes syntheses of substituted able to provide insights explaining the origin of this effect. were conducted in charged microdroplets produced by an An electrospray droplet, which is produced under positive electrospray process at ambient temperature and atmospheric potential, is highly acidic in nature because of the accumu- pressure.Inthe bulk phase,all of these reactions are knownto lation of protons by oxidation.[4b, 6a] We take advantage take along time ranging from several minutes to afew days and of this unique charged environment to induce -catalyzed to require very high acid concentrations.Insharp contrast, the chemical reactions without the addition of any external acid. present report provides clear evidence that all of these reactions We investigated the synthesis of isoquinoline and substituted occur on the millisecond timescale in the charged micro- quinolines in charged electrospray droplets by performing droplets without the addition of any external acid. Decreasing three named reactions that are catalyzed by ,specifically the droplet size and increasing the charge of the droplet both the Pomeranz–Fritsch synthesis of isoquinoline,[3a] the Fried- strongly contribute to reaction rate acceleration, suggesting that länder synthesis,[9] and the Combes quinoline the reaction occurs in aconfined environment on the charged synthesis.[10] surface of the droplet. Methanolic solutions of reactants were electrosprayed (Figure 1; see also the Supporting Information, Note S1) to Isoquinoline and quinoline are isomeric benzopyridines,and produce charged droplets encapsulating the reactants.The appear as structural backbones of many naturally occurring .[1] These benzopyridines have many important applications and are used for synthesizing anesthetics,anti- hypertension agents,antifungal agents,,vaso- dilators,,and pigments,for example,and they are also employed as feedstock in the production of several other specialty chemicals.[1,2] Most modern methods of synthesizing these heterocycles require high acid/ concentrations and/ or high temperatures.Furthermore,incertain cases,the synthesis requires from hours to days to yield significant amounts of product.[3] In sharp contrast, the present study shows syntheses of isoquinoline and substituted quinolines on the millisecond timescale,using charged microdroplets pro- [4] Figure 1. Experimentalset-up used to initiate and monitor the syn- duced by an electrospray process at room temperature and thesis of isoquinoline and substituted quinolines in charged micro- atmospheric pressure.With this synthetic procedure,we droplets. provide some mechanistic insights into how these reactions occur in the confined charged environment of adroplet. Electrospray (ES) is aspray-based ambient ionization details of the experimental procedure are presented in the technique that results in the formation of charged micro- Supporting Information. ThePomeranz–Fritsch reaction[3,11] droplets (aerosol).[4,5] Although electrospray ionization (ESI) is an acid-promoted synthesis of isoquinoline from benzalde- is extensively used as asoft ionization technique to transfer hyde and a2,2-dialkoxyethylamine (Figure 2, top). In the bulk analytes from solution to the gas phase in mass spectrometry phase,the synthesis is carried out in two steps,namely the (MS),[4–6] it also raised our interest for its use to conduct condensation of (1)and 2,2-dialkoxyethyl- organic synthesis in charged microdroplets.Anumber of amine 2 to form the benzalaminoacetal 3,followed by acid- recent studies,[7] including work of our own,[8] have reported induced ring closure via intermediates 4 and 5 to yield the acceleration of reaction rates in confined environments. isoquinoline 6.[3b] Thesecond, acid-catalyzed step requires Thepresent study once again demonstrates aremarkable ahigh acid concentration (typically ca. 70%) as well as along reaction time,ranging from hours to days.[3a] We separately prepared intermediate 3 (shown in the cyan circle [*] S. Banerjee, Prof. R. N. Zare Stanford University, Department of Chemistry in Figure 2; see also the chromatographic data in Figures S1 333 Campus Drive -Room 133, Stanford,CA94305-5080 (USA) and S2), which was electrosprayed from amethanolic solution E-mail:[email protected] as depicted in Figure 1. In sharp contrast to the behavior in Supportinginformation for this article is available on the WWW bulk solution, in charged microdroplets,weobserved the under production of isoquinoline from benzalaminoacetal 3,which

Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2015, 54,14795 –14799 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim 14795 Angewandte. Communications

spraying adeuterated methanolic (CD3OD) solution of 3 (Figure S3). We observed that only 12%ofthe intermediates (4 and 5)had been labelled with deuterium (Figure S3b), and only about 6% of product 6 were found to be deuterated (Figure S3c). These results indicate that the transformation of 4 into 6 mostly occurs by internal hopping of the protons released by 4 and [5 + H]+. TheFriedländer synthesis[9,13] is also an acid-catalyzed process for producing quinolines from ortho-aminoaryl alde- hydes or and aketone.Inthe bulk phase,the synthesis is carried out in the presence of strong acids,such as trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), toluenesulfonic acid (TsOH), and

sulfuric acid (H2SO4), or in the presence of expensive Lewis acids.The reaction times range from several minutes to several hours depending on the choice of reagents and catalysts.[13b, 14] Thereaction is believed to proceed through two parallel routes (Figure 3, top).[14f] In the first route,2-aminobenzophenone (7)and carbonyl compound 8 react in arate-limiting step to form an a,b- unsaturated carbonyl compound 10a via the aldol adduct 10 followed by water elimination. Compound 10a then under- goes ring closure,bymeans of aSchiff base formation

Figure 2. Pomeranz–Fritsch synthesis of isoquinoline in charged micro- droplets. Top: two-step synthesis of isoquinoline. First, the conven- tional bulk reaction method was used to synthesize the precursor 3 by reacting 1 and 2.Second,precursor 3 was electrosprayed from amethanolic solution (see Figure 1) to form charged droplets encapsulating the precursor 3 (shown in the cyan circle), which was then converted into isoquinoline 6 via intermediates 4 and 5.All species, namely precursor 3 (a), intermediates 4 and 5 (b), and product 6 (c) were detected by ahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer.For each of the m/z subsets (a, b, and c), the scales are different. The theoretical m/z values (see scheme) are in good agree- ment with the experimentally observed ones.

has been registered in the corresponding mass spectrum (Figure 2, bottom), even though the average lifetime of the Figure 3. Friedländer synthesis of asubstituted quinoline in charged charged droplet was on the order of milliseconds[4b, 12] and no microdroplets. Top: Amixture of reagents 7 and 8 was electrosprayed acid had been added to induce the reaction. Moreover,we from amethanolic solution (see Figure 1) to form charged droplets detected the intermediates 4 and 5 (not distinguishable by encapsulating the reagents 7 and 8 (shown in the pink circle), which were then converted into quinoline 11 via intermediates 9a and 10a. m/z;see Figure 2), which had been proposed earlier,but not All species (intermediates 9, 9a, 10a,and 10b and product 11)were been experimentally observed. To obtain more insights into detected with ahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer (bottom). how these intermediates are formed, we carried out hydro- The theoretical m/z values (see scheme) are in good agreement with gen–deuterium exchange (HDX) experiments by electro- the experimentally observed ones.

14796 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54,14795 –14799 Angewandte Chemie reaction, through the intermediate 10b to yield quinoline 11 by the elimination of another water molecule.Inthe second route,Schiff base 9 is formed by the condensation reaction of 2-aminobenzophenone (7)and carbonyl compound 8 by the elimination of water followed by an intramolecular aldol condensation to yield quinoline 11 after elimination of another water molecule via intermediate 9a. Although the thermal condensation of 2-aminobenzophe- none (7)and acetylacetone (8)was not successful, even when conducted at 1008Cfor 17 h, we electrosprayed amixture of 7 and 8 (pink circle in Figure 3) from methanolic solution. In contrast to the reaction in bulk solvent, this bimolecular reaction in ES droplets occurred, again on the millisecond timescale (droplet lifetime),[4b, 12] to form quinoline 11 via several intermediates although no external acid had been added to induce the reaction. Theformation of 11 in the ES droplet was confirmed by the corresponding mass spectrum, which showed an intense ion signal at m/z 262.1254 (Figure 3). Although the structures of the intermediates (9, 9a, 10a,and 10b; 10 was not detected) could not be distinguished by the present study,anHDX experiment (see Figure S4) indicated the presence of anumber of exchangeable protons in the above intermediates,which is in accordance to their struc- tures. TheCombes reaction[3b, 15] is another type of acid-cata- lyzed synthesis of quinolines (Figure 4, top) by the condensa- tion of 12 and b-diketone 8.Inthe bulk phase,the synthesis is carried out in two steps.[15b] Thefirst step involves the formation of Schiff base 13 by the reaction of aniline 12 and a b-diketone 8.Inthe second step,acid is added, and the Schiff base 13 tautomerizes to form enamine 14,which undergoes in situ followed by water elimination to form the 2,4-substituted quinoline 17 via intermediates 15 and 16.[15b] Thesecond step requires ahigh temperature and ahigh Figure 4. Combes quinoline synthesis in charged microdroplets. Top: concentration of strong acids,such as H2SO4,TFA,hydro- two-step synthesis of asubstituted quinoline. First, the conventional fluoric acid, or polyphosphoric acid, and the synthesis bulk reaction method was used to synthesizethe precursorimine 13 [3b,16] requires from hours to days. However,inthe present by reacting 12 and 8.Second, the precursor 13 was electrosprayed study,weseparately prepared intermediate 13 (see the from amethanolic solution (see Figure 1) to form charged droplets chromatographic data in Figure S5) and electrosprayed it encapsulating the precursor 13 (shown in the green circle), which was from amethanolic solution. Again, unlike the reaction in bulk then converted into quinoline 17 inside the charged droplets via intermediates , ,and .All protonated species, namely precursor solvent, the reaction in ES droplets occurred on the milli- 14 15 16 13 and intermediates 14, 15,and 16 (a) and product 17 (b) were second timescale to form the product quinoline 17 although detected with ahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometer.For each no acid was added to induce the reaction. Theformation of 17 of the m/z subsets (a and b), the scales are different. The theoretical in charged microdroplets was indicated by the ion signal at m/z values (see scheme) are in good agreement with the experimen- m/z 158.0964 in the corresponding mass spectrum (Figure 4). tally observed ones. Once again, HDX experiments were performed on this reaction. We observed anumber of exchangeable protons from intermediates in accordance to their structures (Fig- continuously lower the pH value of the droplet.[4b,18] More- ure S6). over, the protons in the droplet are distributed on its surface All of the above studies suggest the feasibility of multistep with roughly equidistant spacing to minimize the potential unimolecular bond rearrangements and elimination reactions energy.[4b,5a] Therefore,the above reactions (Figures 2–4) are catalyzed by the droplet protons.Asthe ES droplet protons expected to occur on or near to the surface of the droplet; are generated by solvent oxidation, and unlike normal hence,the air–droplet interface should play an important role Brønsted acids,they lack their counterions (conjugate in accelerating these reactions in this confined environment. bases) in droplets,[4b,6a] they are anticipated to be powerful Solvation at the surface is not expected to be the same as acids to promote these reactions and cause the reaction to be solvation in the core of the droplet. Therefore,the possibility much faster than in conventional bulk phase.Furthermore, of contact ion pairing of the protonated species with the anion repeated solvent evaporation and Coulomb fission of the (if any) is more prominent in the core than at the surface. droplet would increase the proton density and thereby Smid has pointed out that loose or solvent-separated ion pairs

Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2015, 54,14795 –14799 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim 14797 Angewandte. Communications

may be many times more reactive than contact ion pairs.[17] potential applications to identify intermediate(s) of the This fact may also contribute to enhancing the reaction rate at reaction by using mass spectrometric or spectroscopic tech- the droplet surface. niques that analyze the chemical content of the micro- To determine the role of surface protons in influencing the droplets.[7d,8] reaction kinetics,wehave performed these reactions in ES In summary,wehave synthesized isoquinoline by the droplets produced at different flow rates of the reactant Pomeranz–Fritsch reaction starting with intermediate 3 and solutions (Figure S7) and at different voltages applied to the substituted quinolines by the Friedländer synthesis starting electrospray source (Figure S8). Foreach of the three with 7 and 8 as well as by the Combes synthesis starting with reactions,the reactivity (enhanced efficiencyofproduct intermediate 13.All of these reactions were carried out in formation) increased by more than afactor of five in going charged microdroplets under ambient conditions.The reac- 1 from high flow rates (20 mLminÀ )tolow flow rates tions were shown to be catalyzed by the surface protons of the 1 (0.2 mLminÀ ), which leads to smaller droplets with higher ES droplets although no external acids were added to the surface-to-volume ratios.[12,19] Likewise,Figure S8 demon- aspirating solution to induce the reaction. Therefore,the strates that for each of the three reactions,the reactivity of present method circumvents the need for expensive acid the reactants increased by more than afactor of five in going catalysts,high temperatures,and long reaction times that are from 1kVto5kV applied voltage to the ES source,which associated with the above syntheses when carried out in leads to more highly charged droplets.[12] Therefore,the above traditional ways.Thus charged microdroplets can be viewed studies clearly suggest the important role of the ES droplet as “tiny reaction vessels” for these reactions. surface environment on the reaction rate acceleration. The Furthermore,the reactions occurred on the millisecond reaction is facilitated by abundant charging of the micro- timescale in the charged microdroplets,suggesting aremark- droplets with ahigh effective surface area. able acceleration of reaction rates.Moreover,the reaction This reaction rate acceleration can also be attributed to efficiency was improved in smaller droplets (higher surface- the effects of droplet jet fission (asymmetric Coulomb fission) to-volume ratio) and in droplets with abundant surface leading to astream of tiny offspring droplets,which are charges (protons). Previous work has shown that charges known to hold about 2% of the mass and about 15%ofthe (H+)inthe electrosprayed microdroplet reside primarily on charge of the parent droplet.[12] Thecharges are distributed on the surface to minimize the potential energy.[4b, 5a] Moreover, the surface,and analytes are partitioned in the volume of the as the microdroplet size decreases,the importance of the droplet, which explains the above unequal distribution. surface grows.Thus we believe that the enhancement of the Therefore,smaller offspring droplets are better candidates reaction rate comes from the proton-catalyzed surface for promoting these reactions,which is consistent with the reaction. We conclude that reactions in the confined environ- reason why these reactions were accelerated by low flow rates ment can occur in adifferent manner to those in abulk (Figure S7). environment. This “microdroplet chemistry” is still in its It should be noted that in Figures 2–4, the comparatively infancyand heightens our interests to apply this method to low ion current (intensity) of the product peak compared to organic syntheses on the preparative scale.[7c] that of the reactant peak does not reflect alow reaction yield. Apart from analyte concentration, the ion signal intensity also depends on the ionization efficiency of the analyte.[20] Acknowledgements Structural analyses suggest that the gas-phase basicity of the product is likely to be lower than that of the reactant in all This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific three reactions studied. Therefore,the ion current of the Research through aBasic Research Initiative grant (AFOSR, product is expected to be lower compared to that of the FA9550-12-1-0400) and the National Science Foundation reactant when equivalent amounts of reactants and products under the CCI Center for Selective C HFunctionalization À are present. Comparing the conventional bulk-phase reaction (CHE-1205646). yield (%) in agiven time,[3,13,14f, 15] we calculated the reaction rate acceleration in charged microdroplets (see Note S2), Keywords: acid catalysis ·electrospray ·mass spectrometry · which was found to be more than afactor of 106 for the protonation ·reaction mechanisms Pomeranz–Fritsch synthesis (Figure 2), more than afactor of 105 for the Friedländer synthesis (Figure 3), and more than Howtocite: Angew.Chem. Int. 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Angew.Chem. Int.Ed. 2015, 54,14795 –14799 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim 14799