The 3Rd National Adaptation Forum

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The 3Rd National Adaptation Forum THE 3RD NATIONAL ADAPTATION FORUM May 9-11, 2017 | Saint Paul, MN JOIN US IN MOVING ADAPTATION FORWARD #NAF2017 @AdaptationForum @AdaptationForum TABLE OF CONTENTS THE 3RD NATIONAL ADAPTATION FORUM WELCOME .......................................................................................................................................1 STEERING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEES ................................................................................1 – 2 MINNESOTA CLIMATE ADAPTATION PARTNERSHIP .......................................................................3 PROGRAM: TUESDAY, MAY 9 ..................................................................................................3 – 14 PROGRAM: WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 .........................................................................................15 – 26 PROGRAM: THURSDAY, MAY 11 ...........................................................................................27 – 40 SPONSORS ............................................................................................................................40 – 48 EXHIBITOR FLOOR PLAN AND VENUE MAP .................................................................................49 A COMPLETE, SEARCHABLE AND SORTABLE PROGRAM IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: 2017 National Adaptation Forum WELCOME TO THE 3RD NATIONAL ADAPTATION FORUM! Spending a week with your adaptation peers is both a necessity and a luxury. The field of adaptation has been steadily growing to help society address the challenges of climate change. This growth was due to work by each of you to explore, learn, innovate and share your concerns, expertise and ideas. You represent activities happening at all scales across the country and even around the world. While politics may cause the course of adaptation to change, the need will not diminish. I look forward to working with all of you over the next three days, and for years to come, as we continue to do the work that is needed to support resilient ecosystems and durable communities. While you are here at the Forum please take the time to: • Make new connections beyond your usual cohort and outside your professional sector, • Soak in the rich program created by your peers, • Consider an aspect of adaptation that you did not think applied to you and develop a way to make it part of your work from here forward, and • Appreciate that you are part of a broad coalition that we all need to connect with in order to achieve enduring solutions so everyone benefits. Huge thanks to the many fabulous committee members (see next page), sponsors, and partners who make the Forum happen. The Forum really is a community event and it would not happen were it not for the commitments and contributions of everyone in attendance and behind the scenes. Make the most of the week in Saint Paul and keep up the good work when you get back home! Lara J. Hansen, Ph.D. Steering and Program Committees Chief Scientist and Executive Director, EcoAdapt STEERING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEES The Steering and Program Committees have toiled diligently over the past 18 months to create a rich opportunity for each of us to meet and interact with colleagues from around the country…some you may have never met before! We want to thank the committees for their contribution and dedication to the Forum. The hours they spent volunteering ensured that funding was secured, proposals were reviewed, the venue was suitable, and travel support was awarded fairly and effectively. Committee members also participated in an Equity Working Group and led the effort to create each of the plenaries. The contribution of committee members was even greater for the 2017 Forum owing to the unprecedented submission of over 400 proposals requiring hundreds of hours of review. Their input created 5 plenaries, 88 symposia, 13 training sessions, 15 working groups, 121 posters and 20 tools presentations that you will have the opportunity to experience over the next three days. If you see a committee member, please give them your thanks. 1 STEERING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE STEERING COMMITTEE Carlos Martin, Urban Institute PROGRAM COMMITTEE Kimberly Hall, The Nature Lara Hansen, EcoAdapt, SC Chair (BP, EWG) Alex Score, EcoAdapt, Conservancy (NRP, PC, SC) (PC, HP Chair, EWG, PWG) Kris May, Silvestrum Climate (PC Chair, CP, NRP, EWG, PWG) Lara Hansen, EcoAdapt Denise Fairchild, Emerald Cities Associates (MP, NRP, HP) Chris Hilke, National Wildlife (SC Co- Chair, PC, HP Co-Chair, Collaborative (SC Co-Chair, CP Michael McCormick, California Federation (PC Co-Chair) EWG, PWG) Co-Chair) Governors Office of Planning Sascha Peterson, Adaptation Jessica Hellmann, University Garrett Fitzgerald, Urban and Research International (PC Co-Chair, MP, of Minnesota Institute on the Sustainability Directors Network Shannon McNeeley, Colorado PWG) Environment (SC, PC, CP, BP (SC Co-Chair, PC, MP Co-Chair, State University (NRP, EWG) Susan Asam, ICF International Co-Chair, EWG Co-Chair) EWG, PWG) Miriam Morrill, Bureau of Land Kristin Baja, Baltimore City Jessica Hitt, EcoAdapt (EWG) Paul Moss, Minnesota Pollution Management, NRP, HP Department of Planning, Office Margaret Hiza Redsteer, U.S. Control Agency (SC Co-Chair, Rachael Novak, Bureau of Indian of Sustainability Geological Survey (NRP, EWG) NRP, HP) Affairs (PC, SC) Astrid Caldas, Union of Concerned Darren Long, Wildlife Conservation Christina Becker-Birck, Meister Amber Pairis, California Landscape Scientists (EWG) Society Consultants Group Conservation Cooperative (SC, PC, Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Nile Malloy, Climate Justice David Behar, San Francisco Public NRP Co-Chair, HP) Society Consultant (PC, SC, CP, EWG Utilities Commission (MP) Kim Penn, National Oceanic Samantha Danchuk, Broward Co-Chair, PWG) Margaret Davidson, National and Atmospheric Administration County’s Environmental Planning Laura Millberg, Minnesota Pollution Oceanic and Atmospheric (PC, SC, BP) and Community Resilience Division Control Agency Administration Rachel Steele, U.S. Department Christa Daniels, Center for Paul Moss, Minnesota Pollution Aimee Delach, Defenders of Wildlife of Agriculture Climate Hubs Community Resilience and Climate Control Agency (SC Co-Chair, PC, (NRP, HP, PWG) Laurie Schoeman, Enterprise Preparedness; Antioch University NRP, HP) Barney Dickson, United Nations Community Partners, Inc. New England Kelly Muellman, City of Minneapolis, Environment Programme Amy Snover, University of Melissa Deas, Georgetown Climate (MP) Paul Fleming, Seattle Public Utilities Washington Climate Impacts Group Center (EWG) Rachael Novak, Bureau of Indian Mike Goldstein, U.S. Forest Service Paul Wagner, U.S. Army Corps of Mike Durglo, Confederated Salish Affairs (PC, SC) (NRP) Engineers (NRP Co-Chair) and Kootenai Tribes Megan O’Grady, Abt Associates Kimberly Hall, The Nature Jordan West, U.S. Environmental Katherine Egland, National Melissa Ocana, UMass Amherst Conservancy (NRP, PC, SC) Protection Agency (HP Co-Chair) Association for the Advancement (HP) Elsa Haubold, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Kathryn Wright, Meister Consultants of Colored People Amber Pairis, California Landscape Service, National Landscape Group (BP) Amanda Farris, Carolinas Integrated Conservation Cooperative (PC, SC, Conservation Cooperative Elizabeth Yeampierre, UPROSE Sciences and Assessments NRP Co-Chair, HP) Jessica Hellmann, University (CP Co-Chair) Garrett Fitzgerald, Urban Davia Palmeri, Association of Fish of Minnesota (PC, SC, CP, BP Sustainability Directors Network and Wildlife Agencies (NRP) Co-Chair, EWG Co-Chair) (SC Co-Chair, PC, MP Co-Chair, Britt Parker, NOAA Office for Anne Hunt, Office of Mayor EWG, PWG) Coastal Management Coral Reef Chris Coleman Saint Paul, MN Kate Freund, U.S. Fish and Conservation Program (MP, BP, HP) Wildlife Service Kim Penn, National Oceanic Randy Johnson, U.S. Department WendyKay Gewiss, EcoAdapt and Atmospheric Administration, of Agriculture Climate Hubs (BP Co-Chair, MP) (PC, SC, BP) Jennifer Jurado, Broward County, Elizabeth Gibbons, American Shannon Pinc, City of St. Louis Park (MP, HP) Society of Adaptation Professionals Kif Scheuer, Local Government Kelly Klima, Carnegie Mellon (MP, CP) Commission (MP, EWG) University (CP, NRP, HP, EWG) David Gibbs, Environmental Ana Vang, Office of Mayor Chris Daniel Kreeger, Association Protection Agency (MP, NRP) Coleman Saint Paul, MN (EWG) of Climate Change Officers Ashlee Grace, City and County of Jason Vogel, Abt Associates, (MP Co-Chair, BP) Denver’s Public Works Department (MP, CP, PWG) Nile Malloy, Climate Justice Jessica Grannis, Georgetown Lara Whitely Binder, Climate Consultant (SC, PC, CP, EWG, Climate Center (MP, CP, PWG) Impacts Group University of PWG) Roger Griffis, National Oceanic Washington and Atmospheric Administration John Wiener, University of Colorado Fisheries Service (NRP) Institute of Behavioral Science Shalini Gupta, Center for Earth, (CP, NRP, PWG) Energy and Democracy (EWG) KEY SC: Steering Committee • PC: Program Committee • MP: Municipal Plenary • CP: Community Plenary • BP: Business Plenary NRP: Natural Resources Plenary • HP: Holistic Plenary • EWG: Equity Working Group • PWG: Proposal Working Group 2 2017 National Adaptation Forum DAY 1 TUESDAY, MAY 9 7:00 am to 8:00am BREAKFAST (Grand Ballroom A,B,C,F,G) Youth will share inspiring stories of how they’re responding to climate 7:00 am to 5:30 pm REGISTRATION/EXHIBITS change and lead
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