transportation consultants’ directory 2018 Includes listings of key ITS specialists

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Supplement to Transportation Professional, June 2018June 2018 1 Through innovation and collaboration, every day we are shaping the future of transportation

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Sector looks towards more growth

Andreas Markides CIHT President

elcome to the 2018 edition of the Transportation Consultants’ Contents Directory, the sector’s leading guide to consultants operating in transportation and infrastructure. This supplement gives an 4 Business Overview W opportunity to celebrate many of the important services they provide. A review of the business climate in It is great to see there appears to be no shortage of work, with 85% of the transportation sector fi rms reporting that their workload has either increased or stayed the same over the last year. Over the next 12 months, 70% of companies say they 8 Rankings expect their workload to increase further. And an overwhelming 80% of Consultants ranked by turnover and consultants are either fairly or very optimistic about the business climate number of transport staff , plus the for the next year. The theme for my Presidential Year has been ‘Creating Bett er Places’. top fi rms in specialist areas In my role as President, I have visited a wide range of exciting transport 19 A-Z Listings infrastructure projects in the UK and beyond. It has been inspiring to see that there are many examples of good practice taking place in our sector Our main alphabetical guide - nine and it is evident we make a real contribution to society. I have seen how our pages of essential facts including sector has enabled us to create bett er places. consultants’ areas of expertise, Many of these projects have demonstrated how we cover a broad range of disciplines and work in multi-disciplinary teams. This illustrates that where they work and staff numbers through working alongside planners, urban designers and economists 33 ITS Listings we can adopt a holistic approach to problem solving. I believe this is instrumental in creating bett er places for people to work and live in. An alphabetical guide to the Our industry continues to face a signifi cant skills shortage and CIHT consultants working in the ITS has been bringing stakeholders together to develop potential solutions, sector for example through our work with our Corporate Partners and the developing of trailblazer apprenticeships. It is encouraging to see that nearly half of consulting fi rms increased their staff numbers over the last 12 months and nearly three quarters expect to increase their headcount. CIHT plays a vital role in the future of the highways and transportation sector, be that through creating bett er places, working with industry to promote diversity or through knowledge transfer and the sharing of best practice. By collaborating across disciplines we can deliver world class transportation infrastructure and services.

Published by: Production: Proprietor: transportation transportation Barrett, Byrd Associates Andrew Pilcher, The Chartered professional consultants’ directory 2018 Alastair Lloyd Institution of Highways Journal of the CIHT 7 Linden Close, Tunbridge Commercial Director: & Transportation, Wells, Kent TN4 8HH Fawad Minhas 119 Britannia Walk, Circulation: London N1 7JE July 2016 – June 2017: t: 01892 524468 t: 01892 553149 t: 0207 336 1555 9,482 e: [email protected] Print: CPG, Tonbridge e: [email protected] ISSN: 1478-4467 Editor: Mike Walter Information supplied from w: © The Chartered Editorial Team: organisations listed in this Single copies of this Institution of Highways alamY Margo Cole, directory is not verifi ed Consultants Directory are & Transportation 2018 : and the companies Steve Dale, available for £10 each. Registered Charity mentioned are not

Kirsty Barrett photo in Scotland endorsed by CIHT. No. SC040873 coVer

June 2018 3 business overview

 Major projects such as the Mersey Gateway, which opened last autumn, have helped the sector show off its skills. photo: shutterstock

Letchford agreed. “Without many high profile major transportation Consultants stand tall projects and with some soon ending, such as Crossrail, there is a danger that Government retains funding through trying times and moves it to more crowd pleasing sectors, such as health and education, especially when under pressure from Hopes are high that workload will continue to grow into 2019, but Brexit and the opposition,” he says. Despite these concerns optimism many consultants are concerned that transport is slipping down the is still high, according to this year’s Government’s agenda. Margo Cole reports. survey. In 2017, 12% of firms claimed to be “very optimistic” and 65% “fairly olitical turmoil has prevailed Spruce says there is a “real danger of optimistic” about the business climate in the UK over the last year, as Brexit overwhelming everything”, a over the next 12 months. This time Pthe Government tried to pick sentiment shared by Ardent director around, 10% were “very optimistic” its way through the delicate Brexit Matthew Last. “The Government and 70% “fairly optimistic”. Only 4% negotiations and investors struggled seems to be so preoccupied with expressed any pessimism – the same to know where to put their money. Brexit that no energy is being as last year – while 16% were “neutral”. “Because of Brexit, other priorities expended on any other issues,” he Last year’s optimism proved to be such as transport are taking second says. justified for most firms, as 73% of place,” says Elliott Asset Management Markides Associates director Atholl them saw their workload increase director and principal consultant Noon has similar concerns, citing James Elliott. “This should be the time “the general economy and impact of for national transport strategies and Brexit” as the biggest issue facing Fairly pessimistic Very optimistic commitment to take centre stage to the transportation sector at the 4% (4%) 10% (12%) improve the confidence of UK and moment. “The Brexit impact is likely Neutral 16% (19%) European investors and operators.” to be detrimental to most areas of the Seventy two companies took part in economy, with a knock on impact on this year’s survey, which was carried transport,” he says. out between January and April 2018. But it is not just Brexit that is The vast majority of them were still detracting from transport, with a  Overall, how optimistic about the year ahead, but feeling among some that while there optimistic are you about the many expressed concern about the is continuing investment in big ticket business climate level of spending on transport and schemes such as Crossrail and High over the next 12 Government’s preoccupation with Speed 2, transport may be slipping months? (Last other priorities – particularly Brexit. down the Government’s agenda. year’s figures Fore Consulting director Jonathan Abley Lechford director Shaun shown in brackets) Fairly optimistic 70% (65%)

4 Transportation Consultants Directory business overview Number expecting growth in this area in 2018 50 Number seeing growth in this area in 2017 Other 7% Planning 41% Key ITS 5%


Local 9% 30 Airports 1% Urban 4% 20

10 Number of companies

Rail 14% 0 Roads 19% Planning PFI Roads Rail Urban Airports Local ITS Other

 What is your largest area of transportation  Which areas of business grew over the past 12 months? consultancy work? Which areas do you expect to grow in the next 12 months?

during 2017. However the proportion North East & Cumbria chair Darran programme certainty would help whose workload actually fell during Kitchener believes the Government all sections of the industry prepare that time – 15% of respondents – is is doing a good job of promoting and plan for the significant increases slightly up on the previous year. This transport strategically across the in demand for resources that is compares with the fact that only one country. But he notes: “Smaller local forecast.” firm actually predicted a decrease in schemes are often overlooked, even if It is the lack of strategic direction workload when they were surveyed they have a big impact on the people that concerns many consultants. last year. around them.” “Within the confines of continuing Looking ahead, again only one firm Many consultants are worried that budget constraints, the Government expects their workload will go down continued political and economic is doing a reasonable job promoting during 2018, while 70% think it will go uncertainty – their biggest concern public transport, notably rail, but up and 29% expect it to stay the same. last year – are making it harder for much less so with buses,” says Between them, consultants projects to be funded and delivered. transport professional Adrian Marsh. responding to the survey saw growth market director for local “Airport policy in South East England in all types of transportation work, transport Jason Pavey, for example, continues to defy Conservative free particularly transport planning and says one of the biggest issues for market logic, and the Government roads. Transport planning continues the industry is “uncertainty over should let the market decide where to be the main area of business for future investments in major national additional runways can be financed, 41% of the companies, with 35 out transportation schemes across road, built and run profitably. of the 72 firms seeing an increase in rail and airports and also around local “The state of local roads in terms planning turnover last year. Most authorities’ funding settlements with of potholes is a national disgrace. predict this growth to continue, along regard to transportation projects and However, Highways England is with work in the roads sector. the balance of investment between showing signs of promise as a client.” But it is noticeable that while only new infrastructure and maintenance”. Beacon Transport principal 9% of the companies claim that local He adds: “Some concerns exist in transport planner Simon Emson transport projects are their main area relation to planned infrastructure says that “continued funding of of business, 21 out of 72 (29%) saw investment and commitment to major transport projects is positive”, but growth in this area during 2017. And a transportation related schemes at adds that “slow strategic planning similar number expect turnover from both a national and local level.” appears to limit sector confidence and local transport schemes to continue Even the companies that think investment”. increasing during 2018. This, despite Government does rate transport as a It is something Odyssey partner real concern that local transport priority believe more could be done. Simon Blinkhorne is also concerned schemes are being marginalised in “The Government is getting better about. He cites a “lack of vision and favour of national projects. at getting more media coverage and policy inconsistencies” as a major “Transport seems to be dominated spreading the word of promoting issue for the industry, adding: “No by High Speed 2, with the occasional transport; they do, however, have one seems to be effectively promoting reminder of Heathrow expansion,” a slow process when it comes to an overall strategy for transport in says Matthew Last. “Little attention delivery,” says Jon Huggett, an the UK. The efficient movement of is paid to smaller scale schemes associate at Paul Basham Associates. people, goods and services needs to be to improve all travel modes (road, Mott MacDonald business squared with the sustainable agenda rail, bus, walking and cycling) that development director John D’Arcy and the issue of emissions. are essential to cater for economic agrees. “The Government is making “The quality of most of the growth, allow much needed housing a strong case for investment in transport spaces in our towns and to be built and new jobs created.” transport infrastructure and the cities is poor and a huge missed Milestone Transport Planning associated benefits to UK economic opportunity,” he continues. “There associate director and current CIHT growth,” he says “However, improved appears to be a distinct lack of skill,

June 2018 5 business overview

Increased 73% Increased 49% issue is also our greatest collective opportunity,” he says. “We need our  How did your industry to contribute significantly workload change towards improved productivity in the last 12 in the UK economy. Pan industry months? commitment to digital projects, common data environments, information modelling and the rapid adoption of digital tools and solutions  How did the will lead to smarter infrastructure, number of staff accelerated delivery and decreased you employ whole life costs. change in the last He adds: “Crucially, every element 12 months? developed in this space also advances Decreased 15% Stayed the same 12% Decreased 14% Stayed the same 37% health, safety and wellbeing by decreasing time spent on site and Increase 70% Increase 63% allowing for project partners to design , operations and  How do you maintenance activities within a expect your digital twin.” workload to For many, however, these change in the next 12 months? opportunities can only be taken if consultants are able to attract more people into the sector. Many respondents to the survey cited skills  How do you shortages as the biggest issue facing expect the the industry today and admit they number of staff are struggling to recruit. Less than you employ to change in the next half of the firms who responded said their staff numbers had increased in Decrease 1% Stay the same 29% 12 months? Decrease 1% Stay the same 36% 2017, despite 70% seeing an increase in workload. And this figure was well imagination and willingness to create emerging technology and design, below the percentage who last year areas of public highway that also particularly in the areas of air said they planned to increase staff function as green spaces, quality quality, big data and connected and numbers in the year ahead (62%). public realm and examples of good autonomous vehicles.” Graduate recruitment continues to design.” ITP director Neil Taylor says the be the main route for new entrants But other firms believe the industry “impact of autonomy on the people into the industry; 58% of the firms has an opportunity to advance centred design of active, health and that responded to the survey took the innovation agenda. “Recent liveable cities” is one of the biggest on graduates last year, recruiting policy is being developed based on challenges – and opportunities for the 964 individuals between them. international best practice,” says industry. They expect bringing in a similar Norman Rourke Pryme associate John D’Arcy also thinks consultants number next year. Around 36% of the director Alex Stebbings. “The UK should be taking advantage of a companies also took on apprentices. should be pushing funding and major opportunity: embracing the More than 60% of respondent said research to be at the forefront of digital world. “The most important they expect their staff numbers to grow during 2018, but it is difficult to know where all these new recruits

80 Reported figures from 2017 Estimated figures for 2018 1000  How many Reported figures from 2017 Estimated figures for 2018 are going to come from. And if the firms employed 900 predicted increase in workload does 70 graduates or apprentices in the materialise, they will be needed. last 12 months? 800 Matthew Last says: “There is a 60 How many firms definite missing generation that was expect to employ 700 graduates or lost as a result of the recession of 2008 50 apprentices in the 600 to 13. It is very difficult to find people next 12 months? with the requisite skills with such an 40 500  Number of apparent small pool of experienced graduates or candidates, meaning us having to 400 30 apprentices invest a lot of money and time in employed in the training for new staff.” last 12 months. 300 20 Number of graduates or 200 Figures quoted in this report come apprentices 10 from the Transportation Consultants expected to be 100 employed in the Directory Business Trends Survey, 0 next 12 months. 0 which surveyed 72 companies between Graduate Apprentice Total number Total number employment employment of graduates of apprentices January and April 2018.

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To find out more visit: Information in these listings is compiled from the results of a questionnaire survey of firms taken by Transportation Professional between January and April 2018. Companies were requested to provide statistics for UK company operations at home and abroad. Turnover figures are the latest Rankings available at the time of the survey. Staff figures are for 1 January 2018. “Staff” is defined as technical staff primarily engaged in the activity listed. Some international companies are not listed in all of the rankings as they were unable to provide figures for their UK operating divisions.

Companies ranked by transport staff Ranked by total number of UK technical staff principally working on transportation projects on 1 January 2018

Rank Rank Company Transport Transport Total Total Rank Rank Company Transport Transport Total Total 2017 Name staff staff staff staff 2017 Name staff staff staff staff 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1 AECOM 15,860 15,700 87,000 87,000 72 68 Paul Basham Associates 14 16 21 27 AECOM’s staff figures are for its global business. 74 60 Create Consulting Engineers 13 18 40 40 75 56 Glanville Consultants 12 22 103 98 1 2 WSP 4510 3880 7349 7143 75 89 Volterra Partners 12 10 12 10 2 4 Atkins, member of the 3662 3400 8900 8739 75 78 Sir Frederick Snow and Partners 12 12 24 24 SNC-Lavalin Group 75 78 Iceni Projects 12 12 80 80 3 6 Jacobs 3481 2365 10280 6787 79 100 ADC Infrastructure 11 7 13 8 4 3 Amey 2540 3820 23150 19,000 79 84 BSP Consulting 11 11 65 63 5 5 Mott MacDonald 2403 2445 7546 7361 79 84 Stirling Maynard 11 11 30 30 6 7 Arup 2265 2020 5593 5335 82 84 Alan Baxter 10 11 125 133 7 8 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 1757 1627 4248 3745 82 54 CampbellReith 10 23 160 156 8 11 Waterman Group 689 635 1227 1219 82 100 Cotswold Transport Planning 10 7 11 8 9 10 Property and 524 725 2028 2196 82 89 DHA Planning 10 10 43 42 Infrastructure 82 89 London Design and 10 10 10 10 10 13 Pell Frischmann 438 404 932 912 Management 11 12 Steer Davies Gleave 410 406 485 436 82 78 TMS Consultancy 10 12 14 16 12 15 SYSTRA 351 356 351 425 88 89 C-TAS 9 10 11 12 13 16 TRL 322 322 322 322 88 HSP Consulting Engineers 9 5 35 25 14 18 Sweco UK 240 273 850 765 88 100 Intermodal Transportation 9 7 9 7 15 14 Tony Gee and Partners 232 382 442 419 88 94 JCT Consultancy 9 9 9 9 16 20 Fairhurst 186 539 88 94 Paul Mew Associates 9 9 10 10 17 23 Project Centre 185 125 185 125 93 97 Green Signals Consulting 8 8 8 8 18 22 Tracsis Traffic Data 175 150 175 150 93 Prime Transport Planning 8 6 8 7 19 26 RSK 146 109 1700 1297 93 84 Robert West Consulting 8 11 31 39 20 George Corderoy & Co 140 150 96 GTA Civils 7.5 6 26 24 21 24 Peter Brett Associates 130 122 754 742 97 City Science 7 15 22 Gardiner & Theobald 80 900 97 Peter Davidson Consultancy 7 3 8 6 23 21 WYG 75 155 1520 1202 99 BCAL Consulting 6 6 23 20 24 29 IBI Group 72 80 250 275 99 97 Oander 6 8 15 16 25 32 Hydrock Consultants 60 60 406 506 101 Axis 5 5 24 24 26 31 Mayer Brown 59 62 65 66 101 Canham Consulting 5 4 37 35 27 34 4way Consulting 53 53 53 53 101 GH Bullard & Associates 5 4 9 7 28 35 Royal HaskoningDHV 49 49 483 483 101 Lynas Engineers 5 5 29 36 i-Transport 46 44 46 44 101 Transport Initiatives 5 3 6 4 29 37 Odyssey Consult 46 42 56 49 101 Transport Planning and 5 5 31 42 MLM 45 39 422 435 Engineering 32 45 Ardent Consulting Engineers 43 33 62 51 107 CTC Group 4 5 32 40 Curtins 43 40 403 359 107 David A Graham Associates 4 20 34 Conway Consultancy 41 58 107 Evans & Langford 4 16 16 35 Cubic Transportation Systems 40 1600 1269 107 McCurdy Associates 4 4 4 4 36 51 Motion 39 28 43 32 107 Rossi Long Consulting 4 33 0 36 39 Transport Planning Associates 39 41 46 51 107 The Safety Forum 4 4 38 40 London Bridge Associates 38 40 46 48 107 YES Engineering 4 4 20 20 38 45 PFA Consulting 38 33 45 48 114 Farrow Walsh Consulting 3 24 38 43 SCP 38 36 43 36 114 Inspire Design & 3 2 10 9 41 51 ITP 36 28 36 28 Development 42 33 YGC - Ymgynghoriaeth 33 56 119 105 114 Pennant Consulting 3 3 Gwynedd Consultancy 114 Traffic Solutions 3 4 43 47 Richard Jackson 32 31 85 73 118 127 Consultancies 2 2 44 49 JNP Group 30 30 102 101 118 Acstro 2 2 44 49 Up and Under Group 30 30 38 38 118 Amalo 2 2 46 43 Phil Jones Associates 29 36 33 39 118 Beacon Transport Planning 2 2 2 2 47 53 Cass Hayward 28 27 28 27 118 Elliott Asset Management 2 2 47 54 CJ Associates 28 23 33 27 118 Hamilton-Baillie Associates 2 2 47 Streetwise Services 28 28 118 Road Safety Initiatives 2 2 47 (59) Wood Environment & 28 (20) 750 (650) 118 Smarter Travel 2 2 Infrastructure Solutions UK 118 Scott White and Hookins 2 2 62 67 51 60 Norman Rourke Pryme 25 18 44 62 118 Transept 2 3 52 68 JPP Consulting 24 16 51 52 128 Active Planning 1 1 53 David Simmonds Consultancy 23 23 128 Activiti Consulting 1 1 1 1 53 57 Dougall Baillie Associates 23 21 36 32 128 Arena Associates 1 1 2 2 55 65 Russell Giles Partnership (RGP) 22 17 25 21 128 Badingham 1 1 56 57 Stuart Michael Associates 21 21 30 33 128 Bishop Surveying Solutions 1 3 57 78 Capital Traffic Management 20 12 20 25 128 BT Highways Consulting 1 1 57 Mode Transport Planning 20 20 128 Hykeham Consulting 1 1 57 Rodgers Leask 20 128 January Consulting 1 1 2 1 60 60 Local Transport Projects 19 18 19 18 128 John Codd & Associates 1 1 60 Redray 19 24 128 Kronen 1 1 62 60 Cole Easdon Consultants 18 18 26 26 128 Le Chat Noir 1 1 62 60 Fore Consulting 18 18 19 19 128 Munro Consulting 1 1 1 1 62 71 Mewies Engineering 18 89 66 128 Nigel Grout 1 1 Consultants 128 Pipster Solutions 1 1 1 1 65 84 Markides Associates 16 11 16 11 128 Roger Legassick 1 1 1 1 65 71 Milestone Transport Planning 16 15 18 18 128 Southern Testing Laboratories 1 1 65 66 67 78 Iceni Projects 15 12 80 128 100 Stomor 1 7 9 8 67 65 Pick Everard 15 17 472 458 128 Tesh Consultants 1 1 67 71 Fugro GeoServices 15 15 550 530 128 The HTTC 1 1 67 65 Pick Everard 15 17 472 458 128 Tim Pharoah 1 1 67 76 Yotta 15 87 128 Transport Logic 1 2 1 2 72 Abley Letchford Partnership 14 14 128 Wedderburn Transport Planning 1 1 1 1

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NYN_GreenRoad_210x297.indd 1 2016-12-22 15:12 rankings

Companies ranked by transportation turnover Total UK transportation turnover in £M, latest available figures

Rank Rank Company Transportation Transporta- Rank Rank Company Transportation Transporta- 2017 Name turnover 2018 tion turnover 2017 Name turnover 2018 tion turnover 2017 2017 1 5 Jacobs 431.8 236.3 71 Capital Traffic Management 1.3 0.3 2 Atkins, 413.64 255 71 74 Fore Consulting 1.3 member of the SNC-Lavalin Group 73 83 Abley Letchford Partnership 1.2 0.82 3 1 WSP 382.6 328.5 74 63 Pick Everard 1.19 1.6 3 300 4 Amey 75 88 Yotta 1.1 5 6 Arup 258 220 76 78 Milestone Transport Planning 1.02 0.9 6 4 Mott MacDonald 251 249 77 79 Local Transport Projects 1 0.86 7 7 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 165 158.6 78 ADC Infrastructure 0.88 0.47 10 52.5 50 8 RPS Group 79 84 Cole Easdon Consultants 0.81 0.81 9 11 SYSTRA 37.4 38 80 95 Cotswold Transport Planning 0.75 0.5 10 12 Waterman Group 36.7 34.2 80 85 JCT Consultancy 0.75 0.75 11 9 Capita Property and Infrastructure 34.381 72.5 82 93 Intermodal Transportation 0.74 0.58 12 13 TRL 33.5 33.5 83 87 C-TAS 0.7 0.72 13 14 Peter Brett Associates 30.6 30.5 83 88 Rodgers Leask 0.7 0.7 14 15 Steer Davies Gleave 26 24 85 90 Paul Mew Associates 0.657 0.66 15 16 Pell Frischmann 23.9 23.11 86 95 Prime Transport Planning 0.6 0.5 16 19 Tony Gee and Partners 23 16.43 87 80 Axis 0.55 0.85 17 21 Fairhurst 16.9 0.517 0.47 18 18 Sweco UK 16.4 19.8 88 Green Signals Consulting 19 20 Tracsis Traffic Data 13 13.8 89 Traffic Solutions 0.5 20 26 Project Centre 12.7 7.5 90 80 Volterra Partners 0.45 0.85 21 24 RSK 11.3 8.5 91 Stomor 0.387 0.32 22 Gardiner & Theobald 10 92 The Safety Forum 0.35 23 22 WYG 8.7 11.8 93 GH Bullard & Associates 0.32 0.32 24 54 Fugro GeoServices 7.8 2 94 Scott White and Hookins 0.313 0.2 25 30 Transport Planning Associates 6 4.5 95 Rossi Long Consulting 0.3 0.3 26 27 Mayer Brown 5.81 5.84 95 The Transportation Consultancy 0.3 0.3 27 28 i-Transport 5.7 5.4 97 Road Safety Initiatives 0.27 0.25 28 IBI Group 5.4 98 Acstro 0.25 0.2 29 30 London Bridge Associates 4.4 4.5 99 City Science 0.25 30 45 Ardent Consulting Engineers 4.33 2.6 99 GTA Civils 0.25 0.35 31 33 4way Consulting 4.3 4.1 101 BCAL Consulting 0.21 0.19 32 Cubic Transportation Systems 4 102 2020 Consultancy 0.2 0.4 33 30 YGC - Ymgynghoriaeth Gwynedd 3.677 4.5 102 CTC Group 0.2 Consultancy 102 Elliott Asset Management 0.2 34 34 CJ Associates 3.62 3.6 102 McCurdy Associates 0.2 0.21 35 Conway Consultancy 3.6 106 Lynas Engineers 0.18 36 36 Hydrock Consultants 3.5 3.4 107 Transport Planning and Engineering 0.16 35 3.5 3.5 36 Royal HaskoningDHV 108 Kronen 0.15 38 37 Odyssey Consult 3.4 3.25 109 Transport Logic 0.142 0.2 39 40 MLM 3.3 2.9 110 Evans & Langford 0.13 0.12 40 38 Motion 3.23 3 111 Badingham 0.127 0.15 41 42 SCP 3.14 2.7 111 Pennant Consulting 0.127 42 44 Curtins 3.13 2.65 113 David A Graham 0.125 43 47 PFA Consulting 3 2.4 113 Oander 0.125 0.2 44 54 Phil Jones Associates 2.96 2 115 Munro Consulting 0.12 45 46 Cass Hayward 2.5 2.5 116 Bishop Surveying Solutions 0.109 45 47 Up and Under Group 2.5 2.4 117 Tesh Consultants 0.101 0.1 47 49 Richard Jackson 2.42 2.39 118 Amalo Consulting 0.1 48 Redray 2.4 118 Beacon Transport Planning 0.1 49 54 Norman Rourke Pryme 2.3 2 49 41 Robert West Consulting 2.3 2.87 118 BT Highways Consulting 0.1 51 51 Dougall Baillie Associates 2.25 2.15 118 Farrow Walsh Consulting 0.1 0.2 52 53 ITP 2.2 2.07 118 John Codd & Associates 0.1 0.1 52 59 Stuart Michael Associates 2.2 1.94 123 Canham Consulting 0.085 0.08 54 52 JNP Group 2.1 2.1 124 Transport Initiatives 0.083 55 50 Alan Baxter 2 2.2 125 82 Pipster Solutions 0.082 0.084 56 69 JPP Consulting 1.9 1.3 126 Inspire Design & Development 0.08 0.1 56 68 Markides Associates 1.9 1.35 127 Wedderburn Transport Planning 0.07 0.07 56 69 Paul Basham Associates 1.9 1.3 128 Hamilton-Baillie Associates 0.065 56 54 Streetwise Services 1.9 2 129 91 Hykeham Consulting 0.064 0.06 60 60 Connect Consultants 1.8 1.8 130 Transept Consulting 0.06 60 72 Mode Transport Planning 1.8 1.25 131 Agito Transport Planning 0.057 0.07 62 61 Create Consulting Engineers 1.7 1.7 Consultancy 62 64 London Design and Management 1.7 1.5 132 Smarter Travel 0.05 62 58 Russell Giles Partnership (RGP) 1.7 1.96 132 The HTTC 0.05 0.05 62 64 TMS Consultancy 1.7 1.5 134 Arena Associates 0.04 66 42 Glanville Consultants 1.6 2.7 135 Activiti Consulting 0.035 0.03 66 67 Iceni Projects 1.6 1.4 136 January Consulting 0.03 0.02 66 75 Mewies Engineering Consultants 1.6 1.08 137 Le Chat Noir 0.025 0.015 69 72 BSP Consulting 1.5 1.25 138 Tim Pharoah 0.01 0.02 69 66 CampbellReith 1.5 1.45 139 GeminiECO Consultancy <0.01 <0.01

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01606 738866 rankings

Top companies ranked by total turnover Total UK turnover in £M, latest available fi gures

Rank Rank Company Total Total Transportation Rank Rank Company Total Total Transportation 2017 Name turnover turnover turnover 2017 Name turnover turnover turnover 2018 2017 2018 2018 2017 2018 1 AECOM 13,893 14,321 49 68 Mewies Engineering Consultants 4.8 3.34 1.6 AECOM’s total turnover fi gure is for its global business. 50 66 BSP Consulting 4.5 3.5 1.5 51 Conway Consultancy 4.4 3.6 1 2 Amey 2,230 2200 300 51 59 Odyssey Consult 4.4 4.25 3.4 2 4 Jacobs 1,067 800 431.8 61 4.371 4.09 2.3 3 3 Atkins, 834 943.6 413.64 53 Robert West Consulting member of the SNC-Lavalin Group 54 60 4way Consulting 4.3 4.1 4.3 4 5 Mott MacDonald 708 675 251 55 62 Norman Rourke Pryme 4 4 2.3 5 6 WSP 629.7 540 382.6 56 69 JPP Consulting 3.9 3.32 1.9 6 8 Arup 553 504 258 57 65 CJ Associates 3.62 3.6 3.62 7 7 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 445 424.4 165 58 70 Scott White and Hookins 3.5 3.2 0.313 8 9 RPS Group 232.49 220.05 52.5 59 64 Axis 3.4 3.62 0.55 9 10 Capita Property and Infrastructure 185 205 34.381 60 71 Motion 3.23 3 3.23 10 13 WYG 151 84 8.7 61 76 SCP 3.14 2.7 3.14 11 11 Cubic Transportation Systems 150 144 4 62 67 PFA Consulting 3 3.45 3 12 Gardiner & Theobald 140 10 62 74 Up and Under Group 3 2.81 2.5 13 21 DNV GL 95 52 64 81 Phil Jones Associates 2.96 2 2.96 14 16 RSK 92 63 11.3 65 73 Dougall Baillie Associates 2.88 2.85 2.25 15 12 Waterman Group 89.735 91.3 36.7 66 75 Stuart Michael Associates 2.827 2.721 2.2 16 15 Fugro GeoServices 84.3 66.57 7.8 67 77 Cass Hayward 2.5 2.5 2.5 17 17 Peter Brett Associates 60.5 60.9 30.6 67 77 Create Consulting Engineers 2.5 2.5 1.7 18 (18) Wood Environment & 60 (60) 67 79 Rossi Long Consulting 2.5 2.25 0.3 Infrastructure Solutions UK 70 Redray 2.4 2.4 19 19 Sweco UK 58.855 59 16.4 71 80 ITP 2.2 2.07 2.2 20 20 Royal HaskoningDHV 54.4 54.4 3.5 72 84 Canham Consulting 1.9 1.9 0.085 21 22 Pell Frischmann 43.8 39.09 23.9 72 92 Markides Associates 1.9 1.32 1.9 22 26 Fairhurst 40.3 16.9 72 93 Paul Basham Associates 1.9 1.3 1.9 23 24 Pick Everard 39 37 1.19 72 81 Streetwise Services 1.9 2 1.9 24 23 SYSTRA 37.4 38 37.4 76 85 Connect Consultants 1.8 1.8 1.8 25 25 TRL 33.5 33.5 33.5 76 94 Mode Transport Planning 1.8 1.25 1.8 26 32 Tony Gee and Partners 32.378 21.8 23 76 85 Stirling Maynard 1.8 1.8 27 28 MLM 31.9 29.1 3.3 79 88 London Design and Management 1.7 1.5 1.7 28 30 Curtins 30.55 27.4 3.13 79 83 Russell Giles Partnership (RGP) 1.7 1.96 1.7 29 29 Hydrock Consultants 29.3 29 3.5 79 88 TMS Consultancy 1.7 1.5 1.7 30 31 Steer Davies Gleave 26 24 26 82 87 Cole Easdon Consultants 1.55 1.55 0.81 31 36 Tracsis Traffi c Data 18.5 18.6 13 83 99 BCAL Consulting 1.3 1.04 0.21 32 34 IBI Group 17.5 20.5 5.4 83 94 Capital Traffi c Management 1.3 1.25 1.3 33 38 CampbellReith 13.8 13.8 1.5 34 43 Project Centre 12.7 7.5 12.7 83 96 Evans & Langford 1.3 1.2 0.13 35 51 Yotta 9.2 1.1 83 97 Fore Consulting 1.3 1.3 36 41 Glanville Consultants 8.9 8.2 1.6 87 Gattica Associates 1.25 0.9 37 40 Alan Baxter 8.6 8.3 2 88 Abley Letchford Partnership 1.2 0.82 1.2 38 48 Iceni Projects 8.5 6.5 1.6 88 Farrow Walsh Consulting 1.2 0.7 0.1 39 42 Rodgers Leask 7.69 0.7 90 Milestone Transport Planning 1.02 0.9 1.02 40 47 JNP Group 6.9 6.9 2.1 91 David Simmonds Consultancy 1 41 58 Transport Planning Associates 6 4.5 6 91 HSP Consulting Engineers 1 42 49 London Bridge Associates 5.9 5.9 4.4 91 Local Transport Projects 1 0.86 1 43 50 Mayer Brown 5.81 5.84 5.81 91 97 Volterra Partners 1 1.1 0.45 44 53 i-Transport 5.7 5.4 5.7 95 ADC Infrastructure 0.88 0.47 0.88 45 55 Ardent Consulting Engineers 5.63 4.9 4.33 96 Stomor 0.792 0.56 0.387 46 52 YGC - Ymgynghoriaeth Gwynedd 5.473 5.5 3.677 97 91 GTA Civils 0.775 1.4 0.25 Consultancy 98 Cotswold Transport Planning 0.75 0.5 0.75 47 57 Southern Testing Laboratories 5.2 4.8 98 JCT Consultancy 0.75 0.75 0.75 48 56 Richard Jackson 4.92 4.88 2.42 98 Traffi c Solutions 0.75 0.5

Top companies in cycle/pedestrian Ranked by turnover in cycle and pedestrian schemes Rank 2017 Company Name Cycle/Ped Cycle/Ped Cycle/ Cycle/ Rank 2017 Company Name Cycle/Ped Cycle/Ped Cycle/ Cycle/ rank turnover turnover Ped staff Ped staff rank turnover turnover Ped staff Ped staff 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1 Atkins, member of the 5.25 47 10 8 Peter Brett Associates 1.5 1.7 14 14 SNC-Lavalin Group 10 11 Sweco UK 1.5 1 15 12 2 1 Amey 5 5 20 50 10 10 Tracsis Traffi c Data 1.5 1.5 30 120 3 2 Project Centre 4 3 60 60 14 15 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 1.25 0.88 11 9 4 6 Jacobs 3.5 2.1 16 15 15 7 SYSTRA 1 2 10 24 5 2 RPS Group 3.1 3 5 4 WSP 3.1 2.5 50 52 16 Conway Consultancy 0.9 10 7 4 Arup 2.5 2.5 17 Norman Rourke Pryme 0.7 0.4 8 11 Capita Property and 2.102 1 55 10 18 11 Steer Davies Gleave 0.61 1 Infrastructure 19 Waterman Group 0.6 0.4 5 5 9 8 TRL 1.7 2 20 17 Cass Hayward 0.5 0.5 28 24 10 11 Mott MacDonald 1.5 1 14 10 20 16 Pell Frischmann 0.5 0.54 8 9



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Top companies in roads Top companies in transport planning Ranked by turnover in road schemes Ranked by turnover in transport planning

Rank Rank Company Roads Roads Roads Roads Rank Rank Company Planning Planning Planning Planning 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1 3 Jacobs 160 92.8 1,217 1080 1 1 RPS Group 93.3 90.6 2 1 WSP 136.4 130 1630 1466 2 2 WSP 62.9 34.3 770 905 3 4 Amey 90 60 820 900 Atkins, member of the 34.05 304 3 SNC-Lavalin Group 4 5 Arup 60 49 595 525 4 3 Arup 25 25 190 190 5 6 Mott MacDonald 43.6 44.7 414 444 5 4 Jacobs 24.6 20.8 347 273 6 7 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 41.52 39.9 446 413 6 7 SYSTRA 12.7 11.8 201 112 2 Atkins, member of the 40.26 125 354 1129 7 SNC-Lavalin Group 7 6 Peter Brett Associates 12.4 12.4 50 50 8 9 RPS Group 24.7 23.5 8 5 Mott MacDonald 11.2 14.8 106 147 9 13 Fairhurst 15 125 8 10 Steer Davies Gleave 11.2 6.5 10 10 TRL 12.1 12.1 10 8 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 10.4 10 119 110 11 12 Waterman Group 10.1 9.9 377 377 11 9 Waterman Group 7.5 7.5 14 97 Transport Planning 8 Capita Property and 7.16 28 170 245 12 14 6 4.5 39 41 12 Infrastructure Associates 13 14 Sweco UK 6.6 8.6 90 104 13 12 i-Transport 5.7 5.4 46 44 14 16 Pell Frischmann 5.7 5.86 105 103 15 Southern Testing 5.2 4.4 22 23 14 Laboratories 15 19 Tony Gee and Partners 4.4 2.92 31 51 15 13 Amey 5 5 20 30 16 20 Peter Brett Associates 3.8 2.5 19 10 16 18 Mayer Brown 4.5 3.69 43 34 17 Project Centre 3.7 55 16 11 WYG 4.5 5.5 41 80 18 Conway Consultancy 3.51 31 18 16 Odyssey Consult 4.4 3.95 50 44 19 24 Ardent Consulting Engineers 3.02 1.9 30 23 19 22 Pell Frischmann 3.8 2.58 66 46 20 39 Fugro GeoServices 3 0.9 7 7 19 17 TRL 3.8 3.8 20 18 Tracsis Traffi c Data 3 3.8 40 120 21 40 CJ Associates 3.62 0.9 28 6 22 23 CJ Associates 2 2 14 13 22 19 Axis 3.4 3.62 21 21 22 Up and Under Group 2 15 23 21 SCP 3.14 2.7 38 32 24 36 RSK 1.9 1 24 13 24 27 Phil Jones Associates 2.7 1.8 27 32 25 28 TMS Consultancy 1.7 1.5 10 12 25 23 Hydrock Consultants 2.6 2.55 20 30 26 32 MLM 1.61 1.26 24 20 26 24 Motion 2.5 2.3 29 21 34 Mewies Engineering 1.6 1.08 40 38 27 26 Curtins 2.48 2.1 33 32 27 Consultants 28 20 Sweco UK 2.4 3.2 50 36 28 39 JPP Consulting 1.5 0.9 20 13 29 48 Dougall Baillie Associates 1.9 0.6 23 6 28 26 SYSTRA 1.5 1.8 17 17 29 30 Markides Associates 1.9 1.35 16 11 30 22 Mayer Brown 1.31 2.15 16 28 29 Paul Basham Associates 1.9 14 31 36 PFA Consulting 1.3 1 17 13 32 32 Mode Transport Planning 1.8 1.25 18 17 32 33 Richard Jackson 1.21 1.19 12 14 33 28 Iceni Projects 1.6 1.4 15 12 33 35 Stuart Michael Associates 1.2 1.07 13 13 34 28 Royal HaskoningDHV 1.4 1.4 22 22 34 45 Yotta 1.1 15 Russell Giles Partnership 1.39 17 35 47 Cass Hayward 1 0.6 28 24 35 (RGP) 35 Cubic Transportation Systems 1 36 44 Ardent 1.31 0.7 13 10 35 17 WYG 1 4.2 2 55 37 33 PFA Consulting 1.3 1.2 17 17 38 43 Norman Rourke Pryme 0.95 0.8 10 6 38 31 Cole Easdon Consultants 1.25 1.26 18 18 39 39 Connect Consultants 0.9 0.9 8 7 Capita Property and 1.173 0.15 35 10 39 Infrastructure 40 27 Steer Davies Gleave 0.882 1.7 40 39 Stuart Michael Associates 1 0.97 12 13 41 50 Abley Letchford Partnership 0.84 0.57 12 8 41 44 JNP Group 0.9 0.7 15 15 42 45 Motion 0.73 0.7 10 15 41 43 Richard Jackson 0.9 0.89 12 11 43 51 Create Consulting Engineers 0.7 0.5 4 6 43 36 Robert West Consulting 0.85 1 8 11 43 47 JNP Group 0.7 0.6 12 12 44 33 Create Consulting Engineers 0.8 1.2 8 12 43 51 Streetwise Services 0.7 0.5 12 9 44 36 Glanville Consultants 0.8 1 8 9 46 Capital Traffi c Management 0.6 0.1 10 4 44 GTA Civils 0.8 26 6 46 51 Curtins 0.6 0.5 9 8 44 44 Fore Consulting 0.8 12 46 Redray 0.6 5 44 RSK 0.8 0.4 10 4 49 Glanville Consultants 0.55 1.4 3 10 49 ADC Infrastructure 0.78 0.47 8 6 50 51 Gattica Associates 0.5 0.5 10 5 50 50 Cotswold Transport Planning 0.75 0.5 10 7 51 BSP Consulting 0.4 0.4 3 3 51 48 BSP Consulting 0.7 0.6 4 4 51 51 London Bridge Associates 0.4 0.5 4 5 51 44 Connect Consultants 0.7 0.7 7 7 53 Stirling Maynard 0.38 0.38 7 7 51 Rodgers Leask 0.7 20 54 The Safety Forum 0.35 4 54 50 London Design and 0.6 0.5 3 3 55 Robert West Consulting 0.32 0.39 6 6 Management 55 50 ITP 0.55 0.5 8 6 56 Intermodal Transportation 0.31 0.25 4 2 56 MLM 0.53 0.44 7 7 57 Russell Giles Partnership (RGP) 0.306 0.22 4 3 57 50 Alan Baxter 0.5 0.5 6 6 58 Road Safety Initiatives 0.27 0.25 2 2 58 JPP Consulting 0.4 0.4 4 3 London Design and 0.25 0.25 2 2 59 Management 58 Volterra Partners 0.4 0.35 2 1

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Top companies in PPP, PFI and DBFO Top companies in local transport Ranked by turnover in PPP, PFI and DBFO transport projects Ranked by turnover in local transport projects, including traffic engineering, accident studies, pedestrianisation, cycleways, traffic calming Rank Rank Company PPP/PFI PPP/PFI PPP/PFI PPP/PFI Rank Rank Company Local Local Local Local 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2017 Name Transport Transport Transport Transport 2018 2017 2018 2017 turnover 2018 turnover 2017 staff 2018 staff 2017 1 2 Jacobs 9 8.3 69 62 1 2 Jacobs 63.5 20.5 480 273 Atkins, member of the 2 1 WSP 60.6 52.3 795 632 2 SNC-Lavalin Group 7.76 70 Atkins, member of 3 3 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 5.93 5.7 40 38 3 the SNC-Lavalin 53.53 548 4 5 Mott MacDonald 5 3 47 30 Group 5 4 Pell Frischmann 2.5 3.39 50 59 4 5 RPS Group 16 15.2 6 8 WSP 2.4 1.8 25 19 5 3 Amey 15 20 70 390 7 12 Fairhurst 1.9 10 6 4 Capita Property and 13.089 15.5 152 200 8 9 Sweco UK 1.6 1.5 20 25 Infrastructure 7 7 Waterman Group 9.8 8.7 132 132 9 6 Arup 1.5 2 8 Peter Brett 7.8 8 30 30 10 10 Steer Davies Gleave 1 1 8 Associates 11 RSK 0.5 0.3 6 4 9 10 Mott MacDonald 6.6 6.4 63 63 12 Waterman Group 0.2 0.2 3 3 11 Arcadis Consulting 6.45 6.2 95 88 10 (UK) Top companies in ITS 11 12 Project Centre 5 4.5 70 85 Ranked by turnover in ITS projects 11 9 SYSTRA 5 6.8 39 75 13 12 Tracsis Traffic Data 3 4.5 40 120 Rank Rank Company ITS ITS ITS ITS 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 14 15 TRL 2.6 2.6 2018 2017 2018 2017 15 16 Sweco UK 2.3 2.5 55 40 1 2 Amey 30 25 250 410 16 17 Pell Frischmann 2.2 2.111 41 37 2 1 WSP 27.4 27.1 260 260 17 22 WYG 2.1 0.7 22 6 Atkins, member of the 17.56 158 3 SNC-Lavalin Group 18 14 Steer Davies 2 3 4 3 TRL 7 7 Gleave 5 8 Jacobs 5.5 1.9 22 20 19 18 Arup 1.5 1.5 6 5 Mott MacDonald 5 5 47 50 20 20 Streetwise Services 1 1 12 20 7 6 4way Consulting 4.2 4 50 51 Capital Traffic 0.7 0.1 10 8 7 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 3.43 3.3 49 46 21 Management 9 10 Pell Frischmann 1.9 1.18 34 20 21 24 RSK 0.7 0.5 9 6 10 9 Arup 1.5 1.5 23 24 London Design and 0.6 0.5 3 3 10 11 Sweco UK 1.5 1 10 16 Management 10 14 Tracsis Traffic Data 1.5 0.5 30 120 21 Norman Rourke 0.6 0.8 12 12 23 Pryme 13 14 SYSTRA 1.4 0.5 14 10 25 24 ITP 0.55 0.5 8 6 14 11 Peter Brett Associates 1.2 1 5 5 15 Cubic Transportation Systems 1 20 26 24 JCT Consultancy 0.5 0.5 4 4 16 Green Signals Consulting 0.517 0.47 8 7 27 Fore Consulting 0.4 4 17 WYG 0.5 5 28 Stirling Maynard 0.32 0.32 2 2 18 Traffic Solutions 0.45 1 19 ITP 0.2 0.2 4 5 29 BSP Consulting 0.2 0.2 2 2 19 Waterman Group 0.2 0.1 4 4 29 PFA Consulting 0.2 2 Top companies in urban transport Top companies in airports Including light rail, bus priority schemes, guided bus and bus operation. Ranked by turnover in airport projects Ranked by turnover in urban transport projects

Rank Rank Company Urban Urban Urban Urban Rank Rank Company Airports Airports Airports Airports 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1 1 Amey 45 25 350 400 Atkins, member of the 1 1 41.94 39.8 351 452 2 2 Mott MacDonald 11.7 13.1 111 130 SNC-Lavalin Group 2 2 RPS Group 32.1 30.6 3 Atkins, member of the 6.09 56 SNC-Lavalin Group 3 3 Arup 28 26 275 270 4 5 Jacobs 5.1 4 33 28 4 6 Mott MacDonald 25.6 12.9 243 128 5 3 RPS Group 4.3 4.1 5 4 Jacobs 21.5 21.9 169 175 6 3 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 4.27 4.1 46 42 6 5 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 19.14 18.4 167 155 7 6 Waterman Group 3.3 2.9 14 14 7 8 Amey 10 5 40 50 8 14 WSP 2.9 1.1 50 160 8 7 WSP 7.1 6.8 100 101 9 7 Peter Brett Associates 2.3 2.2 6 6 9 Gardiner & Theobald 2 10 10 10 SYSTRA 2.2 1.5 16 14 10 12 Steer Davies Gleave 1.6 1.8 11 17 RSK 0.8 0.6 10 7 11 10 Tracsis Traffic Data 2 1.5 15 120 12 19 Pell Frischmann 0.7 0.58 12 10 12 12 Pell Frischmann 1.3 1.38 24 24 12 13 Peter Brett Associates 0.7 1 3 4 13 8 Steer Davies Gleave 1.2 2 12 17 Waterman Group 0.7 0.6 7 7 13 13 TRL 1.2 1.2 15 16 C-TAS 0.598 0.61 6 7 15 19 Arup 1 0.5 16 20 Tracsis Traffic Data 0.5 0.5 5 120 15 Cubic Transportation Systems 1 10 17 Sir Frederick Snow & Partners 0.45 0.45 10 10 15 18 RSK 1 0.7 13 9 Capita Property and 18 11 0.325 2 9 20 18 Pick Everard 0.95 11 Infrastructure 19 17 ITP 0.55 0.75 8 6 19 TRL 0.3 0.3 20 Hydrock Consultants 0.26 0.26 5 10 20 Hydrock Consultants 0.255 0.25 5

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Top companies in rail Ranked by turnover in heavy rail and metro schemes

Rank Rank Company Rail Rail Rail Rail Rank Rank Company Rail Rail Rail Rail 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2017 Name turnover turnover staff staff 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 1 Atkins, member of the 207.2 291.1 1763 2614 17 19 Waterman Group 4.3 3.9 62 62 1 SNC-Lavalin Group 18 17 London Bridge Associates 4 4 34 35 2 2 Mott MacDonald 142.9 145.1 1357 1442 19 8 Capita Property and 1.813 15 68 150 3 7 Jacobs 139.1 64 1,128 439 Infrastructure 20 Redray 1.8 14 4 3 Arup 137 113 1205 1035 21 22 CJ Associates 1.62 1.6 14 10 5 4 Amey 105 100 860 1500 22 23 Tracsis Traffic Data 1.5 1.5 15 120 6 5 WSP 79.8 72.6 830 915 23 27 MLM 1.19 1.22 14 12 7 6 Arcadis Consulting (UK) 72.94 70.1 784 726 24 25 Robert West Consulting 1.1 1.48 8 11 8 11 Tony Gee and Partners 17.5 11.78 198 206 25 28 Alan Baxter 1 1.2 3 4 9 9 SYSTRA 13.5 13.1 35 104 25 26 Cass Hayward 1 1.4 28 24 Cubic Transportation 1 10 10 10 RPS Group 12.9 12.3 25 Systems 11 Gardiner & Theobald 8 70 25 30 Up and Under Group 1 15 4 12 12 Steer Davies Gleave 7.3 6 29 21 Peter Brett Associates 0.9 1.7 3 3 30 30 JNP Group 0.75 0.6 13 13 13 14 RSK 5.5 4.9 70 62 31 Richard Jackson 0.31 0.31 6 6 14 13 Pell Frischmann 5.3 5.5 98 96 32 WYG 0.25 1 15 29 Fugro GeoServices 4.7 1 8 8 33 Create Consulting Engineers 0.1 16 15 TRL 4.6 4.6 33 Streetwise Services 0.1

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18 Transportation Consultants Directory listings A-Z Listings

The information in these listings is compiled from the results of a questionnaire survey of firms operating in the UK taken by Transportation Professional between January and April 2018. Statistics are for UK company operations at home and abroad. Turnover figures are the latest available at the time of the survey.

Key Type of work Where they work

Strategic Related Work UK Overseas Pl Development planning/ Geo Geotechnical NE North East England EU European Union transport appraisal Br Bridges NW North West (excluding UK) Mod Modelling & simulation Tun Tunnelling Y Yorkshire and WE Western Europe EIA Environmental impact assessment Pvt Pavement Design Humberside (excluding EU) PFI Public Private Partnerships, PWay Permanent way design EM East Midlands EE Eastern Europe PFI and DBFO schemes Sig Signalling/road signage WM West Midlands ME Middle East Cons Public consultation and surveys Dr Drainage EA East Anglia NAf North Africa Sus Sustainable travel planning Fut Future Transport SE South East (excluding EAf East Africa PM Project management/ London) WAf West Africa GL Greater London SAf South Africa construction management Other Hea Health and wellbeing IL Inner London Ch China Pkg Parking SW South West SEAs South East Asia Loc Local transport schemes including Sc Scotland Ind India & Pakistan Modes traffic engineering, accident studies, Rd Road design pedestrianisation, cycleways, traffic Wa Wales Aus Australia Ra Heavy rail design including metro and calming NI Northern Ireland NZ New Zealand tube systems Urb Urban design NAm US & Canada Urb Urban transport systems including ITS Intelligent Transport Systems including CAm Central America light rail, bus operation, guided bus congestion charging, cordon schemes, SAm South America Air Airports ramp metering RdNet Road network management TrMgt Traffic management RaNet Rail network management RSA Road safety audits Cyc Cycling/Pedestrian IT Software development Po Ports and harbours Tr Training

Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent 127 Consultancies Ian Gittens Ian Gittens Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc NE NW Y WM WE ME Aus 07545 680130 Cons Sus Cyc TrMgt RSA EM EA SE GL iangittens PM IT Tr SW Sc Wa 2020 Consultancy Adam Bunce Adam Bunce Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Sig Pkg Loc 0.25 NE NW Y WM 07468 562023 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb ITS EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM TrMgt RSA 0.2 IL SW Sc Wa Tr 4way Consulting Jason McNulty Pl Mod PFI Rd Urb Tun Sig ITS RSA 4.3 NE NW Y WM 01926 832799 PM RdNet Apr 17 EM EA SE jason.mcnulty 4.3 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Abley Letchford Leigh Abley Leigh Abley/ Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 1.2 Y WM EM EA Partnership Shaun Shaun Letchford Cons Sus Urb TrMgt Dec 17 SE GL IL SW Letchford 01488 684390 PM 1.2 Wa [email protected] Acstro Alun Rees Alun Rees Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Pkg Loc 0.25 WM EM EA SE 01558 824021 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb TrMgt Aug 17 GL SW Wa [email protected] 0.25 ActivePlanning Richard Richard Lewis Cons Sus Cyc Urb IL Lewis 07771 454947 He [email protected] Activiti Consulting Walter Viti Walter Viti Pl Cons Sus Rd Urb Br Tun Pvt Pkg Loc 0.035 GL EU WE EE 07973 483272 PM RdNet Cyc PWay Sig Urb ITS Sep 15 [email protected] Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 0.035 Tr ADC Infrastructure David David Cummins Pl Mod Sus Rd Urb Pkg Loc 0.88 NE NW Y WM ADCinfrastructure. Cummins 07968 021158 RdNet Cyc Urb TrMgt Jul 17 EM EA SE GL com David.Cummins 0.88 IL SW Wa AECOM Lara Poloni Colin Wood Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 13,893 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME (chief execu- [email protected] PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS (global) EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf tive, Europe, Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA Sep 17 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs Middle East, IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ India & NAm CAm SAm Africa)

June 2018 19 listings

Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent

Agito Transport Bob J Barlow Bob J Barlow Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Sig Fut Pkg Loc Tr 0.057 NW WM Wa Ch Planning 0161 907 2346 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc May 17 Consultancy [email protected] 0.057 Alan Baxter Alan Baxter Alan Fleet Pl EIA Cons Rd Ra Urb Br Tun Pvt Pkg Loc 8.6 NE NW Y WM 020 7250 1555 Sus Cyc Po PWay Dr Urb May 17 EM EA SE [email protected] 2 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI AlderCross Training Alistair Alison Shea Tr 0.41 NE NW Y WM & Events Haydock 01244 813335 Jul 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] IL SW Wa Amalo Consulting Nathan Nathan Brook Mod PM Urb Cyc Sig Loc ITS 0.1 WM EM SE SW Brook 07564 051739 IT Tr Feb 18 [email protected] 0.1 Amey Andy Milner Mark Brown Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 2,230 NE NW Y WM EU ME Aus 01865 719626/07808 396054 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 16 EM EA SE NAm [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 300 GL IL SW Sc IT Tr Wa NI Arcadis Consulting Mark Mac Alghita Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 445 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME (UK) Cowlard 020 7812 2000 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 16 EM EA SE NAf WAf SAf (UK CEO) [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 165 GL IL SW Sc Ch SEAs Ind IT Tr Wa NI Aus NZ NAm CAm SAm Ardent Consulting Chris Matthew Last Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Pvt Dr Pkg Urb 5.63 Y WM EM EA Engineers Baker-Pearce 020 7680 4088 Cons TrMgt Mar 17 SE GL IL SW [email protected] 4.33 Arena Associates Lance Fogg Lance Fogg PM Rd RdNet Sig Loc Urb 0.06 NW ME Ind 01253 302858 Cyc TrMgt RSA Mar 18 [email protected] 0.04 Arup Gregory Tony Marshall Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Air Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 553 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Hodkinson 0121 213 3503 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc PWay Sig Urb ITS Mar 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf [email protected] Sus PM He Po Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 258 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ NAm CAm SAm Atkins, Jamie Sharp Jason Pavey Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 834 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME member of the 0121 483 5914 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Mar 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf SNC-Lavalin Group jason.pavey Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 413.64 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ en-GB NAm CAm SAm Austin Analytics John Austin John Austin Pl Cons Sus Urb Cyc Fut Urb ITS IT NE NW Y WM EU WE SEAs 07730 943415 He EM EA SE [email protected] GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Axis Nick Roberts Andrew Bell Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pkg Loc 3.4 NE NW Y WM 0844 8700 007 Cons Sus TrMgt Nov 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 0.55 SW Sc Wa Badingham A Setter A Setter Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt Sig Dr RSA 0.127 NE NW Y WM 01672 521320 Sus Apr 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 0.127 IL SW Wa BCAL Consulting Glenn Brown Vanessa Cole Pl Sus PM Rd Cyc Pvt PWay Pkg Loc 1.3 WM EM GL IL 01933 440024 Sig Dr TrMgt Dec 17 [email protected] 0.21 Beacon Transport Simon Simon Emson Pl EIA Sus Rd Urb Cyc Pkg TrMgt 0.1 NE NW Y WM Planning Emson 07971 179618 Apr 17 EM EA SE GL beacontransportplanning. simon@ 0.1 IL SW Wa Bishop Surveying Richard Richard Bishop PFI PM 0.109 SE Solutions Bishop 07948 602761 Oct 17 [email protected] 0.109 BSP Consulting David Mark Rayers Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 4.5 NE NW Y WM Sumner 0115 704 3300 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Pvt PWay Urb TrMgt Dec 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM He Sig Dr Fut RSA 1.5 IL SW Sc Wa BT Highways Bob Turner Bob Turner Pl Sus Rd Urb Cyc Br Pvt Sig Pkg Loc 0.1 SE Consulting 07500 227165 Dr Fut Urb TrMgt Jan 14 [email protected] RSA 0.1 C-TAS Chris Cowle Claire Smith Pl Mod Sus Rd Air Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 0.7 NE WM EM ME 01256 362963 PM TrMgt Tr Jun 17 SE GL SW Sc [email protected] 0.7 Wa NI CampbellReith Stephen Simon Boots Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 13.812 NE NW Y WM ME WAf SAf Calder 01737 784500 Sus Po PWay Sig Urb TrMgt Jul 17 EM EA SE GL David Innes [email protected] Dr RSA 1.5 IL SW Canham Consulting Peter French Michelle Hughes Pl Mod EIA Rd Air Cyc Geo Pvt Pkg TrMgt 1.9 Y WM EM EA canhamconsulting. 01603 430650 Cons Sus Po PWay Sig Apr 17 SE GL IL SW michellehughes PM Dr 0.085

20 Transportation Consultants Directory profile

Collaborating in London and the Midlands

Unlocking the power of AECOM is involved in a number of projects where the benefits of integrated delivery successful collaboration are already being demonstrated. One prominent example is the company’s joint venture with FM Conway on the London Highways Alliance Partnering Contract (North West). The firms have set up a fully incorporated company that is able to operate as both contractor and consultant, and has seen revenue and profit increase consistently over the five years of its operation to date. AECOM is also a professional services provider for the Midlands Highway Alliance which to date has achieved £5M in efficiency savings through commitment to collaboration and a carefully designed organisational structure. Dave says that alliance working is a great mechanism to generate and share best practice.

ppetite for greater an ‘enterprise’ relationship on  Professionals skill sets across all corners of the collaboration is growing projects. Under the model clients and can share their industry,” he says. “When those within the sector but a the supply chain would join together skills for the parties are harmonised in the right A greater good behavioural and cultural step change into integrated delivery teams that way it can be extremely powerful. We is needed to embed truly collaborative link across the life cycle of an asset in all have a collective responsibility to practices at the heart of project order to improve productivity, make this work.” delivery, according to AECOM. performance and end user outcomes. New technology will also help to The company’s recent ‘Future of “Project 13 provides a holistic, all unlock the full power of an integrated Infrastructure’ report found that 72% encompassing structure for how a approach to project set up and of industry decision makers feel most collaborative culture can be developed delivery, he thinks. projects are still a long way from within the industry,” says Dave. “It Digital tools that aid the consistent achieving seamless integration promotes a collective governance and appropriate sharing of asset data between clients, consultants and system that ensures customer value among stakeholders throughout the contractors. and stakeholder engagement is at the  Dave Beddell, project life cycle will be important. “There is an overwhelming desire core of delivery, rather than simply head of strategic Likewise, enhanced and automated across the transport infrastructure minimising capital costs.” highways for value engineering techniques, such as Europe space to drive improved collaboration He adds that the cornerstone of the use of virtual reality, will help and knowledge sharing to meet effective collaboration is to build trust save time and money and deliver customer needs,” says head of between parties and make efforts to more buildable and operable assets. strategic highways for Europe, Dave understand one another’s needs and “We are exploring with clients how Beddell. But fragmented supply aspirations from the beginning of a the use of asset intelligence and chains and a focus on transactional project. machine learning can replace manual relationships between parties remain This allows objectives to be aligned tasks and offer more consistent and significant barriers to effective project across the supply chain. An honest reliable outcomes,” Dave says. “These delivery, he adds. dialogue can then be had around how are key enablers to innovations such “The industry needs to evolve to risk is apportioned and managed, he as modular construction and unlock the power of integrated explains. robotics. delivery.” He believes the ‘Project 13’ One of the key ways of enabling “Collaboration is not a short term model, launched by the Infrastructure collaboration to flourish, he adds, is buzzword,” he adds. “It’s a way of Client Group and the Institution of through the creation of a ‘safe conducting ourselves, a way of Civil Engineers in April, shows a way environment’ by clients in which thinking and doing business that is forward. New technologies and digital suppliers feel able to challenge the here to stay, allowing the sector to tools, he adds, can help to aid industry status quo and have an open dialogue leave a lasting legacy from what is an transformation. about new solutions. unprecedented level of investment in Project 13 proposes a shift towards “There are different and valuable UK transport infrastructure.”

June 2018 21 listings

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Capita Property and Dave Kevin Martin-Read Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 185 NE NW Y WM EU ME Infrastructure Spencer 07712 538409 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS (unaudited) EM EA SE Kevin.Martin-Read Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA Dec 17 GL IL SW Sc IT Tr 34.381 Wa NI Capital Traffic Jonathan Jonathan Thompson Pl Cons PM Rd Urb Pvt Sig Pkg Loc 1.3 WM EM EA SE Management Thompson 01787 237509 RdNet TrMgt RSA Dec 17 GL IL [email protected] 1.3 Cass Hayward Alan Neil Sadler Cons PM Rd Ra Urb Geo Br 2.5 NW WM EM Monnicken- 01291 626994 Cyc Po Mar 17 EA SE GL IL dam [email protected] 2.5 SW Sc Wa CEEMA Shane Wafir Al-Ghabban EIA PFI PM Rd Urb Air Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 0.42 NE NW WM Charles 0121 705 7757 He RdNet Po Sig Dr Urb TrMgt Dec 16 EM SW Wa [email protected] RSA 0.14 City Science Laurence Kate Allen Pl Mod Urb Cyc Fut Pkg Loc ITS 0.5 WM EM SE Oakes-Ash 01392 440400 Cons Sus RSA IT GL SW [email protected] He 0.25 CJ Associates Colin Ovens Karen Giles Pl EIA PFI Rd Ra Urb 3.62 NW WM SE 020 7529 4900 Cons PM Air Dec 16 GL IL [email protected] 3.62 Cole Easdon Brett Brett Farmery Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt PWay Pkg Loc 1.55 NW WM EM Consultants Farmery 01793 619965 Cons Sus Sig Dr TrMgt RSA Jul 17 EA SE GL IL [email protected] PM Tr 0.81 SW Wa Connect Nick Colin White Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc PWay Dr Pkg Loc 1.8 NE NW Y WM Consultants Bradshaw 01454 320220 Sus PM Urb TrMgt Apr 17 EM EA SE GL connect-consultants. cwhite 1.8 IL SW Wa com Conway Consultancy Michael John Holliday Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Br Tun Pvt Pkg Loc 4.4 SE GL IL SW Conway 01732 600700 PFI Cons Cyc Po PWay Sig Urb TrMgt Mar 18 [email protected] PM He Dr RSA 3.6 Cotswold Transport Adam Adam Padmore Pl Mod Rd RdNet Pkg Loc 0.75 NE NW Y WM Planning Padmore 01242 370283 Cons Sus Cyc RSA Sep 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 0.75 IL SW Sc Wa Create Consulting Jonathan Jonathan Cage Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 2.5 NE NW Y WM EU Ch Engineers Cage 01603 877010 Cons Sus Cyc PWay Sig Urb RSA Feb 18 EM EA SE GL createconsultingengineers. jonathan.cage PM Dr Fut 1.7 IL SW Sc NI CTC Group Carl Tonks Carl Tonks Pl Mod Rd Urb Pkg Loc 0.2 NE NW Y WM 0117 382 0507 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb TrMgt Jun 17 EM EA SE SW [email protected] PM RSA 0.2 Sc Wa Cubic Transportation Roger Crow John Pickworth Urb Fut ITS IT 150 NE SE GL IL Sc Aus Systems 07718 111212 Wa NI [email protected] 4 Curtins Rob Melling Tony Dolan Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 30.55 NE NW Y WM EU 0161 236 2394 Cons Sus Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut Urb TrMgt Dec 17 EM EA SE [email protected] He RSA 3.13 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI David A Graham David Veronica Graham Rd Cyc Sig Loc TrMgt 0.123 NE NW Y WM SEAs Associates Graham 01749 342532 RSA Tr Mar 18 EM EA SE davidagrahamassociates. [email protected] 0.123 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI David Simmonds David Andy Dobson Pl Mod 1 NE NW Y WM EU WE NZ Consultancy Simmonds 0131 226 5908 Jun 17 EM EA SE GL andy.dobson IL SW Sc Wa DHA Planning Alex Hicken Alex Hicken Pl EIA Cons Rd Urb Br PWay Sig Pkg Loc EA SE GL IL 01622 776226 Sus RdNet Cyc Dr Fut Urb ITS SW [email protected] TrMgt DNV GL Liv Hovem Stephen Norman Pl Mod EIA Air Po Geo Br Dr 95 NE NW EM SE EU WE EE ME 020 3816 4000 2017 GL Sc Wa NAf EAf WAf [email protected] SAf Ch SEAs Ind Aus NZ US CAm SAm Dougall Baillie Fergus Robin Duncan Pl Mod EIA Rd Air Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 2.88 NE NW WM Associates Adams 01355 266480 PFI Cons Po Fut Urb TrMgt Apr 17 EM SE Sc robin.duncan Sus PM 2.25 Elliott Asset James Elliott James Elliott PFI PM He Rd RdNet Pvt Dr Loc Urb 0.2 NW SE GL IL Management 07837 319143 Cyc TrMgt IT Tr Mar 18 elliottassetmanagement. james 0.2 com Evans & Langford Simon Simon Robertson Pl PM Rd Urb Cyc Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 1.3 WM EM EA SE Robertson 01622 690120 Po Sig Dr Urb TrMgt Mar 17 GL IL SW simon.robertson 0.13

22 Transportation Consultants Directory profile

Addressing key issues of our time Equality, diversity and inclusion are themes at the top of the company’s Collaborating across borders agenda, says director Alistair Hunter. “We recognise it as a real focus area, to give the best advice specifically in who we employ and achieving a genuine richness of talent. We’ve traditionally been too conservative as an industry and we’re seeing real benefits in widening our cohort and generating new ideas.” Closely linked to the diversity subject is the aspiration to gain a deeper understanding of what end users want, he adds. “As an industry we’ve been too narrow in our view of transport users and our challenge is to better understand their needs. We are doing a lot of research work in this area and getting some really interesting insights, which are nfrastructure clients are leadership across the globe. In  New thinking informing our design of systems and increasingly seeking professional practical terms one way it does this is for managing interfaces: be it for connected and advice from consultants as through encouraging staff to move highways is being autonomous vehicle operations or the I explored transport technologies evolve, assets around the world and through design and operation of high speed age and the end user demands more secondments. rail terminals.” from the network. “It’s one of those rare win-win Sustainability and social inclusion This is certainly true of the roads situations, whereby the individuals are other key areas for the sector, where Arup’s highways develop professional and personally organisation. Its chairman Greg advisory business goes from strength and our clients gain genuine value,” Hodkinson recently made a renewed to strength. Alistair adds. commitment to the United Nation’s The business is led by director ”We also know that clients really Sustainable Development Goals Alistair Hunter, who is also the appreciate speaking directly to other which are helping guide the consultant’s infrastructure advisory clients. We help make these company’s work, forming principles of leader for the UK, India, Middle East connections possible: sharing  Alistair Hunter how it should behave and how it can and Asia. experiences, good outcomes as well as help to shape a better world. “In delivering advisory services our frustrations can really help them.” “Ove Arup’s key speech back in the core skill is translating policies and The company also encourages the 1970s sets these principles and still strategies into something practical and cross fertilisation of ideas and sharing forms our ‘guiding star’ (as he put it) achievable,” he says. “We have the across aligned sectors such as rail and so you could say it’s in our corporate ability to convey engineering problems highways. “In many ways these two DNA and something we’re proud of.” clearly and hold informed technical areas have similar challenges in terms discussions with those on the ground of maintaining safety and operational electric vehicle infrastructure that and translate those messages into a excellence, when faced with a large enables uptake for all, while at the language that decision leaders ageing asset base and significant same time ensuring that the local recognise.” capital enhancement programmes and power distribution networks can cope Recently he has noticed that more projects,” Alistair says. with extra demand. and more the client challenges have a “Allowing the two way sharing of “To solve this ostensibly simple global commonality. “So, for example, lessons learned is fruitful and can be challenge needs us to combine and we will help a client in Dubai on how extremely cost effective.” integrate different knowledge sets,” to plan for connected and autonomous The consultant invests several explains Alistair, “including socio- vehicles and we will then face the million pounds a year in research and economic trends, the technical same questions in Sydney. innovation to help it understand the maturity of electric vehicles and “There are of course regional detail around emerging areas of knowledge of power networks. differences and the infrastructure interest, digital technologies and new “Our organisational structure and scale and maturity will naturally vary policies. “This funding gives us a head internal investment make it easy for from region to region,” he adds. “But start and we share our findings openly us to pool our teams together and also the thought processes, technologies with clients, communities and collaborate with our partners. These and many of the emerging user governments,” says Alistair. teams provide a really wide skills behaviours are similar, as are the One example of how research in a bandwidth and may include risks.” growing area is helping to pay behavioural psychologists, futurists, Arup’s key to successfully dividends is around electric vehicles. technologists and power engineers. overcoming these challenges is to The consultant helps cities and That’s a compelling offer and the share knowledge and thought strategic road operators to plan for results really bear fruit.”

June 2018 23 listings

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Fairhurst Ron Bryson Ian McKay Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 40.3 NE NW Y WM 0131 225 6741 PFI Cons Air Cyc Po Pvt Sig Dr Urb ITS Mar 17 EM EA SE [email protected] Sus PM TrMgt 16.9 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Farrow Walsh Chris Farrow John O’Neill Pl Mod Rd RdNet Geo Br Pvt Pkg Urb 1.2 NE NW Y WM Consulting 0116 251 5558 Cons Sus Cyc PWay Sig RSA Dec 17 EM EA GL IL [email protected] Dr 0.1 SW Wa Firstco Michael Gray Ria Manzanero PM Ra Urb Air IT NE NW GL IL 020 7034 0833 [email protected] Fore Consulting Andrew Jonathan Spruce Pl Mod Rd Urb Pkg Loc 1.3 NE NW Y WM Bradshaw 0113 246 0204 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb TrMgt Jan 18 EM SE GL IL Paul Irwin enquiries PM 1.3 Jonathan Spruce Fugro GeoServices Ross Stevens Darius Singfield Geo Br Tun 84.3 NE NW Y WM EU NAm 0870 600 8050 Dr Dec 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 7.8 IL SW Sc Wa Gardiner & Theobald Simon Jones Andrew Paul Pl PFI PM Air Po Geo Br Tun 140 NE NW Y WM EU NAm 020 7209 8433 Sig Dr Apr 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 10 IL SW Sc Wa Gattica Associates Mark Temple Mark Temple Rd RdNet 1.25 NE Y WM EA 01428 648873 Mar 18 SE GL IL mark.temple GeminiECO Trupti Patel Trupti Patel <0.01 NW Consultancy 07875 015865 May 17 [email protected] <0.01 George Corderoy Angela Gary Grice Chartered quantity surveyors and construction cost NE NW Y WM ME & Co Austin 0121 454 4131 consultants EM EA SE GL [email protected] IL SW Sc Wa GH Bullard & Dan Henning Dan Henning Pl Mod Rd Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg 0.64 EM EA SE GL Associates 01359 235071 Mar 17 [email protected] 0.32 GHD Mark Ingram Sue Jackson Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Loc ITS 20.5 NE NW Y WM ME SEAs Aus 01904 436100 PFI Cons Air Cyc Po Pvt PWay Jun 16 EM EA SE NZ US SAm [email protected] Sus PM He Sig Dr Fut 1.65 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Glanville Howard Gell Peter Whitehead Pl Mod PFI Rd Urb Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 8.9 NE NW Y WM Consultants 01235 515550 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Fut Urb TrMgt Mar 17 EM EA SE pwhitehead PM RSA 1.6 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Green Signals Stuart Stuart Ohrland Mod RdNet Cyc Sig Loc ITS 0.517 NE NW Y WM Consulting Ohrland 01245 472996 TrMgt Tr Mar 17 EM EA SE stuart.ohrland 0.517 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI GTA Civils Martin Lawrence Stringer Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt PWay Pkg Loc 0.775 EA SE GL IL EU Roberts 01444 225656 Cons Sus Sig Dr Urb TrMgt SW [email protected] PM RSA 0.25 Hamilton-Baillie Ben Ben Hamilton-Baillie Rd RdNet Pvt Loc Urb Tr 0.065 NW SE SW NAm Associates Hamilton- 0117 911 4221 Cyc Sc Wa Baillie [email protected] 0.065 HSP Consulting Howard S Abigail Evans Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 1 NE NW Y WM SEAs Engineers Pratt 01773 535555 Cons Sus Cyc Pvt PWay Urb TrMgt Apr 18 EM EA SE GL abigail.evans PM Sig Dr Tr IL SW Sc Wa Hydrock Dr Matthew James McKechnie Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Pvt Sig Pkg Loc 29.3 NE NW Y WM WAf SAm Consultants Hilton 07921 264955 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Dr Fut Urb ITS Mar 18 EM EA SE [email protected] Sus He Po TrMgt RSA 3.5 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Hykeham Consulting Mark Mark Andrews Pl Mod Sus TrMgt RSA 0.064 Y WM EM SW EU hykehamconsulting. Andrews 07966 223954 Mar 17 [email protected] 0.064 i-Transport Simon Webb Helen Martin Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Sig Pkg Loc 5.7 NE NW Y WM (managing 01256 338640 Cons Sus Cyc Urb TrMgt Mar 17 EM EA SE GL partner) [email protected] PM 5.7 IL SW Sc Wa IBI Group Scott Graeme Scott Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Pvt Sig Fut Pkg Loc 17.5 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Stewart 0141 331 4500 PFI Cons Air RdNet Urb ITS (draft) EM EA SE NAf EAf SAf Ch [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc TrMgt RSA Dec 17 GL IL SW Sc SEAs Ind Aus IT 5.4 Wa NI NZ NAm CAm SAm Iceni Projects Ian Fred Peters Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Pkg Loc 8.5 NE NW Y WM Anderson 020 3435 4221 Cons Sus Cyc Po Urb Apr 18 EM EA SE GL transport_team 1.6 IL SW Sc

24 Transportation Consultants Directory profile

decisions and drive efficiencies. The company is investing heavily in technology and recently appointed a digital director to deliver a digital strategy and identify opportunities to develop tools that could be used in Data led future designs, licensed or sold to others. “We are keen to become more than advisors; we aspire to bring software approaches at speed solutions and perhaps even products to market too, to help shape the future of transportation,” he says. One area where digital technology is having a profound impact is self-driving vehicles. Here too there are lessons to be learned from aviation, Peter says. “Clearly everything in aviation is safety critical and significant investment in engineering processes and testing is needed to prove to the public that planes are safe to fly.” Similar levels of scrutiny and safety assurance will need to be applied to the highways and transportation sector designs, he adds. “If we are to design a road to accommodate self-driving vehicles we need to offer the same level of confidence to do with safety as we see in aviation.” Looking forwards, he adds that highways will need to be viewed far roviding asset owners with the But those operating in the sector  Technology more in terms of a ‘digital system’ will increasingly data and knowledge they need should be alert to emerging suppliers where vehicles interact with be core to Pto predict the status of an asset who stand ready to disrupt the transport’s offer. infrastructure and cars communicate – or when a road or transport system market. “Our competitors and photo: with each other. “As designers we will require intervention – will allow partners in the next decade are likely azmanl need to leverage the potential correct actions to be made at the right to be different groups of companies benefits of innovation and technology time according to Atkins, a member of coming from outside the sector with to improve safety, design, operations the SNC-Lavalin Group. new ideas, so we need to be ready to and maintenance and, most Sensors on the network and work with, rather than against them,” importantly, an improved customer systems in vehicles are already here he says. “My message to the sector is experience to deliver the future and will increasingly revolutionise to think and act differently, to fully physical and digital road network.” the way infrastructure is managed. A embrace technology and innovation Another area where digital future led by data intelligence and and not to ignore it.” technology is set to play a crucial role foresight will exist within the next Peter joined SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins is around Mobility as a Service, where decade and the industry should be business in September from a people are provided with the ability challenging itself to make this a technology supplier working in to streamline their travel and make reality in the next five, to keep pace aviation; where there is an multi modal journeys through one with other sectors, according to the enthusiasm for investment in account. Atkins is leading a major UK company’s strategic highways market software and systems to improve MaaS trial with Transport for Greater director Peter Baynham. delivery. He predicts that this type of Manchester and Peter says that for “Streamlined digital design enthusiasm will soon be widely seen  Peter Baynham, such systems to succeed they need a processes and better asset among those involved in surface strategic combination of smart technology, a management using the Internet of transportation. highways market great user experience and accurate Things will enable us to predict a fault “Technology will increasingly be a director data. before it causes a problem, ensuring core part of the highways and Algorithms and software are all we can quickly relay that information transportation sector and offer very well, he notes, but perhaps most back to the asset owner,” he explains. significant value in terms of digital crucially the information available “We are totally committed to engineering, asset management and must be up to date, secure and investment in digital technologies intelligent mobility,” he notes. trusted, to ensure the public is that support future thinking and the Peter says that for him, digital confident that transportation sector, getting closer to embracing a engineering is about automation in systems will operate exactly as they truly digital world in the 21st design and increasingly using tools were designed to in a digitally enabled Century.” and data to make better design world.

June 2018 25 listings

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Inspire Design & Lee Barnes Gemma Feek Pl Sus PM Rd Pvt Sig Dr Urb 0.344 NE NW Y WM Development 01246 864467 EM EA SE GL inspiredesigngroup. [email protected] 0.08 IL SW Wa Inspire Transport Andrew Andrew Slater Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pkg Loc WM EM SE GL Planning Slater 01737 457170 Cons Sus TrMgt RSA [email protected] Intermodal C Glegg C Glegg Pl Mod Rd RdNet Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 0.74 NE NW Y WM Transportation R Farahmand 01799 529534 Cons Sus Cyc Urb TrMgt Oct 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM RSA 0.74 IL SW Wa ITP Jon Parker Neil Taylor Pl Mod Urb Cyc Fut Pkg Loc 2.2 NE NW Y WM EE ME EAf WAf 0115 988 6905 Cons Sus Urb ITS Jun 17 EM EA SE SAf SEAs Ind [email protected] He RSA IT Tr 2.2 GL IL SW Sc Aus CAm SAm Wa NI Jacobs Donald Alan Waugh Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 1067 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Morrison 0141 243 8608 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Sep 17 EM EA SE NAf SAf Ch [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 431.8 GL IL SW Sc SEAs Ind Aus IT Tr Wa NI NZ NAm CAm SAm January Consulting John John Harbidge Pl Sus Cyc Loc TrMgt 0.03 WM EA SE januaryconsulting. Harbidge 01903 782014 RSA Dec 17 GL IL [email protected] 0.03 JCT Consultancy Paul Moore Simon Swanston Pl Mod Rd Urb Sig Loc ITS 0.75 NE NW Y WM EU WE ME EAf 01522 751010 IT Tr Apr 17 EM EA SE SAf Ch SEAs consultancy 0.75 GL IL SW Sc Ind Aus NZ Wa NI NAm JFG Communications Jo Field Sarah McSharry Cons Tr NW WM SE GL [email protected]

JNP Group Andrew Lee Alan Brackley Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 6.9 NE NW Y WM 01494 771 221 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc PWay Sig RSA Dec 17 EM EA SE [email protected] PM Dr 2.1 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI John Codd & John Codd John Codd Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Sig Fut Pkg Loc 0.1 WAf Associates 01573 223336 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Urb ITS Apr 16 [email protected] Sus TrMgt RSA 0.1 IT Tr JPP Consulting Philip Brown Philip Brown Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 3.9 NE NW Y WM 01604 781811 Cons Sus PWay Sig TrMgt RSA EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM Dr 1.9 IL SW Sc Wa Kronen Alexander Alexander Osborn Pl Sus Pkg 0.15 NE NW Y WM Osborn 020 8541 1139 Mar 18 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 0.15 IL SW Le Chat Noir Jim Morey Jim Morey Pl EIA Cons Rd Ra Urb Sig Pkg Loc 0.025 EA SE GL IL 023 926 01975/07713 096681 Sus He RdNet Cyc Urb IT SW NI [email protected] 0.025 Local Transport Andy Mayo Andy Mayo Pl Mod Rd Urb Sig Fut Pkg Loc 1 NE NW Y EM Projects Tony Kirby 07870 902552 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb ITS EA SE GL IL local-transport- andy.mayo@ TrMgt RSA 1 SW Sc Wa NI Tr London Bridge Simon David Sharrocks Pl Mod PM Geo Br Tun IT 5.9 SE GL IL SW EU SEAs Aus Associates Morgan 020 8399 8614 Jul 17 Sc [email protected] 4.4 London Design and Sani Haddad Sani Haddad Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 1.7 NW SE GL IL Management 07973 774097 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb ITS Mar 18 [email protected] PM He TrMgt RSA 1.7 Tr Lynas Engineers Rob Lynas Rob Lynas Cons PM Rd Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 0.18 NE 01642 438273 Urb TrMgt Oct 17 [email protected] 0.18 Markides Associates Andreas Atholl Noon Pl Mod Rd Urb Cyc Sig Dr Fut Pkg Loc 1.9 NE WM EM EA markidesassociates. Markides 020 7048 1208 Cons Sus Urb TrMgt Feb 18 SE GL IL SW atholl@ 1.9 Mayer Brown Barry Bone Paul Stocker Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 5.81 NE NW Y WM 01483 750508 Cons Sus Urb TrMgt Mar 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM RSA 5.81 IL SW Wa McCurdy Associates Sam Sam McCurdy PFI PM Rd Ra Geo Br Pvt TrMgt Tr 0.2 WM EU WE EE EAf Consulting McCurdy +353 86 276 5710 RdNet Dr Sep 17 WAf SAf Ind Engineers [email protected] 0.2 Aus Mewies Engineering Edward Neil Benison Pl Mod EIA Rd Po Geo Br Pvt Loc Urb 4.8 NE NW Y WM Consultants Mewies 0121 726 4888 Cons Sus Sig Dr TrMgt RSA Dec 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM 1.6 SW Sc

26 Transportation Consultants Directory profile

this part of the network but how it New outlook for could help to improve society and the local environment too. “The mantra I am looking to drive established firm is ‘challenging ourselves to find a better way’ so we can get to a position where we look at critical issues in society such as energy, mobility, intelligence and infrastructure and bring them all together,” says Donald. The company recruits expertise from across the professional services spectrum - economists, digital experts and planners, as well as engineers and designers, to “provide extra depth of insight and a different approach” to business decisions on both major infrastructure programmes and term maintenance contracts. “We currently have approximately 850 graduates under training along ne of the largest and oldest continuously improve transport  Lower Thames with 170 apprentices across our consultants operating in networks around the globe.” With Crossing business in Europe,” says Donald. OBritain is looking to shake up solutions that crunch aggregated,  Donald These include people with a its business model to become more anonymized data from mobile Morrison, traditional engineering background than simply a designer, but a phones, cycling apps, smart cards and Senior Vice and those looking to get involved in disrupter who can take on the other data sets, customers can better President emerging areas like digital solutions. toughest client challenges focused on assess their most critical system The company is looking forward to delivering outcomes and creating needs, make “more intelligent building on its lead role in legacy. decisions for infrastructure delivery” programmes ranging from the Jacobs has 10,000 staff in the UK, and implement changes that promote refurbishment of the Panama Canal, which grew by around 3,000 post increased efficiencies and ease of use. delivering the Queensferry Crossing, completion of the CH2M acquisition, Technology can also play a major and development of major road and a global workforce of 77,000. part in helping to relieve congestion proposals such as the Lower Thames Senior Vice President Donald on existing public transport Crossing to the east of London and Morrison says that the acquisition of networks, he adds, by advising and  Queensferry rail schemes including Western Rail CH2M in December 2017 is a incentivising passengers if their Crossing Access to Heathrow. transformative step-change for the journeys may be quicker and more company. pleasant by forgoing a ride on an “We have 125 years of heritage in underground train in favour of the UK from the days of Babtie and walking, for instance. In addition, the Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners to our company is looking closely at the recent acquisition of CH2M. Now as a provision of special needs transport global technical professional services with a number of clients to see if new leader we have greater aspirations to ways can be developed to allow do meaningful work around the services to run more smartly and world and that may involve taking a efficiently. different approach and disrupting Elsewhere the company is the usual way of doing things.” developing its abilities to deliver Donald says that Jacobs encourages schemes with improved social value. clients to think carefully about why One example is its work with certain projects should be built and Highways England and specialist whether they will achieve the desired consultant Simetrica on the outcome. Manchester North West Quadrant “By way of example, the team is programme. Here, potential route deploying advanced analytics options are being evaluated and enabling multimodal agility and robust evidence gathered not only for data-driven investments to increasing capacity and resilience on

June 2018 27 listings

Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent

Milestone Transport Matt Stevens Darran Kitchener Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Br Pvt Sig Pkg Loc 1.02 NE NW Y WM EU Planning 0191 338 7220 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Dr Fut Urb ITS Oct 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] Sus PM He TrMgt IT 1.02 IL SW Sc Wa MLM Neil Cooper Jonathan Rodger Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Pkg Loc 31.9 NE NW Y WM EU SEAs 01233 610530 PFI Sus Cyc Po Urb ITS EM EA SE GL jonathan.rodger TrMgt 3.3 IL SW Mode Transport David Frisby Barbara Deutschle Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Sig Fut Pkg Loc 1.8 NE NW Y WM ME Planning 0121 794 8390 Cons Sus Urb TrMgt 2018 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM He RSA IT Tr 1.8 IL SW Motion Phil Bell Richard Bettridge Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 3.23 NE NW Y WM 01483 531300 Cons Sus Cyc Fut Urb TrMgt Jul 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] RSA 3.23 IL SW Sc Wa Mott MacDonald Keith John D’Arcy Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 708 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Howells 020 8774 2000 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 251 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ NAm CAm SAm Munro Consulting Andrew Andrew Munro Pl PM Rd Loc Tr 0.12 EA munro-consultants. Munro 01638 563627 Mar 17 enquiries@ 0.12 Nigel Grout Nigel Grout Dispute Board member, construction adjudicator, EA GL EU WE EE ME 07966 165797 arbitrator, expert determiner and quantum/claims EAf SAf SEAs [email protected] expert. Specialising in FIDIC, NEC and ICE contract Ind conditions Norman Rourke Mark Keith Firth Pl Mod PFI Rd Urb Air Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 4 NE NW Y WM EU Pryme Chandler 07885 827108 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Sig Dr Fut Urb TrMgt Mar 17 EM SE GL IL [email protected] PM Po RSA Tr 2.3 SW Wa Oander BK Davies Ben Davies PM Ra Urb Sig Dr Pkg Loc 0.377 SE GL IL Aus 01342 718758 RdNet Po Urb Jul 17 [email protected] 0.125 Odyssey Consult Simon Simon Blinkhorne Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 4.4 WM EM EA SE Blinkhorne 020 7620 2444 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Urb TrMgt Jun 17 GL IL SW Brian sblinkhorne Sus PM RSA Tr 3.4 Chamberlain Paul Basham Paul Basham Sophie Ayling Transport and travel planning, roads, drainage. 1.9 NE NW Y WM Associates 01489 668134 Jan 17 EM EA SE GL paulbashamassociates. sophie@ 1.9 IL SW Wa com Paul Mew Associates Paul Mew Paul Mew Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Sig Fut Pkg Loc 0.657 NE NW Y WM 020 8780 0426 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Urb ITS Mar 16 EM EA SE [email protected] PM TrMgt RSA 0.657 GL IL SW Sc Tr Wa NI Pell Frischmann Tushar Damian Kilburn Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 43.8 NE NW Y WM EU EE ME EAf Prabhu 01924 335300 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE GL WAf SEAs Ind [email protected] Sus PM Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 23.9 IL SW Sc Wa NAm Tr Pennant Consulting Mike Francis Mike Francis Pl Cons Sus Rd Rdnet Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 0.127 EA SE GL IL 01268 4963495 PM Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut Urb ITS Nov 16 SW mike.francis TrMgt 0.127 Peter Brett Keith Scott Witchalls Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 60.5 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE SEAs Associates Mitchell 0118 950 0761 Cons Sus Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Jun 17 EM EA SE [email protected] PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 30.6 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Peter Davidson Peter Rob Culley Pl Mod EIA IT Tr SE EU WAf SAf Consultancy Davidson 01442 879075 PFI Cons [email protected] Sus PFA Consulting Peter Julian Alexander Pl Mod Sus Rd Urb Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 3 WM EM SE GL Finlayson 01793 828000 TrMgt Nov 17 IL SW Wa [email protected] 3 Phil Jones Phil Jones Nigel Millington Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pkg Loc 2.96 NE NW Y WM Associates 0121 475 0234 Cons Sus Urb Tr Mar 17 EM EA GL IL philjonesassociates. nigel 2.96 Pick Everard Duncan Mike Cullington Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt PWay Pkg Loc 39 NE NW Y WM EU Green 0345 045 0050 Cons Sus Sig Dr Urb TrMgt Apr 17 EM SE GL IL mikecullington@pickeverard. PM 1.19 SW Sc Wa NI Pipster Solutions Pippa Birch Pippa Birch Bid management and writing 0.082 SW 01380 871578/07787 501652 Mar 17 [email protected] 0.082

28 Transportation Consultants Directory profiles

more cautious than they were previously and looking at risk and payment more carefully.” He points to two current initiatives that could improve the situation for sparks suppliers. The first is the recent Government consultation on ripple effect for suppliers improvements to the statutory payment regime in the Construction allout from Carillion’s insolvency Act, and the second is the has sent a ripple effect through Construction (Retention Deposit Fthe infrastructure supply chain Schemes) Bill due for its second and brought recognition of the need reading the House of Commons in for change within the industry, says June. solicitor and Beale & Company partner “There is definitely a wish to see Will Buckby MCIHT. something positive and noteworthy The UK construction giant collapsed come out of these initiatives, because in January owing an estimated £2Bn to clearly change is needed,” says Will. its 30,000 suppliers, sub-contractors because its joint venture partners have  Beale & He adds improvements to tendering and other short term creditors. been able to continue the delivery of Company and procurement practices are needed “Since the announcement of the these projects. But Will says other partner, – for example better contracts that do insolvency and still today lawyers schemes have faced setbacks, bringing Will Buckby not pass so much risk to the main have been busy advising supply chain further significant impacts on contractor and then subsequently consultants and contractors engaged payment to the supply chain. onto supply chain – but he believes in projects involving Carillion on a In addition, Will says there might be change is less likely on this front. variety of issues, such as late or less “cash in the system” currently “There needs to be real desire non-payment, new main contractors than in recent years, and therefore among public sector employers and coming onto schemes, and project suppliers are having to work a lot the private sector to see change in restructuring,” says Will. harder to get paid. “The Carillion relation to how projects are procured,” Most major infrastructure projects insolvency has contributed to this,” he adds Will. “Until that happens, it is where Carillion was working in joint says “Consequently, we are now seeing difficult to imagine a huge amount of ventures have suffered little delay consultants and sub-contractors being change.” Utilities headache solved for highways projects

pecialist utility infrastructure challenges that they actually don’t want consultant Gattica Associates to have to manage. We can take away Soffers peace of mind for a major headache from them and offer contractors and designers on major guidance and solutions throughout highway schemes by project managing the project.” says Gattica Associates arrangements for alterations to utility managing director Mark Temple. infrastructure. At project design stage the company the project commences on site.” The The company provides an end to end advises clients of the feasibility and risk company also provides design facilities, solution for diversions and alterations relating to diversion of existing utilities. procurement solutions and handles to electric, gas, communication, Mark says: “Contractors often engage in commercial management and legal drainage and water infrastructure, from projects without fully understanding issues throughout the delivery process. consultation right through to delivery. what the implications of utility Planned holistic growth has “A lot of consultancies and infrastructure are.” meant the company is now a UK-wide contractors are realising that utility He adds: “The earlier we are engaged consultancy with a strong presence on infrastructure works offer unique the less stress there will be by the time the country’s major highways and smart motorway projects. Gattica Associates has a strong working relationship with many of the UK’s leading clients, contractors and consultants. Mark Temple says: “We are very specialised at what we do and have a dedicated and experienced team. Our commitment to our clients, their projects and their delivery has led to excellent collaborative working relationships and great results.”

June 2018 29 listings

Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent

Prime Transport David David Schumacher Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Pkg Loc 0.6 NE NW Y WM Planning Schumacher 0151 728 1860 Cons Sus Cyc TrMgt Mar 17 EM EA SE SW [email protected] 0.6 Wa Project Centre Keith Paul Adams Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Br Pvt Pkg Loc 12.7 WM SE GL Hanshaw 07970 011265 Cons Sus Cyc PWay Sig Urb TrMgt May 17 IL Sc paul.adams PM Dr Fut RSA 12.7 Pulsar Transport Kamran Kamran Haider Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Pkg Loc EM EA SE GL Planning Haider 07747 323200 Sus Urb TrMgt IL SW [email protected] RSA Redray Shaun Shaun Reddin PM Tr 2.4 EA SE GL IL Reddin 07799 387741 Mar 18 SW [email protected] 2.4 Richard Jackson Richard Martin Doughty Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 4.92 NE NW Y WM Miall 01206 228800 Cons Sus Cyc Sig Dr Urb ITS Apr 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] PM He TrMgt 2.42 IL SW Sc Wa Road Safety Mark Hedley Mark Hedley Rd Cyc Sig TrMgt RSA 0.27 NE NW Y WM EU ME Initiatives Martin 07960 798075 Tr Mar 18 EM EA SE GL roadsafetyinitiatives. Morley info@ 0.27 IL SW Wa Robert West TM Williams Aga Dabkowska Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Cyc Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 4.371 WM EM EA SE Consulting 020 7939 9916 Cons Sus Po Sig Dr TrMgt Dec 17 GL IL agadabkowska PM 2.3 Rodgers Leask Andrew Matthew Harrison Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 7.69 NE NW Y WM Leask 01332 285000 Sus Sig Dr Urb Jul 17 EM EA SE GL matthew.harrison@ 0.7 IL SW Sc Wa Roger Legassick Roger Legassick Rd Sig Dr RSA Tr 0.06 NE NW Y WM EAf WAf SAf Ch 01483 821910 Dec 17 EM EA SE GL SEAs Ind [email protected] IL SW Sc Wa Rossi Long Simon Rossi Luke Fairall Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt Sig Dr Pkg Loc 2.5 EM EA SE GL Consulting 01603 706420 Cons Sus Urb RSA Dec 17 [email protected] 0.3 Royal HaskoningDHV Erik Craig Francis Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 54.4 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME royalhaskoningdhv. Oostwegel 0161 233 1961 Cons Sus Cyc Po Pvt Sig Dr Urb ITS Dec 16 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf com [email protected] PM Fut TrMgt RSA 3.5 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs Wa NI Ind Aus NZ US CAm SAm RPS Group John Douglas A Lamont Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 232.49 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Douglas 01235 438151 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr TrMgt RSA 52.5 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ NAm CAm SAm RSK Dr Alan Adrian Marsh Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 92 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Ryder 01442 437500 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt Sig Dr Urb TrMgt Mar 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Fut RSA IT Tr 11.3 GL IL SW Sc SAf SEAs CAm Wa NI SAm Russell Giles Philip Chris Blamey Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Pvt Dr Fut Pkg Loc 1.7 NE NW Y WM Partnership (RGP) Russell 01483 861681 Cons Sus Urb RSA IT Jun 17 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 1.7 IL SW Scott White and Mike Weaver Julian Hudson Pl Mod EIA Rd Cyc Po Br Pvt Sig Pkg Loc 3.5 WM EM EA SE Hookins 01962 844855 Cons Sus Dr Fut Urb Apr 17 GL IL SW Wa [email protected] He 0.313 SCP David David Roberts Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Pvt PWay Pkg Loc 3.14 NE NW Y WM Roberts 0161 832 4400 Cons Sus Cyc Po Sig Dr RSA Sep 17 EM EA SE david.roberts PM 3.14 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Sir Frederick Snow & Paul Drobig Paul Drobig PM Rd Air Po Geo Br Pvt 1.5 NE NW Y WM EU ME EAf WAf Partners 020 8604 8999 Dr EM EA SE GL [email protected] 0.6 IL Sc Smarter Travel Richard Raymond Long Cons Sus Urb Cyc Pkg Loc 0.05 WM EM EA SE Miall 01206 228800 He Apr 17 GL IL SW [email protected] 0.05 Southern Testing Dr Joe Kelly Julia Warren Geo 5.2 WM EM EA Laboratories 01342 333100 SE GL IL SW [email protected] Sc Wa Steer Davies Gleave Hugh Jones Nadine Kayser Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Br Pvt Pkg Loc 26 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME 020 7910 5000 PFI Cons Air RdNet PWay Sig Urb ITS Mar 17 EM EA SE GL Ind Aus NAm [email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Fut TrMgt IT Tr 26 IL SW Sc Wa CAm SAm Steve Woods Steve Woods Steve Woods Pl Pkg TrMgt Consultants 07805 450840 [email protected]

30 Transportation Consultants Directory listings

Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent

Stirling Maynard Jim Duffin Trish Bromley Pl Mod EIA Rd RdNet Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 1.8 NE NW Y WM EE 01733 262319 Cons Sus Pvt Sig Dr Urb ITS EM EA SE GL trish.bromley PM TrMgt IL SW Sc Wa Stomor Nicola Nicola Morris Pl EIA Cons Rd Cyc Geo Dr Loc Urb 0.792 EA SE GL IL Morris 01462 615433 Sus TrMgt RSA Mar 17 [email protected] 0.387 Streetwise Services Nick O’Neil Fraser Menzies Cons 1.9 NE NW Y WM 01236 722200 Dec 16 EM EA SE [email protected] 1.9 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Stuart Michael Stuart Stuart Atkinson Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Cyc Br Pvt Sig Loc Urb 2.827 WM EM EA SE Associates Atkinson 01635 867711 Cons Sus Dr TrMgt RSA Mar 17 GL IL SW Wa [email protected] PM 2.2 Sweco UK Max Joy John Owens Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 58.855 NE NW Y WM EU 0113 262 000 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Sig Dr Urb ITS Dec 16 EM EA SE [email protected] Sus He Po TrMgt RSA 16.4 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI SYSTRA Pascal Tim Steiner Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Br Tun Pkg Loc 37.4 NE NW Y WM EU ME NAf Mercier 0131 344 4950 PFI Cons Air Cyc Po PWay Sig Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE WAf [email protected] Sus PM He Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 37.4 GL IL SW Sc IT Tr Wa NI Tesh Consultants Paul Tesh Paul Tesh Pl PM Rd 0.101 Y WM SE 07711 433566 Mar 17 paul.tesh 0.101 The HTTC Keith Keith Berriman PI 0.05 EA GL Berriman 01621 818505 [email protected] 0.05

The Safety Forum Rob Westhead RSA Tr 0.35 NE NW Y WM ME 0117 966 7054 Jun 17 EM EA SE [email protected] 0.35 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI The Transportation Alan Bailes Alan Bailes Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air PWay Sig Pkg Loc 0.4 NE NW Y WM EU ME EAf Consultancy 07803 894686 PFI Cons RdNet Cyc Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE GL SEAs Ind ttc-transportplanning. alan@ Sus PM TrMgt RSA 0.3 IL SW Wa com Tr Tim Pharoah Tim Pharoah Tim Pharoah Pl Sus Rd Urb Cyc Pkg Loc 0.01 Ch 020 8769 1560 Urb TrMgt [email protected] 0.01

TMS Consultancy Philip Cook Lorna Charles Cyc Loc RSA Tr 1.7 NE NW Y WM EU WE NAm 024 7669 0900 Apr 17 EM EA SE lcharles 1.7 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Tony Gee and Chris Young Chris Burton EIA Sus PM Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 32.378 NE NW Y WM ME Ch SEAs Partners 01372 461600 Air Po PWay Dr TrMgt RSA Dec 16 EM EA SE Aus [email protected] 23.472 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Tracsis Traffic Data Alex Paul Jackson Cons He RdNet Cyc Fut Pkg Loc 18.5 NE NW Y WM EU Johnson 01937 833933 Po Urb ITS Jul 17 EM EA SE [email protected] TrMgt IT Tr 13 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Traffic Solutions Mark Ralph Mark Ralph PM Rd Urb Pvt Sig Loc Urb 0.75 WM SE GL IL 0870 100 1080 RdNet Cyc TrMgt Sep 17 SW Wa enquiries 0.5 Transept Consulting Paul Paul Alexander Pl Mod Urb RdNet Pkg Loc ITS 0.06 SE GL IL Alexander 0118 930 5522 Cons Sus Cyc TrMgt RSA Mar 17 [email protected] 0.06

Transport Initiatives Mark Strong Sus He Rd Cyc Sig Loc Urb 0.083 NE NW Y WM transport-initiatives. 01273 695785 Mar 17 EM EA SE GL com mark.strong@ 0.083 IL SW Sc Wa Transport Logic Mike Mike Hayward ITS 0.142 GL EU SEAs Hayward 07515 872277 Apr 17 mike.hayward 0.142 Transport Planning Karlene Doherty Cons Sus Cyc Br Pvt Sig Loc Urb 0.16 Sc and Engineering 0141 229 5448 PM He TrMgt Mar 18 [email protected] 0.16 Transport Planning Rupert Julian Clarke Pl Mod Sus Rd Cyc Urb RSA 6 NE NW Y WM Associates Lyons 01223 370135 PM Mar 18 EM EA SE GL [email protected] 6 SW Wa

June 2018 31 Company Type of work Where they work

Company Website Type Contact Tel email Strategic Modes workRelated Other £M Turnover Date Transportation £M Turnover UK Overseas CEO/MD/ Senior Partner or equivalent

TRL Rob Wallis 01344 773131 Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Pvt Pkg Loc 33.5 NE NW Y WM EU ME EAf WAf [email protected] Cons Sus Air RdNet Sig Dr Fut Urb ITS Jun 16 EM EA SE SAf Ch Ind He Cyc TrMgt RSA 33.5 GL IL SW Sc IT Tr Wa NI Up and Under Group Andy Miles Hulse Geo Br Tun Tr 3 NE NW Y WM Fewtrell 01270 589615 May 17 EM EA SE admin 2.5 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Volterra Partners Paul Sandra Osborn Pl PFI Urb Air Cyc Fut Urb 1 NE WM SE GL Aus NZ Buchanan 020 8878 6333 Jan 18 IL SW [email protected] 0.45 Waterman Group Nick Taylor Peter Begbey Pl Mod PFI Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 89.735 NE NW Y WM EU WE Ind Aus 020 7928 7888 Cons Sus Air RdNet Pvt Sig Dr Urb TrMgt Jun 17 EM EA SE peter.begbey PM He Cyc Po Fut RSA 36.7 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI Wedderburn Martin Martin Wedderburn Pl Mod Sus Urb Cyc Pkg Loc 0.07 SE GL IL EU ME Ch Transport Planning Wedderburn 07971 466205 He Urb Aug 17 wedderburntransportplanning. martin@ 0.07 com Wood Environment Rob Brown Bev Coupe Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Br Sig Pkg Loc 60 NE NW Y WM EU & Infrastructure 01926 439101 PFI Cons Cyc Dr Urb TrMgt Dec 17 EM EA SE Solutions UK [email protected] Sus PM He Tr GL IL SW Sc Wa NI WSP Mark Mike D’Alton Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Urb Geo Br Tun Pkg Loc 629.7 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE ME Naysmith 07747 006263 PFI Cons Air RdNet Pvt PWay Urb ITS Dec 17 EM EA SE NAf EAf WAf mike.d’[email protected] Sus PM He Cyc Po Sig Dr Fut TrMgt RSA 382.6 GL IL SW Sc SAf Ch SEAs IT Tr Wa NI Ind Aus NZ NAm CAm SAm WYG Douglas Colin Shields Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Geo Br Pvt Pkg Urb 151 NE NW Y WM EU WE EE NAf McCormick 0116 234 8000 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Sig Dr Fut ITS TrMgt Apr 17 EM EA SE EAf WAf SAf [email protected] PM He RSA 8.7 GL IL SW Sc Wa NI YES Engineering Greg Parker Paul Willis Pl Mod EIA Rd Ra Air Sig Pkg Loc WM EM SE 020 7566 0060 Cons Sus Cyc RSA GL SW [email protected] PM YGC - Huw Sion Arwel Jones Pl Mod EIA Rd Urb Air Geo Br Pvt Loc Urb 5.473 NW WM Wa Ymgynghoriaeth Williams 01286 679426 Cons Sus RdNet Cyc Sig Dr TrMgt RSA 2016-17 Gwynedd [email protected] PM Po IT 3.677 Consultancy Yotta Nick Smee Shivani Prashar Mod PFI RdNet Po Br Dr IT 9.2 NW Y WM EM WE Aus NZ 01926 319600 Sep 17 EA SE GL IL SAm [email protected] 1.1 SW Sc Wa

Key Type of work Where they work

Strategic Related Work UK Overseas Pl Development planning/ Geo Geotechnical NE North East England EU European Union transport appraisal Br Bridges NW North West (excluding UK) Mod Modelling & simulation Tun Tunnelling Y Yorkshire and WE Western Europe EIA Environmental impact assessment Pvt Pavement Design Humberside (excluding EU) PFI Public Private Partnerships, PWay Permanent way design EM East Midlands EE Eastern Europe PFI and DBFO schemes Sig Signalling/road signage WM West Midlands ME Middle East Cons Public consultation and surveys Dr Drainage EA East Anglia NAf North Africa Sus Sustainable travel planning Fut Future Transport SE South East (excluding EAf East Africa PM Project management/ London) WAf West Africa GL Greater London SAf South Africa construction management Other Hea Health and wellbeing IL Inner London Ch China Pkg Parking SW South West SEAs South East Asia Loc Local transport schemes including Sc Scotland Ind India & Pakistan Modes traffic engineering, accident studies, Rd Road design pedestrianisation, cycleways, traffic Wa Wales Aus Australia Ra Heavy rail design including metro and calming NI Northern Ireland NZ New Zealand tube systems Urb Urban design NAm US & Canada Urb Urban transport systems including ITS Intelligent Transport Systems including CAm Central America light rail, bus operation, guided bus congestion charging, cordon schemes, SAm South America Air Airports ramp metering RdNet Road network management TrMgt Traffic management RaNet Rail network management RSA Road safety audits Cyc Cycling/Pedestrian IT Software development Po Ports and harbours Tr Training

32 Transportation Consultants Directory its listings ITS specialists

Key Auto Automotive Mob Assisted mobility Pkg Parking HMI Human-machine interfaces TrMgt Traffic management To Tolling CVHS Co-operative vehicle highway systems Dr Driver information Em Emissions Com Communications technologies Pas Passenger information Pol Policy Saf Enforcement and road safety Tic Public transport ticketing Ra Rail Sec Security FlMgt Fleet management Hub Hubs and interchanges Fr Freight AVL Automatic vehicle location Po Ports and marine

Company Contact Areas of activity

127 Consultancies Ian Gittens TrMgt Pkg 07545 680130 [email protected] 4way Consulting Jason McNulty Auto CVHS Com Saf TrMgt Dr To 01926 832799 [email protected] AECOM Lee Street Auto HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po 0161 237 6938 [email protected] Amalo Consulting Nathan Brook Auto Com TrMgt Dr Pas AVL 07564 051739 [email protected] Amey Mark Brown CVHS Com Saf Mob TrMgt Dr Pas FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub 01865 719626/07808 396054 [email protected] Arcadis Consulting (UK) Mac Alghita Auto Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po 020 7812 2000 [email protected] Arena Associates Lance Fogg Saf TrMgt 01253 302858 [email protected] Atkins, Jason Pavey HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po member of the SNC-Lavalin Group 0121 483 5914 [email protected] Austin Analytics John Austin HMI Mob Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pol Hub 07730 943415 [email protected] BAE Systems Applied Intelligence Andy Kemp Auto HMI CVHS Com Sec TrMgt Dr Pas Tic Em Pol Ra Po 020 7812 4695 [email protected] Bishop Surveying Solutions Richard Bishop Com 07948 602761 [email protected] C-T Aviation Solutions Chris Cowle TrMgt 01256 362963 [email protected] CampbellReith Simon Boots TrMgt Pkg 01737 784500 [email protected] Capita Property and Infrastructure Kevin Martin-Read CVHS Com Saf Sec TrMgt Dr Pas Tic Pkg To Pol Ra Hub 07712 538409 [email protected] CEEMA Wafir Al-Ghabban Saf Sec Pkg 0121 705 7757 [email protected] David Simmonds Consultancy Andy Dobson TrMgt Pol 0131 226 5908 [email protected] DHA Planning Harriet Baker TrMgt Pkg Pol 01622 776226 [email protected] DNV GL Stephen Norman Sec FlMgt Em Po 020 3816 400 [email protected]

June 2018 33 its listings

Company Contact Areas of activity

Dougall Baillie Associates Robin Duncan Saf TrMgt Pkg Pol Hub Po 01355 266 480 [email protected] EPN Consulting Stefano Mainero TrMgt Pas FlMgt AVL To Pol Hub 020 7869 8015 [email protected] Fairhurst Ian McKay Ra Hub Po 0131 225 6741 [email protected] Farrow Walsh Consulting John O’Neill Auto Com Saf TrMgt Pkg 0116 251 5558 [email protected] Firstco Ria Manzanero HMI Com Sec Pas Ra 020 7034 0833 [email protected] Gardiner & Theobald Andrew Paul Auto Ra Po 020 7209 8433 [email protected] Gattica Associates Mark Temple Saf TrMgt Hub 01428 648873 mark.temple George Corderoy & Co Gary Grice Ra 0121 454 4131 [email protected] Green Signals Consulting Stuart Ohrland TrMgt Dr Pol 01245 472996 [email protected] Hamilton-Baillie Associates Ben Hamilton-Baillie Saf TrMgt Pol 0117 911 4221 [email protected] Hogia Transport Systems Gary Umpleby Fr Pas AVL Hub Po 07815 872909 [email protected] IBI Group Graeme Scott CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub 0141 331 4500 [email protected] Inspire Design & Development Lee Barnes TrMgt Pkg Pol 01246 864467 [email protected] Intermodal Transportation Chris Glegg Saf TrMgt Pkg Pol Hub 01799 529534 [email protected] Jacobs Alan Waugh Auto HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po 0141 243 8608 [email protected] JCT Consultancy Simon Swanston TrMgt 01522 751010 [email protected] John Walker Consultancy John Walker HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec TrMgt Dr Pas AVL Pkg To Em Pol 0118 926 4217 [email protected] Le Chat Noir Jim Morey Com Saf Mob TrMgt Pas Tic Pkg Pol Ra Hub 02392 601975/07713 096681 [email protected] Local Transport Projects Andy Mayo Saf TrMgt Pkg Em Pol 01482 679911 [email protected] London Design and Management Sani Haddad TrMgt Pkg 07973 774097 [email protected] Mewies Engineering Consultants Neil Benison Saf TrMgt Pkg Em Pol Ra Po 01530 264753 [email protected] Motion Richard Bettridge TrMgt Pkg Hub 01483 531300 [email protected] Mott MacDonald John D’Arcy Auto HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po 020 8774 2000 [email protected] Nicander Trevor Platt TrMgt Dr 07734 980511 [email protected]

34 Transportation Consultants Directory its listings

Company Contact Areas of activity

Norman Rourke Pryme Keith Firth Saf TrMgt Pkg 07885 827108 [email protected] Peter Brett Associates Scott Witchalls Auto Com Saf Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt Pkg Em Pol Hub 0118 950 0761 [email protected] Rodgers Leask Matt Harrison Saf Fr TrMgt Dr Pas Tic Pkg Pol Hub 01332 285000 matthew.harrison RPS Group Douglas A Lamont TrMgt Pkg To Pol Ra Hub Po 01235 438151 [email protected] SG Transport Innovation Steve George CVHS Com Fr TrMgt Pkg Pol 07977 492901 [email protected] Steer Davies Gleave Nadine Kayser Com TrMgt Dr Pas Tic Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub 020 7910 5000 [email protected] Stirling Maynard Trish Bromley Auto Po 01733 262319 trish.bromley Stomor Nicola Morris Saf TrMgt 01462 615433 [email protected] Sweco UK Stuart Wilson Com Saf TrMgt Dr Ra 01642 065284 [email protected] SYSTRA Tim Steiner Pas Tic Pkg To Pol Ra Hub 0131 344 4950 [email protected] The Transportation Consultancy Alan Bailes Saf TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt Pkg To Pol 07803 894686 [email protected] Tony Gee and Partners Chris Burton Pkg Ra Po 01372 461600 [email protected] Tracsis Paul Jackson Com TrMgt Pas Pkg Em Ra Hub Po 01937 833933 [email protected] Traffic Solutions Mark Ralph TrMgt 08701 001080 [email protected] Transport Logic Mike Hayward Auto HMI CVHS Com Saf TrMgt Dr Pas Tic AVL Pkg To 07515 872277 mike.hayward Transport Planning and Karlene Doherty TrMgt Em Pol Engineering 0141 229 5448 [email protected] Volterra Partners Paul Buchanan To Pol Ra 020 8878 6333 [email protected] Waterman Group Peter Begbey TrMgt Pkg Pol Ra Hub Po 020 7928 7888 [email protected] Westcotec Olly Samways Saf Dr Em Ra Po 01362 853124 [email protected] WSP Steven Green Auto HMI CVHS Com Saf Sec Fr Mob TrMgt Dr Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em Pol Ra Hub Po 07876 745405 [email protected] Wyeval Consulting Keith Mortimer CVHS Com Saf TrMgt Dr FlMgt AVL Pkg To Em 07989 651259 [email protected] WYG Colin Shields Com Saf Fr TrMgt Pas Tic FlMgt AVL Pkg Em Pol Hub 0116 234 8000 [email protected] Yotta Shivani Prashar CVHS Saf TrMgt Pol Ra Po 01926 319600 [email protected]

June 2018 35 Faster smarter better

From future rail and smart infrastructure to automated vehicles and digital transformation, we collaborate to deliver transport innovations that tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. @AECOMTransport