Kenneth Feder | 9780078035074 | | | | | Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology

Community Reviews. Product Details About the Author. Even though it's been a few years since I read this book, compared to most of the other books I read in college, this was my favorite. To see what your and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition thought of this book, please sign up. The attitude involving respect for ancestors by Myths to rather arbitrary and conservative standards, and ancestors that perhaps shared nothing with you while they lived at that, is for me a very odd and scarcely justified one. No trivia or quizzes yet. If this book has a single flaw, it's that the author really wants to debunk things like And Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition Age-ism, having once been a believer and then realized that a lot of New Age claims were, er, poorly founded. Average rating 3. Sort order. Who Discovered America? Apr 04, Carla Remy rated it it was amazing Shelves: history. He does concede that Archaeology isn't what I first started out on the 'Ancient Astronaut' theories of Von Daniken Frauds figured I should read what the other half Frauds and was I surprised. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. No and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition, though, which Frauds it a bit odd if you are familiar with Dr. And when you read this you will be amazed at for each of the and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition cases, there and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition a complete lack of anything remotely approaching scientific evidence. Refresh and try again. There might of course be some aspect of a downtrodden, nearly destroyed people trying to reclaim anything at all of their past, but how far must such concern be taken? Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. Details if other :. I would of liked more thoroughness on literature. It's clear, and Feder's thinking is incisive. Not only that but explains exactly what science is and how it works, which is so eloquently done it makes the book worth it just for that. The best chapters in this book utilize the ideas of Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries to teach aspects of epistemology and archaeology in a way that is both theoretical and tangible. Myths of note, this edition is a very early edition perhaps the first, but I'm not sure. Pseudoscience from an archaeology perspective. I would buy more Feder books but to be honest the price is slightly high and I fear that most of them are purely academic textbooks meant for students and not casual interests Myths laymans but a good book nonetheless When he's not digging in the dirt or writing books, he likes to hang out with his one wife, two kids, and four very bad cats. Myths rating book. This article about an archaeology -related book is a stub. Anyone interested in critical thinking and or deception will be well served here. An ultimate book for skeptics. Alfred Kroeber would be proud! He has taught in the Department of Anthropology at Central Connecticut State University since where he is now a full professor. I can't find conclusive evidence, but I would be very unsurprised if this Stanislaw Poniatovski turns out to be a descendant of this guywho was the nephew of the Stanislaw Poniatowski that Catherine the Great put on the throne of Poland. It seems to me there's a very basic bias in the human and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition underlying all this- the past is easy to identify with, while the future, from its potential to its dangers, remains abstract. Sometimes books that have such high praise make me anxious, I feel like all the praise is only setting me up to be disappointed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. While the material covered will likely be familiar to anthropology majors it is a great read for fans of critical thinking and debunking the myriad of utter nonsense present in modern culture. Plato invented the idea of Atlantis as a fictional example for one of Frauds dialogues; no other mention of this place appears in any historical record. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology / Edition 8

Frauds von Daniken could have easily found this out by examining the scientific work himself, but doing your research doesn't make you rich, I guess. Temporarily Out of Stock Online Please check back later for updated availability. Friend Reviews. Add to Wishlist. He also explains how historical 'mis-leadings' initially worked and why they ultimately failed. I have mixed feelings about the text, but there is no doubt in my mind Myths it is well written and well intentioned. Honestly, this is a breath of fresh air after facing so many comments of "but the elitist scientific community just won't listen! The best chapters in this Feder's Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries is not a terrible book, and in fact it is very informative, but it is unfortunately quite uneven in quality. Pseudoscience from an archaeology perspective. I find it hard to sympathise with what doubtless many people find the more human side of the row, that of the tribes. Debunks what you thought you knew about atlantis, ancient egypt, giants, Myths findings and more Highly recommended. It was thought-provoking to read about all the ulterior motives religious, nationalistic people have with history and science. Black and white photographs are provided. Temporarily Out of Stock Online Please and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition back later for updated availability. Specifically Feder Frauds how things can be misused for an agenda and how you can spot this and reason your way past it. It's copy righted This is a really excellent textbook as well as a great book to read and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition pleasure for those interested in . Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. If you're a fellow skeptic, I'd definitely recommend this one. Of the many books available on strange beliefs, bad science, fraud, and proper skepticism, this is the first I've encountered with a basis in archaeology. Its style is somewhere in between that of a textbook and that of a "popular" book. Jul 30, Wendelle added it. I truly enjoy Feder's ability to take pseudo-archaeology to task and fully admit that this reveals a bit of schadenfreude on my part that most likely stems from from having heard an endless list of crackpot theories myself through much of my collegiate career in Anthropology. Want to Read saving…. Details if other :. Robbing Graves for Fun and Profit H. Some of them may very well be true, Myths they don't mean anything without evidence. Feder examines the famous illustration of the Mayan astronaut from Chariots of the Gods? This is an excellent book that, surprisingly, gave me some interesting critical thinking skills. It reminds me how I argued as a teenager. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology

Showing and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition I highly recommend this for the and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition and the skeptical. America B. Read this for a class. Dec 20, Craig Clark rated it really liked it. There is more "magic" in the truth, than any over-wrought falsehood could ever have and Feder's passion for his work is evident in his writing. When the focus is history and archaeology, my interest is doubly piqued. His primary research and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition include the archaeology of the native peoples of New England and the analysis of public perceptions about the human past. Clear and sometimes funny descriptions of silly stories that and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition few people made up and a few more believed, and unfortunately still believe, until the crushing weight of actual scientific evidence exposed the lies. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. What disrespect is there in throwing a more rigorous line to the past than folk histories and the like can if it means a connection is more secure, and may even meander into the future? This is a text book, but it's not too dense or daunting, even if it did take me a long while to read. In that context, an odd connection came Myths - an ethnologist named Stanislaw Poniatowski, who attempted experiments in . Add to Wishlist. For example, the Cardiff giant is a great story written by feder and it was interesting and informative. Sometimes books that have such high praise make me anxious, I feel like all the praise is only setting and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition up to be disappointed. Science, even archaeological science, is really about Frauds future- it can illuminate the past and those illuminations often mean something for the future, usually better arming us for it in the case of specimens like this, such externalities could involve insights into our genomes to help combat disease and the like- these may of course never materialise in any particular case, but it's worth trying given how it's worked in other cases. A fairly interesting read. In each case, Feder lays out the archaeological evidence for a pseudo-scientific theory or a known scientific fact and points out the kinds of evidence one would expect to find. Jul 30, Wendelle added it. Beginning students of archaeology will probably find this to be worth a read. I get the impression Feder does significant revisions between editions. The way Feder talks about pseudoscience encourages the reader to form their own questions about the things peopel claim. But just like "Bad Astronomy" I've heard many an interview with Kenney Feder, and he is a very entertaining man to listen to speak he also has quite the impressive sailor and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition. By placing wildly inaccurate claims within the context of the scientific method, this indispensable supplementary text demonstrates how science approaches questions about Myths antiquity and, in doing so, shows Frauds pseudoscience falls short. Likely von Daniken could have and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition found this out by examining the and Mysteries Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology 8th edition work himself, but doing Myths research doesn't make you rich, I guess. It is required reading in some archaeology courses. He obtained his M. In a period of history, despite unprecedented access to information, many people still want to be 'validated' rather than informed. The discussion of mainstream white Americans' beliefs that the couldn't possibly have been Indians was interesting. Namespaces Article Talk. Pseudoarchaeology book. When he's not digging in the dirt or writing books, he likes to hang out with his one wife, two kids, and four very bad cats. If this book has a single flaw, it's that the author really wants to debunk things like New Age-ism, having once been a believer and then realized that a lot of New Age claims were, er, poorly founded.