THE EVENING STAR AUTOMOItUS FOR SALI AUTOMOmiS FOt IAU THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! —By Fogaly ond Shorten I AUTOMOMLO Pit IAL» AUTOMOIILP POt UU AUTOMOHm FOR BALI^J * Super Waxhington, D. C. NASH ’49 “600” 4-dr.: with PLYMOUTH ’62 god.; radio, heater, atonal*. ate. Re- C-16wwwbbat, ia. mm turn Z holstery. A V6SF for economy nnd ocwan clining seats that mats Into bed. A agon: hea?er comfort. 4-month guarantee; 5795. perfect second car at a bargain price H * WILMTO*?9*Soverdrive; by r AUTOS FOR SAL! (Cont.) of $295. FRANK SMALL. JR.. INC., Wash’s CHdeit §OTd A R6KTER, WA.TZIN* WILL* WlLLlfiIf and sale OWNER. S7OO. • Penns, ave. avo. AD. 4-4300. Open A* JXrr WO. 8-8716 after 6 p.m. —l4 SaMfS 3300 s.e., ML 2-0827. Vermont n.w.. A LISTEN Ip HIS INSTBUCTIONS ’go Ace; : IBfAHfiWbrOpen eves, till 9, eves, till 9; Sat. tIU 5. PUT THE KANf 10 SLEEP UK* »VE A EBAKEB 4-dr. ChamDlon; WICLYS ’62 2-dr. 0.d., h. and r.: AD. 4-4300. Oat. NASH ’SO r„ h„ overdrive; beautiful S-tose finish; equipped excep. dean; $896. MITCHELL’SI Ull 6. AS paint; PLYMOUTH ’4B Special de luxe 4- r. h., matching covers INC., 2nd st. n.w., beautiful 2-tone new seat light blue finish, heater, turn With and seat seen MOTORS. *22 covers. one. 30-day door: and .econ ovsedrive; must be XX. 3-4106. Kaiaer-WUlys Dealer. Don't miss this signals: $695. SILVER SPRING CS 3 guar. HILL Sc ” Open tree, till 9. $546. SANDERS. C *62 -dr.; Wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 £,”&.‘«S 3ue WIIXTBoverdrive; Aero Ace Custom SfS." Va rt 2-9003. *896. STANLEY H. HOR- 14th at. n.w.. Mb. 7-1111. I> t< JA. CORNER, &sK»sm NABH Statesman Super 2-door; NER’S 3829 Minn, ave. Tiß,v *sl FLYMt»UTH *s3 4Y«M>r; heater and 7 922 1 overdrive, turn sltnals. heater; amu- overdrive, turn signals, w.-w. tires; lngly clean. $696. guar. WtttYS ’ '52 staUon wagon; tt»p **** Written $1,195. SILVER SPRING MOTOR I and very ’47 station wxon; r. and h.. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. L CO., INC., 1062 hwy. (at mechanical cond. dean: spotlight. fan. Sell or trade, beat DK Ht-W. Ga. MOTOR 'SALES'. *7MO guar.; $995 ARLINGTON MOTOIi ave. n.e.. 2-0302. ave.), 811. Spa., Md., JU. 8-3167. 9-2000. —l6 CO . (Ford). <4917 N. Moore st- offer. AO. 4*9881. Apt. 2. —l3 NABH 50 Ambassador 4-dr. aadan; Open today! TA. r. Hydra.; beaut, STUDEBAKER 1962 Champion 2- Arl.. Va- JA. 7-8787. —l3 ****** 4-dr.; r. and h.; Terr and h.. cond. Full PLYMOUTH 1962 Cambridge 4-dr.: , "gas-saving” True for once In n lifetime ram price only $545; terms. OTHO black finish, looks lute ne*. has dr. with over- can bay am1954 ra- drive, original light blue finish Btndebaker Co. TVKbSa“i,2ffi WILLIAMS , 2001. Nichols dio. heater, seat covers; one-owner and immaculate This is a official ear with a new-ear title M ‘ ave. a.e. —ls through- one-owner, Interior. guarantee- m “¦ Statesman; w.s.w.; car. In excellent condition low-mileage car; 5996. and at a ased-ear ?9%w. lffr- NASH 1954 com- out; $995. Washington's Oldest and PARKWAY-FORD. 3061 M st. n.w., 'sl $969 price. List price, 92.925—ear ******'52 pletely equipped; very low mileaae: Largest Dodge-Plymouth Dealer, 2-0185. open to Sat. till 6. price. 82.015, for a '54 Studo- sedan with heater; con- 8-2989 after 5:30. —l4 AD. 9 9. 2-tone paint; radle, heater; sne- 4-dr., dition very nice: flnlih fine. See $1,995. JA. TREW MOTOR CO.. 6th and Fla STUDEBAKER demonstrators; 2 ear; bine baker Commander V-8 $844. to 'SO Rocket ''88” 2-dr. ave. LI. 7-1732. ’64 ewner enr ribbon fully equipped, sky •HPreclate; Car No. 7H6-A. sedan; engine, radio, n.e.. to choose from: new-car titles and special. Down payment as low bine Snlah. MONROE PORI).1287 V-8 heater PLYMOUTH '6l Cambridge club cpe.; guarantees. These cars must be sold HURRY! This Is a once-ln-a- East-West and Hydra-Matle, like new tires and and terrific bargain: as 946, and 18 mos. to pay. llfetlme opportunity. Payments ope " t”Dinti r. h. A $846. at sacrifice prices. Payments to suit upholstery. Real buy this week. Car No. 814-A. MONROE FORD. your budget. McNEIL to suit your budget. SPs. ¦Sb.*SESFfcoSr $95 down on approved credit. 5100 Wls. ave. n.w., PONTIAC. ******1949 4-dr.; $695: WO. 6-2000. 7320 Wls. ave., OL. 4-8000. In the MOTOR ceptlonallryelean h. and r.; ex- KIRK MOTOR CO.. 4000 Geortla Open eves, till 9. CENTRAL CO. ;Jt29S. MITCH- ave., TA. 9-4800. —l4 : r. and v Tour Packard Dealer McNEIL PONTIAC *LLB mC., PLYMOUTH '49 STUDEBAKER *1962 Comdr. Tpass. MOTORS. -.>22 2nd st. OLDSMOBILE—'SI “88” sedan ra- h., very good tires; needs minor coupe: r. and h- auto, drive.; 2864 Jeff. DavU Hwy., Art. 7326 Wisconsin Ave. OL. 4-8666 dio and heater. Hydra-Matic drive. body work. You can steal this one, sl.- (lib mUes 8. 14th St. Bridge) In the Heart st Bethssda Dealer ***"-™y outastandlng. low-mileage car 096. MARTIN STUDEBAKER. 4904 if*" A real $295. HILL & SANDERS. Wash.’s Hampden lane, OL. I 1 ®63 dr Oapri; in A-l condition, only $1,145. Car Oldest Ford Dealer, 1300 14th at. Bethesda. 2-1700. OT. 4-7520 'til 9 P.M. ’'JKS? ’*!,, - 1-owner: 769-A. MONROE FORD. driven 10 months:*J a $5,000 car at No. 1237 1 PJtee. $2,500. TE. 8-4880. —ls Eait-West hwy., 811. Spr.. Md. Open tislkovl'u~VSl concord 2-dr.; v. MERCURY 1949 4-door; overdrive; evenings till 9. JU. 6-7804. and h. A fine car and yours for Price. OLDSMOBILE '53 de luxe “98” Holi- only $895. Car No. 164-A. MONROE Cars Bought and Sold -DUO.). SSOO. JA. day coupe: distinctive 2-tone com- i —lB FORD. 6100 Wis. ave. n.w., WO. I COMPANY ****OL!BT 1954 Monterey 2-tone bination of chariot red and polar 6-2000. Open eves, till 6. top; fully white with harmonizing soft red coupe; Call Carl hard equipped; Merc-O- too by PLYMOUTH '52 de luxe club Motors "Wholesale™ interior, off P° w'r steering, power seat, leather-trimmed set original black finish with contrast- TO THE PUBLIC tinted glass, w.-w. tires, rear ¦w.-w tires. Hydra., super de luxe ing tailor-made seat covers, set off OFFICIAL CARS seat radio with rear speaker, heater, turn deep-tread radio, yeaker, r. and h.: windshield wash- signals, power steering, power bv 5 tires: heater *r: cond.: willconsider M.G. on brakes and other extras. WATA guar.; an -trade,jprf$2,a90. and many other accessories too nu- outstanding OLMSTEAD MO- $•• NASH LO. 5-2894. —l4 see and vtlue. Bill Htrimann 1954 MIRCUEY 1954 Monterey hardtop, merous to mention: must TOR CO„ N. Virginia's Largest 2-toce; tires, drive to fully appreciate; an out* Oldsmobile Dealer. 2000 Wilson OL. 4-2121 METROPOLITANS RAMBLERS w.-w. r.. h.. Merco- standing $2,395. OLM- m only $2,395. value at blvd.. JA. 7-8400. nnii&iu lle*i -BTEAD MOTOR CO., N. Virginia's ArL '52 sedan; 2-tone finish, PONTIAcV^ DUTCH. Otis 4-8972*. 14 PLYMOUTH STATESMEN AMBASSADORS MERCURY ’53 harp top convertible; Largest Oldsmobile Dealer. 200U heater, seat covers. Ah exceptional 2-door sedan; Hydra- \ Arl.. JA. 7-8400. guar. -..i r. exceptionally Wilson blvd.. top-quality car: $895, _ Matte, and h.: nice condi- “88” 2- written r. and h. tion throughout. Truly one of the OLDSMOBILE 1950 Rocket TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. L AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '52 Buick $1,395 $ door. with Hvdra-Matic. radio, ave. n.e.. $1,595 Value V best. 1.895. Car No. 717-A. MQN- heater, black finish with clean DE. 2-6302. miles; r„ SAVE ip to *7OO 6100 Wls. ave. let PLYMOUTH '4B Special de luxe 4- sedan; Champion I h.. tinted riass; green. POJID. open n.w.. interior: $895. PARKWAY-FORD, Immac. well-kept ear. grey fin.; PONTIAC ’52 de luxe 2-door STUDEBAKER '6l Commander V-8 ! STUDEBAKER ’62 Reeal 1 two-tone • New-Cor Guarantee anti „ eve*, -ui 9 p.m. n.w.. AD. 2-0185. Open dr.: Hydra-MaUc. black finish: convert.: r. and h.. auto, trans., new 5-pass, coupe; r. and h.. overdrive: Thu ear belonged to sn Army MERCURT 1961 2-dr.; beautiful 3051 M st. tires and Interior like new: radio, 8 erT. fin., STUDEBAKER, 4904 ¦ general and Is dark 9 to 9, Bat. till 6. heater and seat covers. $395; $45 top. beautiful Elko-grey red $095. MARTIN I Immaenlate. Down Financing blue finish: seat covers, over- OLDSMOBILE 1954 “88” Holiday car warranty, arcade Interior; Oils car carries our Hampden lane, Bethesda. OL. 2-1700. ,#w *s and 24 j drlve. heater; down on approved credit. KIRK Used* leather * excellent mechanical Bond, , ¦SBC®* P * coupe; low mileage: power steering, ave., PONTIAC. 1437 Irving st. n.w.. AD. famous Butler which consists ’SO Champion 7' JUfiT b 7 • condition throughout. Today only, MOTOR CO., 4000 Oeorgia inspection, 3-day driving STUDEBAKER 4-dr.s 81,395 H power brakes, r. and h.; white walls; RA. 3-9670. —ls of a guar, new, Some Care Leu than 1,000 reduced to $895. Washington'* Old- TA. 9-4800 —l4 n.w., 30-day looks and runa like fully equip. fully equipped: low mileage; going T. Also 3460 14th at. trial and a or 1,000-mlle 1-owner, low-mileage car. You d P o PLYMOUTH ’6O de luxe aedan; 4-8600. warranty. one A Miles (?o:. overseas. JA. 5-7217 after 6. —ls and signals, 2-tone blue PONTIAC ’47 4-dr. sedan; special for additional This won't must see this to appreciate It. Week Trades Accepted, MOTOR 6t™ *nd Hydra.: h.. turn last long: LEE D. BUTLER, i CENTRAL MOTOR CO. I j .Fla. ave. n.e., LI. 7-1733. OLDS 'SO “98” 4-dr.: $795. finish: $595. written guar. TRI- today; full price only 9200; no 9795. end special. $495. FRANK SMALL H. HORNER'S CORNER. money approved credit. INC., 4034 Wls. ave. n.w.. EM. Jr.. INC.. 1736 Good Hope rd. s.e., MERCURY ’sl club cpe.: beautiful STANLEY ANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. 1. ave down on 3-7286. Hawthorne green with contrasting 3829 Minn. ave. n.e. LU. 1-82,26. n.e DE. 2-6302. OTHO WILLIAMS BUICK. 2001 LU. 4-5700. Used car lot. —ls 2-dr.; < Edgemoor seat r„ h„ overdrive, etc. PLYMOUTH convert.; r. and Nichols ave. s.e. . —ls STUDEBAKER 'sl Champion covers. “88" 2-dr.: 2-tone finish, 'SO h.. "6” light blue, very STUDEBAKER '62 Landcrutser “8”: COAST-IN PONTIAC A 1-owner, low-mllease car; ex- OLDB. 'sl seat covers, canary-yellow finish, PONTIAC *4B convertible; r. and overdrive, r. and h.. 0.d.. r. and h.; $895. HORNER'S tremely good has heater. Hydra-Matic. seat cov- perfect beauty; Hydra-Matic. perfect top, twin economical and real buy; 30-day 407 Florida Ave N.E cond. throughout. War- ers, buy black top. A $705. h.. finish; a COR., Buick Dealer, Pla. ave. n.e. « Today an excellent at $1,005. guar. MOTORS, spotlight, turn signals, orig. guar.; only $605. HILL Sc SANDERS. at ranteed mos. or 6.060 ml. - written TRIANGLE 6th. LI. 6-6464. Open Motor Co. only. $895. AKERS OLDSMOBILE a 30-dav guar., $345. HILL Sr Dealer. 1114 LI. 6-7200 'til 9 FRANK SMALL. JR., shopping center, 3010 R. I. ave. n.e.. DE. 2-8302. steal: Wash.'* Oldest Ford Servlns 8301 Wisconsin Ave. INC.. 17.18 Good Hope rd. a.e.. CO., Fairlincton PLYMOUTH '47 aed.; r. and h.. 6.000 SANDERS. Wash.’* Oldest Ford Vermont ave. n.w., AD. 4-4300. Open the Woshlngtoo motorin, LU. Alexandria. Va. OV. 3-0350. motor, interior, Dealer. 1300 14th st. n.w.. NO. eves, till 9, Sat. till 6. OL. 2-1270 .4-6700. Used-ear lot. —ls 4-di.; r.. h. mi.: finish, like new; •nbJJ^o^ve^^qjmrte^entnry MERCURY -51 2-dr. sedan, r. ana n. OLDS 1950 de luxe ‘‘BB’' $5 down. 1620 Wilson blvd. —ls sedan.: t. and Hydra.; 1 owner. Low miles. radio, PONTIAC ’sl 2-dr. sedans r. and h.. STUDEBAKER ‘6O Comdr. $1,295 Priced to sell st only $895. Bank PLYMOUTH 1947 coupe, with covers, and h.; $545. HORNER’S COR.. '52 Buick Open Ouar. $845. BOWMAN MOTOR finish, and tailored seat clean inside and top; very cleant spotlight, Today! financing OTHO WILLIAMSBUICK, Georgia ave. TA. 9- heater: excellent black tires; Buick Dealer, ava. n.e. at 6th, Hard 2001 Nichols ave. s.e. —ls SALES. 7630 very good tires: $325. PARKWAY- out: w.-w. 4-mo. guarantee; U. 6-6464. Fla. heater, defroster; one owner; . SANDERS. Wash.‘a payment MERCURY ’52 4-dr. sedan; r. and h., 2000. sedan;—ls,orig. FORD 3051 M st. n.w.. AD. 2- $1,695. HILL Sc Ivory and black. Down '54 Buick $2,895 Mere-O-Matic. w.-w. tires. Immac. ’ OLDS 'SO “98” 4-door 0185. Open 9 to 0. Sat. till 6. Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont STUDEBAKER ’6l Commander State as low as $75, and 24 months to 5 tires: car Open sedan; and overdrive; buy Riviera 2-deer; r. Ah.; Driven only 11.000 mi. Pull price 1 finish; r.. h.. new w.-w. PLYMOUTH 1952 Cranbrook 4-dr. ave. n.w.. AD. 4-4300. evea. r. h.. $795. pay. A raal at $1,295. Dynaflow; sig- only $1,495. ; like new; owner must sell. No deal- radio, •til 9: Rat., 'til K. MARTIN BTUDEBAKER. 4904 tarn Bank financing. OTHO —l4 sedan: with heater. 2-tone , sedan; h., Hampden lane, nals; power steering ers. EX. 3-9004. _ finish, harmonising < PONTIAC ’SO 4-dr. r. and Bethesda. OL. 2-1700. BUICK. 2001 blue with in- - WILLIAMS Nichols Super 2-dr.; r.. h. Plymouth's Hydra-Matic; green 30- yellow, and brakes; w. w. d ave. s.e. —ls OLDS 1951 “88” terlor. This is luxury dark finish; I STUDEBAKER ’6O convertible; CENTRAL MOTOR CO. tires; ROCK w.-w, hnba, MERCURY *47 coupe: modified, 278- . and Hydra. Truly a beauty..Guar. model at only $1,096. PARKWAY- day guarantee; $745. HILL Sc SAN- with new black top, r. and Your Packard Dealer wire E-X- eu.-in. engine; 1018 cam. Weiand Spec. $1,095. BOWMAN MOTOR FORD. 3051 M st. n.w.. AD. DERS. Oldest Ford Dealer. tires; $595. SPRING MO- 2804 Jo*. Davis Hwy., Art. --. Eye Glass. n 2-0185. Wash.'* SILVER equipped. 7530 Oeorgia ave. 9- Open 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.. 4-4300. CO.. hwy. (at (Himiles 8. 14th Bt. Bridge) H and C dlst. All new . SALES. TAj& 9 to 9. Sat. till 6. AD. TOR INC., 1002 E.-W. '54 Olds —,52,895 parts. Call Occoquan PONTIAC 1954 Chieltain luxe , Open eves, 'til 0; Sat.., ’til5. Ga. ave.) Silver Spring, Md., JU. 128-J after 6 ’ wagon, body; wagon; de Chief "8" conv. coupe: Open Snper “88” 4-door; r. OPAL°atation all-metal station Hydra-Matic. power PONTIAC1 '63 8-3157. today! OT. 4-7520 'til 9 P.M. power MERCURY *62 Monterey hard top; $395. HORNER'S COR., Buick Deal- steering. $2,597. Fully equipped, white, black top. w.-w. tires, power 1 STUDEBAKER '52 champion aedan; and h.. Hydra., beautiful two-tone green er. Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 6-6464. sold; new-ear warranty. steering. Hydra., 1. and h., $1,895. a extra-clean, steering »nd brakes. with color ¦ se- never Low beautiful one-owner 2-tone harmonized leather interior. Radio PACKARDS—we have the fine** miles. FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Con- HORNEh’S COR., Buick Dealer, Fla. ear, tip-top cond.; $895. written JtafeK Urea. and heater. Overdrive and many lection of used Packards In the necticut. WO. 6-8400. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 8-6464. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 other extras. Positively same as Metropolitan Area; all models prop- PONTIAC 1904 Chieftain de luxe 2- PONTIACB1 1960 convertibles (2 to I. ave. n.e., DE. 2-6302. '54 8i0v.„51,895 quickly erly guaranteed. from); rr. | new. Act on this offer. $1,795. reconditioned and dr., 6-cyl.; low miles; new car war- choose 2 of the cleanest to “ l , Station wagon: Orig. cost $3,500. will take trade O'BRIEN Sc ROHALL. INC.. Your ranty. $1,788. be found! Equipped! S9OO. SILVER , r. nnd FLOOD PONTIAC. INC., n*U *• and bank finance balance. KIRK Arlington Packard Dealer. Used-Car 4221 Connecticut. WO. 6-8400. SPRING MOTOR CO.. 1002 4? Un.S£l„t*‘* - PRICES! MOTOR ave.. Dept.. 1601 Wilson blvd., 3 blocks 6-cylln* E.-W. hwy. (at Ga. ave.), Sil. Sprat. suicir s69s™ CO.. 4000 Oeorsia TA. PONTIAC 54 de luxe 4-dr. Super 4-deer; beeter* Dynaflow; 9-4800. —l4 south of Key Bridge. Open eves. der; gray; r. full Md,. JU. 8-3157. Open today! V 2-tone and h.. , •lean '54 Mercury $2,100 MERCURY 'sl 2-dr. sedan: beautiful JA 7-0480 equipment; 976 miles by careful PONTIAC '62 conv.: apple-red, fin- i ’53 HUDSON '..52,095 original green over- 2-door with Ultra- warranty; 1 new black top; r. and h., 2-door: r. and h.. w.- coupe; Hydra., r. and h„ twln-H power, vlser. with r.. b- and PACKARD 1960 heater, driver. New >1.899. ish with Nash, , w. tires, signals. Hemet club drive. 1-owner; 30.000 actual miles, matic drive, radio, dqver FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Conn, ave.. •w.-w. tires. A real sharp car: L. P. Safford Ine. turn 15,000 aetaal miles; new-ear guarantee. price slashed to $995. $95 down on gray finish and nice interior. This WO. 6-8400 $1,395. Car No. 222-A. MONROE 8507 COLESVILLE RD. '54 Ford $2,295 approved credit. KIRK MOTOR CO., is Packard's Golden Anniversary sedan; FORD. 1237 hwy.. 811. only PONTIAC 1953 Chieftain “8” East-Westevenings Victoria; Ferdomatie .... $1,895 . 4000 Oeorsia ave.. TA. 9-4800. —l4 Model at $495. PARKWAY- Sprg., Md. Open till 9. SILVER SPRING, MD. '53 HUDSON overdrive, AD. 2- radio, heater, Hydra-Matic; 2-tone drive; radio and heat- Wasp 4-dr. tedan: Hydra., r. and h.. turn signals. 12.000 MERCURY 51 club coupe; FORD. 3051 M at. n.w.. .through- JU. 5-7804. er; r. and h.. turn signals, tip-top cond., 0185. Q»en 9 to 9. Sat. till 6. green finish; a clean ear PONTIAC, '52 convertible “S”: Hydra.; JU. 9-8400 w.-w. tires; all- actual miles; new-car guarantee. extra clean, $995, written guar. TRI- PACKARD '6l club coupe: auto, out; $1,796. CCC guar.. CAPITOL 1 $1,395. STANLEY H. HORNER’S Open Eves, ’til», Closed Sunday leather Interior. -8010 *• «• heater, seat covers, very CADILLAC-OLDBMOBILE CO., 1223 CORNER, 3829 Minn. ave. s trans. 22nd n.w.. n.e.. LU. '54 Buick $2,200 ’sl MERCURY $995 clean; $895: written guar _ TRI- st. BT. 3-2600. 1-9226 —lB sedan; and h.. torn signals and seat Mercury. 1951 de luxe 4-dr.; over- MOTORS, 6010 R. I ave. PONTIAC 1954 conv. coupe; Hydra- ROLLS| ROYCE 4-door; like new: must ¦ OLDSMOBILE Special, de laxe 4-dr.; 4-dr. Merc-O-Matlc. r. ANGLE sold; covers, tires, lustrous cream flnlsh. drive. r. and h.: a very clean, low- n.e. DE. 2-6302. . . Matic. .rower steering: never be seen to be appreciated. TU. 2- vm” 2-tone blue: heater, excellent mileage. 1-owner sedan that has PACKARD 'SO 4-dr. sedan: r. and hj. low miles. New-car warranty. $2.- 4119: eves.. TA. 9-2773. —l4 directional elgaala. nn- that certain something that ever; Ultramatic trans.. this velvet black 499. FLOOn PONTIAC, 4221 Con- STUDEBAKER| '63 Champ. Regal "6“ *sl Cod. $2,195 dercoated. ’SO HUDSON $495 discriminating buyer looks for; com- ready the road and is necticut. WO. 6-8400. 4-dr.; h., green fin.; beauty ia for by r. and sea-mist “62” 4-deer; completely , . Pacemaker 2-dr.; r. and k. plete with the Butler Bond: $895. complete In every detail, backed PONTIAC '54 company official cars. a very clean, well cared for sedan, LOOK! $1,895 LEE D. BUTLER. INC., 4034 Wis. at a very Clearance sale. Only 6 left. These you complete equipped. A Fer de r Cnstemllne our famous Butler Bond delivered to with the -- _ave. n.w.. EM. 3-7288. price of $595. LEE D. BUT- cars must be sold. Top trade-in al- Butler Bond. In a condition that . economy •*«’’; radio, FORD $1,595 Monterey; low your '54 Pontiac $1,695 heater, ’54 signals, undercoating. MERCURY *52 radio and LER. INC., 4034 Wls. ave. n.w.. EM. lowance for car. For the best only an exacting owner could main- $1,695 overdrive, torn 2-Doer Sedan. R. A H.. turn 2000 heater, Merc-O-Matlc drive; spot- deal in town see us. For the best BUTLER, 2-dr.i r. and hi beautiful '53 Pontiac I signals. condition and new car guarantee. sharp- tain: $1,395. LEE D. 4034 2-tone blue finish! seat Dlx. 8-cyL 4- miles. New Car less in and out: one of the PACKARD '52 “8” Clipper 4-door se- Pontiac deal see McNeil. Payments Wls. ave. n.w.. EM. 3-7286. covers; Chieftain ¦ seen; $1,545. finish, your 1 owner. 3.900 doer. Now-car condition. I '54 Chev. $1,695 est we've Car No. dan: beautiful 2-tone green to suit budget. McNEIL PON- STUDEBAKER '4B Commander 4-dr.: $595 924-A. MONROE FORD. 1237 East- safety and sanitized. Only TIAC. 7320 Wls. ave. OL. 4-8000. In $295. MARTIN STUDEBAKER. 4904 actual miles. Just like new. "216" 2-doer; heater, ’SO HUDSON hwy.. Soring, Open tested tarn signals, eev. Convertible. Heater, turn signals, light bine, w.-w. Ures. West Silver Md.. the Heart of Bethesda. —l4 __ seat evenings $1 195. COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE fully Hampden lane. Bethesda. OL. 2-1700. '53 Olds $1,795 Olds _.51,945 by us new. till 9. JU. 5-7804. CO. (LI. 3-5555). 1241 6th at. n.e. ] PONTIAC '63 de luxe “8" 4-dr.; '53 I Up to 30 Months to Pay Sold and serviced since M. G.’s. 9 m stock. 2 TC‘s and 7 ave.). equipped; looks and runs like new. “88” 4-dr. sedan. Snper "88” 4-door; Hydro., ¦ Financing (Just Fla. „ Bank Rats PD’*. JACK PITY LTD.. 14th and P off coupe; excellent, Special at $1,645. Payments to suit pow. steering, pew. brakes. B All Carry A.T.A.N.C.A. Guarantee G. ’53; one owner; low mileage; PACKARD 1940 WILLYS, '53 Dodge __ $1,190 M. $250 or best offer. Private. JA. your budget. McNEIL PONTIAC. '53 $1,195 many extras. Sale price, $1,295. Also lo 7320 Wis. ave. OL. 4-8000. In the 2-deor; r. and h., overdrive. Meadewbreok 2-dr. ILVER Morris-Minors. 5-0033 _51,395 2 drs.. convertibles '54 Savoy: PowerFUte. Heart of Bethesda. —l4 '52 Olds __ $1,300 I '53 Chev. SPRINIJ and station wagons, company offi- PLYMOUTH new; PONTIAC 'sl conv.; r. and h.. Hydra., Bel-Air. 4-dr.; shew room CO., W.s.-w. tires: 3-mos old like L. P. Safford Nath, Super “88” 4-dr. A MOTOR lac® MOTORS, INC. cial cars. Also a selection of used $1,795. 3728 w.-w. tires: priced today at only Ine. condition. ARMSTRONG paid $2,400, Will take foreign cars to choose from. MAN- “i7 $1,095. bank financing. OTHO Colesville Rd. st . . Largest (Kalser- 10th n.e. , „ 8507 'sl S9OO 1002 East-Wist Hwy. Washington’s Hudson Doalor HATTAN AUTO. INC. '53 Cranbrook 4-dr. se- WILLIAMS BUICK, 2001 Nichols Willys and foreign cars). 7th at R PLYMOUTHexcel, Equipped. One ave. a.e. —ls Silver Spring, Md. Convertible. '52 Olds __51,395 I Directly Across From gts. n.w., dan: cond. *47 wagon; 4-dr.; Royal N.W. TA. 9-5000 N0.7-2700. Estab. 1914. owner. $1,096. TU. 2-70t)O; eves.. PONTIAC station 1 own- 'SO Buick "88” r. and h., I V. 8. Sion 6503 Georgia Ave. Branch salesroom. 1810 King at., •> er: written guar.: $395. ALEXAN- JU. 9-8400 SBSO Hydra., 1 owner. JA -0°44 ave., Eves, ’til9, Super convertible. Opon Evenings 10 Alexandria. Va. PLYMOUTH.' late 1951 Cranbrook: DRIA NASH. 1705 Mt. Vernon _Op«n Closed Sunday JU. 8-3157 Till NASH '49 "600 4-dr.: with heater; equip., excel, cona., 1 owner. Alex,. Va. O.M.A.C. Financing excel, condition; D. C. and Va. In- fully '52 Pontiac $1,295 I spection guar.; $350 or best offer. 4-deer; , Chieftain de luxe ¦ I»X 3-5998 11 ’53 CHEV. ALBER OLDS and h., Hydra. || covers, good tires: r. ¦ NASH 'SO Ambassador Super 4-dr.; 30-day guarantee; HILL * Hydra., heater, etc. Reclining #690. with SANDERS. Wash.’* Oldest Ford '"W.’-.S&J”'- 1'53I ¦¦¦ that make into double bed. A seats Dealer. 1114 Vermont *ve. n.w.» AD. REPOSSESSED 'so Olds —5995 1- car that Is in exceptionally eve*, Saturday liN Completely equipped, good ?-4300. Open 'til 9. I ¦ Mnmi MIIMNMMOI Cenv. A cond. and has real low mileage. 1 owner; lew mileage. Don’t miss this bargatn. Only $495. PLYMOUTH ’sl sedan: 1 owner end $498.10 ft&ieA FRANK SMALL. JR., INC.. 1736 Just cash credit Is all you s.e., nice. Beautiful fr*! ®nUh. 949 and tood ,$895 S's Good Hope rd. LU. 4-5700. 'sl Da Soto Ford need to take over payments. Financ- I 4 Making History —ls 4-dr.; and h., illthe Used-car lot. 6 ing arranged for servicemen, all Cnstem r. I S-tone. cream c\rC 82*650 Don't grades Tear chance te save 8875 on u > drive, w.-w. tires. NABH 1952 Rambler: DA YS ONLY AT TMPMCL and out-of-towners. Call :• BUY fluid bottom, tan top: radio and heater: car* in stock on NA. 8-3218 for credit approval. 1951 Studebaker Sportster Ce. $795. Washington’s Oldest and Larse choice of official car. New-car title Dodge-Plymouth Dealer, easy terms. KENYON-PECK CHEV- BILL ROSS and Largest Wilson blvd.. Arltog- 313 N. Y. AVE. N.W. —l3 cuarantee; two-tone creen fin- 'sl Ford —sß9s I ROLET. 2036 ish; fully equipped; 2-deer; Ford- I TREW MOTOR CO.. 6th and Fla JA. 2-9001. It’e a real [quality; Castom V-8 ave. ne.. LI. 7-1732. ton.Va. Open^’til beanty at a wholesale price. omatle, r. and h. Car Sales at $995; coupe. buy yon in Used HASH 1951 Ambassador 4-door: 1951 convertible Don’t ’til too this ear ' W Hydra-Matte. radio. weather-eye PLYMOUTH real nice c»r In ex and ret enr deal. Hurry! Only * ,$745 heating. Alrflyte construction. A Looking for a '54 Ford $1,895 1 left. < ‘sl Chfyat,.--$2,495 , 'so Lincoln CUSTOM FORDOMATIC; r„ > Cosmopolitan elnh coupe; > powerful car with high gas mileage. h.. . original In. 4 Hydra, tinted tlaas; a one-owner ear. Half of Hat. k Ir., h. A w.-w. tires. d Also a *sl Statesman for $795. * williams A BAKER, the Area’s Why drive a down payment when McNEIL yen can drive this almost new PONTIAC ? ssfarsxsffijns < Oldest Nash Dealer. 29th and M tU. 7320 Wisconsin At*. 4 windows, r. an! h„ w.-w. a Plymouth $695 I Co. down, OL. 4-8000 'sl Williams Open evenings till 9. ear with as lew as *3OO only Chevrolet n.w. tints 2-door| *• ay. Total price, y 4 Cranbrook r. A h. I NASH '49 Ambassador 4-dr. gedan; Karla, ave. ne- LI. 7-1732. I jlresi $395. MARTIN BTUDEBAKER, 4904 stssr Hampden lane, Bethesda. OL. 'sl Nosh—s49s I 2- CENTRAL MOTOR CO. < ? Sapor Statesman 4-dr.; I '54 HUDSON, $1,095 Tour Packard Dealer > ’52 Pontiac .$1*595 < r. and h.; very clean. Wasp 2-door; black and Ivory. 2801 Jeff. Davis Hwy.. Arl. 4 Super dlx. Catalina; ? * miles 8. 14th St. Brldce) - fllk 2-tong green; . '49 Ford $495 I Nash, < fully HERE'S WHY!!! L. P. Safford Inc. Custom V-8 Tudor; one r Colotville Rd. OT. 4-7520 'til 9 P.M. ? equipped. 4 owner; good condition. 8507 > Silver Spring, Md. VSI Chevrolet ,$895 < '49 Olds '9B' $395 A '53 Chevrolet '53 Ford* '52 Chevrolet* ’49 FORD 4-Door; Tudor and Fordor JU. 9-8400 and h., j 8 BI r. A h. and Hydra. I 2-Dr. and Conv. Hardtop (fiQC y Dlx. 4-door; r. 9, From 5895 Open Eves, ’til Closed Sanday_ 4 . Powerglide ) $1,245 transmit-. -- $395 Priced from $1,345 From I '4B Ford I _ REPOSSESSED . 4 . sion. V-8 2-dr.; r. and h.; very I *185.20 ¦ ' Tudor sedan. (10 down and take > ? < ¦ clean. ' over payments. Allyou need is food GUARANTEED s h « & S,ud *’ LET SELL Wholesale <1 4 ’SO De Soto ..,$795 > ].D® SI N h credit. US . ? Custom 4-door; '4l Cadillac $295 .!7Sir SSTSttL TRV” MARTIN equip. 4 I I 12th AND K STS. N.W. I 4-Door; r. ond h.; very I USED CARS coed condition. From From $645 From $695 . NA. 8-4455 OR BUY @ ?’SO Olds $795 i | ¦ $795 ;> ' J ? "M" club tedan; r, J Washington’* ¦ 16 . and ? ’ Studebaker '49 '49 Ford fir Nash YOUR CAR I '53 Plymouth —51,295 4 h. Oldest 'SO Chevrolet* M Oldsmobil* M > 4-deer; 1950 AND S Cranbreek beaten < ? Dealership kW -oL«nt£y creen finish. , ’53 Chevrolet $1,595 Fro" 1 $495 Fro™ strned for effective 'Vd^Murliand insured From $595 handltnf eonsljned 4 1951 4 Bel Air; hardtop. ) es Speedy disposal MODELS/ '52 Chevrolet —51,095 ’ private owners. • > Styleline Also several 1954 DeSoto of vonr car. i [ CHEVROLET de hie 2-duori 4 y Financing SPECIALS y 4 Powercllde. ? for Low Cost GMAC • ] ? Company Cart tain at 4 NO DOWN PAYMENT Motor Co., Ine. i PLYMOUTH ' Racine 4 . big tavingt ond EZ terms. . ? 10th St.. To. • '52 Plymouth “ 8109 N. Arl.. , ? PONTIAC —.5895 FOR GOOD CREDIT ? Cambrldre 2-deor; "Your NB De Soto-Plymouth l Muoi 4 ’’ IM* CADILLAC, model 02, • < boater. Dealer j T *l2O. JA. 7-5443 ] ? BUICK > y CHEVROLET * WILLIAMS Open Bnnday«. 10 to 1037 FORD V-8 Tudor, (80. 4 • < 1042 CHRYSLER 4-dr.. *59. ? FORD > 'sl Chevrolet —sß9s ’ ) gtylellne do Inzo 4-door; \ FENNER \ CENTRAL MOTOR GO. radio and hentor. Your Packard Dealer * \ 2804 Jeff. Davis Hwy.. Arl. f MOTORS ;. 'sl Plymouth $795 1 East. West Highway 11325 Georgia Avenue . Brldce) !• i' 1636 Bladensbnrg Rd. 1839 I (Hi miles 8. 1 tth St. "wHOLESAL^ N.E. g Special * OT. 4-7520 'til 9 P.M. TO THE PUBLIC *199 i; de luxe 4-deer. y LI. 6-3636, Open Eves. 'HI 9 . WHEATON, MD. ? 'SO Chevrolet —5675 SILVER SPRING < 5-MINUTE \ ? Styleline 2-door. 9-1003 10. 4-1097 > ? # JU. I ™^S37!nCOLN^" i DELIVERY < 'SO Ford $745 8 o.m. to 6 p.m. * Custom Tndor; trey; heater. Both Open Doily, 8 o.m. to 9 p.m.; Sotuidoyi, PLYM. < Plut 10,000 Mila . > * CAPRI Station Wason; radio \ 4 ? Guarantaa . and heater. TRADE—TERMS * $3,095 $1,095 Value \ ? MANY OTHER LATE MODEL* Convertible—We’re maklnf no i [ Coast-In Pontiac < bones abont this belnr the ultl- m * . ? naato, the sharpest to be found. 4 407 Florida Avt. N.i. 14th ft Fla. Av*. N.W. Immaculate. Colonial bine fin- SBSO- j Your BUICK Doalor’s 41UHI . ? LI. 6-7200 Open 'til 9 1 > Hydra- " mmf ish, black top, dual ranee || Matte, radio, heater, elec, win- a" Servlnc the Washlncten 4 HO. 2-7500 PP^xßlli CARS power brakes, power , Meterlnc Public far Over SAFETY-SCOPED dow lifts, ' ) steerine. white-walls. The Inte- a Quarter Century 4 'til 9 OiinWftKl. rior is finished in matehlnf 2- Trade Accepted. Open Evenings i NORTHWEST r SOUTHEAST '54 Buick Hardtop $2,690 tone leather, 4-way seats. A valno at only *3,005. Deal with 1620 MSP. N.W. 1539 P«. Avs. S.E. Llneoln-Merenry j j 54 CheYffSedon $1,490 year new ear DISCOIIMTS dealer. COAST-IN PONTIAC v.... gRgsaEWSMi j PI. 7-8196 | LI. 3-2400 VIOWVIVIO '53 Buick V-8 Sedan $1,690 Are. N.E. pies. ' Montgomery-Stubbs 407 Florida Air $1,390 IINCOLN-MZRCURT DIALER LI. 6-7200 Open 'til 9 $1,397 available '53 Chevrolet "lei 3715 Rladensbare Rd. Servtnt the Waehlnfton motorlnf '53 Buick $1,997 '52 Buick Saver Rlrtera eedaai Dyna. Rlrlera aedani Dm. '53 Mercury Sedan $1,690 AT. 7-2929 Closed Snndays pubtl^jyve^yuartayentury '53 Buick $1,497 'sl Buick $1,197 IIAUII '53 Ford Sedan $1,090 «-door gedan. Readmaater aedani Dyna. '52 Buick $1,397 'sl Buick ——s997 e ¦ wr ¦ ¦ ¦ ‘ Fewer eteerlnf. GOT GOOD CREDIT? Rlrlera aedani Dyna. Sedan. '52 Chrysler Sedan $1,290 fill Down Monthly 'sl Buick $1,197 'SO Buick $847 LARGE SHIPMENTS, INCLUDING ' Pries. P»rt. Part. Snver convertible! Dyna. Sedan) Dynn. 52 P*Jnti« Sedan $1,090 'SO Buick $697 r MANY OF AMERICA'S MOST '52 Olds Rocket "88" $1,690 '47 DODGE 4-DOOR $195 $lO $12.83 n> SO Buick $897 Conrertlblei Dynn. ' '47 BUICK 4-DOOR 295 10 19.24 6th 3529 Minn. Avi. X.E. '49 Bulek CdfiV” WANTED CARS—HERE pSStaTsJdan $990 I Fla. Avs. N.E. I I I k $S '« 52 PACKARD 4-DOOR 295 10 1924 LI. 6-6464 LU. 1-9226 .S± »L-— Buick $597 FROM AS FAR AS CHICAGO '52 Ford Sedan '47 -$597 SB9O '4B NASH 4-DOOR 295 10 19.24 %‘Vjick .....$397 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE! '52 Buick Sedan $1,190 4-DOOR 295 10 19.24 '53 Buick V-8.51,995 'SO Buick $595 I '47 CHRYSLER Saver Rlrlera Hardtovi Sark Mae. r. h. | 7 '52 Pontiac Catalina $1,290 . Sad’aattei. Camlet —sß97 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 295 10 19.24 2-tene cream and black. — % YT $590 '47 t Si^Lr*" ? 'sl Ford Sedan 2-DOOR 395 10 25.57 b..;,Vvr «i qoc 50 Chevrolet $745 g 'sl Chrysler-$1,047 Hfc* 5497 '49 HUDSON •k*53 BUICk V-0-$1,995 Styleline de laxei blaeki § I Newport hardUvi Slmvllnantte IZ”a CKfi lytu/ki 'sl ’Buick Sedan $990 _ r 395 10 25.75 Saver eenr. eve.t aaareaa. w-w. Blrasi Pawe* Glide. § tranamlaalen. Tnder. ___ $l6B DOWN '4B DODGE 4-DOOR I* Or., r. and r. and h. sl stude. V-8 Sedan $590 black lev. h„ '49 Ford $597 '52 Ford $897 '4B MERCURY CONVERTIBLE 395 10 25.75 Tnder. Tnder (edna. Ne Emberresting Investigation* 'SO Olds Club Coup# $690 10 25.75 % -53 ..$1,995 'SO Old. ----s79s I .... '47 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR 395 RmST 1 'SO Olds $697 '49 Pontiac $647 '49 FORD FORDOR 495 10 33.42 I TTii zw.V'iur §\ Sednn. 2-deor. if WORKINGMAN SPECIALS "98" SEDANETTE 495 10 33.42 '49 Ford - $497 'sl Nosh $697 '4B OLDSMOBILE I SSr& *sl Plymouth ..$895 1j Tnder sedan. Sedan. e months' guarantee 'SO PACKARD SEDANETTE 595 10 38.48 | 'sl Hudson $697 '47 Nosh $147 '46 CADILLAC 4-DOOR 595 10 38.48 INCLUDING '4B Buick Sedan $245 51 -$1,197 '49 MERCURY 4-DOOR - 595 10 38.48 '52 G& “51,395 *2* I '52 Pontiac 'SO Oldc $797 D. C. INSPECTION '47 Cadillac "62" Sedan $495 I Saver Mf.l 2-tone poem e.d.. r. aad h. 2-DOOR; DYNAFLOW _ 595 10 38.48 '4l De Soto Sedan SB9 '49 BUICK Ti DS,"."-—sß97 Puncture Tirte Buick - SI,MS I THST* ".T097 Tamout Proofed '49 CONVERTIBLE .... 595 10 38.48 Fo,d“_’: '_‘si;39s 'sl ? gulck Club Coupe FORD I '53 Tour SB9 Cantom *‘S" r. -$1,797 free C«r - 595 10 38.48 | t|*cgSj i 9?TtaS3?-_5497 '49 OLDSMOBILE "88" 4-DOOR and h.t 2-tene Victoriatblaek aad 52 rORtIOC $1*595 HnZX'c '49 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR 10 38.48 f 595* «4 k.. w_rw. Urea. 'sl Buick $995 I , .. r N.E. 'SO OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR 795 95 49.65 biaeiDr..» '53 V-8 $1,995 mm ¦ mmm 1731 BLADENSBURG ROAD Open Daily, 'til 9 Buick Yi*Plymouth *-.5897 69 Other* 9 'sl Plymouth --$995 *M«a kardtav. white , 2-deer sedan. Station Wasen. aarey erer b'aek 2-tene, r. aad 2-deer sedan. light green. k*. Orna. / kg end fIIITirWHOLESALERS etker mokat, $295 t# $2295 MYDOOR DISPLAY- Orer 100 Can, Ink •mw ¦ w SALES ft FINANCE CORP. Reines motor Co. STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. EMERSON < ORME 86 Years Liquidating Large Stacks 1840 Wilson Bouho—d Arlintton, Vo. I,_.