New and Tthe girgrtt whoseTskfwhoseTskfR SEATS MARY'S FAMOUS LAMB The Ford Livery Stables wa» too long and who was about as CHICAGO WOMAN >;_... AUE FOR HE1JT jnoiltm as thB mld^yictortnfla , left. woolly Liwn Jftftw.tr-Prayed BREAK UP BOY You Ju»t Can't =< For Storage of Furniture, Auto Margaret Ellis' home. ™ tlca) Valui to Cincinnati Man STOLEN BY FIJIS 'W,ll, i, t do you think of thatr mobiles, Material and General Always T^U w B During Hot Spall. A •raspeij Margaret, a» she and Diana ROBBER GANG Storage. fou:id thMnseives alone and beauless. Lpuls Goecke, better known u "Pat" Rescued by Posse Headed by STABLES FOR HORSES "He re.Uly teemed to like herl" In amateur circles, was mowlug tbe r an V by the mouth or. temporary use, .. " " ""dn't say a word aa' she grass on tbe lawn of big. home la Cin- "Bulls" Capture/the Youthful Her Husband After Exciting By MARY MORR15ON threw her halfOnlshed cigarette into cinnati recentlj. In the course of tbe Apply tp- ' the Urn and lit another. work he was cutting alongside a hedge Chief Who Promptly Turns' Experience on Island with a pair, of clippers. C. F. HOPKINS \ T©.l*ir. b, u.ciur. . , State's Evidence. San Francisco.—Kidnaped for ran- OLD DAYS-FOREVER PASSED "Ba-a-a," came from tbe other side som, carried Into a sundalwood f»rest 108 .Plane Street, Boonton "Who', coming?" of the hedge.. ourUl In the mountainous region of one of r'e»t ns he glani-Hl ' Goecke. looked op. A neighbor waa Dec V. ittiO. Clmarron BUI, Bid Man, Couldn't Get the FIJI Islands and rescued by a fitting on the porch reading. j "ilanaret EllH.Bd Diana l" tost Now In What Was Onos "LITTLE WOP" IS STAR posse -beaded by her husband was tbe ' Texas Desert. Ooecke resumed his clipping. "Din't-grow excited, George, "Ila-a-a!" sounded again. thrilling experience related by Mrs. R U Looking For Diana, "she Isn't jour We « •"• Two of t>it Bind Ar« Seized at Thslr Jules Wbatley-of Chicago on her ar- mall Who cannot remember the time Goecke straightened up and shot rival oo the steamer Tuhlti. looks like the outsklru pltte » f« fierce glance* at his neighbor. But Desks In School—Juvsnll* Delin- 1 Fancy Goods Motions, Rib- town In the sinallwt U W »»•when as a child he sat behind a bale -."One beautiful evening I was walk- TESTINGHOUS Electric Fans arrassea li » of hay In father's barn and clandes- the letter's fare was concealed back quency Chai-Qt |» Ores test ' . Ing In the garden of our hotel at Suva bons, Laces and'Embroi- Union. She U so em of tbe Piwiipflper. Injury to Thslr Pride. w are ideal for drying the hair. man speaks to her that she Is apt to tinely read with wildly beating heart when eight natives accosted me," Mrs. deries, Kimonos, Under- and bulging eyes the thriller about Tbe clljiplng proceeded, and then Whatley Bald." - * They have three, speeds, low, me- full Into her teacup; she is the one how Clmarron BUI, the bad man of the again crime "Da-a-al" New York.—"Well, bulls, I- guess wear, Sheets, Muslins, woman in the world I could «w«r has "One placed a handkerchief In my cow camps, became lost on the Staked "finally Goecke threw down his 'clip- you got me right. So long as I'mmoutb while tbe others tied by hands dium and high. One of these will Gingham, Curtains, Por- never had a Jove affair." Plains of.Teias— how he stumbled for- pers, stepped to the neighbor's porcj>, going to do a bit, I'll turn state's evi- :gfve just enough air for comforta- tlers and Panels, Towels Margaret here added her voice to »ard under the heat of the blistering and said: dence," the description. "She blushes In hor- sun, falling now and then to the sur- .. "Are youguylng me?" ble, quick and satisfactory results. and Napkins, Skirts and rid red .spots, too. I'm »fr«ld you With this announcement couched face of the treeless plain to dig Jran- The other looked up with surprise. In correct criminal terminology, "Pad- Housedresses »ud other arti- won't be at all intrigued, my dear. 1 tlcally. with bis bleeding angers for "Guying you? Why, no 1 What makes had to ask^her bccaUM shes Aunt dy tbe Kid," leader of a unique- rob- cle« too numerous to mention, at water; how his tongue, jnrched and you think 'BO?" ber band,'prefaced the strange story of Sarah's adopted daughter and Aunt swollen, hung from his cracked lips 1 Boonton Electric Co. VERY LOW PRICES, then "Well, stop that tan-Ing I" Goecke bfs outlaw outfit's activities from the Sarah stands for all the riches of because there wa» no longer any room said. GOTO Croesus." ' . inside his month to contain It; how he date of organization to Its dlsband- 716 Main Street, Boonton "Oh, that's it I'll show you what nient, following the arrest of Its five George Forrest smiled urbanely. espied now and then on the horlxon. that Is." and tbe neighbor went buck 1 of his strongest fearless members. "Paddy" was ad- , Telephone 78 Urbanity was one In the very midst of the. idly shift- among the bushes and pulled out a THE BOONTON ART SHOP points. But be thought to himself: ing strata of heat waves, a beautiful dressing detectives In the East Twen- lamb. "I bought It yesterday," he ex- ty-second street, Ration, rfud what he 917 Main St. HowellBIdg. _ "May the good Lord protect me from lake, surrounded by green trees and plained. society pats like these! For real no- grass; of how he cried aloud with said was corroborated by others of flerce Joy at the sight and feebly Immediately Goecke was seized with tbe.gang. Head their story; you will manlty give me a nice, kind bush, an Idea. "Lend It to me. will yon?" he man of South Africa or an hospitable plunged forward'once more to dip his be surprised. ' lips Into the .cooling fluid, only to aBked. Tbe neighbor was obliging. South Bea Wander. I'm going to The lamb finished the grass catting First permit-an .Introduction—the make myself so agrecahle to this hnve the blue water, as he approached gang: Leader, Patrick Murphy (Pad- nearer, vanish as suddenly as It had job, and Goecke enjoyed the cool and maiden who blushes In «po» and looks quiet of a shady nook oa bis porch. • dy the Kid), fourteen, of No. 317 East like Pokevllle, Delaware, that they appeared; of how, at length, he fell Twenty-first street; Joseph Agassano Subscribe for the Bulletin never can say no one ever flirted with fainting by the wayside and recov- < Jim my Valentine, also The Little her, at any rote." ered consciousness only to find that he GREATEST IN PLAINS STATE? Wop), seven, of No. 845 East Twenty- had been picked up by the beautiful The doorbell rang st this moment first street; Matthew AgOBtineloo . $1.00 per year daughter of a passing emigrant who MitUr of Farm Risks Established by (Skinny), nine, of No. 310 East Nine- and into the room come the girl. Herno« held to his mouth a damp, cool * Rteords Kept by tht Depart* teenth street; Walter Micbaelsky (The skirt was too loaf', her ears showed, gourdful o( that precious liquid—wa- It is our policy to see how good her lips were not scarlet hut natural ter. And of how he traveled on Into mem of Agriculture. Polack), ten, ©f No. 346 First avenue, we CKII make our bread, not how —nil this George took In at a glance. Santa Fe with this emigrant and his. and John Bubsha {The Dummy), who lived up to bis "alias" and refused to dheap. And she seemed far frnin her ease daughter, fell- In love, got married, Hlsks In the production of three when she greeted Diana ar.'l Margaret had eight children 'n' everything like great staple crops—corn, wheat and give any Information about himself. We buy the boat flour we can Ellis. As had been preOMed, shethat? Who doesn't remember It? Ev-oats—are greatest In the plains states, S31 extending from Texas to North Da- Gang Applauds The Little Wop." get. blushed violently, and becomingly,erybody does, of course. Well, a long time ago—so long the when Diana offered her a cigarette. kota. This general fact Is established We buy the best pure lard. by the-average deviation of the yield gang hardly remembers It—these Diana winked at George, and Oeorge Well, gentle reader, those old days boys saw several thrilling moving pic- We get fresh milk every.day. noticed that Miss Towntfy saw the. per acre from tbe average yield, com- have passed forever. Today Clmarron puted by tbe bureau of crop estimates, tures (the atory is now being 'trans- and lise it with the cream. wink and that she turned her face Bill., couldn't -walk very far without Department of Agriculture, for these mitted from the gang through Detec- aivay as If to hide the hurt exjres- We mix our'dough In a large bumping his head Into a windmill. The three crops for each state from the tives Meyers' and GUlman) and then Carried .Her Into the Ba£k, Country. slnn thst Bpread over It. great Llano Kstacado has petered out records of SO years. tried out a. few "stunts." "GollyI" electric mixer and bake in a new, "Good for you, Mta Ton-nicy," said as D logical place to transport a ttian was the unanimous cry after Joseph and feet They then carried me out he, drawing his chair close to tiers, In tlctlon If you want to get him Into On' the other hand, the North At- into tbe back country. up-to-date oven and turn out a lantic and the western Btates"~are re* had opened a safe tbe boys found and putting Into his gaze the Intensity an awful mess from which only Provi- somewhere, "the little wop ' Is a "Several attendants of tbe hotel saw clean, pure loaf of bread that is and "for you alone" Io* which had dence or a facile pen can extract him. glons" of Comparatively low risk, or deviation of yield per acre from the Jimmy Valentine I" And the detec- the-abdu-ction and notified my husband. GOOD Food.' made him fayious as the best little Where once barren wastes extended tives say they were right, only he does Mr. Whatley Immediately organized a for miles upon miles, today waving average, for wheat and oats, and the Indy kl|ler In New fork. "Why wom- the. trick by listening to the tumblers posse and gave chase. For over BIX en think It Is cute to hare a cigarette blankets of echeloned wheat fields entire Atlantic coast and the west fqr BOONTON BAKING CO. corn. falL • hours they followed the trail of my dangling from their mouths every min- greet the eye of* the wanderer. And captors until they came upon a but where once the snail-like prairie Main and Division Streets ute in the day, I can't see. I am A*!ad The great corn belt, with Its enor- Organization followed .with a capital where I wus beln£ held hostage. schooner wended Its weary way to mous production and surplus above stock of one pistol "found" In an to meet a modern girl who can rf fuse "The bandits planned to hold ma the Golden West today motor cars local consumption. Is, 'after all, prom- automobile. Courage Increased with Boonton, N. J. . one." . I prisoner until my husband paid a ran- scurry about with a snort and a roar inently subject to risks of weather, in- repeated successes until, for the last "But I am not a modem girl, I'm som, i overheard them discuss their anil take prosperous-locking business sects and disease In tbe production of 30 days, residents around and In afraid," faltered Miss Townley. There designs. I was threatened with death men wherever they want to go before crops, and, while It would be going too CHiGHESTERS PILLS was something very appealing about should I make an outcry and a guard Consult Us About they quite realize that they bave far to say of this region as a whole DIAMOND BRAND her, and her eyes really were rather was placed over mo until dawn, while started.—Edward M. Dealey In thethat the results or lu agriculture are beautiful when she looked straight at Dallas News. the others slept one. George began to find the game either "a feast or a famine," yet there . "They seemed to be particularly Your Building Interesting—and It pleased hi* sem Is a tendency In this direction as the fascinated with my hair, and tbe way of Justice to see Margaret Ellis and area covered by the average becomes Always Shclttr In the Soul. they acted It was apparent that Tour home is worth more to you now than Diana foil back in their seats In help- more restricted to county, township 'unrest . Men seek retreats, bouses In the blondes were .Infrequent visitors to less amazement and Individual farm. • ' ever before.- Don't let it get in a run-down"* country, seushore, and mountains, and the island. - > ,... , . ETItlOND LMAND PILLS In RED in<] "Better and better," smiled he at condition. It is much easier to make minor GOLD melaHl; box«, teaUd with ~' ' tliou too art wont to desire such "Fortunately my husband foiled the •Ufctoo. TACD no OTSKK. Bi her quite unnecessary admission; "if Dafenss, Than Prosecution Rests. •mnrM sit.4 tuk iw cnua: things very much. But this Is alto- plans." "With hlSjposse he broke In the - . repairs than it is ft big jot). Don't delay too . you tell me you don't 'toddle' 111 want Mr.' Shanlgan Inserted his key quiet- • 1AUOHD JtUAl-IV PILLS, for twcntr-flve gether a mark of the moat common doors and after a amaH skirmish res- long in having repair work done. ,9-ttH rfird-M a* Dnt.Sftfut, Alwiy* fcclitb'.e. to kiss your hand.' ly; walked softly, undressed silently sort of-men, for It Is In thy power cued me." SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS "I don't," • laughed the girl. And whenever thou Shalt choose to retire and crept into bed. - We give exceptional repair service. Our when George put his words In action Into thyself. For nowhere either with All hla precautions were In vain. . past experience qualifies us for such work. she blushed again, only not unbecom- more quiet or more freedom from trou^. Mrs. Sbsnigan had been awake lis- WYCLIFFE'S WORK ON BIBLE ingly this time. ble does a man retire than Into his tening and waiting for him. She told You will find that wo con supply all of your Historians Uncertain at to What $100 Reward, $100 Margaret Ellis smiled somewhat own soul, particularly when he has him she supposed he bad been work- needs and that our suggestions will save quits frigidly as she watched the scene. within him such thoughts that by look- ing at the office again; that she did Part He Actually Took In Trans- TThhe readers of thla pftptr wilt bt lation Into English. a bit of expense and annoyance' for you plus d to Uun that thera la at laut "Don't let Mr. Forrest deceive you, Ing Into them he Is Immediately In not believe that story or any other he oil* drcmdtd dUew* that idtnc* bu Isnbel." she put In. i"Tou can't believe perfect trpnqulllty.—Marcus Aurellus. had ever told her; that she did dot teen abla tp cur* In all Its *l**tm and John Wycllffe (1335-1384), who has If your old home needs remodeling, or if you that U catarrh. CaUrrb twin* grullr one word he says,' you fcr.nv. He's hare to put^tip with him; that she lafluanctd by eonttltutlooal condltloni been called tbe "Morning Star of tbe are planning to build be sure to give us a call. Ananias and Sapphlra nJk-d Into one Concrete Fused. could bave^'a career; that even now r*qulr«a cooatltutloaal treatment. Hall'i —the truth Isn'.t in him." the committee was waiting to see. If Reformation," translated—or caused We will estimate on the job and' it won't cost Catarrh lUdlcIn* la taken Internally and Fusion of concrete haB been- no- to be translated—tbe Bible from tbe sola thru tbfl Blood on the MQcoua But- . Isabel Townley looked 'lulte serious- tlctfl after some fires In reinforced she would accept the nomination for you a, cent. Let us know when'you waat us. facta of the 8r*t*ra thereby destroying ly at Forrest and then buck again at mayor; that she had been warned Vulgate (St Jerome's Latin version) tbe foundation of the discs**, giving tb« concrete buildings. Tbe tests by the Into English, with the assistance of patient strcnclh by bulldin* up the con- Margaret "Well, ns our old gardener United States bureau of standards against him; that, she was not now stitution and aaalitlng; natara In doing III np .In the. country used t* nnj Ton the foolish sentimental girl she was Nicholas of.Hereford and John Pur-. work. Tha proprittonr bar* «o much t have shown that some small speci- Tey. Wycllffe 6nd his disciples la- E. B. DAVVSON faith la th» curattv* power .of Hall'e can't always be pleasant ayd truthful mens of concrete may be fused by a when she* married him, and then a Catarrh lfedldn* that thtr offer One at the same time.' And h* is awfully deep snore showed that—- bored at the translation for some ten Bundled Dollar* for any caae that It falia temperature of about 2,200 degrees ; Phone, Lumber Dept., 495 pleasant, Isn't her* The defense rested. , ' or fifteen years. Scholars are not to cure. Bend for list of tastlmoniala. Fahrenheit, which is about the melting agreed as to exactly what part Wy- AddrtM r. J. CHENET * CO., Toledo. Oeorge Forrest laughed with a spon. point of manganese and considerably * Now everyone knows the proseon- Ohio. Sold by Ml VmttMM, We. tnneous ring to hts.vuli-e that was not tion should rest first; so Mrs. Shanl- cliffe himself took In the literary, below that of nickel or Iron, but' It work. usually^heard in .the drtin-iujr rooms Is supposed that the fusing tempera- gan Jabbed Mr. Shanlgan with her The Boonton Building & Loan Association he frequented. The girl TUS great— elbow; shook him; fussed, fumed, Joseph Worked the Combination. "It Is a knotvn fact," says the En- HERMirS LIFE HIS'CHOICE ture varies with the kind of sand and cyclopaedia Brltannica, "that Wycllffa she wasn't >dull and she tvax ti M(er make Wycllffe and his followers that wa know, for he has been a hermit In the be a duchesa for a while."—Birming- Hebrides, have decided t3 abandon a street and First avenue, they heard Boonton people. .,-..• some effort to be agreeatile as long as owe the two noble Fourteenth century arctic wilderness nearly a quarter of ham Age-Herald. quaint custom which they have fol- Murphy say: t translations of the Bible .which tradi- « century. • ' . George Forrest wss l^adlnr the way. lowed for more than a century, of "It'll be a cinch to crack this crib. New shares Issued at any regular meeting. She did wish, though, Margaret had tion has always! associated with his , "Once a hermit, always a hermit/* Why Not Do Our. Best First, electing their own queen.' Hereafter This factory IB easy to get Into.", name, and which are the earliest com- says Mr. .Clark. "A hermit wants no- not asked Isabel today of an dayri. they will take the natural descendant. SnbscrlDtlon Shares pay 6 per cent. She wanted Forrest's attentions her- After we have done oar best, why A little later the officers saw Mur- plete renderings that we possess of bOkryVpity. Re enjoys bis solitude They bave deposed Queen Margot and phy start to c'lmb the fire escape. the Holy Scriptures into English. The \ self. , not let God work.—The Standard. will recognize Mary as their sovereign. Prepaid Shares pay 5 per cent. and wouldn't trade It f6r the pleas- It was tbe beginning of the end. Tney first of, these, the so-called early ver-, ures and excitement of cities. I bave "On, I'm quite busy with the house- Thli 'news comes as tbe first communi- keeping U) the morning—ordering and Stripping Hirnp by Machinery. cation from tbe Island since last captured tbe outlaw before he reached slon, was probably completed about See the Secretary at our office, 408 Main St. been In civilization a *year now and Msny hemp-stripping machines of a the third rubg. Murphy told tbe *1382, at oil events before 1384, tha X am going back home to the wilder- all that—and In the afternoon mother September and was brought to London and I always go some place together," -almple type are In operation on the by a vessel which delivered census names of the rest of tbe gang? and year of vVyclIffe's death. The second, ness as quickly as-1 can. There are hemp plantations of tbe Davao gulf papers at the Island. The natives two of them were arrested at their or later version, being a thorough re- no fakirs, swindlers and thieves there." driving or to tbe theater or uoera. and in the evening I plaj clien with fa- region of Mindanao, and two three- there speak only Gaelic, 'but the desks In a public scbooL, When tbe rlslon of. the first. Is ascribed to tbe Ur. Clark's home "cabin' Is on tbe horsepower oil engines connected with census papers were printed In English. whole outfit bad been rounded up In year 1388 by Sir Frederic Madden, THE BOONTON BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION headwaters of Peel rlrer,' 180 miles ther. We're chess fans, father and I," she said, looking of Forrest sets of four stripping machines each Otherwise the chief happenings on the the East Twenty-second street station, and Bev. Joshua Forsliall In their from Herschei Island and 110 milea a charge.of Juvenile delinquency was "Jove! that's great!" he exclaimed, have recently been Instaljed In that Island Include an Influenza epidemic, edition of these two versions.—Detroit from Fort McPhereon. His nearest regiptemi njnilnBt them. This charge real enthusiasm In bis voice. "It's the region. The machines puU the hemp- which caused many deaths. Persons News. neighbor Is 50 miles away. They* see wus Uw {jreatwt Injury tbclr pride best game going. We have a chess oTer a knife In much the same man- aboard the ship who could converse each other once a year. With the ex- ner that It is cleaned by hand. They with the natives said the chief ques- suffered. ception of thla' man, Abe Scbafer, Mr. team over at the club ind pla, wildly NO CHANGE IN GULF STREAtf every Monday night" Again George an comparatively Inexpensive and are tion on the island was whether tbe Clark Is the only human being In a operated by one man.' With the aid of war bad broken out again. Jostph Left His Gun at Homo. thousand square miles of country. The and Isabel were, conversationally, Government Experts Correct an Im- *lnne In the Held. one of the machines one worker can Cvery member appeared proud of todlans do not go that far north and ttrlp a plcnl (about MO pounds) of his "alias*1 and not In the least dis- pression Which Mas Become More the Eskimos do not come that' far "How splendid! Father taught me Ferryboat Pavilion. or Less General. to play when I was only eight years liber In a day, which would be a large concerted by arrest Joseph, three south. ... unount of work for one week If done As a fitting complement to a swim- feet tall and weighing 60 pouads,1' "I bave seen 10.000 cariboo In a old. aad ever since we've been the ming pool built on a 'Connecticut es- It Is hard, to be steady, consistent greatest pals. When two .people alt by hand. sucked at a loilypop said to be a part herd," Ur. Clark said. They go to tate recently, a ferryboat pavilion has of the loot obtained by the gang. and unswerving In eplte. ot •contrary t*Je arctic coast In the spring to have oppoalte each other at a chessboard, been erected, says Popular Mechan- forces, and still to gain tbe reputation somehow it makes a difference-In age, Who Owns a Olaclerl "I used to carry a loaded gun,"* Jo- Ihelr young and In September they re- When the retreat of a glacier lesres ics .Magazine. Thla boat has alt the seph volunteered, "but It got heavy of an erratic wanderer. Yet this Is or In upbringing, or in anything else, just what lias happened to tbo gulf j tarn south to' the edge of tie timber, • Dlece of ground uncovered, whose Is fittings of. a regular craft of Its type, and I left It home. My father has Jrisf" disappear, don't yon think? Moth- being equipped above with a life- stream. Indeed,- Its character was I Where they can find shelter and moas It J The state's, isys the Uw of France it now." on which they live.* er says dad and I are, both of-na, jW boat, life preservers, funnel and pilot Setting so maligned tbat the United celebrating our seventeenth/ birthday and of Italy The cantoo'a, sayi the house. The cabin la a.spacious dance "Well," commented another member. States government Itself found It nec- •The mercury goes T5 degrees below general law of Swlttertand. But In 1 guess we'll bust up now, anyway." In winter, Mr. Clark says,, bntll Is when we are at Itr Why 4,, )t> ,„, floor, where diversion fnbm tbe essary to vindicate this current of the Orisons the commune Is held to The boys said Joseph worked the tie most healthful climate In thewondered, that this good.loitug m,n •wlmmlng sport may.be Indulged In. the ocean. Much has* been said of own both tbe [lader and the ground combination of a safe in Empire Hat world. Old-timers up there, he de- didn't frighten her or mail her self' The swimming pool forms a, forward late years In regard to the -changing It coven, so that a body like « parish company. No. SIS East Twenty-second clares, do. not know what sickness consdousT It must .be betann tfwr deck for the ferry, and Is surround- route of the stream. The government both liked chess I ™ toundl often possesses some millions ed by a aldewalk set with benches street, a week ago, but It took tbe experts declare there U no change In means. '•'••-.-. I 1 of tons of good blue Ice.—Manchester Headquarters for "I say. It must be great to «ee TOO, " and chain. wbole gang to pull tue door open. the course, nor has there been for wild George. "I don't inppoj. yon'd Onsrdlan. They got IL08 each. many years. No other physical feature Drowned In •trimming; Holt. 'let me (Some orer some evening and of tbe ocean Is subject to more per- How Shall V>'Y MtUor Falls lit TcnncsM*. sistent misinterpretation than Is tha Household l«wlstown, HI.—Mrs. Dare Shaw, watcb a gatnef* , • ' -•• Chattanooga. Tenn. — A meteor thirty-fire, her two children, Ruth, „, o, recenUy, by ordinance, LIVING AS >IN STONE AGE Gulf stream. It Is,a pet theory of ;M beamed, at him. her eyes eliminated all angular automobile weighing between S00 and GOO pounds many that tbe temperature of Europe fourteen, and Dorothy, twelre. nnd r at with frlepdllness aad pleasure fell near here. 'The meteor made • and .juries Lofley; on elderly man, uncle Mrtlng. with the "suit that acddenO Natlvta of Isofsted South Sea Isis Is greatly affected by it, bat this effect in his componloosblp. - •• • : tare been cot 28 per cent In downtown swishing noise that waa heard several Is not as extensive as is*, commonly of Mrs. Shaw, were drowned In • pool "Do come." she said. "Come to bnr blocks. It burled Itself In the ground. Found by Missionary Number Kitchen oh the Shaw farm, six miles west of Wctions and »J (The famoos Baldwin apple waa dla- when tbe assessors of North. and because of their Isolation even Garden Seeds, New irork.—Four iUtches { . "Come, of.eonrte, HI come ••trrtn by CoL liOatrtnl Baldwin, a Brookfleld, Maas; posted the Hat their dialect there has never bfen were taken In the" heart of Frank J you have» blrthrtay taker ' : resident of Wobum. of 900 female voters la the studied. ' Ttt Umnkam Strangtr. Farlno, .sixteen, stabbed'. Bed- ; In fact, everything ID a "Tea, Indeed,'! laughed """ the>[ter half of the town, bat. It was estimated io The native* had Implements and 8e«e: Lobby of theater. A little i identslly*.; The wound wae tn t emu. century. \ Whn.e .nrveylng be 120 In the assessors' offlct wea'pons of stone and wood only when tailor, leading- a boy about sir jean ' first-class '. Inch lofif. .After the operation, < ^a^Wllmlngtool Maae, Colonel next day when It becuna known Dr. Deck first visited tbe Island. Tpey old bj the band, tint tha doorman Hardware Store. performed 'through an opealnr \ ? iuwwta observed a'tree on the land each name WSJ followed by tbt showed crest eagerness to baAer> ooa ticket ~ made between, two ribs, Faiino t She rose to go and for N i [-jJiflniemsi3e.trUclM.ior AJttJthiflgjpade , » .to* Jn-her. We>dd frenoen'*! b> woodpeckers, with storming the aa8*tsor*s of* at iron. a ticket fortbst boy., J hopeful for his recovery. The i Ellls without led Mm to examine the tree, fiee, many of Uw women at*. •They seem to feel keenly tha TaUor—ror dls bpy7 Ah, doot be » 'operation required- 88, mlnntei, ^ eDd ^fati'^ll-jn applea of tacked th» lists wltn enuerr, monotony of their' Isolation,, and foolish, mister. He's only a small Ut- {stitches being taken only when i. .-•teeflent'iJaTor.-:-:* .-.: V-. •: and some of tbe lists were torn. , showed a settle* melancholy, both In Ua feller. Be won't do Dottffif. > tbe heart was contracted. V«it '»pcu)*>>e took ««Hn». off daring the noting.. Th« list tnelr facts an* the cadence of their Dobrmia—I don't care. Too can't t' James. M. Downer and theutt** t» graft Into tries .of ni accepted as aymortty for raft**,'*'says Dr. Deck. ftt^n unless joa bare a tlcket^or thef ' Geroga Doyle performed Jafairt-tiaexneriiiient «m- i many Ioof-#undlng ar- Tbe teeth iif flying1 foxes which i operation; said to be the Orst of ' I liial ^ ti. was not ..Ions' •*• r as to afe. •warm In caves on tbe Island Mem JmHor—IIfIa an rlttL mister. 1 J, Its kind. ;.-v;V:;>;. ,',--, .;• J.V,.;•:/} '»5oa*ihe aoiiie.w*a oftenalvely :«»> to be-the ODIJ form of cum*? ksowa jcomlse TOO I won't lit him k»t>-< Ibere, • " Tbeater Muailna. - . - ", - . Op Sunday evening next, Mrs. ThefDarress Theatre Parrot Saved Friend (SOFG,A Judge trill sing Williams Coenens' THE Program for Week of August 22nd ComeuntoMe;i>prviceHt7.11p in. From Going to Jail THURSDAY. AUQUST IS, Thrw* SIIOWH p»ily- 3—7—8:45 P. M. Wen Mr. snd Mrs. Paul John- •AST THINNING MORRIS COUNTY FRIDAY, AUG. 26 PKOPRIETOR ' Primary Election; •on of Cblcago went »w»J lor » MONDAY. AUG. 22 S.L.QARMSON brier vacation, Mri. Johnson Petitions for the following citi- "tHE DEVIL TO PAY" WILL ROGERS .--•" asked Edward Peterson, her Drop of 10,103 in Number of Vet- SAVINGS BANK From the novel by Frances Nimme zens have been circulated: brother, to go to the Bat and r Ureene. Wtiy dues a woman stand by in . • President Harding's paternal First ward—County Com., Mrs. water and reed the canaries and erans of Civil War In the her hupband, ri^ht or wrong V •BOYS WILL BE B.OYS" head, age 70,, seemed to decide D. Lester Smith, K. parrot. Peterson lost, the key . Past Year. A Mutual Savings Bank Comedy and Novelty feature and was climbing In the window quickly, by all appearances, to Second ward—Alderman, Wil- TUESDAY, AUG. 23 Its' a picture that mingtea tears .and when neighbors called the po- •lip away, from home and get-mar- liam CarsoD, Jr., Theodore Ed- The ONLY SAVINGS BANK in Morris County. . Harry Carey In • laughter and.leases you. in »-ghnr of lice. The desk sergeant lauglted happiness. ried without even telling the Pres- munds, Rep. County Commit- at his explanation, but the bo; 4,445 POSTS, IN 48 STATES f "THE FREEZE OUT" ident of the United States. Mow, tee, C. R. Tucker, Henry Rol- Instated, that If the sergeant Make a Deposit Now ' (Don't marry a man to reform him) Comedy and Kioogram News Comedy snd Vo'dvil Movies this doesn't mean that the elderly stou, Mrs, Arthur Blauchard,Mrs. would accompany him .to the fiat Ohio Hat th« LarQMt Quota, With lie would prove he was all right It is not what you EARN, but \yhat you SAVE WEDNESDAY arid THURSDAY Carl George, Rep.; W. E. Van- Pennsylvania fitcond tnd Ntw gentleman hasn't the same esti- Ho they went back. AUGUST 24TH AND 25TH Patten, Dew. Muuicipal Coin., ydrk Third —Orgnnlnd In ' that counts \ mate of his distinguished son's po- "Hello. 1'olljr," »uid Peterson. " DREAM STBEET " Special Feature SATURDAY. AUG. 27 Mrs. Frank E. Swart, Mrs. Nor- Illinois |n Spring of 1868. sition that he has had right along. wood G. Salmon, Lewis Bush, Hello, Ed," replied the bird. D. W. Griffith's very latest "How's the boy? Whntcha got 4 per cent. Dividends Since 1906 " "WHO AM I It only emphasises the fact that Mrs. Wallace Husk, Rep, Indlanapolla, — When the Grand and tioted production on yer hip?" Pathe News '* ' All Star he thinks that he understands his Third ward—Alderman, W. D. The aergennt allowed Peter- Army of the Ilepubllc holds Its annual $7,281,969.74 - DEPOSITS Admission:' Matinee, 1& and 25. Even- Lewis, Rep. County Com., II. A. reunion this year more than 10,000 of own business and possibly that lie son-MB liberty. i, 20 and 35: Boxes and Loge, 50. Comedy and Novelty Feature Griffith, George Romine, Rep. the Civil war veterans who attended $717,162.30 SURPLUS is entitled to a little pleasure and Ono MatiniM; ev(*ry '!**y ut 3:00 I*. M. • Fourth ward—Aldermen, Jos. the encampment of 1020 will be count- DEPOSITORS to be somewhat in the limelight as Sikora, George W. Ross, Hep. ed Btuoog the missing, as the ranks 12428 EV'KNINd—Two pfrrouiiithCft*, ~:00 HIHI 8:45 have b^en depleted to • this extent well as the occupant of the Pres- County Com., L. O. Condit, Gus- HOPE TO COME BACK through, the last year. I'P.lJCiKAM KIBJKCT TO • CIIANUE «ITIIULT XCITUX idential chair. After all, we imag- tave, Seyuord, Mrs. M. D. Hay- The total membership of the O, A. booklet—"HOW TO DO BANKING BY MAIL" ine hearing some crauk of oue or ward, Rep. Muuiciiiiil Coin., J. It. today Is 03,155, while Its member- Guiton, TIIOIUHH Nugent, Nellie the other sex, saying, what a Deported Radicals Are Fleeing ship in 1020 wus 10CW58. 21 South Street, corner DeHart Street Glenuon, Dora Vuudui'boof, Rep. The- total membership Is scattered horrid example to the. youth of From Soviet Rule. A potition aa an Independent among 4,445 posts In every state. Olilt^ the land. with 10,241, has tbe 1 orgeat member- Morristown, New Jersey candidate for Mayor lias also beeu ship, with Pennsylvania Becoot] with circulated for John E. Dunn. Rtportid to B« Grtatly Disappointed 0,122; New York third, 8,795; Iliicols Lincoln Park correspondents it What They Found in th« 1 fourth, 0.808; Indiana fifth, 5,041), continue to add spice and ginfor Injured in an Automobile Accident "Promlttd Land. * Massachusetts sixth, 5.S5G. No other to tbe columns of the Boontoa state has 5,000 or ihore members. papers. They can't seem to re- By the automobile in which she was Riga, Latvia.—Line groups of Rn»- Property owned by all posts la Resolutions. cover from the school fight. riding .on the Pompton road, Saturday •lan-Amerlcans, who were deported or valued at S2.O75.O27, Including real WHF.RF.AS; the Town of Boonton has volunteered to go from America to night, -going over an embankment, and estate worth 1802.841.' FINDS PERUVIAN 1 recently lost by death William K.Bailey, AIorriBtown Aeroplane. soviet Russia, are trickling back We are proficient in the snii-nce of imxlern uiiilertaking. We turning over, Mrs. Ella Shooks suf- Members In the old Confederate ,an4 '• Sure enough. We are obliged fered a fracture of a leg and other across the Latvian frontier from the Ftatos tmal approximately 2,200. . furni&h a funeral of elegant appointment in a uiHtiner aud at land of the Bnlslicrikl very frequently 1 | WHEREAS; Mr. Bailey has for many now that a number of the correa slight injuries. She was taken to All Tin O. A. It. was organized In 1111* GOLD ON ISLAND a price that invite** no criticism. As. public nervants we these days. All ln»t« t« pet Imvk to : years served as Clerk of this body and pondents are uiiing very "breezy" Soul's Hospital, Morristown. iiuis In the wpring of 1800. Who Us the United States. * oriKlnators were is a matter of tradi- also as Public Utility Clerk and in such are worthy of onr triiHt. I.OCHI burinta or.Mii p^ing funerals. language, to euy the least, About In the car with Mrs. ShookB when These emigrants, according to Amer- tion, rather than of record, says the Man Who Befriended Beggar- Is capacities has given the best yea™ of citizens of Lincoln Park (upt bythe accident occurred on the Pomp- ican consular officials, -who hear their report made to the national encamp- his life in ihe efficient service of Boon- road, were Charles D. Ferry, of stories and have to tell them there Is calling name* outright), -two of ment In 1SG9 by N, P. Chlpmon, then Rewarded With Key to tu'"''"'n ; an"d """"""""""""•" "WILLIAM BEO¥N Boonton, and AndrevQManko, an elec- not much chance for them to getadjutant general of tbe national or- such being received 'this week, WHEHEAS; in addition to his loyal FUNERAL DIRECTOR • trician, also of Boonton, who sustained back, are greatly disappointed with ganization. Buried Treasure. service to the municipality, Mr. Bailey what they found la the "promised fo leave them out. "Spice and only slight injuries. , Mr. Ferry., Was First Post In 1866.' I has thruout his life served as a citizen Office Phone 3[J8 Residence Phone 204 • ginger" are one tiling and epithets driving, and, according to the story he land." ' . "There can be no doubt that the They tell of starvation pnd long | of sterling merit and honor and has en- and insinuations quite another. told The Jerseyman Monday morning, late Col. B. F. Stephenson of Deca- ROMANCE l[inET DEAD i de&fed him self to the entire community; mistook a traffic signal .light, near the rides In trains so packed with people tur. III., was one of the prime movers," that there Is scarcely room to breathe. i now, therefore • We suggest to our wide-awake soldiers' monument, for a garage light, Bnys Chlpman's* .report "Being reciiR- Besides those who have succeeded Locat« Atttr S.arch'«» Mo™ Than I I if*: IT RESOLVED; that the Board of THE AUTUMN correspondents that they confine steered away from the light and drove nlzed as such, he organized, the first In Retting to Latvia, there are many Sevin Ytir. Gold Hidden Halt Cen. | Aldurmen do order spread upon the themselves to the news of the vil- across the gutter at the side of the post at Pecatur, III.'* < . h othera who have written friends In «ury Ago-CI>-"-c Drapollid ; recurds this minute of its appreciation Is fast approaching, when nature changes the roadway. His automobile tum'bled By July, 18CG, there were 40 posts lage. For a small municipality, Illga asking for rnoni'y from'America. by Four Sailors. of the life and work'of Mr. Bailey and down the embankment, and turned la Illinois, representatives of which scenery of the country. Keep up with theiimes by the Park seems to have plenty. The Moscow correspondent of the met In convention and organised the its tleep sorrow at his passing; and over several times in the descent. A Riga Itundschaa writes as. follows state department Stephenson was Paiiecte T. hill.—Knraance I" no| tbe it. Renewing Your Draperies, Your Furni- barbed wire encountered on the about the Bass!an-Americans inside hy common consent the provisional yet dead. Tuks o( buccauwrlnie. mur- Now-a-dayB, public ^and possi- scent tore Mrs. Shocks' leg to such an the country: ;« I FURTHER RESOLVED ; that an engross- ture, Your Floor Coverings, etc commander In chief, and posts were uer w the Wth <•'»». >>urli-d K..ld o1n ed copy oMhia resolution be given to bly private) dinners cover a lotextent that a dozen atitches were ncc- "The numbers of Russian commu- organized in other states, resulting In essary. She was attended by Dr. Vree- .Bts expelled from America, who with | the widow, to whom this Board extends of political sins as well aa politi- the first national encampment being its sincere sympathy. land, of Pompton ' Lakes. Later Mrs. ry fnees are se|)lng their last goods held at Indianapolis, November 20, trove are not all Inventions o( iraue: See FRED GORDON CO. about it. , cal. favor*. Some of our friends Shooka was brought to Boonton in a ind chattels on the Moscow market ifcOtt. After the Ind Ian ti polls conven- Inatlve rnlnili or legend, of a day Signed: JOHN E. DUNN, *71£Main Street Boonton, N*. J. who ait down to BO many late din- taxi ttnd thence to All-Souls' Hospital. laces, are Increasing every( day. tion Chlpman records that "posts peetu which Is long pwt. LOUIS O. CONDIT, "The soviet government Is doing It* Such a tale I" '"at of Hie tnasurv Phone Boonton 200 ners, must have something akin to have sprung up as if by.magic in HENRY G. ROLSTON. itraost to keep these people above all parts of the North," but he adds of the. Island of Plnnkl. whose lMdiim.M : to wrougbt-iron stomachs. In our Votes for School Improvements iter by giving them even whole fao- there was no record of progress. Ten place, after a patient search uf moru lieart-of-h«arte we wish them long Diies to run and manage. Hut as stutes were represented at the In-than Feven years, has at last bevii At the school meeting held in Pomp- hese factories' are very much run lives and an abundance of the dianapolis encampment, 21 states in discovered. And now a V-clioouer from ICE ton Plains, last Tuesday, the following own, even American spirit and en- 1RG7, 24 In 1868, 37 In 1800—having Tahiti has been dispatched to bring SPENCER good things laid up in reversion propositions were carried : The central Tgy Is not sufficiently strong to set 2.050 pont.1. • away the gold. hem In operation. . for the good, We aro afraid that school plans for Kiverdale, Pompton At the 1800 encampment A mutual Qallers Despoil tht Peruvian Church. BUSINESS COLLEGE "A little better off are those of tin Plains, Jacksonville and Pequanhpck, life Insurance scheme was pmiKtaed. carrying thii thing to the rnral Immigrants who have managed to take A half century ago four nailers, d(v j received" 343 votes for and 334 sgainst; It being said that the O. A. It. had Fall Term GET YOUR ICE rlth them from America their tools sertenp from a foaitwlse vess-el, i districts forshadows danger, and the Lincoln Park proposition * received 240.000 members: In 1807 It had been ir goods produced by their trade. Such Jolne^F revolutionists In I'eru and , AT ^ we raise the signal. Even the 361 votes for and 299 against—both Raid that . the l state departments Opens September 6 te are doing a-big'business and learw-fJ of s vast treasure of Jeweiu, \ "claimed to represent a constituency quiet district of Montville town- plans of the Board of Education win afford to live well. Thus, one plate and Ingots, the property of the UNPRECEDENTED , of over 200.000." But there' Is no au- ship has been invaded—something ning. larty of emigrants haa succeeded In churcti which bad b&n bidden la Peru > E. A. STEVENSON & CO. thentlc record of the number for the •^-DEMAND FOR The Home and School Association of stalling a small sewing factory con- to pnivept it from falling Into the j alarming to the Etaid citizens early years, the Insurance proposal, DIVISION STREET iln'np about BOO sewing machtnwi. hands of on* of the warring factions, j Lincoln Park has proved the-seed and containing an estimate. It Is thought. SPENCER GItAIJUATES there. "Formerly the* soviet government Secretly, the sailors searched for tiie j wisdom of its organization and should and the 1S0T estimate being regarded •Imply would have confiscated this treasure, found It concealed In a [j Tuition Days ' 50c. per 100 lbs. up to 100, lbs.-Sold between 9 to 10 be numbered along with the other un as the number of Union soldiers liv- lucrative enterprise, bttt at present church and moved It to another hiding ! The Editor of the Bulletin ap- selfish men and women in all parts of ing in the Jurisdiction of the state'de- -- A.M. and 4 to 5 P. M. .he government Is ft little wprj\ the place on tbe coast ' $32 FOR THREE MONTHS preciates the recently kind and the township who have stood steadfast- partments represented at the conren- more so as In this case they have to Going to PaDuma, the seafarers, at ; ly and worked faithfully for the best nn. For Instance, the adjutant gen- complimentary words about him lo with Immigrants whom they make night, boarded a small schooner, mur- ;j 160 Market Street al's report at the 1870 encampment. 40c. per lb. in quantities of 100 lbs. or over recently appearing in the Jersey- interests of the children and against point of treating with the greatost dered the crew and, after putting the , hen there were SO departments, wiya the insidious plans of the politicians to )5slbLe courtesy and consideration. treasure aboard, set sail across tbe ii Paterson, N. J. man of Morristown and Times of Is "absolutely Impossible for me to Sold 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. stir up strife between different com- "Quite recent]y there arrived a Pacific. Intending to make some Ku- \ Boonton. The younger members 'urolith anything; like a correct report munities solely for their own personal ?arty of Americans whose specialty ropean port later to dispose vt Uielr I ' the present membership." No ice sold after 12 o'clock on Saturday of the press of Morris County do benefit. the construction of small dwelling weaUhu Hecalllnf that they bad no j Dectln* Constant Sine* 1890. clearance papers and probably could j FOR SALE. -not forget those of. older years The smart political alecks who tried houses. They are welcomed and aided iy the soviet government.** In 1R0O, however, reports taken as not enter a European port safely, they j II. D. Motoreycle, lutest tnoOe), and they may be sure we will try to defeat the schools by putting out s decided to hide the gold op some un- ; luthentlc state that the membership l'.r^U; IUUUHKB CHrrier and tHiidem and not forgot them when occa- ballot containing a provision for short- as 400,480, the highest mnrlc record- Inhabited Island and then get it later sion requires the mention of their time payments (instead of 30 years> PIDS RADIO OF BIG BUGBEAR d. From 1878 to 18W the growth In a vessel they would charter'at Syd- bt'Ht; * fion, mostly I new5 ; fully elt-c- names or their papers in these succeeded in deceiving only the ignor- •as rapid, being from 12,000 to 85,000 ney, N. S. \V., for trading purposer ' Ford Owners ant and alienated,*a large part of the Marconi Bucccedi In Sanding WIrtleM .nnually. Since 1800 the decline has Acra-B thflr'path taj tbe Wand o{ pquipped. 8325 CKsll. 1588 \Wil\ l - : columns. Message Without interfsr«nc« by and • small percentage'bt intelligent voters, i>etn constant except for a 3,000 gain Ptnakl, In the Paumotu archlpelaBO of suu Birect, Booutoti. Static Disturbances. who still see political gain in trying ti n 1000; said to.be due to prospects the BOUth sea«, and at tMa nnlnhabtleii . , ^_ Prospective) Ford Owners knock the schools. >f'favorable-pension legislation. Sub-' sjwt tli«y Hopped and hid their loot, ! AN ORDINA>-CE Boquet& are much' to be prefer- t/mdon.—GuKlleli > Marconi, frfyo One native, who ohterred them frura PBOOBESSIVE. equent enrollment figures from the red to stones, frequently hurled at has .Jus __t. returned to London, an- ime the O.- A. It reached Its zeniih a nelshlOTlnj laland and row«| acrosa An Ordinance appropnatin*** tne sum , In line with our policy of trying to give yon public officials. While the Jer- Lincoln Park, Aug: 17,1921. nounces that for the last Jew week* the present time follow; to aee what Ihe men from the rtrange if Five Thousand Dollars for the pur- he has been testing a new method of nchooncti were doing, was kW«l °Dd pose of purchasing a triangular strip of the utmost in service that is up-to-date, we an- 6eyman prefers to have it under- md at the Westerly junction of Main wireless telegraph reception whereby t»1t >T3.«0 hla tribal brothera, who crossed later, JS11....1M.-M* Itrcct and Myrtle Avenue, in order to " nounce that we have taken on for local distribution"" stood that it is not throwing bo- . to the Public. enabled to receive messages found only his empty canoe and viden Myrtle Avenue at that point from the United States continuously 1908....W*10 queto to Freeholder Abeel, we are The members of tbe Boonton Fire 19M....UT.S40 strange markings on the trees. BE rr O..DMNED by-the Mayor and the APCO SHOCK ABSORBER, which we earn- lthout interference by static sure they are not stones.. Department will hold their twenty-fifth 8alllna* on to Australia, the four 3oard of AJdennen: »nces. scuttled their vessel a few miles from 1. There is hereby appropriated the estly believe to be the best thing of its kind on the annual picnic and celebration oo Laboi „..,. Marconi regards this as ftfl ite- um of Five Thousand Dollars for the Day, Monday, Sept. 5th, at the West nhore and, rowing to land, told of a market to-day. We have examined these minute- ' Another newspaper libel suit in rance of the greatest importance, «o- Mil....110,357 atom at Ira which opened the aeams iurpose of acquirin**: by purchase a Boonton ball grounds. There will be -ibllQK wireless service to b« conducted -VA2M of their shin. Sot all believed thorn. riangular strip of land belonging to ly, looking into their merits carefully and hav» town. It would seem more like it numerous sports, a base ball game be- of their ship. Sot all ..'icholas Buis and Nettie A. Buis, his despite atmospheric disturbances for for some residents had «een tire ship come to the conclusion that there is nothing on if the lightning had struck in this tween Hanover A. C and the Dovei the entire period of 24 boors, lit hlgt> The ' 1B20 national encampment wife, which lsnd is situate at the West- 'ot£d t0 meet every year as long aa d wltne««d its riy junction of Main Street and Myrtle ; direction. Cubs, also many concessions to enter- speed most of tbe tlma. mysterious Unking. There were no venue, and has a frontage on Main the present market like them., tain the public. As we are only voluu- L alngle member aurvtrefi Brig. Gen. Ureet of fifteen feet and a depth on 'oho !* Clem, addresa Anny and Navy police, however. In that section, and teer firemeD add we are paid nothini ilyrtle Avenue of sbltv.two and one- We have heard it called the ALL UP TO -YOU, KINC?! Clnb, Washington, D. a, claims lilm- aa the- four looked desperate, they The price of the APCO shock absorber Will were permitted to atrike out overluud ilf feet. anti-Chamb«r of Ccfmmerce. Bet- for our servicei, always being on ham aelf the yonngeat O. A- H. number., Blunt but WeU Meaning American for Sydney unmnleated. 2. The Mayor, Clerk and Treasurer include free installation and a ten day trial offer. ter be that than the anti-chamber hen the old siren blows, be it eithei He la thought by the O. A. ft. offlclalu be and they hereby are authorized to during blizzard or calm, hail, snow, -Invites Royalty to Join ner« to be seventy-one yeara old, hav- Beggar Divulges Hiding Pl"»- txjrrow tbe Baid sum of Five Thousand to the hotter place. rain or shine, either day or night, a! Rotarics. ing/ enllsteb as a drummer boy at thei In 1814, years later, a Mr. Ilowt Dollars, and to pav said moneys over to ige of eleven years. Tbe question of waa accosted oo a Sydney atreet by an he owners of said land DPOII the deliv- BOONTON AUTO SUPPLY ways ready to answer the call of distress pMidon.—The reputation which aged beggar. Howp gave the man a :ry of a proper warranty deed fre,e and Laying great stress on "Ameri- without "any compensation for same. who Is the oldest member alwaya lear of alt encumbrances, and the exe- 719 MAIN STREET. BOONTON, N. J. t haTe of blunt speaking eren brings up hundreds of ctalmanta and few shillings snd waa surprised to canism" does not always prove an In order that we mightiiave one day i In the face flf royalty Is likely to b« hear the man ask hta name and ad- :ution and delivery of an agreement Phone 295 • year for ourselves, as a get-together no reliable record haa been obtained. dress. Some time latir Howe re idig that the building now altuate unadulterated Article. enhanced by a remark that passed be- in said land shall be removed there- day, we must rely on the generosity o tween King George and Mr. Kluropb of celved an urgent summons to a Syd< frotn within two months from date of ney hospital, There he found the I**B- the public for support; 50 therefore Cleveland. O-. on tbe occasjop of tbe HALT FIREMEN AT BORDER delivery off saiidd deedd to the TOWTowDn of The Bulletin is for the firemen ask for a donation to help defray ex- Rotarlans' reception at Buckiogbaoj gar, who told of how "he and three others had burled their treasure, had Boonton. all the time, not only irhen Labor penses. We will accept the smallest palace the other day.. Itallana H«fu»c to A|low ^uatrian Bri- NOTICE. King George affably raid to Mr. gade to Crow Llna^-Poreed t> sailed op to Australia and bail set out Day approaches. donation which you may give us. Re] overland for Sydney. Blacks had at- The above ordinance was adopted on MEN'S OXFORDS Klumph that he, too, woijLd like to be- Watch BulldiTioa Bum. resentatives will call at your house, i tacked tKEin and killed two of tlie lirst reading' at tbe Aldermanic meeting collect' donation!. Any amount mosl come a Botarlon. "i held on. August 15, 1921. It will be Vienna.—Frontier reBtrlctlona were sailors. The begear and his surviving considered on second and final readings cordially accepted. Thanking you f "I don't see what Is to stop yon/* companion. Brown, tried for years to In variety of models and leathers. Made expressly Towaco. said Mr. Klumpfa. carried to an extreme when they pre- at the Aldennanic Chambers at the reg- advance for your support, vented an Austrian fire brigade from get a ship to go for the treasure, hot ular meeting of the Mayor add Board The Community Players Dra- never obtained money pnoq.gh. Brown for us by one of the most famous manufacturers We remain, very truly yours, Fire Menaces Tax Return*, erosslpg- the Italian border to light a of Aldermen, to he held un September matic Club met at the* house of finally disappeared. an,d he, KUJpln 6th, 1921, at which time and place a C. F. Carroll and Joseph Bloom, Washington.—A billion dollar* of' in the country, William Harris last evening and Bom* buildings, on the Italian .aide had fallen la(o misfortune anil public hearing will be giveA concerning Chairmei Code Gain's revenue Is daily endan- bis end. wa,i near. He gave Howe a said ordinance. organized as follows: President, gered by.-flre hazards, Internal Rev- of the Brenner feu (rallivay stftfton map of the. Island,-tegged him to be- caught fire and the Austrian town's ALBERT P. Surra, Town Clerk. William A. Hewlett; Secretary, enue Commissioner Blair stated. Tax lieve the story and to search for the Harmony Engine and Hoa« Compan; retains. Involving payments of a .bil- Bremen turned out. Italian gendarme* #10—#12 ' Alice K* Robertson; Treasurer, treasure. The following day the beg- has elected the following officers lion dollars, are.now Roused In flimsy demanded their vises and having uom- gar died. • " AN ORDINANCE William Harris; Chairmen of tbe President, Joho Conn; vice-president Uaporary. buildings; the commlsslQii- were forced to watch) the ware- houses burn. Since then Howe has been search- An Ordinance approp*~tatlna~Jhe ... Committees: Plays, Gertrude D. B. Righter; treasurer, John I of EiEhty-fiv-**. TbtiuBWl ii*MXL . Dunn; foreman of engine compan; ing for the treasure, and lately, an- BOYS' OXFORDS Read; Caste, Catherine M. Pentz; Jaxx ft*\—9 B«nf- Dollars for tbe purpose of permanently John Anglum; first assistant,' T~L Th« Kromargraph*. nounced that he had found It In *improving the Water Supply System of The agent who was eI Costume, Pheoha P. Harris; Scen- Barnlah; second assistant,, Tl has b^en Inyelited j^ shallow lagosra-qn Plnakl. !-"< ? heTonfl pf Boonton. praises of the summer cottage o» the chartered a schooner at Papeete «R ery, Antonio Scillpotl; Electrical Lewis; foreman of hose compsn; H fnaslr typewriter culled the Wherein the Town of Boonton has Formerly- $9.00—J9.50 >flchigan shore dwelt with - - - graphs. With O» aid of Vblfl lnatfB- go to lift the gold after ny*!**** « for m»nj years suffered from ap Inade- Effects, Walter Reed; Properties, Mohie Gordon; assistant, Herber 1 quate water supply system; ani •ewpbasis on one near a more elaborata nt. It |a wild, tbf fPKP9«' BW ?F8" contract with the llio l VWiW ' Lucas; representative* to Ihcrelii 1 aa to ftis rtsiiti ( Whereas, the candjttoo has become Fred. Reed. _ • bouse. He then said that tbe rental •luce a typewrl(t«B SfnJII "lUio !' H>P t|ie ••"••fioW.f5.00-- association,' hose company, Mr. Gordoi was 95 ft taoqtb. more than tbe rest.' salrt »f lrt« so grave and tcvte as to make impera- The first resding of a beautiful trouble of making tba charatlfri df tive immediate action 'for the purpose engine- company Cornelius Byrnes That's because yog set music," lion doll, PIsy to be given in the fall will be hand. All that he haa to do la to plolf of improving said system; and visitors, engine company, Leonard Cof explained.' Idnuelf at the piano and (Ire free play Whereas an appropriation of Eigbty- "Muslcr asked tbe poziled client held at tht home of William Har- leo, hose company, George E. UcCoi fo hla creaUve fancies. Every ftrokt Undsrstood. five Thousand (185,000.00) Dollars 1s ris Wednesday, Aug. 24. Reher- mick. . "What .do you meant" deemed necessary to make the —*-* upon tbe keys U reglaured In regular dders.r improvement;. : . "WeD," wju the answer, "the, people mDj^cal character upoo a P*PC *&*& W. P. Turner & Co. . r sals every Wednesday at 8 P. wfco own that boose gt»e weekl; -les. Mr Dubwalte." Now, therefore. Be (I Qfdatned by wound upop s dnm£ - The i&aeblae p***. 1—er—hope you will not be offeo* the Mayor ani) Boanl al AWermen: 514 MAIN SfTREET BOONTON. N. J. promptly. •'..'. dancee during the summer. Theybavj nates fhrongh a ifttm Hf *«*!I?P>P- au orcliaitra oo the lawn. Too ed. If I'm a trine curt, or even rude I* 1." TOera is hereby appropriated tbe The Corn Roast has been post- BLAZING CROW FIRES FIELD tacts will) the piano kaya. 7b> mSlr lIl DubwaltS U IB V>> «fr mo| Eighty-five thousand J|3S,000.00) Telephone 419 M . bear It and give dances /oprseff with- terlng apparatua. whlc^ resembles poned till Thursday, Aug. 25. 1 Bird Killed by a Llv. Win Falls |nu out having to pay." . • ordinary typewriter In tics, may, lo ? <°r palaerrlw,. whose vncut crops are estimated to Exctsslv* '^nd checks will please everybody '_..'.. Mrs.~Midbaei Scllipotlentenain- rions flsvors and spedaltles. b« worth, fereral' thookanda. Thnaa fat persons were passengers "I tp attract the jappf tfP ' Manr hear the alariq clock,*jit Ir* ' ed the "Auction" Bridge Club at 1b» flpencerport Chemical eoapaajr on an "air express" from. I/onoen .h> let trpbefara " ' VALUE, 38.OO her home on Friday last. Lnnch- made lhe tbrte-mlle run U> tka SUM Parla. Their wtlghf prorea too mm " .place and pf«reot«d_f nrtb^danam^ am- MM V for the martloe. On mtWi oo* » drti*. SPECIAL FOB. A SHORT TIBKE i . eon was served at one Vclock and" «o slowly tliat attar It ha< • the mejnbers did f nil justice to a a 100 fe th Ht ddd The United States, army has faned risen ahoat 100 feet the pHot deddM (p wjjlch the band pot»t»- FOR SALE! ••post dainty repMt.;/'' that Ms load was.orer tmvif for tbe $3.95 niM alcnf Important waterfroata^li. (ooa Jo mwbm •Btpwu'- fir* pntenntr tearing • There was special mtlalc at both fusfaia; locusts'In the Phlllppfoea, aad 2aO-nne foonry, ant nrtamt* to tbe Ue« sr« 4mim «R4 >«* f alrdrom*. . JL s*coo4 tlrplaas war - fellow, tha^--jays tft# e»r, jn*t been - churehee on Sunday evening. At la preparlor to gas' boll waaflla.Ia the oTer- then no oat (rota '<*• absas, meohbDioa} paru «* gooifl 'the il. E.;Church * quartette de-. Smth. It was aa Ul wind that carried some of the passmters (nq the Orst fhSttSe a^pKS* l»blle %*** s. ZU©IIE : the ant (** "««e across flo Man's wen transferred to It! whereupon** M DCS». Eaiy term* offered,! willI »• accorded coneerolng tbe or- lighted th<> congregation and at TinJ la Iranee, hot U may b«T» blown both machines flew off ley csasujt dTidBafice: r .... ' ' the P. K. Chnroh, Mn. Maclntrye ALBnrr P. SMifB, Town Clerk, v 808 Main SU Boonton : •-— w»» thtf tolotet,;;;' •• ^ ;! 7:;- ~r' ^*sh-i»ii^si ;*v,'?v«i.;. *rs'Tr^'7S"f .'•

~t _>• Board of Aldermen. " The Board of Aldermen held its ragu* PERSONAl^- lar meeting on Monday evening. All BUT NOT CONFIDENTIAL were present but Aldermen Galloway WE WANT YOUR ACCOUNT PSYCHOLOGICAT ADJUSTER Schoonmaker & Co. tnd Ross. Largest Exclusive Apparel Store io New Jersey ' A Dumber of. communications were , MENTAL SCIENTIST AND EX- And you will Hnd oar facilities unsurpassed for read; one front R. D. Heath, asking r^, ro.Srub.e Xrini, ^"'""W E,H, „„„ re- PONENT OF-'NEW THOUGHT. rendering yon the maximum In safety and service permission to establish a gasoline pump ld h e rhl n 8 Store Hours: 225-233 Main Street, Telephone; ness of several month.months. Tbe deceased if"'" " ' . .' ! ' °° Lake drive, on Washington street, nearBanta flats, 8 e tu Ne Yurk DR. JOHN'OMROD, P. P. B to 6 Paterson. N. J. . 1242 • wss born in Boontbn, Nov. 8, 18*4. H** °" * - also one from J. A. Rosenfeld on Wil-sdn of Frederick Stono and Mary Aon i The Mountain Ukej, Inc., has sold to "Make This Bank VODT Bank" liam street, asking permission to make Crimea Stone. He was a veteran of Louis C. Keller ol Brooklyn a colonial " (J5 years before the public) an addition to his house and stucco the the civil war, volunteering at the open- residence, on Kenilworth road. Is re-visitiiiK-eitiea in thin state same. Bath were referred to the street ing of the war at. the age of sixteen Miss Elizabeth I1O K, of Morris 'ave- HIM! will appear here, OJJE.DAV K Wedn SALE OF REGAL FOOTWEAR and fire committee. Plans and specifi- yeara. He wai honorably discharged nue, who attended summer school at L> '

' •" » * P / OUR CHURCHES. - Many Like this In Boonton FIB8T FRZ8BYTKEUH. City of Santo Domingo Crowded With Rssldwits of Essex Village tfur«|y A Cornec Bircb and Cfcorch BtrteU. Landmark* Connects* With ths Cut Off From .tha Society of llr... Q. LIOKABD lie CAIVI 1'aator. Combine Slips Yellow Men Into Famous Conqulstadorts. Berrlcei. Hnodaji. nwroiM.II o'clock; •ttu Thair Fallows. I m, i.w o'clock- Hundar actool. UO A- M Florida by Way of Cuba. Tbe following CM« U bot one of mm? oe-L-'hrutian Euatafor. e.»i P. H. Some wives are real business worn* Santo Dotnlogo is rich In historic The most Inaccessible spot In en and their husbands are the only Interest. It Is the oldeat of alt theIpud, according to a correspondent In JOfrlDff dsiilf 111 iiOOIltOEI. It If eD flllT tllRl- I1D1UVVIQJ a^.| a^^vx* ^a^» t*r to T«iifr it. Vou cannot uk (or better Hale bt.. Utween Cornell* »nd WlllUao SM. . Ftw PUCM Whir* Schooner* Cannot ones who do not know it. But Indianap- permanent settlements of American the Manchester Guardian, Is Foulness, B»T. OHllOB TQVVTAl*.P*»U>T. soil, iii're Columbus founded various proof. Male* Easy Landing on Coast- olis holds one who recently proved In Essex. As the crow flics Foulness Berrlcea. Bnudaji. tournlnc. 11 o clock J *Ten- her business ability to her husbaw}. colonies, and Santo Domingo city be- Ju. UoDoaoogb, prop, blackimltb ihop, inf. U»d*7 •Tuning, from 6 to B-43 oclock. 1 been a blackaniitb a good many yean and I riage, charged thing* and h$ bad paid world. It was hert* tltat- lie Bpeiit sex-marshes by the wide estuury-of liOCKAWAY VALLEY tf. E. CHUKCH. Tampa. Fla;—tBlnese are beta* the bills, but when he learned that some of the liappieiitTime of hla life, the Crouch. It costs about a pound bell*v« It wan the heavy 1'flluK I did laat BerricM. 6ondayBcboot. 10 A. M. jtQrnlu •Boggled into the United States her charges were growing .weekly he aud here that he was reduced to pria- ($5) to_gfct from Uumharu-cm.Crouch pot my^ back a.Dd' kidde**- oat or ardt>r. 'orthit. ii A. ii^. Vr»p*-r berviue. 73U f m*-. •a a Urge scale by way of Cuba and decided, to try. a new p1an._He went to on by lila political enemies, and from —the-neartfjl railway sUttion~-to Foul- When I btDt orer to ibo* ft bone, I bad Florida, according: to reports from the her. "Now, Elinor," he aald, *Tin go- litre he wns utut In chalus and dltt- ness and back, for there IB no public •bftfp pain* tbroagb my back and it waa a Corner Wublngton and Grant Street*. R pretty bard propoaillou lo. sttratguten' up. Ibg -Wtry a'oeVP'plan. Half of my truce ta Kjot&uMS'.iu o(iJ lowar, where servh* und a burgs.In for, the_trip has K>T. U. M. tikBOT. Fftitor. -. by authorities at Washington, condi- salary Is yours and half mine. We'll liu was Imprisoned tiilll remains, und to be struck with a locaV boutmah" Tb» maeclei it) mj back were eore and when •ierriceii. Bunday*. mornin«. ll o'clock; ften- tions will soon be as bad In the Bouth- each spend just what Is necessary and his bone* lie In the great cathedral of When the boat reaches the pebble I bam me rid at lbs anvil, tbejr eeeoied to DR. V.DB o'clock. Bunuar ecbool, v.90 JL. n •m states as they were on the Meil- •Sunto Dmiilneu cjty. draw tojtetber. My kidueyi were oat or or- CbrlBtian fcodeavor. 6«P. U. frarer •>•«•> x see which can have the most money shure you scramble as best you can Ing. Weilneaday evenintf »t U o olocx. can border, .where It took fire years In the bank at the end of the year." der. I l«aroed of Doaa'tt Kidooy J'ilii and it In this oldest cfty of the Newover the sea wall, and so to the sur- BT. JOUM'S EPIBOOFAL, to stamp out the smuggling of the yel- world one Htlll aet'3 the remains of face of the island. only took a few boiei of tbii reliable kidney low men, saji Immigration Inspector Delightedly &e wife agreed. At the and bladdul* medloloe to fix uij btok op ID Corner Cornelia and Cedax Utreeti. the first church built in America. Its itKT. HEXKT II. WiLftov. Iteetor. Whtlen of Tampa, Fit, In whose dis- end of the first month she announced FuultiesK in ubout 14 miles round, - Choicest Wis- Rising Sun food iibape aod corrwot tbe action of my her bank balance and her husband foundations wure laid In 1502, Here Hervlci-a. Bunilayi. Holy Communion.. 7.80 A trict much of the smuggling haa been is the lutuse wlieru Cortez kept the and possesses a church, an,Inn and ** con sin Malt, Beverages are kidneyi, Uj kidueyi became healthy and M.i morning prayer, lu.so o'clock; eveolos going on. was delighted at Its site. The next three shops, but so pullceuiun and no as wholesome normal, Anjone inrterlnK **th kidney all-prayer. 1JW) o'clock. Hqndar icbool, >J01.M. month It was Btlll larger and he was court records before ho had "ever ^ select Sonoma and nutritious 'ridtr*. Holy Cotumunlon. u o'clock. A- II., "We have learned that within the heard of Mexico. From here I'oucu doctor. The, only Industry besides meDtebonld o»e Dotn'e fur tbuy'li do toeuTeninv prayer. 7.su f. at. Holy Dare-BGly more delighted. But when the third y Hops, pure as they are re- Uommunion. 7.M A. M, past few months almost 75,000 ChlneBe tie Lt'on set out In his search for thefarming appears to be shouting wild freshing and work." month brought the statement that she duck and widgeon, which ubound here ., Yeast and fiOc., at all dealeri. KoiWr-MUbatn Co., have been landed in Cuba," says had saved roqre than her half of the^'ouutulu of You Hi. Here lived Plz- satisfying. Ab- OATHOLld In company with many other birds of Bparkling arte- solutely pure, Mfgn., Luff-1o. N. Y. CBUBCH OP OUB LAUI OF HT. OiiMMU- Whaleti. "According to the state- money his pleasure knew no bounds. 'zaro before he went to, Panama, and y ment! we got from some of the smug- nailed down the west coast to con-types rarely seen HO rar north. At low ijan well water too—no cherai* 'Corner Bircb and Oah BU. Half fearfully he went after his own tide those of the Islanders who pos- brewed to pro- cals, extracts HEV. J. T. IJELKBIXTY. B*tctor. gling parties that We hnve rounded statement What would he do If herquer the Inca empire. Everywhere or syrups. up, these Chinese remain In Cuba only one turns Jie encounters old land- nesfl no boot and no money to hire one duce the iden- UKT. W*LT« J. HILL, Auintant. bank account now was higher than cun walk to the mainlund by the Maiiei, Bundaya. CM. 8.00, W 15 and 10.W long enough to make arrangements hia—the man who prided himself on marks wh>re tite fumous couquls- tical light and Let your gror ' HOTIGE TO CREDITORS. u\:ki.:.A. U. V.-wr^Trioe. 3.30 O'clock. ?.M. with the smugglers to be landed on tadores had tlielr first experiences la Broonwuy, a huge.stretch of sand, wltli creamy charac- 8T. PTKIX AKU METHOD. , his economy? little birch sticks marking the track. cer or dealer JHTATX or.JAMKH.iU>UWQN, bK('». the Florida coast the ..New world. teryou enjoyed send you- a rumuBDt to ibe order or tlie Hurr(iK«t* o UUi Htreet. Then he found that he had no bal- Till a takes them across the Foulness case (will keep llET. FlUHX HtDTIL, Pliett. "The fact that all the Chinese who I'ndre le las Casas entere*! the in our Ale of tbtCouniy or WorrU, made on ilie-Twenty ance. First horror, then amazement and Mayiln sands to Wakerlng, and indefinitely.) Maei, Bundayi. B 1A. fti.; flisb llui, 10.W have been arrested In this vicinity are priesthoyd here, and In his im)ij,'nu- Involves a trump of from 10 to itO uld. dr«d and iweniy-one, uulli-« IK litrt-by glvti. :.ucr x*rTlce«, X I - M. plentifully supplied with money aud and then something Indescribable fol- to all ptrwiisj bavin* claiuiit atcalnn the es- lowed his discovery for that condition tlon because of the abuse of the In*iniles, according to the point at which Brewed, Bot- tate vl Jamea iKobntin, late of the Couuty GEIISIANTUTHEIIAN. are able to obtain unlimited funds to Uluns by the Spaniards began to Im-the Island Is left. Nothing can be seen tled and Guar- ol Morris, deeeMed, to prt-M-ui tlm .sum un- lit?. A. H. Uxrait. Tutor. defray court expenses Indicates that of affairs existing. His wife had anteed by der oatb oraiDrmation, to tlieauUt-rlUera on diligently drawn out his savings (they port slaves from Africa to make light- of the outside world from Foulness, or b«fur*lliu a»ibUay of November next, uo- there Is a well-organized smuggling er the work of the Indian laborers. for on all aides it Is shut In-by the iDgaix iiiuiittii irom the dale ornald ordtr: combine at work." had a double checking account) an3 THE RISING SUN and any creditor nejttsctliiK lo brlQK In ant applied them to the next month's ex- Here was founded the first university sea wall, and there IH nu vestifie of a exhibit bli, her or their claim under oatb or KI11BT CBUBCH OK t The latest arrests In the smuggling* of the New world when in 1538 a hill from which to obtain a view. BREWING CO. alHrmatlon wllbln the lltue . ..>... ,,-.— —-to resort to It, ' of fertile land have been devastated. , Individual depositors and small business houses form one of the until In 1912 he tried the London hoime ' opposit£f'>=* <>e» Wednusdnythe .utter A, ,w wite pluch thee tha. followt da-y The thought cunnot but arise that to apeak .English. Tu thltt eud he was The j>ests are hatching out In Isolated most important elements of Btreneth in this Bank. . of B. Feldman A Co. Bert Feldman olnifently couched by uumerou* Yunk spots on the great Crau plain, and each Humiliating Practical Joke Played on liked the piece and was •willing.to pub- ing days opposite the next six letters, IC this cuHtom were prevalent In ttie No customer need feel his account too small to receive our personal Italian Who Had Madt HimMlf find with Tuesday opposite G. TheUnited States u vast number of ourdispatch bearera, sorgettut ujiijurti uud new "nest" gives birth to many nill- interest and attention. lish It if Mr. Judge would agree to cer- lluns of locusts. It Is of vital Im- Politically Unpopular. < tain minor changes. One was the repe- first days of the 12 inonths nre o[>-citizens would be entertaining their clerical workem, aliil Alplioiist! leurued In the cordial relations existing between this Bank and its depositors, poslte ihe lnltinla of this sentence: frieuds aud neighbors in the street, tut. portance to destroy the young Insects both Inrge and small, may be found one of the reasons for its constant tition of the word "long" and another before they are Btrong.enough to fly growth and popularity. . ' • Solicitor Gandolfl of Cremona, was the lengthening of the third syl- "At Dovur dwell (leorne Ilrown, Ksq., owing to the number of removals No less a personage than the com- Italy, besides being a poet, Is also which have taken place In the last manding general of the dlvlKlou Htrode far, and this Is where tlie airplanes lable of the word "TIpperary"—both go.nl Curios Finch and Duvld Friar." are proving so UBeful. FilbtB now .'3 Per Cent. Interest on Checking Accounts bombastic meddler ID political matters. toward the end of the chorus. Mr. For 'the ordinary year the inltiul yeur or two. Into the burber aliup unu duy uud de- Because of this It was arranged'by a In Ireland on this day there are al- manded a shave In a hurry. Alphunt*, dully scour the whole of the Crau 4 Per Cent. Interest on Savings Accounts Judge consented and the song was pub- daytt of the uimithK,* us ubove, are plain, flying extremely low. When party of Jokers to bring him- forward lished, as It also had been written, Wednesday, Saturday, Tucsduy, so remnants of the sun-worshipers. wauVan teudlug u luwly eullHted ciu- Fifty-five .years of Financial Success and Conservative Bankinu as a candidate for the polls. The elec- touier, knew rank when lie suw It, und they locate a breeding ground or "nest" with not a thought that It would be- Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday,.Triday. According to Itev. Donald McQueen of locusts directions are Immediately toral committee was duly constituted come, two years later, a marching song Miindi.y, Wvdiiesday, Saturday and "the Irish have ever been worshipers rose to the occasion. OFFICERS - and Gandolfi's name waB entered on telephoned to the anti-locust head- of soldiers In a great war, and so Monday, of the fire and of Baal, and are so to "Salrtalnlee, ml»u general," he re- H. WARD FORD, President JOS. H. VAN DOKEN, Vice President the government lists. plied, bowtng with the French pollte- QunrterB at MlramaB. If there Is long known wherever English Is "said" or As the first, eighth, fifteenth, twen- this day. The chief festival,In honor grans near, petrol Is poured on It GUY M1NTON, Vice President HENRY CORY, Vice Pres., Cashier The unlucky solicitor was forced "sung." At first the song had only a ty-wcmid and the twenty-ninth duy In of the sun and lire Is upon^tiie 21st of Dess. ' "Seet dowu, mou geuerul, an' and It Is set aflre. Otherwise the, F. D. ABELL, Vice President, AssiBtnnt Cashier during the fortnight to do his own can- slight sale. But Mr. Feldman kept his each month ore on tlie same day ofJune (23d?) when the sun arrives at jou be nex' beeg ateef I" Infested area .Is strewn with sawdust H. C. CASKEY, Trust Officer, Assistant Cashier vassing and to drive about from vil- confidence, and, as the story goes, one tlie week, it follows that the 1st ofthe summer solstice, or, rather, begins Tbe general waited. soaked In arsenic. This kills thalocusu lage to village delivering speeches. day when the composer w*as deploring December ontl the 20tli fall on F and its retrograde motion. We were told at once, and also any eggs that are When election day came, no voting pa- the cool reception of the piece at Edin- that at midnight we should see a China a Flour Exporter. unhatched. , V burgh, the publisher said to him: tlie 31st on A. The first and last day pers having been distributed by the of each year, excepting leap year, fall singular sight and accordingly at mid- At a time wheu there ure so many committee for him, it Was found that night fires began to appear and theappeals for funds with.which to pur- the only vote be received was bis "Take my word for Jt, that not only on the same duy of tlie week. For Edinburgh but all the world wlfl one leap year use the seven letters, be- people danced about them and made chase flour for shipment lo the Chinese "Never marry n man unless be loves \ own. Hla discomfiture may be Imag- their Bons and daughters and cattle famine victims,' It Is rather unbeliev- ined, but It la said that a radical day ring with your song." ginning A with the week day tlmt you enough to Jump' over Nlaeura | KOHUT COMPANY And it did. "TIpperary" will .never stood originally for p on .New Year's pass through the fire."—Chicago Jour* able that lu normal times China pro- Fulls for you," Is the advice of a groom cure for hla political tendencies has nal been found. . < be forgotten by the English. If has an ,luy._KJward H. Williams Jr., Wes- * duces sufilcleut flour for export pur- of S4 to women, ft may turn' oat to ' 418 MAIN ST.. BOONTON. N. J. Inner meaning dear to them. U'nlule. Vt, In New York Herald. poses. Yet In liTJO almost six million be a knock for what haa alwaya been A still more unfortunate candidate That Word "Hoapltat." barrels of Chinese flour were shipped was a communist In the "same town a popular honeymooning spot.' ' j Contractors £nd Builders .. The Divin* Sarah Bernhsrdt Worth Onc'a Salt. One of tlie features of an ancient to Europe. New* mills are eoutem- named LodollnL After .the.,.commun- . Among the many dlsUnctlons of the plated In the wheat crowing sections.— ists had officially announced their in- The phrase "not worth his salt," dates Itoman home were the "hospItalia," Discovering a washout on railroad ALTERATION WORK OUR SPECIALTY Divine Sarah Is that of having Im- back to the time when salt was regu- or apartments set aside for strangers, • Scientific Ainericun. tentions to carry him, the man disap- personated death more frequently than ' tracks, a man took off bis red socks, BRICK!! - REAL ESTATE!! peared. It was found that the Fas- Inrly doled out to the soldier as port 1 or "liottpes." Hence, la Its original The 5llk flilrt nl'»- niiikiiK Us nppear- We manufacture concrete b'rick for We also have a number of choice any other artist. on record. Some of his pay, jitod one's rank was deslg- j meaning the word "hospital" was ap- waved them nod stopped an approach- cist! had seized him at night time and jnce on tlie liaruulii counter, thus front, corner arid ordincry uses. lots near the new high school site. years ago n devotee calculated the nated by big place at the table In ref- j plied to places where strangers were ing train. Very simple. The engineer driven him to Casalmaggtore, where number of death scenes In 'which Ma- marking the end of iiuiillu-r era in They • are cheaper than the clay The prices ranee from 1300 to 11,000 he wu forced under the severest erence to theiwx-itlon of the salt—mem- j received and kindly.entertained. The j saw the socks and thought there wai dame Rernhardt had played, nnd com- bers of the family and honored, guests commonly restricted use of the term American h-Mury- I a wash out. brick and better. a lot. We will build houses to order. threats to remain during election time. puted that her deaths by self-admlo- Once Lodollnl returned to Cremona lstertd polBOn numbered over lO.OOO, being placed Vbove the nalt, while re-' to designate places where sick strang- Our prices are fair and our work is the best. . to see his wife, but the same night her leaps Into a scenic Seine over' tatners nml servants sat beJow It The : era were received was an after de- the Fascist! again entered the house 7,000, and her suicides by revolver Arn.b considers as sacred the guest velopment Fur particulars inquire at the above _ office by mail, or in person. 'and forced him to dress and drove him whb has partaken of hb salt, a custom Tlie word came to us directly from shots over .1,000." The realism of her •Palmer Graduate Telephone &44 Again to seclusion and meditation over acting In nuch scenes utterly orer- thrift might well .be adopted elsewhere.' the French, who got It from the Ho- Order Now for Spring Work. the rules for the Third Internationale. whelmed the Sultan, Abdul Hamld. In 'Africa a handful of salt will pur-' mans. It Is derived, of course, from —New York Tribune, • Once, and once only did Bhe play be- those a bride, and while we have all the same root as "hospitable." The A. "VanVlaanderen, D. O. Ph. C. fore him in the private theater at Con- beard of those- rare mortals who are name "Hospitaler" was borne with stantinople, when he left his ~seat and' worth their weight in gold, or whose | pride by several semi-religious and ••CHIEOPli'AO.TOB SIgna of Age. declared be never again wished to we price Is above rubles, apparently no semi-military orders, like the Enlgbts "Uncle Dunk la getting along In a woman who imitated death so one In that section has achieved the of St. John or the Knights of Malta, Not Medicine Not Surgery Not Osteopathy years," regretfully said a resident of realistically. distinction of being worth his weight who made It a business to relieve the the Ozafks. In salt What a find Lot's wife would poor, the strangers and the sick. 410 MAIN STREET, BOONTON, N. J. a "Eh-yah," replied an acquaintance. have been to on African tribal king! It Is worth noting that the first | Upholstery "He's som'ers about eighty-one, ain't Forgot the Rules, "hospital" for diseased men and ani- HOURS:—DAU.Y-10-ia A.M. 2-5 P. II. HON.. WED. AND FRI., 6-8 P. M. tier . mals was established by the Buddhists A Greek who had been In this coun- Hint* From Gladstone, Tea, and I ekurcely erer seed a man try four years and heard many stories In Hindustan. so old for his years as he 'pears to ' Gladstone was once asked to give be of late. Be rid Into the county seat about hunting rabbits, decided he some suggestions for platform aspir- Draperies ^ with me tnther day. We got there wished to go hunting. ?Be found an. ants and It Is sold that It was atten- Whistle Govern! Wall Street. about nine o'clock In the morning and American who would take, him. The tion to these rules which In no small MAh, they g(f by the whistle here, before 9:30 he came around wbur I Greek thought It'great sport- "He degree accounted for Gladstone's own too/1 observed the factory hand from DIXON BROS. played dog and "scared" out the rab- Window Shades was* talking swap with some fellers, power In "swaying audiences": 1.1 up-state visiting In Wall street 1 bits and the American boy shot them. and lowed that as he didn't know no- Study plainness of language, always t "Yea," said hla city cousin, Mthat'i (Successors to Fox Hill Coal Co. After & while the Greek wished to body In town skurcely'and hadn't any preferring the simpler word. 2. * the truth. I suppose the majority, or try his luck at shooting, so the Ameri- business there, no-way, and .nuthln* Shortness of sentences. 3T Distinctness at least.-a. large proportion, of the can showed him how to handle the Awnings had happened of any Interest so fur of articulation. 4. Test and question boys In Wall Street were born in theICE COAL- WOOD shotgun. and didn't 'pear likely to, he -was just your own arguments beforehand, not' country, and lived-In some, country They scared up a rabbit; the Greek "COAL PRICES FOR AUGUST about ready to so home. Uncle Dunk waiting for critics or opponent 5.:) town before hitting the trail to the put the gun to his shoulder, but did la'feeling his age powerful"—Kansas Seek a thorough digestion of and big city* In the country town every- City 8tar. not shoot Stove. .\ ^12.65 per ton ' . famillarity with your subject, and rely | body goes by the factory whistle. One : 9 The American exclaimed: "Why mainly on these to prompt tbe proper j doesn't see many clocks In Wall Chestnut 12-6B ' '"' don't you shoot?" 10 words. 0. Kemember that If you are street or any factories with, whistles Milk From Peanut*. The Greek replied: "I forgot which • KKg '. I*- " " The common peanut Is the source to away an audience, you must, be- j to guide the toys' during lunch hour, eye you have to squeeze.** Pea 10.65 " of a new substitute for milk which sides thinking out your matter, watch but there's a building being torn down. ROBERT E. SCHOLZ BO closely resembles Its prototype ft all along. | And every wrecking crew Is -assisted FIKEPI.ACE WOOD, $12.00 PER CORD that Itjtnrnfl sour and curdles, pro- . Rope and Telephone Wire*. by a dummy steam engine. Well, you Hope from ships that have sailed PURE NATURAL ICE "' 410 MAIN STREET duces buttermilk when churned and Northern Lights. see the wreckers lay off work at noon may be made Into cheese, says the the seven seaa—that has been tied to for lunch, and so do a majority of the Meat Markets '. lOc! per 100 lbs. Scientific American. The flavor,. In every port In the world—ends Us ca- The name "Aurora Borealls** was reer by guarding the cation's tele- first used by Cassendl, who. In 1021. J Wall Streetcrs. Therefore when the Other Business Houses...... 506. per 100 lbs. Phone Boonton U&J • which the nut characteristically per-: observed one In France and wrote a dummy engine blows Its whistle to slst*. la declared to be practlcallyHts Eh.one_con.versatlon, ,, •_ Family Trade .* 70c. per 100 lbs. only point of variance with cow's From junk rope Is made the high desc'riptlocn&f it Tlie "aurora" Is pe-1 call the wrecking crew back to labor, milk. The new lacteal product orig- grade of paper which Insulates every riodlc in its manifestations, the finest: the Wall Streeter returns to hb office." inated In the laboratory of an Amer- wire In & piece of telephone cable. dl-play being at Intervals of 00 years, —Vew York Sun. and less marked ones at Intervajs of ican university where the peanut ker- Over 13,dO0,000 pounds of old rope Romans Disapproved of Dancing. nels are converted into four -time* were fed to the giant vats which tore, ten or eleven years. It Is asserted that the greater and lesser displays Of all the amusements that we In- their volume of milk,-varying from 4 cooked, washed and beat Into a pulp ia e ia to 8 per cent In fat content and from the makings of 7,000,000 pounds of correspond, with the increMe and der 't nowadays, perhaps dandnt 2.4 to &3 per cent in protein. The cable paper used by the Dell Tele- crease of epou on the aim. This la the oldest Dancing seems to.be 'o one dances sober set ofkhe boy scoots of St. Loots, who, unless he chances to be mad,? said one na a result of a contest, provided 2,308 HAS'SEEN LIFE'S BITTERNESS of them. And they all considered It Painting and Decorating weU-boH,t bird., houses, -.wbich haTe JUGOSLAVIA'S ARMY COSTLY: was dligncefnl for a free dtlien to been placed In the public parks and Granddaughter of the Mighty Napo- dance, unless It were at ft religions other reserres.; Tha winning troop leon I Worthy of Remembrance War Departm.nt |a to Take Half of fwtival. The early Christians prac- turned oot 651 bird houses.- • Tbe by the French People. Total Government Budget for ticed'choral dances, although 8L Au- scoot exeentlre..writes that much In- ' '-'.•;.: NsxtYMr. ' < gustine Is said to have objected. Be Also Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Products terest waj rposed locally, not only In Paris observed the centenary of Na- certainly said: "It Is better to dig the house bonding which It Is pro* poleon Bonaparte's death with elabo- Belgrade. Jugoslavia.—The war de- than dance." ptaed t» make an annual good torn rate ceremonies a few weeks ago. partment of the new kingdom of Jugo- event, but also In the scouts them- Amid all the pomp In honor of tbe one- slavia will cost 2,000,000,000 dinars; Arabia. telTM. • • • - , •• ...:. ._ _ 415 Main Street, Boonton, N< J. time arbiter of Europe another figure, one-half the government's total budget. Arabia Is a peninsula. In t^e south- stood out In contrast—that of a woman In the next fiscal year, despite vlgor- west of tbe Asiatic continent, forming Phone 71-J: of lift/, dressed In blade, with' a fine, o» efforts by the minister of finance u,,, connecting1 link between Asia and Good Workmanship! ALCOHOL FROM THE JUNGLE? open face, lined by sorrow aod'the in- to rednce expenses, this Is »>educ- xjrica. lying between the Persian gull cessant effort to eke out a livelihood,* tlon of 600.000,000 dinars from the es- mi o,, (jnlf of Oman on the east and May .Yet Be Economically jHamifae. s teacher .In an ordinary elementary tlmates asked for by the war mini* the Bed sea on the west, the two con- tured From Moist VsgeUUon of school near the Boulevard St Michel, "*• ' ' tlnents behlg united at the'Isthmus of Tropical Forests. This poor tepcher, now living In a-tiny apartment with her cat and a few mea- . The total budget .estimates .were 8nex. Arabia Is 1 divided Into many L. E. VINCENT. ger possessions; la the granddaughter B.000,000,000 dinars nut- this has been jdngdoms and prlodpallUes,,each of —We clutch at anything as,, a substi- reducedjto •4.O0O.O0O.OOO. The nomlnal^^nia, has Its own capital, a» follows: ATTRACTIVE PRICES! I! tute for gasoline. Professor Whltford of Napoleon I. Her father was thellje- Optical Skill "••.Vilv^lUIIJUIl p gltlmate son of Napoleon and Eleonore exchangs-ralne of a dinar Is about 19 xh* Wnedom of Hejax, with Mecca of the Yale school ot forestry says cents but at the present rate It Is worth I ranlta!: Ttbe emlrat»*oTNefli that alcohol could be economically de la Plalgne, a maid of honor to Caro- uitM and line Murat Napoleon gave the boy the about three cents. , ; ,na iia^wiarlUyadh as capital; manufactured from the moist Tegetn- amOotmn'roi Typewriterf DMAM an.d tlon,.of tropical forests and Jungles. title ot Count Leon. Born In 1800, the principality of Kowelt, with Ko- Notary PnbUo "Count Leon" died In 1881, after an ex- welt aa capital; tne sultanate of "The evidence Is eonclttiive,* said Pro- Experience Full eonrw of crl* fessor Whltford, "that the tropical citing snd feverish life, into which he Oman, with Unseat u capital; the ntt Instruction in 8 M* sun has tbe power to store up more crowded, excessive gambling, many Rnd Fossilized Bone« ' emirate of JabeJ. Shammer, with Ban KEEP IX IN^MIND THAT ootnph l energy lo the form of cellulose in" a duels and love affairs and some mys- of Prehistoric Animal as capital; the'emirate of Aslr, with To examine eyes correctly and given time Uun-has the temperate sun. tical meditations. The' count's only Eborah as capital, and the Imamaw scientifically— If this Is In a ntllluble form It re- daughter, Charlotte Leon, was; born of remen, with Sarla as capim. when, her father was sixty" years old. , The Fas, Man/—Discovery, of mains for the Ingenuity of man to what he believes to be the fos- To lit right KlniutrR accurately— orercome the difficulties of profitably She began life as a teacher la Algeria Otrman Blind SoMUraJnersas*. sllited remains of a huge prehla- To relievo defective vision—re- CL08ED0N8UN0AY8I , JPPIJOMJ t •^tbJ£0Jnar^sJ[ng^needs ^^JUiJlh There are 8^22 blind soldiers in 'MI of the nation IC Is reasonable to ex- pp f lilWorld warand-oo qirirroopticftHkillandexpertancey wnoin. the count had left but small near here, was reported by pect thai sooner or later It will be Dr. Ells of the Dominion geo- • hundred bare died. The discouraging both ot which we hare. necessary to utilise more fully- the means of subsistence. After hard years - ^feature of It «lllf that there wen of struggle oil V pittance abe finally rojlcnl department! Be_ said- plant * resources of ,the tropics." he found the bones disconnect-' ,ool» l^M war blind when the annl*. ANSON BALL. O. D. Professor Whltford said1-that the an- went to Paris, where she married ft • t!« w« ilined,' In addition to tb* H. Mesnard, taking the name of Mnie.' ed, but In alignment, and that The "Weekly Bjetin" EYESIQHT SPECIALIST nul . production of sJeonot from the . totallj blind, thew ar« at present 4,. alesnard-Leon. Her husband Is now " they measured 40 :^eet in nlpa plant In the Philippine* wu now length. . Be was uaabla to sty 120 who hare "bad eyes" ,o the re- Offjce Hours: 9^12. H30-B • nearly SfiOOflOO gslloas and (hat onedead and she lives i alone, barely re- tolt of war jBeTTlce.7-New;T«rk Bv*. moved, from want, meditating on the What dais of animal the re- " and by appointment distillery there had produced SO per • nlnjE PMtsi •'' •'" • •>'''• '''*,*•' strange destiny of her grandfather, the mains belonged to: Eighty Main Street, Boonton, N. J. " IT East Blackwell, comer Morris SHOP DJ SCHOLZ BUILDrNQ . csnt alcohol at a cost of about 20 jreat emperor, of her father's wild and pounds of bones were brought I Part* announces ^new cure for con- cents a ganon,"aSd If 6p*ratedto-fnil ^ - --^ DOVER. -Nr-J. stormy Ufa—and of her-onljrB0D7*who" "TieTe bJTjr. His for shipment sumptlou, but- tnberenlar patient* will 412 Uaip.street, Boonton, V. J, otpaefty could make It atacott of dled.for JCnuiCfl it Bbelmi during ths toOtUm. jr. a. nt* a gallon.—Scientific Antfri- keep right 00 with IhaVfreih air con xtrn.uu.— - - . _ cult; -.. __ „. tool the ur one prorea it* am.

-f L.