Interim National Standard of Lao People’s Democratic Republic

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN

All Rights Reserved FSC ® International 2020 FSC®F000100

Title Interim National Standard of Lao People’s Democratic Republic Document reference code FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN Status Approved

Scope National All Forests All organizations including SLIMFs NTFPs included Approval body Policy and Standards Committee

Submission date 15 May 2019 Approval date 12 February 2020 Publication date 14 April 2020 Effective date 14 July 2020

Validity dates Five years from date of the effective date or until, revised, replaced or withdrawn Organization responsible for GFA Certification GmbH adaptation process Alter Teichweg 15 22081 Hamburg, Germany Contact and document owner FSC International Center - Performance and Standards Unit -

Adenauerallee 134 53113 Bonn, Germany +49-(0)228-36766-0 +49-(0)228-36766-30 [email protected] © 2020Forest Stewardship Council, A.C. All rights reserved.


No part of this work covered by the publisher’s copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, recording taping, or information retrieval systems) without the written permission of the publisher.

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is an independent, not for profit, non-government organization established to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. FSC’s vision is that the world’s forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations.


Content A Objective B Scope C References D Principles, Criteria and Indicators Annexes Annex A Minimum list of applicable laws, regulations and nationally ratified international treaties, conventions and agreements Annex B Training requirements for workers* (Principle 2) Annex C Additional Requirements for Ecosystem Services* (Principle 5) Annex D List of rare and threatened species in Annex E-1 Elements of the Management Plan* (Principle 7) Annex E-2 Conceptual Framework for Planning and Monitoring (Principle 7) Annex F Monitoring Requirements (Principle 8) Annex G High Conservation Value framework for Lao PDR Annex H Glossary of Terms Annex I Best Available Information (BAI) for Lao PDR


A Objective The objective of this standard is to provide a set of indicators for conformity assessments of responsible forest management by FSC accredited certification bodies within the defined scope (see below). B Scope This standard shall be applied in the following scope:

Geographic region Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Applicable to: NTFPs Mushrooms, venison (wild game meat), honey, cones and seeds, lichens, mosses and ferns, rattan, latex and resins.

Types of The Organization All types of organizations, including SLIMF

Forest type All types of forests

All aspects of this document are considered to be normative, including the scope, effective date, references, terms and definitions, notes, tables and annexes, unless otherwise stated (e.g. examples). SLIMF organizations are expected to comply with all indicators except those indicated as “Not applicable for SLIMF”. Where an adapted SLIMF indicator exists, the organization shall refer to this specific SLIMF indicator (marked as “SLIMF x.x.x.x.”). Organizations managing the Management Unit for NTFP are expected to conform with all indicators of this standard, but refer to the specific NTFP (marked as “NTFP x.x.x.x.”) indicator where such adapted indicator exists. This document is subject to the review and revision cycle as described in FSC-PRO-60-007 Structure, Content and Development of Interim National Standards. C References The following referenced documents are relevant for the application of this document. For references without a version number, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. FSC-STD-60-004 International Generic Indicators FSC-DIR-20-007 FSC Directive on FSC Forest Management Evaluations FSC-POL-01-004 Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC FSC-POL-20-003 The Excision of Areas from the Scope of Certification FSC-POL-30-001 FSC Pesticides Policy FSC-POL-30-401 FSC Certification and the ILO Conventions FSC-POL-30-602 FSC Interpretation on GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) FSC-PRO-60-007 Structure, Content and Development of INS FSC-PRO-30-006 Ecosystem Services Procedure: Impact Demonstration and Market Tools FSC-STD-01-001 FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship FSC-STD-01-002 FSC Glossary of Terms FSC-STD-01-003 SLIMF Eligibility Criteria FSC-STD-30-005 FSC Standard for Group Entities in Forest Management Groups


FSC-GUI-60-002 Guideline for Standard Developers for addressing risk of unacceptable activities in regard to scale and intensity FSC-GUI-60-009 Guidance for Standard Development Groups: Developing National High Conservation Value Frameworks FSC-GUI-60-009a Template for National High Conservation Value Frameworks FSC-GUI-60-005 Promoting Gender Equality in National Forest Stewardship Standards


D Principles, Criteria and Indicators PRINCIPLE 1: COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Organization* shall* comply with all applicable laws*, regulations and nationally ratified* international treaties, conventions and agreements. 1.1 The Organization* shall* be a legally defined entity with clear, documented and unchallenged legal registration*, with written authorization from the legally competent* authority for specific activities. 1.1.1 Legal registration* to carry out all activities within the scope of the certificate is documented and unchallenged. 1.1.2 Legal registration* is granted by a legally competent* authority according to legally prescribed processes. 1.2 The Organization* shall* demonstrate that the legal* status of the Management Unit*, including tenure* and use rights*, and its boundaries, are clearly defined. 1.2.1 Legal* tenure* to manage and use resources within the scope of the certificate is documented. NTFP Legal* tenure* to manage and use resources including harvesting and processing of non-timber forest products* within the scope of the certificate is documented. 1.2.2 Legal* tenure* is granted by a legally competent* authority according to legally prescribed processes. 1.2.3 The boundaries of all Management Units* within the scope of the certificate are clearly marked or documented and clearly shown on maps. 1.3 The Organization* shall* have legal* rights to operate in the Management Unit*, which fit the legal* status of The Organization* and of the Management Unit*, and shall* comply with the associated legal* obligations in applicable national and local laws* and regulations and administrative requirements. The legal* rights shall* provide for harvest of products and/or supply of ecosystem services* from within the Management Unit*. The Organization* shall* pay the legally prescribed charges associated with such rights and obligations. 1.3.1 All activities undertaken in the Management Unit* are carried out in compliance with: • Applicable laws* and regulations and administrative requirements, • Legal* and customary rights*; and • Obligatory codes of practice*. NTFP All activities including harvesting and processing of non-timber forest products* undertaken in the Management Unit* are carried out in compliance with: • Applicable laws* and regulations and administrative requirements, • Legal* and customary rights*; and • Obligatory codes of practice*. 1.3.2 Payment is made in a timely manner* of all applicable legally prescribed charges connected with forest* management. 1.3.3 Activities covered by the management plan* are designed to comply with all applicable laws*. 1.4 The Organization* shall* develop and implement measures, and/or shall* engage with regulatory agencies, to systematically protect the Management Unit* from unauthorized or illegal resource use, settlement and other illegal activities. 1.4.1 Measures are implemented to provide protection* from unauthorized or illegal harvesting, hunting, fishing, trapping, collecting, settlement and other unauthorized activities.


SLIMF Where signs of illegal or unauthorized activities are observed or reported within the Management Unit, the Organization* informs neighbouring forest owners and/or villages to avoid reoccurrence. 1.4.2 Where protection* is the legal* responsibility of regulatory bodies, a system is implemented to work with these regulatory bodies to identify, report, control and discourage unauthorized or illegal activities. 1.4.3 If illegal or unauthorized activities are detected, measures are implemented to address them. 1.5 The Organization* shall* comply with the applicable national laws*, local laws, ratified* international conventions and obligatory codes of practice*, relating to the transportation and trade of forest products* within and from the Management Unit*, and/or up to the point of first sale. 1.5.1 Compliance with applicable national laws*, local laws*, ratified* international conventions and obligatory codes of practice* relating to the transportation and trade of forest products* up to the point of first sale is demonstrated. NTFP Compliance with applicable national laws*, local laws*, ratified* international conventions and obligatory codes of practice* relating to the transportation and trade of NTFP up to the point of first sale is demonstrated. NTFP When non-timber forest products* are aimed to human or consumption, all applicable legal and administrative requirements for hygiene and food safety are complied with. 1.5.2 Compliance with CITES provisions is demonstrated, including through possession of certificates for harvest and trade in any CITES species. NTFP Compliance with CITES provisions is demonstrated, including through possession of certificates for harvest and trade in any NTFP species. 1.6 The Organization* shall* identify, prevent and resolve disputes* over issues of statutory or customary law*, which can be settled out of court in a timely manner*, through engagement with affected stakeholders*. 1.6.1 A publicly available* dispute* resolution process is in place; developed through culturally appropriate* engagement* with affected stakeholders*. SLIMF The organization* has an appropriate process to quickly resolve any dispute* that arise that directly involve the organization*. 1.6.2 Disputes* related to issues of applicable laws* or customary law* that can be settled out of court are responded to in a timely manner* and are either resolved or are in the dispute* resolution process. 1.6.3 Up to date records of disputes* related to issues of applicable laws* or customary law*, are held including: • Steps taken to resolve disputes*; • Outcomes of all dispute* resolution processes; and • Unresolved disputes*, the reasons they are not resolved, and how they will be resolved. 1.6.4 Operations cease in areas where disputes* exist: • Of substantial magnitude*; or • Of substantial duration*; or • Involving a significant* number of interests.


1.7 The Organization* shall* publicize a commitment not to offer or receive bribes in money or any other form of corruption and shall* comply with anti-corruption legislation where this exists. In the absence of anti-corruption legislation, The Organization* shall* implement other anti- corruption measures proportionate to the scale* and intensity* of management activities and the risk* of corruption. 1.7.1 A policy is implemented that includes a commitment not to offer or receive bribes of any description. SLIMF A written or verbal declaration not to give or receive bribes (money) or to engage in other forms of corruption is communicated to neighbours and customers. 1.7.2 The policy meets or exceeds related legislation. 1.7.3 The policy is publicly available* at no cost. 1.7.4 Bribery, coercion and other acts of corruption do not occur. 1.7.5 Corrective measures are implemented if corruption does occur. SLIMF Corrective measures are implemented if corruption does occur. 1.8 The Organization* shall* demonstrate a long-term* commitment to adhere to the FSC Principles* and Criteria* in the Management Unit*, and to related FSC Policies and Standards. A statement of this commitment shall* be contained in a publicly available* document made freely available. 1.8.1 A written policy, endorsed by an individual with authority to implement the policy, includes a long-term* commitment to forest* management practices consistent with FSC Principles* and Criteria* and related Policies and Standards. 1.8.2 The policy is publicly available* at no cost.


PRINCIPLE 2: WORKERS’* RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS The Organization* shall* maintain or enhance the social and economic wellbeing of workers*. (new) 2.1 The Organization* shall* uphold* the principles and rights at work as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) based on the eight ILO Core Labour Conventions. 2.1.1 The Organization⃰ does not use child labour. The Organization* does* not employ workers* below the age of 15. For workers* below the age of 18 the work hours shall* not exceed 6 hours per day or 36 hours per week. In countries where the national law⃰ or regulations permit the employment of persons between the ages of 13 to 15 years in light work* such employment does not interfere with schooling nor, be harmful to their health or development. Notably, where children are subject to compulsory education laws, they work only outside of school hours during normal daytime working hours. SLIMF Regular employment of children does not occur. Where children help their families occasionally in forestry work, they work only outside of school hours and are not exposed to any danger related with the labour. No person under the age of 18 is employed in hazardous* or heavy work⃰ except for the purpose of training within approved national laws⃰ and regulation. The Organization* prohibits worst forms of child labour*. 2.1.2 The Organization⃰ eliminates all forms of forced and compulsory labour. Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent, without threat of a penalty. There is no evidence of any practices indicative of forced or compulsory labour, including, but not limited to, the following: • Physical and sexual violence • Bonded labour • Withholding of wages* /including payment of employment fees and or payment of deposit to commence employment • Restriction of mobility/movement • Retention of passport and identity documents • Threats of denunciation to the authorities. 2.1.3 The Organization⃰ ensures that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation. Employment and occupation* practices are non-discriminatory. 2.1.4 The Organization⃰ respects freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Workers⃰ are able to establish or join worker organizations⃰ of their own choosing. The Organization⃰ respects the rights* of workers* to engage in lawful activities related to forming, joining or assisting a workers’*’ organization⃰, or to refrain from doing the same; and will not discriminate or punish workers* for exercising these rights*. The Organization⃰ negotiates with lawfully established workers’* organizations⃰ and/ or duly selected representatives in good faith⃰ and with the best efforts to reach a collective bargaining* agreement. Collective bargaining* agreements are implemented where they exist.


2.2 The Organization* shall* promote gender equality* in employment practices, training opportunities, awarding of contracts, processes of engagement* and management activities. 2.2.1 Systems are implemented that promote gender equality* and prevent gender discrimination in employment practices, training opportunities, awarding of contracts, processes of engagement* and management activities. 2.2.2 Job opportunities are open to both women and men under the same conditions, and women are encouraged to participate actively in all levels of employment. 2.2.3 Work typically carried out by women (nurseries, silviculture, Non-Timber Forest Product harvesting, weighing, packing, etc.) is included in training and health & safety programs to the same extent as work typically carried out by men. 2.2.4 Women and men are paid the same wage when they do the same work. 2.2.5 Women are paid directly and using mutually agreed methods (e.g. direct bank transfer, direct payments for school fees, etc.) to ensure they safely receive and retain their wages*. 2.2.6 Maternity leave is in compliance with the national legislation (6 months for female and two weeks for male.) 2.2.7 Paternity leave is available* and there is no penalty for taking it. 2.2.8 Meetings, management committees and decision-making forums are organized to include women and men, and to facilitate the active participation of both. 2.2.9 Confidential and effective mechanisms exist for reporting and eliminating cases of sexual harassment and discrimination based on gender, marital status, parenthood or sexual orientation. SLIMF There are no signs for cases of sexual harassment and discrimination based on gender, marital status, parenthood or sexual orientation. SLIMF Where such cases of sexual harassment and discrimination exist, confidential and effective countermeasures are implemented. 2.3 The Organization* shall* implement health and safety practices to protect workers* from occupational safety and health hazards. These practices shall*, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk* of management activities, meet or exceed the recommendations of the ILO Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Forestry Work. 2.3.1 Health and safety practices are developed and implemented that meet or exceed the ILO Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Forestry Work. NTFP Health and safety practices are developed and implemented for all workers* including workers* harvesting and processing of non-timber forest products* that meet or exceed the ILO Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Forestry Work. SLIMF Each worker is informed about the health and safety measures corresponding to his/her activity and these meets or exceed the ILO Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Forestry Work. 2.3.2 Workers* are provided with personal protective equipment appropriate to their assigned tasks free of charge. NTFP Workers*, including workers* harvesting and processing of non-timber forest products*, have personal protective equipment appropriate to their assigned tasks. 2.3.3 Use of personal protective equipment is enforced. 2.3.4 Records are kept on health and safety practices including accident rates and lost time to accidents. SLIMF The use of health and safety measures by workers* is checked and workers* are aware of the requirements.


2.3.5 The frequency and severity of accidents are consistently low compared to national forest* industry averages. SLIMF Accident level is low compared to national forest* industry averages. 2.3.6 The health and safety practices are reviewed and revised as required after major incidents or accidents. 2.4 The Organization* shall* pay wages* that meet or exceed minimum forest* industry standards or other recognized forest* industry wage agreements or living wages*, where these are higher than the legal* minimum wages*. When none of these exist, The Organization* shall* through engagement* with workers* develop mechanisms for determining living wages*. 2.4.1 Wages* paid by The Organization* in all circumstances meet or exceed legal* minimum wage rates. 2.4.2 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Wages* paid meet or exceed: • Minimum forest* industry standards; or • Other recognized forest* industry wage agreements; or • Living wages* that are higher than legal* minimum wages*. 2.4.3 When no minimum wage levels exist, wages* are established through culturally appropriate* engagement* with workers* and/or formal and informal workers* organizations*. 2.4.4 Wages*, salaries and contracts are paid on time. 2.5 The Organization* shall* demonstrate that workers* have job-specific training and supervision to safely and effectively implement the Management Plan* and all management activities. 2.5.1 Workers* have job specific training consistent with Annex B and supervision to safely and effectively contribute to the implementation of the management plan* and all management activities. NTFP Workers*, including workers* harvesting and processing of non-timber forest products*, have job specific training and supervision to safely and effectively contribute to the implementation of the management plan* and all management activities. 2.5.2 Up to date training records are kept for all relevant workers*. 2.6 The Organization* through engagement* with workers* shall* have mechanisms for resolving grievances and for providing fair compensation* to workers* for loss or damage to property, occupational diseases*, or occupational injuries* sustained while working for The Organization*. 2.6.1 A dispute* resolution process is in place, developed through culturally appropriate* engagement* with workers*. It is also applicable for participants of out grower schemes (if such exist). SLIMF If employees are hired, an appropriate process is available* and followed to quickly resolve any disputes* that arise with those employees. 2.6.2 Workers* grievances are identified and responded to and are either resolved or are in the dispute* resolution process. 2.6.3 Up-to-date records of workers* grievances related to workers* loss or damage of property, occupational diseases* or injuries are maintained including: • Steps taken to resolve grievances; • Outcomes of all dispute* resolution processes including fair compensation*; and • Unresolved disputes*, the reasons they are not resolved, and how they will be resolved. 2.6.4 Fair compensation* is provided to workers* for work-related loss or damage of property and occupational disease* or injuries.


PRINCIPLE 3: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’* RIGHTS The Organization* shall* identify and uphold* Indigenous Peoples’* legal* and customary rights* of ownership, use and management of land, territories* and resources affected by management activities. 3.1 The Organization* shall* identify the Indigenous Peoples* that exist within the Management Unit* or those that are affected by management activities. The Organization* shall* then, through engagement* with these Indigenous Peoples, identify their rights of tenure*, their rights of access to and use of forest* resources and ecosystem services*, their customary rights* and legal* rights and obligations, that apply within the Management Unit*. The Organization* shall* also identify areas where these rights are contested. 3.1.1 Indigenous Peoples* that may be affected by management activities are identified. 3.1.2 Through culturally appropriate* engagement* with the Indigenous Peoples* identified in 3.1.1, the following are documented and/or mapped: • Their legal* and customary rights* of tenure*; • Their legal* and customary* access to, and use rights*, of the forest* resources and ecosystem services*, • Their legal* and customary rights* and obligations that apply; • The evidence supporting these rights* and obligations; • Areas where rights* are contested between Indigenous Peoples*, governments and/or others; • Summary of the means by which the legal* and customary rights* and contested rights*, are addressed by The Organization*; and • The aspirations and goals of Indigenous Peoples* related to management activities, Intact Forest Landscapes* and Indigenous cultural landscapes*. SLIMF: If potentially affected Indigenous Peoples are present in the Management Unit (3.1.1), the smallholder identifies the Indigenous Peoples, their specific location and their interests in the SLIMF organizations forest. NTFP (Not applicable for SLIMF): Through culturally appropriate* engagement* with the Indigenous Peoples* identified in 3.1.1, the following issues are documented and/or mapped: • Their legal* and customary rights* of tenure*; • Their legal* and customary* access to, and use rights*, of the forest* resources, non- timber forest products* and ecosystem services*; • Their legal* and customary rights* and obligations that apply; • The evidence supporting these rights* and obligations; • Areas where rights* are contested between Indigenous Peoples*, governments and/or others; • Summary of the means by which the legal* and customary rights* and contested rights*, are addressed by The Organization*; • The aspirations and goals of Indigenous Peoples* related to management activities.


3.2 The Organization* shall* recognize and uphold* the legal* and customary rights* of Indigenous Peoples* to maintain control over management activities within or related to the Management Unit* to the extent necessary to protect their rights, resources and lands and territories*. Delegation by Indigenous Peoples* of control over management activities to third parties requires Free, Prior and Informed Consent*. 3.2.1 Indigenous Peoples* are informed when, where and how they can comment on and request modification to management activities to the extent necessary to protect their rights*, resources, lands and territories*. 3.2.2 The legal* and customary rights* of Indigenous Peoples* are not violated by The Organization*. 3.2.3 Where evidence exists that legal* and customary rights* of Indigenous Peoples* related to management activities have been violated the situation is corrected, if necessary, through culturally appropriate* engagement* and/or through the dispute* resolution process as required in Criteria* 1.6 or 4.6. 3.2.4 During management planning, the Organization* actively involves representatives of Indigenous Peoples* with the aim of achieving a consent on acceptable management activities, where forest management activities are likely to affect their identified rights*. This process is repeated at least every 3 years and includes; • Ensuring Indigenous Peoples* know their rights* and obligations regarding the resource; • Informing the Indigenous Peoples* of the value of the resource, in economic, social and environmental terms; • Informing the Indigenous Peoples* of their right to withhold or modify consent to the proposed management activities to the extent necessary to protect their rights*, resources, lands and territories*; and • Informing the Indigenous Peoples* of the current and future planned forest* management activities. SLIMF potentially affected Indigenous Peoples are present in the Management Unit (3.1.1), the organization* obtains their Free Prior and Informed Consent* to forestry activities that affect their identified rights*. 3.2.5 Where the process of Free Prior and Informed Consent* has not yet resulted in an FPIC agreement, the Organisation* and the affected Indigenous Peoples* are engaged in a mutually agreed FPIC process that is advancing, in good faith* and with which the community is satisfied. 3.3 In the event of delegation of control over management activities, a binding agreement* between The Organization* and the Indigenous Peoples* shall* be concluded through Free, Prior and Informed Consent*. The agreement shall* define its duration, provisions for renegotiation, renewal, termination, economic conditions and other terms and conditions. The agreement shall* make provision for monitoring by Indigenous Peoples* of The Organization*’s compliance with its terms and conditions. 3.3.1 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Where control over management activities has been granted through Free Prior and Informed Consent* based on active involvement of representatives of Indigenous Peoples* in management planning, a written binding agreement* contains the duration, provisions for renegotiation, renewal, termination, economic conditions and other terms and conditions. 3.3.2 Records of binding agreements* are maintained. 3.3.3 The binding agreement* contains the provision for monitoring by Indigenous Peoples* of The Organization’s* compliance with its terms and conditions.


3.4 The Organization* shall* recognize and uphold* the rights, customs and culture of Indigenous Peoples* as defined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) and ILO Convention 169 (1989). 3.4.1 The rights*, customs and culture of Indigenous Peoples* as defined in UNDRIP and ILO Convention 169 are not violated by The Organization*. 3.4.2 Where evidence exists that rights*, customs and culture of Indigenous Peoples*, as defined in UNDRIP and ILO Convention 169, have been violated by The Organization*, the situation is documented including steps to restore* these rights*, customs and culture of Indigenous Peoples*, to the satisfaction of the rights* holders. 3.5 The Organization*, through engagement* with Indigenous Peoples*, shall* identify sites which are of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance and for which these Indigenous Peoples hold legal* or customary rights*. These sites shall* be recognized by The Organization* and their management, and/or protection* shall* be agreed through engagement* with these Indigenous Peoples. 3.5.1 Sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance for which Indigenous Peoples* hold legal* or customary rights* are identified through culturally appropriate* engagement*. 3.5.2 Measures to protect such sites are agreed, documented and implemented through culturally appropriate* engagement* with Indigenous Peoples*. When Indigenous Peoples* determine that physical identification of sites in documentation or on maps would threaten the value or protection* of the sites, then other means will be used. 3.5.3 Wherever sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance are newly observed or discovered, management activities cease immediately in the vicinity until protective measures have been agreed to with the Indigenous Peoples*, and as directed by local and national laws*. 3.6 The Organization* shall* uphold* the right of Indigenous Peoples* to protect* and utilize their traditional knowledge* and shall* compensate local communities* for the utilization of such knowledge and their intellectual property*. A binding agreement* as per Criterion* 3.3 shall* be concluded between The Organization* and the Indigenous Peoples for such utilization through Free, Prior and Informed Consent* before utilization takes place, and shall* be consistent with the protection* of intellectual property* rights. 3.6.1 Traditional knowledge* and intellectual property* are protected and are only used when the acknowledged owners of that traditional knowledge* and intellectual property* have provided their Free, Prior and Informed Consent* formalized through a binding agreement*. 3.6.2 Indigenous Peoples* are compensated according to the binding agreement* reached through Free, Prior and Informed Consent* for the use of traditional knowledge* and intellectual property*.


PRINCIPLE 4: COMMUNITY RELATIONS The Organization* shall* contribute to maintaining or enhancing the social and economic wellbeing of local communities*. 4.1 The Organization* shall* identify the local communities* that exist within the Management Unit* and those that are affected by management activities. The Organization* shall* then, through engagement* with these local communities*, identify their rights of tenure*, their rights of access to and use of forest* resources and ecosystem services*, their customary rights* and legal* rights and obligations, that apply within the Management Unit*. 4.1.1 Local communities* that exist in or adjacent to the Management Unit* and that may be affected by management activities are identified. 4.1.2 Through culturally appropriate* engagement* with the local communities* identified in 4.1.1, the following are documented and/or mapped: • Their legal* and customary rights* of tenure*; • Their legal* and customary* access to, and use rights*, of the forest* resources and ecosystem services*; • Their legal* and customary* rights* and obligations that apply; • The evidence supporting these rights and obligations; • Areas where rights are contested between local communities*, governments and/or others; • Summary of the means by which the legal* and customary rights*, and contested rights are addressed by The Organization*; and • The aspirations and goals of local communities* related to management activities. SLIMF The Organization has identified the possible impacts of forest management on other forest users. 4.2 The Organization* shall* recognize and uphold* the legal* and customary rights* of local communities* to maintain control over management activities within or related to the Management Unit* to the extent necessary to protect their rights, resources, lands and territories*. Delegation by local communities* of control over management activities to third parties requires Free, Prior and Informed Consent*. 4.2.1 Through culturally appropriate* engagement* local communities* are informed of when, where and how they can comment on and request modification to management activities to the extent necessary to protect their rights. 4.2.2 The legal* and customary rights* of local communities* to maintain control over management activities are not violated by The Organization*. 4.2.3 Where evidence exists that legal* and customary rights* of local communities* related to management activities have been violated the situation is corrected, if necessary, through culturally appropriate* engagement* and/or through the dispute* resolution process in Criteria* 1.6 or 4.6. 4.2.4 (Not applicable for SLIMF) During management planning, the Organization* actively involves representatives of local communities* with the aim of achieving a consent on acceptable management activities, where forest management activities are likely to affect their identified rights*. This process is repeated at least every 3 years and includes: • Ensuring local communities* know their rights* and obligations regarding the resource; • Informing the local communities* of the value of the resource, in economic, social and environmental terms; • Informing the local communities* of their right to withhold or modify consent to the proposed management activities to the extent necessary to protect their rights* and resources; and


• Informing the local communities* of the current and future planned forest* management activities. 4.2.5 Where the process of Free Prior and Informed Consent* has not yet resulted in an FPIC agreement, the Organisation* and the affected local communities * are engaged in a mutually agreed FPIC process that is advancing, in good faith* and with which the community is satisfied. 4.3 The Organization* shall* provide reasonable* opportunities for employment, training and other services to local communities*, contractors and suppliers proportionate to scale* and intensity* of its management activities. 4.3.1 Reasonable* opportunities are communicated and provided to local communities*, local contractors and local suppliers for: • Employment; • Training; and • Other services. SLIMF Preference is given to local people and services. 4.4 The Organization* shall* implement additional activities, through engagement* with local communities*, that contribute to their social and economic development, proportionate to the scale*, intensity* and socio-economic impact of its management activities. 4.4.1 Opportunities for local social and economic development are identified through culturally appropriate * engagement* with local communities* and other relevant organizations. SLIMF Opportunities for local social and economic development are identified and implemented. 4.4.2 Projects and additional activities are implemented and/or supported that contribute to local social and economic benefit and are proportionate to the socio-economic impact of management activities. SLIMF Local products and services are used. 4.5 The Organization*, through engagement* with local communities*, shall* take action to identify, avoid and mitigate significant* negative social, environmental and economic impacts of its management activities on affected communities. The action taken shall* be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of those activities and negative impacts. 4.5.1 Through culturally appropriate* engagement* with local communities*, measures are implemented to identify, avoid and mitigate significant* negative social, environmental and economic impacts of management activities. Such meetings are held at least every 3 years, in case of identified potential conflicts annually. NTFP Through culturally appropriate* engagement* with local communities*, measures are implemented to identify, avoid and mitigate significant* negative social, environmental and economic impacts of management activities including impacts on non-timber forest products*. SLIMF Measures are implemented to avoid and mitigate negative social, environmental and economic impacts of management activities on affected communities. 4.6 The Organization*, through engagement* with local communities*, shall* have mechanisms for resolving grievances and providing fair compensation* to local communities* and individuals with regard to the impacts of management activities of The Organization*. 4.6.1 A publicly available* dispute* resolution process is in place, developed through culturally appropriate* engagement* with local communities*. SLIMF The smallholder has an appropriate process to quickly resolve any disputes in the smallholder’s forest. 4.6.2 Grievances related to the impacts of management activities are responded to in a timely manner* and are either resolved or are in the dispute* resolution process.


4.6.3 An up to date record of grievances related to the impacts of management activities is held including: • Steps taken to resolve grievances; • Outcomes of all dispute* resolution processes including fair compensation* to local communities* and individuals; and • Unresolved disputes*, the reasons they are not resolved, and how they will be resolved. 4.6.4 Operations cease in areas while disputes* exist of: • Substantial magnitude*; • Substantial duration*; or • Involving a significant* number of interests. 4.7 The Organization*, through engagement* with local communities*, shall* identify sites which are of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance, and for which these local communities* hold legal* or customary rights*. These sites shall* be recognized by The Organization*, and their management and/or protection* shall* be agreed through engagement* with these local communities*. 4.7.1 Sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance for which local communities* hold legal* or customary rights* are identified through culturally appropriate* engagement* and are recognized by The Organization*. 4.7.2 Measures to protect such sites are agreed, documented and implemented through culturally appropriate engagement* with local communities*. When local communities* determine that physical identification of sites in documentation or on maps would threaten the value or protection* of the sites, then other means will be used. 4.7.3 Whenever sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance are newly observed or discovered, management activities cease immediately in the vicinity until protective measures have been agreed to with the local communities*, and as directed by local and national laws*. 4.8 The Organization* shall* uphold* the right of local communities* to protect* and utilize their traditional knowledge* and shall* compensate local communities* for the utilization of such knowledge and their intellectual property*. A binding agreement* as per Criterion* 3.3 shall* be concluded between The Organization* and the local communities* for such utilization through Free, Prior and Informed Consent* before utilization takes place, and shall* be consistent with the protection* of intellectual property* rights. 4.8.1 Traditional knowledge* and intellectual property* are protected and are only used when the owners of that traditional knowledge* and intellectual property* have provided their Free, Prior and Informed Consent* formalized through a binding agreement*. 4.8.2 Local communities* are compensated according to the binding agreement* reached through Free, Prior and Informed Consent* for the use of traditional knowledge* and intellectual property*.


PRINCIPLE 5: BENEFITS FROM THE FOREST* The Organization* shall* efficiently manage the range of multiple products and services of the Management Unit* to maintain or enhance long-term* economic viability* and the range of social and environmental benefits. 5.1 The Organization* shall* identify, produce, or enable the production of, diversified benefits and/or products, based on the range of resources and ecosystem services* existing in the Management Unit* in order to strengthen and diversify the local economy proportionate to the scale* and intensity* of management activities. 5.1.1 The range of resources and ecosystem services* that could strengthen and diversify the local economy are identified. NTFP The range of resources, non-timber forest products* and ecosystem services* that could strengthen and diversify the local economy are identified. SLIMF The organization* has identified the range of resources and ecosystem services* within the Management Unit* that could enhance its economic viability. 5.1.2 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Consistent with management objectives*, the identified benefits and products are produced by The Organization* and/or made available* for others to produce, to strengthen and diversify the local economy. SLIMF Consistent with management objectives*, the identified benefits, non-timber forest products* and products are produced by The Organization* and/or made available* for others to produce. NTFP Consistent with management objectives*, the identified benefits, non-timber forest products* and products are produced by The Organization* and/or made available* for others to produce, to strengthen and diversify the local economy. 5.1.3 If the Organization* makes promotional claims regarding maintenance and/or enhancement of ecosystem services, it follows the procedures described in FSC-PRO-30-006 V1-0 EN Ecosystem Services Procedure: Impact Demonstration and Market Tools and FSC-GUI-30- 006 V1-0 EN Guidance for Demonstrating Ecosystem Services Impacts. 5.2 The Organization* shall* normally harvest products and services from the Management Unit* at or below a level which can be permanently sustained. 5.2.1 Timber harvesting levels* are based on an analysis of current Best Available Information* (see Annex I) on growth and yield; inventory of the forest*; mortality rates; and maintenance of ecosystem functions*. 5.2.2 Based on the timber harvesting level* analysis, a maximum sustainable timber harvest level is determined that does not exceed the harvest level that can be permanently sustained including by ensuring that harvest rates do not exceed growth. 5.2.3 Actual annual harvest levels for timber are recorded and the harvest over a defined period according to the approved Forest management Plan* (FMP) does not exceed the sustainable timber harvest level determined in 5.2.2 for the same defined period. Note: For SLIMFs and plantations: The Organization* ensures that the rate of harvest for regionally dispersed FMUs does not allow concentrating the annual harvest in one sub-unit. 5.2.4 For extraction of commercially harvested product under and non-timber-forest products under The Organization’s* control a sustainable harvest level is calculated and adhered to. Sustainable harvest levels are based on Best Available Information*. NTFP For extraction of commercially harvested non-timber forest products* under The Organization’s* control a sustainable harvest level is calculated and adhered to. Sustainable harvest levels are based on Best Available* Information*.


5.3 The Organization* shall* demonstrate that the positive and negative externalities* of operations are included in the management plan*. 5.3.1 Costs related to preventing, mitigating or compensating for negative social and environment impacts of management activities are quantified and documented in the management plan*. SLIMF The organization documents any compensation payments or fines that resulted from negative social and environmental impacts caused by the organization´s forest* management activities. 5.3.2 Benefits related to positive social and environment impacts of management activities are identified and included in the management plan*. 5.4 The Organization* shall* use local processing, local services, and local value adding to meet the requirements of The Organization* where these are available, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk*. If these are not locally available, The Organization* shall* make reasonable* attempts to help establish these services. 5.4.1 Where cost, quality and capacity of non-local and local options are at least equivalent, local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are used. NTFP Where cost, quality and capacity of non-local and local options are at least equivalent, local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are used for NTFPs. SLIMF Where cost, quality and capacity of non-local and local options are at least equivalent, local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are used. 5.4.2 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Based on the capacity of the organization*, attempts are made to establish and encourage capacity where local goods, services, processing and value-added facilities are not available*. 5.5 The Organization* shall* demonstrate through its planning and expenditures proportionate to scale, intensity and risk*, its commitment to long-term* economic viability*. 5.5.1 Sufficient funds are allocated to implement the management plan* in order to meet this standard and to ensure long-term* economic viability*. SLIMF Sufficient funds or work force are allocated to implement the management plan*. 5.5.2 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Expenditures and investments are made to implement the management plan* in order to meet this standard and to ensure long-term* economic viability*.


PRINCIPLE 6: ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES* AND IMPACTS The Organization* shall* maintain, conserve* and/or restore* ecosystem services* and environmental values* of the Management Unit*, and shall* avoid, repair or mitigate negative environmental impacts. 6.1 The Organization* shall* assess environmental values* in the Management Unit* and those values outside the Management Unit* potentially affected by management activities. This assessment shall* be undertaken with a level of detail, scale and frequency that is proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities, and is sufficient for the purpose of deciding the necessary conservation* measures, and for detecting and monitoring possible negative impacts of those activities. 6.1.1 Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify environmental values* within, and, where potentially affected by management activities, outside of the Management Unit*. NTFP Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify environmental values* within, and, where potentially affected by NTFP management activities, outside of the Management Unit*. 6.1.2 Assessments of environmental values* are conducted with a level of detail and frequency so that: • Impacts of management activities on the identified environmental values* can be assessed as per Criterion* 6.2; • Risks* to environmental values* can be identified as per Criterion* 6.2; • Necessary conservation* measures to protect values can be identified as per Criterion* 6.3; and, • Monitoring of impacts or environmental changes can be conducted as per Principle* 8. NTFP Assessments of environmental values* are conducted with a level of detail and frequency so that: • Environmental values* in and outside the management Unit* that can be affected by management activities are identified; • Potential risks* to these values are known; • Necessary conservation* measures can be defined in the stand management model; • Monitoring of impacts or environmental changes can be conducted as per Principle* 8. SLIMF of environmental values* are conducted with a level of detail and frequency so that Environmental values* in and outside the management Unit* that can be affected by management activities are identified; • Potential risks* to these values are known; • Necessary conservation* measures can be defined in the stand management model; • Monitoring* of impacts or environmental changes can be conducted as per Principle* 8. 6.2 Prior to the start of site-disturbing activities, The Organization* shall* identify and assess the scale, intensity and risk* of potential impacts of management activities on the identified environmental values*. 6.2.1 An environmental impact assessment* identifies potential present and future impacts of management activities on environmental values*, from the stand level to the landscape level. NTFP An environmental impact assessment* identifies potential present and future impacts of management activities on environmental values* and non-timber forest products*, from the stand level to the landscape level.


SLIMF Prior to implementing site-disturbing activities an assessment is conducted to identify possible adverse impacts from planned management activities. 6.2.2 The environmental impact assessment* identifies and assesses the impacts of the management activities prior to the start of site-disturbing activities. 6.3 The Organization* shall* identify and implement effective actions to prevent negative impacts of management activities on the environmental values*, and to mitigate and repair those that occur, proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of these impacts. 6.3.1 Management activities are planned and implemented to prevent negative impacts and to protect environmental values*. NTFP Management activities are planned and implemented to prevent negative impacts and to protect environmental values* and non-timber forest products*. 6.3.2 Management activities prevent negative impacts to environmental values*. NTFP: Management activities prevent negative impacts to environmental values* non-timber forest products*. 6.3.3 Where negative impacts to environmental values* occur, measures are adopted to prevent further damage, and negative impacts are mitigated* and/or repaired*. NTFP Where negative impacts to environmental values* and non-timber forest products* occur, measures are adopted to prevent further damage, and negative impacts are mitigated* and/or repaired*. 6.4 The Organization* shall* protect rare species* and threatened species* and their habitats* in the Management Unit* through conservation zones*, protection areas*, connectivity* and/or (where necessary) other direct measures for their survival and viability. These measures shall* be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities and to the conservation* status and ecological requirements of the rare and threatened species*. The Organization* shall* take into account the geographic range and ecological requirements of rare and threatened species* beyond the boundary of the Management Unit*, when determining the measures to be taken inside the Management Unit*. 6.4.1 Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify rare and threatened species*, and their habitats*, including CITES species (where applicable) and those listed on national, regional and local lists of rare and threatened species* that are present or likely to be present within and adjacent to the Management Unit*. SLIMF Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify rare and threatened species*, and their habitats*, including CITES species (where applicable) and those listed on national, regional and local lists of rare and threatened species* that are present or likely to be present within and adjacent to the Management Unit*. 6.4.2 Potential impacts of management activities on rare and threatened species* and their conservation* status and habitats* are identified and management activities are modified to avoid negative impacts. SLIMF Management activities are designed or modified to avoid negative impacts to rare and threatened species*, and their habitats*. 6.4.3 The rare and threatened species* and their habitats* are protected, including through the provision of conservation zones*, protection areas*, connectivity*, and other direct means for their survival and viability, such as species’ recovery programs. SLIMF Consistent with indicator SLIMF, the organization* respects conservation zones* and protection areas* and supports connectivity by preservation of buffer zones where for rare and threatened species* and their habitats* exist. 6.4.4 Hunting, fishing, trapping and collection of rare or threatened species* is prevented. NTFP Hunting, fishing, trapping and collection of rare or threatened species* including non- timber forest products* is prevented.


SLIMF A system is in place to prevent hunting, fishing, trapping and collection of rare or threatened species* 6.5 The Organization* shall* identify and protect representative sample areas of native ecosystems* and/or restore* them to more natural conditions*. Where representative sample areas* do not exist or are insufficient, The Organization* shall* restore* a proportion of the Management Unit* to more natural conditions*. The size of the areas and the measures taken for their protection* or restoration, including within plantations, shall* be proportionate to the conservation* status and value of the ecosystems* at the landscape* level, and the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities. 6.5.1 Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify native ecosystems* that exist, or would exist under natural conditions*, within the Management Unit *. SLIMF Best Available Information* (see Annex I) is used to identify native ecosystems* that exist, or would exist under natural conditions*, within the Management Unit *. 6.5.2 Representative Sample Areas* of native ecosystems* are protected, where they exist. 6.5.3 Where Representative Sample Areas* do not exist, or where existing sample areas* inadequately represent native ecosystems*, or are otherwise insufficient, a proportion of the Management Unit* is restored* to more natural conditions*. 6.5.4 The size of the Representative Sample Areas* and/or restoration* areas is proportionate to the conservation* status and value of the ecosystems* at the landscape* level, the size of the Management Unit* and the intensity* of forest* management. SLIMF Restoration* measures are implemented on group level (where applicable) and include enrichment with species* occurring in nearby ecosystems*. 6.5.5 Representative Sample Areas* in combination with other components of the conservation areas network* comprise a minimum 10% area of the Management Unit*. 6.6 The Organization* shall* effectively maintain the continued existence of naturally occurring native species* and genotypes*, and prevent losses of biological diversity*, especially through habitat* management in the Management Unit*. The Organization* shall* demonstrate that effective measures are in place to manage and control hunting, fishing, trapping and collecting. 6.6.1 Management activities maintain the plant communities and habitat features* found within native ecosystems* in which the Management Unit* is located. SLIMF Management activities within the FMU prevent direct negative impacts on adjacent native ecosystems*. 6.6.2 Where past management has eliminated plant communities or habitat features*, management activities aimed at re-establishing such habitats* are implemented. 6.6.3 Management maintains, enhances, or restores* habitat features* associated with native ecosystems*, to support the diversity of naturally occurring species and their genetic diversity. 6.6.4 Effective measures are taken to manage and control hunting, fishing, trapping and collecting activities to ensure that naturally occurring native species*, their diversity within species and their natural distribution are maintained. NTFP Effective measures are taken to manage and control hunting, fishing, trapping and collecting activities to ensure that naturally occurring native species* including non-timber forest products*, their diversity within species and their natural distribution are maintained. 6.6.5 Mechanisms for wildlife protection* are in place: Applicable national and/or international regulations on protection*, hunting and trade in animal species or parts (trophies) are known and complied with. 6.6.6 (Not applicable for SLIMF) An internal regulation banning and punishing the transportation of and trade in bush meat and firearms in the facilities and vehicles of The Organization*; 6.6.7 (Not applicable for SLIMF) A system of regular and punctual controls to ensure hunting policies are respected is implemented.


6.6.8 Effective mitigation measures are in place to ensure that workers* do not increase hunting trapping or collecting of bush meat or wild fish of rare and endangered species*. 6.7 The Organization* shall* protect* or restore* natural watercourses, water bodies*, riparian zones* and their connectivity*. The Organization* shall* avoid negative impacts on water quality and quantity and mitigate and remedy those that occur. 6.7.1 Protection* measures are implemented to protect natural watercourses*, water bodies*, riparian zones* and their connectivity*, including water quantity and water quality. Note: Protection measures include but are not limited to: • Buffer zones are established to protect natural watercourses* and water bodies*, their connectivity*, in-stream habitat*, and fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic species according to national legislation but in no case less than 5 meters; • Native vegetation in buffer zones is maintained. Where plantations have been established in buffer zones, these plantations are converted proactively to more natural conditions* within one rotation period; Road (including forest road) design prevents impacts on watercourses* caused by erosion, sedimentation or blocking of water courses: o The design and construction of forest roads considers topography; o Where erosion can occur, adequate drainage is installed, e.g. culverts, ditches and cross- ditches. Note: Useful guidance is provided by FAO Guide for planning, construction and maintenance of forest roads ( The Organization* adapts its management system to prevent sedimentation of water bodies* and soil erosion from harvesting. This includes: o Definition of acceptable levels of impacts; o Machinery and equipment to be used; o Maximum size of contiguous clear-felling areas; o Conditions (whether, soil moisture, etc) for harvesting activities. Fertilizers* and chemicals are not used within the buffer zone. 6.7.2 Where implemented protection* measures do not protect watercourses*, water bodies*, riparian zones* and their connectivity*, water quantity or water quality from impacts of forest* management, restoration activities* are implemented. 6.7.3 Where natural watercourses*, water bodies*, riparian zones* and their connectivity*, water quantity or water quality have been damaged by past activities on land and water by The Organization*, restoration activities* are implemented. 6.7.4 Where continued degradation exists to watercourses*, water bodies*, water quantity and water quality caused by previous managers and the activities of third parties, measures are implemented that prevent or mitigate this degradation. 6.8 The Organization* shall* manage the landscape* in the Management Unit* to maintain and/or restore* a varying mosaic of species, sizes, ages, spatial scales* and regeneration cycles appropriate for the landscape values* in that region, and for enhancing environmental and economic resilience*. 6.8.1 A varying mosaic of species*, sizes, ages, spatial scales*, and regeneration cycles is maintained appropriate to the landscape*. 6.8.2 The mosaic of species*, sizes, ages, spatial scales*, and regeneration cycles is restored* where it has not been maintained appropriate to the landscape*.


6.9 The Organization* shall* not convert natural forest* to plantations*, nor natural forests* or plantations* on sites directly converted from natural forest* to non-forest* land use, except when the conversion: a) Affects a very limited portion* of the area of the Management Unit*; and b) Will produce clear, substantial, additional, secure long-term conservation* benefits in the Management Unit*; and c) Does not damage or threaten High Conservation Values*, nor any sites or resources necessary to maintain or enhance those High Conservation Values*. 6.9.1 There is no conversion of natural forest* to plantations*, nor conversion of natural forests* to non-forest* land use, nor conversion of plantations* on sites directly converted from natural forest* to non-forest* land use, except when the conversion: • Affects a very limited portion* of the Management Unit*; and • The conversion will produce clear, substantial, additional, secure, long-term conservation* benefits in the Management Unit*; and • Does not damage or threaten High Conservation Values*, nor any sites or resources necessary to maintain or enhance those High Conservation Values*. 6.10 Management Units* containing plantations* that were established on areas converted from natural forest* after November 1994 shall* not qualify for certification, except where: a) Clear and enough evidence is provided that The Organization* was not directly or indirectly responsible for the conversion; or b) The conversion affected a very limited portion* of the area of the Management Unit* and is producing clear, substantial, additional, secure long-term conservation* benefits in the Management Unit*. 6.10.1 Based on Best Available Information*, accurate data is compiled on all conversions since 1994. 6.10.2 Areas converted from natural forest* to plantation* since November 1994 are not certified, except where: • The Organization* provides clear and enough evidence that it was not directly or indirectly responsible for the conversion; or • The conversion is producing clear, substantial, additional, secure, long-term conservation* benefits in the Management Unit*; and • The total area of plantation* on sites converted from natural forest* since November 1994 is less than 5% of the total area of the Management Unit*.


PRINCIPLE 7: MANAGEMENT PLANNING The Organization* shall* have a management plan* consistent with its policies and objectives* and proportionate to scale, intensity and risks* of its management activities. The management plan* shall* be implemented and kept up to date based on monitoring* information in order to promote adaptive management*. The associated planning and procedural documentation shall* be sufficient to guide staff, inform affected stakeholders* and interested stakeholders* and to justify management decisions. 7.1 The Organization* shall*, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk* of its management activities, set policies (visions and values) and objectives* for management, which are environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable. Summaries of these policies and objectives* shall* be incorporated into the management plan*, and publicized. 7.1.1 The Organization* has defined its general management objectives* Policies (vision and values) that contribute to meeting the requirements of this standard. NTFP The Organization has defined its general management objectives* (vision and values) related to NTFP that contribute to meeting the requirements of this standard. SLIMF By signing a contract for certification the Organization* confirms its commitment to meet the requirements of this standard and to manage its forests* in responsible manner. 7.1.2 Specific, operational management objectives* that address the requirements of this standard are defined. NTFP Specific, operational management objectives* for NTFPs that address the requirements of this standard are defined. 7.1.3 (Not applicable for SLIMF) Summaries of the defined policies and management objectives* are included in the management plan* and publicized. NTFP Summaries of the defined policies and management objectives* for the NTFPs are included in the management plan* and publicized. 7.2 The Organization* shall* have and implement a management plan* for the Management Unit* which is fully consistent with the policies and management objectives* as established according to Criterion* 7.1. The management plan* shall* describe the natural resources that exist in the Management Unit* and explain how the plan will meet the FSC certification requirements. The management plan* shall* cover forest* management planning and social management planning proportionate to scale*, intensity* and risk* of the planned activities. 7.2.1 The management plan* includes management actions, procedures, strategies and measures to achieve the management objectives*. NTFP The management plan* includes management actions, procedures, strategies and measures to achieve the management objectives*. 7.2.2 The management plan* addresses the elements listed in Annex E and is implemented. NTFP The management plan* of NTFPs addresses the elements listed in Annex E and is implemented.


7.3 The management plan* shall* include verifiable targets* by which progress towards each of the prescribed management objectives* can be assessed. 7.3.1 Verifiable targets*, and the frequency that they are assessed, are established for monitoring the progress towards each management objective*. NTFP Verifiable targets*for NTFPs, and the frequency that they are assessed, are established for monitoring* the progress towards each management objective*. Note: Examples of verifiable targets* to be established include: • Site productivity, yield of all products harvested; • Composition and observed changes in the flora and fauna; • Water quality and quantity; • Soil erosion, compaction, fertility and carbon content; • Wildlife populations, biodiversity* and status of High Conservation Values*; • Sensitive cultural and environmental resources; • Stakeholder satisfaction with engagement*; • Benefits of management operations provided to local communities*; • Number of occupational accidents*; • Area of Intact Forest Landscape* protected* as Core Areas*; and • Overall economic viability* of the Management Unit*. 7.4 The Organization* shall* update and revise periodically the management planning and procedural documentation to incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder engagement* or new scientific and technical information, as well as to respond to changing environmental, social and economic circumstances. 7.4.1 The management plan* is revised and updated periodically consistent with Annex F to incorporate: • Monitoring results, including results of certification audits; • Evaluation results; • Stakeholder engagement* results; • New scientific and technical information, and • Changing environmental, social, or economic circumstances. SLIMF The management plan* is revised and updated periodically consistent with Annex F to incorporate: • Own field observations made; • Market requirements for quality of products; • Evaluation results; including results of certification audits; • Comments from neighbors, forest authorities or other stakeholders*; • Changing environmental, social, or economic circumstances.


7.5 The Organization* shall* make publicly available* a summary of the management plan* free of charge. Excluding confidential information*, other relevant components of the management plan* shall* be made available to affected stakeholders* on request, and at cost of reproduction and handling. 7.5.1 A summary of the management plan* in a format comprehensible to stakeholders* including maps and excluding confidential information* is made publicly available* at no cost. SLIMF Interested stakeholders* are informed about the main contents of the management plan* and operations that might affect them upon request at no cost. 7.5.2 Relevant components of the management plan*, excluding confidential information*, are available* to affected stakeholders* on request at the actual costs of reproduction and handling. 7.6 The Organization* shall*, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk* of management activities, proactively and transparently engage affected stakeholders* in its management planning and monitoring processes, and shall* engage interested stakeholders* on request. 7.6.1 Culturally appropriate* engagement* is used to ensure that affected stakeholders* are proactively and transparently engaged in the following processes: • Dispute* resolution processes (Criterion* 1.6, Criterion* 2.6, Criterion* 4.6); (Not applicable for SLIMF) • Definition of Living wages* (Criterion* 2.4); (Not applicable for SLIMF) • Identification of rights* (Criterion* 3.1, Criterion* 4.1), Indigenous cultural landscapes* (Criterion* 3.1) sites (Criterion* 3.5, Criterion* 4.7) and impacts (Criterion* 4.5); • Local communities’* socio-economic development activities (Criterion* 4.4); (Not applicable for SLIMF) and • High Conservation Value* assessment, management and monitoring (Criterion* 9.1, Criterion* 9.2, Criterion* 9.4). SLIMF The SLIMF organization informs affected and interested stakeholders about management planning and monitoring. 7.6.2 Culturally appropriate* engagement* is used to: • Determine appropriate representatives and contact points (including where appropriate, local institutions, organizations and authorities); • Determine mutually agreed communication channels allowing for information to flow in both directions; • Ensure all actors (women, youth, elderly, minorities) are represented and engaged equitably; • Ensure all meetings, all points discussed, and all agreements reached are recorded; • Ensure the content of meeting records is approved; and • Ensure the results of all culturally appropriate* engagement* activities are shared with those involved.


7.6.3 Affected stakeholders* are provided with an opportunity for culturally appropriate* engagement* in monitoring* and planning processes of management activities that affect their interests. SLIMF The SLIMF organization ensures that concerns of affected stakeholders* are addressed in the development and implementation of management and monitoring activities. 7.6.4 On request, interested stakeholders* are provided with an opportunity for engagement* in monitoring and planning processes of management activities that affect their interests.


PRINCIPLE 8: MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT The Organization* shall* demonstrate that, progress towards achieving the management objectives*, the impacts of management activities and the condition of the Management Unit*, are monitored* and evaluated proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities, in order to implement adaptive management*. 8.1 The Organization* shall* monitor* the implementation of its Management Plan*, including its policies and management objectives*, its progress with the activities planned, and the achievement of its verifiable targets*. 8.1.1 Procedures are documented and executed for monitoring* the implementation of the management plan* including its policies and management objectives* and achievement of verifiable targets*. 8.2 The Organization* shall* monitor* and evaluate the environmental and social impacts of the activities carried out in the Management Unit*, and changes in its environmental condition. 8.2.1 The social and environmental impacts of management activities are monitored* consistent with Annex F. NTFP The social and environmental impacts of NTFP management activities are monitored* consistent with Annex F. 8.2.2 Changes in environmental conditions are monitored* consistent with Annex F. 8.3 The Organization* shall* analyse the results of monitoring* and evaluation and feed the outcomes of this analysis back into the planning process. 8.3.1 Adaptive management* procedures are implemented so that monitoring* results feed into periodic updates to the planning process and the resulting management plan*. 8.3.2 If monitoring* results show non-conformities with the FSC Standard then management objectives*, verifiable targets* and/or management activities are revised. 8.4 The Organization* shall* make publicly available* a summary of the results of monitoring free of charge, excluding confidential information*. 8.4.1 A summary of the monitoring* results consistent with Annex F, in a format comprehensible to stakeholders* including maps and excluding confidential information* is made publicly available* at no cost. SLIMF Affected stakeholders* are informed about the monitoring results of social and environmental impacts upon request at no cost. 8.5 The Organization* shall* have and implement a tracking and tracing system proportionate to scale, intensity and risk* of its management activities, for demonstrating the source and volume in proportion to projected output for each year, of all products from the Management Unit* that are marketed as FSC certified. 8.5.1 A system is implemented to track and trace all products that are marketed as FSC certified. As part of that: • Transaction verification* is supported by providing FSC transaction* data, as requested by the certification body; • Fiber testing* is supported by surrendering samples and specimens of materials and information about species* composition for verification, as requested by the certification body. NTFP It is demonstrated based on best available information* or other means (e.g. telemetric data) that the target species spent at least 50% of its lifespan


within the FSC certified Management Unit* before venison can be sold with the FSC claim: FSC 100%. NTFP It is demonstrated based on best available information* or pollen analysis that at least 50% of the collected pollen originates from within the FSC certified Management Unit* before honey can be sold with the FSC claim: FSC 100%. 8.5.2 Information about all products sold is compiled and documented, including: • Common and scientific species name; • Product name or description; • Volume (or quantity) of product; • Information to trace the material to the source of origin logging block; • Logging date; • If basic processing activities take place in the forest, the date and volume produced; and • Whether or not the material was sold as FSC certified. NTFP Information about all NTFP products sold is compiled and documented, including: 1) Common and scientific species name; 2) Product name or description; 3) Volume (or quantity) of product; 4) Information to trace the material to the source of the origin of the NTFP; 5) Sourcing date of the NTFP; 6) If basic processing activities take place in the forest, the date and volume produced; and 7) Whether or not the material was sold as FSC certified. 8.5.3 Sales invoices or similar documentation are kept for a minimum of five years for all products sold with an FSC claim, which identify at a minimum, the following information: • Name and address of purchaser; • The date of sale; • Common and scientific species name; • Product description; • The volume (or quantity) sold; • Certificate code; and • The FSC Claim “FSC 100%” identifying products sold as FSC certified.


PRINCIPLE 9: HIGH CONSERVATION VALUES* The Organization* shall* maintain and/or enhance the High Conservation Values* in the Management Unit* through applying the precautionary approach*. 9.1 The Organization*, through engagement* with affected stakeholders*, interested stakeholders* and other means and sources, shall* assess and record the presence and status of the following High Conservation Values* in the Management Unit*, proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of impacts of management activities, and likelihood of the occurrence of the High Conservation Values*: HCV 1 – Species* diversity. Concentrations of biological diversity* including endemic species, and rare*, threatened* or endangered species*, that are significant* at global, regional or national levels. HCV 2 – Landscape*-level ecosystems* and mosaics. Intact Forest Landscapes* and large landscape*-level ecosystems* and ecosystem* mosaics that are significant* at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance. HCV 3 – Ecosystems* and habitats*. Rare*, threatened*, or endangered ecosystems*, habitats* or refugia*. HCV 4 – Critical* ecosystem services*. Basic ecosystem services* in critical* situations, including protection* of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes. HCV 5 – Community needs. Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples* (for livelihoods, health, nutrition, water, etc.), identified through engagement* with these communities or Indigenous Peoples*. HCV 6 – Cultural values. Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical* cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples*, identified through engagement* with these local communities* or Indigenous Peoples*. 9.1.1 An assessment is completed using Best Available Information* that records the location and status of High Conservation Value* Categories 1-6, as defined in Criterion* 9.1; the High Conservation Value Areas* they rely upon, and their condition. 9.1.2 This assessment includes identification of Intact Forest Landscapes*, as of January 1, 2017. 9.1.3 The assessment uses results from culturally appropriate* engagement* with affected rights holders* and affected* and interested stakeholders* with an interest in the conservation* of the High Conservation Values*. SLIMF If information is received from affected or interested stakeholders* or experts on potential presence of HCV, the HCV assessment is revised latest within 6 months. 9.2 The Organization* shall* develop effective strategies that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values*, through engagement* with affected stakeholders*, interested stakeholders* and experts. 9.2.1 Threats to High Conservation Values* are identified using Best Available* Information*. 9.2.2 Management strategies and actions are developed to maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values* and to maintain associated High


Conservation Value Areas* prior to implementing potentially harmful management activities. 9.2.3 Affected rights holders*, affected* and interested stakeholders* and experts are engaged in the development of management strategies and actions to maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values*. 9.2.4 Management strategies are developed to protect* core areas*. 9.2.5 The vast majority* of each Intact Forest Landscape* is designated as core area*. Note: The definition of vast majority* is 80% of the total area of Intact Forest Landscapes* within the Management Unit* as of January 1, 2017. 9.2.6 The strategies developed are effective to maintain and/or enhance the High Conservation Values*. 9.2.7 Management strategies allow limited industrial activity* within core areas* only if all effects of industrial activity* including fragmentation*: • Are restricted to a very limited portion of the core area*; • Do not reduce the core area* below 50,000 ha; and • Will produce clear, substantial, additional, long-term conservation* and social benefits. 9.3 The Organization* shall* implement strategies and actions that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values*. These strategies and actions shall* implement the precautionary approach* and be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities. 9.3.1 The High Conservation Values* and the High Conservation Value Areas* on which they depend are maintained and/or enhanced, including by implementing the strategies developed. SLIMF Measures are implemented to contribute to the maintenance and/or enhancement of identified HCV within the boundaries of the management unit*. 9.3.2 The strategies and actions prevent damage and avoid risks* to High Conservation Values*, even when the scientific information is incomplete or inconclusive, and when the vulnerability and sensitivity of High Conservation Values* are uncertain. SLIMF A precautionary approach is implemented to avoid negative impacts on identified HCV. 9.3.3 Core areas* are protected* consistent with Criterion* 9.2. 9.3.4 Limited industrial activity * in core areas* is consistent with Indicator 9.2.7. 9.3.5 Activities that harm High Conservation Values* cease immediately and actions are taken to restore* and protect the High Conservation Values*. SLIMF The SLIMF organization immediately stops forestry activities that might damage any new High Conservation Values that are found during forestry activities in the smallholder’s forest*.


9.4 The Organization* shall* demonstrate that periodic monitoring* is carried out to assess changes in the status of High Conservation Values* and shall* adapt its management strategies to ensure their effective protection*. The monitoring shall* be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk* of management activities, and shall* include engagement* with affected stakeholders*, interested stakeholders* and experts. 9.4.1 A program of periodic monitoring assesses: • Implementation of strategies; • The status of High Conservation Values*, including High Conservation Value Areas* on which they depend; and • The effectiveness of the management strategies and actions for the protection* of High Conservation Values*, to fully maintain and/or enhance the High Conservation Values*. SLIMF The organization* periodically monitors the High Conservation Values and the implementation of plans to maintain and/or enhance the values identified in the management unit. 9.4.2 The monitoring program includes engagement* with affected* rights holders, affected* and interested stakeholders* and experts. SLIMF Competent authorities and affected stakeholders are consulted as part of the monitoring. 9.4.3 The monitoring program has sufficient scope, detail and frequency to detect changes in High Conservation Values*, relative to the initial assessment and status identified for each High Conservation Value*. 9.4.4 Management strategies and actions are adapted when monitoring or other new information show that these strategies and actions are insufficient to ensure the maintenance and/or enhancement of High Conservation Values*.


PRINCIPLE 10: IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Management activities conducted by or for The Organization* for the Management Unit* shall* be selected and implemented consistent with The Organization*’s economic, environmental and social policies and objectives* and in compliance with the Principles* and Criteria* collectively. 10.1 After harvest or in accordance with the management plan*, The Organization* shall*, by natural or artificial regeneration methods, regenerate vegetation cover in a timely fashion to pre-harvesting or more natural conditions*. 10.1.1 Harvested sites are regenerated in a timely manner* that: • Protects affected environmental values*; and • Is suitable to recover overall pre-harvest* or natural forest* composition and structure. 10.1.2 Regeneration activities* are implemented in a manner that: • For harvest of existing plantations*, regenerate to the vegetation cover that existed prior to the harvest or to more natural conditions* using ecologically well-adapted species*; • For harvest of natural forests*, regenerate to pre-harvest* or to more natural conditions*; or • For harvest of degraded natural forests*, regenerate to more natural conditions*. 10.2 The Organization* shall* use species for regeneration that are ecologically well adapted to the site and to the management objectives*. The Organization* shall* use native species* and local genotypes* for regeneration, unless there is clear and convincing justification for using others. 10.2.1 Species* chosen for regeneration are ecologically well adapted to the site, are native species* and are of local provenance, unless clear and convincing justification is provided for using non-local genotypes* or non-native species*. NTFP Species* chosen for regeneration, including non-timber forest products*, are ecologically well adapted to the site, are native species* and are of local provenance, unless clear and convincing justification is provided for using non-local genotypes* or non-native species*. 10.2.2 Species* chosen for regeneration are consistent with the regeneration objectives* and with the management objectives*. 10.3 The Organization* shall* only use alien species* when knowledge and/or experience have shown that any invasive impacts can be controlled, and effective mitigation measures are in place. 10.3.1 Alien species* are used only when direct experience and/or the results of scientific research demonstrate that invasive impacts can be controlled. NTFP Alien species*, including non-timber forest products*, are used only when direct experience and/or the results of scientific research demonstrate that invasive impacts can be controlled. 10.3.2 Alien species* are used only when effective mitigation measures are in place to control their spread outside the area in which they are established. 10.3.3 The spread of invasive species* introduced by The Organization* is controlled. 10.3.4 Management activities are implemented, preferably in cooperation with separate regulatory bodies where these exist, with an aim to control the invasive impacts of alien species* that were not introduced by The Organization*.


10.4 The Organization* shall* not use genetically modified organisms* in the Management Unit*. 10.4.1 Genetically modified organisms* are not used. 10.5 The Organization* shall* use silvicultural practices that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species*, sites and management objectives*. (new) 10.5.1 Silvicultural practices are implemented that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species*, sites and management objectives*. 10.6 The Organization* shall* minimize or avoid the use of fertilizers*. When fertilizers* are used, The Organization* shall* demonstrate that use is equally or more ecologically and economically beneficial than use of silvicultural systems that do not require fertilizers, and prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values*, including soils. 10.6.1 The use of not-natural fertilizers* is minimized or avoided. Note: This Criterion and IGI Indicators refer to “fertilizer*s”. For the purposes of this Standard, “not-natural fertilizer*s” are defined in the Glossary as “mineral” or “not natural” fertilizers*, often referred to as “synthetic” or “chemical” or “inorganic” fertilizers*. The Indicators in this Criterion do not prevent the use of “organic” fertilizers*, such as animal waste or composted plant material or other organic waste in forest management*. 10.6.2 When not-natural fertilizers* are used, their ecological and economic benefits are equal to or higher than those of silvicultural systems that do not require fertilizers*. 10.6.3 When not-natural fertilizers* are used, their types, rates, frequencies and site of application are documented. 10.6.4 When not-natural fertilizers* are used, environmental values* are protected, including through implementation of measures to prevent damage. 10.6.5 Damage to environmental values* resulting from not-natural fertilizer* use is mitigated or repaired. 10.6.6 Application of fertilizers* in forestry or intercropping does not occur within the buffer along natural water bodies*. 10.7 The Organization* shall* use integrated pest management and silviculture* systems which avoid, or aim at eliminating, the use of chemical pesticides*. The Organization* shall* not use any chemical pesticides* prohibited by FSC policy. When pesticides* are used, The Organization* shall* prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values* and human health. 10.7.1 Integrated pest management, including selection of silviculture* systems, is used to avoid, or aim to eliminate, the frequency, extent and amount of chemical pesticide* applications, and result in non-use or overall reductions in applications. 10.7.2 Chemical pesticides* prohibited by FSC’s Pesticide Policy are not used or stored in the Management Unit* unless FSC has granted derogation. 10.7.3 Records of pesticide* usage are maintained, including trade name, active ingredient, quantity of active ingredient used, period of use, location and area of use and reason for use.


10.7.4 The use of pesticides* complies with the ILO document “Safety in the use of chemicals at work”: • Storage and transportation follow the instructions indicated on the chemical safety data sheets • Workers* are equipped with personal protective equipment which includes respiratory protective equipment, protective clothing and footwear, equipment to protect the face, eyes and hands. • emergency procedures for clean-up following accidental spillages are established and • fresh water is available* at any time. 10.7.5 If pesticides* are used, application methods minimize quantities used, while achieving effective results, and provide effective protection* to surrounding landscapes*. 10.7.6 Damage to environmental values* and human health from pesticide* use is prevented and mitigated or repaired where damage occurs. NTFP Damage to environmental values*, NTFPs and human health from pesticide* use is prevented and mitigated or repaired where damage occurs. 10.7.7 When pesticides* are used: • The selected pesticide*, application method, timing and pattern of use offers the least risk to humans and non-target species*; and • Objective evidence demonstrates that the pesticide* is the only effective, practical and cost-effective way to control the pest. 10.8 The Organization* shall* minimize, monitor* and strictly control the use of biological control agents* in accordance with internationally accepted scientific protocols*. When biological control agents* are used, The Organization* shall* prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values*. 10.8.1 The use of biological control agents* is minimized, monitored* and controlled. 10.8.2 Use of biological control agents* complies with internationally accepted scientific protocols*. 10.8.3 The use of biological control agents* is recorded including type, quantity, period, location and reason for use. 10.8.4 Damage to environmental values* caused by the use of biological control agents* is prevented and mitigated or repaired where damage occurs. 10.9 The Organization* shall* assess risks* and implement activities that reduce potential negative impacts from natural hazards* proportionate to scale, intensity, and risk*. 10.9.1 Potential negative impacts of natural hazards* on infrastructure*, forest* resources and communities in the Management Unit* are assessed. 10.9.2 Management activities mitigate these impacts. SLIMF Where natural hazards are likely to occur, management activities mitigate potential unacceptable negative impacts of natural hazards*. If capacity or resources do not allow, the Organization* or manager communicates with government or relevant local Organizations about mitigation capacity and possibilities. 10.9.3 The risk* for management activities to increase the frequency, distribution or severity of natural hazards* is identified for those hazards* that may be influenced by management.


SLIMF Awareness is demonstrated on positive and negative effects of management activities on the frequency, distribution or severity of natural hazards* that may be influenced by management 10.9.4 Management activities are modified and/or measures are developed and implemented that reduce the identified risks*. SLIMF Management activities are modified and/or measures are developed and implemented aiming at a reduction of the identified risks*. 10.10 The Organization* shall* manage infrastructural development*, transport activities and silviculture* so that water resources and soils are protected, and disturbance of and damage to rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems* and landscape values* are prevented, mitigated and/or repaired. 10.10.1 Development, maintenance and use of infrastructure*, as well as transport activities, are managed to protect environmental values* identified in Criterion* 6.1.

NTFP Development, maintenance and use of infrastructure*, as well as transport activities, are managed to protect environmental values* and non- timber forest products* identified in Criterion* 6.1. 10.10.2 Silviculture* activities are managed to ensure protection* of the environmental values* identified in Criterion* 6.1. NTFP Silviculture* activities are managed to ensure protection* of the environmental values* and non-timber forest products* identified in Criterion* 6.1. 10.10.3 Disturbance or damages to water courses*, water bodies*, soils, rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems* and landscape values* are prevented, mitigated and repaired in a timely manner*, and management activities modified to prevent further damage. NTFP Disturbance or damages to water courses*, water bodies*, soils, rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems*, non-timber forest products* and landscape values* are prevented, mitigated and repaired in a timely manner*, and management activities modified to prevent further damage. 10.11 The Organization* shall* manage activities associated with harvesting and extraction of timber and non-timber forest products* so that environmental values* are conserved, merchantable waste is reduced, and damage to other products and services is avoided. 10.11.1 Harvesting and extraction practices for timber and non-timber forest products* are implemented in a manner that conserves environmental values* as identified in Criterion* 6.1 and High Conservation Values* identified in Criteria* 9.1 and 9.2. (see also 10.11.5) 10.11.2 Harvesting practices optimize the use of forest* products and merchantable materials. 10.11.3 Sufficient amounts of dead and decaying biomass and forest* structure are retained to conserve environmental values*. 10.11.4 Harvesting practices avoid damage to standing residual trees and other environmental values*. Harvesting operations cease if whether conditions are likely to cause negative impacts on soil and water resources


10.11.5 Where machinery is used for timber extraction, a regular system of skid trails are established meeting the following requirements: • Skid trail orientation is designed to prevent from erosion. • Skid trails are marked prior to harvesting and maintained. • The regular distance between skid trails is not less than 20 meters. • In case of slopes > 30 %, skid trail systems follow the slope line. 10.11.6 Slash burning after harvesting is minimized. Note: The FAO model code of forest* harvesting practice should be considered 10.12 The Organization* shall* dispose of waste materials* in an environmentally appropriate manner. 10.12.1 Collection, clean up, transportation and disposal of all waste materials* is done in an environmentally appropriate way that conserves environmental values* as identified in Criterion* 6.1. NTFP Collection, clean up, transportation and disposal of all waste materials* is done in an environmentally appropriate way that conserves environmental values* and non-timber forest products* as identified in Criterion* 6.1.


Annex A: Minimum list of applicable laws, regulations and nationally ratified international treaties, conventions and agreements The normative references pertinent to Laos are listed below. This annex is not intended to be a complete list of all national and international legislation relevant to forest* management. Rather, its aim is to constitute a primary source for certification bodies and forest management organizations intending to apply this standard. Given the ongoing evolution of applicable legislation, the websites of enforcement and regulatory authorities working in areas relating to society, the environment, forestry, and international conventions shall be consulted, as they are the major themes covered in this standard: Laws • Law on Mining (1997) • Law on Agriculture (1998) • Law on Land (2003 – under revision) • Law on the Promotion of Domestic Investment (2004) • Law on the Promotion of Foreign Investment (2004) • Anti-Corruption Law (2005) • Forestry Law (2007 – under revision) • Law on Mining (amended 2011) • Anti-corruption Law (amended 2012) • Environmental Protection Law (Amended 2012) • Investment Promotion Law (amended 2016) • Stabilization of Livelihoods and Occupation Creation Law • Law on the Handling of Petitions (2015) Decrees and Ministerial Instructions • Order 13/PM (2012) on Halting Investment Projects Related to Mining, Rubber, Eucalyptus in Lao • Decree 88/PM (2008) on Implementation of the Land Law • Decree 112/PM (2010) on Environmental Impact Assessment • Decree 135/PM (2009) on State Land Lease or Concession • Decree 192/PM (2005) on Compensation and Resettlement of People Affected by Development Projects • Decree 84/PM (2016) on Compensation and Resettlement of People Affected by Development Projects • Regulations for Implementing Decree 192/PM (2005) on Compensation • Ministerial Instruction 8029/MONRE (2013) on The Process of Initial Environmental Examination of the Investment Projects and Activities • Ministerial Instruction 8030/MONRE (2013) on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Process of the Investment Projects and Activities • Prime Minister order 15 PM/2016 to stop export logging


• Decree on Associations, No. 238/Gov on 11 August 2017 • Ministerial Instruction on the implementation of the Decree on Association, No. 05/MOHA on 11 October 2017 • Agreement No. 1369/Monre on 28 March 2018 on Prohibition and principles of Officials in Land sector Other policy documents • Resolution of the National Land Meeting 06/PMO (2007) • Instruction as Regards the Implementation of Decree on State-owned Land Approval for Lease or Concession (No. 20/PMO.NLMA, 2010) • Discussion Paper on the Legal Framework of State Land Leases and Concessions in the Lao PDR (2012) • 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2011-2015) • Guidelines No. 707/MONRE: on the Adoption and Promulgation of the Guidelines for Public Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process • Decision on the Organization* and Operation of the Village Dispute Resolution Committees Party Resolution • Party Resolution of the Party’s central Committee on the Enhancement of Land Management and Development in New period (2017) • All national laws are available* in English and Lao on the National Assembly website • Sources on 16.07.2015:; Convention • C5 Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919 • C6 Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919 • C14 Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 • C81 Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 • C100 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 • C111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention,1958 • C116 Final Articles Revision Convention, 1961 • C120 Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1964 • C123 Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965 • C124 Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965 C138 Minimum Age Convention, 1973 • C144 Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 • C155 Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 • C182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 • Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora • Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat • International Labour Organization Conventions ( is not a full signatory) • International Tropical Timber Agreement


• International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change • Convention on Biological Diversity • Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer


Annex B: Training requirements for workers* (Principle 2) Workers* are able to: 1) Implement forest* activities to comply with applicable legal* requirements (Criterion* 1.5); 2) Understand the content, meaning and applicability of the eight ILO Core Labour Conventions (Criterion* 2.1); 3) Recognize and report on instances of sexual harassment and gender discrimination (Criterion* 2.2); 4) Safely handle and dispose of hazardous substances to ensure that use does not pose health risks* (Criterion* 2.3); 5) Carry out their responsibilities for particularly dangerous jobs or jobs entailing a special responsibility (Criterion* 2.5); 6) Identify where Indigenous Peoples* have legal* and customary rights* related to management activities (Criterion* 3.2); 7) Identify and implement applicable elements of UNDRIP and ILO Convention 169 (Criterion* 3.4); 8) Identify sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance to Indigenous Peoples* and implement the necessary measures to protect them before the start of forest* management activities to avoid negative impacts (Criterion* 3.5 and Criterion* 4.7); 9) Identify where local communities* have legal* and customary rights* related to management activities (Criterion* 4.2); 10) Carry out social, economic and environmental impact assessments* and develop appropriate mitigation measures (Criterion* 4.5); 11) Implement activities related to the maintenance and/or enhancement of ecosystem services*, when FSC Ecosystem Services Claims are used (Criterion* 5.1); 12) Handle, apply and store pesticides* (Criterion* 10.7); and 13) Implement procedures for cleaning up spills of waste materials* (Criterion* 10.12).


Annex C: Additional Requirements for Ecosystem Services* (Principle 5) Editorial Note: Ecosystem services requirements from this Annex have been transferred into Part II of FSC-PRO-30-006 in the Version 2-0 revision of this Standard. Organizations shall comply with the applicable requirements of Parts I, II, III, and IV of FSC-PRO-30-006 when they want to demonstrate the positive impact of their forest* management on ecosystem services and use FSC ecosystem services claims. Standard Developers are no longer required to incorporate these requirements into their national standards.


Annex D: List of rare and threatened species in Laos

Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category Mekong Giant Salmon Aaptosyax grypus Critically Endangered Carp Balantiocheilos Siamese Bala-shak Actinopterygii Critically Endangered ambusticauda Catlocarpio siamensis Giant Carp Actinopterygii Critically Endangered

Cirrhinus cirrhosus Mrigal Carp Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Cirrhinus microlepis Small Scaled Mud Carp Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Datnioides pulcher Siamese Tiger Perch Actinopterygii Critically Endangered Laubuka Flying Minnow Actinopterygii Endangered caeruleostigmata Luciocyprinus striolatus Pa Sak Actinopterygii Endangered

Osphronemus exodon Elephant Ear Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Pangasianodon gigas Mekong Giant Catfish Actinopterygii Critically Endangered Pangasianodon Striped Catfish Actinopterygii Endangered hypophthalmus Pangasius krempfi Pa Souay Hang Leuang Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Pangasius sanitwongsei Giant Pangasius Actinopterygii Critically Endangered

Probarbus jullieni Jullien's Golden Carp Actinopterygii Critically Endangered

Probarbus labeamajor Thicklipped Barb Actinopterygii Endangered

Schistura kaysonei Laotian Cave Loach Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Tenualosa thibaudeaui Mekong herring Actinopterygii Vulnerable

Tor sinensis Red Mahseer Actinopterygii Vulnerable Yasuhikotakia Black-Lined Loach Actinopterygii Vulnerable nigrolineata Yasuhikotakia Dwarf Clown Loach Actinopterygii Endangered sidthimunki Amolops vitreus Vitreous Cascade Amphibia Vulnerable

Gracixalus quangi Quang's Tree Frog Amphibia Vulnerable

Gracixalus quyeti Quyet's Treefrog Amphibia Endangered

Leptobrachella melica Musical leaf-litter toad Amphibia Endangered

Limnonectes liui Amphibia Vulnerable

Nanorana yunnanensis Yunnan Spiny Frog Amphibia Endangered

Odorrana jingdongensis Jingdong Frog Amphibia Vulnerable

Quasipaa spinosa Chinese Edible Frog Amphibia Vulnerable


Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category

Aceros nipalensis Rufous-necked Hornbill Aves Vulnerable White-browed Reed- Acrocephalus tangorum Aves Vulnerable warbler Anser cygnoid Swan Goose Aves Vulnerable

Antigone antigone Sarus Crane Aves Vulnerable

Aquila heliaca Eastern Imperial Eagle Aves Vulnerable

Asarcornis scutulata White-winged Duck Aves Endangered

Aythya baeri Baer's Pochard Aves Critically Endangered

Buceros bicornis Great Hornbill Aves Vulnerable Coral-billed Ground- Carpococcyx renauldi Aves Vulnerable cuckoo Ciconia episcopus Asian Woollyneck Aves Vulnerable

Clanga clanga Greater Spotted Eagle Aves Vulnerable

Columba punicea Pale-capped Pigeon Aves Vulnerable

Emberiza aureola Yellow-breasted Bunting Aves Critically Endangered

Gallinago nemoricola Wood Snipe Aves Vulnerable Garrulax Chestnut-eared Aves Vulnerable konkakinhensis Laughingthrush Gyps bengalensis White-rumped Vulture Aves Critically Endangered

Gyps tenuirostris Slender-billed Vulture Aves Critically Endangered

Heliopais personatus Masked Finfoot Aves Endangered

Leptoptilos dubius Greater Adjutant Aves Endangered

Leptoptilos javanicus Lesser Adjutant Aves Vulnerable Mulleripicus Great Slaty Woodpecker Aves Vulnerable pulverulentus Pavo muticus Green Peafowl Aves Endangered

Pseudibis davisoni White-shouldered Ibis Aves Critically Endangered

Rheinardia ocellata Crested Argus Aves Endangered

Rhyticeros undulatus Wreathed Hornbill Aves Vulnerable

Rynchops albicollis Indian Skimmer Aves Vulnerable

Sarcogyps calvus Red-headed Vulture Aves Critically Endangered

Sitta formosa Beautiful Nuthatch Aves Vulnerable

Sterna acuticauda Black-bellied Tern Aves Endangered


Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category

Thaumatibis gigantea Giant Ibis Aves Critically Endangered

Turdus feae Grey-sided Thrush Aves Vulnerable

Margaritifera laosensis Trai Bivalvia Endangered Mekong Freshwater Hemitrygon laosensis Chondrichthyes Endangered Stingray Pristis pristis Largetooth Sawfish Chondrichthyes Critically Endangered Pointed Pygmy Saussurella acuticornis Insecta Vulnerable Grasshopper Asian Small-clawed Aonyx cinereus Mammalia Vulnerable Otter Arctictis binturong Binturong Mammalia Vulnerable

Arctonyx collaris Greater Hog Badger Mammalia Vulnerable

Axis porcinus Hog Deer Mammalia Endangered

Bos gaurus Gaur Mammalia Vulnerable

Bos javanicus Banteng Mammalia Endangered

Bos sauveli Kouprey Mammalia Critically Endangered

Bubalus arnee Wild Water Buffalo Mammalia Endangered

Chrotogale owstoni Owston's Civet Mammalia Endangered

Cuon alpinus Dhole Mammalia Endangered Dicerorhinus Sumatran Rhinoceros Mammalia Critically Endangered sumatrensis Elephas maximus Asian Elephant Mammalia Endangered

Hapalomys delacouri Lesser Marmoset Rat Mammalia Vulnerable

Helarctos malayanus Sun Bear Mammalia Vulnerable Hipposideros Phou Khao Khouay Mammalia Vulnerable khaokhouayensis Leaf-nosed Bat Shield-nosed Leaf- Hipposideros scutinares Mammalia Vulnerable nosed Bat Hylobates lar Lar Gibbon Mammalia Endangered

Hylobates pileatus Pileated Gibbon Mammalia Endangered

Lutra sumatrana Hairy-nosed Otter Mammalia Endangered

Lutrogale perspicillata Smooth-coated Otter Mammalia Vulnerable

Macaca arctoides Stump-tailed Macaque Mammalia Vulnerable Northern Pig-tailed Macaca leonina Mammalia Vulnerable Macaque Manis javanica Sunda Pangolin Mammalia Critically Endangered


Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category

Manis pentadactyla Chinese Pangolin Mammalia Critically Endangered

Moschus berezovskii Forest Musk Deer Mammalia Endangered Muntiacus Large-antlered Muntjac Mammalia Critically Endangered vuquangensis Naemorhedus griseus Chinese Goral Mammalia Vulnerable

Nesolagus timminsi Annamite Striped Rabbit Mammalia Endangered

Nomascus concolor Black Crested Gibbon Mammalia Critically Endangered

Nomascus gabriellae Red-cheeked Gibbon Mammalia Endangered Northern White-cheeked Nomascus leucogenys Mammalia Critically Endangered Gibbon Southern White- Nomascus siki Mammalia Endangered cheeked Gibbon Nycticebus bengalensis Bengal Slow Loris Mammalia Vulnerable

Nycticebus pygmaeus Pygmy Slow Loris Mammalia Vulnerable

Orcaella brevirostris Irrawaddy Dolphin Mammalia Endangered

Panthera pardus Leopard Mammalia Vulnerable

Panthera tigris Tiger Mammalia Endangered Pseudoryx Saola Mammalia Critically Endangered nghetinhensis Red-shanked Douc Pygathrix nemaeus Mammalia Endangered Langur Rhinoceros sondaicus Javan Rhinoceros Mammalia Critically Endangered

Rucervus eldii Eld's Deer Mammalia Endangered

Rusa unicolor Sambar Mammalia Vulnerable

Sus bucculentus Indo-chinese Warty Pig Mammalia Extinct Trachypithecus Indochinese Lutung Mammalia Endangered germaini Trachypithecus Hatinh Langur Mammalia Endangered hatinhensis Trachypithecus laotum Laotian Langur Mammalia Vulnerable

Trachypithecus phayrei Phayre's Leaf-monkey Mammalia Endangered

Ursus thibetanus Asiatic Black Bear Mammalia Vulnerable

Viverra megaspila Large-spotted Civet Mammalia Endangered

Amyda cartilaginea Asiatic Softshell Turtle Reptilia Vulnerable

Boiga bourreti Bourret's Cat Snake Reptilia Endangered

Bungarus slowinskii Red River Krait Reptilia Vulnerable


Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category

Crocodylus siamensis Siamese Crocodile Reptilia Critically Endangered

Cuora bourreti Bourret's Box Turtle Reptilia Critically Endangered

Cuora galbinifrons Indochinese Box Turtle Reptilia Critically Endangered

Cuora mouhotii Keeled Box Turtle Reptilia Endangered Cyrtodactylus Khammouane Bent-toed Reptilia Vulnerable khammouanensis Gecko Cyrtodactylus Lomyen Bent-toed Reptilia Vulnerable lomyenensis Gecko Gekko aaronbaueri Aaron Bauer's Gecko Reptilia Vulnerable

Gekko boehmei Boehme's Gecko Reptilia Vulnerable

Gekko bonkowskii Bonkowski's Gecko Reptilia Vulnerable Gekko Sengchanthavong's Reptilia Vulnerable sengchanthavongi Gecko Gekko thakhekensis Thakhek Gecko Reptilia Vulnerable

Heosemys grandis Giant Asian Pond Turtle Reptilia Vulnerable

Indotestudo elongata Elongated Tortoise Reptilia Critically Endangered Mekong Snail-eating Malayemys subtrijuga Reptilia Vulnerable Turtle Naja atra Chinese Cobra Reptilia Vulnerable Black And White Spitting Naja siamensis Reptilia Vulnerable Cobra Ophiophagus hannah King Cobra Reptilia Vulnerable Asian Giant Softshell Pelochelys cantorii Reptilia Endangered Turtle Physignathus Chinese Water Dragon Reptilia Vulnerable cocincinus Platysternon Big-headed Turtle Reptilia Endangered megacephalum Protobothrops Three Horned-scaled Reptilia Endangered sieversorum Pitviper Laotian False Pseudocalotes poilani Reptilia Endangered Bloodsucker Python bivittatus Burmese Python Reptilia Vulnerable

Sacalia quadriocellata Four-eyed Turtle Reptilia Endangered Viridovipera Truong Son Pit Viper Reptilia Endangered truongsonensis Cycas pectinata Thaljimura Cycadopsida Vulnerable

Cycas siamensis Cycadopsida Vulnerable Paphiopedilum Double Flowered Liliopsida Endangered dianthum Paphiopedilum


Scientific name Common name Class IUCN Red list Category

Keteleeria evelyniana Yunnan Yushan Pinopsida Vulnerable

Source:; Date of report: 20 August 2019


Annex E-1: Elements of the Management Plan* (Principle 7) 1) The results of assessments, including: i. Natural resources and environmental values*, as identified in Principle* 6 and Principle* 9; ii. Social, economic and cultural resources and condition, as identified in Principle* 6, Principle* 2 to Principle* 5 and Principle* 9; (Not applicable for SLIMF) iii. Intact Forest Landscapes* and core areas*, as identified in Principle* 9; iv. Indigenous cultural landscapes*, as identified with affected rights holders* in Principle* 3 & Principle* 9; v. Major social and environmental risks in the area, as identified in Principle 6, Principle* 2 to Principle* 5 and Principle* 9; and (Not applicable for SLIMF) 2) Programs and activities regarding: i. Workers*’ rights*, occupational health and safety, gender equality*, as identified in Principle* 2; ii. Indigenous Peoples*, community relations, local economic and social development, as identified in Principle* 3, Principle* 4 and Principle* 5; iii. Stakeholder engagement* and the resolution of disputes* and grievances, as identified in Principle* 1, Principle* 2 and Principle* 7; iv. Planned management activities and timelines, silvicultural systems used, typical harvesting methods and equipment, as identified in Principle* 10; v. The rationale for harvesting rates of timber and other natural resources, as identified in Principle* 5. 3) Measures to conserve* and/or restore*: i. Rare and threatened species* and habitats*; ii. Water bodies* and riparian zones*; iii. Landscape* connectivity*, including wildlife corridors; iv. Representative Sample Areas*, as identified in Principle* 6; and v. High Conservation Values*, as identified in Principle* 9. 4) Measures to assess, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts of management activities on: i. Environmental values*, as identified in Principle* 6 and Principle* 9; ii. Social Values and Indigenous cultural landscapes*, as identified in Principle* 2 to Principle* 5 and Principle* 9; and iii. Intact Forest Landscapes* and core areas*, as identified in Principle* 9. (Not applicable for SLIMF) 5) A description of the monitoring program, as identified in Principle* 8, including: i. Growth and yield, as identified in Principle* 5; ii. Environmental values*, as identified in Principle* 6; iii. Operational impacts, as identified in Principle* 10; iv. High Conservation Values*, as identified in Principle* 9; v. Monitoring systems based on stakeholder engagement* planned or in place, as identified in Principle* 2 to Principle* 5 and Principle* 7;


vi. Maps describing the natural resources and land use zoning on the Management Unit* with a scale not larger than 1/50.000. vii. (Not applicable for SLIMF) GIS data at least describing the boundaries of the management unit*, major infrastructure elements and settlements, water courses, protected areas and main land use. viii. (Not applicable for SLIMF) Description of the methodology to assess and monitor* any development and land use options allowed in Intact Forest Landscapes* and core areas* including their effectiveness in implementing the precautionary approach*; ix. (Not applicable for SLIMF) Description of the methodology to assess and monitor* any development and land use options allowed in Indigenous cultural landscapes* including their effectiveness in implementing the precautionary approach*; and (Not applicable for SLIMF) Global Forest Watch map, or more accurate national or regional map, describing the natural resources and land use zoning on the Management Unit*, including the Intact Forest Landscapes* core areas*.


Annex E-2: Conceptual Framework for Planning and Monitoring (Principle 7)

Note: This conceptual framework is not mandatory.

Sample Management Element Proposed Who FSC Management Plan* Being Monitoring Monitors Principle* Plan* Revision Monitored Periodicity This / Document Periodicity Element? Criterion* (Partial List) Note: These Note: These will vary with will vary with SIR and SIR and jurisdiction jurisdiction

Site Plan Annual Creek When in the Operational P10 crossings field and staff (Harvest annually Plan) Roads When in the Operational P10 field and staff annually

Retention Annually Operational P6, P10 patches sample staff

Rare Annually Consulting P6 Threatened Biologist and Endangered species

Annual Annually Woodlands C5.2 harvest Manager levels

Insect Annually, Consulting disease sample Biologist / outbreaks Ministry of Forests

Budgeting Annual Expenditures Annually Chief P5 Financial Officer

Contribution Quarterly General P5 to local Manager economy

Engagement* Annual Employment Annually General P3, P4 Plan statistics Manager

Social Annually, or Social P3, P4 Agreements as agreed in Coordinator Engagement* Plan


Sample Management Element Proposed Who FSC Management Plan* Being Monitoring Monitors Principle* Plan* Revision Monitored Periodicity This / Document Periodicity Element? Criterion* (Partial List) Note: These Note: These will vary with will vary with SIR and SIR and jurisdiction jurisdiction

Grievances Ongoing Human P2, P3, P4 Resources Manager

5-Year 5 years Wildlife To be Ministry of P6 management populations determined Environment plan*

Coarse Annually Ministry of P10 Woody Forests Debris

Free growing Annually, / sample regeneration

Sustainable 10 years Age class Ten years Ministry of P6 Forestry distribution Environment management Size class plan* distribution

10-year Annually, ten Ministry of C5.2 Allowable years Forests / Annual Cut Woodlands manager

Ecosystem 5 years Prior to Prior to General FSC- Services* validation validation and Manager PRO-30- Certification and verification 006 Document verification


Annex F: Monitoring Requirements (Principle 8) 1) Monitoring* in 8.2.1 is enough to identify and describe the environmental impacts of management activities, including where applicable: i. The results of regeneration activities (Criterion* 10.1); ii. The use of ecologically well adapted species* for regeneration (Criterion* 10.2); iii. Invasiveness or other adverse impacts associated with any alien species* within and outside the Management Unit* (Criterion* 10.3); iv. The use of genetically modified organisms* to confirm that they are not being used (Criterion* 10.4); v. The results of silvicultural activities (Criterion* 10.5); vi. Adverse impacts to environmental values* from fertilizers* (Criterion* 10.6); vii. Adverse impacts from the use of pesticides* (Criterion* 10.7); viii. Adverse impacts from the use of biological control agents* (Criterion* 10.8); ix. The impacts from natural hazards* (Criterion* 10.9); x. The impacts of infrastructural development, transport activities and silviculture to rare and threatened species*, habitats*, ecosystems*, landscape values*, water and soils (Criterion* 10.10); (Not applicable for SLIMF) xi. The impacts of harvesting and extraction of timber on non-timber forest products*, environmental values*, merchantable wood waste and other products and services (Criterion* 10.11); (Not applicable for SLIMF) xii. Environmentally appropriate disposal of waste materials* (Criterion* 10.12). 2) Monitoring in 8.2.1 is sufficient to identify and describe social impacts of management activities, including where applicable: i. Evidence of illegal or unauthorized activities (Criterion* 1.4); ii. Compliance with applicable laws*, local laws*, ratified* international conventions and obligatory codes of practice* (Criterion* 1.5); iii. Resolution of disputes* and grievances (Criterion* 1.6, Criterion* 2.6, Criterion* 4.6); iv. Programs and activities regarding workers’* rights* (Criterion* 2.1) (Not applicable for SLIMF); v. Gender equality*, sexual harassment and gender discrimination (Criterion* 2.2) (Not applicable for SLIMF); vi. Programs and activities regarding occupational health and safety (Criterion* 2.3); vii. Payment of wages* (Criterion* 2.4) (Not applicable for SLIMF); viii. Workers’* training (Criterion* 2.5); ix. Where pesticides* are used, the health of workers* exposed to pesticides* (Criterion* 2.5 and Criterion* 10.7); x. The identification of Indigenous Peoples* and local communities* and their legal* and customary rights* (Criterion* 3.1 and Criterion* 4.1); xi. Full implementation of the terms in binding agreements* (Criterion* 3.2 and Criterion* 4.2); xii. Indigenous Peoples* and community relations (Criterion* 3.2, Criterion* 3.3 and Criterion* 4.2);


xiii. Protection* of sites of special cultural, ecological, economic, religious or spiritual significance to Indigenous Peoples* and local communities* (Criterion* 3.5 and Criterion* 4.7) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xiv. The persistence of Indigenous cultural landscapes* and associated values of significance to Indigenous Peoples* (Criterion* 3.1, Criterion* 3.5); xv. The use of traditional knowledge* and intellectual property* (Criterion* 3.6 and Criterion* 4.8) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xvi. Local economic and social development (Criterion* 4.2, Criterion* 4.3, Criterion* 4.4, Criterion* 4.5) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xvii. The production of diversified benefits and/or products (Criterion* 5.1) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xviii. The maintenance and/or enhancement of ecosystem services* (Criterion* 5,1); xix. Actual compared to projected annual harvests of timber and non-timber forest products* (Criterion* 5.2); xx. The use of local processing, local services and local value-added manufacturing (Criterion* 5.4) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xxi. Long term* economic viability* (Criterion* 5.5) (Not applicable for SLIMF); xxii. High Conservation Values* 5 and 6 identified in Criterion* 9.1. 3) Monitoring procedures in 8.2.2 are sufficient to identify and describe changes in environmental conditions including where applicable: i. The maintenance and/or enhancement of ecosystem services* (Criterion* 5.2) (when The Organization* uses FSC ecosystem services claims); ii. Environmental values* and ecosystem functions* including carbon sequestration and storage (Criterion* 6.1) (Not applicable for SLIMF); iii. Effectiveness of actions identified and implemented to prevent, mitigate and repair negative impacts to environmental values* (Criterion* 6.3); iv. Rare and threatened species*, and the effectiveness of actions implemented to protect them and their habitats*(Criterion* 6.4) (Not applicable for SLIMF); v. Representative sample areas* and the effectiveness of actions implemented to conserve* and/or restore* them (Criterion* 6.5) (Not applicable for SLIMF); vi. Naturally occurring native species* and biological diversity* and the effectiveness of actions implemented to conserve* and/or restore* them (Criterion* 6.6); vii. Water courses, water bodies*, water quantity and water quality and the effectiveness of actions implemented to conserve* and/or restore* them (Criterion* 6.7) (Not applicable for SLIMF); viii. Landscape values* and the effectiveness of actions implemented to maintain and/or restore* them (Criterion* 6.8) (Not applicable for SLIMF); ix. Conversion of natural forest* to plantations* or conversion to non-forest* (Criterion* 6.9); x. The status of plantations* established after 1994 (Criterion* 6.10); and xi. High Conservation Values* 1 to 4 identified in Criterion* 9.1 and the effectiveness of actions implemented to maintain and/or enhance them.


Annex G: High Conservation Value framework for Lao PDR The objective of this High Conservation Value (HCV) Framework is to provide nationally specific interpretations of HCVs and Best Available Information* for addressing HCVs. This National HCV Framework is to be used by accredited Certification bodies and certificate holders. The national or regional interpretations of the HCV categories and elements apply to all certificate holders, wherever occurrences of those HCVs may exist. Conversely, the Best Available* Information for addressing those HCV interpretations may vary, depending on whether the certificate holder is a SLIMF or non-SLIMF, as indicated in the Framework.” The HCV interpretations and Best Available Information* provided in this Framework are not necessarily exhaustive; additional examples of HCV occurrences may exist and shall be identified at the forest management Unit* scale. The Framework includes 2 types of information sources: • Best Available Information (BAI): Information sources shall be used. • Other Recommended Information (ORI): Information sources are recommended to be used. Note: For some BAI sources, (only) SLIMF organizations may use the indicated source of information on voluntary base. The consideration of these sources remains mandatory for non-SLIMF organizations and is then defined as BAI. The national or regional interpretations of the HCV categories and elements apply to all certificate holders, wherever occurrences of those HCVs may exist. Specific sections of this Framework are also applicable to National and Centralized National Risk Assessments for Controlled Wood, and to Certification Bodies and Certificate Holders seeking certification under FSC-STD-30-010 and FSC-STD-40-005. The applicable sections are: The Interpretations and Best Available Information* for each HCV category; and the Best Available Information* for Assessments for each HCV category. Overarching Best Available Information The following table shows the types of overarching Best Available* Information (BAI) that is applicable for assessments for all HCVs, specific categories of HCV, or specific HCV elements. The purpose of listing this overarching BAI here is to avoid having to list it repetitively for each HCV in the following sections. BAI that is more specific to individual HCV Interpretations is included alongside those Interpretations in the following sections. Note that where the BAI is engagement* with Indigenous Peoples*, this should include engagement* with local traditional communities or ethnic minority communities, including Lao Sung and especially Lao Theung, and including members of past local communities* that may have been displaced. (MRGI, 2017)


A. Overarching Best Available Information for HCV Identification and Assessments

Best Available Information* for Identifying and Assessing BAI BAI Regional or National HCV Interpretations >SLIMF (SLIMF)

All HCV Data, facts, documents, expert opinions, and X X Categories: All results of field surveys or consultations with Elements stakeholders* that are most credible, accurate, complete, and/or pertinent and that can be obtained through reasonable* effort and cost, subject to the scale* and intensity* of the management activities and the Precautionary Approach*. High Conservation Value* surveys of the Management Unit*; relevant databases and maps; culturally appropriate* engagement*with Indigenous Peoples, affected rights holders*, affected* and interested stakeholders*, and relevant local and regional experts; FSC Guidance on Free Prior and Informed Consent* (2012) (or subsequent versions when approved); review of the results by knowledgeable expert(s) independent of The Organization*.

HCV 2: Element Global Forest Watch Intact Forest Landscapes* X X 1, IFLs maps (2017), or other maps based on a more recent and accurate Intact Forest Landscapes* inventory using a refined methodology.

HCV 5: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with local X X 1, Values communities*. Note this shall be the primary BAI fundamental to for these elements. local communities

HCV 5: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with X X 2, Values Indigenous Peoples. Note this shall be the fundamental to primary BAI for these elements. Indigenous Peoples

HCV 6: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with local X X 2, Values communities*. Note this shall be the primary BAI important to for these elements. local communities

HCV 6: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with X X 3, Values Indigenous Peoples. Note this shall be the important to primary BAI for these elements. Indigenous Peoples


B. Overarching Best Available Information* for Development of Management Strategies The following table shows the types of overarching Best Available* Information (BAI) that is applicable for the development of management strategies all HCVs, specific categories of HCVs, or specific HCV elements. The purpose of listing this overarching BAI here is to avoid having to list it repetitively for each HCV in the following sections. BAI that is more specific to individual HCV Interpretations is included alongside those Interpretations in the following sections.

Best Available Information* for Developing Management Strategies for BAI BAI Regional or National HCV Interpretations >SLIMF (SLIMF) X All HCV Identification of threats, using: Data, facts, X Categories, All documents, expert opinions, and results of field Elements surveys or consultations with stakeholders* that are most credible, accurate, complete, and/or pertinent and that can be obtained through reasonable* effort and cost, subject to the scale* and intensity* of the management activities and the Precautionary Approach*. Engagement* with Indigenous Peoples, affected rights holders*, affected* and interested stakeholders*, and experts.

HCV 5: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with local X X 1, Values communities*. Note this shall be the primary BAI fundamental to for these elements. Note the “fundamentality” of local the resource should be determined in communities collaboration with the local communities.

HCV 5: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with X X 2, Values Indigenous Peoples. Note this shall be the fundamental to primary BAI for these elements. Note the Indigenous “fundamentality” of the resource should also be Peoples determined in collaboration with the Indigenous peoples.

HCV 6: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with local X X 2, Values communities. Note this shall be the primary BAI important to local for these elements. Note that “critical… communities importance” should be understood as an outcome of engagement* with the local communities

HCV 6: Element Culturally appropriate* engagement* with X X 3, Values Indigenous Peoples. Note this shall be the important to primary BAI for these elements. Note that Indigenous “critical… importance” should be understood as Peoples an outcome of engagement* with the Indigenous Peoples.


C. Overarching Best Available Information for Development of Monitoring Methodologies The following table shows the types of overarching Best Available* Information (BAI) that is applicable for the monitoring all HCVs, specific categories of HCVs, or specific HCV elements. The purpose of listing this overarching BAI here is to avoid having to list it repetitively for each HCV in the following sections. BAI that is more specific to individual HCV Interpretations is included alongside those Interpretations in the following sections.

Best Available Information* for Monitoring Regional or National BAI BAI HCV Interpretations >SLIMF (SLIMF) X All HCV Engagement* with rights-holders, consistent with X Categories, Criteria 3.5, 4.5 and 4.7; culturally appropriate* All Elements engagement* with Indigenous Peoples and affected and interested stakeholders*; information on engaging with representatives of the Indigenous Peoples and/or local communities*; monitoring conducted by the Indigenous Peoples and/or local communities*; and engagement* with experts.


HCV 1 – Species diversity. Concentrations of biological diversity* including endemic species*, and rare*, threatened* or endangered species, that are significant* at global, regional or national levels A. Interpretations of HCV 1, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Concentrations of biological diversity* that are significant* at global, regional, or national levels:

National or regional Best Available Information* for BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this identifying occurrences of this (SLIMF) HCV element: interpretation:

Large contiguous natural; X forests, especially in Intact Forest Landscapes, which are generally likely to contain HCV 1. (FSC, 2017b)

Protected areas, including Ministry of Natural Resources & X X National Protected Areas Environment. (aka National Biodiversity & (For lists and maps, see also: MoNRE Conservation Areas). IUCN (2016), UNEP-WCMC (2017), (Note that not all NPAs/ and Protected Areas.) NBCAs have IUCN I-III status.)

Forests adjacent to X protected areas, that have similar habitat conditions, and thus likely support some of the same biodiversity. (WWF, 2008)

Biodiversity Hotspots Biodiversity Hotspots lists and maps X X (see References, including CEFP, 2017).

Key Biodiversity Areas / Key Biodiversity Area and Important X X Important Bird Areas. Bird Area lists and maps (see

(Note in Laos, KBAs and References, including KBA IBA are the same sites.) Partnership, 2017, and Birdlife International, 2017).


Element 2: Concentrations of endemic species* that are significant* at global, regional, or national levels:

National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Endemic Bird Areas: Southern Laos For lists and maps, X X (species include grey-faced tit-babbler and see Birdlife white-cheeked laughingthrush); Fan-Si-Pan International (2017) and Northern Laos (Ward’s trogon, broad- billed warbler, red-winged laughingthrush, and yellow-billed nuthatch); Annamese Lowlands (Arborophila merlini, Lophura imperialis, Lophura hatinhensis, Lophura edwardsi, Crested Argus, Sooty Babbler, Grey-faced Tit-babbler, Rimator danjoui, White-cheeked Laughingthrush.) (Birdlife International, 2017.)

Presence of any endemic species*, or X location in an area considered to have high endemism, is indicative of HCV. (Per the HCV Toolkit; see WWF, 2008)

Element 3: Concentrations of rare, * threatened,* or endangered species* that are significant* at global, regional, or national levels:

National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Significant occurrences of terrestrial and IUCN Red List: X X freshwater species* listed by the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, or Near Threatened.

Species* on the Laos nationally adapted IUCN Red List: X X IUCN Red List. (MoNRE IUCN, 2016)

Protected areas, including NPAs. (FSC, Protected areas (see X X 2017b) References). The MNRE.

Natural forests that provide habitats* for X threatened or endangered species*: that are wide-ranging (e.g., tiger, elephant); for which Laos is of global importance (e.g., saola); or whose ranges are largely outside protected areas (e.g., black- cheeked crested gibbon and pileated


National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation: gibbon). (FSC, 2017b, citing STEA & UNEP, 2006, and Duckworth et al,1998) Migration areas and other habitats* that X are critical to the survival of a population may be HCV. (In Vietnam, this applies to elephants, Sarus crane, and black-faced spoonbill.) (WWF, 2008)

Threatened species* of particular note X include Asian elephant, tiger, clouded leopard, gaur, saola, gibbon, Siamese crocodile, Irrawaddy dolphin, and white winged duck. (MoNRE IUCN, 2016)

HCV 1 in plantations: There is no publicly Centralized National X available* data on the presence of HCV1 Risk within plantations however due to the small size of plantations and to their Assessment for anthropogenic nature, they likely do not support HCV1. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Lao People´s Democratic

Republic (FSC-CNRA- LA V1-0 N)

HCV 1 in natural forests: Centralized National X Risk It is likely that HCV1 occur in most natural forests (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Assessment for

Lao People´s Democratic

Republic (FSC-CNRA- LA V1-0 N)


B. Assessments for HCV 1 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 1:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for assessing occurrences of the Information* for (SLIMF) HCV 1 interpretations: assessing occurrences of these interpretations:

For certain protected areas For certain NPAs, some X X information on their values is at: De Koning et al (undated), DFRC? (undated), and Project Anoulak (undated).

For Biodiversity Hotspots Some information on their X X ecological components and species* of concern is at CEFP (2017)

For Key Biodiversity Areas For certain KBAs, some X X information on their values is available* in Birdlife International factsheets at KBA Partnership (2017).

For Endemic Bird Areas Some descriptions of the X X Areas and their values is at Birdlife International (2017)

For all HCV 1 in production forests: X Consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments. Per Dennis et al (2008), also consider the biodiversity survey methods established for the SUFORD project. See Poulsen, et al (2005) and Poulsen, et al (2006) for surveys conducted per these methods.

For all HCV 1 Interpretations: For X guidance in identifying other examples of HCV 1 that may exist in the management Unit*, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.1, Identification of HCV 1)


C. Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV 1 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 1:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 1 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For all HCV 1 Interpretations: Protection* zones, harvest prescriptions, and/or other strategies to protect threatened, endangered, endemic species*, or other concentrations of biological diversity* and the ecological communities and habitats* upon which they depend, sufficient to prevent reductions in the extent, integrity, quality, and viability of the habitats* and species* occurrences.

For all HCV 1 Interpretations: Where enhancement is identified as the objective*, measures to develop, expand, and/or restore* habitats* for such species*.

For conservation areas and protected areas, respect logging bans regardless of special authorizations, and prevent development of roads or tracks. (MAF, 2013; FSC, 2017b (implicit))

For rare, threatened, and endangered (RTE) wildlife, adopt controls to prevent poaching, illegal harvest, and overharvest, including in cooperation with authorities. (FSC, 2017b; RA, 2005; RA, 2008)

For RTE wildlife, help educate local communities* about their value and concerns with poaching. (FSC, 2017b)

For tigers See the National X X Tiger Action Plan for Lao PDR, 2010- 2020.

For gibbon See the Gibbon X X Conservation Action Plan (2011-2020)


National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 1 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For Saola, Eld’s deer, Asian elephants, See existing X X Siamese crocodiles, great hornbill, and conservation green peafowl initiatives.

D. Monitoring for HCV 1 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 1:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for monitoring occurrences of the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 1 interpretations: monitoring occurrences of these interpretations:

For all HCV Interpretations: Per Dennis et al (2008), consider the monitoring recommendations, including for biodiversity surveys, established for the SUFORD project. See Poulsen, et al (2005) and Poulsen, et al (2006) for surveys using these methods.

For all HCV 1 Interpretations in non- SLIMF management units: Consider using satellite imagery to help monitor forest cover loss (MAF, 2013).

For all HCV 1 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3).


HCV 2 – Landscape*-level ecosystems* and mosaics. Intact forest landscapes* and large landscape*-level ecosystems* and ecosystem* mosaics that are significant* at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species* in natural patterns of distribution and abundance. A. Interpretations of HCV 2, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Intact forest landscapes*:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences of (SLIMF) element: this interpretation:

Intact Forest Landscapes* Primary: IFL maps for 2013; see X X (IFLs). Given Laos’ small size, Global Forest Watch. this includes IFLs occurring only Secondary: See the Best partially within the country. Available* Information listed below.

Element 2: Large landscape*-level ecosystems* that are significant* at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species* in natural patterns of distribution and abundance:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Tiger Conservation Landscapes* For maps, see References X X

Forests* that are roadless, and/or Mapping and other data on X X have not been affected by forest* forest* cover, age, management activity, and other succession, structure, large intact forest* areas that do not species* composition, fully meet the thresholds for Intact habitat* connectivity*, Forest Landscapes*, e.g., they do anthropogenic disturbance, not meet the minimum size etc. requirements.

Other native forests* with Mapping and other data on X X successional stages, forest* forest* cover, age, structures, and species* succession, structure, composition that are similar in species* composition, distribution and abundance to native habitat* connectivity*, forests* that have experienced anthropogenic disturbance, minimal human disturbance etc. (traditional community management regimes not withstanding).

Important wetland ecosystems*, RAMSAR (see References, X X e.g., RAMSAR sites, e.g., Beung including RSIS, 2017) Kiat Ngong Wetlands and Xe Champhone Wetlands.


National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Other forests recognized as being X regionally significant* at the bioregion or larger scale in formally recognized reports or peer-reviewed journals, due to the unusual landscape*-scale* biodiversity values provided by size and condition of the forest* relative to regional forest* land cover and land use trends

HCV 2 in plantations: Centralized National Risk X Plantations are mostly created in Assessment for degraded forests and it is unlikely Lao People´s Democratic that HCV2 occurs in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 2 in natural forests: Centralized National Risk X SUFORD-SU has identified a Assessment for 150,000 ha of relatively intact forest Lao People´s Democratic inside the Dong Sithouane PFA. identifies 6 intact Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA forests in Laos in the 2013 V1-0 N); assessment, including SUFORD’s finding. The assessment from the year 2000 identified several more intact forests than the one from 2013. (FSC- CNRA-LA V1-0 EN)


Element 3: Ecosystem* mosaics that are significant* at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Areas important as biological Mapping and other data on X X connectivity corridors, e.g., forests forest* cover, age, succession, that provide regionally significant structure, species* habitat* connectivity* between composition, habitat* larger forest* areas and/or connectivity*, anthropogenic refugia* disturbance, IFLs, protected areas, etc.

Forest ecosystems* forming a X landscape-level mosaic with other vegetation types used by a diversity of species. (FSC, 2017b)

HCV 2 in plantations: Centralized National Risk X Plantations are mostly created in Assessment for degraded forests and it is unlikely Lao People´s Democratic that HCV2 occurs in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 2 in natural forests: Centralized National Risk X Other categories of HCV2, such Assessment for as forest ecosystems* forming a Lao People´s Democratic landscape-level mosaic with other vegetation types used by a Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 diversity of species may exist in N) Laos. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 EN)


B. Assessments for HCV 2 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 2:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI methodologies for assessing for assessing occurrences of (SLIMF) occurrences of the HCV 2 these interpretations: interpretations:

For all HCV 2 Interpretations: Consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments in production forests.

For Intact Forest Landscapes* X X

See Annex H of FSC (2017). See also the Best Available* Information for identifying HCV 2

For Tiger Conservation For some high-level X X Landscapes* considerations, see Dinerstein et al (2006)

For RAMSAR sites For a summary of some of the X X areas’ features and values, see RSIS (2017)

For all HCV 2 Interpretations: For X additional guidance on assessing HCV 2, see: FSC (20XXa), FSC (20XXb), and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 2, Best Practice Considerations for HCV Assessments, and Chapter 3.2, Identification of HCV 2).


C: Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV 2 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 2:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 2 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For all HCV 2 Interpretations: Strategies that fully maintain the extent and intactness of the forest* ecosystems* and the viability of their biodiversity concentrations, including plant and animal indicator species*, keystone species*, and/or guilds associated with large intact natural forest* ecosystems*. Examples include protection* zones and set-aside areas, with any commercial activity in areas that are not set-aside being limited to low-intensity* operations that fully maintain forest* structure, composition, regeneration, and disturbance patterns at all times.

For all HCV 2 Interpretations: Where enhancement is identified as the objective*, measures to restore* and reconnect forest* ecosystems*, their intactness, and habitats* that support natural biological diversity* are in place.

For IFLs: The core area of each Intact . X X Forest Landscape* within the Management Unit* is protected, comprising at least 80% of the Intact Forest Landscapes* within the Management Unit*. See also Annex H of FSC (2017).

For IFLs and other HCV 2 X X characterized by intactness, restrict logging and development of roads, which are the primary threats to intact forests. (FSC, 2017b)

For Tiger Conservation Landscapes* For high-level X X recommendations, see Dinerstein et al (2006)

For RAMSAR sites Consider the X X information at RSIS (2017)


D. Monitoring for HCV 2 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 2:

National or regional Best Available BAI BAI ORI methodologies for monitoring Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF occurrences of the HCV 2 monitoring occurrences interpretations: of these interpretations:

For Intact Forest Landscapes*: Consider FSC (20XXb).

For all HCV 2 Interpretations in non-SLIMF management units: Consider using satellite imagery to help monitor forest cover loss (MAF, 2013)

For all HCV 2 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3).


HCV 3 – Ecosystems* and habitats*. Rare*, threatened*, or endangered ecosystems*, habitats* or refugia*. A. Interpretations of HCV 3, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Rare*, threatened*, or endangered ecosystems*:

National or regional interpretations Best Available BAI BAI ORI of this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Mature forest* remnants in degraded landscapes*.

Karsts, including in the Provinces of Khammouane and Bolikhamxay, including smaller unprotected occurrences. (FSC, 2017b; RA, 2005)

Dry Dipterocarp Forests of the Mekong Plain. (RA, 2005)

WWF Global 200 Ecosystems, e.g., WWF Global 200 X X Annamite Range Moist Forests and Ecoregions (see Indochina Dry Forests. References)

Other ecoregions of global priority, e.g., Northern Indochina Sub-tropical Moist Forests and Mekong River and its catchment. (RA, 2005)

Other ecosystems* that are threatened, greatly reduced in extent or function, or poorly protected at bioregional scales.

Areas important for the conservation of important genes or genetically distinct populations.

HCV 3 in plantations: Plantations are Centralized National Risk X mostly created in unforested areas or in Assessment for degraded forests. Consequently, HCV3 should not occur in plantations. (FSC- Lao People´s Democratic CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)


Element 2: Rare*, threatened*, or endangered habitats*:

National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Forest* types and habitats* now very limited in extent, e.g., level lowland evergreen forest below 500m, north of Vientiane. (FSC, 2017b, citing STEA & UNEP, 2006)

Other habitats* and habitat features that are vulnerable and/or important to HCV 1 biodiversity or species, e.g., wetlands (e.g., swamps, pools, etc.), floodplain forests and grasslands, caves, and mineral licks. (MAF, 2013)

Other rare*, threatened*, or endangered habitats*. (Note that some of the Interpretations under RTE Ecosystems are also likely RTE Habitats.)

Element 3: Refugia*:

National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Protected areas, including NPAs/NBCAs. The MNRE. For lists X X (FSC, 2017b) (Note protected areas are and maps, see also: also HCV 1) MoNRE IUCN (2016), UNEP-WCMC (2017), and Protected Areas.

Other isolated areas where extensive changes, typically due to changing climate or by disturbances such as those caused by humans, have not occurred and where plants and typical of a region may survive. (Note that some of the Interpretations under RTE Ecosystems are likely also refugia.)

HCV 3 in plantations: Plantations are Centralized National X mostly created in unforested areas or in Risk degraded forests. Consequently, HCV3 Assessment for should not occur in plantations. (FSC- CNRA-LA V1-0 EN) Lao People´s Democratic


National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation: Republic (FSC-CNRA- LA V1-0 N)

HCV 3 in natural forests: Centralized National Risk Karsts are the only HCV3 in Laos. Karsts correspond to the description of HCV3 in Assessment for that they represent a rare ecotype, Lao People´s contain a distinct biodiversity not found on Democratic other landscapes*, are poorly protected at the national scale and contain remnants Republic (FSC-CNRA- of natural forest vegetation in heavily LA V1-0 N) cleared landscapes*.

B. Assessments for HCV 3 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 3:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for assessing occurrences of the HCV Information* for (SLIMF) 3 interpretations: assessing occurrences of these interpretations:

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments in production forests.

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Per Dennis et al (2008), consider the biodiversity survey methods established for the SUFORD project. See Poulsen, et al (2005) and Poulsen, et al (2006) for surveys conducted per these methods.

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: For additional guidance on assessing HCV 3, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 2, Best Practice Considerations for HCV Assessments, and Chapter 3.3, Identification of HCV 3).


C. Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV 3 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 3:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 3 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Strategies that fully maintain the extent and integrity of rare or threatened ecosystems*, habitats*, or refugia*.

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Where enhancement is identified as the objective*, measures to restore* and/or develop rare or threatened ecosystems*, habitats*, or refugia* are in place.

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Restrict or minimize the development of roads or tracks, and restrict unauthorized access, to help reduce poaching and unsustainable wildlife harvest. (MAF, 2013; FSC, 2017b (implicit))

For conservation areas and protected areas, respect logging bans regardless of special authorizations, and prevent development of roads or tracks. (MAF, 2013; FSC, 2017b (implicit))

For karsts, avoid developing or upgrading roads and tracks, restrict quarrying, avoid timber felling, protect any remaining natural forest or habitats* for rare biodiversity (e.g., primates, endemics, etc.), and establish buffer zones. (MAF, 2013; FSC, 2017b; RA, 2005)

For wetlands (e.g., swamps, pools, etc.), floodplain forests and grasslands, caves, and mineral licks, avoid developing or upgrading roads and tracks, avoid timber felling, exclude logger camps and log decks, and establish buffer zones. Also avoid entering or disturbing caves. (MAF, 2013)

For Dry Dipterocarp Forests of the Mekong Plain, include protections for


National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 3 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations: permanent and seasonal pools, given their importance to wildlife. (RA, 2005)

D. Monitoring for HCV 3 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 3:

National or regional Best Available BAI BAI ORI methodologies for monitoring Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF occurrences of the HCV 3 monitoring occurrences interpretations: of these interpretations:

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Per Dennis et al (2008), consider the monitoring recommendations, including for biodiversity surveys, established for the SUFORD project. See Poulsen, et al (2005) and Poulsen, et al (2006) for surveys using these methods.

For all HCV 3 Interpretations in non-SLIMF management units: Consider using satellite imagery to help monitor forest* cover loss (MAF, 2013)

For all HCV 3 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3).

HCV 4 – Critical* ecosystem services*. Basic ecosystem services* in critical* situations, including protection* of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes.

A. Interpretations of HCV 4, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Water catchments in critical* situations:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Forests upstream of rural BAI includes but is not limited X X communities, including both natural to STEA & UNEP (2006)


National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation: forests and plantations. (FSC, 2017b)

Riparian buffers, in both natural X forests and plantations. (RA, 2011; FSC, 2017b)

Significant wetlands, e.g., RAMSAR RAMSAR (see References, X X sites. (Note RAMSAR sites are also including RSIS, 2017) HCV 2)

Protected areas, including The MNRE. For lists and X X NPAs/NBCAs. (FSC, 2017b; RA, maps, see also: MoNRE 2011) (Note protected areas are IUCN (2016), UNEP-WCMC also HCV 1) (2017), and Protected Areas

HCV 4 in plantations: Centralized National Risk X Once established, a tree plantation Assessment for may still present some attributes Lao People´s Democratic that can qualify it as containing HCV4. This includes protection* Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- from flooding or erosion, and forest 0 N) fire (46). Therefore, HCV4 are likely to occur in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 4 in Natural forests: By Centralized National Risk X definition, PFs are designed to Assessment for provide critical ecosystem services such as to preserve water Lao People´s Democratic resources, prevent soil erosion and Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- maintain soil quality, to prevent 0 N) natural disasters including fire and to protect the natural environment. NPAs and PFs are strongly connected with the role of clean water catchment protection* because they tend to be forested and are, in the main, located in upper catchments. Water supply is closely linked to forest* area. (FSC- CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

For guidance in identifying X other examples of HCV 4 that may exist in the management unit, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.4, Identification of HCV 4); UN-REDD (2017); and the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure (FSC, 2017b).


Element 2: Control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes in critical* situations:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Protected areas, including The MNRE. For lists and X X NPAs/NBCAs. (FSC, 2017b; RA, maps, see also: MoNRE 2011) (Note protected areas are IUCN (2016), UNEP-WCMC also HCV 1) (2017), and Protected Areas

Other vulnerable soils and slopes in Soil and vegetation maps, X X critical* situations including maps of steep, unstable, and/or erodible soils

HCV 4 in plantations: Once Centralized National Risk X established, a tree plantation may Assessment for still present some attributes that can Lao People´s Democratic qualify it as containing HCV4. This includes protection* from flooding or Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- erosion, and forest* fire (46). 0 N) Therefore, HCV4 are likely to occur in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 4 in Natural forests: By Centralized National Risk X definition, PFs are designed to Assessment for provide critical ecosystem services such as to preserve water Lao People´s Democratic resources, prevent soil erosion and Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- maintain soil quality, to prevent 0 N) natural disasters including fire and to protect the natural environment. NPAs and PFs are strongly connected with the role of clean water catchment protection* because they tend to be forested and are, in the main, located in upper catchments. Water supply is closely linked to forest area. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

For guidance in identifying X other examples of HCV 4 that may exist in the management unit, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.4, Identification of HCV 4); UN-REDD (2017); and the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure (FSC, 2017b).


Element 3: Other ecosystem services* in critical* situations:

National or regional interpretations Best Available BAI BAI ORI of this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Other ecosystem services* in critical* For guidance in identifying X situations other examples of HCV 4 that may exist in the management unit*, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.4, Identification of HCV 4).

HCV 4 in plantations: Once Centralized National Risk X established, a tree plantation may still Assessment for present some attributes that can qualify it as containing HCV4. This includes Lao People´s Democratic protection* from flooding or erosion, Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA and forest fire). Therefore, HCV4 are likely to occur in plantations. Because V1-0 N) plantations are typically not managed for the provision of ecosystem services, management activities (for example they are likely to be clear-cut at maturity) pose a specified risk to HCV4 in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 4 in Natural forests: By definition, Centralized National Risk PFs are designed to provide critical Assessment for ecosystem services such as to preserve water resources, prevent soil Lao People´s Democratic erosion and maintain soil quality, to prevent natural disasters including fire Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA and to protect the natural environment. V1-0 N) NPAs and PFs are strongly connected with the role of clean water catchment protection* because they tend to be forested and are, in the main, located in upper catchments. Water supply is closely linked to forest area. Maintaining these NPAs and PFs for water supply is therefore essential. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)


B. Assessments for HCV 4 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 4:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for assessing occurrences of the Information* for (SLIMF) HCV 4 interpretations: assessing occurrences of these interpretations:

For all HCV 4 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 2, Best Practice Considerations for HCV Assessments, and Chapter 3.4, Identification of HCV 4).

For all HCV 4 Interpretations: Consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments in production forests.

C: Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV 4 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 4:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 4 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For all HCV 4 Interpretations: Strategies to protect any water catchments of importance to local communities* located within or downstream of the Management Unit*, and areas within the unit that are particularly unstable or susceptible to erosion. Examples may include protection* zones, harvest prescriptions, chemical use restrictions, and/or prescriptions for road construction and maintenance, to protect water catchments and upstream and upslope areas.

For all HCV 4 Interpretations: Where enhancement is identified as the objective*, measures to restore* water quality and quantity are in place.

For water catchments and erosion control, fully implement best management practices, including for water crossings, erosion and rutting


National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 4 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations: control, and buffer zones for water bodies. (FSC, 2017b)

For water catchments and erosion control, prevent and minimize road damage and runoff from trucks and equipment during the rainy season. (SCS, 2012)

For conservation areas and protected areas, respect logging bans regardless of special authorizations, and prevent development of roads or tracks. (MAF, 2013; FSC, 2017b (implicit))

Where identified HCV 4 ecosystem services* include climate regulation, strategies to maintain or enhance carbon sequestration and storage are in place.

D. Monitoring for HCV 4 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 4:

National or regional Best Available BAI BAI ORI methodologies for monitoring Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF occurrences of the HCV 4 monitoring occurrences interpretations: of these interpretations:

For water catchments and erosion control, monitor and ensure compliance with best management practices, including for logging and hauling. (FSC, 2017b, implicit)

For water quality and quantity, soils, and other ecosystem services; see Annex D of FSC (2017b) for basic factors to consider monitoring*.

For all HCV 4 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3).

HCV 5 – Community needs. Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples* (for livelihoods, health,

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 81 of 116 - nutrition, water, etc.), identified through engagement* with these communities or Indigenous Peoples.

A. Interpretations of HCV 5, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities* (for livelihoods, health, nutrition, water, etc.):

National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Watersheds (including rivers, streams, Culturally appropriate X X upland areas) that provide water for engagement* with the drinking, cooking, and cleaning, and/or fish local communities*. for consumption, to local communities*. (Note the precautionary principle suggests most water courses and lakes are HCV.) (FSC, 2017b)

Hunting grounds for subsistence in local Culturally appropriate X X communities* (not inclusive of poaching engagement* with the and other wildlife hunting for non-local local communities*. trade). (MoNRE IUCN, 2016) (Note the precautionary principle suggests most local forests are likely HCV as food sources for rural communities.) (RA, 2005; MoNRE IUCN, 2016; FSC, 2017b)

Sources of plants for subsistence in local Culturally appropriate X X communities. Examples include, but are engagement* with the not limited to game, honey, and food local communities. plants, e.g., mak tao (fruit of palm), bamboo shoots, chestnuts, wild tea, passion fruits, and other fruit trees and bushes (e.g., Ormocia Combodiana, Aerranga sp., Fagaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Anacardiaceae). (FSC, 2017b; RA, 2016) (Note the precautionary principle suggests local forests are likely HCV as food sources for rural communities.) (RA, 2005; MoNRE IUCN, 2016; FSC, 2017b)

Sources of traditional medicines. Culturally appropriate X X Examples include but are not limited to: engagement* with the malva nuts, orchid stems, cardamom, local communities. berberine, fern roots, berberine, Lao ginseng, mushrooms, ‘hom sam meuang’. (FSC, 2017b; RA, 2016)

Sources of fuelwood, building materials, Culturally appropriate X X khem (broom grass), or rattan canes. engagement* with the (FSC, 2017b) local communities.


National or regional interpretations of Best Available BAI BAI ORI this HCV element: Information* for (SLIMF) identifying occurrences of this interpretation:

Other sites and resources identified via Culturally appropriate X X engagement* with local communities. engagement* with the local communities.

HCV 5 in plantations: There is no data on Centralized National X HCV5 in plantations. Especially in SLIMF Risk plantations, due to their small size, it is Assessment for unlikely that they include NTFPs. Lao People´s It should be noted that many plantations Democratic have been established by authorities and companies by converting forests which Republic (FSC-CNRA- were rich in HCV 5 and were used by LA V1-0 N) villagers. (Source: FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 5 in natural forests: With 892 species Centralized National X recorded, the Mekong river system has a Risk higher diversity of species per square km Assessment for than the Amazon. In that sense, it is possible most water courses and lakes Lao People´s qualify as HCVs. Democratic While in some regions all NTFP are Republic (FSC-CNRA- harvested from the forest*, in other regions LA V1-0 N) where the forest* is degraded, some commercial species (e.g. posaa, khem, peuakmeuak) are gradually domesticated as forest* and old fallow patches get smaller, fragmented and scarce in the landscape. The forest* regulation includes provision that maintains the right to harvest NTFPs for customary use. In production forests, the forestry law includes provision for local people participation and for preserving trees, NTFP species as well as water sources of villages. In PF and NPA, harvesting of NTFP is prohibited but still practiced covertly. (Source: FSC-CNRA- LA V1-0 N)

For all HCV 5 Interpretations Supplemental BAI X may include databases, maps, and community development organizations and professionals.


Element 2: Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of Indigenous Peoples* (for livelihoods, health, nutrition, water, etc.): Note: For definition of Indigenous Peoples* in the context of Laos, refer to FSC-STD-LAOS- 2018 V1.0 EN. Engagement* also covers local traditional communities and ethnic minority communities, including Lao Sung and especially Lao Theung, and including members of past local communities that may have been displaced. (MRGI, 2017)

National or regional interpretations Best Available BAI BAI ORI of this HCV element: Information* for (SLI identifying occurrences MF) of this interpretation:

See the Interpretations for sites and Culturally appropriate X X resources fundamental to local engagement* with communities. Indigenous Peoples, local traditional communities and ethnic minority communities.

Other sites and resources identified Culturally appropriate X X via engagement* with traditional engagement* with communities and ethnic minority Indigenous Peoples, local communities. traditional communities and ethnic minority communities.

HCV 5 in plantations: There is no data Centralized National Risk X on HCV5 in plantations. Especially in Assessment for SLIMF plantations, due to their small size, it is unlikely that they include Lao People´s Democratic NTFPs. Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA It should be noted that many V1-0 N) plantations have been established by authorities and companies by converting forests which were rich in HCV 5 and were used by villagers (Source: FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 5 in natural forests: With 892 Centralized National Risk X species recorded, the Mekong river Assessment for system has a higher diversity of species per square km than the Lao People´s Democratic Amazon. In that sense, it is possible most water courses and lakes qualify Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA as HCVs. V1-0 N) While in some regions all NTFP are harvested from the forest, in other regions where the forest* is degraded, some commercial species (e.g. posaa, khem, peuakmeuak) are gradually domesticated as forest* and old fallow patches get smaller, fragmented and scarce in the landscape. The forest* regulation includes provision that maintains the right to


National or regional interpretations Best Available BAI BAI ORI of this HCV element: Information* for (SLI identifying occurrences MF) of this interpretation: harvest NTFPs for customary use. In production forests, the forestry law includes provision for local people participation and for preserving trees, NTFP species as well as water sources of villages. In PF and NPA, harvesting of NTFP is prohibited but still practiced covertly. (Source: FSC- CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

For all HCV 5 Interpretations Supplemental BAI may X include organizations that represent or provide services for Ethnic groups and minority and ethnic groups.

B. Assessments for HCV 5 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 5:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for assessing occurrences of the HCV Information* for (SLIMF) 5 interpretations: assessing occurrences of these interpretations:

For all HCV 5 Interpretations: Engagement* with the X X Engagement* with local communities and communities. traditional and ethnic minority communities, including Lao Sung and especially Lao Theung, and including members of past local communities that may have been displaced.

For all HCV 5 Interpretations: Also consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments in production forests.

For all HCV 5 Interpretations: In addition to sites currently used by local communities, assessments, consider plantation areas that previously were important sources of HCV 5 values to local communities and traditional or ethnic communities.

For all HCV 5 Interpretations: For additional guidance on assessing HCV 5,


National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for assessing occurrences of the HCV Information* for (SLIMF) 5 interpretations: assessing occurrences of these interpretations: consider: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 2, Best Practice Considerations for HCV Assessments, and Chapter 3.5, Identification of HCV 5).

C: Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV 5 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 5:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 5 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

All HCV 5 Interpretations: Strategies to Engagement with the X X protect the community’s and/or local communities and traditional or ethnic minority traditional or ethnic communities’ needs in relation to the minority communities. Management Unit* are developed in

cooperation with representatives and members of local communities* and traditional or ethnic minority communities.

For plantations: managers should obtain consent from local villages, where it has not already been secured, and protect sites as requested by villagers.

All HCV 5 Interpretations: Consider FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 2, including section 2.3.5).

D. Monitoring for HCV 5 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 5:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for monitoring* occurrences of the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 5 interpretations: monitoring* occurrences of these interpretations:


For all HCV 5 Interpretations: Engagement* with X X Monitoring conducted by the local local communities and communities and the traditional or traditional or ethnic ethnic minority communities, or using minority communities methodologies otherwise developed in cooperation with the communities through culturally appropriate engagement*.

For all HCV 5 Interpretations: Consider also: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3).

HCV 6 – Cultural values. Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical* cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples, identified through engagement* with these local communities* or Indigenous Peoples. A. Interpretations of HCV 6, for HCV Identification (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) Element 1: Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation:

Internationally or nationally important cultural, archaeological, or historical sites, resources, habitats, or landscapes*

HCV 6 in plantations: Most Laotian Centralized National Risk X villages have identified spirit Assessment for forests, cremation (burial) grounds Lao People´s Democratic and cultural forests. This is generally well documented and Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- known by forestry practitioners and 0 N) villagers (45). HCV6 are in natural forests only and are not found in plantations. (FSC-CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

HCV 6 in natural forests: Centralized National Risk X Assessment for HCV6 are very common in Laos and are extremely important in the Lao People´s Democratic lives of Laotians. Most Laotian Republic (FSC-CNRA-LA V1- villages have identified spirit 0 N) forests, cremation (burial) grounds and cultural forests. This is generally well documented and known by forestry practitioners and villagers. For instance, in the


National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV for identifying occurrences (SLIMF) element: of this interpretation: Nongkan SFMA HCV report, sacred forest (spirit forest, burial ground) and cultural forest (annual celebration and prayed for luck) were identified by villagers. (FSC- CNRA-LA V1-0 N)

For guidance in identifying X more specific examples of HCV 6 that may exist in the management unit*, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.6, Identification of HCV 6).

Element 2: Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of critical* cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities*:

National or regional Best Available Information* for BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV identifying occurrences of this (SLIMF) element: interpretation:

“Spirit forests,” e.g., burial Culturally appropriate X X grounds, temples, and other engagement* with the local sacred sites, including sites communities. used for religious or cultural events. (FSC, 2017b)

Sites that provide resources Culturally appropriate X X for religious or cultural engagement* with the local practices, e.g., trees, plants, communities. or other resources used for ceremonial dress. (WWF, 2008)

Other sites, resources, Culturally appropriate X X habitats*, or landscapes* of engagement* with the local cultural, ecological, economic, communities. or religious/sacred importance to local communities

For guidance in identifying more X specific examples of HCV 6 that may exist in the management unit*, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.6, Identification of HCV 6).


Element 3: Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of critical* cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of Indigenous Peoples: Note: Engagement covers traditional communities or ethnic minority communities, including Lao Sung and especially Lao Theung, and including members of past local communities that may have been displaced. (MRGI, 2017)

National or regional Best Available Information* for BAI BAI ORI interpretations of this HCV identifying occurrences of this (SLIMF) element: interpretation:

See the Interpretations for Culturally appropriate X X sites, resources, habitats*, engagement* with traditional and landscapes* of communities or ethnic minority importance to local communities, including Lao Sung communities. and especially Lao Theung.

Other sites, resources, Culturally appropriate X X habitats*, and landscapes*, engagement* with traditional identified via engagement* communities or ethnic minority with traditional communities or communities, including Lao Sung ethnic minority communities. and especially Lao Theung.

For guidance in identifying more X specific examples of HCV 6 that may exist in the management unit*, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 3.6, Identification of HCV 6).

B. Assessments for HCV 6 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section A.) National or regionally appropriate methodologies and Best Available Information* for assessments for HCV 6:

National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI methodologies for assessing for assessing occurrences (SLIMF) occurrences of the HCV 6 of these interpretations: interpretations:

For all HCV 6 Interpretations: Engagement* with the X X Engagement* with local communities. communities and traditional or ethnic minority communities, including Lao Sung and especially Lao Theung, and including members of past local communities that may have been displaced

For all HCV 6 Interpretations: Also consider the SUFORD toolkit for HCV assessments in production forests.


National or regional Best Available Information* BAI BAI ORI methodologies for assessing for assessing occurrences (SLIMF) occurrences of the HCV 6 of these interpretations: interpretations:

For plantations: In addition to sites currently used by local communities, assessments should consider plantation areas that previously were important sources of HCV 5 values to local communities and traditional or ethnic minority communities.

For additional guidance on X assessing HCV 6, see: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2013) (e.g., Chapter 2, Best Practice Considerations for HCV Assessments, and Chapter 3.6, Identification of HCV 6).

C: Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing HCV (See also the Overarching BAI, Section B.) Management strategies for HCV 6:

National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 6 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

For HCV occurrences related to local Engagement* with the X X communities and/or traditional or ethnic local communities* minority communities, strategies to and/or traditional or protect the cultural values are ethnic minority developed in cooperation with communities. representatives and members of the local communities* and the traditional or ethnic minority communities.

For other HCV occurrences (i.e., those identified primarily due to global or national significance), strategies are based on Best Available* Information, and considered effective for maintaining and/or enhancing the HCV.

For Plantations: Managers should obtain consent from local villages, where it has not already been secured, and protect sites as requested by villagers.


National or regional strategies for Best Available BAI BAI ORI maintaining and/or enhancing the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 6 interpretations: management strategies for these interpretations:

All HCV 6 Interpretations: Consider also: FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 2, including section 2.3.6)

D. Monitoring for HCV 6 (See also the Overarching BAI, Section C.) Methodologies and Best Available Information* for monitoring programs for HCV 6:

National or regional methodologies Best Available BAI BAI ORI for monitoring occurrences of the Information* for >SLIMF SLIMF HCV 6 interpretations: monitoring occurrences of these interpretations:

For HCV occurrences related to local Local communities*. X X communities, monitoring conducted by the local communities, or using methodologies otherwise developed in cooperation with the communities through culturally appropriate* engagement*.

For HCV occurrences related to Traditional or ethnic X X traditional or ethnic minority minority communities communities, monitoring conducted by the communities, or using methodologies otherwise developed in cooperation with the communities through culturally appropriate engagement*.

For all HCV 6 Interpretations: Consider also FSC (20XXa) and HCVRN (2014) (e.g., Part 3)

Acronyms, Examples of Stakeholders* and Experts, and References Acronyms BAI – Best Available* Information DoF -- Department of Forestry KBA – Key Biodiversity Area


IBA – Important Bird Area IFL – Intact Forest Landscape LARReC -- Living Aquatic Resources Research Center MAF -- Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry MNRE – Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment NBCA -- National Biodiversity & Conservation Area NUoL – National University of Lao NPA – National Protected Area RTE – Rare, Threatened, or Endangered WCS – Wildlife Conservation Society WREA -- Water Resources & Environmental Administration WWF – World Wildlife Fund Examples of Relevant Stakeholders* and Experts (This is a list of stakeholder and expert organizations likely to be especially relevant to HCV assessments, strategies, and/or monitoring, either in general, or for particular HCV categories or elements. The list is not exhaustive, may need to change over time, and can be updated by standards developers. Where additional stakeholders* and experts are relevant to specific management units, they should also be identified and considered by managers.) Environmental Stakeholders*: Lao Wildlife Conservation Association Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) WWF Laos and Greater Mekong; IUCN Laos

Social Stakeholders* and Community Development Organizations: Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact Community Knowledge Support Association (CKSA) Gender & Development Organization (GDA) Lao Biodiversity Association

Other Expert Organizations – Environmental: Forestry Faculty at NUoL IUCN Laos Living Aquatic Resources Research Center (LARReC)

Other Expert Organizations – Social: Traditional Medicine Research Institute / Institute of Traditional Medicine

Other Expert Organizations – Archaeological and Historical Values: Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Office

Government Agencies: Department of Forest Inspection (DOFI), MAF Department of Heritage of Laos Forestry Inventory & Planning Division, DoF, MAF Village Forestry & Non-Timber Forest Products Division, DoF, MAF Water Resources & Environment Admin, MNRE



• Alliance for Zero Extinction. For maps, see 88.92/ALL/grayscale/none/607?tab=analysis-tab&dont_analyze=true; • Biodiversity Hotspots. See For maps, see • Birdlife International. 2017. Datazone Website. Information collected from website, September, 2017. • CEFP. 2017. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. Information collected from website, September, 2017. • De Koning et al. Undated. By Dr. Mirjam de Koning and Banethom Thepsombath. Participatory Zonation and Management of Hin Nam No National Protected Area in Boualapha District, Khammouane Province. Lao PDR case study. • Dennis, et al. 2008. Dennis, R. A., E. Meijaard, R. Nasi, and L. Gustafsson. Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asian timber concessions: a critical evaluation of policy mechanisms and guidelines. Ecology and Society 13(1): 25. [online] URL: • DFRC? Undated. Field Study: Lao PDR. Nam Et and Phou Loei National Biodiversity Conservation Areas. Department of Forest Resource Conservation? • Dinerstein et al. 2006. Dinerstein, E., C. Loucks, A. Heydlauff, E. Wikramanayake, G. Bryja, J. Forrest, J. Ginsberg, S. Klenzendorf, P. Leimgruber, T. O’Brien, E. Sanderson, J. Seidensticker and M. Songer. Setting Priorities for the Conservation and Recovery of Wild Tigers: 2005–2015. A User’s Guide. WWF, WCS, Smithsonian, and NFWF-STF, Washington, D.C. – New York. 2006. report • Duckworth et al. 1998. Duckworth J.W. & Hedges S. Tracking Tigers: A Review of the Status of Tiger, Asian Elephant, Gaur and Banteng in Viet Nam, Lao, and Yunnan (China) with Recommendations for Future Conservation Action. World Wildlife Fund Indochina Programme, Hanoi. • Duckworth et al. 1999. Duckworth J. W., Salter R. E., and Khounboline K. (compilers). Wildlife in Laos: 1999 Status Report, IUCN-The World Conservation Union/Wildlife Conservation Society/Centre for Protected Areas and Watershed Management, Vientiane • FSC. 2012. FSC Guidance on Free Prior Informed Consent. on the FSC website. • FSC. 2015. FSC International Generic Indicators. FSC-STD-60-004 V1-0 EN. (Use subsequent versions if available.) • FSC. 2016. FSC Glossary of Terms. FSC-STD-01-002. (Use subsequent versions if available.) • FSC. 2017. FSC International Generic Indicators for Intact Forest Landscapes. Draft (use subsequent versions if available). FSC-STD-60-004 V1-1 EN. • FSC. 2017b. Centralized National Risk Assesment for Lao People’s Democratic Republic. FSC-CNRA-LA-V1-0-EN. FSC International Center, Bonn, Germany. [NOTE THIS IS FINAL DRAFT PROVIDED BY FSC IC STAFF]


• FSC. 2017b. Demonstrating the Impact of Forest Stewardship on Ecosystem Services. Draft (use subsequent versions if available). FSC-PRO-30-006 V1-0 EN. (In de • FSC. 20XXa. HCV Manager’s Guide. FSC-GUI-30-009 V1-0 D1 EN. Under development. • FSC. 20XXb. HCV Manager’s Guide for Intact Forest Landscapes. FSC-GUI-30-00X V1-0 D1 EN. Under development. • Global Forest Watch. Intact Forest Landscape maps. alysis-tab&dont_analyze=true. For downloadable map data, see: and • HCVRN. 2013. Common Guidance for the Identification of High Conservation Values. High Conservation Value Resource Network. Available on the FSC website. • HCVRN. 2014. Common Guidance for the Management and Monitoring of High Conservation Values. High Conservation Value Resource Network. Available on the FSC website. • ICEM. 2003. Laos National Report on Protected Areas and Development. Review of Protected Areas and Development in the Lower Mekong River Region, Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia. 101 pp. • Important Bird Areas. For maps, see and for custom search: • IUCN Red List. See • IUCN Red List. 2017. Database of Redlist of Threatened Species. Information collected from website, September, 2017. • Key Biodiversity Areas. See for maps, see and • KBA Partnership. 2017. World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. Information collected from website, September, 2017. • MAF. 2010. Preliminary Biodiversity Assessment and Management Recommendations of SUFORD-AF Production Forest Areas, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Vientiane Lao PDR. • MAF. 2013. Environmental Management Framework – Scaling-Up Participatory Sustainable Forest Management – Lao Forest Investment Plan. Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry. Vientiane, Lao PDR. January, 2013. • MoNRE IUCN. 2016. Fifth national report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment and IUCN. Vientiane, Lao PDR. • MRGI. 2017. Minority Rights Group International. Laos profiles. collected from website, September, 2017. • Poulsen, et al. 2005. Poulsen, M. K., B. Phanthavong, C. N. Sisomphane, and B. Phutaamath. Biodiversity surveys of production forest areas. SUFORD Technical Report. Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project, Vientiane, Laos.


• Poulsen, et. Al. 2006. Poulsen, M. K., B. Phanthavong, C. N. Sisomphane, and B. Phutaamath. Review of biodiversity in production forest areas in support of HCVF identification. Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project, Vientiane, Laos. • Project Anoulak. Undated. Webpage on Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area. • Protected Areas. For maps and lists, see and ublic&main=country. • Note that not all areas shown have IUCN I, II, or III status. • RAMSAR sites. See and • RSIS. 2017. Ramsar Sites Information Service. annotated-summary-Lao-People-s-Democratic-Republic.pdf?1505949350. Information collected from website, September, 2017. • STEA & UNEP. 2006. National Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Report. Vientiane: Science, Technology and Environment Agency and United Nations Environment Programme. • Straights Times. 2015. Report Reveals Plunder of Lao Forests: Leaked WWF Paper Shows Massive Illegal Logging for Exports to China and Vietnam. October 25, 2015. • Tiger Conservation Landscapes. For maps, see: d-tab&dont_analyze=true • UN-REDD (2017): Land and Forest Tenure in Laos: Baseline Overview 2016 with Options for Community Participation in Forest Management: • 1191/16178-land-and-forest-tenure-in-laos-baseline-overview-2016-with-options-for- community-participation-in-forest-management.html • UNEP-WCMC. 2017. Protected Area Profile for Lao People's Democratic Republic from the World Database of Protected Areas, September 2017. Available at: • WWF. 2008. VietNam High Conservation Value Forest Toolkit, v. 1.4. World Wildlife Fund, August, 2008. interpretations/VN%20toolkit%20DRAFT%201.4_EN.pdf • WWF Global 200 Ecoregions. For maps, see


Annex H: Glossary of Terms Normative definitions for terms are given in FSC-STD-01-002 FSC Glossary of Terms apply. This glossary includes internationally accepted definitions whenever possible. These sources include, for instance, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) as well as definitions from online glossaries as provided on the websites of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Invasive Alien Species Programme of the Convention on Biological Diversity. When other sources have been used they are referenced accordingly. The term ‘based on’ means that a definition was adapted from an existing definition as provided in an international source. Words used in the International Generic Indicators, if not defined in this Glossary of Terms or other normative FSC documents, are used as defined in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary or the Concise Oxford Dictionary. Adaptive management: A systematic process of continually improving management policies and practices by learning from the outcomes of existing measures (Source: Based on World Conservation Union (IUCN). Glossary definitions as provided on IUCN website). Affected stakeholder: Any person, group of persons or entity that is or is likely to be subject to the effects of the activities of a Management Unit. Examples include but are not restricted to (for example in the case of downstream landowners), persons, groups of persons or entities located in the neighbourhood of the Management Unit. The following are examples of affected stakeholders: o Local communities o Indigenous Peoples o Workers o Forest dwellers o Neighbors o Downstream landowners o Local processors o Local businesses o Tenure and use rights holders, including landowners o Organizations authorized or known to act on behalf of affected stakeholders, for example social and environmental NGOs, labor unions, etc. o (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

Affected Rights Holder: Persons and groups, including Indigenous Peoples*, traditional peoples* and local communities* with legal* or customary rights* whose free, prior and informed consent* is required to determine management decisions. Affirmative action: A policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment (Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017). Alien species: A species, subspecies or lower taxon, introduced outside its natural past or present distribution; includes any part, gametes, seeds, eggs, or propagules of such species that might survive and subsequently reproduce (Source: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Invasive Alien Species Programme. Glossary of Terms as provided on CBD website). Applicable law: Means applicable to The Organization* as a legal* person or business enterprise in or for the benefit of the Management Unit and those laws which affect the implementation of the FSC Principles and Criteria. This includes any combination of statutory law (Parliamentary-approved) and case law (court interpretations), subsidiary regulations, associated administrative procedures, and the national constitution (if present) which invariably takes legal* precedence over all other legal* instruments (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).


Aquifer: A formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs for that unit to have economic value as a source of water in that region. (Source: Gratzfeld, J. 2003. Extractive Industries in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones. World Conservation Union (IUCN)). Best Available Information: Data, facts, documents, expert opinions, and results of field surveys or consultations with stakeholders* that are most credible, accurate, complete, and/or pertinent and that can be obtained through reasonable* effort and cost, subject to the scale* and intensity* of the management activities and the Precautionary Approach*. See also Annex I for a list of BAI in the context of Laos. Binding Agreement: A deal or pact, written or not, which is compulsory to its signatories and enforceable by law. Parties involved in the agreement do so freely and accept it voluntarily. Biological diversity: The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems (Source: Convention on Biological Diversity 1992, Article 2). Biological control agents: Organisms used to eliminate or regulate the population of other organisms (Source: Based on FSC-STD-01-001 V4-0 and World Conservation Union (IUCN). Glossary definitions as provided on IUCN website). Child: any person under the age of 18 (ILO Convention 182, Article 2). Collective bargaining: a voluntary negotiation process between employers or employers’ organization and workers’ organization⃰, with a view to the regulation of terms and conditions of employment by means of collective agreements (ILO Convention 98, Article 4). Confidential information: Private facts, data and content that, if made publicly available*, might put at risk The Organization*, its business interests or its relationships with stakeholders*, clients and competitors. Conflicts between the Principles and Criteria and laws: Situations where it is not possible to comply with the Principles and Criteria and a law at the same time (Source: FSC-STD-01- 001 V5-2). Connectivity: A measure of how connected or spatially continuous a corridor, network, or matrix is. The fewer gaps, the higher the connectivity*. Related to the structural connectivity* concept; functional or behavioral connectivity* refers to how connected an area is for a process, such as an animal moving through different types of landscape elements. Aquatic connectivity* deals with the accessibility and transport of materials and organisms, through groundwater and surface water, between different patches of aquatic ecosystems of all kinds. (Source: Based on R.T.T. Forman. 1995. Land Mosaics. The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press, 632pp). Conservation/Protection: These words are used interchangeably when referring to management activities designed to maintain the identified environmental or cultural values in existence long-term. Management activities may range from zero or minimal interventions to a specified range of appropriate interventions and activities designed to maintain, or compatible with maintaining, these identified values (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Conservation Areas Network: Those portions of the Management Unit* for which conservation is the primary and, in some circumstances, exclusive objective; such areas include representative sample areas*, conservation zones*, protection areas*, connectivity* areas and High Conservation Value Areas*. Conservation zones and protection areas: Defined areas that are designated and managed primarily to safeguard species, habitats, ecosystems, natural features or other site-specific values because of their natural environmental or cultural values, or for purposes of monitoring, evaluation or research, not necessarily excluding other management activities. For the purposes of the Principles and Criteria, these terms are used interchangeably, without implying that one always has a higher degree of conservation or protection than the other. The term ‘protected area’ is not used for these areas, because this term implies legal* or official status,

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 97 of 116 - covered by national regulations in many countries. In the context of the Principles and Criteria, management of these areas should involve active conservation, not passive protection’ (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Core area: The portion of each Intact Forest Landscape* designated to contain the most important cultural and ecological values. Core areas* are managed to exclude industrial activity*. Core Areas* meet or exceed the definition of Intact Forest Landscape*. Critical: The concept of criticality or fundamentality in Principal 9 and HCVs relates to irreplaceability and to cases where loss or major damage to this HCV would cause serious prejudice or suffering to affected stakeholders*. An ecosystem service is considered to be critical (HCV 4) where a disruption of that service is likely to cause, or poses a threat of, severe negative impacts on the welfare, health or survival of local communities, on the environment, on HCVs, or on the functioning of significant infrastructure (roads, dams, buildings etc.). The notion of criticality here refers to the importance and risk for natural resources and environmental and socio-economic values (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Criterion (pl. Criteria): A means of judging whether or not a Principle (of forest stewardship) has been fulfilled (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V4-0). Culturally appropriate [mechanisms]: Means/approaches for outreach to target groups that are in harmony with the customs, values, sensitivities, and ways of life of the target audience. Customary law: Interrelated sets of customary rights may be recognized as customary law. In some jurisdictions, customary law is equivalent to statutory law, within its defined area of competence and may replace the statutory law for defined ethnic or other social groups. In some jurisdictions customary law complements statutory law and is applied in specified circumstances (Source: Based on N.L. Peluso and P. Vandergeest. 2001. Genealogies of the political forest and customary rights in Indonesia, and , Journal of Asian Studies 60(3):761–812). Customary rights: Rights which result from a long series of habitual or customary actions, constantly repeated, which have, by such repetition and by uninterrupted acquiescence, acquired the force of a law within a geographical or sociological unit (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Discrimination: includes- a) any distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin, sexual orientation*, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation; b) such other distinction, exclusion or preference which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation as may be determined by the Member concerned after consultation with representative employers’ and workers’ organization* where such exist, and with other appropriate bodies (adapted from ILO Convention 111, Article1). *‘Sexual orientation’ was added to the definition provided in Convention 111, as it has been identified as an additional type of discrimination which may occur. Dispute: for the purpose of the IGI, this is an expression of dissatisfaction by any person or organization presented as a complaint to The Organization*, relating to its management activities or its conformity with the FSC Principles and Criteria, where a response is expected (Source: based on FSC-PRO-01-005 V3-0 Processing Appeals). Dispute of substantial duration: Dispute* that continues for more than twice as long as the predefined timelines in the FSC System (this is, for more than 6 months after receiving the complaint, based on FSC-STD-20-001). Dispute of substantial magnitude: For the purpose of the International Generic Indicators, a dispute* of substantial magnitude is a dispute* that involves one or more of the following: o Affects the legal* or customary rights* of Indigenous Peoples* and local communities*; o Where the negative impact of management activities is of such a scale that it cannot be reversed or mitigated;


o Physical violence; o Destruction of property; o Presence of military bodies; o Acts of intimidation against forest* workers* and stakeholders*.

This list should be adapted or expanded by Standard Developers. Due consideration: To give such weight or significance to a particular factor as under the circumstances it seems to merit, and this involves discretion (Black’s Law Dictionary, 1979). Economic viability: The capability of developing and surviving as a relatively independent social, economic or political unit. Economic viability may require but is not synonymous with profitability (Source: Based on the definition provided on the website of the European Environment Agency). Eco-regional: Large unit of land or water containing a geographically distinct assemblage of species, natural communities, and environmental conditions (Source: WWF Global 200. what_is_an_ecoregion/). Ecosystem: A dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit (Source: Convention on Biological Diversity 1992, Article 2). Ecosystem function: An intrinsic ecosystem characteristic related to the set of conditions and processes whereby an ecosystem maintains its integrity (such as primary productivity, food chain, biogeochemical cycles). Ecosystem functions include such processes as decomposition, production, nutrient cycling, and fluxes of nutrients and energy. For FSC purposes, this definition includes ecological and evolutionary processes such as gene flow and disturbance regimes, regeneration cycles and ecological seral development (succession) stages. (Source: Based on R. Hassan, R. Scholes and N. Ash. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series. Island Press, Washington DC; and R.F. Noss. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: a hierarchical approach. Conservation Biology 4(4):355–364). Ecosystem services: The benefits people obtain from ecosystems. These include: o provisioning services such as food, forest products* and water; o regulating services such as regulation of floods, drought, land degradation, air quality, climate and disease; o supporting services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling; and o cultural services and cultural values such as recreational, spiritual, religious and other non-material benefits.

(Source: Based on R. Hassan, R. Scholes and N. Ash. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well- being: Synthesis. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series. Island Press, Washington DC). Employment and Occupation includes access to vocational training, access to employment and to particular occupations, and terms and conditions of employment (ILO Convention 111, Article1.3). Engaging / engagement: The process by which The Organization* communicates, consults and/or provides for the participation of interested and/or affected stakeholders* ensuring that their concerns, desires, expectations, needs, rights and opportunities are considered in the establishment, implementation and updating of the management plan* (Source: FSC-STD-01- 001 V5-2). Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Systematic process used to identify potential environmental and social impacts of proposed projects, to evaluate alternative approaches, and to design and incorporate appropriate prevention, mitigation, management and monitoring

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 99 of 116 - measures (Source: based on Environmental impact assessment, guidelines for FAO field projects. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO). Rome, -STD-01-001 V5-2). Environmental values: The following set of elements of the biophysical and human environment: o ecosystem functions* (including carbon sequestration and storage); o biological diversity; o water resources; o soils; o atmosphere; o landscape values (including cultural and spiritual values).

The actual worth attributed to these elements depends on human and societal perceptions (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Equal remuneration⃰ for men and women workers⃰ for work of equal value refers to rates of remuneration established without discrimination⃰ based on sex (ILO Convention 100, Article 1b). Externalities: The positive and negative impacts of activities on stakeholders that are not directly involved in those activities, or on a natural resource or the environment, which do not usually enter standard cost accounting systems, such that the market prices of the products of those activities do not reflect the full costs or benefits (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Fair compensation: Remuneration that is proportionate to the magnitude and type of services rendered by another party or of the harm that is attributable to the first party. Fertilizer: Mineral or organic substances, most commonly N, P2O5 and K20, which are applied to soil for the purpose of enhancing plant growth. Fibre Testing: a suite of wood identification technologies used to identify the family, genus, species and origin of solid wood and fibre based products. Focal species: Species whose requirements for persistence define the attributes that must be present if that landscape is to meet the requirements of the species that occur there (Source: Lambeck, R., J. 1997. Focal Species: A multi-species Umbrella for Nature Conservation. Conservation Biology Vol 11 (4): 849-856.). Forced or compulsory labour: work or service exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself/ herself voluntarily (ILO Convention 29, Article 2.1) Forest: A tract of land dominated by trees (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-0. Derived from FSC Guidelines for Certification Bodies, Scope of Forest Certification, Section 2.1 first published in 1998, and revised as FSC-GUI-20-200 in 2005, and revised again in 2010 as FSC-DIR-20-007 FSC Directive on Forest Management Evaluations, ADVICE-20-007-01). Formal and informal workers organization: association or union of workers*, whether recognized by law or by The Organization* or neither, which have the aim of promoting workers* rights and to represent workers* in dealings with The Organization* particularly regarding working conditions and compensation. Fragmentation: The process of dividing habitats into smaller patches, which results in the loss of original habitat, loss in connectivity*, reduction in patch size, and increasing isolation of patches. Fragmentation* is considered to be one of the single most important factors leading to loss of native species, especially in forested landscapes*, and one of the primary causes of the present extinction crisis. In reference to Intact Forest Landscapes*, the fragmentation* of concern is understood to be that caused by human industrial activities. (SOURCE: Adapted from: Gerald E. Heilman, Jr. James R. Strittholt Nicholas C. Slosser Dominick A. Dellasala, BioScience (2002) 52 (5): 411-422.)


Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC): A legal* condition whereby a person or community can be said to have given consent to an action prior to its commencement, based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications and future consequences of that action, and the possession of all relevant facts at the time when consent is given. Free, prior and informed consent includes the right to grant, modify, withhold or withdraw approval (Source: Based on the Preliminary working paper on the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples (…) (E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2004/4 8 July 2004) of the 22nd Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Sub-commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Working Group on Indigenous Populations, 19–23 July 2004). FSC Transaction: Purchase or sale of products with FSC claims on sales documents (Source: ADV-40-004-14). Gender equality: Gender equality or gender equity means that women and men have equal conditions for realizing their full human rights and for contributing to, and benefiting from, economic, social, cultural and political development (Source: Adapted from FAO, IFAD and ILO workshop on ‘Gaps, trends and current research in gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty’, Rome, 31 March to 2 April 2009.). Genetically modified organism: An organism in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. (Source: Based on FSC-POL-30-602 FSC Interpretation on GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)). Genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Good faith: A process of engagement where the parties make every effort to reach an agreement, conduct genuine and constructive negotiations, avoid delays in negotiations, respect agreements concluded and under development, and give sufficient time to discuss and settle disputes* (adapted from Motion 40:2017). Good Faith in negotiation: The Organization⃰ (employer) and workers’ organizations⃰ make every effort to reach an agreement, conduct genuine and constructive negotiations, avoid unjustified delays in negotiations, respect agreements concluded and give sufficient time to discuss and settle collective disputes (Gerning B, Odero A, Guido H (2000), Collective Bargaining: ILO Standards and the Principles of the Supervisory Bodies. International Labour Office, Geneva). Grassland: Land covered with herbaceous plants with less than 10% tree and shrub cover (Source: UNEP, cited in FAO. 2002. Second Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-Related Definitions for use by various stakeholders). Habitat: The place or type of site where an organism or population occurs (Source: Based on the Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 2). Habitat features: Forest* stand attributes and structures, including but not limited to: o Old commercial and non-commercial trees whose age noticeably exceeds the average age of the main canopy; o Trees with special ecological value; o Vertical and horizontal complexity; o Standing dead trees; o Dead fallen wood; o Forest openings attributable to natural disturbances; o Nesting sites; o Small wetlands, bogs, fens; o Ponds; o Areas for procreation; o Areas for feeding and shelter, including seasonal cycles of breeding; o Areas for migration; o Areas for hibernation.


Hazardous work (in the context of child labor): any work which is likely to jeopardize children’s physical, mental or moral health, should not be undertaken by anyone under the age of 18 years. Hazardous child* labor is work in dangerous, or unhealthy conditions that could result in a child* being killed or injured/maimed (often permanently) and/or made ill (often permanently) as a consequence of poor safety and health standards and working arrangements. In determining the type of hazard child labor referred to under (Article 3(d) of the Convention No 182, and in identifying where they exist, consideration should be given, inter alia, to o Work which exposes children to physical, psychological or sexual abuse; o Work underground, under water at dangerous heights or in confined spaces; o Work with dangerous machinery, equipment and tools, or which involves the manual handling or transport of heavy loads; o Work in unhealthy environment which may, for examples, expose children to hazardous substances, agents or processes, or to temperatures, noise levels, or vibrations damaging to their health; o Work under particularly difficult conditions such as work for long hours or during the night or work where the child* is unreasonably confined to the premises of the employer (ILO, 2011: IPEC Mainstreaming Child labour concerns in education sector plans and Programmes, Geneva, 2011& ILO Handbook on Hazardous child labour, 2011).

Heavy work (in the context of child labor): refers to work that is likely to be harmful or dangerous to children’s health (Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017). High Conservation Value (HCV): Any of the following values: o HCV1: Species* Diversity. Concentrations of biological diversity* including endemic species*, and rare, threatened or endangered* species*, that are significant* at global, regional or national levels. o HCV 2: Landscape-level ecosystems* and mosaics. Intact Forest Landscapes*, large landscape-level ecosystems* and ecosystem mosaics that are significant* at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance. o HCV 3: Ecosystems and habitats*. Rare, threatened, or endangered ecosystems, habitats* or refugia*. o HCV 4: Critical ecosystem services. Basic ecosystem services* in critical situations, including protection of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes. o HCV 5: Community needs. Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples* (for example for livelihoods, health, nutrition, water), identified through engagement* with these communities or Indigenous Peoples*. o HCV 6: Cultural values. Sites, resources, habitats* and landscapes* of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities* or Indigenous Peoples*, identified through engagement* with these local communities* or Indigenous Peoples*. o (Source: based on FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

High Conservation Value Areas: Zones and physical spaces which possess and/or are needed for the existence and maintenance of identified High Conservation Values*.


High grading: High grading is a tree removal practice in which only the best quality, most valuable timber trees are removed, often without regenerating new tree seedlings or removing the remaining poor quality and suppressed understory trees and, in doing so, degrading the ecological health and commercial value of the forest*. High grading stands as a counterpoint to sustainable resource management (Source: based on Glossary of Forest Management Terms. North Carolina Division of Forest Resources. March 2009). ILO Core (Fundamental) Conventions: these are labor standards that cover fundamental principles and rights at work: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining*; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor*; the effective abolition of child* labor; and the elimination of discrimination⃰ in respect of employment and occupation*. The eight Fundamental Conventions are: o Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) o Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) o Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) o Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105) o Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) o Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) o Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) o Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) o Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017.

ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: A Governing Body Committee set up in 1951, for the purpose of examining complaints about violations of freedom of association, whether or not the country concerned had ratified the relevant conventions. Is composed of an independent chairperson and three representatives each of governments, employers, and workers*. If it decides to receive the case, it establishes the facts in dialogue with the government concerned. If it finds that there has been a violation of freedom of association standards or principles, it issues a report through the Governing Body and makes recommendations on how the situation could be remedied. Governments are subsequently requested to report on the implementation of its recommendations (Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017). ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour conference at its Eighty-sixth Session, Geneva, 18th June 1998 (Annex revised 15 June 2010): is a resolute reaffirmation of ILO principles (art 2) which declares that all Members, even if they have not ratified the Conventions in question, have an obligation, arising from the very fact of membership in the organization*, to respect, to promote and to realize, in good faith⃰ and in accordance with the Constitution, the principles concerning the fundamental rights which are the subject of those Conventions, namely: o Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining*; o The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour*; o The effective abolition of child* labour; and o The elimination of discrimination⃰ in respect of employment and occupation*. o Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017.

Indicator: A quantitative or qualitative variable which can be measured or described, and which provides a means of judging whether a Management Unit* complies with the requirements of an FSC Criterion. Indicators and the associated thresholds thereby define the requirements for

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 103 of 116 - responsible forest* management at the level of the Management Unit* and are the primary basis of forest evaluation (Source: FSC-STD-01-002 V1-0 FSC Glossary of Terms (2009)). Indigenous cultural landscapes: Indigenous cultural landscapes* are living landscapes to which Indigenous Peoples* attribute environmental, social, cultural and economic value because of their enduring relationship with the land, water, fauna, flora and spirits and their present and future importance to their cultural identity. An Indigenous cultural landscape* is characterized by features that have been maintained through long-term interactions based on land-care knowledge, and adaptive livelihood practices. They are landscapes* over which Indigenous Peoples* exercise responsibility for stewardship. NOTE: The adoption of the term Indigenous cultural landscapes* is voluntary by Standard Development Groups. Standard Development Groups may choose not to use it. Through Free Prior an Informed Consent* Indigenous Peoples* may choose to use different terminology Indigenous Peoples: People and groups of people that can be identified or characterized as follows: o The key characteristic or Criterion is self-identification as Indigenous Peoples* at the individual level and acceptance by the community as their member; o Historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies; o Strong link to territories* and surrounding natural resources; o Distinct social, economic or political systems; o Distinct language, culture and beliefs; o Form non-dominant groups of society; o Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities.

(Source: Adapted from United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous, Factsheet ‘Who are Indigenous Peoples’ October 2007; United Nations Development Group, ‘Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues’ United Nations 2009, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 13 September 2007). Indigenous Peoples in Laos: Officially all Indigenous Peoples have equal status in Laos, and the concept of indigenous peoples is not recognised by the government. For the purpose of this standard Indigenous Peoples with first languages belonging to the Mon-Khmer, Sino-Tibetan and Hmong-Iu Mien are considered to be the indigenous peoples of Laos.Industrial activity: Industrial forest and resource management activities such as road building, mining, dams, urban development and timber harvesting. Infrastructure: In the context of forest management, roads, bridges, culverts, log landings, quarries, impoundments, buildings and other structures required in the course of implementing the management plan*. Intact Forest Landscape: a territory within today's global extent of forest cover which contains forest and non-forest ecosystems minimally influenced by human economic activity, with an area of at least 500 km2 (50,000 ha) and a minimal width of 10 km (measured as the diameter of a circle that is entirely inscribed within the boundaries of the territory) (Source: Intact Forests / Global Forest Watch. Glossary definition as provided on Intact Forest website. 2006-2014). Intellectual property: Practices as well as knowledge, innovations and other creations of the mind (Source: Based on the Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8(j); and World Intellectual Property Organization. What is Intellectual Property? WIPO Publication No. 450(E)). Intensity: A measure of the force, severity or strength of a management activity or other occurrence affecting the nature of the activity’s impacts (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Interested stakeholder: Any person, group of persons, or entity that has shown an interest, or is known to have an interest, in the activities of a Management Unit. The following are examples of interested stakeholders. o Conservation organizations, for example environmental NGOs;


o Labor (rights) organizations, for example labor unions; o Human rights organizations, for example social NGOs; o Local development projects; o Local governments; o National government departments functioning in the region; o FSC National Offices; o Experts on particular issues, for example High Conservation Values. o (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

Internationally accepted scientific protocol: A predefined science-based procedure which is either published by an international scientific network or union or referenced frequently in the international scientific literature (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Invasive species: Species that are rapidly expanding outside of their native range. Invasive species can alter ecological relationships among native species and can affect ecosystem function and human health (Source: Based on World Conservation Union (IUCN). Glossary definitions as provided on IUCN website). Lands and territories: For the purposes of the Principles and Criteria these are lands or territories that Indigenous Peoples or local communities have traditionally owned, or customarily used or occupied, and where access to natural resources is vital to the sustainability of their cultures and livelihoods (Source: Based on World Bank safeguard OP 4.10 Indigenous Peoples, section 16 (a). July 2005.). Landscape: A geographical mosaic composed of interacting ecosystems resulting from the influence of geological, topographical, soil, climatic, biotic and human interactions in a given area (Source: Based on World Conservation Union (IUCN). Glossary definitions as provided on IUCN website). Landscape values: Landscape values can be visualized as layers of human perceptions overlaid on the physical landscape. Some landscape values, like economic, recreation, subsistence value or visual quality are closely related to physical landscape attributes. Other landscape values such as intrinsic or spiritual value are more symbolic in character and are influenced more by individual perception or social construction than physical landscape attributes (Source: Based on website of the Landscape Value Institute). Legal: In accordance with primary legislation (national or local laws) or secondary legislation (subsidiary regulations, decrees, orders, etc.). ‘Legal’ also includes rule-based decisions made by legally competent agencies where such decisions flow directly and logically from the laws and regulations. Decisions made by legally competent agencies may not be legal* if they do not flow directly and logically from the laws and regulations and if they are not rule-based but use administrative discretion (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Legally competent: Mandated in law to perform a certain function (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Legal registration: National or local legal* license or set of permissions to operate as an enterprise, with rights to buy and sell products and/or services commercially. The license or permissions can apply to an individual, a privately-owned enterprise or a publicly owned corporate entity. The rights to buy and sell products and/or services do not carry the obligation to do so, so legal* registration applies also to Organizations operating a Management Unit without sales of products or services; for example, for unpriced recreation or for conservation of biodiversity or habitat (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Legal status: The way in which the Management Unit is classified according to law. In terms of tenure, it means the category of tenure, such as communal land or leasehold or freehold or State land or government land, etc. If the Management Unit is being converted from one category to another (for example, from State land to communal indigenous land) the status includes the current position in the transition process. In terms of administration, legal status could mean that the land is owned by the nation as a whole, is administered on behalf of the

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 105 of 116 - nation by a government department, and is leased by a government Ministry to a private sector operator through a concession (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Light work: national laws⃰ or regulations may permit the employment or work of persons 13 to 15 years of age on light work which is- a) not likely to be harmful to their health or development; and b) not such as to prejudice their attendance at school, their participation in vocational orientation or training programmes approved by the competent authority or their capacity to benefit from the instruction received (ILO Convention138, Article7). Living wage: The remuneration received for a standard work week by a worker in a particular place sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the worker and her or his family. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, health care, transport, clothing, and other essential needs including provision for unexpected events (Source: A Shared Approach to a Living Wage. ISEAL Living Wage Group. November 2013). Local communities: Communities of any size that are in or adjacent to the Management Unit, and also those that are close enough to have a significant impact on the economy or the environmental values of the Management Unit or to have their economies, rights or environments significantly affected by the management activities or the biophysical aspects of the Management Unit (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Local laws: The whole suite of primary and secondary laws (acts, ordinances, statutes, decrees) which is limited in application to a particular geographic district within a national territory, as well as secondary regulations, and tertiary administrative procedures (rules / requirements) that derive their authority directly and explicitly from these primary and secondary laws. Laws derive authority ultimately from the Westphalian concept of sovereignty of the Nation State (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Long-term: The timescale of the forest owner or manager as manifested by the objectives of the management plan*, the rate of harvesting, and the commitment to maintain permanent forest cover. The length of time involved will vary according to the context and ecological conditions, and will be a function of how long it takes a given ecosystem to recover its natural structure and composition following harvesting or disturbance, or to produce mature or primary conditions (Source: FSC-STD-01-002 V1-0 FSC Glossary of Terms (2009)). Management objective: Specific management goals, practices, outcomes, and approaches established to achieve the requirements of this standard. Management plan: The collection of documents, reports, records and maps that describe, justify and regulate the activities carried out by any manager, staff or organization within or in relation to the Management Unit, including statements of objectives and policies (Source: FSC- STD-01-001 V5-2). Management plan monitoring: Follow up and oversight procedures for the purpose of evaluating the achievement of the management objectives*. The results of the monitoring activities are utilized in the implementation of adaptive management*. Management Unit: A spatial area or areas submitted for FSC certification with clearly defined boundaries managed to a set of explicit long-term management objectives which are expressed in a management plan*. This area or areas include(s): o all facilities and area(s) within or adjacent to this spatial area or areas under legal* title or management control of, or operated by or on behalf of The Organization*, for the purpose of contributing to the management objectives*; and o all facilities and area(s) outside, and not adjacent to this spatial area or areas and operated by or on behalf of The Organization*, solely for the purpose of contributing to the management objectives*. o (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

Managerial control: Responsibility of the kind defined for corporate directors of commercial enterprises in national commercial law and treated by FSC as applicable also to public sector organizations (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).


Minimum age (of employment): is not less than the age of finishing compulsory education, and which in any case, should not be less than 15 years. However, a country, whose economy and educational facilities are insufficiently developed, may initially specify a minimum age of 14 years. National laws⃰ may also permit the employment of 13-15-year olds in light work* which is neither prejudicial to school attendance, nor harmful to a child’s* health or development. The ages 12-13 can apply for light work* in countries that specify a minimum age of 14 (ILO Convention 138, Article 2). National laws: The whole suite of primary and secondary laws (acts, ordinances, statutes, decrees), which is applicable to a national territory, as well as secondary regulations, and tertiary administrative procedures (rules / requirements) that derive their authority directly and explicitly from these primary and secondary laws (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Native species: Species, subspecies, or lower taxon, occurring within its natural range (past or present) and dispersal potential (that is, within the range it occupies naturally or could occupy without direct or indirect introduction or care by humans) (Source: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Invasive Alien Species Programme. Glossary of Terms as provided on CBD website). Natural conditions/native ecosystem: For the purposes of the Principles and Criteria and any applications of restoration techniques, terms such as ‘more natural conditions’, ‘native ecosystem’ provide for managing sites to favour or restore native species and associations of native species that are typical of the locality, and for managing these associations and other environmental values so that they form ecosystems typical of the locality. Further guidelines may be provided in FSC Forest Stewardship Standards (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Natural forest: A forest area with many of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems, such as complexity, structure and biological diversity, including soil characteristics, flora and fauna, in which all or almost all the trees are native species, not classified as plantations. ‘Natural forest’ includes the following categories: o Forest affected by harvesting or other disturbances, in which trees are being or have been regenerated by a combination of natural and artificial regeneration with species typical of natural forests in that site, and where many of the above-ground and below-ground characteristics of the natural forest are still present. In boreal and north temperate forests which are naturally composed of only one or few tree species, a combination of natural and artificial regeneration to regenerate forest of the same native species, with most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems of that site, is not by itself considered as conversion to plantations; o Natural forests which are maintained by traditional silvicultural practices including natural or assisted natural regeneration; o Well-developed secondary or colonizing forest of native species which has regenerated in non-forest areas; o The definition of ‘natural forest’ may include areas described as wooded ecosystems, woodland and savannah.

The description of natural forests and their principal characteristics and key elements may be further defined in FSC Forest Stewardship Standards, with appropriate descriptions or examples. ‘Natural forest’ does not include land which is not dominated by trees, was previously not forest, and which does not yet contain many of the characteristics and elements of native ecosystems. Young regeneration may be considered as natural forest after some years of ecological progression. FSC Forest Stewardship Standards may indicate when such areas may be excised from the Management Unit*, should be restored towards more natural conditions, or may be converted to other land uses.


FSC has not developed quantitative thresholds between different categories of forests in terms of area, density, height, etc. FSC Forest Stewardship Standards may provide such thresholds and other guidelines, with appropriate descriptions or examples. Pending such guidance, areas dominated by trees, mainly of native species*, may be considered as natural forest. Thresholds and guidelines may cover areas such as: o Other vegetation types and non-forest communities and ecosystems included in the Management Unit*, including grassland, bushland, wetlands, and open woodlands; o Very young pioneer or colonizing regeneration in a primary succession on new open sites or abandoned farmland, which does not yet contain many of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems. This may be considered as natural forest through ecological progression after the passage of years; o Young natural regeneration growing in natural forest areas may be considered as natural forest, even after logging, clear-felling or other disturbances, since many of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems remain, above- ground and below-ground; o Areas where deforestation and forest degradation have been so severe that they are no longer ‘dominated by trees’ may be considered as non-forest, when they have very few of the principal above-ground and below-ground characteristics and key elements of natural forests. Such extreme degradation is typically the result of combinations of repeated and excessively heavy logging, grazing, farming, fuelwood collection, hunting, fire, erosion, mining, settlements, infrastructure, etc. FSC Forest Stewardship Standards may help to decide when such areas should be excised from the Management Unit*, should be restored towards more natural conditions*, or may be converted to other land uses. o (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

Natural Hazards: disturbances that can present risks to social and environmental values* in the Management Unit* but that may also comprise important ecosystem functions*; examples include drought, flood, fire, landslide, storm, avalanche, etc. Non-timber forest products (NTFP): All products other than timber derived from the Management Unit (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Not-natural Fertilizer): A chemical, synthetic or not-natural substance, most commonly N, P2O5 and K20, which is applied to soil for the purpose of enhancing plant growth. These do not include natural fertilizers such as manure or dung. Source: Adapted from FSC-STD-60-004 V2-0. Objective: The basic purpose laid down by The Organization* for the forest enterprise, including the decision of policy and the choice of means for attaining the purpose (Source: Based on F.C. Osmaston. 1968. The Management of Forests. Hafner, New York; and D.R. Johnston, A.J. Grayson and R.T. Bradley. 1967. Forest Planning. Faber & Faber, London). Obligatory code of practice: A manual or handbook or other source of technical instruction which The Organization must implement by law (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Occupational accident: An occurrence arising out of, or in the course of, work which results in fatal or non-fatal injury (Source: International Labour Organization (ILO). Bureau of Library and Information Services. ILO Thesaurus as provided on ILO website). Occupational disease: Any disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity (Source: International Labour Organization (ILO). Bureau of Library and Information Services. ILO Thesaurus as provided on ILO website). Occupational injuries: Any personal injury, disease or death resulting from an occupational accident (Source: International Labour Organization (ILO). Bureau of Library and Information Services. ILO Thesaurus as provided on ILO website).


Organism: Any biological entity capable of replication or of transferring genetic material (Source: Council Directive 90/220/EEC). The Organization: The person or entity holding or applying for certification and therefore responsible for demonstrating compliance with the requirements upon which FSC certification is based (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Peatland: Is constituted by flooded and soggy areas, with large accumulations of organic material, covered by a layer of poor vegetation associated with a certain degree of acidity, and which presents a characteristic amber color (Source: Aguilar, L. 2001. About Fishermen, Fisherwomen, Oceans and tides. IUCN. San Jose (Costa Rica)). Pesticide: Any substance or preparation prepared or used in protecting plants or wood or other plant products from pests; in controlling pests; or in rendering such pests harmless. This definition includes insecticides, rodenticides, acaricides, molluscicides, larvaecides, fungicides and herbicides (Source: FSC-POL-30-001 FSC Pesticides Policy (2005). Plantation: A forest area established by planting or sowing with using either alien or native species, often with one or few species, regular spacing and even ages, and which lacks most of the principal characteristics and key elements of natural forests. The description of plantations may be further defined in FSC Forest Stewardship Standards, with appropriate descriptions or examples, such as: o Areas which would initially have complied with this definition of ‘plantation’ but which, after the passage of years, contain many or most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems, may be classified as natural forests. o Plantations managed to restore and enhance biological and habitat diversity, structural complexity and ecosystem functionality may, after the passage of years, be classified as natural forests. o Boreal and north temperate forests which are naturally composed of only one or few tree species, in which a combination of natural and artificial regeneration is used to regenerate forest of the same native species*, with most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems of that site, may be considered as natural forest, and this regeneration is not by itself considered as conversion to plantations. o (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2).

Precautionary approach: An approach requiring that when the available* information indicates that management activities pose a threat of severe or irreversible damage to the environment or a threat to human welfare, The Organization* will take explicit and effective measures to prevent the damage and avoid the risks to welfare, even when the scientific information is incomplete or inconclusive, and when the vulnerability and sensitivity of environmental values are uncertain (Source: Based on Principle 15 of Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992, and Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle of the Wingspread Conference, 23–25 January 1998). Pre-harvest [condition]: The diversity, composition, and structure of the forest* or plantation prior to felling timber and appurtenant activities such as road building. Principle: An essential rule or element; in FSC’s case, of forest stewardship (Source: FSC- STD-01-001 V5-2). Protection: See definition of Conservation. Protection Area: See definition of Conservation Zone. Publicly available: In a manner accessible to or observable by people generally (Source: Collins English Dictionary, 2003 Edition). Rare species: Species that are uncommon or scarce, but not classified as threatened. These species are located in geographically restricted areas or specific habitats or are scantily

FSC-STD-LAO-01-2020 EN INTERIM NATIONAL STANDARD OF LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACTIC REPUBLIC - 109 of 116 - scattered on a large scale. They are approximately equivalent to the IUCN (2001) category of Near Threatened (NT), including species that are close to qualifying for, or are likely to qualify for, a threatened category in the near future. They are also approximately equivalent to imperilled species (Source: Based on IUCN. (2001). IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK). Ratified: The process by which an international law, convention or agreement (including multilateral environmental agreement) is legally approved by a national legislature or equivalent legal* mechanism, such that the international law, convention or agreement becomes automatically part of national law or sets in motion the development of national law to give the same legal* effect (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Reasonable: Judged to be fair or appropriate to the circumstances or purposes, based on general experience (Source: Shorter Oxford English Dictionary). Reduced impact harvesting: Harvesting (or logging) using techniques to reduce the impact on the residual stand (Source: Based on Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Tropical Timber Production Forests, IUCN 2006). Refugia: An isolated area where extensive changes, typically due to changing climate or by disturbances such as those caused by humans, have not occurred and where plants and animals typical of a region may survive (Source: Glen Canyon Dam, Adaptive Management Program Glossary as provided on website of Glen Canyon Dam website). Remuneration: includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and arising out of the workers* employment (ILO Convention 100, Article1a). Representative Sample Areas: Portions of the Management Unit* delineated for the purpose of conserving or restoring viable examples of an ecosystem that would naturally occur in that geographical region. Resilience: The ability of a system to maintain key functions and processes in the face of stresses or pressures by either resisting or adapting to change. Resilience can be applied to both ecological systems and social systems (Source: IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA). 2008. Establishing Marine Protected Area Networks – Making it Happen. Washington D.C.: IUCN-WCPA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and The Nature Conservancy.). Restore / Restoration: These words are used in different senses according to the context and in everyday speech. In some cases, ‘restore’ means to repair the damage done to environmental values that resulted from management activities or other causes. In other cases, ‘restore’ means the formation of more natural conditions in sites which have been heavily degraded or converted to other land uses. In the Principles and Criteria, the word ‘restore’ is not used to imply the recreation of any particular previous, pre-historic, pre-industrial or other pre-existing ecosystem (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). The Organization* is not necessarily obliged to restore those environmental values that have been affected by factors beyond the control of The Organization*, for example by natural disasters, by climate change, or by the legally authorized activities of third parties, such as public infrastructure, mining, hunting or settlement. FSC-POL-20-003 The Excision of Areas from the Scope of Certification describes the processes by which such areas may be excised from the area certified, when appropriate. The Organization* is also not obliged to restore environmental values that may have existed at some time in the historic or pre-historic past, or that have been negatively affected by previous owners or organizations. However, The Organization* is expected to take reasonable measures to mitigate, control and prevent environmental degradation which is continuing in the Management Unit as a result of such previous impacts. Riparian zone: Interface between land and a water body, and the vegetation associated with it.


Risk: The probability of an unacceptable negative impact arising from any activity in the Management Unit combined with its seriousness in terms of consequences (Source: FSC-STD- 01-001 V5-2). Scale: A measure of the extent to which a management activity or event affects an environmental value or a management unit, in time or space. An activity with a small or low spatial scale affects only a small proportion of the forest each year, an activity with a small or low temporal scale occurs only at long intervals (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Scale, intensity and risk: See individual definitions of the terms ‘scale’, ‘intensity’, and ‘risk’. Significant: For the purposes of Principle 9, HCVs 1, 2 and 6 there are three main forms of recognizing significance. o A designation, classification or recognized conservation status, assigned by an international agency such as IUCN or Birdlife International; o A designation by national or regional authorities, or by a responsible national conservation organization, on the basis of its concentration of biodiversity; o A voluntary recognition by the manager, owner or Organization, on the basis of available* information, or of the known or suspected presence of a significant biodiversity concentration, even when not officially designated by other agencies.

Any one of these forms will justify designation as HCVs 1, 2 and 6. Many regions of the world have received recognition for their biodiversity importance, measured in many different ways. Existing maps and classifications of priority areas for biodiversity conservation play an essential role in identifying the potential presence of HCVs 1, 2 and 6 (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Silviculture: The art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the targeted diverse needs and values of landowners and society on a sustainable basis (Source: Nieuwenhuis, M. 2000. Terminology of Forest Management. IUFRO World Series Vol. 9. IUFRO 4.04.07 SilvaPlan and SilvaVoc). Stakeholder: See definitions for ‘affected stakeholder’ and ‘interested stakeholder’.Statutory law or statute law: The body of law contained in Acts of Parliament (national legislature) (Source: Oxford Dictionary of Law). Sustainable timber harvest level: Depending on forest type and silvicultural system (e.g. even aged vs uneven aged; monocyclic vs polycyclic) different approaches for the determination of the sustainable timber harvest level can be used: o Allowable Cut, Prescribed Cut, Prescribed Yield and Permissible Yield: A dearly expressed specification of the average quantity (of wood, bamboo or cane), usually in an approved management plan*, that may be harvested from a forest management unit*, annually or periodically over a five- or ten-year period. o Annual Allowable Cut (AAC): The Allowable Cut expressed on an annual- basis. o Annual Cutting Area (ACA): The area of productive forest which may be cut in one year. The ACA is synonymous with Felling Area, Cutting Area and Annual Coupe. o Annual Yield and Periodic Yield: The volume or number of stems that can be removed in a specific area in one year, or during a specified period, respectively. o In practice, the choice and use of each method depends upon the silvicultural system being applied in a specific forest situation. The methods are: o A combination of area and the felling cycle. o A combination of area, volume and the felling cycle. o A combination of volume and forest increment. o A consideration of volume only. o o For further reading / Source: Guidelines for the management of tropical forests 1. The production of wood (FAO forestry paper 135); FAO (1999):


Tenure: Socially defined agreements held by individuals or groups, recognized by legal* statutes or customary practice, regarding the ‘bundle of rights and duties’ of ownership, holding, access and/or usage of a particular land unit or the associated resources there within (such as individual trees, plant species, water, minerals, etc.) (Source: World Conservation Union (IUCN). Glossary definitions provided on IUCN website). Threat: An indication or warning of impending or likely damage or negative impacts (Source: Based on Oxford English Dictionary). Threatened species: Species that meet the IUCN (2001) criteria for Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR), and are facing a high, very high or extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. These categories may be re-interpreted for FSC purposes according to official national classifications (which have legal* significance) and to local conditions and population densities (which should affect decisions about appropriate conservation measures) (Source: Based on IUCN. (2001). IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.). Timber harvesting level: The actual harvest quantity executed on the Management Unit*, tracked by either volume (e.g. cubic meters or board feet) or area (e.g. hectares or acres) metrics for the purpose of comparison with calculated (maximum) allowable harvest levels. Timely manner: As promptly as circumstances reasonably allow; not intentionally postponed by The Organization*; in compliance with applicable laws, contracts, licenses or invoices. Traditional Knowledge: Information, know-how, skills and practices that are developed, sustained and passed on from generation to generation within a community, often forming part of its cultural or spiritual identity (Source: based on the definition by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Glossary definition as provided under Policy / Traditional Knowledge on the WIPO website). Traditional peoples: Traditional peoples are social groups or peoples who do not self-identify as indigenous and who affirm rights to their lands, forests and other resources based on long established custom or traditional occupation and use (Source: Forest Peoples Programme (Marcus Colchester, 7 October 2009)). Transaction verification: Verification by certification bodies and/or Accreditation Services International (ASI) that FSC output claims made by certificate holders are accurate and match with the FSC input claims of their trading partners (Source: FSC-STD-40-004 V3-0). Uphold: To acknowledge, respect, sustain and support (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Use rights: Rights for the use of resources of the Management Unit* that can be defined by local custom, mutual agreements, or prescribed by other entities holding access rights. These rights may restrict the use of particular resources to specific levels of consumption or particular harvesting techniques (Source: FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Vast majority: 80% of the total area of Intact Forest Landscapes* within the Management Unit* as of January 1, 2017. The vast majority* also meets or exceeds the minimum definition of Intact Forest Landscape*. Verifiable targets: Specific goals, such as desired future forest conditions, established to measure progress towards the achievement of each of the management objectives*. These goals are expressed as clear outcomes, such that their attainment can be verified, and it is possible to determine whether they have been accomplished or not. Very Limited portion: The area affected shall* not exceed 0.5% of the area of the Management Unit* in any one year, nor affect a total of more than 5% of the area of the Management Unit* (Source: FSC-STD-01-002). Very limited portion of core area: The area affected shall* not exceed 0.5% of the area of the core area* in any one year, nor affect a total of more than 5% of the area of the core area*. Waste materials: unusable or unwanted substances or by-products, such as: o Hazardous waste, including chemical waste and batteries;


o Containers; o Motor and other fuels and oils; o Rubbish including metals, plastics and paper; and o Abandoned buildings, machinery and equipment.

Water bodies (including water courses): Seasonal, temporary, and permanent brooks, creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. Water bodies include riparian or wetland systems, lakes, swamps, bogs and springs. Water scarcity: A water supply that limits food production, human health, and economic development. Severe scarcity is taken to be equivalent to 1,000 cubic meters per year per person or greater than 40% use relative to supply (Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Policy Responses. Findings of the Responses Working Group. Washington DC: Island Press, Pages 599-605). Water stress: Occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available* amount during a certain period or when poor quality restricts its use. Water stress causes deterioration of freshwater resources in terms of quantity (aquifer over-exploitation, dry rivers, etc.) and quality (eutrophication, organic matter pollution, saline intrusion, etc.) (Source: UNEP, 2003, cited in Gold Standard Foundation. 2014. Water Benefits Standard). Wetlands: Transitional areas between terrestrial and aquatic systems in which the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water (Source: Cowarding, L.M., Carter, V., Golet, F.C., Laroe, E.T. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. DC US Department: Washington). Under the Ramsar Convention, wetlands can include tidal mudflats, natural ponds, marshes, potholes, wet meadows, bogs, peatlands, freshwater swamps, mangroves, lakes, rivers and even some coral reefs (Source: IUCN, No Date, IUCN Definitions – English). Workers: All employed persons including public employees as well as ‘self-employed’ persons. This includes part-time and seasonal employees, of all ranks and categories, including laborers, administrators, supervisors, executives, contractor employees as well as self-employed contractors and sub-contractors (Source: ILO Convention 155, Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981). Workers’ organization: any organization of workers⃰ _for furthering and defending the interest of workers⃰_ (adapted from ILO Convention 87, Article 10). It is important to note that rules and guidance on composition of workers*’ organization vary from country to country, especially in relation to those who are considered as rank and file members, as well those who are deemed to have power to “hire and fire”. Workers*’ organizations tend to separate association between those who can “hire and fire” and those who cannot (Source: FSC report on generic criteria and indicators based on ILO Core Conventions principles, 2017). Worst forms of child* labor: comprises a) all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced labor, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict; b) the use, procuring or offering of a child* for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performance; c) the use, procuring or offering of a child* for illicit activities, in particular for production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international treaties; d) work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children (ILO Convention 182, Article 3).


Annex I: Best Available Information (BAI) for Lao PDR The standard consists of 2 types of sources of information: • Best Available Information* (BAI): Information sources shall be used by the Organization*. • Other Recommended Information (ORI): Information sources recommended to be considered. Note: For some BAI sources, (only) SLIMF organizations may use the indicated BAI on voluntary base. The consideration of these sources remains mandatory for non-SLIMF organizations. The interpretations for Best Available Information* provided in this Standard are not necessarily exhaustive; additional examples may exist.

Indicator Sources of information BAI BAI(SLIMF) ORI

Relevant data comprises: Estimation of the main growth variables or an updated forest inventory, as indicated by applicable regulations. Estimation of possible reductions in volume and cutting surface caused by mortality due to natural disturbances (such as: fires, storms, sanitary damages, etc.), for the maintenance of the functions of the ecosystem and / or for other reasons. X 5.1.1 X Updated information at local or regional level, (SLIMF) if any, on stocks, growth and production Sources of information: Recommendations from forest authorities and research institutions. Examples: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Forest Inventory and Planning Division at Department of Forestry NAFRI (National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (Lao PDR); Universities.

A system of permanent sampling plots is installed, and measurements of growth rates X 5.1.1 and mortality is regularly documented (at least X (SLIMF) every 3 years) and considered in management planning

Recommendations from forest authorities as well as national and regional stakeholders. 6.1.1; Examples: 6.4.1; Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: X X 6.5.1 Department of Forest Inspection (DOFI); Department of Forestry (DOF), especially Wildlife division.


Indicator Sources of information BAI BAI(SLIMF) ORI Reports from forest research institutions. 6.1.1; Examples: 6.4.1; X X 6.5.1 NAFRI (National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (Lao PDR); universities

Reports on wildlife distribution from EnGOs. Examples: 6.1.1; 6.4.1; X X WWF Laos and Greater Mekong; IUCN Laos; 6.5.1 the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS); the Lao Wildlife Conservation Association

Comments from stakeholders such as 6.1.1; communities and Indigenous Peoples X 6.4.1; X (SLIMF) 6.5.1

Own observations in the field. Examples: 6.1.1; 6.4.1; X Monitoring & inventory results; results from 6.5.1 analysis of permanent sampling plots; studies

6.1.1; Observations from neighboring plantations, if 6.4.1; X available 6.5.1.


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