Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Forest Systems 2014 23(3): 448-460 ISSN: 2171-5068 eISSN: 2171-9845


Ecological response of atlantica to climate variability in the Massif of Guetiane () Said Slimani1,2*, Arezki Derridj1 and Emilia Gutierrez2 1 Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques. UniversityMouloud Mammeri-Tizi Ouzou. 15000 Algeria. 2 Departamento de Ecología. Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Barcelona. Avda. Diagonal, 645. 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Abstract Aim of the study: The study analyzes the long-term response of Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica (Manneti), to climate variability. Area of study: Atlas cedar forest of Guetiane (Batna, Algeria). Material and methods: The dendrochronological approach was adopted. An Atlas cedar tree-ring chronology was established from twenty trees. The response of the to climate variability was assessed through the pointer years (PYs), the common climate signal among the individual chronologies, expressed by the first component (PC1), the mean sensitivity (msx), and response function and correlations analysis involving the tree-ring index and climate data (monthly mean temperature and total precipitation). Results: The highest growth variability was registered from the second half of the 20th century. The lower than the mean PYs, the PC1, and the msx increased markedly during the studied period. Dramatic increases in the PC1 and msx were detected at the end of the 1970s, reflecting a shift towards drier conditions enhancing an increasing trend towards more synchronous response of trees to climate conditions. The response function and correlations analysis showed that tree growth was mainly influenced by precipitation variability. Research highlights: Our findings provide baseline knowledge concerning the ecological response of Atlas cedar to climate variability in in its southern distribution limit, where a high level of tree mortality has been observed during recent decades, coinciding with the driest period Algeria has ever experienced. This information is vital to support ongoing ecosystem management efforts in the region. Key words: Atlas cedar; annual growth variability; dieback; dendrochronology.

Introduction drought events over the last few decades (Touchan et al., 2008a, 2010; Linares et al., 2011; Kherchouche et The climate has changed over the past century and al., 2012, 2013), suggesting climate conditions more it is expected to continue to change in the future (IPCC, limiting to tree growth and drought-sensitive species 2007), resulting in warmer temperatures and changed geographical distribution, especially for those at the precipitation regimes (Chmura et al., 2011). Conse- edge of their range (Fritts, 1976). Atlas cedar, Cedrus quently, changes in the distribution of species atlantica (Manneti), is a drought-sensitive tree that are expected (Demarteau et al., 2007). An understan- could be affected by recent climate variability. During ding of responses to fluctuations in the environ- recent decades, high rates of mortality have been re- ment is critical to predictions of plant and ecosystem ported in Algeria (Alileche, 2012; Megdoud, 2012; responses to climate change (Chapin et al., 1993) and Kherchouche et al., 2013) and (El Abidine, constitute a valuable tool for forest management. The 2003; Linares et al., 2011). In Algeria, Allen et al. current climate change is significantly affecting Me- (2010) reported that the recent C. atlantica mortality diterranean forests (Resco de Dios et al., 2007). Re- began as small patches on drier aspects in the arid ne- cent studies in northwestern Africa reported recurrent ar-Sahara mountains, eventually coalescing into large patches affecting all ages on all exposures. In contrast, * Corresponding author: [email protected] only small patches of old trees on dry aspects have died Received: 21-10-13. Accepted: 20-01-14. in more mesic regions near the coast. Extreme cases Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 449 were observed in the region of Batna (Bentouati, 2008; red. The established chronologies were used to analy- Kherchouche et al., 2013). The National Park of Be- ze the impact of climate variability on tree growth lezma recorded the highest level of tree mortality: in through trends in response with a common growth va- Djebel Tuggurt, wide areas showed forest decline and riability of the samples and their mean sensitivity evo- mortality and were invaded by Fraxinus xanthoxy- lution throughout time. The main objectives of this loïdes, whereas in Djebel Boumerzoug C. atlantica al- study were (i) to detect the climatic signal shared by most disappeared and the space has been invaded by all the sampled trees, and (ii) check whether the cli- another drought-tolerant species, Quercus ilex. In Mo- mate change enhanced common response among trees. rocco, Mokrim (2009) and Linares et al. (2011) repor- ted similar results. Linares et al. (2011) noticed that C. atlantica forests that have experienced severe Material and methods drought in combination with grazing and logging may be in the process of shifting dominance toward more Study site drought-tolerant species such as Q. rotundifolia. Benabid (1994) noticed that a steppization process is The Atlas cedar forest of Guetiane is located at about increasingly affecting C. atlantica forests in the Atlas 60 kilometers northwest of the city of Batna, between Mountains, in Morocco, and in the massifs of El Hod- the Mountains, of which it forms the eastern na, Belezma and the Aurès, in Algeria. Cheddadi et al. part, and the massif of Belezma (Fig. 1). It covers (2009) reported that environmental changes in nor- some 300ha (Bentouati, 2008), representing 12% thern Africa since the last glacial period have had an of the total wooded area in the Massif of Guetiane impact on the geographical distribution of C. atlanti- (BNEDER, 2008). ca and on its modern genetic diversity, and it is possi- The study area was comprised between the latitudes ble that by the end of this century C. atlantica may be 35° 41' 34.4" N and 35° 42' 00.052" N and the longi- unable to survive in its present-day locations. tudes 5° 31' 01.6" E and 5° 31' 52.8" E. The elevation The current study deals with the ecological respon- ranged from 1,627 m to 1,784 m. The slope was me- se of C. atlantica to climate variability from 1850 to dium to steep (30 and 45%) with a northern to north- 2009 in its southern distribution limits. To the best of western aspects. our knowledge, this is the first long-term radial The soil is well-drained and derived from sandsto- growth-climate interaction investigation in the Massif ne. The sampled trees grow in more or less pure stands of Guetiane (western Batna, Algeria). The dendro- with minor occurrence of Quercus ilex and Juniperus chronological approach was adopted. Twenty trees we- oxycedrus trees, and in low to medium densities. re sampled in 2010, at the highest elevations, from east According to BNEDER (2008), the forest recorded a to west along the northern facing slope of the moun- high mortality rate (60 % to 70%) during the last pe- tain, where a lower rate level of dieback was registe- riod of forest dieback, which occurred during the last

Spain Mediterranean Sea

N Tanger Tunis Atlantic Ocean 6 1 Tunisia Rabat 5 2 Algeria 7 3 Morocco Agadir 4 Moroccan Atlas cedar forests Algerian Atlas cedar forests 1. Rif 5. 2. Eastern 6. and Babors 3. Central Middle Atlas 7. Aurès 4. Eastern Atlas cedar forest of Guetiane Figure 1. Atlas cedar distribution and study area location. Map redrawn after figure of Mhirit (1999). 450 S. Slimani et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 448-460 decade. However, the phenomenon was intense at lo- ries length to remove non-climatic trends related to age, wer and medium elevations. In our investigation area, size, and the effects of stand dynamics (Cook & we estimated the level of tree mortality at less than Briffa, 1990). The process involved dividing each year’s 20%. The different stands are subjected to intensive ring width by the year’s value of the fitted curve to give grazing, compromising natural regeneration of C. a dimensionless index with a mean of one (Fritts, 1976). atlantica. The precipitation is low, with high intra and All the ring-width series were prewhitened to remove interannual variability. The Massif of Guetiane recei- non-climate-related persistence and combined using a ves a total annual precipitation of 350 to 450 mm biweight robust estimate of the mean (Cook, 1985). (ANRH, 1993). According to Gouaref (2012), the The Expressed Population Signal (EPS) was also annual temperature range is 33°C (m = 0.3°C in January; calculated to test the signal strength in site chronolo- M = 33.3°C in July). The climate of the region is Me- gies (Wigley et al., 1984; Briffa & Jones, 1990). The diterranean semi-arid, characterized by a long warm best series for our investigation was the residual chro- and dry season from May to September and a wet and cold nology for the time span 1850-2009, with an EPS va- season from October to April (Le Houerou et al., 1977). lue above 0.85.

Sampling procedure and samples preparation Tree-growth variability

Twenty Atlantic cedar trees with a healthy trunk we- Tree-growth variability was analyzed through trends re sampled in 2010 using an increment borer. Two co- in temporal evolution of growth index and in years with res from opposite sides were taken from each tree, at extreme growth values (mean ± SD). Values over breast height (1.3 m) and perpendicular to the slope to “1 + SD” were considered as wide indices and those avoid compression wood. In two extreme conditions below “1 – SD” as narrow indices. (steep slope) only one core per tree was collected. The increment cores were air-dried and mounted in wooden supports. Some twisted cores were softened Temporal trends in common variance in a jet of steam and were gently twisted back to the and mean sensitivity correct alignment. The mounted cores were hand-san- ded using a range of grit size from coarse to finer sand- In order to assess the temporal trend in common va- paper until cells were clearly visible under a binocu- riability within the site, principal component analysis lar microscope (Stokes & Smiley, 1996). (PCA) was computed with all individual residual se- ries for successive 20-year periods lagged 1 year. The variance expressed by the first principal component Statistical methods (PC1) was used as an indicator of the similarity bet- ween the chronologies (Andreu et al., 2007). The me-

Chronology building an sensitivity (msx) was also calculated for each indi- vidual tree chronology, considering the abso- Samples were visually crossdated using a manual lute relative difference in width from one ring to the skeleton plotting method (Douglass, 1946). Then, the next (Fritts, 1976), according to the formula msx = width of each annual ring was measured to the nearest 2|It+1 –It|/(It+1+It), where It and It+1 are adjacent index 0.01 mm using a LINTAB tree-ring measurement values. Then, to assess the site mean sensitivity trend, system and TSAP-Win software platform. Afterwards, all the series were used to compute an average mean the ring width raw data series were checked using the sensitivity as well as its standard deviation (SDx) over program COFECHA (Holmes, 1983) to confirm cross- successive 20-year periods lagged 1 year. dating for tree-ring measurements. ARSTAN for Windows (Cook & Holmes, 1999) was used to standardize the tree-ring width series to remove Climate-growth interaction long-term trends (Cook, 1985). Each individual series of tree-ring widths was fitted with a cubic smoothing Monthly total precipitation and average temperatu- spline with a 50% frequency response at 67% of the se- re from the weather station of Batna were used. This Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 451 is the longest available dataset from the region. Pre- Table 1. Total and sub-period variance of tree-ring index cipitation data were available from 1930 to 2009. Period Variance SD However, temperature data were available only from 1972 to 2009. The program Seascorr (Meko et al., 1850-2009 0.02967 0.17224 2011) was used to analyze the seasonal climate signal Sub-period 1850-1902 0.01551 0.12455 in tree-ring data. A response function analysis was Sub-period 1903-1955 0.01736 0.13176 Sub-period 1956-2009 0.0565 0.2378 performed to identify which climate factors are corre- lated with tree-ring index (Fritts, 1991), determine the season length that affects growth significantly, and to terized the last eight decades (1942-2009), and the express the relative importance of each monthly cli- year 2002 recorded the lowest index. Table 1 confirms mate variable to ring-width index (Fritts, 1976). Be- this trend. Total growth variance was high, and the sides, additional correlation analyses were computed highest variance was registered in the last sub-period to establish and plot the monthly climate-growth inter- (1956-2009). Over the 160 analyzed years, 79 years action for each climate variable. The trends in monthly recorded an index value over the mean and 81 years mean temperature and total precipitation, as well as showed an index value lower than the mean, and in both in their variation coefficients (VC) were approa- cases the extreme values for the whole series were re- ched through plotting the slopes of linear regressions gistered during the last decades. However, a regression fitted on the series of available meteorological data. analysis showed a significant deviation from the Then, climate influence on shared growth variability mean only for the plot of lower than the mean indices among chronologies and on the mean sensitivity was (p = 0.000). assessed. The pointer years (PYs), expressed through the yearly frequency of the individual chronologies with extreme growth indices, are shown in Fig. 3. Of the Results 160 indices, 62 are normal, 58 are wide and 40 are narrow. However, when considering the PYs registe- Tree growth variability red in at least 25% of the individual chronologies, we recorded 31 wide rings and 30 narrow rings, and when The tree-ring index showed high interannual varia- considering PYs registered in at least 50% of the indi- bility through time (Fig. 2). The highest long-term vidual chronologies, we recorded 22 wide rings and 25 changes in the temporal trend of growth have charac- narrow rings. The PYs show a high variability in

1.6 20 1.4 18 1.2 16 1.0 14 0.8 12 Growth index Number of trees 0.6 10

0.4 8

0.2 6

1855 1862 1869 1876 1883 1890 1897 1904 1911 1918 1925 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002 200 Time (year)

Growth index Mean Loess smooth curve Number of trees Figure 2. Chronology of index for C. atlantica in Guetiane. The trend in tree-ring index is given by the Loess smooth curve (se- cond-order). The vertical dotted line shows the beginning of the highest variability period. 452 S. Slimani et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 448-460




0.5 Frecuency of chronologies Frecuency


1855 1862 1869 1876 1883 1890 1897 1904 1911 1918 1925 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002 200 Time (year)

Narrow indices (< mean + 1SD) White indices (> mean + 1SD)

Figure 3. Relative frequency of individual tree chronologies with wide (upward bars) and narrow (downward bars) indices. occurrence and frequencies over time. Extreme years Temporal trends in common variance were most frequently recorded since the 1940s, with and mean sensitivity higher frequencies among individual chronologies and in occurrence over longer sequences of successive Fig. 4 shows the trends of the explained variance of years. The longest period of successive extreme years the first three PCs. The PC1 is significant and repre- was recorded from 1996 to 2009, coinciding with the senting the highest common variance held by the tree highest frequencies of chronologies. chronologies (55.25%). The PC2 (10.05%) and PC3





40 Variance (%) Variance 30




1850-18691855-18741860-18791865-18841870-18891875-18941880-18991885-19041890-19091895-19141900-19191905-19241910-19291915-19341920-19391925-19441930-19491935-19541940-19591945-19641950-19691955-19741960-19791965-19841970-19891975-19941980-19991985-20041990-2009 Time (year) PC1 Var PC2 Var PC3 Var Figure 4. Temporal trend in the variance explained by the three first principal components using subintervals of 20 years lagged 1 year. Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 453



0.6 x ms




1857-18761864-18831871-18901878-18971885-19041892-19111899-19181906-19251913-19321920-19391927-19461934-19531941-19601948-19671955-19741962-19811969-19881976-19951983-20021990-2009 Time (year) Figure 5. Temporal trend in the mean sensitivity (line) and its standard deviation (bars) using subintervals of 20 years lagged 1 year.

(6.30%) present lower common variances and their treme growth years (Fig. 3). The increase in msx beca- temporal trends are opposed to the PC1. me more significant in the second half of the 20th cen- The evolution of the variance explained by the PC1 tury, with an abrupt shift in the late 1970s. From the over time showed a high variability, especially since “1977-1996” to “1978-1997” intervals msx increased from the middle of the 20th century. A first peak was 0.34 to 0.39. The maxima were reached in the last in- th reached in the late 19 century (interval “1868-1887”), tervals, marked by relative stability in both msx and SDx. and the most important one was registered at the be- ginning of the 21st century (interval “1983-2002”). Be- sides, this shared variance showed a relative continuous Growth climate interaction increase over the whole last century (last 100-year pe- riod). The period 1952-2009 represented the longest Main Seascorr results are shown in Table 2. The interval with significant increase of common variabi- correlation of monthly precipitation with tree-ring in- lity among tree chronologies (fitted linear regression dex increased with increasing length of the averaging R2 = 0.73; p = 0.000). Moreover, the second half of the period. The highest correlation was obtained in twel- 20th century expressed a high and continuous common ve months from prior September to August of the gro- variance, with an abrupt shift occurred during the wing year, with a positive and temporal stable corre- earlier period: the variance explained by the first PC lation from early to late sub-periods. In contrast, the increased from 47.92% in the “1958-1977” interval to correlation of monthly mean temperature with 58.96% in the “1959-1978” interval. The highest com- tree-ring index was negative and decreased with in- mon variance reached a value of 72.48%, recorded creasing length of averaging period. Current May-Ju- within the “1983-2002” interval. After this peak, a re- ne mean temperature yielded the highest correlation. lative decrease was observed during the last intervals. However, this correlation was not temporally stable. A scan of Fig. 5 reveals relative stability of the Fig. 6 presents intra-annual correlations of monthly mean sensitivity from 1850 to the end of the first half total precipitation and monthly mean temperature with of the 20th century. Then, this trend was interrupted and tree-ring index in twelve months from prior Septem- a substantial increase was observed from the beginning ber to August of the growing year. Monthly total pre- of the 1940s, coinciding with the period of significant cipitations are positively correlated with the growth increase of tree growth variability (Fig. 2) and of ex- index and are significant from January to June, 454 S. Slimani et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 448-460

Table 2. Highest correlated seasons and temporal stability of correlation of tree-ring index with total precipitation and mean temperature. Common period of available instrumental cli- mate data is 1972-2009. Months preceding the growth year are indicated in capital letters. The correlation is temporally stable when it is significant in both early and late sub-periods

Season Pearson correlation Variable Full Early Late Months Length 1974-2009 1974-1991 1992-209

Precipitation May 1 0.41** 0.59** 0.34 Dec-May 6 0.72*** 0.68** 0.77*** Oct-Jun 9 0.78*** 0.79*** 0.78*** Sep-Aug 12 0.78*** 0.78*** 0.79*** Temperature Jun 1 –0.45* –0.06 –0.62** May-Jun 2 –0.46* –0.01 –0.68** May-Jul 3 –0.43* –0.09 –0.58** Jan-Jun 6 –0.41* –0.01 –0.66** Oct-Sep 12 –0.36 –0.07 –0.59**

Levels of significance are: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. whereas mean temperatures are negatively correlated, cipitation VC. Annual and monthly mean temperature and are only significant in May and June. (except winter months) registered a significant in- The slopes of linear regressions fitted on the series crease. In contrast, annual temperature VC, as well as of available local climate data were plotted to assess previous September to December, and current Fe- the trends in annual and monthly mean temperature bruary, April and July temperatures VC registered a and total precipitation, as well as their variation significant decrease. On the other hand, current May coefficients (VC) (Fig. 7). Annual and monthly total and June, months that showed the highest and signifi- precipitation showed no significant trend. However, cant correlation with the tree-ring index, as well as we noticed a significant increase in annual precipita- August, registered an increment in their temperatures tion VC, as well as January, April, May and July pre- VC. However, May was not significant.





–0.2 Pearson correlation coefficient Pearson –0.4

–0.6 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Month

Precipitation Temperature Figure 6. Correlations of monthly total precipitation and monthly mean temperature with tree-ring index in twelve months from prior September to August of the growing year. Months preceding the growth year are indicated in capital letters. * p < 0.05. ** p < 0.01. Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 455

a) 0.6 0.15

0.4 0.010

0.2 0.005

0.0 0.00

–0.2 0.005 regression (slope) regression (slope) Precipitation linear

Precipitation Precipitation VC linear –0.4 Precipitation VC 0.010

–0.6 0.015 0.015 b) 0.10 0.010 0.05 0.005

0.00 0.000

–0.005 –0.05 regression (slope) regression (slope) Temperature linear Temperature

Temperature –0.010 Precipitation VC linear Temperature VC –0.10 –0.015

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Spr May Jun Jul Aug Annual Month Figure 7. Trends in annual and monthly total precipitation (a) and mean temperature (b) series, as well as their variation coeffi- cients (VC). * p < 0.05. ** p < 0.01.

Figs. 8 and 9 summarize relationships of previous is consistent with the trend in climate variability du- September to current August total precipitation and ring the last few decades in the region. Touchan et al. current May-June mean temperature, as well as their (2008a) noticed that the 1940s and the last few deca- variation coefficients with common variance and des were periods with substantial and sustained dry mean sensitivity (only significant relationships are pre- conditions. sented). Significant positive correlations between the The chronology registered more pointer years over PC1 variance and previous September to current the last decades, and the increase was only significant August precipitation VC (Fig. 8a) and with current in lower than the mean extreme years. This reflects the May-June mean temperature (Fig. 9a) were found. Me- more limiting climatic conditions that prevailed in the an sensitivity also was positively and significantly most recent decades, characterized by high variability correlated to previous September to current August and frequent severe droughts. This shift towards dry precipitation VC (Fig. 8b), and to current May-June conditions over the last few decades was reported by mean temperature (Fig. 9b). However, the relation was Kherchouche et al. (2012) in the Massif of Aurès (Al- significant and negative with May-June mean tempe- geria), Touchan et al. (2008b) in Tunisia, Esper et al. rature VC (Fig. 9c). (2007) and Linares et al. (2011) in Morocco, and Touchan et al. (2008a, 2010) over northwestern Africa. Discussion Temporal trends in common variance Tree growth variability and mean sensitivity

Figs. 2, 3, and 4 and Table 1 show that radial growth The common variance held by the chronologies was was highly variable over time. The highest degree of not stable throughout time (Fig. 4). The last century instability was detected from the 1940s onward. This experienced an increase in tree-growth common varia- 456 S. Slimani et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 448-460 a) 75 PC1 = 148.88 * Sep-Aug precipitation VC-76.206 74 a) R2 = 0.5323; p = 0.000 PC1 = 3.6301 * May-June mean temperature –8.8176 70 72 R2 = 0.3364; p = 0.009

65 70 68 60 66

55 PC1 64

PC1 variance (%) 50 62 60 45 58 40 0.55 56 0.55 b) msx = 1.8396 * Sep-Aug precipitation VC-1.3121 b) 2 msx = 0.141 * May-June mean temperature –2.42 R = 0.7621; p = 0.000 0.50 R2 = 0.9416; p = 0.000 0.50 0.45 0.45 0.40 x 0.35 x 0.40 ms ms 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.25 19.0 19.219.4 19.6 19.8 20.0 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21.0 May-June mean temperature (°C) 0.55 c) Figure 8. Relationships between September-August precipita- tion variation coefficient (VC) and (a) the variance explained 0.50 by the first component (PC1) and (b) the mean sensitivity (msx). 0.45 x 0.40 bility, which was more pronounced during the last de- ms cades. This shared growth variability between tree 0.35 chronologies can be interpreted as a common respon- 0.30 msx = 11.652 * May-June mean temperature VC = 2.3199 se to climatic signals (Tardif et al., 2003). The highest R2 = 0.7692; p = 0.000 common variance among the chronologies, recorded 0.25 during the last few decades, shows that trees were 0.150 0.155 0.160 0.165 0.170 0.175 growing more synchronously under more limiting cli- May-June mean temperature VC mate conditions to growth. Andreu et al. (2007) rela- Figure 9. Relationships between May-June mean temperature ted a common variability shared by 38 chronologies and (a) the variance explained by the first component (PC1) and across the Iberian Peninsula to macroclimate. Macias (b) the mean sensitivity (msx), and (c) between May-June mean temperature variation coefficient (VC) and the mean sen- et al. (2006) considered the changes in shared growth sitivity (msx). variability in the silver fir forests of northeastern Ibe- rian Peninsula over the 20th century as a signal of cli- matic changes, which have affected the growth of the cedar in the Aurès region. Lapie (1909) reported that forest. during some severe winters, especially those of 1879 A first peak in the common variability was obser- and 1880, dieback of entire stands of Atlas cedar ved at the end of the 19th century, coinciding with ex- was observed in the Aurès region and in . Le treme climate conditions. Touchan et al. (2008a) poin- Houerou (1980) noticed that in 1881 Algerian forests ted up a six-year period, from 1876 to 1881, where lost 169,000 ha because of wildfires associated to every consecutive year was below the long-term re- drought events. The same year recorded some of the constructed index mean in northwestern Africa. Boudy most catastrophic fires Algeria has ever experienced (1950) in Abdsemed (1981) reported that an exceptio- (Meddour-Sahar et al., 2008). nal drought could have occurred between 1875 and The shift reported at the end of the 1970s was due 1880, which could have destroyed many stands of Atlas to dramatic changes in climate conditions. Through a Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 457

global documented investigation in diverse forest types la. The trends in msx and SDx ended with a maximum and climatic zones in the world, Allen et al. (2010) and relative stability during the last decade, indicating showed that forest mortality met the criteria of events that even after the period of high forest dieback, tree that were driven by climatic water/heat stress since growth was still influenced by high climate variability. 1970. This provoked an abrupt increase in shared In north Morocco, Linares et al. (2011) reported an in- growth variability and generated a very high narrow crease in drought events and temperature since the ring frequency of the chronologies in 1978 (Fig. 3). 1970s, and noticed consistent growth declines and in- According to Abdsemed (1981), droughts that pre- creased drought sensitivity in C. atlantica stands sin- vailed in 1977 and 1978 in the Aurès Massif dried out ce the early 1980s. even Quercus ilex, which is reputed for its drought- According to Lenton et al. (2008), the substantial hardiness, and could have caused the dieback that increase in mean sensitivity that began in the 1940s occurred within C. Atlantica forests at the beginning can be seen as a warning signal of an approaching of the 1980s. Suggesting a dendrochronological study, tipping point, expressed here by the shift mentioned at the author put forward the idea of a probable millen- the end of the 1970s. Hence, the mentioned periods of nium drought. The trend in PC1 variance confirms the forest dieback that occurred during the last few deca- two periods of droughts of the late 1870s and late 1970s. des can be considered a tipping element, reflecting the However, in their dendrochronological approach to regional-scale feature of the climate that would have drought impact on C. atlantica forest dieback in the exhibited a threshold behavior in trees response to cli- Aurès, Kherchouche et al. (2012) reported another mate change. exceptional drought event of 4 years’ duration in the Coincidence in trends in growth variability, in com- second half of the eighteenth century, but with a time- mon variance between tree chronologies and in mean gap of some ten years, from 1765 to 1768. Furthermo- sensitivity over time suggests an evolution towards mo- re, over northwestern Africa, Touchan et al. (2008a) re common response to climate condition. reported a six-year period of drought from 1770 to 1775. Kacha (1990) in Meddour-Sahar et al. (2008) noticed that six years of drought, with variable inten- Growth-climate interaction sities throughout different regions, were registered all over Algeria in the 1980s. Our results corroborate the- Growth-climate relationships were established bet- se reports: 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984 and 1988 registe- ween the residual tree-ring series and local instrumen- red PYs with a narrow ring. The highest shared growth tal data (Fig. 6). The results showed a positive long- variability among individual series was recorded in the term and cumulative effect of precipitation, and interval ending with the year 2002 (1983-2002). The a negative and immediate effect of temperature. year 2002 recorded a deficit in previous September to Tree-growth is influenced by total precipitation from current August total precipitation and a high May- previous September to current August with significant June mean temperature. Touchan et al. (2008a) sho- January to June totals. As regards mean temperature, wed that the one set severe drought of 1999-2002 the correlation was not temporally stable and was only appears to be the worst in northwestern Africa since significant in a period of two months, current May- the middle of the 15th century. This event triggered June. This reflects the key role of precipitation on substantial mortality even in other Algerian tree spe- growth control. Indeed, by selecting trees growing at cies, including Pinus halepensis, Quercus ilex, Quer- their altitudinal and latitudinal range limits, it is cus suber, and Juniperus thurifera (Allen et al., 2010). possible to maximize particular ecological factors in After the year 2002, the common variability remained the tree rings. Trees growing near northern or upper high but showed a slight decrease coinciding with a timberlines contain most information on temperature, significant decrease in C. atlantica dieback rate in the while those growing near the lower-elevation, arid tim- region. berline provide more information on precipitation A shift towards more sensitive trees to climate va- (Pilcher, 1990). riation was observed in the middle of the second half The last decades have registered a significant posi- of the 20th century, indicated by abrupt increases in tive increase in annual as well as January, April, May both msx and SDx (Fig. 5). Andreu et al. (2007) repor- and July precipitation VC, whereas annual and monthly ted similar trend in the northwestern Iberian Peninsu- total precipitations did not show any significant trend 458 S. Slimani et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 448-460

(Fig. 7). Thus, tree growth is primarily controlled by leading to an increase in the number of pointer years. precipitation variability. The negative significant As the region experienced more frequent and severe correlation between mean sensitivity and current May- droughts, a significant increase in the pointer years June mean temperature VC (Fig. 9c) did not match the with narrow rings was observed. These more limiting trends of the plotted slopes of linear regressions fitted conditions generated a higher common response of tree on the series of temperature VC (Fig. 7) and the mean growth towards climatic signals. sensitivity evolution through time (Fig. 5), confirming Growth-climate relationships showed a significant the status of temperature as a secondary climate varia- positive, cumulative and stable temporal effect of pre- ble. Globally, trends in Figs. 8 and 9 show that the in- cipitation variability. May-June mean temperature and creases in shared variance and mean sensitivity were May-June temperature variability showed a significant mainly controlled by the increment in previous Sep- negative correlation with the tree growth variability, tember to current August precipitation variability but the correlation was not stable over time. (VC). Further studies at larger spatial and temporal sca- A monthly total precipitation analysis revealed a les, with a high number of sites, and involving diffe- very high uneven intra- and inter-annual distribution rent species would highlight the micro-, meso- and ma- of rainfall. Many years registered rainfall defeciency croclimate variability effect on tree-growth in the during winter and spring months, periods in which sig- whole region. nificant correlations with the growth index were men- tioned. In many cases high rainfall totals were repor- ted in form of storms with months that recorded more Acknowledgements than two to three times the mean total precipitation. During such years, water availability to trees, then to First, we would like thank Gasmi Abdellatif and Said growth, did not correspond with the total annual rain- Abderrahmani, respectively, conservator of the forests fall, which means that those precipitations were not of Batna and director of the National Park of Belez- efficient. We assume that overstory cover reduction, ma, as well as the staffs of the two institutions, for their due mainly to the different periods of forest dieback, support, welcome and hospitality. We are thankful to would certainly have caused an increase in runoff and Athmane Briki, from the Forests Conservation of Bat- decreased infiltration and soil water storage, especially na, and Laid Sebti, from the district of Ras el Aioun, in case of storm precipitation. The effects of land-co- who, with other anonymous foresters, played a key ro- ver changes have recently been associated with persis- le in making this study possible thanks to their conti- tent predictions of warming and drying trends through- nued support and involvement in fieldwork. We appre- out the Mediterranean Basin (Rotenberg and Yakir, ciate the help of the department of Ecology of the 2010). Consequently, during periods of frequent University of Barcelona, which provided the facility storms, there were years in which the growth index was for tree-ring measurements. We also would like to low while total precipitation was largely higher than thank Andrew Hastings, who read through the text, for the mean. Besides, years with high temperature and his suggestions regarding the English. high and/or more or less efficient total precipitation did not show narrow indices. Globally, high growth in- dices were associated with high rainfall and/or its References efficiency, and narrow rings coincided with high tem- perature only when precipitation was low or non-effi- Abdessemed K, 1981. Le cèdre de l’Atlas (Cedrus atlanti- ca Manetti) dans les massifs de l’Aurès et du Belezma. cient. Etude phytosociologique. Problèmes de conservation et d’aménagement. Doctoral thesis. Université de Droit, d’Economie et des Sciences d’Aix-Marseille, France. Conclusions Alileche A, 2012. Etude du dépérissement du cèdre de l’Atlas (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) dans la cédraie des Our findings showed a high variability in tree Aurès: Bélezma (Batna) et Chélia (Khenchela). Magister Thesis. Université des Sciences et de la Technologie growth between 1850 and 2009. The highest degree of Houari Boumediene, Alger. variability was recorded during the last decades, con- Allen CD, Macalady AK, Chenchouni H, Bachelet D, sistently with a very high climate variability trend, McDowell N, Vennetier M et al., 2010. A global overview Response of Atlas cedar to climate variability 459

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