Rail Factsheet December 2020

About this factsheet Rail statistics overview Latest year compared In Great Britain in 2019/20: to the previous year of This factsheet provides an available data overview of key statistics on rail Rail usage Safety incidents Peak standing in Great Britain and the context of how rail fts in the wider transport 0.7% 2.8% 0.5% system. The national rail statistics decrease in increase in decrease in morning passenger journeys, safety incidents peak standing levels are for surface rail only, and do but second highest involving passengers to 19.3% passengers not include underground, light rail level on record at 1.7 to 6,855 incidents. standing in autumn and tram systems. These billion journeys. 2019 statistics cover up until March 2020 so include some efects of Punctuality Finance Satisfaction the coronavirus pandemic. 1.4pp 6.2% 1.0% increase in increase in total decrease in Contents train punctuality government support passenger Rail Travel to March 2020 compared to 2018/19 for the railways to satisfaction in Spring P2 Car is the most common mode to 64.8%. £11.1bn. 2020 compared to of transport, but travel by rail had Spring 2019 to 82% been increasing the fastest P2 Rail demand has more than The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic doubled since rail privatisation in ! 1994/95 Rail estimates in this release cover up until the end of March P2 Rail travel is concentrated in 2020. Therefore, some of the fgures have been afected by and the South East the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, in particular statistics on: Usage and Users • rail usage • rail emissions P3 Rail travel in major cities is • rail punctuality • rail freight dominated by peak travel • rail fnance P3 Train punctuality increased • rail safety P3 Commuting is the most common journey purpose of rail passengers Daily fgures showing travel trends since 1 March 2020 are Passenger experience being published on a weekly basis. For further P4 The proportion of train journeys information see the : Transport use rated as satisfactory is higher than during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic statistics. for car journeys P4 More passengers are claiming compensation Change in use of transport modes percentage of an equivalent day or week 120% Finance All motor vehicles P4 Government funding of rail has 100% Transport for increased London 80% Bus Safety 60% P4 Rail remains one of the safest Bus (excluding modes of transport 40% London)

Freight 20% Rail P4 Freight moved by rail has 0% decreased Mar-20 May-20 Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20

LEAD STATISTICIAN Kelly Edwards [email protected] FURTHER INFORMATION Media: 020 7944 3021 Public: 020 7944 2419 Railway in Great Britain The mainline railway is comprised of:

22 2,567 17.3 years Train Operating stations average age of rolling stock Companies (TOCs)

15,904 km i For further information, please see: Rail emissions of route - Ofce of Rail and Road: Rail Infrastructure 35.1g CO2e and Assets emissions per passenger km 6,049 km (38%) - Ofce of Rail and Road: TOC key statistics - Ofce of Rail and Road: Rail Emissions 4.1% compared with 2018/19 of route electrifed

Rail travel Car was the most common mode of transport, but travel by rail has increased the fastest since 2002 Of all travel in in 2019, rail accounted for: Travel trends across modes 2% of trips 10% of distance 8% of travel time

Trips per person per year 21 50 580 250 since 2002: 58% 22% 14% 5% Key Rail Bus Other Cars Walk Miles per person per year Rail trips accounted for just 2% of all trips in 2019 (3% when 625 231 5,009 205 walking is excluded), but rail travel tended to be used for longer since journeys and so made up a larger proportion of total distance and 2002: 43% 16% 14% 1% time spent travelling. Hours per person per year i This data covers England only and calendar year 2019. 29 30 212 70 For more information please see since 2002: 56% 15% 10% 4% Department for Transport: National Travel Survey

Rail demand has more than doubled since rail Rail travel is highest in London and the privatisation in 1994/95 South East Rail passenger journeys in Great In 20 years, rail Journeys to/from region Journeys within region Almost two- Britain, billions journeys increased Total number of journeys (millions) 2 0 thirds of rail 1.7 by 89% to reach a North East journeys bn Yorkshire 1 5 record 1.8 billion started or & Humber journeys in 2018/19, 102m 16m ended in

1 0 but declined to 1.7 North 73m London billion in 2019/20. West East In 2018 and 0 5 Rail use has Midlands *change from calendar 137m 2019, London years to financial years increased faster reporting West Midlands residents made 0 0 than any other mode 36m 1950 1967 1984 2001/02 2018/19 on average 54 of transport. East of 101m England rail trips per i For further information see: South person per year, - Ofce of Rail and Road: Passenger rail usage statistics West 194m whereas the -Department for Transport: Transport Statistics Great Britain Wales South East London England 52m Distance travelled by mode, 1952 to 2018 (km) average was 31m Not to scale 683 bn 314m 960m 22. 81 bn 35 bn i For further information see: Rail Bus Other road - Ofce of Rail and Road: Regional rail usage statistics 95 0 8 - Department for Transport: National Travel Survey 1952 2018 195252 2018 1952 2018 Rail usage and users

Rail travel in major cities is dominated by peak travel Passengers arriving into London, Autumn weekday 2019 Over 1.1 million passengers travelled to Passengers AM peak PM peak central London by train on a typical 300,000 weekday in autumn 2019; over half arrive 250,000 in the AM peak (7-10am). In major cities outside London most travel still occurs in 200,000 the peak, but more passengers travel in the 150,000 PM peak (4-7pm; 27.4%) than the AM peak 100,000 (24.5%).


0 i For further information see: -Department for Transport: Rail passenger numbers and crowding on weekdays in major service 06:59 07:00 - 07:59 15:00 - 15:59 08:00 - 08:59 09:00 - 09:59 10:00 - 10:59 11:00 - 11:59 12:00 - 12:59 13:00 - 13:59 14:00 - 14:59 16:00 - 16:59 17:00 - 17:59 18:00 - 18:59 19:00 - 19:59 20:00 - 20:59 21:00 - 21:59 22:00 - 22:59 cities in England and Wales 23:00 to end of to end 23:00 Start of service to Start of service

Train punctuality has increased despite more Rail crowding has been increasing services running historically and improved slightly in autumn 2019 Percentage of trains ‘on time’ by fnancial quarter Percentage of AM peak commuters standing (Moving annual average) 25% 66% ‘on time’ i 2019 2018 2010 services are 20% 65% those that

Industrial arrive at the 15% 64% action Timetabling station early or difficulties less than one 10% 63% minute after the scheduled time. 5% 62% This is diferent from the Public 0% 61% London Birmingham Cambridge Cardiff Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q4 Performance 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Measure (PPM) *Statistics for Cambridge were frst published in used previously. autumn 2017, so 2010 fgures are unavailable. Across major cities, the percentage of In 2019/20 there was a 3% increase in planned train passengers standing in the AM peak increased services and a 1.4 percentage point improvement in punctuality from 17.0% in 2010 to 19.8% in 2018, but has compared with the previous year. Since the decline in slightly decreased in 2019 to 19.3%. punctuality in 2018/19 due to timetabling difculties, punctuality has since increased and remained at the higher level. i For further information see: -Department for Transport: Rail passenger i For further information see: numbers and crowding on weekdays in major -Ofce of Rail and Road: Passenger rail performance cities in England and Wales

Commuting is the most common journey purpose of rail passengers Over half of all rail journeys in England in 2019 were for Rail trips per person per year by age and sex commuting and over a quarter for leisure. Males 50 45 undertook 1.4 more rail trips on average than females (25 40 35

trips per person per year vs 18 trips per person per year). 30

25 Shopping Other 20 15 5% Commuting 5% 10 Business (work and 5 education) 0 10% 0 16 17 20 21 29 30 39 40 49 50 59 60 69 70+ On average users with mobility difculties made 6.4 times fewer rail trips, but 1.5 times fewer car trips 54% and 1.4 times fewer bus trips in 2019 than those without mobility difculties. 26%

Leisure i This data covers England only. For more information see Department for Transport: National Travel Survey Passenger experience

The proportion of train journeys rated as satisfactory was higher than for car journeys Passenger journeys rated as satisfactory overall across diferent modes are:

i For more information see Transport Focus: National Rail Passenger Survey 82% 89% 81% More passengers are claiming compensation All passengers Delay Repay 30 Delay Repay 15 Delay Repay is a national compensation scheme across most TOCs that compensate customers 55% 44% 46% who’ve been delayed by at least 30 or 15 minutes. Since 2018, the proportion of all passengers eligible to claim for a delay of any 37% 46% length has increased. 22% % of passengers who experience a delay eligible for compensation in past six months

i For more information see % of eligible passengers who claimed for a Department for Transport: Rail delays and compensation delay in the past six months

Rail fnance Government funding of rail has increased Across the public sector, the railways Income by source, real terms account for over half of total transport expenditure Government Passenger Private Other support revenue investment expenditure 2018/19 £10.5bn £11.5bn £1.1bn 2019/20 £11.1bn £11.6bn £1.0bn 46% % change 6.2% 0.3% 9.3% Government support increased in the last year. This is the 54% highest level on record (in real terms) and refects planned Rail increase in funding and increases in net expenditure government support payments to train operating companies. i For more information see -HM Treasurys: Country and Regional Analysis -Ofce of Rail and Road: Rail Industry fnancials

Rail safety Rail freight Rail remains one of the safest The proportion of freight moved by modes of transport rail has decreased Compared with other modes of transport, rail was In 2018, 8.9% of freight moved in Great Britain was by the safest with 0.2 fatalities per billion passenger trains, a 0.2 percentage point decrease compared with miles in 2019/20. Passenger miles the previous year. In 2019/20, the total amount of rail freight transported decreased to 16.6 billion net tonne 160 kilometres, a 4.6% decrease on 2018/19.

Rail freight moved by commodity

120 Suicides 25 Total rail freight 20

80 Total Fatalities 15 (exc. suicides) Non-coal

Index =1002002/03 Index 10

40 5 Coal


0 2002/03 2005/06 2008/09 2011/12 2014/15 2017/18 i For more information see i For more information see Ofce of Rail and Road: Rail Safety Ofce of Rail and Road: Freight Rail Usage and performance