Building Scalable Apps with Redis and Node.js pdf download Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps. Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps by Azat Mardan (Jul 15, 2014) is available from these vendors: Practical Node.js was designed to be a one-stop source for going from hello-world examples to building apps in a professional manner . The libraries covered in Practical Node.js greatly enhance the quality of code and make developers more productive . Description. Express.js 4. Build web apps with Express.js 4, MongoDB, and Jade template engine. Use various features of Jade and Handlebars. MongoDB. Use the Mongoskin and Mongoose ORM libraries for MongoDB. Hapi.js. Build REST API servers with Express.js 4 and Hapi.js. OAuth. Utilize token and session-based authentication. Socket.IO. Build WebSocket apps using Socket.IO and DerbyJS libraries. AWS, , Nginx. Get started with Nginx, Upstart, Varnish, and other tools on an AWS instance. Write your own Node.js module, and publish it on NPM. @azat_co Thx for the PM! Very kind of you. I've been anxiously waiting for your book, every other one is outdated (Express 3 at the most) :) — José Luis Bolos (@joseluisbolos) July 18, 2014. @azat_co Thanks for the info man - picked up the alpha version of the book - so far so good. Really hoping I grok the authentication stuff. — Travis Libby (@TravisLibby) June 20, 2014. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on. BUY THE BOOK. Apress. Print book EPUB, MOBI, PDF. Amazon. Print book Kindle (MOBI) Barnes & Noble. Print book NOOK Book (eBook) About the author. "Node.js is taking over both enterprise and amateur development worlds" Azat Mardan has over 12 years of experience in web, mobile and software development. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics and a Master of Science in Information Systems Technology degree, Azat possesses deep academic knowledge as well as extensive practical experience. Currently, Azat works as a Team Lead / Senior Software Engineer at DocuSign, where his team rebuilds 50 million user product (DocuSign web app) using the tech stack of Node.js, Express.js, Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus and Redis. Recently, he worked as an engineer at the curated social media news aggregator website, (acquired by LiveFyre) which is used by BBC, NBC, CNN, The White House and others. Storify runs everything on Node.js unlike other companies. It’s the maintainer of the open- source library jade-browser. Before that, Azat worked as a CTO/co-founder at Gizmo — an enterprise cloud platform for mobile marketing campaigns, and has undertaken the prestigious 500 Startups business accelerator program. Prior to this, Azat was developing he developed mission-critical applications for government agencies in Washington, DC, including the National Institutes of Health, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as well as Lockheed Martin. Azat is a frequent attendee at Bay Area tech meet-ups and hackathons (AngelHack hackathon ’12 finalist with team In addition, Azat teaches technical classes at General Assembly, Hack Reactor, pariSOMA and Marakana (acquired by Twitter) to much acclaim. Jumpstart Snowflake. Explore the modern market of data analytics platforms and the benefits of using Snowflake computing, the data warehouse built for the cloud. With the rise of cloud technologies, organizations prefer to deploy their analytics using cloud providers such as (AWS), Azure, or . Cloud vendors are offering modern data platforms for building cloud analytics solutions to collect data and consolidate into single storage solutions that provide insights for business users. The core of any analytics framework is the data warehouse, and previously customers did not have many choices of platform to use. Snowflake was built specifically for the cloud and it is a true game changer for the analytics market. This book will help onboard you to Snowflake, present best practices to deploy, and use the Snowflake data warehouse. In addition, it covers modern analytics architecture and use cases. It provides use cases of integration with leading analytics software such as Matillion ETL, Tableau, and Databricks. Finally, it covers migration scenarios for on-premise legacy data warehouses. What You Will Learn. Know the key functionalities of Snowflake up security and access with cluster Bulk load data into Snowflake using the COPY command Migrate from a legacy data warehouse to Snowflake integrate the Snowflake data platform with modern business intelligence (BI) and data integration tools. Who This Book Is For. Those working with data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) technologies, and existing and potential Snowflake users. Building Scalable Apps with Redis and Node.js. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime-based, scalable platform used to develop web applications and network programs on the server side. It allows web designers to access the backend of their projects while also allowing developers, who are willing to learn JavaScript, a chance to design. There are many frameworks that have popped up in recent years, but what makes Node.js unique is that it opens up a whole new frontier for web development and takes a hybrid approach. This book will help you get to grips with Node.js and implement the knowledge to build efficient web applications. You start with developing a backend web application followed by a frontend interface, and later on deploy it to the cloud platform. This book takes a holistic approach to server-side programming using Node.js in conjunction with different frameworks and tools. eBooks in the same categorie : Pro Android with Kotlin. Develop Android apps with Kotlin to create more elegant programs than the Java equivalent. This book covers the various aspects of a modern Android ap. Arduino Wearable Projects. The demand for smart wearable technologies is becoming more popular day by day. The Arduino platform was developed keeping wearables, such as watches. End-to-End QoS Network Design, 2nd Edition. End-to-End QoS Network Design Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks?Second Edition New best practices, technical strategies, and pr. Scala for Data Science. Scala is a multi-paradigm (it supports both object-oriented and functional programming) and scripting language used to build appl. Scala Cookbook. Save time and trouble when using Scala to build object-oriented, functional, and concurrent applications. With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and. Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition. Scala is a modern, multiparadigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. Scala. Learning Scala. Why learn Scala? You don’t need to be a data scientist or distributed computing expert to appreciate this object-oriented functional programming. Programming Scala, 2nd Edition. Get up to speed on Scala, the JVM language that offers all the benefits of a modern object model, functional programming, and an advanced type system. Mastering Play Framework for Scala. Play Framework is an open source web application framework that is written in Java and Scala. It follows the Model-View-Controller architectural patte. Building Scalable Apps With Redis And Nodejs By Johanan Joshua 2014 Paperback. CASCIARO, Mario (2014). Node.js Design Patterns. First Edition. 2. JOSHUA, Johanan (2014). Building Scalable Apps with Redis and Node.js. First. Edition. 3. TSONEV, Krasimir (2014). Node.js Blueprints. First Edition. 4. CLEMENTS, Davis Mark (2014). Node Cookbook. Second Edition. 5. PASQUALI, Sandro (2013). Abstract Book. Shiny Application for the Evaluation of Surrogacy in Clinical Trials . Scalable semi-parametric regression with mgcv package and bam . Package for Creating web Based Interactive. In useR! 2014, The R User Conference,. (UCLA, USA), Jul. 2014. Woodhull. G, RCloud – Integrating Exploratory Visualization, Analysis . Building Modern Web Applications Using Angular [pdf] In the last few years, Angular has established itself as the number one choice of JavaScript Developers. What makes Angular special is performance and productivity. With Angular, developers can work on consistent coding patterns and build web applications that are powerful and scalable. This book will you get you up and running with Angular and teach how to build modern web applications. It starts with basics of Angular 2 and then brushes you up with the new features of Angular 4. You will learn the core concepts involved in building web applications with Angular such as Data Binding, Routing, Dependency Injection, and much more. The book teaches how to build components and use them to build web apps of your choice. It will help you to handle different kinds of forms and learn the concept of reactive programming. Finally the book teaches how to build visually appealing and responsive UIs. What you will learn. Develop a frontend web application using component-based architecture Use ES5, ES2015, and TypeScript to build Angular 4 UI applications Develop simple to complex user interfaces in Angular 4 Develop and handle forms in Angular 4 UI applications Test UIs built in Angular 4 Use material design components and animations in Angular 4. About the Author. Shravan Kumar Kasagoni is a developer, gadget freak, technology evangelist, mentor, blogger, and speaker living in Hyderabad. He has been passionate about computers and technology right from childhood. He holds a bachelors degree in computer science and engineering, and he is a Microsoft Certified Professional. His expertise includes modern web technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, and Node.js) and frameworks (Angular, React.js, Knockout.js, and so on). He has also worked on many Microsoft technologies, such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEB API, WCF, #, SSRS, and the Microsoft cloud platform Azure. He is a core member of Microsoft User Group Hyderabad, where he helps thousands of developers on modern web technologies and Microsoft technologies. Shravan has been awarded Microsoft’s prestigious Most Valuable Professional award for past 6 years in a row for his expertise and community contributions in modern web technologies using ASP.NET and open source technologies. He is currently working with Novartis India, where he is responsible for the design and development of high-performance modern enterprise web applications and RESTful APIs. Previously, he was associated with Thomson Reuters and Pramati Technologies.