NADER :: HADJI GHANBARI 4, Noore Dovvom, Ghods, Toghani, Shahraan, Tehran, Iran +989123599672 +982144311852 [email protected]

PERSONAL . INFORMATION ( ) • Birth date: 07/27/1982 • Marital status: Married (no children)

SKILLS [ ] • Java, JavaEE, JMS, JMX, Groovy • Continuous Integration, TeamCity • Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring • JavaScript, jQuery, ExtJS Integration, Spring Roo, Spring Data • GWT, GXT • Apache Maven, Ant, SBT • Software Testing, Selenium • Functional Programming, Scala, Haskell • TDD, Acceptance TDD, Cucumber • Artificial Intelligence • JasperReports, iText • MATLAB, Image Processing Toolbox • IntelliJ Idea, PyCharm, • Machine Learning, Weka • Linux, Debian • Python • Relational Databases, Oracle, PL/SQL • Complex Event Processing, Esper • NoSQL Databases, Mongo • Web Services, SOAP, REST, Jersey, Axis • Application Security, Web Security • Algorithms • Computer Networks • Hibernate, JPA • Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics • SVN, Git

WORK => EXPERIENCES Software Developer / Solutions Architect, 04/2013 to Current, Maxa Co, Tehran, Iran • Working as Solutions Architect, Scrum Master, and Software Developer. • Designing and implementing a Security Event Management system with tools and techniques such as Log Aggregation and Normalization, Complex Event Processing, Intrusion Detection Systems, Vulnerability Scanners, Anomaly Detection, and Message-based Integration. • Providing a web based UI with ExtJS 4 and REST web services with Spring web MVC, Spring Data, and Spring Data Rest.

Java Developer/Scrum Master, 03/2010 to 03/2013, Pardazaeshgaran Saman, Tehran, Iran • Designed and developed a solution providing integrated banking services to third party software components via oAuth 2 protocol in a scrum team of 6 developers. During this project I implemented an oAuth 2 Java client with Apache Http Client. We used also frameworks like Spring Remoting for exposing backend services via RMI, Spring Security and Spring Security oAuth for authentication, authorization and implementing the authorization server part of the oAuth 2 protocol, Spring Web MVC, GWT, and JasperReports for automatic Resume generation from user profiles. • Led a team of 7 developers as Head Developer and Scrum Master for Saman InternetBank project. We developed second major version of this software from scratch to avoid pitfalls and problems the actual system was suffering from, such as memory leaks, double submission, security vulnerabilities, etc. We used Test Driven Development and Integration Tests as a vital part of our development life cycle with great focus on developing a secure . Covering OWASP top 10 and peer- to-peer and automatic code review with tools like Sonar along with performance tests led us to a maintainable application with high quality.

Java Developer, 03/2008 to 02/2010, ITOrbit Co, Tehran, Iran • Designed and developed a Session Management software for scheduling meetings and reunions for academic environments. We used IText and JasperReports for generating PDF and multiple reports, JBPM for implementing business process, and JSF and JBoss Seam as application framework. • Developed Organization Chart Management software serving as a basis for another software components. We used GWT for constructing a user-friendly UI for editing the chart, LDAP for persisting the actual data, and ANTLR for designing a DSL exposed as an API to clients • Designed and developed an Audit Log server for centralized application logging with a web based UI.

Java Developer, 03/2005 to 02/2008, Dadehban Samaneh Co, Tehran, Iran • Participated in AXPrint (literally meaning Photo Printing) project which is the first online photo printing service in Iran.

Network Administrator, 03/2003 to 03/2005, Dadehban Samaneh, Co, Tehran, Iran

EDUCATION { Bachelor of Science, Software Engineering, 1998 to 2005 Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytehcnic), Tehran, Iran • Implementing a Chess Move Detector with MATLAB Image processing toolbox and morphology as part of my B.S. final project. • Rank 304 in B.S. entry exam (Top 0.01%), 1998 Master of Science, Information Technology, Multimedia Systems, 2005, Incomplete Amirkabir University of Technology ( Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran • Passing the following courses on M.S.: Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Speech Recognition, Text to Speech, Wireless LAN, Computer Animation, Advanced Computer Graphics. • I passed the courses but not defended my thesis, hence I didn't manage to receive the diploma, but my academic transcript is available. • Rank 28 in M.S. entry exam, 2005 }

CERTIFICATIONS [ Functional Programming with Scala, École Polytechnique de Lousanne online course in Coursera site, Certification with Distinction (97.5% score), 2012

Professional Scrum Developer training course, Certification of Participation, 2012 ]

HOBBIES ( ) ; • Chess: I love chess, as a game and also as a science. I studied over 50 chess books during last 10 years. I have a FIDE rating of 1898 and I try hard to improve my chess. I follow international chess events and am interested in developing chess engines. • Music: I play two musical instruments, namely Tar and Ney both of which are traditional Iranian musical instruments. I listen to many kinds of music and I adore classical music. • Languages: I love learning foreign languages. I speak English, French and a little German. I achieved overall score of 7.5 in IELTS test (2013 Nov, Reading: 8.5, Listening: 7.0, Speaking: 7.0, Writing: 6.5). I've been also learning French for about 4 years and I participated in TEFAQ exam (Comprehension orale: B2, Expression orale: B2). I'm currently studying German in an institute and Russian by myself. • Mathematics: I cannot live without Mathematics. I love each and every aspect and field of Math. From Differential Equations to Analytic Combinatorics, from Geometry to Probability theory. • Cinema: I watch many movies and I'm a great fan of European cinema (especially French, Belgian, German, Italian, and Spanish movies).

// SUMMARY As a student I have been working as a Network Administrator for 2 years during college days. As a Software Engineer I commenced to work as a Java Developer after graduation in 2005. I am in the field for 7 years and through these years I worked with many frameworks including Core Java, JavaEE, JMS, JMX, Spring (Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Roo, Spring Integration), Hibernate, JPA, GWT, JavaScript (ExtJS, jQuery), JasperReports, Selenium, Maven (Mojo API), AOP, and many other things. I love mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, probability theory, algorithms design and analysis, computer networks and security. I always tried to keep myself as up to date as possible, by studying new editions of reference books, participating in online courses and learning new technologies by doing sample projects. I am a fan of functional programming paradigm. I took Functional Programming with Scala course on Coursera site presented by prof. Martin Odersky from École Polytechnique de Lousanne and I managed to receive a certification with distinction. Currently I'm studying Reactive Programming course on Coursera site.