ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH OF THE HOLY FAMILY Diocese of , Reg. Charity no 213227 (cheques made payable to PRCDTR R.C Parish) Parish Priest: Fr Philip Dyson PRESBYTERY AND PARISH OFFICE: e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01736 362619 Assistant Priest Fr Harry Heijveld e-mail: [email protected] Deacon: Leo Pilley (Rtd): 01736 797659 website:

THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF OUR LADY THE SACRED HEART AND ST. IA Rosevean Road, , TR18 2DX Tregenna Hill, St. Ives, TR26 1SE. Safeguarding Representative: Safeguarding Representative:

ST. MARY, STAR OF THE SEA ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER Strand, , St Mary’s, . TR21 OPT Commercial Road, , TR27 4DE. Safeguarding Representative: Safeguarding Representative: Jenny Hollow 01736 754666


Large Print Newsletter & hymns: Chairs with arms: 01209 718997 Are all available on request if you need them


Visitors: you are welcome to join us for refreshments after Mass in Hayle, St Ives and after 9 am Mass in Penzance.


PENZANCE ST IVES Sun 23 February Sun 23 February Mass 9.00 am Peter Boyce RIP Mass 9.15 am Parish & People Mass 11.00 am Christoph Vogl RIP Wed 26 February Mon 24 February Mass 9.30 am Gwen Chiverall RIP Mass 10.00 am Emily Pascoe Exposition & Benediction after Mass until 11am

Tue 25 February St Walburga Reconciliation every first Saturday 10.00 - 10.30 Mass 10.00 am (Haven) Ben de Lord RIP Rosary next will be this Wednesday 26th at 2.10 pm

Thu 27 February HAYLE 1st Mass of Sunday on Saturdays at 6 pm Mass 10.00 am Tony O’Reilly RIP Sat 22 February Mass 6.00 pm A Thanksgiving Sat 1 March St David, Patron of Wales Mass 12 noon Dec’d of Crowe Family Fri 28 February Remember 12 noon Mass in Lent is at 11.30 am Mass 10.30 am Michael Wood RIP

Reconciliation (Confession) is celebrated every Saturday Reconciliation every first Saturday 5.00 – 5.30 pm from 11.15 – 11.50 am.

Rosary on weekdays before Mass. Watch and Pray: We have managed to fill the Tuesday ISLES OF SCILLY slots so that we can begin again from Shrove Tuesday, 4th Sun 23 February 10.30 am Liturgy & Holy Communion. March. There should always be at least two watchers each Bishop Christopher hopes to be with you for Lent. hour, and if for some reason you are not able to make the Always keep an eye on the notice board for Mass times. time, please let the office know, or arrange a substitute. Just putting your name down and then never turning up is Before Mass Talk to God During Mass Listen to God not good enough, and this has happened in the past. After Mass Talk to each other. Switch off your phone: Switch on your heart and mind: Bishop Mark will be visiting the clergy in the Deanery in March and will celebrate a Lenten Station Mass on The Sacramental Preparation Programmes continue: Thursday 13th March at 7 pm at Catholic Church, Journey of Faith (RCIA) on Tuesdays at 4 -5.30 pm Street, Truro. Everyone most welcome. Confirmation for young people over 14 yrs on Sundays 5- 6 pm, and First Reconciliation and Holy Communion Easter chicks, bunnies or clergy! Orders taken by meet as per their published schedule. All take place in the Christine, and donations of Cadbury’s Crème Eggs most Parish Hall, Penzance. welcome. Why not order a pope, or at least a new bishop!! These will be on sale from next Sunday. Music at 11am. The main setting of the Mass today is the Mass of the Celtic Saints, written for us by Mervyn Bingo next on 27th March. The Easter Egg one will be on Cousins. The motet is ‘If ye love me’, music by Thomas 10th April. Come along and enjoy a social time in the Tallis. As in previous years parts of Allegri’s Miserere will afternoons. They would welcome a caller –any offers to be sung at the 7 pm Mass on Ash Wednesday. Nora Jaggard or Christine OLD SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: 2014 Pilgrimages: Since my letter to you on the 8th December 2013 several of Lourdes with Plymouth Diocese led by Bishop Mark from you have kindly agreed to make an interest free loan 23-30 May, flying from Exeter, cost £740. Youth Pilgrimage towards this necessary work to provide housing in our local £433 by coach.Details from [email protected] area using the redundant parish property in Penzance. Walsingham 5-11 October. deposit £20 and you can pay We need to raise £ 130K via this method. The loans so weekly. Booking via Christine 362619. far total £35K, leaving us £95K shortfall to date. Now Christmas is over, as Lent draws near, can I ask Fatima National Pilgrimage, 10-17 July 2014 — £649 those of you who maybe in a position to help in this matter, Our very popular annual pilgrimage since 1991, price to read again my letter and consider helping this worthy includes return flights London Heathrow to Lisbon, half cause. Thank you in anticipation. Fr. P board in comfortable hotel close to shrine, taxes and 3 coach tours. Led by our Spiritual Director, Fr Gerard Kelly The Wednesday Friendship Group: next meeting is this from . For further details contact the National Wed’s at 2.30 pm – 4pm and see the posters “Heavenly Organiser, Mike Daley, on Tel: 01793 829381 or email him Light; a look at Stained Glass” talk and slides by Richard at: [email protected] Cann of Gloucester. Anyone is welcome to come along; Fundraising: we had a good evening fixing the years Shrove Tuesday Quiz night Gaudete’s usual lead in to programmes and a good exchange of ideas. A list of Lent, with pasties and pancakes from 7 pm. £5. Come and planned events was out last weekend. We need YOU to pit your wits with other brain boxes! take part as far as you are able. In addition, would any one Lent draws nearer. As in previous years a Lent Leaflet will like to organise coffee mornings or other fundraising be ready for next Sunday, 2nd March. events that you can arrange yourself? Let us know. Ash Wednesday is 5th March with Mass in St Ives 9.30 Employment: Plymouth Cast Area Advisor @ £55K. Hayle 7 pm and Penzance 10 am (with school) & 7 pm. This is to do with Academies for our schools. See posters. The Lent DVD course will be ‘Strength to Strength – the Catholic Children’s Society are looking for exceptional practical benefits of daily prayer,’ with David & Giovanna new directors; see notice on boards for details. Payne and Fr Emmanuel Mansford, one of the Friars of Renewal, that some of you met when he was here on his The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for February way to Scilly in the autumn. This will meet on Mondays at Universal: Elders: that the Church and society may 5 pm in St Ives either at the Pardoe’s or the Pilley’s. In Pz respect the wisdom and experience of older people. on Tuesdays 7.30 pm and Hayle Friday’s at 11 am. Remember Saturday 12noon Mass at 11.30 in Lent, and For Evangelisation: Collaboration: that priests, religious, an evening Mass at 6.30 pm on Fridays in Penzance and lay people may work together with generosity for evangelisation. Womens’ World Day of Prayer, Friday 7 March. St Ives are not meeting in churches this year, but praying at home! Jumble Required for a Jumble Sale for the Residents Hayle is in our own church of St Joseph at 2 pm and the Fund at St Mary’s Haven. Bring in to the Haven. guest speaker Rev’d Malcolm Uren. Penzance meet at St The Weather: many people comment ‘what is the Lord Mary’s C/E, Chapel Street 2.30 pm, guest speaker Captain saying to us?’ I think what he always says ‘Repent’. See Penny Sullivan of the Salvation Army. the opening of Chapter 13 of St Luke’s gospel, when Jesus 2014 Retreats: Individually guided retreats being comments they were no worse sinners than anyone else organised by the Diocesan Ignatian Spirituality group, all but unless you repent, you will perish as they did. Maybe organised for Southgate, Buckfast Abbey. See poster or an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to others again. the small leaflets for more information. Please hold in prayer our new bishop Mark O’Toole, Youth Retreat (age 16 -25) in 4-6 April. Our First Holy Communion Children Aidan, Cameron, Katie, Martas, Marcell, Meda, Oliver, Orlagh, Padric, Fowey retreat Saturday 1st March 10.00am - 4.00pm Roisin, Ted & Victoria. Our confirmation young people, Lent Preparation Day: Fr. Robbie Low. Cost: £15 includes Alfie, Edgaras, Joss, Lukas & Olivia. Our RCIA Francis, light lunch Tel: 01208 871517 for details and booking. Julia, & Toni. All our parishioners and young people, The

Or Let us draw upon the Spiritual experience of Don sick, housebound & those in Hospitals or Hospice: Marie Bosco, in order to walk in holiness according to our Jarvis, Ray & Christine Blaker, Lynda Cripps, Christine & specific vocation: a day led by Fr. Martin Poulsom in our Peter Bunt, Maureen Martin, Eilish, Gregory & Mary church in Falmouth from 11 – 3.30 pm. on Saturday 1st Adams, Mary Wade, Bill Dean, Andrew Hopkins, Gillian March. See poster. Hadwin, Bev Willis, Sally Pearson, Margaret Crocker, Bridie Lanxon, Kenneth McGregor, Miller Craven (aged 5) Churches Together in Penzance Area: News/Appeals Wies Wood, Jennifer Prin, Ethel Stayne, Mary Bench, More volunteers needed to help at the Foodbank on Leanne Thomas, Tom Dauncey Jnr, Joan Swift, Mairead Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Contact parish office. & Mike Loughran, Sheilagh Burlton, Tony Lidiard, Simone

More volunteers needed by Penzance Street (and Slater, Carmel Brophy, Jim Scott, Jake B, Florrie Coogan, Prayer) Pastors. Join the team from our parish. Lorraine Frankson, Joyce Rogers, Michelle Cliff, Neil Come as an observer for part of a shift to find out more. McFadden, Peter Omand, Pat French, Derek Hovell, Con contact & Betty Burke, Tony Bawden, Colin & Gazelle, Jan Meyer, Bridget Pearse, Helena Sullivan, Lisa Thomas & Jackie FOOD BANKS etc: Donations requested esp. of UHT Corsi. semi skimmed milk, Orange juice, sugar, Laundry For those who have died esp. and for those who mourn. products, tins of tomatoes, tins of carrots and sweet corn. Hayle too is very busy and bare!! Bring in now to any of our churches your old Palm Crosses for burning for Ash Wednesday. Thank you so much for your generosity.

NEW: Catholic internet Radio: see posters on boards.