Present: Mayor, Councillor A T Trousdell

Deputy Mayor, Councillor S Vaughan Councillor Mrs G Baty Councillor S Cox Councillor Mrs M Arnold Councillor G Cox Councillor Mrs A Burges Councillor Mr J Andrew Councillor G Baty Councillor R Watkins

In attendance: Ms C John - Town Clerk Ms S Hookins - Assistant Town Clerk

PC S Elson

The Assistant Town Clerk Ms S Hookins preceded the meeting with a prayer.

Item 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 94/19 Cllr H Wright

Cllr N Thomas Cllr Spencer-Downe

Cllr H Jarvie (VoG) - Personal Cllr A Parker (VoG) – Personal


Item 3 VALE OF MATTERS 96/19 None raised

Item 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 97/19 Ms K Thomas from the Chamber of Trade addressed the meeting. Concerns were raised about the future of the Reindeer Parade Item 5 due to lack of funding. Council were asked to look at ways in which they 98/19 could give greater support to the event both financially and by way of involvement.


Item 6 The Mayor confirmed that the request would be given full consideration 99/19 by Council and a response would be given to Ms Thomas within the specified period as contained the public question time protocol.

COMMUNITY POLICE MATTERS PC Elson provided members with a comprehensive incident report for the month of September.

PC Elson confirmed that there was an on-going investigation into the vandalism at Twt Park. The necessity of CCTV provision within the Town was mentioned.


Cllr S Vaughan raised the matter of speed awareness training for members of the public.

PC Elson advised that sadly there was less opportunity for this due to staffing cut-backs, however noted the request.

Item 7 THE FINANCIAL REPORT – SEPTEMBER 2019 100/19 The Assistant Town Clerk presented the report to members. Questions were raised about the process of reclaiming VAT.

It was agreed that once the Scribe Finance System was fully functional members should decide exactly the format and content of the information they would like to be presented to them on a monthly basis.

Council was informed that the income received was slightly less due to the need to catch up with invoicing, Ms S Hookins said that she hoped the matter would be resolved by the following month.

RESOLVED: That the monthly accounts for September 2019 are accepted.


RESOLVED To accept the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24TH September 2019 as a true and accurate record with the following amendments.

Page 2, Item 3 72/19 Cowbridge Cattle Market. It was noted that the remarks minuted as being attributed to Cllr J Andrew should in fact have said “ Cllr Andrew reported on the Council Meeting on 9 Sep 2019 and referred to the failed motion submitted by Councillors G.D.D. Carroll and A.R.T. Davies. Cllr Andrew also said that Cllrs Cox, Jarvie and 2

Parker said that residents primary concern was car parking space.”

Insert c) Town Hall Committee Page 5, Item 11, 80/19 c) Resolved:

Insert “Clerk to chase for update on Page 6, Item 12, 81/19 e) what is happening re school provision for Cowbridge”.

It was noted that there had Page 7, Item 13, 82/19 c) been a misunderstanding by the Clerk with regards the status of the nominations for the Evans Jenkins Charity and reconfirmed that Cllr G Baty, Cllr M Arnold and Mr J Harris should be nominated as Trustees for the Evan Jenkins Charity.

Insert “Staffing” Page 7, Item 14, 83/19 Insert “refer matter to Town Page 8, Item 17, 86/19 Hall Committee for further Gas Boiler Replacement Consideration.




RESOLVED: To accept the minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 3rd October as a true and accurate record



Item 12 AMENDMENTS TO STANDING ORDERS 105/19 The Town Clerk asked that the following additions be made to the Standing Orders


RESOLVED: The following amendments should be made to the Town Council Standing Orders:-

At 12 – Include “To be read in conjunction with the Town Council’s Complaints Policy”

At 25 (h) Insert When the Chair stands during a meeting all members of Council will be Seated and remain silent.

Item 13 REPORTS 106/19 Mayor The Mayor confirmed that he had attended a number of events to include this year’s very successful Music Festival. Council were advised that he had been approached by the Music Festival to write a letter of support that would help with grant funding applications.


The Clerk confirmed that the Economic Stimulus Funding for Christmas Lights had been confirmed , further information provided under Town Hall Committee Report.

Members were advised that unfortunately both Councillors nominated to represent the Town Council at the One Voice Conference were unable to attend last year the Clerk had represented Council.

RESOLVED: That when necessary the Town Clerk will represent the Town Council at the One Voice Wales Conference if no Councillor is able to attend.

Item14 TO CONSIDER REPORT FROM COMMITTEES: 107/19 a) Leisure and Amenities Committee

For accuracy under Item 6.- Sensory Play Equipment Twt Park Cllr H Wright and Cllr Spencer Downe declared a prejudicial interest in this item.

Delete : Cllr H Wright speaks to Mr Morgan. Insert: the Town Clerk speaks to Mr Morgan

Page 4, Vale of Glamorgan Inspection Report

Cllr Andrew raised concerns about the delay in the repair of the equipment at Twt Park and the aesthetic and health and safety implications attached to the delay.

The Clerk confirmed that the matter was being chased and she was waiting on response from Sovereign as suppliers of 4

the equipment and their responsibilities with regards guarantee.

It was agreed that the Clerk would look at displaying some appropriate signage to give members of the public an update on what was happening with the vandalised play equipment. Further agreed that the Clerk would investigate ways into making the equipment safe.

Cllr Cox asked that it be noted that he objected to the Tarmac Path surface in Southgate Park.

RESOLVED: To accept the report of the Leisure and Amenities Committee. b) Planning Committee

Councillor S Cox presented the report to members.

Page 1, Item 3, Matters Arising For accuracy – Cllr Andrew said that a reference to the Assistant Clerk writing to the Vale of Glamorgan Council regards the Former Girls High School with a request that it is listed as a County Treasure had been omitted .

Agreed that this would be noted and matter progressed.

RESOLVED: To accept the report of the Planning Committee. c) Town Hall Committee

Councillor J Andrew presented the report to members.

Town Clerk provided members with the following information:-

Christmas Lights Members were advised that confirmation had been received that the project funding applied for from the Vale of Glamorgan for Christmas Lighting had been accepted and the necessary form as presented should be completed if the project was to go ahead. .

Council was advised that 3 Christmas Light providers had been contacted however due to the very limited timescale involved only one contractor was able to provide the required information.

The Clerk confirmed that the contractor had agreed as part of the proposal to store and inspect the equipment on an annual basis.

Members were further advised that the Clerk had spoken to the Conservation Officer with regards Christmas Lighting going on the Town Hall and furthermore had got agreement from the Vale of Glamorgan for the 4 trees outside the Old Hall to be decorated.


The Clerk advised Council that there were some residual funds and it was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with the Chamber of Trade about items to purchase, that would be in the ownership of the Town Council but would be utilised by the Chamber of Trade to enhance the High Street over the Christmas period.

Council considered the proposals and the associated costs:

RESOLVED: That the necessary paperwork from the Vale of Glamorgan with regards economic stimulus funding for the Christmas Lights is completed and returned.

RESOLVED: That the proposals for the Christmas Lighting from Centregreat are accepted and the contractor advised accordingly.

Audio System

Members were advised that suitable equipment had been Sourced for the installation of audio equipment in the Council Chamber and the Clerk was now liaising with a local specialist contractor to obtain costs for supply and installation. Clerk to report back when information received.

RESOLVED: To accept the report of the Town Hall Committee.

d) Finance and Governance Committee

Cllr Trousdell presented the report to members

It was agreed that Cllr Geraint Baty and Cllr R Watkins would be appointed members of the Finance and Governance Committee.

RESOLVED: To accept the report of the Finance and Governance Committee.

Item15. To receive reports from nominated representatives of various 108/19 Bodies and/or Committees

a) Chamber of Trade – Cllr J Andrew

Cllr J Andrew referred to the report that he had provided to members prior to the meeting for information. Members were advised that the next meeting would be on 12 November 2019 at the Duke of Wellington. It was proposed and accepted that Cllr R Watkin would be the additional Town Council representative for the Chamber of Trade.


b) Liaison Committee

Cllr Andrew mentioned that there had been a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee on 8th October 2019 and unfortunately there had been not been a representative of the Town Council in attendance. Cllr Andrew said he felt that it was important that somebody went to the meeting and report back to Council.

RESOLVED: That Cllr Andrew is an additional representative on the Community Liaison Committee.

c) Events Committee of the Town Council Cllr H Wright mentioned the need to call a meeting of an Events Working Group to try and ensure best use is made of the Town Hall. Cllr Trousdell advised that he had attended the Peaky Blinders night organised by Cllr Wright and members of the local community and said that it had been a wonderful evening.

Item 16. CORRESPONDENCE 109/19 a) M Simpson , Operational Manager Highways, Vale of Glamorgan Council, - Route B4268, Llysworney

Cllr S Vaughan raised concerns about the where the heavy vehicle\ lorry traffic will travel given the problem that already exists on the High Street. Following discussion:-

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk writes to the

Vale of Glamorgan Council seeking

clarification on the route that the heavy vehicle/lorry traffic will be taking

b) Letter – Julie James, Minister of Housing and Local Government - Elections

RESOLVED: To note the item of correspondence.

c) Letter -Mr Thomas, Market in Cowbridge

Cllr Andrew advised that he had spoken with the letter writer at the recent community consultation meeting where he had expressed his concerns about the loss of the cattle market in Cowbridge.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk write to the

Vale of Glamorgan Council

querying the proposed

dates for ending the terms of the lease. 7

RESOLVED: That the Clerk advises Mr Thomas of Council’s decision on this matter.

d) Vale of Glamorgan Council, Cabinet Report Reshaping Services:

update on implementation

The Clerk informed Council that at a recent meeting she had attended at the Vale of Glamorgan Council, she had been asked to ensure that all members were aware of the report because of the importance of its content and the possible impact of Town and Community Councils.

RESOLVED: To note.

e) Letter, J Bader, Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales

RESOLVED: Councillors respond on an individual basis.

Welcome to Cowbridge Sign Item 17

110/19 The Clerk advised members that she had been contacted by a representative of the Taylor Wimpey group who had informed her that the Welcome to Cowbridge Sign had been refurbished and was ready for re-installation. The Clerk had been asked to seek Council’s opinion as to where the sign should be sited.

RESOLVED: That the sign should be placed back in the original site it was removed from, Clerk to advise accordingly.

Item 18 Public Participation Event – 12th October 2019 111/19 The Town Clerk advised that she had not had the opportunity to collate the information from the event but would do so in readiness for the next meeting.

Members who had attended on the day said that they felt the event was a worthwhile exercise.

Item 19 Publications received 112/19 None

Item 20 Remembrance Sunday Update _ Ms S Hookins 113/19 Councillors were reminded that the Town Clerk would on this occasion be absent from the Service and that Ms Hookins would be overseeing 8

the Remembrance Day Service. Ms Hookins advised Councillors that a Church Service takes place on the morning of Sunday 10th November at Llanblethian Church prior to the Town Council Remembrance Service. All members are invited to attend; however it was noted that anyone choosing to attend should remain for the whole of the service which then allows them 25 minutes to get to the Town Hall.

The meeting was advised that the Poppy Cascade was being fixed to the front of the Town Hall in conjunction with the sale of poppies.

Councillors were invited to attend a rehearsal session on Monday 4th November 2019 to assist in ensuring the procession\service on Remembrance Sunday runs smoothly.

Cllr S Cox reminded members of the cross in the road just past the Duke of Wellington pub that the procession should walk around.

Item 21 Documents for sealing 114/19 Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial for Cremation Plot F2 in the Limes Cemetery purchased by Mr A Davies and Mrs G M Sanders of 52 Westgate, Cowbridge & Rowan Corner 52a Westgate, Cowbridge.

Document Sealed.

Resolution under Standing Order “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and will instructed to withdraw”

Date and time of next meeting – Tuesday 19th November 2019 at 7.00pm