I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2016, 4, 49-59 Published Online April 2016 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/) DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2016.04.06 Modeling in Ontologies using Rough Set

Armand F. Donfack Kana Ahmadu Bello University/ Department of Mathematics, Zaria, Nigeria E-mail: [email protected]

Babatunde O. Akinkunmi University of Ibadan/ Department of , Ibadan, Nigeria E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract—Modeling the uncertain aspect of the world in partial knowledge of the domain is captured and ontologies is attracting a lot of interests to ontologies represented in a crisp manner. According to [1], in doing builders especially in the World Wide Web community. that, the obtained ontology is not uncertain in nature, but This paper defines a way of handling uncertainty in rather presents an a priori model of the world, which has ontologies without remodeling existing to be taken as true by its users. Such representations ontologies or altering the syntax of existing ontologies ignore one of the main characteristics of the real world modeling languages. We show that the source of which is vagueness. Vagueness, which could be caused vagueness in an ontology is from vague attributes and by information incompleteness, randomness, limitations vague roles. Therefore, to have a clear separation of measuring instruments, etc. are pervasive in many between crisp concepts and vague concepts, the set of complicated problems in , engineering, roles R is split into two distinct sets 푹풄 and environment, social science, medical science etc., that 푹풗 representing the set of crisp roles and the set of vague involve data which are not always crisp[2]. However, for roles respectively. Similarly, the set of attributes A was ontology to reflect the real world domain, its uncertain split into two distinct sets 푨풄 and 푨풗 representing the set aspects should be modelled as they are, and allow of crisp attributes and the set of vague attributes reasoning under uncertainty rather than interpreting its respectively. Concepts are therefore clearly classified as contents in a restrictive manner. As pointed out in [1], crisp concepts or vague concepts depending on whether such interpretation in a restrictive manner leads to storing vague attributes or vague roles are used in its of erroneous pieces of information. For example, the conceptualization or not. The concept of rough set answer to the question “Is Aristotle the greatest introduced by Pawlak is used to measure the degree of philosopher the world has ever had?” should depend on satisfiability of vague concepts as well as vague roles. In perceptions rather than being an absolute true or false this approach, the cost of reengineering existing decision. The lack of traditional ontologies formalisms ontologies in order to cope with reasoning over the including DL to support the representation of uncertain aspects of the world is minimal. and imprecision limits them in handling incomplete, partial knowledge or vagueness about an Index Terms—Ontologies, Uncertainty, Rough set, application domain. Approximation. Modelling uncertainty in ontologies has become a concern to ontologies builders, especially in the WWW community. The need of modelling and reasoning with uncertainty has been found in many different Semantic I. INTRODUCTION Web contexts such as matchmaking in Web services, Ontologies are explicit representations of classification of genes in , multimedia conceptualizations and are widely used in modelling real annotation and ontology learning [3]. In their effort to world domains by defining their shared vocabularies such handle uncertainty in the web, the W3C founded the that they can be understood without by both Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web humans and machines. Classical ontologies contain only Incubator Group. In their final report, they presented concepts and relations that describe asserted facts about requirements for better defining the challenge of the real world and therefore, lack consistent support for reasoning with and representing the uncertain information uncertainty and imprecision. As a result of that, they available through the WWW and related WWW cannot handle incomplete or partial knowledge about an technologies[4]. This paper presents an approach of application domain. This is because most languages used representing and interpreting uncertainty in DL in modelling ontologies nowadays are derived from ontologies based on Pawlak rough set[5]. Rough set is a Description logics(DL) which are crisp logic. In mathematical tool for processing information with modelling the real world using DL, all the knowledge or uncertainty and vagueness and is also a useful soft

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computing tool in intelligence computing[6]. Rough set assertion which asserts that Peter is the parent of has been proposed for a variety of computational Amina. applications, especially , knowledge  TBox axioms describe relationships between discovery, , expert systems, approximate concepts. For example, the general concept inclusion reasoning, and pattern recognition [7][8][9][10] [11] [12]. such as Mother ⊑ Parent which defines Mother as More specifically, this paper shows that by classifying the subsumed by the concept Parent. Fig.1 defined in set of attributes of an ontology into the set of crisp Baader & Werner [15] shows a sample Tbox attributes and the set of vague attributes, and also describing the family relationship. classifies the set of relations of the same ontology into the set of crisp and vague relations, one can easily detect the Woman ≡ Person ⊓Female uncertain aspect of the ontology and approximate them Man ≡ Person⊓¬Woman using rough set. The rest of this paper is organized as Mother ≡ Woman ⊓hasChild.Person follow: in the next section, the basic notions of Father ≡ Man ⊓hasChild.Person Grandmother ≡ Mother ⊓hasChild.Parent description logics as ontologies language and rough set MotherWithManyChildren≡ Mother ⊓≥ 3 are reviewed. Section 3 presents our approach for hasChild.Person representing uncertainty in ontologies. In section 4, the MotherWithoutDaughter≡ Mother ⊓ hasChild. ¬ instantiation of vague concepts and vague relations is Woman defined. section 5 discusses some issues related to the Fig.1.TBox with Concepts about Family Relationships representation of uncertainty in an expressive description logic. Section 6 presents some related work and finally,  RBox axioms refer to properties of roles. It captures section 7 concludes the paper interdependencies between the roles of the considered knowledge base. For example the role inclusion motherOf ⊑ parentOf. II. PRELIMINARIES In this section, we present the basic notion of An ontology is said to be satisfiable if an interpretation description logics and establish the connection between exists that satisfies all its axioms. When an ontology is DL and the web ontology language (OWL) as DL not satisfied in any interpretation, it is said to be constitutes the formal logic of OWL DL. We also present unsatisfiable or inconsistent. I I I an overview of rough set as defined by Pawlak An interpretation I = (∆ , . ) consists of a set ∆ called the domain of I, and an interpretation function.I that maps A. Description Logics each atomic concept A to a set A I ⊆ ∆I , every role R to a Description logics are a family of knowledge binary relation RI, subset of  I ×  I and each individual representation formalisms which can be used to represent name a to an element aI∆I. the terminological knowledge of an application domain in There exist several DL and they are classified based on a structured and formally well-understood way. Well the types of constructors and axioms that they allow, understood means that there is no ambiguity in which are often a subset of the constructors in SROIQ. interpreting the meaning of terminologies by both The description logic ALC is the fragment of SROIQ that humans and machines. They are characterized by the use allows no RBox axioms and only ⊓, ⊔, ¬, ∃ and ∀ as its of various constructors to build complex concepts from concept constructors. The extension of ALC to include simpler ones, an emphasis on the decidability of key transitively closed primitive roles is traditionally denoted reasoning tasks and by the provision of sound, complete by the letter S. This basic DL is extended in several ways. and (empirically) tractable reasoning services[13]. Some other letters used in DL names hint at a particular Inference capability of DL makes it possible to use constructor, such as inverse roles I, nominals O (i.e., logical deduction to infer additional information from the concepts having exactly one instance), qualified number facts stated explicitly in an ontology[14]. restrictions Q, and role hierarchies H. For example, the DL are made up of the following components: DL named SHIQ is obtained from S by allowing Instances of objects that denote singular entities in our additionally the role hierarchies, inverse roles and domain of interest, Concepts which are collections or qualified number restrictions. The letter R most kinds of things, Attributes which describe the aspects, commonly refers to the presence of role inclusions, local properties, features, characteristics, or parameters that reflexivity Self, and the universal role U, as well as the objects can have and Relations which describe the ways additional role characteristics of transitivity, symmetry, in which concepts and individuals can be related to one asymmetry, role disjointness, reflexivity, and another. It is customary to separate them into three irreflexivity[14]. groups: Assertional (ABox) axioms, Terminological Although DL have a range of applications, OWL is one (TBox) axioms and Relational (RBox) axioms. of its main applications. OWL is based on Description Logics but also features additional types of extra-logical  ABox axioms capture knowledge about named information such as ontology versioning information and individuals. For example, Father(peter) is a concepts annotations. Rudolph16. The main building blocks of assertion which asserts that peter is an instance of the OWL are indeed very similar to those of DL, with the concept Father. hasChild(Peter, Amina) is a role main difference that concepts are called classes and roles

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are called properties[14]. Large parts of OWL DL can A Set is rough (imprecise) if it has nonempty boundary indeed be considered as a syntactic variant of SROIQ. In region; otherwise the set is crisp (precise). Fig. 2 defined many cases, it is indeed enough to translate an operator in Pawlak[17] shows the structure of a rough set. symbol of SROIQ into the corresponding operator name in OWL. III. MODELING UNCERTAINTY IN ONTOLOGIES B. Rough Set In this section, we provide a formal definition of Pawlak [5] defined rough set in the following way: ontology and then present our approach of modelling Suppose we are given a set of objects U called the uncertainty in ontologies which is able to handle both universe and an indiscernibility relation 푅 ⊆ 푈  푈 crisp and the vague aspect of the world domain. In this representing our lack of knowledge about elements of U. technique, there is a clear separation between the Assume that R is an equivalence relation. Let X be a modelling language and the representation of uncertainty subset of U. We want to characterize the set X with itself. Such separation is useful in generalising the respect to R. representation of uncertainty in ontologies regardless of

the modelling language. It is also useful in reengineering  R-lower approximation of X is defined by existing ontologies in order to enable them to cope with

uncertainty with minimal change. More importantly, R*  x  R x : R x X (1) without modifying the core knowledge base of ontologies. xU Definition 1: An ontology system is a 6-tuple O = (D, C, In other words, The lower approximation of a set X R, A, I, ∑) where 퐷 ≅ ⋃ 푐𝑖 ,푐𝑖 ∈ 퐶 is the domain of with respect to R is the set of all objects, which can discourse of the ontology, 퐶 = {푐1,푐2, … , 푐푚} is a non- be for certain classified as X with respect to R (are empty finite set of concepts of domain D, certainly X with respect to R).  R-upper approximation of X is defined by 푅 = {푟1,푟2,, 푟3,. . . , 푟푛} is a finite set of relations,

퐴 = {푎1,푎2,, 푎3, … , 푎푘} is a finite set of attributes, * R x  R x : R x  X   (2) 퐼 = {푖1,푖2,, 푖3,. . . , 푖푝} is a finite set of instances and ∑ is xU the chosen ontology language.

In other words, The upper approximation of a set X Real world is made up of crisp elements and imprecise with respect to R is the set of all objects which can elements. Imprecise here represents our lack of having a be possibly classified as X with respect to R (are full knowledge of objects. It is intended to cover a variety possibly X in view of R). of forms of incomplete knowledge, including  R-boundary region of X is defined by incompleteness, vagueness, ambiguity, and others. Elements in this context refer to either attributes, which RN X  R*  X R X  (3) describes the properties of objects or relations that link R * individuals. Both attributes and relations can either be vague or crisp. During the conceptualization, the In other words, the boundary region of a set X with definition of concepts is performed by using attributes, respect to R is the set of all objects, which can be roles and already defined concepts. Since roles and classified neither as X nor as not-X with respect to attributes are either crisp or imprecise, the obtained R. concepts will also be crisp or imprecise depending on the types of attributes and relations used in their conceptualization. To express the degree of knowledge of the domain, we introduce the concept of Properties Box (PBox) as part of the ontologies knowledge base and also extend the RBox to contain more information about roles instead of performing only role declaration. PBox and the extended RBox express necessary knowledge about the properties and relationships between individuals of the domain of discourse respectively. To achieve that, the PBox classifies the attributes into the crisps attributes and vague attributes such that, the set of attributes 퐴 = 퐴푐 ∪ 퐴푣 where 퐴푐 and 퐴푣 represent the set of crisp and the set of vague attributes respectively. An attribute 푎𝑖 ∈ 퐴푐 ⟹ 푎𝑖 is a crisp attribute and 푎𝑖 ∈ 퐴푣 ⟹ 푎𝑖 is a vague Fig.2. Rough Set Structure attribute. Similarly, the role classification of the RBox classifies the relations into the crisps relations and vague

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relations such that, the set of roles 푅 = 푅푐 ∪ 푅푣 where IV. INTERPRETING AN ONTOLOGY OF UNCERTAINTY 푅 and 푅 represent the set of crisp and the set of vague 푐 푣 Given an ontology, an interpretation function.I maps relations respectively. A relation 푟 ∈ 푅 ⟹ 푟 is a 𝑖 푐 𝑖 the concept A∈ C to a set AI ⊆ ∆I. In classical ontologies crisp relation and 푟 ∈ 푅 ⟹ 푟 is a vague relation. 𝑖 푣 𝑖 interpretation, the result of such mapping returns the set Fig.3 presents our modelling architecture of individual satisfying the concept A. The concept is An ontology is said to be of a crisp domain if 푅 = 푣 said to be satisfiable if there exists an interpretation for ∅ and 퐴푣 = ∅, otherwise, it is an ontology of a vague which the result does not return an empty set. That is AI domain. Similarly, a concept is crisp if all roles and ≠ ∅ .otherwise, the concept is not satisfiable. This attributes used in its definitions are crisps. Vague interpretation assumes all concepts to be crisp. elements are therefore interpreted using approximate Consequently, if concept A is not satisfiable, then ¬A is techniques while taking into consideration the degree of I I I available knowledge about the elements. It is worth satisfiable. Since ¬A =∆ - A . noting that, crisp elements can still be interpreted in any A. Vague Concept Approximation classical way. In this section, we consider the problem of Example 1: Assume a DL representation of the following approximating vague concepts over the set of individuals. statement “A happy father has a child and all beings he Because of the vagueness in their conceptualization, such cares for are healthy” as follow: concepts are perceived only through some subsets of I. We use the rough membership to approximate them. As Happy Father ⊑ Man ⊓ hasChild.Person ⊓ careFor. shown in [18], a concept can be represented as attributed Healthy valued. We therefore construct a decision table based on concepts’ attributes to approximate their rough The definition of the concept HappyFather contains a membership. Like any information system, an ontology crisp role hasChild and a crisp concept Man. However, can be represented in a tabular form as shown in table 1. the role careFor and the attribute Healthy are vague since Table columns are labelled with concepts, table rows one cannot quantify them with a true or false membership labelled with instances of interest and entries of the table especially when it comes to the boundary region. They are concepts values. The function 푓: 퐼 × 퐶 → 푉 is such that 푓(푖, 푐) ∈ 푉푐 , for every (푖, 푐) ∈ 퐼 × 퐶 represents the can be classified as follow: 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦 ∈ 퐴푣, hasChild ∈ 푅푐, information knowledge of i with respect to c. Where and 푐푎푟푒퐹표푟 ∈ 푅푣 . This makes the concept HappyFather vague. 푉푐 represents the set of values an instance i may have with respect to c.

Table 1. Tabular Representation of Ontology Knowledge

C c1 c2 c3 … cn I i1 f(i1, c1) f(i1, c2) f(i1, c3) … f(i1,cn) i2 f(i2, c1) f(i2, c2) f(i2, c3) … f(i2,cn) i3 f(i3, c1) f(i3, c2) f(i3, c3) … f(i3,cn)

… … … … … …

ik f(ik, c1) f(ik, c2) f(ik, c3) … f(ik,cn)

Table 2. Tabular Representation of a Concept Knowledge Based on Its Attributes

B b1 b2 b3 … bn I i1 f(i1, b1) f(i1, b2) f(i1, b3) … f(i1,bn) i2 f(i2, b1) f(i2, b2) f(i2, b3) … f(i2,bn) i3 f(i3, b1) f(i3, b2) f(i3, b3) … f(i3,bn)


… … … … …

ik f(ik, b1) f(ik, b2) f(ik, b3) … f(ik, bn)

Furthermore, since it was proved in [18] that a concept can be defined by using attributes and relations with no regards to previously defined concepts, we can therefore define an attributed table for a specific vague concept say c, based on the set of attribute used in it definition as shown in table 2. Let B be a subset of the set of attributes Fig.3. Ontologies of Uncertainty Modelling A such that, the elements of B are the attributes used in

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the expanded definition of c. let 푓: 퐼 × 퐴 → 푉 be a instances of cI nor as instances of ¬cI by employing function defined such that 푓(푖, 푎) ∈ 푉푎, for every (푖, 푎) ∈ available knowledge. 퐼 × 퐴 represents the information knowledge of i with respect to a. The accuracy of approximation of X with respect to c From table 2, we can now determine the rough is defined as approximation of a concept. The starting point of rough |푐 (푋)| approximation is the indiscernibility relation, which is 훼 (푋) = ∗ (6) generated by information about objects of interest. 푐 |푐∗(푋)| Elements that exhibit the same information are indiscernible (similar) and form blocks that can be where |X| denotes the cardinality of X. whenever the understood as elementary granules of knowledge about accuracy of approximation 훼푐(푋) = 1, then, the concept the universe. The indiscernibility relation expresses the is crisp. fact that due to the lack of knowledge we are unable to discern some objects employing the available information. Example 2: Assuming the following concept definition: Therefore, we are unable to deal with a single object. Nevertheless, we have to consider clusters of HealthyPerson ⊑ Person ⊓ MentallyStable ⊓ indiscernible objects. EmotionallyStable ⊓ MedicallySound Given an ontology O, two individuals x, y ∈ I are said Where Person in this context is assumed to be the most to be ci-indiscernible (indiscernible by the concept ci∈ C) 퐼 general concept and MentallyStable, EmotionallyStable, if and only if x, y ∈ 푐𝑖 . Since each concept can be uniquely defined from union or intersection of the most MedicallySound are vague properties general concept, the set of attributes, the set of relations Let the set of individuals I={A,B,C,D,E,F,G, H,I,J, and constructors, we can define the concepts of K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y} and the set of indiscernible objects as follow: attributes A={MentallyStable, EmotionallyStable, MedicallySound } Definition 2: Let O = (D, C, R, A, I, ∑ ) be an ontology Let Vx denotes the set of attribute values for attribute and let c ∈ C be any concept of O and let B be the subset x,defined as follow: of A ∪ ⊤ such that the elements of B are the attributes of the expanded definition of c. Two individuals x, y ∈ I are VMentallyStable={High, Low, Mile} said to be c-indiscernible (indiscernible by the concept c) VEmotionallyStable={High, Low, Mile} V ={High, Low, Mile} if and only if f(x, a)=f(y, a) for every a∈B. where f(x, a) MedicallySound V ={High, Low} denotes the value of the interpretation of x with respect to HealthyPerson a. Obviously, every concept c ∈ C induces a unique Table 3. Decision Table of HealthyPerson indiscernibility relation denoted by IND(c), which is an equivalence relation. The partition of I induced by IND(c) Properties in ontology O is denoted by I/c and the equivalence class Individu HealthyP als Mentally Emotionall MedicallyS erson in the partition containing 푖 ∈ 퐼, denoted by [푖]푐. Since Stable yStable ound the vague concept c cannot be characterised by using A Low Low Low Low available knowledge, two crisps set are associated to c B Low Low Low Low called its lower and upper approximation. C Low Mild Low Low D Low Mild Low Low E Low Mild Low Low - The c-lower approximation of X, denoted by 푐∗(푋) where X is a given subset of I is defined as F Low Low Low Low G Mild Mild Low Low H Mild High Mild High 푐∗(푋) = {푖 ∈ 퐼 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 [푖]푐 ⊆ 푋}. (4) I Mild High Mild Low J Low High Mild Low In other words, the c-lower approximation of K High Low Low Low concept c is the set of all individuals 푖 ∈ 퐼, which L High Mild Low Low I M Mild Mild Mild High can be for certain classified as instances of c N Mild High High High ∗ - The c-upper approximation of X, denoted by 푐 (푋) O Low High High Low where X is a given subset of I is defined as P Mild Low Low Low Q High Low Low Low 푐∗(푋) = {푖 ∈ 퐼 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 [푖] ∩ 푋 ≠ ∅}. (5) R High Low Mild Low 푐 S High Low High High T Low Low High Low In other words, the c-upper approximation of U Mild Low Low Low concept c is the set of all individuals 푖 ∈ 퐼, which V Mild Low Low Low can be possibly classified as instances of cI W Mild Low Mild Low - The c-boundary region of X is the set of all X Mild Low Mild Low Y Low Low Mild Low individuals 푖 ∈ 퐼, which can be classified neither as

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Assuming that, based on available knowledge which Because the lower approximation is not empty, one can does not provide enough information to classify boundary conclude that, 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 is absolutely satisfiable. regions individuals, the decision table of Table3 is The accuracy of approximation of f with respect to the constructed concept HealthyPerson is Since the concept Person is crisp and at the same time is the most general concept, all individuals 푖 ∈ 퐼 must be 3 훼퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛(푓) = =0.6 (7) instances of Person. Therefore, in the approximation of 5

HealthyPerson over I, there is no need of bothering about the satisfiability of person. B. Instantiating Uncertain Individuals Let f(HealthyPerson: High)={H, M, N, S} be the Uncertain individuals are approximated as absolute or approximation of “HealthyPerson” when it rough instance of a concept. The classification depends corresponding attribute value is “ High” over the set of on whether the individual belongs to the lower individuals, which should be denoted in the remaining of approximation or boundary region respectively. By this example as f for short. introducing the notion of absolute and rough instances, The set of equivalent classes can be defined based on one clearly shows the degree of satisfiability of vague the possible properties’ values as follow: concepts or properties. Given a concept 푐 ∈ 퐶 and an

individual 푖 ∈ 퐼 , the degree of membership of i with [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: Low; 푐 MedicallySound: Low] = {A, B, F} respect to a rough interpretation of c denoted by 휇푋(푖) is [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: Mild; a value in the range[0,1] defined as MedicallySound: Low] = {C, D, E} |푋∩푐∗(𝑖)| 휇푐 (푖) = (8) [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: Mild; 푋 |푐∗(𝑖)| MedicallySound: Low] = {G} [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: High; Where X is a given subset of I, 푐∗(푖)the partition of X MedicallySound: Mild] = {H, I} containing i and |X| denotes the cardinality of X. [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: High; For example, by using the partition of equivalent MedicallySound: Mild] = {J} classes I/HealthyPerson obtained in example 2, we can [MentallyStable: High; EmotionallyStable: Low; compute the degree of certainty of individuals f MedicallySound: Low] = {K, Q} ={H ,M,N,S} classified as instances of HealthyPerson as [MentallyStable: High; EmotionallyStable: Mild; follow: MedicallySound: Low] = {L} [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: Mild; |{H ,M,N,S}∩{H,I}| 1 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛(퐻) = = (9) MedicallySound: Mild] = {M} {H ,M,N,S} |{H,I}| 2 [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: High; MedicallySound: High] = {O} 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 |{H ,M,N,S}∩{M}| 휇{H ,M,N,S} (푀) = = 1 (10) [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: High; |{M}| MedicallySound: High] = {N} |{H ,M,N,S}∩{N}| 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛(푁) = = 1 (11) [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: Low; {H ,M,N,S} |{N}| MedicallySound: Low] = {U, P, V} [MentallyStable: High; EmotionallyStable: Low; |{H ,M,N,S}∩{S}| 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛(푆) = = 1 (12) MedicallySound: Mild] = {R} {H ,M,N,S} |{S}| [MentallyStable: High; EmotionallyStable: Low; MedicallySound: High] = {S} Consequently, H is a rough instance of HealthyPerson [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: Low; while M, N and S are absolute instances of HealthyPerson. MedicallySound: High] = {T} C. Vague Relations Interpretation [MentallyStable: Mild; EmotionallyStable: Low; MedicallySound: Mild] = {W, X} In this section, we consider the problem of [MentallyStable: Low; EmotionallyStable: Low; approximating vague relations between sets of MedicallySound: Mild] = {Y} individuals. The conception of rough relations as defined by Pawlak19 cannot be applied directly in the case of Consequently, the set of partitions of I with respect to ontologies because relations in rough set are assumed to HealthyPerson is defined as follow: be equivalence relations which is not always the case in ontologies. It is known that for a relation R to be an I/HealthyPerson ={{A, B, F}, {C,D,E}, {G}, {H,I}, equivalence relation, it must be reflexive, symmetric and {J}, {K,Q}, {L}, {M}, {O}, {N}, {U,P,V}, {R}, {S}, transitive. For example, assuming a relation motherOf {T}, {W,X}, {Y}} (x,y) which specifies that, x is a mother of y. It is obvious Finally, that reflexivity e.g. MotherOf(peter, Peter), symmetric HealthyPerson ∗(푓)={{M}{N}{S}} e.g. MotherOf(Mary, Peter) → MotherOf(Peter, Mary) HealthyPerson ∗(푓)={{H,I},{M},{N},{S}} and transitivity e.g. MotherOf(Amina, Mary) and

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MotherOf(Mary, Peter)→ MotherOf(Amina, Peter) will Therefore, not hold in this context. Because of this limitation, we extend the general 푟∗(푋) = {{(A, B), (A, D)}, {(C, D), (C, E)}, {(E, D), (E, F)}} binary relation based rough set [6][20][21] to derive an 푟∗(푋) = {{(A, B), (A, D)}, {(E, D), (E, F)}} approximation of ontological rough relations. The general binary relation based rough set is defined based on The accuracy of approximation of X with respect to r is general binary relation. 4 훼푟(푋) = =0.67 (16) Definition 3: Let U be the universe and let R⊆U×U be a 6 general binary relation on the universe. For any x ∈ U, denote 푅푠(푥) = { (x, 푦) ∈ 푈 × 푈|푥푅푦} then 푅푠(푥) D. Vague Relation Membership consists of pairs (x,y) such that y is called the successor A pair (x, y) can be approximated as absolute or rough neighbourhood of x with respect to R . For any y ∈ U, member of a relation r depending on whether the (x, y) denote 푅푝(푦) = { (x, 푦) ∈ 푈 × 푈|푥푅푦} then 푅푝(푦) belongs to the lower approximation or boundary region of consists of pairs (x,y) such that x is called the predecessor r respectively. The degree of membership of (x, y) with neighbourhood of y with respect to R. 푟푠 respect to r denoted by 휇푋 (푥, 푦) is defined as In other words, given x ∈ U, the successor neighbourhood 푅푠(푥) is consisted of all pairs (x, y) which 푟푠(푥) |푋∩푟푠(푥)| 휇푋 (푥, 푦) = (17) satisfy x R y and, given y ∈ U the predecessor |푟푠(푥)| neighbourhood 푅 (푦)is the set of all pairs (x, y) which 푦 Where X is a given subset of I, |X| denotes the satisfy xRy. They can both be treated as classes induced cardinality of X and 푟 (푥) the partition defined by the r- by the general binary relation R. We can now define an 푠 successors of x. approximation of rough ontological relations based on From Example 3, the following membership value can rough . be defined

Definition 4: Let O be an ontology and let P and Q be |{(A,B),(A,D),(C,D),(E,D),(E,F)}∩{(A,B),(A,D)}| 휇푟푠(퐴)(퐴, 퐵) = = 1 two approximations over I, and let r∈ R be any vague 푋 |{(A,B),(A,D)}| relation of R. For any X ⊆I×I, The X-lower (18) approximation and the X-upper approximation of r with |{(A,B),(A,D),(C,D),(E,D),(E,F)}∩{(C,D),(C,E)}| 1 respect to 푃 × 푄 are defined respectively as follows. 휇푟푠(퐶)(퐶, 퐷) = = 푋 |{(C,D),(C,E)}| 2 (19) 푋∗(푟) = {(푥, 푦) ∈ 푃 × 푄 |푟푠(푥) ⊆ X} (13)

∗ X (푟) = {(푥, 푦) ∈ 푃 × 푄 |푟푠(푥) ∩ X ≠ ∅} (14) E. Vague Relations and Vague Concepts

The approximation of vague relation r as defined in The accuracy of approximation of X with respect to r is section 4.3. assumes the approximations P and Q over I defined as to be crisp approximations. If P and Q are approximation

|푋 (푟)| of vague concepts, we should have obtained P-upper 훼 (푋) = ∗ (15) 푟 |X∗(푟)| approximation and P-lower approximation for P and Q- upper approximation and Q-lower approximation for Q. Example 3: Given I={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N, In that case, for every pair (푥, 푦) ∈ 푃 × 푄, four scenarios O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y}, assume two arbitrary are possible: approximations P={A,B,C,E} and Q={B,C,D,E,F} over I. let X={(A,B),(A,D),(C,D),(E,D),(E,F)} and let Case1: 푥 ∈ 퐵푁(푃) and y ∈ 퐵푁(푄) ⊆P×Q={(A,B),(A,D),(B,C),(B,E),(C,D),(C,E),(E,D),(EF)} Case2: 푥 ∈ 퐵푁(푃) and y ∈ 푄∗ then, the partition defined by the successors Case3: 푥 ∈ 푃∗ and y ∈ 퐵푁(푄) neighbourhood with respect to r are the following: Case4: 푥 ∈ 푃∗ and y ∈ 푄∗

푟푠(퐴)={(A,B),(A,D)} In the first three cases, one cannot talk of lower 푟푠(퐵)={(B,C),(B,E)} approximation of r since for each of them, either 푥 ∈ 푟푠(퐶)={(C,D),(C,E)} 퐵푁(푃) or 푦 ∈ 퐵푁(푄). That is the instantiation of at least 푟푠(퐸)={(E,D),(E,F)} one of the individuals of the pair (푥, 푦) is not certain. Because of that, it is not possible to establish a certain Consequently, the set of partitions of r with respect to relation, that is 푟∗, between x and y when the instantiation 푟푠 is defined as follows: of individuals x and y with respect to P and Q respectively is not certain. r/푟푠={{(A,B),(A,D)},{(B,C),(B,E)},{(C,D),(C,E)},{(E,D) In case 4, since 푥 ∈ 푃∗ and y ∈ 푄∗, we are certain of ,(E,F)}} the instantiation of individuals x and y with respect to P and Q respectively. Therefore, a lower approximation of

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r can be defined. The lower and the upper approximation Therefore, of r can now be reformulated as follow: g∗(퐶푎푟푒퐹표푟) Definition 5: Let O be an ontology and let P and Q be = {{(H, A), (H, B)}, {(I, D), (I, E)}, {(M, E)}} two approximations over I, and let r∈ R be any vague g∗(퐶푎푟푒퐹표푟) = {{(M, E)}} relation of R. For any X ⊆I×I, The X-lower approximation and the X-upper approximation of r are The degree of membership, defined respectively as follows: 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 g푠(퐻) 휇𝑔((H, A)) = 휇{H ,M,N,S} (퐻) × 휇𝑔 ((H, B)) × 푋 (푟) = {(푥, 푦) ∈ 퐴 (푃) × 퐵 (푄) |푟 (푥) ⊆ X} (20) ∗ ∗ ∗ 푠 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦(퐴) (23) {B,D,E,F} ∗ ∗ ∗ X (푟) = {(푥, 푦) ∈ A (푃) × B (푄) |푟푠(푥) ∩ X ≠ ∅} (21) where Where 퐴 (푃) and 퐴∗(푃) denote the A-lower and A- ∗ |{H ,M,N,S}∩{H,I}| 1 upper approximation of P for some A⊆I such that dom(X) 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛(퐻) = = (24) {H ,M,N,S} |{H,I}| 2 ∗ ⊆A. 퐵∗(푄) and 퐵 (푄) denote the B-lower and B-upper approximation of Q for some B⊆I such that Ran(X) ⊆B. |{H ,M,N,S}∩{A,F}| 1 휇퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦(퐴) = = (25) The rough membership of a pair (x, y) now should take {B,D,E,F} |{A,F}| 2 into consideration the degree that x belongs to P given A, that is 휇푃(푥), the degree that y belongs to Q given B, that g푠(퐻) |{(H,A),(I,D),(I,E),(M,E)}∩{(H,A),(H,B)}| 1 퐴 휇𝑔 ((H, A)) = = 푄 |{(H,A),(H,B)}| 2 is 휇퐵 (푦)and the degree that (x, y) belongs to X given r (26) 푟푠 denoted by 휇푋 (푥, 푦). Thus, the degree of membership of (x, y) denoted by 휇푋(푥, 푦) is defined as thus,

푃 푟푠(푥) 푄 1 1 1 1 휇푋(푥, 푦) = 휇퐴(푥) × 휇푋 (푥, 푦) × 휇퐵 (푦) (22) 휇 ((H, A)) = × × = (27) 𝑔 2 2 2 8

Example 4: Assuming the following definition: Finally, the approximation of HappyPerson, that is HappyPerson⊑ HealthyPerson ⊓ CareFor.Healthy and f(HappyPerson)=dom(g(careFor)) the set of individuals I={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N, O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y} where HealthyPerson is a vague 퐻푎푝푝푦푃푒푟푠표푛∗(푓(퐻푎푝푝푦푃푒푟푠표푛)) = {M} concept approximated as shown in example 2. That is, ∗ ∗ 퐻푎푝푝푦푃푒푟푠표푛 (푓(퐻푎푝푝푦푃푒푟푠표푛)) = {H, I, M} 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 (푓) ={{H, I},{M}, {N}, {S}} and 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 (푓) ={{M},{N},{S}} where 1 ∗ The degree of membership 휇 (퐻) = . The f(HealthyPerson: High)={ H,M,N,S}. 퐻푎푝푝푦푃푒푟푠표푛 8 Suppose in the similar way, the vague concept Healthy degree of membership of other individuals can be computed similarly. is approximated to 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦∗(ℎ)= {{B}, {D, E}} and 퐻푒푎푙푡푦∗(ℎ)= {{B}, {D, E}, {A, F}} where h(Healty) ={B, D, E, F} The approximation of the concept HappyPerson is V. DISCUSSION resumed to the approximation of the relation CareFor The key features of DL ontologies are the richness of over 푓 × ℎ such that the available constructors and their inference capability. As pointed out in Keet22, it would be a severe under- (푥, 푦) ∈ 퐶푎푟푒퐹표푟 ⇒ 푥 ∈ 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦푃푒푟푠표푛 ∧ usage of DL knowledge bases if one only were to deal 푦 ∈ 퐻푒푎푙푡ℎ푦 with rough ontology by copying the Pawlak’s information system essentials without taking into consideration the Let g⊆ 푓 × ℎ ={(H,A),(H,B),(I,D),(I,E),(M,E),(N,F)} richness of DL constructors as well as the flexibility of and let CareFor={(H,A),(I,D),(I,E),(M,E)} then, the how to represent ontologies elements. For example, partitions defined by the successors neighbourhood with consider the definition of a vague concept HappyFather respect to g are the following: as follow: HappyFather ⊑ Man ⊓ hasChild.Person ⊓ careFor.Healthy where careFor and Healthy are 푔푠(퐻)={(H,A),(H,B)} vague role and vague attribute respectively. Because of 푔푠(퐼)={(I,D),(I,E)} the uses of the constructors ∀ and ∃ , this definition 푔푠(푀)={(M,E)} cannot be interpreted in the standard Pawlak conception 푔푠(푁)={(N,F)} of information system. However, for the universal and existential quantification (∀, ∃) as well as the number Consequently, the set of partitions of g with respect to restrictions (≥, ≤), their rough interpretation can be easily 푔푠 is defined as follows: defined. Let r be a vague relation, C a given concept and ℎ ⊆ 퐼 × 퐼 then, g/푔푠={{(H,A),(H,B)},{(I,D),(I,E)},{(M,E)},{(N,F) }}

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∗ 퐼 - If ∀(푖, 푗) ∈ ℎ (푟푠(푖)), 푗 ∈ 퐶∗(푐 ) then ∀푟. 퐶 is method for incorporating available constraints satisfiable when constructing the Bayesian network. The generated ∗ 퐼 Bayesian network preserves the semantics of the original - If ∀(푖, 푗) ∈ ℎ∗(푟푠(푖)), 푗 ∈ 퐶 (푐 ) then ∀푟. 퐶 is roughly satisfiable ontology and is consistent with all the given probability constraints. - If ∃(푖, 푗) ∈ ℎ (푟 (푖)), 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 푗 ∈ 퐶 (푐퐼) then ∗ 푠 ∗ OntoBayes [27] is an ontology-driven model, which ∃푟. 퐶 is satisfiable ∗ ∗ 퐼 integrates Bayesian networks (BN) into the OWL to - If ∃(푖, 푗) ∈ ℎ (푟푠(푖)), 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 푗 ∈ 퐶 (푐 ) then preserve the advantages of both. It defines additional ∃푟. 퐶 is roughly satisfiable OWL classes which can be used to markup - If |ℎ∗(푟푠(푖))| ≥ 푛 where |ℎ| denotes the cardinality and dependencies in OWL files. From the perspective of of h, then ≥ nr. 퐶 is satisfiable ontologies, the OntoBayes model preserves the ability to ∗ - If |ℎ (푟푠(푖))| ≥ 푛 and |ℎ∗(푟푠(푖))| ≤ 푛 then both ≥ express meaningful knowledge in very large complex 푛푟. 퐶and ≤ 푛푟. 퐶 are roughly satisfiable domains and extent ontologies to probability annotated ∗ OWL to facilitate meaningful knowledge representation - If|ℎ (푟푠(푖))| ≤ 푛 then≤ 푛푟. 퐶 is satisfiable in uncertain systems. From the perspective of A general solution to this limitations on rough probabilistic modelling, the model takes the advantage of ontology based on Pawlak rough set is to define a rough powerful knowledge representation ability from interpretation of all constructors of an expressive DL as ontologies, to scale up the ability to do uncertain well as defining a rough tableau reasoning procedure. reasoning. Pronto[28][29] is a non-monotonic probabilistic reasoner for expressive DL developed in order to perform VI. RELATED WORK a probabilistic reasoning in the semantic web. Pronto reason about uncertainty in OWL ontologies by Several techniques of handling uncertainty in establishing the probabilistic relationships between OWL ontologies have been proposed. A good survey of early classes and probabilistic relationships between an OWL works in that direction is presented [3]. Although some class and an individual. One of the principal techniques based on rough set have been proposed, most requirements for pronto is that the uncertainty could be techniques are based on probability and the . introduced into OWL ontologies and that existing OWL They differ mostly on the ontological language reasoning services should be retained. To meet that considered, the supported forms of fuzzy knowledge, and requirement, Pronto is designed on top of the OWL the underlying fuzzy reasoning formalism. reasoner to provide routines for higher level probabilistic [22] augments SROIQ(D) and their application reasoning procedures. infrastructures together with rough set. The author shows A fuzzy extensions of an expressive classical DL SHIN that rough concepts can be dealt with in the mapping which improves the knowledge expressiveness of ALC layer that links the concepts in the ontology to queries by allowing constructors including number restriction, over the data source. He experimented his approach with inverse role, transitive role, and role hierarchy was rough concepts and vague instances using the HGT presented in [30]. The authors provide a tableaux calculus ontology with the HGT-DB database and septic patients. for fuzzy SHIN without fuzzy general concept inclusions. [23] is the same as [24] except that the language Its semantics is based on Zadeh logic. considered is OWL2. FuzzyDL [31] is an expressive is a DL reasoner A probabilistic generalization of RDF, which allows supporting fuzzy logic reasoning. The reasoning for representing terminological probabilistic knowledge algorithm uses a combination of a tableaux algorithm and about classes and assertional probabilistic knowledge a Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). fuzzyDL about properties of individuals was presented in[24]. The extends the classical DL SHIF(D) to the fuzzy case. But authors provide a technique for assertional probabilistic in addition to the constructs of SHIF(D) it allows some inference in acyclic probabilistic RDF theory, which is new concepts constructs such as weighted concepts (n C), based on the notion of logical entailment in probabilistic weighted sum concepts (n1C1 + · · · + nkCk) and threshold logic, coupled with local probabilistic semantics. concepts (C[≥ n]) and (C[≤ n]) where C is a concept and [25] suggested an extension of the OWL called PR- n the weight. The degrees of the fuzzy axioms may not OWL, that provides a consistent framework for building only be numerical constants, but also variables, thus probabilistic ontologies. The probabilistic semantics of being able to deal with unknown degrees of truth. The PR-OWL is based on multi-entity Bayesian networks. most interesting feature of fuzzyDL is the expressivity of PR-OWL combines the expressive power of OWL with the representation language. the flexibility and inferential power of Bayesian logic. An algorithm to perform a query-specific reasoning BayesOWL [26] is a probabilistic generalization of method for inconsistent and uncertain ontologies without OWL which is based on standard Bayesian networks. revising the original ontologies was proposed in [32]. BayesOWL is used to quantify the degree of overlap or Their reasoning method adopts a selection function, inclusion between two concepts. It provides a set of rules which is capable of selecting elements related to a and procedures for the direct translation of an OWL specific query. Thus, the elements necessary for the ontology into a Bayesian network, and it also provides a reasoning could be obtained fast and the query results

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Copyright © 2016 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2016, 4, 49-59