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The BG News February 18, 1988

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 18, 1988" (1988). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4764.

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William R. land use has led to a plan for re- some city residents to their Higgins, head of a 75-man ob- vamping one area of the city's councilmen is the existence of server group attached to the zoning code. The proposed or- conditional uses in the S-dis- U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon. dinance, developed by city at- tricts. Anyone meeting specific UNIFIL sources originally iden- torney Mike Marsh, was re- conditions spelled out up front tified him as Lt. Col. Richard ferred to the planning commis- can build according to the condi- Higgins. sion at Monday's City Council tional uses, Ketzenbarger said. APentagon official said Hig- meeting. The conditional use in ques- gins was on temporary detail The ordinance would create a tion is that of being able to build serving as the chief of the U.N. new S-district classification and a mobile park in a S-l district. Truce Supervision Organiza- redefine the conditional uses in Two developers are in the tion's Lebanon Observer Group. the four present S-districts, process of requesting the re- Higgins, 43, is a native of Danvi- Marsh said. zoning of two R districts to S-l, lle, Ky., the official said. "This is an effort to keep according to Ketzenbarger. areas compatible so there isn't a "Once rezoned, the developers U.N. sources said Higgins was mish-mash of uses," he said. can use the land for any of the kidnapped in the late afternoon Rick Ketzenbarger, planning permitted uses, including the on the coastal highway between technician, said the four S-dis- conditional uses," he said. Lebanon's southernmost port of tricts are planned residential, One request, by Village Inc. to Tyre and the border town of Na- planned commercial, planned rezone 40-acres of land on the qoura, site of UNIFIL's head- institutional and planned in- east side of Brim Road, is now quarters. dustrial. awaiting its second reading in No group claimed responsibi- Because the S-districts are city council. lity. Sources said Higgins was planned, the process for building The second request, concern- returning from talks with Shiite is different from that of the ing land west of Wintergarden Moslem militia officials. other districts, he said. Road, has been scheduled for a "Higgins was driving in a "For other districts, you come public hearing on Mar. 2. U.N. Jeep station wagon from in, pay your permit fee, get the 0 See Zoning, page 6. Tyre to Naqoura behind a simi- lar vehicle in which two other observers were traveling," UNIFIL spokesman Timur Gok- Plans could affect sel said. He said the first vehicle went around a bend in the road, "and when the two observers noticed Greek integration that Higgins' car was not follow- ing them, they stopped and by Judy Immel drove back, only to find Higgins' assistant city editor station wagon abandoned," Goksel said. Greek units locating off campus in the future may face new zoning He denied an earlier report restrictions, although they will probably not be affected by zoning that Higgins had an escort of Fi- changes being considered by the city planning commission in the jian troops from UNIFIL and coming months. said the American officer was in The issue of fraternity and sorority house locations in the city has his station wagon alone. been discussed by community leaders, most recently at the Decem- Goksel said UNIFIL helicop- ber meeting of the City-University Community Relations Commit- twRob u ,on ters and ground troops were tee. Be assertive — get off the floor *> P searching for Higgins. The situation was also indirectly considered by the planning In Washington, a Defense De- commission last year, said Rick Ketzenbarger, planning technician. Erik Simpson, junior business administration major, stays comfortable in his aisle seat for an IPCO 403 class by bringing his own fold out-seat. "It makes sitting in the aisle bearable." Simpson said. The demand partment official who spoke on An ordinance concerning multiple family dwellings was proposed, condition of anonymity confir- but recommended to council with no changes, he said. for Dr. Ray Tucker's Assertiveness class is so great that students are willing to sit on the floor in order to med that Higgins had been kid- Michael Marsden, chair of the city-university committee, said the get a spot in the class. "The problem is I'm a soft touch." Tucker said. "I let people into the class after it's napped and gave a similar ac- city has to "figure out a reasonable plan" for the location of greek already full." Tucker added that he does not allow the extra students into the class until he makes it clear count of the kidnapping. units. that they will have to sit on the floor. n See Houses, page 8. C See Kidnap, page 9. Faculty pay falling behind Salary increases

by Amy Burkett The Dec. 11, 1987 edition of increased 21 percent while insti- Olscamp said, "I disagree with may raise tuition staff reporter The Wall Street Journal explains tutional fees, which includes the statistics in 77?e Wall Street that, "Between the years administrators' salaries, rose 42 Journal. I think that there are 1976-1986 the instructional costs, percent." other documents that give a bet- by Amy Burkett "I see no way Despite complaints that in- which include faculty salaries, ter view of the situation." staff reporter creased faculty salaries would for all 3,340 colleges in the U.S. University President Paul Olscamp has his own rationale possible that also cause a tuition increase, for the justification of the salary Faculty Senate's proposal to faculty could Faculty Senate members say increase. increase faculty salaries for the they need such an increase to "We lost ground in the 70s next school year may "likely" receive a 9.5 become competitive with other Comparisons Between BGSU Faculty compared to every other institu- cause an increase in tuition, said percent increase universities. tion in the state. Inflation was at Chris Dalton, vice president for Faculty Senate has requested Salaries & the 60th Percentile of 15 percent then and faculty got planning and budgeting. without the a 9.5 percent faculty salary in- very low raises. We lost ground Dalton said 80 percent of the crease for the 1988-89 school Universities with Doctoral Programs relative to all other careers so educational budget is for per- students receiving year. The faculty increases are MEASURED IN $1000 we had to play catch up. We sonnel. The University's major a tuition increase." needed to reach the national 60th 60th have to keep up to have national source of income is instructional percentile by the 1990-91 aca- _BGSU percentile Difference competitiveness. We can lose subsidy (50 percent) and student -David Robinson demic year, said Harold Lunde, good faculty, because other in- fees (40 percent), he said. chair of Faculty Welfare Com- Year SO-81 8,)-N() stitutions can give them more According to Dalton there students receiving a tuition in- mittee. .% l.lill money," Olscamp said. isn't "necessarily" a direct re- crease. I'm opposed to a tuition "Our goal is to be third in the Professor I Faculty Senate is working on lation between faculty salary in- increase," Robinson said. state, as far as faculty salaries changing these figures, through creases and student fee in- Bruce Edwards, faculty sena- are concerned, which is just Associate a structured process. creases. It is likely that there tor, said, "Students are worried above average. The University Professor -.10 .90 Harold Lunde, chair of faculty will be both a salary increase about a few pennies and not of Toledo is currently third, welfare committee said, "We go and a fee increase, he said. about getting a quality educa- Lunde said. through a very careful sound But Dave Robinson, Under- tion. In order for students to get The University is falling be- Assistant program to develop the request graduate Student Government a quality education we need to hind in faculty salaries in com- Professor .38 1.00 to increase faculty salaries. fresident, is convinced that if get faculty salaries up so that we parison to other state funded He said the faculty needs the he salary proposal goes can keep our quality instruc- universities throughout the increase for the following through, there would have to be tors." United States, he saitT Instructor .55 >M reasons: an increase in student fees. Edwards has his own ideas on CTo restore lost real purchas- "With the personnel budget how to get faculty salary in- The increase would help Fac- ing power and make modest that was passed by the Board of crease and keep student fees ulty Senate reach the national National salary studies by Maryse Ey- productivity growth. Trustees, I see no way possible down — larger class sizes and 60th percentile of state funded Source: monerie Associates as published in that faculty could receive a 9.5 more federal subsidy from the doctoral colleges, he said. AAUP Academe. D See Faculty, page 3. percent increase without the state are two examples, he said. Thursday News in Brief

0 Laughter is the best medicine, re- Life-size Monopoly game The game is a large scale Monopoly board with Local restaurants, food stores and pizza outlets gardless of the problem, according to a dice being the size of pillows and tokens being re- are donating food to Dunbar to help sponsor a food businessman, see story page 4. placed with the players of the game who will walk sale which will raise more money tor Big Brothers held to help charity along the board. and Big Sisters. DA campus political honor society is People who love to play Monopoly now have a "It (the gameboard) takes up the whole lobby," Paula Smith, head of the Quadopoly committee, planning a panel discussion on the role chance to become part of a giant-sized version of Boyer said. said $350 was raised last year for the Ronald of the media in campaigns, see story the game. This is the third year the event has been held. McDonald House with the help of 150 to 200 people page 6. Harshman Quadrangle is sponsoring "Quadopo- The Quadopoly committee has upgraded the board who participated. She said she expects the same ly" in Dunbar Hall of Harshman Quadrangle this by building a bank and a real Jail, so when partici- turnout this year. weekend to raise money for Big Brothers and Big pants are sent to jail they will literally be behind Quadopoly will be played in the Dunbar lobby CThe men's and women's basketball Sisters. All organizations ana residents in dor- bars. starting at 6 p.m. Feb. 19 and ending at 8 p.m. the teams swept Western Michigan last mitories around campus can take part in the The game will be played over a 24-hour period next day. Teams can sign up by calling the Dunbar night, see story page 12, event, according to Linda Boyer, resident adviser with four teams playing ten players, and donating front desk. in Dunbar Hall. $15 to play for two hours. byJeffBatdorf THE BG NEWS

2 February 18,1988 Editorial Online should bill Sloganeering in the "80s

students per call There's a new game in town, Translation: Certain natural courtesy of departments of Eng- By Bruce Edwards human activities, such as pro- Soon, registration for classes will be only a lish across the country. The ducing and enjoying pornogra- phone call away. game is called "deconstruction" phy; ingesting or injecting But how much money are students willing to con- and it is easy to play. (Don't let oneself with mind-altering it worry you that the main A Word in Edgewise drugs; and excising squirming tribute to the convenience of on-line registration, players are usually literary protoplasmic blobs from which is scheduled to be fully implememented by critics; they rarely leave their women's wombs should be legal. fall 1989? ivory towers long enough to spoil 9 However, those activities which The Undergraduate Student Government will be your fun.) Peter Schreffler <&••*:/'•• h I find particularly repulsive surveying students next week to determine how should remain illegal. Nepot- The basic rule of deconstruc- ism, blatant racism, and price they want to pay for the new system. Three options tion is "read between the lines" (1) "He who dies with the pity "the unenlightened mas- gouging still rightfully call for will be given. — and ignore the lines them- most toys wins." Translation: ses." When voiced in testimony legal penalties. One option involves charging a nominal fee for selves. (Whoops, there we go, I'm in this game of life to pull in before the Senate Judiciary (9) "The Moral Majority is registration of about $2 to $3 per student per term. falling right into the old decon- as many prizes as I can. Whi- Committee, however, it means neither." Translation: A pithy Another option would combine the cost of registra- structiorust's paradox again: chever presidential candidate the man in question is no friend reminder that People for the how we can talk about "reading seems to promise me the biggest of feminist or Marxist agendas. American Way can make tion and transcript fees, resulting in a charge of ap- between the lines" without read- payoff will get my vote. After (5) "That's a throwback to the bumper stickers, too. Despite proximately $9 to $10 for each student. ing the lines we're already not all, I am a patriotic American. '50s!" Translation: Whatever the academically-cherished no- Both of these options are unfair because the cost reading? Oh well.) (2) "This is a land of equal op- has sparked this statement tion that we live in a world of of on-line registration will be distributed equally portunity." Translation: I've probably had something or other multiple realities, we all know among the student body, and not all students will To put it another way, the got mine. Why are you pushing to do with privileging monoga- that Moral Majority's reality right-thinking deconstructionist that old shopping cart through mous heterosexuality as the should not be one of them. use the system to the same extent. always knows that no author the streets? Buck up there, healthy norm. Conclusive (10) "Let's not throw out the In the third option, students would be billed for "means" just what she said; Charlie. Stay warm and well research findings, the evolution baby with the bathwater." each registration call. any text has to "mean" beyond fed. of mankind's intelligence, and TranslaUon: This has nothing to The Graduate Student Senate is opposed to billing the page — something complex, (3) "Pluralism is the basis for the simple passing of 30 years do with saving actual babies. It per call. At its meeting last Friday, a GSS repre- deep, involved, psychological. a free society." Translation: A have all revealed the danger of usually has more to do with sav- Deconstruction, in sum, tea- variety of opinions enriches a returning to 1950s values. ing bathwater. Bathwater can sentative from the psychology department said ches us that an author's state- culture. But, of course, as edu- (6) "Straight out of the Dark be recycled. But what can you graduate students usually make several changes in ments always represent some- cated Americans, we know that Ages." Translation: During the do with a baby? their schedules. In other words, graduate students thing she can't help but say — certain people are entitled to Dark Ages, most people be- (11) "Cleveland is a city of will be calling on-line registration frequently. something that is less the prod- more freedom of expression lieved in a personal, active God. losers." Translation: I'm from GSS Vice President Drew Klein said if the pay uct of her own will than of the than others. After centuries of We've just about gotten over Pittsburgh, but won't easily "social forces" speaking patriarchal, heterosexist, Euro- that. Don't dredge up those be- admit it. per call plan is adopted, the cost of on-line registra- through her. centric oppression, it is patenUy liefs. You remember the Inquisi- tion would be directed towards the students who She can't even avoid saying clear that the oppressors must tion, don't you? Edwards is an associate would use the system most. what she doesn't mean because now be excluded as much as least you know the slogan. professor, and Schreffler is a Right. Those who use the system more pay more she can herself only "decon- possible from the consensus (7) "Judge not lestyou be teaching fellow in the Depart- — wnat is so unjust about that plan? It certainly struct" her own attempt at mak- building process. judged." Translation: This is a ment of English. Edwards is a ing meaning. (4) "He's out of the main- Bible verse, isn't it? Your per- loyal fan of the (now-defunct?) isn't fair if someone who changes his schedule 10 stream; he's a radical." Trans- sonal, active God says this. So Cleveland Indians. Schreffler times pays the same as a student who makes one Sound confusing? It isn't real- lation: Actually this cuts two don't you make any moral finds such an allegiance impru- call. ly. Let's try a little deconstruc- ways. On the one hand it is judgments about my behavior. dent, and casts his lot with those tion on some contemporary lines hearty praise among feminist, (8) "If we don't legalize it, basement barons of the National Letters that should look familiar: Marxist and other elitists who they'll just do it anyway." League East, the Pirates. Thoughts on alcohol the subject of alcohol and drink- think "Wally" is really stupid. (D&S). A second technique, tions performed each year, and flashbacks that sometimes boring, repetitive ing is concerned. Matt Mohr is Progresso Soup. used during the seventh to that's 15,000 women affected by occur weeks, months or years One need only read a Bukow- Thank you twelfth weex of pregnancy, is serious complications. For ex- later. I wonder if the counseling This letter is in regard to ski story or poem to see the point Christopher Comer called Dilatation and Curettage ample, the cervix is a tight mentioned in the one letter dealt Christopher J. Dawson's Feb. 12 I am trying to make. Bart Foster (D&C). In this technique, the muscle that holds the developing with these facts, or if "good 1988, Friday Magazine article In closing I would suggest to 1014 E. Wooster cervix is dilated to permit the fetus in the uterus. Dilation of counseling" merely referred to discussing the subject of alco- Dawson that if he choses to write insertion of a curette, a loop- the cervix can weaken this a description of the abortion hol; its effects and after effects. on this subject again he do some shaped scapel, in order to cut muscle and cause an "incompe- procedure that was about to be I am really beginning to grow reading and research on the Racism, divestment and scrape the fetus and pla- tent cervix," which can result in done. tired of the repeated sophomoric works of others to gain a greater have clear connection centa from the uterine wall. premature births later in life. I cannot and will not deny a attempts at humor concerning appreciation for his craft. While this description is Scarring and/or perforation of woman's right to choose, but the the topic of alcohol and drinking I am puzzled by Dave Robin- graphic, it describes a common the uterine wall can also occur, choice should be an informed within the pages of The News Scott Cunningham son's and Jim Perry's apparent method of abortion. resulting in a higher chance of choice, not one made on the and its supplemental pub- 15236 Mitchell Rd. view that the divestment battle As for me, I do care about miscarriages. Scarring can also basis of feelings. Get the facts lications. is "unconstructive" as publish- women. I am concerned about partially block the fallopian and become informed before In his article Dawson quotes ed in a Feb. 12,1988 letter to the the possible physical complica- tubes, causing ectopic (tubal) you make the decision. Contact his neighbor: "It's your respon- 'Wally' cartoon funny, editor. tions they may suffer as a result pregnancy, or sterilization if the me if you are interested in more sibility as an American college Between 1977 and mid- of abortion. The odds of having tubes are totally blocked. The information. student to drink." To which socially relevant too December 1986, colleges and complications is about one in physical side effects usually re- Dawson stands up, salutes and universities divested nearly $4 100. That doesn't seem too bad late to fertility and repro- Kurt A. Bogner proceeds to do his American I am writing in response to billion. Demonstrations and unless you are the 1 percent. duction. This is not to mention Grad. Student duty. I question as to whether Mr. Brian Tietie's attack on the teach-in-style rallies coordinat- With a million and a half abor- the guilt, anxiety, depression, Dept. of Geology campus organizations such as cartoon strip "Wally." I am end- ed by faculty, students and ad- USG, RSA. NEVER AGAIN, and ing my fifth year at BGSU, and I ministrators across the country The BG News feel it is the find that "Wally" treats many have been instrumental in bring- \mCONTRA, > "American college student's re- social/politial issues such as ing this egregious investment sponsibility to drink." I don't backmasking and witchcraft as policy to light. think so. I also don't think the they should be treated — like a Through investments in com- &FQR6GWRA N article is referring to RESPON- joke. Therefore, "Wally" is not panies doing business in South SIBLE DRINKING or anything only funny, but socially rel- Africa, the BGSU community y/pSGOOOOOf, close to that concept. evant. implicitly accepts and legiti- It is tragic enough that alcohol Everyone has their likes and mizes the oppression of black is such an integral part of so dislikes. Some people don't like South Africans. By divesting, we many students' college experi- "Bloom County," some people send an unequivocal message to ences at this University. What is don't even like "liberals. This current ana prospective stu- even worse is that they feel a is a clear cut case of like it, or dents and alumni that the racist need to put their boring and lump it. apartheid system will not be repetitive thoughts on the sub- Furthermore, Mr. Tietje's supported by a community ject into print. subtle accusations of drug abuse which seeks to eliminate racism Does Dawson think his com- by "Wally" fans is neither ap- in our "own backyard." mentary is informative? preciated, nor warranted. I To date, over 15 campus or- humorous? or insightful? or of don't do drugs, but perhaps it is ganizations have passed resolu- literary or journalistic merit? I time for some people to relax tions in support of full divest- think not. Rather the words te- and do a little life. ment including Faculty Senate, dious, banal, and trivial come to Administrative Staff Council, mind. Kenneth Cairns Graduate Student Senate, Black If Dawson has to write about OCMB0749 Student Union, Latino Student this subject and people want to Union and Caribbean Student read about it, I would suggest McDevitt comic strip Association. However, resolu- reading the truly worthwhile in- tions are only one way to de- sightful literary work from a criticized as 'stupid' monstrate support, teach-in- man by the name of Charles Bu- style rallies are another. Rallies kowski. Bukowski, considered In response to the letter by and resolutions are substantial SOCKDV DAVID HARRIS by many to be one of the Brian Tietie printed Feb. 9,1988 means to substantial ends. greatest living realist writers, is regarding the "Wally" cartoon: The connection between ra- 1 the consummate modern master We already use tons of hallu- cism on our campus, apartheid OOOOH MVWYV! THROOOUU_MH VEAR5 A SflSCTATdR ACTOAU.! of prose and short stories where cinogenic drugs and we still and divestment is very clear. It As A SPoRrscAsreR, COTRortoJt-R r^ArJ I WAS OH rM Tviis \s Aftsoutfed VM To THE. is unfortunate that as campus OlWiC , leaders you are unable to see It. AJU&UWA&E! f WJT GttJCOUTe. THE BG NEWS seen AaW- SVOER f I STAHO.WHtrJ - Editor Melissa Mcdlrvray Photo Editor Rob Upton TUfcJC So Au. of Ttfe Louise Paradis SoW&J.... Managing Editor Beth Thomas Asst Photo Editor Mark Thalman 205 West Washington B\ZARffc! Asat Managing Editor Caroline Langer Chiel Copy Editor Judl Kopp News Editor Ron Fritz Chiat Copy Editor Debbie Rogers City ErJIor Greg Connel Copy Editor Judy GoMSWOrth Get facts on abortion Aaat City Editor Judy Immel Copy Editor Jackie Jackson Editor* Editor Linda Hoy Copy Editor Carol Karbowiak before making choice Wira Editor KimOarn Copy Editor Tim Matoney Aaat Wire Editor Julie Wallace Copy Editor Stephanie Warner I am writing in response to Sports Editor Tom Skernlvltz Copy Editor Diane Wonderty several letters ui the Feh. 11 BG Aaat Sporta Editor Andy Woodard Production Supervieora News. I am dismayed at the ig- Friday Editor Deborah Gottscha* Mike GUI. Dave Kuhar. norance displayed in these let- Aaat Friday Editor Kraig Pyer Christine Rogers. David Simpson ters. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed The BO News « puMened da* Tuesday through Friday during ma academic year and At eight weeks after concep- weeuy during the summer season by da Board of Student PuBeoeakM 01 Bowing Green tion, the "potential life" or ■memutTOM Salla Unrvereity "piece of protoplasm" has an ul- FKOMMOUe* OpMone eipreeeed by coUnnans do no) necessarily refleci trie ODHona of the BG mwcrisHiSTm.' News trasonically audible heartbeat The BG News and Bowing Green Sam Urewjraay are equal opprxluMy ernpByere end corning from a heart that has poesANYeoovcmr do not dlocflrtanare In using pracsoea been beating for four weeks. The The BO News wal not accept edvert»ng thai a eeemed OecnmMlory. degracang or fetus' brain has been emitting HOlo rautJng on the beam of rasa, an or national orign measurable brain waves for two copyright I HBO by the BG News art rights reserved weeks. He/she can feel pain, re- BuanaaaOtnOa EdaonaJ OHM spond to touch, and grasp with 214 west Hal Ph (419) 3722B01 210 Waal Hal Ph. |41») 372-2e03 his/her hands. Bowing Green State University Bowing Green Oreo 43403 0276 Edwards and Schreffler were Summer Hours 7:30 am to 5 e m Monday through Thursday correct about scalpels. Most (95 7.30am lo II Mara. Fnoa. percent) of all abortions are done by Dilatation and Suction THE BG NEWS

Local February 17,1988 3 Minorities 'frustrated' Jerome library 'Home' Business prerequisites create an obstacle for some for nationwide TV show courses in other colleges, re- by Tim Bush by Jackie Jackson Peter Hutchinson, assistant "We told students who were in quire devotion, especially for reporter copy editor dean of the college, said that difficult classes where more based on a discussion of the ex- the area when we were filming time is required ecutive committee, the faculty Students who were in the Jerome Library on Minority students are appar- He added that additional min- and the dean, the 2.2S GPA for Jan. 20 may be surprised to see themselves on to stay put so that it would be ently having a harder time than ority faculty, academic support the eight prerequisite courses national television today. evident that it was a university white students meeting the programs and increased faculty was implemented in 1982. The reference section of the library was filmed prereauisites to be a major in awareness of Issues and con- "It's designated as a motiva- on that day by a film crew of the new ABC-TV daily library we were using." the College of Business Adminis- cerns of minority students would tional standard for students," he program, "Home." The crew was preparing a -Peggy Schmeltz tration, according to statistics help change these statistics. said. "We leave the students to segment for the show on the First Ladies' In- from the Office of Minority Af- Several minority students ex- make the decision on how they vestment Club of Bowling Green. fairs. pressed their views of the col- will match that requirement* Peggy Schmeltz, a former president of the club The six to eight minute segment devoted to the Nearly one of every three lege. Tara Watkins, sophomore pre- and wife of the former dean of business adminis- Bowling Green club will show the entire process of University minority students is Stephen Branham, senior accounting major in the College tration, William Schmeltz, was filmed using the li- an investment club, from the research ofstocks, to enrolled in the College of Busi- social work major, said he was of Business Administration, dis- brary to research stocks for the club. the collection of monthly dues to use as capital, to ness Administration. However thinking about getting into busi- agreed with Fanning, stating "we told students who were in the area when we the final vote by members on which stocks to bijy only 8.3 percent or a total of 13 ness, but the introductory class- that her teachers try to work in- were filming to stay put so that it would be evident or trade, Schmeltz said. minority students have been es were hard. dividually with her. that it was a university library we were using," admitted into the college as "Once I got over there I found "Most of my teachers are very she said. "We voted to buy IBM in the meeting that thejy majors and 143 minorities are the business department was so helpful. They give me their The First Ladies' Investment Club of Bowling filmed, "she said. pre-majors. competitive that if you didn't home phone numbers to call Green was selected to be featured on this national "We have stock in General Electric, Huntingtqn Of the 535 minority students on want to stay at BG seven years them if I miss a class or am ex- program because of its success. Bank, Pepsi Cola, American Family, and Kellog.y caiupus, 158 are in the College of you had better change your periencing difficulty," she said. "Two years ago we were chosen as one of the top The current president of the club is Margaret Business Administration either major," he said. "A lot of people When the material becomes ten investment clubs across the country, Miller, the wife of Bowling Green Mayor, Edwin asjire-majors or majors. are going through the College of too difficult, she said she finds Schmeltz said. Miller. T The interest in business may Arts and Sciences to become someone who understands the The club, which collects $20 per month from its "Home," a new show on ABC, is a half-hour "iit- seem strong, but according to business majors." course work. The Minority members, has accumulated a portfolio worth over fo-mercial" designed to inform people on ways to data from the College of Busi- Monica Fanning, senior busi- Business Association provides a $6,000, according to Schmeltz. run a more efficient household and be more self- ness Administration, approxi- ness major specializing in source where Watkins and oth- The purpose of today's segment on the Bowling sufficient, Mathew Fitzgibbons, the director if mately one of every four under- health care administration, is ers can get help from upper- Green club is to show viewers how an investment promotions at Channel 24 said. graduate students on campus is one of those students who chose classmen. club operates and to demonstrate that anyone can He said the show features segments on topics enrolled in the college! to study business through the Jeff Smith, junior finance learn to invest in the stock market effectively, such as money, crafts, home-improvement, arid The contrast comes when the College of Arts and Sciences. major, is one of the 13 minority Schmeltz said. The segment on the local stock buy- self-improvement. | number of minority students Because the grade point aver- students enrolled in the College ing and trading club will be aired today at 11:30 Ninety-five percent of the ABC affiliates nation- and the number of white stu- age requirement for the College of Business Administration. a.m. on Channel 24, Toledo. wide will run this show, according to Fitzgibbons. dents admitted as majors are of Business Administration is He said the college is difficult, Faculty compared. While only 8.3 per- 2.25, she said prerequisites for but "It an depends on how much with a third-rank (University of tration increases have exceeded cent of minorities are accepted the college put minority stu- perseverance you have." Continued from page 1. Akron, Ohio State University, the faculty increases. as majors, 34 percent of white dents at a disadvantage because "You have to put in a lot of To request faculty salary in- Miami University, University of business students have been ac- they are unable to excel in the time and effort and seek out help crements which appear Toledo, Kent State and the Uni- From 1982-83 to 1986-87, the in- cepted. coursework. whenever you need it," he saicf reasonable considering the sa- versity I in terms of average crease in the total salaries of the Jack Taylor, assistant vice "On the whole, the teachers are lary increases of university compensation. top 43 administrators' salaries president of minority affairs, "It's an airtight thing that's helpful. They require a lot, but administrators during the past was 39.36 percent compared to said courses in the College of set up to weed people out," she in order to excel it helps to be fouryears. Another part of the faculty an increase of 26.77 percent In Business Administration, like said. pushed." To achieve a salary incre- welfare committee's proposal faculty salaries, the proposal ment goal which is consistent shows the University's adminis- states.


Day by Day Photography Contest ONE ACCOUNT PLUS. THE ADVANTAGES KEEP The contest is open to any BGSU full-time student. Winning pictures will lx- include*! in the 1988-89 UAO ADDING UP •'•#"•" Day by Day Calendar: ■:i::i:::i

Photographs must hv; black «i*ri wfoite 8 x 10 glossy or semi-glossy £hd inritist h^..^ .1^ people or cam- pus. All < nirit> must W Mtihmittcd fey March 30th. For more details, Stop by the UAO ollice, 3rd floor Union or call 372-23$& €ASH'PRlZ3fc|_ for top 3 photos: »25, ^15, $10 I DEXTER'S BOWLING GREEN 510 EAST WOOSTER STREET & 352-4497 ft 352-9814 "WeBahcmBiuU ?teJi Doty. FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE

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lA jmnf\\ feline tVMl-VM i is -r*- I THE BG NEWS 4 February 18,1988 Mark's Large 2-item pizza for $5.95 Laughter is best medicine FREE DELIVERY 352-3551 j by Rebecca Thomas staff reporter "We should all make fools of ourselves at least once a week." That's the belief of Phil Soren- tino, founder of Humor Consul- tants, Inc., of Dublin, who spoke in Bryan Recital Hall last night. Redken Americans take life too seri- ously instead of concentrating on having fun with their respon- sibilities, Sorentino said. salon perms. "People don't need permis- sion to nave fun in the process of being their best," Sorentino said. Sorentino is a humor consul- For curls so tant, a job which he describes as "assisting in the enjoyment of everything." His firm offers seminars and workshops to natural you teach leaders to create an envi- ronment which allows people to have fun in a productive way, he said. could lie. "I go around America and tell people to have fun, and they pay me for that." Sorentino said an integral part of personal and corporate survi- BG News/Rob Upton val is and will continue to be a Phil Sorentino sense of humor. This can be ac- complished by posting notes and hosting workshops. a way to produce a mutually propose is to convince people "We have to adjust our style to "Implementation is the key. agreed upon response — selling that have a distasteful task not match the needs of the individu- Having a strategy is one thing, is no longer manipulative," Sor- to try to change the task, but to al. If leaders don't recognize but acting on it is the most im- entino said. "I challenge sellers try to change their perspective this, they won't have the most portant part," he said. to have the quality of their prod- and their perception of the viable corporation in the fu- A sell-improvement program uct and service exceed their cus- task." ture," he said. developed by Sorentino is the tomer's expectations." Respect for the individual is People generally need to learn SIP: sales, inspiration and He suggested that people get the way to have dynamic and to enjoy themselves better, he profession. something to inspire them. well-run families and com- said, and to give themselves "You need to communicate in "Another challenge that I panies, Sorentino said. more credit than they do. A> Ineffective setting may Office affect prisoner behavior seeking

by David Page! "The last place you guides reporter From daybreak to day's end. the 80s woman is on the are going to move. Her life is busy, hectic, hi-tech. She looks her by Debbie Hippie Criminals are removed from the streets to keep rehabilitate a staff reporter best because she wants to...because she has to. society safe, but prisons do not teach people how to Redken permanent waves were created with the 80s readjust to society and instead only reinforce de- person is in Two times a day, cam- viant behavior. prison." pus tour guides show pros- woman in mind. Add the creative expertise of our That is the view of James Young, a teaching fel- pective students around stylists and you'll have the look that's suited to your low in sociology and former corrections officer. -James Young the University in the cold, needs and lifestyle. Redken salon perms... because This ineffective situation leads to many prob- the rain and the snow. lems between prisoners and those who guard into prison hidden under their dresses, and officers The Admissions Office is we know more about hair. them, Young said. must watch for any exchanges. Young said. accepting applications Young, who worked in medium security facili- Rather than the traditional prison system, from people who are inter- ties for nine years, said supervision of prison in- Young said he believes community corrections ested in being tour guides mates could be rather trying and even dangerous centers would better serve the purpose of prepar- through Feb. 26. according The Arrangement because inmates continually provoke and fight ing law offenders for living out in the world again. to Christen Giblin, admis- with officers. At centers, prisoners are no longer called in- sions officer who is in By confining prisoners together in order to keep mates but rather, residents, because they pay rent charge of the campus Hair, Skin, and Nail Designers them off the street, the atmosphere of prisons in- and must get up every morning to go to their jobs, tours. spires continued deviant behavior rather than re- Young said. If an application is ac- habilitation, he said. Residents need to learn how to live in regular so- cepted, the applicant is "The last place you are going to rehabilitate a ciety and master necessary tasks like riding buses asked to prepare a two Offers you SAVINGS on these services person is in prison,' Young said. and budgeting money, according to Young. The minute presentation in In order to keep the situation safe, an officer is centers have proven to be "a program that worked which they talk about any- WHEN YOU BRING IN THIS AD. responsible for knowing where the inmates are very well." thing having to do with and what they are doing at all times, Young said. Corrections officers at the centers face the task campus life. Giblin said Corrections officers are always among the of changing the years of deviant conditioning cri- the applicants should be prisoners — eating meals with them and watching minals nave acquired and rehabilitating them to able to respond to a panel Permanent Waves $9.00 Savings! them while they shower, he said. Prisoners in most socially acceptable behavior, Young said. • of questions and show they Manicures 3.00 Savings! facilities are counted four times a day, with each For many residents this includes overcoming al- are knowledgeable about count taking 45 minutes. cohol and drug abuse, a common problem at cor- the University. • Pedicures 6.00 Savings! If an inmate seems to be walking strange or be- rectional institutions, he said. "They should be pre- having oddly, the officer should immediately Even during the last months of their sentences, pared, but it shouldn't Facials 6.00 Savings! check him from head to toe for weapons, Young residents can return to deviant behavior. sound canned," Giblin Make-up Demo 7.00 Savings! said. Young said he is amazed by escape attempts said. Inmates can get into the possession of weapons made by residents who only have a few months left Once the prospective Make-up Application 3.00 Savings! by either making their own, for instance, sharpen- at the center. n; has passed the audi- ing a toothbrush on brick, or by obtaining them If a resident causes too many problems, such as , they are put through Permanent Hair Color 5.00 Savings! through visitors who cannot be checked, he said. repeated escape attempts, he is returned to tra- a training session and gi- Six Week Hair Color Women will sometimes bring weapons and drugs ditional prison life, he said. ven a manual to study be- 5.00 Savings! fore they can actually be- Frosting or Highlighting 9.00 Savings! gin giving tours. The panel looks for friendly people Cellophanes 6.00 Savings! who have some public Luminize 3.60 Savings! N.S.E.-AN EDUCATIONAL ADVENTURE O See Tours, page 6. Eyelash Tinting 2.00 Savings! Eyebrow Tinting 3.00 Savings! Hair Waxing- Eyebrow, Lip, Sides of fe^i^ Face 1.60 Savings! ^Wildlife' Sculptured Nails Set 8.00 Savings! Sculptured Nails Fill-ins 4.00 Savings! THURSDAY ■ COLLEGE I.D. NIGHT The above savings good • Come join the fun with WFAL only with these stylists: in ycur heme featuring - Best Chest Contest Nettie, Shelley, Darcy Portfolio Chris, Vicki, Kelley FRIDAY - WINTER POOL PARTY • Chase your winter blues away! 181(B) S. Main St.-Downtown v 352-4101 352-4143 SATURDAY - TOP BOTTOM COMING NEXT WEEK: - OFFER EXPIRES 3-3-88 - REVENGE OF THE NERDS I CONTEST ^NADINE • Cash and prizes for the winner! REDKEN Mon.-Thurs. 10-9 Fri.-Sat. 10-10 1093 N. Main Sundays 10:30-7:00 998 S. Main THE FUN PUCE TO BE! THE BG NEWS February 18,1988 5

New barbershop formed Center recruits Unique quartet blends school, performances, friendship foreign students

by Barb Weadock tually send in an application. by Debbie Rogers staff reporter Of that number, 212 were ad- chief copy editor mitted to the University. The decision to attend col- International students are "Girls' Night Out" may sound lege is sometimes the biggest selected for admission based like a new bar in town or even a dilemma high school seniors on additional factors than movie starring Justine Bate- face, but international stu- native students. man. Actually, this group of dents are faced with an even women is a female barbershop larger choice when it comes Foreign students, under- quartet formed from the to leaving their native lands. graduate and graduate, must women's chorus at the Universi- The University is a home have letters of recom- ty- away from home for 388 stu- mendation and a favorable The group just started singing dents from 57 different coun- score on the Test of English together in October, and mem- tries. as a Foreign Language bers say they are relaxed and "We have an opportunity to (TOEFL). These students comfortable around each other interact with people from must also meet the require- while singing. However, they different countries more than ments that native students are still nervous and high-strung in the past," Jeffrey Grilliot, face. before they take the stage. International Programs In an interview before the interim director, said. "It's "Ethically, we do not want women performed yesterday at our responsibility as an edu- to admit someone and bring the Off-Campus Student Center, cational institution to provide them half-way around the the singers eagerly talked about as many opportunities for world to study here if they do their music and their friendship. that type of cross cultural not have a high probability of "I have a Mack-Truck voice," interaction as possible during success," Grilliot said. said Kellie Walker, a junior psy- the students' stay here." He said the center is very chology major and the bass of careful to be sure applicants the quartet. BG News/Rob Upton The People's Republic of are qualified for the program The female barber shop quartet. Girls' Night Out' performs for students in the Off-Campus Student Center China has the most students and the University offers She explained that this quality Members include (from left) Brenda Zigler. Mary Elum. Kellie Walker and Betsy Reichard. on campus and the second programs in which the appli- led Richard Mathey, director of largest population of interna- cants are interested. the women's chorus, to add her tional students from a single country come from Canada, to the trio of other singers. Wal- Even Mathey agreed the girls Elum said the harmony the While the women plan on con- Having international stu- ker had the loudest voice, she may not be professionals yet, women produce is different than tinuing their singing into next Grilliot said. dents on campus is one com- said. but they are enjoying them- the men's and it is also harder to The Center for Internation- ponent in achieving cultural "I can have a Mack-Truck selves. reach. year, they did say that this al Programs has many func- interaction, he said. voice when I want to but I'm "Right now they're struggling "Men sing straighter so it's profession is hard to make a liv- tions, one of which is to make mostly a Volkswagen," said but they're having fun," he said. easier," she said. "It's a ing from. the campus and community The international students Brenda Zigler, the tenor and a However, where there is play different sound; it's not going to more aware of global issues, and American students get to junior elementary-education — work can be expected to fol- he said. learn more about each other be as locked' of a sound. For example, the four receive The Center helps to recruit major, laughing. low. Reichard defined 'locked,' $40 for each performance. because of the program, Gril- It may seem strange that Zig- Walker said getting together international students and liot said. "The notes are all perfect and "You split it up and it's not evaluate credentials. A sup- ler and Walker are not music or to practice is often difficult since they fit together." much," walker said. voice majors as are Mary Elum, port service for international "That is beneficial for mu- four schedules must be accom- students and the center ser- a freshman vocal performance modated; still they manage to "That's the ultimate goal in a "But, the experience is worth tual understanding and coop- major and the lead, and Betsy S Tact ice: "I'd say about three to barbershop quartet," Walker it," Zigler added quickly. ves as a referral service for eration," Grilliot said. Reichard, a freshman music ed- other study abroad pro- "Everyone benefits." aur hours a week," Zigler said. added. "There's not a lot of money in grams. ucation major who is the bari- "But, it's more when we have However, Mathey disagreed it," Elum agreed. World Student Association tone of the group. a show to do," Walker added. with the fact that a quartet is The Center recruits stu- provides a lot of the interna- "It doesn't matter if you're a She said some goals of the harder for women, but said the "But, usually even the biggest dents by replying to inquiries tional activities, one of which music major or not, it just de- group are to line up more shows, type of singing is difficult. barbershoppers have other and referrals. is International Week, he pends on your voice," Zigler on and off campus, and to make jobs," Reichard said. said. said. "It's a lot of fun; the themselves known as females in "It's about equal," he said. "Last year we responded to women's chorus is for anyone.'' a basically male field. "It's a style that they have to get While the women may be 3,981 inquiries, and I think we "The WSA is a vital compo- And having fun seems to be "You always hear about the into — you have to work. It's a thinking ahead, Reichard said, are going to have more than nent to help international stu- one of the main goals of "Girls' men's quartet and you never tremendous amount of sustain- for now, "We're just the BGSU that this year," he said. dents become integrated into Night Out." hear about the women's," Wal- ing vowels." women's chorus barbershop According to Grilliot, about the American way of life," "I think basically we're just in ker said. "We want people to "It's free-flowing, not struc- Juartet going by 'Girls' Night one-fourth of those people ac- Grilliot said. it for fun right now," Elum said. know we're out here." tured,"he added lit.'"

What is the State of this University? \ CRUISE INTO ' SPRING WITH Attend the State of the University Address Presented by DAVID ROBINSON President, Undergraduate Student Government AT BUTTONS $1.00 with College I.D. Thursday, February 18 9:00 p.m. PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS THURS. FEB. 18 McFall Center 2nd Floor Assembly Room

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6 February 18,1988 City. Media's role questioned Political group invites journalists, analysts to debate by Elizabeth Kimes science major, then contacted audience can also ask ques- Since the panel is scheduled a staff reporter eight talent agencies who book tions." week before the Ohio primary, various lecturers, as well as Topics of discussion will in- most candidates would want a different magazines. clude media fairness, a cam- more individualized campaign As Campaign '88 kicks into paign overview and editorial de- stop. high gear, people are beginning The group of speakers will cision making. 'If it works out that we can to wonder if the media has be- consist of Ken Body, NBC News The group orginally attemp- get a candidate, we definitely come more important than the Political Correspondent; Dale ted to schedule a presidential would not bring them in on the candidates. Van Atta, syndicated columnist candidate for the event, but has same night as the panel," Tali- Pi Sigma Alpha, a political with Jack Anderson and Pulitzer since put the proposal on a back kka said. science nonor society, is formu- Prize nominee for uncovering burner. Christopher Helmick, finan- lating a panel to discuss such an the Iran-contra affair; and "It's not a priority at this cial director of the event, said issue. other groups on campus are also "Media's Effect on Campaign attempting to bring a presi- '88" will be held Tuesday, April "When we realized how much interest dential candidate to the Uni- 26. there was about the campaign, we decided versity. According to President Kirsti Talikka, Pi Sigma Alpha has en- to make it (the program) campus-wide." "If we get a candidate it will listed three nationally known -Kirsti Talikka, president of Pi Sigma Alpha be an added bonus," Helmick journalists and political said. "But the speakers we have analysts to participate. ■ right now are going to make a "When we first started with Kathryn Bushkin, director of ed- time," Tallika said. "The con- strong panel with or without a the idea, we wanted to bring itorial administration of US nections with the presidential candidate." speakers in for our organiza- News and World Report and candidate would be too confus- One of the main concerns for tion," Talikka said. "But when former press secretary for Gary ing." Pi Sigma Alpha currently is so- we realized how much interest Hart. According to Talikka, another liciting co-sponsorship of the there was about the campaign, "Each speaker will talk indi- Eroblem would be trying to en- event, Helmick, a senior politi- we decided to make it campus- vidually for 20 minutes and then st a candidate to participate on cal science major, said. wide." be asked questions by a media- the panel without allowing all Estimated cost for the panel is Talikka, a senior political tor " Talikka said. "After, the the attention to focus on him. $6,100. Mexican restaurant caters to students On line BG News/Mark Thalman taurants by offering them a say Live entertainment is also fea- community and student interest by Beth Church there was for the Mexican res- David H. Laird, a surveyor for the city of Bowling Green, measures staff reporter in how and what food would be tured every Thursday, Friday an angle for new divider lines on Court Street yesterday afternoon. prepared. He said the menu in- and Saturday nights, by local taurant. Laird said standing in the road makes his job a somewhat danger- cludes authentic Mexican food, bands. "We found that there was ous one. A new restaurant in Bowling not food prepared in an Ameri- "College students seem to en- quite an interest for a college Green is aiming to appeal to can style. joy good music along with good night, especially without a cover both Mexican appetites and stu- He said the specialties of the food." Sadin said. charge,'' Shultz said. "There dent pocket books. house are the Margueritas and was also quite a desire for live Zoning Tours "We try to keep it a down- beef fajitas. music." Continued from page 1. D Continued from page 4. Pablo's Mexican Restaurant "I think the food speaks for it- home place with good food and With Marsh's plan, special use relations skills, she said. and Cantina, 893 S. Main St., fea- self," Sadui said. fun," he said. "It's not a stiff The restaurant is open every atmosphere." weak from Tuesday to Saturday conditions would be narrowed She said mostly IPCO and tures cuisine prepared by Catering to University stu- for each district so there would marketing majors apply to be Toledo chefs, owner Omar Sadin dents, Pablo's sponsors a "col- Bob Shultz, public relations from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Tues- director for the restaurant, dis- day and Wednesday, and until be less of an overlap in uses. campus tour guides, but any said. lege night" every Thursday, Marsh said. major can apply for the 25 to 35 Sadin said he attracted the from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., with no tributed flyers and question- 2:30 a.m. on Thursday, Friday naires to discover how much and Saturday. "This (proposal) would create open positions. Because about chefs from several Toledo res- cover charge. another district and make them half of the tour guides graduate internally consistent, not inter- each year, the Admissions Of- mixing commercial and resi- fice accepts as many applica- dential uses," he said. tions as it can. This semester, Giblin has already received 200 applications.


Fall/Winter Merchandise 50-60-70% OFF

DL P~JL, P4 525 Ridge St. THE BG NEWS February 18,1988 7 Sheriff hopefuls Local races determined debate budgets I by Greg Connel This leaves Tom Murray of city editor Sandusky as the only Democrat known to be considering a bid by John Meola Ginter said the most impon for the U.S. Congress seat. Mur- city reporter tant project he wants to se< With the deadline for filing pe- ray said yesterday he was not completed is the new county jail. titions to run for federal, state He said the county commis- yet certain whether or not he Response time, drugs in the and county offices set for 4 p.m. would run. sioners are responsible for the* today, the races for State Senate county and the operation of the cost of the new jail. Building it, and U.S. Congress are taking "It would be a real shame to new jail are some of the issues he said, is not a problem, "ifs shape. see a seat as important as the being debated between the two maintaining it that's going to be U.S.. Congress candidates in- U.S. Congress go without rep- Republican candidates for Wood ason-of-a-gun." clude Republicans Robert Latta, resentation from both parties," County Sheriff. Paul Gillmor and Rex Damsch- Murray said. Robert Losey of Haskins is Losey said his record with the roder, and possibly Democrat Murray, who was defeated by running for sheriff on his record detention center qualifies him to Tom Murray. Meanwhile, in the Latta for the position in 1986, as director of the Wood County run the jail. Ohio Senate race, Democrats said although a Democrat would Juvenile Detention Center. As director of the center, Alvin Perkins and William Fis- "certainly be the underdog" in Losey said he faced a 480 per- cher, and Republicans Betty the congressional race, he be- cent increase in its population Montgomery and Reeve Kelsey lieves the voters of the Fifth Dis- and was able to maintain a bal- are expected to run. trict would benefit from rep- anced budget and comply with The Fifth District U.S. Con- resentation from a Democrat, state regulations as well as insti- gress seat is being vacated by since the Democrats hold a tuting a training program for its' Delbert Latta. (R-Bowling majority of seats in Congress. staff. Green) who held the post since Losey's goal is to increase Nov. 4,1958. Latta, 67, said he is Also in the race for the Ohio services and efficiency in the; retiring in order to spend more Losey department and operations of Senate seat are Republicans Be- Glnter the jail. time with his family. tty Montgomery, Wood County He hopes to increase services Latta is endorsing his son, prosecutor, and Reeve Kelsey, a provided by the sheriff's de- "In the last three years I have Robert, a 31 year-old University Perrysburg City Councilman, as partment, decrease the re- graduate, for the post. Other done it. At the juvenile detention well as William Fischer, a Uni- sponse time on calls and develop center we had a 200 percent in- Republican candidates include versity research analyst. cooperation with other law en- Rex Damschroder of Fremont crease in service funds, so it ca'o Fischer, who announced his forcement agencies in the be done," he said. and Ohio Senate President Paul intention to run yesterday, is a county. Gillmor (R-Port Clinton). graduate of Bowling Green High Losey said the department has "We have to break our pur- Democrat Alvin Perkins School and the University. no replacements for deputies on chases down to toilet paper and (D-Bowling Green), who an- sick-leave or vacation, seriously Styrofoam cups and make sure nounced his candidacy for the Randall Gardner (R-Bowling affecting response time. the money is spent effectively." U.S. Congress Fifth District seat Green), also rumored to be in- "Sometimes there's no one on he said. Feb. 4, said unofficially he will terested in the Ohio Senate seat, the road," said Losey. "Some- instead pursue the State Senate has instead decided to seek a times it takes several hours to "The county budget is not an post Gilimor is surrendering to third term in in the Ohio House. get a response to a call." endless well, so we have to in? run for Congress. Candidates running for these The current sheriff, George F. crease efficiency and bring in Perkins is expected to make and other offices must file peti- Photo/Pat Mlngarelll G inter, believes Losey is "blow- additional dollars to make the an official announcement in a tions with the Wood County Tom Murray ing smoke" with his platform. system work," Losey said. press conference at Owens Board of Elections by 4 p.m. to- "I've already asked for more Technical College this morning. day. people, but you can't get them Ginter said with the new jail unless the commissioners ap- there will be a need for more prove," Ginter said. operating money for the sher- As for response time, Ginter iff's department, but that is up said, "We'd have to go like heck to the county commissioner, he Blotter. to increase response time. He said. doesn't know what he's talking David P. Anderson, whose Mike's Party Market, Pisanel- ing Green police station Monday police that an unidentified man about." D See Sheriff, page 8. whereabouts are unknown, is be- lo's Pizza and the Soft Rock afternoon. The checks were ap- walked by her front window and ing sought for writing bad Cafe. parently drawn on a closed ac- headed toward her back bed- checks to three area businesses. Capital Collections in Bowling count. room windows. Police in- Police said Anderson wrote Green brought 12 bad checks A woman who had an on- vestigated but could not find Host an exchange student checks totalling $222.18 to written by Anderson to the Bowl- going problem with voyeurs told anyone. : See Blotter, page 8.

I ALL YOU CAN EAT" BGSU Theatre and the Long Stem Roses Theto Alpha Phi Theatre Honorary present Mm Ayrkbourns BBQ RIBS Fancy Carnations ABSURD Mixed Bouquets RIBS PERSON

February 1720 at B p.m. SINGULAR 4:30-7:00 p.m. RIBS $3.50 Myle's Flowers © Joe E. Brown Theatre. University Holl *n»gm*mti nanrmi* FTOA "A YUPPIE COMEDY" $ THE PHEASANT ROOM-2nd FLOOR UNIVERSITY UNION * Tickets SI 50, no odvorae reservations No Reservations accepted for these Specials ;• - Dairy Queen Bldg. - ovr Food Coupons accepted 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. daily

Application for HOLLIS A. MOORE MEMORIAL PRESENTS SCHOLARSHIP Deadline: Friday, March 4, 1988 The Hollis A. Moore Memorial Scholarship was established to recognize students who contribute to • Jack White is coming to B.G.'s Bowling Green State University through participation and leadership in University Community activities. The award will be in the amount of $500. Buckeye Room Feb. 22nd—Feb. The recipient must be a rising Junior or Senior, maintain a 3.0 G.P.A.. demonstrate active participation in University organizations and be available for a personal Interview with the selection committee. The application along with any supporting materials must be submitted to the Office of the Vice 26th. Jack will be offering a week President for University Relations. Mileti Alumni Center by 4:30 p.m., Friday. March 4,1988. The recipient will be notified prior to any public announcement, on or about March 18,1988. of FREE Billiards clinics, Applications are available in the University Relations Office, Mileti Alumni Center. exhibitions and tournaments! A BIG THANK YOU to all who THE WEEK'S SCHEDULE: participated in Charities Week: Monday. . 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.—Billiards Clinics Tuesday . 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.—More Billiards Clinics * Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Gamma Delta, 2 p.m.—Jack will draw for tournament Kappa Sigma, Alpha Sigma Phi, starting positions. Tournaments McDonald West. will then begin. Wednesday. . Tournament continues beginning at 9:00 a.m. Congratulations Pi Kappa Phi and their Thursday.. . 9:00 a.m.—Men's Final! efforts with PUSH! (Round Robin) 12:00 p.m.—Women's Final! A special thanks to UAO for all their efforts with (Single Elimination) Mardi Gras and all the booths in the Grand Ballroom. Friday : 11:00 a.m.—Jack takes on the Men's Champion! Sponsored by Chanties Board. A division of Volunteers in Progress 12:00 p.m.—Trick shot exhibition THE BG NEWS 8 February 17,1988

Blotter. Houses [ ] Continued from page 7. tor as their house, improving the n Continued from page 1. neighborhood on Court Street, I A man told police three males "Some parts of town are appro- in a Volkswagen threw snow- he said. balls at his car as he was driving priate for greek units, while oth- At the meeting, municipal ers are inappropriate," Mars- administrator Wes Hoffman on East Wooster Street early den said. "Solar, the location of Monday morning. The subjects also said the zoning code is con- were last seen heading north on the fraternity and sorority structed so if the conditions of houses have been accidental." use are met, the zoning in- Thurstin Avenue. Another com- For example, residents of the plainant told police "several spector is enjoined to issue the juveniles" threw snowballs at Theta Chi house on North Main permit. Street have experienced friction his vehicle later in the day. with their neighbors and will The Pi Beta Phi house on A man living on South never be fully integrated into the Court Street is technically an Summit Street took his girl- area, Marsden said. apartment building which has friend to the Wood County Hos- The Theta Chi's built in a cen- been leased to a sorority, Ket- pital emergency room Monday tral business area, where zenbarger said. The building is night but was dissatisfied with fraternities are permitted, al- located in a R-3 district where the treatment she received and though it is not a good place for sororities are not permitted. caused a scene, police said. The it, according to Ketzenbarger. Other greek units off-campus man was described as "loud and Wayne Colvin, director of are Alpha Tau Omega on Frazee abusive". Greek Life, said he has received Avenue and Pi Kappa Alpha on Two fights broke out at the no complaints from Theta Chi's High Street, Colvin said. Uptown bar within 10 minutes of neighbors since the house was Don Pond, Ward 1 council each other Tuesday morning, built. member and sophomore busi- police said. The fraternity is now seeking ness major, said although some The first fight involved Brad- an F permit to sell beer at a people think there is a trend for ley K. Mannon of Walbridge, party in April. A similar request greek units to move off-campus, Christian J. Smith of Monclova was denied last year because of he does not agree. and Donald L. Farell, also of neighbors' concerns about noise "The houses now off-campus Walbridge. The subjects were and parking problems that were violated University miles or, in asked to leave by the bouncer occurring on an ongoing basis, the case of the Pi Phis, are new but refused. Police then told council president John Quinn to campus," Pond said. Colvin them to leave or they would be said. also said he did not see a trend arrested. toward moving off-campus for Another fight broke out seven While city officials agree the University's fraternities and minutes later in front of the bar. some areas may be inappro- sororities. Scott A. Lazenby, 19, of North- priate for greek units, some- "No one, as far as I'm aware, wood, who was involved in the times a fraternity or sorority is planning to move off right fight, was arrested for disorder- improves a neighborhood, now," he said. "In fact, some ly conduct by intoxication. He BG News/Mark Thalman Marsden said. off-campus houses want to move was arrested after he tried to hit The Pi Beta Phi house located on Court Street is one of five greek houses located off campus. These houses are For instance, the Phi Delta back on, but we don't have the a police officer who was trying an issue of concern with some local residents. Thetas remodeled a grain eleva- space for them." to break up the fight.

Sheriff. □ Continued from page 7. Ginter's career started 28 Sears ago as a deputy sheriff in Losey said the department 'ood County. At that time, he UTO WORKS also could save money if drug said, there were only five men in traffic in the county is reduced. the department. Now there are THE DISCOUNT PLACE FOR AUTO PARTS 60. "We need to campaign against "I've seen quite a few changes drug traffic in the county so we since then," Ginter said. He can spend time with other prob- does not forsee much change in lems, so this could save money," the near future due to financial he said. restrictions. 295 STORE Losey's law enforcement ex- WE Ginter said the department perience includes serving as a BUYING POWER LL BEAT m$2$ has spent $5,000 on a dog that deputy sheriff in Defiance (UNMANUFACTURED •an detect narcotics. He added County, a patrolman with the SAVES YOU ANY he wants to strengthen the de- Lake Township police depart- MONEY! PRICE IN TOWN! partment, but funds are limited. ment, an undercover in- STARTERS Auto Work, will beat anybody's vestigator with the Ohio De- advertised price or olvtvou partment of Liquor Control, and ,S ft V E Tpij A_U as the chief of the Haskins police PThat'swhy...Webeatanypnce rfiH! An<> that's guaranteed. department. W" good on UhHnndrt item, atfwrllitd TONITE IS Ini» Wtfff. in town. BARGAIN NITE All Seats $2.00 "Here* a NEW WINDSHIELD HEAVY DUTY FRAM TAX LAW tip" WATER PUMPS Generally, the new lax law re- WASHER OIL FILTERS quires you (o pay at least 90 percent of your 1987 income ^\7^% FOR MOST tax through withholding or SOLVENT 1 estimated lax payments If you don't. > '»i may have lo pay PROTECTS TO 25» frff ™ a penalty. Pubiu-tion 505 con- BELOW ZERO BR< tains more informaiiun. Call AC-Deico FfMMtf l-800-424-FORM(3676)orlhe IRS Forms number in your !*•*«««* IMMMWltf THERMOSTATS phone book to gel a copy OL W1LUAM HURT ® [•!•] FILTER EACH at 7:15 and 9:15 LIMIT 1 uomMw OFF EXCEPT HP SERIES PRESENT AT OUR BOX OUR LOW HIM Ol M PRICE Dolco Freedom DURA POWER BATTERY SALE Dales riMd«M & DURA POWER • 525 COLD CRANKING AMPS 88 •60 MONTH 1 Jf Mw.C.1 j WARRANTY EXCHANGE Motorcraft WIRE SETS Motorcraft AIR STARTING FLUID NO. 5 540 'I' FILTERS


W* ntaarv* th« right lo Hmit quantltta* on M*t morctwidlM, additional quantum at ntgular prtct Sate prtcaa do not apply to apodal onto**. HobHad Hama HMtad HH to manutaetunKl r—trtctlona. Prtcaa Good Now thru Saturday. February 30. 19M 2-U-B THE BG NEWS

Elsewhere February 18,1988 9 U.S. Embassy damaged by fire

MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet firefighters chap- The Soviets responded promptly and were "es- pied immediately because of Soviet listening de- early 1950s was a "firetrap and unsafe by accepted eroned by Americans extinguished a fire Wednes- corted at all times by American employees," in- vices apparently installed during construction. standards for general working conditions.'' day iit the U.S. Embassy, the aging building the side the building, said Gilbert, who briefed repor- United States has been unable to abandon because ters in the wet snow outside the mustard-colored The $191 million structure already was five A renovation of the building has been under way of bugging devices that permeate a new structure. embassy's main door after the fire had been years behind schedule at the time. Proposals have since then. About ISO embassy employees were evacuated brought under control. included razing part or all of the new structure, or Gilbert said the fire "might be construction re- and sent home for the day, embassy spokesman The 10-story embassy building, on busy Tchai- building a new office to house communications and lated," although its cause has not been de- Richard Gilbert said. No one was injured. kovsky Street near the center of Moscow, has been secret operations. termined. It apparently started near a stairwell, U.S. Embassy officials said Soviet firefighters the source of controversy for more than a year. he said. were called to put out the fire in an unoccupied Last spring U.S. officials said they had de- U.S. Reps. Dan Mica, D-Fla., and Olympia He said there was no damage to the main wor! fifth-floor residential section after they decided termined a new eight-story red-brick office build- Snowe, R-Maine, said in April that the old embassy ing areas of the embassy, which begins on the six embassy personnel couldn't extinguish it on their ing directly behind the old one could not be occu- building rented by the United States since the floor. Gays restricted Misdiagnosis results in lawsuit

Rights amendment defeated DAYTON (AP) - Lawyers for given any clotting factor, AIDS can destroy the body's He said the case was the first a boy incorrectly diagnosed as whether it was clean or contam- immune system, leaving a per- of its kind. "This is the only one having hemophilia said yester- inated," lawyer Jerry L. Mal- son vulnerable to other deadly in the country that has this ml*: LONDON (AP) - The House The bill stipulates that local day the resulting AIDS-tainted loon of Columbus said during diseases. diagnosis," he said. of Lords defeated a bid to water authorities — which run public medication will make him a opening arguments. Malloon said the boy will have The attorneys argued that the down legislation restricting the libraries, some theaters and social outcast for the rest of his The boy, who was 13 when he difficulty getting a job, getting boy will lose up to $1 million in firomotion of homosexuality by most state schools — must not life. "intentionally promote homo- was diagnosed as a hemophiliac life or medical insurance, get- future earnings and that hifc ocal governments, making it The boy and his family sued in December 1980, has not de- ting married or having children. total expenses, including medfc-. virtually certain the measure sexuality." for $10 million from Children's veloped acquired immune defi- cal expenses, will be more thalf will become law. The amendment defeated by Medical Center, two of its doc- ciency syndrome, but five tests 'It's social imprisonment," $3 million. The Lords, the unelected up- the House of Lords sought to lim- tors, a laboratory and three have shown he is carrying the said Jeff Malloon, his son and per chamber of Parliament, it the ban on promoting homo- companies which manufactured HTLV-m virus, Malloon said. co-counsel on the case. voted 9048 on Tuesday night to sexuality to one area only — the blood-clotting factor used to defeat an amendment to legisla- state-owned schools. treat hemophiliacs. tion regulating local govern- The family is unidentified at Kidnap ment powers. A Labor Party member, Lord Christian east Beirut, also The two villages are contintro!. the request of Montgomery □ Continued from page 1. speaking privately, confirmed led by Justice Minister Nabilv'abih The restriction on promoting Willis, also tried to include County Common Pleas Judge Higgins was returning from a Higgins' abduction but said they Berri s Amal militia. But the inJ- homosexuality is included in a wording saying the proposed William MacMillan, who is pre- meeting in Tyre with Abdel Ma- had no details about how it hap- fluence of extremist Shiite far> legislative package proposed by law is not a license to discrimin- siding at the trial. jid Saleh, a political leader of pened or who might be holding tions loyal to Iran has been stear Prime Minister Margaret That- ate against homosexuals, but his The family contends the clot- the mainstream Amal Shiite him. duly growing in both villages? cher's Conservative administra- effort failed. ting factor, which is made from Moslem militia, a UNIFIL offi- The UNIFIL command de- Tyre-based reporters said. tion. Arguing for the measure, whole blood and is used to keep cial told the The Associated clined to answer questions about UNIFIL was set up in 1978 on ad- The vote represented the leg- Home Office Minister Lord hemophiliacs from bleeding to Press in Jerusalem. The official, the abduction. But one U.N. mission to restore peace and s2* islation's last parliamentary Caithness said "gay pride" pro- death, was contaminated with who spoke on condition of ano- source in Naqoura said the area curity and assist the Lebanese^ hurdle and the package has been grams and the promotion of gay the AIDS virus. nymity, said the meeting took of the abduction is close to the government in ensuring the r*5 penciled in for entry onto the rights sought to glamorize ho- "We will prove that the place in a friendly atmosphere. Shiite Moslem villages of Ras el- turn of its effective authority aji statute books on June 1. mosexuality. patient never should have been U.S. Embassy officials in Ein and Deir Qanoun. southern Lebanon.


Jan. 30-31 Indoor F»b 20 21 Indoor Open X)-9 Daily 12-5 Sunday A COLORFUL Mar. 19-20 Indoor/Outdoor Apr. 16-17 Indoor/Outdoor WOODLAND MALL AND WIDE SELECTION May 14-15 Indoor/Outdoor OF SWEATERS... June 25-26 Indoor/Outdoor v July 16-17 Indoor Outdoor ^^ sweats, pants, shirts Sept. 17-18 Indoor /Outdoor 10% skirts, jackets accessories Oct. 15-16 Indoor/Outdoor Nov. 19-20 Indoor/Outdoor STUDENT DISCOUNT ON Dec. 10-11 Indoor | 5CKoff Jr. Fair Building THURSDAY WITH I.D. EXPERIENCE THE UNITED COLORS OF Wood County Fairground | any item purchased Easter Candy, Chocolate Bunnies; Rt. 64 8 Poe Rd. at the BG Portside Marketplace £K benellc Bowling Green. Ohio Flea Market Build Your Own Easter Basket Franklin Park Mall Jon. 30—31 only "Buy A Pinch or a Pound From around the World"

CAMPUS -CHARLESTOWN= SPECIAL POLLYEYES Reg. 10" Pan APARTMENTS Open 11:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. Pizza with Sun-Wed. 11:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. any MID AM MANOR Thurs.-Sat. one item for 352-9638 $3.50 Choose from choice apartments within SPECIAL Extra items walking distance to campus Summer Large Pan .70 each 1988 and 1988-1989 school year. : Pizza $5.20 value with any 2 Free Delivery items plus 1 or 2 bedroom, furnished or 1/2 OFF one qt. of unfurnished, gas heat & water included, ALL FALL & WINTER Coke Tonight at 10:30 air conditioning Sweaters - Skirts - Jackets - etc. $7.00 Sex Beatles Extra items j Tomorrow at 7:30. See Resident Manager, $1.20 ea. | ttw Falcon kert Beat JEMS N THINGS $10 value I Western on our TV, 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.G. 531 Ridge 352-8332 free Delivery* Canadion Beer Special 352-4380 while gam* is on. -J (Across from Mac West)

FRAZIER REAMS FELLOWSHIPS SPRING BREAK RAFFLE TICKETS FOR RISING SENIORS WITH INTEREST IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS EACH FELLOWSHIP AMOUNT IS $1,500 Win a trip to South Padre Island Deadline: Friday, March 4, 1988 The Frazier Reams Public Affairs Undergraduate Fellowship Program was established in 1973 with in recognition of Frazier Reams, Sr. and his distinguished service in the broadcasting industry as a member of Congress and as a trustee of Bowling Green State University.

Five Fellowships may be granted annually to rising seniors who intend to pursue careers in public affairs (speech communication, broadcasting, journalism, political or governmental service, public health, community service, law or some other public affairs field). A rising senior is a student with a minimum G.P.A. of 3.2 who will attend BGSU for two semesters of Tickets on sale: his/her senior year, and will graduate no sooner than May 1989. Each fellow will receive. Feb. 15-19 University Hall $1500. The selection of fellows will be based on an initial screening process and further review J£ which may include personal interviews.

Feb. 22-25 To Be Announced The application form and all support materials, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted to the University Relations Office, Mileti Alumni Center by 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 4, 1988. Recipients will be notified prior to any public announcement on or about March 18. Feb. 25 Innovation Dance 1988.

Applications are available in the University Relations Office, Mileti Alumni Center; School of Drawing on Feb. 25 at the Innovation Dance! Mass Communication, 302 West Hall; and the Political Science Department, Founders/Lowry • SO* par ticket. 519. THE BG NEWS 10 February 18,1988 Oscar nominees selected News Briefs Preteen is med student Spielberg overlooked again in best director category BAYTOWN, Texas (AP) - Crosby, northeast of Houston. The desks are way too big, The couple divorced when but other than that, 11-year- Kristen was a baby. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — "The Last Eimeror," a panor- Joining "Broadcast News" and "The Last Emperor," the life old premedical student If she perseveres, Kristen amic drama of modern China, scored top honors with nine nomina- story of China's last monarch, as contenders for best picture were Kristen Banerjee says she could get her medical degree tions Wednesday in an Oscar race that included Cher, Robin Wil- "Fatal Attraction," "Hope and Glory" and "Moonstruck." feelsperfectly at ease on the at age 17. liams and Michael Douglas but overlooked directors Steven Spiel- Bernardo Bertolucci, the Italian director of "The Last Emperor," Lee College campus. "f ve been told she can't be berg and James L. Brooks. said in Rome that "even if I've been making films for 25 years, today licensed until her 21st birth- for the first time I feel like I passed my exams with flying colors, the Kristen, a genius with an IQ day," her mother said. "But I "Broadcast News," the comedy-romance set in a television news sensation of becoming an adult." of 164, was speaking in sen- think that may have changed. bureau, followed with seven nominations including those for stars Of the best picture nominees, "Fatal Attraction" was the only one tences before her first birth- We're looking into it." William Hurt, Holly Hunter and Albert Brooks. James Brooks was to place among the Top Ten money makers of 1987. It was third with day, and at age 4 became For light reading before nominated as producer and writer, but surprisingly, not as director. a gross of $129,358,990, behind "Beverly Hills Cop II" and "Platoon," fluent in Norwegian after bed, Kristen browses through Spielberg's "Empire of the Sun" tied "Fatal Attraction" and which won the Oscar for best picture last year. But most of the spending the summer there the Physicians' Desk Refer- 'Moonstruck" with six nominations, but Spielberg was not men- nominated films opened near the end of the year and are still selling with her father, Dallas ence, a thick volume about tioned for his direction, nor did the film make the best movie list. In tickets. research scientist Salil prescription drugs. "I love to Two-time winners Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep were nomi- Banerjee. read it. I like learning about 1965, Spielberg's "The Color Purple" collected 11 nominations, but She lives with her mother, none for the director. nated as best actor and actress for their roles as Depression-era low- the warnings and names of lifers in "Ironweed." Carol Harrison, in nearby medicines, she said. Best actor nominees also included Douglas for "Wall Street"; Hurt, "Broadcast News"; Marcello Mastroianni, "Dark Eyes"; Williams, "Good Morning, Vietnam." Computer funds sought THIS WEEK FEATURED AT Douglas learned the news watching television at his New York apartment. He said, "It made me not only proud of our film 'Wall COLUMBUS (AP) - Gov. Celeste disclosed his de- Street,' but it reminded me of what a wonderful part Oliver Stone Richard Celeste will ask the cision to request the appro- created." Legislature later this month priation last weekend during Joining Streep on the best actress list: Cher, "Moonstruck"; for $22 million to install the remarks to a science policy Glenn Close, "Fatal Attraction"; Hunter, "Broadcast News;" and latest supercomputer at the group at a meeting of the Sally Kirkland, "Anna." Ohio Supercomputer Center American Association for the at Ohio State University, ac- Advancement of Science in cording to a report today. Boston, The Columbus Dis- The new machine, manu- patch reported. factured by Cray Research, would replace an earlier Cray Celeste said the center was & machine installed last sum- launched without federal as- mer. The new supercomputer sistance, largely through the is eight to 10 times more initiative of OSU chemistry ** s& powerful than the one it would professors Robert McCurdy University replace. and Russell Pitzer. THURSDAY ■ College i.D. Night (tree admission with valid ID) Graphic Arts Ginsburg probe complete FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ARE HAPPENING NIGHTS! WASHINGTON (AP) - The report by Assistant At- SUNDAY - Wild Pitcher Night Services The Justice Department torney General William Weld, looked into 16 instances head of the department's MONDAY - Monday Mania where former antitrust chief criminal division, concluded Douglas Ginsburg dealt with that no independent counsel (free video and pool all night) cable industry matters while was needed to investigate holding cable stock, but found beyond the department's pre- TUESDAY - Hospital Employees Night 211 West Hall either his participation or liminary inquiry into three chance of gain was too small matters that had been report- WEDNESDAY - Ladies' Night Bowling Green State University to violate conflict-of-interest ed in news accounts. laws. [-ee admission tor the ladies) The department's 116-page Weld also disclosed that the 372-7418 report on its inquiry into department had uncovered 13 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Ginsburg, a former Supreme other matters itself, but that Court nominee, was released these did not even merit a 3922 SECOR AT SYLVANIA, TOLEDO See us for your Tuesday by the division of the preliminary inquiry by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. department. Cominc Attractions - Feb. 23rd 28th "The Affair" CAMERA • TYPESETTING • LAYOUT/DESIGN needs

Get Your Fall Housing

Block & white PMTS. hantones. reversals. Mm positives from Summer/Fall Apartments Full typesetting services Camera-ready ort prepared lor journals. Brochures. Available newsletters, tiers, etc GREENBRIAR, INC. LaserWriter output Irom Macintosh disks featuring 211 S. College 2 BR garage opt. - available immed

517 E. Reed 2 BR lurnishea - summer only ^ P 501 Pike Street 521 E. Merry 2 BR furnished - summer only 2 bedroom apt.—$65000/month 720 Second 1 BP furnished - summer only 3 bedroom apt— $75000/month

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402 High St. 2 BP unfurnished - summer only 224 E. Wooster 352-0717 120 State St. 1 BR unfurnished -1 yr lease - May to May 449-455 S. Enterprise 1 BP turn /unfurn - summer & fall 3 649 Sixth 2 BP furnished - summer/toll 5K •31 Seventh 2 BR furnished - summer/fall One Price! Be a Big Winner! •39 Seventh 1 BR unfufmshed - summer/fall Buy a pair of regular prescription eyeglasses and a pair of Participate in the i prescription sunglasses all at one low price! Choose from our wide variety of selected plastic frames with glass or scratch coated 854 Eighth 1 BR unfum.shed • summer/fall plastic lenses, round or Bat top 25mm bifocals or tinted lenses. Spring Savings Edition Oversize, high power, photochromatic and specialty bifocals and trifocals are priced slightly higher. Please note that eye THE BG NEWS Forest Apartments 2 BR furnsneavunfurnished examinations are priced separately and Insurance programscover •853 Napoleon groa student housing only one pair of glasses. •751 High summer & foil Single Vision Bifocals MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1988 •849 Napoleon $7988 $||988 Advrrttting DaadUna: Thursday. Ftbruxry 18, 4p.m. -851 Napoleon Get two ads for the price of one) For Both Pairs For Both Pairs Buy ona ol tha modular ad ttit* oHerad and you racMvt ihr MAM apaca on Ihr back of yowl ad lo war howavar you chooaa al no additional chanja: One day service for most prescriptions with 2 col i 3' adp flpaoa) ■ 30 00 2 col xeV ad|V4 paoal ■ 00 00 experienced Opticians at your service. 2 col x 13" ad|l 2 one*) •120 00 You must be completey satisfied or we will return your money. or 4 col a 6 1/2" ad John Newlove Real Estate 4 col > 13- ad [lulpagal 1 color <■ adorbon lo OUCH (on* aids ol adi 86 00 2 colors m addrbon lo black (on* udaoladl 110 00 319 E. Wooster ^Burlington Optical 354-2260 or 352-6553 |l955S. Reynolds 3153 W. Sylvania suSfffc 382-2020 472-1113 352-2533 ^femary 17,1*88 4




i\t NCR, we've found that in We're so committed to our mission 1) The NCR Stakeholder Essay Competition is open to any full-time undergraduate or graduate student order to create value, we must first that we're encouraging the next attending an accredited college or university in the satisfy the legitimate expectations generation of leaders to re-examine United States or its territories. 2) Entries must be original, unpublished work on the of every person with a stake in our America's business values. We're topic: "Creating Value for All Stakeholders in company. We call these people doing this by holding the NCR Corporations and/or Not-for-Profit Organizations." Essays must not exceed 3,000 words. Areas of our stakeholders, and we attempt Stakeholder Essay Competition discussion may include, but are not limited to: Ethics, to satisfy their expectations by which all full-time undergraduate Corporate Governance, Strategic Management, Social Responsibility, or Managing Change as these topics promoting partnerships in which and graduate college or university relate to managing for stakeholders. everyone is a winner. students may enter. Entries should 3) Entries must be typed, double-spaced on %Vi" x 11" bond paper, one side only. A separate cover sheet • We believe in building mutually explore the topic: "Creating should list the entrant's name, school, home address Value for All Stakeholders in and title of the essay. Subsequent pages should be beneficial and enduring relationships numbered sequentially and include the essay title in with all of our stakeholders, based Corporations and/or Not-for-Profit the upper right margin. Winners will be required to Organizations." produce proof of current full-rime college Or university on conducting business activities • enrollment. with integrity and respect. The student chosen as the first 4) All entries must be postmarked by March 31,1988, and received by April 15,1988 to be eligible for • We take customer satisfaction place winner will be awarded consideration. Submit entries to: NCR Stakeholder $50,000 cash. Plus, the entrant's Essay Competition, NCR Corporation, Stakeholder personally: we are committed to Relations Division, Dayton, Ohio 45479. NCR is not providing superior value in school will receive $100,000 in responsible for, and will not consider, late, lost or NCR data processing equipment. misdirected entries. our products and services on a 5) In the event any prize winner is a minor, the cash continuing basis. The second place winner will award will be made to his/her parent or guardian. receive $15,000 cash and the 6) Awards to individuals will be reported as income on • We respect the individuality of each IRS Form 1099. All taxes are the responsibility of the entrant's school will receive $35,000 recipients. employee and foster an environment in equipment. One hundred $1,000 7) Award winners will be required to sign publicity in which employees' creativity awards of merit will be given to releases and affidavits of eligibility and compliance with all rules governing the competition. Failure to and productivity are encouraged, chosen participants. In addition, return executed affidavits and releases within 15 days recognized, valued and rewarded. selected award-winning entrants of receipt will cause the award to be null and void. 8) All entries become the property of NCR and will not • We think of our suppliers as partners will be invited to attend the first be returned. NCR International Symposium on 9) By participating in this competition entrants agree who share our goal of achieving the to these rules and the decisions of the judges which highest quality standards and the Stakeholders to be held June 9 & 10, shall be final in all respects, and further agree to the 1988, in Dayton, Ohio. use of their names, likenesses and entries for NCR most consistent level of service. advertising and publicity purposes without any further compensation. • We are committed to being caring State and territorial judges will consist of panels that and supportive corporate citizens include NCR stakeholders. Final selections will be made within the worldwide communities from state and territory winners by a national panel of in which we operate. judges. If clarification is necessary, call (513) 445-1667, •We are dedicated to creating value 8am-5pm EST. for our shareholders and financial Award winners will be notified on or about May 16,1988. To obtain a list of finalists, send a self-addressed, stamped communities by performing in a envelope to: manner that will enhance the return NCR Stakeholder Essay Competition on their investments. NCR Corporation Stakeholder Relations Division 1700 South Patterson Boulevard Dayton, Ohio 45479

NCR's Mission: Create Value for Our Stakeholders THE BG NEWS

12 February 18,1988 Sports BG defeats Western Michigan 75-66 Illinois Third-straight conference win spurred by second-half comeback defeats KALAMAZOO, Mich. - La- 8UIS" one," Martenet said. "The sec- team's play in the second half. dominated play, taking its mon Pippin, Steve Martenet and The culmulation of the 10 point ond shot was a matter of plant- "I thought we played one of biggest lead (19-10) at the 10:57 Anthony Robinson all scored 14 run came when Martenet hit a ing my feet and being ready to the worst halfs of basketball mark on two foul shots by Mark Bucks points, and Bowling Green outs- jumper to pull BG within 51-50. shot when the ball got there. since we were 0-3," he said. "We Brown, who scored a game-high cored Western Michigan by 19 On the Falcons' next possession. The Falcons then with-stood a controlled the first half with our 24 points. CHAMPAIGN, m. (AP) points in the second half as the Joe Gregory hit a three-point WMU charge by scoring eight of defense, running game and with "In the first half, we didn't — Ken Battle scored 26 Falcons went on to a 75-66 Mid- shot to give BG its first lead the next 11 points to go up 67-57 our shooting. play like we should have," BG points and Nick Anderson American Conference victory. since early in the first half. with 2:50 remaining on a Mar- "The second half we came out head coach Jim Larranaga said. added 25 Last night to lead BG's third straight MAC win A three-pointer by Martenet tenet layup. flat. We had no intensity or ag- BG shot 67 percent from the Illinois to a 118-86 victory raises its conference record to ended the run. BG hit 8-of-9 from the foul line gressiveness. We did not play field in the second half on over Ohio State in a Big 5-7. The Broncos fall to 6-6 in the "I think at that point in the down the stretch for the nine- basketball in the second half. We 18-of-27 from the floor, and 57 Ten Conference basketball MAC. game everybody was playing point win. didn't do a damn thing. We plain percent for the game (29-for-51). game. The Falcons scored the last well," Martenet said. "We were WMU head coach Vernon lost it." WMU hit at a 50-percent clip It marked the sixth time six points of the first half to pull running the offense like we were Payne was very upset with his In the first half the Broncos (28-of-56). this season that the Illini within 10 at halftime, 34-24. suppossed to and I was able to had scored 100 or more BG started a comeback at the come off a pick to get the three- points in a game but the 9:50 mark of the second half, point shot.' first time they did it in the trailing 5146. The Falcons then WMU's Steve Riikonen made Price paces Cleveland Big Ten. scored the next 10 points to take a basket off an offensive re- Five Illini scored in a 56-51 advantage with 6:36 re- bound to end the drought, but PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Mark The loss was Philadelphia's road victories, two more than all double figures as they took maining. another three-pointer by Mar- Price scored 28 points and Tyr- third straight and 11th in the last ot last season, led 107-103 on a control early. "We believed we could win it tenet from the top of the key put one Corbin made a key defen- 14 games. The Sixers have won layup by Brad Daugherty with scored 16 points and Lowell and we sucked it up," said Fal- the Falcons up 59-53 with 6:00 sive play late in the game, help- only one game while losing four 2:19 remaining, but Albert Hamilton 14 for Illinois. con James Tyler, who scored a left. ing the Cleveland Cavaliers beat King's 3-point shot got the 76ers Ohio State was led by season-nigh nine points. "We "After the first three-pointer, the Philadelphia 76ers 115-107 under new coach Jim Lynam. within one with 2:11 to play. Jay Burson, who scored 17 felt we could play with these I kind of felt the it on the next last night. Cleveland, which has eight SDints. Curtis Wilson and erry Francis had 16 each. Motycka leads Falcon's75-65 win Bell settles; MY's KALAMAZOO, Mich. — "Chris Mossing came off the remaining. the guards made the shots. Mo- Forward Jackie Motycka bench and was a good pick-up BG upped the score to 65-57 tycka scored 14 of her points in scored 18 points to pace five in the second half," BG head on a Mossing jumper with 4:49 the second half. players in double figures as coach Fran Voll said. "I remaining. Two more Motycka "That helped a lot in the sec- Gooden doesn't Bowling Green defeated couldn't take her out of the free throws increased the ond half," he said. Western Michigan 75-65 in a line-up." margin to 12 (70-58), at the 2:39 Another key was BG's 25-11 NEW YORK (AP) — George Bell and the Toronto Blue Jays settled Mid-American Conference After leading 40-37 at half- mark. rebounding advantage in the at the brink of salary arbitration once again yesterday, but Dwight game last night in Kalamazoo, Voll said he went into the second half. Gooden went through with his hearing against the New York Mets. Mich. contest with the notion the "The difference was re- Bell, the American League's Most Valuable Player, agreed to a The win keeps the Falcons, Broncos would try to shut down bounding," said WMU head two-year contract for a guaranteed $4 million in the room where the 10-2 in the MAC, in first place, the inside game. He said his coach Jim Hess, who got a arbitrator was to hear arguments. The hearing was delayed 25 while the Broncos fall to 8-4 guards responded to that chal- game-high 21 points from minutes for the last-ditch effort to avoid arbitration. and fourth place in conference lenge. Shannon Pickell. Bell's deal includes an option year in 1990 that could raise the play. "Paulette and Chris stepped In the first half WMU had the value of his package to $5.8 million, and he can earn more than Senior guard Chris Mossing up and hit key baskets, he game under control and led un- $400,000 a year in incentive bonuses. provided a big lift off the bench said. "That was a key factor. til the 4: 59 mark when Mossing Bell was asking for an arbitration-record $2,105 million salary this by scoring 14 points. Point They tended to let the per- hit a jumper from the left wing, year, while the Blue Jays offered to pay him $1.75 million. Andre guard Paulette Backstrom Hess Voll imeter open." giving the Falcons a 34-32 lead. Dawson, the National League MVP, lost his bid to get a $2 million sa- chipped in with 13 points, while time, the Falcons extended Voll added that his squad Backstrom's jumper just be- lary from the Chicago Cubs, whose $1.85 million offer was accepted Megan McGuire and Angie their lead to 55-49 on two free was able to get the ball to Mo- fore the half accounted for the by an arbitrator Sunday. Bonner scored 12 each. throws by Motycka with 10:58 tycka in the second half after 40-37 halftime score. Gooden and the Mets argued their cases in an adjoining room for four hours before arbitrator Richard Bloch. A decision is expected Thursday or Friday. Two arbitration decisions were announced yesterday. Gary Redus 2 49 sale price of the Chicago White Sox won and was awarded $460,000 by John -1 00 mt>t rebate Simpkins, who rejected the club's offer of $370,000. Chris Brown of Quaher State the San Diego Padres lost and was given $265,000 by Frederick Reel instead of his requested $410,000. 49 Owners have won nine of 12 cases decided this winter. your cost 1 alter rebate 84° M^- Purolator Oil Fillers 10W30 Motor Oil Foreign or rJometliC Limit2. Limit 12 3 49 sale price HOWARD'S club H - 1 UOmtr s rebate 210 N. MAIN NO COVER 49 BAND UPDATES ON III. :, your cost From Chicago: 94' after rebate 10W40& 2 5W30 Motor Oils Purolator Air Filters Foreign or domestic Limit 2 I Jimmy Dawkins I 'c Blues Band :'• •; Nationwise One of the Best Blues ■I [(CAUTION Guitarists in the country STOP AUTO PARTS Sconce >< •■ >' •■••,. in %u oPattt in. ifcci ■■« «* •• • USE QUALITY . 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February 18,1988 13 NBA gets mid-season grades Ballesteros starts by Andy Woodard last year, the Warriors have slumped to 13-34 while making one of golf season early assistant sports editor the dumbest trades in NBA history, sending Joe Barry Carroll and Eric Floyd to Houston for Ralph Sampson. Sorry, that was outright stupid. The National Basketball Association all-star game in Chicago Another disappointment has been Philadelphia. The 76ers' loss of LA JOLLA, Calif. (AP) - It And that, he indicated, was marked the halfway point in the season just over a week and a half Julius Erving has hurt more than I thought. Mo Cheeks and Charles is a little chilly in northern largely due to> two factors: ago. Barkley have produced, but the team is hurting otherwise. Spain at this time of the year. luck and putting. There's been many surprises, along with many disappointments in These are some of the big stories, but how does each team grade But that's not the reason "My luck was not so good the league thus far. With the year coming to end in just a few out(A,B,C,D,F). Seve Ballesteros decided to as it used to be in previous months, it is time to pass out each team's grade for the first part of Starting in the Atlantic Division, Boston is in first place as expect- start his season a little early. years," Ballesteros said. the season. ed. Larry Bird is still one of the best players in NBA history, scoring "I'm not here for a holi- "With a little bit of luck I When the season began four months ago I picked the Seattle almost 30 points a game this season. Bench is very suspect. B day," the Spanish golfer said could have won two, perhaps Supersonics to have a Dig season and take the NBA title. The squad Philadelphia is in second but is fading fast. If the 76ers are to make after a practice round for the three times in eight starts in hasn't quite come together as I thought it would, but they are still a theplayoffs, they will need to get their act together. C $650,000 Andy Williams Open, America last year." solid playoff contender. The Bullets haven't done as well I as thought, but with new coach which starts today at the Tor- The Los Angelos Lakers, who I thought the Supersonics would Wes Unseld they are making a move and playing well. C rey Pines Golf Club. "I am very optimistic my overtake in the Western Conference, are playing better than they did New York. C New Jersey. F "I'm here to enjoy the putting will be much better last year when they had one of the top four records in the league's In the Central Division, Detroit, with Adrian Dantley, is playing competition, to play as hard this year," said Ballesteros, history and defeated Boston for the title. extremely well. A Atlanta is also playing good basketball. Domini- as I can. I want to win if I who also plans to play in next que Wilkins scoring almost 30 ppg. A can," said Ballesteros, the week's Los Angeles Open be- Chicago and Michael Jordan are doing great with. Air Jordanfly- flamboyant figure who ranks fore returning to Spain for ina high and Michael having a better year than last season. B among golf's leading players. two tournaments, including Commentary Indiana. B Milwaukee. B the defense of his title in the The Cleveland Cavaliers could be this year's biggest surprise. He is coming off a 1987 Spanish PGA. The Celtic starters' old age has shown somewhat, especially on the When went down early in the season, the Cavs perser- season that Ballesteros said road where they are barely over 50 percent. But in the Boston Gar- vered and made it through. With his return they are playing as well was "very good. It was very The Andy Williams is being den they are still as tough as ever. as anyone in the league. A close to being a great year, a played on both the North and The Lakers and Celtics have already met their allotted two times, Moving to the Western Conference's Midwest Division, Dallas has fantastic year." South courses at Torrey with LA taking both contests. LA won in Boston on Magic Johnson's a small lead, but is still the best team there. A Pines. The field of 156 will buzzer shot, while the Lakers handled Boston quite easily in the Houston, with the addition of Carroll and Floyd, is making a move As it was, he won three play one round on each course Forum. and could challenge LA, Seattle and Dallas for the West title. A times, two of those in Spain. before the field is cut for the But the Lakers have had some competition in the West. The Dallas Denver has been a pleasant surprise, especially at home. B But he did not win in eight final two rounds at the South Mavericks, under new coach John MacLeod, have not taken any Utah, behind Karl Malone, is streaky. C San Antonio. D Sacra- starts in the United States, course. prisoners. Forward Mark Agiurre is having one of the best seasons mento. F though he was runner-up Among the others in the of his career, averaging over 27 points per game. Rolando Black- In the Pacific, LA and Magic Johnson are runing-a-way with div- three times, twice losing in chase for a $117,000 first prize man, Derrick Harper and Sam Perkins are also playing well. The isionnA 8layoffs. It was very much are defending champion biggest surprise of the year has been the entire CentralDivision. All Portand, with Clyde Drexler and Terry Porter, are a sure bet for le same in Europe, he said, George Bums, Tom Watson, six teams have won more than half of their games, with Atlanta and the playoffs. B Seattle. B three wins, five seconds, six Fuzzy Zoeller, Ray Floyd, Detroit currently tied for first. Phoenix needs a center. D Golden State. F LA Clippers. F thirds. Curtis Strange, Bob Tway, Chicago, Indiana and Cleveland all have young teams and are So, what does all of this mean ? "Every time someone had Tom Kite, U.S. Open titlehol- Slaying well, while Milwaukee is a slightly older squad which still It would be easy for me to pick a champion other than Seattle at a chance to beat me, he did," der Scott Simpson and Mas- as what it takes. this stage. But that would be too esay. I'll stay with my pick and take Ballesteros said. ters champion Larry Mize. One of the biggest disappointments is Golden State. A solid team the Supersonics to defeat the Celtics for the crown. Toledo, Miami Kentucky upset; other rated teams win KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (API - Coast Conference, to take a Scott Williams added 11 points left to pull within two points with Greg Bell made a 5-footer with 10-point lead. Virginia came for North Carolina and J.R. Reid 19 seconds remaining. one second remaining to give back to cut it to four before the had 10 points. But Ray Gaffney's 10-foot shot are victorious Tennessee a 72-70 upset over No. Blue Devils pulled away with an David Carlyle led Wake with four seconds left hit the rim TOLEDO (API - Fresh- OXFORD (APi - Umont 9 Kentucky last night in the 8-0 run. Forest, 8-14 and 2-8. with 21 and bounced away. Mills, who man Keith Wade came off the Hanna scored 21 points and Southeastern Conference. Bill Batts led Virginia with 14 points. finished with 19 points, grabbed bench to score 17 points and made a game-ending tip-in on Bell's basket came after Ten- points and John Johnson added the rebound, was fouled and Toledo shot 68 percent from an out-of-bounds pass to give nessee's Clarence Swearengen 12 for the Cavaliers. 12-13 and MINNEAPOLIS 1AP1 -. sank both free throws. the field in the second half to Miami of Ohio a 72-71 Mid- batted away a Kentucky ball. 4-5. scored five of Mi- defeat Cleveland State 85-76 American Conference victory The Volunteers, who snapped a CHAPEI. HILL, N.C. (API - chigan's final six points, includ- Glen Rice, who entered the last night. last night over Ohio Universi- three-game losing streak, im- Steve Bucknall and Kevin Mad- ing two free throws with four game as the Big Ten's second- Jeff Haar and Fred King ty- proved to 13-9 and 6-7. den scored 15 points each last seconds left, as the No. 10 Wol- leading scorer with a 23.2 scor- added 15 points apiece. Chad Miami. 6-17 overall and 3-9 Ed Davender scored 27 points night, leading No. 5 North Caro- verines held off Minnesota 82-78 ing average, led Michigan with Keller had 13 and Andy Fi- in the conference, was also for the Wildcats. 18-4 and 10-4. lina to a 80*2 victory over Wake in a Big Ten game last night. 25 points. Gary Grant, the Bin sher 12 for the Rockets, 13-9. led by Jim Paul with 19 points Dyron Nix scored 20 for Tennes- Forest. The Gophers. 9-13 overall and Ten's leading scorer, had 22 The victory ran Toledo's re- and 7 rebounds. see. North Carolina improved to 3-9 in the conference, rallied points for the Wolverines, 21-4, cord to 10-1 outside of Mid- DURHAM, N.C. (API - 19-3 and 8-2. from a 13-point deficit with 12:36 10-2. American Conference pla\. Ohio U. dropped to 11-11 Danny Ferry scored 28 points, Eric Mudd scored 21 points and 6-5. The Bobcats were led including 12 of Duke's first 14. and Ken "Mouse" McFadden by Dave Jamerson with 24 leading the No. 6 Blue Devils added 15 for Cleveland State. points and Paul Graham with past Virginia 73-54 last night. 184. 17 points and 8 rebounds. Ferrjrs opening run enbled Duke, 19-3 and 8-2 in the Atlantic "AN EXCITING ADVENTURE!" "'Cry Freedom' is powerful...An exciting adventure of escape...A movie of passion." — Gene Shalit.TODAY SHOW/NBC-TV "THE FILM OF THE YEAR, the decade, even of this generation!' -Marshall Fine, GANNETT NEWSPAPERS

MINI-COURSES SIGN-UPS CONTINUE FOR THE FOLLOWING: PRACTICAL BIKE TRIPS COUNTED CROSS STITCH Date: 2/23, 3/1, 3/8 Date: 3/10 Place: Faculty Lounge Place: Capital Room, Union Time: 7-9 p.m. Time: 7-9 p.m. Cost: $10 Cost: $6.50 BASKETRY Date: 2/25, 3/3 Place: Capital Room, Union Time: 7-9 p.m. Cost: $12.50 • Must pay at time of sign-up • Sign-up in the UAO office, 3rd floor Union (2-2343) 14 February 18,1988 Classifieds In Search of Talent Apnlrohona are available lor One rion-smoking male roommate to share an tor the first bi-annual HSA Cotfe House OWhen Order ol Omega National apt or smal house starting summer term FOR RENT CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Wed Mar 2 at 7pm SERVICES OFFERED Greek Honorary Would prefer a sghtpartylng. semi-serious stu- Check with your chapter president or get mem dent Contact Jeff M Th between 5 00 and Where xi the Honors Canter (below Kreischer) 1 bdrm apartments lor summer 1988 and at 426 Student Services 10:00 PM at 372-2573 4 Local Band* In concert at the Warehouse on What: ws're looking lor people with various and 24 HOUR 88-89 achool year 128 S Summit 3rd Street and ManvAe on Friday. February creative talents and untaesnts to perform before TYPING WORD PROCESSING WANTED 6 FEMALE SUBLEASEFtS FOR 1-287-3341 19th at 8 00 Playing are XHOA. The Stain. Ma- s highly enthueaMtic audience of the. peers 352-1818 SUMMER 5 BEDROOM HOUSE ON SOUTH 1-2 BEDROOM APTS jority ol One. and Infanta of Sin Sign upa and more information is available In the ATTENTION BQSU STUDENTS SUMMIT $215 PLUS UTILITIES CALL School Year. Year. Summer Leasea Available Honors Ofhce-231 Ad Bug (but get there Greeks and Non-Greeks are invited to the big- TRACY 372-3588 Alpha Lambda Delta Scholarship appacations A to Z Data Center S a V Rentals 352 7454 before Fab 23) geat campus baah. are available from Mary Eften at 425 Student Helping you meet aM your typing Wanted; One female roommate to eve In cute Alpha Sigma Phi-Alpha Phi Presents Services Membership 19 the only requirement 148 S Mam 352 5042 apartment close to campus Lease starts m May MAJOR DECISIONS Florida Fling Saturday Fab 20 91 Grand Hurry-apcecation deadline is Friday. March 4. • 1988 and ends In May 1989 Cal- Anytime' Tuesday. February 23 Bafroom 354-2370 801-803 Filth SI Attention Rising Junior and Senior Special Ed 7-9 PM Student Services Forum Abortion, morning attar treatment Furnished A unlurrsshad 2-bdrm apt Malors -S C E C Mmifie Scholarship Forma Information on: Proud to be pro-choice FREE HEAT. WATER 1 SEWER available in 410 Ed Due no later than March 4 ■Majors-Programs at Bowing Green Center lor Choice II, TohxJo.O 265-7789 Private parking A laundry tacikties ' Processes lor selecting majors-careers HELP WANTED CAREER AEROBIC? THE MNISERIES Do you want to Oo to Florida tor One Dollar? 9 A 12 month leases ' Resources on campus It you do. See an Alpha Slg or Alpha PhiC In Newtove Rentals Are you confused about your career direction'' Cal 372-2877 lot mots information "NEED A CARING RESPONSE Don't sweat it' Stretch your mind as you learn TO PROBLEM PREGNANCY' the union Foyer tor details 200 Counselors 1 Instructors Neededl 328 S Man 352-5820 how to exercise your career options in twa CALL Don't put It oil. Private, coed summer camp In Pocono Moun These tapes are avaaable al WBGU-TV lor 4-part mmasetiree. The program wil take place FIRST HOPE PREGNANCY CENTER tains. Northeastern Penn. Lohikan. PO BOX ctooed-clrcuit viewing m coordination with Na- on 4 Tuesdays FeO 23 March 14 Cal the AT 354-HOPE 234BQ. Kenltworih, NJ 07033 (201-270-0965. tional Condom Awareness W«**: Dude. Counseling and Career Development Center at FOR 1 AIDS Update - Buck Harria There'll be muslc-l hope mooneght. loo There'll APARTMENTS FOR RENT. 0 AND 12 MONTH 2-2801 to reserve your spot " Proper attire not FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Factual AIDS'' - Kaplan-Fitzgerald be me-there'l be you APARTMENT MANAGER WANTED LEASES. CALL TIM AT 352-71A2 required INFORMATION AND SUPPORT Letter from Bryan Where? Al the HSA Mocktai-Jau Concert Need two students lo manage WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU THROUGH "Beyond Fear" - Red Cross Tuesday. Feb 23 al 7 PM In the Honors on apt. In B.C. The applicants Canter Don't forget to akjn us up balore 5 PM Avoid Long Walks HSA Mocktall Hour Forum - Kaplan Marsden must be personable, honest, neat 005 2nd Street Tuesday. Fab 23 at 7pm In the Honors Sponsored by The Wei Monday' and mechanically inclined. I love you land al that Jan!) 1 bedroom, furnished Apt. Csntsr (below Krslschar) Cal 823-8016 (local) FREE water and sewer Lady lor an appointment Join us for an hour ol legalized socializing "It might take a sense of humor. Extremely low heal bills before the Fsstrval Series Modern Jazz Quartel but it's part ol getting serious " PERSONALS Newlove Rentals at 8pm Tickets must be purchased through the NATIONAL CONDOM AWARENESS WEEK Female non-amoking roommate wanted to 320 S. Main St. Honors Omce-231 Ad Bldg-by 5pm Mon . Fab FEBRUARY 14-21 share lurnithed apartment during tha 352-5820 22 Cost Is $6 for HSA members. $7 lor non- Sponsored by the Student Wetness Ctr 1988-1989 school year Musi shore bedroom CAMP COUNSELOR POSITIONS AT YMCA ■SHOW TIME' members, and includes the price of the concert and 1 1-2 bathroom Cal Jl at 354-3555 STORER CAMPS ON STONY LAKE NEAR Bchet Limited sealing available-sign up today OSEA 1 UAO are presenting.... FLORIDA FLINQII JACKSON. MICHIGAN CO-ED, AGES 7-17. Sponsored by the Honors Student Association- CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD Come live with us for the summer-we have a ALPHA PHI and SIGMA PHI UNIOUE PROGRAMS HORSES. AQUATICS. more than meets the eye Friday February 19. 8 00. 10 00. 12:00 and swimming pool. Visage Green Apia -A Nice LOST & FOUND Saturday February 20. 8 00. 10 00. 12:00. SATURDAY FEB. 20 Ipnvlim GRAND SAILING. WILDERNESS ADVENTURE. INTER Piece To Uvel Cal 354-3533 after 1 OSEA Members $1 00 1 door prizes al each BALLROOM NATIONAL EMPHASIS FOR FURTHER IN- show "LOVED BY MILLIONS" FORMATION CONTACT: Brenda Green NOTICE" ELE ED PREREGISTRATION DM someone pick up the wrong coat at the HELP SUPPORT THE HEART ASSOCIATION PHONE 353-0971 MEETING1 Al students who applied tor Fall OR Pike house last weekend? Mack trench coat And all thai Jazzi Fun energetic people lor waiter or waitress Summer. 1988 Ele Ed method courses (EDO with Slave brandname. Strong sentimental positions Apply in person Tuea -Sun night DO YOU HAVE YOURS YET? 351 352. 353. 355. 3581 are expected lo at- value. Contact at 372-443* Come to the HSA Mocktall Hour Tuesday. Feb. HELPI alter 8p.m. CAMPUS MANOR APTS tend the meeting. Wedneday. FeO 17. 23 at 7 PM in the Honors Center (below To the person who "mistakenly" took a green, LOST heavy linked gold bracelet al Howards or Button's 25481 Dixie Hwy Close to Campus 8:30-8 00 p m . 210 Math-Science Bug BE Kreieher). The coat Is 38 for members 37 lor down teed pckel Irom behind the bar at BG laundry Sat Feb 6th Great sentimental FREE HEAT. A-C, WATER. SEWER THERE!! non-members, end includes me price of the Brathaus last week-I m freezing and would real- value Reward Pktse Cal 353-8820 Pnvate perking. 24 hr maintenance concert ticket lor the Festival Series Modern ly appreciate getting it back-no questions ask- Fun loving people lor floor waker positions Ap- SCEC GET YOURS TOOAYi We are searching for our cal- a male gray tabby Jazz Quartet immedately 10*0 wing Tickets ed PLEASE call 372-52SS ply m person al Henry J's Wed -Sun night after Sun Feb 216 PM-Pizza lost In the Pakner-S Enterprise vacinity If you must be purchased through the Honors Office, 8pm Party at Pisaneeos. 8 PM- Interested in (oinlng a aorortty? RE. MANAGEMENT 352-0302 have any Info please call JooH or Karen at 231 Ad Bug by 5 PM Monday. Feb 22 1532 S Byrne. Toledo Meeting In 408 Ed Come meet the elsters of Alpha Delia PI Mon- 353-4721 Sponsored by the Honors Student Association- day and Tuesday at 9 PM at the house next to more than meets the eye Prout Hal Take a study break and come have General Counselors. somelum For Rent 1 A 2 bdrm. apts dose to campus, Group leaders, arts-crafts director. Itleguards clubhouse A swimming pool Wlage Green Last Chance For Spring Break 'Ml (W.S I). Nurse, food supp , cooks, business Apartmenta-A Nice Place to Live' Come see Attention Non-Greek Woman ol BG Limited space remalna al South Padre. North mgr Camps located in Bridgewaler and our model apartment Summer and lall leases The Alpha Derts invite you to join them lor mlor- Padre, Daytona Beach, Fort Walton Beach Leesburg VA Cal the Gel Scout Council of the Cal 3543533 after 1 PM SMCIAl specifiL SPCCIAl \ mal rush si their house next to Prout Hsl si and Steamboat, Colorado lor skiing. Hurry. Nations Capital (202) 337-4300 9 00 PM on Monday Fob 22 a Tuesday Feb Call Sunchasa Toure toll free 1-800-321-5011 House lor Rent • Summer 88 23 It's guaranteed to be a great study break Hair Happening ia looking lor a part-time atyast Cal for details 372-4594 I lor reeervattone and Information TODAY. Salary plus commission, no holidays-no Sun- I I Come meet the sisters of Alpha Delta Pi Credit cards accepted. daya 1080Ma«iSi 352-9344 M MOA SUPERDANCE Houses A Duplexes for 88-89 School Year I 25 $ 25 In Search of Talent! Steve Smith 352-8917 For the first bi-annual HSA Coffee House "7 Heg 16" WITH 5 i 3 Reg 10' WITH I Want to dance for 24 hours A support When Wed . Mar 2 at 7pm Jerry's Kids' Houses and Apartments ANY ON€ IT€M V ONE IT€lU | Where in the Honors Center (below Kreischer) I flNV ON€ IT€IVI I Low Cost Treatment Register for the Superdance at any hall desk- What, we're looking lor people with various and Close lo campus lor summer 1988 March 4-5 Otfenhaur Towers A 88 89 school year 1-287-3341 | Extra Items *1.25 eachj Extra Items 75' eachjExtra |,ems 50, each j creative laltents and untaienta lo perform before Register to dance NOWI a highly enthusiastic audience of their peers MDA SUPERDANCE Sign upa and more information is avaaable In the HOUSES FOR 88-89 SCHOOL YEAR I , ,0 S VD-STD Honors Office-231 Ad Bldg (before Fob 23) PLEASE CALL 354-7701 Mgrnt. Interns are needed el Marriott's Mllloo OR 352 2330 AFTER 5 00 PE^ ' Men and Women Heed Resort. Jr or Sr Hoap. Mgrnt. Rest. I Part-time teaer al a local financial institution In- Mgrnt., Bus or IPCO major interested In Hotel terested party should send personal information 352-5166 352-5166 352-5166 Daytime and Evening Mgrnt. Interviews on campus 2-24-88, Call Co- to P O Bo. 45 Bowing Green.OH 43402 Free Delivery I Free Delivery Fiee Delivery Appointments op 372-2451 lor more Info. LARGE EFFIC APTS. isanetoa Pizza opening soon In Perrysburg. convenient to campus Non-Greek Women IOP€N 400 P.M. OPEN 4:00 P.M. OPEN 4:00 P.M. Ohio Now accepting appacations for al posi- FREE HEAT. A-C. WATER. SEWER Stop! Grab your calendars and mark in 9 OM on tions at 1021 Sandusky SI Suite B Per- 9 mo or 12 mo lease Or* COUPON PER PIZZR | ONE COUPON PER PIZZA |ONE COUPON PER PIZZA Monday A Tuesday It's informal rush at the 354-3540 rysburg. OH Take I 75 North to Rt 20 exit, left Alpha Delta Pi House-Hope lo see you there' » EXPIRES 3/i5/88 j EXPQES 3/15/88 | EXPIRES 3/15/813/15/88 j one-fourth mile lo Three Meadows Plaza FURNISHED 2 BEDS 1 1-2 BATHS Planned Parenthood Order of Omega National 1419)874-9192 841 Eighth A S373 a mo Greek Honorary RE. MANAGEMENT 352-0302 POSTAL JOBS' $20,064 Start' la aYXepaYig applications lor membership See Prepare Now! Clerks-Camera' your chapter president lor details Appacations Cal for Guaranteed Exam due Feb 29 in 425 Student Services Workshop 1918) 944-4444 Ext 2 MARTEN APTS Promotions Intern positions open with 2 bdrm furnish or unlurnBhed 710 Seventh Winthrop Terrace Apts. American Consulting Co. Need Jr or Sr St -704 Fifth St Marketing, Sales. IPCO. or Bus majors wflh 352-3445 1.0 GPA. interviews In Coop Office on FOR SALE 2-23-11. Call 372-2451 for more Info. Use "CONDOM SENSE" National Condom Awareness Week Now leasing For Summer and Fall FEBRUARY 14-21 HAVEN HOUSE "For Sale: Formal dresses-lea length and PIEDMONT APTS long-sires 5 A !. Excellent Condition ■ Al Residents Recieve a Free Membership to excellent prlcaa. Call Llaa today at Cherrywood Health Spa Save $5 per month on 9 or 12 month 354-2781" 352-9378 WANTED 1979 Olds Cutlass Maroon A while Velour in- leases signed by March 31 terior. AC. auto trans, power brakes, steering A STOP!! DON'T SIGN!!! 1 or 2 roommates needed for Fal 88 and Spr- locks. AM FM rear defrost $700 or beal otter Student Legal Services, Inc. wil review al ing 89. $110 a month plus gas A electric Cal Cal 364-3442 laaaai and contracts for you (BEFORE) you 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. - Furn. & Unfurn. Jon al 372-1182 (leave message) Large apt • 1980 Chevette Scooter AM-FM Cassette sign them 2 Non-Smoking female rmrntea for Fal-Spnng stereo. Manual $950 or best offer. Cal 'Know Fully Whet You Are Getting Into'' Includes: Heat, Water. Full Time Maintenance earn 88-89 Cal Karl 372-1978 or Brenda 382-0848 Cal lor an Appointment Today 372-1894 SLS 372-2951 Office: 400 Napoleon Rd. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9-7 MCS 100 Wan Slereo System- beat offer. Cal Another Service made available by your 12.00 362-8405 A leave name A number Legal Fee. 352-9135 Sat. 10-4 Need 1 Female non-amoking Rmmto lor Cheap Apt 88-89 achool year 372-5794 or SUNGLASSES THURSTIN MANOR APARTMENTS 353-1953 VUARNET. RAY-BAN, SERENQETTI, Large efficiencies conveniently WAYFARER Classified Information located Al major unities paid Need one non-amoking roommate to ave in 10% DISCOUNT WITH AD The BG News Haven House Fal-Spnng 88-89 School Year 1022 N PROSPECT 352-2602 Mail-In Form FURNISHED 2 BDRM 1 1-2 BATHS Cal 372-5339 or 372-5838 DEADLINE: Two days prior 10 publication. 4p.m. 841 8th St $373 a mo * (The BG News is not responsible for postal service delays) Needed 1 female (turned) to sublease TWO WINTER TIRES P155-80D13 MS $75 R.E. MANAGEMENT 5131-mih (UIH pd) thru March 1 free-wouid OR BEST OFFER 352-1503 302-9302 per ad are 65' per line. 11.95 minimum. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 1" or 2" acli share with 3 gkta Call Irene 354-2872. RATES: . 50" e.tra per ad lor boM type). 1" (8 line maximum) $ 5.85 Approximately 35-45 spaces per line. 2" (16 line maximum) J 11.70 PREPAYMENT: _<$ requited tor all non-universify related businesses and individuals. Brad McOewtt NOTICE: m The BG News will not be responsible for error due to illegibility or incomplete information. Please come to "lU West Holl immediotely if there is on error m your od. The BG News will not be responsible for typo- ontntutrnfi graphical errors m classified ods for more than two consecutive insertions.

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Please PRINT your ad clearly, fXAC/IVhow you wish it to appear (Circle words you wish to appear In bold typo) *f**************: *********************************** *•*** at. * * INNOVATION! * * * * Thurs., February 25, 1988 * * 8-12 midnight in the Grand Ballroom * Classification in which you wish your ad lo appear: Campus & City Events* . Wan tad * Drawing for UAO Spring Break Trip Lost and Found . HaIp Wanted . lidos .For Solo * Raffle held at midnight Services Ottorod ."or Pant * . Personals * $1.00 Admission it * Compua/Clty Event ads ore published free of choree for one doy lor a non-profit event or meeting only. * Tickets at door Dates to appear. Mall to: (On or Off-Campus Mail) ThoMONows * "Because You Like to Party - Party With 214 West Hall BGSU * Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 (checks payable to The BG News) Total numbor of days to appear INNOVATION!" Phono: 372-2601 * !•>***»>*•*•• »V******aV***********aWr*rar*******^ ********** ♦