Owls host voter Students Virtual debate registration for participate in idea is shut students treasure hunt down Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 VOL. 59— ISSUE 8 Homecoming celebrated virtually A mix of online and on-ground events keep the yearly tradition alive hunt, events that LaCharity hunt was also held. By Jessica Guerrucci said could easily appeal to Students searched for Editor-in-Chief wide range of people. treasure chests hidden “We’ve been really throughout the campus for The crowded football pleased with the outcome prizes. game, the pre-game and the attendance from It appeared to help with tailgate, parade and copious our students and the the stress because when amounts of free food were alumni,” LaCharity said. there is incentive to win all put on hold this year Office of Student money or prizes, LaCharity as the annual tradition of Involvement Graduate said students did not seem homecoming switched Intern Chelsey Cerrato said to mind running around from in-person to a virtual since the university usually campus at 8:30 a.m. format due to COVID-19. “goes big” for homecoming, “Students were going “For a while we weren’t they wanted to bring out crazy about it,” Cerrato even sure if we were going the best they could for both said. “Our Instagram was to do anything,” said Eric the students and alumni. blowing up.” LaCharity, assistant director “What we did keep is Another on-ground of Student Involvement. everyone doing banners event that was held was “It’s really hard to replace that the clubs and a dual drive-in movie on PHOTO | JASON EDWARDS homecoming because it’s organizations and residence Oct. 18, where students really about people coming halls and INQ classes can could park in their cars People watching a movie in the Brownell parking lot on Oct. 18. back to campus and just do,” Cerrato said, “but and choose between find anything. Her sister that too much on campus homecoming brings people celebrating being together instead of in-person we “Remember The Titans” or was able to win a her this semester just because together more, but she and celebrating our made it virtually.” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” Nintendo Switch. so many people are either understands that isn’t university.” With midterms around He said there is a core Even though at home because they have possible at this time. When they decided the corner, Cerrato said it group of about 30 students homecoming was being nothing on campus, or I “I think it’s what we can to move forward with was important for students who attended almost every done virtual, Barajas said just don’t see them.” do for now,” Mondia said. the event, LaCharity said to be able to relax and have event they put on, so it it was a good alternative Other students didn’t “I think it will work if there Student Affairs and alumni fun. shows that students who and helped build a sense of participate in the events, is attendance, if people decided to work together to Though all the events want to be involved in the community. such as psychology actually show up, but I do a mix of virtual and on- were virtual, LaCharity said events are doing so. “It nice to see so many major Alyssa Mondia, a think everyone is definitely ground events. 200 people attended bingo, English major Lupita people really getting sophomore, simply because going to miss in-person The week consisted of 80 for trivia, and 40 for the Barajas, a senior, said she involved in [the treasure of the virtual nature of the homecoming.” virtual trivia, bingo, game scavenger hunt. tried to participate in the hunt],” she said. “I feel like events. shows and a scavenger An on-campus treasure treasure hunt but couldn’t I haven’t been able to see She said in-person See Virtual Page 2 Masters program approved behavior management, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and creating professionals By Jose Vega sustainability, substance there were only 400 who can affect change in Contributor abuse disorders, brain certified professionals in their communities and injury rehab, animal 2000, 10,000 in 2012, and help different institutions For several years, a behavior, et cetera.” 40,000 in 2020. reach their goals. new master’s program in College of Education Bilingual elementary According to the applied behavior analysis Dean Stephen Hegedus education major Alexis Board of Regents agenda, has been underway. Now was one of two who Woods, an undergraduate, “Southern’s commitment that it has been approved presented the program said at first glance, the to liberal arts and by the Board of Regents at to the BOR, noting that program seems to have professional disciplines the university will being there is a great need for a lot of versatility and means an applied science starting fall 2021. Board Certified Behavior gives the chance to work of learning, used to Department of Special Analyst (BCBA) licensed towards helping students support a variety of Education Meghan Brahm personnel and consultants understand the world individuals, is an excellent said the ABA coursework in Connecticut and across around them. fit.” will help to prepare the United States. “I think it’s important Elementary education students to work in all the The program’s mission we think of ways to major Olivia Zembruski, different fields that will is to prepare students increase their knowledge junior, expressed her to use the applied skills and understanding,” interest in the program, require the skills learned PHOTO | NEWS.SOUTHERNCT.COM throughout the program. learned in the educational said Woods. “This new saying it will help her Dean of the School of Business, Ellen Durnin. “Area of focus or and/or therapeutic program will be a great and others like her better expertise can be tailored environments with way to benefit those who understand the behaviors based on the student’s individuals that may or are special education of children who might be clinical experience,” may not have disabilities. majors, psychologists, etc. facing mental and physical Durnin retiring said Brahm. “You will It will also prepare them to to further enhance their obstacles with their regularly find behavior pass the BCBA exam and knowledge and provide education. analysts working in fields apply to become a licensed better improved students “I want to work with such as sports/health Behavior Analyst in the experiences in and out of critically ill children in a this school year and fitness, prevention State of Connecticut. school.” hospital education setting,” By Bernadotte Sufka School of Business can and intervention in The field of behavior The approved program said Zembruski. “I can see apply and be granted with child maltreatment, analysts has grown will align with the that doing my Master’s Features & Opinions Editor career-focused workshops behavioral gerontology, considerably in popularity. university’s mission of in that would help me with speakers and experts organizational According to the U.S. serving the public good understand and be able Ellen Durnin, Dean of to enhance their different to help a lot of the social/ the School of Business, has career options. emotional pieces of long officially announced her “I don’t know her per- stays in the hospital, as retirement at the end of sonally, but Dr. Durnin well as help the children the 2020 academic year. gave good advice at the adjust to life outside those “I’ve been very proud to program,” said marketing walls.” be the Dean of the School major, Bridget Wilkinson, Brahm said with interest of Business for the past a senior. “She was really primarily being shown 10 years,” said Durnin. “I nice and informative. She by private companies, think we have accom- talked about how to nego- she is enthusiastic about plished some amazing tiate one’s salary and was spreading the news of things. But also, it’s time a very good speaker at the a new masters program for me to step away and program. She has so much and said they are in the for new person to come in experience.” process of expanding into and take them to the next Durnin may be retiring undergraduate studies in level.” soon, but she said that did the future. Her contribution to the not stop her from going “We hope to start talking university has not gone out and accomplishing to students as SCSU about unnoticed. She has aided more. The School of the MS opportunity,” said students within all the Business building will be Brahm. “We are also in programs the school of expanded into a larger one the process of creating an business has to offer. and she said the works undergraduate ABA option One of them includ- for it have already went for students at SCSU and ed the “SCSU School of underway and will soon be hope that will be available Businesswomen’s Lead- PHOTO | JOSE VEGA built. within the next few school ership Program,” where Department of Special Education in Davis, which is part of the new program. years.” female students in the See Durnin Page 2 Page 2 News October 21, 2020 Changes made to dining ‘to-go’ system By Donovan Wilson container. Students are system is the online food also given a travel cup to app for the campus called Reporter fill with the drink of their Bite U. The app is available Trial and error is a choice. Drinks will be the but not yet fully functional. major component of only thing students have to Once it is, students will the current COVID-19 serve themselves. be able to view menus landscape and the to-go “We have to offer the online, filter the options system at Connecticut Hall to-go service. It is partially to their favorite foods and is going through the same in place the way it is for load in their Hoot Loot process. social distancing purposes,” card to access their points “Students were taking said marketing manager and meal plans from their anywhere between six Elizabeth Floyd. dorm. There is also the and seven containers at a The only other major option to load in a credit or time,” said Dining Services difference between this debit card. General Manager Anthony and the usual procedure is Many of these options Deluca. that there is no 15 minute are available to limit the At the beginning of restriction in place for amount of touching that the semester, the to-go how long a student can be is involved in the food containers were left where upstairs. purchasing process and PHOTO | DONOVAN WILSON the plates used to be, The disconnect comes hopefully will cut down Slips students receive to take out food at Connecticut Hall. allowing students to take from the school recently the exchange of money. as many as they wanted. switching over from These guidelines also exist This resulted in students their previous company, at other schools Sodexo taking several containers Chartwells, to Sodexo, who works for. at a time, sometimes for is finding their footing The app will be able friends who didn’t have while also adapting to the to geo-locate, letting the any dining plans. new COVID-19 lifestyle. university know where the Students would also ask One of the major customers are located and for a container, receive differences this year automatically pull up all of one, and then remain is that the Conn. Hall the campus dining options. upstairs longer to eat more dine-in capacity is lower The app also identifies food. than in previous years. what options are vegan, The new procedure, Not allowing dine-in gluten free or tailored to rather, will be that the and take out at the same religious beliefs, to make student will receive two time has allowed more it easier for students to coupons that allow them capacity for students decide. one container at two to dine-in. The more All the nutritional data different food stations. people taking up seats that was presented within the Students currently don’t need to, would be app. receive one white slip, counterproductive to the “We want to make this redeemable for a small reasons why the system is part of campus life as container, and one blue in place. accessible for students as PHOTO | JESSICA GUERRUCCI slip, redeemable for a large Another upcoming possible,” said Deluca. A picture of Connecticut Hall where students go to eat meals.

students under these business majors. Durnin “She will be SGA reflects on registration Continued from Page 1 leaving, and we will all be missing her so By Desteny Maragh color and the Muslim sure seniors get the classes there’s only 2 sections community. they need, we made sure open. Instead of telling “We have completed much. She has been a Reporter After the swearing-in, all seniors have first 40 students they are on a the design phase and we wonderful contribution the meeting’s focus shifted priority as they normally waitlist, they should use are about to go into the to the School of At this past Student to updates from each do,” she said. “Somebody the data from the list to construction phase,” said Business,” said Professor Government Association representative and what loses in whatever kind offer more classes. Durnin. of Marketing Young Kyu weekly body meeting, they have been doing to of registration priority Bertolino and Edstrom She said they Kim. the new class of 2024 meet goals and make a scenario we put together.” apologized and took are talking about a “She hired me. She representatives were difference for students. SGA spoke this week, accountability for groundbreaking in late was one of the people I sworn in. While reflecting on on just how much their their lack of student March or early April. met when I applied for SGA President Sarah last week’s meeting on voices matter and how involvement in the It will be a new 60,000 this position three years Gossman lead the meeting registration with the important it is that they registration and also square foot building on ago. I cannot forget the and told each new university’s president, continue to be involved in offered to speak with SGA the corner of Farnham phone call from Dr. representative to hold Gossman said “we’re kind major decisions affecting directly regarding any and Wintergreen. It Durnin that they were up their right hand while of at the point where the student body as a future projects. will be the first net zero going to hire me. It’s a they repeated after her. we know the policy is whole. “It’s our job to ensure building that the state of good memory of her,” The new SGA not going to change and “I think it’s important students are getting the Connecticut builds. said Kim. representatives at large although that is very to note that if SGA classes they need because “What that means is As her retirement include Zainab Seyal, frustrating to hear that we completely did not step this registration problem we will produce our approaches, Durnin said Andrenia Barajas, Kyle didn’t get what we wanted, in, there would be definite brought a lot of ongoing own energy; we will she will not forget her Mashia-Thaxton and I want us to recognize consequences,” said issues that the university produce more energy time at the university. Michelle Morales. that we made tremendous Gossman. has and the registration than we consume. Her plans after are to For the class of 2024, strides.” For example, if SGA issue kind of exposed This is really exciting, spend more time with the president is Britny Last week during the failed to bring awareness underlying issues,” said particularly since we her family and do some Gildersleeve, Vice SGA meeting, President to some flaws in the Gossman. “What they did have the program fun things she has not president will be Joshua Joe Bertolino made registration change, there was unacceptable, but it is in public utilities had time to do. Saliva and treasurer will comments pertaining would be a first-year our responsibly to make management. It’s going “I’d like to stay be Daphne Ciarcia. the new registration freshman on-campus sure that doesn’t happen to be great to be in a connected with Each representative prioritization issue. student who would have again.” building that really Southern and the School spoke simultaneously: “We were looking registration privilege over Last week, Bertolino exemplifies what we’re of Business,” Durnin “I hereby solemnly for ways to incentivize a commuting junior. said he can use students’ teaching and what we said. “I would like to help offer to fill strictly and our resident students. “I think where student help in two ways: deciding believe,” Durnin said. them as much as I can consciously the duties that I don’t think Julie and I government needs to act if more on-ground classes The building itself has on any of the initiatives have been bestowed upon anticipated the response now, is advocating the are needed and what the fewest classrooms on that they have. I’d love to me by the undergrad that was received. There’s waitlist,” said Gossman. classes students need. campus. With this new work with the new Dean student body of Southern lessons [we’re] learning Last week, Gossman SGA said they will be project set to date, it will when he or she arrives Connecticut State and there were mistakes brought up a registration working to ensure the create a better setting for to help them transition.” University, in accordance made,” he said. solution of using the needs of everyone are met. with Student Government; Julie Edstrom, vice waitlist feature already Soon, SGA with the respect for president of Enrollment there to calculate how representatives said they student rights.” Management, said they many students need will also be advocating for New representatives tried to make changes certain classes, as a the student experience to said they ran for a variety with students in mind. tool for adding needed be the best that it can. of reasons; to give a voice “We tried to adjust sections. “Something we are to low-income first- registration based on the For example, if PHY pushing for will be more generation students; or recommendations we 100 had 100 students on-ground classes to to represent persons of heard. We want to make who are registering and faculty,” said Gossman.

Ramos said. the limits set on indoor with COVID-19, but this Virtual While the majority of spaces. The ballroom in was the best they could the events were virtual, the student center and do while still taking into Continued from Page 1 LaCharity said they are the Lyman Center can consideration gathering He said a virtual event still trying to imagine hold larger events, but limits, and the fact that is better than nothing at new ways for on-ground smaller spaces will limit there could be no sports all, but still the deterrent experiences with events what kind of on-ground aspect as part of the is simply the online like “Let’s Make a Deal” events can be held. celebration. format since students are or a “Kick back in the While they try to With it being a already sitting in front of quad” since there are encourage residential university tradition, the screens for most of the still residential students students to get out of events still went on. day. looking for things to do. their dorms, LaCharity “We felt like it had “This is just my There are limitations said the school to happen,” LaCharity perspective, but the to on-ground events acknowledges that said. “We’ve seen so concept of just going however. With students are paying many universities in home to be on another COVID-19, the ‘Let’s activity fees even if Connecticut and across screen, like you watch Make a Deal’ event was they aren’t on campus, the country just take a TV, play your video limited to 200 people, therefore the events step back and not do games, whatever you do, but LaCharity said the were mostly centered on homecoming activities, so with that mentality, event still had a good being virtually to ensure so we felt really good with that mindset, and turnout. they were accessible. about being one of the I’m not saying people As the weather gets Students may miss the few who tried to move won’t be interested. I’m colder, LaCharity said energy and spirit that an forward and do it and PHOTO | NEWS.SOUTHERNCT.COM sure they still will, but on-ground events will be on-ground homecoming I think we did it pretty Durnin at the Leadership Awards Luncheon in 2019. everything’s online,” more limited because of brings, LaCharity said well.” OPINION WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 PAGE 3 Fall semester is feeling like a ticking time bomb Midterm exams are In recent weeks and days, event. I think there has only what I have witnessed, been petrified. After viewing happening and midterm the U.S. has surpassed eight been one other case around cooperative when it comes each dashboard so far, I grades are slowly being million positive COVID-19 the year in the 1800s. to new campus guidelines, have been relieved every filed, signifying that we are cases. For reference, the Case-in-point: the but we can only control time, but all it takes is one roughly halfway through a country’s population, world is still figuratively so much. Even with the spike to throw our semester semester like no other. Each (according to the U.S. (and in some cases, mask wearing and all the on a roller coaster. day feels like its own little Census Bureau) is roughly literally) burning while plexiglass separation, this Am I personally scared victory, but the thought 330 million. That means we are proceeding with virus does not take pity on for my health? Not that everything could that roughly one out of our semester. Indeed, those who work to prevent necessarily, no. While I drastically change in an every 41 people have tested this can be chalked up it. certainly do not want the instant still looms over in positive. as a positive, as despite As a university, we have virus, my fears mainly people’s minds. Even the President of the what is happening around done a tremendous job so lie with my 87-year-old To some of us, these past United States, after months us, we are still able to far, and that is a fact. Not grandmother and my eight weeks have felt like of downplaying the virus’ function and go about only are we still on-campus parents, both over 50. eight years, and it has felt severity, tested positive. our duties- a testament to after eight weeks, but there My fears lie with those like lifetimes since there For reference, a sitting the commendable efforts have been no legitimate students who cannot By Sam Tapper was that feeling of life “as president contracting a the administration went signs of an outbreak; no complete a semester with Managing Editor we knew it.” The reality: deadly disease is, in fact, through to get us back here. temporary flex to online- online learning. My fears lie this is all developing at a national emergency, In contrast: as a learning or nothing. in many places, and yours lightspeed, and the world regardless of whether university, it feels more as However, every time I see should too. This is serious These are the opinions is a different place now President Trump wants to though it will not be at this the COVID-19 Dashboard business. of The Southern News even from when we started admit to that. point, but when? Students email come into my inbox So please, continue to Editorial Staff school in August. It is an unprecedented and faculty have all, from from Patrick Dilger, I am follow the regulations. Digital homecoming brings a new atmosphere change for it to still be no reason other than are obviously trying to they are trying to make to draw up better By Donovan Wilson possible. With that being not being able to have a continue giving students students feel like they’re student involvement and Reporter said, the events were typical homecoming. a sense of normalcy and still connected to campus excitement. either online or extremely Homecoming usually decided this was the best despite the distance. The In the end, For the first time, small. revolves around football way to do it. Homecoming social distancing makes homecoming was a the campus held their There was very little as it is a football centric is a tradition and having sense, but it felt as if there success, regardless of first ever digital-only in the festivities that felt event. As I’m sure you are something, even if it is should have been some how you feel about it homecoming from different from the events aware, football and sports virtual, is better than other event in place of personally, because it kept Oct. 12 to 17 and it felt you would see on a usual in general aren’t exactly nothing. homecoming that was at our students happy and somewhat like a desperate week in normal times. happening at the moment. However, if you’re a kid the same time but didn’t most importantly safe. and awkward attempt They were seemingly fun Still, having and your mom took away have the same name. The fundamentals and at creating a continued events but they were all homecoming while not your toy train but gave Calling it homecoming logistics could definitely sense of normalcy. pretty much in the vain having football seems like you a toy plane and called creates an initial hype have been better sorted Homecoming is of giving away prizes going to the reception it a toy train, would you around it, but due to it out and the event itself obviously usually one to students through an for a cancelled wedding be satisfied? Of course being rather a run of the could have been a lot of the biggest, if not the activity or some sort of - what are we actually not. You know that a mill, when compared to better but the fact that it biggest, event on campus digital demonstration, celebrating here? plane is not a train. the usual homecoming happened was nice within during the fall semester. activity or conversation. The sentiment behind With all that said, it is activities makes the hype itself. COVID-19 is hard, to However, with COVID-19 It just all felt like the festivities is pretty a very sweet sentiment fizzle out very fast. If say the least, but we will and its regulations now unrelated events all under obvious to me. The and sort of thoughtful you bill it differently, get through it together in place, things had to the same branding for higher-ups in the college way from the school as you have the potential and have fun doing so. Registration process should not have changed which is something that I do not think that it is 110 seniors with 90 or can ultimately crash the Mentor, some of my By Sofia Rositani has not changed. very fair to commuter more credits, 241 juniors site and in turn ruin the students are worried Arts & Entertainment Editor This will be difficult students who pay just as with 60 to 89.5 credits, commuters’ chances of about what will happen for students because as much to get an education 387 sophomores with getting a class they want. since half are in-person This year, registration a resident, some of the at this university. I 30 to 59.5 credits, and I feel bad for the and the other half are is already looking classes I may need to take understand that the 698 freshmen with 0 freshmen because it is at home doing class different. Instead of will be online only, and university is in debt and to 29.5 credits. These already hard enough to virtually and since this is following the year the it may be the same for that we, as residents, are students will be getting get classes they want as such a new way of doing students are in, it will also commuter students who helping, but that does priority over commuters it is, but with this added registration, I cannot differ if you are a resident can only take a certain not mean we should get on registration day,” portion, it will only make offer them a lot of my or commuter. As much as class in-person. priority over what classes said Robert Demezzo, it way more difficult knowledge on what will this idea seems good, it “Those students found we can take. according to an article for them, especially if happen when they do causes issues for students themselves in a financial The good thing about about registration. the university has more register. including myself. contract so looking ahead this happening is that Due to such a small online courses than in- Students who pay to Registration will to spring registration, we Banner Web will not number of residential person classes. get their education at have students who are wanted to be sure that crash like it usually does students this semester, This will also be the Southern should get to residents get first pick those students had some during registration day, it will not help students first time they have pick their courses with on in-person or hybrid priority,” said Edstrom, which will definitely who absolutely need a picked their own courses, students in the same year courses, two hours according to an article by help with the anxiety of certain online course which means their at the same time rather before commuters can. the Southern News. getting the classes I want. because then they will anxiety will be high than at different times Of course, commuters This means that “The number of have to go on the website because they would because they could not or will get first pick at online because I spent more students who live on during the commuter’s want the classes they would not pay extra fees only courses also. Seniors money as a resident, I campus by year included turn and try to get the had decided with their to stay on campus. It only have priority overall, get to pick classes earlier. 13 graduate students, course they want, which INQ professor. As a Peer makes sense this way.

Jessica Guerrucci Editor-in-Chief Southern News welcomes any and all comments and Sam Tapper Managing Editor suggestions. If we make a mistake, please contact us and Section Editors we will publish a correction or clarification in the next Advisers: Cindy Simoneau issue. Abby Epstein News Frank Harris III Contact information: Bernadotte Sufka Opinions & Features Email: [email protected] Sofia Rositani Arts & Entertainment We are the student newspaper of Southern Connecticut State University, Newsroom Phone: 203-392-6928 Mike Neville Sports Roma Rositani Photo and we welcome the writing of all Fax: 203-392-6927 Southern students and faculty. Mailing Address: Essence Boyd Online Southern Connecticut State University Staff Reporters To submit a piece, email it to scsu.southernct.news@ 501 Crescent Street Ed Rudman Sports Writer gmail.com, or stop by the Southern News office on the Student Center Room 225 Donovan Wilson General Assignment second floor of the Student Center, Room 225. Electronic submissions are preferred. New Haven, CT 06515 Desteny Maragh General Assignment Bria Kirklin Photographer Issues printed by: Valley Publishing, Derby, CT Copy Desk Follow Us on Twitter: @Southern_News John Carluccio Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/thesouthernnews Wula Cham Visit us online: TheSouthernNews.org Ellis McGinley Visit www.TheSouthernNews.com for more. View print edition at: OurSchoolNewspaper.com/Southern Business/Ad Manager Sam Tapper PHOTO WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 PAGE 4 ‘Mini-Golf To-Go’ tournament held

Officer Sergio Nunez (left) takes turns playing mini-golf in the the Students take part in a game of mini-golf while taking proper social distancing precautions. Res Life quad with students Kayla McKay and Merril Jones.

were able to play a fun By Roma Rositani game of mini-golf while Photo Editor competing against each On Oct. 14. Keith Alan and other. Marcia Schultz owners of Mary Pelkey, a student, the Prospect, Conn. based was the winner out of her comany ‘Mini-Golf To-Go’ group. brought a nine hole mini One person in each group golf course to campus for had to keep score for the students and faculty to play team to see who had the a tournament. lowest par at the end of the Students who attended night.

Merril Jones (left) and Officer Nunez take turns putting the ball.

Friends make their way to the third hole to keep playing.

Curtis Smola on third hole at mini golf event.

Jasmine Graciano (left) putting the golf ball with Brendan Estaci (left) putting the ball. PHOTOS | BRIA KIRKLIN Jordan Pennatto. Students watch as they take turns putting the golf ball. SPORTS WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 PAGE 5 Students encouraged to vote Registration event held outside of Moore Field House By Edward Rudman Turiano. They filled out students are among the Voting rates were coincidence, as colleges the registration forms and lowest of age groups similar across different have started to emphasize Sports Writer the university takes care when it comes to voter types of institutions; the importance of civic of the rest. turnout although the highest rate was learning and community With the 2020 “People, despite of recently, university 42 percent at private engagement by students, presidential election all the issues going on, students turnout has doctoral universities according to Forbes. nearing closer by the day, should be telling young increased. and the lowest being “I think Southern athletics hosted a voter people to get out and The number of 37.8 percent at public hosting the event is huge registration event outside vote. It’s like young students that voted in the two-year colleges. The because it really opens of the Moore Field House people are taken out of 2018 midterm elections research conducted by the door for people who on Monday, Oct. 12 the equation sometimes. I increased from 19 percent Tufts also found that the may not know how to from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. think exercising the right in 2014 to 40 percent, voting rates of all ethnic register or may not have ‘Owl or and have another event to vote should’ve been according to the Institute groups was increased the resources to do so. planned for Oct. 26. emphasized even earlier,” for Democracy and across the board, with I think it’s really great “It’s important to get said wide receiver Kwadir Higher Education at Tufts black female students that we’re doing that,” Nothing’ a out and vote. You know, Delgado-Mcintyre, a University. voting at the highest rate said quarterback Jackson if anyone wants to see graduate student and A total of 7.5 million of 43.3 percent. Ostrowsky, a sophomore. change in the world, member of the Owls’ college students voted This increase in Turiano emphasized hit so far the election is where it football team. during back in the 2018 voter turnout from that the current students starts,” said Jay Turiano, Traditionally, college midterm elections. university students is no are a part of the next assistant coordinator of generation that will Column By Mike Neville Athletics Facilities. “We eventually end up Sports Editor wanted to set the event leading the country in up for the students and if the future, which is why Students and followers anyone isn’t registered to its important to get out of Owls athletics will not vote, they can come here, and become politically have to look far to enjoy and we can easily register involved now. their beloved teams with them to vote.” “I think it’s very the debut of the ‘Owl or The event was hosted important to get out Nothing’ podcast. by athletics, but any and vote because The new podcast hosted student could show up our generation is the by Jay Turiano, Christopher and get registered to generation who is just Lynn and occasionally Ken vote. The Northeast 10 now starting to be on Sweeten features athlete conference asked all the doorstep of political interviews Tuesdays and the schools within the activity and run things in Thursdays. NE10 to host a voting our country,” Ostrowsky With four episodes out registration event and said. “I think that for already, the podcast has Southern happily obliged, our voices to be heard, done an exceptional job at according to Turiano. voting is the best way not only providing sports To register, students to do it. Everyone that news, but entertaining went to the table that has the ability and the content as well. was set up outside of the PHOTO | SAM TAPPER opportunity to vote, Episode one was a field house and staffed by Outside Moore Field House where the voter registration event took place. should vote.” feeling out process with opening music that could be described as alternative, describing what the podcast Football players discuss team dynamic is going to discuss and an introduction to the hosts. lineman Bobby Valeri, a get better each day, the athletes off the field where Southern won The most exciting part of By Abby Epstein senior. stuff I might not pick up rather than the work they behind Ostrowsky’s 405 the podcast was when Jay News Editor The interview was on myself, he definitely do in games. passing yards and four Moran made his presence conducted by Matthew picks up on. There’s not “They care, you can touchdowns on route to felt, discussing his life, Despite still being Letkowski, associate much that gets by Coach tell they care, they’re a 31-17 victory over the and career as an athletic months away from a athletic director of Berg.” passionate about Falcons. director and mayor. potential kickoff, football compliance. However, Valeri took a different what they do, they’re “We played really well Towards the end of the players are looking at the only the athlete’s answers approach on the question passionate about this [at Bentley on Oct. 12, podcast, Moran made a dynamic of their team were heard. Each player by addressing the school in general, I think 2019] offensively and comment that would end up and gave insight on the answered, starting coaches as a whole and a lot of that has to do defensively,” Ostrowsky naming the podcast saying, upcoming season as well with Ostrowsky, so the what they do beyond the with the respect I have said. “It was a big win ‘It’s owl or nothing,’ which as themselves. viewers knew when he work between the lines. for them,” he said. “When for us, it was, I think, could translate to give your A Facebook live called popped up it was a new “The coaches do a great you’re passionate for our second win of the all at Southern. Coaches on Couches, question being asked. job of getting us prepared what you represent, it year and that was a big Following episode one, which featured no One question asked to with the schemes and shows a reflection of who turning point for us as a an opening theme for the coaches nor couches, the players was a take on everything that we have you are.” team. We came together podcast was introduced by hosted three football their coaches. to do,” said Valeri, “they The next question more, and the locker Chris Lynn saying “Stand players interviewed “[Offensive work us out hard and are that was asked had to room after that game, it Up, Owl Nation”. about themselves and Coordinator Chris always pushing us to be do with their favorite was awesome.” This added an engaging their experiences: Bergeski] is a great better on the field and in memory from football. Another question theme to the podcast and quarterback Jackson coach, really puts us in the classroom.” Ostrowsky said his asked dealt with the gave listeners something to Ostrowsky, a sophomore, a position to win, I feel,” Delgado-McIntyre favorite memory was his alumni and the support get excited about. defensive back Kwadir said Ostrowsky, “really answered the question collegiate debut last year they give to the football Having great chemistry Delgado-McIntyre, a puts me, personally, in by addressing how the at Bentley during their program, especially from working with one senior, and offensive a position where I can coaches lead and inspire homecoming festivities, now with the launch of another for so long, Turiano the Owls’ ‘Sell Out the and Lynn are easy to listen Stadium’ campaign. to and give you a brotherly “Alumni give us great vibe. support every week and In the future, an every game, it shows interview on Scott Burrell how much of a family could be a big draw with a Southern Connecticut is,” possible discussion on his said Valeri. career at UConn, playing Letkowski’s final with Michael Jordan and question to the athletes being the only athlete ever was about why people, drafted in the first round of including alumni, should the MLB and NBA. come out and watch their Another possibility games at Jess Dow Field. would be expanding past “You should come out Southern,. Perhaps a few to the games because we blasts from the past could are going to show respect make their appearance on and represent you in the ‘Owl or Nothing’. right way,” said Delgado- Some names that McIntyre. come to mind are Kevin The video has 635 Anderson, a former MLS views as of Oct. 19 and star and current Columbia counting and can be University Men’s Soccer found on the Southern coach, or Kevin Gilbridge, Connecticut State who won titles with the University Facebook New York Giants as an page. offensive coordinator “I call these guys my With a bright future, the brothers,” Valeri said, ‘Owl or Nothing’ podcast PHOTO COURTESY | WWW.SOUTHERNCTOWLS.COM “they’ll be my brothers may be a stepping stone for Jackson Ostrowsky (center) looking for a target in a 2019 game versus University of New Haven. for life.” developments to come. Page 6 Features& Entertainment October 21, 2020 Drama is ahead on this season of ‘’ By Jessica Guerrucci ’ season , who was all” and the other men to other girls during the yet, except for Moss of as a finalist, “Bachelor on ’s basically didn’t exist. quarantine. Drama that course, but even if it was Editor-In-Chief in Paradise” and on season of , So, if you’re bracketing was insignificant and lacking, there seems to be For anyone who loves “Bachelor Winter Games”. was the new Bachelorette this season or betting on unnecessary. a big twist ahead. reality television, after The latter led to an after Crawley fell in love who wins, I’d place your Crawley, who is 39 years While there’s no such a long delay, we engagement and split-up with contestant , money on Moss - but old, was not having it confirmation that Adams can finally now return after a month. Former American who knows, maybe the either, with some calling it replaces Crawley, it was to what is promised to The show is at La Quinta football player. Moss, big shocker is that their “high school drama,” and definitely inferred that be “the most dramatic Resort and Club in Palm of course won the first relationship doesn’t work immediately sat them both Crawley does not stay. season ever” of “The Springs, Calif. where impression rose that night, out or he’s “there for the down and made them deal However, if the switch Bachelorette” – however, Crawley and the 31 men big shocker, and when wrong reasons.” with their issues. does happen, it really will the first episode didn’t competing for her love he came out of the limo, The only other man that Tyler C. was deservingly be “the most dramatic bring the drama yet. quarantined. The process Crawley said “I think I just Crawley seemed to take sent home for starting season ever,” which is the , the of this quarantine took the met my husband” after a any interest in was Blake drama, with Crawley claim of every season, but Bachelorette, was cast first 20 minutes or so of 10 second interaction. Moynes, since he had setting the pace for the this one might actually be in March, but due to the show, feeling more like While completely checked in on her during season and letting the men it. COVID-19 the show was a COVID-19 PSA. unrealistic and stupid. If quarantine, going against know she’s not dealing Questions still remain, delayed for four months. Now the promo for you like reality TV, you the rules of the show. She with their nonsense. This like will the same men stay Now that she’s finally had the season has host Chris live for these ridiculous said this meant a lot to her. has also been teased in on the show? or where do her season, only without Harrison telling Crawley moments. The only other drama promos. they pick up when they the notorious Bachelor that she’s just “blown However, it was to arise was between These were the small were already in the middle Mansion and the global up The Bachelorette,” frustrating as a viewer two contestants, Tyler insignificant highlights of of filming. Of course, we’ll travel. coming after rumors knowing that Moss seems C. and Yosef, after Tyler the first episode, with no have to watch and find She was previously on spread all summer that to be the “be-all, end- accused Yosef of talking real fan favorite emerging out.

PHOTO | JESSICA GUERRUCCI PHOTO | JESSICA GUERRUCCI Contestant Dale Moss (left) meeting Clare Crawley in the season premiere. A TV showing the opening screen of “The Bachelorette” premiere. Students search for treasure Bubble format Nham, a sophomore. about the areas we Some students were not By Abby Epstein Elementary education already searched.” bothered by waking up at saves pro-sports News Editor major Britny Gildersleeve, Each chest contained 8 a.m. to start the search, a freshman, woke up early a QR code inside which noting that the event took By Edward Rudman had to deal with outbreaks but was able to find her once students scan, tells place kind of early. Find a chest full of gold! and because of it, have chest at Jess Dow Field them the prize they have “It was just something Sports Writer Student Involvement hid had to postpone games within 20 minutes of won. The prizes consisted fun to do in the morning,” 12 treasure chests across The NBA bubble, after and make changes to the starting her search. of a Smart TV, Air Pods, said Glidersleeve, “it was campus with prizes three months and zero schedule. The MLB had to “I went to Jess Dow Nintendo Switch Lite, kinda fun knowing we located inside. positive COVID-19 tests, has postpone 45 games during Field because I figured record player, projector, were going to wake up “We wanted an event officially ended with the their regular season due to one might be over there Polaroid camera, $100 early to do this hunt and for homecoming that Los Angeles Lakers being positive tests, according to and while I was on the Amazon gift card, try to win prizes.” was on ground, that crowned the 2020 NBA ESPN. actual field, I looked up at Bluetooth speaker, power A couple years ago, encouraged students to champions after defeating The MLB is currently the home side bleachers beats, and tshirts. Student Involvement go around campus,” said the Miami Heat in six using a bubble system and it was literally “So, part of the fun is did a different treasure graduate intern Alandre games. for the playoffs. Multiple right in the center,” said finding the chest but also hunt based on Game of Alexis. The bubble seemed to be locations have been used as Gildersleeve. finding out what you Thrones which Lacharity The chests were hidden off to a rocky start when bubble sites for the teams to Gildersleeve and her won,” said Alexis. said was a success. With around 5 a.m, stretching Los Angeles Clippers’ guard play in. friends came up with a Aside from the obvious the participation Student all across campus from Lou Williams left the Disney The NFL has not made strategy of splitting up frustration and constantly Involvement saw with the Jess Dow Field to past campus, the location where any official statements, up so that they could cover having to stay on the treasure hunt, they will be Engleman. Some students the NBA set up their bubble, to this point, about whether more ground in less time. lookout, many students looking to do more in the were up and on campus to go to a strip club after a bubble will be used for the “We figured we should enjoyed participating in future. looking for the chests by quarantine had begun. postseason. split up and cover the treasure hunt. “Based on the two 8 a.m. Since that hiccup, the “The NFL should different areas of the “It’s fun, there aren’t times we have done this “It’s 10:30 and we bubble has had no issues. absolutely make a plan for campus, so we all have a that many activities in there is no doubt we’ll were getting messages Because of the a bubble for the playoffs better chance of finding person on campus so do this again down the on Instagram at 8 precautions taken by the and it almost seems like them,” said Gildersleeve. this is the one thing that line, maybe not before it o’clock of students on NBA, the rest of the season they should be using some “We all worked together we can do,” said theatre gets cold but hopefully campus looking,” said was completed within sort of bubble system and were texting each major Nicole Thomas, a in the spring again,” said Associate Director of the time frame the league now because of all the other the whole time sophomore. LaCharity. student involvement scheduled, allowing the outbreaks,” Zolkowski said. Eric LaCharity. “The Lakers to eventually win “I think the NFL should fact that people are up their 17th title as a franchise at least have a bubble, the before breakfast trying and LeBron James to win same way the NBA did, for to find them is really his fourth championship the postseason.” encouraging to us.” and Finals MVP. The Tennessee Titans Alexis and Lacharity “I think the NBA handled most recently had both said how eager the pandemic pretty well 24 members of their students were to find with setting up the bubble organization, including 13 the chests and were glad for the playoffs, besides players, beginning on Sept. students were showing from a few slip ups from 24 test positive. They were enthusiasm towards the players leaving the bubble. unable to practice for a event. It really showed promise two-week period in order “This morning I had that we can still have to stop the spread of the three students corner me sports and they can still be virus, according to the NFL and try to pressure me entertaining,” said business website about where the treasure management major Tyler The NFL has had other chests were,” said Alexis. Zolkowski, a junior. positive tests around the Two students who tried With zero positive tests, league, including four to get answers from Alexis the NBA proved that a players from the Patriots were sophomores, Tracy bubble system can work, and two from the Chiefs Nham and Nicole Thomas. and it showed with the NHL and Falcons. Multiple games They came running in as well, who set up two hub were postponed due to the and demanding to know cities for the conferences to positive cases. where the chests were, play in during the playoffs, “The NBA and NHL saying they have already as to decrease travel and showed how pro sports can been looking for two unnecessary human still be played during the hours. contact. pandemic,” said marketing “We started at 8:30am Currently, the MLB and major Nick Thomas, a because he told us they NFL seasons are ongoing, senior, “and I think the were being hidden at and both opted to not utilize NFL should be looking for 5:00am, it is now 10:30” PHOTO | ERIC LACHARITY a bubble set up for their a solution to their positive said nursing major Tracy Students hold their prizes they won in the treasure hunt outside Engleman Hall. seasons. Both leagues have cases.” FEATURES WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 PAGE 7 Students manage their Fantasy Football teams a fantasy football team for Christian McCaffrey of injuries because of no “We have to worry about stress that COVID-19 has By Seth Marceau several years and has had suffered big injuries in preseason or any training games being cancelled the brought to fantasy football Contributor to dedicate more time to the second week, with prior to the season. With Patriots and the Titans managers, many league the game than before. the former being a season more injuries, the deeper have been cancelled at hosting sites such as ESPN, It’s week seven in the “I’ve definitely become ending ACL tear. In a teams do better.” some points, so you always Yahoo, and NFL Fantasy NFL’s unconventional more engaged with the normal year, preseason Game cancellations got to be on the lookout for Football have learned to season and fantasy football NFL as a whole,” said Pelz. games are usually to blame bring another problem a back-up or a replacement incorporated new ways to team managers are in the “Usually I would set my for these types of early to the table -like a play,” said Keeton. help make a team function. hot seat. lineup and kind of just injuries, but in this case, political debate between The NFL tests their “We have a feature for This is usually when check it on Sunday, but it could be argued on the family members during players every day, but that if they’re out for COVID hopes run high and losses now I follow all of the absence of such games. Thanksgiving. doesn’t stop the growing reasons, you can put them bring desperation to the storylines.” Due to the pandemic, Games such as the New list of 20 players who [the player] on the injured managers as trades and Injuries, game players have had much less England Patriots versus have tested positive over reserve,” said Keeton. waiver-wire pickups run cancellations, sickness – all time to get ready to play at the Denver Broncos were the course of the season, This feature frees up amok. Due to COVID-19, due to COVID-19. Fantasy the elite level. This resulted pushed a week back due including New England’s space for the everchanging this season has created a football has turned into in both small and serious to multiple players testing quarterback Cam Newton. landscape of the season new monster. a part-time job, as most injuries over the first six positive for COVID-19. This Unlike the NBA, the NFL and allows team managers “The whole COVID team managers have had to weeks, as well as poor in turn makes the fantasy doesn’t have a bubble to pick up more players factor that plays into every follow sports news almost performances for some manager rush to change for players. Flights to from the waiver-wire game, it’s something no religiously, in order to athletes. their lineup or to pick new different cities and fans at than usual, so they aren’t one has ever seen before,” turn their team into the “A lot of my players players. certain stadiums all pose a sacrificing their starting said history secondary unstoppable force they are boom or bust,” said Psychology major threat to players and team players who tested positive education major Adam hoped for. business management Andrew Keeton, a senior, personnel. for the virus. Pelz, a junior. NFL stars such as major Kevin Landrigan, is the commissioner for a Despite the plethora “It’s been a rollercoaster,” Pelz has been managing Saquon Barkley and a senior. “There’s a lot fantasy football league. of aggravations and said Pelz. Students and alumni compete Second debate is canceled and ultimately end up be held. There is an angle to for prizes at virtual trivia night By Donovan Wilson voting for. be taken on the other side Reporter Tump’s refusal of a using this as an opportunity junior, said, “I thought schools still celebrating By Desteny Maragh virtual debate comes off to make Trump look bad. I would be better at homecoming,” as many Shortly after the first as dismissive of the digital Both sides of the coin Reporter answering the questions, have decided to cancel as a presidential debate of platform. In reality, the can make their argument but I didn’t end up winning result of COVID-19. the 2020 election season, digital platform is very for or against the ultimate The university hosted anything.” Alumni joined the Zoom President Donald Trump useful nowadays and helps decision that ended up the first ever online She said one of at 8 p.m. to play Kahoot called off the debate that us carry on business as in the cancellation of the homecoming Trivia Night her favorite things in games with fun questions was originally supposed to usual with things such debate. on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. on general has always been that appealed to both take place on Oct. 15. as the election process. A Zoom. “I guess I understand homecoming season and groups like “what is the Right after the first national leader dismissing it because information Student’s competed the traditions that come square root of 12?,” “who debate took place, Trump is pretty detrimental to the doesn’t need to be prepared against peers and alumni along with it. is the author of the Harry and the First Lady Melania overall scheme of things in beforehand if it’s online,” and prizes were awarded Reed said she is not Potter series?” and “what Trump tested positive for the current day landscape. said exercise science major to the top three students into sports, so she is not color are Mickey Mouse’s COVID-19. Right after, the “Trump didn’t cancel it, Bella Lanata, a junior . and three alumni. shorts?”. disappointed over the loss powers that decided that the the commission did because The other argument All particiants had the of the homecoming game, Another question was second debate, would have Trump had Corona and is that the debate isn’t chance to win up to $400. but she does wish there “what year was SCSU to take place digitally for the they didn’t think it was safe. necessarily the most At the highest number of could be more in-person founded” and 24 percent safety of everyone involved. They probably could’ve necessary thing in the participants, there were 68 events. of people got it right. Eric Rather than go with it, still kept it on though election season. With the people playing live. “Adjusting to having LaCharity joked that “we’re Trump held a town hall the because he’s recovered and internet, there are a lot Host, Eric LaCharity social events online is very going to need to do a same time his opposing they could’ve just taken of easier ways to know and Daphney Alston, hard I miss being able to Southern only trivia.” candidate Joe Biden was precautions. It’s kind of a candidate’s intentions from the Office of Student be with friends and have Graduate Intern in holding a town hall, so dumb” said exercise science without having to watch a Involvement, guided those intimate experiences Student Involvement & viewers had to choose major Jordan Peloquin, a full debate. everyone through the in public setting,” said Leadership Development between watching one or senior. In the end, it is nearly, event. Reed. Alandre Alexis said, “trivia the other. The case can be made that indecipherable how At 7 p.m., LaCharity Back before school is the staple game in the “Honestly, I believe the mistake came from the the general public feels, joined the virtual meeting opened in fall, the Division student involvement office that it’s disrespectful more democratic side of until the results of the and said there was a II conference said the and while planning for considering the people things. Trump is seemingly election. There is clearly an misprint on the flyer and decision was made by the homecoming they just had deserve a digital debate and well enough and now has argument that can be made the event was supposed Council of Presidents of to incorporate it.” both parties’ interactions antibodies that would pose for Trump, against Trump to start at 8 p.m., but to the NE10 and was voted Alexis said they had to the questions. It’s our no threat to anyone if an and against the whole alleviate the mishap, he unanimously on the expectations of how many future president and the in-person debate were to general system in place. chose to start early until suspension of university people would come but, people deserve the right the main trivia began. sports. The presidents cited “we had more people than to the commentary and The game night was full the health and safety of its expected.” input each party is willing of a joking and friendly student-athletes, coaches, “If people show up, we to offer,” said healthcare competition. staff, and wider campus did our job,” said Alexis. studies major Sabrina Viera, The various hosts played communities as the main While planning the a senior. upbeat music and lead reason. trivia game, Alexis said Not having the students and alumni to Connecticut has two “We needed something presidential debate is Kahoot, which is a game- Universities in the NE10: that would appeal to generally regarded as a based learning platform The University of New both alumni and current disservice to the American used to create, share and Haven and Southern. students,” as it had to be people. Especially in a time play learning games or The conference did say accessible to a wide range where rallies and other trivia quizzes. in a statement that they of people rather than just promotional activities The first game consisted are working to have the students. aren’t as readily available, of 18 questions ranging fall sports compete in the Due to COVID-19, giving a debate is the main source from different areas of spring of 2021. However, physical gifts and prices of a candidate’s beliefs and studies like mathematics, this can only happen are not allowed so each intentions. history and art. if it is safe to return to winner was rewarded Debates tend to be One student who competition. through virtual gift cards. historically crucial to attended, psychology Alston said the university Alexis said that “overall, someone’s decision in what PHOTO ILLUSTRATION | JESSICA GUERRUCCI major Kayleigh Reed, a is “one of the only the event was a success.” candidate they get behind Donald Trump at his Town Hall on Oct. 15. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

WWW.THESOUTHERNNEWS.ORG OCTOBER 21, 2020 PAGE 8 ‘Sweat’ casting extended to fill roles manager of the play. to turn out, being By Ellis McGinley The university’s on Zoom. However, Copy Editor auditions for the play Dexter [Singleton] eased The Theatre were extended by one that worry when he Department has begun week. Set to open Nov. 19, mentioned there will be preparations for their auditions were supposed costumes, props, and second production of the to conclude Oct. 7. people who will work out year: “Sweat” by Lynn “We have not been the Zoom theater format,” Nottage. able to fill the roles,” Moore said. “Sweat” follows a Skinner said. “This show This will be Moore’s diverse cast of blue- in particular has very second show at Southern. collar workers in a small, specific racial identities in Skinner said the show industrial town, where characters.” had been cast as of it analyzes the biases He said. “Two white Thursday morning, Oct. and tribulations of the males auditioned,” thus 15. One minor role, an American working class. filling that portion of the African American man, Nottage, the playwright, call. had to be cut due to a lack is the first woman to win “I won’t have enough of actors. two Pulitzer Awards. time to devote myself If the department Mike Skinner, to the production,” said does not receive enough Chairman of the Theatre theatre major Samhain auditions, Skinner said Department, said as Perez, a freshman. “I read they would have no part of the department’s the plot of Sweat ahead choice but to cancel the recent commitment of time to garner my own production. to racial inclusivity, interest. I found it to be a “If we didn’t fill the they want to “make very easy-to-follow story cast, then we couldn’t sure we have political with important messages. do the show. This is the productions yearly.” I was definitely interested slot that we have to do The play’s cast, which in being in it.” this kind of show,” he has eight total roles, calls Perez said he thinks the said. “We postponed for “two white men, three specificity of the casting our musical from African-American men, also “turned off” a lot this semester to next one African-American of potential actors and semester; basically, for a woman, one Italian- actresses. learning curve.” American woman, “The roles were very According to Skinner, and one Columbian- specific. I’m a white boy. the Theatre Department American man,” I don’t fit any of those,” has staggered their shows according to audition said communications based on perceived listings. disorders major Sam difficulty; they first did a PHOTO | BRIA KIRKLIN “An Enemy of the Gontarz, a freshman. radio show, “An Enemy of Majesty Moore (left), Daniel Santana-Gonzalez, Leah Herde, and Matt Lopes before People,” the Department’s Nursing major Majesty the People”, and “Sweat” “Sweat” auditions. first production of the Moore, a freshman, said will be performed In previous years, we have the reason to of us and our industry--I year, had a total cast of 13, she auditioned for Sweat on Zoom. The spring Skinner said the Theatre reach the student body think for forever now,” with five actors playing because she wanted to be musical, which has yet to Department would reach the way we usually do,” Skinner said. multiple parts. involved in a show that be announced, will also out to potential actors on said Skinner. He also said interested The production will is about racial injustice, be produced digitally. the Academic Quad, in He also said he doubts students do not be directed by Dexter especially with a director “I don’t believe working casual conversations, and that the theater will fully necessarily have to Singleton, executive of that uses his career over Zoom would be easy within social groups to leave the virtual platform be theater majors or Collective Consciousness, to address the social or sustainable. So many try and gauge interest. behind. even involved in the a social justice theatre injustice in the world people have different “I personally feel the “Even when we come department at all. in New Haven. Theatre through theater. technologies, and it’s hard reason we’re having out of the pandemic To anyone interested in major Patrick Ballard, a “At first, I was scared to tell just how reliable trouble casting is the parameter, the virtual coming to see “Sweat,” he senior, will be the stage about how it was going they may be,” said Perez. pandemic. I just don’t feel theater is going to be part said: “come see it.” Bill Burr’s monologue sparks discussion don’t like when people is not a new concept and he said. “If you’re that white women “rolled it’s a serious conversation By Desteny Maragh discuss cancel culture as it is not made to just end dumb and you want to around in the blood but people have a hard Reporter a negative thing because a famous person’s career, kill your own family money, and occasionally, time discussing it,” said it’s not. It’s actually sort of but to acknowledge the members, by all means, when you wanted to Stewart. Bill Burr’s controversial needed, especially in our negative attributes of do it.” sneak off and hook up Another student who “Saturday Night Live” climate.” people in power that may Another student who with a Black dude, if said he thought Burr’s opening monologue on Vernon said she is an be overlooked because of said he thought Burr’s you got caught, you said monologue was funny Saturday, Oct. 10 on race avid Twitter user and their status. stand up was great is it wasn’t consensual,” is history major, Tyron and Pride Month caused normally gets most of her Vernon said that R Kelly physics major Austin during his monologue. Jenkins, a freshman. an array of student news from the platform. is a good example. Stewart, a junior. Stewart referenced “Bill Burr is a funny opinions, even if it is what “When he was trending “For years, R Kelly had “The digs he took at the 1962 novel, “To Kill a dude, anyone who his fans expected.. on twitter, I went to allegations, trials and white women were spot Mockingbird,” by Harper can make fun of white “Cancel culture is not watch the SNL clips and multiple incriminating on,” said Stewart. “It’s Lee and said the whole supremacy while pushing about ending someone’s I was not against most of evidence against him, funnier when it’s true.” story is about a “white the conversation forward career it’s about holding his set. I thought he made but no one ever spoke up Stewart said he knows women lying on a black is a good guy to me,” said them accountable,” some good points, but and said don’t listen to a few people who could man.” Jenkins. “I hope we as a said biology major Jada his thoughts on cancel this guy anymore,” said have been offended while “That was from the 60s, culture don’t cancel him Vernon, a sophomore. culture is the one part he Vernon. watching Burr’s standup. we’re in 2020 and it’s still because he looks like “I love comedy and I am got wrong,” said Vernon. Vernon said Twitter “Comedy is not meant a conversation that we he’s on the right side of fond of Bill Burr, but I She said cancel culture users were the ones who to be taken offensive. It’s make into entertainment, history.” brought R Kelly’s past to meant for people who it light and canceled him applies to reevaluate what and his music in support they’re doing because it’s of the women he hurt. silly, that why it’s made “Cancel culture should into a joke,” said Stewart. not be feared among Some of Burr’s celebrities, but it should comments on white be something to keep women were: “you guys them in check,” said stood by us toxic white Vernon. “You should just males through centuries do the right thing and you of our crimes against won’t get canceled.” humanity.” A student who said “I was on Twitter and I he thought Bill Burr’s saw a lot of white women monologue was hilarious get upset at some of the is secondary education comments Bill made, but major John Green, a it’s true you know,” said freshman. Stewart. Green said he loved Stewart said if someone when Burr spoke about is making a joke about people’s reaction to you and you don’t think COVID-19 and how he it’s funny, it is because the didn’t care if the audience joke is true. wore masks or not. “If more people took During his stand-up, the time to listen to what Bill Burr said “take out he was saying, they would your grandparents. Take understand that it is real PHOTO | SOFIA ROSITANI out your weak cousin life problems disguised as PHOTO | SOFIA ROSITANI Bill Burr doing his monologue on “Saturday Night with the asthma, I don’t jokes,” said Stewart. Bill Burr and “Saturday Night Live” cast after his Live.” care. It’s your decision,” Burr also said that monologue.