D5.2. Community Journalism Programme Digest

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D5.2. Community Journalism Programme Digest D5.2. Community journalism programme digest Work​ ​package​ ​ ​ WP5: Communications & Dissemination Task​ ​ T5.2 Community journalism programme Due​ ​date​ ​ 31/01/2021 Submission​ ​date​ ​ 04/02/2021 Deliverable​ ​lead​ ​ Edgeryders Dissemination​ ​level​ ​ Public Nature​ ​ Report Authors​ ​ Nadia El-Imam, Inge Snip, Claire Duffy, Jeremiah Wilson, Abigail Davis, Lipsad, Noah Schoeppl, David Schmudde, CherryRecently (alias), Hugi Asgeirsson, Oliver Sauter, Carl-Johan Svenningson, Alberto Cottica, Adrian Cochrane, Slaughtr (alias), Mattias Axell, Jeff Andreoni, Matthias Ansorg, Chris McAdams, Peter Bihr, Zenna Fiscella, Elinor Weijmar, Christian Buggedei, Rowena Hennigan Version​ ​ 1.2 Reviewers​ ​ Katja Bego, Markus Droemann Status​ ​ Final Disclaimer​​: ​ ​The​ ​information ​ ​and ​ ​views​ ​set ​ ​out​ ​in ​ ​this ​ ​report ​ ​are​ ​those ​ ​of ​ ​the​ ​author(s) ​ ​and​ ​do​ ​not ​ ​necessarily ​ ​reflect ​ ​the ​ ​official​ ​opinion ​ ​of ​ ​the ​ ​European​ ​Union. ​ ​Neither ​ ​the ​ ​European​ ​Union​ ​institutions ​ and​ ​bodies ​ ​nor​ ​any ​ ​person ​ ​acting ​ ​on​ ​their​ ​behalf ​ ​may ​ ​be ​ ​held​ ​responsible​ ​for ​ ​the​ ​use​ ​which ​ ​may ​ ​be ​ ​made ​ ​of​ ​the​ ​information​ ​contained​ ​herein.​ ​ Acknowledgement​: This Report is part of a project that has received funding from the ​European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº82565 1 Authors Editor: Nadia El-Imam Data analysis & visualisations: Amelia Hassoun, Alberto Cottica, Kate Sim Interviews: Inge Snip, Rowena Hennigan Authors: Nadia El-Imam, Inge Snip, Jeremiah Wilson, Abigail Davis, Lipsad, Noah Schoeppl, Hugi Asgeirsson, Oliver Sauter, Carl-Johan Svenningson, Alberto Cottica, Adrian Cochrane, Slaughtr (Alias), Mattias Axell, Jeff Andreoni, Matthias Ansorg, Chris Adams, Peter Bihr, Zenna Fiscella, Elinor Weijmar, Christian Buggedei 2 Introduction NGI Forward’s community journalism program is a tool for engagement of a broader, more diverse community of experts on the themes of the Next Generation Internet. The principle behind this work is to elicit conversation-starting posts, and use them to “seed” the NGI Exchange platform. To do so, we used a combination of open calls for contributions and targeted interviews with identified thought leaders. This, in the NGI consortium’s intentions, would make the platform more thought-provoking, and therefore more engaging. The strategy appears to have worked: ​at the time of writing, the Exchange hosts 3,946 posts from 320 unique contributors, for a total of 646,000 words – that’s well over three times the size of Melville’s​ Moby Dick​. It has received 230,000 page views so far. The selection of authors, interviewees and the subjects of their contributions to include in this publication took place after the conversations on the platform were already underway, and a first round of analysis of the materials conducted. We selected contributions that conveyed the themes, observations and questions emerging from the discussions on the platform. The posts in the community journalism program are meant to be read as stand-alone articles; shared on social media; and interacted with by way of a “Comment” button. They are published as regular forum posts on the Exchange platform; in 2021, we plan to add a second delivery method, using micro-websites that allow readers to comment posts without having to navigate the informational complexities of the forum. This deliverable collects in one document the 60 contributions collected under the community journalism program It is organised along 7 thematic chapters: ​Safety and Security, Windows of Perception, Inclusive Care and Welfare, Work, Livelihoods and Business, Freedom, Control and Justice, Polities, Politics and Democracy​. Alongside the text of the contributions themselves, each chapter includes some key insights by the authors of this deliverable. These are based on the online-ethnographic analysis of the whole Exchange corpus, not just of the community journalism program’s contributions. Their purpose is to place such contributions in the context of the broader conversation they helped to spur. We also include a 1,000 words account of the overarching narrative emerging from the program as a whole. We mean this deliverable as a monitoring tool, mainly for the benefit of the reviewers. We do not expect many people to engage with the ​document​ per se. We do, on the other hand, expect the NGI Exchange community of citizen experts to continue to engage with the 3 individual contributions it collects. The digest will also be published as a series of thematic mini-magazines each dedicated to one chapter theme to invite further discussion and dissemination. 4 Table of Contents Overarching Narrative 11 We’ve lost ownership over ourselves through the growing role of technology; how do we regain it? 11 Part I: Safety and Security 14 Key insights 14 Directory of Articles 15 On the first case in the EU against government use of an algorithmic decision-making system — an AMA with Anton Ekker 16 Why the algorithm was deemed to be unfair 16 “It may be unfair, but it works.” Or? 17 Standards for how to prevent bias and discrimination? 18 “They keep coming” 18 Global Governance of Emerging Technologies 19 Can tech design for survivors? 21 “Don't call them AI accidents” 22 Distributed systems promise great possibilities — and challenges 23 On personal data protection, GAIA X and humanitarian work 24 Conversation: Where next for online identities? 26 Disposable identities 27 Trust framework 27 Provable computing 27 Self-sovereign identities 28 Single source ID layer 28 Part II: Windows of Perception 30 Key insights 30 Directory of Articles 31 Epistemic resilience of the medical community 33 When something is “good”, should it be everywhere, all the time? 35 Bridging the gap between the tech world and modern policy-making on the collection and sharing of data 36 Building my own browser to explore decentralised discovery 38 Top Sites 38 Web Feeds 38 App Recommendations 39 Personalised Suggestions 39 Bookmarks & Bookmark Sharing 39 Combined Search 40 5 The problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them 42 Stepping Outside, or: A Job for a Hacker 43 Period of Isolation 43 Cultivate Hobbies/Interests 43 Find a Community 43 Study 44 Seclusion/Isolation 44 Live Abroad 44 Autonomy 44 Spoil Yourself 45 Identify a Problem 45 On language ideologies: Does Alexa have Linguistic Authority? 46 Managing the Infrastructural Unknown: Magic as Craft 47 How do we organize society for a whole-systems approach for developing the Internet? 50 Just enough city? 52 Ideas to demand more from the internet and for the planet 53 How one decentralised social network became a promising model for the expanding collective intelligence 54 Part III: On Inclusive Care and Welfare 56 Key insights 56 Directory of Articles 57 Rushing introduction and use of AI and other networked digital technologies fuels inequalities and breeds resentment 58 Are housing cooperatives the future? 59 Can communities equipped with digital commons take on dysfunctional healthcare systems? 61 “In some cases, you should simply rule out AI, for example emotion detection” 64 Is the communitarian internet back in the wake of COVID-19? — A conversation with Howard Rheingold 65 On coordinating and integrating the community’s response 67 On helping folks to bring work online 67 Why is all this innovation not being channelled into ways to help people live a better life? 69 Welcome to Retirement 70 Part IV: Work, Livelihoods and Business 75 Key insights 76 Directory of Articles 78 Startups’ grand illusion: You have to be 10x better than what’s there 80 On digitalisation, industrialisation and loss of jobs during transitions between systems 81 6 Remote and distributed working has the potential to be a great equalizer 83 Recover from COVID with Flexibility 84 Tiny data for highly resilient societies of the future 85 Service design in a climate emergency — What do digital services in a world of net-zero look like? 86 Navigating COVID as a small location-based business 87 Can remote collaboration and coworking burst small-world complacency? 88 Virtual collaboration emerging as a competitive advantage 89 COVID presents opportunity to breathe life back into rural communities 92 Data as Labour 93 Remote work with human interaction is the way of the future 95 Distributed Teams as Distributed Economic Development 98 How to build a financially sustainable school for free and open-source developers? 102 Part V: Freedom, Control and Justice 103 Key insights 103 Directory of Articles 105 Is AI really worth the trouble: A meeting of minds on the promises and threats 107 When your tech is used to imprison and torture people 111 Front-running legislatures can foster AI that empowers users of digital technologies 114 A Radically New Internet — On P2P Protocols and Mesh Networks 116 Decentralisation of currency and information could lead to a “utopia” 118 A surveillance pandemic? Results of the community listening post on risks for freedom in the wake of COVID-19 119 About the listening event, and Edgeryders’s role in it 119 Result 1: There is cause to worry, but also leverage for defence. 120 Result 2. Contact tracing apps are ineffective against COVID-19, but may help in the next pandemic. 121 Result 3. Immunity passports are an unworkable idea. 122 Result 4. Locational data are impossible to anonymise, and of limited utility. Capacity for data governance is bad. 123
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