Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 2 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Minister’s Foreword

Nam untia volor re velignimus ex erro berum restem am reicipsamus, eumquib ernatis et velissedit litaque veles nus, es volor si cora quat et harchic aboremo loreprorum et id magnis sunt ium rendis ad quia conesequi reped quis auta sin consed quiam qui qui ide nimet eum adigenitas assint por solorrum fugiam.

Officiet liquas soluptatus Ibus adi to occus in eres in eossimusapit dolorpor nimiliq uatem. Ut delitat. most, offici blatis ideligenet Dem sandae estrum enihitio offic te volupta quiatem in cus quia sus nonseni molorum et dolliquae prenditame que ommoluptam et et et con et pre cus, tem rem Chris Hazzard, alitaspietur sed mod ut siminci lliquo dolorepro et Minister of the Department for quiaeperum vendandi landis rerumet volesequi Infrastructure officim inimus ullibus ium ium exerum atempor aute et landita temque volor solest officiet veleserias ma pe volum rest, quam milibus, undenim ne quod estrum nullibustis etur rem esequi di di quia senduci acienimusam fugiae placcab piditat iusdaepta eturiati ad imus. quid mo es excepre ndeles nam quam, tem dolorepudia nonse sit et officia con net harchita voluptatur, optasseque nihitam fugias eossunt. Department for Infrastructure 3 A Message from the Chairman

I welcome the publication of the Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan which is the result of extensive engagement between islanders and stakeholders and included three very lively consultation days with the island community and key stakeholders.

The Rathlin Island Policy and We look forward to Action Plan adds value to being partners in the the island and enables the implementation of the community to be involved in Revised Action Plan. It is the development of policies a valuable tool to help us and projects which influence continue to thrive from everyday life on Rathlin. within, making the best of Michael Cecil, Much has been achieved the opportunities that our Chairman of the Rathlin since the publication of unique and very special Development Community the last Action Plan and place has to offer. Association (RDCA) this is due in no small part to the positive working relationships which have been developed between the community and its stakeholders. 4 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Policy Background

Following a visit to Rathlin in 2006, Northern ’s then Regional Development Minister highlighted to his Ministerial colleagues in the Executive, the Strategic Aims difficulties faced by the islanders in having ✓✓ their issues addressed across government To enhance community in a co-ordinated manner. In recognition of involvement; these difficulties and Rathlin’s position as Northern Ireland’s only offshore inhabited ✓✓To improve the island, the Executive agreed that a specific Rathlin Island Policy should be developed provision of public to support the community, to ensure the services for islanders; sustainability of island life and to promote a vibrant island community. The policy is ✓✓ now implemented and managed by the To advance policies for Department for Infrastructure with support a sustainable island from other Central Government Departments, the Causeway and Glens Borough community; and Council, Rathlin Development Community Association (RDCA) and the Rathlin ✓✓To conserve the community. island’s exceptional environmental Purpose heritage. The purpose of the Rathlin Island Policy is to develop a vibrant healthy Rathlin community and increase the involvement of islanders in the development of policies and projects which improve conditions for all the people of the island while protecting its environment.

Policies developed for this purpose may differ from policies applying elsewhere, in recognition of the unique circumstances of Rathlin Island and the challenges of island life. Department for Infrastructure 5 Revised Action Plan

This document represents the second The time period for implementation of the formal review of the Rathlin Island Action Revised Action Plan has been extended to Plan and is the result of three stakeholder 2020. This links the Plan to the community’s consultation events, facilitated by Rural own 2020 vision. A revised approach will Community Network on the island during be taken to monitoring and implementation March and April 2016. of the Action Plan to ensure its continued relevance. The Revised Action Plan outlines The thematic approach adopted in previous a series of high level actions, anticipated Action Plans has been continued in this outcomes and long term impacts. This Revised Plan with some amendments outcomes based approach reflects that made to the broad themes and associated adopted in the draft Programme for policy priorities to better reflect those views Government Framework 2016-2021. outlined during the consultation events. The Actions are underpinned by a working themes outlined in the Action Plan continue implementation document which outlines to be interdependent and should be read in the specific activities that will be required to the round rather than considered in isolation. ensure the high level actions are achieved. Stakeholders will be asked to report on this The Executive previously adopted a three way implementation plan annually when actions working partnership in respect of the Action will be added or amended as necessary to Plan, whereby Executive Departments, the reflect progress or a change in circumstance. islanders and any other interested parties work together to ensure the policy aims and The annual Ministerial Forum chaired, on objectives are taken forward. The success of the island, by the Minister for Infrastructure, the previous Action Plans is a direct result will also continue as a means of ensuring of the lead role taken by islanders in this progress in respect of policy and plan implementation partnership. The Revised implementation. Rathlin Development Action Plan will continue this collaborative Community Association (RDCA) continue to approach. be key stakeholders in the implementation of the Policy and Action Plan and are represented on the Ministerial Forum. Those actions identified in the Action Plan are listed subject to agreement with all stakeholders. 6 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Island 1 Connections

Overview Achievements under The key theme of Island Linkages has been previous Action Plan updated in the Revised Action Plan and will During the period of the previous Action now be referred to as Island Connections. Plan much progress has been made by the This change reflects the need to make islanders in respect of developing island this development area about more than connections. A joint Rathlin - Departmental infrastructure provision and to promote the study visit to the Scottish Islands during development of both “hard” and “soft” links 2014 provided an opportunity to build not only internally on Rathlin itself but also relationships and learn from the experiences externally to Ballycastle, across the North of of other islands across a range of themes. Ireland and with other island communities The visit also built confidence and helped and similar interest groups. representatives recognise that many of the issues faced on Rathlin are similar to those faced by other island communities.

RDCA have also worked with the Commissioners for Irish Lights and the RSPB as part of the West Light Visitor Project. Further development of these relationships will bring new opportunities in respect of the Great Lighthouses of Ireland Trail.

Islanders working on the Community Action Plan Department for Infrastructure 7

An investment of £2.8 million to build a new ferry to replace the existing MV Canna will bring significant benefit to the island. The new vessel will provide increased capacity and improve passenger comfort and safety by offering passenger and vehicle separation.

While some progress has been made in respect of broadband and road infrastructure on the island, these will remain challenges to be addressed during this Action Plan period.

The ‘More than Minutes’ Team working on the visual minutes

Policy Priority Key Issues To enhance connections • Infrastructure provision on the island will remain a key issue for the Revised Action on-island, between the Plan. island and the rest of • The life line service provided by the Northern Ireland; with ferry, the necessity of an affordable and reliable link to Ballycastle and the need other communities, for the ferry to remain “resident” on island communities and Rathlin were recurring themes across the three consultation days. As a minimum, similar interest groups. the existing service delivery model should be maintained to ensure the continued growth and development of the island. • The sporadic nature of Broadband provision on the island was also highlighted. Achieving a reliable island communications infrastructure offers major potential as a means of islanders obtaining better access to services and developing on-island businesses. • Road maintenance and repair on-island present different challenges to elsewhere in Northern Ireland. 8 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

Output - Policy Actions

Theme Policy Action Outcome Long Term Impact

Communications • Provide island wide High speed broadband The island will be better access to reliable, & phone connections connected and have affordable high will be available to improved access to speed broadband islanders regardless of services and phone location on island connections

• Work with service Services which might providers to make not otherwise be best use of new available on-island technologies to can be accessed enhance island electronically connections

Engagement • Develop links with Islanders will be able to Rathlin will benefit and support sharing learn from experiences from appropriate of best practice with of other communities implementation of best other communities and share their practice and be recognised own experience for as a community reciprocal benefit development exemplar

Ferry • Safeguard the A modern, reliable ferry Isolation and remoteness provision of link will be provided of island life will be affordable and between Rathlin and minimised reliable transport Ballycastle and infrastructure links with Ballycastle

Infrastructure • Maintain and A safe and attractive The on-island road network improve road on-island road network will be improved and infrastructure on the will exist for both the need for ongoing island islanders and visitors maintenance reduced alike Department for Infrastructure 9

Achieving a reliable island communications infrastructure offers major potential as a means of islanders obtaining better access to services and developing on-island businesses. 10 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Access to 2 Services

Overview Achievements under Rathlin’s position as an island can often previous Action Plan make the delivery of services that are taken Rathlin has benefitted from a number of for granted elsewhere, more challenging. improvements to services during the period Examples include healthcare, veterinary care, of the previous Action Plan. policing and activities such as emergency planning, wastewater and refuse treatment. The installation of a new island wastewater treatment system has had significant Providers need to seek innovative ways of benefits in terms of providing increased delivering services to meet the needs of capacity, producing cleaner wastewater and the island community. A one size fits all thereby minimising environmental impact. approach is not appropriate. Advances in technology present a unique opportunity to An increase in services provided by the reconsider how services can be delivered local health visiting and SureStart teams in innovatively, particularly in respect of health respect of parenting; play skills and other and veterinary care. related areas has offered island families local access to necessary support systems. Agreed contract changes in respect of domiciliary care provision have offered increased security of employment for locals and reliability of service for those requiring care.

Policy Priority To achieve fair and Finding appropriate ways to deliver equitable access to key essential services public services for all islanders. Department for Infrastructure 11

Key Issues • There remains a strong desire for islanders to be trained in service • There was agreement across the three provision, particularly by utilities providers consultation days that new technologies to enable a reduced response time in the should be used to assist service delivery event of service disruption and minimising on the island. Examples cited included the need for expensive emergency call- the possibility of using video conferencing outs. facilities to assist with on-island medical provision or to enable islanders to access • Notwithstanding the suggested alternative learning and development opportunities approach to electronic delivery of certain off-island, for example, evening classes, healthcare services, an integrated Comhaltas groups, DARD meetings/ approach to healthcare on the island seminars. is likely to remain a major challenge, particularly in the context of an ageing • Veterinary care is a challenge on Rathlin, population combined with an expanding particularly out of hours, with additional younger population. costs incurred for travel outside the regular scheduled ferry service.

Output - Policy Actions

Theme Policy Action Outcome Long Term Impact

Key Services • Work with service Tailored services will be Islanders will have providers to achieve provided which meet access to services which local solutions to local the needs of the island are at least equivalent problems community to those available elsewhere

Learning and • Increase the key Islanders will be Rathlin will be a lifelong Development knowledge and skills of sufficiently skilled to learning community with the island community avail of opportunities the key skills, knowledge for career, business and and attributes to ensure personal development its sustainable growth and development

Water & Waste • Assess and deliver Water and waste Rathlin will have a fit for necessary infrastructure infrastructure will be in purpose water and waste to meet present and place which meets the infrastructure future demand needs of the current and future population • Develop and implement a waste management plan 12 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Department for Infrastructure 13 14 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Island 3 Community

Overview Achievements under Rathlin has a relatively small but vibrant previous Action Plan community with a strong sense of community The Gort Beag housing scheme was a spirit. Although the community has grown significant development during the period in recent times with an increased number of the last Action Plan. The development of births and new residents moving to the provided new homes for existing Rathlin island, there remains an ageing population. residents, offering greater security to young families wishing to remain on the island and Rathlin has a deeply rooted culture and also allowed Rathlin to welcome some new heritage which needs to be supported to residents. enable it to thrive and grow. The support received from local government and the NI Executive has helped the community to become more proactive and confident. This support and the community’s ability to access decision-makers will be an essential means of ensuring continued community growth and development.

Gort Beag Housing Scheme Department for Infrastructure 15

The ongoing “Floating Support” model delivered via the Northern Ireland Housing Executive Supporting People Programme in conjunction with the Northern Health Trust Policy Priority continues to be a successful scheme which has improved the quality of life of the older ✓✓ To support positive members of the Rathlin community, enabling health and well being them to retain independence and bringing associated benefit to their families. for islanders.

A number of successful community planning ✓✓ To minimise, where it days were held during the period of the exists, disadvantage, last Action Plan. The support for these events and the output from these days poverty, social exclusion is indicative of a community with a clear and inequality amongst future vision and direction. This vision is also reflected in the growing confidence those living on the of the Rathlin Development Community island, particularly Association and its willingness to embrace opportunities emerging via social enterprise. amongst the most The Association’s growth has been further vulnerable groups. underpinned by a number of successful grant applications from a range of funding bodies. ✓✓ To preserve the cultural The community organised Rathlin Sound and social uniqueness Maritime Festival has also grown and of island life. developed since publication of the previous Action Plan and is recognised as a signature ✓✓ To develop community event for Borough Council. The festival attracts a capacity to engage large number of visitors and its successful in rural governance design and delivery is a direct result of the community’s initiative and their growing structures. involvement in and support for the festival. The festival not only provides a best practice model but also demonstrates RDCA’s ability to organise and promote an extended programme of events in partnership with other local stakeholders. 16 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

Key Issues • At the other end of the spectrum, the island has experienced a recent • Despite achieving almost full employment, population growth with a number of new the island has a low wage economy. families moving to Rathlin and a recent Employment can often be seasonal, part- increase in number of births. While time or intermittent with many islanders this population growth is welcomed, an taking on more than one job. For those insufficient supply and availability of islanders wishing to take up employment suitable housing will limit further growth opportunities off-island, reliable transport in this area. links between Rathlin, Ballycastle and beyond will be essential. • The continuation of funding for a development officer post beyond the • The island has an ageing population already committed period (to March which presents difficulties in terms of 2018) will be key in ensuring that the “caring” services, particularly if this community continue to progress, will section of the population are to remain increase the long term security of the on Rathlin and be cared for in their own Community Association and ensure the environment. local implementation of the Rathlin Island • There is a need to preserve and record Policy and Revised Action Plan. the cultural traditions, the oral history and the long term memory of the island, many of which are currently retained by the older island residents.

Output - Policy Actions

Theme Policy Action Outcome Long Term Impact

Cultural Identity • Sustain, develop and Rathlin’s culture The cultural and promote the island’s and heritage will be social uniqueness culture, traditions and developed and sustained of island life will be heritage for future generations preserved

Governance • Develop and sustain the The community will The views and needs capacity of the RDCA be more confident of Rathlin will be and better able to represented across • Maintain strong links engage more widely in local and central with local and central governance structures government government and NGOs

Health & Wellbeing • Improve the health and The community will be Rathlin will be self- wellbeing of the island more resilient and less sufficient and self- population reliant on government sustaining support and funding • Sustain and grow island employment and associated incomes Department for Infrastructure 17

Rathlin has a deeply rooted culture and heritage which needs to be supported to enable it to thrive and grow. 18 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020 Island 4 Economy

Overview Achievements under Development of the island economy will only previous Action Plan take place when sufficient recognition is An award of £734,642 to the RDCA from the given to the unique challenges of operating Coastal Communities Fund, combined with on an island. Establishing and sustaining £250,000 from Department for Environment businesses on Rathlin can often be difficult Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DEARA), to due to seasonality and the additional costs support the Manor House project was a associated with transportation. Islanders significant achievement during the period should be encouraged to avail of the of the last Action Plan and demonstrates range of support available to encourage RDCA’s commitment to social enterprise. The business start-up and maximise employment refurbished Manor House guesthouse and opportunities. restaurant will be a key asset for the island; will have spin-off effects for other island The development and promotion of the businesses and will provide opportunities to Rathlin tourism and environmental products extend the tourist season thereby supporting has and will continue to be the key to the the further growth of the island economy. growth of the island economy. The island’s creative industries and its natural capital are The refurbished West Light visitor attraction prime tourist draws. Increased involvement provides an additional tourist attraction on in and development of social enterprise will the island. The relationships developed with also impact positively on the island economy. the RSPB, Commissioners for Irish Lights and the associated links with the Great Light Houses of Ireland trail are positive developments which will assist tourism and economic growth, provide direct links to other similar attractions and provide access to a wider programme of marketing and promotion.

Rathlin’s Co-Op shop has also developed since publication of the previous Action Plan. Collaborative working between the Rathlin Co-Op, RDCA, the National Trust and ASDA has resulted in the development of a social enterprise model and a facility which attracts a customer base from both on and off the The Manor House Guesthouse island. & Restaurant Department for Infrastructure 19

Policy Priority ✓✓ To provide island businesses with appropriate support to ensure the development of the island economy. West Light visitor Centre, one of the Great Lighthouses of Ireland ✓✓ To maximise employment opportunities for islanders. ✓✓ To develop and promote Rathlin tourism and environmental Key Issues products. • While Rathlin’s relative isolation presents economic challenges, it can also be an ✓✓ To broaden and deepen economic driver and something which is the scope of the used to promote economic growth from a tourism and environmental perspective. Rathlin island economy. Enhanced broadband connectivity will be key to supporting economic growth in this context. • While progress has been made in respect of tourism development on the island the need to extend the length of Rathlin’s tourist season remains. Opportunities around experiential and corporate tourism need to be explored and the island promoted on that basis. Similarly, the island’s potential as a location for environmental and educational visits should be further developed. 20 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

• Social enterprise and cottage industries • The facilities available in the marina are acknowledged as potential areas for visiting vessels also need to be of growth. Experience gained via the considered. By enhancing berthing Manor House project and the associated facilities and associated services, the Community Interest Company provide a island economy is likely to benefit from an basis for future development in these increase in water based visitors. areas. • The Rathlin wind turbine project is recognised as a key economic generator for the island. Despite the receipt of planning permission for the project, significant challenges remain in respect of implementing this permission and recognising the full socio-economic benefits of the project.

Outputs – Policy Actions

Theme Policy Action Outcome Long term Impact

Business • Encourage on-island development Rathlin will experience Rathlin will be of social enterprise and economic growth and self sufficient and entrepreneurship increased availability of have a thriving employment opportunities economy • Maximise the economic return from Rathlin’s environmental designations • Increase the economic opportunities arising from island agriculture and aquaculture

Tourism • Develop and promote the Rathlin Rathlin will provide an Rathlin will be an Experience tourism product increased tourism offer attractive year and will have increased round destination benefit from tourism for visitors The community will be more involved in island tourism Department for Infrastructure 21

The development and promotion of the Rathlin tourism and environmental products has and will continue to be the key to the growth of the island economy. 22 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

5 Environment

Overview Achievements under This key theme has been revised to previous Action Plan encompass Rathlin’s range of environmental Publication of a Local Biodiversity Action Plan assets including its natural and built (LBAP) is a significant achievement for RDCA. heritage. Support received via the NI Environment Link Challenge Fund has enabled the Rathlin is unique in terms of its wildlife and island to positively focus on environmental landscape; its natural, built and marine issues in conjunction with other interested environments all need conservation and stakeholders. The preparation of seal stewardship. The environment is of immense signage; town land, species and habitat value to the people who live and work there identification; the promotion of walking and also to those who visit the island for routes and enhanced awareness of Rathlin’s recreation. Opportunities exist to develop biodiversity amongst visitors and locals are Rathlin’s environmental attributes in a all direct outcomes of the LBAP process. sustainable manner and as an economic driver for the community. RDCA’s ability to achieve planning permission for their wind turbine project is a noteworthy Rathlin’s range of environmental achievement. Close and proactive working designations and its relative remoteness are relationships between Government also unique selling points. Environmental Departments, the local Council and islanders preservation must be balanced against was key to achieving a successful planning the needs of a living, working community. outcome and is a reflection of how the Ongoing support and collaboration will collective influence of the Rathlin Island be essential elements in building on the Policy and Action Plan can impact on islanders’ commitment to their role as decision making processes, bringing long environmental custodians. term benefit to the community.

The implementation of the Rathlin Island European Marine Site Management Scheme is also a positive development assisting collaboration to ensure that the marine nature conservation interest, an intrinsic part of the island’s heritage, is sustained for future generations and managed in harmony with the socio-economic interests of the area.

A young Rathlin Grey Seal with its mother Department for Infrastructure 23

Policy Priority ✓✓ To safeguard the island’s exceptional environmental beauty and heritage and increase opportunities for all to enjoy the An example of Rathlin’s built heritage benefits of the island. ✓✓ To support the island’s agricultural and aquaculture sectors to Key Issues • Rathlin is covered by a wide range of develop and maintain environmental designations, reflecting sustainable practices. its unique heritage and natural beauty. These designations are often viewed as ✓✓ To work collaboratively a hindrance rather than as a benefit. Opportunities exist to promote the to enhance Rathlin’s advantages associated with these key unique environment designations and to use the island as a by maintaining showcase or best practice exemplar. • Opportunities also exist around developing its environmental Ecosystem Services and involvement designations. in European Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) as a means of accessing alternative funding sources, promoting Rathlin as a “green” destination and offering market development across the education and research communities. 24 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

• Opportunities exist to develop Rathlin as a carbon neutral island with the island’s potential in respect of renewable energy development remaining largely untapped. Progress in this regard will require careful management to ensure that development does not occur at the expense of the island’s environmental attributes. The implementation of the wind turbine project will be an important first step in recognising this potential and creating an economic generator for the community.

Rathlin has Northern Ireland’s largest colony

Outputs – Policy Actions

Theme Policy Action Outcome Long Term Impact

Agriculture & • Support the island’s Rathlin’s agriculture and Rathlin’s agriculture Aquaculture agriculture and fisheries aquaculture industries will and aquaculture industry be given the necessary industries will be support to ensure their sustainable and viable continued sustainability and economic viability

Aesthetics • Improve the aesthetic The local environment will Rathlin will be an appeal of the island and be improved and islanders attractive destination increase its amenity and and tourists will have for islanders and economic value to the increased pride in their tourists community and visitors surroundings

Energy • Increase the island’s Rathlin will be more energy Rathlin will be a energy efficiency by efficient and less reliant on carbon neutral island supporting renewable fossil fuels generating energy from energy development renewable sources

Natural • Promote Rathlin as an The benefits provided Rathlin’s natural exemplar destination for by Rathlin’s natural resources will be environmental research environment will be conserved and used and best practice recognised and sustained sustainably to achieve long term prosperity Department for Infrastructure 25

The environment is of immense value to the people who live and work (on Rathlin) and also to those who visit the island for recreation 26 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020


The Rathlin Island Policy was screened The Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan in respect of its potential equality and reflects and supports the Rural Vision environmental impacts with no significant outlined in the Rural White Paper Action likely impacts identified. There has been Plan. The Rural Needs Act (Northern Ireland) no change to the original Policy as a result 2016, once commenced will place a duty of the Revised Action Plan and as such no on public authorities, including government further screening has been undertaken as departments, to have due regard to part of this Action Plan review. The equality rural needs when developing, adopting, and environmental impact of individual implementing or revising policies, strategies policies or projects arising out of the and plans and designing and delivering Revised Action Plan will continue to be public services. The Act will add value to the subject to equality screening and, where Revised Rathlin Action Plan and the range of appropriate and in line with the statutory actions outlined therein. duty, full impact assessments will be carried out by the relevant implementation body. Department for Infrastructure 27 28 Revised Rathlin Island Action Plan 2016–2020

Strategic Development Unit Clarence Court 10-18 Adelaide Street BT2 8GB

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