
IUSEPPE VERDI - born !50 years ago - known as the greatest prolific and colorful composer of G the world, should also be known as one of the architects of the unification of Italy. His patriotic spirit and his love for freedom found expression in music, especially in Nabr~eco. Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour and many ocher Italian patriots who dedicated their lives, honor and wealth ro unify Italy, stared chat Verdi's music kept rhe fighting spirit for freedom in Italy alive duri'lg irs difficult period. Verdi's masrerpiece, La Trat iata, is the opera char brings our ro rhe fullest expression human emorions: happiness and sorrow, srrengrh and weakness, beauty and ugliness, hope and despair, light and darkness. His oursmnding are Aida. , Forza del Destiuo, . Ernani. II Troz·atore, Don Carlo. . Falstaff, Simon Boccanegra, and Macbetb. All have enriched rhe musical world. This I 50th Anniversary of rhe birth of Verdi has an importanr significance ro chose who seek co enrich rheir tn· rellectual and spiritual ideals by reflecting on the past achievements of chose who have left rheir footprints on rhe inspiring pages of yesterday. BROOKLYN OPERA COMPANY Gutdo G. Salmaggi, General D~rector LA TR AVIATA LA BOHEME Sacurday. April 20, 1963 Saturday, April 27, 1963 SPRING SEASON 1963 BROOKLYN OPERA COMPANY, INC. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 20TH, 1963 AT 8:30 O'CLOCK LA TRAVIATA Opera in Four Acts (In Italian) Music by Book by F. M. Pi ave (Adapted from Dumas' "La Dame Aux Camel ias")

Conducror: GEORGE BARATI Staged by ROBERT ACKART Choreographer: ALAN BANKS Violetta Valery, a courtesml DOLORES MARl Flora Bervoix, her friend JUDITH MALLIN Alfredo Germonr, lover of Violetta JAMES W A INNER Giorgio Germonr, his father RUSSELL CHRISTOPHER Baron Douphol, rival of Alfredo ROBERT FALK Marquis d'Obigny, a mtttual friend ROY HAUSF'\T Gasrone, a mutual friend NERINO NE\ T Annina, Violetta's maid YOLANDA ANTOINb Dr. Grenvil, Violetta's doctor .... ROY HAUSEN LAdies. Gentlemen, Gypsies, Servants Incidental Dances by the BROOKLYN BALLET COMPANY

SYNOPSIS OF SCENES The action rakes place in Paris, France, and environ~ about 1850. ACT I. A salon in Violerra·s home in Paris. ACT II. A country house at Aureuil, near Paris. ACT Ill. Terrace of Flora·s villa near Paris. ACT IV. Violerra·s bedroom: A house in Paris. )

The Manufacturers-Hanover Trust Company, through the offices of the Brooklyn Academy of Music and the Opera Society of Brooklyn, has under­ written a considerable portion of the performances of this spring season of the Brooklyn Opera Company.

The Brooklyn Opera Company and the Brooklyn Academy of Music are happy to acknowledge the cooperation of the Italian Hisrorical Society of America, John N. LaCorte, founder and director.

LOUNGE RESTAURANT IGr .. 2 ~o~•~··o~' .~?.?'TA IL 20 lofoyelle Ave., Brooklyn Nhlns 8-9547 Acron the street from the Academy 8o,. r:})our !A/Ier ilte cflw ... {J);tl;ti!J d'l('nl< ure our Venezia Room is just the place ro relax and en joy the finest in food and drinks. CATER TO ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS- UP TO Ita lian -American Cuisine

The STE INWAY is the official Piano of THE BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 27TH, 1963 AT 8:30 O'CLOCK LA BOHEME (In Italian) Opera 1n Four Acts Music by Based on "La Vie de Boheme" by Henri Murger Italian libretto by Guiseppe Giacosa and Luigi lllica.

Conductor: ANTON COPPOLA Staged by ANTHONY STIVANELLO Marcello, a painter NOLAN VAN WAY Rodolfo, a poet ENRICO DI GIUSEPPE Co!Jine, a philosopher RENE MIVILLE Schaunard, a musician EDOARDO ASSAil Benoit, a landlord ROBERT FALK Mimi, an embroiderer OLIVIA BONELLI Musetta, a grisette MARCIA LANG Alcidoro, a state councillor . ROBERT F ALK Parpignol, a toy vender PETER JONES Customhouse Sergeant JULES SASSAN StudentJ. If/orkinx GiriJ. CitizenJ, ShopkeeperJ, Street VendorJ. SoldierJ, W aiterJ, BoyJ and Girh.

SYNOPSIS OF SCENES The action takes place in Paris, about 1830. ACT I. A garret. ACT II. The Cafe Momus, in the Latin Quarter. ACT III. A toll gate on the outskirts of Paris. ACT IV. A garret.

Marcia Lang's costumes for Musetta designed and created by Lucien Prideaux

COMING! TICKETS NOW ON SALE Saturday, May 4, 8:30 p.m. CAVALLER! RUSTICANA I PAGUACCI Saturday, May 11, 8:30p.m. RIGOLETTO

The attention of opera patrons is directed to the lobby display of original caricatures by the immortal Enrico Caruso, who sang here at the Academy many times as a member of the . These sketches are parr of a collection owned by Marziale Sisca, publisher of La Pollia, and a close friend of the during his American career. Mr. Sisca generously loaned these interesting caricatures to help promote interest in the spring performances by the Brooklyn Opera Company at the Academy.

FIRE NOTICE: The exit indicated by a red light and si)ln nearest to the seat you occupy is the shorteSt rou!<' to the meet. In the event of fire please do not run - WALK TO THAT EXIT. EDWARD THOMPSON Fire Commtssioner It is urgem for the comfort and safety of all that pauons refrain from lighting m3!cbes in this theater. ABRAHAMcr •.. •.. ..c ,.,,.- ---- ...... , / ...... / ' .__, ____./ / CO lOP ' '\

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Coloring book headliners . . . big and little sister coats front seamed to flare! Styled with Spring-smart details in the prettiest "color me" pastel hues of the season . From our excitin g sure-to­ please both big and little sister collection.