MURROES & COMMUNITY COUNCIL Virtual Meeting held on TEAMS on Thursday 20th August 2020 at 7.30pm.

Present: S. Anderson(Chair/Planning); A. Martin (Vice Chair); G. Reid(Treas); Cllr S. Hands; Cllr B. Whiteside; G. Cowper(Secy). Apologies: K. Smith; S. Smith; D. Murdoch; G. Anderson.

The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Minutes of Previous Meeting These were read and approved.

Matters Arising Petterden The road into the transfer site has now been repaired and residents were pleased this had been completed.

Seagreen Wind Farm Project SSE are giving local Community Councils, as part of their community benefits commitment, funding of up to £5,000, which is to assist in community COVID19 measures. and Wellbank CC are to purchase sanitising equipment and signage for Murroes & Wellbank Halls to help prevent the spread of Covid 19. It was also hoped the funding could assist in Broadband provision and encourage the use of these Halls, but also help local groups to broaden how they interact with the community.

SA was sent a map showing disruption points and required noise levels for the seagreen cable project. A schedule of works will be on SSE Facebook page in the near future.

Roads The C6 had been patched recently, but roads within the area are in need of urgent improvements. We will continue to monitor the situation and ensure Angus Council is aware of the urgent improvements required to our local roads for the safety of road users.

SEPA A fire at Gagie had been reported to SEPA. The fire caused thick black smoke and the Fire Service had been in attendance. SEPA and Angus Council are to look into the situation as it was alleged plastic had been a constituent in the fire.

Recycling Centres AM reported he had attended the Recycling Centre and was impressed with the helpfulness of the staff. does not take household waste, so residents have to make an appointment in order to use either Forfar or . It is not acceptable for residents in the Murroes and Wellbank area to travel this distance and goes against the green agenda to reduce travel by car.

Police Report Twenty two incidents had been recorded in our area with Wellbank and Kellas included in these. SA stated Ballumbie Castle residents had raised complaints as play equipment in the area had been vandalised. There has been increased issues concerning youths from other areas, but it is hoped this will subside once schools return. Fly tipping has been reported at which a local farmer had removed as it was blocking a through road. Fly tipping in the area was still a problem and people are encouraged to report any incidents to Angus Council in order to have items removed quickly.

Treasurers Report £612.45 was in the account. Our CC grant of £400 had been received. To fund a new laptop for the CC, rather than use much needed CC funding, Cllr Whiteside suggested we contact Angus Council Funding staff to find out if we would be eligible for a Council grant for this purpose. GC would enquire.

Planning Farm Buildings are to be erected at the rear of Quarry Cottages at Wellbank. No concerns have been raised. An extension is to be built in Applehill Drive, Wellbank. No concerns have been raised. SA reported Stewart Milne Homes have applied for planning consent to construct Phase 2 of Ballumbie Rise which is a development on Ballumbie Golf Course. This is a cause for concern as it would impact on the roads around . Residents have put in an objection, along with Murroes and Wellbank CC.

AOCB AM stated he had contacted Angus Council regarding the hedge which runs parallel with the footpath from Westhall Terrace to Murroes School. The hedge was overgrown and parents and children using the path were having difficulty using the path. AM said Angus Council along with the farmer had cut the hedge and access along the path has improved. He thanked the Council for their quick response. Local residents have been pleased with their bin collections during the COVID restrictions and we would like to thank the waste team involved in continuing to provide the bin collection.

Angus Events SA had attended this meeting. It was asked if there was funding to be accessed for Christmas Lights in the area. With Covid 19 causing residents’ hardship throughout the year, it was felt Xmas lights may brighten up the area. This is proving to be difficult as there are connections to street lighting for electricity etc. and funding is also another obstacle. Further discussions are ongoing with Angus Council.

Winter Maintenance Cllr Hands informed the meeting, villages may not receive the same degree of winter road maintenance during periods of winter weather. Pavements and roads in rural areas will not be prioritised causing hardship for residents to access shops/work etc. Cllr Hands suggested contacting Angus Council to find out how our area will be affected.

Cycle Paths SA stated there is minimal cycle or footpaths between Murroes/Wellbank/Kellas for residents to walk/cycle safely in order to connect with schools and amenities. Angus Council had stated earlier in the year funding was available and we as a CC had put in a request. It was disappointing that no acknowledgement or communication had been received regarding the funding for such projects in the area.

CC Meetings It was acknowledged CC’s will probably not be meeting as normal for the rest of the year and virtual meeting will be how we communicate.

The Chair closed the meeting and thanked everyone for joining.