New River Stour Flood Warning Areas

What is happening?

We are making changes to the Flood Alert and Flood Warning Areas along the River Stour. We are making these changes using new flood models and mapping to provide a service more specific to local communities. This will mean that some properties will receive a service where they have not before.

We will be sharing this information with our customers through a number of channels including social media and local councils.

These changes are live now.

Where is affected?

The area covered will be Great Stour, East Stour, Whitewater and Dykes, , Nailbourne, Little Stour and Tidal Stour (Fordwich, Sturry, Ash Level, Minster Marsh and Stodmarsh communities.) There are no changes to some of the communities on the Tidal Stour, including Sandwich, at this time. These changes will be made once future modelling projects have been completed.

Key changes

• Nailbourne:

Residents on the Nailbourne will now receive a Flood Alert and a Flood Warning which will cover both river and groundwater flooding instead of separate messages for different types of flooding.

• Canterbury:

Residents in Canterbury will now get a single Flood Warning message specific for Canterbury, replacing the old message which used to cover a long stretch of the River Stour from Ashford up to Fordwich.

• Ashford:

In South Ashford we have removed overlapping Flood Warnings so residents will now receive one Flood Warning for their property instead of two separate messages.

For more information Contact Simon Baillie-Brown: [email protected]

Flood Warning Area Name Description of Flood Warning Areas

Upper Stour

Whitewater and Ruckinge Dykes Properties at risk from the Whitewater and Ruckinge Dykes in Shadoxhurst, Ruckinge and

Great Stour from Lenham Heath to The Great Stour from Lenham Heath to Hothfield including Heath, and the Hothfield Flood Storage Area

Great Stour from Hothfield to Ashford The Great Stour downstream of Hothfield Flood Storage Area to South Ashford including

East Stour from Sellinge to South Ashford The East Stour from Sellinge to South Ashford including Barrowhill, and

Properties at risk from the East Stour and Whitewater and Ruckinge Dykes including Park Farm, Kingsnorth, the A2070, Beaver South Ashford and South Ashford

The Great Stour at North Ashford The Great Stour from Ashford to Kennington

Aylesford Stream The Aylesford Stream at

Lower Stour

Wye, and The Great Stour from Wye to Chilham including Godmersham

Shalmsford Street, Chartham and Thannington The Great Stour from Shalmsford Street to Thannington including Chartham

Canterbury The Great Stour at Canterbury Fordwich and Sturry The Great Stour at Fordwich and Sturry

Nailbourne and Little Stour

Nailbourne Communities in the Nailbourne Valley including , Elham, Barham, Bridge and .

Little Stour The Little Stour at , Ickham and

Stour Marshes

Grove Ferry and Plucks Gutter The Great Stour at Grove Ferry and Plucks Gutter

Stour Marshes Communities in the Stour Marshes including Ash Level, Minster Marsh and Stodmarsh

River Stour New Flood Warning Areas Canterbury, Stour Marshes and Nailbourne

Protective Marking Classification Not protectively marked

064FWF6Wye 064FWF6Fordwich 064FWF6GFerry 064FWF6Chartham 064FWF6StourMarsh 064FWF6Canterbury 064FWF6Nailbrne 064FWF6LStour

0 1 2 3 km ¯ © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100024198 © Environment Agency copyright and/or database rights 2015. All rights reserved.

June 2015 River Stour New Flood Warning Areas Ashford

Protective Marking Classification Not protectively marked

064FWF6Wye 064FWF6WhiteRuck 064FWF6EastStour 064FWF6Hothfield 064FWF6LenHeath 064FWF6SouthAsh 064FWF6AylesStrm 064FWF6ANorthAsh

0 1 2 3 km ¯ © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100024198 © Environment Agency copyright and/or database rights 2015. All rights reserved.

June 2015