NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 The ade and Bentley nae are reistered tradearks of Bentley otors iited. The RollsRoyce ade and RollsRoyce nae are reistered tradearks of RollsRoyce plc.

eership MEMERSHI 2 3 22 2 2 2 FEES CONTACT 3 [email protected] diknomi9gmail.com www.nrrbc.org.n ALICATION FORM 3 hassis Records [email protected] [email protected] Technical Liaison cer, Roy Tilley, on 0 5 050 mail 2 Advertisin [email protected] Classified advertisements pertaining to RollsRoyce and Bentley are free to inancial 2 3 333 2 [email protected] ainland oent 2 [email protected] 3 22 22 2 2 3 [email protected] on 1 ovemer, and finishing with two nights in apier on and 5 ovemer. 23 3 3 [email protected]

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CHAIRMAN: Geoff Walls 3 22 3 332 3 2 [email protected] COVER 3 3 R Type Continental, chassis BC61C, photographed by John King at Greenhill. Bentley’s Director of Design mentions this design onPage 25. 22 2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 e s u s u suse s es I se e e s sse ee e u 575 51 1 7 7 a Spitfire which will oer ights at $3,500 a time. lison fighter aircraft engine and a static display of one also go for a ight in our simulator, which features including oung ics ead and the harour, and will “tae o and land” with all the sounds. lu eers Advertiseents FOR SALE: ROLLSROCE SILER CLOU III WANTE TO U: ENTLE LITRE FOR SALE: 1990 entley Continental Corniche FOR SALE: 200 ROLLS ROCE HANTOM: tal to you aout them I can oer a really nice financing pacage if needed, and could trade a

3 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 e elcoe the Folloin e eers


Fro ur Rovin Reporter

u ese s us su C s e e see e useu s e s e s se u e e s se es e e ue e e Ce u e 155 e - coc lm To Catch a Thie Cary Grant’s ong ilver Cloud 3, chassis C, can be seen e useu s 1 N e C e e se u e eues e C u 11 orthern Reion Report Rodney utchisons Report and hotoraphs of ery ay 13 Auust

well stoced worshop, with, rom let, B6H, B6, B7B and B3E

factory” at Crewe was uilt to diversify eorts during the Second duction cycle. The earliest was Simon Longuetigginss 193 James and Susan irers 193 litre saloon, chassis B193L, and Berwic Taylors 1939 litre overdrive, chassis B15. 1 inch wheels, and some engine modifications – of the “R” and “” series of aout one hundred cars each. Splendidly original, us s e Re use s sue see s B1 cherished y each of only aout five owners. ee s se s s saloon, chassis S5. These rounded o a great display of these

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 u C Cesse ss e ee s 5 sss R55 e e R ee

final challenge of the day – which ery could deposit the least oil on Colins pristine oor. Suce it to say, all four left a good

Be eses es e e sue e e s e s to learn some of the finer details. e e e Bee s e on B3E is the third iteration rom the original 34 design, with the Continental body on B6 being the ourth, and last, ee NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Southern Reion Report inner at ada oos


from the Clu, and actually tal to them, rather than ust wave as we pass. ur Southern Region Chairman, eo alls, arranged a dinner at a popular restaurant in a newly refurished part of central Christchurch, adam oos, so eighteen of us enoyed the avours This has een a truly awful winter down here, with the average rainfall for the year having already inicted upon us y the Another ery ay on Ao

s B ese e s I e-es e ue Nu ue sss B17B eu e- lington, in the early 6s The car was delivered to the Countess o arwic in ctober 34, and came here in t eatures on Page 2 o Johnnie Green’s Bentley ears o the arue Dalton atson 6 r awell-tewart was a colourul charac- e e ee Bees e e e se ee ees u u s e s e s Res

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 The hanto for Royalty and eads of State y avid arshallartin reprinted ith perission fro raeclrv

Aove AF The rst Phantom The ollowing is taen rom artin Bennett’s boot the time o building the rst Phantom chassis 42, it was the only one being built, and there was no certainty that there would be any more t was, thereore, hand-built at the Clan oundry, Belper, near the Derby wors Built under the code-name Nabha,’ 42 was tted with enclosed limousine ue & C e e sss e ue s se e s e held the Royal arrant at the time The delivery o 42 was accompanied by an announcement that the Phantom had been designed to the special order o Their Royal Highnesses, the Princess Eliabeth and the Due o Edinburgh’ 42 was delivered in July s shown above there are two models o chassis 42 t was originally painted in alentine Green and registered GP as it was a private vehicle o Princess Eliabeth TC Classic odels made in China Then, upon her ascension to the throne, the car s ee R Ce e B s ee e ee Res e e

the ocial royal marue. owever, it should e noted this does not reect the actual deliv numers. y first Phantom I model was y the classic firm, Re e great to get all eighteen models as each is of a specific design Aove AF s e s s Rs-Re acionados This second Phantom was a development chassis ollsoc otor Car a t tl s e s s ee e sic 15 e s es e e ee es se e e ee see I s ue ee u uue s se 1 C Css es NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Aove AF6 I s eee s e e - ee e uees se e se ue ue s s u e e es I s eee eee 151 s sss s ee ese u e es es III sss BC B e e e e u I

Aove AF1 s e e e uusu use R e ue uese s use s Aove AF8 This is an HJ ulliner 6 light saloon without a u se ue ses u e e ee e e division t is not unlie 42but has no side mounted spares roo and sides are painted in a satin-nish blac with metal studs Is uusu u see e Bsu e R Bue s e e ee e e ue se s certainly eye-catching t was delivered to the Emir o Kuwait in su e e e se s es I eee e eee 151 C Css es ue Bees e s s ee pirit o Ecstasy, but a bird’ as appears on this model The car s eee eee 151 C Css es

Aove AF1 e e use s s u Ernest Hives, anaging Director o Rolls-Royce when he became Aove AF1 n HJ ulliner ve-passenger limousine This car es I s e ue s se ue se s eee ue 15 s C Css e s e ees e e se use e s euse ee es s e e e in 3, blue light tted and sold to HRH The Duchess o Kent, e ess I s eee u 151 Res

Aove AF16 lso by HJ ulliner this is a seven-passenger Aove AF s eee se use se e use s s eee u 15 s s Res e s u e III e e ss e u e s ess ee e es s u u s se ee ee e I s model o 44 eee 15 C Css es NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Aove AF18 s ee e s s ue uusu eue s u s e e e ront rmour-plating would not have been much use in this open car Delivered in arch 2, its rst ocial outing was a victory e u 15 s C Css es s s e ue e

Aove AF The only Phantom chassis bodied by a Aove B1 The rst o the new series, this Hooper touring ue e e ue e s use s u e s II I e sees s e s s s u along with 4BP3 t has a sunroo over the rear section The R e u I s s u se- ue Bees es s e es mounts and agstas The hand holds are probably to allow over the rear uarter windows and only one agsta This us e s e u s s eee 15 C Css es I s eee ue 15 C Css es

Aove B3 s e -ee u use s s u e se e e s I Aove B This may be the most amous o all Phantom s s ese s ue e e Ree -I e s e uee e e uee s u e ee ss e e s u ee e e Rs-Re e euse use e Bs ee ee e e e s s s eee lthough HRH Princess Eliabeth had purchased the very rst e se e 15 C Css es Phantom , the ueen remained loyal to Daimler Rolls-Royce e s u ee e 15 s use e uee s e ss e ee s e uee e s s s delivered in ay 4 TC Classic odels

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Aove S The nal o the Phantom was the C series The Emir o Kuwait ordered this HJ ulliner si light limousine Aove B R e ess e e Cuess s s s uusu u see ee e ee s ue see ssee use I ee s s eee eu 155 e s is tted with a glass over the rear compartment and wears the has been broen o this ReToys model, and the bumper over- Pegasus mascot Delivered in July 4, this TC Classic odels es e s e shows the Princess’ number plate P 64 The een eyed will e e ue e-es e e e su e e e Cu se

Aove S6 The nal Phantom was this Hooper limousine ordered by the hah o Persia ran t was tted with a standing’ pirit o Ecstasy t was delivered in ctober 6 This is an TC Aove S e ue use s e Css es Emir o Kuwait He obviously did not lie dar colours This car s e ee se e e Bee u see e s eee uus 155 s C Css es s e e ue e-es

Riht e s s e s s Res model, clearly stamped as a Phantom and labelled on the bo as belonging to the Emir o Kuwait This vehicle was never built, u e e s s ue es 75 e ssues se s ee s e Res u e based on this design although the rear uarter light is a dierent shape The Emir o Kuwait did not have a sedanca de ville use e e ore Aout B193 see ery ay report on pae

B3E was the only Derby Bentley to come to live here when new The sith rom last o the series beore the verdrive cars too over in ctober 3, this Par ard saloon’s rst owner was rchibald cott, a Christchurch accountant Edgar Ridgen was the se e 15 e Re se 11 B Cue e e 1s s ue es es us e 11 e ee s e-e e 1s s euu Bee s NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Benael’s acing lu

Dr Dudley Benaeld in his 3 litre Bentley, chassis 7, outside his consulting rooms at impole t,

Peter orelli has his finger on the pulse of atters Bentley, and Benafields ideals of hard wor and play. e than igel Batch Joseph udley Benafield, , was orn on ugust reat ar, and later used his epertise comating the great u ir a storm the launch was destroyed etween two moored fishing oats, and Benafield, having regularly attended Broolands rac friends when Benafield too 99 in to the Service epot, where udley Benafields informal dinner parties at his im

2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Telve ears of assion or as it session y avid Berthon Reprinted fro rclarv ith thanks to avid and to ditor Ti ean

cured the fourspeed, which had een fitted in 19 with a torpedo a 1913 Silver host and taen it for its first test runs, Im more st Car ered in Brisane in ugust 1913, the host had een otest at the British ar ce for use y the armed forces. . would, of course, have significant success with them in the us trian lpine Trial of 1913, and later that same year tae first and Berlin. If you provided such a vehicle for the war eort you didnt gain a numer of odies from tourer, to saloon, then modified for use as a tow truc, then as a shooting rae, finally ecoming a around 30 were fitted with fourspeed gearoes, mainly as a re 3 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 y an enthusiast, who made an oer to uy it, ut was uicly S ori ral chassis after he had chopped o the old Cadillac ody at the local odyo restoration the chassis was in generally complete con smaller detail items either modified or updated over the years. NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 uch wor on the ody was carried out y Je dwards ost of the final detail wor was then completed over to y to India, and viewed the winning 1913 Spanish rand Pri

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Aussie Rules

In an attempt to fill some of the large ustralian maret oered. o you rememer the ustin Lancer and orris aor, nullified y illadvised styling uirs, and the performance of the ody refinements which appeared – eventually – on the British ustralian maret, ut, after a large financial hit, this disappeared. The “Big Two” were ale to oer some awful cars of the sicylinder alcon engine, to go around the first corner station, five hundred miles from the service depot. The story and eyond the trac ams of the maor cities. ustralian content in the final automotive product was encouraged ourished. RollsRoyce and auhall had maor marets in cured. The Camira was a version of an oering y other eneral dar night in Colorado was going to e the asis for the first new who has had the instant ac pain inicted y a olden s olden were producing odies for many dierent marues, with an ustralian avour evident in Chrysler Corporation, ord otor In 19 the first oldens appeared, ased upon an unused and the sicylinder oerings of Chrysler and ord, for the aility to soa up the punishment inicted y the tough conditions. ven NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 epensive oerings from ord and olden. The practical eect the component of the price aove the depreciation limit – the first new cars resold at a profit within two years, with the imposition of eet in this country, once recognised as one of the finest in the world, with many eamples of the rarest survivors from the first The net significant change in the LCT regime occurred and is currently $,13 and $5,5 for fuel ecient cars. Since the 190s, the old car movement had enefitted value was enhanced y not imposing arriers”. ther enefits and restoring the countrys historic vehicle eet, and, the larger the eet, the more usiness activity ensues. owever, this recognition was not reected in the way a world first using laser mapping and 3 printing to recreate an The hallmar of an ecient ta is that it can e applied eect here, so far as old cars are concerned, is the eact opposite. trac congestion or environmental damage. They do contriute NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 was, ut I have een unale to find it. enefit. the very ones that we have lost most of in the oneway trac out Reviews of and Inuiries into the LCT The main reviewsinuiries with dates of final reports a a Spra atio as t asrs o ct ustifications for eempting such vehicles for museum ehiits, classic cars can oer to ustralia”. without undergoing epensive modifications under the current RS scheme and they also aolish the $1,000 tari on pri Reform opportunities: Opportunities Lost point of view that it has particularly negatively aected classic ita Car Asbestos Inuiry – ut said nothing aout the LCT, confining its sumis

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 ustang donorcar, found together as “arn finds” and imported

parts on oth cars plus the possiility of fines for noncompliance.

Making Rules on the Run was an allnew process. n B ocer and a representative a oor ac, ac stands, safety clothing and mass. ll five times five people. The front rae pads, rear rae shoes, Meanwhile, across the continent around the firewall and the cauling around the windshield were hoist the ried aluminium oil pan fins were damaged. The pleas ignored y the inspector, the customs agent and the B ocer. aordale and uniue collector car. s the third collector car to e inspected and the first in the Perth area, the owner was lucy. The asestos inspector was oth reasonale and horrified y the Moving to lan “” uring and after the destructive first inspection, endless emails AF again changes the rules The owner reuested that he and a mechanic remove the oending windshield, firewall and inner wheel wells was also removed, ut

NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 of finding and replacing the seied parts, so almost eual to the fines for the noncompliant parts. B first declined and then approved transport to Classic are shipped to ustralia, ut few countries have certified collector a certified asestos removal centre. fter realiing there was no car asestos inspectors. If asestos is identified, it must e removed certified asestos removal centre that could do the wor, B efore the vehicle is shipped and owners must confirm the vehicle fines ecause the seied parts were not ero asestos compliant. edefined learning curve ut wait, it gets more complicated the ustralian government is also ramping up eorts to eep what are descried as “culturally significant automoiles” in ustralia convention in tracing of illicit cultural property, the proposed t st ack to plan “A” way of promoting the regime would be a couple of high profile actios or t sir a rtr o orit cltral atrial you have a car with a significant ustralian history, e nervous. negotiations it was finally agreed that B, the original inspector, regulations, the government, any government, seems to find a way for disassemly. fter even more paperwor, B certified the y 00. ur children will live in a very dierent world.

Danish registered 2 Continental by James oung, photographed at Burghley Castle by Russell Browne

2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 ets et ut There and noy urselves hile e Still an ur e South ales ased eer eith herry has sent us these iaes and captions

Taen in June 27 on the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club’s Round Britain Tour, at Hadrian’s all in the north o England, celebrating with a glass o bubbles rom let to right ur 2 ilver Ghost ondon to Edinburgh Tourer, chassis 233 my wie arie Harland English members iman l-Rabea and Jac Henley with his ilver Dawn, chassis J7 owned by him or 2 years ir Julian mith standing with dar blue shorts ady Beverley mith seated in the bac o their 22 ilver Ghost, chassis 4KG indovers Tourer and their Dunedin es e & C

ir Julian mith at Barnsdale Hall, Rutland ater with ilver Ghost 4KG 2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Keith herry at Burghley House during the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club nnual Rally 11 e s sss 1

rom let arie Harland with 3233 Gerald Davies rom Botswana and Johan anden Bergh rom Belgium, chairman o the RREC in ront o a Phantom loaned by the Company or their tour 22 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 ets et ut There and noy urselves hile e Still an ost of these enthusiasts and cars are ith us only in our eories

s e e e s e sss 1 Ruu ee e e 1s

t ilord ound during the 72 intage Car Club o New ealand’s nternational Rally, John King photographed Jim ullivan’s 27 4½ litre Bentley, chassis T3 with anden Plas abric coachwor and Barry Goodman’s 3 litre, chassis , originally a long eese ue C e e e s

23 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 Fear and oathin in the Testin Station y evin Beesley Reprinted fro ctoer 16 hoeni ith thanks to the Author and ditor

usually werent allowed to fi these on the spot instead, after your inspection you drove around the ac, fied the prolem, then they were my maor prolem. y 193 S auhall had terri le raes. Just how eneral otors managed to stu up such well nown technology never ceased to amae me. The S s u e s ess s B Bs e- pulled on, springs that pulled o, and adusters that either stripped su u ee e se eee e ee cess to e relatively stress free and ecient. I commend T But, try as I might, I cant shae o an unpleasant feeling fic coming up ehind couldnt do much aout it ecept cast rude adept at given the diculty I had in stopping the auhall at any given fied point. the age and condition of the vehicles I could aord. day, normally a Saturday so I didnt have to tae time o wor, rae testing machine Id pull the springs o at home, drive cau day the testing sta, as liely as not surly, middle aged men with tester thumped the raes rather too firmly, and the vicious gra of the wrapping eect caused the car to ump right out of the rollers. tiously home and replace the shoe fiing springs. Braes ac to Then, over the pit, where a multitude of dierent persons would their mediocre norm. It was a lot of fiddly wor and not much fun, and then, si months later the stress and the eort all over oer advice and assistance to get me successfully through the pro

2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 The Future of Luxury - an Interview with Stefan Sielaff, Bentley’s Design Director

Stefan Siela, Bentley irector of esign, discusses the future of define Bentley. ete des dees te rad for ou ad o does this inform what youre thinking about net ing production methods. This will find its way into future o you have any guiding principles What does the future of luury design mean to you Where do you think automotive trends are going oth in terms of the design and how people use cars lation is going to live in mega cities, so the ow of trac has to e dierent. In these megacities we are going to lose a very individual intelligence to maintain trac ow. I am also sure that there will e luury vehicles – however we may need to redefine what luury Where do you see automotive material trends changing tean iela still regards John Blatchley’s immortal R Type Continental as the company’s benchmar

2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 The inks ith e ealand

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ley for coee in reytown. hen they emerged, three ladies her mothers first husand was Jac unfee 1905, one of the e ss e eees-Be ee e s e s se-see oat, and a de avilland ipsy oth 0, specially modified whole...

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2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17- 2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 DAWN A striking, seductive encounter

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2 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 lu alendar NORTHERN REGION Saturday 17 September – Lunch at Ryders $30 pp The film is the 1959 “School for Scoundrels” with Ian Carmichael, Terry Thomas, Janette Scott Wednesday 1 to Monday 6 November Sunday26 November CENTRAL REGION Events as advised by the Central Region Committee and “Tick of the Clock.” SOUTHERN REGION

Friday 17 to Sunday 19 November: Our traditional Canterbury Show Weekend Touring Event, this time “The Wet Coat Tour” to Westport and Reefton, with a side trip to Karamea on Saturday 18 November Cosmopolitan Hotel The Lantern Court Motel at Reefton Cut-off dates for bookings are 17 October in Westport, and 1 November in Reefton. Sunday 28 January 2018: The Southern Region Homestead Run. this time we will have our picnic at “Seafield”, Pigeon Bay.

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Russe Be ses us se se es ees e es B This Rolls-Royce Phantom was photographed at the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Rally at Burghley House in June this year, and the splen- didly original Bentley 4½ litre tourer by Gurney Nutting, chassis UK3276, appeared at the Bentley Drivers Club Concours uee Cse uesese

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3 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5 32 NZR-R&BC Issue 17-5