• Expansion of Higher Education

• Technology and Economic Driven

• Shrinking of interest in Humanities

• University Ranking

• Internationalization and Globalization

• Open Access Education Universities have forgotten their educational role for college students. They succeed, better than ever, as creators and repositories of knowledge. But they have forgotten that the fundamental job is to turn 18 and 19-year old kids into adults Global Trends in Higher Education • Massification: quantitative expansion 150.6 million tertiary students globally in 2007, 53% increase over 2000 • Diversification: types of institutions and funding sources Private HE fastest growing sub-sector : 30% enrolments globally • Internationalization: students, staff, programs and institutions

Source: UNESCO (2009), World Conference on Higher Education

4 Massification

Tertiary Gross Enrolment Ratio by region, 1970 to 2007 Source: UNESCO-UIS (2009), Global Education Digest 2009

5 Public Investment in HE Public tertiary education spending as a % of GDP and private tuition as a % of public institution's revenues in selected countries, latest year available

% % %

Note: Public spending share is estimated for Tuition share for China, Japan, and the RoK is based on OECD reviews of HE

Source: World Bank (2011), Putting Higher Education to Work Knowledge Economy and Changing World of Work Computerization and job task content within occupations

Sources : Levi and Murnane (2005) 大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止於至善。 知止而後有定,定而後能靜,靜而後能安,安而後能 慮,慮而後能得。物有本末,事有終始,知所先後, 則近道矣。

高等教育的目標在於保存人高尚的品格,在賦予人民新的 生命,在止於完美之境。知道止於完美的境界之後,對 人生才有固定的宗旨。對人生有了固定的宗旨,才能得 到心境的寧靜。得到心境的寧靜之後,才能安然自處。 能安然自處,才能用心思考。能思考,才能有所知。物 體之組織是由基礎及高層所構成,而每件事務之演變上 也是有其開始,有其終結的。因此了解事物之正常關聯 的順序,乃是智慧之始。 林語堂 孔子的智慧

Character Building in HE 古之欲明明德於天下者,先治其國;欲治其國者,先 齊其家;欲齊其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正 其心;欲正其心者,先誠其意;欲誠其意者,先致其 知;致知在格物。

先賢凡是要保存普天下人那清新的品德的,必要先把本國人 民的生活納入正軌。要想把本國人民的生活納入正軌,必 須先把家庭生活整頓好。要想把家庭生活整頓好,就須要 先修養個人的生活。要修養個人的生活,必須先把心安放 端正。要把自己的心安放端正,必須使自己的本意發乎真 誠。要使自己的本意發乎真誠,必須獲取真知,而真知在 於研究萬事萬物。

林語堂 孔子的智慧

Character Building in HE 《新亞學規》



錢穆 新亞學規

Character Building in HE


MOU with HKSI I*CARE program Sports for all General Education QS Ranking 2016 2014 2015 2016 Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Hong Kong CUHK 46 81.9 51 81.1 44 78.1 HKUST 40 83.3 28 88 36 81.8 HKU 28 88.8 30 87.8 27 85.4 CityU 108 68.2 57 79.2 55 75.4 PolyU 162 59.3 116 66.3 111 61.4 China Fudan University 71 75.3 51 81.1 43 79.4 Peking University 57 78.8 41 83.7 39 81.3 Jiao Tong University 104 69.1 70 75.4 61 72.2 Tsinghua University 47 81.3 25 88.5 24 86 Singapore Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang) 39 84 13 93.9 13 91.4 National University of Singapore (NUS) 22 91.1 12 94.2 12 91.5 BROAD CRITERIA AND RELATIVE WEIGHTS, 2013

QS Shanghai Financial Broad Criterion QS World THE Dallas Asian Jiao Tung Times

Academic reputation 40% 30% 33%

Employer reputation 10% 10%

Research output 20% 30% 36% 100%1 100% 10%

Research income 10.75%

International Outlook 10% 10% 7.5% 18%

Teaching related 20% 20% 12.75% 12%

Others not Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% listed2 1Articles published in Nature and Science (20%); Articles indexed in SCIE/SSCI (20%); Serving staff or Alumni winning Nobel Prizes/Field Medals (30%); No. of highly-cited researchers (20%); Per capita academic performance of an institution (10%) 263% of scores on weighted salary (20%), salary % increase (20%), value for money (3%) CUHK CONFIDENTIAL WHAT RANKING IS ABOUT

. Assign ranking among a set of universities . Perception on the university’s impact. . Who? What? When? Where? How? . Usually single ranking by multi-criteria assessment . Ranking methodologies, goals, weighted / normalized indicators, subjective reputational surveys . Education & Research capabilities, International outlook . Benchmark against sector-wide achievements . Public information . The scholarly community, funding agencies, industries, governments, students, parents WHAT RANKING IS NOT ABOUT . Complete information about the universities ranked . Teaching effectiveness and learning experience . Missions and vision

. Going beyond relative ranking

. Finer characterization of a university; e.g. educational philosophy, quality of curriculum

. Superseding audits and quality assurance mechanisms . Strategic planning for education and research RANKING AND HIGHER EDUCATION

“It is sad to see that society seems to have accepted this change in value of our educational system. Some students apply for university and their major field of studies, not based on interest but the ranking of the program. Some parents choose the school for their children, not based on quality of education but ranking of the universities. Some employers recruit university graduates, not based on their capability and integrity, but the ranked positions of their universities assigned by some ranking agencies. Sometimes funders of universities provide resources not based on the commitment to quality education, but on superficial research indicators adopted in university rankings. We often lament that our educational system is tainted by the values of the market place, but we (students, parents and employers) ourselves are part of the problem.”

CUHK, VC Blog June 2011 Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is; the tree is the real thing.

- Abraham Lincoln Internationalization

2007 1999 900 808 800



500 406 444 421 400 318 300 218 247 250 168 194 200 199 185 94 97 135 121 100 100 101 64 56

0 Number of outbound Number of outbound mobile students (1000) North Central Asia Latin Arab States Sub-Saharan South and Central and Western East Asia unknown America America and Africa West Asia Eastern Europe and the the Europe Pacific Caribbean

Number of Tertiary Students studying abroad in 1999 and 2007 Source: UNESCO-UIS (2009), Global Education Digest 2009 MASSIVE OPEN-ACCESS ONLINE COURSES FRAMEWORK OF CUHK’S INTERNATIONALIZATION STRATEGY

• Internationalization ≠ Standardization/ Westernization • Should keep our identity & uniqueness

Know the World & Make us Known


“If universities in the 21stC do not provide their students with the forums and tools to discuss and figure out what their responsibilities are to their fellow human beings, and to develop the requisite normative compass for navigating the treacherous water of global inter-dependence, then they would be failing in their mission”


Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset Foster robust culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the campus Work with entrepreneur alumni in sharing experience and offering opportunities

SICHUAN VISIT 23-28 DEC 2008 “Education is what’s left after all that has been learnt is forgotten”

James Bryant Conant Changes in the Roles of HE University in its origin Latin word refers to "community of teachers and scholars" Recent trends in HE led to a reconsideration roles of HE  Increased external pressure on HEIs to contribute to their national and regional economic development through skills development of graduates and knowledge-production, etc.  Social demand for HEIs to engage actively with the community and contribute to global agendas  Internationalization/globalization expanded competition for world-class universities etc. EDUCATION IS A PASSION

可是眼前大型的公共教育事業如果逐漸淪為社 會工具的製造工廠, 而不能培養文明人性傳薪 遞火的人才, 總有一天, 有心有情有志有識之 士定會挺身而出, 重新為人性的教育開拓另外 一個里程。


何秀煌 從通識教育的觀點看 ── 文明教育和人性教育的反思