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SUBJECT Z477./..»s=



THIS IS ENCLOSURE OF ENCLOSURES 111.1-=~'- e Q . re - r 3 ' . -;--I _' I "A; .~; -'

I - r . - -920 . _ ' ' H. _""""92 ..'. I T3 I - , '- '--'_92 e

' .- "'92 J J - _ _¢ .-_ " T .- '9' i.- . ..'.__ . . _....__- September 10¢ 1!?! '?§_g'-'°'- Li 5?-IQ I_ I an-.4§lQ'92 ". ¢"~" ..92"'.. .. ' , M £15-5 -o">/>@92 L ' . . " : ,. .. _ -/l .s-an-_ . - A-.-.'-;;....--as-=.~|i--.;n-"I-=-Iii-5'-92-5%-L IQ- - "" __I- I

8 Icncreble Ce:-lI'.curtie "7 '5 ,1 United Stetee Senate ' - Ileehingtun, U. Ce @510 .> ..e- r --:a_r-=»=-~~ .5; I __ ,,;_9;, 92 ._ ',._-,_- hi ' -. -,,--g.¢.-~-- -_' F L _'5 ~_¢Ir 1!! sllli X11]! "¬"" ' _ " ''. "'"' ' - this ie to eckncvledge receipt of your 1-=£¢='-:' . H * September lth, with enclosure, concerning the tecent Ielr ing end killing of cattle in eevezel Iebree cctunitiee. _ ,-1. - . = .-1.1;.- Onlcgaet23tdIene92Ieredycu:1ette1'eIIng'eet31lt;..L'- indiceted I ne having e repreeentative cl en: mane _ ,___-_'__' rice contact llr. George litchcccl: of Stuart, Iebreeg in -";&,__='._ ternine ebetbe: the tecte ccnetitete e pceeible vio1eI:iQ"';».- ' lav virgin the investigative jeriedictice el the ',,=_.-_,-1; .1 M _ _. ._ J A '- 13:11 _ ceticeIra ed '=*'-i--Iii-.?#iF?"*"»::' 4;.-.-'


:O!!iee te el ietervieee -~ -- ebtb.-.§e.eedr er Q ._indiv£dutih, it lee -131- '-" E.-=1 -14;. ctice . cu V 1* V gugcnere Qeineicu:ikled enilele t Ellie letter -c-e-aeiuli i i.|l'iiiii§i Biiii I I.nve1vel.""-_- '7-.iI;~1§I#' endlaw enlcecdeeng . efticeure _":.:_.__§.,_3:;, 3,"_:"::>' _4 _ * _ U8 I hi Sincerely gee:-e ' - -.-.;-. _, '-.:f--¬__.-_-' _f$- 3- u4 -,

-=-'-'. :-- '- 3.3 :- D L _, o ._ i ¢.An|,,921cu|=gl'lS ' . ',ccuumuu. _ ;": nllnuuu ' I AIua.nlIunI'a|I.|nu-"""'= ' 0 ' _ . AlaIIuurtA|.uoIr-lsiiclact-I Qlcaaea -$lales ,$e'na{c 92° Assoc. Dir. .- Dep.-A.D.-Adm... Dep.-A .D.-I nv.__ Ant. Dir.: i September 4, 1974 _ Admin. p. Ft. _..- - , - W5 Eh-e I: midi'A'A=_ -1 ///

; ' s tion ._..... _ C IQ a''. " lntell. I I.nborul-01'? ._.. Plan. & Eva]. . 0 92I I-Ir.Clarence I-I. Kelley _ V 39" "'- -- D virewr D _ J;2§i§.2,,.'."':I . _- _ . Department Federal Bureau of Justice of Investigation /-92 . 1-¢1q,1-M, Rm, _ Di:-ecwr S»-cy - .. _,, WW Washington, D, C, L/G BI- . d Dear Hr. Kelley: ' Y This will refer to my previous letter of August 21 to youregarding the series of incidents stretching from Oklahoma / to in which cattle have been dismembered in some kind [ of strange witchcraft . _ 92 v a I - Enclosed is a newspaper article which appeared in the - I Hastings, Nebraska, Daily Tribune concerning these weird events. * -I Articles similar to this one have appeared in many of the Nebraska newspapers. I thought you would want to see this article in ' order to substantiate the claims which have been made. 0 -

I am wondering if your good offices have instigated an investigation into this situation either in Nebraska or any of livestock. theI other states will experiencing appreciate hearing similar acts from you.of mutilation to 6 I- | F; a Thanking you, I am .-2 ' cerely yo_u_r_s__,_____ /- / . /I . D twtéd } cm . cunns, uss I

~5' D I "EH: 3 ... 0 -.--3513': 92 ~ Q Em,»

- Id -4". ' 92 ,-,~ Q, ht .. r a,. / CORRE$POND 3 3:

u I,_3 __DUIk_ll*_mé_%_i__J__m1'whi_.r,F _I_ _ I_____*_~__. __l. _ __ ___ J;03$;_.__¬_____I__i, 5 ___HU_hkw_LJPI"_t*____"__%#__OWP___________:%_H_L__@- ___"9292O_ MM h___ _J______;_I'%flu In". n__haI_-____ _ U_____":3_ _____ %___F.I. EW _ __m__ __L_;_.1'.'_92I_ _ ____._'_I_1._WI.____M_Q ______L_t_'H _ .'______t.____"_r, ____I_____=______|__h________92__nu_ _. M mm kw"W mu H"I _é' __ __].-ca9 m__ LMm AH" :_. '. L" mug .'_I WI~%uwe___;'lz5I_-__P,hm_m____uMr$mMw_m$MmuM_W_§AmV_M%m_1%¬_wH_mmm¥_p__wWMmm.O ______ m___k__q_L___~____1____N___Mb_wMm? M _mWMAmM%mM_ whwwmmw m Em_*w%M__mm_mm_mwmm_mAm_m%_"?mmMm_._3;.''_|H___92_H_HH____'__I_h_'hHwhFN_numTu_____ U j i _ _ _ Ew fl I!_'%_§_%_L}_W _H _ __w ________,'_¢_____________k_1AmWP£&m__¢_ ._ _ _ F__A________T Mwvh%&mFM_hu_m_ _h_* P_%_um__L_m__JHq__mWnwh___Hxv__r5w_Ir!MJmuihx}Aq{h§éE_*+m_JllT{rruN!___ _,k" %WAh_WM_m__%M_%__f'_m__I_% _ W?_HTEm__1.y._I.__~_- JJJb _"I____M_____.D_ FW_ __n__M___._92_w _f_____/It£___O_.___ii___'__ _____ :_ __I___¢.p ________ _ .______J__- .Q __ 5I _" __'_h__'__h_~_M_____. _ . __ _"___-L_1, ____._I __-. __-J ________?__w_&__._____ _ r______.A______"_ .___p_____,__ -I.I-8:I.92 _M______92_Q:_-___'QH '_ _U.___T______'LI__ '____ ._ may' 0u Mh_m°_%Ehm@huh&mMwm@MMm_t__¢_mH$;__muI____ - EM__%_w____L__M__%_%__V%&MMwqu'mu_¢%Mn%%h@%M%hah¢_hm%_WW_mw*mwhmmw_mFHim*oitkdan___uh:d__W_________S____h_¬m'w__&_i7"~W_mmuu_§m__ __:_h_:hJW _-M S_M___W m__wmWM__HM WMWMWWWmmmummmmmmmumwwmwaAWN mw%mm_mmmd¢IM&m&hBQ____.__'",_ is eu -I 7 I

'' FD ll Hos S II--I0

._ 92 T3.

I Date 75 .- n Transmit the following in :4-' Typeill pldullesl orioisli _ Vlo.iAIRIE1- ______Pnont '.92

DIRECTOR, FBI KITENTIONS mom s c, 1-mmmrous %»! és--0-/W143 a summon ILATIONS or mnums s scum mxon ,...... -.=-... _n1nmzso:rA._uonmg_%usmcu 2-unrrsn - _ - nlsrcllaneous }_on s92.I.lJ92Cl'l|'l'I / For the information of the Bureau, animals, at mostl livestock, have been reported as utilated in the t ree state area of this division and parts of their bodies missing The parts listed as missing have been the sexual organs, ears, li s and udders, and in some instances, the blood from e animals was considered co letely drained." No evidence of value ever located at t e scene.

State veterinarians, after examination of lntilated animal carcasses, contend dead animals were due eatenby to their other sharp animals side or teeth, varmits, which believed were described to be foxesas shearing teeth l ke scissors. "1 The Bureau is requested to furnish the Minneapolis Division with any supporting information to the above ooments made by stake veterinarians or, if already contacted by other aw enforcement agencies, the L. results of their investigat ons or yo92i:;dabo1-atory results -1- of evidence previously submitted n s ea ar caszs - '-5 r Enclosed is a xerox clipping o mnents ma e is by RICHARD HILDE NA!, Ch E Agent, North Dakota Crime -. I. Bureau, Bismarck. "vim -_.,______

E. O 5. ¢._ Q-an=m..<==== 9 "" 197'-H1 i. Minneapolis --_ ___ BA! : ras ""-I _|. _. 1-- -0

R .92. i r u _ Y-_ -»..,..._ __.._. _...... _,,.._-_._..._.,_ .._..- 1 -. _| - J» " J 9292, J 92 I U Q <_ _" i d . '> '- e~ '0 - e I I I .- ' . _ 1-ofsm, 11:: _ 92 - Airtel l-Hr. Clea-_I;_ I I S I 3 .,-Jgl-Q go": n 1'92 4 e I .¢_ 6*/ ."'¢ 21'?" "i- I: .-v ' ' l . . ' - .1. "..».¢ 8 . - . £15.: . I '0, .9.- __ _ 1 h , .'._.:j;_§-1";=.-'_1'<>=am, Hinneamlie sz-o-1414:! »_ :_ . Iron:Qirector, _ Q 3 -'0I322: "'-' 92- a- unxF1Xrm'1s or mums 17; '-- ,.!P-M5014. H0313 a6-.aSOU'a1'Ha - -DAKOTA '-'7 an . . .. ansmncu mu-ran

Reference Hinneapolia eirtel dated January 21, 1975. - The circinatancee act forth in referenced airtel were discussed with Dr. Don ilileon, Chief, liamalogy Section, ' 8.II. Iish and Ilildlife Service, Uaahington, D. C. = _

Dr. Wilson aaid that the circunatancee aet forth in -referenced airtel are consiatent'11th natural-ghenonena. According to Dr. Wilson, vhen anall Iammall such ea foxes and _9pposua feed on the carcaaoea of_largelnanmala such an cattle that have not decayed they first feed on aoft tiasuee auch ea the nose, lips, uddera and genital areaa. Be said that it haa been frequently observed that the genital area |ia eoat often the first aoft tiasue to be attacked. K __' _ Dr. Vilsonhad info:-nation concerningthe agecific $- appearance of tiaaue bitten by foxes. laea. lb. _ 92- en. an aaa. _ ,_. '00-Uh ll .- e lee!--Ima 5 . 'ce;»li 1/$1. l I GI-i--1e le1.l§be__ Q-. Iii-lG1_. P BI-be--._-,' Q92'§5! '2:£h' W9 s? U. ..-i. ' ' lnea-I-lb__¢,_ oi .o!?.._'- lInlL_,.",,_,.e-e" V JAN 21 1915_ >- Z - ------T ';::e_' __A~ _ , __~,._ Ix. '=:} 1.! '92~31 '

¢ . a D If .

g - .'-nae I - 1 '3. I . ' 0 0 S 1 I 3 I .3 I 5

:1: 8Bt.t?.CIC. ND. MP! - An eaptattation may have been _¢ head-fee a nah ol livestock ::i::tl-atit-as that have pleaded 92 $25 Le:-1:: and have re-eentty * "" = #5 uizota. 53': are :.t':¬t:'al tn the Itoeth mt 2,. hie-eta Crisie Bureaua . Otis .-gent Richanl Hilda nil ta oice Ind been getfmg ai::.t:e:ed regora t'ece:tI_e at tiaeatze-e ztutilatioze aeroaa Elkrtl .1-a.-'-::.: shirt: Iere sin- III D a rat-it oi mutilation re- pam from South Dakota earlier hie nmtil =51 we in C.-ifza keen Se-at '.:e aztieteia died of


tnlural t-auaes and that animate I --q-a have eaten the part: at the lit-enact atter they are dead, l-tilde said. I"-"-92IF:_Q92.I ti.--.3 we-a-t.ii. the "dread hii ri- eeived rewtts at livutock mu- t."ai'II:'ll'1I. eertqn-nqt an au- tilation inaeveral North Dakota '¢y ea he 3-an-e. Hilde seal. counties, he aid. Two can and The Q-.'.:e'a t'==¢i=!-8 lh°*¢¢ a bull were reported ea killed in v 52%;: ;-.edt:etial dysentery. I-leltlenq County, tour cattle were found deed with pert: of it-..::b:u=.u-tttbat foxes and their hodia missing in Dickey am: sail ar.i:-.:Le my have Countya.-ataewtraa Ioundiea has reegoaihie for the mutila- similar condition in I-eater nun. i i:ia1iii'iedti-ei- County. he said. In addition, ta-ab. I-Ze acted tat such small iii-éiiiiii"Ell'Se" I-epurteu" ** 'iiai 0 - a:-ale re:-e at able ta hi.-I c ltou.'.:y in I-Zclatoah Couaty, '- inane: ta rite -1.. 1--08"" ' -¬" . 0 -7- *1 U 3. yss 5*" Ihlth area altereporteelaa belt! thiapointtlntweaothavea mutilated. he added. - tnaniae or cult an the twee," Y5 _"t'J__e hadheen getting teee reports and they had called it ltildeaaid. I|ttttilatiott," he said. "Furttcta i lleaoledthatlaweetlezeement. eieialaintmthatateehadtteee = :1 ti nevi t'u-id rwt'*";nn*'*ti sad 'il'lé¬fit:l' ii iitvasijiatiuu they could never nd at-hide tnclte." tmtszutwttt 92': " e B e to

Q _'-

Q. "' ._, 5 -. ' ' .' _ - I F Bl Dales:-I-'1'., .'=- , - ; 1!? 'r- A. 3:. - _' ' ._ -'.._, .----- __. - "__H'_.'.,_ - - . '1, 7 $TIGIllmll_ll'll|0|1O92'I'il'lq in . ______WW __ _ {a ,1»,_-_ ' ' - T TypeIn platen »-~m»- U go -.' at . ... e92@- iléorebdilr I I "W ' Vic I . Q D 01¢ AIRTIIL " - '-. AIRHAIL 1 °'I- 59 Adm. ._ e . 0" '1 -Z I-Ill. Dim ' F Mia In. Comp. Syn, ___ Isl. Llleln _;_ mu I. Cow Gen. luv I ' "ell. ._.._____ in pesfn ___ 5--tiii. ' /qr ' Jill?! !:r|1|.:u|.:s -=: =92'on-?"Jul|'.'erei92'¢ -. I »§:;iiTt*_ 7 5' $vBJB.¢T= 1 11 11 $ 1 & 1 1 11 $ - . 3 To .." _ -"':¥?£-'1';-nxnncron ."'-.;__-'. -9 I '9. " _ ' . FBI __;_ _ -n Q_ - . .~~ ' " "'3'-'*'I' . - : ' " 92 I '. i I J-I

-II '-rnou;-7--;_'-_.'-'_ AC,,DENVER,, I I,-. Lebolaiory ___ .g - ;_- '|e|92. I lvl|. __ '..-- . Spec. In. ___ -" _ ATTENTION nxrnmmn armns _ Y--I-»-. _ Director SQ; 7 __ I. . ' "1 J ' " Esmuus , .q- -.54 . '. ' ~34! : ~ e »r ..- . s/Re Den_ver airtel B/_29/75.. A - _ 0 .,e1'=§'=- _ . ' '. _§_6"E['_-Aip a-'- ' 'Enclosed herewith is a copy of an editorial ap aring Q 'in the Denver Post" 9/3/75 relating to $_enator FLLOID K%iAS_l§_EI.j,_'Q .. _-'. - request that. __ _ the FBI enter captioned /:¢,_,@j/as inve tigztion.¢_ .L '" On the morning of 9/14/75 SA DJNALD J. SEBESTA, lied/ia

Relations Representative, and I visited with the editorial staff - of the "Denver Post" concerning the article. We met with'Cl-IARLES 5 i R. BUXTON, Executive Vice President, Editor and Publisher, -- _ROBERT FATTRIDGE, Editor of the Editorial Page, and LEE OLSO!-I, . Editorial Page writer and writer of enclosed article, and explain 'ed to them the manner in which this Bureau enters investigations, '_ " stressing thepoint that unless the FBI has investigative juris- ._. 'diction_ under Federal statute ,"we cannotenter any investigation. _'._ It was_'p,ginted out to these individuals that if the FBI were to 'enter an investigation merely because someone felt we.should, we - would soon be categorized as a national police force. 'Ihe limi- - -tations placed on the Bureau by Congress and -the Department of -nuI qlustieeere well defined and it was pointed out that the FBI '.-soul -'" always operate within the scope of its investigative jurisdiction st - .0 -1. 0 '¥-" .9 - , 1 . I a '- -of' " _ - _ . . } . ' " 1 '- Q .5. 0.1 ._$'l__.¢_Q'92Q -.- - -- _'I .. _ ._ . . . ix..- -I-_ -":"' B -.: I¢_, V _ . '- I -.-on-J, _' 1 I s Q .n . ' 1- '-I ' I U 92:-F 5. 1?.- 1! "-.-".r..-I.--,»--.- - "- ' -:'=--Ya *. Q _ . .-_: . , . . 1, I ,. sf -'.." " ' - , . . ... I: r-- :--.- 1'-P -*~ 1 . --:-=1 '--- . Q Q . °'. 0112-; . i-ls? . '9" . ' L __ .92_ev: _ ' I ' ' 3 5"-'2; extended_to theseindividuals to visit tne__D_en'v'_er;[BI pffiee Pf. -iw t -_ F '--°l'.'- -92._: I - .-n _ - J W-~Y=--Q.- u " . i. Q. , Q 0 92, .=_ .E_-.f-. n -I _.-g.-I ' 3,," _ *.'».'=~-n " - . . . a 6. :1--0!} - I _: ..-in - ,, _ ,Q_;-:..,"- , - ..-; r I '-.- ' ,0 -1 - I ¬_ ' I >1 19;? -. s _ - -'.- .4 4 $1..-,.jurisdiction~;as -.:._".._,_ ~.A :5?result _Q :1 '-- o£_.9. thisat meeting-and"-'expresse_d. , P -.v10 KP 9*. -11-pp-5* - sincere'.*.aI.. ...appr-eciat_ion'.for'the "'.* :-.-. - from-this visit office.- .- '- believed . - __i:t_hat -thiskgpeetingwas extremely-beneficial,__bcthto the repre- sentatives of the "Denver Post and to this office since it gave ' :-; me a good reason' notonly to meet_them personally discuss matters of mutualinterest. ~ . . ' 1- -.. At the conclusion of this meeting an invitation was 1. 92.., at_a_ny_-time" -jrhich they readily acce ted .' '

a ,1. ~- ' n | Q ' .-i_. I-T'-_',ah_ove;;'is Thesubmitted peing fortheeinformation of'. u "the Bureau since" it appears there will continue to be press ' interest-in Senator HASKELL's'request that-theFBI enter the e livestock- -omutilation case. " " 2* T _ _ _ I --' . _' Q Q - ' , 'r'92 , . ' til- --' '- -'- - -s I ' Q _. , Q

1'I - __-_ .' I- .. .: '01; _ _ _ -"f iv . .- 5'-v __-'3-._ _ __'_92;s-. ll U ____:¢ '. _ Q ' - F I _ I . I n O . _ I I . I. .. . , - '4' ' 6'- -' -1 I "..- ¢ .'- =--r,

v s.l..'1 " - - I . ' I _ ' - 00 Q '~*,f*:' :°-~""Q' . .Il'Q:. G n-'' - 0 . I "f.. . em-- '- -' ' _- - -_ 1 ..92- . Je- . ].lQJ_92;n.- ' "'-- - a f . ' -_l. P .!-5.7 _ 'Q, 0 ,,-Z, - ' _.: _ __-." .:_.I . ',' ',-e'.;. '. . ' '._ _ '.-.r.'-' 4-


1. 1 _ :-_','e f ! . . 1 1," .'-73" ' a 1 '- F - 1 I e .- I ' 2' 9 a W ,-_;;i, e .__._.._ Moon! Cll -' ping -__In Space Below! _

r-' '"'1 '-.~ - -~- _ 4 -. 3 t '_C~a_tt|e__|Jeathsialdlhe F5_i_' l. -7,. a r 5

'___» *7 T . __ '77 [Indicate peqe, nene of I " newspaper, any Ind lilll-I

all the FBI wlll not enter he investigation If 92 -aim yslerlous Ilvestodrdeaths In Coloradoa d 92 me adjacent atalea thanSen. FloydI-task . ahould take the nutter to Oongreaa r r Solution. . . - -T ' The lnoldenls areloo widespreadand poten- =2 tially too dangerous topublic order-lo Ignore. Narrow Interpretationsor whatthe FBlarole B vls-a-vla stateauthority arenot adequateb Ire need. ' ' Therels already lederal involvement.Oomlder ink: Bo-citricof the gon=h:pp-; tram:ct developing Ineastern Colorado where moatof gthe Incidentshave been oocurrlng!. theU.S. :8urear.r ofLand Management BLM!has had b .| _ - el a helicopterinventory olIts landsit 2 - unlies. BLM otlicielsare almplyatrald ' Iicoplora bemight mtdown by nreiia d- _g§ The Denver post lhera lrightened by oatlle deaths. e It that Ian! a reason tor lederal involvement. we don1knowwhatls.Argdthequaalionolerhlcl1 tederal agency Investigate: tan!as important ea e E-.er92.eedwMr~.g etoc-.'sonM!rr..i-'..'enl.s!.h.a.t! broader than the lurladictlon ol one etate. ' Kllingsand mutilation: of livestodr have bee occurring I1 Wyoming. Nebraska. Kanaae | . elsewhere-not lust I1 Cobra 92 f pattern lo the Incident: I broadest possibleatudy ofthem bhdlcated. -*= lranycaamsenatoraalrellahouldlreeplre 92 assure onthe FBI. It has manpoweranda or . ange oflnvealigatory tools.And I the FBI ree s J- 2 uooeaaluly. thesenator ehouldgo I: Oonore 1 e. r E r _, . . ~- ! *- Z '1

_ Denve r, Colorado 5 _:.

5; 4 ,3 - 9 ' __'::: tit. as - *3" PI- UNl'l_l-ll! s'|.¢92'|'i-:.s i-LRNMI-2N1 ' ' ii-J-:°~5é.} ..§__-{ ._ -QT Memorandum ' -- 92 IS r ' ' 1 ¢r-J: . i_ In. Align; __ - . lv-lro Auam "A'I'I'.f §Cp[e[I]D flln I . _ . IJML Gel. In _ .s Ia-ml. _____ , __ R. J. o llgnlr - 1 - M1"- llopnlln ,___ F L-loll. g _0 A l '92. I .. 1 '- MI. I450-0010"! j .,. 'lI|- l I'll- 5'"/§1'=1=orfS4UTILAT10N , "¥"§s!.':"-_="=.'#"::.I.&:-an--.=1-iv».. or mvssrocx. . 1 - Mr-Mr. Sheer '{ STATE01-" cononnno 1 - Mr. er Boweris, Ya IN,FORMATl0l~{ concsnnmo _ , | Adams;,r5.'i t.':...,,-.->2: e |~w#'z1 I'll : Gallagher 1 1 O'Connell FIOK1 2 Cooke pt. In. _,__:

I 11:1 response to a telephone call from Honorable _Floyd K. I" 'nu.- /_askel1, Senator from Colorado, to the Qirector 9/11/'15, Ttontacted Senator llaskell telephonically today, Q/12/75.

Senator Haskell indicated his concern for a situation occurring

J in the western states where cattle have been discovered mutilated. The bizarre mutilattons involve loss of left ear, left eye, sex organ, and the blood drained from the carcass with no traces of blood left on tie ground and no footprints. . -*~

Senator llaskell repeated his request that the Flil enter the A,-I investigation. The provisions of the Interstate Transportation of Stolen Cattle Statute, Title 18, U. S. Code, Section 2311, were explained to 7"' him. It was pointed out that there must be an interstate transportation. ./' i Senator Haskell said that he had no iniorniation that an interstate transpo- '7; tion had occurred in any of these cases. lie said he felt this was too big ..- for the local authorities, and the FBI with its resources could come to a solution. He said the ranchers are getting considerably worried out there Q and he felt ii the FBI would just enter the investigation it would have a

Q deterrent effect. Our jurisdiction was explained to Senator Haskell and he said that he imderstood our statutory limitations and inquired as to - r". whether a resolution would give us the neces_safy t}nv:es_tl.g_aitive} . Senator Haskell waggdved . i tha§%%"robably .-1 would aI- take a law, _ _ '4 . A, . whereupon he asked if there were anyone that he could discuss this matte:-_ I-_-. with. He was referred to the Criminal Division of the Department of / '. ' '57 g //7 -"-Inn I-.-nu: -_ 92 Senator Haskell thanked me for callix :st§.tahe 91%! E]-

. , .-;

¢ L

..*. 0 5 '. i. t - 1'51;- 1 ~ . oi IA _-.- -. .4- -". F - Memorandum to Mr. Adams - 4- RE: MUTILATION OF LIVESTOCK STATE OF CODORADO .__.

he hadreceivedSenator a Haskellcall from rccont Dansi-Idwards, ct'edme this afternooneditor the ofpaper andin said that . ,r, Brush, Colorado, who furnished information that U. S. Army helicopters had been seen in the vicinity of where some of the cattle were mutilated

I and that he, Edwards, had been threatened but Senator Haskell did not know what sort oi threats Edwards had received or by whom.

.'was He advised that this irnformationnwould be furnished to 2 our Denver Office and that Denver would closely follow the situation. J. Senator Haskell expressed his appreciation; ea C CC it Inasmuch as Senator Haskell stated he might call the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, John Keeney, Deputy Assistart I Attorney General, Criminal Division, was teiephonicaiiy adfised oi my contact with Senator Haskell and he was furnished background information i concerning this situation. ' ' | i The above information was also furnished to SA Jim Bristol, ppppW _ ,,_,WDenver Office. Bristol was instructed to have Mr. Hdwardsggcontacted 5 concerning the alleged threats that he hasreceived. ' ' '


For information.

' , I / l 9/Pw _/FPO 1;. /it .-

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. - -I _ _ _ . 92 _ _ - _ . _,, a -' ' September12 s 1s7§;__=._._'__'y_ i . Q ':L-L?/,:,- a s i azrlu 4.,-<1--3b7»»U g Honorable YloydI. Haskell ' " _ '" E -United States Senate o - _ - ' - " ' - llashington, D. C. 20510 ' 092 Dear Senator Haskell : __ _ ' . a 0 Your letter oi August 29th to Special gent in ' Charge Theodore P. Rosac!: has been forwarded to my office QR! T AQAQYB QRMIIQQ1 ml-4; Kn QIQAQQ-a -papa-in Q.-u92u|--ass.-;4I Ia. a-1-.- -no-an 0- Insvzg/A: cypneca-Anus; but _JlI92s~¢LIS 92JII-Julvtl-ll 2.!-1-IL92=IU'92-Ill, IOU and your constituents. _ - - - - 0 - . . 4 ' 0 The information set forth in your letter regarding the mutilation of cattle in Colorado and several other Beaters . . states and the reported use of an unidentified helicopter by P those individuals responsible has been carefully reviewed.T . I regret to inform you that these actions do not constitute s violatior-bf Federal lav co:-ing within the FBI's investiga- tire jurisdiction, - no-._ -.-. ._- s o E '-'=- - - --n 4 --_.- ' I in sorry that I cannot give you a more fairorahls response and! hope the investigation currently being ccs- ducted by local §,av enforcement agencies regarding this _ -- -. F latter 92'illsoon be successfully concluded. _ _ -- - q_. _ '_'-' ;- Sincere!-Yyours.A ..'.:92"T" - u "',_.':=._ . ?._ - _ MIG:a. '. _ X Q _',-Q

- -.. Clarence ll. Kelley 92_ , '_ i ? "- -'--- - '- .Director _ "";"'--. -_'1 - Denver -Z;~ _ _.'.s2-0!- . - i< " . H I. "Pl $'.- e'.-- 20:; " =_-Personal ._ lttentionSAC: Reuralz-te'lB/2%!'§§7D/9/I5. _h1!diri5a'l - 9 ¢-0-Ira-._..... la92.AI|su_, ' -llls|lCsn_ .1- ' 1° . I-.II92-In |...4-us...-u./I.-.----pL; -- -.. --__ - ii ! . L _1' Q . =->-,u/L-q1' ~ __ '9. ,tM. F's 2,4,. _ A --' 92 --.- Q. - :..; ' .-.-_.L'i 0Slit.'-:14" T_____.__.__- 0|?» --.- . __- , J 3! ° -'' S t, o.,.As|-v..._ 0. S _. »-.* . - --- f - mA;st. Dim -- Qilill. i.-- 1 e- .. -- Date: s/29175 - ' ' Files I to - *5 'Truman! the lollowlnq In _ _ _ _ _a _ 1, _ 1 W W _ _ ' {Type 2 eiee-1:2 ev ede! ' Haul. Gen. lav. ; 92 _"I_ IOv AIRTEL_ , s ,_ _, ee, :1 a ax anuum. _ We , W ,,_ '_ _ hgpsclloll . -_--~ rag! bu" i '.. J - 1 $ $ $- - & $ Q Q Q-hchar-1-1:;xenon:-11-0-$ra-In-In--Dc-c-culquillilidhcn_ ? T0 = n1 cron; rs: I Q 92Q.II. L.-I» - 'Ac M ' " 'aiiscellancbus. 7 7' S 7 V:;- Non-Subvenlrq 7 7 V J 7 7:7 iSpec.M 1|-Qlglng luv. _._J92 in _ I e ------_ I/I n 1 _ h_i92ll92III92.._- SUBJECT. nu'rI1_a1r_;Qu__qr_L1;__VESTDCK ,- I -. 9:. ___ 92 I-;=_..i s'r».'r1: mronmrrouor concnnnms co_1_.o1uu>o ' ______.___-

-0". -- - E Enclosed herewith theis originalof'a from letter , U. S. Senator FLOYD K. HASKELL which was personally handed to i ' me th's1 relating date to incidents involvingmutilation of cattle and other livestock in Colorado. 1_ Senator HASKELL indicatesthat 130such cases have j, been reported to local officials. He makesreference to the " fact that such mutilation has occurred during the past two _ Q r ' I I »i Years in nine states i In his communication Senator HASKELLrequests that S;- the' FBI en t erthe investigations being conducted in order to__ ' provide unified irectiond to the overall matter of such _ _ k hutilations. _1' _ - be furnishedI indito gs} tedHeadquarters, to Senator HASKELLthat Washington,hisD.C-, request andthat would he Q? would receive a r ly- pertaining te his reeeest= I also pointed '-_ I out to the Sena or that as he well knew, before the PB can enter ii!>-= any case, we mus ' Q ve I pointed investigative out that in thisjurisdiction instanceprovided I was pri-- it marily _ - Est aware by of statutany 927 ute whichwould provide §or_jur1sdiction' A . g this matter. a° 45; , ;§__ 67____*~*1 ~ i j>- B u Enc. 1!RH "E - Benver.{lurea 1 = S2=9} SEP @, - so-new! 2 '.lPR:jb _ . H! 1; _ _ H"p'LP-9'92 ~drfv"I'g-p M /a./75" e -. !|'/vr . i -- FB:zu*' o " _ - J . __ . _ V ~ _ - - .-. - - -;- ...-__,.- .- _ ..' I - 92 . .o_ _.'I ._ _ 3 .._.-... _. -.___ . ._ ltpprove-d: ~ é-. i_ so Sen! l _ ll Per . spxld A9. chug. . e|.awI'$:l'1llII'IIeIIII=hnno-satin Ki



_l' 1 n lb. . I Iik-I . |r' :_ u " Q . .'n- _,.._*' . ..'0- u__'-u--92.--.. . ,- - . .-. _'_ _ _ . '.',-- --. ' I .,- . .- 1 ~ ~ so ' a . . _ . ._ A r _ __ H _92- In 92 . - -u .' - _ .-. -.' - - _ . _ .. - .;.. ., H. '- . n ' .-. " v . 0 - ' - -'-. a . - - - . -v 0 I . I I '_ - .-- - - .-_ _». . -._--, _ _l 0 I. 4. - 0 - .- _ ,1, _ _.'..',: at I '~.nn s2-0 s - - - ,. _ *._ ,'..=~w-n-*..'f0 a ' ' .- ' ';_-92 92 _ _ . '- E _.D -- 92_92 I C - - ' I _ . . -92-_ 0 - I I _ I Q .' - , .'.1- _ _ . ' . .' ' - ;-Q. , -- 92¢_ L- ' On this date I personally contacted United States;_ _ "Z Attorney JAMES L. TREECB, District of Colorado, discussed _ P;. n . 5enator's HASKELL'sletter with him, and he concurred with+fh; 5 '- my comments to Senator HASKELL.._- -.'»_f*";;:§:'@;%>?'; . U - 1 o . . i - . 'In connection with furnishing me this letter}*** "LU Senator HASKELL, in advance, had released a statement to the;'_ press indicating that he was asking the FBI to enter the =, . investigation. Several inquiries have been received and I have i indicated to the news media that the Senator: letter was I being referred to FBI Headquarters in Washington and that his | request would be resolved. Upon being pressed I indicated that t I, personally, knew of no legislation specifically covering the mutilation of livestock which would enable the FBI to enter. L Isuch an investigation. ' _- - _ evi ~ " The aboveis being furnished to the Bureau for '3 - ' - r. information and for an official reply to Senator HASKELL's" - request. Senator HASKELL indicated that he is returning to _ Washington, D.C. in connection with the reconvening of the '_ Senate session. ' _92. . .' B

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nu- M ' '§'cnile$¢$1alesI aenale ' -2- -_<- '§ A-ININGTQI. B-6. Ill August 29. 1975 Theodore P. Rosack , . Special Agent In Charge Denver Federal Building l96l Stout Street 'I -n-' Beaver, Colorado

--'92 '92*. -n 5.

Dear Hr. Rosack: 92- For several months my office has been receiving reports of cattle 4 ~ uutilations throughout Colorado and other western states. At least 130 cases in Colorado alone have been reported to local officials and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation CB1!; the CB1 has verified that the incidents have occured for the last two years in nine states.

The ranchers and rural residents of Colorado are concerned and frightened by these incidents. The bizarre mutilations are frightening in themselves: in virtually all the cases, the left ear, left eye. rectum and sex organ of each animal has been cut away and the blood drained from the carcass, but with no traces of blood left on the ground and no foot- a -92 pnu. In Colorado'sHorgan County area,there has also beenreports that kl- a helicopter eas used hy those eho hutilated the carcasses of the cattle= and several persons have reported being chased by a similar helicopter. _ Because I am gravely concernedby this situation, I am asking that a the Federal Bureau of Investigation enter the case. Although theCB! has been investigating the incidents, and local officials also have been ' involved.the lack of a central unified direction has frustrated the in- I vestigation. It seems to have progressed little, except for the -r -|' ' recognition at long last that the incidents must be taken seriously. -"Z -1- low it appears thatranchers arearming themselvesto protect their livestock, as well as their families and themselves, because they are frustrated by the unsuccessful investigation. Clearly something must be done before someone getshurt. J 5 e ._ ' : .. _ I Vi. . . . 1! _

:. _' w,U0 _ _ ' trio

.'_II Page 2 - '1 J I :r '- ,.l! "- The fact that allegations have been made of the loss of livestock 5I- in Zl states under similar circumstances strongly suggests the very _ _ 1,E I. real possibility that the crossing of state lines is involved and, this ._. alone, I feel, should justify the participation of the FBI in this case. I urge you to begin your investigation as soon as possible, and to I-. contact my office to discuss in more detail the incidents I have described. He stand ready to give you all possible assistance. a * a a ""'7i Since:-ély,

Unitedtes SenatorSt----"i"In 92/ FKI-lzenu H/_,. - . -v I I 4 -..----'i"'.' '92.

5-" :

,,92 .-


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5, I-.3 "18 ' . D. ' - ' 1- ' - 1 7.2- -'e'-'-E? 1-1,-_-.1 =5-:-='-'1-.'5'-' -2 J %" ''""" .e 92 .-'3"-..' . -'.:"-1",. '-V. I, ..- .' 'i I_ -1Uem0mnd'um .. S '-'_'. =-"s . _ .' .__. , -I-n - . $5. '--_."-_-'~:"-:_-_.=-f--3':-::"-0-e -.3 rs '_ , _.'m - 7 nmgcwon, . rs: - nus: 1o/14/10 I ;f-_>*"»,f§'3i='-;"_: - ~ . , _ - . '__ . ~- - . . 1 ._, , . . -92. . .,_.-. . _ ! . , . Jr! 1-_ _ ,V . ,_- L-S.:_ * __8Ul_]B A'c,'s1>n1iecrn-:1.n sz-2559! 9!. ~ - '.---._f~?"_§.~.-l' '-:. -'12 '_, _. G_ _ _ . ~.?'.I, C , . , . - ,,,;su=,,;= ' /771.5%:/.upuew_§' /ht» .8:/av-¬1?i~='/_92/_~ '2¬%°é.#%§'..§i»°°umu" -- _ ' - * . 1 POLICE I71-PIIOR _ _ - - _ Q?-' ».1'-.4. S e Springfield airtel to Bureau dated 10/1/16.' _ -I

En sod for the Bureau is one copy of an rticle ' 1 0 - entitled " _ u on er ", which allegedly appeared I5 in Oui Iagazin September, 7 issue. T For the information of the Bureau, Sheriff RUSSELL _ CRBIS, Iarshall County, Illinois Sheriff! Department, Lacon, " Illinois, on 9/30/76, furnished enclosed article to SA DONALD I. NW, _ _ _. SORERSEN since it pertained to widespread incidents such as ya, those set forth in referenced airtel. This is furnished to the Bureau in View of numerous references in this article to '_ federal investifative agencies and also theories that these lutilations of cattle are only a forerunner for later sutilations e 92of human beings. ' aw, _. ' 1 _.92

. 1, U . II _ _ F P ~ _ 1125059293 -0 Q

1 A §92S>*9292$ t _ F @- Bureau.- 1! é 2»-S Incl.. - so __'___ S gr-r-> ? S a S-.spr'ni¢r1h-1:1"<¢=+==s¢>s§s* so I S S 4 door so ms. _ 2 _ p ' am/cl I /"J J are S .. "to -_=-11: I-In -,.,_ p .. -' v-L ' _» .,,. J. - --

:|fs' L._.--I! . 0 ".30 ¬ ,. ,._ I 0 v N0? 25-. 1915; U.:. .r...-.,.- mpm, .. 5. 2.,»-.1: :..s.;. 21.. 91+. t _; VI u

.» - e. _...-.s..-= 1.... -. -~~~: 7- . _. .5 ' . - ..-----.._6_~.._i._,..___ > '1 -s-o 92_.- _ _. ' . - . .. _, ._. , . *. 92 An . . ~ o_- . j J_ .A- - L _7_,V if pr _ _ o _ __ .' ""', . . I ;_.._f ' .. ' W [11 5. 0 * _ ._ _. . Q 9 t ball but also the eyelid, rnemtaranes and .- - all,1'_hcre was lope more. Much snore. an '0 '-'-- "*5-' -' -. ° "'1'" ."-7.=.=.;..§t . _" rm: reaaorsna,mnea _ ' ? in April I914, the tsttttilators were at 0; it again lo Ncbraslta, altlt the same . familiar anodur oprraadi: Blood was drained lo some instances; there were no footprints: and various organs were re- snovod. Qlllilreotly attrgirally. I-ligh Otis- ¢ ., w E eials again leaned toward the predatory -a . o eoyotelcrowlracooo-with-arseaipcl .t.h_.- - - __ .'.DUFilNGTHE PASTTHREEYEARS."- ory. Ilse toll 0! Ittatel, as anutilsticn . -NOR: THAN 1500 CATTLE t~ 22 states HAVE hulls began referring to the acta. snounrea It KILLEDAND MUTILATEDIHEIFI atooo DRAI _ throughout the steamer. and by $o|r'.et'ts- Q lvemome Sdeaseshadheeareponedta .~ _AND SELECTED oncaaus REMOVED _ _ theornhuslrcr State. _ - -' 1:. ' -SUSPE .. 8!!r S Gi-isuR%|cA|_Pt=:Ec|s|o~.RAN mom SATANIC cutrtsts. - ~ As in Kansas. e rtastor that die mu- ei TOGOVERNMENT RESEARCHERS. lilatiotta were tlta lets OI helicopter- r: oquipped devil worshipers. or *tertil;.§ . ." ritttali$la." began to spread anion; the good larmers oi Febtaska. Shotgun- soting vigilaotes took to riding tlte back '0- I Ed-.é*rstt of tsts,tr1£re1-me about F roads from dawn to dusk. Ranches 40 frightening cattle 2 a rnutilations in I aoroetitnes stopped out-cl-state vehicles I" *1. dot ties in north-central '_ M *1 . hit of .. outrage i W in lawentororrnent _ __-_ _ 441-circles 1for a cow-blood check. Sense son lo a pickup apparently tried to wi:-| AN EXCLUSIVE REPORT BY ED SANDERS _ an aircraft that was checking 'a pow: 7 V if 7 j j 77* becrtzmtltilated had been caused h;natti-line near _Grattd Island, l92'_eltrasl:a; as a .0 result. the state National Guard ordered 'o ral tactors. Such statements triggered a A -4o -s its choppers to y at a srtieitnuns of Ibis? a en coun feet rather than at the narrnal losvofdc a - a. Kansas. roost of them occurring in the l2 Kansas counties aectod, with feet. Sheri! Herb Thompson oi hard-h.: rig U. S. ll. which runs ttorth many otlicials maintaining their belief Knox County reported that. on :92err.l -. I through Kansas into Nebraska. Nebraslta , that humans were involved. _ i 1. oocaatorls. 'hel' lcopters _ tsera sects _ on nlpl-ts. I3 alsohad some mutilated rnooa. . _ g There were several bits of evidencewhen_'snutil.:tions_ oecurn=d._l'here were ,- Kant-ts sltcri departments. the high- * that pointed away from predators. Therealsocoptets spotted it-st._.s92er the horde: .'-1'way patrol and the state bureau oi in- was the absence oi blood and footprints. 4-lo labia; there on duty lids, a_ Honey u vestigstioo seemed battled. as did the l tor esarnple. One cowwsseven foundittCrick taroier was shot-ct lrottt a co;-.= -victirniacd cattle ranchers. The ranchers l a large rnudhole. but still there were no that is-are no ideotictttiort number. w tracks. Then, there was a peculiar ab- In the hllo|~l9l4. as-the tout: as-ere used to the nocturnal depredationssence of dangling guts and scatteredlltapered oli it NCbl'Hok.; the lying .Ia~'¬ of predators. but they had never seen hunks of esh predatorsdo not readJ tnttl.ilation show worked its way tap in! -_- Emily Post!. Also. though many animals -.a '2 anything like the surgical precision and 5 '$outh Dakota and otter into ldinaeso: a_ were tound it secluded areas. others were Again. copiers and borutg gorinan we these snetlsoriicaianimals discrimination had been chopped with whichup: rnuetfia evidence _and the authonu at-_ some with their ears "and tongue and. 0 . say. -an eye removed; others with a sleeping farmers ta-indowscloser to elv- swish oi tail. their stdders and a patch ot found iliaationnear than lsarns predators or usually a few roam. tact irons_ chose . __ neck flesh cut cleanly away: aod nearly r And then therewere the helicopters. ".1! all at thero with the anus and genitals Helicopters withotn led ight plsns_were g oeatlyeacised- - -_ -' -- ' sighted quite often in the alllieted coun- 11'te removal of cow trttlras and bull ties, aotnetirnes hovering above cattle donps caused speculation that weirdospens. But authorities were oot able to were involved. Suspicion lell upon one catch the choppers or to locate their or snore ot the following: I! she irre- landing and refueling areas. One oi the aponaihle shenanigans ol those great early theories was that a helicopter-borne ercs 92. _ - 2" , . 92..,_w.»-. L»- btrtaprerr erott rarttf m rere ca _-__-~. . -<1--L--J--.= - _ _ ; W- _:_'__ -.1 e _ caused by disease. The cbplcr-ctttisinp satanist hypothesis was so compelling. however. that no one at-at yet ready to en- tertain the theory that the bull had been -3 s irrj.-cred with Clostritlia bacteria or toa- irtperhaps for experimental purposes. For indeed. how diflieult it would have n been for a hirnch of airhorne ltrrltcya to lneate a cold, dead animal in the dark! And pnal-death t-nuties 92s1ault.l have had to aI he ready for weird smells alto. as the fumes from s rotting cots causes one to I seriously consider puking as a high- priority activity. ,- . - ' ' _ ta. .I_, _. .'I9;" 1 _-" " - -'t'rra trroatror.a_- H The incident that ultimately brought the UFO-sleuth nexus into the trttttc pie- ture occurred in rnid-Deeernlaer I974. uhcn a cow was found chopped up at the [ants or Frank Schilclbien. near Kim- ball. Minnesota. At the sanae tirne. there were a number ol UFO sightings in the late. After a rather cursory examination ,0 of the mutilation site. I Minnesota ying- 1'. aatteer bull and avowed Sasquatch oun- ,- _tactee! earned Terry Mitchell cante to '0- the conclusion that hovering aliens had lbcarraed s high-energy ray at the cow. --There were also suspiciously broken bran-that. rrndoabtedly caused. so Mitch- ellt theory went. by heedlesssattccrite aeronautics: and tltcn there were strange iodcrtraiions in the ice on the la_rrner'sthe wind and by Schifelbien himself; the ]aondobt-iotraly gotrad by UFO landing saucer circles were actually sraweovered ' hear-and - peculiar circles in Q, -the snow, Silage . > srhich appeared in an aerial photo. . ' Word spread quickly antong UFO re- aearehers across the Unite-I Slates that the ,- s F113 htt'l'fll.A'tlON htYS'tEltY Moat terrifying at ail, 8trn.krro'rr' r....rrterl glut! !_!_re anfnrrrl mlrlilnriorrs are f a_ UFOlk like I steal: rt as rntreh -I as most 4' llAmer- I highly Ilhtrrrr-sac, respected Dr. or ll!-nel lurmart had .raeri<£._ji=;;.§.;q-'3,--._taken an leant--although, again. the parts ot the Interest in the tntttilations. One oi those animal taken were _thote seldom round-inwho heard the news was lerornc Clark. more details of the cult oi Saran, the any hut a tveirdos casserole. Neverthe-a UFO researcher of atllltc reknown. ttho af- -"3' 5-F seeds oi a large and ntytteriotta Fed:-.; lclt. Mitchell's theory created a media had been investigating the cattle mutila- '5 hvestigatiort were hrotrglttao shoo: at. a _ tion: since they rst occurred in his home over the neat lew months. the cattle r..- _ view on Tons Snyderls NBC Tomorrowstare oi Minnesota in the spring ot D13. abovrin late t9T4. ' - lilationa aptcasl like I psychotic epide: : 0 Clark wrote to agent Fliclaingcr in lana- hto 22 Western states. '.-_---_--_ ,y F-ltsras at this point that serious saucerary 191$ and related the allegations ol a Jrtdents decided to get into the case. Dr. - -¢raa>- convict turned tn. Kenneth lattlzston. rue aasnrsron scearsaro '- 1. Allen Ilyttckr director oi the pres- O tigious Center tor UFO Studies and pro- O 'a.t_rrr.a aaran - -- 52- Flicltingefa urging, Clark sir;-2 Iesaor of astronorny at - hlorthwestern again to Banlttlon. who had horn tr:.:-.r- i . Dttting his many months of has-estigmlcrred to hlarion Federal Penitentiary ;: Urtersily. Minneapolistion. Clark had talked with Ross Doycn, Illinois Ianltstort replied with aeter-e 2:?- investigationa Kansas state senator who.-in late I973, Ilit Ind the horrifying allegations ::-'.- had lound a $00-pound heifer dead on tlnued to low. In I letter ol .Ia:tuar'y 3;. his lartn, with a sis-inch hole carved in I973. tor instance. Ianltaltlll averree La: its belly. When a report of the incident hull sex organs had been en-theddea 1: was carried in Kansas rtea-tpapers, Doyen Gt Indies of I Ital-ttlg' rttrtataay c:~.';Za told Clark. he was contacted by Banhscon, . I murdered sotnevlaere it the Mir!-" tar. who at the time was serving 's sentence lanltston alsoeotstintled lossltthar he ae tor bank robbery at the l.ea92'enwortla_ a transferred to a hiinriesota prison. 1112:: Kansas! Federal Penitentiary. Banltsten ltc would he safe from inmate repriufe. F wrote to Doyert that the rnutilationfttere - Flicltinger contacted the United S2: the work oi s clandestine society of District Attornefa olloe in Minuet:-: I Satan. which had decided to eapantl it's public viciotrst-test. . . . _ is. and the U. S. Attorney appraaa. Federal Itadgc Myles Lord. a res;~::-.-. Doyen did not place rnueh_c1'edihility_Minnesota liberal jurist. Judge Lora can in Benltstotfs story. but this did not deter taeted the warden at Marion Penitezze.-1 to explore the riossibilities of a tlansfr-.:. .1,-


F- -_-'1.'7' i r F: .! . .- . 92__/1 It a . a' _ .all . a - - '0 e.- "'.v- -'.,,_._92 0 _. _ _ b;___' Ila;-go ~a_=_::,92.g.;¢':h';;.--2.r___ _ a -mt: tturrtartoztm's He raid thatJtttf theeat: member:It yerted ubqur hump}vii.-.;,:i;¢z_.. Q a u neat rtep.but hehm! though!they were[rm engrrgrrrgin Sdldnft jive-and hyperbole.. . g.I_I§:'_&_':';"92-.';:.__ _. __ i . ~F >~* -_--lg-3-It|I|III|IIIIIIIl Itxt14_ I _'_~T__ _ a - 1.-_. a {Continued Jrorngage $2! was taken 9. lrorn Marion to the Dakota Countyhit. ,. in "I-lastieit. Minnesota,by U. S. Mar- ahah.On February ldth. agentFiieltinger conducted hitrst irtterr_ogation;tnithhim, n 0- as observers,viere lerorne Clark and a 1 s - former Army yaratroop =eommaado .>__ named BradAyers, actitewith theCenter -a -I Iv! lu¢UFOSttrdica.- - - ' E . '. - 9292'hile_elaimingnot to have beena -0 member elthe rrtutilationmob hirntelt. 0' . u iinitsfoa iiieied during the iatea-ie--' _ . dtat be had been in correspondence with Jar gertg naernbeqqtthe mob_llottrttl the__ ¢dhntry.'1'Icaaitl itliit he 556- ollg?ttaIIya_ - 31;- Iteard aboutthe group{tern otherinmates '- Q had retarded his conversations in a I P '- notebook crarrtrnedwith prison-cell goa- uip. He then outlineda aeertario that a ahed lighton m_arty puzzling aapectaol the tnutilatiortt. - . . Bankatonasserted thatthe groupused a pvierfui animaltranquilizer called?C? -an calm the cattle. They next heid oi amyl nitrite to aft animal: noseto cause Ea ll-l'heart-torapidIt'..tben _ withdrew g -a blood via a' |eveterinarian syringe. . 1 0 I92..- a.--n- ea '4aQl.0:nll L-'-tuneupIla; annaa Q IUGIG GIG III lvvafa anti aruucwb can can-an . walked on pieua of cardboard: in anew. they med biotnorehea to melt the tracks" ea around the artintatr. On: reason for eru- ' _ O -- .._0 ,.~'_¥l[_B .anlutma claimed, II to B.3 -_ i: . - thattiieniuatationr natal:-appear_-tobe. drew-orlt of eatraterreetrra - -i - lanluton stated that at _Le:tve_n92wurth fig '-Pertitcttti:°r{it Q69.had he ther_riet around - teartrrer_ a=ehapte_rof a,li.92QB§ n_iotor-';'- q~cie- gangand that-this bike?' 1aI]ted- 1.0 Q. W-- GI --r'i-- I I Ci ttie tttiiatia-1:. % biker -'' aha deaeribetfbia capcriettecain the Air

aeribed tvaa a!t-Caucasian; R waa ca- tremely anti-blztltand anti-Mealean.lta adherents, in lacl, could bc tailed Salam- aeelta. Aral what was the name oi this organization? lrtbit letter!-and I It-va aeen someI5 oi them-Banbton refers to ther-turiiaiors aimpiyat re faeeuhi ii Fliekinger, however.both lanltatnnand Dugan aaltieda tell-known national organization devotedId the Ironhip _ _ of Satan.. , - Leavenworth Penrteatiaryhim: w:=-at - "92--~-- i - wheve beee ied l_heea9!law'v§ bomber. 9292loh.1'aaa92.fhia_'aame aroundexpert, aapiosivca iartkrm todru;aattbetirne,'be conrmed,_vaa latchedia

0 a-

-a Force, ta-herebe bad driven i general ' aroundto inspect various missileeiba. In-_ '-_-rag qomc.iIlAlaska I-le~toIdBank o£aair'reai.o%e:r.==-.i'.eete.-.;- " _ Q} - " . .' - _ Dr -_-"' .-_.-_. - . ...'¢ - - -' -rm»:--.;.'-.=c'- _ . _ .'.,-._a- _ a_.-_ mt: ItUt1t.At't0.92l tltY$l't. Te-.rn.r had its own prime .:..'mrarrlr agipects: rt grgrp called glre Soitslbf. Sttlatt. In I974, o Kilgore College smdcrtt had ts-ritten that this 3'-Yp performed doting. r_ltrrnl.s;;f_.'I$;.;-Q. . os * "*5. Q1» -.r tfoatittttnf from putt 93! Investigationhead ol eattleItt fact, there are more satanic suspects In the tnutitatrons ease! a' h unclear. I have read one report, pre- cattle than people in 'lesasantI it h group called the Sons of Satan. In I97-t, t pared by Flickinger and dated April I0, obvious that a group of tttonc}-rd muti- a Iiilgore College prudent had written a tars, in which many other reports anti iators could chop away pretty much to paper in which he said that this group int-estigstiorn are mentioned. For a few the tune ol their own lolly. More than, performed dawn rituals in tshich'cattIc months in 197$, the Federal iosernment 3. 500.000cattle rcportotlly die each year were chopped _up. The student's then-e apparently illtjestigatetl satanic organiza-In Texas from natural causes. so a few tions and activities all over the country. was dcttroyed by M9 or more of lit hundred ntoos ttttttilaled by night stealthteachers, who felt that the material las The tnotives of the informants also would not be signicant. rctnaia a hit unclear. Bantston. for In- disgusting. our sword ot the paper reached .0 The Tears rnutes reached puhlic ot- uante, appears to have wanted to ntske tention in Noscntbcr I914 and then ap- I. 0. Tinsley. an employee of the I'esas' and Southwestern Cattle Ilaiscta Ass-oci-. , I tlr-tl so that he could he transferred-topeared to atop. More castes occurred it a at-rte iail in his home state of Missis- early I915, with parallels to eases in alion,'who was Ittvestigating'the -;' tsptia he also scents front his Iettcrs to other slates. On January Zltth. for ht- latiuns; Tinslcy Incatetl the student and iii%icsi amuad Tessa, taiizing with -I. in-e wanteti to mate some money front stanee, Hopkins Couitty sheri Paul IL I the yttltltcation of his stot;y. pan Duran Iones announced that _a hlootl-slurpingoral of the student's sources. _ _ '-- __tS=.ttte;_';iiueqs.t infoitnant, transits iii-.3groiiis'cstttr.; tttett oie-taisvttt Disciples?'.l_92'-gtc92s'gfa motorcycle gang in Cali- ._ exchange his testimony for a reductioh oI was heliescd responsible for the muses. fornia that also called itstrlt the Sons cf his s.-ten-year sentence. .. In Kaufman County, east of Dallas, Satan: In I970, a pack of its snenthers _Z I .- For reasons unknown, Federal ol- mysterious helicopters were reported and murdered an Orange County tsoman and, kials decided in the_late spring of I975 police oflicers started directing thcir'sput-acoordingtoayoungmanwhohter mt to pursue the investigation further. lights into the night sky. And Tess au- molested. dlereti her hart to Satori by One apparent problem with the inform- thorities tended to ascribe the mules to placing It in the woman's station Iagort antfstuty was their allegations regarding those coyotes with table rnanncra and and setting the vehicle atire. The leader of the national leader of the rnutc mob. Ac- stomachs big enough to hold eight the California Sons of Satan claimed to aeuttiing to ianitston and ugan, this heleng to a larger saianic organization _ Itaa_hatI sen-ed a sentence In Les92-en-of rnoo bloodetren though, as in other _sts_t_a;_ there.were Instances in I'esas_that regt.g1_a_rly sacriced Itturtanyictit-rts 'hath on a, hank-robbery conviction it oercrhonics Iti Northern and Southern ,'.tIhicls _accurate! and had recentlywhere predators had uncharacteristically - atovol to Austin.'Teaas also accurate!: ts-oidcsl -cattle that had haen tnutilattnl. California. l_Zolorado Investigator be- hunter, uhen 1_exas reporter John Usually, when I cow lies dead for I lieves that the Sons of Sarah are involved $- hlatcig obtained the alleged leader's lt- Iew days. the ripening fumes spread wide-r is the ntutilationgand thag.tlse of wl and jail history. it indicated that he l;- and predators quickly arrive by Iand,- - Ute |rtuti_la'tiona Is'ciatldhsiirte.laactcriolog-' ' bl ltcen in jail during most of the time air and burrow for the feast.! ha!-war,fa'tu teseatdtrl Iottnd tic intlica. w Q. ' "at theinformant~l'eI.~IirhetI he wit roam- -- -Also,-in Januaryrthc Fort Wurtlt Star'slion, however. ehat.t'Iae Caltfotnia Ind- Egfrom state to state performing hema- Telegram paid for tosionlogy tcstsloo 1'ljeitas Sons pt Satan acre connected. ';.'. . --"-jc-usre-'uonia.._ . ,__ ._ -., I-cite; fauna near drop-'n-a-.-scat and thc_ . Bctugeen Ianaty Q Qptetnlacr !9?$. _ 0 :.':U$arrte,autl1o:ities hclic92c..llte_Hat92]tstOtt_-1 hestjshtiuid _"_a'§i§njIic_ititt arnottnt ''aIse_ig o[.t.Ite Forr' llfonh Ito!- -I 1 Iluganallair was part of a master escapetine-in the.Iis'e|f and-t_hc blood; nicotinezfeleirn aqotc a"ig_ries_ §'rtieE_'s"ritti pot predicated on the assumption that '1 the trlaterial most commonly used in the mutiIatior£.'.I'hc articles eicntt.taiIy Z _ a small county jail _is easier to ee than_tranquiliaer guns. In hlar;h,_a coy pep _ attracted the attci-|tion.ot ntate-ttnia Its- ~ 'ai'tg Federal prison. On my '31. Bank- eho northPM to ' of -B it Sprint: ' ns udder -Iorniaot lanIteton,'wht_s hegan o-corro-cl sbodid, in fact, escape from the jail-in had been rernos-edhut carefully. so that apondenoe with hlaltcig. it which b lusts, Minnesota to which he hatl been the stomach lining hail not been punc- Iepoattaltttofltitoltlchnrpealntl ntnyd front_ I-lauingsh. along with an- tures! loan-on! trot ttnortl: aIsogttr_te_up_withautnt3t92ett'__ -traitor; ibr '|irisonerE'when th'c§F"slrcte a'|'a§iethroughasrnallhplcinitscheat. - . for rem. out r. s.rT..:..a..,Io: hndcd sis hosts: later, Banltston insisted There were UFO: repnnol also. In == k aha: prisoner. e murderer, thcterrorthatBankstoneatrsed'm1eaas Itata-d to go along with the caper. Cochran County. following nurnerotn tly- htg-object reports in catty hlarch. two 'n D.-pa. meanuhile, had lacen remanded tirotspriogandatunnteroiiiii. . U '0. 1 - Ijesas. and hltet Iartkttotfsroutes were Ioundjn a.largc whi.;st ficltl. ebtle, Dugan escaped, too: he was cap- each Iyits'g in a'citcIe ot trot-neit. notiona- Inasrnaltcirysosahotl-Iottston.Ior , ltd on June I901. during I holdup wheatatsout 30 Iect in diameter. Shcritl esantple, feasts Dcparuncnt of Put-l_tc tr Ilelopl in Glenwood Springs. Colorado. C. G. Richards checked the circles and lankttoa later asserted that Dugan had reported nding some radiation residue. 8aIeryagettt.sealicdusgcthertItentayor. 0 etcapd in fear for his Iile. .. - _ Iy late March I973. Teaas investiga- Despite the doubt east on the satanic- tors had gotten wont or due Federal l.lIeltieI-ofpoliceantltheeitysninapet iual tleury. the ltutilatiorta continues! to itvettiption of the mute Itulr in Minne- andannottnoeddtatthe_ Iuyst qrt:nt"'atstiiaaa:re=ne" itirequeney_ in sota. As scserti of aaI|aectcu_"' % err: %plywaspingtohe at-at-.a-..-r-..-:."tI-at at-as I915. Ihcy were Especially common In ltctnhersineIuding the _hader--were so-rnriats. In Mayower 3 I'eaas,where Iankstonwllohavchis supposedly residing in Tessa. the late fear-lled innings as well. - - deportrnont of ptl-lic safety. as well as JratIr=lIotll°tt="I="l= o '- local polio: departments. oonsluctol sur- _ acute-nan ssuraa veillance opct'ali.atsa In-Austin aotl. in were going to he rnutilatutl. tit: One stara at a snap oi Tens. with its Hurst. Texas, near Fort Worth. 'Itoth places was total fear-re. - - 254 eountita cuotaining some II,N0.000 Texas, however. had its own prime hiearttshilc. learning that the .Fr.92Ieral § Inrcttigatiots had hccn called otI,_ hlalsei; I! heg.-an to treat lanisten with one au- tion. WI:-tn Itutlttttttotntstrtanctnl in a Bier than in nttlillors were g.92_ing to .4

- ._ 924 if-"' - : 'Il_l_ii'hIUTll.Al'l0»_ r't$'I'l.-Ill? In Utah, 0- United S!ahL_Jr'por!nren! _o! .dgrrrrrI_nrr£.t'm'rirm arrnounced that rm animal he had autopsied had been Injected ttitlt _hoelet§'rr-o_r;r_t_ro.t'l_rr.___;_ -- ;_-___r r r_ 7 at ._-'y_ . I741 1 ._ L, , ,_ , ..- ..,. _ r renders-out in August at the llig Bend people dist.-rung deed eorresrer lor blo- _ hly'covr tongue had Men postm National Park In south Teaas, Makeig Iogirol or expr'r"i'rrtrrrtuI purpose: [empha- it Sacramento, t_Ialil'ornla. Ind the s egntneted the park sup-erint.-ndent. Iho sis addedl. The report also stated: We had uIe_d Christmas stamps Iith Ire ol the opinion that the Ituntan In- rotted _a'n_gels on them.-Aha! t tho I watch-|_. but no gathering look place. I~ When llanltston promised to deliver I list volsement in nmtilations is I_lad gener- I clue! For were not Squeaky Fr: ot mute-mob names, Maleig waited Ited by publicity and is only temporary. Ind her pol Sandy Good running at patiently {or several sseclt, but no list A lad! You know: llula Hoops, phone- Sacramento tight It that lime. Innou lrtived. '. ' ' - " .1 a0 btioth |"J92til92g,' the twist, tiolt against the imminent gore-And were they not . lankston then eontpouniled his cred- Ivar. and nbw reeteetorny and teenagers Ittlrid in red robes and red't.-nni. s p- - lriliry problems by hinting that I stock- with tceret dried udder sacs hidden in Iiad they sent the tongue? It was I tioo I svarnever able to Inner. H - Q brol~erI daughter he had already ngered their closets. The report's prophecy did. 92 .,_Is I member ol the rnute-mob was about ln fact, come true; the mutilarions virtu- I could arrange to rtase someone at as _ 0 - I9 "or! Jometbing possibly baleful to ally ceased until the [Ill of I975. I-hen girlslt'theyhadserstthetongue.Sqt 92 I -_tvt.s=t;, trim; rook the veiled threat otutititions occurred it the northwest bad lunged at President Ford with .-. -_ 4 'qv9g..ti.in_t_..a 'icriously and urns gave on the .lll¢'.rttt_tt|;_tttols_ll Fort Worth policet part ol the state. . _' _ and was in ha. . - Ir: ?92'.h7 "-' t Hllcd ".'lrIsl:'ei rottfote in em-I There had been rnutilations on oppnlte'About I month Iher I re.-eis-r . n e=- . - I $<t>¢' erf t:..t.-.a.-tiiussmritw o1_4.;-'».no., 1...'n¢., Boulder. her I975, I want the police to have Thry sreadinthcs P _ I" in t _otl91$ - snit- '..r.'.'='plenty of leads. _"' - Ir ' by the tall. animals were being carted up I 0 -__ :_Around this time.CIplain Keith Wol- Ill over the state. Elbert County, in pat- Jerton, I yery diligent investigator from Iieular. enperienced I surnrner Ind tall of rI'do. for I pnettiy Jedding and I It th Clteasle County. Montana, sheriff: terror of the sort that talk-show comedi- Iltdldecidedtodriveslossntoi departrrsent. trlveled to Marion Peniten- a InsIacribetotheItrectaolNe92vYork County. which had been bauly I tiIry to ve ' Banltston I polygraph City.'I'eople were afraid to venture tar the I975 mute wave. My family _-eurnination; Bankston Iailed on impor- abroad in country Ivlscrrbelieoptera drove Ilortg Color:tdo'l Rot-'rc 8 tant questions. Halzeig followed up by hovered It night and cattle Ly " area ot vast tenees th. calling Illcged members oi the mutilationIt_it'I and mutilated in_thc datln. . ,' , tor miles, broken oeeasionally by a Itob'including"the alleged leader Ind Iot:ranee.- - - ,-Z'- -. -' B Irortsan--Ind Iostnd ~no'ir92dicItion oi . Despite the o_'rg'aniaed eorts oI latr- hrdwkt. -' ' .,' . 'crtIorcetitent otltciIls_ the tnsltilatiortl Qt» -. 'Whenwearr-ivediIKioi'alrIre'e .'. I'rtu:'¢I92==>-»'II~r'1'=-=M'92*t" 51--érrw lilt on. eherill amp s-. I I - J - - ' I '1', - . ~ blood driILers.or Q aea-erared S-Itanils: I II ''leturoed the Colohdo StatI'l': ,. I92n._ -u"mm i I. I-. __bI92h|'92EI-ll ml. h92CIlDH_ iry laltorarory in I-set Collins. III.-re "' -.. J, __: oor . Everthe _ _ael.t-ae,r.vJng_ "Jae 52:2!-?e!t'gre.¢!-bete-5 jailhtzre eb- l°"*"'92 "5 W" M FIN 17'! Illi- uken the Ininidéi Iettiate Short-'-e '|teared, saw... mtnititiorii were d_iseov1- -loo In =os'I.o-psyé: Lllct. oer gr.-2 par :1 5o at I - a '. ' ' - . . ~ - . bIthcslserillIpe-s.eloppedbs'-_ - , , , -a - 3. end 2""-92 in ten Ivtrtozn more states. at-warrant! and were - becom-_o. lIl¢|92 vmrdos were sns1stv¢~l..l92I= l|!92".92:'!!l_. dressed rs-sen with I.l92-5:1-b.etl_ed bet. ._, 3' he-Wwarv- ' Mid; in .I~1vnIrM_=~_I oel!l.t=g:ri.r;lg=1;=t":=2!'Il I ,'?!e*!e;n .e'I_grt.L'_nt-e at ! P1 . tor ttt.stIrsee,'vounds were =<...._r tor the nit.-m._r.i time chop-u1tI.__ rm_i_s_ty.*'ar, "slate -t-t_4;;sg,r_1- as _,_' Iound to have Ierralcd edges. In Utah. I ' I I . - bond. The oott92'erIItl'ott on Itout . no.0 United StItes_DcpIrtment ol Agriculture _'It"rvr:IYosvr§r.trtot_tts_Iov;uatIcB.92_ - . III-llilililb - _- - "" ' .1' '3. 92 .-. innounced.thIt .In animal-Q' I did not I-ant to'beeonte'Inuotved In,-f Elbert County had had its _§tI rt - I,-. " autopsied had been injected withthis ease. In New York. where I Ive, . i eteria or I toxin; his superiors told him .l 5 's It be didni shut up, he would be red. .- '-;-".;-__-"I_n QlrlIho!B.I-vhere there had therelsadbeensewcralrrnalliternsabosn-hosts in ea't'Iy_t92|92ril I973. Ind ts. | 0 .--. mute report its I97-l~'itir.ena and visited'lt Iuly. the rIInhe_r I-as 1 I I -Q ' c--'-"-otters: gresy alarntedovcr-the irinir or Ihe..,tII.ttilItio|tt_jn press Ittnllf,-30; the gure I-,rs_to well to _aro-.:- 1' 't'};i mute plague in early I975. GovernorI915; l had added the clips to my lite 'by rill; 1ti=' odunty it-in s brsI:'e'-'. --David Iloren ordered I tull investigationmarked out-sac animal sacrices!- _mutilaro_rs. as there I_'¢l'I only shre- ll! otlieers to Covet 1864 sqstare :1 the Ie a. is nl the Oklahoma '_ °=P=rt- opened-during my ol the .~aseotolPublie Sal'ety.I'l92t¢h.Ifrerir92-iiinson eian in tare and-"I9?I-.....--"'§' err-a. .a.-rd. Aid the I Iorgottea about them. My mind_ yrs-foo one eoutd eaten t.te:'.t. 1. I 'IQ 'pertigaring 26 possibly mutilated Itirnalt bombarded tor too many years-srith gore ceri would-|=l.olpe. Ind _-.- 0 I n Ind eonsulting various pathologists. their data. Ind I really wanted I respite Irons would vanish. Ihe iherill told nie o ,htiesdgItorI anti radiation experts. hood the images ot violence and tnull-buttery.Vitnam the oopter pilots had Ica- I '-arepnrtssart htarclt s,tIrs. especially tegittlillg tin Killing of cattle. hug the landscape even is nrgeed _= %rer-.*..-tr-esamemr-,.i.-'--e.-.t#.-.=.' Then one nsot-ningit was June ll. Io u to tnsdlle their on Iound. -ltion. III: Inimsla had died ot natural I91.S-I received I phone all Iron the Tberc III In tlsstated etrirude '0. -5-canes. And who was dropping away It otlieeolmytiterar-yIgent.'l'heeallersaii;l n ,_ nu. tIreeIr'eastes?"ltuastheopinionolthcthat I pact-Igielorsvarrled to lie Item tin 'htplirationr. was Itilul to-thirst: I ilk-fore: tmrnbcra that the human it- '2 -uhti-herP" "" '-at srv I I-teneon bone 1!! bi stay. do G-M tsrit-...-....t ea: be :.-t':E'.'-.'°.-.! t-.92 =.'-'i92'idH='l~'hg odorilerousnas. Upon ill! Illlih ll ti Involved at rt; anus... I strapping: Iere removed: hide In I '' - 'raseo ' Iv arurtssroar i -.r 'I'ttetrtptingtr_spthenIta_dor|ounebox it which resided I large war: '--3 I III tongue. I irttantly recalled ly Ilc ol ltuiasatntttttilarltasoel 92- 92 bl -o ¢ .r4'.|.- '-I92 '0 =5. --wt;-3" i. . ,-=-- -. .- -_ "" ¢u£$§§§é§$?§%;§ 'o.0oI:,r.'-I Q. ' _ Springs.I Naluially.umaeannin-K me diet -yingfor mmueéqusn3uug:Ie;tly I in '.!-;-- ass; . wl an zsvunonoa noun mnm'4t:- tuaol. nu. I looked for an entrance -- u the grazing range.envisioning ncross- - Q lnontry elm:titer evilSatin ltknlittt. I amped theear andzotout to listen for vhirrint 0!.¢9P¢l'_P'!¢=li Illa 11* - M ,di{:pfq3I¢d, om!there .9292'a 0 an but tlrivc any-Fad.I Was lxlutt: OI dis-Ippointntentllttl mean, whopally wants lo an unlit nieiaospq wrgicai 1 And the ugly Itel_dlinet: " IlNfSl'lOAT0l'n_mt.r.n 1'0 92- Q00 0 _ "- 1:; . .-we were n_.. ' ' __ , 9'élfny '92.!!.:'et:1.2!; @!!sis!!' av 'large whitethirty toilet been trawlingat BS miles to catch lip. hoping to liceme number, but The trailer, I decided. ge enoughto carry _n and I lad just suggested shes-ia -plliee that was min; trucks to

_._QE9?W°IIX IIIP ' 'V ' ' hie: I Wu q-@115;with the - iptor at the diiniet attorney: , . ' Tmlal. Colonic. the thooq that the mails- __ atI h:terioIo;ieaI-i_mr- " '|t6it-'1! "islet 'Oi:'utl6 Ami. or ground-support lationinpoh 92n_rould to 'open_li_o;_u-ill:

. _-92 Q

,- ; I. .92. jg I ------v-v -nuuui awn all pyr- dau: are nil with - o Ilnqhet-itKim, O Ind also: at nod hit one. .180 you ln_vo anything- pullin; n-l|lle_lnilen'."' ab. -lfq-pplates: J '. "'l..!;u1l- _

- .

in 0 - U 5%-;

n I . _ ' } _ _'!laIt l - .. I ._ _J! aa mt::o Q MIJIILATION. - awL - Ii-rt?i . Ar ' Iar as Llutt-e -- - _ - been-- a - """.10 deter-table 2 5 aw--or-.r', 0 . wag It- - .0 0...-._--Ii...lnvettlgatorr=-=-Q».-= Color-¢ti"d_ --er,92 _,1 who' a rstsuggested tteriologfeal-tt'nr'larc that tr-as 31be. the rtrtrri!qtlprr.tt_a;';t,3e-f;§£;§;=g..31 research 0. o __ I 7_ I QILTT "_t_'' '_"| l J 77 _ a _' aw perfect: 'l'l92eyvegot avan: they've got _#_ '_"*1 ~'*I .-- . ,t-- ~:..-- __- all the ground supportin that trart pttllirtg that trailer; atttl the chopper it in the the whole phenomenon more cogent. dcveloprncnl. Tretirkntam-tea 'Ni92'o1 trailer. The chopper, theinvestigator and it matte: marrythings aboutit very Itirttaelf ordereda.halt to the biological understandable. and chemicalprogi-ants andthe oatme- corttinttcd.-coultlltetattitttheairittaBacteriological and cherttical-warfare tiott ofuiatittg stockpiIea."l'l92c ta-as order research. eaceptfor purely ttctcrrait-e pur-lrarnctl it November I969 arttl tent to J0 matterolrttiautet.- " ' I0 ._ . pntca. hasbeen bannedin the United Federal agenciesin Ft.-ivrttary I970. -.'- . '31.. .', 'r-H a.3" '0 States tiliceI910.-'lhc grew Na out cl . Not all Goterttrtteqq-,et92cictcomplictl Ii - . '- 'iicrcruottbrcAt9292faaraat" ' ' with the Prctiderrtial 0t'tlcr._hater-er. Q .a - _ . . an ittcldeittitt]Jl:tlt in March tttbl,ttherl .~ 0-. At far as I have beenable to tleterrrtitte. thouaatttla of cheep were accitletttally Senator Frank Church's SenateSeiec: -- ta . It was investigates itsColorado wholint Corntttittee onIntelligence Iountlearlier a tilletIbyde.u.llyVXrter~egattlutap- 0 atrpeettc thatbacteriological-avatfare le- this year that the CM. for lttatanee. had aatrch was ht.-ltitttl the ratitilatiortt-that" paretttly lloagtetlaa;ay_ fromthe DugtaayatoretI.a quantity cl orthra venom and apimalt acrebeing injectedtaith bacteriaProving Orourttlt. a haeteriologtcab enough aaaitoala9-ttdtrtth toxin!to titt__ or tottitta and thatglands andother an: warfare reteaech eertter lcatul aoutha-eat, lttrntlretlt olthotrtantls ol httrrta:92t-Seo--' - yet-cbeing-tcnmet! totett_tlte eecttcl of Salt Lake City. rte Army pm local tor Church: committee also Iountl that _a ' - um _ |'ancher_a_aornethittg like.S 't§.Q"9_ ,5 the §I_lA-had-rocket! agtraytttany e_ag§tter_r ;.-e ~- -= "'~§aZ§=t'Z'tii?ieii't;'i§it'?,'t.;-t. ,t"'t-?t"1!'¢=r~e'~t~t¢-wp»-Ir="§=I=it~--1 . oftoairt-atidfor _-~ Babteriioltliifateidia qr '- hlame onUFOt"or aatattittaor predators After that tattle ovtne indrteretton. "getttta.Oneefthetheorictittt multi- at a cover for what was reallygoing co. tltere tattalrctttcntlout preaattte.particular- '"tmrtilationt atatc catelathatarogee hat-.: ._.§.'?'_-.'__'!'he't.lteorylt_aaa;6ttteappea!,aaitntaltetia"Utah,to banauch researcharttlehetearcbera Iarotting yitlt bacteria ly , a eftlteiottridiageittta. _-- - Ibere aresome 93 specter of Gare- la. amongwhich areact-era! tliteateathat alllict cattle:-tl-toteioclpde blaeklcg CM- Iridium eltatrti-I! ant! malignant edema C'lo:trtdiurrr.aeprtertm!. Ctcatridiaattack l'ttrttatI,a!to. Tftrttttttir__cawet§_,by Q p Ooatritlia Closuirliuar _!eratttJ'andbee at the aiatft heat potent loaitu tapro- Clo,rrrr'dt'rtIrr_lot;trrrrrrt which cautea trot:-rratim-aeottrtlittgto Sentient I'leI§h'§and _lt'r_vloglerrl_ll'0- Ckeniieal JQIQ-r-t4tll:fif'§-'I""JJI"llI III! lei:-t 'l5lltt'itatta:c rol-itlrtlitttantrnia Qott tltE6M'teall¥eat:-ghody the la world- lavitttrattyevctyaueuteretlaae 1-_I'0_3-§I92Il_RttltII92l, lqfectior-.t__ §'e_-lot-ta§la.Ireeat.rte1.~l'£ii. the

@122:' . ".'"l'"3"°Y =-'*"~ .':"""'.*:.':<'*°'.;~r. . . - t-'5 'tr» t!'ate'_6f tartaha: t~¢t»::¢r¢:' .Q l>y.vagtreIyirorded'Iabotatory report: .fRPl"# 1'!the atategovemuettt latera- _c=wr§:'tt.h» ev=tt.b==n tatrtca havehen attp a term: a no it: .t9"£. . Gireile letcign ta " area: a on .-: =.= ctr-0 e»-e¢-- Q .Q-PO v-O I0--I ow nus I: "f¬92 f The coma» llttreatt ot tldti, oitially hogan it: investigation of otutilatiuns in the summer of I Ilse urging of Governor Rich: Lmm; however. its report--ts-hiclt um reieated in Novetnberel92o92I-ed that i some investigation had been done as ?i t! early 6: April £915. The $5 e-as Need on tome 20_J_ Incidents of apparent ntitihtion: the eonelttsioa was that 95 peent ol the mutilation» had been retfsedby predators. ._ , .. This prompto_d o trot:-state chorus oi min" and ieen Root local le92v

1 V1 _.. '-no lonely oht-med. A blizzard in_No92'em- . -ur- to ms uh tltoiis:tnds'ol tattle out ' * e A e do e;;._- ___ , on he n-ye and the ooyotet of the West let: fat of loetninlly ilt'Ipom'bl:_lt.|t]et'92' on -the,etiet to e_o1ve l-e|i|lti- ,eg_ eewuunt eartle-gorge mgnevvem grlteretay-_.tl92ie_etti::=.-If beam lad _heert trare one-';gt. which ti_eIie'o§::r-Some F... eitia 1-Hana - . ehéetzat - '-am - the ten-" ".- temB~'=a-'u='ioit§ti= thBf5éié' are-1-'93: tea _92'¢l'rBSJ9292'e':t¬ "f---'~ entng pleat _ot Town. Items. which Indll !o'r bovine hart. There lad 'lntleotl, titer: here ohnning repoitr - _|ncested_l0.009_ of the ringed eareae

a :32.-.!'.:, 'e=.'e. %:-i or o-"=2 htorite treati ol'.tbe mbtilotors. So mist" - :-.-n;m_=|;,- tinptu :-an -gm: ' In the rut of ts;1s.- hieutgim cirao IIoet,tlIrut:l|erl92ldlterhtt:i92edttpitahgetl for Dr, Sm-an Qoher. director dth Trinidad, Colorado, Irnimll ndreoJytolttttehe."=- oiooduct_ e-eld autopsy on e'.rn_ut1Iitett' - hrttten I2 bourieltef death. '5 _41'» Q -_o . healthy 'l|ei[er2_' fl Inter Iletlirodd. v - - '

heen'_two_oueh hem extractions»-on that nmtetiottt-heli'eopteri,mete neon .- I_t92t.tfes foq-isd'near'§VeItcnburg. Cnlotado. -Joverin! above, nttelear-tnitu'ie.i92tltaII.|-..-, tf ; Iu.r|..t- e...-.- r.-"..m.:-.t:.t;it'..r :...... e. 2:.» -:._ e.-.|:__ r....._-|_;.|...... -._..-.. - 1 ll-1:4 II llill one BIIIII heifer. §UIlbl -ELM;;UIU aid. HIS I IIUPIIptzld her, II Iii! 92IUII'I-Ioekedrrtold IIIIIIQ-IDIIIIII-lII7ZIli_IPllI_rne,of spending long i-. huI.c-Mep? 92.. I :.;o' : . Q ,:: t_¢..£"!¢ ' lntl'get n... it. .1, t a{t.out it .>,.~.r.¢ ire.-;e.j', -. imam-1'35 'gb.§§ at." -bell ¢'.°£§"3. ' _ '.%',.T§it.2_- - have been done-on two other animals. etnttn nit-1e llior openiodlby Iii: Andi-heeoitl, "I'here'|'ar|' Ait'Foree.'Il!eare:h:saltoe92|Ierienood io'lt.2-Sltetriedit:-end tlteoouldtrtdo it.-" - hot-and-law voeveeo! tnutilationii.-_i-ll; _ - 92 in


dot _ . _ _ iV4i*Hi _ iii iii if i . , - '- I - . ',I.92-.._ if!--.. _. I '.' ' ii" "ii 'j Wiiv ii" ' T. _ T-W ' x southwestern hehrastlta. They lust at QQ -, disappeared o the radar." . ' '. . _ ."Did Q wthey land? I Q _aslted. -ait 'v , II: an ; '3" ,.- 0 ' '. ".:t*,' ':".92_.§ :.'d],__'";l _.92 '-s'_:~". _-p-3!" 3. 0 . , _-__ ' '_ 1118' Well, l92lUl1LATliDN laeltson replied, htY..?§=IRY "we had Crm I it be Ilia; the Unit?! S!at$.Tin.rtelear-{ecttrlry grrletl; bieitkirtgf I. '--_' ; - plane ' _v_i'r In and the air that that t;|-eirdot was on the nre site free andJo perform drorilii-rg rinreneo jute-e.i'_qrap our _ml:.t'i!e-.rllq linrelier? -e a I _saw.-the lights below; it was s elear night, and when the lights talent out, eteryhody . thr.92ttght_ that they.'d htltded. Il'ul wheit the. Sterlrng In a remote area ealled hintneylstinna eonslstaol selentistalai am; _ '' ute eante dttwrt to'_ltItl to I50 feet, the Canyon. 'llterea alwulutely nothing up red lit l970_when the Niacin hart Mt pilot eouldnt see anything. ' ' there. The lltilttals were ltttttilated on I haeterinlpgieal-warfare research went inzai - .. -. What was there? lasted. big ranch. and just out of curiosity, the ¢|l'9=li.l»°trhW. the story - ' "'l'heonly thing that wastherewasaaherili took I Geiger counter along and apostles of lernt jive suhsequearly uh» I .' "missile silo, Jaelison said. - - got a reading on both animals around the tained clandestine undin; Irons the Gm-.. . ~ . - _ Aha! I t_he~ught-Ilse ttltitrsate cover! "head and anus-but not o_n_the test of ern_mettt. :Ihe|e has also heat tpeetllatiort ' Use I revamped missile site as I landing-their .hu.lii.a._"_.Thete have been repur-t_s at radioactivity It I site H that I private eolpt-ratittwstef-ped Its-F» , __ supply z_one for rnute eopters!Jhere had Wyoming also. ". Iutttl the research, perhaps ln anticipation: I . _ ' .._ The thought that radio-ttet-ive-rnutantof the day when Ilhe GO92'¢llttI92el'.l ban _ . °P hovered shove I Strategic Air Commandbacteria, or perhaps; I haeteria radioac-wotddl:ed_ropped.__ ,1 '92-. =.; ' _ tive-rnaterial rniekey, are he-in; slipped to One ot the rim ponailsties'i,1 _ snissile site south of Jlushnell, Nebraska, s . _ _ ithen had disappeared into Colorado. lnirnals eattte_s-the mind to go ll-yi-;yi!.wl_tils onee sugpnteqtly targeted against; ll - '1 The only problem twith missile installa- On'ent_al_s'., research any now-'tv: = - Illlted _i.di=Ile:ent lsurnan ,target.. ' P - I -0 '-itions 5'¢¢R_ll°"$l-*."_"".!"" - 1 as landing s 'zones - '92- is_"- their 5' 5?£92' size. .21. Ae-I '.- a , G,~¢.'Er1ahiII."a . I yri92'afe'.lnts-ttiyuoeiiI. 0 -'0 1". ' I973,when an ttniderntihed he-Tie ter had it Colorado Springs * who began Incl-- _euqnqq-i~r_sr_t angle; lIlti|llit'l':5{tVdlli--' .- htg into the snutilatiortsin Itlay I915, gatora that th'e'tnut:oua sne'rnl92ra'ries of : takes the laaeteriologgieal-research theorycow's eye posstns ptogterties similar to the very seriotnty. For I numher"ol years, Iueous membranes 0! I particular nee. and that the eow, therefore. ls I perfect . 23$ Brianne was an employee of one at the ;_t~at._-linear» Jrquon. the aite3,Im_tt-et-clandestine inteIliger1|ee_ services; was subjeetortwhiehuiserttheedaeuolp "'htCh are unmanned--are eneiosed with s0tion'erl in Europe sis in a's|:ee_ial-'Jtaeteriologieal agent. _ . . . ;-.. 0,..._ .. |hat'hed-ts-if»: fence ant! Ire Ipprrtairrtatelylat in Russian allairss; later. In the early .ltalt_uItt;dedtb|r| 't I a ".1, I .0140' I 4-0. There ls a ttttsail shack on each Sixties, he-was_ hasedl [or I short titne.lnpadded wal_ of withé I ; R905" Iill .I~lendr'i: of RTVX-TV in _ +,Q trite and then. there'a_.the aealed'.ntis92ile.Washington. with the olee oi isilo itself. a-liieh is about I2 teet in Sicretiry -or Defense. "Brianne-its as-_§I.ll 1;s_se'ctry._h¢w-e-é, I times ta.-r. ~diatn'e-ter with about I tout and I halt - cured nse'that he has no ettrrent ebnnet:-'dttsirt'|'lhe Sixties, llllte lIIryt'hay;.Pro92ii:;r t-'zahotsing ahuve die would he tion with the Ag».-ne;y_: in, Iaet. he seerns.Uri-.~_und did port on an anti-Oriental i iiieiilt to hide three helicopters in suett D have kitted the ever-groisio mter. gents or toxin: the allttll had heen sent I-a > '- 0 I II small spaee, unless lIhete,tias_aarne sort ;;D_ugaay|'|rt:surna't5ly fruits Fort Detrlea . a.. .'~ot' eatttotI|l'l_a;ed hunter nearby. I wouldof patriotic-hut-critiettl lortoerernuyaea ._ot' the £dgeirood._A_tgsettal -tthe Llarylat-t_d'i i-a I U . . .. '. ts6'|'tied'th:af th'e'elEe1I'6'nie' seam I11! of Ootemment inielilipettee agencies. af heater of such reteanem-ashere , seieittin _ . :nf"_U'I.iIairiy intense near I nuke site. but-earl ---enem Sotneof lead hitn Elhnhe-'I'Go92 to su1ipes_.-tthat Ofllfl the recent..rhsit.Io=e¢!_92'q~IIwtvls-. 92t- ---M -s-ts-1. f :-ll _h_e_, that __Unitt:d States nttclartr-__'mutilation; are really the york fttllte _ 5."°_"m*_ An olhetal u""_.,"* It bugy-"ay ailhad . .Q ~ got-Q..'-1 0*: twrtit bit-1'kiI=s time an-1 that-..r_etear_e_t.e_n,. tn t.9§t;£ria.aite elaitt--in ..%=.F'.'.'?_fl!_'ri=!'!!-&¬"'_~"'. "'~","*~ : I9 gird-.-."te=r.-1éf'.-i=;r-as ..'~==1-'--e.bathed that secret lrt=teart:h'_'Flh. . _ _ . _ § .-ilatneheo _ tnees atop our . missile-silo- -' ¢Ot't:lt£ted' -the u.s. -' -.115 '*==t>w-.I1i='y-,i=t|aIIv_92vrl=&..ta= E:tst" been Illhgttlg rs. tits. = I .le I. 4 -_._ ltaretsesf _ -;- 3 J . _ haeteriar sa!'s:_"'.|'|'Ir-I'F_92:t.I:::¢¢l-i»!'t$ .:!I'b°I=lt>rr °°'"'."5°"_-r |".¢I.l oeer.-ll. ti;

¢ P-a 2"-1 ' ' "".- - " --I sf htellethesda Naval! rt:-spam at test; °=i»=tlI I=?==w~-tvett ti» O .- ,-~ltttIeent|oont.lts.there'hasheettI, 1'. .- 0 s q . g . I _ I a I. -. . a I I a -a -- -. - _ sai_n9r -.-3; -_'aaatoaié-rrvrrrtu-ra'e_tasta tttedia I,-pp _o92ve_r_ alleged Soviet- - ;-Oiseotthepeople there ttaslseet-etary'et. P°"i§'l[-_l° ""92¢*=-"'15"; '5'! We'_ _ 92 ti-'iolaliot-ta ol the United Nations germ- Defense Robert] hllehlatnara. At the pity tn1ee'ted_ranget|ttia|tal_s. ,. '- srarfare hart. lack Anderson wrote I , tirne. I_.taorked for in-= _s¢qe;.-.;;-js e'trie_e,-_-_ ''-. Wat the lttti-Qriciptttl - -...- germ .-.-. or rosin..!.o _ f. '0etslurnn in which he tieeused the Soviets_:so it's |:retty_a'elt_attl:|stInriated that they 'Clattlia? Very peissrbly. Wle Clot--. I er! etttttinuinf gem-warfare research.-did hateatneetingintegarftosesne tridia B very eonurstan, i I|§.,|¢':¢ydi||i: tt'hile_stating that_the.lU.$ js taepjny its-rypeolbaeteria. - _ ' _ 5

I r 1 __ uyinglotiekitolllheirownhcks ma ' ge:itmnb|h:I.ofll92eoecul|." . . _ Another qniestion B: Since War -. _ rancher; are among the most palrialii: of F _- Americans, why not §usI land them . - .1 ' cheeks and all them u: uh: CIA mm i I eoupie oi ii-.-ii cutie-aaaiaa city, you know--and to please leave the J =- gm unlocked and to keep quiet about ll? ;. Down in Nan Vim. New Mexico, In: _31-mung, Kitty Canunact operates 0 ' land: ulrh her hmband in In ire: that - Im been hard-hi: sin: mum and copier: -.. u92devcaUFOa.Mn.Cemme:kIus -. lnveuigaaei the mules lee l local neu- ' per. In Opil¢_0f the welrdgea and III- u i __ _ due IlrQIe.- 'l!_ _thia_is_ Gjmrnnnent Q ll inimepeopie

informed. To any that there are ezper J1 .- _= ' ¢1|1sif92ed'u-6:116 aefminy Il!li<|$'tI ease. _-.1.-' - ' -Alnl.:t!heumetime.!une:icarucoul¢ he pleased. mud and nppreeialive of he eaJea92-or. We. the people. are called =1-_ caloproviqehxumryaadloprovide "- pumgrnjaghthnniunlype1|, 0: tau-aI=l;.1n,|n6ees! the! ill. ,. , . ' . -- ._ . I . f - ' an he uwenhdte kept ia. e-medebgqg. 9&3: aha eis lg I _Ap|-atenlly apt. Fim 9! Ill. lb: gctiv _ He: of 1 rope grclip of cbopoplths win _" dtly 1' freuden|iaI'cn!er_u:uId- well he» - came I but cleelion-year campaign but cunt}! when aailou-nllislnlst the Govunmgal liter yum Q! Wale:-gle. _ lg , l,'.l.A nvehom. eorruptiom cl nwhu as-. 3;,-"' Seeondl;-,1l'l:e:ei: I good cl-.auce_ u! 1,54, lune g{£!U'-.¢.l'=*'~I1'§Y1=n. .vIuge92g: mgr '_ ca_den|ials,'ue_ inane. 'l"heY my have O -:_,|:ne of iieadgh _--j:_. :.-:;u-?'s.1:~.¢m-P-She;-¢_-gmQiain bl: im qia :I't'|I92-ltlliq'|l ' -" Saarenu: ue -' _'|:e ufm; [or m._Youloak qt pbalus of. dine smooch 92'r4_-per!u::- 'ehop-up-pa:-_» J as-as-am eircies. accuioully sporting 3-I a aw-loathed edge, _eI:.'cn:! you unn- -£1 __i{|.I92eyerenu:rivin 9! _i::f!i|a:-g-i:ud'u§t|'!:l=£'rre'4l_i:z ea _odu:enemeno!!- ..- 9-1.9!: @!a.=!92_.lL ¢.;e.-A-$.22, £9: L1- l!_|e we-week-old all k.illed_neat - _I 3. Colorado, h 4 |

i 4 . ._ '___._ -' °' 0"; " ~'-_-'.?.3 'ql . g, . I.I.' am, _. |he_unnerI|I'hlIoH!I$ Q c. a an-abdllneenomaauuaape|Iu.|.'ulbwIrt:l. '. , .. ollhemutiluon i '2 K 4: . 4' 0'unencu- 4-

92 - i -t ' . . In I _ "- u_- .. - .-' 0" '.:' e e '. ." °.. '4. . "a I .." '- . - L, ! '- -1 -1- 5, .... U._-- i ._I-g 3 , - . . --ye o . . . - , _ ._ -; -92--. _- ,,-- J-.v,-{ . 0-t. '_'92_. -D -.v_,- ;QI"{:."'o92,q 4.... . %-''mt=:' Mt.'Ttut't't0N MY t_-tttY In } o man ti-or drlulng his jeep at about $30 tutti 't-net: he -I. claims, 15 tttttsl'ed_Pt.'01f_r stood across the higlm-o! wt 1' It! oc It e rt; tr on _J tried _to ito _p his . p cor"-sfe-1--.FL? mere [cw footprietu. No one ma taught. There ma I particularly Interesting can to itpueite Gout-try, itrizona, 92vitcte lnutiteted eairnelt were found to have 0'. tttyatetiotta eoftball-tired burtta. I ealletl ahctil! Art lee and asked him about this pmper UFO oppc:trar|ee,- there _er:a o :5 report. "'_Ihere ttere three J the.-.1 that bunch ot ':tnpt_et'iottl !ellovr__ em- _ I itati the burn. on the inside oi the right about two tout all tttameter. mat were ltind_qu.ttter, about halfway up the ham. located Irortt ten to I00 yards Itottt Irallted alonfa lcooe for lbout a lu-I - I. he said.Tho livestock investigator ot-I of lherttule lite. _ ' tttile to the road. grllcre prertnnabty they *.~. .. v-are iiclted iii. he? |-om .eIIertt:" T"2"i -4' Phoenix wrote a_letter to the local new In Idaho that Se|itetttl>ct', a lorri- paper here. Lee tqldloe. ant! raid th-It service f"9292!92!t92}'e¢ l't92otlt'.'t| acveral peranttt aearclted the entire area._but tout: rt: ne-se'i-e iii foIi{t_ii6i-t"i%iiii|' estee-ta. in 5000: * '-d biaeiz rates v-eitiag down ¬o'-clurthereluee- - = '-' "-?- '.~ 0 Creek in Blaine County; the neat day, It vvatstrictly by that iledellzo happened in the vietttity the fellow- Iattaoeredltimartdlvatatveryniccaeveral dead cattle were found, but the l-- -l' Fl llnbamcll Qrala-.92I-.-t hooded hiltcredetpite In Interttive l. IIIUIIIIUIII II 1.0"--I 'I92IIUUlIid - on IUI-ltai it. '52...... ;a I I.-'-: :.::: ,'?""!t":',acarch--g-ere never {outu flea. in drove by end aeoogniaed _ny ea." o_w ore not predator-ravaged carcasses. at-there :4-et-.= er. %'.¢-er 9:!-. e etc:-. l~Iedeliuetoldtt92e.I_-tevveuttotheaxe ;-.lrt Montana. -the mutilation: began waa driving-his jeep elortg U.S- 95 at where the heiler Iey led performed a er-ea-.d low 3925. :::"- by "..!eee.-ttl.~er,_t-'~_-*'3_°fO em. vvltem lte elailllt. 18 leld autopsy; he tlteo ptepltttl areparz '5the number of eereataet found urea elote trtetted people ottltttl heroes the ttt|,rt92-mye! M. !._-dirt; Eee ._to_ IN. They were denitely burnatt alteri; Reading the Hedeliua report. oee - t!-r-92l.-.a'eoqtit_in| to-Cabtain Wlgednz nd: that the uual things bad bee: urithjocledarmaandtriedtottopltia -0-:00:-1.:-I. . - Irv of Cascade County. Wolverwtt has etud- I _h_d the trtutitatiour nationwide {ll eer;!!~e met! get etlrey. but lite egir! 9!Irererrtittirmtltettterutehttdbecnc-1: :: ,'-_-'- tioned eirlicr, he vvetttto}-larion FederalI Iefrot did ant. The Terort Voffey Netti. etrttartdeulyingon tltegroundttnttg ' 'IaYet-titent.i:i'y to givc'a-polygraph, ekant-'_ZI'ith~tbe o! Brigg; happening; Idaho. for own I118. it the three-month-old fetus. which hJTt92e,'=' Itatiort to A. Kenneth Bpnltstott!, and he to. whit» "tit wmiet nt = mt3= removed; the tip of the heifc-t'a ti; -.. toldrneeboutemutilotiort ease that -emhtt.§|e=ct'ee eitre'jIoti'k'rto#lt'ttereelao removed. Iutt att average attic- _be|:'unod "I_eaily I975, in ohic-h the your children are et night ond_espwia_lly---tttut auu§aliee¢'itt the .'It=.-:-_ baveooetabreporttttarcameioooa ooea home immediately gfter _th: Iootbttll m area about the_aiae_oI a°toaeb.rll." we ::_ .":r-:..': =1 2-..-fame scheduled orithat n'"= .- ' itight. afterthe autopty, Hedcit-5 __ _i|¢ttt_92ve- get _t_he'ee:l3itis:baet end!!-- Ida-ltou-altqrd-hit.'lh:tIltletiet'e.15-auto» that eotrtiooe trad irtjeeteni a t_e;t.:. e ----T.-'uu-M.-e~~==~=r.u=.1»:~u-the» _ - t. .---- ~.-.. .. .'0t' I diaean into . the . hi-i-fer vrla .brood-:;'.: lefrtttetlartdbt|t'tted."' _ .' am .'- diaeoteretl -2 eaeaaoae in ltttve inc the -' »t_:=a ,,92r'e_tottatIy,_locatiecd_in'6oe|talt_of't'et_tatt-1at§'ee'u;.a1r.'a-11 ttéwtt -: " ~'--:-*t'92"11te Ema begao'- at New lleeieg at-'§i¢s55rr~'téitt't'eee tun tn» the-tint;-but-f.Cl=lt92t1 .~,-3, ~_ -= = ;4tt.»;=_-$2.14 !e'!urtti! arot1,r_td'!'lt.-1.n.l:t_gtv-weather -arrived in the mt. Police -used 'nked' the following queauoo:"'a92od'F.;- H3; the§' darted up again ittglrly I976. -eh:usual. road:-Amt-..' radio and _ai:-crate do '2-ti: eetimet --_,,,_,-*..-.-.e: In October end Novet-nber. there eere euctttotta ottjovealieetiontto on _pra_lt,:_"'- beetetia?] ljedeiitit it-|met_ed:.ft-'e.'e . . 0= '5" etutilatiotia in ttemtu.-u Ittiuouri. the n -_ tau hear!tesbegart y Oetoberandoon- ' tittuediooeveraleotmtieaiotobeoernber 2 I975. There were abourtett ease; re- ported it_t Harocy'County., , at the ':'t " '-ertd-oI'_tti'e uioutterh,-in tl;e'region that _|l -ltordert Nevada iothe toutttti-'ctl.ern part a ol'the late. There were I outttber oi =~~h.--- 'i- fgghmnmwmmoqmmmoe é ¢ ar:utetiaW'ueo|uioioOctobert91$.otte ,1 ha_ve_ been a_ble to_deter- hfeeted aotrnal. However, it-this "ea: ol which iavolved animate belonging to 1: v U5 Goterrtntcnt ' ttlotef ' '- !- I13 nlrivnt-hf ~-. -- '---'1 ¥t!t_l=!'-re; -. o ':liebattl Ioottt. If Eettrnan. loom . - . I 0 H _tcty that atnutttated auipuf 'ay te_eaa,|>io-r'u§oted,'at-gdlbehte :.-t; . O Olti-ttk|II|atteQttle...ItetekilIederit!92 injected with a toxin or bacteria tbebacteria Iretemjocted intotht heir: .1 $aa|reoade._ em Dr. Ilohert 1|-ledetius. a veterinary Jo one ofaeventotboeqttent eoa92e:..- aepomdoqqctotter t1tt_t.. _ utediealolftcer for u-e'u.s'. Degtattitnertt I-ledeliua. reutea Bin; .==.~= . 3I - I ''ln92Vyotniog. " "9 The begint-tinglo lliltvouker September.Iolrli: c Iteteiraetttathdiotettieotbclieoptera, Iledeliu; ia-one of a_:I'ottp ol about tso I .'lJFOe and a btolroutilatal cattle; thereo ht;-hit trained irttltvttlttolt who acne I u 0 incident itwettort County-o_o 0 o __ Oetoberith,erberenl$0-pttrtdllere~ leeoitte foreigt-ertirttal diaeaaea out oi the I loedoowereaearvedupartdetteteaitrUttitod'States. I-ledeliu»' mama ease 92 I . - I . hvolved I pregrtattt heifer that trrat dia- i I ' ..Q.l u ' W -5. tide its Ht-tear lank epprently eltavetlI 'ootered ittat bclore ember Q" ' w I5 - 0 of Aericultute. who mu in via. Dr. the erattnirtgte tepdr'tedl;' mt-|===..=. 7e . 1-

- t

92 .1 ..<-.- -..-,-..-._7~_ -<_:___f'*--** " ''"' " """ ' *1 ..._ - n. ,. ' 0 i Q . 92- . ,, . Jana -stem-eee.saea~v.'t tree» K.__,*ttta t 4 were so es Lsrttnte e_||#e." v; at tat sr.x.{.'t t . 3uyutqu |U.U0yPnn|¢-||| yr-"ye": in-; = 0 0 - order iltirf local! law-ertforrcntfrttr oiciqls; :!my,na»: §b_¢¢~l; 0| qr;-ll; fgyyg, -=v_92=-1hj~_- 5- -_ -." ?~1 i . Q o +4. - I, _ "l .0 live in the open alr. Throttglr her sloth I-tanl j or a dt-liberate botelh-up. |'|t-Jclitrs tissue ____ *1 _ J-1?. .1. 92-o agtmples tr-ere etpot-ted lu oxygen by others I oW7_ 7 e -- "0-l -' In the lsb and tltcrclure the inoculation animals as instant bacteria or rial my net check or seareh'thetu-itch he 1| tests tterc useless.! larttts. lteruing 5; lilctslI'l scary buult on W WM qt r litdlwtr Ktitlcnt. rt theme when I talked tot him, Hedelius stood chemical and ltttlltttgltiill snttll, one en-- ls a trrcclt. only Gvovemrnent peoltlg ma ct cottnlcrs something; the U. S. devclopedl rmly behind his l_ndings. "lnt cure curnine the vrecltage. 'l'ltercf_o|e,' {Q3191 I e-a their ahoeier did this, shot the animal called mortality-enhancing lac-tort:Government or military equiyttttent-£15. e Iith a dart gun. and that he used either known,naturally. tts hll-IF»; these agenttlway can or truelts--can travel its t:-2.; -are added to ordinary biologieols so la to _.l. secrecy anytthere in the United States. Q Q- greatly speed up lht: till time of a disease. ;.u- I aculureoltltobucteriaoradoeaol . Etienne ts stiqwiest about t-that v-2! - ¢ Perhaps lite ttttttictt are ttsittg HEB let occur when iottter ltutilator It ac-t'u:.F-' produce quick or a .,.-5.1. rush oi 8 ; Q-.... no t._he tnsin produced lby the bacteria.production of auntething they want an caught carving a lterelortl in snrue t-:.. - - .-"D_o'you'thinlt." t asked. lllli there'sobllect. One lcscurcltet, in act. does. oouttty."l think tlteonlylrcrsonni-it some sort ol research goingon?" _ Z - cleirn that the tttutilutors have got their can break lotttelltiipg like this." Frtaane Yeah. I think so. And jtist why ifs disease death time down to I3 t|tiautes.,_says. is seqteone with ltngalerlge ol the .bein; done is the question. . There are ebb reports that the gla'ntla~allairs ct alarge organization and it! ti;-is -I-::. l'lcdt'||tatlc tlrtiny uti=n=eum.'--that are removed lirunt the ortitttals, I K produces its particular type of oyt.-:1» -lions titlative lo thtt else. For inst'anee:' , ,. _ wt it 92ht1itr>".';¢'>c~i-It'3_il'!=Ill.'!t>t.-4'ttr.tl92e:'- *2-l '~~':"_' "W =. ~'~"P"'¥ '*"='-5" oI;,_-gsqhert asked huttr trasy it would be to kinds ol things that lttani-tle rercarcltcrt o obtain these bacteria or ltlsitts, ltc re- might t._-tke, in order to the spread no I 'plied: It's very easy. There are perhaps oi chcrnicol or biological agents. _ - _ with a slight baciqground tn law enlct-:.:. y ¢ 'o couple of lturtdlred biological-supply tttent or intelligence ls going to be at : - " "' ,-92t .1 we M illlhé I o'e stow to sates: tt-te case todolt.lIhedo¢>.reat:haguy.ort-: - O . _ ~bt.'r$ er|t.l-:|trop:'gaIeI_--the cttltt|Ie.'J_tyhlch..- Whoever breaks this case oould eollet: IWI. the cttlprife boctpgtrttd h gob}! o 92 U be covered It let! as possible: And ""2 - .. product.-s tosins retry easily." Would it moot QQQJQQI-"1Ilt"t_¬lE,tOI]|e~Qpi_'ogiii . take great cu-ertiu.-Ito isplate the poisons?mate total ot rewards now being otlere-l sterile:-;e:n:*t;!;= PI¢il"ted.I'ltcprose-. - 0'- Rot tully. 'Acttntllly§_any-body wt» has by various ,s_tote-cattle usociations, gov- taupe _t=.. qt merits gr t=~=-t _,.. . O -the it basic cai.trte'litt eaaenetegyeotuu,ernors. stettspapers. etc. P_n'92'atr. inveati-~ -ittis'dt':r1tIc!aarior§lei§:e1tha"t? _" ' . do it. I-te not that complicated. lsttenrionedtoErianne.nIhodu:' 1 0 . .. 'gitor'Eriartne no -|pt'e-tented a-tut It On the ot.92-r hand. Hedelius attested other inst.-stigit_tors,, the obt-inue oei,-;,';..' -In-.o ine It: post-ilultty th.tt1tl: ahole c'aa'c alight tornelobeagnodapproaehtocracking'99?! F I5"!-i_lf*'92'll92lL '3'-Iletter l§t;i:_'f_. I. ea!-gesin-else-pact or rttotcg tthe in-t ttrecfable acienttllcot aacurity_cre.'e:--. _ be now mun;-lrr tllt-tn i appears Q be. nut. they're out ;gtick;tit~lt-sick. '92l'oZ'." ' in .' 0 For its-tutor. litre was a cornpls-te h.-5'Isis case. his-cJ on lltis long ettperiettce in .-' am lilptors may lqve ttterilieed tin ntrttcnlIII intelligence hi-Id: Anal!: the nsuitiv he it»! don't tootr o;.:'I , ht't'attist.-L.-t' .'lc loetits-Gtetl..'l ltocttochl ot_th.r lteiler he autopsied. I-le _ titers rto echelon ofhigh 6.-.-1. :a " I '_"iJeEi:_l;ii§|nih' uni io'blc_tal qtn='is§wIuat they '92ertt.ttlett-ttt.aL92al' y. _ 9 Jlntgr die7"?- . 1 Q. but_s»;_ith_ apccttlutcsthis th-rt. eni_nul. fur tturtse the reason, rst thing the Isu-that~v-lsy.~'-hetrtInqGl'crurute.thJwuk- - L. "1992! ' 1 -'0 tors _sy't-tent oI__ Ilthlhld cover-up oral :al'92.tHerlll e-qt-t-;:-- n u I U I 'Itcise tends D ant-I a[ter- they.die.' the hot. om; .._. -.~' at '21 i|-iypre-seed II-the absoltltc_1aolt'o{ _ .s=='rth-.3é .thi=a_'=:t iioIi_5c' iay, the U-1 overirghts, TM U-I. ightse I .,_°.. _l_Ilo:ttirig-on.l-I'va:trtR-ealled.it1 on could have been ttncovered,'by ittvtst_ip§o etttttl the late altetotton. The carcass was . mg'h P° x Ihrwtrh. I ' _ qr» ° M." __ }mHg.-g-92.":.o_ as-_:. . - etaotttet [teth__ettitpt.tld be. . -_ ''-stew lifton eItertl'eath°doe.s Ide:'eas'ed"dvilian-ba_sed ;uppJ|y_-ont.l-lopsucal cons- Q o animal start|;l" ' - "_panies: eten requisition or order toms Ia _lteld clog igto thr: natureolthecnteb _-j'O_h, about immediately, I-ledeliuapriae you iigolt-ed. on tcl't|:l92tt_;o:st.l. In the sttutilation _ 58¢. _ __ - ' l'lidl.'_L92t'92"cially h the ease of a'st_.toti-.- £ri:trutepottstsoot.orteeouldchecktteli-.Eri+="=;P°it92tt'ottt 1*-= tit-smart Qlftl92e"_T,"§'f:;E"._' 2° Q o_attt like _a» cow, Cori-s al_92t'aysmgtteqltael deiivery'_ and repairs :.0Q blsvo a oi-rtaln atnotint ol'ps. lut'Mtehordered tor supply vehic ; one ootlldtend resiarchers In the Artrty7s.Chet-..s:=_ :__ "I op.-rtetl dtis aoiteol irp, ti: ittostinailook [or tlttltattil suns. pttrh.-up with Fed-~ tor1'rs"ate_ Quoted it placing tter92'e-g_-..- .. ttttel and the rtuttco were absolutelyqéal stair aliicsl. tt4tich,t'.ttay-appear to -ci;.ht.'||p there .915 in =-'-;"- - empty an-I completely devoid ol pa. I ltave brokendownbtytl92esideolthee6ad.' bail urvcrsren anything like it. Even when 'It turns out that the my tltal Iyine, knows? the while rr.:.:'.:: ' a our b tlaugbteretl at a pct-ill: Pill"- aeniecs transport helicopters--Ior oil-- B not the work tot sloppy outer->7-er: iowcry bums. malt!» ill l92'7941tt~¢ ti-' " _'- "'91-. 92!'bld"1l*tl8ih Itsount ofyits ||resc_nl_544 st-orb. lorcsantpleistocarrythettt patriots erased trtottt over Nittgrfs =- .1 o intritcrlistelyellerara-rd.'Andaoleanonly ' tn his vehicle I=.92_»=.t.I'i1tr-;- 0 7ourtjec-ture int. nib this reaealtlt. Bf- L and began to gure out §@Ul'l'll-52!:-st-eys_ to oet:=:;= rnl |- 9-- _ |_-___ _-s-_-_-9_ _ -1 I! 10" lnwitlylltlll--0!


sn "' 'Q-Q.~ --.. - -, .Ei&=r-1. 92 ' 92 ' -I . '-!~- '@='=;~':.~s~.-=~'~1"*-'~'1~+= an /-MdI. :'ml- N 1-P" _ L. u _', r Iv.» " -""92'-1'05""; Fr _.. W nu. u-' m~.'am' nu.'m um lomulnvolvdhl: pndllorié0 llnl ml: mar IIII Ill the '-:-=--'=:=%a---'6 _ lhulr an all I'll hip rodnlor can will -.....--'~'--,,...... : Ice Dmulmant numarina; ya Int at hulls I'll Ice In Alba-92Lahlrlarluwhlchhandlol hill! -g 'been ma Involved In haul, .. lgallon ol than -Dr. lhnr llonlollh. Ill |n|l= 92 cnthubaail mauovqral J w 1 ...... "~ ~- a no iuucu ¢' wed crulléovcrnmcnt vou __ lllgl Indian! projonaa, an no tor-ro- llllllill Mugs Tcarilllrllllll by thi Inulllhllonu. they bury tho carculu lmundlllm ~4- ly and an uluclant to dhcull what hlnptnnd. Evan lholrdlll -._ _1§:;__3__ __ nlull to |o nut tho GIIOIIIOI. .,._---_ .,- - nu. -|92,|l| u92rl.r Ill] . 1,-§u|.m_nm: land area nmllnun in lhqsquare mil: aw; aL:u!c!92_ing '!un:!v_u.ue 1.9 nan I79 II?lhn mutilation: Uultnd begun lamaaround I010. The LI



IF! v

UH &§1I'anu ii|-III". IIIMG §.g,;uhnou|un donllurlwlllnl ,,*--unahlolonllwill ¥'%%_."&".-5.'.£"" . 5'1" "To lulu Ni

ms-$1»:°"""»-W bl tlli Illa! tlol _ Ill clllllll InunodhlI- 13$- uly and an nluount92odheu»_ P. -'£'-'6u'::.{¢|92ulr '.'=' annals It-h:ho vl _ magmaamxams -" vnrvalhu Dr llonloltll. UM Ital been lnvallgallng the attach since '1' Any when we?! had u the beilm llid lndlnnl have .. mmluuon um have also had ml I_'him ol actually eeing . UFO sightings." manned Gabe ,.,.J||||. an vuivrun N I. lplwllhllll Hand and unlpadf -- O Al-I-nu -0 .1 '

mm . . '.; ' *:5+=¥-Q -ii



FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ENCLOSURE COVER SHEET #0//7744 / susxncnjj 647145 War/~97-/0,0 S_ EILE: /foaf-/§§/cc? 5, _ 11*?" SECTION, / OF / I




., .


i. - . - i!~-= - ,". ¢ __._§b :9 -_JY'; __,,-

J Airtel . .- -

_rI92'-v- :1 n "'1"! 3/12/7 9 - To: 3 - Albuquerque_ E? 3§é D 1 - J. E. Smith ._ .-we-.-4 -,--.. From:rector, D ii!??? FBI ?v;L,w -=':~ i . 1» ex? ' ' _'>_ I 5-23; -_..._ ; CL Iggy orU,-._.-....¢-_-;; " I 7 1- :r» it 92~OO:; Albuquerque? H ' M" ' ' ,1-|-,--,»--fa -_ A/L Re Bureau eirtel to Albuquerque, 3/6/79. 51$- . Enclosed for the Albuquerque Division is a'package II-"'=*-"-.-12 containing numerous documents from the Department of Justice %g3%= concerning captioned matter. It is forwarded for the information of the Albuquerque Division. ' Enclosure -

---9-_ --'; 4.5 .- ":7. II :4 =._ .|-.._

.-5' s,~.,4a 1?

!- _=="_._._=,|Z 3. if?:'- 92-,' n-Pi '- .i- ;. 5 -EC-5.9..

»~"-e;--;'' 5gun- / n I15-ll //?z//WY?/ 1 _ '_I 11 Anoc.Dir._.__i .:r,_.__., _-_. . -D '8-';'i2;t'"' me, B mo 11.5 F .- o mm 1:; ' 1919 I C111.Hm. hr. i .._i___ O ' n inn!!! KG -'i.._ llhll.

LegalLebellhq Con._...... _ ~ i,._ vj Flu. I lnsp. ...__ Ru. Hglli...i ,. ' Tool. Sana....i ».T£;'."1I|.T|t_ "1979'=F1R _ ._ .,_._....__-._.wL~-,_,.._._;......... _ I

ii Y I OFFICE OF Tn: A1"rc:=.ss1 G: e;=u._ _.---....1'.:-.. ._._ .1'.'-!-" . I - -'=";_- .'---_-._ --,_.. -' ' '.».:.-. .. . _ - V ---. . _ ,-"-,"92-Q 1". 1" -.-. '9. __..-'.-__~.--. - - _- I92_._-'7. -Em-__,;'i .".== 0 --'- -.,_ I "JR _ .__,_ "f~t.';§,:_-92r_:-sf>T. _,_.__ __._. V & ,1 Q ' 0

-. 'L52. -5. u,I I If H:

~ ¢ i%.+w/== I w % " 5% 2; @.§»:i*%.::/2<1z*@.<. I 7 - _

I! .1 , A

- "- -A _"-' wt"-Q"92- J Q Llitgj} .0 ii!/.

.31 L iwfs F ;»:J.-' .'"!.- 45.25..-'. 4 Q3- _ 11. -Q2;

E _. _..-. 2 ~ .4 __ _ . __ .; . >_'_ 1'

.-in J!-. ' 353-";&-a 3""- -n. 3/'3/I 3'-fa-f J if _ ... __92g--H- - I I


. . 1 _ L!

- S9!- .; ... - -5% January 10, 1979 ii--:5

'1».- "_,_- -91; Q12?-L; '

Honorable Harrison E6 sohmitt United S tates Senate t*2"? _ 1'?-1' 1251 DSOB J M WI H.-HM".l ; ten!!! Washington, D.C. 2q0lO ' I-Z7--' '92 . --, .J _-_.1~ Dear Senator Schmitt: -: _. As I told you over the telephone yesterday, I have asked Philip Heymann, head of the Criminal Division, to look into our jurisdiction over the cattle mutilation -;;_-. .-J problem with which you are concerned. We will be in touch with you at an early date.

J.T wnglnh ;_Q= 5- 3;;-I I111!§I'!-|'Q- 92_5; ,;92,, §,,.92"J.-92-92 92-92.-5J-we-go .»92....92..c::n1+- 1::-92...... -...-.-_.-...... "1 "l','.'!-"1 _.._... existence of one of the strangest phenomenon: _ .;-,-.11Q §'_.';'l '-';§-;'-:1 -3-'*-_-'.'-T51warn regards. --J-._ -. '-5-_"_r.:"'i

Sincerely, 1'-.' J, '. s

Griffin B. Bell -A

. P :63 -'#-"' bcc: w/materials to Terry Adamson _ A/ay Calamaro Phil Hevmenn Please have someone look into this matter at an early da '!--e. Y Sen,M$ch@itt is our freind an there have.been about 60 I mutilations in New Mexico in recent_____._L .._.l__L1__ montns. g_aP kc-Inn g$?un •·h'\R;liSO:J SCHMIT> " to;~V. w tltiC:O C. •.. C:C~~ ""ll"TCE CN CO,.. .. IEAC:E.. :OCUi.!'>C:i": .. AND TFIAI'oSPOI'cTATIOI't

C:~~-<.~HTTC<:ON I!A~t<.t-.11:0 .. "'ou.;.,,..;:; .. A!'-.0 URBAN .r.FFAII'IS WASHINCTON, D.C. 20510

DeceniDer 21, 1978

...... The Honorable Griffin B. Bell Attorney General _.. Department of Justice ")...... ' lOth and Constitution Avenue, .... --· .. lolashington, D.C. 20530 =:-- . .1'A_ . Dear Nr. Attorney Generalt 0... 1 -sr.

During the past several ~'ears; ranc~1e:s throughout the i\es t including my home state of Ne~.; Nexico, have been victimized by a series of cattle mutilations. As a result, these ranchers have as a group and individually sufferec serious economic losses.

These mysterious killings have been the subject of at least twv articles in natio::1yl publications, copies of \-Thich are enclosed. }tr. Cockburn's article in the December 1975 issue of :sql:ire states that there ltad been a federal investigation into this matter, but it ~.;as d::oopped. t·':r. Cod>.burn implies the investigation may have been tcrminat~d beca~se cattle mutilation per ~ is not a federal off,ensa.

\·::tile an individual cattl~ r.mtil:'\tion rnay not be a federal ~.' offense, I am very concerned at what appears to be a continued pattern of an organized interstate criminal activity. Therefore, ~.~·~~'- I am requesting that the Justice Department re-examine its jurisdiction in thi~ area with respect to the possible reopening of this investigation.

Enclosed are copies of my files on this subject. While awaiting what will hopefully be a favorable reply, I shall continue to gather materials that could be of help in such an investigation. If you nee~ further information in studying this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, _4._:_ Harrison Schmitt

HS: jri / Enclosures !./ 1 0



» :' 1: +_ " r ~ 7 r~ r o .__ . _ _ _ ' _._ -- I SUBJECT 1 'CORRE'SPONDENCE - SJ;-INATOR SCHMITT _. - . viwé J'u1.Y_1s, 197: 1. LIVESTOCK I-1U'1ILATIONS! ' D


TD _ 1 - CAPTAIN _CHARL_I'f. P. ANAYA. *T"5"T°" or New Mexico State Police . MAJOR M. S: cunvet J- Espanola, New Mexico-P _ 00.

:____ ._.,. Dear Captain: ' ' i? we are in receipt of correspondence from the Honorablef -e Harrison Schmitt, State Senator, and Mr. Manuel S. Gomez, Dulce, New Mexico regarding livestock mutilations in - . -,_ Rio Arriba County for the past two years. " -;._.,1-IQ1-.. . -.¢92 r Kindly instruct Officer Gabe Valdez to submit copies of _.,-» all his reports concerning this matter to this office; in order that we may'forward them to Senator Schmitt's office. '

Very truly yours, _ ..._, '';--,1 MARTINE. VIGIL, DIRECTOR I _ _-

W. J.. LI.-OCK, CHIEF " Unifo ed Bureau » State Police Division . Criminal Justice Department , .%%. ¢¢= File]. __ ' ,' _ The Honorable Harrison Schmitt, State Senator ' MEV/WJB/cl § - ' '

ATTACHMENTS: ' I I ., . '.

, 0 I - -

mcrosuma - ron LETTER DAT!-§_D Aususr Ia, ".1976, To I-IR. wmusr.-s'. lcowgz .

I. i -r - " ,_,__--1 r_,f:i'-'.:~._ .- 1' ~¢, .- _"-_ _--l.--4.-1 '= -.1 _ -'.- '__- _-< - 1 -. w - J 55

, ix

*1 92'l Elnitsb SwansIrpartmrut of fustice ?i P j ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL > 9 i.zc:s:.:cnv: AFFAERS 92 L I ' January 3, 1978 -

v J 1 92

TO: Criminal Division

,:.. 4-! On December 29, 1978, John Ryan, 4 Schmitts administrative assistant, oa11n_-.-_ OLA -_--- -._-as----_--3 racarinc +hp ---- _-----_ q+a+ns 0F -_ this matter. OLA only received this correspondence yesterday but we have learned that the Senator has personally discussed this matter with the Attorney General. The AG agreed to have someone in the Criminal Division look into this matter to determine whether or not ' there is any statutory basis for J. federal intervention.

-i >_| i 1 _| r1

I V . r" ' 7 * I ' ______1u.-;-:- -. - us. n - .- . go|-r - "'-?.-= tr.-1 °-5_ . . '-""""' . F-_¢ nl-oer. '-1.. ; is -0-0"-.--r-"" _..».- _ l

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.:- ._e ~ _ ntlmrr; :_ 1- e eegs-.-1'-.-,. 4i _ g ' I ._ Q I I 2-'-veg""'92r - . _ 'fa_

Crrrne__ D U! »$@$§~Z%EIEi¬ ~ Rippers of the range -- ¥IIi'1npro.v¢Y<3T1m -_ 1" .».- ,92-j,J1"F".-A-a-l_n-T-;1;r:: -1-rk,+;.-.1 1 - "'1 o I 92.' . I I 1 I . I I'92 W B 1 0 - '

,-,. ,1 -_ s 'so often happens with capitation of a goat in Topanga Can- 92 crime, it's a question of yon. Five years later the question l ._ '_. _4,;I;;_-Q- Q... _.. ' ._ viewpoint, really. Given seemed to be whether excised animal IF:-_-. "Sh .-'.f"§?f! I5 '""5: _: the rate of human slaugh- p'a'rts had, so to speak, become part l ~x*_h __;'_.'__F ,,. & I -"-*- ter in any large American of the currency of satanic groups; l city, it might not seem too important whether a sliced cowis tongue was , that between April and September of now an essential part of the ritual- this year 129 cattle were mutilated in ist's working equipment. 1 the state of Colorado. As a matter of So far, after some investigation, fact, in 1974, there were about 3,750.- Sanders has found nothing to con- ii?" '. .1.-.>=.~' 000 cattle grazing in Colorado and nect the tongue from Sacramento é around 37,000 of these died of natu- with the mutilation: in the Midwest. 1; g;%./- . ral causes, so we are not talking But he did, in the course of a drive about an event of prime importance across the country, nd himself stand- *~~ 1 to the ranching business. ing in the oice ofthe sheriff of But no rancher in Colorado is tak- Elbert County, Colorado, looking at a gig-i 1*ing this comfortable view of the mat- Polaroid photograph. It showed a _. 9 _ ter. What the ranchers dislike is the cow with its udder bag and rectum idea of driving across their pastures removed. The cow had been pregnant and nding. as one did last August, and the photograph also showed s ,2-Eagle 2% a dead bull with its pepis, rectum, 1 in - ii - 1 testicles, tongue and an eye excised l - :-;i. _ l with surgical deitness and absolutely - at-ii-E- no trace visible of the surgeon or ll I'D l surgeons involved. . ' . - __ - Over the past couple of years, hun- Q... dreds of such mutilation" have oc- I |".-'.?il,g"i3.3,-Q:-"P",¬._p,u-g'J._f§'.XI"'-'4-92 92- .,.-"- curred in Colorado, Minnesota, Ne- -':"'l'_--,' -.;'r.=92-.e--+-_-'~=E- :6, E 3-"-1; 1&1 __?.;£'§1."_|.¢.. braska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, - ., .1» South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico 92 ; . _:7""»'_-.r- - .- ,-- --- ' r." I ' ,' . ','v ov J ' and Texas. In fact, if you follow this i .' I *5 - 92' 1 kind of thing. You may have noticed ;92' _92§-. __ A the odd item in the newspapers about 92 i t qt ' the cattle-cutting craze. I'd seen such ~ - . I-' J 1 items myself but not taken too much i '-' _-gr-~ _ _--.. L -!_ 3-.-=:_n':r '.-,1" T;-5 " '-3. J"-._ I ;iof an interest till my good friend Ed Sanders told me last fall that some ii 2 .r_¢_.- -»- "re ' I-..l*-"*l._->.ii§+;-,?-?1T

and with the tip of its nose, its without leaving evidence of a pump- mutilation is not, as a spokesman in II tongue. left ear, udder and vagina all ing machine, c! make the neat sur- the Justice Department stiffly in- I removed with a knife. And on and gical incisions that were used to re- formed me. a federal offense. Flick-l on, from Texas to Colorado to Mon- move organs and extremities, or d! inger became involved because three tana. Behind them the mutilators al- teleport so as to be able to perform prisoners in federal institutions sud- 3 a-ays leavecounty sheriffs and.!!et- two such operations on the same denly wrote to various authorities erinarians saying they have never night, hundreds of miles apart." announcing that not only did they seen anything like it before, and local It would be interesting to know know the satanic cult practicing the 3 authorities on black ritual discours- what Bonewits would consider the mutilations, but that this same group i ing on the importance of always talents of a professional; but he was had compiled a "death list" of in-l l using fresh warm blood, if drinking right in thinking that at one point tended assassination victims. Among the stuff is called for. federal and state investigators did the alleged targets were Senator Hu- l A survey of newsclips and other think that occultists were involved. bert Humphrey and a federal judge literature on cattle mutilation seems For a time. indeed, they thought a ip Minneapolis. '~_. to indicate that the whole business solution to the great mutilation wave The U.S. attorney in Minneapolis, started with the mysterious death of was at hand. Robert Renner, put A.T.F.s Flick- Snippy. Snippy wm s horse whose Early in 1'.!'i4,e student at Kilgore inger on the case because, ashe put mutilated body was found on a ranch Junior College in Texas wrote a it to me, "We thought it was the only near --Alamosa, Colorado, eight years paper on 'fThe Sons of Satan," which agency freewheeling enough really to ago. Snippys throat had been cut and contained detailed descriptions of do something." The informants con- l esh from the head and neck re- how this group would mutilate cattle tinned to pour out their stories: moved. Also removed were Snippys between midnight and sunrise. The small city near the Gulf Coast would brain and stomach. Snippys owner ritual would be completed just as have its water deliberately poisoned; . was convinced that his horse had sunlight started to lter down on the two people in another Texas town; been "zapped by a ." animal through the branches of a would suffer dismemberrnent in the Snippys bones may still be viewed in tree. In the absence of trees, the near future.Just enoughof the in-Q the museum at Adams State College adept: would hold a branch over the formants' storieschecked out to cause t in Alamusa. beast and proceed as usual with this Elickinger and investigators in sev- U.F.0.'s arestill being blamed for substitute.! ' eral states to continue the hunt for the cattle mutilations. Some students The teacherat KilgoreJunior Col-- the allegedly .four-hundred-strong of the craze simply see no other ex- lege was sufliciently revolted by the band of rich cattle-mutilating satan- planation. Carl Whiteside, of the theme's detailsto destroy it forth- ists. Reputed leaders of the group in Colorado Bureau of Investigation, with. The student said he had heard Tegcas were polygraphed. All survived evidently felt it necessary to contest the story from a friend familiar with such examinations. One of the claims this hypothesis, since he told me seri- the satanlsts. An English professor was that the group was escalating ously, We do not feel these people from Pennsylvania told John lllalzeig from animal to human mutilations have any magical quality that puts of the Fort Wort].-. Star-Telegram and police earnestly scanned all cases them in the realm of the supernatural that he was familiar with the Sons of ritualistic murders that occurred. or some alien planet civilization. of Satan group. had some of its morn- Fliclcinger himself was threatened The occupants of U.F.O.'shave not bers in his class, and had seen some and his door claubed with blood. - so far appeared to refute slanderous girls who'dcut o'their ngers and Sometime in the summer of this allegations about their attitude pieces of their ears and things like year the federal investigation came toward terrestrial livestock. People that." Their primary thrill, he to an abrupt end. All that a person associated with occult groups, on the added, was to eat their own flesh. in the Justice Department associated other hand, have been vehemently All this information was passed on with the case would tell me was, We trying to distance themselves from to Don Flickinger, an Alcohol, To- were looking into alleged threats to the unknown slicers. Back at the bacco and Firearms agent in Minne- elected ofticials from the same type start of the year, after twenty-three apolis. Early this year Flickinger be- of people involved in cattle mutila- mutilations in Texas, a self-professed came the main federal investigator tions and we were unable to come up witch in Dallas told a local reporter of the mutilation phenomenon, for with anything at all. This was not she thought they were the work of somewhat bizarre reasons. Cattle particularly illuminating, but John a satanist group from Fort Worth." These Texas cattle had been drained of their blood, which the witch _ moor PRICE thought was consonant with satanic l addiction to blood. They give.witch- Oscar Pricedied witho hunk of steakin his rhroot, craft a bad name, she added. 1 l A writer in Gnostico. was even dining among friends at Top of 21, o restaurant '-, I. for people on top of it off. His friend: thought ' more alarmed. "Despite the obvious J 0 iiloglcality of it, said Isaac Bone- II . him Ialighing,then mildlymied, red-faced - wits, a former member of the Church or his wife, whosoiled herpotato andmissed hisgoing. of Satan, "the favorite theory right, now among state and federal investi- Where shelives new on top of o hill!, gators is that occultists of some sort she wondersabout choking.This ison days are involved. This of course is sheer when rocksshift placeand daisiesare spineless scapegoating, since only a rank ama- with west wind or their bucks. She watches birds, teur would believe it possible to get usable psychic energy out of such how ycarcherstake loadand orelgone. mutilations, and a rank amateur - It is frightening: all this shifting andbending would not be able to a! levitate so" and ying. The thing obou: choking, too. l -I "R linen ha 'n.Jon-inf; np ,1;-Hy She mirsrs Oscar, she Mys. "92

liialceig at the Fort Worth Stor-ToIe- plain the large number of U.F.0. srms.... The thing that gro-in hadalso beenreceiving letters sightings in the affected states. .- and frightening to them is from two of the informants--com Cynics say that small predators body can get onto their ri victed armed robbers in the Marion are responsible for many of the al- actually cut up an animal federal prisonand was able to con- leged mutilations. This may some- no trace. What we're afraid clude that the -federal investigators times be the case, but Carl White- we are going to have a ho had. become convinced that the in- sirle, the Colorado Bureau of Investi- 01-Ir hands. A person runs o formants were putting out a lot of gation ollicer, told me that out of all wanders onto a ranch and l l bogus information in an attempt to the dead animals sent to the veteri- thing you know these peopl get moved to prisons from which it nary school at Colorado State Uni- spooked become involved i J would be easier for them to escape. versity six were fresh enough to be der." This view was strengthened by the amenable to autopsy. One had been So be careful about road s fact that all three informants had in- the victim of a predator, ve had time you drive around the 1 deed made escape attempts. denitely been mutilated by humans. states. Ed Sanders, who is a Thus ended federal involvement in In all cases, he added, the animals an, told me that one of thei the investigation of cattle mutila- had died of natural causes and the driving around mutilation i tions and thus also ended the last mutilations had occurred post-mor- was seeing trucks trundling convincing series oi leads anyone has whicn he said produced curious to orthodox slaughter. You yet come up with. ' questions: Are the cattle being steak for a lifetime and ntil. ; , _What are we left with?-In the hun- - killedand mutilated by the same peo- titted over the fate of one dreds of cases of cattle mutilations, ple, or do the mutilators oome upon Whose organs have been slice no one has ever been seen at or near them and do the cutting?" unknown cow molesters. It: the scene of the crime. No trace of Out of all the investigations only ironic tension between homi l the perpetrators-footprints, car one clue has emerged. In the late tistics versus humdrum deat tracks or even evidence of the use of summer a Colorado rancher found a roads. As I said at the stal helicopters-has ever been detected. blue plastic valise on his land. In it question of viewpoint. Criml Many ranchers believe that heli- were a cow'stongue, an ear and n what you care to see. copters have been used, partly be- scalpel. - And how to solve the ca cause a large number or sightings oi" l The day I spoke wiih. Whiteside he jolly All.-F. ofeial told roe unidentied helicopters have been re- had just returned from a meeting of swer is to get two guys dr ported, partly because it seems this threehundred ranchers in Kiowa, as a bull with specially large is the only form of transport allow- Elbert County. Elbert County suf- stand them on the range an ing easy access to remote rangeland. fered sixty-three cases of mutilation It could work, I suppose, bu! l Some investigators believe that such over the summer. Whitesirle said the see that the. investigators an furtive use of helicopters would ex- ranchers were literally up in deeper tt B -iii ;-3: ..p-----.-_-_.- -..-- ... ----....*__* % .-__ I...... '.._.-.'_.'-.....-. "The Sporlables are seven brand-new black and while television sels lrom RCA-featuring twomodels withbattery packsbuill righl into lheirbases. Pullthe _ olug on eilher ACIDC model and you'llslill gel up to four hour'sof greal viewing. _7 1.-nwnavnw5 MI . An advancedVHF tunerhelps keepthe pictureclear almostevery-.-.-here goes. "3 it _ + ..-5.9 See theentire HCAline. includingthe indoor"Sponables" AConly! Sghd St3te']'92/ - . with thesame greatpicture andsound. Nowshowing atyour RCADealer. _ /':3 R. '"-- Gate-IO""*,; vnr -as .- '2 -'. g 1-. _-'-".~1 " " _ _ _ ' .__-y- e 1= ,. ' ' i . <5 _ *- .. "."*""'="E-="~-¥= " - _ --- - . g _~.-F-'-i:5-'1.92 .' _-j - _- _ E -__-_ 92 J ._.:-_;§?;;:-.:-__'___-:- - -92 4- s I. £I_*li_ _ - -5-1-_1 1'7"o -i - -* g L ' h _§ ~r-.'. __; ' . - -__ H %_ . _ . - _h. & -. ... 92- . E. - Z Q ' S -Y J _.; -- . I .*;-.. L ¢- , _~% - H_£_ 1? . ;.- -__-__,__ __~: _ . -7:; v 4 ;__. -i-_--. _,_;;_'_. __ ,;3.- . l -t£§~.':'. -.'1.£_" 7'?-'-G. '.. _ _ I ' L -. . . ._- terry?! . 1*.-.15":- "-=.-- =_-.1 ga I .1" 4,! -lb.- --mi .-if ' -= - --r--T-1.45 -I-"' -s -- 410/I-t. -' .~; "' - - -1? . _ H -' "."1- -'-. ~u -in--I-_'_w4' -4? c -:-5+- i . R .. -' ""~=_"-- -47 It ., -1._ . 5"?! 1 _ I -'-';"r'--:.. ll in: 3'if - _- -{Ii/ii :' .. .I5. _. 'r -=-*;~ .~ ~ ~- .-r- - ' "='T;;5- ' "1.- - _ L . . -~:- ' _- " - -' it ~;--r.-- "- 'el aw? '-. . _--'1' '-' 3&5. ---7"-.> l .5 5. - ' I Y - ' "-- - - - :2'.§'bu ~ " ~. '1' - ...___,._____. I.l,- , --.. . ~ '.,_.____._____hIIIl!Vp|||92o||.. -_ . i- . "_-. --i--_;_ -.,_. 0-, - _.._ 1 _ _ __?.._._.:~ _-_.J-__92_V:.:-I-,I..,_.,:_:r- - - _- ,-;_.I _"- I-_ _._ V_ . _ i '' Qt- ""'v n- ; ".-. -92.."I'.-; £5 _92_ -- -, __ ' '-Q . ~ _ . ,1. -' -- §-'. - .-, _ -_-. . _ ;:.I'_ . . _: ' - .- _| ___ - . . - ; _ - -_- e - ':-. -- ._ l ,-H:1»- . I n *-_-3. _ O 92-5} __ _._ .r~ .. _ gas, . "92 _- |-. -- ' - 1 i---_ V, . -- "-- -. .. - -Ix. _ .- *~ - ".-- - =. 1r .1; IQ, ~ saints;_, _ ,_ -*7-.=E'§--~ . . -.. » . :..f_'{-."-"'3' -1 i--'0-1-'751=l. . - .-~. -_ ':- - .'.. ": a$L- 3': 1;; _._92_/-' a-Ir v. ~45: .J 1-r'43.3-1;, H; 1,. s._kl-OJ-. ~-L' - ,- ' F It0,3-__ I _ v 6 {__. -T :5 -. air., U _ .;-g. , .,, H 4 _ _ ~ --' _ a __ -, . rm-'r.n'm.:. ;'n'-;P.i.:.~s." -* .__ _'

roost .4 them adopted a w:titL.-.1-seeP.ilSTEl'tlES: . ;;|;i||,,t.-_ And sortie of the Stateside fugi- tive; l|;ttl |grmvn do92vnri|tht paranoid ni- The Midnigitt Marauder ter years on the lam. "l low do I know J.rizarre events. hlany pr-rs]-It-_ |m|;,," "mg they won't lock me up and put me back Each clay, just hr-lore dusk. ranchers Sltll" oi the 92ir.'liIns were hint-t;_ _92.,;5,;.-1,; in the Army?" asked a diehard dcserter and iarmllands pile into pickup tmeks that's oi witt-hcralt rnoy lt;t92't' in New York. and fan out across the rolling prairie oi done the foul deeds. It ;-mitt} I. ,,,m,._ Wlren the Clemency Board-lteadcd nortlteastern Nebraska. They park mostly one setting up a fertility cult oi _92|7|||r- hy an outspoken critic of the war, iot- on ridges or hilltops. where they can kind, says llichard Thill, a Genitou- rnrr New York Sen. Charles Coodell scan the pastures and the narrow roads studies professor at the l.lniver_92'ite oi lu-ttins its worlr, some oi the resistors that wind through them. With rilies and l92'tlJla§l< who teaches noncredit w-iteh- fears may be eased. Coodcll's dovish shotguns leaning against their trucks, the cralt courses, "or it could be someone 92-icws will be holstercd by those of other men watch nervously. smoking cigarettes putting you on. If they are putting you hoard members, including National Ur- and talking with each other over a net- on, they are pretty sick. A icw residents ban League director Vernon E. Iordan tvorlr of citizen's-band radios. Some of report sighting strange creatures re- and the ltev. Theodore llesburglt, res- the men will stand guard all night, yet sembling bears and gorillas. and at least ident of Notre Dame and a former lieadnone of them really knows what he is one Ianner claims that a shiny UFO oi the U.S. Civil lli 'hts Commission. looking fur. "I've never seen anything landed in a eld where a slaughtered Inc panelistsclirarly have animal was later iound. some very diilicult problems _ _- -_ _. - . -, .-.- .. --A_. 5.-. - .1 -.~_.-.. ttusttrrs: Still others think the killings aln:.1dweigl1ing, for example, _ may he the work of marijuana srnu|.'.- time served in iailagainst time . . --1 glers, who supposedly use scarchligl|t- owéd lor alternate service, or '._,'._ T7 . equigpecl helicopters to han-est the wild hattle honors against time spentr - "".l§§:Tl.lstan s of pot known to grow in Ne- AWOL. And the board con- -. --' - '1' - h-taska.. A helicopter olten has been seen tained some hawltish tnemhers . _' '"ii '. -'lint-ering over the range around the time who might oppose leniency, in- ' oi a mutilation, and some ranchers swear cltrdirn: retired Marine Corps. they have ht-en chased down lonely Gen. Lewis Walt and james roads by choppers. llclicuplers are also Ma!-e, executive director of said to have ln:t'n used in cattle rustling, Paralyzed Veterans of America. and some stoeknten think the mstlers Stiil, the Ford plan had the vir- may be eollectintt blood and organs as tue oi all compromises. Said lures ior cattle grazirn: on the open lh-slmrglr: "As long as Nixon range this iall. I was in, these guys could rot as As the tension rnountetl, law-enlorce- iar as he was concerned. It's ment ollicials held statewide r.1n|h.-renr:es the tlitierence between tm TEL?K n to silt the accounts and to calm the tille- chance and some chance. toting cattlernen. They organized a posse for a iruitless scan.-h of the area. The plot this-kt-ned when autopsies were conduct- ed on some of the dead animals. The it-EDIANS: doctors reported that most oi the animals had died oi natural causes, such as hac- terial infections and kidney disease, or Blazing Saddles from stvallowing nil that had her-n dropped on the range. Aiterwarrl, the lt didn't look like tnut-l' of a medical reports r.-nnclnt.led, the ear- hnrrh-r crossing. The sign by the easses were chewed lay predator coy- side of the road merely dc- ?_"I'92''1mi otes, wolves, lruzzards, eagles or even |n:nnlerl :1 10-cent toll from pars- - magpics. ing motorists, most oi whom . _" I i.r='-"1-1-1-"'.b Cuts: The esplanatien doesn't suit ev- sli-_!n't even stop. But the rnili- -F eryone. 92.92'hy didn't we notice this sort oi taut Knntenai Indians manning thing in other years?" asks one skeptic. the roadside picket lines outside Tilt: prfdaltlrs are not wolves," irtisti Ilonncrs Ferry, Idaho, weren't W arpotlf: Tribearnon soliciting tolls u Senator Burhach. "Tin-_v are a sern_irlo- kidding. After years oi fnistra- nu.-stieatcd, two-legged animal called tinn trying to deal with fashington, the like this," says State. Sen. Inles Bor- man. Noting that many oi the cuts 6? mernhers oi the Kootcnai tribe linally bach, who has represented Knox County seemed to have been done with a blade, lost patience last week and declared war for eighteen years." "Folks are almost Cord:-n Gruher, an organizer of the pa- on the United Statcsby registered mail. hysterical. trols, remarked: I've rt to see a coyote Their challenge _was delivered in o Since last May, more than 100 cattle who can chew a straight edge. letter to President Ford demanding a have been found dead and grucsomely Some olhcials are beginning to worry 128.000-acre reservation, plus as mnch mutilated in Nebraska, Kansas and . that the real danger is not some ghostly IQ .... vlinq Q1IIIQIIIUII0 ...:tl:.... I92JI I... r-I-.-.t lllllall I-....I lBII92.l |'l._IIIY b92lI'BI mum.-=II fl ._.n It-slrn ...... -gnnrinu-rr|:92n'e . fnrrn ...... n ..n.s:...aI '1"hotel-.r-r, hot the keyed-up vigilante: rnent had paid for in 1962 at the rate oi Madison, Neh., a cow was killed with n themselves. After two slugs pierced the 36 cents an acre. To hack it up, they lrlnnt instnnnent last Innc and her udder canopy of a utilit!'-mntpaiiy helicopter threatened to lax white homeowners and sexual organs were cnt o|'l'. Wlren a chec -ing power lines, the Neliraska Na- and businesses squatting on their ancient veterinarian examined the corpse, he tional Guard ordered its helicopter pilots tribal lands. Idaho's Gov. Cecil Andrus found that all of the animal's blood had to cruise cross-country at hitther altitudes sent in GD lawmen to keep the highways heen drained. On the nearhy ranch of than usual-lzenerall - 2,000 feet instead clear, hut tensions soon eased. The Bu- 92'em Stringliehl, a month-old hull call of 1,000-to avoid heing fired upon lay re.nt of Indian Mlairs invited tribal lead- was clubbed to death. Its blood was frightened ranch hmnls. "1 would hale r.-rs to lvegin negotiations, and the citi- drained oil, too. and someone cut a to think what would lrapprn," a Guard 7.1-ns of Banners Ferry relaxed. The hole in the call s side, removing the spokesman told hit:92t's92921-:t:I;'s 9292'illiam Indians have told us that they don't want intestines rind coiling them neatly nestSchmidt, ii one oi our pilots was forced a war," said one syrnpatlrctic hmal. They to put iiiiii a disalrlrrl chopper in a know it's ton|:lI for ti? people to get o re- Rumor and anxiety have prodnecd a Ea!-lure at niglit. Stnnt~rnn' n|i_eht get action from 92i'ashin;:tnn, D.C." o host of unpmvcd thr-_ories to explain the ilh-d." 32 - A Neusweek. §rplr-ruin-r 30, 191'-I

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I I ' . ...-.----92-.- ""v"'."P*' 5'" 921l/Kxllzilai v is E'i¬OV_&3?¬¬1.lI1Dulce. 4 Area I Q. f . . II - .'~* Joalrn-al Special £1 ' - . F I 92 ' I 92_.. 0 .-.'-Ki .' H. '_ ' , . I F~¢. BUlL'l:1 -- fl mvtilaied cow -- iho - sovemh in the urea rim :.r -- hm elonwlzrero. PIo.l>cl£ov'Z-.1 tho cattle ma.__Tho_m__ut!lulon pcpurrod on .-41? alrlilzod 'lm-ra tho iiiiiifi iirini io Mifludl uoma: ranch, In I pmur! H'- born foundnear Dulce nun Sula Po-night, when to n scclualzd mm, mulll llcc nrllcor soy: Ian boltovnn ho hm mllu o.ut_oI DuJoa.- Congo: ha la: lured and rcturntd lo tho pazturo. I four coma to mutllnlom alnow 197$.-=. suud ¢.-vld:ncolho c:.l|I:: om lacing "You could tell whom mm clampsmorn havebeen 1 total of 10 mul"llI- tramponcd nlmvller: for tho mutila- or vim woro'atuched," ha aald. "I en om and tho corcmzs rc-zm-wad lo tho- lion: in the ma u:-lo: tho pm mo yam. '.--I _ . . '.' ' nnl|on1n'. homo pmuro: tho suns 'ihaulllvo :5. I _h my don thol: _ . . worh sfmwlzero, ; . "92 I '' Ropaoiedlmstfntéd in mom 'l: to-' .' "-_-,. fro»; fvnlit he uld, was lyllng on ill unravel ha mutilation cam. lam.-.=_ olaho --2. -. T-iuroday aid ha inward: to ::=an'.b<':' ':. .92:-;|- I'-~.-| i'1;;§'iiili3i and ihcri noevidence 0 'Ibo camuu of tho most recent rnu1l- ~'o o stnlgglo. Only a minimal amount mono! tho Gomucatzlc "to m I .' loll-an was dh:co'n:n'.d Had nwlay. Thu of bimxl ma near lb-.1 body. they an octnix marked in my ml tho; I 92:cl|£er and rm rcamm of :1 4-{mar-olcl- wzm um tho n:llmo!: vortal.-nocan ha lglemll :'-lled lo "oI-' mognlcos 0. "I -r Hcroford cow had t-cor. mvoro-.I, and 1: were broken. ' l - Hosold Q round lolootbt in Alba:-92' pardon of tho low:-r llp was mlhalnz quorquo ll auomblln I dnlco to, .'I!mrrdoy I.fI£I'llO-C!{,- a' Paris, 70.21:,I oumlno Lilo cmll. "W:' got tho hmi.-= In-,m1;,w¢ ggglgmn, 1;" mum. ,_:nm'ot lnvo:tlaa1or|- m:on:ly--- In 1 oorrii-and run than lhrouuh tho-_, Iloa oocumd Mummy night. On aha -1-1'°92m¥UQ PPPIIP-"*"l'-'-W"!!! _11*?1'92E:~;;o1:oo;or_lzu:o Inn! zoo ll we on ilré, anma daze oncuyl ycm mo, n car ""=¢"¢~1 l|l1"J"3llWl "W t fl" I31! anything.-Vnldc: uld. -Ho u-ld ommu: 1| norm nl lnyutorlcuo lacks P~¥1!@=l¢¢ 5'?»-'1" -- '1"_l3'1!! D1-llf 10 expects to condo-:_: the oI}>¢rim~._,- -gm 111m-,-mg in 13.; _1,-.;,,_ 33715;-o." .+:xn.|ulm:_tho alto and loo carc:n;"' nugiwggk. "I "" ' ' - Ila: officer Gab: ielslez mid the mr caurlatnwcch 92v.1:?o.v.o!¢|I wlLhl|151:1J '_,'..§... I ' ll" __ . -- -'-I Q lmls of v.-l'::ro tho aw-cos: was found '0 l,n1l|::1l7cs.w._ !|||I' _ I . ° vl- I. mg,, Waldo; ooh! he zouid oo! ole»:-:m D- mutllatlrrn, track:In ll: nor mm ofcol.-kl Ur: he h!om.ay flml my nl. 15.0-3" ht _-92 l _ ' -' -"';"l-'l',h;¢-*5,-?;,.,;.'-_,'I I. ' ofgrrlnulcftbyzhogmzzllnlml cow. " 0 -' 1 I 0 H . vi D I , . !a' ouamlnlnu lhlf cu-'cn.ra,_"Jsal'dox"| > mill hr l'0'.|mE {Ml tho l-.'-it imnt 10;; and the loll rear mg lead been !r:ncn:1":11. I-1: um ho coulrl clc-::ly__, nor-zolwz !r.~:'e1:1o!loua in ¢4 I llooh1. "I our tho frocturoa, and ho l>~:l!ov:-:1. my =.-1-ra left by clam-go mash-.-d to . the :nlmnl's legs. , '1 ~ ___ _w_h__E1 _ ____=__"_____§______'5_"F;u_E'_;_Qs__:'___ '__ _ llVF_~_'__________inf___.I.E_____an__.O__I_r____1|..D.'I_I____:__;_____ik_U_J:"cmQM_"_".____{_,"_.___~__"___md______°Q____z___.:____$_'____________ Q______3___n_:"_H______L1II'_Imuwv¢%*MkmmFnmj£mEkM_HmhMj!wM%&wmMmww&h_5 W; MW R JM? hm ml mm &¢CC m E __ i P. : 35 I-I. am _bkI___A____.____ Jtiww _:m2_m&%E 5.! db_ _hm_hw&"_9V_£_L@ "m_____h{A__u_m_;L__u_m______r_£_M"__mAu_F____£-__-B.____"__i'%*__i1 _ _ a_ Mmmi"pa___s,_m___%£2m@ ItQ t m!m Mh R__h_E__m _ __W___r BP _m 3 r h__ __U_ I .__ C-I T_Q AMu___hd______ $4_n m___ ém _ __B -i_'__ mm__ '______C__ aQ 2 S_ ____ _5 _ _ %3 ___WW _v____ aa _mL van W U4 rm_ @h_w ___Q5n%hJ 5 av __h WM I __S____M____"_ _: ___6__,J:I: _h__ :1»__I_I______"_"_____r__q"I?up&&kD_&nm_?H$_ L? {F__Im___"_v_i_____.__ $_n__ __u____h__?&_Fw¢Luv________mimt:_"___:;_m__§__ ___m_$ __F:"____°_____ab_____mB_ Q__1_:______m______U_I______:_LKL_T_'_wF__M_m____M_d______IfK__%___f__H 5 Hmm?_¢AmC £_ jmm_nmqM___7n_*______GEH__________~_____l_I'|.____._VUl__4H_¢'__:-A114"1'-__g2:____3______.__'i______:_. 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I t '-r QI It 'IlI III In - 92_--...... - . --~~v-:~-P92;':5.-"_'92'~. '. a.-'2.-I.l:I_-J-'-T l 92Mtttiiut uw 1stE1scuv;@mt1.mDt11_c,e Area' " 4 .- -."-"I . . - ' Juurmtpecial - etunwtmru. tIa.bcllov'Qsthe csttlaare 5 The mutlhttcnbccurred .-» DULCI5-- A mutthted --92.I.'the utrtttze-1-= thu tram ptuturp liustnz ttte}1.-tertuel Gamaram-=, : tapa. I0':t~..':t?tthe nrcn um in cu: -- has night, takento 1:aocludttt arae.mutt- miles ustpt Du1co.- GorgasIt-u twat-nfound mm Dulcean .1. Stats P0- lnt-zdrcturnad and the to paztlm. I four cattleto mutilation:an 19 Ilcc utrtcur my: ha batten:3 ho tun "You wutdtctt whentime ctantpu'1'1u:r¢beau1 total have of 10 mutt}:- found ¢;vt:t:nco_tt::: mt helm; or vim wura'atuc'r.ed."raid. "I 1:1 ha uon: tntha am durum tbspm m tn.-mptmct-.t ntnewhcr: for the mutila- p::tlI;!92-0dq they theirwork setnawhcuyum. aw.t t Q . '.' t!-ms andttzt theto Alan. Q ' t 1 ' - u F , ' Raputedtytrum-utidtn mum '1: 5' untrnalahontu pantunuttw sum nut. Th-é i:'uw,he aatd,wt", tying on Its -unravelmuttlutitm the Vgldat cam, I I right min and um-I em are cvtden-..e nurudty uld he lntcndl to membt: 'camusl '11:-2 at that mnstmeant mutt- of n stnaentn.Onfc mtntmtunuunt ' at btmttmt: r.-ear thebody. mo-atthe nanhnmnomriggalttto at uuckltt a "tn =1 tatitm wasdtncnv-:-red satay.We-J Thu tsdtltr andth: mztttmcf a 4-yum-old- Vaidez 'uld thn mutual!vembm =nn*t>§'1§:<=q=1ti'»3°_i':§_1! -; _t.hs_:1.:.rk1_:ced.,-r Hatufor-1 cowtwd t-cuv.'s.-mtatt,anda wen: broken. - J - Ha anild'0 t|i';;d'i'1é:t»tt§ti.'tt't1,t;¢'-31:;-; partlon ctum tuwnrHp waa mt:-sing quorquu tuunmhtln a davtcu to- _'t1sur:dny5 mm. afterr-oc, Tun, oumtnacmll. "Wilt lhu get thnhm}: tloaIn-mt! ow.-5:».-1 atmMurmure.stLm-ntu Onmutt!» night.tha the-1-1°'mf»<'.1Q ..'92l=m'0f invtrlllttl-IOYJfvllltt--'-In -- 1 mrril-and F'°*-,9'""E!*£?*Allt-£§DI':.~:aqutp;~u';!t92gtppdrun tau than5!!tttxoutth _lt can Hpi 11%|. iama dateuiaetii I yam age,it car- 1'i?=¢==iiiii tiviiifilttii Hit mi mytl92tng,".-VamnHa aid. I---~92'.: cm amn u-utter: <11 mrmzrtuuamm PHI lbftvl !'¢='-rt-- tii-"*3!I-7'1|¢¢ expect: 1°= onductto t :x~pe§"92_1tthe virrro sttncottt-adin tha tmcr. t~Zt:.I-9Pu-" -#1"mm" _ "Wt W ""5 "W F rc 311- ' twzttmk.'f '" ' " itu: officur Gab: la!-:l-*2mid mu ur- I - In can thiswee: wit:twjntcd 92'rlt't:I.nEBB -Q-Q ' ~- u . ' ' 0 1 " ''.I< 3,-.-trdnn tt|:'1-"76when cm-.1. of c:m:~::sthe " tuumt wan' t ~ ' . , :'l?'_. I Q | '| u cg. Vqldgz he s;sIricngtd mt_¢'.1{:2m'nny in-:1: In Inn amt ct tit: Movtiay "tttxttt I I -I I tmnttuttvm, nurco'..~I:1 |".n:t a~ny_ hetw- '' '"'1-"J ': -'-in-'._'Z' "}:"-T:"».@-- 0.'plitt{IItTH3,'lhu_It'ttttlt:'.{¢921-92 - co-.:. - 0 . . I -92.-_;tr _. -.-. . AI _- . . ' . ' ' ' I . ¢ In onamtntnqthn r.arca.t:"'J:tdcsI I-alt!ht found that thu !':-ittmttt let; and the left rear 1-er; trad but-n t'r;1¢t1:r:-at.eald hoHe could clc-arty pct-::1'm lnduutt.'.tutt:in I511:-!.t::h,_"'_ 0 nazr t2"-:1ftuurcren, .1r.d,ho b92:It2m1l my um left by clatnpa attsshcztto the :s:!mnt'1tcgt. _ vnlpp imp hm nu-. -I.-. -1 .._| I I ~ . " _ L!

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n _ : 1 92: . -J -!:'-"";':_p::é£-Jy.-1-:¥:fpI"-: _. '. '.- -. - ¢-n _1- =1 -' ,f_i __-1' ' '_92--.--P 1' _ F R§ai'Eéiéé ¬m§'s Féiihé egg. Euice . -.-ll. .'-2, x.. -- _.. - I if '_ _§='1a= ms m: m=j='»_*Q-.;.-1-1e '3'.-5:5 " =5: =1"-.'=.~.---3*'~ - ' -- ' . a n:-:mi$: rad.-is!-I A;-.aE.:.92 ,3 ::m:::-ne z=.-4;: =-¢-.-_.-a-==-.@r- " _ -. -. -. zaz.-n'hr:3 emu" cvcr gmd a: 0:»: ti-1:: 'bfmho C,-Md Lu £9 can h:_st~:=adi:ai:z-uimarbuine.--.._ i .. .-o_ -. - -.-__. '.._. I . - ¢ , - - 1-» 4 I_ .-_,, _1 .... _ _ __ _ ¢_ . - '0. ma: ozm-41 Ca: v.-.:='== _P-ejsgh Trio! J'ica:-GL1 Trial F-alice zzidfourcaas ware fyznid Friday -' .3-.228 -:"£,1> 2-1- ______J __,., 92,_g= . r- :.xr:: 13 £25-:1 r~":""-cstr Ik!-can -:4;-.4. -- IL-35 .,.. _U L»-: :.-...u:-J -,_ C1-In -, L-.',;..,¢,;;-., tb: 33::.riIJ1 9- ¢'»;u¢-2:1; I _ - . -. -' '4-'_-$5-I :2, ":-if 3 if - I ' ' .n.-p¢- _.._ in-rs 92=-are k/-'-:::i-=-T , Q - -"-t1=:.~ ar_...... -"1': .n:cz1:x"_-1 oa.:o:'r=nmut£!'_+- l.:.£ir9:-ruzlorgzans __tvc,g-.z=sc92_::uut._ __' ' _ _ 1:221»: 3;--_= 1' ' _ - 9 - 92 ei nr.i'.'n-.5afoaadazasingleTh; inert}: animahraso-.-.-iaad b'y"" 2;-_c::..'i=a. -- _ yhlsa, I -1&1 4-.='! asin '--:3=. 01':-:2 m=;:;'3¢:~§:=u. -3 92_l-. -- c.z.:'¢5, -- u--..-_.. 4-..u s92¢'.~:..'-r u 5 f--hC.1E.'_§ _ 2._m::-:J:':{.-a--.-: cg-5»: ~;:¢.: <1-.:ad.". .- 'F!: s-.i<1Lha.tthz!~;<;:::"== cna S:=n:r::.=y !rz_n=_';bI In I __ T1:-: 23:12 cf IL-:' :~:-5.-.~..z1 1'~:..- c! cattle. fcsuzd tr.-xiii 1: 1~.:.~=i 2:-rrca b'.=.'-raid is: 1?-in D"-:1-5*: 1-"it: s5a:cA,r;n?. - _f '. - %} lo; - - -- ,1; '.....j".- -..._._. 4

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October 16, 1978

Hr. Manuel 5. Gomez -ll General Delivery? ii i i _ .....1:_~! Dulce, New Mexico 87528 --. : 1: -'-'- '-R; Dear Manuel: _ ._.. This letter is with further reference to the livestock mutilations that have been plaguing northern Eew Mexico and southern Colorado ranchers in recent months.

Enclosed is a letter from Chief Martin E. Vigil, Director of the New Mexico State Police, written in response to "y inquiry on your behalf. Enclosed also are copies of all the m" ion reports pre- pared by Officer Gabe Valdez.


Officer Valdez has assuredcme that his investigation is continuing, 3! but so far has developed no positive leads as to the identity of -.1 1I the mutilatorés!. Please he assured that I will stay in touch with the State Police, and will contact you again if any new information becomes available. '

.ice, ane please don't e of further assistance Thnnl-eEl-I ll92lI-I-an &ll& f92!92!'92f92'r'l'92'rr92 blddl hesitate to contact my office a 4:- ,- Is.



Harrison Schmitt I A v ._.__..._... .____._ .._ ...._.._ .. _ _ ...... ___-.___u._l______._____._.i..ii.i.t...__.....__.___._i._._i_.._

no ~ . I _ kl}ii _ 5 _'';. - || . sr/we OF NEWMEXICO "J"'..2i.:17-1'?»V *7 CRIMI192AL' 'JUSTICE DEPARTMENTL r 7 7 NEW MEXICO stare POLICE --.K' .2. '92.-"--V 3'-4»- JERRY APODACA, GOVERNOR ' ' .

-* ..,=_,,"''. SEC-I-£IAl'l'ma. cu/igtts2. ascxmztt, _ I 1Adminisli-alive Service:Division P0" Qml| 1 Coireclionsy Division 5"" "iii! ij Criminal JusliceSupport Division " -'»»uFr. N" Hr-i New MexicoSM: Police U95] 1"" Adult Parole Board I _ $1-

Juvenile PnoleBoard _ i organizedCrime PreventionCommission PUNI2 Dlftfldlf ' iliqwwi _- ~ ' it A5'n¢n

. _ . _',_' res? --ui

.-_._r. ..;4 The Honorable Harrison Schmitt . "7 _- U. S. Senator for New Mexico l A~...- . 92_. 1251 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20510 i Dear Senator Schmitt:

.92 92_.,-- _-- N 92 Pursuant to your correspondence, datedJuly 10, 1978, regardinga request ." ..:n1v-'- from Mr.Manuel S.Gomez ofDulce, NewMexico, for a governmentinvestigation -; ' rs;'.. <4 - _ - of the mysteriouslivestock mutilationswhich haveplagued RioArriba County . .._ _ . _ .* E. :1 for the past two years, attached hereto kindly find official Ned MexicoState .,*' O Police Offense/Incident Reportssubmitted byOfficer GabeValdez, together -. "1 _ and whatever disposition you deemappropriate. .92..n¢s L Trusting the information is satisfactory, I remain r 92 -92 .- Verywith trulyreports yours,from membersof the New MexicoLivestock - Board,for your informat: P I ' - ,,_ 92-l ~ a,- it - I Q __ . .,, CH I E» ~ , - 92'_g|. ' New Mexico State Police . l

. 1'7? . I-'-.14 our <4 M.EV:WJB:j1

92 I u H: ' " ' y 92 l I _ . ' ° ENCLOSURES¥AGES! 6 LETTERFOR DATEDOCTOBER 1978, 16,TO MR. MANUEL-S. GOMEZ _ . , - . - ' u 92 . ' v - ' 0 . ' . _ 92 :!

"' I -'.""--,'a-I 92 . - F" .___ _,-i[.l-I|[_.}"" ' 1'10: ~ : LL»-l92a.|.Ua'92 ~ .UU.92;J*1 ,__ :DATE: August 1975 . _ - ONNER:- Jiwmy Wall 13 miles South and 1% miles Nest of Portales, N 0 ANIMAL DESCRIPTIQN:- Calf _ - 92 Posxrxon DATE'urea; kquxo-;n;_ -august ;:.-.;~- °- -..I.':g;;-_-,=-i.-.. 2a, 192$ '- _;_-;'-1-~_-_-_-;.. .______'______'__ _ . ' Q = .'92PJ M eORCANS#TAKEN:*$vu1vaihudders,Lutrén_hornsLptermida1:§o1o§jv-. , -.4 . J~I.;92An-I--|- -1-n-' I ._p_ A I - TRACK EVIDENCE: None _ _ _ - . INSPECTOR: Lloyd Newman ' ' ' ". _ ._ ;-s-,.7:_o. ' C /e / _pATE: SEPTEMEER 9. 1975 M WH_ ,;,;__,",MM;, j - 5,2 OHNER: Alva A. Simpson, Jr. - Abiquiu, New Mexico w ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Bull, hereford ' _ = ' - DATE DIED: Between 5:30pm August 30, and 8;30pm August 31, 1975 P" V I __,V. POSITION FOUND IN: Right side V ~. -- . - _'-:*oecemsuxaxzneE§séz@:ee£;§§£is}5¥ééEee5 ' ;4 as TRACK EVIDENCE: Wet ground and_an elbow imprint was found' , INSPECTOR: Pat Archuleta ,- ' . . '

_Q§IE:.m9§§[email protected],Wl975. mmmm ea"-., C 0w*" _ Hark Crowther, Sanford, Colorado -. TIGN: Bull DATE DIED: October 4, 1975 . POSITION FOUND IN: - _ - -

I ORGANS_TAKEN: tongue'cut out, half of left ear cot off, testicles, Q A} H 3 nu TL; I-Ii»

' - Rpepis and rectum had been removed.- TRACK EVIDENCE: _There was heir on logs and brush, also several trees ' about three inches in diameter had been broken down ,, _ where_it appeared he had been down prior to his den L? INSPECTOR: Paul B. Riley -? - . _ ' _

DATE: October 11, 1975 -_.-_ ' - .QW3ER?MmYiY8iQ3TYF°¢k,9.5PriP8¬F1VN?Vm¥§¥i?Qm,_ o, ' ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Cdw m -J H'H' mmmu DATE Di; ctober 11,'1975 _ 'ros1T10n Fotnn IN: ' .. ", ," 4 '§" -. ' "i- - ORGAN5 TAKENE_ Left eye picked out, the=baQhad been cut-out includin; i f= _ r 1 ' pmlh: uctoour LL, A7IJ . . rif?/2_ 0 . I OWNER:_ SamBritt - 33 miles West of Clayton, New Hexico k$IHAL DESCRIPTION: Hereford bull, 3 years, 1600-1500 lbs. ' DATE DIED: 36-48 hours before October-11, - . POSITION rouxn1§= Right side _ _' ' ORCANS TAKzx=5s§.?sE'£$¬h:5,E"i5'¢-his;11_-_¢¢.:9m _ TRACK EVIDENCE:-None stated I-1'92" ' INSPECTOR: Frank Best _ -

DATE: October 13, 1975 _ OWNER: Alvin Stocton - Raton, New Hexico , .-_,i_ _,.._92_ AEIMAL DESCRIPTION:Bull " , _ '!-'-'~. _:_=t=;. DATE DIED: October ll, 1975 - In ¢-.., POSITION FOUND IN: Right side ' ' 0RGANS_TAKENvi%Scrotum}?testicles, peniéiand end of sheathfi- e5} '-6 TRACK EVIDENCE: Only those made by Mr. Stocton, Sheriff Grubilnik, % ~ -- _. and Ben Wooten ' I INSPECTOR: Ben Wooten' ¢ ' .

._ _-.. DATE: October 15, 1975 _ _'-r,-i-4 I-i. OWNER: W. F. Martin - Springer, New Mexico . ,,,, u ANIMAL ntscnzprron; Black bull Q.l .___|.. . % DATE DIED: October 15, 1975 ' ' u ¢ 0 .'-r POSITION FOUND IN=' - I- ORGANS TAKENSRectum, pEni§, testicles _ TRACK EVIDENCE: None stateo ' INSPECTOR:L HaroldGilbert _' 0

DATE: October 18, 1975 ' - OWNER: RockRanch Nara Vieq,New Mexico G _ -'1 ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Black angus cow _ -#41; , .~y DATE DIED:'Found October16 had been dead sevento'eight days prior in POSITION FOUNDIN:' Layingon back I_-.. _ _ '_ . "_i ORGANS TAKEN:Rectum andvaginafi . TRACK EVIDEKCE:. None noted I INSPECTOR; eDwayne"Hasscy ' _ - ' , . ' '. - . ~ - '. ' _ ' __. _ 92- - _~ - _ ._ ' .- . - - _ _ , . . _

' 92 . ~ = U

.» bnIi:92 Uhctober' Zn, IUI5 - I . ' OWEER: Mark Crowcher - Sanford, Colorado ' , ANIMAL DESCRIPTION:Bull, registered DATE DIED: Had been dead three or four days POSITION FOUND IN:- . _ - ' ____,_ ...... _--._.¢_~4-92.-,,,_ s .,_...._ _ ...,h.,, ORCANS"TAKE$:§;TescicIeq;;Repi§,?§ectum;bgIso;popgue anq'1¢£gear TRACK EVIDENCE: Oply those of bull ,':-D ,-.1 -. ."_ INSPECTOR: Paul Riley ' '35}.1! _ 1. DATE: October 29, 1975 _ - _OZRER: _SemDunlap - Tpcumca:i,_New Mexico , Q-!:'_;:.: A§IMAL DESCRIPTION:Bull _ I ';i_;- -;*l;sé-- mere n1en=- October 29, 1975 ' . .--. POSITION FOUND IN: - I"512. 1; J2 " . v --'.-. _ ,-_-..._.,.- - -_.-- In-'.. _____--- _, ; -~--,- -... -. --»--_._ _ORGANSeTAKEN:;iSexuallprgansfandjtonguej -5;-'_ TRACK EVIDENCE: None stated _ INSPECTOR: D. F. Garnett

I DATE: November &, 1975 . QQMER; Robert Burn; - Nara Visa, New Mexico AKIMAL DESCRIETION: Cow, black angus - . DATE DIED: Had been dead six or seven days when found ee- POSITION FOUNDIN: Laying on back _ ORGANS;TAKEN:T;Se§eel anditongue'alsoofgens ear left .2 _ TRACK EVIDENCE: None specified - varmits had eatten on the animal INSPECTOR: D. F. Carnett _ . " A , ' - "-

DATE:- November5, 1975 :1 _- .

. _ _..|. OHNER; C, A, Ragland Tucumcgri, New Mexico ' . 92 --1.-92 m AIMAL_DESCRIPTION: Heifereelf, 450 lbs. -M news n1sn= Novembef 5; 1975 ' -- 92 :2;-B 1; . 92 POSITION FOUNDIN: ______;; ' ' '.__ _ __92,... ; 1:-"-i-.'l All prgens, begiskihned off, flesh gone f TRACK EVIDENCE:Nope stated _ _. D: INSPECTOR: D. F.'Garnett .: . _ 1 ... I __ . . -. - , ,. . Q 92 92 I -. Q i .1-;_l:.2 '|1UV -.!i"luui.'1.; LJJJ OWNER: Herman Riley - _ _ ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Black cow DATE DIED: November 11, 1975 POSITION FOUND IN; Right Side , . .-q-_ -. - --_-J. ORGANS 1§K£N;ggTongue;5g§e§6e§po§e¢! TRACK EVIDENCE: None r:sPscroR=' MelSedillo] Jr.

H? 92 DATE: November 11, 1975 - _ _ _ OWNER: Forrest Atchley - ' . ANIMAL DESCRIPTION:6 no 7 mo. old steer calf; bieck@obt1e faced, -' still on mother.- _ = . DATE DIED: November 8 or 9, 1975_ - . ,'_:l POSITION FOUND IN: . 9_ 0RcAns;TAx£N¢o5Roocod -- . 0 i Tnncx EVIDENCE:_ None noticed £52 INSPECTOR: Dwayne Massey _

DATE: 'November13, 1975 OHNER: OM & n Feed Lot -' -Q ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Yearling heifer j¬,'-592--- DATE DIED:Noyember-12, 1975

-:0 POSITION FOUND 1n=' Right side'- .| ORGANS_TAKEN:-Tdder and sexual organs qw- TRACK EVIDENCE: None _

§'i-¢:--P3 INSPECTOR: Bud Mc Adams a . FY DATE{ November 16, 1975 _ "¢ - OHNER; Bert Cox Quemado, New-Mexico ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: COW ' DATE DIED: October 24, 1975 - ' POSITION FOUND IN: Laying on back - 5 ORCANS_TAKEN:S j _None 7 TRACK EVIDENCE: None reported INSPECTOR: _Tom Wagner '._- . ' 0 . I . . , e ' .. .'_ I 1 n . 1 Q ! -1,- ., . Q OJ 2 'U:'92Ll::i January 4.!, ibru _ _ , _0HNER: Sam Criego - Pincada, New Mexico ' '1n1MAL DESCRIPTI03: Black Motley face DATE DIED: Decepber 26, 1975 _ POSITION FOUND IN: Left_sidc " . ' ORCARS3Ta§Dh; Cut all of the rectum, udder, two holes on jugler vei: . on right side, hole in between front legs, a little b; - i which looked like they might want to not to the heart Two holes on back in front of hip bones same size as I ones in neck, one to each side of spine right across, lookeo like they were made from_thc air while cow was standing up. ;§ll;se;ua1_or;ans,and'qdder;ppre,taken. TRACK EVIDENCE: "None except for bird tracks 'D!{ _' ~ -_' ' INSPECTOR: Pete B. Marez _ l ' ' -,

DATE: January 19, 1976 . . » '1-:,_7 OWNER: Dipper Cattle Company - Pintada, New Mexico ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Crossbred red motley face DATE DIED: December 19, 1975 ' " _ ;;% iii POSITION FOUND 1n= ref; side " oacaasrraxru=i¥A11e§E§haiZQ£§5s"and"idngua* TRACK EVIDENCE: Kone '

INSPECTOR: Pete B. Marez

DATE: February 14, 1976 ~ ~ QHDER: Rhea Bone * Eale; N9 MEXi¢° .|.-1 w-| ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: 2 yr, old CharloaisHereford heifer, 700 lbs. _ DATE DIED: Between February 11 and 13, 1976 ' ' r

fI POSITION FOUND IN: Back and left side '- I " 0RGANS~TAKEN;,QUdder:§ * '&}- »é raacr aV1nr&ca= Rained night before 11- 1esPecroe= Tom Bennett -* . -=_3_-3 s.~ 0 1* DATE: April 23, 1976 , - OWNER: Pete Gutierrez " Chilli. N?" N9Xi¢0 _

ANIMAL DESCRIPTIOH: Blue Roan Hare " DATE DIED; Night of April 22 or 23, 19?s - ; T PDSITION FOUND IN: 'Laying on her back ' ' -b ORCANS TAKEN:1?Dag"§rea:hnd_rectum-area . . ._ a< '.. "Kw '

G TRACK EVIDENCE: _Numerous track of coyotes or dog! in.evidence- IHSPECTOR: A; J. Gibbs " 1 e = '.' . '. - *~, ' 21 f I :

- ._/ I I O$TE;-19,." May Ldr! _92i OWNER: Sharp Ranch - Corona, New Mexico "P: ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Black angus bu11' 1976 ' _ - - n DATE n1£o= May 15, | POSITION FOUND IN: Left side on back E I ORCANS1TAKE?¬2§é§éi£1E§EE@m§yQq# TRACK EVIDENCE: None " I INSPECTOR: Claude Fostcr'

DATE: June 29, 1975 OWNER: TonyLamb - = _ ,., ; n-4 -. . ANIMAL-DESCRIPTION: Yearling steer DATE DIEDE 48 hours prior to date Q? PUSITION FOUND IN: Left side ORC§NS;IAKEN;;Rightfeaf*andright_eye;Qthe tongue, circle cut u ~ ';4out=at;his:navel}Fpenis"was gonef§and_he had also - - -. .*been cut around'his'rectum." -J'*' I 0 TRACK EVIDENCE: None statedi ' INSPECTOR: 'Haro1dGilbert ' 92

1% | _§ DATE: July 10, 1976 Q OWNER: _ ' ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Buffalo calf DATE DIED: July 10, 1916 j ..> POSITION FOUND IN: _ '

n ORGANS TAKEN:¬-Tongue,.testiclesand penis. Cut at the rectum, also gone was large intestine.' TRACK_EVIDENCE:A Ohite helocopter wasseen the morning of July r_; 3 DATE: July 1, 1976 ' ,_ ! OHNER:- Stanley Cisneror: Questa, NEW NQXiC0 I ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Solid red cow - pregnant I I DATE DIED: June 29 or June 36, 1976 A ' _ ...___.._.e-r__ ....v..,_.~...-.~._-nee---7 V--V-~ --

'. .,. J ; ¢~,e> . or gr-. Q/;_pATE: Augpet 24,-1976 . D J 0_'.~.'IER: Charles Linder, Hernandez, New Mexico ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: 3-5 month old Charloais bull calf DATE n1£n='August 21, 1976. - - .PosIr1pp_rouxn IN: Left side ' ' _oRcANs-TXxzxi3?Pén{§§§E¥EE§Ei¢;e;}E 92- . £5; ., . . I - . .__ _ TRACKEVIDENCE: None _ =- _ INSPECTOR: Jim Byrd I I _ 1 DA'lE.':_ Sepcember_8, 1976 ' I . A'_* -1 .- _w _ -Ql-BEER: ---P_acific Western Land Company C C C j _ - - . -,___. ANIMAL DESCRIPTION: Black cross bred steer calf, 4 mo. old __' ~1- 'DATE DIED: September 5 or 6, 1976 - - ' ' 7 K; _ POSITION FOUND IN: Left side ' '{.;; J".-.'U_'5 . .-._- T-1---_; ' ~--I1: "--."'|I-~-. '~,;- --, .__ =5-;._l.,. _-; 0RCANSI§'}TAKEi! Rec cum '-andi. tailjremoved TRACK EVIDENCE: .l92'0ne :_ _, _ _ . INSPECTOR: Gene Donohoe

':.-' -_.._ _ A _ -

13% _/D7:_P "' :-;S¬92-it-1 /T 7 7 ' . ' .5.

_ ' -i ;i C;-H_!;1.}é}~;_ 7'c;.H92_'].,_,t.¢@L,/7 <_¥.Cs>!4 21,/-'-1-47g. ._:'¢'.TH;.,J~;/Desc-H/H L1; re»! 1»<-// -;

E . .' -1197; [!F;@/--57Ln<Ȣ*1r'.' '

- P.,;Jz:.. ,1-¢..r-C 1» 1%? >?=/P e _ r 'C _ I £3 '.Q.;.?¢¢'r.'.a.'_,";_-___._.779-k;-I-.92'h3"" Sf-we / 'lQ=.='.7:¢..._!.,41~.¢.5 / ; 1 7-i1»¢.af¬ /5:/:30»-.c-P "- 7}92a1

.3?! 1:1::v.e.r 1'» /¢~-7""-57.h""""' "'""'r-A"Vr' . /-pa-¢=-72:» - _ ~ ""5¬ I 6*? _ .: 'z""e;'7 ' ... I 'I. 1- 2'9. I ,Z»...-Fm F-9//¢?_é-57 -"'i'_7' @"'7-7,-""~ *f"""*'.T?-:'.'.- ' " . , _ , - ~ V - . . - ._. '. 1 '-. - . ,- _ '92 1 S. " ;.i O!

"" MUTILATION REPORT INITALLYBY AEPoAn:0-A/<_>uJcA~r92_Uuvi~9 SQ_JU£MJ_Gator: 92,_QWu[_L92QV_ ~£ 1 . ANIMALDISCRIPTION Face. -92§_~J92-92r92[L9292vlQ_ C|¢}{>P¢;<__]¢,. oi -'mm Arum 92Ur°92_§92n'92men onwasJ J HUTILATEDru As Lie./uxsfalo Ac URATE POSSIBLE!? As 75~92~ 'ht 5- ,, . POSITIONIXNIMAL _k'AS WHENFIRS_T RI_G-HT SEENOR LEFTSIPE! LRJQLJ Jud _ ,1. 1'1 VII - ¢ _ .".2A. - - - was ANIMALHAS sasnLAST - '7/5*/75> ' ~ .! -» A _..n AP.EAs MuI1LATE0-RQQLJ92q OH20;. i__ "~. _v 92rQ'l£'92O92§Q_¬L.Q§!J"Qn°92J31:5 Ck-1' 9215 &U~Q92 |Q:Q_$Qvov-r92 -w ' omsmasTAKEN nsscmesIN DETAIL!- 0* °¢' ¢~{~5'o W-S geluvg A -TRACIlVIDE|ICE 92Eli92ICLE,mc.! AHIHAIII, A,-13- ]92..M_]C5 umns, LU ' I-an 92ob-E. 3,5ow .9. ,_ DISTANCEPUBLIC OH FRUHRESID'_|"'CE RUAD 7 @ 1'-A , cl I 7 5 Q_¬5 Y, U . 1"- __ v R°°~492-"7 c=.~ruL¬YcW92_ Tm Q? Y. " - ! ALHAYSPHOTOGRAPH TAKEcARcA-Q scams. OF AND - " £5 <é-veQ,

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L; : . - - A I ''- . - ' . I 2 - IF '0O ,,. . I" Cow ':-anal.»-um - rag; 1 _o.-1 cs-1:,-76 =-.-= L-3»-;J'i.'o:"-..i.~"&:1t-#21,? a=oo ;>.=. rm. annual Gomez, Dulce, :1. :~:. <=»=- ' Looted --2-1.. ,_t:-'.:: by public og-mrlce stating that be had found n zrcsa yen: 01¢ ecu-at his r.-each '..:hi:.:x ajap-::e.:.'a6 to have be:.~::~.~ zzztilntod arxl ti-mt E-.2 ~:.-@241 1-=1!-.-. I-I-P1.-7-I-llln 4'--Q--=|-.q- liluinl-l-& Q.-. i-l-I .-!,.-92..-1- 92---Y-#0 4.-.1... 5-llhl-I :1» cl-l-Q 1,1,-.3 'lln;un92-I-I35-B -..-,._ Q11-IVS-P1-Z-s92 ,,.'92...l,..-..l -Jib 1_92._.-9292I92..lm=-no r--L-,5-Q, I-QZIL u.'__.-!Ila-__ *4* _ 4 cm -elegy oi! sad tha: he would 1===><==¢.-1 t:.b=:-:0 5:00 41.2. on 05-35:-Y6. - ': - "'3. .4 'hri.'.:o1' cent-,::cl:.e_ 2-1-. llaul 211.-=y oi tho Z-2::-.1 Eiwico Cattle Snnit-I27 Boa.-:1 mad pg:-ace-.*§Io<1 no ti:o_ G<=§_2..': IL.-_':<_:3-1.. Up-0-.1_ :~.r>.'1'a:_921 at the, §_I;:.'--=9 ¢3>r-'11?-*~1 an-=1: 2.5.: oar? v:.=in'.=1.e tracks S!-..'"3:a msa of m. Gm.-_~z'o pick up. Sinca hi: ranch is locked up read Ea :==13r o.nt:.-znca 13 tiarough -:32 5.1:: used by :=r£..:a=':. J- At ti"-B ooeoe, '::1-L::c:: m-mi:-ed the can-or-as of a 3 31:. 01:1 U1:-ck U|1i.tcF.-zcml cos: Linda um: lying on .i.:'a :::L';E:t sidg. rim 3251: c..-12, tin tog;-4e, '-:.'::= utter, and the ':actn:.'x Emir; .:-sea r92'.::n:-92:<.-r.'l uizh vi-=::t.' npgse-arm} to bi: :3 ahnrp §.I:e=ci;.-Q Bo t-::~.-'_-an of blood mm left cm. 3-3:»: skin of ti-:e cc:-r. The hide on t:-ea u:uEzr:.c.1rh aide: oi :11: con was whit: no that 2;-otting o 111001 92s;:=:1=i I:m*-J been c-.-as-5.17 |."ar.c:==;o£!. Cake: ¢.':'vl:!enc92'= on the co.-r v:.~r =1 zstrsll paw-;b.1_.+~a on the b'=T-ant. 250 o;:1*<:: nv.=.c.c:=::a "ca: r.-'rdL=.=1-a as to causo oi '1..=1.1::."1. .-33; ¢-,-+ Ii'.r.'.'~:st£gn~:iou co-.:.:&1-_=-::1 z-a.-r-uzzci the .:-sea and ':=~:=:.=:?.e.-<1 rst 3 ;==:.p-;~c to-.1 J3iz.'i::2:'.1f1.'. -of s-.-ca L731: i:.':.1 1-::'~.:-er! brine, 1.c:rvi:.-5 &::ce r.:.;=1:l':2 pos.~!.- ' tic;-.a-& in :1 :r£..¢.-15-.1132: shape- Ibo iwgtez o£ r~...~.ui1 =3-ad pr!-at Uas 1-Q", Ibo pi.'£i:.'*.2t0r :.-:~u=...--:1 1.-5:: .-3::-2-:3 pod: 1::-3 113% ."I5'35§!. £:.=3.:x.-.=.:£::,=-; fro: the Us-7 11:.-::-.i:1.-_g-;:1 u-are ssnllat t..=".'..1agu1.':.r s1'..=p£.-.'. tripods 25 apart .1;-=3 4 in dis;--.2:zr.. luv-:s::Q:=L£c=1 at: the .:=1:r:r:a .1-Ewzn.-1 that res: :..:;'-all tr-.-.:_~;-is 51:11 1'.-;>1lc:.-r-.6_ the cow 2-':: :=1:p:92:c:-i:=92£'.a1y I»C-*3- '.ia':=-aka. of 1:114: -can 5'1>:'.:c-3 aha 3:-2:41 2:2-1331;-3 zznd fallen. 5.1-.-c»: small tripcd 92::'::cZ=:-. sr-:~:-.: .113. zrcm-.2-i the 6_ 92..v-rr ¢92¢-4'-9,vu-u-. "B-1-..:»-I- --u.--»-.n.-<.|- 1-I'1r7;.92v-..-vesI-Q92I'-Vb-Q n7n~;v;_1 -1-.-uh '!.-|-nQ-0--.1. r--92-ea. ;-.-.-'4...-a -'4-r-gu-92_-I 92.AI92- P-HA» -I-v-'Tv;92¢T-1 the ccsr, had been scm'.;:.-6,. Also :1 ;,r:=11m; oily cvabsnazco was 1=:,<-_:92;:.=-.1 5.1 -1.. two pl:-c-.-e.-:: uoésr ti:-a mall t'::.;>:v§s. !!.'lx1a :=u1>stm~.:.-a was .">1.='::n:!.t!'.e-.1 to ti:-0 State Polio: Lab- 1:11:-B was unable to detect 2:11-1: contn-at of tle r-u.b:!i:.=u>e-.,

5. szmgia of foe s-:3-st.-::».:<: 1:-as :~92';=§.t:% to 1: 7;;-in-ate 1:30 .::r'.5 1;?:c3- ware or.--;-Eula to :2n-alja: the su?:st.::-:2 Gus to the fact that it d£.s:.;>g>==..-='ra¢: or éissc-ntigr.-.'.L-ad ~> Skin :.::::p1.n=s 1:-e':::= .:na1y-sezi tr; aha 5:3-:0 Poiice Lab and the Eieéioal E:-.-==:.r:.'~.r'a -office. It was ...--.=;=c=:u=d tha::_ tho skin ha} hzea mi: with :1 sh.-xrp 1:'r.1.:."n:..*c.r:t- - r Ob: -17-76 x.-rite": c:zv.:.~.=i:c>¢1 -2: Fr. IE:-we-r=~.i :E:~a=: £{1.b=.':qcezg:-.=, TL ii. .,_' to 1:T."D".£&1i to tho sc:-r-no mal cc=:'xin=c".: :3 ::a=-Jzlastisn test. £11.: was 3 rL_-ya <92-ftu: the incident ha oocu.r.ed- His findings 1:-e.-m that .I!?JE!t1.-he bzipoxl - mrb mi in the s._-.==-aum .':-racks, tho ra-Jiai-ion la-ml was tar-2::-;> the :'~o'at92a1 backggrmm @1123- ii.-.-o. Bu-..goaas 1;-1ia.f£¬ai:iB'.=S =u:§~,v be ci~.2.c2=-aci as he is n retired aciantist £1-ca: Sandi; Lab, Aibrurgmrcquc, 11. H. It is the opinion oi this 'H1'1C"--.1 that ::.£Li_-=!:i.c:n fimiings are éelibarabaly being left at C110 sou.-1: to cuninsu i..'='=~rst'!,g:d:=:|=s-. --= _

" als-nice that the l'_l.'£.pO¢1 2:1.-.92-nfs had rota;-nod and Ia:-cve the Ieirear. Tripod zzwariss were 505.1211 over I-tr. GnInez'S tire trac.-c= of his origin.-:3. visit. 51:0 1=~£a car was in sac: when Br. Coma: first ound the

I . - . . . 0 . 0 ' 4 -1.41

*1. l r ha !

Q..: .. U § Cow Mutilation - Page 2

The cowshad a 3 month old calf which has not been located since the incident This appears strange since a small calf normally stajs around the mother -cow even_though theco-I is dead.

Writer has conducted an intensive investigation into approximately 23 cattle l'|'IJti13tl.OlT3have which been reported in the state of iiew Hexico within the last 16 months. They all carry the sane pattern. Also during this investi- gation writer has been able to determine that on one of the mutilated cows which occured in ew Mexico, a 111$ dosage of Atropine insecticidetlis ana- lysed in the blood system. This substance is a tranquiling drug. The ' I-Os Alamos Scientific Research Laboratory has conducted a necropsy on -I several animals including a buffalo, which revealed that the n'n.ima1s . .- ~ had been highly infected with Black Leg. .6- . =-- .1- 3--5-F? I I:-"Is Investigation has also revealed that on all cattle radiations .- ~ - I occured in New Mexico and surrounding states, that the object o - .d.p _ lotions has been the lymph node system. .1. . -- 1 1. ,,* 2 .e__-'q"* ' Tnis writer has been assisting Sheriff ?.e.1: Braves, Logan County , Sterling I .h_}____,H-1.-..._ - . Colorado. Samples from Logan Couzrqr mutilated cows were lrrought by this writer to be analysed by thrcelprivate chemists, as it appears that the Coverrtsent associated laboritorics are not reporng complete findings. i The substance which was on the cow mutilated in Logan County! was zszalysed as containing an ion exchange resin and Vitamin B12. Writer is working with Sheriff Graves. due to the fact that Sheriff Graves has been ""2. unable to get cooperation from Colorado State University in the analysis of samples. These trips have been -made on writer's owntl.IZ-G and at his own expense. - I-Iritc-r hz": contacted several states where these mztilations mist over the 1600 mark. '

,-:3 During this period of investigation several theories have been thoroughly -Q checked out such as a "Satan. worshipers" group and pred£ ,tors. Both have been ruled out due to expertise and preciseness and the cost involved to conduct such n sophisticated and secretive operation. It should-also be noted that during the Spring _o£ 1971+ when a tremendous amount of cattle - were lost due to heavy snowfalls, the carcasses had been eaten by predcbtors. These carcasses did not resemble the carcasses of the mutilated cows.

5';1- -- Investigation has narrowed dodn to these theories which involve ! B:~:peri- 3.161 l mntal use of v1t_-min312 and ! The testing of the lymph node system. During this investigation an intensive study has been made of ! I-Feat is 1.5 '; involved in germ warfare testing, and the possible correlation _o£ these 3 _ gaotorgysten . warfaregem _ ~ testing,use of_Vitanin_B12a A ' Pitnf-_ _i_""°P_?_ Investigation is continuing onthis case. _ . _ - Respectfully snbmitted, I In 1' ' O] 92 1-.- ~. .' C-=t'tJ.o _:-'* z4u::_1=I*é1'==aa.E:n1a.. 92 3:5: -"aL__."'-.17_ .- -1 L _n-_|_-,__|, _ . _ . ,_-" I. _, 1.'.'.92.__IN. . ."---92_...Q .-. -- ._..1_ . 5 19; ADDRE.SS: ___'.'_'____,|» 3 - ' L. A _ _ . . _ * ' 302;. 15 Tlé ,._.:,,"E; -.. CON -.' .%__-_._ 3- I._ ._~,_" ,._,.:..., .- . Pancuer-1--'k _'__;_g____.._: I :3 _-L--. -. '

- 1 922_2.-E.mi-¢i1?;~i0;i '- . -;- :.':'_-T'.¢..'-92'-T1575.-.'!.7iI*:'§':LEi'§.='.f'rI;_'ZjTi!j_$5.-' 0__ne_!_ can-.19 _92V'1'Ti92?.SS____WAKTE.D:_§>Zz¢_a.~f:_.fsGSF£'CT_, " '""'- 5...,N; 5..., *7 * "-f"_.'-*-"'§".-:'!-..:'2' ..,_1;;_

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__--4 F A.'~I.AET-E_&BuhT*37TLw u5_-~L£Trrrz; j -, ______ I -w.wi-.'1Gni- f 5'0. .,,- 92 j_ s1. ST.-3',-cO"g_' I cuiiizuév T '-.iE92v£|.;<_~§ V *S:|1cIM.fg 7- . _ __._Poss. HCLQIVHIEQ ' J _;_v£mcLEs . --'-'_' --;, I 2 . ' s2.;n1-zcovzsiin - "-' I '_'_ " .- mibrzar".:.-. I I I SmI=n_ - S _ - S -- 3 : - . . 5 . '~'_- I , I Stolen Locally-Rcoovrl E} Rcconfgd I 3 ' _ S f éif I if f f i _ . : W S1n$c|!1_o¢:|3'~Recnve1_ -@--_ Z omgg Eouxnggg ilv, mono @535. - FliEAri>is* Sir 7 z i _ S *}Iou5Euor.o 7 * sun. oum-n===em Stolen - S ~ 3 5 _ In § Recérvered S . 5 7' 15 J, I H V -°' - _ - '1 .- -;- 7" ''----'_ _7 2-.. -.0 I -- --N:_ .~ - . ; - co.92'su?.i1.92nu=_s? fuvzsibcx T [1 'ro1uu. -;- |ss. D}921'EOF?E.92SEkEpR'fED 8 __- _! 8 Tgrusa }_-*7 - __ I , 4-24-75" - |7 1 k§:o|en_ I ' s *?I _ $_Sul=i1a=~=<> Lg -.» f "-W-T W _ _ 54.DATEREP §RTPREPAR.£ - . _ - _, - 1- w -..' J - --' >92-.._~_ .- - . .. -.'..a' ... .

--. . . 5-"1-5~§-9-.3-.~'»§U"*'*-*"5*14L351*?"' ,3-'-'='I-F. -"- ."~':'- 'U?_§:l4L92 E .1 ___ _ r k - _7 H l__ J _ - . - '-"... -.- - _T .;.. --- _- -... 7 f .T.°*'-.":_-,:;'* 1 - .. *? KW - - -_~ . _ __ *3 _ .. . .5?-F31--..-':=r=-1':_-1:aria-2¥:=.a:.;-.':-..= . - . '_ - g'_ .. __:;-:5 -i:_.-F'-. -0 ..__f_ -.-s. _- 5-an _. ya. - .--l-- __ ', .4-..-92 _: -, 9! .p_l -7 .. T1 _, -or . -Ir. -_ . 5» __ . -2 . P _ _ I- '_', ~ >=.-"J; ...:_ :'92' -_-_-7.:g-._ O $_-- ;: -;- -z.---- ,. ~ .'. - -|__.E-'=~'~~E=

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.; ., -... '"5§..'-.;-'3-'~-7-Z: .:-r_*.._-.-.*---- ..TE=.f-;,- -3--q?=1~Sqi§L*¥?3§T;f'.D .':1_,;".'L.T-w..-.-.:.- -1- _7=-P---1 §'-s9'"L§'EN:_r-41'RE?°RT' '15-1; .- '. :. =.- ':'-': 1" -5;.-I . ,- ='7.".PAG¬l-'3F2:'-_ r :3 - _ _,_ "I-~=.".r-92. .' * . "--.---' v: .-..-:- - -=- ;..------.:. ... - -- - .. .- _ . ... -8:3 inf-25_~?"5_*_31.'lf.;'7:3'}__B,EI. _c0nt:.7;1'.:?r-2:5. bf l"'.zm.'.a1 Q-:7:::e.:, :f!:'ii.§}7Duct " ; 4'- .I.- in Jan :12:-'é:a |:>_1d czas '1-llcrfor-Chz'::§1a!.s bull helocging to' 7 92- ¢- $-

- . ,_ _ - . - ' .-92_-_ , _ -__. ~- . -. - . I J. had a;f~..a-zcntly 'b_:=::: :=ut.i.L1tt::i.2-5-Lrxvttstigatitrn :.T'.:=u-:6 that t'.h£s' e1:n:c.n not-th 01:1 bull. " i .- -.-'92.-fr-77;. - '- . -F - . .77 -". _ . .. --. .. -- - .-.'T- -.; --- . 57 -- .. d¢.75rpe5 - b y some type of aircraft ::u:tI_1_-'_o.;.§".r.'.'. C ' G:::2z's irszzh hoi-.:-eé. :-.-gzproa-l.{:.':te1;='_6GO 92_-._ "11:. rec:-.:-.-.~_ - 7'a::a""r'£1;_-1?:-t='7f3a:§s?§iadJ bean with 5 sharp :1:-l"p:.-e<::I.a.e-:l"-.:st-""""----'=I' t:..' T""1:e.|, '

.-1", bun-n The" 5511- 5u===-.s=ié=1..~}-i.-=.=b1= t§=u'n-.'¢=; a::..":u:::1 5-5="!>:u-,'.=.~.-:="¢=3= _ 1- ' - _-1 __-_--_ WW - --- 0 - : ' :;:hz=.c"::.§tra;:"'=a.'s"i;ssL=;.1é tn 1i.ftzmB.__ 1c'.:¢'" '-_:~:r.x1...... :'-'5'];-':1c5 r;-.~'.<1'f§.':=a ti:

2*--_,. _ _ __. '71 .-Z . _'_ __.. _.-==£:=~.-=fg;;';.-I---:';_'-:z}<='z>'£=1'1;1 A éemi daa_;i '§=4.-' a:>.m':"5f:=:;'7 _ '.E"r1nt:=|'_f2:_2':-.-E1 in , -_-T .1 . _ _- . .__-. . -. "T * no-:".:Es 1535.7 I '1 1z£n;:!1'1£.:=.1I-..'-Y,_'I!'l.cs1:. 15-f.:!£.:£.5$aEur 2.-ax.-.:~.rI :?0o:p~:!:-:_:a-1-*4-I_ E1: :2-.1::i ' :- ff .

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_. .1.-.-,__ -L? __ .__ _-.{- _ ,- .______|____ , _ 10*! f::____ _ §:»'p;:_rj::1t..;' 1nl':u.¢_e:i 'to a;|_:.w-c r_::ga1'.rc':.-.Et_:.'_'Ih::- L-:1:-:i:1ts'appe.:_i:¢x! __ _.-... -:_.._.-__._.,..j..; .. , *_,;_l;_... _ .. K - _ _ bar quits 'i:_e-2&7 512:.-.:': t.-ac grcnn was dry .'3_:1c1 -lard and ant-.;-.92:b§.!:: ti;u track: fr-aw. the. .. - --- -_-31*" -" 7- * *...-"1 I - . _ - - - - ._ - -- 92-92_,. -_ .- .__-_ ".5: . -..-- _ ------.- - .- . .... '_-- .... --"-.-§:t---- -1-. - . . 5'2. car. 92-v'7Jl.'G , ?i.?>..""i31¢!'o---j.- -_ "."'.'.";-: -. .,- --. ; '.'-' - .i' - - 3.": '-. I . '- ' -- -- u . -'-1 __ -_ :_-..- ~-'-'- __ :?_ - '.-- 5-i-'-:-':_;1J-92:":"'_.,-3. -- _ _--.~- ~

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, -;;:r£_r1t_s'a;>_:;-cznxeci to have scrapad |:%:.-2' 3:-o~.1~.":r.I as they traved.-Q-"Ike liver F;-.d . -_.. - - -- ~ - -A ' -. -' ~ ' hen-:1: ;o.E _t~.__.s=anfmai zéaa rezzo-a-ed by 1-':ite1:.'; '3o£h the 111.-at :-:13 be-:7: v-are white =-;..- - * * * * * "' * " ii _ - " ":::3!92y-1i_:_3-nth @3213 11:5. 't.':e' tn:-1-are--axgd csnsiatyy of pea-uul: buttar_,_r';'I"aa }_:an:ua 32:»:

--' 'rich;-dratu-6 '1.1 :1: was taken ta the Lea Alamo: Iiedical-La°:>o=a:_o1-j" to bé .--.:'1a1_'}s:ai'

t.-er liver was taker: 2553 different I.-'riv...t._~'-= Iaboraicurics £5: e.l*.'a@':.i:al:io-':The1..-='sA1.= riff ______,,_.....___-___.______7 ,_,------_ nun:_ 1,-'-I-4921:92h I . .- - .7..""'.."-:17; l92.L'.l7.7_7' ._ :_.___, _ . ._f__. ;__ .;___ -_._ _ "" _ 1*» ' L --.174-:37-; '" [°"-/12;.{ :- - 7 __ '-;;m;.';,5=dc°_ Hun; sin;2; I %;;.:,- _.- _ _ _ 7 __Z-- §.1=|L¬.92n.maa E. _ A _ _» _ - --=;.___:- _. . .. _._-.-_...._;_..* =_*=* 1 - ~-I' . fl",-""!?-??§.?.¥'.?§""!¥Z'Z1-'5'5i§?"-F"?'' 125% ».~,_}_*¢.~:».=m.3_oF~..2 I3 - - 7 - . E;-='.-"---;-'.';'j-_a-',L_=.-; _."I..:I;.?I_jrz.==-- " - -'-Ff- :_.:-_- _ j_ _; - ".--;_.-.-'--__ _'

1[ .Ea-:1-1*.-_1"._.=1eg-;=""".1.l._ &:=£..*:2-c._ ___ sp-.21.-:i.-..._...- = fa-:..-:=E:-'-.....-"".:-.:h._....'--~=r _ __ =2-as-:-¢1t*a:92-;a7aa:'> 92


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- _, =.__;_... _ __ _sn0=-:17to ca-Etam =7f;~a-zanawo a:gn5Lscf71Eenc:.:i;:=d-:57 n1-as * . V - -- ' .'.... -'' s;-e<:ies".- Defirxitive classifinaticn was an: -.u.::u!e._ - -- _ 7 77 7- | ' ' 7 7 7 77 7 77 , . o - ' - r > 3. W"! was checkedazgalr.-.§ healthy"a £oo§ !.£v=:: 92;b@ skcnezla'd1j£q;-egg.

' - ':=.n:11at¢=:l3:.-n11's7 The 11*.-er. B611:liver containaa 51$ c£;'>5:e:'; glues tire phefpbcsznus;212:, a-né potaésifrn. I:7o7:_:.:gpin;.ft:.i.oafor thi.':.*co:=1it1:.-Q 1Q 3v;11,-:31, _ ' t':92u.P2B$2'nl;tiz.-4-.-..-;?7A:15 nicrobl 7 th:5'§7::§1>n1u1r75a|T|:1t.i7es77.'-27']:

1-. . __ _ 7 W WW7 _ I _ ._ 7. _____7 ___ _ Si 2';raI;c:1sb-3aée being,Lithhcld 1:-ut__1fcm-ugh cw-idencaLs £az.-i-::17'7t7:r7'1>*.-e:.1:-<:=:t.=.- _ _ . _ .- . . ,_ _ __ I ,..,' _- 0 - ,_ _ _ . __ _ 92_ _ _ n . . _ ~_ _ . _ _. - _ ,,. r -'-'7.__ macs o»..-I ti-es:-I:&=o::.'"...-szue.-2;Q 1:-111 be" :21c.-zs.e-d.'.'-F q t.:-.: £1.50 blccxl which ca-:22 hf; -of the _ _ -77 O -.55..»- 7- - 7 __7 .... 7 77--_777- 77777 7; -777-_ _ 7 ._J._|- 92- _ -._ __ 1'-.:§s<::I.t"==.z:1 uhan p14'.§s92n-:::ab1y~-92-I:-§3:_=.c=.113:=.1:s-11321;in coIor7.Iiiink -- .i'h.!s' blbaci did 1-m.l:c . L.-. _- . , _ - - _ -- 1.2;. i.I. --u --L " '0.,*.-' :i'I;==1:' bziazlc: <3.-:_y3.: so-aural 3'22hide. an Q1; _--=1i;-.;Lg.-1: 2:-i 52.1: ta 7..-.-c'~113.:-. 2 __

Q j.j - 'pape:.".l"fF1-e.si1m:!e-:neat'.h 1115:: time 92:a's.plrkish 1 21 color. 7A probable éxplainaiicn fc "_ - -._ -- - < . _,. 77 7 77 _. . . -._____ .. ._ _ ..7°;--7 .;_>£.nkish blood$.s7a'_ct>=tra1't-,1-2 r:-zdialzicrius-2,6 of 311.11. ta t1'.*.' _. ... U _, _ 1 . . _ . _ tint: cg.-»-::r:::__-':ec1_c=:-pu§<£I.e:17a*.~e7<.e.' jfha leaving -;:royc.rithe gala pin?-.L1¥17<::7:>1;:§..'37;92! f _ ''-' £i1=dir:<_;s70n7bLo|::d. ta:-:1'.co?.:»g;n-agativc are -:-ac.:ms:.-.oi the disa5..-:n1:=:.-.|':1ua&'-2:radia cf

'_' 7 17!; isbelieved chat typebf 1:;-diacicnis not imnaful to hm-s.'ma}a1t.mug,1::. 7-7 apprn-.~:i:92-are}?7 pecpla who visitad the ==1:11..-.:.-in-1;site ¢a:.':p1.aL1c& pf nausea and he.-;:1 .'_ Zane-Jet, this =1.-I.':.c1:his h 1:11 suchuyupt-."::a 2.£f:2'."IZchecking a.;>p::::<3.'.=mt:17' 11. until . u , 7 7 7 _ -7 - - . '77 - - - - - _ - . 92 *. . ;'_,

Iv. f - _ '7-7"77'1>.:_!77§::§1g'.;_¬:;:.§7:7-_=||¥:.¢ C7111: alts 12- throw.-:31!153- Ga7ne:.'.-: fa.-ant:5 ;:a;:d..7-I '~.**:£:1nlé":r7.1»§'se-anheard ;>z.s|:ur=.*"'n:e or 5131:: bull.was laaif9-:cn at up I- ' '__ H _- 3 wt-mo I5 -. - - --I ' v 7 ~ r , _~~, e 1 -, '-. . - .n. n'..u;nl..-I . _"'_.---..'_-_ .. ._.-_ - -I-.0 --.1 "~__- - . . :'_--- .- '-- I --3:1: , -1.-i-11': 5'.-'r Q; -Q .'-'- 5' . K -. ' E . _ l Iw_ -' c::1:3j;ateFo.t:i¢B r- - r.. --.'. .r-;_ __-'-,_-__=..@-1 __',-- -- '__ -._ -'..'- _-:...... _ - '1. '_'_ . " _'._.- . _ __ ' '_-_- . - - ;_._ 92, - -- K -x'-";--_--'-"-'~'.'- "*?...'.=_~!-_*-.' 0. .<"- 92 f -_=- .- . . ---__.._ "'..IFILENUMBER .. mk - . _ _. _.- -_ .'-'.:¥,-r- - _7 - 7 _ -- - _ - - .-0 ' - W ___ - -- --, _ _ -' _ - _ ' 4 "q'I- . ., _- -._- -. . -_ '. _ f. - -_-_=.'.~=_.4¢3;-:5-:;-- I Q I _,._'l.- - Es.;.on1cn~A1.!2£ronr-.~:»-1: , - -g _, _. ° I _- -'p---I - - . ,,_ Q - ' s.sum_|:_~.n;mvu. ' ' nzronr -T-.1---' '-o 1' 'Q ::_ _ =- ----"".._ , -- .- '.92 - _- .. , -.-. -.3---....r--:1-1~m==~ or.-=,.,..-; . ' .. -o-If ; _-0 I _ -_ -_ ,_... - - , 1.5-; ., .._| 0- :_.- v I _ . __._ __ "--... -134 . _ ,. _. _ 92 . _ __., u g_ ;:'f92;L*;>q921-;v:,;i-;'3I$arLinea..;:';;:'_::z,F5 'vi:a£L-1:13 his sun-is:-1:5: danrzicia Gc::::s_ brother Of Faun: -- I f j '17::-..:*.-L.-!'.'bc_;r6_éa :E-lying ai;'cr1_l'-i:'t.£n'ii1::t='-vi.'c5.'.;it:*_i': aE'vhe::e the nszilacad. bull ca-s; . _ . _ . I. O -1 ' - .._- _ - .¢._'_ -- - faced at- a{F?r=92:1'...n- rely-3:OO'a'.: an !>Z4-73..--r-_- qr" :*é- -.-'~-.'_ ' _ - ~. '..-- _=;..' -: .-=- q " W * __ _ _ *__ if - . _ V -ii r 7! W~.~._r , :- - - .,. '0-.'P."" .' .-'2 ..-.."'l"=v¢--._.._._ -l>'%.'-.1.-:=~_*1'z:'e Q.-are iéat-L441 cg 1;!-.'=: gr;-as £0-ms! 1: .2!-séinilgr 92_==1i_:11a' -4 1 -.: - "=1;-"pré:x:i:::a;::e1§;5"J.'3 Bash- Dulce: o'fon June. 13, 1J?6 v'!:i& also Ln-::r1ve:! pne oi. -- .'.'. '_. "' ~ ' -- --,' -'-

zal.-'Gc=e-.='s 1:z1l:tl2-*--I';rE:§t:l3'aL10'|:: $2 c-=es=;__at:;ange ::m_:i1.:l:io':-_-: ba*:e._ iaécn . . ££::6.,1=1;cL"atqrL.s-*- Tvh-£ch.v1_11 parfn tests: re?0rt a:;c1.'_';a:::fiCd_i;§; |.v--" _-#5.-.- . --- :1-.,... - - ,1-_'__"-'.r_'¢ '.-"_ ._ --. - -. ,- * .. '': '- This . -..-1..-ite-: 1:=:-£0-can-n.:r;e . ' _ e-no.1:-'5 . .r - ti: 1-.:r.-=2 found .this =-Jtilazirm I;'t:rJ'r'.:1 ..-:£:c:"'.!.t'<:cc: , F ._ - - .- . - I . ._. -. . ...,. _ ,, =g-. '. _,,'_ _, "_ 7 *7 ' 7 7* 7 ' *_ -w. 92- - - - '-£:i:=ctf:':.*::.c....-.'~/--.:'s,.--E;n.L:92::Is_- z:*:~§_'£nur:.!'.'ca1;;_'iE.17s_o: 92::e-:=Ea afar T-==t..1a!:£.-_m--'.-'éI-I -92 1-'2 '1»'=-"-iti -.--.__:__¢ - -_ ., _ - . .- r_. _i 1. é - * . " ** * < 1 .- -1 - . - - " "hr,- 1 .. 4 - -1- atcii F. -é _'c~_a3'.'n_£=::I 1'1-' m.:.§:ed_ far so:-c: t-=-:: bexcr-re ~..-:;,r'a-:.. : " :.-ir;:r:cEr,'z=..:t:i1a:ed'elce-hhcréam! re-t1.=::nc.z¥ ma! dragged ire; =1:-c1-aL"::.-if T2

. . __.-..__.. ._.--.;._--_,,:,.._--,._-.-__.,_-_ -. _. _ . - . ii " ,. --_ ~ _.¢- . _ '_ .|u'-_ _ ,92' t{g51:£¢|::'s1r:rs that -:11 zucil.-sticsm are to :~..1:i'v-e: whale.

' ¢ 3- I '- _~' __ -.:.~_.I_- .--L-5 _ 11*. .. 3* :1. - "T" r" *. W . - C:>.-11:3 a-pg-rrc'x£==tc1;r;15,¬3f£} I:a::d_o£ _3t3e':s bpormd Era:-.1 __!r.-£::c.n:1, Fizz:-ice etc

net 50:-en. =-.:t:L1'.-:ta¢_.'.;?'It £3 v:'iE¢§;'s :'..:::or-f that: the-.'e sniaals a=.-.-E -1JI.l;!1u1- up 2:1-

lis is _.L'1r1!.< ' ' J '__ _ 77 ' W V '7 . V 7 7 '7'? '5 ' ' " '5' --- . .'-' Iron §tuiS;E:i.§-"'3'-'.£.Bfané broken cat:I::'.'-_--'--;.- _-_-- _ - - _I-'__-_'_-';~ '_-,5:-.---'-;-£0: ' - 'IrIc.x:-tical anti ' " "W ' 7 " V 77"" 7 *<"___**_ ;_ __ I


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F-i.. at L-,.2?e';n'_|;§;¢;;';¢_g.'!;n 1:-Lesa irgidénts have can: fa:-zest! us: than xzrraccicata tr 1 _ ' 1-. ' - -'-~ ' 7 7 7'77 hi "uc:::1 . One... -Ems; t5.:a¢=L1' _ -tlth-K S loevtr is T899522, ii-'1: far tI1.='m.u'Lilat_an3* is 1 _., :=.;;.;._:_.;'-:.+_.- . - ;_*;?,-L;j_.';T;I;4;:I:SUPPLEh1ENTAL R_EP9R.- .,__-., "=?=;'*?U2942;? - 11's92°E*!?Y._ - ,--.r--.-';=-=.?- _ . -;-. _ - |on:N'.92'{ - ' . I 7;. 1 Q--'o_-_ .,,_.-: ' Rf 5fI';_. :'v'.fi'P':'f1d'92vv - --':,_"_ ~*' *4 pl" _ " ; 7 . . i hf ,.'-h. - I . ._f'-- 92..;,_;-:5;-.L:_. y if: 1., 0- _u- _- _ rz-Ir. - 3. LILVJERI -'_92 _- .',- -- PI!-"1! 2-:=.£¢.=>'Sr-a-=1=u 1==....»._ - .»_.-I - -.--='-.-.--;:-'92_-I. -» _ - - - ..__ ,-_, ....=._, * -- =*:1;F .A .. * T . ' -- ..- """""-1'-*4--=2 --I $4°RI_GINA.L:'REP0ar=:-~-III}.sur151_Eri£m'iL-* n.r:Poar£1'.l*3'- - -. -. - "'. -'..,-..- -...~ - " .;..~ -

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i?92' REPLY REFER TO: ' HDO MAu.sTor: 88l_ _, ' May 9, 1973

Officer Gabe Valdez New Mexico State Police Post Office Box 212 Dulce, New Mexico 87528

1v92___.U33]: U308. Ffi_92__= . v ' :.4 Examination is now-complete on the tissue samples from the recent incident at Dulce. Microscopic and bacteriologic studies were performed on three specimens consisting of heart muscle, skeletal muscle, and a bone fragment. -47 £_I[IIDI;92§_§_ ' V-JI -a l!__]hart Muscle: No microscopic changes of pathological significance were found. Vie} £g!__§pneFragment: Homicroscopic changesof significance were found. 9%£§l"_§§§1etal_§u§§le; Rod-shaped bacteria infiltrating connective tissue between ' muscle fibers were seen. Hustle fibers also contained occasional §§rcosp2ridia cysts. L§l__nc§Eri2lgg1: A specimen obtained from a heart chamber was cultured and shown to contain a rodshaped organism identified as §l25tri§iE§_species. Definitive classi- - fication was not made.


No definite conclusion can be drawn from the observation of bacterial infiltration of muscle since the infiltration could be post-mortem. The demonstration of glostridium in the heart chambers similarly cannot be definitively ascribed as pathological because of the potential for contamination. While the findings are not inconsistent with a diagnosis of infection, the possibility of contamination Prevents the conclusion that infection was the cause of death. The observation of Sarcosporidia cysts is not remarkable and could be seen in most beef animals from this region on careful examinatio1

I doubt that you will find these observations helpful in your investigation because the bacteriological examination is inconclusive. However, we will support you in any way we can, and you are welcome to visit our laboratory to discuss your findings at your ' convenience. The offer for instrumentation support also remains open. If we can be . a: of further assistance, please call. Warm personal regards. Si erel ours, _ '

,[*%I92.%iYaDonald F. Petersen ' DFP:ES ' Alternate Health Division Leader

An Alfirma:ive'Aclion./EqualOpportunity Employer »____.__92_-.,.__.--.__... .-..-._ V. I J_ .,_... _.._.__.~__-__A_...__ I . __,.-.-._¢_..._-..._.._ -F--~....-.---~- '" 17'.-I-v 3-iegcico Stats P6;:2 . ___ _ _ ! __ 4 ____ C! J. F11; :~'U!-1311?. - ;$.u4ClDEhTTYPE. _ -_ . _. . ' . 6- 1-IEVBE . r-E tcitiom Q. - 3 c.:::y= I-!.:;_§!:}3tiq§n__ ' __ _ _, Hinhway Z 4 I ca-.13: Ccmmczcem i 5 Raid §1Tvic: Spinal; 6 Hm: - '. .' . . .=- -. 1;|};c1|>sH'r1.ocAnou Q.-a__.-' I |,g_:@- ___._ . _ __ ranch - Bulge, e: I-'J::|::l.l:n ' ' ' czo g*f;_~.-c1n*E.r~If1'iA1'£ _ irm 1» *5 *" mf'E rm. £- s-14-72 f 1'r:00|r.-= 1 W W;1_ YES 1NO_ UN!17 fin. WE»-o:~a TYPE ca==1=oiT= b '~ '1'!" 'I'l@BII c:~.:=d:.":=-.:-:='.1na|i 11. mi-irum~um'r$* * _ f 1* *--7Tioniz-Lss " B.PH Ii...-ma]. Gone: P o- Br:-2: :72, 1:-11==. 2:. :1. rsa-. I4 92,1¢1-161-'§]q,92;v|_|; ' *" '_ 1:!- is; n.o==aamn name- }-§3g|_;;Q1 IDDRESS Gqgggz A - . _ " '" __ I A I-! AT . UT-D9-Z3 L175?- _ Z _ .315 92 15. 92 u "' " ' ' raache: --- ''75?- 12. _, mgI D0 1&6, B01 1 372, camo=;=j mice, 15¢ H¢ $'U5FE12T Fxa.z.92:i7 _wrrm=ss __ xi-*;92.wsn rm mi fr T23. Soc. iii s=¢.m. i r 24.jB;h 26.i ~ ? * * * = ~" 3. AR =»-m>92r=ro.waa=?* ~' = 1:1 Ea.annazss _- A. . __. 1 - q J iv. v 4 - r4,C92TE. :


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COMMtTTI:t t."f BA ... ~ING. HOVSINa, ~n L"At">Ahl .tt.•·rAII!l!il W.4SHING1"0N, :;).C. 2.0SIC

December 21, 1978 ,... , .. : 'r {~

,...... :To;11o;"•."'·'"""'~ .• ·- r'-'' "'- ·-! ...• '' .... ~ .. , --~ ' The Honorable B. Bell ~ '\ L. ,,~ "'-; .• ,.,. ·-· ; .. ,. Attorney General ~ . ' Deputtr.ent of Justice . , ;:· - .~~- ~ '-~ '·· . ~-: _, I lOth ru1d Constitution Avenue, N.W. ...;.-:-··, .. , Was~~ngtcn, D.~. 20530 ...- ~-· - r· l"''' ·. f'· ...... v • . ,_. 1: . . ..:.: '-" ._, Dear Mr. Attomey General: ·:~ 4 •• .... • -·

During the past several years, ranchers throughout the West including my horn~ state of New Mexico, have been victimized by a series c£ cattle mutilations. As a result, these ranchers have as a grour and individually sufferea serious economic losses. c-j ~§;;...... ~:1 ~ '~!lese myste=i..,n:; killings have been the subject of at least-~ .:.·:· c::::~ twc articles in national publications, copies of which are ~~- · .~ enclc:-sed. fl..r. Ccc:kburn's article in the December 1975 iss~2 - -.. ~ • C'. .... ' ... of ::::squ1re s-t.& that there had been a federal investiqat;.~o~~, <:::) _ into tlds mat+_ar, .out it was dropped. Mr. Cockburn impli{s '!-: ~ .;~- the inv~stigat.:Lon :nay have been tern.inated because cattle ::=; ;;g ! .• mutilation ££.!:". ~£ is not a federal offense. ~ .. ~;;;;;

l>l'1lile M indh·ida'3l cattle mutil.'\tion maj• not be a federal offense, r am very concerned at what appears to be a continued pattern of an o:ganized interstate criminal activity. Therefore, I am requeEtiug that the Justice Department re-examine its jurisdictio~ in this area with respect to the possible reopening of this i~ves~iqation.

Enclosed arc copies of my files on this subject. while awaiting what will hopefully be a favorabl& reply, I shall continue to gather materials that could be of help in such an investigation. If you need further information in studying this matter, please do not hesltat6 to contact me. Sincer~y,/f! __ :__ Harrison Schmitt

HS :jri r~ECEI\/ED Enclosures V

r·· . 1· ·' • 01· '"S'O!\: ·Jv ... K! I i. 1\H.;.. '.'I I l'i ' t': 1. ,. 1 Q e 0


0 _ . I , ¢ 0 .-I- EEEJEAKDUH T0: Senator, John Ry -

January 31, 1979 P253: EFDGH

SUBJECT: Steer mutilation. January 29- 1B?9. Torrance County; RH -

Sergeant ODel1 of the Torrance county Sheriff: Deptrttent celled t3 _ Albuqucrqte Office early in the afternoon of January 29, 1979, to reoort that he had ciscovereé the first reported cattle zutilation in Torrance County. and wanted information on whom be should regort it to. SFDOH called O'De11 and was told the following:

E ~e -In resoonse to a telephone call from Saoouel N. Hini, 0'De11 arrived at e location near the village of nuran.::L et approximately ll a.c. on January 29- l9?9. and found the carcass of a six ssnth old steer that had apperently been zeceotiy mutiiateé. Oell sei the carcass Was still viii enough to melt the snow around it. O'De1l inéiceted that he had been following news reports of previous zutiletions in Rio Arribe County and believed that the Torrance County outiietion was the freshest ever discovereé. Be c&l1e5 because he thought it would be helpful for inve5t£gatOr5 to have a fresh ruti lotion to ezstine and subject to tests. tsJO'Del1 said the steerls s:rotu=~an-penis*ha£ bten'removed'vith surgical precision - a ietture cctzon to ell previous mutilation: - and indicated that patches of hair around the carcass seemed to inicata that the steer has been ropoeo or bounced == another feature cotton to all previous notilttio QC II. The steer's intestines had been rezoveé through the bole where the scrotun had been cut out, but were not éisturoeo. O'oe11 felt that an animal would have gone directly to the intestines. The steer: tongue wes Q23 removed es in previous outilations, but the insides of the ears appeared to have been 11¢ 'beve1ed out with a sharp instrument. _ R2 DDe1l notifie the state Gtoe and Fish Departzent. the State Police Crime Lab in Santa Fe, and th Rev Hexico Livestock Board. The State Police Crime Lab apparently notifie State Police Dfiicer Gabe Valdez of Chase, the offiér who has iavestigate most bi the outilatioos over the pest la oonths= in the interim, the Livestock Board removed the carcass and apparently rozc it. Valdez later contacted the Yorrence County Shsriif inc was to have gone Lo Torrence County on January 30 to investigate.

°*' In response to your question about whether any of the mutilation: have occurred on92fe¬eral_l;Q§*}OIficer Valdez iniorns no that eight autilations were éiscovered on the Jicerille Apache Seseryatioa;;end-seven on the Santa §grse lara =utilations§Pueb o 1 . *2here reported inrc?E"E§En'itoi?l3T65 . New Mexico since cattle 1975. putiletions, Forty-five an_§T§'_"of the cattie nutilations and four of the horse mutilation: occurre in 1978. _ _,,____,_A__,____.___ .__ ..


. OHIQIAL PQIU DO.IO JULY III! IDITIOII. , 5' _ Ill l"92ll.l GPII IQI-IL. i .- - I _.- 0 In - fvrrsn STATES 00 ;...~.N'r

Mama'1 vlI992 _ Director .2 Iarc 121$ - - nuts:

ji ¢,»//Federal Bureauof Investigation PBH RcA:mac ALB 7' ___-u ' PR! Philip B. Heymann FROM nMt

;._ ,'.'-N - ',. *:':!_'.-'92'= rs- .=*-1-.?1.. :__ ;'='*.'r¢'- '2unnscr: tqrcrimeon Indianfneservationa; "',/C//1 '

-11} 5 {*1 utilation of PQLEQLS __". _ -Q ;*" K,

Attached isa portionof somecorrespondence Q5 received from Senator Harrison Schmitt indicating that a ~ l5 mutilations of animals have occurred in Indian U3 country in New Mexico in the past three years. For ~ several years the Criminal Division has been aware of -5 the phenomenon of animals being mutilated in a manner ' that could indicate that such acts are performed by in persons as part of a ritual or ceremony. The report that some of the mutilations have occurred in Indian country :. 3" Iv? . '. If 1 is our first indication that Federal law may have been violated. _ . I- ¬ It is requested that the Federal Bureau of Investigation conduct an appropriate investigation of the 15 mutilations and any others that occur in Indian countryfurnish as a possibletheresults crime theto on United an IndianStates reservation Attorney andand92E2//j ~ , the Criminal Division, attention: Roger c. Adams, General crimes Section. Mr. Adams has additional infor- mation which may be of assistance to the FBI concerning previous cattle mutilations over which there was no Federal jurisdiction.

Attadhment 92 92 m92*-at /M/'>"~'*"i Y ENCLOSURE=~._.- Q: Q3 *4 MAR.'2'1919_. I 1 I I ti! _ ~01- eu 1 _. _- 4- . _ ' ill Q sossqwaswqwa FBI - TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: _ El Teletype Q Immad iate 5| TOP smcam E] Facsimile Q Priority [3 sscnzrr []AlBIEL______Q Routine E1 CONFIDENTIAL E] moms E F 1" 0 4 1:1 uncuas /f M9 / Date __....._...... i_...... |2/15/79 J.-J n :ro= nrnscrox, rs: _

:'._,_: ., 1 rnor-1: sac, ALBUQUERQUE "if: ' 1:85-w ¢ '- ' .._..1 . ..,._ nmaass ...... - A/1 - --'.--as lL'1'1UN§_L[92_§§JLl}§-FSLNU ______, I ,4 NF-_I --I I wzstrsnu s'rA'r2;s_ - FA? F-2 =.- =< 1% A R ' PC?-'t9,§',?°".s1 EL. . .. w '/ F/ 13" ,o,_,v ,__,,-£1 .' 92. éor"the -.¢:- past - seven or eigf'yEars @ , mysterious"oattle %mutilations have been occurring throughout the United States } -1; ; and for the past four years have been occurring within the i -1 y State of New Mexico. Officer GABE VALDEZ, New Mexico State Police, has been handling investigations of these mutilations u within.New Mexico, lnfornation furnished to this office by Officer VALDEZ indicates that the animals are being shot with 92 some type of paralyzing drug and the blood is being drawn from Q the animal after an injection of an anti~coagulant. It appears 1_ i that in some instances the cattle's legs have been broken and,:""'~a;_ " helicopters without any identifying numbers have reportedly "¥p/ T but . been seen in the vicinity of these mutilations. Officer 7.. VALDEZ theorizes that clamps are being placed on the cow's legs A and they are being lifted by helicopter to some remote area where s the mutilations are taking place and then the animal is returned %,--3: 5?;-j_ I _' to its original pasture. The mutilations primarily consist of 2 removal of the tongue, the lymph gland, lower lip and the sexual organs of the animal. Much mystery has surrounded these I mutilations, but according to witnesses they give the appearance 1?=.1=: J? of being very professionally done with a surgical instrument, and" * .':.-.'.':~.._:,..f1*:.'*.~:~_according to VALDBZ, a; the years prggress, each surgical proc _ e f VALD ' , that in *~= no Pginstance, Pr: o =;:*°£t;s@ s ge, an tn e ?§E"§=??ZI§¬¬;.;1~ar 1 92 attacked by , p predator or scavenger animals, although there are J tracks carcasswhich from a would distance. indicate He that also coyotes gggsed have that been he has oiroling=;he_ ,~J.requested him LosAlamosbut until Scientific just recently Laboratory ti has always nduct been advised investigation¥

_-- - _ i 1 Q . »u OJ /_ I _ 92 I AQ

,- . _ the type of tranquilizer and blood anti-coagulant that 92II ' have been utilized. _, .-' -:>_ L _'. Officer VALDEZ stated that Colorado probably has the T , ii most mutilations occurring within their State and that over y fa _ » the past four years-approximately 30 have occurred in New Mexico. He stated of these 30, 15 have occurred on Indian- _ Reservations but he did know that_aany nutilations have gone'- I "-' '- unreported which have occurred on the Indian reservations ' because the Indians, particularly in the Pueblos, are extremely "'=.=§ ...'-'-I- -sf! ..i-"' superstitious and will not even allow-officers in to investigate as-' .1--2 in some instances. Officer VALDEZ stated since the outset of these mutilations there have been an estimated 0,000 animals 1 92_ I 1 _ mutilated which would place the loss at approximately $1,000,000. _ _ _ - - R. E. THOMPSON; United States Attorney, advised that he had received an urgent call from the head of the Criminal Division, Department of Justice, advising him that he would be L {ii contacted by Senator HARRISON SCHHITT of New Mexico, who had ' been in contact with Attorney General GRIFFIN BELL in an effort to obtain Federal assistan in seeking to solve these cattle mutilations.

Bureau telephone call of 2/13/79 advised that a letter -,.,.... _.,..- was forthcoming from the Department to the Bureau requesting ¥ our assistance in the investigation based on the fact that l5 : ."""-...s. -92 . of §hese_animals had been mutilated on Indian reservation ;-1""* .1 in 0 ' ' ., ".." ...... -_j - f l _ Wain!". '_ Y » _- '_ .-__P¢"fg_ln__,y On 2/15/79¢'Senator HARRISON SCHHITT, USA R. E. THOMPSON," '.'_, -".._-e-., SA SAMUEL H. JONES and myself met,to discuss this matter. mi! It wastgreed that a conference should be held in April of " .-J»,2" f ,4. rz.-we this year in Albuquerque involving New Mexico and the surrounding |-2%,-T?" States who have suffered cattle mutilation cases in an effort ._.,. .,,_ -I _-4 to fully discuss this matter'to determine what has been "*1". i-u._#,r- , developed to date and to recommend further steps to be taken '-"_-c.'. -_- to solve this ongoing problem. The role of the FBI was "- - discussed but was not established since it was not resolved -v whether the_FBI-would act in a coordinating capacity,i g1 an investigating capacity or both.§ It was decided however, "1 would be most.beneficial if all this available infor- ' imation could be'placed_in a computer_bank so that appropriate _ r .-'printouts could-be made and_an-abaiysis pade' effort to' determine.a trend or pattern of'these mutilations. I I " It is obvious if mutilations are to be solved there is I a need for a coordinated effort so that all material available can be gathered and analyzed and further efforts synchronized. Whether the FBI should assume this role is a matter to be i ,_ _2_V

..__ . ,...»----P-"-" r l n 3 U £ 1 ,


decided. If we are merely to investigate and direct our§ efforts toward the 15 mutilated cattle on the Indian reser- vation we, I believe, will be in the same position as the ; other law enforcement agencies at this time and would be seeking to achieve an almost impossible task. It is my belief that - if we are to participate in any manner that we should do so; fully, although this*office and the USA'soffice are at'a loss to determine what atute our investigative jurisdiction would be in this matter} elf we are to act solely as a coordinator or in any other official capacity the sooner we can place p this information in the computer bank, the better off we , would be and in this regard it would be my recomendation that an expert in the computer field at the Bureau travel to - - Albuquerque in the very near future so that we can determine .i what type of information will be needed so that when the ' invitation for the April conference is submitted from Senator SCHHITT's Officethat the surrounding States will be aware " of the information that is needed to place in the computer. It should be noted that Senator SCHHITT'sOffice is coordinating th April conference and will submit the appropriate invitations i and with the cooperation of the USA, Hr. THOMPSO§,will chair ! this conference. The FBI will act only as a participant. Since this has not been investigated by the FBI in any manner we have no theories whatsoever as to why or what is responsible for these cattle mutilations. -Officer BABE ;~ VALDEZ is very adamant'in his opinion that these mutilations . are the work of the U. S. Government and that it is some clandestine operation either by the CIA or the Department of Energy and in all probability is connected with some type of .. research into biological warfare. His main reason for these beliefs is that he feels that he was given the "run around"' by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and they are attempting to - cover up this situation. There are also theories that these are cults religious! or some type of Indian rituals_resulting in_ these nutilations and the wildest theory advanced is that'they,¢ have some connection with unidentified flyingobjects.§5§ _ " n - = -. - -.~! ' -= "" .. .-'..- ='-.. _ .. *. ¢=If we are to assume an_investigative posture into this -f area,'the_matter?oflmanpower, of course,-becomes a consideration and I'anunable to determine at this time the amount of manpower that would be needed to give this our full attention so that a rapid conclusion could be reached. i I The Bureau is requested to furnish its coments and ! guidance on this whole situation including, if desired, the Legal Qounsel'sassessnent of jurisdictional question. An properly,early response ifreguested would be needed doto so,however,obtain so the that.wedata bank might __. information. I it appears that we are going to become -3-

_ .._......_ 7 VP- ----- »a---- x-*-'"""-~ '_' "_' ___...._..,._.._....l,.,-.r__l __.._¬_-.._-.-.--key,- -- ~ - ._ ,



l § i O I r I J . 1 " km-' I sass AQ

J,-. -_a r-=7;-#1! involved in this matter, it is obvious that there would be a H--..-92_ J.--»-r large amount of correspondence necessary and Albuquerque would .-E? ' suggest e code name be established of BOVHUT. j

-i §_|92'.'> ...-;. 92

..';-' 3 I -- ..v , - _ 4- - - _ 0 n v 4 I-I n:_..- ---e

- 92 n r n . -92 - . - , ~':


_._-. .7 _.

¬§ 4- -_ W. .-- i. #5"-. 9%? -1.-'2? - , ,92-I; _""".'; .. .. -= -_, "._'. .. * , 92 1, - . - -.- t __ I ' Z-L" -921.'-ta" '- ,_ ' -' -0- _ L ... . H . .- 1: . I 7; ; "" , I, ' s' . - . -.. " L,-.'. - . - " . , 1 '92 - ~ ,_ - __ , I" "1 '1 1 " d . - . '; - a "I . - -» ; * 1 _ - .' _ '1.. - . _ : .1. . ... ' -' --'---. .. .~ ".=.-','.' -' -.- -. _ A-_. _a_____ . rV V f :'r:_ . I-__r:> - _4 _q P _,E _ . we J:1 _. 92- 1'', _-- .3? ' I --In - I _" . ,. l _r 0 I. ___,,...-_-----*"''!"* U .. Q» O _ -c~ . i 1 4' .- P - . - 3 92-I _- -u- -' ks ' _ Airtel 4

_!'lIr|'_ '_ -I

i.:'¢'i'_.151.". ;"-tr!-i c.~"_;::__F; . ,- _-' _ 7..- 3/6/79 1-»-+.g@- .' lb: 810, Albuquerque 1 - J. E. Smith 1 1'11 '-v»..:"p,- -. -I_ .4;-. "'"- 8% Director, FBI _ 1= 92~'1.-'.*- _ i-. . at lllwlelrlr a gugo .-eon . .5-=2 F" ,;-. ".92 15" _ '92.',-. _»~ './T :.,..%§~ c c s -- . ._-.'4 ~CIR * -" ' 5'1 /I Q .-.2 if;= ._r__ "-__-;4 00st Albuquerque ' -1

7'. .." , __/ Remairtal, 2/16/19 .

" *1-I- -' T"l'_ Enclosed for the Albuquerque Division is one copy of a nemorsnoum from tho e apartment B-"** or * iustice iii dated March 2, 1979, and attachments. _ In accordance with enclosed nemcrancu, the ilbuquerque Divisi on i s instructed to conduct an appropriate investigation into the 15 mutilations of animals which were performed on Indian reservations within th 'me state of New _ __il dexico. h After the Albuquerque Division conducts a preliminary investigation into these mutilations and it is believed that -'-.4-.5=Y_ -4 1-; placing information into a computer bank iill be of investi- ¢f",'_ __ gative assistance, at that time the re quest for same shou&d92 5- be submitted with full Justification. FBIHQ u on i ? of ldditi , p rec {g;j!%a;= 92 Aonal informationfrom DOJ,will forward samc.i92__&____,/ lu- ~ Q ET '1 IBIHQ should be kept apprised_on a timely basis g the results of investigative efforts. ' ?%92~:=egg? Enclosures - 3 '5'=l-'-'15::M V - .'-J. ;-T1 2 J _,_is w t /??/ /§/.f'~,.._.- M au.___»?,'."»o..___. D--3 ,_ . - _ e k MAR 12 1979 swan-.._.._. Am. Dim " 7 f t_i-.--3-ll ' Th. Sern..._._. ' Cub. In. ..___... lieu. _._.._._.._. lllell. .__.._._.._.. Ldeclleq ...__.. .;.._~e: -~1.egdCon. .} :::..'r."- Tool. OfVl- i. _ Q . -n E 0* . Airtel to SAC, Albuquerque A RE; THE MUTILATIONS OF15 ANIMALS NOTE: Thiscase involvesthe mutilationof 15cattle inthe _.__ past threeyears onIndian reservationsin the state orNew Mexico. Thesemutilations haveoccurred other in areasof ,1 _..u . the southwesternpart orthe_pnited Statesduring thesame . _ -. - ' ' time period, and themutilations havebeen characterizedas _ I§""5I" generally ritualistic.;Investigative effortsby various @;,._ _ NewJurisdictions Mexicohas have.beentaken_ an interest negative . rom in SenatorthesemutilationsSchmitt f and hasV been yon in c t act with the DOJ. The AlbuquerqueDivision "awn-up-' has_been1 V . instructedto. conduct appropriate,invesitigation """""..'--.T."'92'f .. fromnto DOJ. this matter - inaccordance e ' thewith enclosed memorandum V -. _. ;'7e'°;::. H I _ . - '§J'= -

..:5- .- . ;p,'}.£_f. 1!-.'|..;::' 92 T..- ." J-

1: -~E';'T':: _273;:Ie'~rv_ __.. -

.~.- _ J


' I Q FT; - 3-".13 -'

. 1 - :- { - v " 92 C :- 92I'_'Ff' ¢ I-ar 4'_ 92 __r~ 1 .0 ; 4L I 4 a I I I i -.2-

I. .! E. I O

,2"? "* FD46GW%§4F"'_ Q, F BI _! Tft'ANSMPT- PRECEDENCE: vim CLASSIFICATION: E] Teletype [3 Immediate [:1 TOP SECRET ID 11--_ ._. . ._,,, I Q Facsimile '13 Priority |;1 sscanrr iii-..-.27. [3 Routine 53 conrmswrm. -».~;1-.--' - |;3 E F 1'0 , 1 E] CLEAR AIRTEL 4/25/'19 1--nu--:11;-Q11-n-11 V Date __._....____..._._-_1 ?s:=;.-3.,. ______I 1 TO: DIRECTOR, FBI

-1_-y~ ,-_- .'..:',._ FROM: snc, ALBUQUERQUE 98-541! P!

__. i was SUBJECT : Qurrmwronsor ,-2-- .. 15 ANIMAI..S""""""" 92 ,1 cm c! 00: ALBUQUERQUE

- 92 Re Bureau airtel to Albuquerque, 3/6/79. ~01! , . Enclosed for the Bureau are three copies of an LHM p captioned "Cattle Mutilations", dated 4/25/79.

A conference directed by Senator HARRISON SCHMITT, New Mexico, and U.S. Attorney R.E. THOMPSON, Albuquerque,hf g was heldon 4/20/79, at Albuquerque. This conferencewas openedofficials to thefrom publicNew andMexico wasand attended other bystates, law enfcrcementy thenews mediggify_ , and interested persons. Approximately 180 persons were in V attendance. During the conference, Senator SCHMITT stated 1.-an that the FBI had been designated as being in charge of cattle :M92a""-' -1| 4ev= mutilations. He explained to the conference attendees that . -J he had conferred with Attorney General GRIFFIN BELL regarding the matter of federal involvement in cattle mutilations and .-n. ; that the.FBI had now received the authority from the Attorney * .- i General to conduct such an investigation. Senator SCHMITT -- a ' O stated that in the peg; the Federal Government had not entered intothe¥?§§§igation Qecauseit felt it did nOtar4' 1

Prior 92 e conference it was explained to WAYNE CIDDIO, Senator _ ITTs Administrative Aide in Santa Fe, Newfrom Mexico,_tha hea%ibits ' FBIto EB in Albuquerqueconduct investigations had received-iuthn:itg___cattle into 92 1 13:/Q -$1113303! Enclbdmti d M.92 J._ T - , it Q;-; in-q-III 92 -Albuquerq ,7/3'2,"P! - M I - Tr". .- "Frau '~*: ABM; 92 BWJ/B95 '! . a".*dI ;|:E|'J 9 _ 1 H _ _ _{,"¢/wsr, A Uifm £%y7v -, I APPI'Oved: Transmitted is ~ Per ...i_.._._.._- Number! Time! III/O04 I ~ ' { _ ll ! 92.

2 an - II i . Q e 1

§§E§§? AD 198-541 :5. mutilations occurring on Indian lands, but that its investi H gation was limited to these mutiliations. CIDDIO said he s. _ -.,'.. would insure that Senator SCHMITT was apprised of this. - -..4'-~_ 64-. 92 -,-._ .. limitation. -This information was given to Hr. CIDDIO on .' _,..¢.._----,-;_» .4/9/19.~<._- ;r~+es=»»:»<=-r "** : so - » at B aw-1as-_--1 ¢_u"' I _ - _ . " __._u,..- ; -L.-'1_ . --"* .' During the conference, FORRESTS. PUTMAN, Albuquerque *§:z FBI, explained that the FBI's jurisdiction extended to mutilation occurring on Indian lands. He said, however, that the FBI in '-Q1_"_". conducting its investigation of these mutilations would take into account mutilations occurring elsewhere which showed v ?{;@- _ . a similar M0.. F '= * F;-._.-.>_;4 -5. +- a---.1 - : ' i . , 323111- _.,..- The jurisdictional problems of all law enforcement- 0| |___P._ officials investigating mutilations were discussed during an ._..;¢::1'-- afternoon session of the conference attended only by law ....-.,... . - .c.I-J enforcement officials. It was pointed out that in most cases, , ._.. the mutilations amounted to misdemeanor violations and were not a felony. is Senator SCHHITT pointed out during the general conference that the FBI might have jurisdiction to investigate mutilations because of violations of state laws on Indian lands, the question arose whether this would be a felony or a misdemeanor violation. Under New Mexico State Law, the aim mere mutiliation of a dead animal would be simply a misdemeanor violation. Investigation of these matters would not be in keeping with the FBI's current efforts to concentrate on s priority matters. - " '

_, J? The Albuquerque FBI recommends that FBIHQ point If out to the Justice Department that if the FBI is asked to .__._:_r,_.. 1 - -I conduct investigation into cattle mutilations of which the ,.¢._._- _- FBI has no jurisdiction, we will be opening ourselves to criticism similar to criticism we have received in the past = ii for investigating matters wherein we have had no jurisdiction. _It would seem appropriate that if FBI participation_in investi- gation of;cattle_mutilations is'desired'byhthe JusticeDepartment, effort should beimade to secure Congressional approval or an Executive Order through which_the appropriate funds could be 1 -. ~ j_- ,authorized and proper jurisdiction_granted to the FBI. . -_ _ , _ '_. _ ' ; _-_,_. .' a . . Under these conditions, the FBI could approach this matter without expectation of undue criticism and with the anticipation that the proper resources utilized to conduct an effective investigation.

Q2-Iv . _. . - 4* ____, _,.__~.h---------v-II-I"""' ',__,,____----- » ______,_, ,,_._.___,_._..._...-

2 1 r ~ j - Q: u!

. 1 x 1 ' l .

_ _ . I _ 'L-E-_..:;'.- -f- *'3w': AQ 198-541

QQQ é5§?; A If the Albuquerque FBI Office is expected to broaden its examination of the cattle mutilation, additional manpower .hee¥ would be necessary. The scope of the cattle mutiliaon problem "in the United States is vast and_cccrdinaticn of expected éééi? - future investigation would be so broad that the manpowerg currently assigned to the Albuquerque Office could not cope - a£@lZ with the problem. .At the present time. the number of ~¥*?u ' additional Agents necessary for such an investigation could ' Jag." not be estimated by the Albuquerque FBI Office. -'{Jnf?f;Q-' . Reairtel authorized the Albuquerque FBI to'investigate the mutilations of 15 animals which have reportedly occurred = | on Indian lands within the State of New Mexico. Furtheri- " -+.__,. investigation of these mutilations is an impossibility because of the fact that the carcasses of the animals have been destroyed .gk_}§ The only purpose which could be served in making inquiry about these matters would be to compile a record of what investigators a have determined in the past. It is expected this would be an . extremely limited record because those who have looked int o I such cattle mutilations have done so without any jurisdictional E author 'ity and their records are expected to be very brief, ' if any at all were kept. 4.|-.-2 r 92'_"2*. ' The Albuquerque FBI Office feels that if an investi- 1%??? gative unit is approved and an LEAA Grant is given to the Office ,'r1'f,;;.§_E{,. . of the District Attorney in Santa Fe, New Mexico, this approach - £12, to the solution would probably be the best in the absence of pm Q.-2-; full FBI jurisdiction. Such an investigative unit would have '= jurisdiction over investigation of the cattle mutilations and < 1.55;0'4 'Ln! =-'f.- authority to prosecute persons responsible for the mutilations ER. ..: if they are identified. The FBI could cooperate with this unit dt by furnishing data available to it for assistance in its 2.?"-.~.!;;13; . .- -. eu investigation. The Albuquerque FBI feels that if the grant is given to the District Attorney's Office in Santa Fe 55?? coordination of_investigativeefforts could be handled'11. #PP¥Qpr1ate1x-.; ;r~t¢; ;*


..1--1,: - - ,-wc-._L "' 92,.'1,d-' , ../-.1.,,- J

? t

_ av 1 "' v -.. Q .1:-.>=-~ - _.____. M 5-T-L *2. _i' -'. .,-,-.---- _, _.._ _ _ 0

AQ 198-541

'State Police, and the granting of the LEAA funds. The .3591- J1""'_ ,.i,:T';1 _ Albuquerque FBI does not recommend that the FBI be the coordinating unit unless the FBI is given full jurisdiction sight? to look into all mutiliations by either Congress or Executive .._-.., "'_ ',.|. » ' $e+*' - _ .. ". ._ . - ''92 ' An article appeared in the "Albuquerque Journal"' on Wednesday, 4/25/79, captioned Santa Fe DA to Coordinate vehe- Cattle Mutilation Probe. The article states the Santa Fe District Attorney's Office was awarded $44,170 in grant money to coordinate investigations of cattle mutilations. 'This n award was made on Tuesday, 4/24/79; According to the article, the grant application received the backing of U.S. Attorney R.E. THMPSON and the FBI. * r ' . L. _ The Albuquerque Office of the FBI recomends that the investigative unit to be set up with the grant money be designated as the coordinator for cattle mutilation investiqaons. The Albuquerque Office would maintain a liaison with the investi- gative unit and cooperate with it in exchanging data and restrict ie its investigations to those cattle mutilations which might ii-§-$#"1occur on Indian lands in the future. 1 -1» ""' '. .;§§


p On April 20, 1979, a conference was held at the Albuquerque Public Library at Albuquerque, New Mexico. This _'.j; ' .-1--. -.- cgnferei-ace was: chair-r! hv Qnnaf? I-IEPDTROLI RCTF-lM'l"'l""|. Rl=.D11h'lit!Elh_ -4, - on I-van-w noun-unauv-van cw-vanu-uwwwa -;-----'v- w----- |- - wt _--w--I 1,?- New Mexico, and United States Attorney R.E. THOMPSON of st; -Albuquerque. The conference convened at 9:00 a.m. The morning session was attended by representatives from various law enforcement agencies, news media representatives, and the general public. Approximately 180 persons attended the conference during the morning session. This session lasted until ,-.- approximately 12:00 noon. Senator SCHMITT opened the conference by explaining its purpose. He said, "This hearing is to define the scope pf the problem and_the basisfor federal assistance and to F examine how the FBI might be involved. U.S. Attorney R.E. THOMPSON explained to those attending the conference that '15-I federal jurisdiction for investigations conducted by the FBI is limited to those areas approved by Congress. U.S. Attorney ."" -'4 "HI-|" THOMPSON said there is a possible violation of a federal statute .___-.. requiring that aircraft be appropriately marked and identified. - ,_."-a He explained that this statute might possibly have been violated because of reports that the unidentified aircraft have been ..._.. _-_,... observed in the area of cattle mutilations.

Senator SCHMITT explained that his staff and others have searched the federal statutes and have concluded there | is possible federal jurisdiction under Title 18, U.S. code, Sections 7 and 13, having to do with violations of state law on Indian or federal lands. Senator SCHMITT expressed his hope that the FBI could conduct investigation into the cattle mutilations under these statutes. Senator SCHMITT stated to the conference that the FBI would coordinate the investigation_ of_cattle mutilations. _ ,M,,,_ mu _m_,_iq_l,:.

This document contains neither recomendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ,; /K ..-pf" £1 fr- -' =--'1.-" E ..-



QATTLE MUTILATIQNS #7? FORREST S. PUTMAN, Special Agent in Charge SAC!, .,,_-. 5 Albuquerque Office of the FBI, explained to the conference that the Justice Department had given the FBI authority .-| to investigate those cattle mutilations which have occurred or might occur on Indian lands. He further explained that -wn __ g the Albuquerque FBI would look at such mutilations in connection ".'. -. with mutilations occurring off-Indian lands for the purpose '=-1-._ -.. *- of comparison and control, especially where the same methods ._r.. of operation are noted. SAC PUTMAN said that in order for i; , this matter to be resolved, the facts surrounding such 9- -'-'I mutilations should be gathered and computerized. 1. District Attorney ELOY MARTINEZ, Santa Fe, New Mexico, told the conference that his judicial district had made 1.- application for a $50,000 Law Enforcement Assistance Administratior Jl-: -. 1 LEAA! Grant for the purpose of investigating the cattle 161-1-I '41:'- mutilations. He explained that there is hope that with the 1-in funds from this grant, an investigative unit can be established for the sole purpose of resolving the mutilation problem. He said it is his view that such an investigative unit could serve as a headquarters for all law enforcement officials investigating ...___ the mutilations and, in particular, would serve as a repository "'51?" for information developed in order that this information could gm._.- ;a-_ be coordinated properly. He said such a unit would not only . _-_|_- coordinate this information, but also handle submissions to _».-=r-"' ' a qualified lab for both evidence and photographs. Mr. MARTINEZ - ,~ .35" said a hearing will be held on April 24, 1979, for the purpose "::'3 -.4--L11 ' of determining whether this grant will be approved. .-.-,_ ._: at"; -;-L GABE VALDEZ, New Mexico State Police, Dulce, New Mexico, 1 reported he has investigated the death of 90 cattle during the past three years, as well as six horses. Officer VALDEZ said FF 5 he is convinced that the mutiliations of the animals have not |'_~.§ been the work of predators because of the precise manner of the cuts.

Officer VALDEZ said he had investigated mutilations of several animals which had occurred on the ranch of MANUEL GOMEZ of Dulce, New Mexico.

MANUEL GOMZ addressed the conference and explained he had lost six animals to unexplained deaths which were found win a mutilated condition within the last two years. Further, GOMEZ said that he and his family are experiencing fear and mental anguish because of the mutilations.

l . 6}!. Q > Q



An DAVID PERKINS, Director of the Department of Research at Libre School in Farasita, Colorado, exhibited a map of the United States which contained hundreds of colored pins identifying mutilation sites. He commented that he had been making a systematic collection of data since 1975, and has never met a greater challenge. He said, The only thing that makes sense -I-.-.¢-.--. '¢a -.92 . n= about the mutilations is that they make no sense at all." ra-. ._ TOM ADAMS of Paris Texas, who has been independently -_92H--._1 ;,-= ~- examining mutilations for six years, said his investigation has shown that helicopters are almost always observed in the area of the mutiliations. He said that the helicopters do not have identifying markings and they fly at abnormal, unsafe, or illegal altitudes. :1-._- - . Dr. PETER VAN ARSDALE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, suggested that those investigating the cattle mutilations take a systematic approach and look at all types of evidence is discounting any of the propounded theories such as responsibility by extraterrestri m visitors or Satanic cults.

RICHARD SIGISMUND, Social Scientist, Boulder, Colorado, presented an argument which advanced the theory that the cattle mutilations are possibly related to activity of UFOs. Numerous other persons made similar type presentations expounding on issis. their theories regarding the possibility that the mutilations are the responsibility of extraterrestrial visitors, members of ifs? Satanic cults, or some unknown government agency. ?£:_-Di-"7" Dr. RICHARD PRINE, Forensic Veterinarian, Los Alamos -_,-2;-_.T Scientific Laboratory LASL!, Los Alamos, New Mexico, discounted J _ ; the possibility that the mutilations have been done by anything ;;-2a. but predators. He said he had examined six carcasses and in ' r.J.'_' his opinion predators were responsible for the mutiliation of all six.

. Dr. CLAIRE HIBBS, a representative of the State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, said he recently came to New Mexico, but that prior to that he examined some mutiliation findings in Kansas and Nebraska. Dr. HIBBS said the mutiliations fell into three categories: animals killed and mutilated by predators and scavengers, animals mutilated after death by sharp instruments and animals mutilated by pranksters.

. -3-

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_ _ . CATTLE MUTILATIONS seq? I --1", 1 ~c-'- -1 TOMY BLAND, Lewisville, Texas, told the conference he has been studying UFO activities for twenty-two years and gé mutilations for twelve years. He explained that animal mutilations date back to the early l8s in England and Scotland. He also pointed out that animal mutilations are not confined to cattle, but cited incidents of mutilation -E of horses, dogs, , and rabbits. He also said that the pp Y mutilations are not only nationwide, but international in h scope. _. n-1._._ ..,_ -.-. Other speakers at the conference suggested ways of approaching an investigation into the mutilations, urging access to technological equipment and technologically trained individuals. - .1 Er -v Chief RALEIGH TAFOYA, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, and ji- WALTER DASHENO, Governor, Santa Clara Pueblo, each spoke briefly to the conference. Both spoke of the cattle which had been found mutilated on their respective Indian lands. Governor DASHENO said he is concerned as to the extent of the jurisdiction by investigating agencies into the matter W-Y-5 and Chief TAFOYA said some of his people who have lost livestock n92rI' . .- - - have been threatened. He did not elaborate on these threats. 2: CARL W. WHITESIDE, Investigator, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, told the conference that between April and December, 1975, his Bureau investigated 203 reports of cattle mutilations. He said in addition his Bureau conducted an ,-13.*':*.'.. undercover investigation in an attempt to resolve the mutilation problem. He said during the investigation by his Bureau, numerous .92 pieces of evidence were submitted to the Colorado State University . Large Animal Hospital and all civilian and military helicopter -.i4-,, _ A flights were monitored during this probe. WHITBSIDE said, "Sadly, most of these efforts produced no results. He said they were unable to place any unidentified vehicle in the air or on the ground near the carcasses that were found. He said his group submitted 35 carcasses to the laboratory for examination Only 19 of those subitted were deemed to be of recent enough vintage to make an examination and of those 19, nine were deter- E mined to be willful mutilations. He said of those nine, it was concluded that two were done by pranksters. WHITESIDE said that his organization even set up a secret witness program with the cooperation of the'Denver Post", but this resulted in no information to assist in a solution to the matter.

-4- gin A ! 5 Q U

1 ,-

CATTLETMUT;LATIONS - During the afternoon of April 20, 1979, law enforcement officers met with U.S. Attorney R.E. THOMPSON for a special meeting. At this conference were representatives from the FBI and numerous state law enforcement officers from -'1 New Mexico. Also in attendance were investigators from Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, and Arkansas. During the conference emphasis was placed on an attempt to determine the most appropriate way of approaching the solution of the cattle mutilations. The officials decided that direction for the investigation should -'- ,. be the responsibility of one of three agencies *- the FBI, the District Attorney's Office in Santa Fe, New Mexico, which nil» 92- has applied for the LEAA Grant, or the New Mexico State Police. _,- U.S. Attorney THOMPSON concluded that within the next two weeks a determination would be made which of the three agencies would be the primary investigative group and the agency's responsibility for the collection of data regarding the mutiletions. U.S. Attorney THOMPSON pointed out that the FBI would have to receive approval from Washington, District Attorney MARTINEZ group would have to receive the LEAA Grant, h and the New Mexico State Police would have to obtain clearance :~,_.' from its headquarters. During this session of the conference, investigators from Arkansas pointed out that they have examined 28 cases of cattle mutilations and it is their conclusion that all cases were the work of intentional mutilators and not of predators. The examination of carcasses submitted by their investigators h --1.. have been done by the Oklahoma State University Forensic Lab. The investigator present at the conference from Montana 3' expressed his opinion that carcasses found in Montana were also | I mutilated by deliberate efforts and not by predators. . _ 3 All investigators present daring this session recommended 92q,F:.,ea that there be a central collection unit which could coordinate information from all areas. Also, all investigators recommended that a standard procedure and form be adopted for the investi- -.-.1'__ gation of future mutilations. They recommended that evidence -é be examined by a qualified veterinary pathologist.

_5*______.-_..._.-_.-.- -~~--i" " " ! . , _ .., ~ . '2 <. ' J J E '

1' Airtel - I _ 7

- . '="r-"' ">'.vI _./' -. '_ .'-:'" "' .n'L,. ., 5/2/79 '-La. ' j ___,-..._.'- . _ ' . 5 ' .'.2,,;=-- . .. 591;,,-;- . To: sac, uuuquerque 98-5&1! 1 e- J. E. Smith " -eca ._~ Fromi oi:-eater, re: ' . ",1 -.-¢- %~¢~ 'me%1'riLA' ens ' /_ . , ---._r_ ._ 3.;-._J_, i_--'_; ,3}, ¢- - 1-. 'i5ZIiiI£§;I""Qz '-4¢'l':":"_ Egerm cm G!.. 1-=2-:-5" O0: Albuquerque 1--v_ " i 92. _ Re Albuquerque uirtel to FBIHQ, l/E5/79, and r Butelcal to Albuquerque, 5/l/79. - FBIHQ concurs uith the recommendation or Snc, F;-.. Albuquerque in that the investigative unit currently being eetebliehed re cattle mutilation: within the DA: orriee Se nt e P e, New Mexico, be designated an the eoordinetor,in*thie matter. 1 ' If I , 4- . s . W I .r 4 - - .__&;_L_ ,1 4. rs, ¢ NOTE: Re airtel recommended that the coordinator for the various jurisdictions involved in the investigation of cattle mutilations will be th D e A 's Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico. nu.- FBIHQ concurs with the recommendation. .1!- 92' .. -. ,_...r.. __,_.. _._ _ -:- PE. / E -2 r " we '*~~-:-Q0 /7 5 -I /4 /P _.é v? Ameuu___ MAY - 2197 " ?f-n_.;_;_Q__-Q I ,_ . _, _e :Z:§::III ~e"" FBl*Hvwu- ' -i- [V . _ In am s 1919 ei- -______ W /H, I i--n an-Inn H I-chutney -1.

I-F!.'.'=°'~Z;.'t .I¢- pl. _¢_._,.. Inkl nu. I,-us-fl-g-1-B Muff i I Frill: Mk. OI. __ Telnybee In. 1.. - ., éq! UN! *5 - . 7 . ' 0 5 u j -V-Ir I .' . ' 5 . KA 92___j _ A . AD Dir. MI. _____ 92I . AD llv. ' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE *"'- Fir-= . _ _ Memorandum FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Mu. Sc-t . ...»,- t - ;-;;;=--"='- """~ -I -- --I "'° -if: 1'*°°1'°|' _/ m'r== 6/1/79 i §|'I.'.'f=.I;. III? E-_._ ' I ff; Ice. Igll.___ ; i f 1: J OCR. Song, _____ mom : 1,;_ I J _' Go " §,§§°§§§f,§O?,°°t°r r.sT::::|:§E_1, - - ' - Mr. Moore ;§L':::!';','.;"'*1 , - M . I ~- _;T- Q 503135 THE___H1lTI-LATIONS15_§¥IMALS ' OF - _.J. 1vg;_E. SmithGsmm <1 / . _ " '.-=~*-r I ,__ Yl_ .- 'UHIM ON INDIAN RESERVATION " _ ?f;§ I 00: Albuquerque ' ; , §%§ -V:'__V_;,_; ~ -I. '-./-Z zgéq'._____ i__ . RDRPOSE: To respond to the Director's request for infor- L mation concerning an article appearing in the "National -- Enquirer" newspaper dated June 5, 1979, page 5, which is R captioned, "FBI Joins Investigation of Animal Mutilations - ll =~? 1 Linked to UFOs." See attached.!

.,;- RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. .._ll __.... n92/ ______*pP ,_,_,'qm sew. . Leia Cami ._.,---inu- , Dirac? Cr|m.lnv.B :1aI'|_&ln5p.'_'"""""' _, .- . '-*=°=- W _"".. """'-___ r§§s.~§'§"n',;- " .. ~» ~ q Q -A Den. Dep_AD ngqqm, m... -"- "I-2-I. '-==°'='°'v__._____ PubIic§if6IiT'_'Tmnin__ - &

.,En DETAILS: By memorandum dated March 2, 1979, Philip B. Heymann, gees Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, requested that ¢¢;" the FBI conduct an appropriate investigation in New Mexico of Za the fifteen animal mutilations and any others that occur in 1' 1 Indian country as a possible Crime on an Indian Reservation and . tfurnish the results to the U. S. Attorney and to the Criminal -_ Division, Department of Justice DOJ!. This memorandum stated that DOJ had received correspondence from Senator Harrison Schmitt, New Mexico, indicating that fifteen mutilations of animals have occurred in New Mexico Indian country in the past three years. In this memorandum, DOJ advised that their Criminal Division had been aware of the phenomenon of animals '" *being'muti1ated in a manner thatkcculd indicate that such acts are performed by persons as part of a ritual or ceremony. This memorandum from DOJ further stated that some of these mutilations which have occurred in Indian country are DOJ's - first indication that Federal law may have been viola -- %%?°°Us .{.531 ._ :L05v:s££=I.-"Levi;-1.1! ~a<"° .$_ "Q" ~ _ g .! 1

i Cf 1'.!

. . D

Memorandum'Gow to Moore RE: THE MUTILATIONS 0F.15 ANIMALS -

'E';i"-Li 0n March 6, 1979, the FBI, Albuquerque Division, - ¢ was instructed to conduct an investigation into the mutilations of fifteen animals or any others that occur in Indian country 9*. in accordance with the aforementioned DOJ memorandum dated March 2, 1979. "L"."e .3 .1 T On April 20, 1979, a conference was held in ~3.e Albuquerque, New Mexico, concerning the problem of animal '.I mutilations, primarily cattle, in which approximately 180 -- m .~-.--:; people attended who included various law enforcement agencies :~'*- -1 - 'r from several states, news media representatives, and the §§? general public. Senator Schmitt chaired the conference and the U. S. Attorney, New Mexico, and SAC Forrest S. Putman, Jr., Albuquerque Division, were in attendance. SAC, Putman advised the conference that DOJ had given the FBI authority to investi- gate those cattle mutilations which have occurred or might occur in Indian country. During this conference, numerous ,.,._.__, theories were expounded concerning who is responsible for -'.:.,."'5'.'these mutilations including members of satanic cults, predators, .'.'g * pranksters, extraterrestrial visitors, and some unknown Government agency. At the conclusion of this conference, it was decided that one agency would be designated as the coordinating investigative agency for all Jurisdictions qn-I-u involved.

:s 1. Subsequently during May, 1979, the District Attorney's .'."F___. Office for the_greater Santa Fe, New Mexico, area received approximately $50,000 in LEAA funds to act as the coordinating E, .5-i investigative agency of cattle mutilations. ._,_._.-.,2 "-1" 5 __,., p. 1;, _ - ... Since March, 1979, there have been no new cattle mutilations in Indian country, and our investigation with respect to the identities of the individuals responsible for the fifteen cattle mutilations has been negative to date. ... I


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Q _ , ______, ____ ,___,,__._ . .. _._ _ '_ .._,... ._- .- -.-.._-- o --1 _ 4. . C - . Z. A _- 92 ,. ., . ___- _ . . - ' -._'_._ - I I X a , ~92 FBI Joins In vestiynlidn of. n'.92 O Mutilation: I I lrnlredra UFO: lg WILLIAM IAINIIIILL, IOI PIA Uni DAVID WRIGHT . ,-and IIIE I'D! -unu [III a__- Jlnuua a-:..-A 1- an 01.- an: Inn-.-at--.0!-1 aa|va:au§uuuaaua -I oh; nan: 92nl- uaa-an -an var a-I va -"E thousands of grang horses and cattle over an ll-state _grea _ av-hlch -, havebeenlinl:ed1.nUFOa. . ' " *3 , .- - -"- -"#1 - DhdoaureoHheFBlrolewnmadeatancen1eonIarcn¢eololdahlmmaeva: ' E._:i.;_in alatea.wher¢l.hell:lack_l haveraachedanalarmlnglevgl. ~ - ' a . l - 'Sea. llarrlaon Schrnitl R.-N,lien!. the ea-aatronaut and whoarganined l _ " the maaalveennlerencei consp racy w enormously vre92§e funded." a -' -' IIWe 1* W I11 I" " llllllive.'_ . Atleaatmweanleudhnnuhavebeenbutdaandwlthnuglcalpreciaiunovnan mimatedl.:lmiionquanmlleanaatre:chln¢iromTmneauem0regoodncelbe " mutilation: began around 1010. The LII million aquare miles la rnora than a lhlrd pub: ; total land area in the cm- tlnenul United Stalea. * hIVQ lnma1lJ'eeaea|.hea"l*'§*l Cilwlde 92|'il.l'| UFCI Iill- ' ' E lap. Baled lllveatlptora any '~" I e '- the strange pattern at -the. all ~ '1lii- '3!!!! - 1.? o rema a. 1 ,- .";_,-2" ~ . , _ vi q¢u_ ' :','Q°';,,§",f,|,,':L,"§','l"'§,,.,;;|,;2|' acuvl ' ;.é_?@'; -. ' - _. rsarélier: _ . "W what I I01! . . n uuai we nivi i iuae '1"?{°§':f?;,l,u_,,d M mm, ..'.e.l_f_f_' - : 1 -_ _ _- '. . ' impanziue I01-the nluliiations up pansl'B:?dllt1|v¢ 0 the annmala orllna - luau-ally are huh, - _ ' - _. ,_ --- Thole are . -em-u_ahla_* gm iwkamlbiz$1131.". l r.L!l,'92raL-eelemenlt lound on - I -' - _ ' lorced.Heel,aolhe lwnmlresis ' 3 mg in mg Q;-¢;;|¢; jrg [I]; , _ _ - _ , ' ' pg, ||nm¢m| gin hp I-I:-at nnidunied al_|_-cran are 3% I ln QT 1|!-'1 - F - nanunr:' -" ' w - ___ "' V " vIii? in I8 nno imli 5! ' _ N *5 themeansUFOa. ~ - .n..'=,,.-if ....¢ mygg 1.; andlaketheniback '''' Iuae to ea! nu mutiluled rm-nu mumble- mg ¢,|||¢_ "'|'I'gf¢ have been lhouaanda Sen. Schmill. who received 1 ton are rheae muumum lubed! _ " 1 Ph.D. in pom - from Harvard have acme Ibw!- The IMIIIM - » Li? -1

5. rf Q IIIAIQIION XHMITT ___,' liwllm I Q iMHlII'£ION %HMIICI, ICIINGI¢ IND TRANIFOITITION [J .--.. ._.___..._ '.3.|[niieZI .-lales.-$.n.=t;.eie Assoc. Dir_____ %llN|'l"I'IIGI APPROPRIATION Deg AD Adm. WAIHlNGT°N| D.C. £0580 Dep.ADlnv. ' I-IGl'GOHMll'l'OM Asst. Dir.: "_ .- INA]-L IUIINEII Ad. ,ewz -__-F r- " .1" Idem. |n%e'l. """'_"-' Q".- m Later.-:::r£E : name. sovssunsm lo-;:t2'.~:: Pian.F- I-.s:>._"* E2:.L1'nt. __'_'- June 6, 1979 Z Tech. Gen-sT'___ Lr 1" Training '_""_ _'-_. _|-_ - Tub!i_ As. Off. T-1'-"3jhO.H.92Rm. '_ D5 1610:: Sec '_""' 4-. '»| Y 1'-5: O Dear. V. Mr.Director;-1.?" -I . M. J,. - f .- l,.; ._i;5 ff_:- 3 AsR. you E. Thompson, may know, e IU. convened S. £32Attainaya multi-state for New Mexico,live- stocQ:muti1atiqn;conferencein Albuquerque on April 20. K§'E§esu1t of that meeting, Agent Sam Jones of I _-_-p the Albuquerque office of the FBI was assigned as the Bureau contact for those individuals desiring to report animal mutilations and to organize the Bureau's activities in this investigation. 0 ml Please provide an update with regard to the status H 1-- of the Bureau's activities to this point, as well v as an outline and timetable for projected action. I am receiving many questions from constituents on these matters.

.-___4,. _- In addition, please advise me wnetner surricient , 5355:1- .'/Kfunds xi!are contained within your present budget to» cover projected activities with respect to the .__. =9 Bureau's involvement. As mark-up is scheduled , . vi to beginwithin the near futureiégthe Senate . - 9 Appropriations Committee, of wh I am a member, . .1.- 'Q.- ;.»_1: -aw;-, your contacting me by June ll aafto whether additional funding is required, d the amount, in would be~appreciated.Reva.;:P[7/ 1?' ; , Fad? ,/:-P"// Sincerely: W . Harrison Schmitt MW "*=*~ J 5 JUN 22 ms The Honorable William H. Webster, Director i-_---"' ' Federal Bureau of Investigation -1. Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20535

_-V ...... ___i...... __,_.._ ._..... _._._..._- _,...... ,_...,». Y , , .,a .____.__..-»- -- --~- ---...92.~,-...... _ -<-.....- ~-_.a-.-ea.-_._.___....4. ]f?lQ£$92 . . E. J - kg I FJ I J

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- 1:. 3";-_ June 19, 1919 7 as- - Mr. Moore _.... K 1 - n - Mr. Ingram .1»-v--1, L, Q ev" Honorable Harrison Bchitt 1 - Mr. Gow i...- United Etetei Senate _ - J. E. Smith v - Mr. Mint: $1. - Ueehington, D;-C. 20510 Attn: E. P. Mosche Dear Senator Sebnitt: ' . ' 1 " "I" 3- E- 1'°nE Attn: L. C. Groove: I ?'§>".:--: '3 -';92.,-gm - Reference in led e t o your letter received June ii, Ls 1979. a cop; or which it attached for your reed; reference. ~.*-:17;.;;'.~v 1*: -.-i izagaee be adviaed that the Department o f Justice on .=.=. eeqaeatee the P* to eendnet an investigation

xico in §£.¥1Qg ien eountry ae a er violation.and any others

since Heron, 1979, our Albuquerque Office has conducted an inquiry-concerning the aforementioned nutilatione and are in contact with other iew enroroement egenciee investigating animal autiietiona. There have been no new g .-_.-*1 _ : cattle nutiietione reported to ua in Indian country, end our :-T:-Z; 1; -if rj ~1-- __ inveetigetion eith respect to the iientitiee or the individuals -:.-1 ,..J13 responsible for the fifteen cattle nutiietione bee been * negative to date

. I a ;..._ I[ , r g r I ='! h ' i 92 X ;_ I!, 553- 1-. Your interest in obtaining additional tunne'tQg_tht 7;-'-"' . E 1'0 involvement ia appreciated. However, at thia time Li - uftioient funds ere available within our General Goverment .1;._;"- rimee Program to aupport our investigation in thia letter. 5, . If . Ya.the £'mI92UB1 -en -e at thrther essietanee to --u or ;_.:;'-, 5;? our BO!l8t1l.¢I'lBI,'P]-08.80 contact ua.~ ? iii f 8 ,4 /Q-~§-"°---.K" - , _ ?f5~"+~7*=';_ - "_1||i- - H . i.....».___ Z.£e.: ~27 Uiiliemjl. .,./*' Iebeter ' W . __,__..__..._p___...._i .__.a_ Z--'-"* _ ___._.__ ._._ _ __..__..--...__,_~- -» -

_ '-__. 92 1- {D}! - Honorable Harrison Schmitt '

NOTE: This letter is written in res onse to a letter from §enator HarrisonSchmitt NewMexico? concerningthe FBI's investigation of the cattle mutilations in New Mexico's Indian country. On June 11, lQI9, John Ryan, Legislative_Assistant to SenatorSchmitt, wastelephonically advisedby L. C. Groover, *%'I;-_- DeputyAssistant Director, Administrative Services Division, that Senator Schmitt'sletter was received at FBIHQ on June 11, 1979. Mr. Ryan was advised that the FBI had sufficient fundsto handleour investigationconcerning y, - cattle mutilations-and_thatwe would advisethe Senator the _ statusjor our investigation. This.responsehas beencoordinated among theAdministrative Services Division, Legal Counsel ' Division, SACForrest S.Putman, AlbuquerqueDivision, andthe- Criminal Investigative Division.

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1 lp 1 -¬ Mr. Mintz Mr. Moschella i- Ivir. Moore Ivir. Gow! I _. Mre --o Mr. Woodby is June 26, [I79

¢¢;**L lir.BurkettVunlirh_ 7* fr > ~ 3}" a e Counsel tor the llimrity 1 °°m@ no Committee on Appropriations - P.':';:."_!_'t__:: .- United Btatee Senate Wahlnton, D. C. U510

A?! Dear Burkett,

"n--. .~ In your telephone call you inquired about the livestock 1%-f-I-'1' _ -_;_;_4'-3:.-_ 'I 92- _ . mutll-at-lone problem in New Mexico and the actions being taken by the Jtivestock FBI concerning mulaons havethem. . reportedly occurred in a " '@ _number of states, principally in the Southwest; however, the . -,~. ._._ -. _ 32.,-. only known mutllatlons over which the FBI might have investi- r..'T- *' i~'1r'~er? -4:- gative jurisdiction hnzjoccurz-edLon Indian iende in New Mexico. On March 2, zero,-lmeiaepii-ee§§m o n ~, + I -it ce requested the FBI to conduct an inv 1"-. cettgetion at New Mexico ..E'-4 -- __I_m;tiI.a.tlone andmyothere thatoccur-inlndian . Since ii-*'*" March 1.970, our Albuquerque Oce has been investigating these mutilatione and in in contact with other law enter-cement agencies 1:--.Y ;. _.'e92- . -_,; investigating livestock mutilation. There have been no new live- ..- I etockmutilatiorn onlodinnlande reportedtouenndeurinveetigation titteenwith respect mutilation to the identities oithe individuals ree 9° etlvcneible gartllto " M a own erence You meyeleoheintdei/ileetedtoknowétoynrz-r|lgI£z.'-{-0 can-ea by Senator Harrison Bchmltt, New mhea '"" "'1- 3:7» 0-p._io1.t.._._- AZ.'Zwu held -- - =" in Albuquerque - concerning the problem of livestock JUN 2'? 1979 -NOTE: inforrnaon is oe"'" furnished in r ' Ft-l¥ n Int,-_- espouse to a mlephon-ie-"' "'-*1 Cm . 1. .. ______inqu.iry from x r. Van Kirk on 13725/79. We furnished the same infor- m:---mation to tor Schmitt by letter dated 6/ 19/79, except the portion anti».-,____re1ati11g Albuquer M i _ },,'§_°_'f];j"_--SeI'1ator _ ,_ _ tt E alr que conference and the LEAA- grant about which :.;;::LE_-.1 __ _ .. _was eadyaware./43"/67° Q Tun ____,.__,__, ~ - ::::::1'::';2r';;-.§g£===1?3r cl-mm:-='1__NAILOMW WK I" '7' t/11/2?, ' {ii . ~ PIII DOJ I . , 1 - I u § I

l o --lav - J '% '1

Ho. ' Ill. Quiet! VIII Kirk _ ¢ . - -;--

'1"? .41 . . -92 mutilation, prlmarllyeattle, IhlehIasattendedbylawentorce- ..= .92' '1- -.c-..-.-...¢.~92.-, meat agencies tram seven! states, new media rep:-eeedatlves r, _ _.- 1. andthegenetalpubllc. Mthaeonclusionofalaconferenceltial ;_,.:r.' .f__".-.:,,'i,'_- ., decadeuthatoneaacmrueuxdbedeatzmtedallzeeoordlnaung 1-" 3 In-reatlpve agency tor alljurladlctiom Involved. uaeequeay, A 1 tbelletx-lctMtorney'eOmce£ortheGreater8anl:aIe, Nawllexlce,. > ;? 7'7? Arearecelvedapprezlmatelylimb lnLEAAtundatoactaethe - 92#vr coordinating agency 0! llveatqckmatllatbnlnveetlgatlonl. _ Itwecanbeolturtheraaalstanceinthlemaltexgpleaeelet meknow. - - " " e Sincerely yours, ' " H.=§."j

_. '-I , ,;_ L. Clyde Groover, Jr. _.'.!"." Deputy Assistant Director 1*»- Admlnletratlve Services Ilvlalon

-.'1 J-'92 rr P E... _ -/- 1._'-:=:--"=~., ,._,.L . -,_--.3

Appgovgm Adm. Sent. Legal Ooun. Crlm. lnv. an. I. lnsp. Director Hac, N1 -nt. Asso:.D|r. _.-- ldfwt Tc:'h.$e.*vs. Dep_ AL AdT|. _ '9 L Training ___ mp. Alnv. * "">°'°*°'¥ Z Puua¢A:r=.o1:_*_


1 .- u I I I __ .__ _.___-_._._-1__._.92_ . ._._.._... __.~_a.___.i._.__V_ __ V _ _ . ._._.v_i_._.r _4.__ _. W ______-_a__ ._. 1_ A -- L* O O92 1 92 2

" . 0 - r UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1 -*== - W,-8!-~#»~ memorandum .331?-. 411$ pi , ansuqnnnoun 98-541! 1» = _ " - V Hm II _ - I 1- "U.TI$'gQN_QE_A_NI!A§§-.9A1 INDIAN I 1-AN1?_$_!!*!__lT§.92_*T..!§.X;I...?.° - / R, ' "T31?! C! 0: ALBUQUERQUE!


U--r . . 7 Title marked changed to show thrust investigation by Albuquerque Office: Title formerly carried as ILATIONS _.__j___'____.___.¢-@ or 15 ANIMALS".- 1.-..-B_... ._-.__,,__ Li. -up Re Albuquerque airtel to Director, 4/25/79.

-._ 1 'J|'u-to--'92 Enclosed for the Bureau are three copies of ,/ 92 -1 an LHM captioned,"MUTILATION OF ANIMALS ON INDIAN LANDS IN j ;, ;-I 3"; 3 NEW MEXICO", dated as above. ' / _/J .rv 1" . ,__ 1: The news articles which comprise the major - v portion of the enclosed LHM were furnished by WAYNE CIDDIO, 92 Administrative Assistant to Senator HARRISON SCHHITT, Santa Fe '7. "J - 9292 Office. CIDDIO also furnished a copy of a news release from Senator SCHMITT which is included in the LHM. It is felt that the Bureau should have this information in the event _.a J.______..'|_.l_I.. _ ._ a -_.-....-.4--I-.4 DI lnqiiiries WDLG LI. might he ruucivuu. a ' .| _ - _ I Regarding the'information in the July 17, 1979, news release of Senator Schmitt, the Albuquerque Office is of the opinion that investigation in this matter should continue Q . " '92 to be limited to those mutilations reported as occuring on Indian lands within the State of New Mexico as per instructions 1 i 92- _ '. v 92 in Bureau airtel, 3/16/79. The Albuquerque Office considers .~._;92__-ul this to be the maximum limit of its inquiries. 1. ii '.'. .i '.~ :- Since being instructed to investigate this matter, there have been no further mutilations reported 'on Indian Lands in New Mexico. Liaison has been established with appropriate law enforcement personel to insure that ..¬._i_ mutilatiqn§,are reported to he Albuquerque FBI Office. - A M @Bureau 6/ '1%@~» Enc.=4! *1 :3-'92% RSO-18 1/ /we ''_ ~"'_"" '_"'_ _5Albuquerque ._ SW.§.pas 0 I /¢,c':_ Ar I

I-1' U /at-4.rA__ _9 _7 i Q ____.,___,__;_ P ~ I r ; . fr ' , '/7' - {ti __ 2Nlv B|J1YZ'%- Savincs Bvnds Reuularly on the Payroll Savings Plan -_ E> _ ! 3 _ O -- . ' I

5-'..=-.'-.-, F 1 1; - a '1 AQ 19s-541 ' =sI

Q.-' ?-"'so Concerningthose prior mutilations reported r- -. to have occurred on lndinn lands, no law eniorcenent agency 92. was assigned investigatory responsibility and as a result, '? U" no adequate evidence collection or record making was under- 1.- - ______- taken. The Albuquerque Oiiice has questioned law eniorcement i otiicers who have been at the scene of the alleged mutilations 92- as observers. A few photographs were taken, copies of which were obtained._ _No evidence has been obtained because none 5 was collected. In view of this, no turther investigation . -4 will be done regarding the alleged mutilation oi the 15 _ ." animals previously reported. For this reason, the title to this case was changed showing the correct perspective of the Albuquerque Office investigation. Ernr


'I 2 1 ;-_; *1.-__ ., .n.I;-

'1--»_i 1-4---~:5.-; .

i92 ?

I . ' . .. - L _ ! C: J 2

Q 4 .-:4"- I a.',.;§~q ;5' ; ' " UNITED92 $TATESDEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ¢3%%§? FEDEBA1.BUBEAU OFINVESTIGATION -5-I 2 -1- | ' Albuquerque, New Mexico - . 0 ;_::;i:.Pl-Mn»In August 1, 1979 92._. :-.. -1-~-v .; ''-



'_r-1 __

On July 25, 1979, WAYNE CIDDIO, Adiministrative Assistant to Senator Harrison Schmitt, Santa Fe Office, furnished copies of newspaper articles from an Espanola, -i New Mexico, newspaper, the "Rio Grande Sun", regarding mutilations.

Mr. CIDDIO also furnished a copy of a news -1- release from the office of Senator SCHMITT which was dated July 17, 1979. The news articles and release follow: zg=-_= .-- _._;_._._.__.. :;__.>-.-_. -1-=4__:.¬ 2'1 -2.- -se= ¬.". go-.._._ i;

- II

..:.- . "

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

./ /_"'_' N/976. QMOSURE _ , ..._-,._.._.t_.._. .-_.-_.. .l.___..+-.-_------ ~ ' - ér OF J J !.

.- -I . [@334 Heidi 0:2 nu, ' ByG.-ill. OLSON - nclal investigators. She thought of mutilations was .was sl temale," 'Dem92ig _ Oi the SUNs reported that as oi 4 p.m. tar away from my mind." Santa Fenreau Tuesday. no investigator I-le explained that as he ''1 saww znltappeared to The county's "ireshest" had been seen in Tnichas. has s number oi "open be a mutilation. it lied mutilation report so tar "They don't come here fences" that result in little blood which was only reached State Police very often - not unless "cattle going through visible where the tongue within live hours of the kill somethingtshanging i'romproperty." The only thing used to be. The tor-goo. he last Saturday. but nobody a viga_." she explained oi he noticed about_ the said. had been sliced at its came to investigate. area law enforcement barking dogs was they roots. precisely. "I was really disgusted. personnel and what she would go to the boundary Bight alter the viewirg. 34:0 The news media said sees - as their attitude oi the tence and turn the state police reportedly investigators would come about the small_mountain back" rather than chasing were called. as coon as they were -s..-_i_ _ . the eowi ii lhe right before had " Ken Rommel, hired 3 called." complained When he began his day. been "peaceiul" he =r--to Dennis Martinez. who through a 850.130 tederal he said. at approximately reported. except tor the . t - discovered the carcass grant to investigate cattle T sinus bu bt0l.hel| slightly peculiar behavior err.- "within 300 yards oi my mutilations in Bio Arriba Ernesto llartlnes and ot the barking dogs. _ . piacc."in'h"ucha.s. county. had not been on "anot.her- Ernesto Mar- Everyone believed the "ll is sad news," he said the scene as oi late _tlnes." the Ernesto oi law enfoi-cement'sTuesday afternoon and Martinez who owns the -tlndtobeagoodonmns apparent lack oi interest was not available in his property upon which the in the case. which from all ottice. - cow was round. were at his they had "come in time." reports is a classic. State Dennis Martinez said door. '" ri- Dennis Martinez and his Police called the county the latest chapter in Oome and see it." they wile both said a number oi livestock agent and DA county mutllations lore invited. asking him to Truchas residents had s;i Eloy Martinez. but sent no began between i a.m. and bring his gun. as wolves reported seeing orange 1- officers to the scene. I a.m. Saturday morning. have been sighted in the lights" in the sky that His wile Francis. more "I heard the dogs arealately. night. some flying over the cynical. was nonchalant barking." he explained oi "The cow belonged to '.l"i-uchas cemetery. _ -z about the absence oi oi- that time. though "the Juan Antonio Rael and it Alter the_ authorities were notified, Dennis ldartinez said. "I stuclt

/xfq ,. . _-/./92. __ '1.;..

,* ' ':.-'. -_.- _ ,,~.... around from 1' a.m. until with surgical precision. being upset." he said oi what -transpired at a _.-_ 2:30. making sure" that no Dennis Martinez said the witnesses. explaining recent conference oi law investigators were Neil Boclrman. a Santa Fe that he is seeking more enforcement personnel involved in mutilation - 3-4 coming. photographer and "im- funding for the F'Bls n He admitted he was a maker looking into the study into the problem. investigations. -. little bit scared" oi the "That's one reason 1 got "The tact that the '-e92. phenomena, appeared on mutilation which occurred the scene. Bockman wrote the language oi a handing District Attorney's grant so near his home. He an article tor Read Street. was pursued didn't change -w-q-.*e'9'.- request recently an- explained he had been in a news publication. nounced to support the that." he said further. oi the Colorado Springs area recently on the FBI investigation. Senator 1iartines's iederally when a number of -. :-'.a 1 phenomena entitled Schmitt explained. "I runded investigation. mutilation; had taken want the FBI to be more "Maybe my un- . ''.g "Burgers tor the Gods." place there. "The case itseli d.idnt deeply involved." derstanding was wrong. -e The way la done. when unueu.-.1. except tor !-!e .-aid more coor- but my understanding was f!';_._l you see one. its a little on the tact that there were dinating o! local in- that the FBI would be the dlI1erc11t". then when you wolves in the area. Bock- vestigations" is needed at coordinating agency." he just hear about one. he man said. He reported one this time and that the said. ' explained. ' . neighbor's dog chewed "central point of the in- 'When told that _Ken 1 The eyes of the Iresh "the backend" or the cow. vestigation." he believes Rommel. the investigator cow. he noted. attracted He was puzzled that law now. should be the FBI. the District Attorney attention among ob- srdorcernent oiiicials had though some cen- hired alter receiving a servers. not appeared on the scene. tralization may be grant to pay his salary." -The villain. he laid, U.S. Senator Harrison achieved by the District had yet to contact Gabe "tried to scrape at it, as Schmitt - Tuesday also Attorney. Valdez. the State ii he or it were trying to expressed concern that the -"My understanding was -Policeman who has the get a tissue sample from investigation was not that FBI agent Sam Jones most experience in in- . the while part oi the eye. anen ded to imrnediately was asiifned to coordinate veitigitini mutllations. The rectal area. the udder by law enforcement law enforcement etiorts on Senator Schmitt said and the ears were personnel. . snutllations." Senator Sch- Valdez experience should removed rum the beast I don't blame them for mitt said oi his anaylsis oi f¥'sIst.lesssss¢§ Isl P01-I'D 3 '_' -- 92 e _ w . -.. ,,,, .. .l_. 92. .. _... . _._ _. _.-._..-sa- --_- .--.-..__...-.-_..------~ ,- Q ! > i . . _ 9. U0 . oi e if .

_~'e_. Q . e I . r I av - ii . . = .MaaiizZEcaz2ZzZ¢1>2mtr [Um zrwe G 5 8 'I92-.1-llama-J --1 -,.-ism 92IlIll IIIBmUIl.| Ill I easesve I EIIG DI I &Il¢lpL" believe an effort was We valuable anyare spreading last. Martinez said a teletype made to contact Rommel estlgator. _ "Eloy Martinez went to received by every atiillate with no success." "That doesnt sound like the State Police and told State Police oiticer ot the Oi the allegations of a complete investigating." them that Gabe Valdez is state assigned Richard C cover-up. Martinez said. Schmitt said oi the not to have any part in this de Baca as liaison between The only thing I can t investigation," we serious -_r-e-.-_-- - omisztionuméoi - Valdez oiticers and Rommel and really state I would atly :2: P1111 Pl - ' Valdez tan told the BUN. that "relates to the notion deny basis tor supporting In light cl the lack ed Another version oi that that it there is a mute in the contention that there is -347 - investigation. oi the .story is that a Pimunle" their responsibility -that -1.I.?w-.- = _ a cover-up _ii for no other -;i.rt_-;=_-; : Pi-aches episode, the SUN has been placed on Valdez. hopefully they will contact reason than it would put g-cw-'l'_has received a number of Both stories were denied Rommel. - the grant in jeopardy." .r.¢.92u_-_ reports from confidential '£_u_es_day by State Police Oi ZR.ornmel's tatiure to ! He advised those with sources about Laue! searn Vigil and by appear at the Truchas such contentions to apply dissatistaction with the the district attorney. ' suspected mutilation. he eto the grantee. the Law course Boml-nels in- "I have not put out any said he is "reasonably Enforcement Assistance vestigationlstaking. t orders to "that eiiect. assured that Ken is Associatlon."' with that Persons who have Vigil said. He explained looking intuit. complaint. The LEAA. he spoken to the investigator that he has asked that "This happened on a contends. would "support". complain he is "brusque," infonnation be channelled weekend and its one oi the complainant "one or "too lppant. or he to Rommel, but ii a state those instances where I hundred per cent." - doesnt take their ideas or policeman should get a their reports seriously. call on a suspected and they'd rather not mutilation. he should go discuss with him turther on over there." mutilation phenomena. The district attorney, Other persons express too. denies the existence of -9-i tears that not only a gag order on any state .- .. Rommel, but the District policeofficer. _- _ _ _ ,-.- if-'1. Attorney and the Slate I never have. and Police. are working never will, impose any together, to cover up kind cisgagruleonany whatever is behind the law enforcement otticer '<_:. 2' _; .3 because I don't have that authority had even it I did it would be impractlcalior -3;.--':-~ me to impose any iorm oi ,__,,_ - gag rule." he said. Oi the alleged meeting ;g_.'.__i'._-_ with Vigil. he mo. he er!-. . believed that the story grew from an .actua1 conversation he had with ,.__., . F the chief. ' i '-' i "I think that the meeting was only my . - ; request to the chiei that since we _no92w have a designated project director in charge that it would probably be best to have everyt.i=Lng relating to lnutilstions tunnelled through that investigator. "It tor no other reason the grant terms conditions calls tor the .e' '9

Q- '92

I , 0 s _

-s __.J -in- iii-'-4 -':'""-1 Mutilations " _ ...,._ 1 '= {Probe to 0 Dis ~ F-.2!- L2

;v_'.-_, .-;s.~"-:..

4- it s . L - I a .u f-. ' -i_ _ 1

Examination of the tirst quarterly report sub- mitted in our famous $50,000 cattle mutilation probe /_ would indicate results to date can be described at best disappointing.The worstmightbe to suggest it's a waste oi the taxpayers money.. - In summary. chlet investigator Ken Rommel, at a salary oi 825.000 a year. gave interviews to ' televisionstations and newspapers, talked with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. eontirmed support

-__.., already!ti-om a end numer oi eheelted state agencies out three which suspected he had. . mutilations in his rst five weeks on the job. That cost about $2.500 in salary plus unknown .-1,;-,_. expenses. _ ~.-1 _e=-' The report says the investigations into the three cattle deaths one each in Milaga, Coyote and Tres Fied! were not wntplete. alt-tough one Albuquerque. newspaperquoted Rommel as saying all three were caused by predators. l_-- -_' - But lo and behold, a mutilation reported in 1.-' Tmchas Saturday moming. only several hours after I -51. the animal'sdeath and probably the treshest in-. cident to date, had yet to be checkedout by I p.rn. Tuesday - more than tour days later. Our "Desert Fox" hadn'tmade it to Truchas, the state police hadn't responded,the livestock inspector was not to t. -1-_.. be seen and the only explanation our district st- -.¢_-.1 torney the; the one who got the grant! had was "it was a weekend." We must advise our cattle mutilators that the game is played only ve days a week - we rest on e:-ii weekends. ' -r~".; Now fellows. there is a tremendous amount ot ../Q interest in this stroject as evidenced by the tutnout tor the Albuquerque conference conducted by New Mexico'sSen. Harrison Schmitt. Additional proof is theL . tactthat thefeds coughedup $50,000 to lookinto . - While the pu_bllocan't expects solution "in the first six weeks ct activity. for petes sake they can expect morethan thatskimpy one-pagereport issued last week. And they can expect, tor the money they are putting out, tor someone to show up to in- 'vestigate reportedmutilstions. ' - But .2 one optimist remarked eheertully: "hook l at it this way; it'sonly $50,000. It could have been hal1'stn.il1ion." '-.-- _ , e ' 1 ' - - .2 q _ a r . o.- _ _| .,-0. :. 0 } tows From e ~-~/ Q _ ' 1,? - Siénator E-Ilarlfisom Selimifd, - .

243 Russell Senate Office Building. Washington. D.C. 20510 _ Media Contact Anne 202/224Grad


,-._¢ Washington, D.C.-U.S. Senator Harrison Schmitt announced today that - "I.- '1. the Senate Appropri ations Comittee, on which he serves, included in the %5*& gin a 'I Fiscal Year 1980 Justice Department Appropr i ations Report_1anguage directing :5 a .1 1 2 t the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI! to maintain its investigation of e§7. T'= »_! the cattle mutilations that have occurred in northern New Mexico and elsewhere.

Schmitt said ouch action by the Appropriations Committee is "necessary

_. - due to the continuing widespread problem of cattle nutilations and the need __"'92'92 G4, A.-_ ___r- _-.-_.iig for federal coordination of the investigation." . "I hope that the Committee: endorsement of this proposal will increase

1I|-up-I-|| the FBI: investigative activity so that the aswer to this bizarre and .|--- rt.- grisly mystery will be feud," Schmitt added. The FBI will_investigate the incidents that have occurred and which are prosecutable under Uited States Code 1152 and 1153. '

-_.>_,,. Q. . . - 3° - q_I-_"- -r :Q .92- - ; . V 4

'-.'-;i-. ~@e

._ :,__.

, Q

d____T_ ., __ * ~ - -92..----92._-a-.,_*...._._..-'-..._-... ..,t. -. I" Cg! _ ~ l UQITEDSTATES GOVERNMENT 2 /!"flT¬=' 12/1»/-1;sAc,_ ix ~ memorandumuse-541!ALBUQUERQUE c -=-===~ mrr-AT1<>rLs21:h4.r1;1.» LANDS IN 1_~:E_1: umgpo ' CIR C!m - '°= O0: ALBUQUERQUE

.5 ;:a. .

F-__-» _.


i in--Z..qr -=4: Re Albuquerque letter to the Director, 8/1/79. ~-; . _Since being instructed to investigate this matter, n, there have been no reports of mutilations on Indian lands in New Mexico. Liaison has been established with appropriate law enforcement personnel to insure that mutilations are reported to the Albuquerque FBI Office. In view of this, no investigation is currently being conducted regarding mutilations, and the Albuquerque Office is i.. placing this matter in a closed status. Lu 9292 _ "' M. @ - Bureau RH! 1 - Albuquerque SWJ:rag ! --|-pq :- . I HP '

ié? "I:"__'; :j - '..'¢~_ --. 66?%}l ' I w"1__, .

§ I ~1 "W 1 G wt-. ______,._...... ,.,_. /Q 1,-I - I ccfr»: é I 92, [/13 Q _ _ _ __. I-V7 ii _ , _ 2 . _ -. _* Q; UNITEDI I GOVERNMENT STATES B ' ' " memorandum '§§"-J13?-=Bart: . 1/15] Ug¥uQr_rzaou_nO c sic-/" ' res-541! mnrn - MUTILATION OF ANIMALS ON INDIAN LANDS §$¥4 " IN NEW msxrco CIR c! to: O0: ALB

._ ¢_,,._


-§_@'n _.. . .- vf .::...,__...- 1 , W DIRECTOR, FBI 98-1048! _ ;"!I I-1}- __ Re Albuquerque letter to the Director, 12/10/79.

tEnc1osed for the Bureau are five copies of an LHM captioned as above. One copy of this LHM is being designated for KENNETH M. ROMMEL, District Attorney's Office, Espanola, New Mexico. ROMMEL is the Director of a Special Investigative .__,.. Unit set up under an LEAA grant for the purpose of investigating 1: - animal mutilations. "5-I .' 1-. -~-,.-11 #1 1:?"- No investigation is currently being conducted by the Albuquerque FBI Office regarding mutilations, and this case is E,-i.".'}l-1'in a closed status. It is again pointed out there have been no ._..__ 2. IT. T":Z reports of mutilations on Indian lands in New Mexico since the //"g .'.._.1 v Albuquerque Gffieewa$92instrueted toinvestigate this matter. I ' ;_. _ . , .g 9292_ 1/ ..,"-.1-r _ Er-- K ®- Bureau'2; /0 I - Albuquerque - .r SWJ:rag ! //I/" T//-"' -" /¢ c . Q-YE!1///'7 "'' I 5/|... -4-,!n|-4.--1-I' .-1,-r-1-w-Ie --ea -Q JP I-*3"9Bu - J 2¢<- *-'492t>¢-4 weC>- 9 "T aH»~=354% C33-»:>->,;..<.;1>.v5 - "~" ' I mil 2: Q9 M f92. Q K-T!i I 92' i 2. J -J ?§5??§§EI _ *l , ' unrrspSTATES DEPARTMENTor JUSTICE 0 _ '='-=z-=1mfsaédf FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -i:'_.?%_._._i- cl" . IIQIVI *1b';::::2:1.*Fe:*.::**°°""""'-" _" """'

IJUTILATION or ANIMALS _ on INDIAN LANDS IN é _. .. ~, new utxxco §*i came on INDIAN nnsznvnron ;-~ ; .I n _ ' n By communication from FBIHQ dated March 6, 1979, the FBI, Albuquerque Office was instructed to conduct investigation -=,..;. - into the mutilations of animals occurring on Indian lands in New .- .,, - 12 Mexico. This instruction was based on a memorandum dated March 2 I 6-oo' I--. ;;< 1979, from the Department of Justice to FBIHQ, which authorized T 137;T-"I such investigation. U-3 ' ....r,~ On April 20, l9?9, a conference on livestock mutilation Q was convened in Albuquerque by Senator HARRISON SCHMITT of New IE3 Mexico, and the U. S. Attorney for New Mexico, R. E. THOMPSON. This conference was attended by law enforcement investigators from several states, FBI representatives, other interested partie ., '.;_-;_- and the press. Approximately 180 persons were in attendance. S Near the conclusion of the conference, it was reported by the District Attorney in Santa Fe, New Mexico, that a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration LEAA! grant had been applied for to _ provide funds for aepecial investigative unit to investigate 4 cattle mutilations. Subsequently, it was announced that the LEAA ;.'..":f'l-".1 ,1grant had been made, and that a special investigative unit for this purpose had been set up under the auspices of the New Mexico ,____. ._-. -2- i State District Attorney in Santa Fe. Former FBI Agent KENNETH M. ROMMEL was appointed to head up that unit. . . .-_ --- -. Investigation by the Albuquerque FBI Office determined ~ . that there had been reports of dead animals from both the Santa if-..-.;_|Clara Reservation ;-P and the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in New Hesico. Discussions with GERALB HILL, Bureau of Indian Affairs . .-1,. Criminal Investigator, Pojoaque, New Mexico, regarding the dead cattle which had been reported on the Santa Clara Reservation by members of the Santa Clara Tribe disclosed that these reports were in 1978. There was no evidence to cause it to be determined that the animals had been mutilated, and Investigator HILL did not make a complete investigation of the matter, nor collect any evidence for examination. Subsequent discussions with RALEIGH

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your a - -~__. E71 0! . . .


TAFOYA, Chief of Police, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, disclosed similar information, i.e. the reports of unexplained dead animals were in 1978, and although they were surrounded by suspicious circum- stances, there was no evidence to positively determine that the animals had been mutilated. In neither case had evidence been _"'L preserved for examination, nor were there any complete reports of investigation done regarding the deaths. _

I. -is ._92_~-..-. 3.. - The Albuquerque FBI Office has discussed the possibility --an of animal mutilations with law enforcement officers in New Mexico, FE including MEL SEDILLO, JR., Investigator, New Mexico Livestock Board, Albuquerque!'New Mexico, who has examined numerous animals .t£ which had been reported as being mutilated. Investigator SEDILLO E52is . said that in each instance his examination showed that the animals had been attacked by predators.

Since the conference of April 20, 1979, the Albuquerque FBI Office has received a voluminous amount of correspondence from interested parties who have expounded their theories regarding this subject. Copies of this information have been furnished to AA in KENNETH M. ROMMEL for his assistance. On January 15, 1980, KENNETH M. ROMMEL advised his office has pursued numerous investigative leads regarding the possible mutilation of animals in New Mexico. He said that to date, his a '. investigative unit has determined that none of the reported cases has involved what appear to be mutilations by other than common in-{.. = predators. ROMMEL said he has travelled to other states and con- ferred with investigators in those areas regarding mutilations, and to date has received no information which would justify the .14 belief that any animals have been intentionally mutilated by r A - he human beings. ROMMEL added that regarding all the dead animals he has examined, the damage to the carcasses has always been con- '.*;_'¢.sistent with predator action. ::92. ,. The Albuquerque FBI Office has alerted law enforcement officials who have Jurisdiction over Indian lands in New Mexico concerning the Harsh 6, 1979, authorization for the Albuquerque -9292 FBI Office to investigate the mutilations of animals on Indian lands in New Mexico. These law enforcement officials have advised that they would immediately notify the Albuquerque FBI Office in the event there are any new occurrences of suspected "1 3: animal mutilations on Indian lands. ~ - -"---On January 15, 1980, this matter was discussed with iAssistant U. s. Attorney arcnann J. snrwn, U. s; Attorney's . Office, Albuquerque. Assistant U. S. Attorney SMITH said that in his opinion there is no Federal interest in continuing an investi- ,-..H_a -.i.-. -..__ _-__ _gation in this matter in the absence of further reports of acts of

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-_-.| suspected mutilation of animals on Indian lands in New Mexico Q?-$1 ii-M !-_=§


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Kennethan! 1nc5|"75r!- , M.Ro|nmel,.lr. A _mm n.¢§§L§$s»f.M h_ Pr 'Pl"°_ lnvdzptor P1431!_ =15 Dim 5_wk bpnqi ,!_!_,|¢5:5_q_!z§;3_I1" ispisne: E565"! 753-ii' '1'-rf c I. I. S v m_2m March 5, 1980 - . ,mK

Director Ir-5,, Federal Bureauof Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C. attention: F.B.I.Laboratory |Q¬.Z 'f{g559r;!q+i0lJJ n:'h./9'l?4*!§.°T.F'.4:"'577305; ¢ -93-9 -fentlemen: " /09...»' o" Ihexfc0 ,' 'Tu/y _/F75? r backgroundinformation, I refer to your Albuquerqueorigin matterentitled s follows:

"1 '1 Mutilations of Animals on Indian Lands New Mexico -- -- Crime on Indi an Reservation. - _ J Enclosed for examination is one vial containing several flakes of an unknown =-- ."*Q.terial_ which this office______-___ would lik____e tohave identified in connection with an'_,_.-, E '5-giisisiinvestigation. For yourinformation, sinceapproximately 1975,New Mexicoand otherstates A primarily those located in close proximity to New Mexico, have had incidents referred to b"uy -*-" many as "" "tb" Lu: cattle**** mutilation phenomena." Stock animals, primarily * cattle, have been found dead with various parts of the carcass missing such as one eye, one ear, the udder, and normally a cored anus. Host credible sources have attributed this damage to normal d pre ator and scavenger activity. However, certain segments of the population have attributed the damage to many other causes ranging from .?.0.s to a giant governmental conspirac y, tne exact nature of which is never fully explained.No factualdata hasbeen supplied sgpnorting thesetheorie - In Hay,1979, respondingto pressurefrom coAtit{92ents,4hehis g. istrict Attorney, First Judicial District of N ew x He i co, applied for and praise-sde Lab one year L.E.A.A. grant to investigate these mutilations. - .E 6 1.5.-1':17 I retired after twenty-eightyears asa special agent ofthe F.B.I.toldirec this investigation. " "1----_-' Irena! As previously tated, there are those that have attempted to make a connection between cattle mutilati onsU.F.O. and sitings.2

H-=T':| r 7";/£7 '5/___1z1ssor _ I é _ ,3 1;!i

Director March 5, 1980 Federal Bureau of Investigation Page -2-

In July, 1978, a U.F.0. was reportedly observed by a resident of Taos, New Mexico, reportedly hovering over a pickup truck. The next morning, the enclosed powder flakes were reportedly recovered from the roof of the aforementioned pickup.

Some of the individuals that are most vocal to the media have inferred that these flakes are identical with a substance that was taken from cowhides in e controlled test conducted in the Dulce, New Mexico area.

Dulce, New Mexico, which has been the site of several reported mutilations, is located approximately seventy miles from Taos, New Mexico. I have not been able to locate a sample of the substance reportedly collected in the Dulce test, but 5 it has been described as a florescent material.

I have, to-date, been-able to confirm any connection between these two substances, and have been told by those that have seen both that they are not identical.

However, I would appreciate it if through the use of a G.S. Mas spectroscopy test or any other logical test, that these flakes can be identified. This in itself would go a long way to assisting me to discredit the U.F.0. -- Cow Mutilation association theory. '

If need be, the flakes can be destroyed during your examination.

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated.


-1; KENNETH M. ROMNL, JR .,__ if-...... =rl».»¢~P! KM/dsm enclosure

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Q1 Ilakee of unknown material _

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7;. Mr. KennethM. Rommel, Jr. I Director Ofce of the District Attorney AnimalFirst Judicial DistrictMutilationProject FBIFILE /f NO. _. 8 I f Q g_. P951 Office B91; 1209 LAB.NO. 00307053S MK RI Re; Espanola, New Mexico 8753! YOUR NO. MUTILATIONS OF ANIMALS ON

INDIAN RESERVATION; TAOS, Exlmindion by: is NEW MEXICO, JULY 1978 _ L 4,.

Examination requestedby: AdC11B58éB

Reference: Letter dated March 5, 1980 Examination requested: chemical Analyses_ :~rnn|5UfA¢_

Specimens received: Specimen: To RI 3 /1 2/? a

Q1 Flakesunknown of material 3 /;>_ g

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-I-O: Mr. Kenneth M. Rommel, Jr. Director - Office of the District Attorney First Judicial District FBI 5-11.:-: N0. ' Animal Mutilation Project Post office Box 1299 LAB. NO. 0D3U7U63 S MK -w.,f_ - Rg; Espancla, New Mexico 87532 ______M_;_,_,_:_,...-_.-..-»7-V--E;:~"§:'§f* 3*"-Q ___._ .ti |"-,9;-31.1-grifrrl _-9:-__::___-'L'__':______s..E§.¬..:...... _ .....:..-... ..._ ;='_.__ . 192-IUTILATIONS OF}AN11'v1ALS7 on _ """"l.:_:;:;;,,,;;_;.=;|.i-.=-______u______,___.._.- .--_-__- D INDLAN RESERVATION; mos, ..------'--E-1-f;-;;;;_;'*' , ____§?__.iA__75-3; . ~;;_ 1; . A__-- mzw MI-2XICO,_JULY 1s-we --'"?'?Eiii¬:-£-.:----»---- ---- .2 h-_.:-J. ,1 ______.,.-,.- .-.. _... vg av:; '-- = up--nncu-u-I-I _-'- "---. _ _ ""=2-:?.=:-.-.=;.---____"------2, .- -n-__ Examinaticm requested by: AddI'B35e| ;:iE:.!";=,.;,E:;£_________, 9% .~-Pl 1 ._ -"n 3- -- M- 0:92I "28¥ ¥-|&i..92:l-.' Q 1-T!;1.i=ir "-'5I"92. r -.1---|-92-nn. - Letter dated E.-'I=.=.:*ch 5, 1980 .. D... Fl.-mzninu .1.-re hrcd Chemical Analyses _ _g||5fRA-ITQL ANQLYIQ5

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UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT »-= 1/weo L meémorcxnolum- -_

ii; -.?% muQmmma-541! 9 C! _ s -~==*= -£.1I!.'r.1La'1'I.Q.1:1__Q¥'..ON INDIAN .m1wm§. LAHuD&_IN__1~3.!L-H!!§I¢0 "*' P-:-"92 CIR C! '---~... ~ ' 3 . TO: O0: Albuquerque l nznscron, rs: 93-1048! fl. 1;. -- Re Albuquerque letter to Bureau, 1/15/80.

v- a Enclosed for the Bureau is one copy of a bound report entitled, OPERATION ANIMAL MU'1'ILA'l'ION."i a This report of the District Attorney, First Judicial District, Iii__..~.¬ . State of New Mexico, prepared by Kenneth M. Rommel, Jr. 5.! former Special Agent! , Project Director, and dated June, w-.-» .- -..' 1980. a- 92-r A perusal of this report reflects it adds nothing new in regard to potential investigation by the Albuquerque FBI of alleged mutilation-as on Indian lands in New Mexico.

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9 JUL 16 1980

j u 1, p , _.. '_ .§'§.__ 4 - q!- Albuquerque Bureau Enc.l! /I SWJ/pd:2! [ab l, %,. ~ a -BuyU.S. . ii Savings lRegularly theBonds SavingsPayroll on OWMALMH Plan1° "Q '' unzv. I- IIl CIAFPMR IICFI! I91-ILI _ lino-111