BENIN Work Plan FY 2017 Project Year 6

October 2016-September 2017

ENVISION is a global project led by RTI International in partnership with CBM International, The Carter Center, Fred Hollows Foundation, Helen Keller International, IMA World Health, Light for the World, Sightsavers, and World Vision. ENVISION is funded by the US Agency for International Development under cooperative agreement No. AID-OAA-A-11-00048. The period of performance for ENVISION is September 30, 2011 through September 30, 2019.

The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

ENVISION Project Overview

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s ENVISION project (2011-2019) is designed to support the vision of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its member states by targeting the control and elimination of seven neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) including, lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis (OV), schistosomiasis (SCH), three soil-transmitted helminths (STH; roundworm, whipworm, hookworm) and trachoma. ENVISION’s goal is to strengthen NTD programming at global and country levels and support Ministries of Health (MOH) to achieve their NTD control and elimination goals. At global level, ENVISION –in close coordination and collaboration with WHO, USAID and other stakeholders- contributes to several technical areas in support of global NTD control and elimination goals, including: • Drug and diagnostics procurement, where global donation programs are unavailable, • Capacity strengthening, • Management and implementation of ENVISION’s Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), • Disease mapping, • NTD policy and technical guideline development, and • NTD monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

At the country level, ENVISION provides support to national NTD programs by providing strategic technical and financial assistance for a comprehensive package of NTD interventions, including: • Strategic annual and multi-year planning • Advocacy • Social mobilization and health education • Capacity strengthening • Baseline disease mapping • Preventive chemotherapy (PC) or mass drug administration (MDA) • Drug and commodity supply management and procurement • Program supervision • M&E, including disease-specific assessments (DSA) and surveillance

In , ENVISION project activities are implemented by the Ministry of Health/PNLMT with the financial and technical assistance of RTI International.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acronyms List ...... iv 1) Capacity Strengthening ...... 6 a) Capacity Strengthening Approach ...... 6 b) Capacity Strengthening Activities ...... 6 c) Monitoring Capacity Strengthening ...... 7 2) Project Assistance ...... 8 a) Strategic Planning ...... 8 b) NTD Secretariat ...... 10 c) Advocacy ...... 10 d) Social Mobilization ...... 11 e) Training ...... 14 f) Mass Drug Administration ...... 17 g) Drug and Commodity Supply Management and Procurement ...... 18 h) Supervision ...... 19 i) M&E ...... 21 3) Maps...... 23 Appendix 1. Work Plan Activities ...... 28


Table 1: Social mobilization/communication activities and materials checklist...... 12 Table 2: USAID-supported coverage results for FY15-FY16 and targets for FY17 ...... 18 Table 3: Planned disease-specific assessments for FY17 by disease ...... 22



AE Adverse Event ALB Albendazole APOC African Program for Onchocerciasis Control CAME Centrale d’Achat des Médicaments Essentiels CCS Chef de Circonscription Scolaire (Head of School District) CDC U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDD Community Drug Distributor CDTI Community-Directed Treatment with Ivermectin Co-RUPs Co-Responsable d’Unité Pédagogique (Pedagogical Unit Deputy Chief) CP Conseiller Pédagogique (Pedagogical Advisor) CY Calendar year DDS Departmental Health Directorate DQA Data Quality Assessment DSA Disease-Specific Assessment END in Africa End Neglected Tropical Diseases in Africa EU Evaluation Unit FMOH Federal Ministry of Health () FOG Fixed Obligation Grant FTS Filariasis Test Strip FY Fiscal Year GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GOB Government of Benin GTMP Global Trachoma Mapping Project HAT Human African Trypanosomiasis HQ Headquarters ICT Immunochromatographic Test IEC Information, Education and Communication IITA International Institute for Tropical Agriculture INSAE Institut National de la statistique et de l’analyse économique (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis) ITI International Trachoma Initiative IVM Ivermectin JRSM Joint Request for Selected PC Medicines KAP Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices KCCO Kilimanjaro Center for Community Ophthalmology LF Lymphatic Filariasis M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDA Mass Drug Administration MDSC Multi Diseases Surveillance Center MEMP Ministère de l’Enseignement Maternelle et Primaire (Ministry of Kindergarten and Primary Education) MMDP Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention MOH Ministère de la Santé (Ministry of Health) NGO Nongovernmental Organization


NTD Neglected Tropical Disease OCO Ophthalmic Clinical Officer OCP Onchocerciasis Control Program ORO Local traditional ceremonies OV Onchocerciasis PC Preventive Chemotherapy PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction PNLLUB Programme National de Lutte contre la Lèpre et l’Ulcère de Buruli (National Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Program) PNLMT Programme National de Lutte contre les Maladies Transmissibles (National Communicable Diseases Control Program) PZQ Praziquantel RPA Resident Program Advisor RUP Responsable d’Unité Pédagogique (Pedagogical Unit Chief) SAC School-Aged Children SAE Serious Adverse Event SAFE Surgery-Antibiotics-Facial Cleanliness-Environmental Improvement SCH Schistosomiasis SMS Short Message Service SOP Standard Operating Procedure SSB Transmission Assessment Survey Sample Builder STH Soil-Transmitted Helminths STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance TA Technical Assistance TAP Trachoma Action Plan TAS Transmission Assessment Survey TF Trachomatous Inflammation–Follicular TIPAC Tool for Integrated Costing and Planning TT Trachomatous Trichiasis TV Television UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization XOF West African CFA franc ZTH Zithromax®



1) Capacity Strengthening

a) Capacity Strengthening Approach

ENVISION’s capacity strengthening approach will consist in 1) providing technical support for the planning/implementation of mass drug administration (MDA) and disease-specific assessment (DSA) activities, 2) providing on-the-job training to the National Communicable Diseases Control Program (PNLMT) staff, 3) assist in the implementation of strategies aiming at improving data quality and data reporting system (MDA figures and serious adverse events [SAEs] cases), and 4) assist in the development and implementation of an advocacy and resource mobilization strategy. Technical support/assistance provided on a daily basis and on-the-job trainings (e.g. webinars on specific subjects related to NTD activities) will strengthen the program’s capacity in effective planning, budgeting, and implementation of MDA/DSA activities. Assistance will be provided to ensure reception of donated drugs in time, so MDAs can be implemented as planned. Assistance will also be required for implementation of DSA activities using new diagnostic methods (e.g. OV 16 rapid test for OV epidemiologic assessments, Filariasis Test Strips [FTS] kit for LF TAS1 and TAS3). The daily technical assistance will also help improve the capacity of the program to collect high quality data and improve the data collection system. In addition, power point presentations performed by local and headquarters (HQ) M&E officers will increase knowledge on effectively using MDA data and coverage survey results when making programmatic decisions. Finally, the financial assistance of ENVISION will help develop an advocacy strategy that will guide the program in the research of additional partners which can financially support the implementation of NTD activities.

b) Capacity Strengthening Activities

ENVISION’s capacity strengthening activities will consist of: • Developing an advocacy and resource mobilization strategy: ENVISION will engage a consultant to assist the PNLMT in developing and implementing such a strategy. This will include facilitating discussion around the topic. • Strengthening capacity to monitor preventive chemotherapy (PC)-NTD activities and systematically use data for decision making: RTI will assist the PNLMT in adapting ENVISION’s Data Action Planning Guide (2016) for use with Benin’s department and commune (equivalent to district)-level health personnel, and in incorporating the locally-adapted version of this tool in planned training of those personnel. • Strengthening the serious adverse events (SAE) reporting system: ENVISION will assist the PNLMT in ensuring that training on SAE case management is more systematically incorporated into planning training of health personnel who will be involved in the MDA campaigns. (Please see Training section for details on planned trainings.) • On-the-job capacity strengthening of PNLMT personnel: RTI will work closely with PNLMT personnel to ensure that the latter are familiar with new diagnostic techniques and survey protocols. RTI will also coordinate with PLNMT personnel to ensure the latter tune in to scheduled ENVISION French-language technical webinars when these are aired throughout the year. RTI and PNLMT personnel who participate in trainings, technical workshops, and

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 6 conferences outside of the country, will share their experiences and learnings with colleagues upon their return, during weekly meetings and/or quarterly meetings of the steering committee.

c) Monitoring Capacity Strengthening

Assist PNLMT in developing an advocacy and resources mobilization strategy for PC-NTDs : A draft of the strategy will be prepared for review and validation by the PNLMT. The strategy document will include an inventory of prospective partners, a plan for contacting and requesting financial and in-kind support from these entities, and a plan for monitoring and evaluating the success of the strategy. With the PNLMT’s permission, the strategy will incorporate information from the MOH’s completed Tool for Integrated Planning and Costing (TIPAC) tool. Strengthen PNLMT’s capacity to monitor PC-NTD activities and systematically use data for decision making : Indicators to be monitored include: • Observed/documented PNLMT knowledge of and application of key M&E indicators, SAEs management and reporting, mapping and DSA protocols • Observed/documented PNLMT ability to use diagnostic tools • Number of ENVISION webinars attended by PNLMT personnel • Observed/documented PNLMT use of coverage survey results to implement change for better MDA coverage • Observed/documented PNLMT application of MDA practices (e.g., population aware of MDA in advance, percent of districts with treatment coverage above recommended disease-specific benchmarks)

Strengthen the MOH’s reporting system for Serious Adverse Events (SAE) during MDA : the following indicator will be monitored: notification of SAE cases in timely manner to appropriate parties.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 7 2) Project Assistance

a) Strategic Planning

1. National annual NTD review meeting (for 2016 activities) and MOH annual planning meeting (for 2017 activities) Each year, the PNLMT’s PC-NTD program organizes a review and planning meeting in collaboration with its partners, to review the preceding year’s successes and challenges related to MDA, surveys, and M&E; to develop strategies to improve MDA coverage as needed; to coordinate activities in the health districts; and to plan activities for the coming year. Participants include MOH representatives from the central, departmental, district, health zone, and health area levels, Ministry of Kindergarten and Primary Education (MEMP) representatives from the central and departmental levels, village chiefs, and community drug distributors (CDDs). RTI will fund this activity and assist the PNLMT in preparing data for the meeting. The meeting will last four days.

2. NTD Steering Committee meetings ENVISION will fund the quarterly meetings of the MOH’s NTD Steering Committee. The Steering Committee consists of a total of 12 permanent members including representatives of the MOH, RTI, WHO, other partners, and four MEMP representatives, two of whom are from the teachers’ union. The committee will be assisted by a team of five NTD experts (LF, OV, SCH, STH, and trachoma) and epidemiologists who serve as resource-persons who can be invited as necessary. The committee oversees implementation of the national NTD program, including community-based and school-based MDAs. The Steering Committee is responsible for coordinating integration of PC-NTD activities, assessing progress, and addressing challenges for NTD control in Benin.

3. Cross-border meetings

With ENVISION support, the PNLMT is increasing its collaboration with the neighboring countries of Togo and Nigeria to develop common strategies for NTD control and elimination along their shared border areas. Cross-border meeting with Nigeria : On Benin’s side of the border with Nigeria, nine districts are conducting MDA for LF and OV (Kétou, Savé, Ouèssè, , Pèrèrè, Nikki, Kalalé, Ségbana, and ), and coverage in these districts may be affected by cross-border population movements. In a 2016 meeting supported by ENVISION, the PNLMT and Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) agreed to strive to improve MDA coverage on their respective sides of the border and to eliminate OV in their respective countries by 2020, by: i) conducting MDA around the same period, ii) increasing social mobilization in border villages, iii) listing all villages along the border and establishing contact between those responsible for MDA, iv) increasing supervision, and v) if possible, performing cross-border supervision. In 2017, ENVISION will support a similar four-day meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, bringing together the PNLMT and the FMOH with the intent of strengthening strategies for OV elimination in both countries and improving treatment of migrants and border villages. Cross-border meeting with Togo : ENVISION will support a meeting between the PNLMT and Togo’s MOH, as it has done each year since 2013. These meetings have fostered joint supervision and planning for synchronization of MDA in districts on opposite sides of the border, as well as a system to identify

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 8 mobile persons and to track migrants and other people moving across the border to ensure they take part in MDA organized by either country. The 2016 (late FY16) meeting will help develop a joint strategy for OV and LF control in Benin’s 13 districts bordering Togo (within Togo, 14 OV-endemic districts are on the border with Benin); what will be new is the use of Ov16 as a diagnostic. For the 2017 meeting, in Togo, participants from Benin will be the same as in 2016, including members of the PNLMT’s NTD team (composed of health district head doctors and 2 physicians that are heads of departmental public health services, all from areas bordering Togo, as well as central-level PNLMT personnel) and ENVISION staff. ENVISION will fund travel of participants from Benin; the meeting itself will be paid for by Sightsavers. 4. TIPAC review and update ENVISION supported training of staff from the PNLMT’s NTD national program, in-country RTI staff and delegates from MOH in the use of the TIPAC tool in 2014. The PNLMT has since used the tool to prepare its Joint Request for Selected PC Medicines (JRSM) to WHO for 2015, 2016, and 2017. Only a few members of the national staff were present at the TIPAC training in 2014. In 2017, the PNLMT aims to extend this training to other staff members and new RTI staff by organizing a TIPAC refresher training in . This will encourage the use of TIPAC for other NTD related activities. This activity is further described in the training section. 5. Validation workshop of the 2016-2020 NTD master plan In 2016 the PNLMT team, with the assistance of a consultant hired by WHO, developed a new master plan for the period 2016-2020, covering all NTDs in country, that will succeed the existing 2012-2016 master plan. ENVISION will support a two-day MOH workshop, in or Houéyogbé, to review and validate the new document. Participants will include health district head doctors, medical health zone coordinators, departmental health office directors, heads of departmental public health services, some health zone-level PC-NTD Focal points, Departmental PEMP Directors, heads of school promotion department, heads of teachers' union), and other partners (WHO, Sightsavers). 6. Meeting of OV and LF elimination committee The PNLMT plans to establish an OV and LF elimination committee for four reasons: 1) the country has implemented OV and LF MDA for years, 2) new guidelines were issued by WHO for the elimination of LF and OV, 3) several districts (46%) met the criteria to stop LF MDA, and 4) more districts will be assessed in FY17 in the objective of stopping LF MDA if criteria are met. The Committee will be composed of experts from the University of -Calavi, members of research institutions, international experts, and PNLMT staff. This committee will attend two meetings to review existing data, assess progress and develop an OV and LF elimination strategy including the list of activities that must be implemented to achieve the objectives. Preliminary work will gather data required by the committee for decision making. ENVISION will support travel expenses to the location of the meeting for Committee members as well as costs related to the organization of the annual meeting. The second meeting period will involve national personnel only (i.e., no international travelers). 7. Meeting of SCH/STH control committee The NTD program will set up a committee that will identify strategies to control SCH/STH when LF MDA ceases and improve SCH/STH MDA coverage where applicable. The first meeting of this Committee will be held in FY17. The Committee will be composed of experts in SCH/STH from the University of Abomey- Calavi, members of research institutions, members of the Ministry of Education, and PNLMT staff. The committee will develop a strategy based on interventions aiming at controlling SCH/STH after discontinuation of LF treatment. ENVISION will support the costs related to the organization of the committee meeting.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 9 8. 2018 national PC-NTD work plan workshop ENVISION will support the PNLMT in developing its 2018 national PC-NTD work plan through a workshop, in Bohicon. PNLMT and RTI/ENVISION will review the planned 2017 activities and identify new activities that are needed to help achieve elimination of NTDs by 2020, using an ENVISION’s Data for Action Planning guide to ensure that proposed activities are based on evidence.

b) NTD Secretariat

1. Operational costs (office equipment, communication costs, supplies) ENVISION will continue to financial support for a portion of the PNLMT’s NTD program-related operational costs, including such as office equipment, communications costs, and supplies.

c) Advocacy

1. Developing an advocacy and resource mobilization strategy : See the Capacity Strengthening section, above, for a description of this activity. 2. Launch ceremony for the 2016-2020 NTD master plan Once the plan has been validated, ENVISION will support the MOH in holding a one-day launch ceremony in . Through this launch, the PNLMT will inform and mobilize local actors (e.g. doctors, nurses, CDDs), local leaders (e.g. mayors) so they are informed of the plan and their roles in achieving its objectives. The following persons will be invited: some Physicians Head of districts, departmental health office directors, heads of departmental public health services, some Focal points, some medical health zone coordinators, Departmental Directors of the Nursery and Primary Education, heads of school promotion department, heads of teachers' union, some local officials (mayors), representatives of the Ministry of finance, members of the parliament, NGOs intervening in Surgery- Antibiotics-Facial Cleanliness-Environmental Improvement (SAFE) strategy in Benin, the program’s technical and financial partners (WHO, RTI, USAID, Sightsavers) . 3. Advocacy for trachoma elimination in the departments of Borgou, Alibori and Atacora In FY17, an advocacy session will be conducted in 4 districts of (Nikki, Kalale, Pèrèrè, Tchaourou) with prevalence of TF between 5 and 10%. Advocacy sessions will be organized for local leaders and public figures to adhere to the SAFE activities in the four districts of Borgou targeted for MDA and five districts (, Malanville, Tchaourou, Boukoumbé, and ) where trichiasis surgery will be carried out. ENVISION will provide financial support for two teams composed of one medical doctor representing the departmental health zones, two PNLMT staff members, and three technical staff from the regional level, to travel to targeted districts to meet with local authorities and advocate for assistance with social mobilization during the trachoma activities, specifically trachoma MDA. Prior to the advocacy meeting, the MOH will send a formal letter to communal authorities where trachoma MDA will be carried out to inform them of the goals and the date of the advocacy meeting. The success of this activity will be measured in terms of number of districts that will include the F & E aspects of the SAFE strategy in the activities to fund during the upcoming years. 4. Advocacy meeting for the SAFE strategy To reach trachoma elimination by 2020, the PNLMT will organize a one-day meeting (in Bohicon) focusing on the SAFE strategy, immediately following the PC-NTD annual review meeting, with support

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 10 from ENVISION. The following partners/institutions will be invited: departmental health office directors of endemic departments, Heads of departmental public health services of endemic departments, Physicians head of endemic district, Cabinet of MoH, National direction of Public Health, Hygiene and Sanitation Direction, PNLMT, RTI, Water Directorate, MEMP, USAID Benin, WHO, UNICEF, GIZ, Plan Benin, Lions Club, Sightsavers, Helvetas, Mayors of endemic communes, for a total of 47 participants.

d) Social Mobilization

1. Printing of posters and banners In FY17, ENVISION will support the PNLMT in printing and distributing of posters in the same districts as in prior years, plus in additional districts that are conducting MDA for the first time. The posters, all measuring 1m x 75cm, will be used before and during MDA for SCH and STH, LF/OV, and trachoma. In communities conducting MDA for OV, LF, and trachoma MDA, respectively, the following types of posters, which target the whole community, will be used: 1) focusing on LF prevention and annual treatment, 2) providing information on OV treatment, and 3) describing trachoma and its prevention and treatment. These three posters inform the community of the importance of participating in the annual IVM (OV), IVM and ALB (LF), and tetracycline/ZTH (trachoma) treatments. Each poster will be displayed by the CDDs and volunteers in public places in communities and villages a few days before the MDA. In the schools targeted for STH and/or SCH MDA, three types of posters will be used to inform and educate children and parents about the risks of STH/SCH infections and the basic rules of prevention: 1) a poster on STH control in schools, 2) a poster on SCH control in school, and 3) a poster on the risk factors and prevention of both STH and SCH, also highlighting the importance of using toilets. Both students and adults (e.g., parents or tutors who come to collect children from school) are targeted. Posters will be displayed in classrooms and/or at strategic locations, such as the toilets’ front doors and on notice boards. The head teachers will assist the teachers in ensuring that these posters are properly displayed at their respective schools. For the four districts targeted through community-based SCH/STH MDA, posters will be displayed in public places in communities and villages. Banners will be used to announce the beginning of STH/SCH as well as LF/OV and trachoma MDA campaigns. For SCH/STH MDA campaigns banners will be displayed at the entrance of the Departmental Health Directorate (DDS), the Departmental Directors of the Nursery and Primary Education, the School district and around public places. For LF/OV and trachoma MDA, banners will be displayed at the entrance of the city and around the markets. The banners will remind the community of the date of MDA and the strategy of treatment (i.e., whether it is a community-based or school-based MDA). 2. Broadcasting of TV/radio spots and TV/radio announcements ENVISION will support social mobilization for participation in MDA for, and prevention of, SCH, STH, trachoma, LF, and OV through radio and TV advertisements. ENVISION will provide financial support for these advertisements to be broadcasted at the peak listening or viewing time blocks on major TV channels and community radio stations in eight targeted districts. For trachoma, a message will be broadcast on local and community radio stations in eight targeted districts - Banikoara, Boukoumbé, Natitingou, , Nikki, Kalalé, Pèrèrè, and Tchaourou. The radio messages will be broadcast both in local national languages and in French on local radio stations and on national TV (ORTB, Canal 3, TV Carrefour, E-TV), targeting the whole community (illiterate and literate adults, school-going and non- school-going school-age children (SAC)). Television advertisements will also target the community and the messages will be in French and in national languages.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 11 3. Mobile sound system ENVISION will pay for vehicles equipped with loudspeakers to advertise the MDA campaign, noting the exact dates of drug distribution in targeted communities. This will include STH/SCH for one day in 48 districts, LF/OV for two days in 67 districts, and trachoma for five days in 8 districts, before the respective MDAs. The mobile sound system will be used to reinforce the above-stated messages in the communities—particularly to inform all parents with non-school-going SAC that they should go to the nearest school in their community to receive treatment. 4. Mass information broadcast from village to village via megaphones and town criers ENVISION will provide financial support for town criers to travel from village to village by motorcycles, by bicycle, or by foot, using megaphones to broadcast information to the public regarding the importance of not missing the annual MDA, and the exact dates of the campaign. In areas inaccessible to cars, motorbikes will be used for mobile sound systems. 494 megaphones are already on hand, purchased by ENVISION in FY16 for use by the town criers in promoting the MDA campaign. 5. Bags for CDDs to carry treatment registers, stock of drugs and pens during MDA As the registers used by CDDs for LF/OV and trachoma MDA are large (11.69” x 16.54”) and heavy (6 lbs), ENVISION will procure bags for use by the CDDs during MDA, along with the MDA drugs. The bags will be branded and will help to promote the activities of the NTD program and its visibility in the community. 6. Short message service (SMS) MTN Benin, the mobile phone company, has agreed to broadcast IEC SMS messages to all MTN Benin cell phone customers on its network, free of charge. This initiative came from RTI and was negotiated by RTI and the MOH. For each MDA campaign, MTN will send an SMS message one week before and the day before the treatment start date, to remind people of the dates and strategy of treatment (in community or at school). RTI’s involvement is via staff time. Table 1: Social mobilization/communication activities and materials checklist

Where/when will Indicator/ mechanism Key Target Category IEC Strategy they be Frequency to track this Messages Population distributed material/activity

Banners: Hung at the entrance of the Radio % of audience who recall Departmental announcement: seeing the poster or the “MDA will Directorate for frequency banner and message, % take place in Education, according to of audience willing to schools on a Departmental district coverage take the drugs after specific date Directorate for TV seeing the poster – in (SCH/STH) Banners, Health, School MDA announcement: coverage survey or in Community Radio and TV district for school announce at least one time community members announceme MDA; at entrance of ment a day (frequency % of audience who recall during a nts the city and around depends on hearing the radio spot or specific the markets for popularity of TV watching the TV spot, % timeframe community MDA channel) of audience willing to (LF/OV and one-two weeks Banners: Before take the drugs after trachoma)” before MDA each MDA hearing/seeing the spot

campaign – in coverage survey Radio and TV announcements:

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 12 Where/when will Indicator/ mechanism Key Target Category IEC Strategy they be Frequency to track this Messages Population distributed material/activity

Broadcast on national TV and local radio channels one- two weeks before MDA National TV stations (4) and local radio stations (number # of times messages depends on the Radio spots: aired on radio during district targeted) a three times per reference period- Radio “Category of few days before day broadcast reports, person Community OV/LF MDA TV spots: at least resulting in A higher targeted by members campaign. one time a day probability for the Radio and TV each MDA” Posters: Hung in the (frequency population to be spots “The drugs classrooms and depends on informed and the Posters provided are around schools for popularity of TV willingness to attend free and SCH/STH MDA; in channel) MDA safe” public places (town Posters: Before % of audience who recall hall, health centers, each MDA message- coverage and markets) for campaign survey, local/national LF/OV and trachoma omnibus survey one week before MDA # of training modules Training modules given to the Some AEs Drug will be departments by the are normal CDD Training District level CDD MDA Distributers distributed once PNLMT during reference and they will module refresher training participati annually in newly period pass on targeted districts. Training attendance list (admin report) Radio spots: three times per day TV/radio spots: TV spots: at least Social National TV stations one time a day mobilization (4) and local radio (frequency activities stations (number depends on (town criers, depends on the Drugs popularity of TV mobile sound district targeted) a handed out channel) # of persons School-aged system, few days before at school are Town criers: at participating to MDA children teachers’ OV/LF MDA safe and least two times # of refusals information campaign. keep you by village (before session Town criers, mobile healthy and during MDA) before sound system: Two Mobile sound treatment, days before MDA system: one TV/radio campaign and during round by village spots) MDA Teachers’ Information session information: before drug administration

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 13 Where/when will Indicator/ mechanism Key Target Category IEC Strategy they be Frequency to track this Messages Population distributed material/activity

Posters: Hung in the classrooms and Posters: Before % of audience who recall around schools for each MDA seeing the poster or the SCH/STH MDA; in campaign banner and message – in 1. Prevent public places (town coverage survey SCH, STH, hall, shops, health Radio spots: LF, OV, and centers, and three times per % of audience who recall Disease trachoma Posters markets) for LV/OV Community day hearing the radio spot or Preven- Radio and TV and trachoma one members watching the TV spot – tion 2. Avoid spots week before MDA. TV spots: at least in coverage survey complication Radio and TV spots: one time a day s of LF, OV, Broadcast on (frequency # of times messages trachoma national and radio depends on aired on radio during channels during a popularity of TV reference period- Radio specific period (a few channel) broadcast reports days before and during campaign) Distribution of bags # of bags distributed to to CDDs at the time CDDs CDDs of drug distribution # of CDDs who use their Promoting (before FY17 MDA bags during the MDA visibility of Participants campaign) campaign Other Bags, pens One time NTD to the # of agendas/pens Program annual Distribution of distributed review agendas+ pens at the # of participants who FY16 NTD annual use their agendas/pens review meeting on a daily basis

e) Training

1. MDA training of department--level trainers ENVISION will support a two-day department-level refresher training for 97 participants (Departmental Directors of Health, medical doctors who are heads of departmental public health services, head of the Division of Epidemiology and Health Surveillance, health district coordinators, district physicians, and focal points), focusing on preparation, implementation, social mobilization, and supervision of MDA. The workshop will also estimate human resources, materials, and funding needed for the MDA in each targeted district and village. 2. MDA training of nurses and CDDs for OV/LF MDA ENVISION will support the PNLMT in providing refresher training on OV/LF MDA for 731 nurses. The nurses will travel and meet at their respective district health center to receive training from the supervising medical doctor; on their return, the nurses will conduct a refresher training session for 10,504 CDDs who will be involved in OV/LF MDA. 3. Training CCSs, CPs, RUPs, Co-RUPs, trainers, and supervisors of teachers, and training of teachers ENVISION will provide per diem for approximately 2,606 trainers (2,333 Pedagogical Unit Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs [RUPs and Co-RUPs] and 273 Heads of School District [CCSs], and Pedagogical Advisors [CPs]).

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 14 The CCSs and the CPs are the hierarchical superiors of the heads of the educational units, and in charge of planning and selection of topics for those units; they will serve as supervisors of the RUPs and Co- RUPs who will train the school directors and teachers. The training module, which includes the impact of NTDs and means of preventing and controlling NTDs (particularly SCH and STH), will then be incorporated into the training/refresher-training package (on knowledge of PC-NTD diseases, signs, prevention, and MDA) for teaching staff (school directors and teachers) in targeted districts. The RUPs and Co-RUPs will receive training/refresher training before the SCH/STH MDA; and during the school year, will participate in two training sessions per month on STH and SCH, covering causes, signs, consequences, treatment, and prevention of the diseases. Approximately 20,796 school directors and teachers will benefit from this training. The government has committed to covering per diem and transportation costs for the head teachers and teachers. Figure 1: Organization of the cascade training for the various MDAs

Regional NTD Focal Persons (Medical Doctors)

Medical doctors Medical doctors from targeted from targeted districts districts

Cascade -like training for RUP and CO RUP Nurses Cascade -like training school-based MDA for community-based MDA

School Directors Teachers CDDs

4. Training of nurses and CDDs for community-based SCH/STH MDA ENVISION will support the PNLMT in training nurses and CDDs for community-based SCH/STH MDA, to be piloted in four districts this year. Training topics will include conducting a census and treating targeted persons. Physicians heads of districts will provide refresh training to 64 nurses on SCH/STH MDA preparation, implementation, and supervision during one day. The nurses will in their turn train 820 CDDs during one day. 5. Training of health workers and CDDs for trachoma MDA ENVISION will support the PNLMT in training health workers and CDDs for community-based trachoma MDA in four districts (four of them for the first time). Topics to be covered include trachoma and the SAFE strategy, the trachoma situation in the country and respective districts, the pharmacology of ZTH (with emphasis on uses, doses, and possible AEs), ZTH dosing and the use of the dose pole, writing patient details, and how to write the daily summary reports. The different duties of the divisional coordinators, supervisors, nurses, and CDDs will be clearly explained to each respective group.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 15 Training in Nikki, Kalalé, Pèrèrè, and Tchaourou Districts: a two-day training of trainers, in , for divisional coordinators, supervisors, and nurses from the four districts. Next, in their districts, the nurses will conduct a two-day training for CDDs, under the supervision of the Health district Physicians. A total of 72 health workers and 8040 CDDs will be targeted for this training. Refresher training in Banikoara, Natitingou, Boukoumbé, and Toucountouna Districts: a two-day training of trainers, in Natitingou, for for divisional coordinators, supervisors, and nurses from the four districts. Next, in their districts, the nurses will conduct a two-day refresher training for CDDs, under the supervision of the health district physicians. A total of 41 health workers and 653 CDDs will be targeted for this refresher-training. 6. Training for independent monitoring of trachoma MDA in 8 districts ENVISION will technically and financially support a two-day training, in Bohicon, for personnel who will be conducting independent monitoring of trachoma MDA taking place in FY17. Trainees will include four supervisors and 32 independent surveyors (to be assigned in teams to the eight districts). 7. Printing of training modules for supervisors and teachers for SCH/STH MDA ENVISION will provide funding for printing of training modules (4,170 copies) for use by CCS, CPs, RUPs, Co-RUPs, teachers, and head teachers for school-based SCH/STH MDA in five districts. 8. Printing of training modules for health workers and CDDs for trachoma MDA ENVISION will provide funding for printing of training modules (60 copies for health workers and 764 for CDDs) for health workers (heads of departmental public health services, Physicians head of districts, nurses, and focal points) and CDDs for trachoma MDA in four districts. 9. Printing of training modules for CDDs for community-based SCH/STH MDA ENVISION will provide funding for the printing of training modules for use by CDDs in the four districts that will be supported for community-based SCH/STH MDA. 10. Strengthening SAE reporting system ENVISION will support training on reporting of adverse events (AEs) and serious adverse event (SAEs) for the MOH at central and departmental, for four days each, with a view to strengthening the existing reporting system. At central level two PNLMT personnel will be trained, and at departmental level three MOH personnel (the head of departmental public health services, the head of diseases and disasters management units, and a doctor working in the department) will be trained. This training will be associated with the MDA cascade training. It is expected that the departmental-level staff will train the Physicians head of districts and nurses, who will then train the CDDs. 11 . TIPAC refresher training Personnel from the PNLMT, RTI Benin, and other parts of the MOH were trained on use of the NTD Tool for Integrated Planning and Costing (TIPAC) in 2014. ENVISION will support refresher training on use of the tool in FY17, also introducing the tool to personnel who were not part of the original training in 2014.


f) Mass Drug Administration

1. School-based MDA for SCH/STH ENVISION will financially and technically support the PNLMT and MEMP’s school-based MDA campaigns distributing ALB and PZQ for SCH/STH. This will include 15 districts for STH alone, 10 districts for SCH alone, and 19 districts for the combined treatment of STH+SCH. In FY17, 5,019 schools (603 of which have not previously been part of the MDA campaign) will receive treatment; in each school one CDD will assist in the treatment of SAC who do not attend school and who are invited to come to school to receive their treatment. A week before the treatment day, community radio stations inform the community about the treatment day and encourage all parents (with an emphasis on parents whose children are school age but do not attend school) to bring their children to the nearest school on the treatment day to receive the drugs. Religious leaders also share the same information in their communities. The same message is relayed by town criers, CDDs, and cars equipped with megaphones circulating in the villages two days before the treatment day. The MDA is carried out on a single day in all schools under the supervision of the head teachers, the medical doctors, NTD focal points, and heads of the district health center. Each child receives treatment in her/his classroom, and the teacher (often aided by a teacher’s assistant) immediately collect the data. The teachers are considered volunteers, and offered compensation (equivalent to the cost of transportation) by the Government of Benin for the day. ENVISION will also support “catch-up” campaigns involving teachers assisted by the CDDs in districts where target treatment coverage is not reached. ENVISION will provide fund the purchase of an additional 700 dose poles, for use in schools of the districts where dose poles have not previously been provided. 2. Community-based MDA for SCH/STH (pilot activity) In four districts where SCH/STH treatment coverage and/or school attendance has been low and where community-based treatment has been conducted for LF/OV (Malanville, Kérou, , and ), the PNLMT plans to try treating SCH/STH via the community-based platform, in anticipation of achieving higher coverage. ENVISION will financially and technically support this pilot of community-based MDA for SCH/STH. Registration will be performed over a four-day period before the treatment, and treatment will take place over a total of six days. The CDDs will distribute drugs under the supervision of sub-district nurses and Physicians head of districts. ENVISION will provide financial support (transportation reimbursement) for approximately 820 CDDs. ENVISION will also fund the purchase of an additional 410 dose poles and printing of 410 treatment registers. 3. Community-based MDA for LF and/or OV ENVISION will financially and technically support the PNLMT in conducting community-based MDA for LF and OV, which typically lasts 10 days out of a four-week period, in 16 districts endemic for LF alone, in 42 districts endemic for OV alone, and in 9 districts endemic for both OV and LF. CDDs will distribute the drugs under the supervision of sub-district nurses and the Physicians head of districts. ENVISION will provide financial support (transportation reimbursement) for approximately 10,504 CDDs.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 17 4. MDA for Trachoma ENVISION will financially and technically support the PNLMT in conducting community-based MDA for trachoma in a total of eight districts: four districts (Banikoara, Boukoumbé, Toucountouna, and Natitingou) with TF prevalence of ≥10%, which initiated MDA in calendar year (CY) 2016; and four districts (Nikki, Kalalé, Pèrèrè, and Tchaourou) with TF prevalence ranging from 5% to 9.9%, which will conduct a single round of MDA. CDDs will actively be involved and will go house to house to provide the treatment in these four districts. ZTH will be provided by ITI, and the tetracycline ointment 1% for children from 0 to 6 months will be provided by the ENVISION project. Based on 2016 experience, the number of days of treatment will be extended to 15 (instead of 10), to ensure sufficient coverage ENVISION will fund the payment of per diem for approximately 1,570 CDDs. ENVISION will also fund the purchase an additional 450 dose poles and the printing of 430 treatment registers, for the districts conducting this MDA for the first time. Table 2: USAID-supported coverage results for FY15-FY16 and targets for FY17 # Districts Treatment # Districts (FY15) (FY15) FY17 FY17 not meeting # Rounds of target not meeting # (FY15) % treatment treatment program NTD annual (FY15) epi coverage Treatment # treated of treatment targets targets coverage distribution # target in targets PERSONS target met # # target in DISTRICTS FY15 PERSONS PERSONS DISTRICTS PERSONS FY15 LF 1 25 12 2,455,875 1,631,438 66.43% 25 2,633,025 OV 1 51 27 5,063,802 3,612,142 71.33% 51 5,861,690 2015: 16 2015: 8 662,967 450,277 67.92% SCH 1 32 1,366,292 2016: 34 2016: 12 a 1,174,286 a 824,887 a 70.2%a 1 2015: 49 2015: 22 1,640,135 1,108,147 67.56% STH 62 4,045,456 2016: 57 2016: 5 a 1,144,485 a 945,993 a 82.6%a TRA 0 2016: 4 2016: 0 2016: 527,491 421,783 80% 8 1,256,408 a Includes partial data for FY16 (districts that conducted MDA and submitted reports to the PNLMT by 20 Sept 2016).

g) Drug and Commodity Supply Management and Procurement

IVM and ALB (for community-based MDA) are provided by the Mectizan Donation Program, ALB (for school-based MDA) is provided by WHO, and ZTH (oral suspension and tablets), administered to persons aged ≥6 months, is provided by ITI. Praziquantel (PZQ), for SCH MDA, will be procured by ENVISION in FY16 for both the FY16 and FY17 SCH MDA campaigns. In FY17 ENVISION will procure tetracycline ointment (for trachoma MDA for persons aged <6 months), and FTS kits for the LF transmission assessment surveys (TAS). 1. Procure TEO for trachoma MDA. ENVISION will procure tetracycline eye ointment (TEO) for distribution to children aged <6 months, per national and WHO guidance, in districts conducting MDA for trachoma. 2. Procure FTS kits for LF TAS surveys. ENVISION will procure filariasis test strips (FTS) for use in the planned LF transmission assessment surveys. 3. Transport and storage. ENVISION will fund the storage and transport of drugs for SCH/STH school- and community-based MDA and for trachoma MDA, and of supplies for ENVISION-supported surveys. This will include vehicle rental and fuel to transport the drugs from the port to a central warehouse, from Cotonou to the departments, and then to districts targeted for MDA and/or surveys.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 18 The Government of Benin will cover the cost of transportation and storage of drugs for OV/LF community- based MDA, and will support PNLMT in repackaging and transferring the drugs from the districts to target villages prior to the distribution. 4. Reverse logistics. ENVISION will fund reverse logistics for PC-NTD drugs and diagnostics. This will include conducting an inventory of remaining drugs in supported districts in the 28 health zones, after the MDA campaigns.

h) Supervision

1. MDA cascade training supervision ENVISION will cover the cost of per diem for designated central-level supervisors to oversee the cascade trainings for the MDA campaign. The MOH will cover staff time, vehicle use, and fuel. Central-level MOH and MEMP personnel will supervise the training at department (training of district medical doctors and focal points), district (training of nurses), and community level (training of CDDs). At each level, the supervisory visits will include assessment of knowledge about WHO guidelines, use of IEC materials, treatment strategies, management of SAEs, management of drugs, and data collection and reporting. 2. MDA supervision ENVISION will cover the cost of per diem, fuel, and lodging for central, departmental, district, and sub- district-level (nurses and NTD focal persons) MOH personnel to supervise school and community-based MDA. The MOH will provide motorcycles for the supervisory visits, and additional fuel for motorbikes and vehicles. The PNLMT plans to purchase an additional 17 motorcycles in FY17 with its own funding. Supervisors will include PNLMT personnel, and MOH and MEMP personnel from departmental, district, and sub-district levels. Supervisors from all levels will use the supervision checklists, and will take into account recommendations from previous MDA campaigns, paying particular attention in districts that recorded low coverage in prior years. Supervisors from national level will report to the PNLMT on issues that need urgent attention during the MDA. These supervisors (from departmental, health zone [where there is a NTD Focal point], and, especially, district levels) are expected to attend daily debriefing meetings where findings/issues of the day are discussed and corrective actions. Each supervisor will fill out the supervision checklist at each site visited. For school-based SCH/STH MDA in 48 districts, supervisors will include 15 staff from the PNLMT, 18 from departmental level (6 from the departmental health directorates, 6 from the departmental public health services, and 6 heads of Epidemiology and Health Surveillance Division), 12 from the MEMP (including 6 departmental directors of primary education and 6 deputies), 34 NTD focal points from the targeted health zones, 48 Physicians head of districts, 45 CCSs and their assistants (90 in total), 104 CPs, and 6 teachers’ union representatives. For community-based SCH/STH MDA in four districts, supervisors will include 9 staff from the PNLMT, 6 from departmental level (2 from the departmental health directorates, 2 from the departmental public health services, and 2 heads of disease and disaster management units), 7 Physicians head of districts, 4 NTD focal points, and 64 nurses. For community-based OV/LF MDA in 67 districts, supervisors will include 9 staff from the PNLMT, 18 from departmental level (6 from the departmental health directorates, 6 from the departmental public health services, and 6 heads of disease and disaster management units), 67 Physicians head of districts, 731 nurses, and 29 NTD focal points in targeted health zones.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 19 For trachoma MDA in four districts, supervisors will include 7 staff from the PNLMT, 6 at departmental level (2 from the departmental health directorates, 2 from the departmental public health service, and 2 heads of disease and disaster management units), 8 Physicians head of districts, 111 nurses, and 4 NTD focal points in targeted health zones. The PNLMT personnel, accompanied by RTI staff, will supervise the departmental-level personnel, who will supervise the district-level personnel, who will in turn supervise the nurses. At community level, each nurse will supervise 13 CDDs on average. The supervisors will share the supervision reports with the management teams of the regional health delegations. The supervisors from each level will use an integrated data collection table during each supervision activity. At the end of each supervision visit, the supervisors and supervisees discuss the problems encountered and the necessary corrective measures to be taken. The corrective measures are recorded and are reviewed later to improve training the following year. Supervisors from each level will write a report at the end of the supervision sessions and send it to the next-higher level. The supervision team verifies how the CDDs are carrying out the MDA and whether they are equipped with the appropriate materials. The supervision team inspects the situation to determine if the CDDs: • have the proper equipment such as register, the dose pole, a sufficient stock of drugs; • have the correct dosage for each drug; • are in compliance with the treatment conditions (the targeted age group, correct knowledge of the treatment technique, especially for the ophthalmic ointment for children aged less than 6 months); • correctly explain to mothers or guardians how to administer ophthalmic ointment to their children and treatment duration; • effectively record all treated cases (and the supervisors clearly explain to the CDDs how to analyze coverage in their area). 3. Supervision during TAS1 ENVISION will provide financial and technical support for the PNLMT’s supervision of TAS1 activities, involving three teams of two 2 staff each. These supervisors will ensure that the teams follow the standard operating procedures for these assessments and that they have necessary supplies and equipment. 4. Supervision during TAS3 ENVISION will provide financial and technical support for the PNLMT’s supervision of TAS3 activities, involving three teams of two staff each. These supervisors will ensure that the teams follow the standard operating procedures for these assessments and that they have necessary supplies and equipment. 5. Supervision for STH assessment during TAS3 ENVISION will provide financial and technical assistance support for the PNLMT’s supervision of STH assessment activities, involving three supervisors. These supervisors will ensure that the teams follow the recommended standard operating procedures and that they have the necessary supplies and equipment. The supervisors will also help facilitate the surveyors’ field work.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 20 6. Independent monitoring of trachoma MDA in 8 districts ENVISION will provide financial support for a total of 36 people who will conduct independent monitoring of the trachoma MDA campaign in eight districts. This will include three days of in-process monitoring (days 3-5 of the campaign) and seven days of end-process monitoring. The monitoring will help to identify areas and populations with low or no treatment coverage, enabling corrective action and/or mop-up as needed. The monitors should be independent from the PNLMT and not involved in the MDA campaign, should have some familiarity with field data compilation, surveys, and the area to be monitored, should be familiar with the culture and the language and should include females to facilitate entering households and interacting with mothers.

i) M&E

1. LF TAS1 in 13 districts ENVISION will provide technical and financial support for the PNLMT’s TAS1 in 13 districts), to include participation by 24 people (18 surveyors and 6 supervisors) in a two-day training and 10 days of field work. Districts will include , Za-Kpota, , , , , Ouidah, Kpomassè, Tori-Bossito, , Adja-Ouèrè, Parakou, and Covè, contingent on the WHO AFRO RPRG’s review of the MOH’s TAS Eligibility and Planning Form. The TAS will be school-based, as ≥75% of school- age children in these districts attend school, and FTS kits will be used as the diagnostic test. RTI will with work with the PNLMT to ensure that the WHO TAS checklists for planning, supervising, and responding in case of failed TAS are used and that the next steps included in the checklists are agreed. The 13 districts will be grouped into a total of 6 evaluation units (EUs). According to the protocol, approximately 1,800 children aged 6 to 7 years old will be tested in each EU; 30 schools per EU will be surveyed. The sample size to be tested per EU will be estimated using the Survey Sample Builder, a Microsoft Excel-based tool. The PNLMT has proposed that in 8 1 districts that are co-endemic for OV, testing for OV be incorporated into the TAS1. This would be conducted using OV16 rapid diagnostic tests using a protocol developed in collaboration with Task Force for Global Health. This activity is not part of the present work plan. 2. LF TAS3 in 23 districts ENVISION will provide technical and financial support for the PNLMT’s TAS3 in 23 districts, to include participation by 30 people (24 surveyors and 6 supervisors) in a two-day training and in field work (10 days in school settings, 15 days in community settings). The TAS will be school-based in 21 districts (Athiémé, Bopa, Comé, Grand-Popo, Houéyogbé, , Aplahoué, Djakotomè, Dogbo, Klouékamè, Lalo, , Glazoué, Bantè, , Tchaourou, Tanguiéta, Kérou, Matéri, Toucountouna, and Boukoumbé) where ≥75% of school-age children attend school, and community-based in two districts (Malanville and Karimama) where <75% of school-age children attend school. FTS kits will be used as the diagnostic test. RTI staff will work with the PNLMT to ensure that the WHO TAS checklists for planning, supervising, and responding in case of failed TAS are used and that the next steps included in the checklists are agreed. The 23 districts will be grouped into a total of six EUs: five for the 21 districts conducting school-based surveys, and one for the two districts conducting community-based surveys. In each of the five school- based EUs, 30 schools will be surveyed, testing children aged 6-to-7 years old. In the community-based

1 Agbangnizoun, Za-Kpota, Ouinhi, Zagnanado, Zogbodomey, Bonou, Adja-Ouèrè and Parakou.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 21 EU, 30 clusters will be surveyed. The sample size to be tested per EU will be estimated using the Transmission Assessment Survey Sample Builder (SSB), a Microsoft Excel-based tool. Prior to the community-based survey, the nurses will recruit CDDs to record the population in households within the clusters selected based on a map established by the Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Économique (INSAE). RTI will provide technical and financial support for the PNLMT’s submission of its joint protocol for TAS3, assessment of STH during TAS3, and TAS1 to the National Ethic Committee, before implementation of these surveys. 3. Assessment of STH during TAS3 in 14 districts ENVISION will provide technical and financial support for the PNLMT’s assessment of STH in 14 districts 2 during the TAS3, to include participation by 15 people (12 lab technicians [serving as surveyors] and 3 supervisors) plus PNLMT staff in a two-day refresher training. The protocol for the assessment will be based on WHO’s Assessing the epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths during a transmission assessment survey in the global programme for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis , and Kato-Katz kits will be used as the diagnostic. This assessment will provide information on STH (and SCH mansoni ) prevalence and intensity in areas where LF treatment has stopped, and will help to determine whether ALB MDA for control of STH is required in the absence of further MDA for LF. Pairing this activity with the TAS3 will avoid duplication of effort and reduce costs.

Table 3: Planned disease-specific assessments for FY17 by disease

No. of districts No. of endemic Type of Disease planned for Diagnostic method districts assessment DSA

13 TAS1 FTS Lymphatic filariasis 25 23 TAS3

Soil-Transmitted Helminths 77 14 STH assessment Kato-Katz

2 Comé, Lokossa, Aplahoué, Djakotomè, Klouékamè, Lalo, Toviklin, Boukoumbé, Tanguiéta, Matéri, Tchaourou, Savalou, Banté, Glazoué.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 22 3) Maps



ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 25 Note: FY17 DSAs indicated in the map reflect all planned DSA which may include DSAs supported by other partners in addition to those supported by USAID ENVISION's project.


Note: FY17 DSAs indicated in the map reflect all planned DSA which may include DSAs supported by other partners in addition to those supported by USAID ENVISION's project.

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 27 Appendix 1. Work Plan Activities

FY17 Activities

Capacity Strengthening Strengthen capacity to monitor PC-NTD activities and systematically use data for decision making On-the-job capacity strengthening of PNLMT personnel Project Assistance Strategic Planning National annual review meeting (for 2016 activities) and MOH annual planning meeting (for 2017 activities) NTD Steering Committee meetings Cross-border meetings (Nigeria and Togo) TIPAC review and update Validation workshop of the 2016-2020 NTD master plan Meeting of OV and LF elimination committee Meeting of SCH/STH control committee 2018 national PC-NTD work plan workshop NTD Secretariat Operational costs (office equipment, communication costs, supplies) Advocacy Assist PNLMT in developing an advocacy and resource mobilization strategy for PC-NTDs Launch ceremony for the 2016-2020 NTD master plan Advocacy for trachoma elimination in the departments of Borgou, Alibori, and Atacora Advocacy meeting for the SAFE strategy Social Mobilization Printing of posters and banners Broadcasting of TV/radio spots and TV/radio announcements Mobile sound system Mass information broadcast from village to village via megaphones and town criers Bags for CDDs to carry treatment registers, stock of drugs and pens during MDA Short message service (SMS) Training MDA training of department-level trainers MDA training of nurses and CDDs for OV/LF MDA Training CCSs, CPs, RUPs, Co-RUPs, trainers, and supervisors of teachers, and training of teachers Training of nurses and CDDs for community-based SCH/STH MDA Training of health workers and CDDs for trachoma MDA Training for independent monitoring of trachoma MDA in 8 districts Printing of training modules for supervisors and teachers for SCH/STH MDA Printing of training modules for health workers and CDDs for trachoma MDA Printing of training modules for CDDs for community-based SCH/STH MDA Strengthening SAE reporting system TIPAC refresher training MDA School-based MDA for SCH/STH Community-based MDA for SCH/STH (pilot activity) Community-based MDA for LF and/or OV

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 28 MDA for Trachoma Drug and Commodity Supply Management and Procurement Procure TEO for trachoma MDA Procure FTS kits for LF TAS surveys Transport and storage Reverse logistics Supervision MDA cascade training supervision MDA supervision Supervision during TAS1 Supervision during TAS3 Supervision for STH assessment during TAS3 Independent monitoring of trachoma MDA in 8 districts M&E LF TAS1 in 13 districts LF TAS3 in 23 districts Assessment of STH during TAS3 in 14 districts

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 29 Appendix 4. USAID-supported Regions and Districts LF Pre- Region Health Districts TAS1 TAS3 TAS Banikoara Kandi Alibori Karimama X Malanville X Ségbana Boukoumbé X Kérou X Kouandé Atacora Matéri X Natitingou Péhunco Tanguiéta X Toukountouna X Abomey-Calavi Allada X Kpomassè X Ouidah X Atlantique So-Ava Torri-Bossito X Zè Bembèrèkè Kalalé N'Dali Nikki Borgou Parakou X Pèrèrè Sinendé Tchaourou X Bantè X Dassa-Zoumè Glazoué X Collines Ouèssè Savalou X Savè Couffo Aplahoué X

ENVISION FY17 PY6 BENIN Work Plan 30 Djakotomè X Dogbo X Klouékamè X Lalo X Toviklin X Bassila Donga Djougou Ouaké Cotonou Athiémé X Bopa X Comé X Mono Grand-Popo X Houéyogbé X Lokossa X X X Aguégués X Akpro - X Missérété Oueme X Bonou X X Porto-Novo Sèmè-Kpodji X Adja-Ouèrè X X Plateau Kétou Pobè X Sakété X Abomey X Agbangnizoun X Bohicon X Covè X Zou Ouinhi X Zagnanado X Za-Kpota X Zogbodomey X