R 0 A D R U R N E R S C' L U B, NEW YORIC ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER • Ho. 51 WINT'5H-1972 • Presiden-tzB.aeisler Sr.,1134 Eindley AveBronx,N.Y. 10455—TOTED M Vice-President-.Bavlcl Weinsteln,780 • Bronx River Rd.. ,Yonkers ,Ny 1070» Secretary rmna Kuscsik,? Flint Ct. ,H^antington Station,N Y. IW^ Treasurer:Ben Malkasiany590 W.lBTth St.,New Y.ork,N.AA news—Bill Nev/kirk vacationed in St. Moritz,Switzerland TSit suamner.It took him two weeks to get used to running at 5000 ft... .Our dues remained at :il3.00/year from 1971iThey are now $4.00 (12.00 for students)... The newest |RRC is the Hudson-Hohawk Assoc. RRC,formed to sponsor races land to stimulate other events of interest to long distance runners in the capital' district. President is Tom Osier,winner of several national championships,.. ^ ^ ^^v. In the 5th Annual National 100 mile walk,Columbia,Bio.,two more men maae the Centua?ion Club of S\merica by walking 100 miles in less than 24 hours. Seven men (4 in the modern era) have now done it.The succ- essful men were 28 year old Larry Youn£ (l8i07-^2,new US record) and 54 year old Chris Cle^^ (22:46:14)...The Mid-Pacific RRC publishes a newsletter called; "Hang Tuff." There is intense rivalry^ong clubs in Hawaii. One rvmner, running in the last 6 miles of a 40 mile relay in attempting to catch another runner and oblivious to everything else,ran a red light and crashed into the side of a moving city bus. Ho v/as hospitalized and cited by the police for running a red light. A nud^-e fined him $25 but suspended payment (courtesy S.Hamilton). -. Br. J.J.Boitano,chairman of the Connecticut AAU Lo3:ig Distance Runn- ing Committee has written a brochure on,-'How to Organize and Conduct a Road Race'.'To obtain a copy send a stamped self-addressed envelope torJack Boitano,40 McLeod Place,Stratford,Conn. 06497... , This past summer Scott Hamilton got messed up o^ping off a road while on a 11 mile training run in the Walkiki area,to avoid a car zeroing in on him. Weeks later while running with several otners in the rain on a muddy path,he skidded into a low tree branch ^^^ collected a four stitch gash above the hairline... The 1972 national 50 mile run ?/ill be held in Rocklin, Calif, again.. .Bob BeCe lie of the Pacific iVssoc.AAU will be the National AAU Bong Bistance Running Committee Chairman for the next two years. ... Syracuse,New York will stage the National AAU . The Olympic Marathon tryout will ovi hold in Eugene,Oregon in late June as part of the Olympic track ^ field tryouts. To compete,the marathoner must have cracked 2^30 on a certified marathon course in 1972. Winners of Regional can get a trip to either the. National or the Olympic -^^-ials,prodded they have beaten 2:30...T.Corbitt received the. 1971 AAU of the pA Award of Merit , "for outstanding service and con-crioution to the sport of long distance runnjLng'i *. ^ "Emil Zatopek Versus Ron'Clarke" b^ Br.Sid Gend.in, United AA Ron Clarke is a great runner,but some people say he is the greatest long distance runner of all time. There isn't a half-way ^iecent argu- ment to support the latter opinion. Compare his record to that oi tne man who is the' greatest of all time—Emil Zatopek. Zatopek • ., ^ 65 races at 10 kilometers and 44 races at 10 kilometers ana 6 miles. 6 miles. 52 wins = Bofc 30 wins == 67fo. - 129 races at 5 kilometers and 130 races at 5 kilometers and 3 m^iles. ^^ 111 wins =-86/o. 86 wins = SSfo. Z^opck's Manor Lleets "m:yEipic~"10 kilometers :Won both. 2 Olympic 5 kilometers: Y/on one? second in one. 2 European Championships 10 km:Won both. 3 European Championships 5 Im: ?/on one; 3rd in one; 5th. 2 Olympic marathons:Won oner 6th. Pive times a world record setter at 10 km; one world record at 5 world records at 15 km,20 km,15 miles,25 km,30 km,and . Clarke's .Major Meets 2 Oljrmpic 10 lan:"3r^ in one; 6th in one. 2 Ol^ipic 5 km: 3rd in one^ 5th in one. • r, 3 Conmionwealth Games 10 Ion: 2nd twice: one did not finish. 3 Commonv/ealth Games 5 lan' 2nd twice| 5th once. p.2 Australian National 6 M Champs: 1st tliiree times in, four tries. Australian National 3 M Chsjnps:' 1st five times in eight tries• Zatopek*s national charapionsliips- are-not -inclitded because in his top ranked years,no Otlier Czechs were/internationall]^ :i;:956,,ll Czechs were ranked ,among the top ''92" 10fen me n in the world but,by thon,Zatopek. had .tixnibled to 17th, In his best' years ,2atopek had no • jone to ,x)ush him and help him to develop• Fantastic as his record is, it would have been much better.except for 1956 and 1957 when.Zatopek lost -5 of his last 9' 10km.races and 10 of his•last 23 5 km races, Clarke set, only three ?/Rs at 10 km. Most of his records came at short- er distances* He did set records at 20 Inii and in the one hour run but never at 15 M, 25 km or 30 knu His one try at the :QlympiO-marathon produced a 9th placei . By the standards of ordinary mortals, Clarke's career is nothing''to be ash.'arned of. But to compare him.to Zatopek is ridiculous. (Note: The ,author,Sid Gendin, does not guarantee the accuracj'- of the statistics of-tho above article-,but he says,;"the study is .accurate enough to point up and support the general,claim—to wit,that it is . rj-ddcul^u^ supjpo that Ron Clarke was as great as.Smil Zatopek.) "RRC Standard Time Certificates" ' ' ** " "" "" ~ If you have qualified for an HRC Standards Certificate,send details of yovjr three races to: Ted Corbitt,5240 Broadway,Apt.15 C, Sect.-H,N.Y. 10463. Send by :Jan.31,1972. To earn a Standards -Cortificate,the member must run three separate races of different distances,between 9 ^nd 100 miles,, in specified times or better within a 12 months period* The races mp.st be on tracks or certified road courses. Most marathon courses in the East are certified "(by N.at'l,AAU I-ong Distance Running Committee).All races in N.Y. City were on certified courses. There are 5 classesiVeterans class (age 48 and up) v/ith all times :comparable to the basic 3:25. ms^rathon time (see chart below). Second class,based on a 3:10 marathon.First Class based on 2:40 mara- thon.Champion class based on a 2i30'marathon.World class based on a 2:23 marathon. Check the follov/ing times and if you have met the standards of 3 races,e.g. One Hoxir Run,30km,and mai^'athon/send names of races,dates,distances and times, to Ted Corbitt. Tllffi STANDARDS WORDP CHAIvIPION 1st CLASS 2nd CLASS VETERAN 9 miles • 45:15 47:15 49:00' ^ 56:00 62:15 15,000meters 47:00 49:00 51:00 ' 56:00 64:45 10 miles 50:40 53:00 55:00 63:00 1:10:00 11 miles not set yet 61:00 70:00 1:18:00 12 miles not set yet 67:00 1 76:00 1:26:00 20,00Qdi 1:03:45 1:06:50 1:10:00' 1:20:50 1:29:20 15 Kiiles 1:18:00 1:21:40 1:26:00 1:40:00 1:50:00 25TOOCii 1:21:00 1:24:45 l:29i40 1:44:00 1:54:20 30,000m 1:38:30 1:43:10 1:49:00 2:08:00 2:20:00 20 miles 1:46:00 1:51:15 1:58:00 2:20:00 2:30:00 Marathon 2:23:00 2:30:00 2:40 too 3:10, $00 3:o:00 30 miles 2:46:15 2:54:30 3:07:30 3:41:00 3:59:00 35 miles not set yet 3:57:00 4:36:00 374 miles not set yet 5:01:00 4:18:00 5 :00:00 5:26:00 40 miles 3:52:00 4:02:40 4:29:00 45 miles 5:15:00 5:39:00 not set yet 5:21:00 6:10:00' 6:43:00 52-g- miles 5:24:00 5:43:00 6:25:00 50 miles 7:20:00 8:00:00 not set yet 6:04:00 6:56:00 7:34:00 One Hour 11 mi,1275 yds llmi,410y 10mi,1430y . 9mi,1020y 8mi,1250y Two Hour 22mi,720y 21mi,785y 20mi,440y 17mi,1000h 16mi,380y (This B^S R.Daws and Tom O^Brien) •'Definition ox A 'World Class Athlete^' b5- Barry Geisler Sr7 ~ President RRC,IT.Y. Association - In my opinion, a world ''class" athlete is one who works hard at his or her sport, and who puts a part of his life into his sport by helping, others through such activities as coacning,and promoting or assisting in staging events. Many athletes could come up to these requirements. Most runners will not ^ow up at a track meet or road race unless they are. compet- ing. The RRC and the AAU specifically invites you to assist wheneveiir possible in staging our long distance program. ^ ' .. ' We have in the RRC some'spartan athiete.s IBce Joe "BesselyNYAC runner who coaches at Freeport i-Iigh School on Long-Island, and who continued on page 7 p.7 Class Athlete—continued in the summer oonduote the "Speed Program" at Preeport.Then tliere is Ted Cortoitt v/ho handles esitry hlanlcs, the RRC Newsletter, and road race course standards. Another standout is Hina Kuscsilc who trains, takes care of a family, helps in the Mu Womens long Distan- ce K-unning Committee, and.is the secretary for the And how ahout our indefatiguable Kurt .Steiner. who takes care of race sanctions and permits. He dedicates much of his Ixfe to long distance running. He is a loud orator hut a giant of a mpi. I could name others-who stand in the rain or snow,on the coldest days ,timing and checking runners in a race. ' ^ , .. ,. You may not see these runners listed in record books or xn the . But they do reach the heights through service to their fellow athletes. I urge you to join them by serving to pro- ""^Hat^and^Sn'cirulnick both compete and they've handled Age Group races for the BR" for over- five years. They seek no rewards other than to assist future athletes. ,, • If you help at one race during the year, that would get you on the road to Mount Olympus. Sa join fhe world "class" athletes. ^^^^If you can help one or more times in the running off or conduct- ion of races in which you will not compete, please contact me and let, me know when you can serve. Contact me at this address:^ Barry fieisler Sr.,1134 Pindley Ave.,Bronx,K.Y. 10455 Telephone 212 536-3303. -

""•"Hational~Age~Group Cross-OQuntry Championships" by David Weinstein The National RRC age group cross-country championships, held at. Van Cortlandt Park on'November- 7,1971, was a hugh success for every- one Sved! a^d it was also a graphic Ulustration of how coopera- tion and teamwork can m&ke a hugh undertaking. go off like clock ""''AS usual, the hub of this hugh-RRCI wheel was Barry Geisler who mastermSded and coordinated the efforts of nearly 1000 contest- ants and several volunteer workers. , , At 45 AM itz 3?ranceschini, Barbara Sykes,Sid Wright,and^David weinstein met Barry Geisler,Ben.Malkasian,Harry Jameson and Barry Jr; and Eric Geisler. Barry's borrowed 3 ton truck was filled with IROO tronhvs for all finishers of the &ays events. We carried three tablefand benchL to the startiiig and awaited the onslaught, all tL while keeping our fingers crossed that the Heavy ram of rti earirmorning woSld not start again. The onslaught, came—the raLSdn-t! Starting,at 10:30 AM runners, their families,coaches. f^tendrSnd onlookers started arriving. They came from California, SSKlorado.Massachusetts.Connecticut New Jersey.and DC The registering began with Barry's two sisters-in-law,Bllen ^d'Kitty uflianceschiniTBarbara Sykes ,Sid Wright,Ben Malkasian Sd stn's sister Carol,and Gary mhroke performing^ tr03an duty ^ttS everyone numbered by one o'clock when^arry^got the first

13 Murphy and Aid. Scandurra ""^•"TSIn'tL^fSIsS went directly to the truck where Barry Jr. and Bill Moron and Mike lean he.nded out the trophies. „„ vrv,»oic, inn and Hat: Cirulnick ai^d their^lu^rious .Dodge Home on meels were hosts for the officials with food provided by the laC. coffee, tea.shrtmpand lobster, salad sandwiches and cookies^ ilthou^ the sun stayed out all day,it was B?.SR--cold. Ha^rJ^osL erected the runners at the Bridge; Mr. McCarthy xnHflPd the^around the turn at the bottom of the Hilljand Tim Vincfchiappetta, and Harry I.tarphy guided them the competed in a well organized event. It was thrilling: for the winners becauso it is always exciting.to win,but it was " important and satisfying for all the competitors to find out where their training was leading them. One thousand kids found out together on that Sunday afternoon- BOOK REVIEW: Prom Th^ Zealand Athl'etic Coach, Shepherd,Don My Run Across the United States Pub. Tafnews Pressvios Altos,California7l970' •rr^Jf title suggests this book is the narration of Don Shepherd's 3000 mile run from i...os Angeles to Hew York.The author briefly des- cribes the factors that motivated him to consider such a task rnd the simple preparations that he made, before starting out on his mara- thon journey.Unlike many other attempts at. long distanc^e running of a similar nature,Don did not have sponsorship or"the support of a party travelling in company with him to provide meals and trailer accomo- dation en route. On the contrary he lived very sparsely and slent wherever he could obtain cheap accomodation. The problems of attempting such a journey are clearly outlined in the ten chapters and 137 pages. His route took him through such inter- esting places as Southern California, Arizona, Colorado, across the Mojave Desert,over the Rocky Llountairis and so eastwards through Neb- raska, Iowa,Illinois,Indiana,Ohio,Pennsylvania,Hew Jersey and finallv Hew York..,, Don obviously enjoyed meeting and mixing with people and was only too pleased to give,interviews for the press and broadcasting report- ers, He relates experiences in motels and farmhouses where sometimes his sleeping accomodation was rather spartan. In. fact on one occas- ion, one hospitable farmer provided him with a bed in a "U-haul" trailer because the house was fully occupied by his own family. On another occasion while sleeping in a woodshed he was disturbed in the early hours of the morning by a police patro3 who were convinced that he vvas trespassing.He ¥;as able to prove his innocence and identity by producing one of his many press photographs much to the am-usement of the policemen.aenerally,Don was received very well by the police- patrols across the country and in his ov/n words, "American Cops,with- out exception, I found to be real gentlemen." As can be imagined, he received many offers of transport but he refused them all unless he was returning to a town to rest for the night or returning to the spot where he^ended his run the previous day. He even resisted the temptation to carry a transistor radio so that he would not be distracted from absorbing all the beauty and splendour of the countryside. In conclusion, I would say the book is easy to read although it tends to drag somewhat because of the repetitious nature of the daily programme that Don Shepherd maintain^ed. However, I recomm.end it as a worthwhile book for the long distance runner, the jogger, the- coach and anyone fanatical enough to associa-a>e himself with athletes and the world in which they live, Brian Maunsell (Courtesyi Bill Hewkirk,RRG H.Y,: Association)

The US Masters International m OPIHIOH by Bryant Track Team v/ill compete in meets "Difficulty is the nurse of in jjondon, He 1 sinki, StockhoIm., , greatness—a harsh nurse,who G-othenburg,Copenhagen and Cologne roughly rocks her foster between Aug.20 and Sept.17,1972, children into strength and This will include track meets, athletic proportion" cross-country,orienteering and the by Sir V/alter Scott V/orld Vets Marathon.If interested, "To the tim-id and hesitating you must join the team by Peb.l, everything is impossible be- 1972. cause it seems so,"

RRC,New York Association Hewsletter Committee : J.Chodes ,Bill Hev/kirk,Bill Wiklund,Dr.Sid G'endinyj^^orb Sander, Ted & G-ary Corbitt c/o T.Corbitt ,5240 B'v/ay,HY,HY IO463

TO: printed matter' R R C ROSTER PAID MSBdBBRSHIP 1971-72 COMPETITORS 1.Adams, Peter 88-07 88th St., Woodhaven,N.Y. 11421 2.Attena, f/iike 37 W; Maltbie Ave., Suffern,New York 3.Auerbach, Carl 216 W. 78th St^ ,Kew York^N.Y» 10024 4.Bastick, Pat 31 Westfair Dr.,Westport,Conn, 06880 , 5.Berger,Bernard,M.D4 2727 Palisade Ave.jBronx,N^Y• 10463 - 6.BesseljJoe 227 Lexington Ave.,Frfeepprt,Long Island,i . V 7-Blackman,Bruce 973 B-. 82nd St., Brooklyn,N.Y. 11236 ^ 8»Boitano,John,Ph.D. i 40 McLoed Place, S.tratford, Gonn« 06497, 9*Borden,Jim 129 McDonough StBrooklyn,N^Y, 10.Bowes, Edward Ji 96 Broadway, Massapequa- Park,Long Island,NY 11762 11.Brobston,William 245 East 49th St.,New York,N.Y, 10017 , , 12.Brown-, Ted 1535 Undercliff Ave,Bronx,N.Y. 10455 13.Burke, Pat 199 Sherman Ave.,New York,N.Y. ,10034 ' * • : 14.Burley,William l60.Fairfield Woods Road,Pairfifild, Conn. 06430 15.Burns, Joseph 446 Larch Ave.,Bogota,New Jersey .07603 . . 16.Balg,Louis 40 Conger St.,Bloomfield,N.J, 07003 .. 17.Cameron,Thomas 570 W^ 204th St.,New York,N.Y. 10034 18. •Campbell,Rollad,MiD. 517 E. 71st St.,Hew York,N.Y. 10021.. 19.Caplin,Bob 522 E; 20th St.,New York,NY 10009' « • 20.Capurso, Mauro' 349 Somerville ,Place,Yonkers,N.Y; 10703 21.Cary,Michael 255 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn,NiY. 11238 • • 22.Chiappetta,Vincent J.,2 Washington Sq.Yiaiage,Apt.9 D,N.Y.,ITY 10012 tel.(212) 533-4717. ' . 234Chiappetta^Vincent P. 26 Madison Park aardens,Port Wash^^NY: 11050 24.Childs,Marshall RPD #3 Putnam Valley,N.Y. 10579 < . . 25.Cinque, Frank 4847 Hampton Court,Ft.M5^ers,Plorida. 33901 • . r 26.Cirulnick, Anna / 27.Cirulnick, Nat / 241-10 132 Road,Jtoaica,New York 11422 28.Cirulnick,Robert /- (tel. 212 AR 6-7451) 29.Clancy,William,M.D., 44 rvforningside Drive,New York,N.Y. 10025- 30.Cleary, Edward 5425 Valles Ave.,Bronx,New York 10471 31.Cleary, Mary Ditto '' ^ • - • 32.Coffey, Tim 225 1st St. ,Mineola,Long Island,N.Y1150X - • 33*Coffin# Paul 526 3rd St. S.B. ,LeMars,lowa 51031 M.Cola,Matt USS Sirago, FPO New York,N.Y. 095.01 . • 35.Collins,Edward ,100 Kenneth Ave.,Baldwin,New York 11510 361Connolly,John 245 Regent StSt.Lambert,P;Quebec , Canada 37iConway,Alvin J. 293 Concord Road;Yonkers,N.Y. 10710 ; 58.Conti, Craig 9-,25rd StJericho, New York 11753 ^ ' ^ 39.Coolidge, Art 565 E. 19th StApt.13ugene;0regon 97401 40.Corbitt,Gary 5240 Broadway,Aptr 15" O'.lJew York,N.Y. , 10463'^ 41^Corbitt,Ted 5240 Broadway,Apt.15 C,N.Y.,N.Y. 10463 tel.LO 2-7393 42.Coyle, Ed' 3045 St.,Woodside,New York 11377^^ '' 43.Coyne,Bill 35 Harrison St.,Staten Island,New York 10304/^ 44•Crichton,Andrew 230 Ave.,Marmaroneck,N*Y."10543 ' • 45*Cryan,Brendon E. 6 Birch Bark Lane,(llen Cove,Long Is.NY 11542 46.DeStephano,Lou 30 Roger Drive,Port Washington,New York 1105:0 47.DeVestern,Ralph 23 Koster Blvd., Edison,New Jers'ey Apt.8A,08817 48.DeVestern,Harold 23 Koster Blvd,Edison,New Jersey,Apt.8 A',68B17 49.Deutscher,Gene • 8 Washington Place,Tarrytown,New York 10^91 . 50.Donlon,Tom 255 74th StBrooklyn,New York 11209 51.Dougherty,Dan Sr. 186 U'tter Ave.,Staten Island,New York 10314 52.Duffy,Vince 2327 Andrews Ave.,Bronx,New York 10468 53•Eastman,William D. 245 E. 87th St.,Apt.14 E, New York,NY 10028 54.Ebel,Harvey Dr. 2575 Palisade AveBronx,N.Y. 10463 55.Epstein,Edward 1115 Ave. Y, Brooklyn,New York 11235 56.Falk,Robert 18-15 215th St.,Bayside,New York 11560 57.Pletscher,Paul 183 Maxlne Ct.,West Hempstead,New York 11552 58.Fillis,Jim 158 Highland Ave.,Eastchester,New York 10707 59.J'isher,Elton 80 -Oak St.,Floral Park, New York 11001 60.Fixx,Jim 5 Chapel Lane,- Riverside,'Conn. 06878 61.Fleming, Tom 424 Berkeley Ave.,Bloomfield,New Jersey 07003 ' 62.Francheschini, Liz 312 W.83rd St.,New York,N.Y. 10024 63.Freylinghuysen,Joseph P.O.Box 608,Somerville,New Jersey 08876 64.Friedman, David 1437 E. 99th St.,New York,N.Y. 11236 65.Friedman,Norman Box 208 RD #2, Wayland,New York 14572 66.&arlepp,John 831 Valley Brook Ave.,Lyndhurst,New Jersey 123-4 So. Highland Ave.,0ssining,New YOrk 10562 68.Geisler,Barry Sr.,1134 Pindley Ave.,Bronx,N.Y.10455 (212^536^3303 ) p,2 Roster - 69 •C^eisler, Barry / 70.G-eisler,Eric • / ll34 'Flnd.lej AveBronx,Nav/ York 10455 71*G-eisler, Lee / » 72.Gendin, Sid 90 Oakwood,Yp3ilanti.Michigan 48197 73.CJerbino,Joseph, 112 Altamouht Ave,,Sea Cliff,Long Island,M10553 74.Gershiiian, Bennei; L. 225 W, 86th St,,Hew York,NY 10024 75.Glasse, Dudley M.. . 2301'Fifth Ave.,New York,New York 10037 " 76^Gordon,Bill. 30 Roger Drive,Port Washington,New York 11050 77.G-ordon,Walter 97.Chandler Ave,,Staten Island,New York 10314 . 78,G-race Dan J. .43 Brinck^rhoff Ave.,New Canaan,Conn', 06840 79.Graham Ed 2567 Eastchester Road,Bronx,New YorJc 104^9 80,Granowitz,Ed •2953 Ave., W , Brooklyn, New York 11229 81.,Greene,Richard 2908 Prankel Mvd, Merrick, "New York ' 82,Greenfield,iMiahael: 14 Denize St,,MassapequajLiI.,N,Y. 11701 83.Grotsky, Steve 2639 Davidson Ave.,Bronx,New York 10468 stilubMns- Foster Ave;, Sayville,Long Island,NY 11782 86.Gubhins,Tom 226 Darthmoiith Drive, mcj.ks.ville,j:Iew York 11800 87.Hagan, Kirk R. 119 E.lHartsdale Ave..Hartsdale, New York 10530 88.Handelman, Frap.k./55 W. 74th StNew York,New York 10023 89.Hazera,. Joseph 43-12 223rd St. Bayside,QueeneHew York 11361 90.Hayward, i?'rank 73 Bankside Drive/Centerpcirt ,Ne# York 11721 91.Healy,Dennis, 44 S. .2nd St.,New York,New'York 10003' 92»Healy, Kevin 138-24 Elder AveFlushing,New York 93.Eeit,PhiUp 120 E., 19th St. ,Brooklvn,New Y'ork 11226 94iHelmuth,Cameron 280 W*86th St.,New York,New York 10024 95..*Herkp,Mark • 235 Everett Place, Engelwood,New Jersey. 07631 • 96,Hidden,Steve 134 Corbin Ave.,Jersey City,New Jersey 07306 97,Hirsch,Georc.e A,. ..246 E, 32nd at.,New Yos:k,New York 10016 • . 98,Hoadley, David 2B Dogwood Drive,Morrlstovm,New Jersey 07960 , 99,Hopkins, ^Barry 2 Bogardus Ave.,Catskill,N,Y. 12414 100,Horn,Chris 25. Nancy Drive:,. Sayville,Long Island,New York -11782 101 .Hornick,Robert': 1543 Budd St. ,Elmont ,New. York 11003 102.Howard,Robert 2'2 3?ox Lane, Dix Hills, New York 11746 103.Hurley,John T. 31'%alnut St.,Oneonta, Eew York 13802 104.Jamieson,. Don. 538 W~6th St,.,Deer Park,New York 11729 105.Johnnides, Jim 5i Tobin Ave. ,Gre'at Neck,Long Island,IfY 11021 106. Johns on, Duncaii, General Delivery, Inlet,New York 13360 ' 107*Kaczorek-^Charles A, •73-27 186th BtFlushing,New York 11366 lOS^Kagan,Reed 35-51 "21st Long Island City,New York 11106 • 109.Kapell,Bernard'L, 50 E.'91st St.,New York,New York 10028 110.Katz, Gary '56 Ridge Drive,Plainview,New York 11803 111.Keller,.Joe, RD #2 Box 240, New PaltZjNew York 12561 112.Kenul, John 1365 '43rd St,,Brooklyn,New York 11219 113.Kern,Vincent Box 120 RD #3, Jackson, New Jersey 114.Kling,Stephan, Scarsdale High School, Sca'rsdale,New York 10583 115.Koening, Ken W. 440 W. 24th St.,New York,New York 10011 ' 116tfKosteczko , Nick Box 2r6 Modena-, New York 12548 .117.KotteaIkce,Gus 350 E. 67th St,,New "York,New York 10021 '118,Kuhlman,John 210 W. 251st St.,New York (Bronx) 10471 X19.Kuscsik, Dick / „ . . . ^ ^^ ,, „ , i2P.Kuscsik, Nina / ^ -^^-i-int Court, .^untxngton Station,New York 121.Laufgas;, Bernie 128 E. 32nd St,, Pater son, New Jersey 122,Leavitt, Robert K. 48 W. 73id St,,New York,New York 10023 .123.Lebow, Fred 226 E. 53rd St,, New York,New York 10022 124.Lefkowitz , Harris 2.45-66 . 62nd Ave. ,Douglaston,New York 11362 125.Leibowitz, Irwin 29 Williamsburg Close, Scarsdale,N,Y. 10583 126,iieshen, Joseph 243 -37 72nd Ave . ,Douglaston,N•Y, 11362 127.Lewis, Scott 23 Ingram St.jForest Hills,New York 11375 128,Likos, Gus 170 E, Choir Lane, Westbury,Long Island,NY 11590 130.Lindaur, Don 606 Madison Ave,,Baldwin,New York 11510 131.Logan,Donald C. 3231 Nantucket Lane,Oceanside L.I.,M 11572 132.Lucian, Richard 23 Rich Lee Court (Is,),Mineola,L,I.,NY 11501 133.Lyon, Richard T, B,M,, School Tr. Center,Gov,Island,NY 10004 134.Laiiey, Herbert 61-38 Tyndall Ave.,Bronx, New York 10471 135.McCarthy, Tom 50 Riverside Ave.,Yonkers,New York 10701 136^McConnell, V/alt . Berkshire Valley Road, RD #1,Wharton,NJ'07885 137.McDonagh,Jim 3451 Knox Place,Bronx,New York 10467 138,McGuiness, James T, 1762 Florence St,,Merrick,New York 11566 139•McLocklin,William 431 Atlantic St.,East Northport,L,I.,NY 11731 140.B.!cNicholl, Rod 418 E, 88th St.,New York,New York 10028 141»McSweeney, Paul 4013 Ave. J,Brooklyn,New York 11210 142.Malkasian, Ben 590 W, 187th St,,New York,New York 10033 • • 143.Manfredi, Ray 2391 Webb AveBronx,New York 10468 144.Martinez, Arthur C. 239 E, 79th St,,New York,New. York10021 p.3 Roster 145*daglia, Ernie 4220-26 Hutchington River Parkway Apt.26 A Bast Bronx,New York 1.0475 146.Mensch, Solomon 2965 Ave, % , Brooklyn, New York 11255 147.Mercer, Henry 551 Wales Ave. Bronx, New York 10455 148.Miller,. Gerald 225 W, 106th St., New York,New York 1.0025 149.Miller, Kathy 3439 Burnet Ave.Syracuse, New York 13206 150.Mintz, BOID 55 Colgate, Lane, Woodbury,New York 11797 , J^P^ 151.Molino, Alfred 924 63rd St.,Brooklyn, New York 11219 152.Mongovan, William B. • 1 Eutnam Hill, Greenwich,Conn, 06831>'^ 155.Mooney, Coleman, 20 Hunter: Place, Stoney Point, New York 154.Moran^ William H. 1961 E. 36th StBrooklyn,New York 11254 155.Morrow, William P. 620,Stockton St.,New Milford,New Jersey07646 156.Muhrcke, ^ary. . 214 Porterfield Place,Freeport,New York 157.Nathan, Walter I. 345 69th St.,New York,New jork 10021 158.Newkirk,William H. 392 Central Park West,New York, N.Y. 1.0025 l60.Muller, Robert 41 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn,New York 161 •Murphy,Harry 4111 Avev.i.I, Brooklyn,'New York 11210. 162.Newman, I;3,wrence 122-14 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, New York 11436 163.Nolan,James 28 Cornelia St..,New York,N.Y. 10014 (NY Pioneers) 164.Nolan, James 1181 E. 10th St.,Brooklyn, New. York 11230 165 .Paz,. Joe P.O Box 6 ,V/harton,New Jersey 07885 166.Peters, Susan 1 Washington: Sq.Village,-New York,New York 1(IE012 167.Peterson, John 83 Pineaire Ave.,Parmingville,New York 11738 168.Polin, Phil 5^7 Sterling St,,Brooklyn, New York 11225 169.Pollack . ,Bernard 60-19 A 194th Lane,Flushing,New. York 11365 170»Powell, Lav/rence RB #3 Walkill, New York 12589 171,Preston, James III, 334 St.Nicholas Ave.,New York,N.Y. 10027 172,Price, Henry S. 14 Butler Place^ Brooklyn, New York 11238 173,Purneli, Wayne 35 Main St 1,New Egypt,New Jersey 08533 174,Raisfeld,Lawrence c/o Bolar Pharm,Go.,150 Lincoln St., Cipiaque, New York 11726 175,Reilly, Artie 3415 Ft.Independence St.,Bronx,New York 10465 176,Reilly, Prank 316 Barleau StBrentwood,New York 11717 177 4Rein, Joseph 249 45th St,,New York,New York 10013 • 17B.^euter, New York 10452 190,Segal, Eric- 5092 Yale Station, Nev? Haven,Conn, 06520 191.Seneca, Martin 949 E* 105rd St. ,Br^poklyn,N.Y. 11256 192.Sewall,R. B. Downs Road,Bethany,Conn. 06525 195.Shanahan,Bill 2 Cooper St,,New York,New York 10054- 194.Share,William A. .57 5rd St. ,Lodi,N^ew Jersey 07644 or Park Lake Estates & Marina,407 Lake Shor'e Drive,Hallandale,Plor*35009 195 iSheehan, George M*D,, Rumson Road, Ruins on, New Jersey 196;Smith,Michael 270 Crest-view Place, Bogota,New Jersey O76O5 197iSoyka, Paul 5750 Liberty Ave,,Norta Bergen,New Jersey 07040 198.Spanel, David M-D. 69 Laurel Road;Pinceton,New Jersey 08540 199.Spavin,Rick Rt.#l Box 364 Areata,California 95521 200.'Steiner,Kurt 1660 E. 21st.StBrooklyn,New York 11210 201,Steiner,Bill 65-50 Wetherole St.jRei/^o Park,New York 11374 202,Sterner,John 230 W, 242nd St.,Bronx,New York IO463 205,Stetch,Jack 54-5 Webster . Ave..,Brooklyn,New York 11250 204.Stott, William 149 Midwood Road,.J>len Brook, New Jersey 205,Stranahan, Frank Suite;5702, 515 Madison- Ave.,New York, N.Y, 2.06.Sui'feo, Ted PO Box 88 JFK Airport Station,Jamaica,N.Y, 11450 207.T'arnawsky,George / 74 Woodcrest Ave.,White Plains,N.Y,10604 208.Tarnawsky, Patricia / ' ^ 209.Taylor,Bill T. RR #1 Box I46 Malabar Dr,,Westbrook,Conn.06498 210.Tennis,Craig 50 Rockerfeller Plaza,New York, New York 10020 211.Ugelow, Albert J. 130-39 225th St.,Laurelton,L.I.,N,Y» 11415 212.Vavoules, Pierre 6 Schoenfield, Drive, Huntington Sta.,L,I.,N.Y, 11746 213•Velazquez, Jos© 271 Vermont St.,Brooklyn,N.Y. 11207 214.Vogel, David 201 Linden Blvd.,Brooklyn,New York 11226 p,4'Roster 215»Waite, Ralph 245 Manhasset Ave.,Manhasset,New York 11030 216. V/alther, Eric 486 Ninth St,,Brooklyn,New York 11215 217vWatterudyOscar J. 24 Bedford Ave.,Elmont, New York 1100^ 21BcWeinBtein,David 780 Bronx River Road., Yonkers,N.Y. 10708 219cWeiss,John 226 E.83rd StNew York,New York 10024 220,Weller, Robert 735 Bridelmere Ave.,Interlaken,New Jersey,. 07712 221,Wesley, Ered 95 Christopher. St^ ,New York,Ne\¥ York 10014 222,Westerholm,Walt4435 Murdock Avd,,Bronx,New York 10466 , 223^Y/isniewski, G-eorge 1655 TJndercliff Ave,, Bx,NY 10453 oo^'S^^^J^t' Barbar-y ^^^^ Riverside Drive,New York,New York 10025 22:^ •V^right, Sid ( ^ - * 226..Zec}ier, Sid 1015 Old Post Road, Mamaroneck,New York 10543 227.Zeisger, Albert 1125 Fifth Ave,-,New York,New York 10028 22S;.Eitzgerald, Thom.as P. 70 Rapple Drive, Albany,New York 12205 229.Avallone,John P. Jr. 3045 Villa Ave. Bronx,New York 10468., 230.Destefano, Robert 157 E. 57th St.,New York,N.Y, 10022 231.Calabro,John 149 Boston Ave.-,No. Arlington,New Jersey 07-032 232.Couiello, Tony 278 Forbell.St.,Brookl3m,New York 11208 . 233.Weir, Robert R. 7 Wilson Ridge Road,Darien,Conn. 06820 . 234.Montero, Arturo 204 Seaton Road,Stamford,Conn, 06920- 235,0*Connor, Dan 2490 Woodland Ave.,Wantagh,Long Island,NY 1179$ 236.McConnell,Malcom D,,RD #2 Ning Road ,Rexford,N»Y. 12148- „ 237.Senechalle, David 8 Sparlcling Rld;.,e Road,New Paltz,N.Y. .12561 238.Brennan, Paul J. 455 North Broadv/ay, Yonkers,New York 10701 239.Price, George Jr. 1155 229th St. Drive South,Bronx,N.Y,. 10466 240.Allen,Mike Mannheim AM High School,APO,New York 09165 241.Voboril,Milos B. 4 Sycamore Road,aien Cove,New York 11542 242,7oboril, Anthony Ditto 243.Kelly,Joseph V. 7 East 63rd St.,New York,New'York 10021 244.Tobey,Jonathan S. 6 Oakhurst Road,Mamaroneck,N,Y. 10543 . 245.11aneza, Joseph 1713 Central Ave.,Union City,New Jersey.07087 246.Danger, Lawrence 225 W, 106th St.,New York,New York 10025. 247.E:irby, Joe 301 West 22nd . St,,New York,New York 248.Meehan, A1 34 Sutton Drive, Stamford,0onn. 06906 2-49,Williams, 119-15 2.04 St.,St. Albans,New York 11412 250,Marinsic, Norm n NON COMPETITORS /xxjop rribraBison, Ken 138-10 Franklin Ave.,Flushing,N.Y. (212-539-0952) 2.Bilotta, Nick 2391 Webb Ave.,Bronx,N.Y. 10468 3.Jameson, Harry 44 No Broadway, Yonkers,N.X 10731 4.Kleinerman,Joseph 2825 Claflin Ave.,BrOnx,N.Y. 10468 (KI 3-8140) 5.Lesser, Lav/rence R. 3082 Emmons Ave,Cottage 14 A,Brookl3ai,NY 11235 6.Schwed, Sam 1726 David son Ave ., Br onx,N .Y.' Apt. 5H 7,Se.mT.-)le, John-150 Causeway St.,Boston,Mass ; 02114(617 GA-7-3214 )BAA 8«Sirakos,Nick 4557 Richardson AveBronx,New York 10470 9.White, Lou 276 Eagle St.,Bridgeport,Conn. 06607 (367-3801)- 10.Wiklund,Bill 25 Cliff Hill Road,01iftonp^Tew Jersey 07013./ 11 .Yancey, J. J. 420 W. 130th'StNew York,N.Y.. 10027 (212 M0.-2-3736) 12.Campbell,Bob 39 Linnet St.^West Roxbury,Mass. ( FA 7-5817) HCNOTl/iRT MEIvfBER^ ^ r; Cass ell, O'^^.an, Nat'l.AAU, 3400 W.86th St. ^ Indianapolis, Ind> 46268 (317-297-2900) . • ^ 2.Hamilton,Scott, V/aikiki P.O..Box 8803, Honolulu,Hawaii 96815 3.0»Oonnell,Ed 5 Oneida Road, Winchester, Mass. 01890 4,0^Neil, John 15610 Clifton BlvdLakewood,Ohio 44107 5,Pataky,Milt 120-06 133rd AveRichmond"Hill,New York 11420 6.Ross,H.B. 306 W.Center St.,Woodbury,New Jersey 08096

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