The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol. 27, No. 1.




(From the Department of Biochemistry, Niigata Medical College. Director: Prof. N. Ariyama.)

(Received for publication, October 11, 1937)

By combining the results obtained from many different types

of experiments which have been made with regard to the oxidative

decomposition of amino acids by carbonyl compounds, it appears

that amino acids liberate their amino and carboxyl groups, and

they are converted into with one less carbon atom. The reactions of alloxan with amino acids at high temperatures were

studied by Strecker(1862), Piloty and Finckh(1904), Traube

(1911), and Hurtley and Wootton (1911). Traube employed, besides alloxan, isatine, benzo and toluquinone. There were pro duced, in these experiments, carbon dioxide, ammonia and

aldehydes. Gly cine was an exception; the formation of form

was not detected. Bach (1913) followed the principle

of Traube, and found an aldehyde in the distillate prepared froln

the mixture of alanine with benzoquinone. Wieland and Bergel

(1924) detected acetaldehyde as the oxidation product of alanine with alloxan at 38•Ž in the presence of palladium. According to

Akabori (1927; 1931) and Yamada (1928) amino acids were

converted to aldehydes which contained an atom less of carbon

when the acids were heated with sugars in the medium of glycerol

at 120-130•Ž. The reactions were interpreted by them as taking

place between amino acids and furfurals formed from sugars. The reactions were always accompanied by the liberation of carbon

dioxide but not by that of ammonia. The latter substance was

assumed to be consumed for the formation of melanoidins, as soon

as it was produced. In his study of oxidative decomposition of

amino acids with quinone derivatives Kisch (1933, i) noticed the

107 108 S. Kobayasi: formation of benzaldehyde from phenylaminoacetic acid. Euler, Karrer and Zehender (1934) observed that ammonia and reduc ing, volatile substances (presumably aldehydes or ketonic acids) were produced when aqueous solutions of amino acids and dehydro ascorbic acid were heated. Glyoxals react with amino acids in a way similar to alloxan and other carbonyl compounds mentioned above. Neuberg and Kobel (1927) isolated, as the reaction products of amino acids with glyoxals, small quantities of aldehydes which contained one less carbon atom than the original acids. The presence or absence of oxygen exerted no influence on the reactions. Sakuma (1930) followed the reactions between and amino acids at neutral reaction by determining the hourly decrease of the reacting substances. The quantities of ammonia and carbon dioxide liberated corresponded to 70-801% of the values calculated from the decreased quantities of amino acids. The incomplete conver sion of methylglyoxal into lactic acid by muscle glyoxalase was explained by Watanabe (1933) to be partly, at least, due to the decrease of methylglyoxal by its reaction with creatine which was present in the enzyme solution. Kisch (1933 ii) claimed that the deamination of amino acids with methylglyoxal was of oxidative nature, as the yield of ammonia increased with the intensity of aeration of the reaction mixtures. Thus it is quite probable that in the presence of carbonyl compounds, amino acids are deaminized and converted into aldehydes with one less carbon atom. Much remains, however, to be elucidated regarding the fate of the carbonyl compounds. It has been repeatedly observed that murexide is formed from alloxan. This has been explained by assuming that alloxan takes up the hydrogen which is liberated oxidatively from amino acids, alloxantine being produced , and this product is converted into murexide in the presence of ammonia which is liberated from amino acids. Quinone may be converted into hydroquinone. These carbonyl compounds seem to act as hydrogen acceptors just in the same way as molecular oxygen which decomposes amino acids into aldehydes of next lower order on the surface of active charcoal. Nothing is known about the fate of The Reactions of Glyoxals with Amino Acids. 109 glyoxals in the reactions with amino acids. The present experiments were devised with the object of in vestigating the reaction-products of glyoxals with amino acids on the one hand, and the influence of the structure of amino acids on the reactions on the other hand.


After failing many times to isolate the reaction-product of

methylglyoxal with amino acids, methylglyoxal was replaced by

phenylglyoxal. By introducing a benzene nucleus in the molecule of it was intended to produce a substance more easily

capable of being isolated. A solution which contained phenylgly

oxal and glycine in 0.025 M and 0.25 M concentration respectively was kept at pH 7 and 50•Ž. The solution began to be tinged with

a yellow colour after 2 hours, the colour getting darker with time.

After 5 hours the solution became turbid and a yellow precipitate

formed. As the solution turned acidic during the reaction, it was

adjusted to pH 7 with the frequent addition of sodium hydroxide

solution. Phenylglyoxal disappeared after 10 days' incubation. The yellow precipitate was filtered off, washed with water, and put

to successive purifications with ether, ether-alcohol and alcohol.

The substance was then dissolved in absolute alcohol and preci

pitated by evaporating the alcohol and adding water to the solution. The pure substance was yellow and amorphous. It was insoluble

in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone and benzene.

The benzene solution of the substance gave blue fluorescence.

FP=115•Ž. The molecular weight determined by the cryoscopic

method was 298. The analytical data were as follows.

73.0mg. of substance: 226.11mg. COn, 33.25mg. H20. 72.0mg. of substance: 3.32mg. N. CsiHisON Calculated C 84.85 /0, H 5.05%, N 4.72% Found C 84.40%, H 5.06%, N 4.75%

Tile properties and the analytical data so far examined indicate that the substance was triphenyloxazole. Judging from the strue 110 S. Kobayasi:

ture of triphenyloxazole, ?? it is likely that this substance might be synthesized from 1 molecule of ammonia which is liberated from glycine and 3 molecules of benzaldehyde which are formed from phenylglyoxal. Penzaldehyde may condense be fore it reacts with ammonia. Referring to the literature on tri phenyloxazole, it was synthesized from the condensation products of benzaldehyde: 1) Rubbing the mixture of benzoin and benzo nitrile with concentrated sulphuric acid, 2) bringing into contact with ammonia, 3) warming benzoyldesylamine with con centrated sulphuric acid. Alanine and other amino acids formed the same product. Thus it is probable that in the reactions with amino acids glyoxals are converted into the aldehydes which have one less carbon atom than the mother substances, the aldehydes reacting subsequently with ammonia, and forming complicated products. It is to be noted in this connection that the reaction product of phenylglyoxal with ammonia is different from that of phenyl glyoxal with amino acids. As demonstrated already by Muller and Peehmann (1889), and Pinner (1902), ƒÁ-benzoyl-phenyl glyoxalin, •@?? was produced when phenyl glyoxal and ammonium sulphate were treated under just the same conditions as those mentioned above. FP=195•Ž. N-content =11.08%(calcul. 11.29%). In this case intact phenylglyoxal reacts with ammonia, while in the case of triphenyloxazole phenylglyoxal suffers a primary change by the reaction with amino acids and forms a compound with one less carbon atom before the compound reacts with ammonia formed from amino acids.

II. REACTIONS OF METHYLGLYOXAL WITH AMINO ACIDS. In this chapter we shall deal with the results of the experi ments which were carried out to compare the velocities of the reactions of various amino acids with methylglyoxal. Sakuma (1. c.) demonstrated that there was no marked difference in the reaction velocities so far as monoamino-monocarboxvlic acids were The Reactions of Glyoxals with Amino Acids. 111

concerned. In the present experiments the reactions were examined at several hours' intervals at pH 7.8 and 9 (C02-NaHCO3 and

NaHCO3-Na2CO3 buffer mixtures). The boric acid-borax mix tures which were employed in Sakuma's experiments were avoided since these substances react with methylglyoxal and introduce some ambiguity into the results of the experiments. The reacting fluids contained amino acids and methylglyoxal at concentrations of

0.05 M and 0.005 M respectively in 100cc. The amino acids and methylglyoxal were neutralized before mixing. The temperature was 37•Ž. The decrease of the quantity of methylglyoxal was followed at intervals with our colorimetric method. The reacting mixtures tended to be coloured yellow after incubating for several hours. When the colour interfered with the colorimetric method,

Barrenscheen and Dreguss' method was employed. The de crease of the amounts of amino acids was also determined oc casionally with the van Slyke•@ method. The reactions took place,

as Sakuma observed, always at an equimolecular ratio between methylglyoxal and the amino group of the acids. The reaction

velocities are indicated in the tables by the rate of the decrease of methylglyoxal.

The optimum hydrogen-ion concentration for the reactions was

pH 8. The reaction proceeded more slowly at pH 9 and much more so at pH 7. Control experiments were always made to check

the decrease of methylglyoxal in alkaline media. ƒ¿-Monoamino

monocarboxylic acids reacted with methylglyoxal at practically the

same rate (Table I). This was anticipated from the fact that a

molecule of methylglyoxal reacts with an amino group of the acids.

Glycine was an exception ; its reaction velocity was decidedly higher than those of other monoamino acids. In Kisch's experiments

(1933 i) the structure of the residual parts of -CHNH2COOH in the molecules of monoamino acids was found to exert an influence

on the reactions with quinone derivatives. Deamination took place

most markedly in glycine, then in serine; alanine, isoleucine, valine

and ƒ¿-aminobutyric acid were not attacked. The difference in the

nature of the deaminizing reagents in the experiments of Kisch

and of the present writer may affect the mode of the reactions. 112 S. Kobayasi:

TABLE I. Reactions of a-Monoamino Acids with Methylglyoxal.

The stereoisomeric difference in the molecules of amino acids

had no bearing upon the reactions. The situation of the amino

group in the molecules of amino acids controlled the reaction velocities. It is shown in Table II that ƒÀ-forms of alanine, amino

butyric acid and phenyl alanine reacted with methylglyoxal at

higher velocities than the corresponding ƒ¿-forms, and that ƒÁ

- aminobutyric acid which was prepared from piperylurethane as chlorhydrate by the Schotten method (1882, 1883) was more

reactive than the ƒÀ-form. It was thus demonstrated that the

further the amino group was apart from the carboxyl group, the

higher was the,reaction velocity of the . The following

experiments support this view in various ways. Table III shows that the deamination of fl-alanine and ƒÀ-amino

butyric acid by alkali took place with more ease than the corres The Reactions of Glyoxals with Amino Acids. 113


Reactions of ƒ¿, ƒÀ- and ƒÁ-Amino Acids with Methylglyoxal.


Deamination of a and ƒÀ-Amino Acids by Alkali.

1cc. of 0.25 M solution was used, and the quantity of ammonia-N found was multiplied by 5. 114 S. Kobayasi:

ponding a-forms, indicating the greater reactivity of the ƒÀ-amino group than the other. It is also shown that ƒÁ-aminobutyric acid produced ammonia in larger amount than ƒÀ-acid. The ammonia liberated was determined by the modified Conway and Byrne method (1933), using an apparatus which contained 10cc. of the fluid to be tested and 5cc. of. the standard acid solution. The accuracy of the method was 98%. Five cc. of 0.25 M solutions of amino acids and 5cc. of 4 N NaOH-solution were mixed in the outer chamber of the apparatus, and 5 cc. of 0.01 N H2SO4 solution were introduced in the inner chamber. The apparatus was in cubated at 60•Ž for 5 hours, and the quantities of ammonia liberated were determined by measuring the decrease of the acidity of the standard acid solution in the inner chamber. The experiments were extended to dipeptides. The increase of the distance between amino and carboxyl groups in dipeptides was expected to give to these compounds a higher reactivity than the constituent amino acids. Table IV shows that glycylglycine ,

TABLE IV. Reactivity of Dipeptides. The Reactions of Glyoxals with Amino Acids. 115

glycylleucine and leucylglycine were more reactive than glycine. That glycylleucine had higher sensitivity than leucylglycine may be understood on the basis of the difference in the sensitivity of the amino groups of glycine and alanine to glyoxals. The imino group did not react with methylglyoxal at all; there was no decrease of methylglyoxal when it was put into contact with sarcosine CH3•

NH•CH2•COOH, phenylglycine C6H5•ENH•ECH2•E COOH and proline.

The difference in the reactivity between and ornithine

can be also explained from the fact that one of the amino groups is situated farther off the carboxyl group in the former acid than

the latter (Table V). Kisch (1933 i) reported that glycylgeycine

and glycyltyrosine were deaminized by quinone derivatives at

higher rates than corresponding amino acids.

TABLE V. Ornithine and Arginine.

The relationship between amino and carboxyl groups was

demonstrated more closely in the experiment which was performed

to compare the ease of deamination between aspartic and glutamic

acids. The amino groups of the acids are under the control of

two carboxyl groups at both ends of the molecules. This influence

of the carboxyl groups should be stronger in aspartic acid than in

glutamic acid, since one carboxyl groups is situated at ƒÁ-position in the former and at ƒÂ-position in the latter. It was also expected

that these amino acids which are loaded with two carboxyl groups

might be less reactive than monocarboxylic acids. The experi 116 S. Kobayasi.

TABLE VI. Aspartic and Glutamic Acids.

mental results listed in Table VI show that aspartic acid was less reactive than the other, and that these dicarboxylic acids reacted with methylglyoxal at far lower velocity than monocarboxylic acids (Table I is to be referred to). The removal of the influence of the carboxyl group on the amino group by esterifying amino acids renders the esters much more reactive. An example of this type of experiment is shown in Table VII. Alanine ethylester consumed methyiglyoxal at a far higher rate than free alanine.

TABLE VII. Alanine and Alanine-ethylester.

The retarding effect of the sulphonic group on the reactivity of the amino group with methylglyoxal was compared with the The Reactions of Glyoxals with Amino Acids . 117

TABLE VIII. Taurine and ƒÀ-Alanine,

effect of the carboxyl group. It is shown in Table VIII that there

was no marked difference in the reactivity between taurine and d1-ƒÀ-alanine. Among aminobenzoic acids p-acid was least reactive, o- and m-acids showing reactivity of almost the same order (Table IX) .

TABLE IX. Aminobenzoic Acids.


1. Triphenyloxazole was isolated as the reaction-product of phenylglyoxal with amino acids. The formation of this compound 118 S. Kobayasi. indicates that phenylglyoxal is first converted to benzaldehyde or its condensation product, and this product synthesized triphenyl oxazole with the ammonia which is liberated from amino acids.

2. The reactivity of amino acids with methylglyoxal in creased with the distance between the amino and carboxylic groups in the molecules of amino acids. Thus P-amino acids were more reactive than the a-acids, and y-acids showed in turn greater reactivity than ƒÀ-acids. Dipeptides were more reactive than a monoamino acids. Monoaminodicarboxylic acids, aspartic and glutamic acid, were less reactive than a-monoaminomonocarboxylic acids, and this was especially the case in aspartic acid. All these facts indicate the inhibitory effect of the carboxylic group of the amino acids on the reactivity of the amino group with methyl

glyoxal. In fact, the reactivity of amino acids was much strengthened by esterification of their carboxylic groups. 3. Among aminobenzoic acids p-form was least reactive, o and in-forms showing reactivity of almost the same order.

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