ducts, tunnels, archways, embankments, buildings, of Saundby otherwise Saunby, in the county of Not- stations, wharfs, depots, warehouses, roads, and other tingham, which said intended branch railway last suitable and commodious works and conveniences mentioned will pass from, through, or into, the several attached thereto and connected therewith, to com- parishes of Beckingham and Saundby otherwise mence at or near High-street, Lincoln, in the parishes Saunby, both in the said county of Nottingham. of Saint Mark and Saint Peter, at Gowts or one of And it is intended to apply for powers to make lateral them, in the city of Lincoln, and county of the same deviations in the construction of the said rail way from city, and to terminate by a junction with the York the line or situation thereof, as laid down on the plans and North Midland Railway, in the parish of South to be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, to the ex- Milford, in the West Riding of the county of York; tent shewn or defined upon the said plans, and to which said intended railway and works will pass .cross, alter, divert, or stop up, all such turnpike-roads, from, in, through, or into, the several parishes, town- parish-roads, and other highways, streets, canals, na- ships, townlands, extra-parochial and other places vigations and railways, rivers, brooks, streams, and following, or some of them; (that is to say), the watercourses within the parishes, townships, town- Fossdyke Navigation, Brayford, the Holmes Com- lands extra-parochial, and other places aforesaid, as mon, Saint Botolph, Saint Peter's at Gowts, Saint may require to be diverted or altered for the purppses Mark, Saint Mary-Ie-Wigford, Saint Benedict, Saint of the said railways, branch railways, and works. .Swithin, Saint Martin, Saint Nicholas otherwise Saint And notice is hereby further given, that duplicate Nicholas in Newport, Saint Peter in Eastgate, Saint plans and sections of the said intended railways, John and Saint Margaret, in the city of Lincoln and branch railways, and works, together with books of county of the same city, Skellingthorpe and Boultham reference thereto, will, on or before the thirtieth day in the parts of Kesteven in the said county of Lincoln, .of November instant, be deposited for public inspec- the Fossdyke Navigation, Burton otherwise Burton tion with the Clerk of the Peace for the Kesteven by Lincoln, South Carlton, Broxholme, Saxelby division of the county of Lincoln, at his office at Slea- otherwise Saxelby-cum-Ingoldby otherwise Ingoldby, ford; with the Clerk of the Peace for the Lindsey North Carlton, Scampton, Thorpe-in-the-Fallows .division of the said county of Lincoln, at his office at otherwise Thorpe-le-Fallows otherwise West Thorpe, Spilsby; with the Clerk of the Peace for the city and Cammeringham, Aisthorpe otherwise East Thorpe, county of the city of Lincoln, at his office at Lincoln; Brattleby, Bransby, Sturton otherwise Sturton-en-le- with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Not- Street, Stow.Park, Stow otherwise Stowe, Normanby tingham, at his office at Newark-upon-Trent; with otherwise Normanby-by-Stow otherwise Stowe, Coates, the Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding of the Ingham, Willingham otherwise Willingham-by-Stow county of York, at his office at Wakefield; with the otherwise Stowe, Kexby, Upton, Knaith, Lea other- clerk of the Peace for the liberty of Wistow Ca- wise Lea with Lea-wood, Glentworth, Heapham, wood and Otley, in the West Riding of the county of Somerby, Corringham, Little Corringham, Great York, at his office at Otley; with the Clerk of the Corringham, Gainsburgh otherwise Gainsborough, Peace for the borough of Doncaster, in the West -Misson, or some of them in the parts of Lindsey in Riding of the county of York, at his office at Don- the county of Lincoln ; Saundby otherwise Saunby, caster ; and that on or before the thirty-first day of Beckingham, Walkeringham, West Stockwith, Corn- December next, a copy of so much of the said plans, ley, Misterton, Gringley-on the-hill, Everton, Harwell, sections, and books of reference as relates to each .Scaflworth, Newington, Misson, otherwise parish in or through which the said railways, branch Bawtrey, Blyth otherwise BIythe, Austerfield, Martin, railways, and works will pass or be situate, will be Harworth, , Auckley, , or some of deposited with the parish clerk of each such parish, them in the county of Nottingham ; Misson in the at his place of abode. county of Lincoln; Blaxton, Finningley Auckley, And notice is hereby further given, that it is in- Brampton, Hayfield, Bawtry otherwise Bawtrey, tended and it is proposed by the said Act or Acts to Austerfield, , Low Ellers, High Ellers, authorize the Eastern Counties Railway Company to Bessacar, Cantley, Elmfield, Car-house, Loversall, execute the said intended railways, branch railways, Balby-cum-Hexthorpe, Hexthorpe, Doncaster, Sprot- and other works, or any part thereof, and to raise brough, Coningsbrough, Cadeby, Warmsworth, Cus- such capital as may be necessary for that purpose; .worth, Newton, Stubbs, Adwick-le-Street, Stock- or otherwise to incorporate a company for carrying bridge, Bodies, Bentley-with-Arkesey, Holme, Shaft- the same into effect, and to obtain powers for the holme, Scawthorpe, Scawsby, Arksey, Bentley, compulsory purchase of lands and houses, and to vary -Thorpe-in-Balne, Barnby-upon-Don, Tilts otherwise or extinguish all rights and privileges in any manner Langthwaite-with-Tilts, Kirk Bramwith, Kirk San- connected with the lands and houses proposed to be dall, Trumfleet, Haywood, Ouston, Skellow, Carcroft, taken for the purposes-aforesaid; and also to levy Burghwallis, Sutton, Campsall, Fenwick, Moss, Ask- tolls, rates, and duties upon or in respect of such ern, Norton Priory, Norton, Stubbs Walden other- proposed railway and works, and to alter existing .wise Walden Stubbs, Darrington, Little Heck, Great tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer exemptions from Heck, Stapleton, Womersley, Kirk Smeaton, Little payments of tolls, rates, and duties, and other rights Smeaton, Criddling Stubbs, Balne, Snaith, Pollington, and privileges; and particularly to vary, explain, or Whitley, Hensall, Whitley Thorpe, West Haddlesey, repeal all powers and provisions contained in an Act East Haddlesey, Chape Haddlesey, Knottingley, Hut passed in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King Green, Low Egbrough, High Egbrough, Kellmgley, George the Third, intituled " An Act for better Kellington, Beal otherwise Beaghall, Poole otherwise Paving, Cleansing, and Lighting the Town of Cam- Byram-cum-Poole, Burton Salmon, Brotherton, Bir- bridge, for removing and preventing Obstructions and .km, Gateforth, Brayton, Thorpe Willoughby, Ham- Annoyances, and for widening the Streets, Lanes, and bleton, Monk Frystone, Hillam, Lumby otherwise other Passages within the said town;" and also an Huddlestpne-cum-Lumby, Lemerton, South Milford, Act passed in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of North Milford, and Sherburn, in the West Riding of His said late Majesty, intituled " An Act to amend the county of York. And also a branch railway and enlarge the powers of an Act passed in the commencing at and diverging from and out of the twenty-eighth year of the reign of His present Ma- said intended main line of railway in the parish of jesty, intituled 'An Act for the better Paving, Cleans- Beckingham, in the county of Nottingham, and ter- ing, and Lighting the Town of Cambridge, and for minating at or near the Trent Port Inn, in the parish removing and preventing Obstructions and Annoy-