
Physics Dr Victoria Martin, Spring Semester 2013 Lecture 4: Dirac

★Schrödinger Equation ★Klein-Gordon Equation ★ ★Spinors ★, helicity and

1 Schrödinger Equation •Classical energy-momentum relationship: p2 E = + V 2m

•Substitute QM operators:

￿ ∂ pˆ = i￿ Eˆ = i￿ − ￿ ∂t

2 ∂ψ 2 i￿ = ￿ ￿ + V ψ = Hˆ ψ ∂t − 2m ￿ ￿ Schrödinger equation!

•1st order in ∂/∂t; 2nd order in ∂/∂x. Space and time not treated equally.

2 Klein-Gordon Equation • Relativistic energy-momentum relationship is: E2 = p￿ 2c2 + m2c4

Substitute the operators: • ∂ pˆ = i￿￿ Eˆ = i￿ − ￿ ∂t • To give the Klein-Gordon equation: 1 ∂2ψ mc 2 + 2ψ = ψ −c2 ∂t2 ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ • The Klein-Gordon equation describes spin-0 bosons. Solutions are plane waves (see lecture 3): ip x µ ￿ ψ = e− · p x = p xµ = ￿(k ￿x ωt) · · −

• KG equation is 2nd order in ∂/∂t and ∂/∂x

3 Negative Energy & the Dirac Equation

• The relativistic energy-momentum equation is quadratic, negative energy solutions are possible:

E2 = p￿ 2 + m2 E = p￿ 2 + m2 ⇒ ± ￿ • Dirac searched for 1st order relationship between energy and momentum, using coefficients α1 α2 α3 and β

∂ψ Eˆ ψ=(￿α p￿ + βm)ψ = i · ∂t

• Need to find solutions for α and β

4 Dirac Equation • Solution is more elegant defining γ0 ≡ β, γ1 ≡ βα1, γ2 ≡ βα2, γ3 ≡ βα3 • The Dirac equation can be written (with c = ℏ = 1) as: ∂ψ i γ0 + ￿γ ￿ ψ = mψ ∂t · ￿ ￿ ￿ µ in covariant notation: iγ ∂µψ = mψ • Multiplying the Dirac equation by its complex conjugate must give KG: ∂ ∂ iγ0 i￿γ ￿ m iγ0 + i￿γ ￿ m =0 − ∂t − · ￿− ∂t · ￿− ￿ ￿￿ ￿ • This leads to a set of conditions on the four coefficients γµ: (γ0)2 =1 (γ1)2 = 1(γ2)2 = 1(γ3)2 = 1 − − − γi,γj = γiγj + γjγi =0 { } γµ are unitary and anticommute

5 The - 1 • To satisfy unitarity and anti-commutation the γµ must be at least 4 × 4 matrices. • More than one representation. The usual one is: 10 0 0 0001 01 0 0 0010 γ0 = γ1 =  00 10  0 100 − −  00 0 1   1000  −   −      000 i 0010 00i −0 000 1 γ2 = γ3 =  0 i 00  100− 0 −  i 00 0  0100  −        • γµ are not tensors or four vectors! They do remain constant under Lorentz transformations

6 The Gamma Matrices - 2

• Gamma Matrices are also often written in a 2x2 form:

• where Ι and 0 are the 2 × 2 identity and null matrices:

• and the σi are the 2 × 2 Pauli spin matrices:

7 Dirac Equation and Solution

•In matrix notation: i ∂ m 0 i ∂ i ∂ + ∂ 1 ∂t − ∂z ∂x ∂y ψ 0 0 i ∂ mi∂ ∂ i ∂ 2  ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z  ψ 0 ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ − −  3  =   i ∂z i ∂x ∂y i ∂t m 0 ψ 0  −∂ ∂ − ∂− − − ∂  4  i + i 0 i m   ψ   0   − ∂x ∂y ∂z − ∂t −            •In co-variant notation: (iγµ∂ m)ψ =0 µ − •Solutions ψ to the Dirac Equation have a: •phase term: e−ip·x •Dirac term, a function of the four-momentum: u(pµ) µ ip x µ ψ = u(p )e with u solution to (γ pµ m)u =0 − · −

8 Solutions to the Dirac Equation µ Dirac equation: (iγ ∂ m) ψ =0 • µ − ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ (iγ0 iγ1 iγ2 iγ3 m) ψ =0 ∂t − ∂x − ∂y − ∂z −

• Solve for a particle at rest, pµ = (m, 0), to illustrate main features of the solutions µ ip x µ imt ψ = u(p )e− · = u(p )e−

• Dirac equation becomes: (γ0E m) u(pµ)=0 − E m 00 0 u1(pµ) −0 E m 00 u2(pµ) =0  00− E m 0   u3(pµ)  − −  00 0E m   u4(pµ)   − −        u1 and u2 with E = +m • Four energy eigenstates: • • u3 and u4 with E = −m

9 Negative Energy Solutions • We can’t escape negative energy solutions. How should we interpret them? • Modern Feynman-Stückelberg Interpretation: A negative energy solution is a negative energy particle which propagates backwards in time or equivalently a positive energy anti-particle which propagates forwards in time.

i( E)( t) iEt e− − − e− → • This is why in Feynman diagrams the backwards pointing lines represent anti-.

10 Interpretation of –ve Energy Solutions

,The Dirac equation has negative energy solutions. Unlike the KG equation these have positive probability densities. But how should –ve energy solutions be interpreted? Why don’t all +ve energy fall into to the lower energy –ve energy states? Dirac Interpretation: the vacuum corresponds to all –ve energy states being full with the Pauli exclusion principle preventing electrons falling into -ve energy states. Holes in the –ve energy states correspond to +ve energy anti-particles with opposite charge. Provides a picture for pair-production and annihilation.


mc2 mc2 mc2 ! ! -mc2 -mc2 -mc2


Prof. M.A. Thomson Michaelmas 2011 65 Discovery of Positron Discovery of the Positron , Cosmic ray track in cloud chamber: C.D.Anderson, Phys Rev 43 (1933) 491 23 MeVB

" e 23 MeV 6 mm Lead Plate e" 63 MeV63 MeV

• e+ enters at bottom, slows down in the lead plate – know direction • Curvature in B- shows that it is a positive particle •• Can’te+ enters be a atproton bottom, as wouldslows downhave stoppedin the lead in the plate lead – know directionProvided Verification of Predictions of Dirac Equation • Curvature in B-field shows that it is a positive particle ,•Anti-particle Can’t be a proton solutions as would exist !have But thestopped picture in ofthe the lead vacuum corresponding to the state where all –ve energy states are occupied is rather unsatisfactory, what about bosons (no exclusion principle),…. 11 Prof. M.A. Thomson Michaelmas 2011 66 Solutions • Making the equation first order in all derivatives introduces new degrees of freedom! • The four solutions represent the four possible states of a . • The u are 1 x 4 matrices - spinors or Dirac spinors (not four-vectors)!

• Using the as an example: • u1 represents an electron (E = m) with spin-up • u2 represents an electron (E = m) with spin-down • u3 represents a positron (E = −m) with spin-down • u4 represents a positron (E = −m) with spin-up • u3(p) and u4(p) are often written as v1(pµ)=u4(−pµ) and v2(pµ)=u3(−pµ)

ψ1 u1(pµ) u1(pµ) 2 2 µ 2 µ ψ u (p ) ip x u (p ) ip x ψ =   =   e− · = e− · ψ3 u3(pµ)  v2( pµ)  −  ψ4   u4(pµ)   v1( pµ)       −        12 Spinors moving and at rest • For a particle at rest spinors take the trivial form:

• For the moving particles (derivation see Griffiths Pp. 231-234):

Where we have changed notation for from u3(p) →v2(-p) and u4(p) → v1(-p)

13 Pause for Breath…

•Have found solutions to the Dirac equation which are also eigenstates but only for particles travelling along the z axis. •Not a particularly useful basis •More generally, want to label our states in terms of “good quantum numbers”, i.e. a set of commuting observables. •Can’t use z component of spin: (Appendix II) •Introduce a new concept “HELICITY”

Helicity plays an important role in much that follows

Prof. M.A. Thomson MichaelmasHelicity 2011 77

• Spin is usually defined w.r.t the z-axis → not Lorentz invariant. Helicity • Define helicity, ĥ, the component of the spin along direction of flight. , The component of a particles spin along its direction of flight is a good quantum number: S￿ p￿ 2S￿ p￿ hˆ = · = · , Define the component of a particles spinS￿ alongp￿ its directionp￿ of flight as HELICITY: | || | | | • For a S=½ fermion, the project of spin along any axis can only be ±½.

• For• Ifa we S= make½ fermion, a measurement eigenvalues of the component of ĥ of are spin ±1of a. spin-half particle We alongcall anyh=+1 axis, it“right-handed”, can take two values h= − , consequently1 “left handed”. the eigenvalues • of the helicity operator for a spin-half particle are:

Often termed: “right-handed” “left-handed” Massless, NOTE: fermionsthese are “RIGHT-HANDED with (p=E) ”areand LEFT-HANDEDpurely left-handedHELICITY eigenstates (only u2) • , In handout 4 we will discuss RH and LH CHIRAL eigenstates. Only in the limit • Massless antifermionsare the HELICITY areeigenstates purely the right-handed same as the CHIRAL (onlyeigenstates v1) • ForProf. M.A. massive Thomson particles helicityMichaelmas is still 2011 not Lorentz invariant: we 78 can boost to frame such that particle direction of flight reverses

14 Chirality and Handedness

• Chirality is a Lorentz invariant quantify: identical to helicity for massless particles. • S=½ have two chiral states: left-handed and right-handed.

• Defined using chiral projection operators PL and PR: 5 • LH projection operator PL = (1 − γ )/2 projects out left-handed chiral state 5 • RH projection operator PR = (1 + γ )/2 projects out right-handed chiral state

0010 0001 where γ5 ≡ iγ0γ1γ2γ3 is 4×4 matrix: γ 5 =  1000  0100    

15 Chiral Projection Operators and γ5

γ5 ≡ iγ0γ1γ2γ3 0010 0001 γ5 =  1000  0100   • Properties:   ➡ Unitary (γ5)2 = 1 ➡ Anti commutes with all other γ matrices: {γ5 , γi} = γ5γi + γiγ5 = 0 .

• Left and right handed component of a fermion state are ψL = PL ψ , ψR = PR ψ

• PL + PR = 1 ⇒ ψ = PL ψ + PR ψ • A state can always be written as the sum of LH and RH components

2 2 • PL = PL PR = PR PL PR = 0 • No overlap between the LH and RH components

16 Summary and Reading List

• The Dirac Equation describes spin-½ particles. (iγµ∂ m)ψ =0 µ − • Solutions include four component spinors, u and v. (γµp m)u =0 (γµp + m)v =0 µ − µ ip x ip x ψ = u(p)e− · ψ = v(p)e− · • With γµ, µ=0,1,2,3 the 4 × 4 Gamma matrices • The four solutions describe the different states of the electron e.g. left-handed electrons, right-handed electrons, right-handed positrons, left-handed positrons

• We use chiral projection operators to define left-handed and right-handed states • Any particle can be written in terms of left handed and right handed 5 5 components: ψ = (1 − γ )ψ + (1 + γ )ψ = ψL+ψR

• Next Lecture: The Electromagnetic Force. Griffiths 7.5 & 7.6