Kieron Gillen,Terry Dodson | 120 pages | 28 Sep 2011 | Marvel Comics | 9780785152262 | English | New York, United States Uncanny X-Men : Breaking Point (, Paperback) for sale online | eBay

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At this juncture, the evolutionary offshoot dubbed Homo Superior was at its lowest ebb. Gathered in a defensive enclave and led and defended by the X-Men, they still found that trouble was always happy to follow them…. Although they were invited by the forward-thinking Mayor and generally welcomed by most of the easygoing residents of the city, tensions grew as leader ran the colony in an ever more draconian and militaristic manner. His relationship with war-weary second-in-command was slowly, inexorably deteriorating as they squabbled over methods and ideology for the imperilled X-nation, each interpreting the idealistic, Cooperative Co-existence dream of Professor Charles Xavier in increasingly different ways…. This was especially painful for her as she had just rekindled an intimate relationship with her childhood sweetheart Piotr Rasputinthe steely giant known as Colossus. First, however, PR guru and supreme spin doctor Kate Kildare has a new, almost impossible brief. Now months later, a vast colony Uncanny X- Men: Breaking Point warps into human space, claiming to carry refugees fleeing the collapse of their unique social order and meekly seeking sanctuary…. Their planetary civil war occurred because Piotr, Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point maiming Kruun, refused to stay and rule over Breakworld…. Unfortunately, proud, shamed Kruun soon surrenders to a momentary weakness of will and attacks his despised benefactors. Within minutes the supreme soldier has overcome the X-Men, gravely wounded Colossus and even found a way to harm Pryde Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point her untouchable state…. As the first new since Decimation she was Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point as a Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point — before being snatched away and reared in the far future by her half-brother Nathan Summers AKA doomsday Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point Cable. She returned soon after as a rather rebellious teenager to lead a small gang of other Homo Superior newborns. She also had a dangerously valuable gift: she could kickstart mutant powers…. Here the dour, dutiful, fun-loathing lass is convinced by BFFs Transonic and Oya to go shopping on the mainland, only to be abducted Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point former X-foe Crimson Commando. When the brutal WWII super-soldier lost his mutant abilities during Decimation, his long years and numerous surgical augmentations began to agonisingly catch up to him. All rights reserved. Gathered in a defensive enclave and led and defended by the X-Men, they still found that trouble was always happy to follow them… Although they were invited by the forward-thinking Mayor and generally welcomed by most of the easygoing residents of the city, tensions grew as leader Cyclops ran the colony in an ever more draconian and militaristic manner. His relationship with war-weary second-in-command Wolverine was slowly, inexorably deteriorating as they squabbled over methods and ideology for the imperilled X-nation, each interpreting the idealistic, Cooperative Co-existence dream of Professor Charles Xavier in increasingly different ways… This sleek, slim compilation — written throughout by Kieron Gillen — re-presents Uncanny X-Men She also had a dangerously valuable gift: she could kickstart mutant powers… Here the dour, dutiful, fun-loathing lass is convinced by BFFs Transonic and Oya to go shopping on the mainland, only to be abducted by former X-foe Crimson Commando. Share this: Email Facebook Twitter. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point by Kieron Gillen

Account Options Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point in. Top charts. New arrivals. Collects Uncanny X-Men Magneto is an X-Man. This may not be news to you, but only a handful in the Marvel Universe know that the poster boy for Fearing Mutants is now living just off the coast of one of the United State's largest cities. How on Earth are the X-Men going to explain the presence of one of the world's most infamous super villains? Next, when the X-Men left the militaristic alien Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point, its political structure was reduced to ashes. It didn't stay that way forever. Now a warship is crossing the gulf of space, with a mission that will strike the lives of star-crossed lovers Colossus and with all the force of a meteor. Join them as they discover what the vessel them means for them, mutantkind and the rest of the Earth. Reviews Review Policy. Published on. Original pages. Best for. Web, Tablet. Content protection. Learn more. Learn More. Flag as inappropriate. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to Uncanny X-Men: Breaking Point online or offline wherever you are. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders.