Okanogan County Rare County List

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge Agoseris elata tall agoseris tops Asteraceae S Agoseris lackschewitzii pink agoseris Asteraceae S Agrostis mertensii northern bentgrass High elevation Poaceae T

Anemone patens var. multifida pasqueflower High elevation Ranunculaceae T Anthoxanthum hirtum common northern sweet grass moist meadows, riparian areas Poaceae R1 forests, wet and dry meadows, rocky soils, nest to perennial streams, Botrychium ascendens triangle-lobed moonwort 2100-6400 ft elev Ophioglossaceae S SC Botrychium crenulatum crenulate moonwort moist areas forests Ophioglossaceae S SC Forests, moist meadows, riparian Botrychium paradoxum two-spiked moonwort areas, compacted old roadbeds Ophioglossaceae T SC atrosquama blackened sedge R1 wet meadows, streambanks, Carex capillaris hairlike sedge wetlands Cyperaceae T Carex capitata capitate sedge Cyperaceae R1 Carex chordorrhiza cordroot sedge wetlands lakeshores Cyperaceae S

Carex gynocrates yellow sedge wet marshy places, bogs, wetlands Cyperaceae S

Carex heteroneura var. epapillosa smooth- sedge Cyperaceae S

Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua boreal bog sedge wetlands, wet meadows, marshes Cyperaceae S Carex media Norway sedge High elevation Cyperaceae S Carex proposita Smoky Mountain sedge High elevation Cyperaceae T

Carex scirpoidea ssp. scirpoidea Canadian single-spike sedge 5900-7400 ft elevation Cyperaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants County List

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status

Carex sychnocephala many-headed sedge moist or wet ground, alkaline areas Cyperaceae S Carex tenera var. tenera quill sedge Cyperaceae T

bogs, fens, swamps, wet meadows, Carex tenuiflora sparse-flowered sedge seepage in forests, wetlands Cyperaceae T Carex vallicola valley sedge high elevation, meadows Cyperaceae S Carex vernacula foetid sedge Cyperaceae R1 wet meadows, streambeds, wet Chrysosplenium tetrandrum northern golden carpet forest sites, wetlands Saxifragaceae S Cirsium flodmanii Flodman's thistle Asteraceae R1 moist meadows, aspen stands within Coeloglossum viride long-bract frog orchid coniferous areas Orchidaceae T Crataegus phippsii Phipps' hawthorn Forests, riparian areas Rosaceae R1 Cryptantha spiculifera Snake River cryptantha shrub-steppe, stony soils Boraginaceae S Cryptogramma stelleri Steller's rockbrake moist shaded cliffs in forests Pteridaceae S bogs, wet forests, pond edges, Cypripedium parviflorum yellow lady's slipper ponderosa pine, riparian Orchidaceae T Draba aurea golden draba high elevation Brassicaceae S Draba cana lance-leaved draba high elevation Brassicaceae S wetlands w alkaline or calcareous Eleocharis rostellata beaked spike-rush soils, salt marshes Cyperaceae S Elodea nuttallii Nuttall's waterweed Hydrocharitaceae R1 Erigeron elatus tall bitter fleabane wetlands Asteraceae E Shrub steppe, well drained, alkaline Erigeron piperianus Piper's daisy soils Asteraceae S 6600-9000 ft elevation, dry scree Erigeron salishii Salish fleabane slopes, sedge meadows Asteraceae S Eriophorum viridicarinatum green-keeled cotton-grass wetlands Cyperaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants County List

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Eritrichium nanum var. elongatum pale alpine forget-me-not high elevation Boraginaceae S Eurybia merita Arctic aster High elevation, rock crevices Asteraceae S Gentiana glauca glaucous gentian high elevation, hummocks Gentianaceae S

Gentianella tenella ssp. tenella slender gentian high elevation Gentianaceae S wet meadows, bogs, riparian, Geum rivale water avens wetlands Rosaceae S Lathrocasis tenerrima delicate gilia Polemoniaceae R1 arcuata ssp. unalaschkensis curved woodrush high elevation S Mimulus patulus stalk-leaved monkeyflower ephemeral seeps in basalt, gravel Scrophulariaceae T seasonally moist open areas in Mimulus pulsiferae Pulsifer's monkeyflower ponderosa pine or Doug-fir forests Scrophulariaceae S Mimulus suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower moist places in shrub-steppe, Scrophulariaceae S Mimulus washingtonensis Washington monkeyflower Scrophulariaceae X Monolepis spathulata prostrate poverty-weed Chenopodiaceae S Oxytropis campestris var. columbiana Columbia crazyweed gravel bars along Columbia Fabaceae E

Oxytropis campestris var. cusickii slender crazyweed Fabaceae R1 prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, dry south facing rock Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis slender crazyweed outcrops Fabaceae S Packera bolanderi var. harfordii Harford's ragwort Asteraceae S Parnassia kotzebuei Kotzebue's grass-of-parnassus high elevation Saxifragaceae T Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak's bog orchid Orchidaceae R1

Platanthera obtusata small northern bog-orchid wetlands, riparian, wet forest areas Orchidaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants County List

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Polemonium viscosum skunk polemonium high elevation Polemoniaceae S Potamogeton obtusifolius blunt- pondweed wetlands Potamogetonaceae S Potentilla glaucophylla var. perdissecta diverse-leaved cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae S Potentilla nivea snow cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae S Potentilla rubricaulis five-leaved cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae T Ranunculus pygmaeus dwarf buttercup Ranunculaceae R1 Rubus arcticus ssp. acaulis dwarf raspberry wet Picea engelmannii forests Rosaceae T Salix glauca var. villosa glaucous willow high elevation Salicaceae S Salix maccalliana Maccall's willow wetlands Salicaceae S Salix tweedyi Tweedy's willow high elevation Salicaceae S

Sanicula marilandica black snake-root wet meadows, riparian, moist woods S Saxifraga cernua nodding saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Saxifraga hyperborea pygmy saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Scutellaria angustifolia ssp. shrub-steppe, talus slopes, micrantha narrowleaf skullcap ponderosa pine Lamiaceae R1 Silene scouleri ssp. scouleri Scouler's catchfly Caryophyllaceae S wet meadows, riparian areas in Sisyrinchium septentrionale northern blue-eyed grass coniferous forest Iridaceae S alkaline moist meadows, riparian, Spiranthes diluvialis Ute ladies' tresses wetlands Orchidaceae E LT Wet meadows, along streams, bogs Spiranthes porrifolia western ladies' tresses and seepage areas Orchidaceae S Stuckenia filiformis ssp. occidentalis western fineleaf pondweed standing or slow moving water Potamogetonaceae R1 Thelypodium sagittatum ssp. moist alkaline sites in the shrub- sagittatum arrow thelypody steppe Brassicaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants County List

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Triglochin palustris marsh arrowgrass Juncaginaceae R1 Utricularia minor lesser bladderwort aquatic Lentibulariaceae R1 Vaccinium myrtilloides velvet-leaved blueberry forest Ericaceae S Viola renifolia kidney-leaf white violet coniferous forest to high elevation Violaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants Riparian, Wet Meadows

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Anthoxanthum hirtum common northern sweet grass moist meadows, riparian areas Poaceae R1

forests, wet and dry meadows, rocky soils, Botrychium ascendens triangle-lobed moonwort next to perennial streams, 2100-6400 ft elev Ophioglossaceae S SC Forests, moist meadows, riparian areas, Botrychium paradoxum two-spiked moonwort compacted old roadbeds Ophioglossaceae T SC Carex atrosquama blackened sedge Cyperaceae R1 Carex capillaris hairlike sedge wet meadows, streambanks, wetlands Cyperaceae T Carex capitata capitate sedge Cyperaceae R1 Carex heteroneura var. epapillosa smooth-fruit sedge Cyperaceae S Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua boreal bog sedge wetlands, wet meadows, marshes Cyperaceae S Carex sychnocephala many-headed sedge moist or wet ground, alkaline areas Cyperaceae S Carex tenera var. tenera quill sedge Cyperaceae T bogs, fens, swamps, wet meadows, seepage Carex tenuiflora sparse-flowered sedge in forests, wetlands Cyperaceae T wet meadows, streambeds, wet forest sites, Chrysosplenium tetrandrum northern golden carpet wetlands Saxifragaceae S moist meadows, aspen stands within Coeloglossum viride long-bract frog orchid coniferous areas Orchidaceae T Crataegus phippsii Phipps' hawthorn Forests, riparian areas Rosaceae R1 bogs, wet forests, pond edges, ponderosa Cypripedium parviflorum yellow lady's slipper pine, riparian Orchidaceae T wetlands w alkaline or calcareous soils, salt Eleocharis rostellata beaked spike-rush marshes Cyperaceae S Geum rivale water avens wet meadows, bogs, riparian, wetlands Rosaceae S Oxytropis campestris var. columbiana Columbia crazyweed gravel bars along Columbia Fabaceae E Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak's bog orchid Orchidaceae R1 Platanthera obtusata small northern bog-orchid wetlands, riparian, wet forest areas Orchidaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants Riparian, Wet Meadows

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status marilandica black snake-root wet meadows, riparian, moist woods Apiaceae S wet meadows, riparian areas in coniferous Sisyrinchium septentrionale northern blue-eyed grass forest Iridaceae S

Spiranthes diluvialis Ute ladies' tresses alkaline moist meadows, riparian, wetlands Orchidaceae E LT Wet meadows, along streams, bogs and Spiranthes porrifolia western ladies' tresses seepage areas Orchidaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants Wetlands, Aquatic

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Carex capillaris hairlike sedge wet meadows, streambanks, wetlands Cyperaceae T Carex chordorrhiza cordroot sedge wetlands bogs lakeshores Cyperaceae S Carex gynocrates yellow bog sedge wet marshy places, bogs, wetlands Cyperaceae S Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua boreal bog sedge wetlands, wet meadows, marshes Cyperaceae S bogs, fens, swamps, wet meadows, seepage Carex tenuiflora sparse-flowered sedge in forests, wetlands Cyperaceae T wet meadows, streambeds, wet forest sites, Chrysosplenium tetrandrum northern golden carpet wetlands Saxifragaceae S bogs, wet forests, pond edges, ponderosa Cypripedium parviflorum yellow lady's slipper pine, riparian Orchidaceae T wetlands w alkaline or calcareous soils, salt Eleocharis rostellata beaked spike-rush marshes Cyperaceae S Elodea nuttallii Nuttall's waterweed Hydrocharitaceae R1 Erigeron elatus tall bitter fleabane wetlands Asteraceae E Eriophorum viridicarinatum green-keeled cotton-grass wetlands Cyperaceae S Geum rivale water avens wet meadows, bogs, riparian, wetlands Rosaceae S Platanthera obtusata small northern bog-orchid wetlands, riparian, wet forest areas Orchidaceae S Potamogeton obtusifolius blunt-leaf pondweed wetlands Potamogetonaceae S Salix maccalliana Maccall's willow wetlands Salicaceae S Spiranthes diluvialis Ute ladies' tresses alkaline moist meadows, riparian, wetlands Orchidaceae E LT Wet meadows, along streams, bogs and Spiranthes porrifolia western ladies' tresses seepage areas Orchidaceae S Stuckenia filiformis ssp. occidentalis western fineleaf pondweed standing or slow moving water Potamogetonaceae R1 Triglochin palustris marsh arrowgrass Juncaginaceae R1 Utricularia minor lesser bladderwort aquatic Lentibulariaceae R1 Okanogan County Rare Plants Forests, Meadows

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Agoseris elata tall agoseris Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge tops Asteraceae S

forests, wet and dry meadows, rocky soils, Botrychium ascendens triangle-lobed moonwort next to perennial streams, 2100-6400 ft elev Ophioglossaceae S SC Botrychium crenulatum crenulate moonwort moist areas forests Ophioglossaceae S SC Forests, moist meadows, riparian areas, Botrychium paradoxum two-spiked moonwort compacted old roadbeds Ophioglossaceae T SC bogs, fens, swamps, wet meadows, seepage Carex tenuiflora sparse-flowered sedge in forests, wetlands Cyperaceae T Carex vallicola valley sedge high elevation, meadows Cyperaceae S wet meadows, streambeds, wet forest sites, Chrysosplenium tetrandrum northern golden carpet wetlands Saxifragaceae S moist meadows, aspen stands within Coeloglossum viride long-bract frog orchid coniferous areas Orchidaceae T Crataegus phippsii Phipps' hawthorn Forests, riparian areas Rosaceae R1 Cryptogramma stelleri Steller's rockbrake moist shaded cliffs in forests Pteridaceae S bogs, wet forests, pond edges, ponderosa Cypripedium parviflorum yellow lady's slipper pine, riparian Orchidaceae T seasonally moist open areas in ponderosa Mimulus pulsiferae Pulsifer's monkeyflower pine or Doug-fir forests Scrophulariaceae S Oxytropis campestris var. prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, gracilis slender crazyweed dry south facing rock outcrops Fabaceae S Platanthera obtusata small northern bog-orchid wetlands, riparian, wet forest areas Orchidaceae S

Rubus arcticus ssp. acaulis dwarf raspberry wet Picea engelmannii forests Rosaceae T Sanicula marilandica black snake-root wet meadows, riparian, moist woods Apiaceae S Scutellaria angustifolia ssp. micrantha narrowleaf skullcap shrub-steppe, talus slopes, ponderosa pine Lamiaceae R1 Okanogan County Rare Plants Forests, Meadows

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status wet meadows, riparian areas in coniferous Sisyrinchium septentrionale northern blue-eyed grass forest Iridaceae S Vaccinium myrtilloides velvet-leaved blueberry forest Ericaceae S Viola renifolia kidney-leaf white violet coniferous forest to high elevation Violaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants Gravelly, Stony, Shrub-Steppe

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Agoseris elata tall agoseris Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge tops Asteraceae S Cryptantha spiculifera Snake River cryptantha shrub-steppe, stony soils Boraginaceae S Erigeron piperianus Piper's daisy Shrub steppe, well drained, alkaline soils Asteraceae S Mimulus patulus stalk-leaved monkeyflower ephemeral seeps in basalt, gravel Scrophulariaceae T Mimulus suksdorfii Suksdorf's monkeyflower moist places in shrub-steppe, Scrophulariaceae S Oxytropis campestris var. columbiana Columbia crazyweed gravel bars along Columbia Fabaceae E prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, dry Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis slender crazyweed south facing rock outcrops Fabaceae S Scutellaria angustifolia ssp. micrantha narrowleaf skullcap shrub-steppe, talus slopes, ponderosa pine Lamiaceae R1 Thelypodium sagittatum ssp. sagittatum arrow thelypody moist alkaline sites in the shrub-steppe Brassicaceae S Okanogan County Rare Plants High Elevation

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Agrostis mertensii northern bentgrass High elevation Poaceae T Anemone patens var. multifida pasqueflower High elevation Ranunculaceae T Carex media Norway sedge High elevation Cyperaceae S Carex proposita Smoky Mountain sedge High elevation Cyperaceae T Carex scirpoidea ssp. scirpoidea Canadian single-spike sedge 5900-7400 ft elevation Cyperaceae S Carex vallicola valley sedge high elevation, meadows Cyperaceae S Draba aurea golden draba high elevation Brassicaceae S Draba cana lance-leaved draba high elevation Brassicaceae S 6600-9000 ft elevation, dry scree Erigeron salishii Salish fleabane slopes, sedge meadows Asteraceae S Eritrichium nanum var. elongatum pale alpine forget-me-not high elevation Boraginaceae S Eurybia merita Arctic aster High elevation, rock crevices Asteraceae S Gentiana glauca glaucous gentian high elevation, hummocks Gentianaceae S Gentianella tenella ssp. tenella slender gentian high elevation Gentianaceae S Luzula arcuata ssp. unalaschkensis curved woodrush high elevation Juncaceae S Parnassia kotzebuei Kotzebue's grass-of-parnassus high elevation Saxifragaceae T Polemonium viscosum skunk polemonium high elevation Polemoniaceae S

Potentilla glaucophylla var. perdissecta diverse-leaved cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae S Potentilla nivea snow cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae S Potentilla rubricaulis five-leaved cinquefoil high elevation Rosaceae T Salix glauca var. villosa glaucous willow high elevation Salicaceae S Salix tweedyi Tweedy's willow high elevation Salicaceae S Saxifraga cernua nodding saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Saxifraga hyperborea pygmy saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Rare Status Codes

State Status State Status of plant is determined by the Washington Natural Heritage Program. Factors considered include abundance, occurrence patterns, vulnerability, threats, existing protection, and taxonimic distinctness.

E = Endangered. In danger of becoming extinct or extripated from Washington. T = Threatened. Likely to become endangered within the near future in WA if the factors contributin to pop decline or habitat loss continue. S = Sensitive. Vulnerable or declining and could become endangered or threatened in the state without active management or removal of threats X = Possibly extinct or Extirpated. Documented to have previously occurred within WA, but no longer thought to be present here. P1 = Priority 1. Rare nonvascular plant but with insufficient information to assign another rank. P2 = Priority 2. Nonvascular plant of concern but with insufficient information to assign another rank. R1 = Review group 1. Of potential concern but needs more field work to assign another rank. R2 = Review group 2. Of potential concern but with unresolved taxonomic questions. W = Watch. Species that are more abundant and/or less threatened in WA than previously thought, no longer a focus of conservation efforts.

Federal Status Federal Status under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (USESA) as published in the Federal Register. For complete definitions see http://www.fws.gov/endangered/laws-policies/section-3.html

LE = Listed Endangered. The plant is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. LT = Listed Threatened. The plant is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. PE = Proposed Endangered. A plant that is proposed to be listed as endangered and is undergoing a review process. PT = Proposed Threatened. A plant that is proposed to be listed as threatened and is undergoing a review process. C = Candidate species. A plant for which FWS or NOAA Fisheries has on file sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threats to support a proposal to list as endangered or threatened. SC = Species of Concern. An informal term referring to a species that might be in need of conservation action. Such species receive no legal protection and use of the term does not necessarily imply that a species will eventually be proposed for listing. NL = Not listed. Used when two portions of a taxon have different federal status.

Washington Natural Heritage Program www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/Topics/NaturalHeritage/Pages/amp_nh.aspx Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, PO Box 47014, Olympia, WA 98504-7014