A manifestation of literature, arts and culture September 28 – October 1, 2017

www.goteborg-bookfair.com Göteborg Book Fair is the most important event in Scandinavia for people in the book THE FAIR business. IS WHERE: THE FAIR IS New books are ­presented ALSO: at stages and ­exhibitors’ stands. A manifestation of arts Deals are closed at the and culture. International Rights A four-day long literary Centre. festival. Readers meet and A celebration of the writers meet readers. ­written word and free- dom of expression. Artist, and visual artist Patti Smith was a guest at Göteborg Book Fair 2016. The Seminar Program is the heart of the Fair Writers, scholars, ­scientists, Nobel­ laureates, politicians­ and ­journalists from around the world ­appear in readings,­ talks and high-profile debates. ­Writers and readers get to meet in seminar halls and on the floor. The Nordic region’s largest exhibition The largest book exhibition in the Nordic region. More than 800 exhibitors from the Nordic countries and from the rest of the world. A great opportunity to meet 100 000 visitors during the course of four days. International Rights Centre

Meet the industry’s largest ­representation of publishing companies, agents and ­authors from the Nordic region. Göteborg Book Fair is the foremost venue for trading­ in Nordic Fellowship Program ­literary rights. This is an ideal Göteborg Book Fair and the Swedish Arts Council /Swedish Literature Exchange pro- opportunity­ to vide a Fellowship program for non-Nordic publishers and sub-agents as well as trans- promote books lators from Swedish into other languages, interested in attending the Göteborg Book from all parts of Fair and getting to know the Swedish book market. In 2016 we were happy to welcome 38 translators and publishers from 19 the world. language areas. Application period: Febr 28–May 2, 2017. 2016

Mario Vargas Llosa Desmond Tutu Tomas Tranströmer 422 4,190 SEMINARS PROGRAM ITEMS 22 Nobel laureates have participated in COMPANIES the Seminar Program AND AGENTS AT

Herta Müller ­INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS CENTRE Svetlana Aleksijevitj, Willy Brandt, Joseph 56 Brodsky, Arvid Carlsson, Shirin Ebadi, Dario 96,293VISITS Fo, Nadine Gordimer, Günter Grass, , Imre Kertész, Doris Lessing, Herta Müller, Kenzaburo Oe, Orhan Pamuk, José Saramago, Isaac B. Singer, Wole Soyinka, Tomas Tranströmer, Desmond Tutu, , , Elie Wiesel Seamus Heaney Svetlana Aleksijevitj 836 @8 1,176 EXHIBITORS ACCREDITED MEDIA NUMBER OF ­PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES

Günter Grass Derek Walcott and Kenzaburo Oe Shirin Ebadi Elie Wiesel A specific country or linguistic area, a region and a topical cultural issue permeates the entire fair.

September 28 – October 1, 2017:

Bildung and Finland (Finnish literature in RINGLANDER. MIKAEL MAUPOIX, NIKLAS LAGERGREN, ALEXANDER PHOTO: ­conjunction with Finland’s centennial as an independent­ nation).

For further information, please contact: Daniel Levin, Program Director, Göteborg Book Fair, [email protected] Ewa Bråthe, International Sales Manager, [email protected]

www.goteborg-bookfair.com @bokmassanGbg facebook.com/BokmassanGbg