Ramen is a very complex dish with very diverse regional variations across , with variations in the broth, flavoring, toppings, and noodles. The broth style we offer here is a quick at-home version that won’t leave your pot boiling for days on end. All of the elements of a dish are prepared separately and then combined together right before serving.

Ramen Broth and Tare Makes about 10 (2 cup) servings

Broth 2 large pieces 6 quarts chicken broth 2 cup dried mushrooms 3 pounds bacon 1 pound scallion 1 2 carrots Tare 1 cup ½ cup 2 cups soy

1. In a large pot, place kombu broth and bring to a slight boil. Turn off flame and let steep for 10 to 15 minutes. 2. Remove kombu and add dried shiitakes. Bring to boil and simmer until mushrooms have rehydrated, about 35-40 minutes. 3. Remove mushrooms and place scallions, onion, and carrots into stock. Once the vegetables have soften and are easily broken apart, remove the bacon, and vegetables. 4. CAREFULLY strain stock through a fine strainer. Reserve for use. This is called RAMEN BROTH. 5. Mix Tare ingredients and season broth to taste.

Ramen Toppings seaweed Soft boiled eggs (7 minutes) Marinated bamboo shoots Buttered corn Chopped scallion greens (fish cake)

Hudson Table: Ramen Night

To assemble Ramen: 1. Cook the noodles: temper Noodles at room temperature for 1 hour prior to ​ cooking. 2. Boil in a large UNSALTED pot of boiling water (Ramen noodles already have in the dough). 3. When fully cooked, strain and transfer noodles into a bowl. 4. Immediately, pour broth on top of noodles. ​ ​ 5. Garnish ramen with assorted toppings and serve immediately.

Chasiu Pork 2 pounds boneless pork butt Poaching Liquid 1 cup 1 cup mirin 1 cup sake 2 stalks scallions 2 inches ginger BBQ Sauce 1/4 cup dark ¼ cup ¼ cup 1 tablespoon

1. Poach the Pork: Combine all the poaching liquid ingredients in a pan large ​ enough to fit pork loin. Bring liquid to a simmer with pork in it. Turn off flame and let rest for 10 to 15 minutes. 2. Roast the Pork: Heat oven to 400°F. Place pork on baking rack and roast in ​ ​ ​ oven for 25 to 30 minutes. 3. Mix all bbq sauce ingredients together and baste pork loin every five minutes during the last fifteen minutes of the pork cooking in the oven. 4. Check internal temperature of pork is at 140°F. Remove from oven and let it rest with foil wrapped around it. Slice and serve over bowl of ramen.

Hudson Table: Ramen Night

Fried Shishito Peppers 1 pound Japanese shishito peppers 1 lemon (sliced into wedges)

1. Heat fryer to 350°F. Carefully puncture each pepper with a fork to prevent rupture during frying process. 2. Carefully lower the peppers into the hot oil and fry until peppers are blistered, about 4 minutes. 3. Remove from oil and drain on paper towel. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with a side of lemon.

Izakaya Chicken Thighs 2 pounds of chicken thighs ¼ cup soy sauce ¼ cup sake ¼ cup mirin 5 eggs 5 cups potato starch ¼ cup Crazy Jane’s seasoned salt 1 lemon (sliced into wedges)

1. Marinate the chicken in the soy sauce, sake, mirin, and eggs for at least 30 minutes or 6 hours. 2. Drain wings from the marinade and dredge them in the potato starch to form a sticky coat. Toss between your hands to let excess starch fall off the chicken. 3. Heat oil until it registers 350°F. Gently drop chicken wings into the oil and fry golden brown, about 8 minutes. 4. Remove to a resting rack. Season with Crazy Jane salt and serve with lemon wedges.

Hudson Table: Ramen Night