L_ Modern Roadblock to Faith DENVER CATHOLIC Vatican City — Pope Paul ward the positive methods of 'Positive, scientific' education helps ha,s cautioned that the act phy-sical and mathematical sciences.*' of faith seem.S to be im- Pontiff urged thousands put uncertainties in way of belief; peded by many difficulties and of people at his weekly audience uncertainties, aggravated by to be strong in their faith de­ Pope calls for strength against doubt modern education which directs spile these difficulties created REGISTER intelligence more and more to- by the non-believing mentality. He said that while these For Lithuania sciences are useful "to under­ ^ationnl Sews Sertion stand certain aspects of nat­ A ural things, they do not tell 1st % us anything about other real­ THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1964 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LVIll No. 45 \ ities. about other fundamental truths which arc reached Sunday obligation Named in ! V ^ ■----- through other methods of 4 knowledge and thought.” Pope Paul toid his listeners; REGISTER "that faith is always'a reason-, Saturday Two Decades able act, " but it is accomplished! through a more complex and Vatican City — The only more personal process than an ROUNDUP active Bishop of the three act of ordinary knowledge.’’ Masses h r K remaining in “Soviet” Lith­ Besides the use of intelli­ uania. Bishop Petras Mazeiis. gence, he continued, the act of Women at Council was quietly appointed to a dou­ 1 faith requires the agreement of Some Areas ble see In that country bv Pope the will in homage to God and ____North Towanda, N.Y. Paul VI. "His.1 , 3 mysterious ..-,icin,u3 ii.ici.ciiiuiiintervention 111 in Vatican City — Permis- The attendance of Catholic women as auditors and the rep- The first such appointment the inner working of religious; been granted by, resentation of the Greek Orthodox Church by delegate-observers since the Soviet reoccupation of thought. It demands the g r a c e some^ dio-; are among the ’’expectations” voiced concerning the third ses­ Lithuania in 1944. so far as is of God itself, which makes us Masses on Satur­ sion of the Vatican Council by Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of known, it is dated Feb. 18 this able to believe, to believe with,^®-' sR^fnoon or evening that Philadelphia, president of the W’orld .Methodist Council. year, but was not made public certainty, with joy, and with I" "u'd '^e Sunday until it appeared in a routine strength." | obligation. ,N.Y. listinK of Episcopal appoint­ Those who possess faith, the The Congregation of the Because today’s youths are constantly under ‘‘assault by ments in the Acta Aposlolica Pontiff concluded, have a two­ Council has granted the per­ a powerhouse of perversion,” Cardinal of New Sedis issued May 4. fold responsibility toward it: mission fo dioceses where the York has called on the city officials to establish “with all pos­ “We must exercise it, breathe shortage of priests or vacation sible speed” a citizens’ committee of clergy and other leaders Bishop Mazeiis’ elevation to it. and profess it. at first in- and weekend schedules th' Episcopate as war-1 to cope with the ever-growing spread of pornographic literature wardly, to accept its humility. | rant it. ■ among young people. of Cclenderis by Pope Pius XII, experience its light, feel itsj May 22, 1955, and his consecra­ sweetness, and enjoy the energy" Authorities of the congrega­ tion in Lithuania the following with which it fills us. ,.tion told the NCWC News Serv- The New A'ork archdiocese and the Brooklyn and Rockville September also went unan­ "Secondly, we must express .'‘if, 'h*- faculty is not a Centre dioceses have announced plans for a new educational nounced by the at it outwardly in our words, feel- granted television service aimed at the elementary and secondary thill time, and was first made ings, and conduct. The spirit of:‘’"'>' .specific dioceses at the schools. known to the Western world by the faith must shape our whole request of the local Bishop. a Radio Moscow broadcast de-l life in simplicity and without Congregation spokesmen also Oklahoma City, Okla. scribing the consecration. fear. We believe that St. Paul pointed out that the permission Oklahoma priests taking part in Negro voter registration will only be given for a speci­ The acting head of the Telsiai by his admonition, ‘Be strong drives in .Mississippi have been withdrawn by Bishop Victor J. fied period of time, after which diocese since 1955, 69-year-old i.in the faith,’ renews in us the Reed of Oklahoma City-Tulsa at the. request of Bishop Richard renewal must be sought, and the Bishop Mazeiis now assumes j sublime, difficult, and salutary necessary conditions surround­ 0. Gerow of Natchez-Jackson. "In my judgment.” said Bishop that see and is also named Or­ lesson of how to believe, how ing its original granting must Gerow, “it would not be in the best interest of the Church at dinary of the Prelature Nullius to overcome the weaknesses still exist. this time for priests from outside .Mississippi to engage in the of Klaipeda of which he has and obstadles of our modern voter registration movement. In no way does this judgment re­ also been Apostolic Administra­ mentality, and how to be truly The Congregation’s statement tor. f.aithful, truly Christian.” said that decisions pertaining to flect a condemnation of the voter registration movement, withi the lim i. place, and choice of which I am in complete accord. Nor does the judgment in this The two sees together com- churches in which this faculty case preclude a future reassessment of the matter.” pri.se the western quarter of Papal Anniversary is to be exercised are to be de­ Lithuania, a region of some Washington — cided m the prudent judgment Philadelphia half a million people. The coun- Egidio Vagnozzi,- Apostolic Del­ of the Ordinary. In a precedent-setting top-level interreligious action in this ll•.^’s 2.800.000 population is 80 egate in the United Stales, will The Saturday Mass cannot be city Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish leaders issued a statement P'M cent Catholic. offer a Pontifical Mass in St. offered before the first Vespers condemning racial bigotpy and callirig for religious harmony. Bishop .Mazeiis’ immediate .Matthews Cathedral here on of the Sunday, which according Equally unprecedented was the setting or prelude to the state­ predece.ssor in Telsiai was ■lime 28 to mark the first an- to existing law must be recited ment, which was a Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Cathedral of Bishop Vincas Boriscvicius, first POPULATION eXPCOmN / , niversary of the coronation of some time after noon on Satur­ Sts. Peter and Paul offered for religious and racial understand­ I Pope Paul VI. Episcopal victim of the Soviet day. ing, and attended by a score of Protestant representatives and secret police in the 1946 cam­ In commentary on the new city officials. Archbishop John J. Krol was the Catholic signer. paign of repre.ssion against the Cuba would be its 'Vatican City' faculty, Vatican Radio said the Church. permission has already been In that year a secret tribunal extended to various dioceses in THE VATICAN Religion's Role at Vilna sentenced him to death, Italy, Switzerland, and Argen­ but reports filtered through the Latin America Schism Red Plan tina. Pope Paul VI, in a speech to the participants in a Congress Iron Curtain showed that he had Vatican Radio also said that of Christian Union of Businessmen and Executives, defended the been sent instead to a Soviet Miami — It “is only a land pledge absolute allegiancei rebel chiefs on the Second Reds lure .South American Cath­ one of the reasons for granting right of religion to a place in economic affairs and condemned forced labor camp, and that hcij^g^gp of time” until Cas-r” “^'a*holic Castroism.” The Front in Oriente Province dur- olics with propaganda that the faculty is that weekend laissez-faire economics and the theory that money profits con- j died Dec. 10, 1963, at the ag e',______he; "Cuba, Si! Rome,|ing the Castro revolution. It seems to indicate Communists traveling in winter and summer tro .sets up a schismatic | no! of 78. was Father Rivas who came and Catholics should work to­ “makes observance of the Sun­ stitute the sole purpose of economy. He characterized the dialectic "national church", according| fj,,, Siberian forced labor was also answer has been uncov- down from the Sierra Maestra gether, The Reds quote from day Mass obligation very diffi­ materialism of Karl .Marx and his followers as “antique,” and the fate of his Auxiliary, Bishop to Father F,miliano Guezuraga.n.|.,,(j Vatican newspaper, hills to proclaim to the Cuban "The Books of Acts: ", . .and all cult” It also said that the con- asserted that the Catholic faith, by establishing the primacy of one of many Catholic priests ex­ Ft anas Ramanauskas, after a L’Osservatore Romano, in an people: "If this is Communism, that believed were together and cession is designed to amelior- i God over all things, established the primacy of man in temporal pelled from Communist Cuba. then Christ was a Communist.” long period in prison at Vladi­ amazing document — a Span­ had all things in common, and ate difficulties caused by scar­ things. mir, 100 miles east of Moscow. Communist agents in South ish language pamphlet prepared .As it turned out, it was Com­ parted them to all men, as city of priests in some dioceses, * • - U He died aged 65 on Oct. 17, America are busy planning for in Communist China and dis­ munism and the Communists every man had need ..." inasmuch as priests are limited 1959. that day. When and if it comes, tributed in Cuba and Latin Am­ have pictured Christ to the Political .Affairs concludes: to offering three .Masses on The repression of religious freedom by the Polish Commu­ erica — which warns the Com­ South .Americans not as the Son nist regime was pinpointed in a sermon at the University Chapel Consecrated with Bishop Ma­ the Reds hope to have suf­ "These are indeed humanistic Sundays and by being able to munists not to misjudge the of God. but as a Communist. of St. Ann’s church by Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Primate of zeiis in 1955 was Bishop Juli- ficiently infiltrated Catholic concepts that should jnake it celebrate a Saturday Mass power and attraction of the In the .May issue of Political jenas Steponavlcius, named circles in all other Latin Am­ easier for us to see eye to eye which would fulfill the Sunday Poland, Vatican Radio reported. The Cardinal said that he was Church. Instead, it proposes Affairs, another official Com­ Auxiliary to the 80-year-old erican countries so that a mas­ and work together in joint ef­ obligation, a greater number of not permitted to bring into Poland a devotional book he had writ­ establishment of schismatic na­ munist publication, there is Bishop Kazimicras Paltarokas sive number of Catholics will forts for the betterment of persons will be able to partici­ ten and which had been published in France. He also cited the tional Churches "as an ideal a typical example of how the break with the Roman Church mankind." pate. excessive taxes assessed against the Catholic University of Lub­ of Panevezys, who died three way of destroying religion.” years later. lin, the only Catholic university in Poland and reportedly the Castro has nationalized the only such school in the Soviet bloc. Bishop Steponavlcius was ap­ Catholic schools, taken over Talking away the idle hours pointed Apostolic Administrator Reds May convents and monasteries, and of the diocese, but was put un­ deported anti-Communist clergy Variant Attitudes der house arrest in 1961 for re­ Exonerate and religious. All that remains Cologne, Germany fusal to ordain three govern­ The Great Symposia Explosion is the day the Red dictator Kurt Zicsel, prominent Austrian Protestant author, asserted ment - sponsored ‘‘candidates” Cardinal will choose to name a Cuban for the priesthood. Pope who will appoint Hier-| By Bishop Robert .1. Dwyer here that the same anti-Catholic circles that have been attacking Pius Xll for trying to remain neutral during World War II ap­ The Vatican yearbook for the Cologne, Germany — archy loyal to the Communist j 'HIS IS THE OPEN season for sum­ a symposium. There, in the scholastic past three years has listed him A special inquiry com­ government. I mer school, summer stock, and the calm of a famous seat of learning or proved the “moral supraneutrality of Pope John XXIII,” and as "Impeded.” mission may recommend Before this can be done symposium. Following the late Max on the ample greensward of a country Ziesel said that this attitude is "schizophrenic.’' The same peo­ an amnesty declaring however, the Catholic popula­ Beerbohm in this if in naught else, we estate commandeered for the purpose, ple. he pointed out, who have condemned Pope Pius XII praised that Cardinal Jozsef tion of Cuba’s southern sister prefer to regard our formal education you may spend your time with profit­ Pope John for receiving Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s son- Mindszenty was con­ states must be readied to ac­ as substantially complete, however able pleasure, communicating with like in-law, Alexei AdzHubei. 'Precision' cept "Catholic Castroism” as victed by false testimony short of the ideal it falls and however minds or honing your intellectual razor , M a d rid the true faith of the masses. In by a Communist court in urgent the need to fill up its gaps with on your neighbor’s strop. Typically, the A crowd of 1,200,000 people arrived in trucks, buses, special Aim of Chile, for example, the Reds whatever rubble is at hand. So not meals are fair to middling, the ac­ 1949. are holding up Castroism and trains, private autos, and afoot to participate in the Family Ro- again shall we haunt the academic commodations adequate if not luxurious, The commission- set up Catholicism to the masses as sarj- Crusade, the largest gathering ever held in the capital Document roses from the same stem. groves during the dog days nor lend a and the cost reasonable. It is not often of Spain. at the order of Janos Ra­ sympathetic ear to elderly nuns who in this inflationary world that one can dar, Hungary’s Premier, Catholic Communist propa­ Vatican City — The con­ ganda is being pounded into the , . , are still avid obtain so much for so little. Orthodox Going? troversy over a proposed is currently examining [)eople daily. L isten in g In >n their pur MIDEAST Jerusalem Vatican Council statement witnesses, according to I The .March issue of World suit of know­ NOW IT IS GENERALLY under­ Some likelihood that the Orthodox Church in Greece may on the relations between the Koelnische Rundschau, Marxist Review, the official ledge. And it is only in dreams that we stood in a symposium that any re­ send delegate-ob.servers to the third session of the Second Vatican Church and the Jews flared Cologne daily. Moscow publication which di­ find Qurself behind the footlights calling marks you may feel the u rp to make, anew as an authoritative Vati­ rects Communist action all upon the winds to crack their cheeks or any observations on the doubtful Council was seen here by Metropolitan Damsaskinos of Volos in The potential pardon ’Thessaly, one of the most influential members of the Holy Synod. can source said the statement and admission of error over the world, says this to the and the all-shaking thunder to smite doom of humankind, ought to be related people of Chile; "’In Chilean He said he was personally in favor of sending the observers as ”ia still under study” and has may be issued by Sep- flat the thick rotundity o’ the world. in some vague way to the subject ad­ not yet been cast in its final history a place of honor is oc­ he had been of the meeting last January of Pope Paul VI and tetnber. The hearings are Our performance as Lear, we feel, vertised. But there are ways and means form. cupied by the monks . . . who at of circumventing this restriction and Patriarch .Athenagoras. being directed by Geza the beginning of the last cen­ might be somewhat less than convinc­ The latest Vatican source to Szenasi, Hungary’s chief tury fought with courage and ing in the cold and critical light of day. - most seasoned symposium addicts are Istanbul, Turkey speak out anonymously said public prosecutor. resolution against reaction. .And But the symposium, ah, that is adept in methods of leading the dis­ The establishment of a permanent office at the Holy See for any change In the statement something else again. It is an admir­ cussion as far afield as the patience or relations With the Orthodox Churches is reported to be the main Cardinal Mindszenty it is by no means excluded would come about from a de­ that in the new conditions the able solution for the problem of leisure absent-mindedness of the chair will per­ subject of conversation between Melkite Rite Patriarch Maximos w’as convicted by a Com­ sire for "theological preci­ example of the Cuban priest during the off-season and a comforting mit. Thus, it is not inconceivable that IV Saigh of Antioch and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras I of sion” and for no other rea­ munist court of treason who during the, Batista regime son. anodyne for the scrupulous conscience a symposium announced for the ex­ Constantinople.^ y and currency violations withdrew to the mountains to troubled with doubts as to the account­ ploration of the dynamics of race ten­ Another source, close to the and sentenced to life im­ join the struggle under Fidel ability for time mis-spent. .Are you at sions should wind up in heated debate Approval Secretariat for Promoting Chris­ prisonment. Castro's command may be re­ loose ends for something to occupy a over Neo-Malthusianism, and we recall S. AMERICA tian Unity, which has been most peated in Latin America.” with delight a session which began on Rio de Janeiro responsible for drafting the Freed for a few days in One such famous priest the week-end void of business or salutary ’Two Cardinals and 23 other and Bishops in a 1956 by the anti-Red up­ commitment’’ Are you bursting out at the elevated and arid level of ethics statement, said that "no mat­ Reds have "canonized" as a joint statement expressed full support for the April 1 revolution rising,' he has since been the seams with ideas that cry imperi­ and politics and concluded in a violent ter what the draft would state, modern day saint is young which put President Cas^elo Branco into power and deposed the living in asylum at the ously for expression? Have you a fami- verbal free-for-all on the merits of it could be amended by the Father Angel Maria Rivas, an regime of Joao Goulart. Thirty-six of the Hierarchy attended Council Fathers when they take U.S. legation in Buda­ idealistic liberal who was a liar’ax to grind or a cheerful foible to General De Gaulle. the extraordinary convocation of the National Conference of up the matter.” pest. constant advisor and contact to exploit’’ Then by all means hie thee to (Torn to Page 2) Bishops. Brazil has a total of 186 ecclesiastical JurisdicticHU in Brazil. ’The statement warned, however, that a restoration could not be effected merely by theoretical condemnation or police repressions of Communism. The Bishops demanded also the root­ Modern Problems-Including Pill-Said to Face Council ing out of "social injustices and other forms of materialism, so destructive that they beget Communism.” VaticanV atican PitvCity _— I.tJnPciaM(Special) niakincmaking the announcement it the means to that end. It is bate. Even so. thesethose sourcedsourc^do, do, Only the chapter on the Bles- cussion. Other projects are a permissible belief now that nol believe the third session sed Virgin remains to be dis­ those on Eastern Churches, — It has been confirmed was said that recently dis­ Rebuttal cussed problems wilF be consid­ couples, by nslng the moral will end the Council. .A fourth cussed in the document on The Missions. Religious Orders, THE ORIENT here for the first time that ered under "Tbc Presence of means of rhythm, may limit session, possibly in the spring Role of the Church. The docu- FTiests, -Apostolate of the Laity. Bombay a whole range of modem prob­ the Church in the Modern the number of children they of 1965. or at latest that fall, ment on Bishops and Govem- Formation of Priests. Cath­ Cardinal Valerian Gracias has issued a statement reiterating lems, rejiortedly including the World” project ’ have lor grave reasons.) is thought necessarv" meni of Dioceses has been re­ olic Schools. the Church’s principles on the use of artificial contraceptives for morality of the so-called birth (Reports Iroiii Washington At the same lime it was unof­ The agenda reportedly in­ titled "Pastoral Tasks of Bish­ The much discussed docu­ birth control in rebuttal to his predecessor. Archbishop ’Thomas control pill, will be on the ol remarks by the Rev. Ber­ ficially made known that the cludes a revised draft project ops." It was this document that ment on the Jews is said to Roberts, S.J., a former Archbishop of Bombay, who, in , agenda of the Second Vatican was approved in principle last nard Haring, secretary of the agenda has been drawn up for on Divine Revelation. It was meet all Jewish requirements. criticized Catholic teaching on birth control The Cardinal said Council year, and now needs only pol­ Commission that prepared the the third session beginning the original draft on this pro­ This document will be present­ the need for the statement arose from the fact that "several of The eonfirmation came along draft, indicated that the Coun­ Sept. 14. Thirteen projects re­ ject that met such strong op­ ishing ed as addendum, not as a our people" are nmning the risk of having their cherished beliefs with announcement that the cil may be asked to discuss portedly will be considered, and position that it was tabled by Documents on Mamage and chapter, Vatican sources stated, Couneil's Co-Ordinating Com­ the n e ^ for limitation of (am- some considered less import­ Pope John XXllI at the first on the Sacraments reportedly and was drafted by Cardinal undermined on account of an "alarmingly free expression of mittee will meet June 26 In ily size, without mentioning ant will be voted on without de­ session. will be voted upon without dis­ Augustin Bea views” in the press on birth control. , . By African students in Great Britain On UN trade proposals 'Hypocrisy' Tag Pinned on Sudan Holy See's London — “Diplomatic "Those acquainted with the rather than religious, the stu­ .Afro-Arab controlled govern­ hyproirocrisy and double situation know very well the dents said Southern Sudanese, ments . . see territorial unity talk.” (missionaries) are only “treated as second-class citi­ in uniformity of culture, reli­ Envoys in East African students put this scapegoats and victims of zens in their own country, have gion, and language . .. Hence label on the Moslem-controlled mischievous racialist and mis­ a genuine political grievance. the policy of one nation, one Sudan government's attempt to guided religious policies," the Instead of accepting the politi­ language — Arabic, one reli­ justify its anti-Christian cam students said. cal realities of the existence of gion — Islam (and the claim Dissent paign in southern Sudan. two distinct national and cul­ that) the Negro has to be civ­ "So far your regime has not tural groups working for unity The students made public a only managed to confuse but ilized to be worthy of citizen­ Geneva — Representatives of I trade with other countries and and diversity, the successive ship." stinging denunciation of the Su­ also deceive the African gov­ the Holy See here held up their 'freely to dispose of its natural danese government in a petition ernments as to the true nature vote on 2 of 14 proposals to resources in the interest of the sent to Sudan's president, Ibra of the events in the southern govern international trade rela­ economic development and well- him Abboud, during his state Sudan." Cologne Clergymen Visit tions. befng of its own people," the visit to the United Kingdom The petition, signed by one Speaking at a plenary ses­ Church’s delegation again ab­ earlier this month. student each from Kenya, sion of the United Nations Con­ stained from voting. Father The petition, labeled "A Peti­ Uganda, and the United Re­ School Tragedy Victims ference on Trade and Develop­ Calvez said the wording as it tion by the East African Stu­ public of Tanganyika and Zan Cologne — Two stabbed sprayed flame on children at­ ment here. Father Jean-Yves stood was incomplete. dents in the United Kingdom zibar, said that M,000 refugees teachers and 28 burned tending classes in four prefab­ Calvez, S.J., a member of the “The affirmation of a coun­ and Ireland," contended that from Southern Sudan were in schoolchildren were visited ricated huts at the Cologne- Holy See’s delegation, referred Christian missionaries expelled try’s right to trade freely and Uganda, 25,000 were in Ethiopia, by representatives of the Volkhoven Catholic elemen­ to general principle 14 which from the country were only to dispose of its natural re­ and about 30,000 in the Congo archdiocese. tary school here. reads: "Complete decoloniza­ sources in the interest of its scapegoats of a government and the Central African Re At the time, one of the The assailant, Walter Sei­ tion in compliance with the characterized by "barbaric mil­ people,” he said, “should in our public. teachers, Ann Langohr, 67, fert. 42, died later after being United Nations declaration on opinion have been qualified.” itary rule," and dedicated to and several of the children shot by police and taking a the granting of independence to racial supremacy and suppres­ "It is beyond any reason­ He .suggested a phrase such as able doubt your regime is de- were listed in critical condi­ dose of insect poison before colonial countries and/'peoples, sion. “While respecting the higher tenniued to continue its rule tion, at least five of them capture. and the liquidation of the rem­ interests of the international of terror in the Southern near death. Visiting the hospitalized nants of colonialism in all its community as a whole." YOCATIONS-MEN Sudan," the students charged, The victims, together with teachers and children on be­ forms, is a necessary condition "We consider this to be an es­ Itoly Cr*M IrallM n "thus making this region of two other teachers who were half of the archdiocese here for economic development and the Republic of the Sudan a stabbed to death, were at­ were North Rhine-Westphalia the exercise of sovereign rights sential rule of well-being and S*rv* Otd In justice in the community of na­ • TMChUtg • Mlxkint ‘blood-zone’.” tacked when a tubercular Minister Professor Paul Mi- over natural resources.” • Social Work • Gvtdonca The students contend that the mental patient classed as kan and Erpen- Father Calvez explained; "My tions,” he said, “and that is • TradM • Accounting delegation is obliged to abstain why we entered our reservation For Mormotlon and nationalization of Christian mis harmless ran berserk and bach. (NC) IHtratvrt writo; sion schools in 1957 did not in the vote on this principle be­ and have abstained from vot­ ■rallMr tanal, CS.C ing” V 7, VhKaiit Hall have the claimed intent of im­ Cathedral to Be Museum cause we feel that the text, be­ SI. Mward^ UMvarilty proving education, but was done cause of some unfortunate The priest expressedly re­ Aattla, Taaaa "to stamp out Christian influ­ Non-Churchgoers of Parjs This is the facade of the famed Cathedral at Carthage, wording, might be used — no quested that the Holy See’s res­ BE A BROTHER ence and to use these schools which has been turned over to the Tunisian government (or doubt contrary to the intention ervation be recorded in the In Amorka'i Hawaii as a vehicle for the spread of of the authors — to create divi­ committee’s report. CamiiMHilty Slow to Build Churches use as a state museum. The last Mass in the 68-year-old Cathe­ Worn ancom. F Islam, because education has sion rather than promote the co­ dral was celebrated in early June. Attending were 21 seminari­ pauai lucl) become the refined method of Paris — In an attempt to tap ing French Catholics through operation which is the aim of flakla ai taach- ans from the White Father’s seminary at Carthage. Under GENTLE fng, coiutructlon, clarl- , effecting the cultural assimila­ the souls and pocketbooks of the sermons. At the rate of re­ this conference.” cal, landicaplng and/ non-practicing Catholic major­ sponse last year, the "churches and agreement between the Vatican and Tunisia’s govern­ maintananca. tion of the Negroes.” On another principle which Far InfarmaNan Wrlta— Emphasizing that the trouble ity here, Cardinal Maurice Fel- we need by 1975 wouldn't get ment, many church properties will be turned over to the state declared “every country has ■ aOTHIRS OF ST. iOSIFH tin bought full-page ads in ev­ built until the year 2000," Fa­ UXATIVE Sax 74S-R Rathany, Okla. in Sudan has been political because of "reduced need." Independence of Tunisia from the sovereign right freely to ery one of the city's newspa­ ther Pailloncy pointed out. France was followed by a major exodus of Europeans, with ANTACID pers. Now the appeal is being made French, Spaniards, and Italians returning to their homelands. to non churchgoing Catholics, The advertisements were Consequently the country’s Catholic population of more than who represent 75 per cent of the Plan Cathedral aimed at collecting contribu­ 300,000 dropped to , some 40,000 within a short time. tions for the city's church­ population of Paris. building program. As England's Most Rtvsrtnd Fulton J. Shson Four million copies of the ads *Collagialily’ were published. But only 2.000 The altar is not a stage; those who sit in the persons responded with contri­ Liturgy Center pews are not an audience; the Comnnunion rail is not butions, barely covering the cost One Word Stands Out As Key London — Westminster Cathe­ of the advertisement program. the elevated footlights dividing the priest from the dral will be a center of liturgi­ Although Paris proper is cal renewal in London if the laity. The bishops and priests are above the laity in punctuated with churches every In Vatican Council Sessions new administrator of the Cathe­ dignity (through no merit of their own), but below three blocks or so, in the dral has his way. sprawling industrialized out­ Pope, according to Father John i care in the diocese as teacher, Vatican City — "Cotlegiality" Monsignor George A. Tomlin­ _ I "**«* them in service. Our Lord said to His Apostles: "You skirts of the city the picture is Donnelly, NCWC reporter in ruler and sanctifier. is the word that is likely to son said, "The liturgy in West­ hfularorFbvored m m e s u . fjQme I "This would include his rela- call Me Lord. I am." Yet, quite different. There some par­ leave an imprint on deliber­ minster Cathedral will not be a He washed their feet. ishes number 70,000 persons, ac­ ations of the Second Vatican Its clarification will strongly tionship between the Bishop and ritual dance with the ■ laity a cording to Father Jean-Bernard Council for some time. Influence two vastly Important;the Pope in Rome,” explained mere spectator at a respectful Shrinks Hsmorrhoids The laity are not mili* Pailloncy, S.S., director of the Collegiality, the meaning of "schemata” or draft decrees on Father Donnelly. “And it would distance. It will be a real wor­ Paris archdiocesan building the Council’s agenda, reports set more definite guidelines for ship, in which clergy and laity Ha who come to priests which is still being debated by the expanding roie of nationai Without Surgery center- Council Fathers, stood out at Father Donnelly. play real roles.” Bishops’ conferences. once a week for spirit­ He notes a need for 142 new One decree, he said, “On Bish­ This complements the origi­ Stops Itch — Relievos Pain the second session of the Coun­ Even more basicaliy. Father ual inspection, as if the churches to cost, with high- cil last Fall. ops and the Government of Dio­ nal conception of the Cathedral For ttw fint time iclence hed found t Donnelly said, the Council Fa­ priced land, in the neighbor­ Collegiality is in fact an ex­ ceses,” needs a resolution of the as a center where all English­ new heeling substance with the astonish­ clergy were the only thers need a clear and precise hood of 130 million. amination of the very structure collegiality debate to establish men could see the beauty of the ing ability to shrink hemorrhoids end to fighters In the arena of definition of collegiality to com­ Up until this year, appeals the role of the Bishop in rela­ Catholic liturgy in a splendid relieve pain — without surgery. In case of the Church as it relates to plete the draft decree “On the conflict between Christ were made only to church go­ the role of the Bishop and the tion to those entrusted to his setting. Now, the liturgy will be after case, while gently relieving pain, Nature of the Church.” actual reduction (shrinkage) took plaoe. and the prince of this seen and shared. "This draft," Father Donnelly Atest amazing of all. results wort to world. The laity are net Talking away the Idle hours explained, “obviously fundamen­ Monsignor Tomlinson also thorough that sufferers made astonishing plans to make the Cathedral a “ sheep to be sheared," tal in its importance and sweep­ statements Ilka "piles have ceased to be ing in its range, continues theo­ center of theological study and a problem I" The secret Is a new heaF because O ur Lord said Ing substance iBIo-Dyne®), discovery of logical refinements accented at ecumenical conversation. This The Great Symposia Explosion e world-famous research Institute m that the clergy were to the First Vatican Council in plan evolved from his trip with Catholic, Anglican, and Protes­ suppesitery er elnlment form called “ feed them," not “ clip (Continued) grounds and the public domain, pro 1869-70, when the doctrine of Preparetleii H®. At all drug cevnten. itself was de­ tant leaders to the Holy Land them." Neither are the With reasonable good luck, more­ moters of the popular theatre and the and a visit with Orthodox Patri­ over, you may succeed in getting your musical arts. It was encouraging, in­ fined and broad outlines drawn laity to be grumblers for future development in the arch Athenagoras 1. who complain against the alleged failings of the name enshrined in print as a result of cidentally, that they were prepared to attendance at a symposium. It is never concede to religion a role in supplying relationship between the Pontiff RUPTURE hierarchy and the priesthood, as if they themselves and the group ('college’ per­ clear precisely why the proceedings of for man’s increasing leisure, although Popa’s Eloction it ii important that you were not members of that same wounded Body of haps?) chosen by him to rule exercises should be published at all, or as one cautious secularist phrased it, the Church at least on local lev­ Annivarsary Is Got this ATIN n i f BOOK Christ. Nor are they to identify Catholic Action with who on earth would thereafter take the “The program would have to have the els, the Bishops.” Possod Quiatly sitting in a sanctuary in a red coat, or administering pains to read through the thickset and appearance of something new; conven­ Although the word collegiality This New PRII lUnstntad Book Vatican City — Pope Paul telli how Rupture can ha treated by a chloroformed columns. The fact should tional religion in the ii new, the concept Is not mild NON-SUROICAL NBTHOD and a diocese as if It were an advertising agency. VI marked the first anniver­ THAT THK TREATMENT la backed by Father Karl Rahner, S.J., not be overlooked that most symposia needs a new face.” One would normal­ sary of his election to the a Lifetime Certlfletta of Aaaortnee. German theologian and Council The book expleini that. althouRh The "prominent" Catholic laity are not neces­ are sponsored by worthy foundations ly suppose that the concept of religion Chair of St. Peter (June 21) many people have not heard of, or hart expert, argues that Christian with ample financial backing, and the as recreation, or as a solution for the informally with only private baen raltlnfonaad aboat tbd noMurwIcal sarily those who give "big money" in answer to a tradiUon has consistenUy re­ treatment. It hae a loof hlatory of uae published proceedings offer some assur­ possible boredom of leisure, would prayers. He received groups and la racocnlaad by aotborltlei today. “drive." A prominent Catholic is one who acts like a garded the college of Bishops of friends and well-wishers Many man and women from all ovar ance to the boards of directors that all supply this novelty. as the successor to the college the conntry heve uken the NON- crippled nurse to a patient who has lost his leg in an from his old see of Milan. SURGICAL TREATMENT end have ra- is right with the world. Hence it is that of the Apostles, and the Church accident—that is, one who is ministering sympa­ SELDOM HAS A CULTURE been so The main celebrations are ported It hat provao effective. during the discussion following the has taught this consistently. Write today for thit New Fret Book dedicated to leisure as ours, and seldom being reserved for the coron­ that telli HOW and ezpitina WBT thetically to the Church because, like Christ, he reading of a paper you may shine, A consultant to the Council’s has one abused its dedication more ation anniversary in 10 days’ more and mort tuffareri art naloc wears scars of love. A gift of money never acquits a however briefly, in a passage such as important theological commis­ MODERN NON-BUEGICAL M eth ^ outrageously. Back in 1880, one of the time, when Pontifical Mass of trtatini; their mpturaa. Act Now, husband of his obligation to his wife, nor a Catholic this; sion, reports Father Donnelly, No ohlifation. speakers reminded his hearers, Presi­ will be celebrated In St. Pet­ IXCiLSIOR MROICAL CLINIC 1st Discussant (Mr. Beasley): “Ad­ Father Rahner believes the Fa­ , of his obligation to his Spouse, which is the Church. dent Garfield reflected on the fact that er’s Basilica. Oept. E tIM Exeelaitr iprlntt, Ma. mirable as Professor Thing’s, thesis thers will reaffirm this tradi­ one of the first objectives of America tional view and "will probably The CaHiolic lay person it one who it involved" has been articulated, it seems to me was to secure as much leisure time as state that in the Church there that minor exception must be taken to with the Church as a whole, if he it a doctor, a den­ possible, but that the second objective is not only a combination of in­ Name Change his use of Painleve’s dichotomy as tist or an engineer, he will spend hit vacation serv­ would be to train Americans how to dividual Bishops . . . but a col­ applicable to the immediate circum­ ing the Missions; he will solicit others in hit office to make proper use of it. We have made lege as a collegial unity in its Gets Collection A FAMILY AFFAIR stance.” leisure almost a fetish, and the result, true meaning of a moral per­ help the poor and the lepers, thus giving them o Voice from the rear (you): “Do you son. Kuwana, Japan — Father Fidgeting, note-picking, i tormenting all too nauseous to behold, is the beer- rectel Hcti ere often tellfole signs of chance to save their souls by serving Christ; he will refer to Painleve’s rigid dichotomy or "It also is likely to state that Thomas W. Sadler, Propagation can on the highway. The theory of lei­ PIn-wermt, . . ugly peretlfet thet med­ write a will in which the Holy Father is remembered, the milder form he proposes in his this unity . . . belongs to the of the Faith director of the Mo- ical experts tey kifett I out of every 3 sure as promulgated by our fathers unchangeable established law of bile-Birmingham diocese in Ala­ pareons examined. Entire femillea rney for the Vicar of Christ says that he it to be “first and latest revision?” bama, got a new name and a be vktlma and not know H. 1st Discussant (flummoxed): “The was that we should have the'time to the Church which is 'divine’ and principally aided" through his own Society for the enjoy the better things of life, litera­ not only of the Church in the bigger collection while on a vi­ To gel rid of Pln.Wermt, Itwy muel latter, of course.” be killed In me large Intestine where Propagation of the Faith: he will take out an an­ ture, the arts, wholesome recreation, sense of a positive changeable sit here. they live end multiply. That's tsactly It goes without saying that a gambit what Jaynt's P.W taMett do > . . and even the symposium fbr those who like law.” He had to change his name nuity with the Holy Father’s own Society, in order like this is guaranteed to establish you hart's how thty da It. it. The grim reality is that half of Here precisely the debate to “Father Sado” so the Jap­ that all missionary activities, and net |ust one, will permanently in the esteem of the maid­ anese Catholics could pronounce First— a Kitniific coating carriat tha America sits hour after hour in front f'ourishes, accor^ng to Father tablets Into the bowolt batoni they dla- be aided equally. en ladies who surround you. But the Donnelly. "Perhaps all Council it. But they repaid him well for tolve. Then— Jayne's modem, medieally warning note sounded by Mr. Stephen of the television set, contemplating a Fathers,” he said, “will admit the effort. approvad Ingredients goes right te work— succession of vapid Westerns and tired kills PkvWormt Aukkly end easily. In a word, you laity will be beorers of Christ’s Potter for tyros in the art of Lifeman­ of a certain unity among the 'The collection was about five comics, punctuated by intervals of the times what we usually get on Don't tska chances wim dangtrous, Cross in the world in the thousand ways open to ship is equally applicable to the sym- Bishops and most will even al­ highly contagious Pki-Wormt which Mact most puerile advertising ever inflicted a Sunday,” reports Father Rob­ tntira families. Get genuine Jayne's P-W posiast. A shade too much and the low a 'college’ or ‘senate’ under your non-priestliness. For you laity, the Church is not on the race. Or America raises up en ert J. Reiley, a Maryknoller Vermetuge . . . small, ttay da-tika tab- novice is undone, forever exposed to the authority of the Pope. . latt . . . special sized for chUdren end the ; the Church is the Sacrament of Hum ar^. masse early in the morning to hit the "Not all, however, will admit from PottsviUe, Pa. edutls. the ridicule and mockery of the sea­ As you save the city, you save the parish; as you concrete highway to the virgin wilder­ for this uDity any divine origin soned adepts. stemming from the revelation sove the world, you save the diocese. What do you ness, and returns homeward at night AS ONE OF THE MOST inveterate of Scripture and tradition con­ YOUR SON DESERVES have to offer or saaifice? leaving that wilderness deflowered. of symposiasts, we had assumed that This is our leisure. cerning the ‘college of Apos­ tles’ who ruled the Church un­ the advantage of going to a GOO lOVE YOU to M.M. for $5 “Hem It a $5 the purpose of the game was fully What a pity that we were not in­ understood and appreciated by all who der Peter’s supreme authority, bet that I wos glad to lose to you." . . . to J.D.H. for vited to this particular symposium. he said. indulged in it. This, needless to explain, CATHOLIC BOYS’ CAMP $50 “Thb is hardly more than a week’s pay from If, merely on the spur of the moment, is the proper employment of leisure in with no more provocation than our un­ my summer job. I wish I could send you more for such a manner as to escape, but just offending typewriter, we can distill Sing Lacatid bi tke tbrilDai, God’s poor and especkiily for the educaHon of barely, the infamy of wasting time. such blistering eloquence, what a head i A « K lo U r ii F i i n a r n l priests. However, If I am able to enter the Carmelites What was our surprise, then, to dis­ of steam might we not have worked up < ^ e n r u r u n e r o i histaric Coloradi In a year, as I hope, I will send you m y life savings cover that the American Academy of for an appointed occasion? But the New Delhi. India — Members R^OCKY MOUNTAINS Political and Social Science, one of the I of India's Catholic hierarchy for the M Ittlons.". . . to Sister M.C. for $S “Th b is problem, in all gravity, is one of most generous patrons of the art, had America’s most aggravating. America 1 sang hymns at Prime Minister 70 iiilti froM D tiw MV Estn Pwfc In thonksgiving for the sale of property.". . . to J.O . j Jawaharlai Nehru’s residence CAMP ST. MALO, gone so far as to sMn^or a symposium has time on her hands but she has for $5 “For your poor." {while his body lay in state be- Spiritual guidance under the direction of Msgrr'Richvd Hiester, Camp on leisure itself. This, at first blush, no least idea of what to do with it. was little less than calling in question ifore cremation ceremonies. Director aided by experitnead counselors, all SL Thomas Svninirians Find out how an annuity with The Society for She has educated for literacy but she { Summoned by members of the the eternal verities themselves. “Lei­ has not enticed her people to • Hikint. umpint, swlnuning, fith- • Wholeseaie meets, licensed by the the Propagation of the Faith helps both you and the late Indian leader's household, sure in America; Blessing or Curse?” read. She has bought art wholesale, but the choir composed of Arch­ in t hofMhKli rHSng, wcNry, riflerT, State, staffed by doctor and regis­ poor of the world. Send your requests for our pam­ read the bulletin. What if the answer she has not made it live for her citizens. bishop Joseph Fernandes and cixnpetitive ttm sports, hjniScrifts. tered nurse. phlet on annuities, including the date of your birth, had endorsed the thesis that leisure, Yet all the while the pressures build .Archbishop Angelo Fernandes, • iM z p n s iy i—Only S46 p try te tk in­ SEND TODAY FOR to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, 366 Fifth Avenue, New after all, was a curse? Gone then would up for more and more leisure, until the Ordinary and Coadjutor respec­ cludes everythini be the symposium, prime victim of an tively of Delhi: Auxiliarv Bish­ Ages 9 throufh 16-Stay one or York, New York 10001. working week is only a pocket edition a FREE BROCHURE. aroused Puritan conscience. op William Gomes of Bombay. more weeks nhidi begin on Sundays of its former bulk and the vacation Monsignor Ignatius Ix>bo and -June 14 through August 22 "STOP DREAMING" Yet the subject fascinates, and hav­ business goes full blast all year round. Cut out fhij column, pin your sacrifice to it ond mail It ing read through the proceedings we two other priests, sang “Abide With Me." and “Lead, Kindly TO: MSCR. R. C. HIESTER , to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society are convinced that the paticipants fell THERE IS FOOD HERE for a dozen, I Light,” two of .Nehru's favorite 1501 Pennsylvania Street, Denver, Colorado 80203 ‘ for the Propagotion of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New far short of exhausting its possibilities. nay, a hundred symposia. If everybody .hymns. Mrs. Vijaytakshmi Pan- Please send complete camp information ■ York, N.Y. 10001, or your Diocesan Director. For the most part, it appears, they would start talking about leisure, argu- „ _ _ Parenti_____ :______were persons interested in the various ihg about it, even fighting about it, it j th'^ked the group-.m ^ c^ ' m'iX- forms of public recreation and enter­ might take on some meaning. It would I sion Sisters later sang “The Addrtsi------^oge i, Sec. 2 Denvei Catholic Registei June 18, 1964 tainment, directors of parks and play- at least fill up the hours. Lord is My shepherd.” City______State. Missouri Will Be Requested !^1|| PAVLA

To Give Tuition Vouchers . it ' Ranks Kansas City, Mo. — The With the help of tuition | lett, the city school superintcnd- the CEF will seek action by Kansas City Board of Edu­ vouchers, parents would be able ! ent, said that any such plan the Missouri legislature to in­ to afford this additional cost! would have to be presented to clude the tuition voucher plan cation tabled a request by themselves at "schools of their | the state legislature. ^ under its School Foundation Grow the Citizens for Educational choice,” he said. James A. Haz-! Dr. Henlin told the board program. Chicago—PAVLA’S ranks Freedom that the board con­ CEF's research figures pro­ swelled by 110 men and sider taking a survey to find jecting annual tax savings po­ out how many city public school women during the past Eisenhower, Goldwater tentials under the plan were pre­ children would switch to inde­ three months as assignments sented at the hearing. Based on pendent schools if they could af­ were readied (or mission posts ford it and whether the plan the premise that by 1970 it would | across Latin America. On Lithuanian Committee cost $850 to educate each child would save the board money. The figure was announced by Chicago — General Dwight D. eration of Lithuania, Latvia, in public schools and that the CEF figures show that if the Jesuit Father Victor Fernandez, Eisenhower, Rep. John W. and Estonia. state aid portion of this cost state aid portion of the money the program’s national director. McCormack, speaker of the Other American dignitaries on would be $200, the figures indi­ Papal Volunteers for Latin used to educate children were the committee include Rep. cate that taxpayers could save House of Representatives, and America headquarters is in Chi­ given to them in the form of tui­ James Roosevelt and Rep. Bob up to $43,000,000 annually in Mis­ Sen. Barry Goldwater are cago. tion vouchers, many students Wilson, both of ; Gov. souri if some 10 per cent of the would choose to transfer to pri­ among the more than 70 digni­ John N. Dempsey, Sen. Abra­ Father Fernandez reported taries forming the honorary school population transferred to that 285 Papal Volunteers are vate schools and taxpayers ham A. Ribicoff and Sen. Thom­ private schools. would then not have to pay for committee for the Lithuanian as J. Dodd, all of Connecticut; now working in 14 ^ tln Ameri­ the additional costs of their edu­ American congress. can countries. Fifty^f these will cation, Dr. Arthur F. Helin, a The congress will assemble Illinois Gov. Otto Kemer, Sen. be completing their three years’ research chemist, told the board In Washington June 26-28 to Everett M. Dirksen, and Sen. service and will be returning to Paul H. Douglas; Sen, Birch U.S. Priests meeting. discuss proposals for the lib- the U.S. this year. Bayh of Indiana; Sen. Edmund Those now preparing for de­ S. Muskie of Maine; Massa­ On Tour ^ Nuns Enjoy It, Too! parture will bring the new total chusetts Gov. Endicott Pea­ Everybody is taking pictures at the New snapshot of her two companions precariously Of Slovakia York World's Fair. A Sister (above), unaware standing at the edge of a water fountain, to 345 by the end of 1964, be body, Sen. Leverett Saltonstall; said. Maryland Sen. Daniel B. Brew­ New York — At a banquet that she, too, is being photographed, takes a ster; in the Hotel Commodore here, The 110 new volunteers come Gov. George Romney and Sen. 800 persons, including heads of from 30 U.S. archdioceses and Philip A. Hart, both of Michi­ national organizations, honored *New Wave’ wants abolition, not reform dioceses. National Lay mission gan; Minnesota Sen. Hubert H. the golden jubilee of priesthood organizations also recruit and Humphrey and Sen. Eugene J. of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor send personnel. McCarthy; Sen. Carl T. Curtis Stephen J. Krasula, and also Forty per cent of all volun­ of Nebraska; bade "bon "oyage” to Ameri­ Catholic Journalist Attacks teers are engaged in educational Sen. Harrison A. Williams, Jr., can Slovak priests who flew the activities, teaching all levels of New Jersey; New York Gov. following day to the European fromtgrade schools through uni­ Nelson A. Rockefeller and Rep. homeland. "They included Rt. Critics of Parochial Schools versities. The next largest group Adam Gayton Powell; Sen. Rev, Monsignori Andrew Biros, is the medical. Stephen M. Young and Rep. Slovak Union national chaplain; New York—‘‘Even a good pa­ “If a parochial school is in­ home. He called this a rather Other Papal Volunteers are In Robert Taft, Jr., both of Ohio; George M. Petro, of Allentown, rochial system would not satisfy ferior," he continued, "we are "special view of education," projects concerned with commu­ Rep. Carl B. Albert of Okla­ Pa., a classmate of Cardinal critics of the “New Wave." free not to use it; but if it and said it was “ironical in nity development, credit unions homa; Spellman; and Canon Joseph S. This is the way a London- doesn't even exist, the choice this age of the broken home and cooperatives, agriculture, Pennsylvania Sen. Hugh Scott; Altany, national president of the born Catholic journalist and for most of us is down to and the non-home to see so catechetical work, social wel­ Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Slovak Catholic federation of novelist summed up the ef­ one." much pressure placed full • fare in crowded urban areas, Island; and Sen. William Prox- CardiiMil and Actrass America, who visited Rome be­ forts of Catholics wno advocate weight" on the schools. and,with press and radio. (NC) mire of Wisconsin. fore proceeding to Bratislava. Sheed contends that the ques­ Cardinal Richard Cushing of Boston chats with famed act­ doing away with the parochial tion of educational choice goes ress Helen Hayes (at right) at Jewish-related Brandeis univer­ school system. deeper than the assumption INVEST YOUR SAVINGS CATHOUC sity, Waltham, Mass. The received an honorary degree 2 U.S. Prelates Named Wilfrid Sheed declared in a ^hat the abolition of parochial of humane letters as Brandeis cited his "reverence for the In­ recent article in the Saturday schools would automatically im­ in I t I CHURCH-SCHOOL- separable heritage of Judaism and Christianity." Miss Hayes Evening Post, that it is ironic, prove public schools. HOSPITAL was honored as "an actress of uncommon radiance . . . holding To Acedia Commission "now that the parochial school "It is not merely a question that fidelity and restraint are the essence of art." Vatican _ Archbishop Maronltt Rift In Rome; Archbis^op system is at last receiving the of comparison shopping," he ^ Andrea Pangrazio of Gorizia, Italy sec­ kind of abrasive criticism that wrote, “but of doing one small BONDS John J. Krol of Philadelphia retary of tt)e Italian Episcopal Commis­ and Archbishop Joseph T. Mc- sion for Mass Media; Arct>blshop Rene every institution needs but thing to counter the natural Stourm of $ens« France/ president of which for obvious reasons few drift of mass societies toward Gucken of San Francisco were the French Episcopal Committee for in­ I. C. ZIIOLIR formation and public Opinion; Arch­ ecclesiastical institutions get, an oppressive, cultural monot­ /) RETIRED PRIEST SEEKS RESIDENCE among the 20 new members ap­ 51 pointed here to the Pontifical bishop George Andrew Beck, A.A., of| the critics are calling not for ony. If pluralism really is a AND COMPANY ^ut for abomion. value — rather than a neces­ Retired Priest, age 66, seeks resident chaplaincy Commission for Mass Media BONDS Wtst R«nd/ Wisconsin by Pope Paul VI. sity that we have made into a In an article, entitled. "Don't value — the assimilations of with suitable quarters, preferably in the South. ArrhhUhnn Tfrnl is rhairman P'^otector of mt Inftrnatlonol Junk the Parochial Schools," Artnoisnop nroi is Clldirinail Anocl«tlon for Radio and Tala. the melting pot must be resisted - • . , J-, -a I cainoiic ABSociflTion ror kcoio fno leie- Sheed likened "New Wave ” cri­ ! B. C ZIEOLER AND COMFANY Would prefer to be attached to Sisters Institution of the U.S. Episcopal Commit-1 vision; Bishop Wllhelm Kompf of Lim- at some point. ! Security leading 135 L 42nd St. 135 S. l« Sdk St. 411 R 7* St tee on Motion Pictures, Radio, burg, Germany, delegate for radio and tics to "generals who are for­ “Cultural variety belongs in I Weitlend,Wli.*NM,Y«rii,RY. *adnge.R StteuRMa. television of the German Bishops' Con­ ever fighting the last war." or small hospital, small community (Institution) and Television. Archbishop Mc- ference; Bishop Gerard Mongeau, O.M .I., the home, no doubt, but the I PI«gM Mitd ng IntorfEuw regwritog 5M% iMdii Gucken is episcopal chairman for CotabetO/ Philippines/ president of home nowadays is only a dump­ of retired persons. Write: Department J., Box the Committee on Mess Media of the Sheed, a history graduate of the Press Department of the Philippine Bishops' Conference; of Oxford university who has ing grounds for the three major I Non*...... National Catholic Welfare Con­ Bishop Eugenio de Arau|o Sales, apo­ television networks, and the 3762, Lafayette, La. stolic edministretor of the Natel, Brazil studied at Columbia univer­ Addraw...... ference. ' archdiocese and secretary for communi­ sity In New York, contended neighborhood is only the home cations of the Brazllten Bishops' Confer­ repeated to infinity." Appointment of the 20 new ence; Auxiliary Bishop Thornes Mul- that the parochial school members from 15 countries ex­ doon of Sydney/ Australia, president of should be presen'ed because He took Issue with those the Australian National Office for Ra­ who argue that moral training panded the commission to 31. dio; Auxiliary Bishop Jose Cirarda La- it is "one of the few surviv­ Headed by Pennsylvania-born chiondo of Sevlllt. Spain, e member of ing objects of cultural diver­ belongs primarily in the Archbishop Martin J. O'Connor, the Spanish Bishops' Commission for the sity. INDIA: KING'S MANSION Press end Information; and Bishop Lu­ of the North American cian Metzinger for Ayavlrl. Peru, dele­ ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE, taken as a slave-architect t« College in Rome, the commis­ gate of the Latin American Bishops' "To my mind," he stated, “it Administrative INDIA, was ordered by the king to build a splendid palace. ST. Council to the Latin American secre­ already mimes the public school sion Is designed to give the tariat of the International Catholic Film THOMAS gave the money to the Church a broad view of the OHtce. much too closely..." Duties Taken poor. When questioned, ST. problems existing today in the THOMAS told the king be had communications field. From Priest built a mansion for him in Heaven Other commission members Dominican Inspires Ix)s Angeles, Calif. — The . . . THE CLARIST SISTERS in povi Include: Rev. William H. Dubay, 29, was erty-scarred PANAMKUTTY (In Migr. Jfsn Btmtrd president of the removed as administrator of St. southern INDIA) need a chapel Intern&tloiMl Cethollc Film Office with Albert’s Parish in suburban heedquArtert Ih Brussels; Msgr. Jacques Mexico U. Apostolate lor themselves, the people in H$h , president of the International Cath­ Compton, after he had released the Tillage, and the 1S6 children in olic Atioctatian for Radio and Taitvi- Mexico City — A chance ginning to sprout. to the press a letter of slon with headquarters In Fribourg, their school. Functional and Inexpen­ Switzerland; Ralmondo AMratni, editor meeting between a French-born Father Desobry said there criticism of his Ordinary, Car­ sive (13,200 complete), the chapel will of the Vatican Ctty Dally L'Osatrvatora Dominican missionary priest are days during the week when dinal James Francis McIntyre. TW Nefr hsOaFt Mkifeo Atf Ramana; Prince Cetlo Peoetll/ Count En­ and five students in a strange Communion is given almost He was sending the letter to the be a mansion (or Christ the King... rico Oaleaizl/ end Vlttorlno Veronese; Age Men W om an ItilktOrktidCkmtk Perhape you’d like to build this Archbishop Giuseppe Amkl of Mao- city has grown in t^an aposto-' without a stop to large groups Pope, he said, because of what dene, Italy, president for n u u medle LIRELONO 55 5 .3 % 4 .8 % chapel in memory of your father, on of the Itallen Bishops' Conference; Arch­ late at the University of Mexico of students who come to the he called the Cardinal’s "inex­ RATE OR 65 Father'i Day. If you wish, the SISTERS will gladly erect a bishop Peter Sfair, ordaining bishop for here. chapel between classes. cusable abuses” of the Church’s 7 .0 % 6 .0 % RETURN: 75 10.0% 8 .3 % plaque , . . THE CLARIST SISTERS (some of whom our mem- The priest. Father Agustln A handful of the parish's teaching on racial equality. bert have helped train) are on the front lines fighting Com­ Desobry, O.P., came to this priests and young men work Father Dubay was caring for For over fifty years Extension Annu- munism; (be children they teach will be the leaders of tomorrow Classified Ads city and founded his university day and night sponsoring daily the parish in the absence of its in an Masses, spiritual retreats, lec­ pastor, Father Martin D. Mc­ itie.k have given Double Dividends: . . . Please send whatever you can spare—11, $2, $3, $10. In C L u lfM ^ rvn mrough .11 R.ol.t.r mitions. ttm r .K ii u c p*r «>ard p*r!one-haIf years 9,000 of the tures, social activities and study Govern, who is on a visit to helping to build this chapel, youll build a mansion for Christ EXTENSION security, privacy, safety, tax uvinga iniM. Minimum ij word.. If lour or|,chool’s 82.000 Students have clubs at the University Culture Ireland. A retired priest who is (and, please God, a mansion (or yourself In Heaven.) mort consaevtivo issues are used, the for life — and a donation to the home rate Is Me per word per iwue. Payment been instructed in their faith center and carry , on debates staying at St. Albert’s was nam­ ANNUITY must Bccompeny all orders. Ads received and practice it openly. Before with extremists of the right and ed administrator in Father Du- missions after death. JUNE; THE SACRED HEART on AAondsy wtll appear In the Issue printed the following week. few at the national university left. There are frequent Con­ bay’s place. The young priest ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT, to whom God gave the secret, HELP WANTED dared admit they were Catho­ fessions and Communion and reportedly will be allowed to re­ was told that devoUon to the Sacred Heart would be kept (or a UcniHd PrKtk.1 Nun*. 1):00 p.m. to lics "for (ear of mockery," Fa- private sessions of spiritual main in the parish and continue Extenikm Society later age when men's hearts would grow cold . . . Your sacri­ 7:00 a.m. Initltutlon, Infant eara. Good ther Desobry said direction attended by hundreds. to offer Mass and hear Confes­ Pay. Wrlft Dapt. N-P.N. In ctra of TSa 1307 So. Wabash Ave., Chicifo. III. 60605 fices during June, the month of the Sacred Heart, can help com­ Ragl.iar, fj$ Bannock, Danvor, Colo. One Student said the majority In the afternoons and eve­ sions. pensate (or selfishness . . . Shall we use your gift "where it’a of those baptized lived in reli­ nings, special courses are given In the meantime, Father Ter­ Dear Fathe n. Cailwllc Coupla Wantad. Man for Churdi for fr$« Bookitt needed most?" and School Maintananca. Woman for gious indifference. Another stu­ on the Bible, the Papal ency­ ence W. Halloran, assistant at In atrict confidence — what return could Priaaf. Hooaa. Privata homa tumithad. CwHh no obllgilon Writ. Otpf. N-O.L. In cart of Tha Ra- dent reported there are conver­ clicals, Christian orientation in St. Mary’s Parish in Los An­ you offer me on an investment of $_____ sions in good number and voca­ economics and society, family g el^’ Boyle Heights area, said whetMtvery THANK YOU, JUDY gitltr, ,31 Bannock, Dtnvar, Colo. My birth date la.. Dear Jody, MISCiLLANIOUS tions to the priesthood are be- life, and love. Cardinal McIntyre was showing I am touched to know you Intend to share your a "negative attitude” in racial sex 71c allowance with our prpriests and Sisters. SAINT FOR OUR TIMES; St. Martin da Porroi, 0. P. Sand far Novana LIfara- matters. Name.... If every 11-year-old were u generous, what a tura. Dominican Pathan, P. 0. Box 13031, The controversy apparently fine world this would bet Naw Orlaan. 34, La. has come to a head over an Addreu._ Msgr. Ryan POOR MISSION DEEP SOUTH - Natd. M crlfkn, prsytrs, donstlons, htip. F»- approaching referendum to re­ City...... ___Slate__ th«r ChsriM, St. ThtrtSA, Chataws, peal the Rumford Fair Housing WHAT YOU CAN DO Missts'lppi. Act. □ Build a ichool. Tha cost: $3,000 to 10,000. Perhaps a ME< ST JOHN'S CRYSTAL SPRINGS. MIS­ SISSIPPI, nt«d DonaHqns, 711 squart MORIAL to a loved one? mllaa. 30,000 pcpulatian. 153 Cattioilcs. O Furnish an item for a chapel. Sanctuary bells to vestments. Fathar Ed. A gift of IS to ISO covers this. WILL YOU HELP US lUILO A CHAPELt □ Send a mission gift in your Father’s name. We’ll send him Our praatnt ebapti has to bt traosfar- r?d to tt$a school, as par orders of END MARKET UNCERTAINTIES a lovely FATHER'S DAY GIFT CARD, explaining . . . authorltits concamad. Evan tha smatlatt donation thankKilty racatvad with haart- □ Help a PALESTINE REFUGEE FAMILY with a. FOOD fatt thanks and prayaa In ratum. AAall donations to; Slstar Mary Ctara, Supar- PACKAGE. See them through a month. Cost: 110. lor, St. Anthony's Convant, Banarll Road, □ Have a MASS said for your Father. He’ll like that Yovtf Emakuiam4, K^ala Stata, South India. MASS STIPEND wtll support a priest (or a day. AT HOLY ROSARY MISSION, Pina □ Join one of our MISSION CLUBS (|1 each month), thus aid- Hldga, South Oikoto. wf laki In mart ENJOY than 300 Sioux Indian beya and qlrli ing lepen, aged, orphans, Sisters or seminarians. aacfi yaar, aducata ttiam from tint grada tnrough high ichool. We daspar- .i.iy naad your help. Anything you can ... TO BURY THE DEAD clothing, trading ifam n, can- callad stamM, money, will help ttiaaa A SECURE AND DEFINITE INCOME FOR LIFE FATHER JOHN CHEREATH, hi PULAKATTUKKARA. south, "•arty and deaarving imie children of Ihe pralrlet Pieaae help us. Palher Ed­ em INDIA, needs tSM Immediately (or i cemetery. He prom' wards. SJ Ises that hla people, la memory of the benefactor, wUI bnild on your investmtnts through our Samplas 10 - tt.OO aa alter ootdoora, aad that Maas wttl be offered regularly U Religious picfum, 30107-0 East Covina gratltede. The large cmdflx for the alter will coet 3N. Hills Road, Covina, Calif. Last ditch rvquaaf tor a dtaotrafe altu- MISSION CONTRACT atlonl Govemmant will ctoaa achooll S1300 needed tor repair of dilapidated (A N ANNUITY) Dear Monslgaor Ryau: tchool ihedi Give theat kids a braakl Enclosed please (lad ...... (or Contact: Vary Rav. Ellaa Philip Joaa, St. Mary-t Cathelle MItalen, Punalur, Kerala YOU WILL RECEIVE A CHECK EVERY SIX MONTHS Slate. South India. Name MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE SIX W HITE HORSES, bawtmrily llhia- Street tratad hook about PruaMenl Kennedy, and Send me infomatiofl on ]rour life Income Mission ContrKt son. John John. S3.3S AG Sales. Bin lilL Detrotl, Mkhigtn 4EB4. City Zone Name_ .Aga_ State OP INTEEBST TO WOMEN FUN a P R O F IT -'V Ideas tor Plastic Address. Scraps" ina berry baskets, detergent FOR FURTHER o bottles, etc. Make gifts, baiaar items, toys. etc. Send 3Sc’ for booklet to Plastic DETAILS TO o City. Jotie. .State. Scraps, Dept. C-40. 14 Main SL. Pack Ij^l^earBistOlissioosj^ Ridge. Iillnoiv nUNCtt CARMNAl MUMAN, PseaMeiW STAADRS Pope/ Metropolitan Pray Msr-JaMphT.Kyw.Neniat’y 75 dtfftr^nf ISc wltti agprovols Ic up. i Stsmptdt, BOX-M5. Bqrwkk, PtrawyL S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES load el asMMsIaMlaaa lei VAOisi. Pope Paul VI bows his bead in prayer with .Metropolitan REV. FATHER RALPH CATHOUe NiAR lAH WHIAM ASSOCUTION .Antony Bashir (at left) of'Brooklyn, N.Y., head of the Syrian TBACNEES WANTED 316 N. MICHIGAN / CHICAGO 1 IM Medbaa Ato- el 4lad lb New Tash, N. T. INtT .Antiochian Orthodox (Tmrch of .North America. Accompanied COLLEGE. SECONDARY, ELEMEN­ TARY. Write: NATIONAL CATHOLIC by a group of Syrian leaders, Metropolitan Bashir was re­ PLACEMENT SERVICE, 411 Matetwr, Eamart, IMIana. ceived in audience by the Pontiff. Jun« 18, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Secr.2, f o g r 'S Page 4— Section 2 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 18, 1964 Considerate Drivers Mass Offered in Cathedral Skillful drivers are consider­ Requiem Offered ate drivers. They rarely cause others to make quick decisions. For James Mooney For Denver Priest's Brother I They respect the right-of-way of I others. They blend into , traffic An active layman, James W. .\ memorial Requiem Mass gnor William Kelly and the late ; patterns. The Metropolitan Safe­ Mooney, died in a local nursing Pray for Them was offered in St. Paul’s chapel Father John Kelly. ty council reminds .vou that home June 11 after a one-month of the Cathedral of the Im­ Retiuiem High Mass was of­ there are lots of them — but illness. He was 60. maculate Conception .June 12 for ELVIRA JUANITA APOOACA of Denver. Requiem High Mass in St. GRACE VINCENT i his summer home at Deckers, Coio., fered in St. .Monica’s church in not nearly enough to stop our Requiem High Mass was sung Patrick's church June 17. interment in Richard Kelly, Santa Monica, Elvira Juanita Apodaca. 53. 811 Grace Vincent. 2. of 3405 W. 32nd! June 10. He was 68. Santa Monica. Calif., June 12, traffic tragedy. in Mother of God church June Champa. She is survived by her hus­ Mt. Olivet. Trevino mortuaries. avenue. She is survived by a son, James' Requiem High Mass was celebrated in Calif., by Monsignor Walter .1. band. Foster R. Apodaca; tour daugh­ Vincent. Denver; three sisters, Daphne Cure d'Ars church June 13. Burial was for Mr. Kelly. Burial was in 16. Burial was in Mt. Olivet. CLARA C. DaCANtO Canavan, ters, Lucy Gomez, Marcella Chavez, Sorenson, Mrs. Maude Kane, and Clair in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard rrtortuaries Holy Cross cemetery, I.os Boulevard mortuaries were in Gloria Chavez, and Mrs. Pete AAoodrag- Clara C. DeCanio, 63, of 3719 Shoshone. Lovelace; and by three brothers. Dale, In Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries were Mr. Kelly died while undergo­ •Angeles. charge of arrangements. on; all of Denver; a sister, Mrs. Charlis She is survived by her husband, Salva­ Glenn, and James Lovelace. Requiem in charge. , Lovato, Denver; a brother, Leo Martinez, tore (Tu x) DeCanio; six brothers. Chubby* High Mass In St. Dominic's church June Dr. Steinhart, who lived at 2980 Forest ing heart surgery in St. .John's .Mr. Kelly was born in Den­ LEGAL NOTICES .MR. MOONKY was born in Palmer Lake; and by eight grandchildren. Sam, Pat, and Jim Aiello, all of Denver; 12. Interment in Ft. Logan National street, was born in Huntingburg, ind., hospital, Santa Monica. Calif.. ver on Aug. 7, 1911, and at­ Rulo, Neb., on Feb. 23, 1904. He Interment in Mt Olivet. Requiem High Frank and Nick Aiello, both of Los cemetery. Olinger mortuaries. May 7, 1896. He attended school in Indi­ ana and received his dental degree from June 9. Mass in St. Cajetan's church June 15. Angeles, Calif.; and by a sister, Ange­ tended Cathedral high school. , IN T H E C O U N TY CO U R T attended St. Mary’s college, the University of Denver In 1918. Corona nw tuary. lina Marino, . Requiem High LILLIAN E. BAKER In and for ttM City and County of He married the former Veta Ann Wil­ He has resided in Santa Kansas, and .Marquette univer­ Mass In Mt. Carmel church June 18. HE W.\S THE brother of Fa­ Denver and Stale of Colorade Lillian E. Baker, 2346 Welton street, son on April ?2. 1922. in Holy Ghost Monica for the past 19 years. FRANCES BRODERICK Interment in Mt. Olivet, Boulevard mor­ ther Bernard Kelly, assistant No. P-337tS sity, .Milwaukee, Wis. died June 11 after a long illness. She church. Frances Broderick, 94, of 3315 Grove tuaries. He was a longtime Douglas .Air­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS was 38. Or. Steinhart was a member of the pastor of .All Saints' parish. He came to Denver from street. She is survived by a son, Edward Estate of Frank W. Cannaday, also Requiem High Mass was offered in Denver Dental sxiety. craft employe both in Califor­ P. Broderick; and by two daughters, MARK ALLEN FORSYTHE Denver, and of the late Monsi- known as F. Cannaday* (Deceased) Douglas, Ariz., in September, Sacred Heart church June 12. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Helen B. Schmitt and Margaret B. Chap- Mark Allen Forsythe, infant, 1307 Der- nia and Chicago, III. No. P 337a5 Miss Baker was born Nov. 12. 1926, Helen Lane, Denver; and Mrs. Jeanne 19«. i man, all of Denver. Requiem High Mass mar Parkway. He is survived by his All persons having claims against the in Denver. She attended Denver schoofs Bates. France, and also .by seven grand­ Mr. Kelly and the former In St. Dominic's church June 15. Inter­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. above named estate are required to file He married the former Ric- and graduated from Manual High in 1943. children, ment in Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuaries. Forsythe; a sister, Deborah, and a She attended the University of Denver, Notre Dame Unit Jessie Adams were married 21 them for allowance In the County Court carda Forrest in Douglas on of me City and County of Denver, Colo­ brother, Theodore Forsythe, all of Au­ Lincoln university at Jefferson City, Mo., M ARY C. STONE years agh ^n Chicago. June 27, 1935. JOHN BRODNICKI rora; and by his grandparents. Mr. and and was graduated with a B.S. degree rado. on or before the 23rd day of De­ Mrs. Mary C Stone, Mullen Home, cember. 1964. or said claims shall be John Brodnicki, 42, ot 2933 W. 25th Mrs. Arthur Forsythe, Perryapolis, Pa.;, from San Francisco College of Mortuary To Hold Dinner .Mr. .Mooney was a member W 30th and Newton street, died at the forever barred. avenue. Requiem Mass in St. Dominic's and Edward Aspinwalt, Star Junction, Science. HE IS SURVIVED BY his of the Holy Name society. Moth­ home June 3 after a long illness. She Francis X. Cannaday, church June 15. Interment In Ft. Logan Pa. Mass of the Angels in Fitjsimons She became a mortician with Gran- wife, one brother. Father Kelly: Post chapel June 15. InfermAnt in Ft. berry mortuary and later was employed was 76. (Notre Dame Parish. Denver) Administrator. er of God parish, and was an National cemetery. Day-Noonan mortuary. THOAAAS L. FORD, Attorney Logan National cemetery. as a cashier by the Motor Vehicle Divi­ Requiem^ High Mass was sung in As­ The .Altar and Rosary society and a sister. Miss Ruth Kelly of usher there 15 years. He was a sumption church, Topeka, Kans., June 1700 East Sth Avenue LAURA MARIE BROWN sion of the City and County of Denver. 6. Burial was in Mt. Calvary cemetery. of Notre Dame parish will hold Denver. He was also a brother Denver. Colorado, 80218 member of the Klks, Douglas KAY GARINGER She operated her own income fax office Laura Marie Brown, infant, of 1145 Topeka. Boulevard mortuaries were in (Published In The Denver Catholic Kay Garinger, 45, of 5890 W llth ave­ for ten years and was a tax counselor a potluck dinner Thursday eve­ of the late Ralph Kelly of Den- Lodge 955, the American Chem­ Widway boulevard Broomfield She is charge of Denver arrangements. Register) nue. She IS survived by a son, James for H and R Block co. for two years. survived by her parents, Lawrence and Mrs. Stone was born in Cincinnati, ning, June 18, at 7 p.m. Every First Publication: May 28, 1964 ical society, and was a past R. Garinger; a sister, Mrs. Lloyd Staggs, She is survived by a daughter by a Ann Brown; her grandparents, Mr. and Ohio, on Dec. 18, 1667. She attended member i.s asked to bring a Last Publication: June 18, 1964 president of Mother of God’s Mrs. L. E. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Delmita, Tex.; and by a granddaughter, prMvioiTs marriage. Leslie Ann (Pep!) Baker Denver; her mother, Mrs. Ann St. Gregory's school in AAarysville. Kans. J, B. McKenny. Mass of the Ar»gefs Deborah Rene Garinger Requiem High and came to Denver from Texas in 1957. friend. IN T H E C O U N TY CO U R T Mens’ club. G. Baker; a sister, Mrs. Vivian Town- in Nativity of Our Lord church, Broom­ Mass in Our Lady of Grace church She married Elmer E. Stone in Marys­ In and lor the City and County sefw, both of Denver; a brother, Earl Baked ham will be provided He lived at 125 Pennysivania field, June 11. Interment In Mt. Olivet. June 16. Interment in Ml. Olivet. Boule­ ville, Kans., on Jan. 3, 1914. of Denver and State of Colorado L. Baker. , and by num­ No. P-30287 Day-Noonan mortuary. vard mortuaries. Mrs. Stone is survived by a daughter, by the .\ltar and Rosary so­ street. erous nieces and nephews. Qreeley NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mrs. Patricia Musso, Aurora; three ciety. Women whose last names .MR. MOO.NEY is survived by ANTHONY (TONY) BRUNO FABIAN GOMEZ Estate of A'bert L. Trailer, D ecrie d sisters. Clara Reser, Topeka, Kans.; No. P-30287 Anthony (Tony) Bruno, 83, of 3358 Fabian Gomez, 80, of 2701 W. 6Sth ; VERNER A. DAHL begin with the letters through his wife; a son, Richard J. Anna Zinn, South Gate, CaliL; and Eliza­ Notice Is hereby given that I have Navaio street. He is survived by his avenue. He is survived by a stepdaugh-l Verner A Dahl. Phoenix, Ariz.. for­ beth Loudon, Huntington Park, Calif.; and G, are asked to bring dessert; hied nry final report in the County Court Mooney; two sisters, Janet .M. wife, Madeline Bruno; two daughters, ter, Elvira Montoya, Denver; two step­ merly of St. Vincent de Paul's parish, also by two grandchildren, Lynette and of the City and County of Denver, Colo­ Denver, died May 30 in St. Joseph's H through M, salad; N' through Huber. Falls City, Neb.; and Vinel Garr and Genevieve Pritchard, both sons, Trinidad and Pablo Romero, both Charles Musso of Aurora. rado, and that any person desiring to hospital, Phoenix. He was 63. Clare .M. Stone, Independence, of Denver; a brother, Nick Bruno, of Taos, N. M ix., and also by many S. potatoes or beans; and T Adamson Mortuary oblect to the same shall file written ob­ Fresno, Calif.; and also by seven grand­ nieces and nephews. Requiem Mass in Mr. Dahl had lived in Phoenix nine MRS MAE IRENE WILKINS jection with the said court on or before years and had been sales manager for through Z. vegetables. .Mo.; a brother, Gregory, Falls children and several neices and neph­ Our Lady of Visitation June 15. inter­ A longtime Denver resident, Mrs. Mae July 7, 1964 Air Conditioning Supply co. for the past 24 Hour Anibubnce Service City, Neb.; and by five grand­ ews. Requiem High Mass In Our Lady ment in Mt. Olivet Irene Wilkins, died in St. Joseph's hos-{ The boy scouts will hold a Albert Ray Trailer, five years. While he resided in Denver, of Mt. Carmel church June 17. Inter­ pital June 6 after a lengthy illness. She ' Greeley. Tolorad Executor children and 10 niecc!^ and BERTHA HUSUNG he was associated with the General Con­ paper drive in the parish park­ ment in M t.‘ Olivet. Olloger mortuaries. was 63. H. Ross fdinison RteO P. Adamson Thomas L. Ford trols company. ing lot Saturday. June 20, from Attorney for the estate nephews. Bertha Husung, 74, ot 2825 W 32nd! Requiem High Mass was sung in Holy Plione 1636 9lh Avt. t1 Sih St. 5GT. VINCENT P. COOKSON Funeral services and interment were 1700 East Sth Avenue avenue. Requiem High Mass in St.' Ghost church June 10. interment was 9 to 11 a m. Sgf Vincent P Cookson, 34, at Fort in Phoenix June 2. Denver, Colorado. 80218 Dominic's church June 13. Interment in In Mt. Olivet. Howard mortuaries were Knox, Ky. He is survived by his wife, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; > hKrten... MW3 >. I Tel. 355-1625 Lena Cookson; a daughter, Midori, and three sons, Richard. Alan, and James in charge of arrangements. (Published In the Denver Catholic Reg­ Mrs. Wilkins was born Dec. 15. 1900, | a son, Vince Patrick Cookson;, his moth­ JOSE NESTOR MAfOUEZ Dahl; a daughter, Joyce Dahl, all of ister) JACQUES er, Vera Mills Borandt, Lawrence, Kans.;, Phoenix; three brothers, Luther. Denver; in Omaha, Neb. She attended schools I First Publication; June 4, 1964 Jose Nester Marquez, 81, of 301 Mead. and by three sisters, M ri. Marlin AAo- Carl, Lincoln, Neb.; and William Dahl, in Lawrence. Neb., before coming to! Last Publication: June 25, 19^. BROS. landes, Asuza, Calif.; Verla Seely and He Is survived by three granddaughters. Las Vegas, Nev.; two sisters, Mrs. Denver In 1922 to study at the American | Fort Collins Verna Schneider, both of Fontana, Calif. Mrs. Raymond Bustos, Mrs. Leroy Ro­ Jewell Lupton and Mrs. Ruby Dodge, Institute of Banking ! IN THE COUNTY COURT Requiem Mass In St. Dominic's church mero, end Mrs. Ernest Vigil; five grand­ both of Denver. a brother-in-law of Den­ She was a bookkeeper with the First In and for the City and County sons, Robert, William, James, Richard.’ cf Denver and State of Colorado June 16. Interment In Ft. Logan National ver, J, B. Welsh; and also by three National Bank of Denver for 35 years and Anthony Quintana: and by daugh­ No P-27408 cemetery. Trevirx) mortuaries, grandchildren. until her retirement in Nov., 1962. ter-in-law, Mrs. Eloisa Quintana, all of She was married to William C. Wil- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate of Karl Winfred Du Bois, aka JERRY LEE CORONADO Denver. Requiem Mass in St. Caietan's j MARTIN THOMAS DONAHUE kits on Oct. 15, 1945, in Raton, N. Mex. church June 13. Interment in Mt. Olivet. | He preceded her in death on May 22, Karl W. Du Bois. Deceased Jerry Lee Coronado, 13, of 3271 Llpan. Requiem Mass was sung for Martin SHINN NORTHERN Howard mortuaries. 1963. She lived at 930 Acoma street. No. P-27408 He Is survived by his mother, Isabel Thomas Donahue, a former cable fore­ Notice is hereby given that I hava P. Coronado; four brothers, John, Bennie She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. SARITA NURIE MATZ man for the Western Union Telegraph Jean M. Worthman, Denver; a brother. PHARMACY filed my final report In the County Court Charles, and Billy Coronado; five sis­ co., June 11 in St. Francis de Sales' George T a y lx , Cody, Wyo.; four sisters, "Northtrn Colorado's of the City and County of Denver, Col^ ters, Judy and Linra Coronado, Mrs. Sarita Marie Matz, infant daughter of church. Olinger mortuaries were in ' rado. and that any person desiring to ob­ Agnes Mldcap and Clara Pestorius, both "Your Parish Drug Store" Jesse Martinez, Mrs. Richard To rre t M r. and Mrs. Flore Matz, Jr., 4720 charge of arrangements. | lect to the same shall file written oblec- of Denver; Helen Sautter, Farmington, Leading Department Store" and Mrs. Roger Lopez, all of Denver; Ingalls. She is also survived by her Mr. Donahue died June 8 in a local * Free Delivery Service tion with the said court on or before July and by his grandparents, M r. and Mrs. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil DeLeo N. Mex.; and Eleanor Vosacek, Oenver- 77, 1964 nursing home after a long illness. He and by one grartdson. Mft TOUT family atmt earrad Ben Padilla and Venancia Coronado, all and Mr. and Mrs. Fiore Matz, Sr.; was 78. He lived at 533 S. Logan street. * Charge Accounts Andrew Wysowateky her great-grandmother, Mrs. Louise Ma- I changelen. bMutifal granlta. He was born in Denver on May 30, ^ Administrator iara: and an aunt and uncle, Mr. and ------I 1886, and married Miss Elizabeth Fitting < L. C. GRIFFIN, OWNER Andrew Wysowateky ALL M r. and Mrs. George Matz. Mass ot the in Boulder on Nov. 2, 1912. He worked Attorney for the estate MONUMENTS p o l i s h e d Angels in St. Catherine's church June Biythe-Goodrich for the Mountain States Telephone co. You Are Always 741 Equitable Bldg. 266-0661 12. Interment in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Of Distinction and the Western Union Telegraph co. (Published In the Denver Catholic Regis­ JERRY BREEN mortuaries. ter) SINCE 1902 until his retirennent in 1950. Veteran Welcome At Shinn s Mnr lu rry He and his wife celebrated their 51st First Publication: June 4, 1964 HAROLD B ORR mbiilanre Service * ast Publication: Jur>e 25, 1964 13700 W. 44th Avt. Florist wedding anniversary in November. Northern Hotel Bldg. Haiold B. Orr, 65, Ot 4515 W. 10th 4}4-7n4 — OPEN D AILY He is survived by his wife, two daugh­ .!ack VS'. GooHrich IN T H E C O U N TY CO U R T 1521 Champa avenue. He is survived by his wife, ters, Mrs. William Van Patten of Santa HU 2-1035 — IIU 2-1036 One block East of Mt. Olivet ill. 2 32U8 In and tor the City and County of Ann O rr; two brothers. Merle D. Orr, Ana. Calif.; and Mrs. David Davia, Newspaper 266-3131 Denver and State of Colorado Guys Mills, Pa.; and James Orr. Cam­ Wheatridge; a brother, T. R. Donahue, No. P-S3M1 bridge, Pa.; and by a sister, Mrs. Denver; and also by six grandchildren. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Elmer Leary. Meadville, Pa. Requiem Estate of Emitio Luchetta (Deceased) High Mass in St. Mary's church, Wal- W ILLIAM R. LUDW IG No. P-33861 senburg, June 15. Internrent of Walsen- > William R. Ludwig, 1517 S. Grant street Employe Dies All persons having claims against the ourg. died in a local hospital June 13 after above named estate are required to file a long illness. He was 83. John Richard (Dick) Hamil­ ColoTCido Springs them for allowance In the County Court SWIGERT BROS. LOUIS PATRICK PADILLA Requiem High Mass was sung in Our of the City and County ot Denver, Colo­ Louis Patrick Padilla 36, 711 E. IBth Lady of Lourdes church June 16. Boule­ ton, a longtime employe of the rado, on or before the 1st day of avenue. He Is survived by his wife, vard mortuaries handled arrangements. cember. 1964. or said claims shall be OPTOMETRISTS Ernestine Padilla; three tons, Dermis, M r. Ludwig was born May 19. 1881, Denver Post and former em­ forever -barred. Jim m y, and Johnny; two daughters, in Vienna. Austria. He came to the Paul Roth, Gerarda and Sandra Padilla, all of Den­ United States in 1905 and came to Denver ploye of the Register died June Administrator. ver; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert from Chicago in 1942. 11 after getting off a bus on his James B. Radetsky & Charles J. O n ^ lo Devoted To Your Complete Vision Care Farmer, Boulder; two brothers. Henry He was a career officer In the By Charles J. Onofrlo, Padilla and Harry Carranza; and by a Austrian-Hungarian Cavalry before com­ way home from work. He was Owen a \ 1 Attorney for the estate. sister, Mrs. Bennie Rodriguez, all of ing to the U.S. He was assxiated with 1110 First National Bank Building Denver. Requiem Mass in Our Lady the restaurant and hotel business In 70. Denver 2, Colorado OPTICIANS of Guadalupe church June 16. Interment Chicago. (Published In The Denver Catholic a b Register) in Ft. Logan National cemetery. Trevino Mr Ludwig was married to the for­ Requiem High Mass was celd-' I M LER Headquorterf • I First Publication: June 4. 1964. H. W. SWIGERT Jr„ O.D. mortuaries. mer May T, Crean in Chicago on Oct. — Jlr-fc.- f: ■’ RICHARD YARROW last Publication; June 25, 1964. 23, 1907. 4 ibrated in Christ the King church ' ESTEVAN PASCUA He is survived by a son, Witiiam IN THE COUNTY COURT H. W. ODIL, O.D. FRED SAAALDONE Estevan Pascua, 63, of 6540 Colorado June 15. Interment wa.s in Ft. i J. Ludwig, Littleton; two sisters, Herma In and for the City and Ceunty ef ;j boulevard. He is survived by his wife, Schramm and Gretel Huber, both of Denver and State ef Celerade > I Theresa Pascua; a daughter. Mrs. Jose Ixigan National cemetery. Bou­ Vienna: a brother, Rienhold Ludwig, No. P-274M 1550 California St. 534 5819 ■:|Lu Is Abeyta, Los Angeles. Calif.; and Chicago; 4nd also by three grandchildren levard mortuaries were in NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION ;!!by four grandchildren. Requiem Mass In and numerous nieces and rrephews. FOR DETERMINATION OF ;! I Assumption church June 12. Internment in charge. HEIRSHIP •tjMt. Olivet. Trevino mortuary. EDWIN E. MILLER In the matter of the estate of KARL Edwin E. Miller, 1010 Downing street, W INPRPO o u ROIS. also known as > A N TH O N Y P IE TR A FE S O , SR. died in a Denver hospital Jur>e 9 after MR. HAMILTON was boni | KAPL w OU BOIS. Deceased. Anthony Pletrateso, Sr., 66, of 8091 , a long illness. He was 72. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Stuart. He is survived by two daughters, Requiem High Mass was sung for Jan. 14, 1894, m Kansas City, COLORADO: Dorothy McHatton, Denver; and Rose Mr. Miller in Immaculate Conception To all persons interested, GREETING; Crawford, Wichita Falls, Tex.; a son, cathedral June 12. Burial was in Mt. Mo. He came to Denver with T A K E N O TIC E that there has been Anthony Pietrafeso, Denver; five broth­ Olivet with Olinger mortuaries In charge. his family when he w-as Ifi. He ; Please Patronize filed in the above-named estate a peti­ ers, Jim , Richard, William, George, and Mr. Miller was born Dec. 3, 1691, in tion asking for a ludlclat aKertainment Alex Pietrafeso. all of Denver; a sister Shumway, III., and he attended schools later went to Boston where he ! Your REGISTER and determination of the heirs of such Geraldine LIgrano, Los Angeles. Calif.; in Illinois. decerlent. dnd setting forth that the and also by 10 grandchildren. Requiem He was married to the former Ger­ learned the stereotypers’ trade I Advertisers and names, addresses and relationships to High Mass in Holy Trinity church, West­ trude Hirsch in Sacred Heart Cathedral, decedent of atl persons who ere or cMtii •u rn HOM «iti 6««rio(iei minster, June 16. Interment in Mt. Olivet Pueblo, Colo., on Feb. 16, 1920. He moved with the Boston Herald. I Mention claim to be heirs of said decedent, so Boulevard mortuaries. to Fort Collins in 1924 where he was far as known to the petitioner, are as I m m ■ IliiiiM I nil l U r Cud • HiKi Mill AiaA • Cdiiii Mill He served In the Army briefly THE REGISTER follows, to-wit; employed by the Public Service com­ COLORADO SPRINGS • AURORA MIHALY TISZAFALVI pany. LI Maude Du Bois. 250 South Emerson, in 1917. In 1923 he relumed lo Denver, Colorado, widow Mihaly Tiszafalvi, 70. of 1531 N. Frank­ He came to Denver In 1944 to take Winifred Du Bois, USD Washington, Apt. lin He Is survived by his wife. Margit a sales position with the Doran Coffee Denver to work for the “ Post." 7. Sen Francisco. Calif., daughter. Laeza; and by a son, Michael Tisza- company and later the Duke Food com­ Except for brief periods of em­ talvi. Requiem High Mass in Assumption Kenneth Du Bois, t4S0 Washington, Apt. pany. ployment in Kansas City and NOLAN FUNERAL HOME 7. San Francisco. CalM„ son. church. Welby, June 16. Interment in Mr. Miller is survived by his wife, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries. "THE ONLY CATHOLIC OWNED AND OPERATED V mj herebv notifiM to appear and two sisters. Martha Coffer, Houston. on the west coast, he has PUNERAL HOME IN COLORADO SPRINGS" answer the oetition wlthks twenty days Tex.; and Florence Reid, Alton. III., and worked for the •‘Post’’ since after service of this notice on you (If by several nieces and nephews DENVER f that time. He had retired twice THE NOLAN FAMILY served by oubUcatlon, within twenty days MEMBERS NATIONAL CATHOLIC PUNERAL DIRECTORS GUILD after the last publicatton of this notIn) MRS. CATHERINE 0. ROBERTS , but elected lo go back to work and in default of an answer or appear- Mrs. Catherine G. Roberts, the sister ME. 2>4742 jand was working part time at inre the Court will proceed to receive EVERGREEN of Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh, St. Philo- and hear oroofs concerning the hein of 1 mena's parish, and a graduate of Sa­ I the time of his death. *.uch decedent and enter a decree deter- cred Heart High school, died in Pied­ mlnino who are the heirs of such de­ i MONUMENT CO. !' mont, Calif. He was. a member of Denver ceased person. Requiem Mass was celebrated In St. Dated at Danver, Colorado, this 18th Leo's church. Piedmont. Interment was Ix)cal No. 13. Stereotypers and Remember day of May. 1964. at Piedmont. Electrical Electrotypers union, and a for­ Stephen C. Ranch Mrs. Roberts was the widow of Edgar mer member of Boston Local 2 Construction Co. Clerk of the County Court L. Roberts, ^ leading San . Francisco FATHER Martin J, Finned food broker. She was a native of Phila­ and Kansas City Local 6. He • Estimates ^ • Service Catts Deputy Cltflc delphia, Pa. • Medemization • RaasenaMt Andrew Wv«ow«trky A GIFT FROM was a member of the American Attorney Mrs. Walsh h the widow of the late • Rewiring • Yard LlfMIng 741 Eouitahle R