
KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

כ' אדר תשפ"א March 4th, ‘21 Volume 51 Number 6

PURIM 5781 With clear skies and mild weather by February standards, Purim—this year on an Erev Shabbos—was celebrated in the Kehilla with joy. Our thanks go to Messrs. Michael Gutmann (evening and first Minyan), Dovid Herbsman (later readings evening and day) and Rabbi Johny Hellmann (second Minyan) for their excellent readings of the Megillo. On Leil Purim, Rav Mantel gave a telephone shiur on Inyonei Purim.

Once again, our Kehilla provided for the Mitzvo of giving Matonos Lo’Evyonim (as well as Machatzis HaShekel and Mo’os Chitim) which were then distributed in an anonymous fashion to local families, by the Board of Trustees on Purim. We express our thanks to the individuals who gave of their time on Purim, a busy day, to read the Megillo for those hospitalized and homebound.

Pictured below left, a Shul-goer in Homburg (and gloves); below right and center, central booking at the Agudah Shul/Washington Heights Torah Center.

Below, pictures from a white-tie Purim affair, with Yom Tov Gabbai on duty.

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 2

מראה מקומות לדרשת מוהר''ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט''א שבת פ' ויקרא תשפ''א לפ''ק בענין ארבע כוסות פסחים צט ע''ב תוס' ד''ה לא יפחתו. וע' הגרי''ז על הרמב''ם פ''ז מהלכות חמץ ומצה הל' ט' בד''ה והנראה לומר עירובין מ' ע''ב רש''י ד''ה ליתביה לינוקא. שו''ע הגר''ז או''ח סי' ק''צ סעיף ד' פסחים ק''ה ע''ב רשב''ם ד''ה וש''מ המברך צריך שיטעום פסחים קי''ז ע''ב רשב''ם ד''ה ה''ג ארבע כוסות וכו' ר''ה כ''ט ע''ב ברכת הלחם וכו' וברש''י שם ד''ה מהו. רש''ש עירובין מ' ע''ב וספר אפיקי ים ח''ב סי' ב' תוס' פסחים ק' ע''א ד''ה רבי יוסי אומר פסחים ק''ב ע''ב ברש''י ד''ה והא יום ראשון ובתוס' ד''ה דאית ליה פסחים ק''ג ע''ב רש''י ד''ה ואמר רב יקנ''ה ותוס' ד''ה וקאמר רב

ARRANGEMENTS FOR MECHIRAS CHOMETZ Please note that because of issues in previous years, the Chometz sale authorization form (Shtar Mechiras Chometz) should not be emailed to the Kehilla Office. Rav Mantel will be available in Shul before and after davening; at both of the Kashering sessions on Wednesday, March 24th, and in the school yard on Sunday, March 21st between 4 and 5 PM, and Thursday, March 25th, between 3 and 4 PM. Anyone who is unable or uncomfortable with all of the above options may appoint someone else as his Sholiach, to hand in the Shtar on his behalf.

זצ''ל RAV the Novominsker . It was ,זצ''ל will mark the first Yahrzeit of Rav Yaakov Perlow י''ג ניסן This coming on the ninth of Nison last year that Rav Perlow—Nosi of Agudas Yisroel, and our former Rosh and Rebbi—delivered what turned out to be one of his very last Shiurim: The Thursday night Shiur to our Kehilla, via teleconference. The Haggadah, culled from the shiurim of Rav Perlow, many of which were said in KAJ, has just been released by Artscroll. (The Sefer can be purchased by going to http://www.artscroll.com/linker/KHALADATH/ASIN/HNOVH ; if you use this link the Kehilla will get a portion of the proceeds.) Shiurim of Rav Perlow can be found by going to https://www.kajinc.org/rav-perlow-shiurim.html, on the Kehilla’s website, which, thanks to the Novominsk Kehilla’s work, and their sharing the material with KAJ, has been expanding weekly. Anyone who has recordings not yet digitized is requested to share them with the Novominsk Kehilla. All materials will be returned.

Rav Perlow’s connection to our Kehilla and Yeshiva began in 1961, when he became the Rebbi of the second-highest Shiur in our Mesivta. Some years later, he was appointed the of our Beis Medrash Yeshurun, during which time he also assumed the Rabbanus of the Agudah Beis Yosef Shul. Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 3

It was there that he first established what became his famous Thursday Night Chumash Shiur, which eventually relocated to KAJ. Only in 1997 did Rav Perlow, long since living in Boro Park, give up the weekly trips he used to make to the Heights for the shiur. While the shiur continued with a rotation of Magidei Shiur, the Rebbe himself continued to speak at least twice-yearly, usually before Rosh HaShono/Shabbos Shuvo, and before Shabbos HaGodol. Rav Perlow also continued to participate in other Kehilla events, including the Kehilla’s Diamond Jubilee Melave Malka held in 2012, and, more recently, by video at last before the Rebbe’s Thursday שליט''א year’s Annual Dinner. (Pictured below, the Rebbe with Rav Mantel night pre-Shabbos HaGodol Shiur in 2018.)

We pray that the tremendous Zechuyos the Rebbe accrued, and all the Torah he was Marbitz in our Yeshiva and Kehilla, serve as a tremendous bulwark of merit in these difficult times, for his family, for the Kehilla, and for Klal Yisroel. יהי זכרו ברוך SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHIUR The last of this season’s special shiurim on legal holidays took place on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February .to an attentive audience in Shul ,ברכת הבנים Adar. Rabbi Tzvi Richter gave the shiur, on the topic of 3 /15 Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 4


Sunday, February 21st / 9 Adar was the Chevra Kadisha’s annual Ta’anis, followed by its Seudo after nightfall. At Mincha Vayechal was leined, along with the Haftoro LeTaanis Tzibur, and Aneinu was recited. The delicious Seudo, which was catered by Mr. Yitzi Dyckman’s Lechayim catering, was chaired by Rabbi Shimon M. Margaliot. Among other things, Rabbi Margaliot bid farewell to Rabbi Raphael M. Weis and noted Rabbi Weis’s longtime service to the Chevra as well as his chairing the annual Seudo for the past number of years.

The head-table was graced by the presence of Rav Mantel and our Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Lowenthal, who both addressed those present. Several safety measures were in place, including the seating being arranged so as to not have anyone directly next one another. Chazon Ezra Lasdun sang Tzomo Nafshi. A small Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 5

siddur was presented to the attendees by the Gruenebaum family in memory of long-time Chevra member, . ז''ל ,Mr. Willi Gruenebaum, his wife, son, and daughter

ANNUAL DINNER—UPDATES While the exact date of the Dinner (to be held as an open-air affair later this spring) has yet to be announced, work—on the car raffle, on the Journal, and for the ultimate goal of fundraising for our Yeshiva—has never ceased or slowed. We are very pleased to wish hearty congratulations to the winners of the YRSRH Auto Raffle 2021, Mr. and Mrs. Avrami Tabacznik. A big Mazel Tov as well to everyone who participated: All those who joined won the opportunity to assist in educating hundreds of students at Yeshiva RSR Hirsch. וכן אל יפטר אדם מחבירו... אלא מתוך דבר הלכה

The Kehilla takes this opportunity to express both Hakoras HaTov and best wishes to our longtime and devoted members Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael M. and Julia Weis as they move to Far Rockaway to be closer to their children. To properly enumerate all the Avodos HaKodesh they have been, and are, involved in would be nearly impossible. From Rabbi Weis’ involvement in the Chevra and Kollel, to his terms on the Board of Trustees, to his painstaking care in proofing the Dinner Journal, to his decades-long tenure as the Chazon of Mincho and many other Tefilos, and from Mrs. Weis’ long years of dedication while working in the Yeshiva’s Executive Office, to her involvement in the Ladies Auxiliary, to spearheading the Monday night ladies’ Tehilim Group, and their joint efforts in the annual Tisha beAv event, it is hard to think of a facet of Kehilla/Yeshiva life that the Weises have not been deeply involved in.

Along with his many other endeavors, Rabbi Weis has been the current Magid Shiur of the Kehilla’s designee, Rabbi Weis זצ''ל longest-running Shiur, the Shabbos Afternoon Gemara Shiur. As Rav Gelley’s was Mesayeim Maseches Kesubos together with the Shiur attendees in June 2014, after which they began—and are currently in the last Perek of—Maseches Kidushin. While geared toward Baalei Battim, the shiur strives to achieve a thorough understanding of the material, resulting in there being learned much more than “just” Rashi and Tosofos. Rabbi Ezra Lasdun will be concluding the balance of the Masechta.

Rabbi Weis was also, for many years, the editor of this Newsletter. Those who took over after his “retirement” from the KAJN owe him a great deal of gratitude, for setting the standard, as well as providing very much help over the years. (The current editor is also well aware that if Rabbi Weis were, instead, still editor at this moment, none of these lines would have been left in.)

We wish the Weises good health, Mazel and Brocho, surrounded by their wonderful family. Although they will no longer be residing in Washington Heights, there is no question that they continue to be an integral part of our Kehilla.


Rabbi Yakov Cohen’s 5th graders celebrated a very special milestone on Sunday, February 14th / 2 Adar, ;with a (socially distanced) breakfast in Moller Hall. Rav Mantel התחלת גמרא as they celebrated their Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 6

Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel; and Rabbi Cohen addressed those assembled, after which the boys and their fathers enjoyed a short learning-session and some dancing.

Adar in the Yeshiva Beginning with the Elementary and Pre-School’s “Funny Hat Day” on Rosh Chodesh Adar, the approach of Purim was very much felt in the Yeshiva, and various fun activities were enjoyed. On the day before Ta’anis Esther the boys enjoyed some music and dancing in the school yard as part of their masquerade; the preschool and girls’ divisions enjoyed theirs the Monday following Purim. Pictures following. Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 7


Spotlight on: Rabbi Sammy Moeller—What is it like to… Be part of the Guest-Chazon Rotation for KAJ?

Twelve years ago, when Chazon Ezra Hes was retiring, and KAJ needed to provide some respite and off-weeks for Chazon Ezra Lasdun, Rabbi Moeller was approached by Mr. Julius Klugman o.h. and asked if he would consider coming in from Monsey every six weeks or so to daven in KAJ. To the Kehilla's good fortune, the answer was "Yes" and we have been enjoying and continue to look forward to Rabbi Moeller’s heart-stirring Tefillos regularly. The KAJN is grateful to him for taking the time to answer a few questions about his experiences being part of the rotation.

KAJN: What do you need to do to prepare for your Shabbosos as Chazon here? SM: Since I have been a Baal Tefilla for many years in KAJ of Monsey, and the Nusach is the same, that is familiar to me. The main preparation was for the choir pieces, many of which required more preparation.

KAJN: Do you have to find coverage for the KAJ Monsey Minyan when you're away? SM: No, I just needed to inform them in advance of my absence.

KAJN: How has the pandemic affected your work here? SM: The pandemic eliminated the choir aspect, so, in essence, it is easier to prepare.

KAJN: Is there a difference between being a Baal Tefillo in KAJ and other Shuls? SM: Yes. There is a certain expectation of excellence as part of the seriousness of the Avoda in our shul. It's also different for me personally because it gives me a wonderful opportunity to give back a little to the Kehilla where I was raised. A little Hakoras HaTov....

KAJN: Do you ever get feedback from Mispallelim? Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER 8

SM: Yes, I do. The Rabbonim have always been very supportive and encouraging. The vast majority of people express appreciation to me for coming, not the least of whom, Chazon Ezra Lasdun. He has always been so helpful and gracious.

KAJN: Thank you, Rabbi Moeller. Is there anything else you'd like to add? SM: Yes, there are a few things I'd like to add. Thank you for the opportunity. First of all, I'd like to mention what a Zechus it was to interact with Mr. Klugman o.h. for all those years. He was a dedicated, warm, caring Kehilla person. Truly very special. Secondly, I'd like to give thanks to Mrs. Rivka Moeller for hosting my wife and me each time we come, as well as to thank the many friends and relatives who host and have hosted us for meals over the years. This became a unique opportunity to strengthen those ties. I also want to express gratitude to an anonymous benefactor who allows us to use that person’s parking space, which is a prized asset, especially on Erev Shabbos! And a special thank you to my wife, Celie, for her support in this effort to leave home for Shabbos in order to assist the Kehilla— and visit the mother-in-law :)


Moriah’s TOP PRIORITY this past month has continued to be helping our seniors navigate the frustrating and confusing world of Covid-19 vaccine registration. At the time of this writing, over 150 seniors have been fully vaccinated through appointments made by Moriah Senior Center!

Moriah Senior Center continues to service our clients by hosting a variety of Zoom activities: Our Wellness programming this past month featured a fascinating introduction to the world of Naturopathic Medicine, along with our variety of recurring exercise programs, including Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi and Yoga.

Our Recreational programming this month included a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Fashion Institute, a “Two-fer Tuesday” Musical Program featuring musicals within musicals and shows about shows, a Zoom visit at the City Reliquary Museum and an engagingly creative discussion surrounding Grandparenting During Covid-19. Our Book Club Discussion Group celebrated its 100th selection in grand style, with an appearance by the author. It is always so fascinating to get the writer’s point of view and thought process, especially surrounding our favorite characters!

Our Technology workshop this month extended into the realm of Online Banking, Online Shopping and virtual payment services such as Venmo. Our members are to be applauded for making the effort to learn so many of these daunting new skills on their own.

Moriah’s upcoming activities include a memory workshop titled, “What Did I Come to the Fridge For?” explaining the very effective TEAS system; a nutrition and cooking class highlighting Charoses Around the World; and a virtual tour of the Morris-Jumel Mansion.

Our home-delivered meal clients received an extra treat in honor of Purim. Freshly baked babka and grape juice were included as “Mishloach Monos” along with our regular Thursday food delivery. We look forward to next year when we can reinstate our annual masquerade extravaganza. It was fun reminiscing with our seniors over old photos from parties gone by.

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As in previous years, thanks to a generous grant from Gemiluth Chessed of Greater New York, Moriah is hard at work preparing and packing over 100 shelf-stable Pesach Food Bags, to help our members with Yom Tov staples, including matzo, grape juice, tuna, shelf-stable meals and much, much more (special treats included!).

To keep updated on these programs and more, we would like to encourage everyone to join our email list. This can be accomplished by sending an email request to [email protected] We also distribute a "Daily Dose of Inspiration" via email to those who express interest in joining this additional email list. As always, Moriah continues to be available to help with other benefits, entitlements and insurance issues. Do not hesitate to reach out to us at the email above. If you are 60+ and currently not registered as a client with the Center, take this opportunity to join our programming anyway!

We look forward to greeting everyone IN PERSON soon at Moriah!

Stay healthy and well.


Sunday Night Mishno Beruro Shiur

Rav Mantel’s Sunday evening Shiur in Mishno Beruro takes place in Shul after Mincha-Maariv.

Tuesday Night Minchas Chinuch Shiur

Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Shiur takes place after the second Maariv, in Shul.

Shiur נ''ך Tuesday Morning Ladies

Rebbetzin Mantel’s Tuesday morning shiur will resume after Pesach. The Shiur takes place at 10:15 AM in the Agudah Shiur. Masks and social-distancing required.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur

The shiurim take place Thursday evenings, REMOTELY by telephone, call-in number 435-777-2200 then enter code 85932#. Check the Kehilla’s weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers and times.

Sisterhood Parashas HaShovua Shiurim

The shiurim take place REMOTELY by telephone, call-I number 435-777-2200, then enter code 85932#. Check the Kehilla’s weekly Good Shabbos Email for speakers and times.


Heartiest mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the birth of a great-grandson to Mr. Yosef Dov and Mrs. Miriam Strauss of Ramat Beis Shemesh. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Strauss and Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Arenias and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Zabrowsky, Mrs. Margaret Arenias and Rabbi and Mrs. David Marshall. Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10

Mr. Ezra and Mrs. Francine Fleischmann happily announce the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Leah and Shragi Rabinowitz and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Rabinowitz.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Avram and Shuli Gutmann on the birth of a son to their children, Yaakov and Jennifer Lax. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimie Lax and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Judith Levi.

All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas Katzenstein on the recent marriage of their daughter, Rivky, to Menashe Segel. Heartiest mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Danny and Shani Segel and the grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenstock on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Meir and Chani Rosenstock and the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenstock and Mrs. Heshy Gendel.

All the best to Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Katzenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein on the engagement of Avrami to Sarah Gila Brodt. Mazel tov to the parents of the Kallah, Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Brodt.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Raffi Klugman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Dovid. Our good wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Meir Klugman and Rabbi and Mrs. Aaron Gruman, and to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Sophie Klugman, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein, Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchos Gruman and Mr. and Mrs. Meir Gross.

Heartiest mazel tov to David and Joclyn Stern on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Menachem, son of Shlomo and Aliza Stern.

Rabbi and Mrs. Boruch Diamond happily announce the marriage of their son, Zevi, to Ruchy Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dovy Freund. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to the choson’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Katzenstein.

It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman and Mrs. Margot Lasdun on the birth of a son to Mr. and Dr. Moshe Hoffman.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Katzenstein on the birth of a boy to their children, Noach and Atara Katzenstein. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Hillel Goldscheider.

All our good wishes to Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. David Loebenberg on the birth of their great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents of the baby boy, Shoshi and Asher Bittman and the grandparents, Shmuel and Sara Loebenberg.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Oppenheimer on the birth of their granddaughter and the great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Oppenheimer. All the best to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Leiner.

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Best wishes to Mrs. Eva Bree and Mr. Zadok Bree on the marriage of their daughter Sarah Leah to Asher Ringel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok Ringel.

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Benjy and Miriam Hersh on the birth of their son. Mazel tov to Ms. Dvora Hersh and Rabbi Shmuel Hersh and the entire Hersh family, and to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blander and family.

Our heartiest best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Samson Bechhofer on the Bar Mitzvah of two of their and lots of nachas to his parents, Dovid and Yocheved (פ' תצוה) grandsons: Mazel Tov to Yedidya and to his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak and Hindy (פ' כי תשא) Bechhofer; and to Aryeh Bechhofer. Heartiest Mazel Tov as well to the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer and Mrs. Martha Hexter.

Mrs. Edith Erlbach happily announces the birth of her great granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Simcha and Sora Leah Greenberg, and the grandparents, Rabbi Doniel and Naomi Greenberg and Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Brog.

Best Mazel Tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Victor and Yaffa Sussman on the birth of a granddaughter. Congratulations to the delighted parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel and Gittel Esther Strauss.

All our good wishes to Mr. Zalman and Mrs. Ruth Schoenberg on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Yissochor and Shani Schoenberg, the grandparents, Binyomin and Toby Yoffe and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Judith Emanuel, Mr. and Mrs. Eliyohu Yoffe and Mrs. Malka Neiger.

Heartiest Mazel tov to Mr. Hershel Baum on the birth twin grandchildren, a boy and girl. Best wishes to the delighted parents, Eli and Eliana Baum, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Blumenstein.


• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the first Maariv on weekdays, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night, and, when applicable, to count Sefiras HoOmer. • Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, March 14 (Rosh Chodesh Nisan) • Mincha Gedola in Shul Sun.-Thu.: 1:35 PM March 15th – April 8th 1:30 PM April 12th – May 27th.


• To contribute towards our Maos Chittim Fund, please click on: https://www.kajinc.org/form/maos-chittim.html

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• Matzo orders available for pick-up, by appointment only, 9:00 AM-1 PM, Sunday, March 14th & Sunday, March 21st, ONLY. Information about signing up for appointment slots will be forthcoming shortly. • Rav Mantel will deliver his annual Sisterhood Pesach Shiur in 90 Bennett, on Monday, March 15th at 8:30PM. The Shiur will also be able to be listened to live on the Kehilla’s teleconference number will, 1-435-777-2200, then 85931#. Please note the phone will be muted for those calling in. Anyone wishing to ask questions should make every attempt to attend the Shiur in person. • When you use the following links when purchasing either Rav Schwab on the Hagada or The Novominsk Haggadah, the Kehilla will get a portion of the proceeds. The link for Rav Schwab on the Hagada is: http://www.artscroll.com/linker/KHALADATH/ASIN/HSOH The link for The Novominsk Haggadah is: http://www.artscroll.com/linker/KHALADATH/ASIN/HNOVH • Re: Pesach List – ALEH KATIF herbs and vegetables do not need a Pesach Hashgocho. • Shabbos Vayikra (March 19th and 20th) Catered Meals in Moller Hall immediately following KAJ davening. See flyer for further information and reservations. • The Rav’s Derosho on Shabbos Vayikra (March 20th) will follow 6:20 Mincha in Shul. • Auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos: For First and Last days - Motzoei Shabbos Vayikra (March 20th) Any unsold items will subsequently be made available via an online auction. • Our members are requested to clean their boxes in Shul to make sure they contain no Chometz. • Please note that because of issues in previous years, the Chometz sale authorization form (Shtar Mechiras Chometz) should not be sent by email to the Kehilla Office. Rav Mantel will be available in Shul before and after davening; at both of the Kashering sessions, and in the school yard on Sunday, March 21st between 4 and 5 PM, and Thursday, March 25th, between 3 and 4 PM. Anyone who is unable or uncomfortable with all of the above options may appoint someone else as his Sholiach, to hand in the Shtar on his behalf. • Kashering of Utensils will take place on Wednesday, March 24th, exact times to be announced. A Sheimos pick-up van will be parked at Shul during the afternoon/evening session. Any Men and boys who are able to volunteer for either the morning or evening session/s should please contact the Kehilla Office. • A Siyum for Bechorim on Thursday, March 25th, will take place in 90 Bennett following each of the three Shacharis Minyonim. 3rd minyan is 8:05 AM. • Bedikas Chometz is done this year on the Thursday night (March 25th) before Pesach. • The Kehilla will again provide facilities for the burning of Chometz in the school playground on Friday March 26th. It is sufficient to burn just one Kezayis of Chometz. Chometz should be brought in a paper bag – no plastic bags or aluminum foil will be permitted. Accelerants will not be allowed. Plastic bottles, glass bottles and aerosol cans will not be permitted at the burning site. Kol Chamiro is not said this year at the burning. • The prohibition of eating Chometz on Shabbos, Erev Pesach begins at 10:15 AM. • The prohibition of using and owning Chometz begins one hour later at 11:15 AM. All Chometz must have been disposed of or removed (as per separate instructions) by that time and Kol Chamiro recited again. • There will be a Haggada Shiur in Shul on SHABBOS EREV PESACH and on the 1st day of Pesach. Exact time, and speakers, TBA. • There will be a 3rd Minyon for Shacharis on Chol HaMoed Tuesday-Friday at 8:30 AM • Since the 7th day is Shabbos (when Shir HaShirim is said) the Piyutim through Berach Dodi are from Shabbas Chol HaMoed (same pages as the otherwise 7th day Piyutim). The rest of the 7th and 8th days’ Piyutim are as usual.

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• The Yom Tov Lecture will be given by Rav Mantel on Acharon Shel Pesach in Shul between Mincha and Maariv. Mincha is at 7:05.


Face masks must be worn—covering nose and mouth—at all times while in Shul, in all areas of the ladies’ and men’s sections and vestibules, in addition to adhering to social distancing. A face shield is not an acceptable substitute for a mask when entering Shul. Masks must currently continue to be worn, regardless of anyone’s vaccination or antibody status. GEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUND

Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Shevat) 173.40 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Else Arnold Haas, a.h $250.00


Mrs. Judith Joshua (425 West End Avenue), Mr. Meir Joshua, Mr. Moshe Joshua and Mr. Jonathan S. Joshua (320 Washington Avenue, ) mourn the passing of her husband, their father and our member, Dr. Henry Joshua.

Mrs. Naomi Lasdun (100 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of her mother, Mrs. Rachel Elewitz.

Mrs. Margaret Kahn (225 W. 86th Street) mourns the passing of her sister, Mrs. Eva Garfunkel Goldmann.

Mrs. Gail Strauss, Mrs. Barbara Adler and Mrs. Lenora Szrolovits mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Gisela Freudenberger.

Mrs. Renee Schwarz (424 West End Avenue) mourns the passing of her brother, our member, Mr. Sydney Gordon.

Mr. Joseph Helmreich (5 Cedar Row, Lakewood) mourns the passing of his brother, Dr. Wolf Helmreich.

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14

Large Print Seforim published by The JBI Library available at no charge.

The print is not huge, just larger and clearer than normal.

List of Seforim:

5 Volumes of Chumash (Hebrew only) 12x9.5 with closed spiral binding, in a case

The rest of the Seforim are 11 x 8.5 with a spiral binding, in Hebrew and English.

Weekday Siddur

Shabbos Siddur

Machzor for Sholosh Regolim

2 Volumes of Tehillim


Yizkor Booklet—Hebrew, English, and Transliteration.

Please call 212-781-5498

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15

The Achdus Group of Washington Heights under the aegis of Khal Adath Jeshurun

invites you to join together for the Seudos of



Friday Night Dinner and Shabbos Lunch at 90 Bennett Avenue immediately following KAJ davening

Cost per person: $28 per Seudah Family Maximum: $130 per Seudah


Name(s)______Phone______Email Address______Attending Friday Night Dinner: No. of Adults______No. of Children______Attending Shabbos Lunch: No. of Adults______No. of Children______

Please send your reservation & payment no later than March 12, 2021 to: Hellmann, 24 Bennett Avenue, Apt. #66A, NY, NY 10033. Checks should be made out to Achdus Group/KAJ. If you have any questions, please call the Hellmanns at 212-923-5926. (Subject to cancellation if required)

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16

Looking for information on family from Merzig (am Saar) and Aach (by Trier), Germany. Please call/text 267 335-6117.



We thank Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blank, Rabbi Yakov Cohen, Rabbi Menachem Kunofsky, Mrs. Sari Levi, and YRSRH for the photographs featured in this issue of the KAJN


Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210

Telephone: 718 375-5333 Fax: 718 252-9300

זמנים for upcoming לוח Remarks זמן טלית ותפלין DATE 1st Minyan Monday March 15 6:07 6:14 Tuesday March 16 6:05 6:12 Wednesday March 17 6:03 6:10 Thursday March 18 6:02 6:09 Friday March 19 6:00 6:07 Monday March 22 6:00 6:02 Tuesday March 23 6:00 6:00

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17

From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

Nisan 8 Felix Halberstadt-Hamburg 20 Johanna Nussbaum-NY 1 Carl Katzenstein-NY 8 Frederick Wohlfarth-NY 20 Hannchen Strauss-NY 1 Recha Meyer-Gelsenkirchen 9 Simon Strauss-Lohr- 20 Sessi Wertheim-Ffm 1 Maier Eisenmann-Ffm Burghaun 22 Josef Greilsheimer- 1 A. Hichenberg-Ffm 9 Herman Blach-Eschwege Friesheim 1 Hanna Adler-Wien 10 Hannchen Hammelburger- 22 Abraham Walheimer-Aurich 1 Dr. Arthur Spier-NY NY 23 Gretchen Wallerstein-Ffm 2 Abraham Siegel- 10 Clara Dittman-Aufsess 23 Hefel Bamberger- Hergershausen 10 Joseph Schneider Wiesenfeld 2 Nathan Kaufmann-Ffm-NY 11 Julius Katz-Guxhagen- 23 Herz Kaufmann-Gross 2 Sara Alexander-Vallendar Kassel Krotzenburg 2 Sara Kapp-Marburg 12 Salomon Heilbrunn- 23 Jane Rapp-NY 2 Jacob Breuer-NY-Jerusalem Nenterhausen 24 Richard Freudenberger- 3 Nanni Bodenheimer- 12 Jenny Ries-Ffm Darmstadt Brooklyn 12 Esther Neumann, nee Marx- 24 Julius Dingfelder-Uhlfeld 3 Sara Lange-Ffm Nashville, TN 24 Johanna Heilbrunn- 4 Else Bauer-Nassauer-NY 12 Salo Schlanger-NY Nenterhausen 4 Gerda Berliner-NY 13 Karl Grebenau-Ffm 24 Max Mariam-Ffm 4 Minna Katzenstein-NY 13 Anne Froehlich-Bad 25 Adolf Eisner-NY 4 Isaak Strauss-Den Haag-Ffm Mergentheim 25 Henriette Vogel- 4 Alice Strauss-Den Haag-Ffm 14 Ferd.Baer-Ffm Aschaffenburg 4 Fanny Les-Antwerpen-NY 14 Rahel Wormser-Ffm 25 Flora Kaufmann-NY 4 Feist Katz-Rhine 15 Amalie Schueler-Weiden 26 Isaac Jonas Gladenbach 4 Dr. Max Meyer-NY 15 Eva Marx-NY 26 Max Straus-NY 5 Nathan W. Strauss-NY 15 Hanna Moos-Ffm 26 Karl Klugmann-NY 5 Hannchen Bodenheimer- 15 Gerda Katzenstein-NY 27 Kurt Fischel-NY Biblis 15 Hanna H. Wertheim-NY 27 Ella Neuhaus-NY 6 Sara Strauss-Lohr-Burghaun 16 Felix Bondi-Baltimore 27 Dr. Leo Rothschild-NY 6 Siegmund Halberstadt-NY 16 Oscar Katzenstein-NY 27 Gella Homburger-Ffm- 6 Ernst Asher-Ffm 17 Salomon Schachter-Wicznitz Chicago 6 Berthold Daube-Amsterdam 17 Ruben Salomon-Cambridge 28 Edgar Wohlfarth-Ffm 6 Hermann Loebenberg-NY 18 Frau Rabbiner Sophie 28 Regina Walter- 6 Tilde Katzenstein-NY Breuer-Ffm Kleinsteinach-Muenchen 7 Arthur Rosenstock-NY 18 Dina Rosenthal-Ffm 28 Janchen Wallach-Oberaula 8 Nanette Fleischmann-Bronx 18 Manfred Katzenstein-NY 28 Raphael Strauss-Milano- 8 Ethel Katzenstein-NY 18 Max Sonn-NY Baltimore 8 Sofie Hoechstaedter- 19 Jacob Eis-NY 29 Berthold Nussbaum-NY Noerdlingen 19 Abraham Roos-NY 29 Auguste Grebenau-Ffm 20 Erna Levi-NY 30 David Ernest Neufeld-NY

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 18

We are pleased to announce the publication by Feldheim Publishers of the Hebrew edition of the

Hirsch Tehillim

Copies may be ordered at $21/volume.

To order, please click https://www.kajinc.org/form/the-hirsch-Tehillim%20in%20Hebrew.html

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19

As a reminder for those who have not yet registered for Rabbi Yisroel Reisman’s weekly Nach Shiur, the Shiur is now being given virtually. An audio and video link is sent weekly to registrants. Anyone interested in participating, and desiring information on pricing should e-mail [email protected].

Vol. 51, No. 6 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 20


Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez.

For information call: Mr. Dovid Brownstein – 718-915-8837


Chevra Kadisha

When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:


LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

PINCHAS KATZENSTEIN —100 Bennett 201-399-4494

All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements. ______


Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 OR 212-923-5936

Fax 212-781-4275, E-mail [email protected] Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020

Rav Chaim Kohn 718252-3343 Email: [email protected].

Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089, Fax 845-356-2938, Email:[email protected]

Mikveh - 4351 Broadway 212 -923-1100

Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867

Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399

Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 www.moriahseniorcenter.org

HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750