United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 01 Viewpoint 1 : Berdoo Canyon Rd. Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Narrow rugged canyon with steeply rising canyon walls. Rocks Individual clumps of grasses and and sand create varying erosional None

Form shrubs are intermittent and random. patterns. More distant angular mountain forms. Irregular defined by individuals and Jagged to irregular in canyon wall clumps in the immediate foreground, formations. Horizontal to angular becoming more indistinct with None

Line distant ridgelines. Meandering to distance. Some demarcation caused curvilinear road tracks. by road cuts. Gray to light-tan soils. Light to dark-gray and brown rocks and Yellowish tan grasses and light- to None formations. Bluish tones in distant dark-green shrubs. Color mountains. Foreground textures are e

r Smooth to medium grain and uneven predominantly coarse with some in the immediate foreground. None

extu smoothness in sandy road tracks.

T Smoothness increases with distance. Distant mountains appear smooth.

Narrative: Viewpoint 1 is representative of the limited canyon views within SQRU 01. The landscape appears rugged and the steeply rising canyon walls in the foreground focus views on the more distant ridges. The sporadic clumps of green vegetation adds interesting highlights to a color palette that is comprised predominantly of grays and tans. The combination of foreground and background landforms increases visual variety and there are no built features or modifications that noticeably detract from the overall natural appearing landscape. Also, there are limited canyon views within this SQRU. Compared to Unit 02 to the south, the Unit 01 landscape is more influenced by mountainous terrain and less influenced by built features. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 4 Rugged canyon walls

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 4 Wider range of colors e. Adjacent Scenery 3 B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 4 Few accessible canyons g. Cultural Modifications 0 None visible C 11 or less TOTALS 12 5 0 17 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 01 Viewpoint 2A : 4WD Access Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Gently sloping alluvial fans and Irregular distribution of low growing None, with the exception of the rolling foothills, backdropped by grasses and shrubs transition to an 4WD access road forming the

Form the rugged, angular Little San indistinct and more uniform southern boundary of this unit. Bernardino Mountains. distribution at distance.

Horizontal for alluvial fans. Irregular for individual foreground None (though curvilinear for Irregular and jagged for the shrubs and clumps of grass.

Line the 4WD access road). mountain ridgelines. Indistinct for more distant vegetation. Gray to light-tan rocks and soils in Tan to pale-yellow and golden the foreground to. Brown to grasses with tanish-gray to green None. bluish and lavender hues for the Color shrubs. more distant hills and mountains. Rocks and soils in the immediate e r foreground appear coarse to Medium grain to matte. None

extu granular. Mountain surfaces T appear granular to matte.

Narrative: SQRU 01 includes the foothills and southern ridgelines of the Little San Bernardino Mountains north of I-10 and west of Chiriaco Summit. Viewpoint 2A is representative of the majority of views within SQRU 01, encompassing foreground alluvial fans and rolling foothills, backdropped by rugged mountains and ridges. The landscape is naturally appearing with no built features. Vegetation is relatively non-distinctive. However, the combination of level to rolling foreground landforms and undulating and jagged background mountains increases visual variety and there are no built features or modifications that noticeably detract from the overall natural appearing landscape. Compared to Unit 02 to the south, the Unit 01 landscape is more influenced by mountainous terrain and less influenced by built features. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 3 Little San Bernardino Mountains CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Little San Bernardino Mountains B 12 - 18 Close proximity to mountains with f. Scarcity 3 no intrusion by built features C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications 0 None Visible TOTALS 0 11 1 12 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 02 Viewpoint 2B : 4WD Access Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Sloping to level alluvial fans, backdropped by the low, rugged, Irregular distribution of low growing Linear to structurally complex and the more distant grasses and shrubs. Coverage transmission towers. Utility

Form Santa Rosa and Vallecito appearing more consistent at infrastructure appears Mountains to the south and distance. subordinate but is noticeable. southwest. Horizontal for the alluvial fans. Horizontal to Irregular and jagged Irregular for individual shrubs. Vertical to horizontal to

Line for the hill and mountain Indistinct for more distant vegetation. diagonal (lattice structures). ridgelines. Gray to Light-tan rocks and soils in the foreground. Brown for the Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Gray. Mecca Hills and tan to bluish and tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color lavender hues for the mountains. Rocks and soils in the immediate e r foreground appear granular. Hill Medium grain to matte. Smooth.

extu and mountain surfaces appear T matte to smooth.

Narrative: SQRU 02 includes the alluvial flans and level terrain south of the BLM access road and north of I-10 between Dillon Road to the west and Chiriaco Summit to the east. Within this unit are transmission line and pipeline rights of way as well as mineral extraction operations. Viewpoint 2B is representative of the majority of views within SQRU 02, encompassing foreground alluvial fans punctuated by vertical utility infrastructure and backdropped by distant hills and mountains that appear relatively low on the horizon. Vegetation is non-distinct and low growing. Landscape colors range from light tans and greens to brown to muted blues and lavenders with increasing distance. Compared to Unit 01 to the north, the Unit 02 landscape is more influenced by built features and less influenced by the close proximity of mountainous terrain. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 1 Level alluvial fans CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 2 Mecca Hills B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 Lattice transmission structures are g. Cultural Modifications -1 C 11 or less noticeable though not dominant TOTALS 0 4 2 6 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 02 Viewpoint 3 : Cactus City Rest Stop Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing Dominant, vertical and grasses and shrubs. Coverage Level alluvial fan. complex lattice structures.

Form appearing more consistent at Vertical fence posts. distance. Vertical, horizontal and Irregular for individual shrubs. diagonal for the lattice Horizontal for the alluvial fan. Horizontal as defined by the alluvial

Line structures. Vertical for fence fan. posts.

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Gray to light-tan soils and gravel. Gray. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. Smooth

extu appear granular. T

Narrative: SQRU 02 includes the alluvial flans and level terrain south of the BLM access road and north of I-10 between Dillon Road to the west and Chiriaco Summit to the east. Within this unit are transmission line and pipeline rights of way as well as mineral extraction operations. Viewpoint 3, at the Cactus City Rest Stop on westbound I-10, is representative of the views along I-10 where the existing transmission line structures with their complex, industrial character parallel I-10 and dominate the foreground landscape. Although the Cottonwood Mountains are a prominent feature in the landscape, they are not part of SQRU 2. Also noticeable in the foreground is the fence that borders the I-10 right of way. Vegetation consists of low-growing shrubs and grasses. Landscape colors range from light tans and greens to brown to muted blues and lavenders with increasing distance. Compared to Unit 01 to the west, the eastern end of the Unit 02 landscape is heavily influenced by existing energy infrastructure and less influenced by the close proximity of the Cottonwood Mountains. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Level alluvial fan

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Cottonwood Mountains B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 Close proximity to mountains g. Cultural Modifications -4 Dominant transmission lines C 11 or less TOTALS 0 9 -3 6 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 03 Viewpoint 4 : Eastbound I-10 Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Undulating drainages and uneven None, with the exception of I- slopes in the vicinity of Thermal Irregular distribution of low growing 10, which forms the northern

Form Canyon, backdropped by the grasses and shrubs. boundary of this unit. Mecca Hills (not part of Unit 03).

Horizontal to diagonal for the None (though horizontal for I- Irregular for individual shrubs.

Line foreground canyon area. 10).

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. None. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. None

extu appear granular. T

Narrative: SQRU 03 includes the sloping alluvial fans and incised, rugged canyon area located between I-10 on the north and the Mecca Hills Wilderness to the south. The topographic variation of the landscape appears deceptively limited when viewed from I-10. with much of the landscape screened by berms and undulating ridges immediately adjacent to the south side of I-10. Vegetation is relatively sparse with low growing grasses and shrubs. Colors are predominantly muted tans and greens. What is most noticeable about the view from I-10 is the backdrop of adjacent scenery comprised of the checkerboard patterns of Coachella Valley below and the steeply rising Santa Rosa Mountains beyond. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 2 Incised drainages, Thermal Canyon CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 Coachella Valley, Santa Rosa e. Adjacent Scenery 3 B 12 - 18 Mountains f. Scarcity 2 C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications 0 None TOTALS 0 9 1 10

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 03 Viewpoint 5 : Thermal Canyon Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Rugged, steeply rising slopes with Irregular distribution of low growing flat canyon bottom that widens Linear wood pole utility line grasses and shrubs interspersed with

Form and narrows with varying with conductors. the occasional ocotillo. erosional patterns.

Angular ridgelines with diagonal Irregular for individual shrubs. Vertical wood pole and

Line slopes. Horizontal Canyon floor. Vertical for ocotillo. horizontal conductors

Gray to light-tan rocks and soils. Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Tan to brown slopes. Bluish hues tanish-gray to green shrubs with pale Dark brown wood poles.

Color at greater distance. green ocotillo. Soils in the immediate foreground e r appear coarse to granular. Gray to dark conductors Smooth to medium grain to matte.

extu Slopes and ridges appear smooth depending on lighting. T to matte.

Narrative: SQRU 03 includes the sloping alluvial fans and incised, rugged canyon area located between I-10 on the north and the Mecca Hills Wilderness to the south. From Viewpoint 5, the considerable topographic variation is apparent and contributes to the visual variety found within this unit. Vertical groupings of ocotillo also add visual interest and contrasts with the more common low growing shrubs and grasses. Landscape colors can be quite changeable as shadows play across rugged slopes and narrow canyons. Varying erosional patterns in drainage bottom sands also contribute to visual variety. with much of the landscape screened by berms and undulating ridges immediately adjacent to the south side of I-10. While an existing wood pole utility line is present within the canyon, its simple form and compatible color (dark weathered wood brown) do not detract substantially from the overall quality of the landscape. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 4 Rugged Thermal Canyon CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 3 Ocotillo c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 4 Mecca Hills Wilderness B 12 - 18 Visual variety within Thermal f. Scarcity 4 Canyon C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications -1 Wood pole utility line TOTALS 12 6 -1 17 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 04 Viewpoint 6 : Box Canyon Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Linear (utility poles) to Broad, flat valley floor. More The irregular clumps of low shrubs structurally complex distant mountains (not part of the and grass transition to an indistinct (transmission towers), though

Form unit) provide a partial backdrop and uniform distribution at distance. structures appear subordinate and add visual interest. in the landscape. Irregular defined by individuals and Vertical (poles and towers) to clumps in the immediate foreground. Horizontal for the valley floor. diagonal (roads and fence

Line More distant, horizontal line defined wire). by valley floor and road tracks.

Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to Light-tan to brown soils. Gray to dark-brown dark-green shrubs. Color

Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r Soils in the immediate foreground and random in the immediate Smooth

extu appear smooth to granular. foreground. Smooth to coarse with T even distribution at distance.

Narrative: This SQRU encompasses that portion of Shavers Valley extending approximately 1.5 to 2 miles north and south of Interstate 10 (I-10) between the Cactus City Rest Stop and Chiriaco Summit. The valley bottom is flat and relatively non- descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. Distant, rugged mountain ridgelines (not part of the unit) define much of the horizon and provide a backdrop to much of this unit. SQRU 04 is transected by several noticeable built features including I-10 down the middle of the valley, transmission lines on both the north and south sides of the freeway, utility pole lines and fences, and local roads (Box Canyon Road to the south and Cottonwood Springs Road to the north. Compared to Unit 05 to the south, Unit 04 is more influenced by built features and less influenced by the mountains bordering Shavers Valley. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 to the south B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications -1 C 11 or less TOTALS 0 7 1 8 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 04 Viewpoint 7 : Box Canyon Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Linear to structurally complex Broad, flat valley floor. More The irregular clumps of low shrubs (transmission towers). distant mountains (not part of the and grass transition to an indistinct Structures appear more

Form unit) provide a partial backdrop and uniform distribution at distance visually prominent in and add visual interest. with a mottled appearance. foreground views.

Irregular defined by individuals and Vertical to diagonal Horizontal for the valley floor.

Line clumps in the immediate foreground. (transmission towers).

Yellowish-tan to gray grasses and Light-tan soils Gray light- to dark-green shrubs. Color

Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r Soils in the immediate foreground and random in the immediate Smooth

extu appear smooth to granular. foreground. Smooth to coarse with T more even distribution at distance.

Narrative: This SQRU encompasses that portion of Shavers Valley extending approximately 1.5 to 2 miles north and south of Interstate 10 (I-10) between the Cactus City Rest Stop and Chiriaco Summit. The valley bottom is flat and relatively non- descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. Distant, rugged mountain ridgelines (not part of the unit) define much of the horizon and provide a backdrop to much of this unit. SQRU 04 is transected by several noticeable built features including I-10 down the middle of the valley, transmission lines on both the north and south sides of the freeway, utility pole lines and fences, and local roads (Box Canyon Road to the south and Cottonwood Springs Road to the north. This portion of Unit 04 is more influenced by the close proximity of a transmission line than that portion represented by Viewpoint 6. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 g. Cultural Modifications -3 Prominent Transmission Line C 11 or less TOTALS 0 10 -2 8 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 05 Viewpoint 8 : Box Canyon Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES The irregular clumps of low shrubs Broad, flat valley floor and alluvial and grass transition to an indistinct fans transitioning to rugged None

Form and more uniform distribution at mountain foothills. distance with a mottled appearance. Horizontal for the valley floor. Irregular defined by individuals and Irregular to curvilinear for clumps in the immediate foreground. None

Line mountain foothills and ridgelines Horizontal defined by transition line (beyond the unit boundary). between valley floor and mountains. Light-tan to gray foreground soils. Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to Bluish to lavender tones for more None dark-green shrubs. Color distant foothills and mountains. Soils in the immediate foreground Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r appear smooth to granular. More and random in the immediate None

extu distant foothills appear smooth to foreground. Smooth to coarse with T matte. more even distribution at distance.

Narrative: SQRU 05 encompasses the southern portion of Shavers Valley extending from the southern boundary of SQRU 04 south to the Orocopia Mountains. The valley bottom and alluvial fans are flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. However, the southern edge of this unit begins to transition into the rugged foothills of the Orocopia Mountains. The visual variety of this unit is enhanced by the presence of the rugged foothills within this unit and the backdrop of rugged mountain ridgelines immediately adjacent and to the south. Compared to Unit 04 to the north, Unit 05 is more influenced by rugged mountainous features and not at all influenced by built features such as existing transmission lines (though paved Box Canyon Road is a prominent linear feature in the landscape). Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 2

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 4 Orocopia Mountains Wilderness B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 g. Cultural Modifications 0 None visible C 11 or less TOTALS 4 9 0 13

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 05 Viewpoint 9 : Red Canyon Trail Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES The irregular clumps of low shrubs Broad, flat valley floor and alluvial and grass transition to an indistinct fans transitioning to rugged None

Form and more uniform distribution at mountain foothills. distance with a mottled appearance. Irregular defined by individuals and

Horizontal for the valley floor. clumps in the immediate foreground. Irregular to curvilinear for Horizontal to curvilinear lines defined None Line mountain foothills and ridgelines. by: (a) transition between valley floor and mountains, and (b) access road. Light-tan to gray foreground soils. Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to Brown to bluish tones for foothills dark-green shrubs with some gray None

Color and more distant mountains. shrub branches. Soils in the immediate foreground Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r appear smooth to granular. More and random in the immediate None

extu distant hills and mountains foreground. Smooth to coarse with T appear smooth to granular. more even distribution at distance.

Narrative: SQRU 05 encompasses the southern portion of Shavers Valley extending from the southern boundary of SQRU 04 south to the Orocopia Mountains. The valley bottom and alluvial fans are flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. However, the southern portion of this unit transitions into the rugged foothills of the Orocopia Mountains Wilderness. The visual variety of this unit is enhanced by the presence of the rugged foothills within this unit and the backdrop of rugged mountain ridgelines immediately adjacent and to the south. Compared to Unit 04 to the north, Unit 05 is more influenced by rugged mountainous features and not at all influenced by built features such as existing transmission lines (though the bladed access road is an apparent feature in the landscape). Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 2

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 4 Orocopia Mountains Wilderness B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 g. Cultural Modifications 0 None visible (except access rd.) C 11 or less TOTALS 4 9 0 13 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 06 Viewpoint 10 : Hayfield Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing Linear pipes and rectangular grasses and shrubs. Coverage Broad, flat valley floor. building of the aqueduct pump

Form appearing more consistent at station. distance.

Irregular for individual shrubs. Horizontal for the valley floor. Horizontal as defined by the valley Diagonal to horizontal Line floor and Hayfield Dry Lake.

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. Gray. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. Smooth

extu appear smooth to granular. T

Narrative: SQRU 06 encompasses the western end of north of I-10 and south of the and Joshua Tree Wilderness. The valley floor is flat and relatively non-descript with low-growing grasses and shrubs of pale yellow to green color. The more distant, rugged Eagle Mountains to the north (not part of this unit) rise abruptly from the valley floor and provide a backdrop for much of this unit. The most notable features in this unit are the Hayfield Dry Lake (evidenced by the horizontal band of light color in the center of the photograph) and the Colorado River Aqueduct Hayfield Pumping Station, which (with its industrial character of gray pipes and buildings) is visible at the base of the mountains. Though, visible, the pumping station is not a prominent feature in the SQRU 06 landscape, which is more influenced by the backdrop of the Eagle Mountains than the presence of the pumping station. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Chuckwalla Valley Floor

b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Eagle Mountains B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications -1 Aqueduct Pumping Station C 11 or less TOTALS 0 5 2 7 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 07 Viewpoint 11 : Hayfield Rd. Off-ramp Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Linear (utility poles) to The irregular clumps of low shrubs Broad, flat valley floor and alluvial structurally complex and grass transition to an indistinct fans transitioning to rugged (transmission towers). Utility

Form and more uniform distribution at mountains. poles are visually prominent in distance with a mottled appearance. foreground. Irregular defined by individuals and

Horizontal for the valley floor. clumps in the immediate foreground. Vertical to horizontal (utility Irregular to curvilinear for Horizontal to curvilinear lines defined poles and fences); Vertical to Line mountain foothills and ridgelines. by transition between valley floor and diagonal (transmission towers). mountains and access road. Light-tan to gray foreground soils. Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to Brown to bluish tones for foothills dark-green shrubs with some gray Brown to gray

Color and more distant mountains. shrub branches. Soils in the immediate foreground Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r appear smooth to granular. More and random in the immediate Smooth

extu distant hills and mountains foreground. Smooth to coarse with T appear smooth to granular. more even distribution at distance.

Narrative: SQRU 07 encompasses the southern portion of Chuckwalla Valley extending from I-10 and the southern boundary of SQRU 06 south to the Orocopia Mountains and Chuckwalla Bench. The valley bottom and alluvial fans are flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. However, the southern portion of this unit transitions into rugged foothills and ridges. Compared to Unit 06 to the north of I-10, Unit 07 is more influenced by rugged mountainous features and built structures. While the visual variety of Unit 07 is enhanced by the variation in terrain characteristics, the overall scenic quality is compromised by the substantial presence of utility infrastructure. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 3 Orocopia Mountains

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 4 Orocopia Mountains Wilderness B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 3 g. Cultural Modifications -4 Utility and transmission lines C 11 or less TOTALS 4 11 0 11 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 08 Viewpoint 12 : Red Cloud Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Linear (utility poles) to Flat valley floor. More distant The irregular clumps of low shrubs structurally complex (not part of and grass transition to an indistinct (transmission towers). Utility

Form the unit) provide a backdrop that and more uniform distribution at infrastructure is visually adds visual interest. distance with a mottled appearance. prominent.

Irregular defined by individuals and Vertical to horizontal (utility Horizontal for the valley floor and clumps in the immediate foreground poles); Vertical to horizontal to

Line the nearby berms. and terrain variations beyond. diagonal (transmission towers).

Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to Light-tan to gray foreground soils. dark-green shrubs with some gray Brown to gray

Color shrub branches. Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r and random in the immediate Soils appear smooth to granular. Smooth

extu foreground. Smooth to coarse with T more even distribution at distance.

Narrative: SQRU 08 encompasses a narrow portion of Chuckwalla Valley along the south side of I-10 between SQR Units 06 (to the north) and 09 (to the south). Although the Chuckwalla Mountains provide a backdrop of visual interest, Unit 08 is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. Compared to Unit 09 to the immediate south, the Unit 08 landscape is substantially more impacted by built utility infrastructure and less influenced by bordering mountains and ridges. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Flat valley floor

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Chuckwalla Mountains backdrop B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 g. Cultural Modifications -4 Utility and transmission lines C 11 or less TOTALS 0 10 -3 7

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 09 Viewpoint 13 : Red Cloud Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing None, with the exception of the Flat northern extent of the grasses and shrubs punctuated by 4WD tracks Comprising Red

Form Chuckwalla Bench. linear forms of ocotillo. Cloud Road.

Irregular for individual shrubs and None (though curvilinear for Horizontal for the bench lands.

Line grasses. Vertical for ocotillo. the 4WD track).

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. tanish-gray to green shrubs and None.

Color green ocotillo. e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. None

extu appear granular. T

Narrative: SQRU 09 includes the northern portion of the Chuckwalla Bench between the Orocopia Mountains to the west and the Chuckwalla Mountains to the east. The bench lands of SQRU are relatively flat and non-descript with low growing grasses and some taller shrubs, punctuated by the vertical forms of ocotillo. Compared to SQRU 08 to the immediate north with its prominent utility infrastructure and presence of I-10, Unit 09 is natural appearing with minimal influence from built features. The angular forms of the Orocopia Mountains to the west and the Chuckwalla Mountains to the east add visual interest but are not part of this unit. At greater distance to the south and appearing very low on the horizon are the . Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 1 CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 3 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 Orocopia Mountains, Chuckwalla e. Adjacent Scenery 3 B 12 - 18 Mountains f. Scarcity 2 C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications 0 TOTALS 0 10 1 11 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 10 Viewpoint 14 : Eagle Mountain Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Predominantly flat valley floor. The irregular clumps of low shrubs More distant and grass transition to an indistinct (not part of the unit) provide a None

Form and more uniform distribution at backdrop that adds visual distance with a smooth appearance. interest.

Horizontal for the valley floor. Irregular defined by individuals and Irregular to angular for clumps in the immediate foreground None Line intermediate ridge. and terrain variations beyond. Light-tan to gray foreground soils Yellowish-tan grasses and light- to with some reddish tone rocks; dark-green shrubs with some gray None dark-brown rock and soil on Color shrub branches. intermediate ridge. Smooth to medium grain and uneven e r and random in the immediate Soils appear granular to coarse. None

extu foreground. Smooth with a more T even distribution at distance.

Narrative: The western portion of SQRU 10 encompasses the northwestern portion of Chuckwalla Valley north of Desert Center and I-10. Although the Coxcomb Mountains and a portion of Joshua Tree Wilderness provide a backdrop of visual interest, these features are beyond the Unit 10 boundary at a distance of approximately eight miles. Unit 10 is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. The western portion of the Unit 10 landscape is not substantially influenced by built cultural features (structures) though there is some utility and road infrastructure within the unit. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Flat valley floor

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 2 Coxcomb Mountains backdrop B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications 0 None noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 0 7 2 9

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 10 Viewpoint 15 : Rice Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Predominantly flat valley floor. Linear (utility poles and road). More distant Chuckwalla The irregular clumps of low shrubs Road side utility infrastructure Mountains (not part of the unit)

Form and grass. is prominent when viewing provide a backdrop that adds down the road. visual interest.

Irregular defined by individuals and Horizontal for the valley floor. Vertical

Line clumps.

Muted yellowish-tan grasses and Gray to white (road) to dark Light-tan to gray soils and rocks. light- to dark-green shrubs. brown (utility poles) Color e r Smooth to medium grain to matte. Soils appear granular to coarse. Smooth to granular

extu Smooth at greater distance. T

Narrative: The central portion of SQRU 10 encompasses the central portion of Chuckwalla Valley east of Rice Road and north of I-10. Although the Chuckwalla Mountains provide a backdrop of visual interest, these features are beyond the Unit 10 boundary at a distance of approximately eleven miles. Unit 10 is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. The majority of the central portion of the Unit 10 landscape is not substantially influenced by built cultural features (structures) though there is some utility and road infrastructure within the unit as illustrated from this viewpoint. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Flat valley floor

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 2 Coxcomb Mountains backdrop B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications -2 Rice Road and roadside utilities C 11 or less TOTALS 0 6 0 6

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 10 Viewpoint 16 : Palen Dry Lake Access Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Predominantly flat valley floor. More distant Consistent distribution of low growing None (though strip of bladed (not part of the unit) provide a grasses interspersed with occasional road is prominent when Form backdrop that adds visual individual shrubs. viewing in-line with the road). interest. Irregular for individual shrubs. Horizontal for the valley floor. Horizontal to curvilinear as None (though curvilinear for Curvilinear for the access road

Line demarcated by valley floor and bladed the bladed 4WD track). (not pictured). road. Tan to pale- and golden-yellow Light-tan soils. grasses with muted greens for the None.

Color shrubs. e r Soils appear smooth to granular Smooth to medium grain to matte. None extu T

Narrative: The eastern portion of SQRU 10 encompasses the eastern portion of Chuckwalla Valley north of I-10 in the vicinity of Palen and Ford Dry Lakes. Although the Palen Mountains and the Palen McCoy Wilderness provide a backdrop of visual interest, these features are beyond the Unit 10 boundary. Unit 10 is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and few shrubs. Unlike Unit 12 immediately to the south, the majority of the eastern portion of the Unit 10 landscape is not substantially influenced by built cultural features (structures) though 4-wheel drive access roads within the unit are noticeable when traveling one. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 1 Flat valley floor

b. Vegetation 1 Relatively uniform vegetation c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 1 Monotone e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Palen Mountains B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications 0 Access road is noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 0 3 4 7 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 11 Viewpoint 17 : Desert Center Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Level alluvial fans punctuated by Transmission line is minimally interesting rock formations and noticeable from most vantage Irregular distribution of low growing backdropped by the steeply rising points. The bladed road is

Form grasses and shrubs. and rugged Chuckwalla prominent when viewing in-line Mountains (just outside the unit). with the road. Irregular for individual shrubs. Horizontal for the alluvial fans. Not noticeable for the Horizontal to curvilinear as Irregular to curvilinear to jagged transmission line (though

Line demarcated by the alluvial fan and for the rock formations. curvilinear for the bladed road). bladed road. Tan to pale- and golden-yellow Gray though mostly not Light-tan to gray soils. grasses with light-to dark-greens for noticeable. Color the shrubs. e r Soils and rocks appear smooth to Smooth though mostly not Smooth to medium grain to matte.

extu granular. noticeable. T

Narrative: SQRU 11 encompasses a relatively small area of interesting rock formations known as Alligator Rock. This area is immediately south of I-10 and Desert Center. The SQRU 11 landscape consists of an interesting combination of flat valley floor with desert scrub vegetation, punctuated by unusual rock formations, and backdropped by the steeply rising Chuckwalla Mountains immediately adjacent and to the south of Unit 11. Although the Chuckwalla Mountains and Wilderness provide a backdrop of visual interest, these features are beyond the Unit 11 boundary. Unit 11 is distinct from adjacent units due to the presence of the unusual rock formations that dot the landscape including the large formation that gives rise to the area’s name. Although there is a transmission line that crosses this area, it passes to the south of most of the formations and blends relatively well with the mountainous backdrop. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 4 Rock formations/Alligator Rock

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 e. Adjacent Scenery 4 Chuckwalla Mountains Wilderness B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 5 Rock Formations g. Cultural Modifications -1 Access road is noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 13 5 -1 17 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 12 Viewpoint 18 : Chuckwalla Valley Rd. Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing Linear and complex for grasses and shrubs. Coverage transmission line towers and h- Flat valley floor.

Form appearing more consistent at frame structures. Linear for I- distance. 10 (in distance). Irregular for individual shrubs. Vertical, horizontal, and Horizontal as defined by the valley Horizontal for the valley floor. diagonal for lattice and h-frame

Line floor. Diagonal as demarcated by structures, horizontal for I-10. access road.

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. Gray to brown. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. Smooth

extu appear granular. T

Narrative: SQRU 12 encompasses the central-eastern portion of Chuckwalla Valley in the vicinity of the exiting transmission lines on both the north and south side of I-10. The landform of the valley floor is flat and non-descript with grass and low-growing shrubs of subdued color. Though distant mountain ranges (McCoy Mountains to the north and Chuckwalla Mountains to the south) provide limited backdrops of visual interest (not part of this unit), SQRU 12 is primarily influenced by the dominant presence of existing utility infrastructure and Interstate 10. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 1 Chuckwalla Valley Floor CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 Distant McCoy and Chuckwalla e. Adjacent Scenery 2 B 12 - 18 Mountains f. Scarcity 1 C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications -4 Transmission Lines and I-10 TOTALS 0 4 -1 3

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 12 Viewpoint 19 : Mule Mtns. Access Rd. Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing grasses and shrubs. Coverage Linear and complex for Flat mesa and valley floor.

Form appearing more consistent at transmission line towers. distance.

Irregular for individual shrubs. Horizontal for the mesa/valley Vertical, horizontal, and Horizontal as defined by the

Line floor. diagonal for lattice structures. mesa/valley floor.

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. Gray. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. Smooth

extu appear granular. T

Narrative: Viewpoint 19 is located on Palo Verde Mesa at the eastern end of SQRU 12. Viewing to the west toward Chuckwalla Valley, the landform is flat with relatively non-descript vegetation of subtle hues of yellow and green. Though distant mountain ranges (McCoy Mountains to the north, Chuckwalla Mountains to the southwest, Mule Mountains to the south) provide backdrops of visual interest (not part of this unit), SQRU 12 is primarily influenced by the dominant presence of existing utility infrastructure. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY Palo Verde Mesa / Chuckwalla a. Landform 1 CLASSIFICATION Valley Floor

b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 McCoy, Chuckwalla, and Mule B 12 - 18 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 Mountains f. Scarcity 1 C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications -3 Transmission Line TOTALS 0 5 0 5 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/23/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 13 Viewpoint 20 : Dupont Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing None, with the exception that grasses with some taller shrubs. 4WD tracks of Dupont Road Flat valley floor.

Form Coverage appearing more consistent are apparent when viewing in- at distance. line with the track. Irregular for individual shrubs. Horizontal as defined by the mesa. None (though curvilinear for Horizontal for valley floor.

Line Curvilinear as demarcated by sandy the 4WD track). washes.

Tan to pale-yellow grasses with Light-tan soils. None. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color e r Soils in the immediate foreground Medium grain to matte. None

extu appear smooth to granular. T

Narrative: The western end of SQRU 15 is characterized by the broad, flat floor of the southern Chuckwalla Valley between the Chuckwalla Mountains to the west, Little Chuckwalla Mountains to the east, and the Chocolate Mountains to the south. The valley floor supports low growing grasses and shrubs punctuated by taller shrubs and demarcated by numerous northeast- southwest trending washes. Colors on the valley floor range from light tan soils to tan and yellow grasses to dark green shrubs. The Chocolate and Chuckwalla Mountains provide visual variety in terms of form (rugged, angular features), line (jagged and irregular), and color (bluish to lavender hues). Unlike Unit 12 to the north, Unit 13 is not substantially influenced by cultural modifications such as transmission lines or roads. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY a. Landform 2 Valley floor with numerous washes CLASSIFICATION b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 3 Chocolate, Chuckwalla, Little e. Adjacent Scenery 3 B 12 - 18 Chuckwalla Mountains f. Scarcity 2 C 11 or less g. Cultural Modifications 0 TOTALS 0 12 0 12 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 13 Viewpoint 21 : Wiley Well Road Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES None, with the exception that Broad, flat valley floor, Irregular distribution of low growing the bladed road is prominent backdropped by the rugged Little

Form grasses and shrubs. when viewing in-line with the Chuckwalla Mountains. road.

Horizontal for the valley floor. Irregular for individual shrubs. None (though curvilinear for Irregular and jagged for the Horizontal as defined by the valley

Line the bladed road). mountain ridgelines. floor.

Light-tan soils. Dark-brown to Tan to pale- and golden-yellow bluish tones for the more distant grasses with muted greens for the None.

Color mountains. shrubs. Soils in the immediate foreground e r appear granular. More distant Medium grain to matte. None

extu mountain surfaces appear smooth T to matte.

Narrative: The eastern portion of SQRU 13 includes the southern portion of Chuckwalla Valley between the Little Chuckwalla Mountains on the west and the Mule Mountains on the east. The valley floor is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. Colors in this arid landscape are muted though the more distant Little Chuckwalla Mountains provide some variety in color and form. Unlike Unit 12 to the north, the Unit 13 landscape is not substantially influenced by cultural modifications (structures). Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 2 Little Chuckwalla Mountains

b. Vegetation 1 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 2 B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 1 g. Cultural Modifications 0 Access road is noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 0 6 2 8

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 14 Viewpoint 22 : McCoy Peak Access Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Flat valley floor, backdropped by Irregular distribution of low growing None, with the exception that the rugged, angular McCoy Peak grasses and shrubs, coverage 4WD tracks are apparent when

Form and the south end of the McCoy appearing more consistent at viewing in-line with the track. Mountains. distance.

Horizontal for the valley floor. Irregular for individual shrubs. None (though curvilinear for Irregular and jagged for the Horizontal as defined by the valley

Line the 4WD track). mountain ridgelines. floor.

Light-tan soils. Dark-brown to Tan to pale-yellow grasses with None. bluish tones for the mountains. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color

Soils in the immediate foreground e r appear smooth to granular. Medium grain to matte. None

extu Mountain surfaces appear T granular to matte.

Narrative: SQRU 14 encompasses McCoy Peak and the southern end of the McCoy Mountains. The Chuckwalla Valley floor that abuts the McCoy Mountains is flat and relatively non-descript with low growing grasses and shrubs. Colors are dominated by the light tan-to pale yellow grasses and green shrubs. The McCoy Mountains provide some variety in color with hues ranging from blue to magenta to brown. Unlike the surrounding Units (10, 12, and 15), the Unit 14 landscape is dominated by rugged mountainous terrain with little influence from built structures (though 4WD access tracks are visible as linear features when viewed in-line. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 4 McCoy Peak

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 McCoy Mountains B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 3 g. Cultural Modifications 0 Access road is noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 4 10 0 14

United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Scenic Quality Field Inventory

Date 8/19/05 District California Desert Field Office Palm Springs Scenic Quality Rating Unit 15 Viewpoint 23 : Black Rock Evaluator(s) Michael Clayton

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER LANDFORM / WATER VEGETATION STRUCTURES Irregular distribution of low growing Flat mesa, backdropped by the None, with the exception that grasses and shrubs. Coverage rugged, angular McCoy 4WD tracks are apparent when

Form appearing more consistent at Mountains. viewing in-line with the track. distance.

Horizontal for the mesa. Irregular Irregular for individual shrubs. None (though curvilinear for and jagged for the mountain

Line Horizontal as defined by the mesa. the 4WD track). ridgelines.

Light-tan soils. Brown to bluish Tan to pale-yellow grasses with and lavender hues for the None. tanish-gray to green shrubs. Color mountains. Soils in the immediate foreground e r appear granular. Mountain Medium grain to matte. None

extu surfaces appear granular to T matte.

Narrative: SQRU 15 includes the northern portion of Palo Verde Mesa between the McCoy Mountains on the west and the on the northeast. The mesa is flat with low growing grasses and shrubs. Colors ion the mesa range from light tan soils to tan and yellow grasses to dark green shrubs. While most of the unit that is contained within the present boundaries is comprised of the mesa landscape, the unit does include a portion of the southern end of the McCoy Mountains on the west. The McCoy Mountains provide visual variety in terms of form (rugged, angular features), line (jagged and irregular), and color (bluish to bluish and lavender hues). The eastern and southeastern portion of this unit includes lands that are interspersed with non-federal agricultural fields, which though physically within the Unit 15 boundary, neither contribute to nor are subject to the Scenic Quality rating provided here. Score High Medium Low Explanation or Rationale SCENIC QUALITY CLASSIFICATION a. Landform 3 McCoy Mountains

b. Vegetation 2 c. Water 0 A 19 or more d. Color 2 e. Adjacent Scenery 3 McCoy Mountains B 12 - 18 f. Scarcity 2 g. Cultural Modifications 0 Access road is noticeable C 11 or less TOTALS 0 12 0 12