Charles Kaplan

February, 2019 Stephanie Rabbani The Seiden Group

Open Source DB2 Application Development March, 2019 Floyd Del Muro Arcad Software

RPG Application Development Open Source April, 2019 Allison Butterill IBM i Offering Manager

Anything IBM i May, 2019 May Education Day

2 Tracks  Application Development  Systems Management

January, 2019 Gavriel Meir-Levi Security Sales Director Syncsort

Introduction to GDPR GDPR and its Security Implications

Who Invented SQL? Microsoft Oracle IBM MIT Who Invented SQL? Microsoft Oracle IBM MIT Edgar F. Codd Donald D. Chamberlin Raymond F. Boyce What is SQL? SQL ("sequel"; Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is particularly useful in handling structured data where there are relations between different entities/variables of the data. SQL offers two main advantages over older read/write APIs like ISAM or VSAM: first, it introduced the concept of accessing many records with one single command; and second, it eliminates the need to specify how to reach a record, e.g. with or without an index. Top SQL Relational Databases  DB2  Oracle  MicroSoft SQL Server  MySQL  PostgreSQL  mongoDB  MariaDB  SAP HANA Who Owns SQL? Who Owns SQL? SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987. Since then, the standard has been revised to include a larger set of features. Despite the existence of such standards, most SQL code is not completely portable among different database systems without adjustments. Is SQL a Programming Language? Is SQL a Programming Language?

 SQL is a “special purpose” programming language for accessing data in a relational database

 SQL is NOT a general purpose high-level programming language, like RPG, C or PHP SQL Query SELECT [DISTINCT] column_names FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.foreign_key = table2.primary_key WHERE where_conditions GROUP BY column_names [WITH ROLLUP] ORDER BY column_names [ASC / DESC] LIMIT offset, row_count SQL Table Joins Customer Table Order Table Joined Table *Cust# *Order# Order.Order# Name **Cust# Order.Date Address Date Order.Amount Phone Amount Order.Status Email Status Cust.Cust# Cust.Name JOIN cust ON order.cust# = cust.cust# Cust.Address Cust.Phone * = Primary Key Cust.Email ** = Foreign Key SQL QUIZ

The objective of this quiz is to interpret the results of an SQL query into PLAIN ENGLISH. #1 SELECT name FROM westbury_manor.rooms ORDER BY room_size DESC LIMIT 1 #1 SELECT name FROM westbury_manor.rooms ORDER BY room_size DESC LIMIT 1

What is the largest room in the Westbury Manor? Answer: Manor Room (4,267 sq. feet) #2 SELECT name, home_runs FROM mlb.players WHERE home_runs > 499 ORDER BY home_runs DESC 762 755 #2 714 686 660 SELECT name, home_runs 633 Ken Griffey, Jr. 630 FROM mlb.players 609 586 Mark McGwire 583 WHERE home_runs > 499 573 Rafael Palmeiro 569 ORDER BY home_runs DESC 563 555 548 541 541 List of MLB Players with 500 or more 536 534 Willie McCovey 521 Home Runs Frank Thomas 521 521 512 512 511 504 500 #3 SELECT item FROM family.chores WHERE status != ‘done’ AND assigned_to = ‘husband’ #3 SELECT item FROM family.chores WHERE status != ‘done’ AND assigned_to = ‘husband’

Honey Do List #4 SELECT name, height FROM nba.players ORDER BY height LIMIT 1 #4 SELECT name, height FROM nba.players ORDER BY height LIMIT 1

Who is the shortest player in the NBA? Answer: Muggsy Bogues (5’ 3”) #5 SELECT title, count(*) FROM ampas.awards WHERE year = ‘2017’ GROUP BY title ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 #5 SELECT title, count(*) FROM ampas.awards WHERE year = ‘2017’ GROUP BY title ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1

Which 2017 movie won the most Oscars? Answer: Moonlight, 3 #6 SELECT title FROM billboard.songs ORDER BY sales DESC LIMIT 100 #6 SELECT title FROM billboard.songs ORDER BY sales DESC LIMIT 100

Billboard’s All Time Top 100 songs #1 – The Twist, Chubby Checker #7 SELECT manufacturer FROM jdpower.awards WHERE award_type = ‘dependability’ and year = ‘2018’ GROUP BY manufacturer ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 #7 SELECT manufacturer FROM jdpower.awards WHERE award_type = ‘dependability’ and year = ‘2018’ GROUP BY manufacturer ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1

Which manufacturer won the most JD Power Awards for Dependability in 2018? Answer: Buick (10) #8 SELECT SUM(arrests) FROM nfl.players WHERE year = ‘2018’ #8 SELECT SUM(arrests) FROM nfl.players WHERE year = ‘2018’

How many NFL players were arrested in 2018? Answer: 29 #9 SELECT count(DISTINCT(zip_code)) FROM usps.post_offices #9 SELECT count(DISTINCT(zip_code)) FROM usps.post_offices

How many Zip Codes are in the U.S.? Answer: over 42,000 #10 SELECT * FROM lisug.members ORDER BY last_name, first_name INTO OUTFILE 'temp/lisug_members.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ( Quote enclosed by Single Quotes) LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' #10 SELECT * FROM lisug.members ORDER BY last_name, first_name INTO OUTFILE 'lisug_members.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' (Double Quote) LINES TERMINATED BY '\n’

Export the LISUG Membership table into a Spreadsheet