Tucson Chapter Vol 16 - Issue 2 • May – Jul 2008 Serving Southern AZ Regions • Tucson • Oro Valley • Green Valley • Tubac • Sierra Vista • www.asgtucson.org Featured Throughout usion – “a product formed by the combination of two or more Fthings.” Within ASG, fusion can imply the bonding of This Issue: fusibles or the bonding of people coming together to share common interests. As the sewing industry shifts methodologies and explores new technology, sewing enthusiasts respond by bonding with the sewing Fusion arts in different ways. Bonds are also strengthening within our chapter as we continue to grow. Inside this issue you’ll find evidence of what Bonds that occur between we’re talking about.

Sewing Fusibles... Re-fusion – ”to bond and fuse again.” In 2009, there will be a need & among People for a new Chapter Advisory Board (CAB). The month of May brings us closer to the year’s halfway point which is the time to begin seeking in the replacements (or continuations) for 2009 CAB positions. The Aug newsletter will contain a ballot with 5 officers’ names running for election. Neighborhood Groups There will also be several appointed positions that need volunteers to fill the chapter’s ongoing need for helpers and doers.

While we like to anticipate filling all CAB positions, our track record for this task has been difficult. Arm-twisting has often been part of the process, along with threats, ultimatums, and begging. No MORE! This year, it’s now or never. We simply need you to consider filling next year’s CAB positions and give us a call if you’re interested. “Many hands make light the work,” and many of us are willing to do something for a short period of time but want to know there are others willing to take over Jane visits Maureen. Story, pg 9 when our time is up.

Last year, before running for President, Jane Riney said something Inside this Issue that made sense... “No one joins a volunteer organization to be a board Chapter Event Calendar...... 3 member. They join to reap what the organization offers or support its President’s Message & Elections....4-5 cause. Taking on leadership positions is the farthest thing from their minds.” Neighborhood Group Calendars...... 6 Chapter Leaders Fuse & Bond...... 7 While Jane was right, the fact remains, we can’t continue operating Annette’s Artistry Fuses NG...... 8 without a full Advisory Board. Each year, ASG requires 5 annually elected officers to maintain the chapter charter. They, in turn, appoint Bonding Benson with ASG...... 9 others to fill critical positions that augment the core CAB. ALL of these Machine Grp Fuses...... 9 are important to continue the service and programs members sign up Needling thru the Neighborhoods.... 8-12 for. By the end of each year, if key board positions haven’t been filled, there is always the dreaded contingency plan to close the chapter. Memorable Mary Mulari...... 14-15 Becoming Serger Savvy...... 16 Refuse – “to turn away by not accepting or considering.” Inside this F-F-Fit to be Tried ...... 17 newsletter, you’ll find positive fusing and strengthening efforts we’re going through as a chapter. Please don’t let your take a Sandy’s Blouse...... 17 negative motion and refuse to help continue the positive momentum. Sewing Expos Debut in Tucson...... 18 We have a well organized and productive chapter that is 16 years old! Annual Sewing Retreat...... 19-20 Take a look at page 5, think about the CAB positions described and Classified Ads / Retailer discounts.....23 consider volunteering. The chapter can’t stay open without you! May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News  Advisory Board – 2007 ASG Membership Newsletter

President For Changes of Address or Cactus Needle News is published four Jane Riney changes to Chapter Affiliation: times a year (Feb-Apr; May-Jul; Aug- Ph: 520-797-7372 Oct; Nov-Jan). Master membership data is managed [email protected] dvertising ates at ASG Headquarters in TX. If your A R : Camera Ready Display Ad Rates: Vice President, Newsletter Editor address changes for any reason, you Full-page $85.00 Debbie Janson must notify ASG directly. Otherwise, Ph: 520-298-7165 you may not receive your newsletter Half-page $45.00 [email protected] or other important information. If you Quarter-page $25.00 want to change your chapter affilia- Business card $15.00 Vice President, Membership tion to a different chapter other than (discounted rates available for multi- ple ad placements) Paula Fleming the original one you joined, you must Ph: 520-731-0151 notify ASG of that fact, also, in addi- Classified Ads (Sewing related) [email protected] tion to your address change. Members: Up to 40 words–Free Non-Members: Up to 40 words–$5.00 Secretary Send address changes to: Yolanda Niemann Mail ads & ad payments to: Ph: 520-818-9235 The American Sewing Guild ASG, Tucson Chapter [email protected] 9660 Hillcroft, Suite 510 c/o Debbie Janson Houston, TX 77096 PO Box 18853 Treasurer FAX (713) 721-9230 Tucson, AZ 85731 Liz Lemieux Ph: (520) 298-7165 Ph: 520-664-2470 To contact ASG via e-mail, use: [email protected] [email protected] or www.asg.org Make checks payable to: “ASG, Tucson Chapter” Retail Liaison Newsletter Info Deadlines: Judith Perlite All ads, articles & images must be Ph: 520-829-1493 received by the 1st of January, April, [email protected] July, & October. RE-MEMBER Librarian Linda Ryan to RENEW Welcome New Members! Ph: 520-299-2338 For new members joining ASG [email protected] or anyone needing to renew their membership, please use Michele Almeida Lisa Kern Neighborhood Group Coordinator the form on pg 22. Linda Knecht Liz Macijeski Ann Bailey Vicki Lofgren Ph: 520-825-2937 Cindy Baker Susan Loosse [email protected] Ruby Barnette Susan Bodine Ruth McNay Chapter Advisory Board Historian Sylvia Brown JoAnne Merida Meetings Miriam Sheridan Dolores Campbell Joan Nelson Ph: 520-877-2238 Jean Cram Toni Rivers Held the 4th Thursday of most months, [email protected] Anamarie Daniels Nancy Shaffer 9:30-11:30 am at Randolph Rec Cen- Debbie Gonzalez Judi Snively ter, 200 S. Alvernon Way. Meetings Hospitality Jean Feeley Brenda Somers are open to all members. Non-board Julie Scott Bonnie Frisch Katie Templeton members are asked to call in advance Ph: 520-296-1805 Laura Hogan Angel Thompson to request space on the agenda if [email protected] Marta Johnson Dorothy Treese they want to present a topic. Please Judy Kalidonis Toni Wood contact the President for details; Ph: Publicity Ann Kennedy Beverly Hawkins Pat Scully 797-7372. (Transfer from Phoenix) Ph: 520-722-6236 ASG is a non-profit volunteer organization of home sewers whose purpose is to [email protected] provide information, education & programs for its members & community. Mem- bership in the Guild is open to anyone with an interest in sewing. Dues include Programs/Events - Position Open quarterly publications of the Chapter Newsletter & ASG’s magazine.

 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 2008 Chapter Events

Date/Time Activity / Event / Location May 22 - Thur Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meeting; Randolph Recre- 9:30 - 11:30 am ation Center. All members welcome; Details, pg 2.

Annual Sewing Retreat - NEW 4-day time frame! Windmill Jun 11-14 Suites, River Rd. Double the sewing room space. Low rates. Wed-Sat Choices available on “sewing & spending the night” or “just over 4 days sewing” each day. Flyer and details pg 19-20 and on chapter web site; www.asgtucson.org; (click on Events page).

Jun 26 - Thur Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meeting; Randolph Recre- 9:30 - 11:30 am ation Center. All members welcome; Details, pg 2.

ASG National Conference Chicago,Illinois – Hyatt Regency, O’Hare. Apply now. Visit the ASG web site at www.asg.org and select <-- Sewing Retreat --> July 10-14 the “conference” tab for more info Thur-Sat and registration. LOTS of workshops over 4 days by expert speakers, classes, fashion show, contests, and a large exhibit hall with products, fabrics, notions, and more.

Aug 28 - Thur Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meeting; Randolph Recre- 9:30 - 11:30 am ation Center. All members welcome; Details, pg 2.

Liz Macijeski style Many September Make a Fabric/Bead Necklace– ! have seen these creations made of large wooden beads cov- (Date/Time TBA) ered with fabric. Class details TBA in Aug Newsletter.

Sep 25 - Thur Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meeting; Randolph Recre- 9:30 - 11:30 am ation Center. All members welcome; Details, pg 2. <--ASG Conference-->

Premiere Tucson Quilt, Craft, & Sewing Festival at the Oct 2-4 Tucson Expo Center. See products, demos & shop for sew- Sewing Expo ing-related goodies. Visit: www.rustybarn.com for coming attractions & details.

Oct 23 - Thur Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meeting; Randolph Recre- 9:30 - 11:30 am ation Center. All members welcome; Details, pg 2.

Shirley Adams; Guest Expert from the Sewing Connection. Nov 22 - Sat SaddleBrooke Mt View Ballrm. Popular presenter on classic, 9 am - 5 pm high-end garments with designer touches and rede- signs. Renown speaker with LOTS of tips! More details later.

Annual Holiday Luncheon; Ugly Fabric Challenge; CAB Dec 6 - Sat Elections. Reid Park–Randolph Golf Course, Copper Room. 11 am - 3 pm 600 S Alvernon Way. Buffet lunch. More info later.

On the 2009 Chapter Agenda Early January - Patternless Wardrobe class by Linda Brush Saturday, Feb 7: Demo Day - Mt View Ballroom in SaddleBrooke

May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News  President’s Comments - “Jane’s Jottings”

Dear Chapter Members, I wish to add my voice and outlook to emphasize the important points on fusion that were raised on the front page. This year I think we must really fuse or defuse. Just as fusibles aren’t always up

Prez to the job, neither are organizations. Some of us became involved in the Chapter Jane Advisory Board (CAB) in our effort to keep the chapter fused: to hold events and provide the teaching required to address the membership’s interests. The thought of “No more Mulari, Kazell, Adams or others” is dismaying to the current CAB, but it is not OUR chapter; it’s YOUR chapter. We did it for you because we know you use sewing as a creative outlet, just as we do. No position on the CAB requires “special” people, nor is it rocket science. Yes, you need to use a com- puter because the majority of our duties are more efficiently handled this way. One doesn’t have to be a genius, or be greatly skilled at sewing, or have an encyclopedic knowledge of ASG. These are excuses, not reasons to decline volunteering to run for election. As I mentioned at the Mary Mulari event in March: “One needs a computer, a phone, and an ability to carry through. That’s all.” I expect many of you are not much different from me. I would never have volunteered to run for presi- dent had I not been asked. I would have considered it presumptuous, or felt unqualified, or inadequate for any position. I knew only 6 other members when I was asked and mulled over reasons whether or not to run. After a time and a cold, personal assessment, I realized most of the reasons to say “No” are based either on fear or selfishness. Each CAB position has a small list of functions to perform. You can’t fuse the upper collar and lower collar together in one fell swoop! You do a little job on the under collar, another little one on the upper collar, and then bring the two together. That is how the CAB functions: divisions of tasks to complete or fuse the whole. Over the next couple of months, we ask each of you to honestly assess yourself and ask if you could help fuse a little. You do know that if you are not part of the solution, you are the problem. I know there are many of you who are capable. Look at the beautiful things you create. You can create a strongly fused chapter that functions as beautifully as your creations. I’ve seen what you can do with your hands. Realize that before your hands got busy, your mind was creating the idea. You create by TRYING something, so TRY helping ASG. You can do it... we can help. Running for office is not a popu- larity contest, but an agreement to help keep the chapter fused and strong. You each have so many gifts given you by your Creator, that we ask you to please share some of them with us. Please take a look at the next page with the CAB position descriptions and give them some thought. My contact information is on page 2. Give me a call if you need help deciding on becoming “part of the solution.” Have Fun Sewing!Jane

 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Chapter CAB Positions Please review & consider helping.

Five Elected Officer Positions • Publicity - Creates & distributes program info to retailers, public places, community media sources, • President - Oversees chapter activities. Conducts & ASG. Computer / e-mail skills desired. board meetings, submits reports, plans budget, co- ordinates info between ASG Hdqrs & membership. • Retail Liaison - Solicits advertisement revenue Computer / e-mail skills desired. from area retailers. Periodically visits retailers to re- new ad / discount agreements. • 1st VP - Assumes duties of President if incumbent unable to do so. Assumes duties of one other CAB • Historian - Maintains display boards of chapter position. Computer / e-mail skills desired. activities. Designs scrapbooks or other media for chapter events and other items of interest. Experi- • 2nd VP - Assumes duties of President if President ence with digital cameras / computers desired. or 1st VP unable to function in that role. Assumes duties of one other CAB position. Computer / e-mail • Librarian - Maintains chapter library, organizes skills desired. circulation of reference materials to NGs, completes annual inventory of all library items. • Secretary - Records, distributes minutes of the CAB mtgs. Contributes other tasks, as needed. • Member-at-Large - Serves as member ombuds- man reporting chapter indicators to the CAB. Ex- • Treasurer - Responsible for all fiscal / budgetary plores topics recommended by the membership. operations. Submits quarterly ASG reports. Com- Assists CAB with other tasks, as needed. puter / e-mail / MS Excel skills required.

Nine Possible Appointed Positions Tucson’s ONLY Retailer offering daily ASG member discounts • Membership - Maintains current membership ON SERVICE / REPAIR • ALL MACHINES data in conjunction with ASG. Distributes welcome packets & other info. Computer / MS Excel & e-mail skills desired.

• Programs/Events - Plans at least 2 events per year. Oversees all program planning initiatives. In- terfaces with speakers/facility coordinators. Com- puter / e-mail skills desired.

• Newsletter Editor - Responsible for printing, de- signing, & publishing quarterly newsletter. Oversees bulk mailing process. Computer desktop publishing & digital imaging skills mandatory.

• Neighborhood Group (NG) Coordinator - SALES • SERVICE • SUPPLIES 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS Liaison between CAB & NG Leaders. Keeps all parties current on chapter issues. Meets with NG 1835 S. Alvernon Way, #211 Leaders to share ideas. Tallies chapter community Tucson, AZ 85711 service hours & submits report to ASG. Computer / e-mail skills desired. Authorized Dealer 790-7041 9AM - 5PM MON - FRI, 9AM - 1PM SAT • CLOSED SUNDAYS

May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News  Check for updates or changes on chapter web site: www.asgtucson.org Groups / NG Leaders Meeting Schedules & Topics (TBA = to be announced) N Eastside Day Third Monday of each month – 1:00 pm Ann Williams ED NEW location (in May); Christ Comm. Church; 7801 Kenyon Dr, Rm 101 e (520) 574-4462 (NW corner of Pantano Rd & Kenyon Dr) [email protected] May 19 – & surround design ideas. Demo by Connie Shaw. i Alternate: Carol Green Jun 16 – No meeting this month. Enjoy Chapter Sewing Retreat. g 298-4342 or [email protected] Jul 21 – Embellishmt demo “Broderie Perse” (i.e. rough appliqué / snippets) h Eastside Evening Third Tuesday of each month – 6:30 pm Becky Ruhl EE Location: Bernina Sewing Ct; 4500 E Speedway #39 (Midway Plaza) (520) 888-3434 b [email protected] May 20 – Needle felting demo by Karen Fuller Jun 17 – finishes by Becky Ruhl o Alternate: Sara Rumbaugh Jul 15 – using fabric paint r 326-3534 or [email protected] Southeast Third Saturday of each month – 1:00 pm Annette Sydnor SE Location: Annette’s home: 6925 S. Calle Lechuza, Tucson, 85747 h (520) 647-7055 [email protected] May 17 – Fabric Rag bowls with bias cuts - Demo by Donna Crowl o Jun 21 – Pajama party: Making PJ’s; designs/construction; your choice Alternate: Donna Crowl Jul 19 – Kitchen Aprons; Get ideas for designs or sit/sew/make them o 777- 3055 or [email protected] (call leader for details) Benson Firm date/time for meeting in flux: – 3:30 pm d Location: San Pedro Valley Methodist Church; 636 S Hwy 80 (So. of Benson) Maureen Obuch B Sat, May 3, 9am-12pm – Sit/sew/make cooling neck wraps for military (520) 212-7088 [email protected] Tue, May 6 – Visit by American Legion to package Cool Ties for delivery to deployed military. Newspaper coverage of Comm. Service project expected. Third Tuesday of each month – 1:00 pm (group goes to lunch first) G Sierra Vista SV Location: Board Rm in SSVEC, Electric Bldg. (at 2nd St & Wilcox) Deb Williams May 20 – Tote Bag by Wendy Jones (520) 803-7776 Jun 17 – T-shirt makeovers For supply lists & more r [email protected] Jul 15 – Make a Christmas card caddy details, call NG Leader o First Monday of each month – 1:00 pm u Northwest NW Location: Rural/Metro Fire station admin bldg: 490 W Magee Rd. May 5 – Meeting canx. Bldg use required by Rural Metro staff. Ramona Baird Jun 2 – Beading/Sequins demo. Discussion of fabrics for embellishmt. choices p (520) 304-2944 Jul 7 – Quilting/piecing. Discuss fabric preps, / demos for wearable art [email protected] jackets. Create designer fabric first? or cut & then embellish later? Aug 4 – Felting by hand & machine Fourth Tuesday of each month – 10:00 am Westside WS Location: Villas de La Canada pool club house... (Take La Canada C Barbara Hovagian north from Ina and left on Sendero Uno, 1 block south of Magee.) (520) 297-4265 May 27 – Alteration program by Debbie Janson a [email protected] Jun 24 – Mini Demo Day (topics TBA) l Jul 22 – Sit/sew at Fountains Retiremt facility to mend & do alterations Southwest SW First Wednesday of each month – 10:00 am (in Green Valley) e Phyllis Viola Location: Friends Indeed Bldg, Rm C; 301 W. Camino Casa Verde (520) 625-4877 May 7 – Sit & sew: Make neck cooler ties for deployed military. Bring sergers or n [email protected] machines & strips of cloth cut 4 1/2” wide, to selvage. Alternate: Joyce Catalfamo Jun 4 – Sewing bee; bring a project, with sewing supplies, to work on. d 296-2296 or [email protected] Jul 2 – Machine embroidery demo on supplies and hints.

a SaddleBrooke Satellite First Monday of each month – 9:00 am Location: SaddleBrooke #1 Arts/Crafts Bldg (Call leader for invite details.) r Liz Macijeski (520) 825-2937 SB May 5 – Pockets for skirts/pants (from Zeiman’s 10-20-30 Min. to Sew book) s [email protected] Jun 2 – Make plain T shirts from Stretch & Sew patterns by Nan Nasser Jul 7 Alt: Yolanda Niemann – 818-9235 “On the Town” field trips to fabric stores (carpooling) or [email protected] Aug 4  Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Other agenda topics in- cluded a review of report- ing requirements, provision of guidelines from Chapter and ASG Headquarters ar- chives, and developing new ways to share programs al- ready in motion. One new at- tendee, Maureen Obuch, was interested in starting a NG in Above: Barbara Ho- Above, L-R: Becky Ruhl, Eastside Evening NG leader; Liz Macijeski, Chapter NG Coor- Benson, and plans were laid vagian, West side NG to get her intentions publi- leader & Phyllis Viola, dinator; Annette Sydnor, SE NG leader; and Cheryl Malone, possible co-leader of newly SW NG leader. forming Benson NG. cized. Toward the end of the meeting, the group volunteered to support the n February 20, thirteen Neighborhood Group (NG) Leaders, chapter’s appearance in the upcoming April Sew- guests, representatives, and some Chapter Advisory Board ing Festival and assist in planning events that fell (CAB)O members gathered to ask questions, find solutions, and seek within their respective areas. out new ideas. The grand meeting of the minds was led by NG Co- ordinator, Liz Macijeski with an agenda designed to strengthen rela- tionships among the 8 Tucson NGs. The goal was to build new bonds that would help support this Chapter’s growing population of sewing enthusiasts. rowth and shrinkage of var- ious sewing resources are Neighborhood Groups are the bread and butter of ASG. The informal happeningG simultaneously. New nature of these gatherings and “sewing chat” among participants are sewers and related groups are characteristics that keep NGs going. coming forth with new ideas for tackling sewing interests. Vet- Despite NG meeting popularity, the leadership eran sewers are relying on more who run them need help to identify new topics Above: Ann Wil- time-honored techniques. Sew- and keep creativity flowing. Liz Macijeski (at liams, East side Day NG leader. ing resources are disappearing left) was hot on supporting NG leaders with more as seen by the recent closure of chapter funds, more sharing of “round robin” pro- the ’N Bolts retail fabric store with tran- gram teachers, and facilitating more publication sition to their on-line business. Tucson’s Book- of already-taught lesson plans with supportive man’s Used Book Stores are closing all Commu- photos. Resources to help keep groups engaged nity rooms in May. This has and well attended was paramount. forced the Eastside Day NG and CAB to find new meeting spaces. Voyager RV Resort Park at Kolb Rd. and I-10 has fallen under new management and usage of their facility by outside groups is up in the air. Above: Deb Wil- liams, Sierra Vista NG leader. Despite these blockades to Below: Joyce Catal- hosted sewing groups, those famo, Co-leader, SW who remain serious about NG & Liz Lemieux, Chapter Treasurer keeping sewing going will & “back up” for the find new “fusibles” to Eastside Day NG. stay bonded.

What lies ahead? Watch as Tucson Chapter NG growth spurts continue and what happens over the next year. May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News  Needling Through... the Neighborhoods

On Tucson’s southeast page. No more! I’ve learned Annette’s Artistry Fuses side adjacent to the a lot here, today.” (Jane’s pri- New Neighborhood Group nearby town of Vail, lies mary sewing interests focus Annette Sydnor’s self- on couture garments.) designed home. Rustic, roomy and tastefully Chatter about various topics done in southwest de- was prolific as participants cor, her milieu in the shared ideas about sewing midst of the surround- of all types. Questions were ing desert mountains flying in every direction. An- offers the perfect set- nette was asked if she ever L-R: Donna Crowl explains fab- ting to inspire any ar- made mistakes in her proj- ric weaving to Jane Riney. tistic whim. ects! “Of course,” she said, “but I don’t put them out for others to see!” However, Fifteen sewers from many backgrounds gathered at An- when encouraged to own up to a few faux pas, Annette nette’s open house Neighborhood Group (NG) debut on showed others how she started out with a “boo-boo” but Feb 16 for a look-see at her collection of artistic creations. turned it into a design element. Displayed throughout her home were purses, bags, vests, quilts, blankets, wall hangings, faux chenille clothing, and Annette’s interests and talents crafts of all types. Flowers from extend well beyond sewing with wire ribbon and silk ribbon em- examples of her ceramic tile broidery were among her trea- layouts, metal sculpturing and sures. Her trunk show brought construction finish work seen “Ooh’s and ahh’s” as people throughout her home. Annette walked from room to room. and her husband own a machine mechanic business which keeps Donna Crowl, Annette’s them very busy. Somehow during long time friend, is the her busy life, Annette finds the time to escape each week NG back-up co-leader. to work on several ongoing projects at one time. She was available to help describe the meth- Annette and ods and means behind Donna wel- project displays that she come all sew- and Annette have made ers who wish over the years. to join their NG. The top- This unique open-house ic for March forum was Annette’s involved a way of inspiring sewers faux chenille demonstration, and May’s topic will demo to open their minds and bowl construction techniques. Contact Annette to let her explore the possibilities of needle, notions and fabrics. know what sewing interests you’d like to explore in her Jane Riney, Chapter President, said, “Normally when I future NG meetings. read the word quilt in a book or ad, I just keep turning the

“It’s gonna be tough for me to keep up with these people!”

 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Bonding Machine Embroidery Group Benson Stabilizes & Fuses with ASG rom the members who belong to the SW Neighborhood FGroup (NG) in Green Valley, a focused specialty group by Pat Scully of machine embroidery enthusiasts came together in Jan- and Liz Macijeski uary. It all started with a conversation among those with new embroidery machines who wanted to share ideas and trek down the I-10 corridor was on the Chapter calendar learn more about embroidery techniques. AMarch 19. President, Jane Riney, NG Coordinator, Liz Macijeski and Publicity Chair, Pat Scully were “Benson Ann Drake, a Southwest NG member with well-devel- bound” to help found the beginnings of a new Neighbor- oped expertise in this area, led the effort to help those hood Group (NG). Member Maureen Obuch volunteered interested in advancing their skills. Since February, the to begin bonding Benson with sewing initiatives while now-named “Green Valley Embroidery Group” has dis- spreading ASG awareness to surrounding areas. cussed stabilizers, downloading and digitizing software designs, hooping techniques, and lace creation. The chosen spot for the new group was the San Pedro Methodist Church (2 double-wides) on the road to Tomb- No hauling of machines is de- stone at the bend of Route 80, south of Benson. The facil- sired at every class, but stitched ity is ideal for conducting classes, and church officials are samples and machine parts (i.e. allowing Maureen to use whatever space she needs. hoops) are brought by partici- pants to the meetings. Their The first meeting was scheduled for Thursday, March home-stitched samples and 21 at 3:30 PM. Church members (including lots of snow- shared experiences while work- birds) were solicited to tell their friends about this new ing are critiqued, with solutions sewing group. Flyers and local publicity were planned to offered to help solve problems spread awareness, as well. brought up during discussion.

Maureen has been an ASG member for 10 years and is Classes are held at Friends In Deed Bldg. in Green Val- very talented with a vast sewing background. She mostly ley; same locale as the Southwest NG meetings, and the does garment sewing for young and old, and uses Pattern group meets from 9–11 AM every second Thursday of the Master Boutique software (a Wild Ginger product) to cre- month. Many participants, including the leader, travel dur- ate her own patterns on the computer. Maureen is also a ing the summer, so meetings are very loose in structure as licensed Sulky educator with a wide array of samples. members feel their way. Planned topics can change based on tentative availability of presenters. The group mix cur- Maureen has lived in the St. David area for about 2 rently has 10-15 interested in attending the ongoing meet- years. She said she was never able to make NG meetings ings. Frequent Q&A sessions and exchanged helpful tips elsewhere, so decided to start her own. With her versatile often serve as the main agenda for meeting fodder. skill mix and long time experiences with teaching groups of all levels in varied subjects, Maureen will be able to of- For now, the group leader is Ann Drake. She can be fer lots of material for future NG classes and topics. reached by phone at 520-393-8778 or gentryann@cox. net. If she is not available, her back up for group infor- Interested in joining this group? Contact Maureen mation is Joyce Catalfamo. Joyce’s contact info is listed at 520-212-7088 or by e-mail: [email protected]. in the NG Calendar on page 6 as the Co-leader for the Watch Maureen’s NG as it, too, bonds, fuses and grows. Southwest NG.

The Benson Birth- Expectations are that this group will grow as the word ing team! L-R: Liz gets out and other embroidery enthusiasts seek out sup- Macijeski, Maureen port in this specialized sewing area. There are a few non Obuch and Jane ASG members who have already heard about this bud- Riney. Not pictured, ding group and have attended to check it out. Isn’t this Pat Scully. always the way with ASG? It finds its way into many sewer’s lives in various and sundry ways.

May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News  Eastside Day NG Goes Through Bowling & Wrapping Chain Reactions with Westside NG by Millie Bentley

At the Westside Neighborhood Group (NG) gathering in Feb., Roxanne Kelly (at right) demonstrated construction of bowls made of clothesline, fabric strips and zigzag sewing. She brought along several examples L-R: Marianne Schule, Mary Fladness, guest member from to show variations, including MI Chapter (name unknown), Debbie Janson, Yudi Walker, Liz Lemieux, and Tommie Valentine. Not pictured, Pat Scully. some with handles as well as added decorations. Especially cute pumpkins and ghosts The East side Neighborhood Group dangled from Halloween-themed bowls, one of her favorite (NG) became known as a chain gang as holidays. Barbara Hovagian also had completed bowls to Debbie Janson, Chapter VP/Newsletter show off. Each of these two had Editor demonstrated ways to make and different assembly methods that use hand-crocheted chains. From worked for them. Roxanne preferred belt loops, to creating swing tacks that working with shorter strips, while hold linings to pants, Debbie showed Barbara didn’t want to stop every various uses for these handy connective few minutes to start wrapping a fixes. She had samples of finished thread new strip. Therefore, Barbara used chain eyes for hooks and connections to bring to- Aleene’s Tacky Glue® (seen at left) gether with a “flying snap.” Participants were given needles to attach several shorter lengths and thread and practiced making chains, while Debbie used an and worked with them that way. enlarged prop at the front of the class for a demo. All passed Roxanne suggested each of us the test and departed as honorary chain gang members! might develop our own techniques.

Bonnie Albert (at right), Carol Backus, Jody Nowak, and Carolyn Moss all brought materials to work with while Dianne Huston brought her Louise Cutting blouse from last month’s project topic to finish. Vivian Streeter had two quilt projects plus her blouse for show and share. Vivian, Andrea Finney and Millie Bentley took notes, observing the others to learn more. There is a book available, It’s a Wrap by Susan Breier, that describes the clothesline bowl technique (shown below) along with lots of other ideas including place mats, hot pads, and even purses. This was really a great way to use up fabric that might not be suitable for anything else. Best of all, the bowls and the networking were lots of fun!

10 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Denim Delights Southwest NG by Sue Kievit

The SW Neighborhood Group (NG) received a delightful denim demo by Cathy Bennett, a MI Chapter member who resides in Green Valley for the winter. Cathy distributed in- structions on how to make a Jeans Bag from a small pair of child’s jeans from a thrift store. By separating certain parts, closing the center front with a straight seam and adding interesting belts or , but- tons or decorative stitching, Cathy transformed plain denim jeans into trendy works of art. She also showed how to make the inside with added pockets, and add straps and sturdy bag closures. Several ideas were displayed.

Other members shared ideas on how to use parts of the al- ready constructed jeans for handy holders. Rosa Jane Mul- len said she made a purse and used the as a pocket to hold her cell phone. Sue Kievit bought a pair of children’s denim shorts from Wal-mart and has the purse on her sew- ing UFO agenda. She plans to make the strap from another pair of old jeans or denim skirt from a thrift store. Partici- pants were pleased with Cathy’s presentation and found it inspiring.

ewing machines hummed, slashed, and nee- Best EVER Community Service Project! dles gleamed, as 11 members from the Westside Neigh- by Millie Bentley borhoodS Group (NG) cheerfully mended, hemmed, sewed on buttons, and even adjusted sheets. Ladies and gentlemen at The Fountains retirement community stood in line with items eagerly awaiting their repair. Carolyn Moss (seen low- er right with resident) carefully documented what needed to be done and added each item to the pile. Because of the camaraderie, these normally mundane tasks (we all admitted to have at least one item needing mending), went like clockwork, and everyone admitted to having a great time.

n appreciation for our work, there Above: Eleven NG members were offers to pay us money, get spent their April NG meeting usI coffee, and one woman wanted to bake us a cake! Even time offering alteration servic- people who didn’t have repair work stopped by to tell us es in a local retirement com- how wonderful it was that we volunteered this service. Bar- munity setting. Space was at a premium in the Arts & Crafts bara Hovagian reported that one lady even went to her room room, but spirits were high! to write a thank-you note. Several women asked if we could come back every month! It was agreed a return visit would Left: Bonnie Alberts speaks occur in July. It was definitely the best community service with a resident about the project ever. If other NG’s have a chance to perform this day’s efforts. service in their areas, do it! May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 11 SaddleBrooke’s Sensational Show & Shares The SaddleBrooke Satellite Neighborhood Group (NG) is the largest NG in the chapter. Despite ad- vertising only one ASG meeting per month on news- letter & web site calendars, they meet every Monday from 9–11 AM. Participants enjoy keeping their sewing momentum active with more frequent programs and project ideas. Over 60 participants are en- rolled in this group’s membership with an average attendance of 15- 25 at weekly forums.

Liz Macijeski leads most of the group meetings with Yolanda Niemann acting as Co-leader. Different members take turns teaching group demos on garment construction, embroidery and appliqué embellishments, accessory creations, serger basics, quilting techniques, and more. Group members also devote many hours toward sewing for charity and donate hundreds of items for community outreach.

Over the last year, NG photographer, Vicki Kirby, has been tak- ing weekly shots of varied group activities. Surrounding photos depict only a sample collection of the best shared projects seen in this NG’s history of show and shares!

12 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 13 Memorable Mary Mulari ary Mulari’s mastery of making memories prevailed on March 8. Showcased in Sad- MdleBrooke, AZ, her Tucson Chapter program began with embellishing napkins and moved to stockings, mittens, aprons, sweatshirt/jacket conversions, versatile totes, and other accessories. Her ideas on decorative effects brought the house down! One hundred fourteen sewing enthusiasts sat in awe as Mary described easy-to-do touches that added personal pizzazz to embellish new or formerly retired garments. Chapter member Carol Green, continually ex- claimed, “Why didn’t I think of that?” as Mary demonstrated various samples and techniques. Despite her prolific collection of books and patterns sold everywhere, Mary’s ongo- ing wit and very organized presentation made her creations live. When asked where she got her ideas, Mary replied, “From books, magazines, patterns, and designs that surround me; even the print in this carpet today is inspirational.”

Right: Snowflake By separating parts and pieces of sweatshirts, pattern and design from Mary’s book, jeans and other items, Mary showed how using Embroidery Machine bindings, sleeves, legs, or logos off sweatshirts or denim shirts Essentials: Appliqué and jeans can easily be converted to making cuffed mittens, teddy Adventures. bear jeans, or reapplied as designer trims for bags, totes, inserts, necklines, and pockets. “This is one way to make a memory or Left: Favored give a gift to someone who has outgrown a favored garment,” design from said Mary. “Transferring a design from a favorite sweatshirt onto sweatshirt applied on a stocking or mitten is a nice way to remember a stocking as passed loved one or give someone a keepsake they’ll keepsake. treasure.” Design element placement was a hot topic for Mary. She emphasized that designer touches draw the eye, should fit the spot where they go, and not draw attention to body parts people don’t want examined! She showed several examples of contrasting pock- ets placed at hip level on one side of an apron and a second pocket on the other side blending with background fabric or asymmetrically placed. When dealing with sweat- shirt fronts, she showed how raising the line of a design element higher Mary stands with Becky Ruhl and Dianne toward the draws the eye away from the bust line where nor- Huston who used her patterns to create mal ready-to-wear sweatshirt embellishments exist. sweatshirt jackets.

The audience went ballistic with Mary’s new approach to using long as a way to make a portable bag (at left). Starting with a heaped, 5-yard pile of unconnected zipper sewn together at the edges, Mary engaged participants to start zipping shut an ongoing turn of zipped teeth to form different sized hand- bags of unique design. She described a scenario while taping this demo on Sewing With Nancy that brought young camera crew members out from behind their TV cameras to examine the goods. Fascinated with these zippered bags, one wanted to go out and buy a right away to get started!

Throughout the day, Mary was deluged with fans wanting her autograph (below, right) and offering rave reviews about her presentation. That evening, her hosts Liz and Lou Macijeski, took Mary to an isolated “rustic” restaurant that depicted the Old West in true Tucson style. The entire event was made memorable by President Jane Riney adding comedy relief to program openers and Mary’s delightful, off the “cuff” humor. Seven guest participants joined ASG taking advantage of a discounted, sign-up offer. Sales of Mary’s goods were many, and attendees walked away inspired to try new things. Dinner out, Tucson style. L-R: Debbie Janson, Yolanda Neimann, Mary Mulari, & Once again, Mary Mulari made memories happen... a legacy Mary’s hosts, Liz and Lou Macijeski. that wins her fame and recognition around the globe.

14 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Embellishment Tips from Mary

• Confined by those choking sweatshirt necklines or hugging ? Release them for more wearable comfort space. *Before you cut: Prior to removing those stretchy bindings, STAYSTITCH as close to the bound edge as you can before cutting the off. This will help prevent the opening from stretching while adding new decorative effects to the newly cut raw edge. Find all 4 sweatshirt treatments pictured in this section in Mary’s book, Sweatshirt Makeovers.

• Don’t like to install loose zipper ends in bags, necklines or other items? Square them off. Want texture? Look within. Surround the zipper and ends with exten- sions of contrasting fabric to make an in- sert with squared corners. Installation will Visit: www.marymulari.com be easier and adds creative flair. In this for many ideas & products photo, squares were cut from the sweatshirt sleeves and appliquéd fleece-side-out to • Remember to use “Golden or add a subtle, textured, tone-on-tone design. Platinum Metallic Fasteners.” Find this treatment in Mary’s book, Sweatshirt Makeovers. (Mary’s Famous Fix!)

• Like that “3-D” look, or a contrasting fabric behind an opening Give a common item a new name in your garment? Do some window shopping! and it becomes special and elegant! This is what occurs when renaming Use a reverse appliqué technique by tracing a design onto a sweatshirt front. safety pins as “golden metallic fas- Appliqué fabric that shows through from behind is strengthened with light- teners.” Use them to attach weight fusible and placed inside the shirt, buttons so they can be removed for beneath the design area. The fabric is then sewn in laundering or for a different project. place with the machine adjusted to a short Use them anytime you want to attach length. Then the design areas are cut away from the something tem- sweatshirt layer only, revealing the appliqué fab- porarily or to ric beneath. The neckline treatment of this pictured test placements. sweatshirt was embellished with a notched neckline “It’s no longer a made from the bottom ribbing of the shirt. Find this sin to use pins,” technique and pattern in Mary’s book, First Rate Sweatshirts. says Mary!

Quilter’s Summer Hours June - August Valencia Rd Desert Patch Summer hours are usually: 16121 S. Country Club Rd. Sahuarita, AZ 85629 Open ONLY on Mondays & Fridays, 9–5 N W E ph: 520-648-1533 Owner may be open more hours, based 12 miles S Normal store hours on summer demand. Call store to see if Houghton Rd

Mon–Sat 9 am–5 pm they’ll be open more than listed above. Rt 19, Nogales Hywy Country Club Rd Sahuarita Rd “FAT Fridays” To get 10% off total purchase: Quilter’s Desert Patch first Friday of every month • Must have a group of 4 shoppers Many styles rolled fat • Call 24 hrs (or more) in advance SE corner Sahuarita Rd. & Country Club Rd. quarters – 12 for $10 to let us know you’re coming May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 15 Becoming AAHHHH...FLATLOCKING A HAIR RAISING Serger Savvy EXPERIENCE!!! Right: Sue Moyer with pulls her hair out after serving as Linda augmentee class Brush instructor. On her right sits Linda Ryan, wondering if Sue’s wig is real hair or fake!

hat started out as a 2-part lesson plan for serger decorative effects-1 Wand garment creation-2 ended up as one decorative effects class held April 5 at Reid Park. Seventeen participants pushed their skills to the limit as Linda Brush guided them through the rigors of refining 20 serger embel- lishment techniques using decorative threads of many types.

“Assume the prayer position,” was commonly heard from Linda’s lips Left: Dianne as she walked students through the ways stitches take on different Huston wins the race! Mary- looks while traveling through serger discs, needles and loopers set Ann Eberbach at various tension settings. She wanted to make it clear that many ef- isn’t sure what fects are possible by using one decorative thread in the upper looper happened! and don’t require a lot of rethreading of the serger with several expen- Below: Linda sive varieties of threads to get a wide range of looks. Polito masters flatlocking! Students enjoyed the fact that Linda changed clothes for every lesson plan, wearing items that were embellished with the techniques being taught in each segment. Fabric kits and a 32-page color workbook were provided for students to review photos and attach their created samples for future reference. Sue Moyer was the class “helper” and frequently ran from serger to serger to help troubleshoot.

Class enthusiasm was abundant as “light bulbs went on” when students mastered techniques. “I had no idea you could make all sorts of things from the use of one thread,” said Vicky Kirby. Tommie Valentine exclaimed, “I’m no longer intimidated by this serger” and others echoed similar comments. “I finally got the hang of flat- locking” was said by 3 attendees, and others were excited to learn how to embel- lish and ribbon. Many said the entire day was a valuable and well organized learning experience and were ready to “serge ahead” at home to practice newly learned skills. Linda offered to hold the missing “part 2” of the originally planned session next January 2009 to teach people how to make clothing items using a Patternless Wardrobe concept.

Left: Linda in action. Right: Lunch time At upper right sits Jill Anderson & Ann Wil- liams. Lower right; sits Linda Brush, Carol Chaloupka and Tascha Butyrin.

16 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 F-F-Fit to be Tried hile serving by Connie Shaw as Programs ChairW on the Chap- o you suffer from FFF syndrome? (stands for flat, fallen ter Advisory Board fanny; a bane to those sufferers whose pants bag in the (CAB), Sandy back!)D Are you one of those who keep your arms crossed in Sandy’s Blouse Younker-Hellman front to avoid having your buttoned shirt gap over your bo- ran into one of som? Do you know, from the way you stand, that your body is those “perks” that members encounter when they volun- catty-wampus? Has your bust lost its place? If these and other teer their time on the CAB. fit problems give you a fit, relief is at hand! Sandy was setting up for the Peggy Sagers event in I personally suffer from FFF and have asked sewing gu- October 2007. Peggy complimented Sandy’s blouse and rus, writers of books and magazine articles, and other sewing Sandy told her that she’d copied it from a Chaus design teachers how to eliminate those dreadful bags under my tush many years before. As the day wore on, Peggy continued in pants that I make or buy. Now I have discovered the answer to eye Sandy’s blouse and at the day’s end, said, “I really in a marvelous 4-CD series on fitting fromThreads Magazine. like that blouse! I need As usual, the answer should have been obvious, but it’s only it in my pattern line.” obvious after someone points it out. I always knew there was too much fabric in that area but could never find out just where Further discussion to take it out. Well here’s a light bulb moment...... Take ensued, and Sandy later it out at the back inseam! To find out exactly how to became part of a collab- do it and how much to remove, though, you’ll have to orative effort where she see the video! mailed her blouse to Peggy’s studio in Texas. The above-mentioned fitting problems, plus many more are Peggy then copied the dealt with in the Threads Fitting Series, available from www. pattern and published it threadsmagazine.com on-line, or on a form contained in the in her pattern line with May ’08 issue of Threads Magazine. No doubt, that same form Sandy’s name on it. will be available in the next several is- This is Peggy’s way of sues of the magazine. The CDs may be identifying most of her patterns; naming them after the purchased individually for $29.95, or people who wore the design when she spotted it. as a set of four for $99.95. In return for Sandy’s cooperation, Peggy Sagers sent Threads’ Editor-in-Chief, Amber her a packet of the new year’s Silhouettes patterns – a Eden, and Judith Neukam, Senior $150.00 value! Sandy’s comments were: “Not only have Technical Editor, take you through the I enjoyed working with sewing celebrities like Peggy finer points of achieving a custom fit. Sagers, Pauline Richards, Connie Crawford, and Marla At the start of each CD, the viewer is Kazell, but now I have given expert advice a blouse pattern out from designer and http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore there with my name on Fashion Institute of it! All this was pretty Technology professor, Kenneth D. King. The four parts of the much a result of being series are: Torso (from neck to waist), Arms, Bust, and the last Programs Chairperson part is Waist and Hips. Each video contains clear instructions on the CAB.” on how to measure the body, how to alter the commercial pat- tern for a multitude of different body shapes, and shows test Let this be a heads garments being adjusted on live models, all to provide a cus- up to all our members! tom fit. The visuals are excellent, as are the verbal directions. Volunteer to become a Both are easy to understand. CAB member and see what perks may come As both a sewer for myself and a sewing instructor, I’m your way. delighted to have these CDs. I recommend them for anyone who makes clothing, unless, of course, they have a perfect Right: Sandy wearing her original creation of the now- body! Want to know more? Call me. You’ll find me listed un- famous blouse! der “FFFFFF–flat, fallen fanny fitting flaws fixed!” May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 17 Sewing Expos Debut in Tucson

The Original Creative Festival took place April 16-19 at the Tucson Conven- tion Center (pictured left). Promoted as Tucson’s first sewing expo of this type, program goals were designed to generate interest and participation for the coming years. Many sewing, quilting and crafting classes were offered by pop- ular sewing celebrities from around the country. An exhibit hall was set up and lined with 70+ vendors selling all sorts of sewing and craft-related products.

Phoenix, AZ has experienced many of these type of events with great partici- pation. While Tucson’s debut was not so well attended, many factors interfered with this show’s success. Late publicity, out of season timing and competing town events all clouded the expo’s potential. Despite this, several sewers attended, and some vendors reported worthwhile profit margins. The PCM Expo, LLC company who sponsored this event has scheduled a repeat performance on April 1-3, 2009. A similar venue with more ad- vanced publicity is promised for next year.

ties. Seen at right is Ann Williams describing ASG benefits to an interested prospect.

Fourteen new members were recruited over 3 days with a $10 cash rebate of- fered to them for signing up at the Festival.

A big thanks goes to those who supported the booth: Joyce Catalfamo Cheryl Malone Pat Scully Paula Fleming Maureen Obuch Ruth Sharp Carol Green Shirley Piel Miriam Sheridan Debbie Janson Jane Riney Annette Sydnor Liz Lemieux Sylvia Roberts Tommy Valentine Above: A first-time booth creation by Tucson Chapter members. Liz & Lou Macijeski Becky Ruhl Ann Williams Seated L-R; Ruth Sharp, Carol Green and President Jane Riney. Standing, RosaJane Mullen. The Chapter Advisory Board is pleased that so many new faces became part of our growing chapter during the April Festival. Their addition now brings the Tuc- Because the Tucson ASG Chapter was a non profit son Chapter enrollment to 382 members, placing us organization, they were offered free booth space. as #12 in the nation out of 138 ASG Chapters. Members took advantage of this as a first opportunity to participate in a sewing expo. Member Carol Green (below) volunteered to act as the point of contact for Coming in October all arrangements and did an outstanding job. To attract Another company called The Rusty Barn Promotion attention, colorful balloons, Group is sponsoring a second sewing expo Oct 2-4 donated projects, pictures called the Tucson Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival. of our members in action, This event will take place at as well as a basket of candy the Tucson Expo Center at brought in many onlookers. 3750 E Irvington Rd (near Al- vernon Way and I-10). For Nineteen chapter members coming attractions and more volunteered their time to information, visit their web site participate in booth activi- at www.rustybarn.com. 18 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Join Us at the annual Sewing Retreat Costs All Fees Chapter Sewing Retreat Non Refundable Hotel Suites – $75.00 per night, double occupancy Windmill Suites - June 11-14 (If you have a roommate, each pays $37.50 / night.)

ouble your sewing pleasure at the 2008 Sewing Re- Hotel rooms are all suites & include the following: Dtreat! A return visit to the popular Windmill Suites • Living room, bedroom with 2 double beds, small promises more flexibility for double the participation in kitchen, bath and 2 TVs. Outdoor swimming pool. double the space. New arrangements will allow for just • Daily from 6-9 am; a VERY extensive continental daytime sewing and/or 24/7 participation with optional breakfast catered in the lobby with hot and cold overnight hotel stays. Members and non members can foods & beverages. now mix, match and choose their own retreat experi- ence with lower costs underwritten by the Chapter. Daily Sewing Room Fees MAKE THIS YOUR SUMMER UFO PARTY by sewing ASG members: $10.00 / day / each with friends, working on projects of your own choice or lounge about with no demands on your time. Partici- Non ASG members: $20.00 / day / each pants can bring their own food or dine out in any num- ber of area restaurant choices. The Chapter will provide To sew any portion of a day, the sewing room cost ongoing coffee & water service. A complimentary break- is the same for any time spent in the room. No “pre- fast is served each day to overnight hotel guests. storing” of sewing goods prior to the days you choose to sew. ~ If you or your stuff is there, you pay! Four days of sewing room space opens on Wed, Jun 11 at 10 AM and closes Sat, Jun 14 at 4 PM. Space for 45 Sewing Room space limited to 45 participants sewers with ample electrical outlets, tables, chairs, cut- ting tables, irons, and ironing boards will be provided. Deadline to apply: May 23, 2008 Some donated items or equipment may be solicited for Reserve ahead and pay in full. Added walk-in sewers use from the enrolled participants at a later date. may be accommodated after deadline. No promises!

The Windmill Inn Suites is located on the SE corner of Questions? Contact Debbie Janson Campbell and River Rd. A map to the retreat locale and Ph: (520) 298-7165 suggested supply list are on the back. Review the costs involved, mark your RSVP form and join us for 4 days E-mail: [email protected] of fun! To apply for the Retreat, complete the form below: Sign me up for the Retreat in June Do you want a roommate? yes no ASG member Non member Need help finding one? yes no Name: ______If you know who your roommate will be, please tell us Ph: ______E-mail: ______who: ______Next to each date, mark an X in the column for each choice you want that day. Special needs? Ex: need ground floor hotel suite, wheel-

Sewing Spend Nite Roommate chair access, trouble walking. Explain: ______Date Room Use? in hotel? in hotel? ______Wed Jun 11 Calculate amount required & pay all fees in full Thur If you need help, contact Debbie. Jun 12 Make checks payable to: “ASG, Tucson Chapter” Fri Jun 13 Send application ASG, Tucson Chapter Sat & payment to: PO Box 18853 Jun 14 Tucson, AZ 85731

May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 19 Suggested Supply List for Retreat Not all the items on this list are required. Bring what you need for your projects or for your own comfort. Two-three ironing boards, steam irons, large cutting mat, and cutting tables will be available to share. Things you may need: machines; sewing, serger, foot pedals, cords machine manuals trimmings machine cleaning tools stabilizers / fusibles presser feet rotary cutter different stitch plates cutting mat heavy duty extension cord scissors power strip / surge protector iron (travel size / miini leaf) iron cleaner rulers small ironing board or mat machine needles pressing cloths pins / pin holders paper lunch sack for thread extra scotch tape markers Windmill Inn Suites glue sticks tweezers fabric / magnifiers 4250 N. Campbell Ave. patterns / instructions flashlight Tucson, AZ 85715 extra pattern tissue zip lock bags threads (sewing / embroidery / serger) Windmill Suites is located on the SE corner of Camp- sewing lamp (if needed) bell Ave. & River Rd; 5 minutes driving distance to adjustable, roll-around chair (if you need it) the Tucson Mall. When entering the St. Philips Plaza pillow to sit on where the hotel is located, access entrances are dif- luggage carrier / bungie cords ficult to see from all sides, so watch carefully. Ample sweater / warm clothing for A/C room parking is available. snacks / drinks

20 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 */$-6%&4"%%&% 7"-6&1"$,"(& 8035)07&3  



May-Jul 08 Cactus Needle News 21

15270 N. Oracle Rd Tucson, AZ 85739 www.catalinaquilting.com 520-825-8800 Located at Oracle & Golder Ranch Roads 9AM - 5:00 PM MON-FRI, 9AM - 4PM SAT • CLOSED SUNDAYS Hours Mon-Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-5 Sun 11-4 Wide variety Ph: (520) 747-8458 Batiks, Asians, Brights, Flannels Large selection – Southwestern Fabrics Sewing Machine Repair & Service on all Makes & Models Visit our web site for online sales of fabric & notions 7601 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ (between Kolb & Pantano) Frequent Shopper Card offer starting May 1 www.thequiltersmarket.com Get $25 OFF a purchase when all spots on your card are punched! ASG - Benefits of Belonging • ASG discounts from many national & local fabric stores • Access to Neighborhood Groups offering opportunities and sewing publication companies for sharing ideas and “hands on” sewing experiences in smaller, more social atmosphere • Special rates to local Chapter events, sewing workshops, guest speaker programs, sewing expos, and retreats • Opportunity to contribute to sewing projects for commu- nity service outreach • Annual National ASG conference featuring seminars, sewing related workshops, tours, classes & exhibits • Opportunity to meet sewing friends who share a passion for sewing in all forms & at all skill levels • Subscription to ASG’s national publication, Notions ...and the satisfaction of contributing to a vital part of the • Online live chats with sewing-celebrity guest hosts American culture - the Art of Sewing

ASG Chapter Membership Application ASG New Member Dues: $40.00 Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing Chapter/city nearest you (city, state) ______Name: ______ASG Renewal Member Dues: $35.00 Address: ______(pay this amt. before membership expiration date) City: ______St: _____ Zip code: ______Chapter: Tucson, AZ Ph: ( ) ______E-mail: ______Check Enclosed, payable to: How did you hear about ASG? “American Sewing Guild” Web Magazine Other ______Bill: MasterCard / VISA (circle one)

Return to: American Sewing Guild Account # ______9660 Hilcroft, Suite 510, Houston, TX 77096 Credit Card Exp. date:______Ph: (713) 729-3000 • Fax: (713) 721-9230 Email: [email protected] • Website: www.asg.org Signature: ______22 Cactus Needle News May-Jul 08 Support the Retailers Who Support the Guild Please remember to show your ASG card before making your Classified Ads purchase to receive your discount

FOR SALE: For all items below, contact: Retailer Discount Linda Ryan Ph: (520) 299-2338 or email: Arizona Vacuum & Sewing Center 10% off ALL items, service & retail. [email protected]. 1835 S. Alvernon, #211 20% off all NON SALE items, svc & retail 790-7041 25% off all items every 1st Tues of the mo. Embroidery machine products; 10% off any new NON SALE Elnas or Singers series 2140 / 2170 Bernina/Baby Lock Sewing Center 10% off non-sale notions, books, threads, $40 - Roll-on cloth machine case 4500 E. Speedway Blvd. #39 & fabrics. (Does not apply to consign- $20 - cloth embroidery unit case 795-7786 ment merchadise) $75 - Grand Hoop with designs & handy table Buttons ‘N’ Bolts Owner, Joyce Dunn is working on $50 - All Fabric Hoop with quick release Store closed Fabric & notions now selling an ASG promo code for 10% off (with designs) online at www.buttonsnboltsfabrics.com all non sale items from the web $25 - Single hole needleplate Cathey’s Vacuum & Sewing Center 10% off all non-sale sewing machine ac- $50 - USB-to-machine cord Authorized Viking Pfaff & Singer dealer cessories, notions & full service labor $10 - Belkin computer-machine interface • 5701 E. Speedway Blvd. - 721-4000 $20 - Blank Creative Card • 7255 E. Brdway /inside JoAnn’s 731-9111 • 8700 N. Oracle (south of Hardy) - 797-7177 $20 - Extra for bobbin work • 3906 N. Oracle/inside JoAnn’s - 690-9144 Misc books & manuals Catalina Quilting Beginning May 1, new promotion offer of Authorized & Koala dealer Frequent Shopper punch card. Get $25 off FOR SALE: Singer Merritt Lock Serger Mod- 15270 N. Oracle Rd next purchase when all spots on the card el 14U354B with differential feed, complete. 825-8800 are punched. $75.00. Contact Pat Jolley in Sierra Vista. Ely’s Complete Vac & Sew 15% off all items sold Ph: (520) 803-6581 or [email protected] • 954 W. Prince Rd. - 887-0011 • 6516 E. 22nd St. - 745-5290 WANTED: FABRICS / NOTIONS Fabrics That Go 15% off all non-sale, IN STOCK fabrics 3105 N. Campbell Ave. NO DISCOUNTS on special orders Project Linus welcomes donations of 881-4444 clean, unused, washable fabrics and yarns Hancock Fabrics 10% off selective sale & all non-sale suitable for children’s blankets. Can also • 3741 W. Ina Rd. Ste 125 - 744-6635 use thread, sewing & office supplies, post- • 6325 E. 22nd Ave. - 747-9201 age stamps, gift certificates to fabric or of- JazzSkins 10% off non-sale patterns & fabric fice supply stores. Contact Jody Elmer at 4826 E. Broadway Blvd. (520) 760-8852 or Cheryl Reif (520) 577- 325-2662 8018. For more details on Project Linus JoAnn Fabrics & Crafts 10% off selective sale &all non-sale items visit: http://www.orgsites.com/az/project- • 7255 E. Broadway Blvd. - 886-1400 linus-tucson • 3906 N. Oracle Rd. - 888-0996 Leandro Fine Fabrics 15% off non-sale items 6360 E Broadway Blvd / El Mercado Plaza. Marilyn Pollitt in Green Valley: Donates 886-0078 new hours: M-Sat, 11 am - 5 pm time & materials to make children’s clothing for Casa De Los Ninos–a shelter for abused/ Quilter’s Desert Patch - 10% off all purchases to groups of 4 neglected kids. Marilyn would like donated 16121 S. Country Club people or more. Sahuarita See ad, pg 15 for - Must call 24 hrs ahead to let staff know fabrics of any type suitable for kids clothing 648-1533 summer hours you are coming to qualify for discount or embellishments. If you have a stash of these kinds of items, contact Marilyn at: The Squirrels Nest 10% off all non-sale items Authorized Brother dealer (520) 570-0759 or [email protected] 4049 Cameno Principal. - Sierra Vista 1-(520) 417-1070 or 1-800-340-5772 Nancy’s Notions 10% ASG discount codes Special ASG Web site Offers for Members ONLY off catalogue merchandise: The Spring issue of Notions issue was mailed in March with a new list of special Apr-Jun: 089411-5223 offers now in the Members Only section of www.asg.org. If members keep Jul-Sep: 089411-5224 checking this web site and clicking on these links, it’s the best way to keep all Oct-Dec: 089411-5225 these offers coming.


TIME-DATED MATERIAL ... Please Deliver Promptly! Thanks

When your contact info changes (address, phone, or E-mail), let our Membership Chair know! Her name is Paula, and info on contacting her1 is listed on page 2 in this newsletter.

We told you the March issue of ASG Notions would contain the newest JoANNs discount card. Well, it didn’t happen that way! Keep watch- ing...2 It will be a cardboard insert in the centerfold of “whatever” Notions it comes in. Do NOT throw it away! If you won’t be at your current ad- dress when it’s mailed, you won’t get the Notions or your card. Follow the instructions on page 2 for address changes if you want to reroute future issues of your ASG Notions Magazine.

Meet NeedleNerd, the walking, threaded needle! His job is to catch your “eye” & keep you in “stitches!”

ASG Misson – Advancing Sewing as an Art and Life Skill

Reprints24 of any material in this publication are authorized Cactuswithout Needle prior approval. News Credit should be given to the authors when applicable.May-Jul 08