433 Yonge Street, , , , M5B 1T3 Academic Pathway Program Quest Language Studies Academic English leading to and university degree programs.

Quest is Quest is a Accredited by Member of

To register or for more information: [email protected] www.studyquest.net/app Quest Language Studies, 433 Yonge Street, Toronto, , Canada, M5B 1T3 www.studyquest.net/app Gateway to Success Program Details Program Requirements and Details &6R0`&R0 8&_8 % @8 need for the career you want. &6<`]`&68

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; Sault St. Marie, ON. Student body 1200 Graduate Programs Yes ?< 10% ; Sudbury, ON. Student body 9,000 Graduate Programs Yes ?< 10%

] 3 8 K0  Scholarship ]] ]$]0G ] 3 8 K0  Scholarship ]] ]$]0G Primary Programs: 0]]]<G` Primary Programs :;00]  ;] ]]<G`8&5655<5 0565505]]`5] 4545]<8 5`5@58?

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  88L8 www.upei.ca Saint Mary’s University 88 University P.E.I ]8

; Halifax, NS Student body  Graduate Programs Yes ?< 22% ; 5&?8 Student body 4200 Graduate Programs Yes ?< 10% ] 3 8 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G ] 1 8 K0  Scholarship ]] ]$]0G Primary Programs: 05]8 Primary Programs: 4; ]5 0G 5 <5 4 5 &5 C8 < 45 &5 &5 &]]5 <5 5]5 ? %0] 8 R]]45]<55%8=;%] 0]?%0]55]]<5%`45 0G=5&5]]6<0?< 8<G;<`4=45&60=4R=5=`5=`=8 0`&?@]0`]8;  5<8=;`08<]506] 5;4]``50`&?&? ]0 ``8G@`0 ]`8 <8%;08 8&G 5&? ]5]45?%0]<8 ]]`068

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; K5KC R<  5 ?< 1,000 Employment Rate Q ; Kitchener, ON R< 5  ?< 410 Employment Rate K0 Q

] 3 # of Programs K0  Scholarship ]] ]$]0G$G ] # of Programs Over 120 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G$ G Primary Programs: 05&5]<5< %5&0<56G55 Primary Programs :45&5?`56<5;G5<05= 4 5 =@5 4 =5 ? 45 0 5 6 <5 45 & %5<@5&&56]=5< &548 &555R%555]8 G@CG3K5` `]5` 0 ]5_G]`5R]8; 08?GT;?06GT@` @ C]G5]0G]RG]]`8 from Niagara Falls.

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]] = ` ] ]] ` 6]  K0]]0`R6]50G56] ]R]]5@]] 08G work term as part of your program requirements. These placements provide valuable `RR`]G] insight into the world of employment in your area of study and will be very helpful 8?%]<0 @`=G 8 0 G ] = 8 Your Goals, Your Career, Your College   www.lambton.on.ca www.loyalistcollege.com of Applied Arts and Technology G88 of Applied Arts and Technology 88

; , ON R< 3,000 ?< 100 Employment Rate Q ; 405KC R< 3,200 ?< 25 Employment Rate Q

] 1 # of Programs Over 50 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G$ G ] 2 # of Programs Over 50 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G$ G Primary Programs: 456G=56]=55<5 Primary Programs: ;]``<`4<6<`46 &5?`55C5&&8 <`4=<6<`66<6`<6<`=<6<` <@66&6R5]8 &G 5;G`K;]G@]] G@]8;G>G?]8;0 ;G``405=`5K5 `]5R`RRR`5G]0< =C840]]`]]6 58&=5G0 `8;G`6<%]5]00 @;]``8 8 ;G`656R0 6]8;]0]5``8@ `<`G05]]85 ]` your professors as they share their industry experience and contacts with you through hands-on and applied learning. ;G?<0] ? ; ]0 ] ` T 5 ;G  `R ]R ]R ]8 R `5 ;G ]0 8058 graduates with real-life skills to succeed in their career ventures. Lambton’s co-op programs allow students to combine academics ;;]]`@``R@8 with paid work terms. ]5]R]8 ;G]]0`05< ;0 ``08 Australia and has more than 30 transfer agreements in place. These agreements allow students to transfer credits obtained at Lambton `G;8 G]08 ;0G]5=`408< ;G=G``?<8= may also choose to live in private housing, with other students or a family. `;<08 ]]```0<`

www.niagaracollege.ca www.senecac.on.ca of Applied Arts and Technology niagaracollege.ca of Applied Arts and Technology ?senecac.on.ca

; Niagara, ON R< 10,000 ?<  Employment Rate Q ; Toronto, ON R<  5 ?< 3050 Employment Rate K0 Q

] 4 # of Programs Over 90 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G$G ] # of Programs Over 150 Scholarship ]] ]$]0G Primary Programs: 6]=54`454`454T=@R Primary Programs: 05&5]<5< %5&0<56G55 ]54TK]=R]54TR]54T6 4 5 =@5 4 =5 ? 45 0 5 6 <5 45 & G R]5 =5 4 =5 ? 4 = 5 6 G &555R%555]8 =55]?`<R5]=8 <5K5`]R C;`8&05`R5 ]805` 8 0 ` GR`RR`8 <<` ]0`5@]6] Located a heartbeat away from the world-famous Niagara Falls, there are two campuses, one in Niagara-on-the-Lake and the other ]G8 down the road in . <; ] R 0 6 ] ] C]`G`56]54=8` ]]8<]]`]6]]]` 05`R]T004`]]4G?5 `8G<;`G0]050RG 6]K]=]TCG`8 55]GR056]8

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88 Sheridan 8 360 Pathway Program

; Oakville, ON R< 14,000 ?< 3050 Employment Rate K0 Q ] 2 # of Programs K0  Scholarship ]] ]$]0G The 360 Pathway Program combines the Academic Pathway Program with the internship Primary Programs: % 5 5 & &5 ] < 5 5G 4 placement service of our Career Pathway Program. =5 ? 45 4 5 =@ =5 05 G %5 6 G =505]5005&5]5%8 G]0`]  5<`RG`000 ]]]G` ]8 5`R 58 7 5 <  ` 5 < ` 6 G5 5 ]` 5 0 5 ]] ] 0]]<]G`8< 5`508 ] ] 8]G` enhance their English skills and gain valuable work 6]&]@@0 5]0 Q]`0 Q ];]8 <`500`6 Many of our programs include a paid employment through the co-op/internship program I]7 Faculty who pass on knowledge acquired through their own work experience State-of-the-art learning environments featuring the latest technology ]]G@`]8  5R]]=];@` G@]0]@@ 8 Our leading-edge centres of excellence provide learning environments that will help our students develop the skills they need to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. < 00`]@]@]8 <&G < ]G``@]``8 <`& `0=`% `6