Feb 8/9th, 2019 Parsha: pg. 444

Shabbat Afternoon: 9:00 AM Supervised Play For Kids Friday Night: Shabbat Morning: Say Shema by 9:44am 5:20 PM Mincha 8:30 AM Parsha Class 10:00 AM Kids Programming 5:05 PM Mincha 5:20 PM Candle Lighting 9:00 AM Shacharis 11:00 AM Rabbi’s Sermon 6:30 PM Havdallah

11:00am Sermon: The Rabbi 11:20 Alternate Class with Rabbi Appelrouth — 2nd Floor, Weekday Chapel Title: “Field of Dreams—Making your Modern Mishkan” Shalosh Seudos Speaker: The Rabbi “Jewish Books—The Apocrypha”

The Family Kiddush and the Community Kiddush is sponsored by Robert & Gloria Bielak & Family in memory of Gloria’s Father, Menachem Mendel Dattner’s Yahrzeit

(Kiddush is in The Goose Family Banquet Hall )

Attention all Parents! Join us this Shabbos for a Family Kids Kiddush generously sponsored by Robert & Gloria Bielak and Family. Get in the Pre-Purim mood with a special kids program celebrating happiness! Kid friendly lunch and fun food crafts! Meet our new shlichot from Israel!

Mazel tov to Jesse Barksdale and Lindsay Rothman on their son’s

The FHJC Women’s Mikvah….Now ready for use! We are pleased to announce that the Women's Mikvah at the centre is now ready for use. At this time, it will be available for Friday Night Use only, by appointment. To book an appointment, please email: [email protected] or text or call Diana Melnick at 647 713-6991. Look out for a Mikvah grand opening this spring. If you are interested in learning more about the Mikvah, please email Rifky Karfunkel at [email protected] .

Join us! February 19th, 8:00 PM with Rabbi Elie, Info session for the upcoming Poland trip (For men and women)

The Weekday Chapel Parochet (curtain for the Aron Kodesh) is available for dedication. For details, please contact Rabbi Mordechai Bookbinder ([email protected]).

FHJC is thrilled to announce that we are in the process of interviewing 2 couples to serve as our Youth Directors!! Come out Feb 23 & March 9 to meet and greet these couples as they try out for the youth director role. Welcome to LEBOWICZ , our guest comedian for the SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE EVENT!!

Feb 19 8:00 PM Poland Info Session with Rabbi Elie Feb 20 8:30-9:15PM Israel Then & Now with Rabbi Karfunkel Feb 9 12:15 PM Family Kids Kiddush The Kabbalah of Israel & its Cities Feb 9 8:00 PM Saturday Night Live with Eli Lebowicz Feb 26 8:00-9:00 PM Raising Respectful Kiids with Rifky Feb 13 8:30-9:15 PM Israel Then & Now with Rabbi Appelrouth Karfunkel (women only) Who Needs Who - The Diaspora & the Holy Mar 1/2 Friday Night Dinner & Shabbaton Land w/Aleeza Ben Shalom Feb 14 11am Women’s Parsha with Rabbi Ellie Mar 3 4:00-6:00 PM Pre-Purim Family Party Feb 18 8:00 AM Family Day Shiur/Breakfast with Rabbi Elie Mar 20 Megilah Madness Feb 19 8-9 PM Beyond the Red String; Making Mar 21 6:45 AM Super Shachris, Megilah & Breakfast Practical and Relevant with Rifky Karfunkel Mar 28 Cholent Cookoff (women only) Mar 30 Cholent Competition

Shabbat Feb 15, 2019 Feb 10, 2019 - February 15, 2019 Minchah 5:30 pm Candle Lighting: 5:30 pm Mon/Thurs 6:50am Tues/Wed/Fri: 7am Sun: 8am Feb 16, 2019, Parsha Beshalach Weekday morning Daf Yomi Class (Daily Page) Shacharis: 9:00 am Shema by 9:44 am 7:40am—8am: Mon- Fri morning Breakfast class with the Rabbi Minchah: 5:15 pm Havdallah: 6:39 pm (The Daf Yomi & Breakfast Class take place in the Weekday Chapel) Thank you Chabad:

So there we are, my sons Binyamin, Shlomo and I, standing inside the Chabad shul in Niagara, the first morning of their short mid-winter break. Realistically, the only way we are davening with a minyan is if the shul pulls it off. We arrive at 7:15 and find only the Rabbi's son with his tefillin bag. At 7:45 the Rabbi pulls in. He normally drives to Buffalo or Hamilton daily to catch a minyan. Today he is actually driving in from St Catherine's because he lives there most of the school year to be closer to the university. We wait and shmuz. He tells me a great story about the Lubavitcher Rebbi. Once a group of college students were in his office and a girl asked him who he felt was better, the rabbinical students or the college students. The Rabbi responded that there is a Jewish tradition to answer a question with a question. He proceeded to ask the following; imagine you have a four story building and a ladder stretching all the way to the top. There are two people on the ladder, one in between the 3rd and 4th floor, and one at the first floor. Who is closer to the top? He then answered his question by saying that it all depends if they are climbing up or down. Where we are standing is not as important as which direction we are headed. As he finishes his parable, 200 chassidic yeshiva students show up to complete the minyan. And as I am writing this article, the good Rabbi has just called me to make sure my boys and I are still around and available to complete the mincha minyan for tonight. All in a days work for a humble out of town Chabad Rabbi. Yasher koach to Rabbi Zaltzman and all of our unsung he- roes. Halivay (tough word to translate) those 200 young men from Brooklyn will walk away from the falls seeing Hashem's handi- work, but more importantly, they should walk away from Chabad of Niagara and see Hashem's handiworker. Good Shabbos, Stay Jewish, Live Jewish - Rabbi Elie

Birthdays Jodi Katzeff 2/12 Yahrzeits Noah Vale 2/08 Ari Fudim 2/13 Shulamith Levin’s Mother, Rose Bichunsky, 4 Adar, 2/9 Joe Dason 2/9 Gloria Bielak’s Father, Menachem Mendel Dattner, 6 Adar, 2/11 Carolyn Hyman 2/13 Marshall Abecassis 2/10 Arthur Zilbert’s Mother, Anne Zilbert, 8 Adar, 2/13 Isaac Gaon 2/13 Arielle Posen 2/10 David Petroff’s Brother, Yehuda Mordechai, 8 Adar, 2/13 Maya Vidal 2/13 Toby Abramsky’s Father, Carl Mahler, 9 Adar, 2/14 Joey Majerovic 2/11 Sam Stieglitz 2/14 Ariel Zauderer 2/12 Gabi Krug 2/14