Brewers Association EDP Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 21, 2011

EDP Committee Members Present: Bruce Forsley, Ron Jeffries, Brett Joyce, Fred Mendes, Eric Wallace, Kim Jordan BA Staff Members Present: Bob Pease, Mark Snyder, Eric Rosenberg Absent: Sam Calagione, Mattson Davis, Adam Lambert

Program Funding: United States Department of Agriculture has awarded the Brewers Association’s Export Development Program an additional $15,624 in Market Access Program funding. This brings the 2011 total for Market Access Program funding to $409,000.

The Brewers Association also received $40,000 in Emerging Markets Program funding for 2011. The bulk of this award is funding a research study on the India market.

Recent activities:

Singapore Mark Snyder attended Fest Asia on behalf of the Brewers Association and its Export Development Program. Mark’s travel and lodging expenses were paid by event organizers. Mark gave a presentation on the BA EDP and also judged in the competition.

Vancouver, Canada Eric Rosenberg and Mark Snyder represented the BA at the Vancouver Craft Beer Week. The Brewers Association participated in the 2011 Vancouver Craft Beer Week (VCBW) by hosting its own tasting of American craft beers and a beer-paired dinner for invited trade and media. Both activities were successful in promoting American craft beer in Vancouver and raising awareness of the quality and diversity of products offered by America’s craft breweries.

Brazil Bob Pease and Eric Rosenberg traveled to for trade and media receptions in Sao Paolo and , and for multiple craft beer seminars for culinary, sommelier, and cicerone students. These activities were funded by an Emerging Markets Program grant the BA received in 2010 specifically for market development in Brazil.

Sao Paolo has a growing craft beer scene. An increasing number of craft breweries (over 200) now operate in Brazil. Many of these look to service the increasing number of independent beer bars catering to Brazil’s growing middle class in Sao Paolo and Rio. The BA visited a number of those establishments during the week and held events at three of them. In Sao Paolo, American craft beer trade receptions were held at FrangO (generally considered Sao Paolo’s best beer bar) and at the Emporio Alto de Pinheiros (specialty beer retail shop and café). In Rio, a similar event was held at BeerJack, an independent bar focused exclusively on craft beer.

Another sign of growing trade and consumer awareness of craft beer in Brazil is the popularity of cicerone and beer training classes at universities and trade schools. There are now multiple technical brewing schools operating in Brazil, including Doemens, and a number of culinary and sommelier schools offering periodic courses on beer. In an effort to increase craft beer knowledge and educate future hospitality decision makers about American craft beer, Bob Pease led seminars at three separate institutions. In Sao Paolo, seminars were given for students at two campuses of Universidade Anhnembi-Morumbi. This is a large culinary school that regularly incorporates training on wine into its annual program, but that has not previously offered training on beer. Between 40-50 students attended each seminar at which the BA discussed the American craft beer industry in general and tasted six different beers/styles. The BA also hosted a seminar at the Associação Brasileira de Sommeliers. Kathia Zanatta, a graduate of Doemens in Germany has begun offering beer sommelier courses through this association. The BA was invited to lead a seminar on US craft beers for Kathia’s students. Over 70 people attended and there is interest in expanding the relationship with the BA for this type of education going forward.

In Rio, a similar seminar was given to students at the Universidade Estacio de Sa. Approximately 40 students attended. The level of engagement by the students at each seminar varied but in general the attendees were eager to learn about beer and showed genuine interest and appreciation for craft beer. Seminars such as these to culinary and sommelier students appear to be a good way for the BA EDP to influence future decision-makers and to help slowly develop beer awareness in new markets.

Brazil Marketing The Brazilian trade mission generated significant media coverage and publicity on American Craft Beer and the Brewers Association. – Mark will printout and mail to each EDP committee meeting.

China Brewers Association Bob Pease (Brewers Association) and Josh Weiner (Bryant Christie Inc.) recently completed their visit to China where they oversaw the EDP’s booth at the SIAL trade show in Shanghai and two EDP craft beer seminars in Shanghai and Beijing. Bill Covaleski (Victory Brewing Company) also traveled over for the events. SIAL is one of the largest food and beverage trade shows in China. The EDP featured beer in two locations of the show. The Brewers Association purchased space within the American Pavilion of the show in an ideal corner location. In addition, the EDP took ownership of one corner of the Dxcel space in the Chinese area. Dxcel is the leading importer of American craft beer to China, representing a number of brands, including for draught beer which has only recently been added to the distribution mix. The dual locations maximized the BA’s opportunity to showcase American craft beer for visiting trade and media. Traffic was reportedly very good with a number of distributors from other cities in China visiting the booths and inquiring as to how they could obtain American craft beers.

Agriculture/Foreign Agricultural Service personnel attended the seminars in each city

BA EDP Survey The recent BA EDP Survey measures American craft beer exports. Exports of American Craft Beer increaased 28% by volume in 2010 – approximately $12-13 million in value. The survey shows that Canada is the leading market for American craft beer, followed by the UK and then Sweden.

Eric Wallace noted that his brewery is a destination for “beer tourists” from around the world.

QC Brochure • Still working on it • Proven difficult to find someone to write it • There are few responses to the RFP • Gary Spedding of Brewing & Distilling Analytical Services has submitted an initial bid. • Bob Pease and Eric Rosenberg met with Karl Ockert of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas and asked him to submit a bid. We have not yet received it. • The MBAA wants to find ways that they can work closer with the BA – this QC brochure could be an example of working together.

Fancy Food Show in Washington, DC – July10-12, 2011 • 8 breweries participating in the Fancy Food Show in DC. Last time the BA EDP did the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco (January 2010), there were 10 breweries • Reason for fewer breweries this time – the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade (NASFT), the association that puts on the Fancy Food show requires that the participating breweries in the Brewers Association booth be a member of the NASFT. Not all of our members want to join the NASFT. • Do we continue doing this show in the future? Or the Nightclub & Bar Convention and Trade Show? • It was noted that the Nightclub & Bar Convention and Trade Show is “one big party” and not appropriate for a BA EDP activity. • The Fancy Food Show is an appropriate and good BA EDP activity – though it is expensive and there is the issue of the breweries joining the NASFT. • It was asked if we can get a waiver to join the NASFT – Bob & Mark will meet with the NASFT organizers while at the show, to discuss the issue of membership that our brewery members need to join. • We are looking at other domestic shows that the BA EDP can participate • Marketing issues with the Fancy Food Show? We should look at contacting the wholesalers in the DC area, that we will have a pavilion at the show. And increase our marketing to our EDP members that we are doing this show. • The BA EDP will receive 30 exhibitor’s badges for our booth and we can order additional badges if needed before July 8th. • It was asked if we can open the participation in the Fancy Food Show with the BA EDP, to non-EDP members.

Other Domestic Shows the EDP can use USDA Funding • National Restaurant Association • Night Club & Bar

It was noted that we should maybe try something different than the Fancy Food Show.

2012 BA EDP Plans • USDA award funding is most likely the same or 10% more • We will receive around $409,000 • BA EDP international competitions that we participate in: o Australian International Beer Awards o European Beer Star o Brew New Zealand International Beer competition o Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival • Market activities – different each year. This year we are doing market activities in Canada, the UK and Sweden. • Emerging Market Program – Brazil and China. There is no funding for 2012, though we are doing trade shows and festivals with the grant we have already received • Educational Seminars at culinary schools & sommelier schools o It was discussed that it is important to do these educational seminars • 2012 markets that we applied for MAP funding: Western Europe, Canada, China, Japan and other Asian markets. We have the flexibility to add another market, such as Israel for example. • We are looking at India and Spain for future BA EDP activities • We have done EDP market studies on Brazil, China, Mexico, Eastern European Market – next is India • EDP Committee Members will provide feedback for 2012 activities • The BA managers will meet July 6 & 7 for their annual planning session for the upcoming year, and BA EDP activities will be discussed.

2011 BA EDP Activities • Australian International Beer Awards competition • Brew New Zealand International Beer competition • Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival & competition • European Beer Star International Beer competition • Vertical Drinks Trade Lead (UK) • Craft Brewers Conference EDP Seminars & Awards Ceremony • Brazil Educational Seminars & Receptions • SIAL China Trade Show, Educational Seminars & Receptions • Vancouver Craft Beer Week: U.S. Beer Festival & U.S. Beer Paired Dinner • Asia Brewers’ Conference & BeerFest Asia Singapore • Great British Beer Festival • Fancy Food Show • GABF EDP Seminars

2012 BA EDP Planned Activities • Australian International Beer Awards competition • Reverse trade mission activities at Craft Brewers Conference and Great American Beer Festival • Great British Beer Festival • Brew New Zealand International Beer competition • Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival & competition • European Beer Star International Beer competition