Evernote for Advanced Level 2, Week 4

Third Party Products with

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Disclaimer The information contained in this workbook is accurate as of November 2014. Evernote is ever- evolving. With this on-going development and refinement of Evernote, the information contained in this document will be superseded with the passage of time.

Introduction It’s the addition of third party apps that integrate seamlessly with Evernote that makes Evernote the first app of choice. With the creation of new apps, especially for Android and iOS devices, apps that really use Evernote’s power are appearing that just do that ‘one thing’ brilliantly.

This week, we are focusing on third party apps that can make a difference to the way you use Evernote and ‘Digital Workflows’ (i.e. the systems or processes you use to achieve ultimate digital productivity).

Part 1: Using IFTTT IFTTT, otherwise known as If This Then That, is something that I never used until I discovered the power of automation. Keeping the process very simple has made this concept very powerful, especially if you are time poor and looking for ways to SAVE TIME!

Often, there are tasks that need to be done automatically, without the need for data to be entered every time you do a new task.

IFTTT calls these tasks ‘recipes’. You create recipes between two apps or tools: If This being the ‘trigger’, Then That being the ‘action’.


TIP: You will first need to sign up at https://ifttt.com Once you have done this, browse the different recipes or create your own.

There are many recipes that have already been created (why re-create something when it already exists!). Alternatively, you can create your own recipes. And if you create something brilliant, then why not share that recipe via social media or even via a blog post or email.

Here are some of the channels that you might like to use to create or browse your recipes from: • Android • • Email • Evernote • Facebook • • Gmail • Instagram • iOS • iOS Notifications • LinkedIn • OneDrive • (app for finding articles or websites to read later).


Here are seven of the recipes that I currently use to help me stay digitally productive with my time: • If a new link by @megsamanda (), then a new Note will be created in Megan Iemma’s Evernote Notebook. As I share lots of articles via Twitter, or someone tags me in a tweet, using this recipe ensures that no Twitter information is lost. • If you tweet a in (Twitter), then a new Note will be created in Evernote. This is brilliant for attending conference events and trying to keep track of all your tweets or even watching a #chat via Twitter. • If you take a new Screenshot from Android Phone, then a new file will be saved to Dropbox. After signing up for an Android smartphone at the start of the year, this is a great recipe for automatically saving those screenshots in an automatic location. It is also piece of mind in case something happens to the smartphone that makes it unusable. • If you save a favourite item from Pocket, then a new Note is created in Evernote. I am learning to use Pocket more for reading about ‘Tech Topics’ and research that I need to follow for my business. This recipe has been very useful. • If an iTunes receipt comes into Gmail, then a new Note is created in Evernote (via Gmail). Being a technology coach, I shudder to think how much I have spent on iTunes over the years on apps and music. This recipe saves these receipts in the one place, which makes tax time just that little bit easier. • If I create a new WordPress Blog post, this is then archived to Evernote. If you have a Wordpress site, this recipe is handy to keep all these posts in the one place. • If a new meeting is added to GCal (Google calendar), then automatically create a new meeting note in Evernote.

Automation is what makes IFTTT very powerful. By minimising the number of actions you have to take, your digital productivity will definitely improve.

Part 2: Using Zapier Zapier is another automation trigger-action system with hundreds of apps to select from or create ‘zaps’.

The difference between Zapier and IFTTT is that Zapier has multiple pricing plans. Click on the link https://zapier.com/app/pricing to review Zapier’s pricing plans.


A zap is a link between two apps (a ‘trigger’ and an ‘action’). Here are two zaps that I have created: • Save new assigned cards to my OneNote account. • Create a new blog post draft (WordPress) whenever I add a new Evernote Note to a specific Notebook in Evernote.

Part 3: Ten top third party apps from the Evernote App Centre that work with Evernote Business: Shoeboxed • Shoeboxed can manage your receipts. • Scan your receipts to Shoeboxed or send your receipts from email to Shoeboxed. • Shoeboxed sets up a folder in Evernote. • There are also both Android and iOS version of Shoeboxed that can be download to manage your receipts. • Click on the link http://support.shoeboxed.com/knowledgebase/articles/104975-how-do-i- integrate-my-shoeboxed-and-evernote-accou to view the step by step process how to set up your Shoeboxed account with your Evernote account for auto-archiving.


SmartSheet • SmartSheet is a project management tool that integrates with Evernote allowing you to share files and track projects with your team members. • SmartSheet has a GANTT style layout and will connect to your Evernote Notebooks and .

Refresh • Refresh is a networking tool to learn more about the people you are connected to. • Refresh, designed for iOS, aggregates information from across the web (including Evernote, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, email, calendar, and contacts), and intelligently surfaces helpful insights.

Productivity: Calltrunk • Calltrunk logs phone calls (landline, mobile and Skype) and sends the transcripts to Evernote.

Mohiomaps • Visualise your Evernote content, Notebooks and Tags in a visual diagram to understand the connections. This is a Web app.

Quicktate • Quicktate allows you to record voice dictation via the web and converts it into searchable text within your Evernote account.

FastEver Snap • iOS devices (iPad and iPhone) only. • This is a specific application for taking images that take less room than the normal sized photos shot in Evernote Camera. • You have the ability to re-size the images and file them into the correct Evernote Notebook and assign Tags.

SoundEver • This is a full-featured audio recorder that lets you record and save audio notes to Evernote. • It has the ability record audio offline and send the recordings either individually or bulk into Evernote. It also can Tag the audio recordings and file in the correct Notebooks.

Lifestyle: Say Mmm • Plan meals with this free Web app. • Another feature is to add Tags to recipes in Evernote to automatically create grocery lists with nutritional estimates. • Search and view Evernote recipes in a visual cookbook view that is also easy to share.


• Group Evernote recipes into visual meal plans that you can save as combined Notes.

Livescribe Pen: Click on the link https://www.youtube.com/user/nevermissaword to learn more about Livescribe’s products.

There are several products that integrate with Evernote and there are three different types of pens produced by Livescribe. These are: • Livescribe SmartPen 3 • Livescribe Wifi • Echo

How the Livescribe pens work? These pens integrate with Evernote by recording what is written (both handwritten and audio) and then exporting the information direct to an Evernote Notebook (either automatically or manually).

What will I need to get started? • To use a Livescribe pen, you will need both a Livescribe pen and the specific Livescribe Notebooks in order for it to work. • Moleskin (Notebooks) has released several notebooks to specifically work with Livescribe Pens. • With a Livescribe account, you receive an extra 500MB monthly upload for Evernote.

Who this would be good for? • EA’s and PA’s who need to take notes during meetings. • People who have difficulty typing. • People who love to draw and prefer handwritten notes but need to keep a digital copy. • People who need to talk and write at the same time to remember things.