
D E D I c A T I 0 N

The senior class of Emerson­ Hubbard Community School, Emerson, ~ebraska, wish to dedicate their 1965 annual to :\Irs. Edna :\lathiesen. It is with deepest respect and appreciation that we do so. You have made our preparation for life your purpose. Through your guidance we have be­ come more prepared to meet the future.

DAKOTA COUNTY STATE BANK .l\IO.NROE \VELDh TG SUPPLY 2024 D.~ota Aven1e co. South Swux City, 'ebraska Lmcoln - :..mde - Puritan Phone 4215 212 Fairmount Street- Swux City, Iowa -Phone 2-2735 ADMINISTRATION

\\ALTER ~IFLSEN THRIFTY 1\IARKf'TS John Deere Farm Equipment Groceries and Meats Sales and Services Fresh Fruits and Oils and Greases Vegetables Walthill, Nebraska COAN FEF D AND SHELLING Thurston, Nebraska Phone 3·16 - 5959 Fmerson, Nebraska Phone 1981 Administration



The members of thP School Board are: .i\lalcolm Jensen, Francis Luss1er, Supt., Fred i\lc Kenzie, i\lrs. Ann Bottger, Prin., Clinton Carr, Robert Johnson, Lester \Vallwey, Ted lla­ brock, Walt Albrecht.




SEATED: Principal, .i\Ir. Clinton Carr; Pres., Elinor Winslow; Vice Pres., Elaine Ziesler; Sec., Connie Eriksen. STAJ'.,;Dlli"G: Karla Hingst, Debbie Kropf, Steve Gutzmann, Rob­ ert Sabacky, John Rohde, Jerry Erik­ sen, Scott l\IcKenzie, Fred Saunders, Loren \tVallwey, Russ 1\Iorgan, Gene Habrock, Vickey Surber , Jennifer Kassing, :\Ierlyn Habrock, ).ancy Swanson.

The Student Council plays a very important p'lrt in the running of the school. During the year they spon­ sored such things as the Snow Ball Prom, a magazine sale, and the school picnic.

Compliments of

\\"ALTBILL FAR:\1 EQUIP.:\IET\IT CAi\IPBELL 1 S BEE Lfi\.E EQUIPi\IE~T Phone !HG-566 Phone 846-5466 \\althill, :--.ebraska Walthill, ebraska Faculty

l\1HS. LUWfH 1ISS \\'ULF (Science and Social Studies) (CommPrdal)


:\IR. CARH (Principal and :\Iusic)

l\'RS. KUH L .l\IR. BLECHER (Foreign Language and Li­ (Social Studies and English) brary)

l\IISS h.. IRK (English and So ial Studies)

l\IRS . ::\ELSO:-.. l\IRS. :\IA THIESE~ (English) (English and Dramatics)


HELEN'S BEA TY SHERRY'S H . F. LU:\ISDE:\ ROO~EY TRCCK~G SHOP Feed -Seeds-Fertilizers Hdw. and Lumber AND SHELLIKG Helen Howard Wayne - Wakefield Hubbard, ;...ebraska Hubbard, Nebr.... ska Homer, :\ ebraska Faculty

.:\!H. \\"OOD l\IRS. l\1C Q ISTA:\ (Science) (Special Education)

i\IR. JOII N SOl'\ (Coach, ;\1ath, Guidance)

.:\IR. "Cl\ILAl'\0 l\.IR . GOOD:\LI\1'\ (Vocational Agriculture) (l\Iath)

l\IRS. JOH::'-. SO~ (Specia Education)

l\IRS . HIX 1\IRS. FISCHER (l\Iusic) ( Economics)

:\IR. ASH (Coach, Biology, Driver Education) VOLLER'S A1 D SO ' ECO:r\0 :\IY FOOD l\lA RKET Pender, ::\ebraska Pender, Nebraska Staff

HIGH SCHOOL COOKS: Elvera :\leyers, HIGH SCHOOL J\'\IrORS: Bill Krahmer Sigm Bo•• ger, Christie Sorenson, .:\lillie and I: ra.nk .Jebsen. Zeisler. GRJ\08 SCHOOL .J\:\Il'OHS: :\orm,.m Voss GRADE SCHOOL COOKS: .-\rzetta Dittman and 1:- 1n Relitz. and Fern Belt. HUBB RD J,-\:\ ITOR: Frank Franc1sc o. HUBBARD COOKS: Gladys Francisco and Helen Demke.

BCS IJHIV!·:HS: Frank .Jf:b­ scn, Bill Krahrner, B:.~d Hamn111r, Gene B:1.kf:r, Bill Kuhl, Frank Franr .s­ co, Faye \\'arn!n, :\orrn.J.n Voss, Hal ph Hac; mussen, Fin He lit/. .


SYMBOL • Cl!L'S Cfl \.:\IPLI:\ Sl·:H\.ICE OF BCCKLEY & BOYD .\ C'C'PSS lf.:S SEIIVICE or IH. Phone: 4211 Phone fj1•3-rJ7'•() Winnebago, :\ebraska Emerson, :\f~br. SENIORS

LIK - U - \\ANT A BEACH Phone 987 - 3564 Swimming - Bo""tin6 - Refreshments Dakota City, Nebraska JUDY IVIC KIVE H.GAN girls 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4, band 1,2,3,4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; pep club officer 4; an­ nual staff:{, 4, annual cchtor 4; class play 3, l; declam 1,2, 3, l; student council '3; class FRED SAU1. DERS officer 3; musk small groups class officer 4; stu­ 1 J 2, 3, 4. dent council 4; annual staff 4; class play 3, 4; declam 3,4, de­ batE' 4.

l\1ARALY. BLAIR chorus 1, 3, 4; band 3, 4; annual staff 4; de­ clam 1, 2, 3, 4; class play 3, 4; pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; music small groups 2, 3, 4.

BERNARD BOYLE DEAN HABROCK FFA 1, 2; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1, 2, 3, 4; class play 3, 4; class officer 1; student council 1; debate 4; declam 3; annual staff 2; band 1.

Thanks to Erne rson' s DAVE'S LUNCH LANGMACK PRODUCE BRANDT GRAIN COMPANY VAN LENT TRANSFER BO:\, m LUETll annual staff 3, 4:, class officer 2; student council officer 2; class play 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; music small groups CAl\DI Jl<:NSE1 pep 1, 2, 3, 4; declam I, 2, :3, 4; club 1,2, 3,4,pep club pep club officer 4; cheerlead­ officer 4, cheerleader er 1, 3; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4:; pep 1, 3; annual staff 3, 4; club 1,2,3,4. chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; music small groups l, 2, 3, 4; declam 2,3,4;class play 3, 4; band 1, 2, 3, 4; twirler 1, 2, 3, 4; librarian l .

RO . IE BOTTGER class officer 1; stu­ dent council 1; band 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; boys glee 2, 3, 4; basketball1,2,3,4; football 1, 2, 3, 4, track 1, 2, 3; class play 3, 4; declam 3; music small groups 1, 2, 3, 4; hon­ or society 3,4.

SANDI SWANSO annual staff 4:; declam 3; class play 3; pep DENNIS STARK class play club 1, 2, 3, 4; band 1, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2 , 3, 4; FFA 2,3; music small 1,2,3,4, FFA officer 3. groups 1, 2, 3.



KIRK SAUI\DERS track 3, 4; J.nnual staff 4; class play 3; boys glee 1; chorus 1.

JA ET ZEISLER pep club 1, 2, 3, 4; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 4; cheerleader 2; BARBARA OETKE chorus class play 4; annual 1, 3, 4; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4;pep staff 4. club 1, 2, 3, 4; class officer 3· class play 4; music small ' groups 2; annual staff 3; stu­ dent council 3.

PE DER CLI'\ ICS PUCKETT FLORIST I\ 0 GREEI\IIOUSE fl 0 II Pender, ebraska "Let our ewers say 1t for you Phone 7 581 Pender, ebraska LOREK WALLWEY band 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; boys glee 2, 3, 4; music small groups 4; FFA 1; basketball 1; track 3, 4; class play 3, 4; DO~ ALBHECIIT annual staff 4; class officer band 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 4; student council 4. 1, 2, 3, 4; boys glee 2, 3, 4; music small groups 2, 3, 4; F'FA 1, 2; basketball 1; foot­ ball 1; class play 3, 4; annual staff 4; declam l, 2, 3; debate 4.

~IARY JO SCHROEDER pep dub 2, ~. -l; c horus 1, 2, :3, 4;girls glee 1, 2, 4; class play 3, -l; band 1, 2, ~3, 4; annual staff •l; music small gcoups 1, 2, :3, -l.

DARRELL ERIKSE:--. class officer 2; student council 2; basketball 1, MARILY WALLWEY an- 2, 3, 4; football 1, 2, 3, -l; nual staff 4; class play 3; track 1; class play 3, 4. girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 4; pep club 1, 2; music small groups 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thanks to Emerson's HELE. 'S SHOPPE VOSS TRuCKING Ladies and Childrens Apparel Phone 695-2267

EMERSON TRI-COUNTY PRESS TOWN & COUNTRY SALON Phone 695-2267 GIL l• REY class offic er 3; student c ounc il 3; annual staff

4; basketball 1 1 2 1 3 1 4:; football

1 1 2; track 1 1 2; class play 3;

band 1 1 2 1 3; chorus 2; boys TERRY STI GER glee 2.

FFA officer 4: 1 FFA

2 1 3 1 4; football 3;

basketball 2 1 3; class

play 3 1 4.

BETTY 0' EILL pep club 11 2 1 31 4: 1pep club officer 4; cheer­

leader 3; declam 3 1 4;

class play 3 1 .f;mixed chorus 4; girls glee 4; homemaker of to­ morrow 4: .


FFA 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 FFA officer 4; football RETA HINGST annual staff

11 2 I 31 4; track 11 2 I 3 I 4; girls glee 1 1 2 1 3 1 4; chorus 112 4; pep club 1 2 3 4 . 4; class play 3 1 4 . 1 1 1 1

TODD Paint & Floor Covering Y UR 'C l R ~ ENTER MARTI N · SENOUR PAINTS PHONE 4·3220 SOUTH SIOUX CITY NEBR 112 EA ST 21st ST RICHARD DORIL\1\ band 1, 2; football 1, 2, 3, 4, basket­ ball1,2,3; track 1; class VERDE:L HABHOCK play 3,4. FFA officer 3, 4, FFA 2, 3, 4; class officer 2; student council 2; football 2; class play 3, 4.

ELI:\OR \\ C\SLOW pep club 1, 2, 3, 4, pep club officer 4; mixed chorus 1; girls glee 1; music small group 1; student council 1, 4; class officer 1, 4; class play 3,4.

G.;.RY DOSE FFA 1, JANET DENKER pep club 2; football 1, 2; class 1, 2, 3, 4; cheerleader 3; class play 3, 4; basketball play 3, 4; annual staff 4; girls 1. glee 1, 2, 3, 4; mixed chorus 1,3,4.

Thanks to Eme

GAI\1BLES' STORE ElVIERSON FERTILIZER C'Ol\IPANY BOI\1::\TIE VOSS declam 4;an­ DAVID nu.ll stat 4, class play. F H.8DEHICKSE:i\' FFA l, 2, 3, 4; track 1' 2.

IRE:'\ E Sh.OW annual staff 3, 4; class play 3; pep club 1,2,3,4; chorus 1, 3, 4; de clam 3; girls glee 1,2,3,4.

G8I\E S'l OLZ8 cho­ rus 1, 2, 3; boys glee 3; track 3; class play DARREL BELT FFA 2, 3, 4; 4. basketball 3; class play 3, 4.

Wells - Trenching - Appliances - 'Water Softeners HELZER PLU\1BI G & HEATL G Phone 494-4703 2214 Dakota A.venue South Sioux City, I\lebraska Jl '\ E KUBIK librarian 2; annual staff 3, 4; de clam 1, 2, 3, 4; class play 3, 4; girls i\IOLLY JO .\. N glee 1, 2, 3; chorus l, 2; pep DITTMAN club 1,2,3,4. girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; class play 3, 4; cheerleader 2, 4; pep club l, 2, 3, 4; annual staff 4; twirler 1, 2, 3, 4; mus­ ic small groups 1, 2.

T0\1 GIRRORD track 3; class play 4; declam 3.

KAREN POPE pep MERLTh STEECKER FFA club 1,2,3,4; class 1,2,3,4. play 4; annual staff 3.



l\ll~. 1\IC KEN/IE l\IARGIE AOA \1'3 chorus 1; das~ play l; annual staff 4.

VELDA BE TON pep dub 1. chorus 1, 2, 3; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; de clam 2, 4:; class play 3; music small groups 2; an­ nual staff 3.

BARBARA FF.:~DRICK pep club 1,2, 3,4;cho­ rus 1, 2; girls glee 1, 2, 3, 4; cheerleader SPONSOR 2, 4; class play 3;an­ nual staff 4. .i\IR. BLECHER



\ftt'r this J ty is over, \fter this day is over, A. ftl' r wP 'Vl" gone our way, \fter we~ve gom~ our way, \Ve will rPcall the mom ·ntb :\lay d.ll out· hearts bP jo'ly, That we hc1 VP shan•d tod3.y. :\lay all our dreams come truP. l\lany a is searching, \\'e shall return tolllorrov. If wP could rPad them all; To meet fril'nds from far 8.nd rwar. \Ve v.tbh thetr hopes to be> grante>d. :\!any a wish w1ll be grc1ntC'd God bless us a~ l. God blesb us a:!.

By :\Iarilyn \\allwey and :\ldrgie dc1ms



ORCHID FHii\GED CAH~ \TIOi\ 0 HCll ID \~ D \\II IT!·,


On ugust 28, lDbl, forty-one eager Freshmen entered the doors of the Emerson-Hub­ bard Community School. They were· l\largie Adams, Donald Albrecht, l\Iagadelena 'de an tor, Alan Binkley, Velda Benton, Ronald Bottger, :\Iaralyn Blair, Janet Denker, :\lolly J o Dittman, Richard Dohrman, Gary Dose, Darrell Eriksen, Barbara Fendrick, David Fredericksen, Bonnie Frey, Gil Frey, Thomas Gifford, Dean Habrock, Verdel Habrock, Reta Hingst, Roger Hunn, Candess Jensen, !\Iarilyn Karlberg, Barbara Oetken, David Perkins, Karen Pope, Eu­ gene Rasmussen, l\Iary Jo Schroeder, Irene Skow, Dennis Stark, l\lerlyn Steecker, Gene Stolze, Sandra Swanson, Barbara Todd, Bonnie Voss, l\Iarilyn \\'allwey, Loren \\allwey, Eli­ nor Winslow, and Janet Zeisler. :\Iagadelena Alcantor and Roger Hunn left us during the year. Waiting to greet us were the dear ole Seniors. Our day of Freshman Initiation was filled with fun and excitement. As we began our Sophomore year, H.on \\ hite, Charles Stevens, Darrel Belt, Terry Stmger, Gene Blaker, Fred Saunders, Kirk Saunders, and l\like Pallas JOmed us. David Per­ .K.ns did not return. During the year we lost Gene Blaker and Charles Stevens. By this time, we were getting used to the customs of the high school. During this year we took a Sophomore Sneak Day. The day was filled with food, games and excitement. In our Junior year Bernard Boyle, Claudette Heed, and Jo]~ne Head joined us. Ron White did not return. Claudette Reed and Jolene Head left us during the year. Our third year was highlighted with the re cei vin~ of our class rings, followed by the presentation of our class play, "Paint the Town Pink. ' \\'e also put on a prom in honor of the Senior class. We carried out the the me of "Evening in Paris." Our last year started with the addition of Betty O'Neill, Roberta Vaisnez., and Iris Don­ ley to our class. l\Iarilyn Karl berg did not return. During the year, we lost Roberta Vais­ nez, Irene Skow, Gary Dose, and Bernard Boyle. As we enter our final phase of our high school days, we shall always remember the day we initiated the little Freshmen, the day we took our senior pictures, putting on our class play, "Tammy Tell l\le True" and the lovely Prom given in honor of us by the Junior Class. Our final days of being seniors were busily spent get• ing ready for Baccalaureate, Class '\ ight, and our final day that we have long waited for, Graduation Day. 11 this was made tJOSsible by our class sponsors, l\Ir. l\lcKenzie and '\lr. Blecker. We have reached our one goal but many lie beyond! By !\lolly Jo Dittman and Barbara Fendrick


OLSOi\'S SPORTI:\G GOODS HAUF'S SPORTll\G GOODS SA.DOFF'S S.oux Cit), Io'A-a Sioux City, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa CLASS \\'ILL

We the class of 1865, do happily w1ll these following artic-les to the under-graduates and faculty, in hopes that they will bring them as much grief as th_ey brought us. I, C \'\)I JE~SE~, hoping she wi:l not turn tail and run, will the editorship of the annual to Janet F rq.. I'll give you a tip--keep your staff hopping! I, JUNE K BIK, will locker G13 to Darlene Schv-. rz in hopes she can get it open in a hurry. Caution--Watch out for Avalan­ ches. I, KA H'~::\ POP!·:, w1ll my natural blonde hair to Connie Eriksen, it will save you t1me and money. I, l'O;\l GWFOHD, will my ability to 5' s r ight A's to Karen Kellogg who in turn must work hard to keep my good average. I, BO 1\ IE F HEY, will my ability not to be late for study hall to Francis Burcham in return he mu be on time at least three times a week. I, i\lARALYi\ K Y BLAIR, will my ability to be a cupid but never get caught in the "game of love", to my sister Louise. i\ly bow and arrows are in my locker. I, BON;\IE VOSS, will my sparkling clear eyes to my sister, Joy. She will need them for the long nights of homework 1heaa. I, ELI:'-.OR \\Jl\ISLO\V, will my ability to forget every book I check out to anyone who would like o s .1ppor• •h ~ library. I, BARB FE;\DRICK, will my ability not to stay home two Saturd: 'j rights in a row to i\ancy Swanson. Who in return must keep the boys wondering. I, JC'DY \IC KIVEH.GAt\, bequeath my office of Pep Club President to Linda Hale so she might keep pP ... ct .n the fighting Pirates Pep Club. The boxing gloves are in the locker room. I, ;\lARGIE ADAi\IS, will my quietness and honesty to my younger sister who in turn must not do anything I wouldn't do. I, ROl\ BOTTGE H, will my assortment of football pads and ten and one-half rolls of tape to Dick Ilingst who in turn must rush two-hundred yards and complete 80o/o of his passes next year. I, KIRK SA U;\DE RS, out of sound mind, make my last will. I shall will my dear old locker to anyone who can usc it wel . Also all my like -new books to a deserving Jr., like Kenny Lamp. I, BARBARA OETKET\, will my long lane to Janet Rohde so that she won't have to park on top of her hill. I, LORE'\ \VALLWEY, will my good driv­ ing ability to Andrew Kuhn who must, in turn, never let his Ford die more than once on any one date. I, EUGE::\'E RAS \ILSSEl\', will my great ability in French class to Danna Rohde and Kay Crinklaw. I, RETA IIII\oGST, will my place on the bus to Patty Lueth and she in turn must ride every night and morning, enduring the noise without complaining. I, JA:\ET ZEISLER, will my intelligence and ability to get along with the teachers to Brian Crain. Lse it well, Brian. Also to my cousin Elaine, I will my hair straightener so she wouldn't look so nice all the time. I, VERDEL IIABROCK, will my D average to Bruce Sabacky. You can't get any scholarships for it, but you sure have a lot of fun. I, GEi\E STOLZE, will all of my poor luck in school to each and every student in the Junior Class and any one else who wants it. I, TERRY STI:\ GE R, will my ability to leave in a cloud of dust, a puff of smoke, and a hardy hi -ho-sil ver to everyone. I, DARHEL l\lA RVI'\ E RICKSEl\, will my i\larvin back to the Engelharts wher~ 1t be ongs. I, RICHARD DOHRl\IA , being of sound mind and body WILL leave. I, l\IARY JO SCHROEDER, wiL my abili•; to comb my hair only twice a day •o Elaine Zeisler who in turn must not be seen more than twice a day combing her hair. I, BO :\IE JE-\1\ LUETH, being of sound mind and hearty appetite, will my Betty Crocker cookbook to our cooks at EHS. I, DEAN H BROCK, will my favori•e word, A. D. 'T to 1\liss Wulf. i\Iay she always use it with care and enjoyment as I did. I, DO ALBRECHT, will my expression "\\ell nobody is per- fect" to anyone who thinks he is. (Let him learn in peace). I, VELDA BE TO , will my ability to ge everJ ... hing in late in English under .i\Irs. l\Iathiesen to anyone that wants to try it. I, JA.~ET DE .. KER, will my blushing to any underclassmen promising to blush at every­ body and everything. "\lay it bring you better luck than I. I, .:\1ARIL Y'J WA LLWEY, will my sweet and innocen' w l)S to Rayme Adams who must promise to have no more than one date every Saturday. I, BETTY 0 ·~ E IL, will my ability to talk to Carolyn Reed so she may also drive the teachers insane. I, DE 1 IS STARK, will my ability to play basketball to Duane Anderson who must earn at least two brownie points every practice. I, GIL FREY, will my slim green pick to Dave Spangler. Don't do anything I wouldn't do with it. I, 1\.IOLL Y JO DIT Tl\IA , will my house in Emerson • o Linda Hale so it will be only three and one -half blocks from Gil. I, ALAN BL.~KLEY, will my cheating techniques to anybody who 1s willing to try it. Good Luck!! I, SANDRA S\\ -\:\50~, will my wardrobe to my sister :-.J"lncy, if she keeps on GRO\V- ~G she'll need it!

Thanks to WAKE FIELD CO :\I::\lUl\1 ITY HOSPITAL Wakefield, !\ebraska I, :\IE HL Y~ STE EC KE H, will my good grades in English to Alan Curtiss who needs th{'n1 'Spcrate!y. lie in return must bring home an all red report card next year. I, FRED SAl "\DEHS, will my grcd.t academic ability and outstanding study habits to all the underclass­ nw• . By the looks of the downlist they're going to need 1t. I, DAVID FIU:DIUCKSEJ\', will my driving habits to :\13.rlov.·e I .angmack who in return must wreck three cars in his senior year. I, DARH.~L BELT, will great height to Louie Gill, and I think he will need it.

By Darrell Ericksen and Dean llabrock


In the spring of 1975, five career girls from Emerson Iligh's class of 1965, Bonnie Frey, Barb Oetken, Velda Benton, Karen Pope and \largie Adams activated their hard-earned savings to take a Caribbean Cruise. At the pier in ~ew York, as they were about to go on board the ship, they were amazed to see their old classmates, Gene Rasmussen and Fred Saunders, stevedores on the dock, hustling cargo and baggage aboard the ship. They were further delighted when invited to dine with the captain, to discover in him another old friend, Tom Gifford! When they went to the lounge to talk over the good old days, there, dispensing charm and hospitality along with beverages, was Darrell Eriksen, the bartender. He was delighted to see his old classmates and suggested that they stay to see the entertainment that was soon to fol­ low. The lights dimmed and a huge spotlight revealed a graceful acrobatic dance team -Can­ di Jensen and Gene Stolze. \\'hen the pair discovered that their friends were aboard they planned an impromptu reunion on deck the following morning. Imagine their great surprise when they met the bouncing, jolly, and energetic social directors- l\Ir. and .Mrs. 1\Ierlyn Stecker - (l\Irs. Stecker was the former ::\Iarilyn Wallwey). The first stop of the cruise was at Port au Prince. The group arranged to charter a bus for sightseeing. When the uniformed driver turned to face them there was one more member of the class of '65 - Kirk Saunders. After touring many of the places of interest, Kirk suggested that they have lunch at Chez I\Iarie - a famous restaurant owned and managed by Sandra Swanson. After a delicious lunch and more sight-seeing Sandy suggested a place to spend the evening -a famous night club noted for its excellent Latin music. She promiseci them further surprises and they were truly amazed. First of all, the master of ceremonies bounced out into the spotlight - Loren Wall­ wey, their exuberan• and witty friend from EIIS. And in the band were Gil Frey, playing the bongos, and Terry Stinger at the marimba! Further shock was the theme of the evening when the exotic Latin singer turned out to be Bonnie Lue+.h in a black wig. Or was it a wig? Later in the show, Bonnie was joined by her partner - Dennis Stark in a peppy cha -cha number. Tables were pushed together, the group spent a dellghtful evening reminiscing. In the morning as they were walking on deck, they met two passengers who had boarded ship at Port au Prince, Dr . Judy i\IcKi vergan and her assistant, technician Ron Bottger . The warm sun and the tropical moon did their work and before the next port wedding plans were developing for Ron and Velda Benton. At Kinston, more friends joined the cruise. :\lr. and 1\lrs. Verdel Ilabrock, mission­ aries returning from their work in South America. 1\Irs. Habrock was the former l\laralyn Blair . They had news of others of the class; Dean Habrock, Doctor of Divinity, the director of their group, and his wife 1\lary Jo Schroeder, were working with Indians - deep in the in­ terior of Brazil . Accompanying them was the Rev. 1\lr. Richard Dohrman, who immediately began renewing old friendships - most particularly the one between himself and Dr. ::\Ic­ Kivergan. The enlarged group planned a day at the race track. They pooled their finances, and, over the object10ns of missionaryHabrock, planned to place a bet on entry number 12. :\ot be­ cause they knew anything about the horse, but because the Jockey was Janet Denker - the only girl jockey at the big tracks to have ridden home thirty-three winners! When they went to place the bet, Darrel Belt was behind the pari -mutual window. Janet rode the winner, and when they went to the winner's circle to congratulate her they found that they could also con­ gratulate Donald Albrecht, the owner of a racing stable, the owner of the winning horse and Janet's employer and fiance . Once more among the new passengers they found old friends. A party of archeologists, returning from the Andes, joined them- l\lr. and i\Irs. David Frederickson- 1\Irs. Freder­ ickson was Betty O'='l'eil. In this same group was i\Iolly Jo Dittman, Alan Binkley and Bonnie Voss. At a sports arena they went to a wrestling show, lady wrestlers. They were Barb l•'endrick and Elinor Winslow, Barb won. \\'ordofthis ama?.ingcotncidL~ntal rc•union must h...tve reached the laq{t' city papers, for cl tc•am of lll'wswriters W('re flown out to mc•L•t thL~m. Sure t•nough, nlor·e of the class of 'ti3. \\'dters, Iris Donky, .Janl't %E>isll'r cmd Hc>ta Ilingst -and there with her camera to t'L'cord it all, photographer, Jurw I5. Back at tlw dock in i\'ew York, preparing to disc>mbark they could hardly believe thetr eyes. Tlw sponsors of the class of 'G5 trom back at !·;lis, were about to take. a similar cruse>- ~lr . .1nd ~1rs. :\It Kenzte on a·long dl.•fprrt•d second honeymoon, and ~lr. ,md ~Irs. Blt>cher taking a holtday. ;\lr. Blecher was v.atching the twms and :\Irs. BlE'ch~·r \.. :,ls count111g the> luggagE'. Far~·wc>lls at till' pil.•r followl~d. The trip had bc>L'n more than satisfactory, and with old friPndships n•nt:~wc'd, promisps to kl'('P in touch, and more· prornist.,S for a real rc>tmion at Enwrson in 'HO, the class of '65 went their scp.1ratE:' ways.

By Elinor \\'ins low and Janl: t I> •nker

CLASS POE:\l By Bonnie Voss and Heta Hingst Janet D. is a tiny lass She's the pixie of our class To~. B. T. she'll go one clay People like her winning \'l:ays.

Gilbert is our basketball star People know him from near and far. He played his best at every game. In the future we know he '11 do the> sc1me.

Reta is the quiet one But, always quick to J0111 in the fun With fair hair and eyes of blue. s a friend she is always true. · Elinor, our attendant for '6 5, Bonnie V. is a girl whose moods do vary I\Iakes any occasion bright and alive Sometimes silent, sometimes merry. Always so charming and never a bore A writer of books she hopes to become Working or playing her spirits soar. We know she'll be a succesful one. Loren is a quiet lad It takes quite a bit to make him mad. He's always a helpful, considerate guy A college life he'd like to try.

Our fred is oh, so sly He's humorously witty, so watch that guy. His subjects are done with effortless ease Lessons for him are quite a breeze.

Eugene is a hardworking guy A bright future will be his by and by. To his subjects he's al \\.·ays true Soon he'll go to ~ebraska

Velda is a swinging gal Her laughing ways make her a real pal. Alan is our farmer boy Working or playing with Velda around To worry the teachers is his joy We know there will always be a gay sound. His football playing you have Alan is really on the beam! :\lolly Jo is a handy lass She's a cheerleader from our class . Barbara F. is a brown-eyed gal At football or basketball games she's seen Everyone's friend and a swe 11 pal. Cheering hard to help our team. Some o. her pranks are really sly John S. is her steady guy.

FREY OIL CO:\IPAJ:\. Y Service Station - Tank \\agon Deree \I. Frey - Wayne Warren Emerson, 0ebraska :\le rlyn is a q ull't guy David is our prankster guy Soft-spoken and sort ot shy lie's sneaky, crafty and sly lie's charming and polite to !lis purpose in life 1s to have tun one J.nd a~l. David is llked by everyone. To i'\. B. '1. he'll go this fall.

Dean is a devilish sort GeneS. is ate tcher's test Cracking a joke is hi~ mam sport. \t making trouble he's the very lie's our attendant for 'G5 best Ile makes thP baske tba:l court come \ farmer he wou:d Like to be alive. At thts he will be good as good can be. Richard is a real sharp guy. \\'ith mechaml'S and mathht·'srr>a:ly Darrell 8., our Prince, is sly quite a guy. He's rc>ally quite charming and full All the g1rls give him thP eye of fun lie pes tcrs the tedl'hers once in a Richard is admired by everyone. while. He's full of mischief, that's his style. Our June is a loyal lass She works hard m every c:ass As a friend she's trustworthy and fair. Sandi's personality really shines If there's a party, you know she'll At making friends she's really be there . fine. Her spirit, which is always bright Verdel is such a happy boy and gay, Pestering teachers is his joy. Will help her to gain succe:>s some- Oh, yes, he's happy, always on the day. run. Terry is a charming clown Verdel's out to have his share of That boy really gets around the fun. Terry has a ready smile. 1\Iary Jo is a hardworking girl Brewing mischief is his style Her busy life is always in a whirl Though she's full of the devil and Kirk S. is quite a boy likes to piay. Working on cars is his joy. To ~Iidland she will go one day. In college he is sure to land \\'e know at this he will be grand. l\Iargie is a brown -haired lass She''s the quiet one in our class :\larilyn is a very tall lass As a friend she's oh, so swell She's the fun maker of our class In whatever she does we know she '11 With eyes that sparkle and mischie- do well. vous soul. A college career is her goal. Bonnie F. is a red -haired lass. A diligent student in every class Our gal Barb 0. JUSt can't be bcc1t. She steps out with many a guy At being a secretary she's very A swinging girl is Bonnie Frey. neat. Barb's personality is fr,:sh and gay. Karen is a fair -haired lass She's the life of any class A big success she 'l: be sornr>CJay. For some fun she's always ready .i\larv Flaugh is her steady. Dennis ts a guy \\ho's goo(J .-vtth a basketba.:l Janet, our Princess, is proud of Ilts bright s mi:e h:J.s bcPn SN•n her Looks. by all She really works hard when it lie's usual:y q:.Het as :1 ru!e comes to books. \\'orking hard o ~1nish sc·hool. Yes, she is quiet and shy But don't let her fool you, there's Our Betty is oh, so swell a steady guy. \t her lessons she

SIO UX C ITY, IOWA (Poem continued on Senior Sneak Day page) UNDERGRADU.ATES

JAMES REXALL DRUG 2100 Dakota Avenue BOTTGER 11\IPLI':Vlf't\/T COMP \NY Phone 4-3021 Emerson, Nebraska South Sioux City, Nebraska D 1n \r!-l< r Jn Sh< rr·yl \ JdL r on 1\ r 1 ' 1 R < c k • ' I I \1ar B l\\n C rr • Bo.,.. rn n Hob< rt Rov .c

\Ian C 1rt. [)(', ayn D lVC nport :\IP r< d1th Dane l'l Conme I ngE'lh rt " rvm Fn ,.. 1~• .1 rt Junet Fn v

D Vld ( r df'rt l. rry Gro've Lind Hale 1£'1Vln II n e'l L rry lrby Dav1d JPpsen

Karcn Kello Velm Klug Andrew K mn Kcnneth Lamp 1\larl<>we Langmack Arnold !\lelhck

Ht.sse 11 1\lorg.. n Ht.thann 1\lorse \\ aynr OetKrn Dav1d Pcrkms c._r,..lyn Heed Ronme H!:'her

Linda Rohde John Samson Hogcr 'khwarten Darlene Schwarz Fd Sor<'nsen Flame Ze1sler

. 'OT PICTURED "iTUAHT J:\IPI.I"::\IF:-\T & OIL CO. Carol E-riksen TanK \\ gon 'irrvl~<' Conme Fr1ks n Phonr 198 \\ ulth11l, :'\rbr. G & D CLOTHI:\'G I.e t' s C.o Bow ling 19th and D;:~kota \ venuc .lt 1 adv's \\ear- Infant's \\'ear :\IFLODEE l.A:\'E:j • Jumor P!:'tlte Juniors \\ ayne, :-\e'JrasK ChlldrE'n' s 1\ e r Phon£' 17 ,_ 3031 -.;pN'lahze 10 XL \\ EAH for womcn SC!Il'I.TF'S FHO:\'TII- H South :;10ux C'.ty, :\'cbra.;ka Gas - <. roC't~ rll s l.unchPs - H<>fre hments \\ 11lis, ;:>;pbr sk '\hiH '\lbrt tIt

1om Boylf' \1•c 'lad Bre it r I· ranc, Burc t.am l\11K<' C larey Lind CogJill h. y Crmklaw

Lm..Ja I· r('y I>nnmE' GatzemeyPr Darryl GC'lt,er Lu;.tle G11l l\1( r.yn l11brock Von Hamnwr

Jm1 llans<'n D1ck Htnj:;st Duanf' K rlb('rg Do.>nms Koopman Bob Kranm<'l' Jennif<"r Kas mg

l.inda Kmt, Sharon Kmg Dale Octk<'n J1m O':'\e11l Caro Pic kenng Chuck Pl.,mmer

Honme Pope Carol HasmussE>n Hobl"rt Hasmu<;sPn Joe Heed D:mna Hohdc J anl't Hohde

D r.enc ~everson :\lary Ann Skoog David Spangler J eanninf' St<'inbrec her Duane Stolze V1ckey Surb<'r

T<"rrl Watkins '>usan Swanson NOHTHER!\ PROPA:'\E GAS CO:\IPA:'-iY Hoger \\'endte Tr1-State Division Tanks-- Cylinder,; -- Appliances 2510 B Street, South Sioux City, Nebr sk& Phone 494-4236 Sophomores Rr1 n ( r m G Y•l'l De nkr r I 1nd len ( r Rob<' r t 0<. 1 rrr.a n Kcnr1ett. Dane 1n FU{;<'ne Hubr?< k

\\ urr<' 1 Ha'>rock Bev<'rly H ns n Pat l~a sler J1rr. J ps<'n Edna Kdlog B rb r Km•

Patty Krahmer l)('bbH Kropr D v1d Kru rr arK Bonmc I. mp Juh<' Littr<'l! Dame 1 LueJr rs

Patti :...ueth Fr<'d l\tackhng Jf'ff Macklmg Terry McKlv<'rgan Darrell 1!'lhck DalC' 1\lorrow

i.'\J.'lc y Peter Du nc Rohd Joav Rohde Bruce SabacKy Randy Samson Caro. chram

Nan~y teele :'\ancy <;wanson Joy Voss Low€'11 \\ arr!'n Donald \\ 1lk!'

:\ot P.ctured Elhott Saund rs

\\'AKI'FIELD ACTO SALVAGr: GLE::\'::\''S BODY SHOP \\ akefield, :\cbraskn Wakefield, r\'ebraska

\\'AKI~FIELD CLE,\NERS LYJ\IA:\ PHOTOGRAPHY Wakefield, :\ebraskn Wayne, ::\'ebraska Freshmen Rohf \I H r t• HlC \ r \n or, I >on d Hm I< \\ vn B 11 B•' Br·o\\ r I' hll He" '

TP r<' a C rmal' K<'nn••t'l Cardr r F'c'na L Curtis ChJ.llPS [}J. .. l ~tl ,an l>E'Gr ff Hog• r DosP

\llf'n l::ngclh_trt c; vie I· l'lCK>;< n Jerry t rl..:K<>rn Ron'\1<' f riCt<>;Cn Stanlr v Fric ksen Denms l'rey

L<'WI , c;,rtzmanl' Chr1s Hmgst Karla Hmbst Danny J<'ps<'n J~anne K<'llogg .Jody Klug

:\erma Klug StC'vC'n Kuhn l'f'nny Lueth Br1an :\tacKling lt<'ta 1\lf'sserschmldt Scot :\tcKenzic

B1ll :\!organ David N<'lson Gary OC'tken Rog<'r Oetken \\ illiam Oetken Tom Ragcr

De\\ ayn" RasmussPn Jan<' Rc!Oander Denise SC'bade Calvin Ste!'C ker JoAnn SPverson Kenneth Suhr

DE'bbie Temple !\lary Watkins Sarah \\inslow IHchard Zeisler TilE FIRST Dorothy ZE'isler ::-it\TIO:'I:AL BANK :\ot Pictured Fmerson, Ronmr S. L ~ :'l:ebraska Eighth Hen 1 '\n 1'1 o!' J 1 n.tJ. Bowman Vine • nt Rovlr \\aync Bres •<>r G 1rv ( 'lrlY. 1lL.1dC'r Donald Den' r r

i"v<>lvn Fa1tl I>u nP Fr<>drr JCK .on Curt1s I• n•y Patsy Gutzm.m, '>tE''lh I' G•1tzmann fony Hair

D1anf' II mmf'r Kathy llms(•n Patti II ns<>n nonald II PC ken, Clydf' ll<>gg Ricky llollm.w

Ch lr.Py K<>llog RPtty Krus<>mark Jpanne L1ttrcll G~lr Lueth S!•Jrlcy L\..Ptl' H mdy Lu ,stf' r

L~oyd l\la •khng Far! l\lcu~erscl'midt Vc!m !\!organ Handy 1\lueller Ht•tty OC'tk<>n GC'or·~o;<' l'lckc1·mg

Handy P1pal Melvm Powley Alvl''l H.agcr [).•nm Hohd<' John Hohdc Hobl•rt Sabacky

Larry Severson Donald Skow Cindy St..11lbaum \\ arren Stede :\'anc.y Voss T1m \\ .1tkms

T:\'T 7\IOTFL -- \\akefif'ld, :\ebr. IUCHFr-:DIFEH FU:\EHAL 110:\IE Hog r \\ 1lKC' llardwar<' and Furmturr Au1wst ZeislPr \\ .1lthlll, :\pbraska Phon€' b46- >">22 -- 12 Umts -- ElPctric HC'at --TV-- TPIPphonPs SPORTSl\IE:\' 1:\'COHPORATED Seventh A1r Cond1h0ned -- Carpeted Sioux C1ty, Iowa On Highway 9-35 Junctwn Mr. and \Irs. Alfred Benson ) Wakefield, :\'c-br. Phone ATlas 7-2262 -


OLE'S LOu GE & BAR EL\IS I\ URSI G HOl\IE Dakota City, :--.ebraska Ponca, '\ebraska

BOSS\IA1 'S DRY GOODS VERZA_ I CHEVROLET CO. Ponca and Wakefield Ponca, Nebraska ROWONE: J.Rager,B. Pallas,S.Surber, B. Zeisler, G. Rhode, R. Sabacky, J. Watkins. ROW TWO: B. Sorenson, D ..i\layberry, C. Nebel, J. Temple, P. Rohde, D . .Mahler, l\1. Pickering. ROW THREE: G. Voss, G. Warren, D. Temple, B. Steinman, D. Reher, P. Randall, l\I. Roeber, H. Sebade, :Ylrs. Lamp.

Kindergarten 1

ROW ONE: L. Karley, J. Belt, W. Koopman, P. !vis, S. Coan, K. Barnett, J. Lange. ROW TWO: T. Hender­ son, J. Jensen, B. Mes­ serschmidt,D. Mes­ serschmidt, T. Jepsen, C. Mackling, K. Kropf, R.Denker. ROW THREE: W. Carman, S.Belt, f.Jensen,K. Bowder, K.Gutzman, M. Mueller, T. Al­ brecht, D. l\lahler, Mrs. Lamp.

Kindergarten 2

ROW ONE: Y. Shanks, K. Kropf, R. Daven­ port, L. Steecker, D. Roeber, C. Hingst, K. Johnson,D.Johnson, D.Erickson. ROW TWO: D. Thrialkill, P. Stenwall, S. Steele, L. Rhode, J. l\loody, C . Evans, R . Rager, M. West. ROW THREE: D. Sorenson, B. Lueth, B. Barnett, G.Randall,G.Ran­ dall, C. Steecker, L. Be'lt, Mrs. Schram. First Grade Courtesy of AMERICAN POPCORN COMPANY PENDER LANES Sioux City, Iowa Pender, Nebraska

D . C . BAR BEAUTY NOOK Dakota City, Nebraska Pender, Nebraska Jack and Mary Harral, Owners Phone 4551 ROW O~E: J. Sabac­ ky, \\'.Hingst, B. Oetken, D. Belt, D. :\lahlcr, T. Lueth. ROW TWO: D. n­ derson, K.~lesser­ schmidt, ~1. Rohde, R. P.al!as, 0. I\lay­ berry, H. Erickson, ROW THREE: 0. Kuhn, J. Lempke, B. Larson, P. Clements, O.Sebade,J.Frey, l\lrs. Carr.

First and Second Grade

ROW Oi'\8: D. Zeisler, D. Belt, C. Hingst, :\1. Voss, L. Rasmussen, K. Zeisler, C. Relitz. ROW TWO: C. h.rah­ mer, C. Evans, J. Lueth, S Steele, K. Faith, S. Lange,C.Albrecht,E. 1lackling. ROW THREE: K. Lukens, 0. I\ebel, .:\.1. Sebadc, K. Barnett, 0. Rasmussen, S. Powley, H. Roeber, P. Watkins, :\Irs. \nder­ son.

Second Grade

ROW O~E: H. I\Iahler, J. Peters, L. Englehart, R.Oenker,C. Visinaiz, L. ~tenwell, K. Black. ROW TWO: l\Irs. Beh­ rens,S.Sorensen,P. Rager, D. Reher, A. :\Ioody, l\1. Lempke, R. Pipal. ROW THREE: K. Jensen, C. ~IJ:esser­ :::;chmidt, R. Kubik, V. Hollman, C. Gradert, R. Lueth.

Third Grade

Compliments of Wakefield's HA~K'S BAR RECREATIO?\ CE~TER

BOB SCKE~CK CLOTHING EATO~'S GREE~ HOLSE ROW ONE: .:\1. Davenport, S. Fuchser ,A. Dorhman, H. Langmack, K. McKenzie, K . Black. ROW TWO: .:\1rs . .:\lay, A. l\layber ry, D. Johanson, R. Plummer, B. Lukens,R. Fuchser, D . Belt, K. Klug, J . .i\lackling. ROW THRf~E: C . Carr,D. Gutz­ man, J. Habrock, S . Ericksen, R. nfinson, D. Third and Fourth Grade Faith, L. l\les serschmidt. ROW O~E: C. Koop­ man,A.l\Iackling,G. Rassmussen, C. Shanks , V. Ztesler, L . Rhode , H . Kubik, G . Wilke, :\Iiss Kru­ ger, J . Larson, .J. Larson, H . Fendrick, D. :\lesscrschmidt, W. Dose , \1. '1 e mple , K. Burch 1m . ROW TIIREE : R . Sherlock, l\1. H.hocle, H . nfin­ :;on, C. Oetken, L. Se bade , L . Se bade, l\1. Ericson, H . :\lay­ berry. l'\OT P IC - T RED: R. Fendrick, Fourth Grade

ROW ONE: G. :\lack­ ling, G. West, K . Lamp, C. Re litz, 1\1. Steecker, B . Denker, L . Pickering. HOW TWO: :\lrs.Brum­ mund, L . Rager, D . S hroeder, K.Klug, P. Barnett, P. Lueth, R . Gutzman, L. Hag­ er. HOW THREE: B . Duncan, J. Steele, J . P~wley, :\I. Rohde, \V. Anfinson, R . Sever­ son, J. 1\Iue ller.

Fifth Grade


J . J . l\IULLANEY COl\IPA:\'Y FLA"CGH 1S SERVICE & CAFE Phone 4641 ROW 0!\E: R. Bres­ sler, D. Hammer,::-.;. i\Iesserschmidt, J. Zeisler, B. \\'est, D. Fuchser, B. Peters. ROW TWO: ::\Irs. Blattert, S. Fa1th, T. Beckens, B. i\lcKen­ zie, G. Plummer, C. nderson, L. Sher­ lock, S. Lueth, ROW THREE: D. Kubik, D. Stewart, V. i\lack­ ling, D. Swanson, A. Dose, R. Oetken, F. Sebade. i':'OT PIC­ TURED: R. Hogg. Sixth Grade

ROW Oi\E: W. John­ son, G. Albrecht, R. Jensen, K.l\loody,J. Lueth, J. Albrecht, C. Dolezal. ROW TWO: !\Irs. Light­ foot, J. Denker, L. Gradert, R. Carder, R. Krahmer, F. Kel­ logg, H. Faith, D. Hingst. ROW • THREE:F. Combs, P. Hollman, B. Blaker, L. Habrock.

Fifth and Sixth Grade

ROW 0_ E: P. Gor­ mally, V. Birkley, B. Watkins, P. \Vat­ kins,S.Hansen, \Irs. Birkley. ROW TWO· R.Hayes, 1. \\lalsh, D. Heeney, J . Hale, J. Hale, D. Franke.

Hubbard -Kindergarten Courtesy of South Sioux City, I\ebraska •s HALUS FEED & SEED CLA USE:-.J ELECTRIC 252 3 Dakota A venue 2509 Dakota Avenue Phone 494-4412

STINGER 1S PROVED SIRE SERVICE JACOB RIEGER Bill Stinger Phone 494-3375 2020 Dakota Avenue First and Second Grade HOW ONE: H.. Davis, H. Corkin, R. Corkin, K. Stewart,S.Dzur1s, W. \\'atkins. ROW T\\'0: K. Stewart, C. Beacom, K. Heeney, E. Kellogg, l\1. H.ooney, J. Wachter, K. Gormally, S. \\'atkins, ROW THREE: ~Irs. Huff, :\I. Green, B. De­ Roin,A. Lux,D. Erik­ sen, !\I. Heinemann, !\I. Walsh. ).lOT PICTURED: S.Berg,K.Franke. Third and Fourth Grade ROW ONE: S. Lussier, K. Todd, D. Hanson, D. Hassler, P. Beacom. ROW TWO: D. Gor­ mally, B. Watkms, D. Berg, ~I. Beacom, B. Wachter. ROW THREE: J. Heinemann, i\1. Stewart, K . Heeney, T . Eriksen, D. Birkley. ROW FOUR: l\.lrs. Roe­ ber, D. Watkins, D. Wendte, R. Blair, J. Hall, R. Hassler.

Fifth and Sixth Grade

ROW ONE: K. Wat­ kins, K. Watkins, S. Watkins, ~I. Bassler, J . Gormally, J . He in­ emann. ROW TWO: Mrs . Dose, P. Zeisler, I\1. Hansen, ~I. Heine­ mann, G. Eriksen, C. Hassler . ~OT PIC­ TURED: .i\1. Rasmus­ sen. HEENEY'S GROCERY Phone 6.j2--l2l0 Hubbard, ~ebraska ACTIVITIES


Bonderson Insurance BLAKER PH.ODUCE Emerson, Nebraska Emerson, :\cbraska \ last- m inu tP Tammy welco1nes Surprise', \\'hat' No stc1ge brush-up Shanty Boat An­ Pete>! Bonnie gl'ts fright, Gvrw? gives Dar­ me to the boat. the works. rell confi­ dence'.

Senior Class Play

The Senior Cla.ss presented its play, "Tammy Tell :\le True'', on April :~o, in the II igh School Gym. The play was opened with a vocal solo, "Tammy", by i\larilyn \Vall wey.

The play was under the direction of I\Irs. Grandpa prays Edna .:\Iathiesen; student director was i\Iolly .Jo with Tammy. Dittman.

The play took place in a Southern college town located by a river. Tammy is to attend the college as a "special", which means she will listen in classes. Tammy runs into trouble when she can't live on her shanty boat alone.

Tammy's problem is solved when l\:lrs. Call, a weal thy resident of the town, comes to Tammy baby­ live with her on the shanty boat. But l\lrs. .i\Irs. Call's sits with "t\el­ Call's niece raises a fuss, charges Tammy sanity hearing. da, Harold, with kidnapping and claims :\Irs. Call is in­ and Julian. sane.

A trial is held for :\Irs. Call and she is declared sane and not guilty. Tammy is al­ lowed to stay at college and be with her new love, Dr. Tom Freeman.

The flute entertained between Scene I and Scene II.

The play was very well attended and en­ joyed by all.

1\liss Jenks' apology to Tammy. i\liss Jenks visits Tam­ my in jail.


Courtesy of

DR . D. P. Ql:I.:\IBY GLEN 'S CAFE \\'ELCO :\IE IN::\ CAFE DE TIST Phone 632-4741 i\Ieals and Short Orders Wakefield, ebr. Jackson, 1\ebr. Homer, 'ebr. Commencement

On J.\lay 23, commencement exercises were held for forty-one semors. Dr. Rus­ sell 01.ven of Wayne State College gave the address. The seniors rc>ceived their diplo­ mas from 1\Ir. Lester \\'allwey, President of the schoo: board . ~laralyn Bl.1ir and Dean Ilabroek received PTA scholarships, Hon Bottger rc­ c-eived a scholarship from The First :\ational Bank, and Barbara Oetken received a scholarship from the Junior -Senior Prom Fund. Gene Rasmussen was recipient of the Regents Scholarship from the University of r\ebraska.

V.-\LEDICTORIAi\ SALUTATOHI 1\ Dean Habrock Bonnie Lueth


Students chosen for the 1 g 65 .Na­ tional Honor Society were Juniors: Ruthann :\lorse, Karel'} Kellogg, Janet Frey and Alan Curtis. Seniors: Don Albrecht, Candess Jensen, Judy ~Ic­ Kivergan and Bonnie Lueth. 19 64: members were Ronnie Bottger and 1~1- inor Winslow.

Thanks to Sioux City 1s LANE 1 S BO TTLING COl\IPA Y ROBs HT ~s :\IILK co l\IP \" r Bacca Ia u reate

The Baccalaureate s<.>rvicP w<.~.s lw:d :\l:ly lG, 111 the gym \\-ith the• Hev. John Brunn prt>sc>nting thP sermon. Hev. Dd.niel Schroeder gavt> the in­ vocat!on and bened1C'tion, tlw nlixecl chorus, under thE' d1rection o! Clinton Carr, sang the proeess10n­ al and the recessional, as well as two othc>r num­ bers, and thL' boys' glee presented a number. The ushPrs for this service were Linda Hale and \\'ayne Oetken.

Class Night

Class and Recognition Night for 19G5 was held ~londay, ~lay 17, m the gym. The class history, prophecy, will, and poem were read. Entertainment consisted of senior music groups. ~!embers of the ational Honor Society were initiated and various other awards were presented to members of the stu­ dent body for achievement during the school year. Ushers for the night were Elaine Zeisler and Russ .L\lorgan .

Senior Class Singing Their Class Song

~lr. Carr Presents Awards To The Student Council

Senior Class President, Loren Wallwey, Presents Class Picture To l\Ir. l\IcKenzie Compliments of Emerson's GREAT PLAINS SlPPLY CO.L\IPA Y Ralph Heitzman - Registered Angus SOUTH SOO JANITOR Sl.JPPLY Francis Rohde - Construction South Sioux City, ebraska :\laralyn B. 1s a g

Candess lS gay and always bright Ronnie is our King whose talents vary A JOb well done is her de light. With musk and nMth he's really nwrry She's the giri we nicknamed "Candi" Hannie is a real bright guy As a college girl she '11 do JUSt dandy. He '11 go to college by ,mel by. Bonnie L. is our queen lr1s has come to us of late. Her sparkling blue eyes you may have In her studies she's really great. seen . She's a girl whom we admire As a college girl she ':1 do her best. Lots of fun and a real 1i ve wire. Her gay personality will met">t the test. D rrcl B. is an easy-going &lUY Tom is an impish guy \\ ith a happy grin and a twinkling c yc Full of stunts, crafty and sly. His outlook on life is always bright Girls and more girls are his joy. In the future we know he '11 do Soon he '11 be a 1\avy boy. all right.

Some to the rivers A.nd some to the seas Some to the soil Our fathers made free Then on to the stars A heaven for to see This is the new frontier This is the new frontier.

Sneak Day

The seniors of '65 sneaked off EARLY in the morning of l\Iay 18 to spend a day at Arnold's Park at Lake Okibogie. As our luck always seems to run, it was a cold, windy day; but the sun was shining brightly. We spent the day riding the rides, playing miniature golf, or browsing through the shops . In the late afternoon we changed at a cabin rented for that purpose (although a group of boys and 1\lr. i\IcKenzie tound the table just right for a card game) and climbed on the bus to go to a restaurant for our evening meal. We returned in the evening to a moonlight cruise on the lake. The boat had a dance floor and combo . We returned late that night, tired and many sleeping, with many memories to keep.

Thanks to l\IA TTISO:... I\:IPLE :\IE ... T CO l\IPA Y - Emerson, ebr aska THE LO'GNGE BAR AND GRILL - \\-akefield, Nebraska PAUL BYERS, DE. TIST - \\lakefield, ebraska ED WOLSKE A. uTO SERVICE - \\.'ayne , ~ebraska HAROLD'S SUPER SAVER The Jun.or Class presented their play "1'\uts in .:\lay,'' on ::--..ovember 12 and 13. :\Irs. Edna i\Iathieson .re ted the play; i\Ielvin Hansen was student director. The play c-entered around stage and screen actress, Cornelia Otis Skinner. Bes 1des prepar­ ing for a Broadway opening, Cornelia becomes in­ volved in her son's love-life. 1\Hchael, Cornelia'::; son, invited two girls to his mother's opening, and naturally tlus presented a problem . Solving ,\lichael's difficulties presented the basis for this delightful farce .

CPPER LEFT: Cornelia's c1dmirers, played by Connie Engelhart and Sherryl Anderson, c-rcatP more problems for her son, 1\lichacl, played by David Jc>psen . iiiiDDLE: Darlene Schwarz plays the part of one of the girls that :\.lichael invited to his mother's opening.

UPPER RIGHT: Cornelia, portrayed by Conme Eriksen, is being interviewed on a coast-to­ coast television program. Pictured also arc: Ruthann 1\lorse, Darlene Schwarz, Linda Rohde, and Carol Eriksen .

TO P RIGHT: The entire cast is pictured after the play.

1\IIDDLE RIGHT: Cornelia is awaltmg the results of her performance . Pictured are: David Jepsen, Connie Eriksen, i\lark Brown, and Elaine Zeisler.

BOTTO.:\I HIGHT: Entertainment was provided by "The Animals , " composed of >\ndrew Kuhn, Roger Schwarten, Ken Lamp, Larry Grove , and i\larlowe Langmack.

BOTT0.:\1: Cornelia is being intervie'Y\ed by :\IC Ruthann 1\Iorse . Also pictured is 0 :1rlene Schwarz .

ROYAL TYPEWRITER Sioux City, Iowa Junior-Senior Prom

Eat, Drink, And Be i\lerry The Jumor -Semor Prom and Banquet 'Aas lw ld in the school gym on \lay 7. Th~ Juniors c 1r­ ried out the thenw of " •\p­ ple Blossom Time." The highlight of the decora­ tions was an applE' tree in the center of the gym floor. The bleacher area was decord.tcd 'Aith um­ bre~las, butterflies, and a picket fence to look like a spring garden. Other decorations were a b1rd bath and b1rds and butter­ flies with the names of the Juniors and Seniors on Let A Smile Be Your Um­ them. brella

The meal was served by the Paddock Steak House of South Sioux City. Bveryone enjoyed a deli­ cious meal of Sw1ss steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, salad, and ice cream.

The music for the dance was provided by Jack Seckmann and his Band. The Jumors and Seniors marched to the tune of 11 Red Roses for a Blue Lady" for the Grand EnJoy Yourself, It's Later !\;larch, which was held at Than You Think . 10:30.

Ready, Bonnie , Left - Right

Thanks to

BILTl\IORE DI"KI:'-JG ROO \I Sioux City, Iowa

MADISJ:t\ APPLIA:'I.CE & COR. ER STORE ELLffi ELECTR~ COMPA~Y South Sioux City, Nebraska Allen, I'.ebraska \\'hen I say pull !':dna, I mean PCLL! I!

I said "DUCK'' Gene! 1! What's the matter Julie'? 1 ever had an egg shampoo? Smile Rayme. You're on Candid Camera.

After four weeks of do­ ing menial tasks for the mighty seniors, the green freshmen reached the day of their dreads . On Tuesday, October 6, the "freshies" dressed to suit the imagina­ tion of our seniors. The freshmen were seen perform­ Where'd it go·> ing humorous antics coached by any and all seniors. At the party that evening the en­ tertainment was provided by the freshman stunts and danc­ ing to records .


It's a mark of leadership to adjust. ~oses to the grindstone .

Thanks to South Sioux City's ROBERTSOr-; I.:\IP LE1\IENT CO:\IPA Y SO. SOO . OIL CO . :\liKE'S AU rO i\IA LEY JEWELRY 2 5ll Dakota -\venue 604 \\ . Hi way 20 l021 Dakota Ave . 2007 Dakota Avenue CLASS OFFICEHS

SE~ 1 l0RS Pres: Loren \\' . V. Pres. Fred S. Sec. -Treas. Ehnor \\'.

J NIORS Pres: Hus5 .:\I. V. Pres. -Treas.: f.<~laine Z. Sec-.: Connie E.

SOPHO:\IORr;; Pres: ::\lerlyn II. V. Pres. -Sec.: Jennifer K. Treas.: Vickey S.

F RESHi\1 -\'\ Pres: Debbie K. V. Pres: Treas. Gene 11. Sec: ;\ancy S.

EIGHTH Pres: Scott ~1. V. Pres: .Jerry E. Sec. -Treas: Karla 11.

SEVE~ Til Pres: Steven G. V.Pre5: HobertS. Sec... -Treas: John H.


FRO:'\ I RO\\: D. Davenport, J. Sam5on, C. Enksen, E. Zeisler, K. Kellogg, R. Morse, C. Reed, D. Schwarz. BACK ROW: L. Grove, i\1. Brown, K. Lamp, :\1. Engelh.J.rt, i\1. Lang mack, L. Irby, ~Irs. Leuth.

On October 20, thirteen Juniors parti­ cipated in the 16th annual County Govern­ ment Day in Ponca. These students accom­ panied by their teacher heard lectures and discussions on the duties or American Citi­ zens. The students also saw a film on driving safety. In the afternoon the stu­ dents went to their respective offices to learn more about their county.

Thanks to WESTSIDE HO\IE OBERviBT :-..IELSE'\ 1 S DEPT. STORE l\Irs. Ellen Beaudette, SALES CO. TEETERS GARAGE Ready-To -Wear -Dry-Goods Proprietor South Sioux \\'althill, :'-.ebraska Walthill, Nebraska Walthill, :-.;ebraska City, Phone 846-5588 Phone 846-5600 Phone 846-5932 Nebr. Pep Club

CHEERLEADERS- -Connie Eriksen, !\lolly Dittman, Linda Hale, Barbara Fendrick, Carolyn Reed.

OFFICE HS-- Betty 0' \Ie lll, Camli J en­ sen, Bonnie Lueth, J Jdj l\1cKivPrgan, Elinor \\'ins low.

The Pep Club experic>ncc>d a yc>ar of much team work. The chiC'f source' of income was the refreshments sold by the girls at Pach foot­ ball and basketball game>. Our banquet, wh1ch c-an'l<'d out tlw theme of" Pirate> Swc>c>tshop," WCJS held on \pri: 3. The guest spC'akcr was LC'c> Stev0ns, :-)por·ts Director of KTIV. SECOND STRING CHEERLEADERS-­ At a pep rally lwld at the pnd of tlw foot­ ball season, we prc>sc>ntcd each of th(• '-)pnior Bonnie Lamp, Emlly Lamp, mascot, Nancy Swanson, Nancy Steel, Linda players with a miniature football. Cogdill, Susan Swanson.

Best \\'ishC's From

TEMPLE ELECTRIC GIFFORD'S Sf' H. VICE \\ 1-: DGE\\ OOD \I \HKET :\1,\IILE H OIL CO:\IP \:\ Y Emerson, Nebr. Hubbard, '\ebr. J.1ckson, \0br. Thurston, \0br·. HO;\H:CO!\IE\'G HOY,\ LTY

ThP football king and quc·C'n of l~lfl4-l) > W<'rP Hon­ ll!c Bottger and Honnil' LJPtn. The q tPPn r<'CPl v<>d a dozen !'I'd rObes, compli­ ment::; of Puc h.C'tt' s ot J>pnd<'r, and ..1. nPckldc <'. The king rC'c <'lV('() a bouton­ nie rp ..1.ncl a tiP tdc k. The senior princ1• and pnnc es~ were DdlTPlll•:nk• sc>n and Janet Zeislc>r; senior attc•nddnts v. erP IO:linor \\ 1nslow dnd DC'an Habroek. Otncr royalty were: Jumor attt•ndants, Cat·olyn Heed and Hoger Schwartc>n, SophornorP attc>ndJ.nts, Dan­ na Honde and D.:.ck Hingst; Freshman attPndants, Bon­ nie Lamp and GenP Ildbrock; Jr. High attendants, Jane Henander and Bill .:\!organ; Kindergarten attendants, Hickey Denker, Julie Longe, Wendy Koopman and Kevin Kropf. Homecoming ceremo­ nies consisted of: skits presented by each class, a parade down main street in­ cluding floats that carried out the theme of ''\\'hen You

Wish Upon a Star1 " half­ time entertainment at the game and the crowning cere­ monies at the dance.


BO.l\'l• IRE

Thursday night a pep rally at the gym and a snake dance to the athletlc field, where the Ponca dummy was burned, set off the ceremonies of 1064- 65 Homecoming. The eighth grade class was award­ ed first in the skit contest, the seniors second, and the juniors third. Friday afternoon the floats built by each class and Pep Club royalty float paraded through the main street led by the band. The sophomores were !:>E~IOR FLOAT awarded first plaC'e in the float contest, the seniors second, and juniors third place. At the game the class floats paraded around the field . The Pep Club float, which features a huge star in accordance with the homecoming theme, "When You Wish Upon a Star," was pulled to the cen­ ter of the field for the presentation of the royalty. As the wishful strains of "When You \\'ish Up­ on a Star" drifted to the stands from the band's star formation, a wish came true for Ronnie Bottger and Bonnie Lueth, king and queen. The game was followed by the homecomtng dance and the crowning ceremony.


Courtesy of

ROCKWELL'S BOB'S BAR BILL'S CAFE Homer ebraska South Swux City, Iowa Hubbard, ebraska )

) Russ Morgan ~ Lewis & Although we didn't win too many Clark games this year, our boys played Conference their best, especially at the or­ Team l folk game.

Rich Dohrman, Mike Albrecht, and Ron Bott­ ger "gang up" on a Ponca Indian.

Action Shots compli­ ments ot SIOUX CITY JOURNAL.


ROW ONE: Scott McKenzie, Lowell Warren, David Kruse­ mark, Brian Crain, John Ander­ son, Fred Mackling, Jim Jepsen, Bob Dohrman, Bill Brown. ROW TWO: Hon Bottger, Alan Curtiss, Russ Morgan, Andy Kuhn, Dick Hingst, Ken Lamp, Ron Pope, Dan Combs, Alan Binkley, Gene Habrock. HOW THREE: Mr. Johnson, :Marvin Engelhart, H.oge r Schwarten, Rich Dohrman, Melvin Hansen, Dean Habrock, Doug Carper, Duane Anderson, Wayne Oetken, Mike Albrecht, ::VIr. Blecher.

Senior Lettermen





Congratulations Seniors

RO' S BEAUTY SALON CARL'S CAFE AND LOUNGE TRI COUNTY Phone 695-2481 Carl and Gloria Voller Veterinary Clinic Emerson, Nebraska Pender, Nebraska Emerson, Nebraska Basketball

VARSITY PICTURED ON INSIDE COVERS Eight boys received varsity letters, LEFT TO RIGHT: Head Co: ch, Mr. Ash, including five senior lettermen shown be­ John Samson, David Jepsen, Ron Bottger, low: Jr. Ed Sorenson and Wayne Oetken; Darrell Eriksen, Dean Habrock, Gil Frey, and Soph. Dick Hingst. Dennis Stark, Wayne Oetken, Ed Sorenson, During the season, in which the Ron Pope, Dick Hingst and Asst. Coach, team placed four trophies in the school's ~Ir. Johnson. FRONT ROW: Bill Brown, trophy case. Individual recognition: and Scot l\lcKenzie, Student l\lgr. Eriksen and Frey were first team selec­ tions on the Logan Valley All-Tournament The Pirates played one of the most Team and Sorenson was selected on the successful basketball seasons in the history second team All-County. of the school. The Pirates posted an im­ Gil Frey, in setting all new school pressive 21-5 record in winning a second records for a season and career, was al­ consecutive Class C District Championship, so named to the first team All-County, and a Lewis and Clark Conference Cham­ was an All-State Class C selection in the pionship. Emerson -Hubbard lost only in LINCOLN JOURNAL, sixth choice All­ tournament play. The 21-5 record is State in the Omaha WORLD-HERALD topped only by the 1953 season record of Class C selections, and was named to 21-4. the KVTV and KTIV All-Area teams.

Center Gil



SEASON'S RECORD (Emerson's Score First) Walthill 73-71 Homer 93-45 Randolph 61-49 Ponca 63-42 Norfolk Burns 63-32 Allen 73-64 Cedar Catholic 75-48 Pender 70-45 Thurston 64-19 Bancroft 70-60 LYONS INVITATIONAL Winside 72-52 Tekamah 59-74 DISTRICT TOURNAMENT Lyons 41-69 Allen 59-53 LEWIS & CLARK CONFERENCE Pender 62-52 Norfolk Burns 78-50 Walthill 69-61 Ponca 50-52 REGIONAL FINALS Allen 60-40 Omaha St. Joseph 57-80 Hartington 71-64 Coleridge 61 -50 Wakefield 68-63 Dennis LOGAN VALLEY TOURNAMENT Ronnie Decatur 66-41 Thanks to Winnebago 81-60 Walthill 65-76 ERIKSEN SERVICE Phone 632-4365 Hubbard, Nebraska Second Team

SI·~COND TKt\i\.1-- BACK 1{0\\ I Ldt to Hight: Jt'rrd i\I. I

I I I I Terry i\I. 1 Chuck P. Dan C. Duane . Bob K. !{on

H. I Dan L. I Lowell \\'. 1 Darrell G. 1 Don \\'. FRONT

I I I I RO\\': Brian C . 1 Hon P . Doug C. Gene H. J1m J.

Dale' 0. I David K. , John A . , \\arn:n II.





"Agony of ·


Logan Valley 2nd

3rd- Lewis & Clark

On February 12, the Basketball Recognition Dance was held at the Legion Hall \\11th music furnished by Hayes Smith. The decorations were set around Valentines Day. The Basketball boys were escorted as follows: Ronnie Bottger - Barb Fendrick Darrell Eriksen - Reta Hingst Gil Frey - Judy 1\.IcKivergan Dean Habrock - Barbara Oetken Dennis Stark - Betty O'Neill Track

HO\\' Ol\E: .\lan B., Vcrdt-l B., Loren\\'., Kirk S., Duane A.. , Hoger S., \\'ayne 0., \ndy K. 1{0\\' T\\0: Hon P., Bob !<.., Jo(> H., Don G., lhckll., Dal<' 0., .John A. HO\\ TIIIU<:E: Tom B., Jim 0., Dale .\I. , 1·~11 iott S. , .:\ltkc A.., Ken L., Jim .J., Fred .:\1. , Bruce S. HO \\' FOUR: Bob D., Patll., HandyS., Lowell \V., Don \\'., Gene I I. , Doug C. , .Jeff .\I. Coaches: ..\Jr. Johnson, i\Ir. Pal mer, .:\Ir. Ash. SEl\IOR TRACK BOYS

Loren Kirk Alan


Junior - Wayne Oetken Junior - Roger Schwarten Senior - Loren Wall wey


CHRISTLAI\SEI\ CONSTRl.CTIO COl\IPAI\Y Phone: 3271 Pender, ebraska Jr. High Activities


ROW O~r~: DonniL' lknkL'r, Curtis Frey, Roger \\'ilke, Hobert Albrecht, Alvin Hager, Stl'wn Kuhn, \\ayne Blatr, Bryan l\lackling, John Rohde. ROW TWO: Gale Luc>th, \\'aynL Bressler, Dan Binkley, Steve Gutzmann, Dennis Frey, Warren Steele, Duane> Hohcle, Dick Zeisler, Handy Pipal, Charles Davis. HO\\ TIIH.EE: Kenny Suhr, Don Skow, Bil: Brown, :\lclvtn Powley, Scot :\IcKenzie, Richard Anderson, L<>wis Gutzmann, Tom Rager, De wayne Rasmussen, Tony Hale, Randy .:\lueller, Kenny Carder, Coach .Johnson.


Debra Temple Jane Renander Gayle Eriksen Karla II ingst Jeanne Kellogg


ROW 0~ E: Coach .Johnson, Roger \\ tlke, Donnie Denker, Robert Albrecht, Bill Brown, Steven Gutzmann, John Rohde, Gale Lueth. ROW T\\0: Al,m Engelhart, Ron Bec-kens, Cur­ tis Frey, Ken Carder, Bill \!organ, Lewis Gutzmann, Dennis Frey, Roger Dose. HOW THHEE: Ken Suhr, Wayne Blair, Steve Kuhn, Tony Hale, Dewayne Rasmus­ sen, DonSko-w, \\l'y'TlC Br"sS­ ler. RO\v FO"CR: Dick Zets­ .er, Rand) :~'dueller, Roger Oetken, Richard \nderson, Stanley Eriksen, Steven Steele, Duane Rohde, Bryan l\lackling. ROW ~ IVE: Tim \\atkins, Vincent Boyle, Bryan l\lacklmg, Tom Boyle, Tom Rager, Bill Oetk"n, Alvin Rager. RO\\ SIX: Randy Pipal, Gary Oetken, Danny Jepsen, Scot :\lcKenzie, David :"\elson, .:\!elvin Powley, Duane Fredricksen, Ronald Sebabe.

S\\ -\~ - l\IC LE >\~ :\IERRY GR-\C\ & LU.:\lBER CO. JUDD 0 . LISCHKE D.D.S. \\ ayne , ::\ e bras ka Thurston, '\ebraska D1k0t.1 City Mixed Chorus

HO\\' 0:\TE: .l\Ir. Carr, ~ancy P., Darlene S., Judy .:\1., Duane H., Bruce ~., Charles P., Duane S., .:\laralyn B., Joy \-., Bonnie F., Janet D., Betty 0. HO\\ T\\ 0: J net Z., JanC't F., Candi J., Dav1d P., DewaynC' D., :\Iarvm E., Dc.~.vid J., J ennifC'r K., Linda H., Bdrbara 0., Huthann :\1. HO\\' THREE: Irene S. , Connil" E., Elaine Z., Dennis K., \\ arren B., .--\ndrew K., Donnie .l.. , Roger S., Ronnie H. , L!nda B., :\lolly D., l\:lanlyn \\., Vona H. HO\\ FOt'R: Bonme L., :\Iary 1\nn S., Janet H., Duane K., Ronnie B., l\:lark B., Loren \\'., :\l!ke A., Butch S., Karen K., Heta H., i\1ary Jo ~., Connie' F., Lmda H.

Boys' Glee

RO\\ 0 -E: Duane R., Arnold l\:I., Dewayne D., Duane K., David J., i\Ir. Carr, Ronnie B., Chuck P., David P., Bruce S., Duane S. ROW T\\"0: Marvin E., Dennis K . , 1\like A., Andrew K. , Roger S. , 1\lelvin H., Donnie A., Ken L., Loren \V., Butch S. , :\lark B . , \\'arren B.

Compliments of South Sioux City's RICHARD T\VOffiG, Atty. FOuT'S SCPER -:\IARKET STEPHAN l\10BILE TUCKER GLASS SHOP T'1(• vocal d( pal'tment pr0sented a Sprhg Concer• on .\pri: u~. Th(' :\Ii}.ed Chorus, Boy:,; Glc •, G1rl-; Glee and :,;0vr ral of tlw small groups partlclpatecl. \ Chr~-;tmas 2\u.tlvtty was pr('sented hy t'1l' :\lixed Cnort.s and several ot•wr::; wl•o por­ trayr•d B1bl!cal charact('rs. Twenty-fnl' member::, of the choru:.-; a.ttended the I.ew1s and Clarh Voc...t.l Clime ..... t Crofton. The Chor..ts, Boys Gl0c•, Girls Glee, and all tlw small groups entered the Dis­ tnct III :\Iusic Contest at \\ ayne on April ~2, 2 3, and 24.

Girls' Glee

H.O\\' 0:\I : Carrie B., :\ancy P., Janet D., Debbie K., Carol H., Darlene S., Bever y H., :\I 1ral7 n B., Judy i\1., Joy V., Barb F., Danna H.., Carol S., Betty 0. , Barbar 1 K. , She rryl A. RO\\ TWO: Candi J., Linda R. , Linda F., Janet F., Irene S., Peggy .:.. . , Janet Z., Reta H., Velda B., Connie E., Linda D., Huthann \1., :\Iary Jo S., Barb 0., Edna h .. , Terry \\'. H.O\\' THRl'E: \lr. Carr, Connie E., Jennifer K., Julie L., Pearl B., Vona H., Elaine Z., Patty K., ~lolly D., Linda B., i\larilyn \\'., Karen K., Kay C., Caro E., Bonnie L., Linda C., Linda II.

Thanks to Pender1 s PE DER CO:\Ii\IC~ITY HOSPITAL Band FUJTJ::::l: l\Iike Albre>cht, Susan c., • nson, J ody Hohdc. C I .A HI­ '-.F TS: Cancli Jen::;e>n, Chuck Plum- :, Bonnie Lueth, l\Iary J o Schroeder, Denise Sebade, Vickey Surber, Elaine Ze1slcr, Connie EricksE:>n, Hannie Bottger, Gaylin DE:>nker, Dennis Frey, Lewis Gutz­ man, l\Iary ,\nn Skoog, Bonnie> Lamp, Jan€' Henander, J PanniP Kellogg, Gayle Criksc 1, Conn P Engelhart. S.\XOPHO'JT'-l: ~ancy Swanson, ;.'\ancy Stec (, D C.K ZeislE:>r, H.oger Dose, Darlene Schwarz, Janet Frey, \lark Brown. TH.Ul\IPETS: Judy l\lcl-.1vergan, Dennis Koopman, Bi. Brown, De­ Wayne Hasmussen, Lowell War­ ren, Steve> Kuhn, Allen Engelhart, Dan Combs, Hickey Holln1an. FHE0JCH HOHi\S: D nna H.ohde, Carol Rasmussen, T H.01\1BO'JFS: Don A.or· ::;ht, Ed So_'( n::>l n, I-.aren Kellogg, John Rohde, Randy :\1 eLer. BAHITO);F: Ruthann l\lorse. BA.SS DRL \I: Vona Ham­ mer. S:\ ·\RE DRUJ\1: Linda Bottger. BELLS: Patti Lueth. CYJ\IBA.LS: l\laralyn Blair. TYl\IPA'\J'I: Scott l\IcKenziP, Hobert Albre h .

B \:\ '\EH CARRIERS: Tere::> l Carman, Patty Krahmer, Karla Hingst.

l\IAJORETTE Vicky Surber

INTERl\IEDIATE BAND-­ Lorane Habrock, \\ endy Johnson, Janeen Zeisler, Steve Gutzman, Shirley L eth, Alan Dose, Velma 1\lorgan, Chris Hingst, Roger Jensen, l\lrs. Hix, Tanice Heckens, Denms Rohde, Kay \\'atkins, Steve Lussier, l\Iark Rasmussen, Warren Steele, Freddie Kellogg.

Thanks to Pender's PE~DER VETERINARY CLINIC KI:. ··s DRUGS DE.\ '' S SHOES The Band prPscntPCI their annual Spring Con­ ce rt on April ~1. The concert consisted of numbers by all three of the bands. During the early spring the Senior Band attended the I ,ewis and Clark and Logan Vallc>y Instrumental Clinics. This fall the Senior Band participated in the \\'ayn0 State Band Dan the :1\lorningside Band Day, and the Balloon Parade in Sioux City. They also attended the District III l\lusic Contest at Wayne on April 22.

T\\ IRLERS: '\ mcy Stedc, Cr, J c> Lit­ trell, Carol Schram, Joy Voss, Deb­ bie Kropf.

BEGI::\ ::\ E H. B \ -D: J eanctte Pow lc.J, D1ane :i\IJ.ckling, Danny Schro0der, Jane Steele, Je.1nnie Hall, Pam Hollman, Faith Combs, Gwen Plummer, Steve Lussi0r, Roger Gutz­ man, Donnie Swanson, Danny Watkins, Jim­ my .\luel10r, i\lrs. Ifix.

Thanks to South Sioux City's A & B BODY SHOP HALPH J. .L\IC KI'"'.;N A KHOGH'':> COAST TO COAST Optometrist Sentln~l: \Ltyn~ O~t­ Ken, TrC'asurc•r: \l<.tn HinklPy, Sec­ retary: Hon l{p}wr, Vice' J>rPsidPnt l><.t­ vHI JPpsen, Heport­ f'r: ferry St1nger, Advi~or :\11·. l 'm­ land. HO\\' Oi'\E: Du'l.ne Stolze, Hoger Schw1rtPn, l 1 lick, Danny Lued- e rs, Gene I I abrock, Duane HohdP. HO \\ The FF-\ Chapter receiv~d a superior rating at the State FFA Con­ THHEE: Gaylin DPn­ vention he~d at Lincoln, :\ebraska. kC'r, \\'arren I! a­ brock, .Jeff :\lack­ Bruce Sabacky, Dar­ RO\\ FOUR: Terry ling, David Fredric­ l\IcKivergan, :\like re! Belt. RO\\' ~y, :\Iorgan, .John .\ndcr­ Steecker, Roger Fred :\lac kling. \\'endte, \lelvinHan­ son, Doug Carper, sen, Bob Boyle, Arnold :\lellick. Duane Karlberg,

The FFA Sweetheart Dance was held on April 23, 1965 at the Leg10n Hall in Emerson. :\I iss Janet Zeisler was named F FA Sweet­ heart. Bonnie Lueth was First Runner -up, c1nd Barbara Oetken was Second Runner -up. The girls were escorted by Senior FF \ officers: Verdel Habrock, Alan Binkley, T£'rry Stinger, and Dennis Stark.


LLOYD l I{EUEHIC..KSI·:); S:\IITH & S:\IITH- Attorneys-at-Law Comrnencal Truc..ktng and Shr·:ling GE:\1 BODY SIIOP \\'mnebago, );ebr Skci FAR:\IER'S CO-OP ..\SSOCL-\TIO:\ Phone ()'!=J -:Ufif) Supporting Staff

B,u·b FPndl'ic~<, ConnH' l·:ngPlhart, I .inda 1Ial0, ;\larjH' Addms, Bonnie I .u!'th, ConniP J·:ncksPn, .J anPt Zc>islP r, Bonn if' Voss, Heta Hingst, Janet Denker. J>hotogra phP rs, Butch Sorpnsen, \\lark Bt·own. Assistant l•:ditor, .Janc>t Frey.

Annual Staff

1\Iiss Jan Wulf, Advisor. Sales !\:Tanagers, Kirk Saunders, Gil Frey. Bus. 1\IanagPrs, I•' red Saunders, Gene RasmJssen. Photog­ raphers, Don Albrecht, Irene Skow, Loren \Vall­ wcy. Co-Editors, Cand1 Jensen, Judy l\lcKivergan, June Kubik, Andy Kuhn, Karen Kellogg, H.uthann l\.Iorse, Darlene Schwarz, Sandi Swanson, l\Iaralyn Blair.


Candi .J ensPn, :\l..J.rilyn Blair, H.uthann 1\Torsf', D1rlr tH' Schwar , Bc>tty 0 1 '\C'~ll, Elinor \\ inslo~·, June Kubik, Bonnie' Voss, Carol Eriks0n, Judy J\Ic­ Kiv<'rgan, Conni<' Erick­ sen, Bonnie' I ,upth, Dl'­ wayne Da\'C'nport, Alan Curtiss, David J0psC'n, Andy Kuhn, GC'n<' H.asmus­ sPn, Fr0d SaundPrs, lhvid Grade rt, Kar0n Kellogg, l\Irs. \lathi<'s<'n, coach.

The 1965 dramatics group had an excellent year. We tied for second place at the Lewis and Clark contest, losing by only on<' point. We won the Logan Valley Speech Contest trophy. The entire group took part in district contest at Wayne and state contest at Lincoln. The ratings were quite high at both ofthese contests. The plays, "For the Love of a House" and "Which Is the Way to Boston" were given and Elinor Winslow won the best actress award at the Lewis and Clark contest.

Thanks to Hubbard• s BUD1 S WELDING & REPAIR RUSH GRAIN CO. Bud Cadwallader Phone 632- 4626


Kansas Citv - Winnipeg Yearbooks - Yearbook Covers Diplomas - Graduation Announcements


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