ARGO Newspaper Campus Activities Stockton State College Office G-206 Pomona, New Jersey 08240 1(609)652-4560

ARGO isARG not an official publication of Stockton State College but is published by an independentO corporation licensed in New Jersey Volume 39 Number 7 March 29,1990 Stockton, Athletics Personnel Charged in Harrassment Suit

by Katherine Rondeau Cheung's behavior." Stockton State College, and former and Such incidents against the plaintiff in- current employees Richard Cheung, and cluded following her during non-working Larry James were named as defendants in a hours, phoning her at home in the early complaint filed March 27, 1990 in U.S. morning to discuss non-business related District Court. Cheung was Assistant Direc- topics, sending inappropriate notes and tor of Athletics and Recreation at Stockton sexually oriented material to the plaintiff, before he leftearlier this semester, and James, and demanding that she provide Cheung a who has been at Stockton since 1972, serves daily log of her personal and professional as Director of Athletics and Recreation at activities on an hourly basis so he would Stockton. know her whereabouts at every moment. The eight count complaint filed against In addition to these actions, the com- the three was brought on behalf of the S tock- plaint also alleges two separate instances in ton employee who earlier this year filed a which Cheung sexually assaulted the plain- case in New Jersey Superior Court in which tiff, and during once incident "menaced and Cheung was found guilty of harassment by intimated (her) with knives and statements Russell Willi and Eric Wulffin a footbag exhibition as part of Alcohol offensive touching. As a result of that suit, atout his gun collection." Awareness Day « photo by Robert Vaughn Cheung forfeited his employment at Stock- Throughout this period, the complaint ton and was permanently disqualified from alleges, "Cheung repeatedly informed the holding any State job in New Jersey. plaintiff that he 'controlled things' at Stock- In the complaint, Stockton, James and ton and that he always got whatever he Stockton Opens 12 New Cheung were charged with several counts, wanted at Stockton." including: "depriving the plaintiff of the It goes on to say that "On numerous right to be free of sexual harassment and occasions, Cheung directly and indirectly Faculty Lines for Fall sexual discrimination in employment;" informed (her) that he controlled her evalu- "conspiring) to discriminateagainst women ations, controlled her job and was powerful by Bruce Carlson new faculty members will join the Computer by directly and indirectly harassing...;" as- enough to have her terminated if she did not Twelve new' faculty positions will be Science program and a ProfessorgfSgeech^ saulting plaintiff covering up incidences of accede to his personal and professional opened in many of the departments at Stock- Pathology and Audiology will also be hired. sexual abuse, and failing to institute arid demands of her." ton nèxt fall. Along with thenewprofessors, Anita Foeman, who heads the Commu- implement a policy against sexual harass- When Jack Gorny, Esquire, attorney for many of the departments will offer new nications program, said that a video produc- ment abuse and discrimination at Stockton the plaintiff, was asked why it was decided programs. tion specialist will be added to the faculty. in violation of 42 U.S.C. 1985;" and for to file a federal suit, he stated "She filed this Donald Plank, Dean of Natural Science She expressed the hope that student produc- wrongfully retaliating against the plaintiff suite because her rights were violated and and Mathematics, said that his department tions will be put on the air, either on the for "reporting Cheung's conduct to the Af- because she has suffered and is continuing to would be hiring two new faculty members. Stockton Channel or somewhere else if firmative Action department," "lowering suffer." One of the new faculty members is a plant possible. physiologist and will be working with the (her) job performance evaluation and deny- He continued, "She filed an action to A new faculty member will also join the Biology program. The other will head a new Social and Behavioral Sciences department ing her a duly earned pay increase." exercise her rights and also because Stock- Pre-Engineering track that will be available as part of a new Family Studies topical The complaint alleges numerous inci- ton did an investigation of the matter, and we to students next fall. concentration, according to Dean John Sear- dents of sexual harassment of the plaintiff by were disappointed with the methods and right. Cheung, and charges that Stockton and James results of that investigation. She also does James Liu, the Dean of Professional Dean of General Studies G. Jan Colijn "should have known about Cheung's overt not want to see this kind of activity repeated Studies, said that nine new faculty members said that a new position would open up in his and ongoing sexual harassment of female at Stockton and has sought to enjoin and will be added to his department. Five of the department in Developmental Mathematics. students and employees at Stockton and did restrain Stockton from engaging in such new faculty will teach in the Business de- partment, including a Professor of Interna- Although not all the faculty have been nothing to stop him...," thereby "...demon- unlawful practices. She also seeks a declara- tional Business. In addition to this a new hired as of yet, the department heads said strating their approval and ratification of contlnued on page 4 track in the Business program, Quantitative there was no doubt the positions would be Methods in Business, will be available. Three filled soon. Stockton Professor Robbed

by Trent Selbert The police also said that Byard snuck SSC Employee Charged in A Stockton professor was allegedly held into the professor's office around 12:15 p.m., at scissor-point and robbed of $15 March 18. and held a pair of scissors to her neck, The assailant, Jamal Byard, of Atlantic demanding money. Video Equipment Theft City was arrested by Stockton policemen, The professor gave Byard $15, then cut the main building. They were earmarked as Patrolman James Keefer and Sgt. William the telephone cord and left, according to by Trent Selbert and Chris Tynan inside jobs, so we've been running a special Lentz in the A-wing circle later in the day. police. A custodian was arrested on campus operation. This operation, along with nor- Byard, was charged with armed rob- She called the police about five minutes late March 19 by Stockton police. mal patrol paid off," said Lentz. bery, burglary and terroristic threats. after the incident Frank Vivona, a 51 year old worker for The alleged assailant was also arraigned "Patrolman Keefer went right to the Stockton's plant management, was charged He is being held at Atlantic County jail yesterday in Galloway Township Municipal seen. Keefer did one heck of a job calming with the theft of over $5000 worth of video under $25,000 bail. Court, for charged with six conspiracy to her down to get a description," said Lentz. equipment. Stockton police are still investigating the possibility of other theft being linked to burglary and theft charges, six burglary The police found Byard later in A-wing Vivona was apprehended by Patrolman Vivona. charges, four theft charges and one receiving circle. John Forte and Sergeant William Lentz atH- "There are the possibilities of more stolen goods charge for numerous motor "I went right to A-wing circle," said wing. charges being filed against him," said Lentz. vehicle break-ins in Galloway Township. Lentz. "I went outside and stopped him." "There have been several thefts from Byard had been at Stockton much of The police transported Byard to Atlan- day, according to police. tic County jail Sunday evening. He is being SPECIAL RAGO INSERT INSIDE! "He asked me if the library was open," held under $50,000 bail. said Lentz. GOAL PROGRAM ROVING REPORTER: ROBIN HOOD MEN'S B-BALL SUCCEEDING SENATE ELECTIONS REVIEWED SEASON ENDS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 8 PAGE 20 Page 2 ARGO March 29> 1990 ARGO Stockton's Public Health GOAL Program Grows Program EDITOR-IN-CHIEF by Kate R. Monahan track, Professor Delussa stated that "the com- Katherine Rondeau Since 1975, Stockton has offered a munity is the patient." Public Health program that is similar to only Community Health Education majors Continues six other schools in the nation. In the past are hired by health insurance agencies, pri- ASSOCIATE EDITOR four years the program's enrollment has vate industries, and groups such as the by Karen Mid law Jennifer Revesz increased from 39 to 65 students, as interest American Cancer Society. Interest in hiring With the start of this Spring semester, in Public Health related fields continues to Health Educators in Public School systems Stockton kicked off a new program. This MANAGING EDITOR grow. is a growing trend, but the concept is still program, called GOAL, has successfully Melissa Kane Those who decide to major in Public very new. brought forth Atlantic City High School sen- Health have three tracks to choose from: The demand for Public Health Admin- iors to our campus. Environmental Health, Community Health istrators is also growing. In the past decade GOAL: "Go On And Learn" is spon- NEWS EDITOR Education, and Public Health Administra- or so, Community Health Plans and H.M.O.s sored by Atlantic City High School, Stock- Trent Seibert tion. have blossomed, providing many admini- ton State College, and the Sand's Hotel and Students who graduate from Stockton stration opportunities. Jobs are also avail- Casino who have been providing transporta- with a degree in Environmental Health have able in the Department of Health, health tion for the students and is Atlantic City's ARTS a? ENTERTAINMENT the advantage of taking an exam, which insurance companies, and programs such as High School's corporate partner. Rich Harvey must be passed in order to become licensed Family Planning. This program was originated by Stock- Robin Perkins in Environmental Health, directly after gradu- In addition to their regular course work, ton President Dr. Vera King Farris. A gradu- ation. Students from other schools must take students in each of the three tracks are re- ate of Atlantic City High School herself, Dr. SPORTS EDITOR an additional mini-course in preparation for quired to participate in an internship for no Ferris suggested the GOAL program during this exam, Stockton students do not. less than 210 hours in their senior year, and last year's graduation ceremony, where she Pat Durkin After graduation, Environmental Health they are also required to take courses which was a guest speaker. students tend to find employment in various emphasize the writing skills needed in the Atlantic City High School's Vice Presi- CREATIVE PAGE government agencies, such as the New Jer- Public Health field. dent, Robert Precitti headed the program in Victoria Reis sey Department of Environmental Protec- Public Health may be a possibility for helping selecting courses and the forty stu- tion, the Environmental Protection Agency, students involved in business, or the social dents who would participate. the Department of Agriculture, the Food and and natural sciences, who are unsure of what The students are primarily from the BUSINESS MANAGER Drug Administration, or the Public Health they want to do within their majors. Alexis inner city, and were chosen for their ability Rob Barna Service. Diphillipo began her career at Stockton as a to work hard. "I picked students who don't According to Bruce Delussa, an Asso- Management major, but is now a senior have support systems at home, who want to ADVERTISING ciate Professor of Public Health, "wellness Public Health Administration student, and take a chance and be exposed to college and prevention are what this field is all the president of the Public Health Society. work," Previti said. Thomas P. tlealey about." For her, Public Health Administration pro- Previti and Harvey Kesselman, Vice Earning a degree in Community Health vides an opportunity to be involved with President for student services, worked to- PHOTO EDITOR Education is one way to take that message to people, and to help them more than she gether in selecting courses that might be of Tania Bassin the public. For students in the education would have if she had remained in Manage- interest to the students. Urban Politics was contlnued on page 3 their first choice and was selected for two reasons. TYPESETTING First, Previti believes the smdentsnave Trade A, West a basic understanding of urban life. Second, Jacqueline Pope, the professor of this course, STAFF WRITERS fit has an excellent rapport with students. Introduction to Psychology, the second PHOTOGRAPHERS course offered, was suggested by Previti Greg Barna because "it would stimulate interest in the Robert Joseph Bonadeo Theresa Briglladoro students." Bruce Carlson Previti wanted courses that they had not John A. Cash yet been exposed to. "I didn't want the Johnny (STATE) Donnelly course to reflect a watered-down curriculum Michelle Izon Tracy Jackson for high school students to be successful." Michael Johnson Psychology Professor William Miley , Sella Jordan who is teaching the Introduction to Psychol- Melissa Kane ogy course stated,"it's a lot of work for the Michael Andrew Kaylor Mandy Mlnger students, but they 're in good spirits and their Brian Heed participation is great" Michelle Sager Miley also said,"it's challenging to teach Timothy J. Schulz younger students who haven't had the desire Athena C. Segada Scott Senn to attend college." Chris Tynan Although the GOAL students are taking Chris VallnoU Dance Festival Attendees. Top left to ryiht.B. Meillinger, H. VanKuiken, M. college courses, there are no Stockton stu- Trade West Scozzafava, J. Cabot, F. Sheffield, J. Frank,W. Rosenblum,. Bottom: D. Bmiler, D. dents in the classroom. This is because both JefT Zacker Webster, C. Lankay, J. Nelson professors believe that they might feel un- comfortable in a classroom with college CONTRIBUTING WRITERS students and would find it difficult to ex- CI MoU press themselves as freely. James Grambart Dance Club Travels to Hal Taylor According to Professor Pope, "they're Behzad Yaghmalan under a tremendous amount of pressure Festival During Spring Break because they are trying to graduate from high school, and who have a college course FACULTY ADVISOR Wendy Ann Rosenblum, Francine Sheffield by Cristina Lankay as an added responsibility." and David Webster. Joe Rubensteln For nine_Stockton students and three When speaking about her students, Pro- The Festival provided an opportunity professors went to Columbus, Ohio for spring fessor Pope also stated, "these kids are the for college students to take classes by vari- The ARQO is not an official publica- break this year. cream of the crop, and GOAL gives them a ous artists and represent their schools through tion of Stockton State College but is pub- After packing into cars and driving for good idea of what Stockton is like." lished by an independent corporation li- adjudicated choreography. eleven hours, the group arrived at the Ameri- The students are finding college to be censed in Hew Jersey It also allowed each individual partici- can College Dance Festival Association's more difficult than high school. Ruth pant to expand their knowledge and creativ- The above people are the only ones Northeast Regional Festival at Ohio State Johnson, an 18 year old in Professor Miley's qualified to represent the ARQO unless ity by giving them the opportunity to get to University. class said, "it's harder, I have to apply my- otherwise verified by the Editor-in-Chief know each other. The Festival consisted of 40 colleges self. There's much more reading, but I iike or other designated staff member. Through panel discussions, a buffet and universities gathering with professional the openness of the class and Professor Miley dinner and party, and interacting in classes, Unsolicited letters, photographs, dancers and dance professors for three days makes the material interesting so the stu- cartoons, and bulletins as well as adver- the participants learned more than a few new of intense classes and choreography presen- dents want to learn," tisements are welcome. Deadline for all steps. tations. Everyone invalid with the GOAL submisions is Tuesday at 5 p.m. Discussions ranged from current issues Stockton presented 'Twilight Towards program has agreed that they would like to in dance to eating disorders, and of course Subscriptions are available for $12 the Night", choreographed by Joshua Jess see it continue. "It's a wonderful opportu- a year. Contact the ARQO at 652-4560 or Cabot and performed by Jennifer Frank, how each school's latest concert went. write to us c/o Stockton State College, Po- nity for students and it teaches them to work mona 1Ï.J. 08240. to their potential," Previti said. J ARQO March 29,1990 Page 3 Roving Reporter Housing Department

ARGO'S Roving Reporter asked the following question of Stockton students: Presents Five Year Plan The Stockton State College Student Senate Elections will by Luie Roberts Christie Roman, a resident of J-dorm, be held April 18 & 19. Do you plan to vote in the Elections? This spring, Stockton's housing depart- said "I would like to see Housing make more ment will present a five year plan for reno- closet space, also extra space for our clothes Why or Why Not? compiled by: Brian Reed vating a variety of facilities, The outcome of and a night stand with small drawers. Main- the proposal depends upon the approval of tenance is very slow on repairs. I remember numerous people including the Dean of Stu- when my heating didn't work in the fall. I dents, President of Student Services, and filed a work order to Housing and time, time Senior Vice-President of Finance, who may again, I would have to ask them to fix it" or may not release funds. The apartments According to Rice, "When a work order and all three dormitories have been desig- has to be corrected, the chances are that it nated for renovation. will be taken care of the next day unless the The job of the Housing Director is to part or fixture has to be ordered. If any maintain the living environment for all stu- student has a complaint about it then he or dents in the community. she should bring it to my attention or Linda Ron Rice, Stockton's present Housing Rhiner." Director, said, "The day after students leave Housing I was built in 1970-1971 and we get ready to inspect all Housing facilities accommodates 1012 students. Some planned and record the condition that each building refurnishings include: 111 hot water heat- was left in. Then we begin to refurbish all ers, 117 heating ventilators, 204 carpets, SO that needs to be done.** mattresses, 160 bath sinks,125 exterior doors Bridget Beyer, Sophomore: I would if I Aaron Cyrus, Senior: Yes, I plan to vote. Last summer^he closet doors in the and 64 cubes. knew more about it. And there are a lot of When votes are tallied, the significance of living rooms were replaced. This summer, Housing ÏÏ was built in 1980-1981 and commuting students who don't know much the individual can become very obvious. As Housing would like to replace all hall closet accommodates 529 residents. Some pos- about it or find out about it. students we have a say and we should apply accordions. If the proper accordions can ' t be sible refurnishings in this facility include: 40 our rightt o vote. found, Housing would like to replace the mattresses, landscaping, irrigation, bedroom existing doors with tapestry. furniture and carpets. Housing in was built Cubes, inner-tables, coffee tables, and in 1986 and accommodates 300 residents. steel metal shelves are all being taken into Routine cleaning and maintenance only are consideration as well. On-going replace- necessary. ment depends on need as well as the availa- "The older the building, the more up- bility of funds. keeping is required. Therefore, Housing I "Housing is strictly self-supporting," facility is top priority," said Rice. said Rice. Revenues from rentsan d damage "Please keep in mind that nothing is cast fines are a major source of income for main- in stone. My five year contract (91-95*) is taining and up-keep of resident buildings. designed as a tool that allows administrators "On the average, it costs $250,000- to project what kind of dollars are needed. $300,000 to maintain all fixtures. Fines are Every year it is revised." specifically placed into a kitty," said Rice.

Lisa Griffin, Senior Probably not I'm not TSara Jennings, Sophomore: No, because too familiar with the students running. And you don't get a chance to get to know the New mm Aids Students I don't think it would be fair for me to vote. people running. They only give you one chance to hear their views. It should be an ongoing thing. Whose Parents Move

TRENTON—Abill sponsored by Tenth Georgian Court and did not want to transfer District Legislators Assemblywoman Mar- to another school, but could no longer re- lene Lynch Ford and Assemblyman John ceive her state financial aid." Paul Doyle was released today from the Assemblyman Doyle said, "Undercur- Assembly Higher Education Committee. The rent Board of Education regulations, stu- bill, A-2843, would allow college students dents who are financially dependent upon whose parents move out of state to continue their parents are presumed to be legal resi- to receive state financial aid. dents of the state in which their parents are This measure will now head to the residents. When a dependent student's par- Assembly floor. ents move out of New Jersey the student Marlene Lynch Foid said, "The bill will becomes ineligible for continued financial provide that a student will continue to be assistance, even if the student is already considered a New Jersey resident and eli- enrolled in a New Jersey college. This is not gible for both the Garden State Scholarship fair to those students who choose to remain Program and the Tuition Aid Grant Program in New Jersey and need financial assis- Eddie Frohlich, Junior No, because I don't Nicolle Marzo, Freshman: I haven't had a even though the student's parents have moved tance." know who any of the candidates are or what chance to get involved with student politics. out of state." Assemblywoman Ford said, "I have their views are. This is my first semester here. "This problem was brought to my atten- heard of too many students who had to drop tion during my first Assembly term when a out of school when their parents moved to Georgian Court College student's father had another state because they could not afford been transferred to another state due to his to continue without state financial assis- job," Assemblywoman Ford said. tance. This should never happen to New "This student was in her second year at Jersey college students." Stockton Charged in Harrassment ment at Stockton." When Sam Pressley, Interim Director continued from page 1 of Public Relations at Stockton was con- tory judgment declaring the acts of the de- tacted for the college's responset o the filing fendants as set forth in the Complaint vio- of the complaint, he stated, "I have not had lated her rights,an d additionally she is seek- an opportunity to read nor reviewth e com- ing the formulation and implementation of plaint. At this point it would not be appropri- Tyson Wood, Senior: Yes, I'll vote if I know McKeaver Page III, Junior No, since they an institutional policy against sexual harass- ate to comment." where to go and who the candidates are. I'd don't have any forms of advertising. The like to vote but I won't vote for someone candidates don't make themselves known. I Public Health who I know nothing about I didn't even think it is important for students to vote, but better time to be entering the the Public continued from page 2 know we were having elections. how can they vote on what they don't know? Health field. As Ms. Diphillipo stated, "It's ment. the up and coming field now. There are a lot Vote in the Student Senate Elections Both Professor Delussa, and Ms. Diphil- of opportunities out there. So, if you're the lipo believe that with the current public least bit interested, it's something to look April 18 & 19! interest in health and fitness, there is no into." Page 4 ARGO March 29> 1990 Editorial Success of the Student Senate Elections is up to You! Student Senate elections will be held on April 18-19, 1990. Senate. Voting in these elections is important. The Senate fights an uphill The Student Welfare Committee and A.C. Policies Committee battle to inform the Stockton student body about the candidates. work as student advocates in the area of specific complaints about In the past, the Senate has hosted "Meet the Candidates" Stockton and on various academic policies affecting students, nights, shown video-taped statements of the students running for including developing a new course repeat policy and racial Senate, and (with the exception of last year) run spreads in the awareness seminars. ARGO featuring pictures and statements of each candidate. In short, the work of the Student Senate affects all students at Far too often, Stockton students do not take these opportunities Stockton State College. It is our responsibility as students (with to learn about where their future representatives stand on college the help of the Senate) to find out who is running for Senate, what issues. Meet the candidates night (which features free food!) is they stand for, and take the time to vote. often poorly attended. The Student Senate is an important part of Stockton State College. One of its chief responsibilities is voting on club and LAWmELS WAdp D5W&S organization budgets. If you belong to almost any type of club at LaureC: Hlo CVlfor offering midland haCf-and-haCf in pitchers, edmi- Stockton, you will face the Student Senate for the hopeful ap- nating the use of single use pCastic haCf-and-haCf containers. proval of your budget. In addition, through its various committees, the Student Senate LaureC: To 'WLJ^Jorgetting their nezv antenna operational works on projects for the benefit of the Stockton community. The Distinguished Lecture Series, various leadership workshops, and !Dart: To the Library Advisory Committee for admiring the Stocfoon many other programs are offered thru the work of the Student Library boof^budget to be stashed zvitfwut a fight. Letters to the Editor Professor Alerts If the preceding lessons were all that 1 Dear Mr. Lawson: When we arrived at Stockton, it was had learned from my unfortunate experi- I am a student attending Stockton State only me and the driver (#24076). We had Stockton Community ence, I expect that I would just be a "sadder College, and plan to major in public admini- not spoken to each other the whole time, but but wiser" woman. However, something stration. I have a complaint against of one of at Stockton he had a few words for me. He To the Stockton Community: else came from this experience. The Stock- New Jersey Transit's bus driver. His em- called me a nigger and said that I would One week ago, on a beautiful spring ton community wrapped me in caring, sup- ployee number is 24076, and he currently never amount to anything. He went on to say Sunday, I was robbed while working in my port, affection and warmth from the moment drivers the 508 route to Stockton on week- that I don't even know who my father is. He office at Stockton. I was not hurt (beyond that people were aware of what had hap- ends. even attempted to come off of the bus, but being left with a bit of residual jumpiness). pened. The police officers who responded to I use the 508 route to get to and from something must have changed his mind. I It was a regrettable and wholly chance event my call for help, SgL Lentz and Officer work. On the night of Sunday, March 18, think it was the other student who was walk- as nearly as I can tell. The details of the event Keefer, were helpful, sensitive and very ef- 1990, at 10:40 p.m., I was questioned about ing our way. are not important, but I think it is important fective in almost immediately apprehending the amount of money that I had deposited. I feel that this man should not be al- that people in our community understand my assailant. The bus driver accused me of not paying the lowed to drive buses if he is a racist or that we all need to be somewhat more cau- John Searight came to the campus po- correct fee. I replied that I had paid my two discriminates against people of other races. tious than we sometimes are when we are on lice station to be with me during the process, dollars and five cents and would not pay any He should leam to keep his feelings about campus during non-class hours. and Chief Kennedy came as well. Within the more money. He went on to stop at the other races to himself. He should know that This caution should not and need not first few hours following the crime, I heard Arkansas Avenue bus stop, where there were people of ethnic races are tired of being put extend to dramatically altering our lives. In from President Farris and the senior admin- four cops standing. All four cops approached down and pushed around. He had no right to my case, I have decided to keep the door to istrative staff of the College. My colleagues the bus and said to me, "either pay the man do what he did to me, because I am a human my office closed and locked when no one is in the Political Science program called me a dollar or you have to leave the bus." I being just as he is. working near by. I have also decided to and were kind enough to endure my calling would not give in to their demands. It was Please let me know what takes place as make my presence on campus known to the them several times a day for the next few wrong for them to tell me to pay the bus a result of this problem. I look forward to police department with a phone call to their days (I think I needed to know my phones driver without hearing my side of the story. hearing from you at your earliest conven- non-emergency number. Beyond that, I am were working). The first time I came back to They were accusing me of being guilty until ience. going to continue to live my life and do my work, my colleague and friend Nancy Ash- proven otherwise. Some other man put a Sincerely, work as I always have. ton waited in the parking lot to walk into the dollar in the box for me and we went on to Michael A. Muse One other aspect of my experience last building with me. I cannot possibly name all Stockton State College. Sunday seems worthy of mention. Before of the people who helped me get through this STOCK jby Gfiny gOAtAJC- my assailant left my office, the cord to the past week and who convinced me that I OP JkJiux. DeviiOPMErtfz.a. Cr/ioof^ I P rx.% iscle^iT ST0CK7CO/J CO^O-a in h e.n\>A/k o« * receiver on my phone was cut. I feared to would feel better and less afraid before long. e/Jfoec:^ *WT/-Btoccoi-i Leç^.s U+ micUite, sr/ioot. i^ooDsJ leave my office after the assailant left, but I I do, and all of the people at Stockton are the was terrified to stay alone. I tried to contact reason. someone who was connected to the New There are no adequate words of thanks Jersey Education Network (NJIN) by way of for what everyone has done for me, but I am my computer. I did in fact make contact with thankful to the people in this community and a person named Don Eastman. I explained proud to be a member of it my situation to him and asked him to call the Cindy Jassel Stockton Police Department (having sent him the number). He presumed that my call for help was a hoax, and he signed off, Student Speaks of LOOK QrUY$\^Kno^SlOCMTCO^J C^rtPjl O^OHPl/cLUnu, t\mjL nou jtl^ p-fijrineri. y leaving me alone and even more fearful than U-Mt fh*iM"iHy J f^CT/ T/OOS person's 7 O.C+ m bsxoh OP I bJ)@M0 you UI77V I had been to begin with. Racism Experience /ijLU^ u^jzyjjoso/// HafsU Ne.vs ^noocoL-l I hope that none of us will ever abandon VXOCCOLl To the Editor: A^oc. QtlOVCrHT someone who requests the simple help that I The following is a letter I have for- ^JD\ To -Tl^c. CUjr^ \ so needed last Sunday. Further, I hope that warded to the Executive Director of the QflOCZ-OL- I . . . we all realize that it is unforgivable to en- Atlantic County Transportation Authority. I HA-c's Nsx-f- ? gage in the kind of prank that would make believe that the story contained within it is of S?\M*CH? RVwWio! someone doubt the authenticity of a cry for importance to Stockton students. help. ARQO March 29,1990 Page 5 Op/Ed Speaker Foresaw Communism's Decline

by James Grambart invasion of South Korea in 1950, Khrushchev had chased him out of the country. I hope one smithereens? Well, my guess is that we will Eleven years ago the distinguished his- de-Stalinization speech in 1956, the Soviet thing we have learned from this is that just reach the 21st century without a nuclear war torian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., delivered an decision to install nuclear missiles in Cuba because the government or a president says but with an always uneasy peace. address on foreign affairs that was a re- in 1962, the Sino-Soviet fall-out, the Middle something doesn't make it so. And I would "Both Russia and China are Marxist- markably accurate prediction of the decline East Wars of 1967 and 1973, the American- add that just because a historian or anyone Leninist; what meaning does this have for of Soviet Russia. Further, he predicted the China rapprochement, Nixon's visit to Pe- else forecasts the future it doesn't make it so. the future of democratic capitalism? I sug- rise of nationalism over communism, as we king and Sadat's visit to Jerusalem. These The only difference is that, in the past, people gest that it will be much less terrifying than are seeing today in Lithuania. This address, wholly unexpected events burst like thun- gave more credence to presidents than to we feared only a few years ago. For if we prescient then and timely now, should par- derclaps on a sunny day, astonishing the historians. have learned anything from recent history it ticularly interest the Stockton community experts as much as they did the rest of us. "I can only advise you to be doubtful is that national interest is a far greater politi- because it was given in our Performing Arts "One of the many casualties of surprise when anyone tells you what the future will cal motive in the lives of states than ideol- Theater on March 3, 1979. As a history in the history of the 20th century is the myth bring. A healthy scepticism about all proph- ogy. Clearly, the most powerful political major, I was one of hundreds in the apprecia- that governments know better than anyone ecy is absolutely indispensable. Yet it re- emotion of our time is nationalism. Com- tive audience. Part of Professor Schlesinger's else what is going to happen. In 1969 the mains impossible for us to live without pared to nationalism, communism, as far as address follows: official American view was that Hanoi and making guesses about the future. Men can - ideological appeal is concerned, is a burnt- the Viet Cong were the spearhead of a coor- not survive without what William James out case. 'The subject of the future is one which dinated Chinese plan of expansion in South- called a "sense of futurity." We cannot act "Communism always purported to be a the historian must approach with a certain east Asia. This was the period when Wash- without relating an action to its consequences. global ideology, a planetary crusade, unify- diffidence. Our domain is the past and when ington hawks were talking about a preven- But we must understand the limits of such ing the workers of the world in a march it comes to the future we are no more reliable tive war; they argued for a showdown with calculations and the need to make them as toward a classless society and a world of than anyone else. In fact, no one should China before it got the bomb. Who then intelligently as we can. And since almost all permanent peace. But in the years since the know better than a historian the futility of would have supposed that a decade later policy judgements are speculative we must second world war we have seen nationalism trying to foretell the future because it is so Hanoi and Peking would have been at each avoid risking too much on the conviction destroy the unifying pretensions of commu- full of astonishment. If one were to charac- other's throat? Or that the most powerful that we are right. nism, setting communist states at each other's terize the Twentieth Century it might be man in China would become a welcome "Keeping these cautions in mind, let me throats. Today, in 1979, the most recent wars called the century of the unexpected. visitor in Atlanta and Houston? venture out on the flying trapeze. The first have been between communist states and the "So many of the momentous events of "Jimmy Carter, visiting Teheran on New question, I suppose, living in this world with most dangerous threat to world peace lies in my own lifetime came as total surprises. Year's Day, 1978, described Iran as an 'is- Russia and China, can we operate on the the possibility of war between the two Marx- Beginning, for instance, with the Nazi-So- land of stability.' Turning to the shah of Iran, assumption that there will still be a world ist-Leninist giants, China and Russia. viet Pact of 1939, which took place when I he rambled on about 'the admiration and the twenty years from now? Or will we have 'The SovietUnion no longer commands was 22 years old. There followed Pearl love which your people give to you.' Yet achieved the ultimate triumph of human the support of communist states throughout Harbor, Tito's break with Stalin in 1948, the within the year the shah's loving subjects ingenuity and blown our civilization to continued on page 10 Anarchy: A Misunderstood Movement

by Victor Qrycenkov als. "true" anarchists believe in no traditional by the Bolsheviks and his society was de- Anarchy - the word conjures up visions It is this corruption of man that anar- far-reaching organization. stroyed, but not before he proved that a of random violence, destruction, and chaos. chists sttive to bring to an end through the Though it may seem contradictory to modified form of the anarchist society could This is, however, the uninformed, layman's destruction of modern, uncaring societies. speak of anarchy and organization in the exist point of view, which is incorrect The move- In theory, after the anarchists have destroyed same breath, it is not, for organization is Next comes Gandhi, and through non- ment, infact, has a clear set of defined tactics modem societies, they would then set up needed for any revolution to succeed. All of violence, this great man brought down the and goals. small villages, where people would live closer history bears this fact out, for as far as we can state, but was killed before his ideas could be The most famous of the methods used to to the land. The individuals within a village see the non-organized anarchical movements implemented. Briefly, he believed in com- achieve their goals is the one espoused by the would then govern themselves in a demo- failed before they ever got started, while the munal villages, with some central organiza- likes of Mikhail Bakunin, whose school of cratic fashion. There would be no need for "organized" movements had initial success tion for unity as a nation. Of course the thought believes in the violence that is so a far-reaching bureaucracy to govern all of before they were destroyed by their leaders' situation was much more complex than I readily associated with the anarchist move- the villages. deaths. have just stated, but in general Gandhi was ment In order to achieve their goals, anar- The first semi-successful movement, an anarchist at heart on the lines of Makhno. The second^ non-violent approach, is chists would have to go about destroying the which was led by Nesstor Makhno occurred It is clear that both of the movements most visible in the teachings of Mohandas state, and this has been attempted in two in Russia after the fall of the tsarist regime. gained broad support, and that neither one Gandhi. These men, in their separate ways, fashions. The first, a violent revolution, was In this case though, he did cause the collapse used propaganda or the violence we nor- attempted to bring down huge societies and attempted by Bakunin. He believed that by of the state - it fell through its own blunder- mally associate with anarchy. By offering an to create small democratic "communes" bombing and shooting, a mass revolution ings. After the collapse, Makhno went to the organized Utopia to the people, these two where people could live in peace. Whether would come about. He was wrong, he only Ukraine and created what I call a pseudo- men attempted to create a decentralized state their ideas would have worked or not, no one gathered a small following. Soon after his anarchist state. At the local level, the anar- based on the anarchist ideal. will ever know. They both died before their death, however, nihilism took over his vio- chist ideal was realized, and there was no Traditional anarchy frightens the stable, ideas could be put into practice. lent doctrine. overbearing institution except for a semi- safe, secure existence of the general popu- Nihilism on the other hand, is what most On the other hand, there were the peace- autonomous army. The only reason an army lace, and this is the reason it fails. It needs to people think of when they think of anarchy, ful anarchists such as Gandhi, Leo Tolstoy, was needed was that at this time there were be modified by creating a loosely organized and it is a disintegration of the anarchist and others. These individuals believed in a three forces fighting for dominion in Russia. ideological power that is dependent upon the ideal. It proposes destruction for the sake of peaceful overthrow of the state done through The first were the Bolsheviks, the second villages that created it Lastly, the move- destruction, and that the act of terror itself is education and non-violent resistance. Mass was the White Army (monarchists) and the ment must be a simultaneous worldwide the final goal. This is not the anarchist belief education thus far has not worked, and third was Makhno. By the creation of an even tas any modem organized society would and it never will be, for as Rousseau states, Gandhi was killed before hecould realize his army, Makhno compromised the anarchist naturally prey upon the loosely organized and the anarchists believe, man is funda- dream. But I must stop here and state that ideal, but it had elected leaders (as per anar- villages created by the anarchist movement mentally good, and that it is organized Gandhi was not a "Une" anarchist, in that he chist doctrine), except at the upper echelons monolithic societies that corrupt individu- did believe in some organization, where of power. In the end, Makhno was betrayed

ïpu O^WPs.iriCrA WrtAHSTtfiS? ftfc0ULlM6r WHAT Kirtp f> tri that's rr\ 3>teXrFfUElON OPHC&R PAPtfR? ^ eetre^icxfLAiM we v{ou to^&mi Ybufee comikJOT UMTH FAST, VO ïvo PtfAL?! ns KIT* WiluHWETC) J>lP^t>0 KlvtfKJ M£J CHECK Nfeofc 3Ns- POfFTb / LlKtë^DU TVWVr" Gr\\l£ TYtF ...TvmftS CrCùKÇcf WA&rtlH*Tfo* \ — iood. S1ÊRÉÔ- ' US A. A _ 64P MW® Page 6 ARGO March 29> 1990

hiFriday, April 6, i'S'PO The South Jersey Higher Education Consortium for Proactive Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse will be presenting: Arlene Seal, Executive Director, Campuses Without Drugs, who will speak on "Strategies and Resources in the Development of Campus Prevention " Ms. Seal has done extensive work in alcohol/drug abuse prevention at the college level. Lunch afterwards(free). 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Please call Pat Steck,

652 4701 to contirm you wiu be attendin J\CMUeniia»pçiripntial i l^li¥ ifcp V^CllieCpnfprr Faculty" , staff & students are invited. 8-

PI KAPPA PHI would like you to know about: nK4> MARIJUANA COMMONLY KNOWN AS: POT, GRASS, WEED, JOINT, REEFER 1) When marijuana is smoked, THC, its active in- 8) Research shows that driving skills are impaired gredient, is absorbed by most tissues and organs in for at least 4-6 hours after smoking a single mari- the body. One week after use, 30% to 50% of the juana cigarette, long after the "high" is gone. THC remains, with the user still experiencing some secondary effects from the drug. 9) THC and its related cannaboids accumulate in the fattv linings of the cells in the body and brain. 2) Marijuana is considered an entry drug where users on an experimental basis will try other harder 10) Accumulation of THC in the body cells inter- feres iiï cëïïular '^âfëMf Wcluâinf white celte thflt fight infection - this may increase 3) Users will claim it relieves stress - but some susceptability to AIDS, people who try marijuana experience feelings of paranoia, panic, loss of control - this is called acute 11) Studies of men and women have shown that panic reaction. marijuana may influence levels of some hormones relating to ggx^lity, 4) Scientists believe that marijuana can be espe- cially harmful to the lungs because users often in- 12) With marijuana use, women have irregular hale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their menstrual cycles, and both men and women may lungs as long as possible. have a temporary loss of fertility.

5) Marijuana is frequently sprinkled with PCP - a 13) Marijuana has a toxic effect on embrvos and fe- dangerous hallucinogen that can induce violence. tuses - with increases in miscarriages, stillbirths, and early post-natal deaths. Marijuana use often 6) Marijuana smoke contains some of the game in- takes place during the early weeks of pregnancy, gradients in tobacco that can cause emphysema and when a woman is unaware that she is pregnant. cancer. 14) Marijuana use can interfere with learning bv 7) The American Medical Association considers 3 impairing thinking, reading, comprehension, and joints a week to be heavy usage. verbal and arithmetic skills.

References: Department of Health and Human Services Winter Communications National Institute on Drug Abuse An educational service of the Prevention Program of Student Services and PI KAPPA PHI

U.L. T.RJL Workshops: Do's and Don'ts in Helping an Alcoholic Tuesday 4/03/90 4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. F-211 Marjjuana: Safe & Harmless Tuesday 4/10/90 4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. F-211 Designer/Hallucinogens/Ecstasy Drugs

Tuesday 4/24/90 4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. F-211

• Tune in WLFR on April 5 between 1 & 2 P.M. for call-in discussion show - "Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs." ARQO March 29,1990 Page 7 Skies Over Stockton: Comet Austin

by Hal Taylor in the 2-inch finder or in by 10X50 binocu- do not seem to be easily vaporized - perhaps week ofMay at about 4a.m. daylight savings We have been watching Comet Austin lars. We would not have seen it without the even rocks. time. At that time it will be near M-31, the from the Observatory, but it is difficult to accurate pointing ability of the telescope and Over the next month, however, the comet great spiral galaxy known as the Andromeda find since it is very low in the sky and only the published ephemeris which give its will come closer to the Earth so it should Nebula. visible during twilight when the sky is not position to the sky. brighten regardless of whether the amount If you would like help in finding the yet fully dark. It also has not as bright as When Comet Austin was discovered of material vaporized from its surface in- comet or other objects mentioned in this some of the earlier optimistic predictions. early last December it was 11th magnitude, creases. This is just because it will be getting column, the Stockton State College Obser- This is presumably due to the structure of the more than 100 times fainter than the faintest closer to the Earth. vatory is open the the entire Stockton com- comet, having little dust and volatile mate- stars visible to the naked eye in the darkest Also at the end of April, in the pre-da wn munity on Friday nights when it is clear. rial in its outer layers which are being melted skies. At that time it was 230 million miles sky it will be up enough before the Sun that Dress warmly! Hours are 8:00 to 10:00p.m. and evaporated by the heat of the Sun. from the Sun, about 21/2 times the Earth's it can be seen higher in a dark sky. It will Viewing is through the 14-inch Schmidt- At the Observatory, the weather first distance. This is quite bright for a comet at actually be closest to Earth on May 25. This Cassegrain telescope. The Observatory is permitted a view of the Comet during the that distance. means that its brightness should change little along the Pomona-Port Republic Road break. Perfectly clear skies are necessary Until it reached 100 million miles, about from mid-April until the end of May. (Atlantic County Route 575) behind the because of the low position of the comet and Earth's distance from the Sun, it remained The best time to view Comet Austin intramural sofiball/foolball fields Just west the amount of each night and the setting nearly constant in brightness, 100 times should be the last week of April and the first of the "Free to Be" child care center. circles on the telescope enable us to point it brighter than when first seen. Just recently at the comet. it is reported to have begun to brighten At 7:00 p.m. the comet was not even slightly again. evident in the 5-inch guide scope. Fortu- This behavior is interpreted as being GOT ROCKS nately, with some care it was possible to due to some hard rocky surface layers of the point the telescope accurately enough so that comet. The initial brightness may have been MINERALS • CRYSTALS • FOSSILS the comet was within the widest field of the due to some dirty ices on its surface which MARJORIE A. EWELL, proprietor 14-inch telescope, a circle about the size of were easily vaporized by the Sun. Perhaps the Sun or Moon, 1/2* in diameter. frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) which melts The Towne of Historic Smlthvllle Within about 10 minutes, as the sky around -40 degrees. U.S. Highway #9 4> Smithville, NJ 08201 darkened, the comet became faintly visible These layers seem to have all evapo- in the 5-inch, but I was unable to see it at all rated far from the Sun leaving layers which (609)652-1299 hotel i \si\u i \k

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We're Just chock full'a

The triumphant return of the New Vic Theatre of London with Robin Hood (or Who Made MarianComin; g Event; this weekl by Michael J. Johnson The New Vic Theatre of London ap- Coming to the local Noyes Museum: peared at the Performing Arts Center on Trains and Planes: The Influence Thursday and Friday evening (March 15th of Locomotion in American Painting. & 16th) with their version of Robin Hood— The exhibit will explore the impact of or Who Made Marian. The comic perform- modern methods of locomotion on the ance was an outstanding success, proving American landscape. The exhibit will again that the classics can be fun. run from March 18th through May Founded in 1973 by Micky 20th. O'Donoughue — who appears in the per- Call 652-8848 for more information. formances — the group made a name for itself with parodies of time-honored clas- In Bensalem, Pennsylvania: sics. The New Vic Theater's past perform- The popular club The Barn and ances at Stockton include Dracula.. or a Pain WMMR's Street Beat will present in the Neck, Buddy Holly at the Regal; and Ready For Vinyl II,an unsigned band The Canterbury Tales, the latter of which competition, on four consecutive Wed- Stocktonites still talk about nesdays starting March 14that9:30pm. The New Vic performance was led by The Barn is 20 minutes from Philadel- Micky O'Donoughue in a wonderful per- phia - call (215) 639-5607, 5590. formance in the staring role of Robin Hood Admission is $3.00 and ID is required. (a role he obtained after the campy acciden- tal stabbing of the "star")- O'Donoughue led in exaggerated slow motion to the theme The cast was extremely friendly and re- In Cape May: the cast (and the audience) through a series from Chariots of Fire. ceptive, mingling with the audience before The fourth annual Shakespeare in of exceedingly silly but funny scenes ulti- Audience participation came to a head the show and during intermission, keeping Cape May festival will featureleading mately aimed at explaining how Robin in the largest battle scene of the show — everybody's sense of humor in full gear. Shakespearean authorities and per- Hood's longbow came to be buried beneath Foam rubber blocks (representing stones) The New Vic Theatre will return next formers from all across the nation. Stockton State College itself. were distributed among the audience, who year with their production of Charles Dick- There will be lectures, performances, Among the funniest scenes was an in- ended up playing the role of the oppressed ens' classic, A Tale of Two Cities — or A and craft shops, recreating a feel for genious staging of Robin Hood and his men peasants of England. A battle royal ensues Chip off the Old Block. There are still many life in the bard's era. riding at a full gallop for Sherwood Forest, with the audience pelting the evil Prince people who don'tknowof New Vic Theatre's Saturday evening's festivities con- providing s great illusion of of a chase on John and Sheriff of Nottingham (David wonderful productions, so—As Prince John clude with Jonathan Frid's Shakespear- horseback. Also noteworthy is the climac- Lever) with their "rocks", while Robin (Chris Barnes)—said at the evening's close, ean Odyssey - a dramatic, humorous tic, one on one battle between Robin Hood Hood's "mucky men" rescue him from their "If you enjoyed tonight's performance, do one-man reading of the playwright's and Prince John (Chris Barnes), played out clutches. tell your friend." works by Jonathan Frid, best known a relaxed and graceful acting ability. He for his role as vampire Barnabus fUmm Wammé readily choked this into a despair that was Collins in the television series Dark evident on his face as theplay's tragic events Shadows. The Acting Company presents Romeo and Juliet to Stocktonunfolde d The ballroom scene in which he (See the article Out of The Shadows in first discovers his fair maiden seemed a bit the previous Issue of the Argo.) by Athena Segada Leon Rubin, former Artistic Director of the tight lipped, but perhaps this was due to The Shakespeare In Cape May fes- Students have had to grapple with Shake- Bristol Old Vic of England, and a man of some comical mishaps in rehearsal. (This tival begins Friday, April 6th through spearean dialect for decades, and for those manifold experience in theater throughout performance, incidentally, was thepremiere). Sunday, April 8th. Please call the Mid- trapped in "Media-Land", it is a far too Europe. While keeping with the period's Cantor's Juliet was played by Diana Atlantic Center for the Arts in Cape demanding task to tackle. Last weekend, charm, Rubin's company rejuvenated the LaMar, a petite woman with alluring eyes May at (609) 884-5404 - or see Rich however, the Stockton Performing Arts spark of this classic play through fine acting and a powerful voice. During the lovers' Harvey in the Argo offices for more Center featured The Acting Company's and meticulous choreography. They breathed famous balcony scene, she released an ab- information. presentation of Romeo and Juliet, a sweet new life into the soul of the most tragic love surd scream when Romeo revealed himself. exception to the tedium. story theatre knows. LaMar truly lent Juliet the emotional inten- At the Experimental Theatre: The production is under the direction of Geoffrey P. Cantor, cast as Romeo, had Continued on page 9 The Stockton Theatre Workshop continues with The Cld, on April 4th through April8th at 8pm each evening. Soon to appear: Antigone and Wit 10:00 t>,h. and Science. In the Stockton Art Gallery: n nJ/ l.D. The Senior Art Projects for Spring 1990 are on display, featuring the works is w/o of four talented SSC Seniors. No ad- mission charge, and the gallery is open to the public. The next Senior Art Project show i(2 }Xockt*>*> l.D. will be April 2nd through 5th, the opening on the 3rd. Featured artists f$ vJti&oot Stockton 1.D, will be Gina Kronheim, Mike Firster, Amy Bond, and Paul Legato (all for graphic designs), with Luise Lepperf Docw QjieK (paintings), and Bridget Gebhardt T\ctut4 OK KEVIN LEE (photography). Also Appearing: AL CARPENTER & MARY ELLEN HOOPER Visitng Writers Workshop: Lucille Clifton, one of America's most distinguished and exciting poets, 'Kevin Lee's Hilarious!" - John cash, ARGO "Funnier Than John Cash!" - Bent schemer, RAGO will read from her work at Stockton. Her most recent books are Good SPONSORED BY Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969 - THE BOARD OF 1980 and Next: New Poems, both BOA ACTIVITIES Editions. The reading is free and open to the public. The reading will take place April 6th at 4:30pm in the N-Wing Ldffiiii wmpm a & Pubon. 1st Showing: Sunday, April 1 at 8:00pm More next week - same bat-channel! CALL EXT. 4208 FOR MORE INFO in the Lakeside Center RAGO Misinformationpaper Rampant Inactivity Stockade State College Get out of my office Telephone, New Jersey 08240 1 (609) GET-BENT

RAGO is not an official publication - it's just the best that we can do at 5:30 in the morning - you got a problem with that?

Volume Oh Please not another one Number 0 April 1,1990 Bizarre Equine Cult Quaffs Killer Kool Aid

by Tense O.C.son patchouli oil mingled with the aroma of The date was May 8th, a scene of trag- rotting flesh to give the loom the scent of wet edy and absolute horror took place at 320 Wildebeest Jimmy Leeds Rd. Galloway Twp. In all of The black lights, day-gk) painted walls my thirty years of experience with the Major and reggae music created such sensory abuse Crimes Unit of the Galloway Twp. Police that I could almost sympathize with those Dept. I have never seen anything like this. who would rather than take their own lives Thousands of hapless hippies converged than put themselves through even a short on what has come to be commonly referred period of time at the house. to as the "suspended steed" house. The usual Upon surveying the situation I came end of the semester party took place with all across the body of a rather tall young man of the common carrying on. As neighbors, with zed hair slumped over a large metal the housemembers have always left sane- trash can with "Please Recycle" stickers on thing to be desired, but the locals had grown it There was a tape recorder close to the accustomed to the often perverse, always corpse and it was taken by Officer Clancy to grotesque group activities which take place the station to be examined by our people. there at regular intervals. We also took a sample of the liquid The screams, the gagging, the hordes of found in the trash can. Forensics was by this people experiencing convulsions were such time on the scene. Their day would be very a regular feature of this household that no long, so Clancy, Reilly and I left then and one; not even we in the police department returned to the station. took notice of that evening's events. My We listened po the tape found at the fellow department personnel were much scene and heard things such as: "Lay down more engrossed in securing the donut shop your lives with dignity," "Bring me the fresh- and were therefore too busy to check on the men first" and "Don't worry about the Library Gets Book inhabitants of the house. bodies, they're biodegradable." So it was quite a rude shock to see the The grisly details became increasingly by Bent Schemer on the money allotted to the library. bodies strewn about the near acre of free clear as we continued to listen to the tape. By The Stockade Library bought its book "We didn'thavebooks in Vietnam. The parking. On Friday, May 9, officers Clancy, 5:00 pan. the Coroner had given us the last week. students should deal with not having books Reilly, and myself broke through the front results of the first autopsy. Death by inges- Whereareye O'Silentone, Library Di- here." door of the dwelling and were immediately tion of strychnine. There has always been rector was very excited about the purchase. O'Silentone commented, though, that overcome by the sight of the corpses. Scores much by way of chemistry experiments in "We only had enough money for one there were many decisions involved in teh of tie-dye clad youths were lying about dead this house, but this was too much for even us book this year, of course. I thought we purchase. from some apparent mass suicide. I am a to believe. would have money for at least a few more, "We still had a lot of choices," he said. seasoned officer; I've pulled many a cat The liquid in the trash can was discov- but they Stockade budget is the Stockade "I mean we could have renewed the library's from numerous trees, pulled over quite a few ered to be cherry Kool-Aid laced with the budget" subscription to Vogue or something. We speeders, and ensured that all donut shops in poison and willfully drunk by these hippie The book, "Spacecamp," based on the went with the book.** Galloway Twp.aieservingnothing but fresh cult members. hit movie was purchased with a unanimous Students are excited about the book. donuts and coffee. I was not however, I was finally authorized to notify the of the Library Badadvisory Committee. Phlegm Killsome, 23, a seventh semes- prepared ifor the spectacle before me. next of kin of the victims after they were "We chose to ignore professors' re- ter freshman commented. A large statue of Dr. Fairest made of matched with the photos found on the hun- quests for a book in their field, so it didn't "Oh yeah, I love to go to the Periodical styrofoam cups was seen in the middle of the dreds of student IDs arranged in the shape of look like we never playing favorits," said Index. It lists all the cool journals that the main room along with numerous beer bottles an osprey. O'Silentone. Library doesn't have. It's • great way to and recycled aluminum cans. The stench of I once thought goldfish eating contests Vice President of Asphyxiation and spend the day." said Killsome. "Maybe I'll as initiation rites were extreme, but these Freelance, Muck Cankillyou, commented take a class about late 80s kid's space moves. kids were ridiculous! That book could come in handy." Aliens Demand Equal Time at Earth Week

Kangaroo, of the OPDF. Captain Kangaroo clarify some things. In quest for truth on this by Spleef Smoker cerned friend" who is one of the few "true did not percieve either the note or the sight- issue, you need to realize that the latter is a multi-culturalists left," reported the cryptic A reported UFO sighting in the Atlantic ing as a threat, "tangible or otherwise." group of people in the midst of a "Dead message to the Atlantic County Office of County area is being connected with the State-wide coordinators of the Earth Tour," their pupils are the size of softballs." discovery of a note, found in a Coors Lite Parapsychology, Division of the Unfeasible, Week celebration are undoubtedly divided Regardless of the validity of this mes- bottle on an Atlantic City beach, requesting after delivering her weekly syringe collec- on the issue. "Most of us have been working sage, one thing is certain: this is a strange "the empathy of all Earthlings for equal air tion to the Office of Statistical Sadness. A hard toward another successful week of universe, getting stranger all of the time. Is time during what is being billed on your full battery of psychiatric testing is being teaching, learning, and sharing —in that there a "place where I am alone?" Captain planet as Earth Week." The aliens contin- demanded, since the woman has a history of order—while others are willing to adapt to Kirk... eat your heart out ued, "we demand a thorough philosophical borderline pseudo-phenomelogical delu- the demands of the supposed aliens by chang- inventory of your chosen title for this cel- sions. ing their adjectives to sharing, ACCEPT- ebratory week. Why not call it Planetary "At any rate, we'll be looking into the ING, teaching, learning, and in that order," JOBS THE Week?" matter... instructing our men to occasionally said one SAVE member, who wishes to A woman identifying herself as a "con- glance into the air and whatnot said Captain remain anonymous. He later added, "Let me FREAKING RAGO!


ASS EDITOR Conifler Revise



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SHORTS EDnOR Flat Hurting

BELATED PAGE Tricky Wheeze


GRAPHIC EDITOR Trish Silvecchi Bushes Broccoli Badmouthing a Bust TYPESETTER? $5 per hour by Stiff Backer Investigator Y.A. Forest called "an unex- denying that she has been using the vege- Almost a week of heated public argu- pected fortitude" which characterized those table to combat a progressive impotence BUSINESS MEAGER ment came to a foaming head Tuesday, as demonstrating. Further complicating mat- disorder afflicting her husband. Says Mrs. Slob Karma broccoli activists demonstrated in front of ters, said Forest, were some of the "tactics" Bushes, "I never said anything about broc- the White House. Specifically , both broc- used by the angry crowd. coli being high in Vitamin E." ADVERTISING colli growers and enthusiasts (including a "They had bags of frozen broccolli — President Gorge Bushes was said to be Thomas P. Holy small faction who identify themselves as generic and straight from the distributor — astounded by the reaction to his comments. "Broccolutionists," holding the belief that and they were pelting police with the He said that he "never liked the stuff, it's as the homo-sapien evolved directly from the stuff...arrests are difficult to make when simple as that," when questioned. As far as PHOTO EDITORS flowery stalk) have reacted strongly to Presi- everyone's wearing the same damn tie-died any rebuttal to the many issues suggested by Tammy Basinette dent Gorge Bushes adamant stance, broad- shirt," Forest said. the activists, Bushes said only, "What's all cast nationwide on March 22,1990. First Lady Bubbles Bushes reportedly this talk abouta Green? This is the White House. STAFF FIGHTERS & Few arrests were made due to what Chief disagrees with the President's stance, while PROLONGEES Fisherman Fond of Alt WHO THE HELL CAKES? Flourescent Lights Linked Squirrels Responsible FAULTY ADVISOR for NJ Rabies Slow Frankenstein to Brainwashing Outbreak MR. WONDERFUL by Slim Cynicism "A Business Administration degree will The dreaded Pumpkin-headed Squir- Prying Deed Ron Oats, Director of Housing, today make you a 'Renaissance Person'"; and rel has been found to be the direct link to the rabies epidemic now sweeping the Come join the RAGO, admitted that the flourescent lights found "Styrofoam is better than ". throughout the Stockton campus, including Oats went on to discuss how the blink- area. where fun is a four letter the dorms, apartments,and classrooms, have ing of the lights are timed in order to implant The squirrels, known for their word and pizza only been used by the Administration to brain- thoughts into students and faculty. strange, protruding heads and toothless keeps the wolves at bay wash students. "Why do you think it takes everybody such grins, first entered New Jersey on the "Those lights are at this moment blink- a long time to graduate?" he said with a boat of a lone fisherman in the Bamegat for an hour at most. Bay, Foam Feeley. RAGO - where the ing subliminal messages into the nervous snicker. "Pavlov would have been proud of systems of all of you," Oats stated at the us." "I'd always liked squirrels," he said. women rule and the men press conference held in N-Wing, "we have Students, faculty, and alumni were all "But then all of a sudden little Peaches drool all over their shoes been forced to disclose this information by provided with specialglasses(usedatatomic (that's what I'd named him) turned on me - (it s a medical thing). the Governor in order to maintain our aid." blast sites in the 450's) which significantly with a vengeance. That's a killer squirrel, Examples of these messages include the cut the glare. Oats stated that the lights that is!" following: "Knowledge equals impotence"; would be removed immediately.

The RAQO is not an official publica- tion ofStocktade State College but is pub- lished by an uncooperative corporation li- censed in new Jersey

The above people are the only ones qualified to represent the RAQO unless JOIN THE they give you lots of money or offer you a car or something really cool.

Unsolicited escorts, revealing pho- tographs, cartoons featuring Betty & Ve- ronica, and bullshit as well as advertise- FARKING ments are welcome. Deadline for all sub- misions is whenever you get it to us.

Subscriptions are available for pur- chase if you send us a lot of money and Here's a photo of the dreaded Pumpkin- are an extremely PATIENT person. ARGO! Headed Squirrel - BEWARE! RAGO April 1,1990 Page 3 Rotting Reporter SECRET STRIKE RAGO'S Rotting Reporter asked the following question of Stockton students: PLANS REVEALED Why did you vote for Rank Mogul for Stupid Senate? compiled by: Bone Rash Found in the Stockade Celebration of EVER1: Teasers waste basket: We're not gonna strike, so there! When SECRET STRIKE PLANS - VERY you see the governor just go "P1EEEAZE SECRET - DONT LET THAT LOUSY Jim, PLEEEAZE give us some money. Keep RAGO GET THEIR HANDS ON IT, repeating until they can't take it any more.

Just About Everyone Resigns and Refuses to Give Us aComment

Questionee #1: Well, there was a large sum Questionee #2: I believe I was under the by Kiss Finding and On Rank of NADS — left because they of money involved... influence of some substance at the time. Two Deans, a Vice President, five pro- were told lo do something they morally fessors and two custodians resignedearlie r couldn't do. this semester under mysterious circum- Can Guessme commented on the ru- stances. mors, "We did ask them to hang out with According to sources who refused ve- Crushed Escargo, Vice President of Acci- hemently to be named, there was no com- dental Affairs, but everyone agreed to take a ment. turn. I don't think anyone would resignove r Can Guessme, from Public Belationsat that- Stockton commented on the resignations, One mote source said they knew ex- "It's just some weird cosmic coincidence. actly what was going on, but would rather They were all very happy here. Trust me." have their naked body rolled on a bed of According to other very unnamed razor blades than speak to the Rago. sources who spoke only in whispers, the two Students seemed indifférant on the deans—Pompus Lefthere-man of ACHOO matter. "What's*dean?"

Questionee #3: I'm related to Questionee #4: I didn't know there was him...AHHHH!!! You didn't tell me you more than one choice. were going to take my picture! ! JOIN THE FUNKING ARGO!

Questionee #5: WHAT?! Who told you?! Questionee #6: It all started when I was Where'd ya hear that?! younger. I used to pull the wings off of flies and burn ants with a magnifying glass...later, I decided to torture as many humans as I could with one fell swoop. So vote I did. I'd do it again.

Wimps, Wimps, and More SEPARATED AT BIRTH? WIMPS!

I'm sick and tired and I'm not President is the wimpiest. going to take it any more. It's The students - they're all time I exposed this school for wimps. what it is - Wimp City! Campus Police? Aw, c'mon! Those teachers - well every- They give us the news when we one knows they're wimps. have trouble! Administration - hey, we've So don't come crying to me been in some tough skirmishes, "Aw, Kitty, we're not wimps!", but they always back down - crying the RAGO is picking on WIMPS! you. Student Senate? Puhleeeze! You are too a wimp and you Everyone knows that their wimp know it! Page 4 KACkOApril 1,1990 TOY'S E-Z MONEY TIPS After Nearly Two Years of Frustration, WLFR Has Long Awaited Erection

Extra potentcy was added to the signal was nearly beside himself with joy. of the Stockade radio station on Wednesday, "Even John Holmes would be jealous of March 28 as a new throbbing, pulsating the size of it," he said in a voice which power stick was installed at ACMC's Main- betrayed his excitement. "We should be able line Division. to penetrate the listenening area much better Former Station Manager Fall Glacier with this." Students Stunned as RAGO Editor Gets Pleasant Personality

"She was always just plain mean," my career would be made!" RAGO reporter Spent Femur said in re- In a letter to RAGO editor Notnow, sponse to the incredible transformation Stockade President Fairest commented on undergone by RAGO editor Aspirin Not- the change. She stated "The RAGO, like now. you, is terrific this year!" "I mean, you'd ask her for a pencil and When asked for a comment, Notnow, she'd scream bloody murder. And it wasn't who was on the phone, said "I'm sorry. If you just when you asked her something - even could wait just the littlest minute I'll be right when you were the one giving, she was a real with you and I'd be glad to answer all your bitch." questions." SLAVE member Fleet OPleaso agreed. When we met later, Notnow was posi- "Everyone at SLAVE was afraid of her. I tively glowing. "I feel great," she said. "I mean, I just wanted to show her my new always thought that yelling and screaming beard and give her a supportive hug, but she were the only ways to get attention. Now I started cursing and shoved my hand in the know that loving life and the world and electric pencil sharpener she keeps in her of- everyone in it is the only way to go." fice. But now, we're the best of friends." "Please, everyone heed my message. Thanks to the advice of an image con- Be nice, just like me. NOW GETTHEHELL sultant, Lean Famous, who works for the OUT! Just kidding! NO I REALLY MEAN SSC Stupid Senate, Notnow has been trans- IT! Oh, I don't know what's wrong! I'M formed from a constantly premenstrual nag GOING TO KILL YOU! GET LOST! I with bad hair to a pleasant, popular gal with HOPE YOU DIE" a budding singing career. After the ambulance took Notnow to the "It was the challenge of a life time," said Anchorage Mental Hospital, all agreed it Famous. "I knew that if I could make that was far too good to have lasted, and it was Toy's Source for Quick Money miserable excuse fora woman a nice person, just betterthat the lobotomy was done now. "Make $$$ Each Night in A.C." Look at All the Benefits! 1. Meet People 2. Make New Friends 3. Wear Fancy Clothes 4. Quick, Tax-free money! Night positions open. Call Toy at 1-800-HUSTLE ME

"Just how much of this does one guy have to put up with?

"Where*d that nasty squirrel go? Get back here you little JOIN THE FARKING RAGO - YOU'LL NEVER HAVE rodent! Ralphie - the squirrel's loose again! I can't work under these TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR GRADUATION CAP conditions! You said that once we chopped their heads off they'd FALLING OFF - HELL, YOU'LL NEVER GRADUATE quiet down. I know we're on a tight budget, but give me a break! Page 9 Â\rr(l3 mma ff m î(S> r 2 m Hijq hd® m d îte /FâMz) These bands kept City Gardens rockin' during spring break

by Stacey Moye nominatzdLP,UltramegaO .K.(SST). They City Gardens was fairly packed by the then went straight into a pumping version of time I arrived on the evening of March 11, "Hands All Over". also played shortly after San Francisco's Faith No More many new songs from Louder, such as "Loud began their set. The band is opening for this Love", "Ugly Truth", "Big Dumb Sex", and leg of the endless Voi Vod/Soundgarden Tour a slow, throbbing "Gun". I was a bit disap- of the U.S.A. ("The Big F" also held opening pointed that no songs from their excellent honors on the West Coast). Sub-Pop E.?., Screaming Life, were included Faith No More played an intense thirty in the forty-five minute set, but Soundgarden minute set, serving up new titles from their definitely delivered in the end. They brought third LP to date, The Real Thing, put out by the show to a climax by blasting out a rather Slash-Reprise. This included such tunes as bombastic version of Spinal Tap's "Big "Epic"and "Surprise! You're Dead". Crowd Bottom", followed by a few bars of "Hey pleasers also included the underground clas- Jude", and finishing with "I Awake". Cor- sic "We Care A Lot", off of Introduce Your- nell ended their performance by once again self; a rousing version of Black Sabbath's using the rafters as a jungle-gym (kicking "War Pigs"; plus a brief interlude consisting out several ceiling tiles in the process). I of lead vocalist Michael Patton's inspiring guess Soundgarden like to spend what little One of the photographs on exhibit on exNbitin the H-Wing Galley rendition of the Nestle's "Sweet Dreams" money they make fixing the club damages for the currant senior art project display. Photo by Brian D'Ellia chocolate commercial. they incur. The next band on the bill was Last on the bill were the conceptually Soundgarden, whom I was especially look- bizarre Voi Vod. They hit the stage well after barrier - VoiVod hail from the northern- AH hi aH, it was m excellent show, ing forward to seeing. The Seattle-based act midnight, emerging from a thick cover of most reaches of Quebec. Instead, they let despite warn nwMfed vocals during is being hailed by critics as "The Second dry ice. VoiVod features vocalist Snake their music speak for itself. Probably one of SonndgMden'schsracieriiiicany sloppy set. Coming of Led Zeppelin." However, one (aJc.a. Denis Belanger), guitarist Denis the most technically proficient groups heaped Then an imofftt rat innovative bands listen to the band's outstanding current "Piggy" D'Amour, bass player Jean-Yves into the thrash metal genre, VoiVod's music inthemculaps—fcxhj. I recommend that album, (A&M), and it's "Blacky" Theriault, and is anchored by is filled with complex melodies and time • «Mi of something obvious that these guys are a hell of a lot drummer Michel "Away" Langevin (who is changes, not to mention the imaginative to more unique than a mere Zep clone. chiefly responsible for the band's eerie lyrics communicated through Snake's rant fusion of Vocalist/guitarist/"Sex-god", Chris concepts and album cover artwoik). VoiVod and rave vocal's. VoiVod have built a solid FatthhtoMo^tenU^-UUMhy grunge" Cornell, made his grand entrance by climb- opened with "The Unknown Knows" from underground base of fans in the United States of Somdpnte;or*tiHipWn weirdness ing from City Garden's upstairs loft and then theirnewestMechanix release, Nothingface. since their 1984 debut, War and Pain, and of VoiVod. lira * 1*1 open mind, and scaling the rafters to center stage. The band Snake did not have much to say to the crowd, are finally being acknowledged by the noto- you won't launched into "Flower" from their Gram m y- which was possibly due to the language riously trendy American music press.

Continued from pg 8 The opening fight scene was true to the sity such a character demands. tradition in its mechanical execution: BAfCTLE So what was so different about this PUNCH-one-two-SWAT-three-four. Butthe 1 production? Simply, the comfortable man- more intimate battles were captivating. The SATURDAY'lilP^iP® ner in which each actor performed, charm- duel between Romeo and Tybalt (Mark ing the audience with gestures that aided in Kincaid) was paramount the two actors got 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM clarifying the play's meaning. There existed so involved in the physical discord that a deliberate physical contact on stage be- Cantor took a genuine blow to his upper lip. Come and judge to aee tween the characters that helped shed the (Fight at your own risk, gentlemen.) angular theatrics that non-traditional hearts Especially effective was the obvious, who xsw want to open flinch from. genuine fun the cast had. Balthasar (An- There was no single, startling scene that thony M. Brown), in the guise of Cupid gone for dominated the evening; rather, there were statue, playfully spurted water into the air. many little aspects that asked for recogni- Paris (Laurence Drozd) glided about his JIMMY CARIZZMA tion. The scene in which Mercutio (William starry-eyed cloudland with an innocent smile D. Miche) jest about (and under) the skirts of that animated his blind love. And the Apothe- the nurse (Trish Jenkins), followed by cary, played by the defunct Tybalt, resembled & the SPIDERS Romeo's and Benvolio's (Mark Stewart a Shakespearean Jerry Garcia. This com- Brought to you by Panther Production* Guin) "saucy" tune about her, received en- pany has the spirit of a family, and that unity thusiastic approval from the audience. Jen- resonated throughout the play. in association with the Stockton Residents Association kins also doubled the effectiveness of her 'Twas a performance which gave ample discovery of a seemingly expired Juliet reason for celebration on the road to their next stop, Tuscon, Arizona. AT STOCKTON RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION'S The Rug Rats SPRING CHALLENGE The Circle Tavern PICNIC BRIGANTINE on Saturday, March 7th FRIDAY MARCH 30 FREE ADMISION DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE THE FUN TO PICK OUT THE OPENING BAND, BEGINS BECAUSE YOU DECIDE!! AT

MIDNIGHT! Page 10 ARGO March 29> 1990

Communism's Decline And, of course, by an obsessive fear of western Europe envy their contemporaries with a caution that the Unites States too continued from page 5 China. Nobody believes anymore in Marx- in Russia. B ut the young people of the Soviet should realize the limits of power.) ism-Leninism in the western world. The Union and eastern Europe are consumed "Let us hope that Americans finally the world. It cannot even command the loy- ideological attraction has almost disappeared, with envy of their western counterparts. They accept the point thatPresidentKennedy made alty of the communist states of eastern Eu- even in the communist parties of France and long for T-shirts, blue jeans and , in 1961 when he said: "%We must face the rope, whose governments look to Moscow Italy. And as for the Soviet economic sys- as their elders long for the freedom to speak, fact that the United States is neither omnipo- only because of the proximity of the Red tem, nobody believes it is efficient write and publish without censorship, for tent nor omniscient, that we are only six Army. The day of monolithic international "The failure of communism as an ideol- freedom to travel. percent of the world's population and thai communism is long past ogy and as a model has led Russia to concen- "One reason why Soviet communism is we cannot impose our will on the other 94 "I know that some Americans think the trate on the only weapon left to it, which is on the ideological defensive is the new inter- percent of mankind. Nor can we right every Soviet Union is a masterful, confident, military strength." national concern for human rights expressed wrong or reverse each adversity, and there- dynamic nation which exerts hypnotic power "Soviet communism has not only been in the Helsinki Agreement of 1975 and the fore there cannot be an American solution to over a confused and irresolute west. But if weakened by the superior attraction of na- human rights campaign of the Carter ad- every world problem. As we recognize these you look hard at the Soviet Union you see a tionalism; it is also on the defensive ideo- ministration. limits we will have a better chance to move weary and stagnant society led by sick old logically. The magnetic attraction of west- "I do not think that Soviet communism toward the kind of world where we and other men. It is beset at home by technological em Europe on eastern Europe and Russia is will be, in the future, the potent ideological powers can live in peace.'" incompetence, consumer discontent, ethnic far greater than any attraction the Soviet factor it has been in the past. When it comes antagonism and intellectual dissent. Union may have had for the west. Very few to the crunch communist influence will "Abroad, Russia is a country bedeviled people in western Europe want to make their always fall before the more appealing force by deep and justified apprehensions about countries over on the model of the Soviet of nationalism. (ARGO) the reliability of its allies in eastern Europe. Union. Very few of the young people of ( Prof. Schlesinger ended his address HOW I MADE $18,000 FOR COLLEGE BY WORKING WEEKENDS As soon as I finished Advanced Training, the Guard gave me a cash bonus of $2,000. I'm also getting another $5,000 for tuition and books, thanks to the New GI Bill. Not to mention my monthly Army Guard paychecks. They'll add up to more than $11,000 over the six years I'm in the Guard. And if I take out a college loan, the Guard will help me pay it back—up to $1,500 a year, plus interest. It all adds up to $18,000—or more —for college for just a little of my time. And that's a heck of a better deal than any car wash will give you. THE GUARD CAN HELP PUT YOU THROUGH COLLEGE, TOO. When my friends and I graduated SEE YOUR LOCAL RECRUITER from high school, we all took part-time FOR DETAILS, CALL TOLL-FREE jobs to pay for college. 800-638-7600* OR MAIL THIS They ended up in car washes and COUPON. *In Hawaii: 737-5255; Puerto Rico: 721-4550; Guam: 477-9957; Virgin Islands hamburger joints, putting in long hours (St. Croix): 773-6438; New Jersey: 800-452-5794. In Alaska, consult your local phone directory. for little pay. © 1985 United States Government as represented by the Secretary of Defense. Not me. My job takes just one All rights reserved. weekend a month and two weeks a year. r MAIL TO: Army National Guard, P.O. Box 6000, Clifton, NJ 07015 1

Yet, I'm earning $18,000 for college. .• M OF Because I joined my local Army NAME National Guard. ADDRESS They're the people who help our CITY/STATE/ZIP US CITIZEN. DYES • NO state during emergencies like hurri- AREA CODE PHONE

canes and floods. They're also an SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BIRTH DATE important part of our country's military ITTTE—5 OCCUPATION liiinflgs defense. STUDENT O HIGH SCHOOL O COLLEGE So, since I'm helping them do such PRIOR MILITARY SERVICE O YES O NO an important job, they're helping me BRANCH RANK AFM/MOS National Guard THE INFORMATION YOU VOLUNTARILY WOVIOE. WCIUOWG YOUR SOCIAL SECUWTY NUMBER WILL SE USED FOR RECRUITING PURPOSES ONLY YOUR SOCUU. SECURITY NUMBER A1CLJC19030NP make it through school. WILL BE USED TO ANALYZE RESPONSE TO IMS AO AUTHORITY OUSC-SM Army National Guard ^ Americans At Their Best creating page


My father once found and old wooden rocking chair put out for the trashmen to collect and discard, as time had done GROOVY GURU SAYS to the people the chair had held and comforted He brought it home to my pregnant mother, knowing she would rock her coming child through nights of sleep and colic.

I remember my mother's story of the way I knew the child forming within her would be a girl. THE PARTNERSHIP FOR Each day, rocking, A DRUG FREE AMERICA she let me listen SHOULD START BETWEEN my small ear pressed tightly ORGANIZED CRIME, AND to her, to hear THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE any movement, any faint whisper. AGENCY I told her I knew the child Dont MM» yourwlf. would be a girl, knew because I'd seen her in heaven before my own birth, and remembered.

Now I am rocking in this time-worn chair, thinking about the children A Day in the Life my mother didn't have, wondering if I knew them too, blur and named them. of faces shouting my I still wonder name phone calls if there are children messages can you do in heaven, waiting to be chosen, this for me i need help calling out their names meet me here at this time in hope of recognition. work on this give me that number Maybe there's only one, i need advice where's my check oh one small soul shit i forgot how are you whafs that I've forgotten how to name. -Kriss V.S. your name what time is it when did i eat where are you going learn this do that go here sleep now neck hurts sensory overload outward smile inward grimace of pain i'm ok everything's fine listen to me be yourself let it ûespcàr ride world spinning running faster way Silence mocks my every step, stressed nerves of lead make I t urn to see, strain t o hear, it be yet fhere is nothing there. I cry out for help only to find over -1MB my every thought borne to the ground, Sounds deafen and muffle in my ears, what can it be but despair?

Victor Page 12 ARGO March 29> 1990

Mortenson's study says that between black and sold their services in a fundraising Minority College Students' 1966 and the late 1970s, when grant assis- "slave auction." The incident created a tance expanded greatly, college enrollment storm of criticism of the university. of disadvantaged students also increased. This school year racial hostilities have Enrollment Rates Fall But since 1988, loans have become the cropped up in varying forms at colleges and predominant form of student aid, helping to universities throughout the nation. by Amy Hudson (CPS) — Three years ago, For middle-income blacks, the college negate 40 percent and 50 percent of those At Iowa State University, where racial when Mike Turn» was a freshman at Slip- participation rate for high school graduates gains in low-income student enrollment, tensions spurred students to orchestrate an pery Rock University in Pennsylvania, an- went from 53 percent in 1976 to 36 percent Mortenson reported. "anti-hate" march Feb. 23, recruiters are other student in his dorm refused to use the in 1988. Corresponding rates for Hispanics Schools are trying to solve the problem telling the truth and hoping for the best same shower stall as Turner because Turner were 46 percent in 1988 compared to 53 by offering special scholarships. Florida At- "We tell the students that they're going is black. percent in 1976. lantic, for one, announced March 8 that it to run into racism," says Elve Everage of After recovering from the initial shock, "Every college in the country is having would give free tuition to 43 black students ISU's admissions office. "A university or Turner simply made sure to use every shower trouble attracting and recruiting minorities," — up from this year's 28 scholarships — college," he says, "is no different than the in the dorm bathroom. said James Spear, executive assistant to who meet admission standards. rest of society." "These are the kinds of things minority Florida Atlantic University President An- Loneliness and isolation can also lead College officials even worry that acts of students have to deal with all the time," said thony Catanese. many minorities to stay away from predomi- intolerance on other campuses can subvert Turner, now in the student government and The failure is not for lack of trying. nantly white campuses. their own efforts. active in minority recruiting. *T think I've Eight out of every 10 administrators "The needs of minorities aren't being White students at the University of grown from it" polled by ACE said they directed "a lot" or met, from providing the right hair care prod- Florida in Gainesville, for example, pro- Atmostpredominantly white campuses, "some" efforts to attract and retain minority ucts to church services," agreed Slippery posed establishing a "white student union" however, there aren't enough Mike Turners students during the 1988-89 school year. Rock's Collins. — which at other schools has been circum- who choose to face the dispiriting meanness Yet only a paltry one in four said minor- Out and out racism, however, seems to stantially connected to the Ku Klux Klan — of classmates, loneliness, isolation and seem- ity enrollment had actually gone up. be the biggest deterrent to minority students to protest what an organizer said were ingly crushing debt that go along with being At the University of Wisconsin-Madi- thinking about enrolling at a predominantly "unfair" opportunities for minority stuents. a minority student son (UW) for instance, the number of minor- white campus. Down the coast at Florida ATlantic, the Mostly white campuses, in short, are ity students dropped from 252 in fall, 1988, At Turner's Slippery Rock a pre-dawn incident caused "rumblings" and adminis- failing to convince minority students to to 245 last fall, despite an elaborate "Madi- fight Feb. 11 between black and white stu- trators rushed to offer assurances that extra enroll. son Plan" to double the enrollment of Black, dents, followed that night by a cross-burning scholarships for minority students would "Colleges are caught in a Catch-22," Hispanic and American Indian students. in front of one of the black students* off- not displace any white students. says Dave Merkowitz of the American Penn State, plagued by a rash of racial campus apartment, already has scared away Scholarships and anti-racism sensitiv- Council on Education (ACE), a Washington, incidents in 1988, the number of black stu- some minority high school seniors who were ity seminars, however, may not be enough to D.C. based group thai represents college dents dropped in 1988 for the first time in going to enroll next fall. salvage failing minority recuirtment pro- presidents. 'They're dying to increase seven years, even though overall minority "Some (applicants) have indicated grams, says Daryl Smith, an education pro- minority enrollment but the fact that it's low enrollment increased. they're not coming," admitted admissions fessor at Claremont Graduate School in (now) is a disincentive for minorities to go Money also seems to be a big reason, director Dave Collins. "We've talked with California who recently completed a study there." Thomas Mortenson of the American Col- every minority applicant we've been able to of colleges' efforts to diversify their cam- In a January report, ACE, after review- lege Testing (ACT) Program said in a report reach. One father indicated that his son puses. ing data over a 13-year period, found that the released the first week of March. would (instead) attend a predominantly black "As long as you say to people 'We're percentage of black high school grads en- The growing emphasis on student loans school." not changing, but you can come,' we won't rolled in college fell from 40 percent in 1976 over grants is driving low-income students, Wisconsin's careful "Madison Plan" got be successful" in attracting minorities to to 30 percent in 1988. For Hispanics, enroll- who more often than not are minorities, from off track after a well-publicized fraternity campus, Smith said, adding that administra- ment went from 50 percent to 3S percent higher education because low-income people party in October, 1988, eight months after tors need to put equal emphasis on develop- over the same period. generally are less willing to risk taking out a administrators announced the plan, at which ing teaching and assessment methods and loan, Mortenson said. pledged wore Afro wigs, painted their faces courses that encourage diversity. TW" STOCKTON RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION W cTTo 19 06 PRESENTS A4» A SPRING CHALLENGE!!! The Events are as Follows: Aprils- Ms. Stockton, POMONA 8:00 PM, N-Wing

COIN AprilS" - Oddball Games, 4:30-6:00 @ SSC Track LRUNDRV Special Event - SIMON SEZ featuring the Rhymin' Simon himself, Bobby Gold Attendant on Duty Volleyball, 7:30 PM, Gym Open 7 Days 7:30 AM -10:00 PM Aprilôm Oddball Games, 3:30-6:00 @ SSC Track Study Tables Basketball, 7:30 PM, Gym Snack & Soda Machines April 7™- Video Games 70 New Washers SPRING CHALLENGE & Dryers COOKOU& T Extra Large Capacity Panther Productions in association with $ 1,00 Washers 250 Dryers Stockton Resident's Association PRESENTS ONLY 1 MILE FROM STOCKTON JIMMY CARIZZMA AND THE SPIDERS

Pomona Shopping Center AprilsSoftball & Tug-O-War 12 NOON @ Intramural Fields Mr. Stockton irôjpi Route 30 8:00 PM, N-Wing 965 - 9762 Come Out and Support Your Team!!! • ••••••iiiBniiinmr ARQO March 29,1990 Page 13 News from Campuses Men's Lacross Team Around the Country Opens 1990 Season by Timothy W. Sctaulz at Marist and most were on the field the More Campus Papers Battle "It's a massive problem and a disturbing On Saturday, March 24th, the Stockton entire game(by comparison Marist had 31 reflection of our society,"said a University To See Student Crime Stats Lacrosse team travelled through an early players). of Delaware Dean Timothy F. Brooks, who spring snowfall to play their first regular Led by captians Ken Brown, Bill Bretz, The Bray, the student paper at Southern participated in the study. season game against Marist College in and S tan Smith, the team led Marist 2-1 after Arkansas University, has filed a formal Poughkeepsie, New York. the first quarter and only trailed by one goal complaint to force S AU officials to release Wisconsin Students Could The Ospreys played a hard fought game at halftime. Tight defense and superb goal- campus crime records. against a much larger Marist team but came tending by John Seitzinger(32 saves on 46 SAU officials say federal privacy laws Sue If School Discriminates up short, losing 13-6. "The small number of shots) kept the game close after two quar- prohibit them from releasing the informa- Against Them players on our team certainly poses some ters. But the second half proved fatal as tion. problems for us," said Rich Farr, Stockton's Marist pumped in eight goals to Stockton's Several other student papers around the The Wisconsin state S enate passed a bill Head Lacrosse Coach, "With so many more one. country have been trying to wrest campus February 27 that would let students sue the players, Marist was able to give their guys Scoring for Stockton were George crime news from local administrators and University of Wisconsin if UW discrimi- alot more rest than we were." Mokrzecki with 3 goals, Ken Brown with 2, police, citing the public's right to know and nates against them on the basis of race, Although Fafrr was not making any ex- and Bill Bretz with one. protect itself. In mid-February, the Ohio sexual orientation or "other minority status." cuses for the loss his statements point out a Several upcomming Lacrosse games State Lantern had to delay reporting news of UW officials "don't want to be held crucial factor in this year's season. La- include Westley College(H) on March 29, a student's abduction and rape for five days accountable for their discrimination, and crosse, similar to Ice Hockey in several SUNY Maritime(A) on March 31, and because local authorities refused to confirm that's a fact," claimed Sen. Don Stitt, who aspects, uses several lines of players and Manhattanville(H) on Wednesday, April 4. or deny the tragedy had occurred. sponsored the measure. Gov. Tommy Th- rotates these Unes throughout the game. We wish the team a successful season. Congress soon will start debating bills ompson has not said whether he will sign the Stockton, however, had only fifteen players to force colleges to report campus crime bill into law, which supporter Sen. Lynn data. Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Florida and Adelman characterized as a "strong sword' Tennessee already have adopted such laws, to force UW to avoid discrimination prob while similar ones are pending in Washing- lems. ton, California, Texas, Mississippi, Illinois, Come To A Free Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts. M Kaplan Seminar'And EARTH WEEK 1990 APRIL 16-20 Get An Educal ion April 22 will mark the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day, the birth of the modern onvlronmental movement On The New LSAT. Stockton Action Volunteers for the Environment (S.A.V.E.) is sponsoring EARTH WEEK 1990. Getting into the right Law School takes getting a high score on the This five day festival just prior to Earth Day will feature speakers, music, vendors, food & fun. new LSAT and knowing how to master the intricacies of the application SAV.E. has sponsored Earth Day Festivals since 1973 with the main purpose of educating process. That's why Stanley H. Kaplan created the Law School Seminar. and informing people about environmental issues. This year's festival wiil be the biggest and Discover how our advanced teachii^ methods and 50 years of best to date. experience can help you plan the next three years of your life. The Entire Stockton Community Is encouraged to get Involved as we are all citizens of Earthl -Contact S.A.V.E. in upper G-wlng or attend one of the following meetings: Call 665-2293 and reserve a seat today EARTH WEEK 1990 Planning: S.A.V.E. General Meetings: DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 1,1990 Every Monday & Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M. Every Thursday @ 4:30 P.M. TIME: 6:30 P.M. S.A. V.E. Office Room C-135 PLACE: CHERRY HILL CENTER • E. W. 1990 LOGO CONTEST: K STANLEY H. KAPLAN A Take Kaplan Or Take tour Chance» Logos will be used on posters and T-shirts. •**•**• Atlantic City LSAT starts July 5,1990! ******* One color artwork is preferred, but all will be considered. Daily themes for E. W. 1990 are Environment, Awareness, Recycling, Trees, & Health(EARTH). More info? Deadline: Friday March 30 at 5:00 P.M. Call ext 4205!


SOUTH JERSEY g STEP-OFF STEP SHOW And Fashion Show Extravaganza ! SATURDAY, MARCH 31,1990 6:00 P.M. (Doors Open at 4:00 P.M.) Stockton State College Gym Pomona, N.J. See Captain Thomas at the Tickets $6.00 in Advance, $8.00 at the Door. Student Center on March 29 from 11:00 to 2:00 For Ticket Information, Call (609) 652-4211 or call 215-386-5557 collect AA AKA KA4' AI6 P A 1990 [Personalsj i Personals i More Bulletin Board ••••••••••••••••••••••••••I Personals Policy: Personals submitted to the ARGO must include the name, valid Stock- Women's History Month National Park Service to Test for ton I.D. number and telephone or address of the submitter. Personals will be printed if the A variety of events will be held during Summer Lifeguard Jobs ARGO does not view diem as racist, sexist or libelous. Specific addresses and last names March to celebrate Women's History Month. The U.S. Dept. of Interior National will not be printed. The ARGO cannot guarantee the Confidentiality of those persons sub- Look for information in the ARGO and on Park Service has announced that applica- mitting personals if the aforementioned rules are broken. A Valid Stockton I.D. card must the T. V. monitors. tions are being accepted for summer life- be presented when handing in personals. The Deadline for personals in Monday at 5p.m. guard positions at several National Park To S.A.V.E.: Special Thanks to: P.J., Scotti & Traci, Yevette, Gerontology Internship Program Service sites in the eastern U.S. Lifeguard Thanks for the home! ! Nick, Brian, Mel, Lee & Dina, Debbie and the There's one remaining $1,500.00 Sti- jobs will be available at the following loca- AnOsprey guys ofO-lOO's Dorm. pend for a student who completes a 200 hour tions: Arcadia National Park, Cape Cod P J (Ex-Herman Munster), Scotti & Tracy (Jimmy internship by June 30th in an agency work- National Sea Shore, Cape Hatteras National To the Pre-Law and Criminal Justice Society: Walker w/ girlfriend), Yevette (Sorry Player), ing with the aged. Application Deadline: Seashore, Delaware Water Gap National Sony about the mess! Thanks for the use of Nick (A Sleeper), Brian (The Proud), Mel (Woof? April 1,1990. For more information, contact Recreation Area, Fire Island National Sea- the cubicle. Woof!), Lee, Dina, Debbie ("I Don't Know") Prof. Burdick, ext. 4311 or in H-224. shore, Gateway National Recreation Area, The Sunflower Seed Bandit O'100's Dorm (The Great Hoagies) Thanks for your support, Gulf Islands National Seashore. Boycott Idaho Potatoes! Your friend Twan Residents' Association Meeting For an application and information about Eat Broccoli! Stockton Residents' Association, for- the test and other requirements for these To Lord Sled Dog, merly Tenants' Association, meets in Upper lifeguard jobs, applicants should call toll Congratulations to the new Brothers of Lambda Welcome to the Kingdom of the Highlands N-Wing every Wednesday at 8:oo p.m. If free l-800-NP8-Swim. Theta Phi Fraternity, Inc. and Royal Domain of the Futons. How does it you are interested in helping prepare for #1 Anthony T. feel to be a part of royalty ? Where's the fair Lady Spring Challenge please attend! For more Counseling Center Workshops: #2 Miguel C. Sled Dog? I always pick red. You can eat cake! information please contact Abby Russell, The Counseling Center will be offering #3 Gabriel F. President of A-hole. Cholesterol overdose. Remember, wherever you go, that's where you Box 4003. a series of group workshops in personal and Staci, are. psychological development for all interested How was the trip to Florida? Make me The Frozen Tundra Royal Family Graduate School Guides Stockton Students. The workshops include: sick!!! Istayed here infood oTNJ. Don't worry, Planning on Graduate School? The 1990 Test Anxiety, Assertiveness Training, Sup- I still love y a, To the Duke of Claiborne, Graduate School Guides have just arrived. port Group for Gay and Lesbian Students, Becker You have been granted a realm within the Stop by the Career Planning and Placement Minority Survival in a Majority Society, Frozen Tundra. Part of your obli gation is to find Office in J-204 and pick up your free copy of Support Group for non-traditional S tudents, Ticks, Ticks & Mor* Tldttll a Duchess. Breakfast from the Queen. Shopping Support Group for Handicapped/Disabled atMacy's. Sleeping in the Royal Bedroom. Duke this useful publication. Stay to Ac y owned paths while walking Students, Support Group for International through the woods! Please don't make your own are you awake? Best man at the Royal Wedding. Students. trails. The Frozen Tundra Royal Family ANIMAL RIGHTS MEETINGS Beskks killing littfe trees, you might just get Tuesdays at4:30 on Room B125, meet- Outdoor Club White-Water Lyme Disease. T- ings for animal rights will be held. Please Rafting Trip Stockftmiiet for a Lyme Thank you for letting everything be okay. I come and find out about the movement. Disease Free Campua(SLDFC) helped a little, but you helped a lot! Love you When? May 13-19 forever, you know! Where? Ohiopyle Park Joanne, Me Western Pennsylvania Here's to all die good times "dying" to P.S. Exactly when do you enter that monastery? WHALE WATCH The Cheat, The Yough construct a masterpiece out of poparle sticks. I need the SPECIFICS! ! ! ! And can you get to SIGN UP TODAY! Cost? $ 110 - Run the river 3 times & You're a greaiBid SU; 1 wouldn't have asked for work on that book - or do you give personal May 11-13,$12.00. Spend the weekend hike, bike etc. the other 2 days. anyone else. instruction? Hey, there's a job for you! camping-out on Cape Cod, Sailing aborad $25 down by Friday, March 30th Love, The Portuguese Princess. Last year over 70 $50 down by April 16/17 "Shy Banana" To the nobility and minions of the Frozen Tundra people from Stockton attended this annual $35 due April 30th/May 1st and the Seasonal Tundra, event Make checks payable to Stockton Out- To my fellow Sigma pledges, By Royal decree, the King and Queen of the Info and sign-up sheet in G-209 (SAVE door Club. Deliver to RL Hall K129 Ext Pledging has been a lot of work, but I know Highlands formally announce their social alli- office) or attend SAVE meeting on Thurs- 4629 or Paul Chambers J216Ext. 4373. Cost it will all be worth iL I hope we can get to know ance with the King and Queen of Inner Harbor. day, March 8 or 15 in Room C-135. covers wetsuits, camping & raft trip. one another a lot better. I'm looking forwardt o This royal domain is southeast of the Frozen being able to call all of you my sisters. Tundra on the coast of their kingdom, the Sea- Jo Ann sonal Tundra, so named for its unpredictable weather. Responsibilities within their domain Dear Jennifer (Animal Activist), include all seaport trade, tourism, ambulances, This is in regards to the March 6 fundraiser and transportation and traffic regulation. This More Personals!! by the Epsilon Pledge class of the Pi Kappa Phi alliance is based on one of new as well as old Fraternity. I understand that you are concerned friendhsp. Common bonds include good grades Pete, Zona, with the treatment of the fish in this previous and good looks. Further royal announcements to Will you go camping with me? I could get used to looking at your legs for a fundraiser. But it seems to me that your letter to follow. Katherine long time. Yes, this is an offer. the editor was a bunch of bullxlo-! Isuggestyou From the King and Queen of the Highlands DDE- A fellow passenger find out all details before making false accusa- Hummmmmm baby ! ! tions. The fundraiser dealt with dropping quar- To the Domestic Foursome: EIC Pasta, ters in a fish tank, butl can assure you that the fish Spring Break in Baltimore -1990, Excuse I don't care what you say. I still think you are were not harmed in any way, and arc still alive me, where's Route 40? Acknod, The Projects, Congratulations to the Coalition for Women's a slut. Can I still be part of your harem or did I today. If you have any other complaints, please Running red lights and stop signs. Liquor store at Rights for the great work they've been doing! blow my chance? contact Box 5611. every corner, make a note of that. Here take a Keep up the good work! Pasta Lover Axe picture, Tropical rain forest, Should we buy a A Fan Pete, radio, we can always return it? Follow that Dear Stockton- We will go camping sometime. I'm sorry. Debbie, ambulance, Telling Lies,Mr. Brow, Sshh, there's nah nah nah nah nah, April Fool! ! ! ! Tom You're the best Big Sister! I'm having a lot a cop at the door, who's car were you in? B Ath- RAGO Editor To the student leader who smokes too much, of fun pledging. Thanks for everything! Who's room conversations, why am I mad, only one Dear Mr. Lucifer, We'll have to switch clothes some other Smedley, a big fat ugly dog??? cooler? Three beers left, where's my orange You know what they say about getting in time. Keep that bod looking as good as it does With Love, juice, Power Plant, Gloria Estefan's vertebrae. bed with the devil- now and I'll give you another massage. Your Little Sister Smedley (Dimples) The Domestic Foursome A Fellow G-Wing person Dear SAVE, To all my pledge sisters. Fran, Thanks for all your support. The Cynical To my favorite red-head, Bugs Bunny, Beaker, Bam Bam, Bashful, Thank you for the great time this Saturday! Citizens are ready to debut with their new line-up, Thanks for your support. You're not as bad Spanky and Tweety. Where did these names I'm glad you're the president of my fan club and during Earth Week, and we won't disappoint you. as you like to think you are. come from? Only a few days to go, hang in there. future band masseuse. I think your crystals are Love, Love, Good Luck! bringing good fortune my way. I love you very Katherine Your favorite blonde With Love, much, you know ! ! ! Pi Xi, J.C.&T.S., Smedley (Dimples) Katherine Please forgive me. But I have had a lot of I want all the copies and the negatives of S.A.V.E.: problems lately. Thank you for yoursupport. those pictures! ! To my friends, YOU GUYS SUCK!!! Invictus 13 You know who! Thanks for everything you've done for me The Beaver P.S. I didn't mean to give you any buts'. Tim F. while I was pledging. It's friends like you that Welcome back. We love you and we've gives friendship a whole new meaning. You have Louis, G., Larry, missed you. shown me love, caring, and understanding w hich Now that you know who we are, what are We are with you! Love, I have appreciated a great deal throughout the you going to do about it? I know what I'd like to 742 The ARGO process. I would also like to say you're the ones do about it, but that will have to wait. At least we P.S. No Buts. JR: who pulled me through it all. I hope you had an can have that dinner, as soon as I get some $$. Thanx for the "extendo-extension." enjoyable Spring Break. Thanks for being there to calm me down, I don't Denise, JZ Love, your friend like the idea of going supernova. Sorry I have not spent so much time with Anthony (Twan) Love, you. Let's get together! Congratulations WLFR on the new antenna. K Master of the Douglass Love, The ARGO ARQO March 29,1990 Page 15 CLASSIFIED ADS

APT. FOR RENT Fundraisers HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Summer rental available. May 2 to Win HAWAIIAN VACATION CRUISE LINE OPENINGS Sept.. 2 students needed to share OR BIG SCREEN TV PLUS RAISE $$ FRATS AND SORORITIES HIRING NOW!! Year roundan d summer jobs available MB with own Bath room & walk in UP TO $1,400 IN JUST 10 DAYS ! ! ! Is your fraternity, sorority,orclub $300 - $600 pa week. Stewards, closet. 5 min. from SSC. W/D, AC, Objective: Fundraiser Social Director», Tour Guide*, Gift shop interested in earning $1,000.00 + for cashiers, eic. Both skilled and unskilled low utils, skylites. $200.00 per Commitment: Minimal people needed. Call one week, on-campus marketing proj- month. Call Tom or Katherine at Money: Raise $1,400 (719)687-6662 ect? You must be well-organized and 748-1717 or 652-4560. Cost: Zero Investment hardworking. Call Bode or Myra at SUMMER JOBS NOW! Campus organizations, clubs, frats, (800) 592-2121. sororities call OCMC: 1 (800) 932- Start part time with our retail sales team now and secure a full tiem job ROOM FOR RENT 0528/1 (800)950-8472 ext. 10 TYPING for our busy summer season. Call Room available for the summer ADOPTION Term papers, Thesis, Reports, Paul at 345-4814. only. College student who plans to ADOPTION MEANS LOVE. We Resumes, No Job Too Big or Too move back on campus in fall perfer- are a happily married couple seeking Small - Typed on Word Processor, ARGO rable. $215+utils. 5 min from school to adopt an infant to share our love, Professionally, 30 Years Experience 15 min. from A.C.. Contact Missy at happiness, and comfortable home. - Call G wen at 609-296-9631 after Classifieds 652-4560. Call Julie (201)492-5010. 3:30 p.m. Work!!! Bulletin Board Health Plan I.D. Cards ATTENTION SENIORS: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CLEAN AIR RALLY IN To all Students enrolled in Bollinger The following employers will be con- CONTEMPORARY ISSUES WASHINGTON, D.C. Insurance Plan- Identification Cards are ducting Formal On-Campus Interviews on ON WLFR 91.7 FM Students from Stockton State College and now available for pick up in the Health the following dates: Monday: 12:00 Noon, April 2 aO over the country will join to lobby Con- Services Office, Room F-206. Wenesday: 5:30 p.m, April 4 gress MdriUy for passage of a strong ver- Tuesday, April 3,1990, John Hancock tkm of H» Ocas Air Act on Sunday, April 1 snd Moesday, April 2 (no classes, precep- S.A. V.E. Meetings Financial Services is interviewing for Mar- Coalition for Women's Rights torial sdviitag). Free housing will be pro- Weekly general meetings are held keting Representative. The Coalition for Women's Rights holds vided at area coûtes. People are strongly Thursdays at 4:30 pm in C-134. Wednesday, April 4,1990, First Inter- their meetings every Tuesday at 4:30 in F- encouraged loansnd bodi day's events, but| Earth Week Planning meetings are held regional Equipty Corp. is interviewing for 210. Ail students are invited to attend the participation in either day'i activities is EVERY Monday and Tuesday at 7:00pm Account Executive and Investment Banker meetings. greatly needed. S.AV.E. office located in Upper G- positions. ~~—Tuesday, April 10,1990, Campus Fun- Schedule of Events: wing. FREE EMPLOYMENT draisers is interviewing for Account Man- April 1 -12:00 noon - leave from A-Wing All interested people are encouraged to INFORMATION FOR SENIORS ager positiosn. Circle; attend. Looking for employment after graduation? 4:30 pjn., Registration; Wednesday, April 11, 1990, Sherwin Seniors with Career Planning and Placement Williams is interviewing for Manager 7:00p.m., Working dfaw with constituent Volunteer Readers Needed "Credential Files" are eligible to receive a Trainee. groups(PREB or minimal cost); The Counseling Center is currently free copy of College Placement Council's Thursday, April 12,1990, CVS is inter- 9:00 p.m., entertainment ft snacks. organizing a program of volunteer readers Annual. Visit Career Planning and Place- viewing for Management Trainee. April 2 - 8:30 s.m., Lobby workshop & for either visually impaired or learning dis- ment (J-204) to receive your copy while they last Clean Air BUI education; aoied students, For more information con- Please sign-up, submit a resume and 10:00 a.m., Lobby Session: Lobby your tact Donald Sanders in the counseling cen- open a credential File in J-204 one week hometown congreeqperson; ter in J-204, ext.4722. New Jersey Eafixtg Disorders Hotline before scheduled interview date. For further The New Jersey Eating Disorders Hot- 2:00 pjn., Clean Air Rally - West Front] information, contact Career Planning and line has been established to help you or Lawn. U.S. Capitol Building; Donations for the Homeless Placement ext. 4650. anyone you know who may be suffering with 3:00 p.m., Lobby Sesskm: Lobby your Donations for the Homeless of Atlantic anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or compulsive hometown congresipecson. City, Philadelphia, and New York City are FIRST ANNUAL SSC eating problems. The Hotline provides free Contact S A. ViL in upper G-wing for more being taken by the Coalition for Women's TALENT SHOW information, counseling and referral. Call information. Rights and the Economics Club. Clothes, Monday April 2nd and take the first step. *l-800-624-2268* Call 652-4205 or ext. 4205 from Stockton blankets and other donations can be left in 9:00 P.M. phones. the G-Wing College Center cublicle. N-Wing League of Women Voters All proceeds to to Atlantic City's Homeless The Provisional League of Women Voters invites Cape May County women and ANNUAL HOLOCAUST AWARE- men to membership. Learn more about im- NESS PROGRAM Off-Campus Team for Spring Challenge GETTING READY FOR portant issues. Call S22-4090 for informa- The entire Stockton community is in The Off-Campus Resident Association KINDERGARTEN tion. vited to the Seventh Annual Holocaust (OCRA) wants you to participate on the OnMay3,1990at 7:00p.m., representatives Awareness Program, ^sponsored by "Off-Campus Team" for Spring Challenge, from Galloway Township's Reeds. Road SUMMER PROGRAM IN ISRAEL Stockton and Atlantic Comnnity College. to be held in April. If you are interested, School will discuss "Getting Ready for A wide variety of special program are The program would take at ACC at please call ext. 4205 and leave your name, Kindergarten." Principal David Dunleavy available for students who wish to explore 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 5» at the Walter address and phone number. and Kindergarten Coordinator Kathy Le- Israel during the summer months. Partial Edge Theatre. It will fiâtes aa outstanding onard will give a presentation and answer scholarships are available. Independent study free play, I NEVER SAW ANOTHER questions parents may have about kinder- academic credit can be arranged. For further BUTTERFLY- There wart no butterflies at| The Rug Rat Schedule garten. This free presentation will take place information contact or leave a message for the Nazi Terezin Concentration Camp, but March 30th - The Circle Tavern at Free to Bek, Stockton State College's Gail Rosenthal room G-218A or 822-1167. they became a symbol of defiance and hope April 6th - The Circle Tavern Child Care Center, Pomona. Space is lim- If interested please leave your name, phone for the 15,000 Jewish children there, of| April 13 th - The Circle Tavern ited. Call 652-4572 to reserve a seat. number, box number and address. The dead- whom only 100 survived. April 27th - The Circle Tavern line is April 9,1990. May 4th - The Circle Tavern SOCIALIST SCHOLARS May 11th - The Circle Tavern CONFERENCE U.L.T.R.A. Training Spring Friday, April 6 - Sunday, April 8. Boro of 1990 Schedule Manhattan Community College, CUNY. 199 Washington Internship for Spring Chambers Street, NYC, 212-606-4226. 3/31 First Aid SAT 9am-5pm G-208 Deadlines for Spring 1991 internships Interested? For information, carpooling, 4/4-4/11 First Aid M&W 7-10p,m. IC402 have been moved forward for those stu- lodging, call Mark Pope at 201-364-1604 4/9-4/18 First Aid M&W 7-10pjn* dents desiring placement with the US At- after 5:00 p.m. 4/21 CommunityCIÉ SAT torney, State Department, Department of Defense or the Smithsonian Institution. The Economics Club To register for the course or courses of your choice, please tome &l #?e office of Please stop by H-230A during office hours Meetings will be held Thursdays at 4:45 Athletics and Recreation, J-216, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to sigri up. You may also during the first two weeks in April. in F-203. New members are welcome. call extension 4217 and register by phone. Page 16 ARGO March 29> 1990 STOCKTON SPORTS Women's Softball Shines in Spring Training Zaccaria and McCahe star as Lady Ospreys go 5-3 in Orlando by Scott Senti dedicated," said head coach Val Julien of her ings. " This year we're more of a team," said 61 of 176 hitting, including 14 doubles, one The women's softball team begins this squad. Julien, in her fourth season as head Desort. "Everybody's playing together." triple, and one home run, courtesy of Zac- season with an incredible amount of inten- coach, is more of an overwhelming presence The statistics from spring training show caria. sity and a mission to avenge the results of the than just a human being on the field. To call the squad was very together in Orlando. On the mound, Pam McCabe started 7 past few years. After enduring three straight her intense would be an understatement and Senior Alyssa Zaccaria, fresh from averag- games ending with a 5-2 record and an losing seasons, including a dismal 7-21 rec- her players respond accordingly. Julien is a ing double-figures in scoring and rebound- impressive era of 3.00. The highly talented ord a year ago, the squad responded with perfectionist, using repetition of the funda- ing for the women's basketball team, led the McCabe is tabbed to be the regular starting uplifting spring training. mentals to improve the play of her squad. Ospreys in their five wins with a batting pitcher this season. The Ospreys spent their spring break One member of the team commented on her average .625 and an overall slugging per- The determination of this Osprey team training in Orlando, Fl, compiling an im- leader, "She's great, if you slide, she'll slide centage of 1.250. Zaccaria racked in an was apparent long before play began as pressive 5-3 marie in exhibition games played with you and if you hit it, she'll hit it with incredible 14 rbi's in 16 at bats. The all-star $11,000 was raised by the squad to finance against schools including the University of you." On a personal note, Julien has dedi- center-fielder also accumulated 10 hits with the Orlando Trip. It was this same determi- Chicago and Fordham University. The cated this year's entire season to her father, 5 runs scored. nation that was so apparent in Tuesday's success of the team's play in Florida has left who is suffering of cancer in Florida. Senior infielder Brigette Gebhard added practice. And it is this determination that both players and coaches optimistic of the " We're a family out here," said Julien a .421 average on 8 of 19 hitting, compli- should make this year in Osprey softball one upcoming regular season. after Tuesday's session. Sophomore in- menting her finedefens e with a .818 fielding to pay attention to. "This year we're on a quest, we're very fielder Julie Desort echoed her coaches feel- percentage. As a team, Stockton hit .347 on

Ospreys Mike Menefee (I.), Lamar Grady (above), and Marc Kleiman (rt.) battled Washington College . Photos by Robert Joseph Bonadeo Basketball Season Ends in NCAA Sectionals Holden Earns All-Sectional, All-Conference Honors by Pat Durldn points by Holden would cut the lead to single down to :28, and then attempted a long three- Grady also scored 14 points and Kleiman After upsetting national powerhouse digits, 52-44. After the teams exchanged pointer. Washington gained possesion of the added 12. Stockton ended its season with a Jersey City State, 73-71, to advance to the baskets over the next three minutes, Wash- rebound and shot again. On the ensuing record of 21-8. 'Sweet 16' of the NCAA Division III tourna- ington once again jumped out to a 13-point rebound Kleiman was called for a loose-ball FREE THROWS: ment, Stockton suffered a crushing 89-88 lead, 67-54, with 12:41 left. foul. Washington made the first of two Holden averaged exactly 20 points and loss to host Washington College in Chester- Stockton would score 15 of the next 17 bonus free throws to take a 89-88 lead with five assists ontheseason. Grady was second town, Md two weeks ago. The Ospreys lost points to tie the game at 69 with 7:23 left. 18 seconds left. Stockton rebounded the in scoring at 14.4, followed by Chris Dark's despite the oustanding play of point guard Senior center Marc Kleiman would start the missed free throw and Holden then pushed 12.8, Rodney Perkins' 10.1, and Menefee's Pat Holden, who poured in a career-high 39 run with two free-throws and then a three- the ball upcourt.. Holden attempted a 12- 9.3. Menefee was team leader in rebounds points. Holden was selected to the all- point play off an inbounds play. Holden then foot jumper from the baseline with :09 left, (6.9) and steals (2.3). Perkins was second in sectional team, in addition to earning all- popped a three and a layup and Kleiman rebounded his missed shot, and shot from rebounding at 6.0, followed by Grady's 5.1. conference honors for the second consecu- again scored twice from underneath. Cole eight feet with :06 to go. He missed again Connell concludes his career with appear- tive season. Carson tied the game with a free throw at and no one was able to gain possession as ances in 84 consecutive games. Washington, with the home crowd 8:45. time expired. behind them, j umped out to a 12-2 lead in the Washington quickly shook off the S tock- Holden finished with a game-high 39 first four minutes of the game. Stockton ton attack and responded with a 9-0 run , points ( 16 of 25 shooting, including 4 of 6 on would cut the lead to four, 14-10, fall behind taking an 82-73 lead with four minutes to go. three-pointers) and seven assists. Grady by fifteen, 48-33, and finally ended the half Stockton then scored eight straight in the added 14 points and fiverebounds . Kleiman down by eleven, 48-37. The Shoremen hit next minute to cut the lead to one on Lamar finished with 11 points, including nine during on 20 of 35 shots (57%), including 8 of 12 Grady and Mike Menefee free-throws and crucial second half run. three-pointers. Holden kept the Ospreys in Holden added four. In the consolation game the following the game with 17 points, including 2 of 2 Washington was ahead 88-85 with 1:12 day Stockton blew a big first-half lead and from three-point land. to play when senior guard John Connell fell to Johns Hopkins, 80-74. Holden led Stockton would trail early in the second connected on a three to tie the score with :57 Stockton with 19 points and seven assists. half, 50-37. A run of seven straight Osprey left The Shoremen worked the game clock Menefee added 14 points and ten rebounds.