Ashe County Fishing Map Ashe www.fishashe.comCounty Fishing Map

Virginia BH6 SR 1363� BH5 (!1 B ig H H1 or se C (! r BH4 2 k H2 BH3

ASHE BH2 Helton Crk PRA (!8 PRA (! S 20 R 13 COUNTY 24 (!18 BH1 Lansing BL2 Crumpler Alleghany County B ig L (!5 a r u e r SR 1351 v el i Tenneesee C No R CR2 rk BL1 rt h e w (!6 F ork N N1 N2 PRA NF4 (!17 NF3 PRA (!12 (! (!16 19 (! (!9 Trout Lake 15 1603 PRA TT7 ¤£221 CR1 NF2 BU1 Jefferson T h PK2 r (!4 Laurel e e

T NF1 TT6 3 Springs


(!7 3 (!21

p 1

1 West

¤£221 PRA C R

r S Jefferson k TT4 TT5 BV2 PK1 TT3 (!11 (!22 ! TT2 (13 TT1 (!14 B eaver Creek

Watauga County BV1 O Glendale ld F Springs ie l d Wilkes County s C r (!10 k Todd OF1



v i (!3 R PRA w e k N South For Ashe County (!23 SF1 Blue Ridge ¤£221 Parkway Trout Stream Regulations Northwest


Trout Streams Public Access (PRA) Catch & Release/Artificial Lures Only North Fork New River (!1 Big Horse Creek - parking BH6 North Fork New River/Riverview Access (!17 Hwy 88 near Riverview Community Center Delayed Harvest (!18 Crumpler Access Road - NC Hwy 16 & Old Field Creek Rd (!2 Helton Creek - parking H1, H2 South Fork New River - parking SF1 South Fork New River (!3 upstream end of Todd Island to SR 1351 bridge (!19 US Hwy 221 Access - New River State Park Trout Lake - Ashe County Wildlife Club (!4 (!20 Kings Creek Access - Garvey Bridge Rd & Kings Creek Big Horse Creek (Mountain Heritage Trout Waters) (!5 - parking BH1 (!21 Wagoner Access - New River State Park NC Hwy 16/88 Access - Walt Sheets Bridge Hatchery Supported (!22 (!6 Big Laurel Creek - parking BL1, BL2 (!23 Todd Island Park - Railroad Grade Rd & Castle Road (!7 Three Top Creek - parking TT1-TT7 (!8 Big Horse Creek - parking BH2-BH5 Parking & Access Information (!9 Buffalo Creek - parking BU1 Trout Streams – There are no “formal” parking sites. Many Ashe County trout streams are located on private property or in DOT right of ways. Public fishing is allowed through the generosity of landowners and there are many places to park along (!10 Old Fields Creek Road - parking OF1 the roadways. Points identified on the map are helpful starting points for anglers unfamiliar with the streams. Trout fishing regulation signs are posted along streams near stocking locations to help anglers find places to fish. Anglers should avoid (!11 Beaver Creek - parking BV1, BV2 property that is posted against trespassing.

(!12 Nathans Creek - parking N1, N2 River Access - Access points shown on the map and other informal access points are found alongside roads and at bridge (!13 crossings. Some of the access points may be on private land; in this case anglers should get permission from landowners Peak Creek - parking PK1, PK2 before using them. (!14 Roan Creek - pull offs along NC 88/Earl Sheets Rd Always, honor landowners - Anglers should always show respect for the land and water by removing trash, by parking (!15 Cranberry Creek - parking CR1, CR2 only in designated areas, and by making sure to not block access to gates or driveways. These actions will help support maintaining access to pubilc fishing areas in Ashe County. (!16 North Fork New River - parking NF1-NF4 5/17
