BETWEEN Applicant/ Defendant -and-

AISHA ALI-KHAN Respondent/ Claimant


1. On the 22 March 2018, this court heard an application by the Applicant, George Galloway, for such orders as the Court thought fit to be made against the Respondent, Aisha Ali-Khan for contempt of court

2. In relation to undertakings given to the Court by the Respondent and recorded in orders dated

20 June 2016 (Warby J) (“the Warby Undertakings”) 27 October 2017 (Sir David Eady) (“the Eady Undertakings”)

3. by which the Respondent undertook, among other things i) not to say anything defamatory or derogatory about Mr Galloway. ii) not to say anything defamatory or derogatory about Mr Galloway ii) not to publish, or re-publish any reference to Mr Galloway

4. By a judgment dated 22 March 2018 ([2018] EWHC 780 (QB)), the court found, following admissions made by the Respondent, that she had breached her undertakings by

making or republishing statements about the claimant in breach of her undertakings in the 26 respects specified in the Annex to the Applicant’s application notice, a copy of which is attached to this notice

5. At a hearing on 19 April 2018, after reading an affidavit and its exhibits, and hearing from Adam Speker of Counsel for the applicant and Mr Judge Bunting of Counsel for the respondent in mitigation, and for the reasons contained in the Court’s extempore judgment (of which an expedited transcript has been ordered) the Court imposed the following sentences for those breaches breach Sentence On each of the 26 counts 12 weeks immediate imprisonment, concurrent

6. Accordingly it was ordered that Aisha Ali-Khan be committed for contempt to Her Majesty’s Prison at HMP Bronzefield for a total period of 12 weeks or until lawfully discharged if sooner, and that a warrant of arrest and committal be issued forthwith.

Dated 19 April 2018

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Breach 1

1. The Respondent/Claimant (“Ms Ali-Khan”) breached undertakings she gave to the Court as recorded within the preamble of the Order of Mr Justice Warby dated 20 June 2016 (“the Warby Undertaking”) and Schedule 1 of the Order of Sir David Eady dated 27 October 2017 (“the Eady Undertakings) by:-

1.1. On 14 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online at the URL mother-of-all-legal-cases/ an article which (a) referred to libel proceedings brought by Ms Ali-Khan against the Applicant/Defendant (“Mr Galloway”) and (b) contained written references to Mr Galloway.

1.2. The publication of a reference to the libel litigation in the article was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any further public statement about the litigation (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

1.3. The publication of references to Mr Galloway in the article was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

1.4. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway in the article was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 2

2. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

2.1. On 28 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online at the URL sexual-harassment-what-a-joke/ an article which contained written references to Mr Galloway.

2.2. The publication of references to Mr Galloway in the article was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

2.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 3

3. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

3.1. On 28 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which, using the words “when I complained to my ex boss, his mate 4 30 years”, made reference to Mr Galloway.

3.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

3.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 4

4. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

4.1. On 28 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which displayed screenshots of a letter of complaint dated 16 July 2014 that she had purportedly sent to Mr Galloway.

4.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

4.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 5

5. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

5.1. On 9 December 2017 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user “Left Over”, a tweet which read “Hoveman was George Galloway’s Chief of Staff when he was MP for Bradford West”

5.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

5.3. The republication of “Left Over”’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

5.4. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 6

6. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

6.1. On 29 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “Rob Hoveman, GeorgeGalloway’s then parliamentary chief of staff, demanded 2 know no of exes & identity of my son’s dad”.

6.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

6.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 7

7. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

7.1. On 29 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “When I tried to complain of harassment, Parliament told me to write to Member (GG) meaning all communications wud [sic] go thru RobHoveman himself”.

7.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway (‘GG’) on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

7.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 8

8. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

8.1. On 29 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “RobHoveman used parliamentary resources tryin2 shut me down, called me liar & told Alias Yousaf2 harass my family for password to GG email ac”.

8.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway (‘GG’) on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

8.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers. Breach 9

9. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

9.1. On 29 October 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “Rob Hoveman was paid by public funds to pursue his obsessive agenda against me – which he would always sign a ‘on behalf of George Galloway”.

9.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

9.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 10

10. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

10.1. On 10 November 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “Appalled and disgusted that @UK Labour have shortlisted anti Semite and harasser of women Naz Khan/Nasreen Khan as a potential for Cllr for Little Horton! She was Respect Women’s Officer and George Galloway’s right hand woman for years!”.

10.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

10.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers. Breach 11

11. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

11.1. On 12 November 2017 publishing or causing to be published online at the URL recurring-anti-semitism-nightmare-2/ an article which contained written references to Mr Galloway.

11.2. The publication of references to Mr Galloway in the article was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

11.3. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 12

12. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

12.1 On 19 November 2017 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet which contained the words “The woman in question even gave false statements to court to help my ex employer George Galloway & kept sending me messages bragging about the sex she was having & telling me to have anal sex – does that sound like a victimised woman in distress?”

12.2 The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

12.3 The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save for immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 13

13. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

13.1. On 5 December 2017 publishing or causing to be published online, in response to a direct question from the Twitter user “SuedByGalloway” asking about Mr Galloway’s prospective readmission to the Labour Party, a tweet that stated “The @UK Labour should not alloy *alleged* rape apologists, misogynists or anti-Semites to join no matter who or what they stood for in the past. #simples”.

13.2. The publication of such a statement in a tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

13.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway in the tweet was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

13.4. The publication of a tweeted response to a tweet concerning Mr Galloway was in contravention of paragraph 3 of the Eady Undertakings, not to comment on, promote or endorse any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

13.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway in the tweet was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 14

14. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

14.1 On 7 December 2017 publishing or causing to be published online, a tweet which contained the words “If @UKLabour let George back in, all the stress, trauma and bullying I was subjected to while I fought to clear my name for 4 years will have been for nothing @jeremycorbyn.”

14.2 The publication of such a statement in a tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

14.3 The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway in the tweet was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

Breach 15

15. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

15.1. On or around 8 December 2017 publishing, causing to be published, permitting to be published and/or being (and/or agreeing to be) a joint signatory of an open letter to the members of the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee (a) opposing Mr Galloway’s readmission to the Labour party (b) making a number of allegations against Mr Galloway, including that he is sexist, homophobic, misogynistic and a “shill for dictators”, such a letter being published online at mO9wBYpOn1dy3WdcGHenXshgc7q5sc/mobilebasic.

15.2. The publication of such a letter was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

15.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway in the letter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

15.4. The act of being, and/or agreeing to be, a co-signatory to the letter was in contravention of paragraph 3 of the Eady Undertakings, not to comment on, promote or endorse (including, but not limited to, by way of ‘liking’ on Twitter or Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

15.5. The act of agreeing to be a co-signatory was in contravention of paragraph 4 of the Eady Undertakings not to encourage third parties to publish any reference, whether express or implied, to the Defendant.

15.6. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway in the letter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save Ms Ali-Khan’s immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 16

16. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

16.1. On 9 December 2017 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user “Bob from Brockley”, a tweet entitled “NEW POST: Eight reasons Galloway shouldn’t be allowed back into Labour” which linked to a which contained various allegations against Mr Galloway, including that he “belonged on the far right”, was “a rape apologist”, a “bully” and a “shill for dictators”.

16.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

16.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

16.4. The republication of “Bob from Brockley’s” tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

16.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 17

17. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

17.1. On 11 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user Jasna Badzak, a tweet which read “Just sitting across the antisemite @georgegalloway in the dermatology clinic of the Chelsea Hospital. Guess what? He doesn’t like to be told to his face that antisemitism is not acceptable. Went off ranting”

17.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

17.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

17.4. The republication of Jasna Badzak’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

17.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 18

18. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

18.1. On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user “(((Me)))”, a tweet which read “George Galloway is now instructing solicitors. Obviously not his usual ones they were sent to prison for fraud. I can only assume George had paid that tax bill he tried to dodge & paid that large libel bill for telling lies about his assistant”

18.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

18.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

18.4. The republication of “(((Me)))”’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

18.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 19

19. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

19.1 On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user and comedian David Badiel a tweet which read “I know it’s a lot to expect, but considering George’s extreme conviction that he knows exactly who I am what I think and how I’m doing professionally, I think he might at least once in these fucking tweets remember the second D”. Attached to the tweet are screenshots of various tweets which refer to Mr Galloway.

19.2 The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

19.3 The republication of Mr Baddiel’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

19.4 The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 20

20. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

20.1 On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user Steve Cooke a tweet which read “I just ran a Twitter search for all your references to Galloway, George, GeorgeGalloway, GG and even gorgeous since 2009 and you’ve barely mentioned him before the last couple of days”.

20.2 The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

20.3 The republication of Mr Cooke’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

20.4 The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 21

21. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

21.1 On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of commenting on a tweet from the Twitter user Jonathan Mock a tweet which read “I believe there is a ceramic vase in a charity shop that may be the one thing on this planet not to be sued by George Galloway”. Ms Ali-Khan commented by using the “rolling around with tears of laughter emoticon”.

21.2 The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

21.3 The publication of a tweeted response to a tweet concerning Mr Galloway was in contravention of paragraph 3 of the Eady Undertakings, not to comment on, promote or endorse any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

Breach 22

22. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Eady Undertakings by:-

22.1. On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, a link to/snippet from an article in the Jewish Chronicle newspaper headed “George Galloway launches action against Jon Lansman over ‘antisemitism’ claim”” in a tweet she posted. Above the link/snippet, Ms Ali- Khan had commented “Oh puhlease!!!” and added emoticons of an individual slapping their head.

22.2. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

22.3. The republication of the snippet from the Jewish Chronicle, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

22.4. The publication of a comment on the Jewish Chronicle snippet/article was a breach of paragraph 3 of the Eady Undertakings, not to comment on, promote or endorse any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

22.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 23

23. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

23.1. On 30 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, by way of retweeting a tweet from the Twitter user and political activist Jon Lansman, a tweet which read “Solidarity with @Baddiel – since he’s a Jew who’s talked about being non-Zionist, there’s no possible reason to call him a “vile Israel- fanatic” other than antisemitism. There clearly should be no place for @georgegalloway in @UKLabour or in the employment of @talkRADIO”

23.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

23.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

23.4. The republication of Mr Lansman’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

23.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 24

24. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

24.1. On 31 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online, retweeted a tweet from Twitter user/journalist Nick Cohen headed “Why I feel sorry for George Galloway””. The tweet went on to read “It should be the biggest party of his life, but Labour’s left has turned away from the Fedora-ed firebrand” and links to a blog Mr Cohen about Mr Galloway.

24.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

24.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

24.4. The republication of Mr Cohen’s tweet, which contained reference to Mr Galloway, was in contravention of paragraph 2 of the Eady Undertakings, not to republish (including, but not limited to, by ‘retweeting’ on Twitter or ‘sharing’ on Facebook) any statement made by a third party which refers to Mr Galloway.

24.5. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 25

25. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

25.1. On 31 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet that read, “@georgegalloway @gordonP18 and @jeremycorbyn George, you and your thugs spent YEARS tormenting me trying 2 destroy my chances of earning a livelihood. You falsely branded me a child sex molester in the press, had me followed 2 the school I was teaching in, sent threatening emails 2my headteacher or at least got someone to do it”.

25.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

25.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

25.4. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.

Breach 26

26. Ms Ali-Khan breached the Warby Undertaking and Eady Undertakings by:-

26.1. On 31 January 2018 publishing or causing to be published online a tweet that read, “@krissi55 @georgegalloway and 11 others George, and others on his behalf did the same to MANY MANY people – ask @SamayyaAfzal or @helenpidd for instance. George even got his lackey Rob Hoveman to illegally obtain my Islamic documents & send to the @guardian so they’d sack Helen. Why is he crying crocodile tears now?” This was followed by an emoticon of an individual with a puzzled face.

26.2. The publication of the tweet was in contravention of the Warby undertaking, not to make any public statement defaming or disparaging Mr Galloway (save as required by law). By virtue of this contravention, the publication was also in contravention of paragraph 6 of the Eady Undertakings, to comply with the Warby Undertaking.

26.3. The publication of a reference to Mr Galloway on Twitter (by way of retweeting) was in contravention of paragraph 1 of the Eady Undertakings, not to publish in any way (including online) any reference, whether express or implied, to Mr Galloway.

26.4. The publication of information relating to Mr Galloway on Twitter was in contravention of paragraph 5 of the Eady Undertakings, not to disclose any information relating to Mr Galloway or the litigation to third parties, save immediate family, legal advisers, the courts and Mr Galloway’s legal advisers.