DONALDSON TOURISM & HERITAGE CONSULTANCY Ballylinan, Co Laois 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan Strategic Planning for Tidy Towns 2011 - 2013

This Report provides an analysis of Ballylinan under each adjudication category and identifies recommended projects for consideration by the Tidy Towns Committee. Marks targets are suggested for each of the three years covered by this Plan.

Ballylinan, Co Laois 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan

Executive Summary

This Tidy Towns Report for Ballylinan makes a total of 62 recommendations for consideration by the Tidy Towns Committee. The greatest number of recommendations is made in respect of the Overall Development Approach with 10 proposals. The issue of Residential Areas has resulted in a further 9 recommendations.

Marks targets have been given for the period of this Plan / Report. The overall 2010 Tidy Towns mark was 228. The achievement of the targets proposed over the three year period would see the 2010 overall Tidy Towns mark increase from 228 to 262 by 2013. This would represent an increase in total marks of nearly 15% which is ambitious and challenging.

It is recommended that the Tidy Towns Committee has an early meeting with the Laois Partnership with a view to establishing what support may be available for key Report recommendations

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Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 2

INTRODUCTION ...... 6 Background ...... 6 This Report ...... 6 Recommendations for Action ...... 6 Safety of all Volunteers ...... 6 Updating of Plan ...... 7 Tidy Towns Handbook ...... 7 Analysis of Tidy Towns Marks 2006 – 2010 ...... 7 Strengths and Weaknesses ...... 8 Performance Benchmarking ...... 9 SWOT Analysis on Ballylinan ...... 10 The adjudication categories ...... 11

OVERALL DEVELOPMENT APPROACH ...... 12 Introduction ...... 12 2010 Marks ...... 12 The Tidy Towns Plan ...... 12 Adjudication Boundaries...... 12 Extending adjudication boundaries ...... 12 Tidy Towns Entry Documentation ...... 12 Village Map ...... 13 Are all organisations /agencies involved? ...... 13 Best Practice ...... 13 The Media ...... 13 Planning Applications ...... 14 Tidy Towns Evening ...... 14 Website Development ...... 14

THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT ...... 15 Introduction ...... 15 Metal Roofed Building ...... 15 Graveyard Mapping ...... 15 Catholic Church ...... 16 Community Hall ...... 16 Centra ...... 16 Retail Signage ...... 16

LANDSCAPING ...... 17 Introduction ...... 17 2010 Marks ...... 17 Planting for year round effect ...... 17 Wildflower Meadow ...... 17 Cutting roadside banks ...... 17 National School ...... 17 Opposite Catholic Church ...... 18 Wynne Park ...... 18 Area opposite Closed Shop ...... 18 Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes ...... 18

WILDLIFE & NATURAL AMENITIES ...... 19 Introduction ...... 19 2010 Marks ...... 19

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Wildlife Habitat Survey ...... 19 Species ...... 19 Record Keeping ...... 20 Wildlife Plan ...... 20 School children ...... 20 Information Panels ...... 20 Bird Boxes ...... 21

LITTER CONTROL ...... 22 Introduction ...... 22 2010 Marks ...... 22 County Litter League ...... 22 Clean Ups ...... 22 Problem Areas ...... 22 The Crescent ...... 22 The Village ...... 22 Bring Centre...... 22

WASTE MINIMISATION ...... 23 Introduction ...... 23 Not just about litter ...... 23 2010 Marks ...... 23 Key Principles ...... 23 Potential waste minimisation projects ...... 23 Recommendations ...... 23 Climate Change ...... 25

TIDINESS...... 26 Introduction ...... 26 2010 Marks ...... 26 Cables ...... 26 Cottage Gate ...... 26 Kerbside Spoil ...... 26 Graveyard Car Park ...... 26 Roadside Bollards ...... 27 Pavement Retail Displays ...... 27 Milltown Approach ...... 27

RESIDENTIAL AREAS ...... 28 Introduction ...... 28 2010 Marks ...... 28 Residential areas check list ...... 28 Estates Competition ...... 29 Estates Signage ...... 29 Rahin Road ...... 29 Rahin Wood ...... 29 Whitethorn Grove ...... 29 The Crescent ...... 29 The Village ...... 29 Cul De Sac ...... 29 Behind Camus ...... 29 Rahin Towers ...... 30 Individual Houses ...... 30 Residents Associations ...... 30

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ROADS, STREETS & BACK AREAS ...... 31 Introduction ...... 31 2010 Marks ...... 31 Importance of the town / village Approaches ...... 31 Road Surfaces ...... 31 Rahin Approach ...... 31 Approach ...... 31 N78 Athy From North ...... 31 Barrow House Approach ...... 31 By Thatched Cottage ...... 31 Cul de Sac ...... 32 N78 Campus Approach ...... 32 Road Signs ...... 32 Milltown Approach ...... 32

GENERAL IMPRESSION ...... 33 Introduction ...... 33 2010 Marks ...... 33 My Overall Impression of Ballylinan ...... 33


ANNUAL MARKS TARGETS ...... 35 Note on the annual targets ...... 36 The role of the adjudicator ...... 36 Laois Partnership Company Ltd ...... 36 Contacts ...... 36

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Ballylinan, Co Laois 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan

Introduction Background In May 2010 DONALDSON Tourism & Heritage Consultancy was asked by the Laois Partnership Company to undertake the preparation of 3 Year Tidy Towns Plans for various towns and villages in . This is part of a Tidy Towns initiative for County Laois developed by the Partnership Company.

Individual meetings were held with representatives of the Tidy Towns Committees involved on 22nd September 2010. The purpose of these individual meetings was for this Consultant to understand the main issues of concern to each Tidy Towns Committee involved in the process.

This Consultant will attend a Seminar evening probably in November 2010 to which all participants in this Tidy Towns process will be invited. This will allow this Consultant to give a feed back on key issues identified during the county Tidy Towns planning process. This Consultant has also agreed to provide the Laois Partnership with a Report that will identify suggested training needs for Tidy Towns Committees. This Report The purpose of this Report is to provide to the Ballylinan Tidy Towns Committee a strategic Tidy Towns Plan that will guide their annual work over the period 2011 to 2013. Recommendations for Action Recommendations for action by the Tidy Towns Committee are made under each of the nine main adjudication categories. It is obviously not possible to make recommendations in respect of the General Impression adjudication category. The Tidy Towns Committee should add the year or years in which each recommendation is best implemented based on their knowledge of local circumstances.

Each recommendation in each adjudication category section is identified in blue and numbered. Safety of all Volunteers 1. Recommendation Each Year

It is most strongly recommended that all volunteers and other workers wear high visibility jackets while working on all Tidy Towns projects. At appropriate times eye goggles should also be worn. Advance warning signs should also be provided when work is being carried out on projects at the roadside or other trafficked area.

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Updating of Plan

2. Recommendation Each Year

This 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan should be updated by the Tidy Towns Committee in November of each year. When the updating is taking place it is a good idea to consult with the organisations and agencies that are supporting your work for Tidy Towns. Consultation with the Local County Council Engineer for your area is also recommended.

When updating the Plan the then current year should be dropped and a new year added at the end. Thus the first updating of this Plan will cover the period 2010 to 2012. Any projects not implemented or completed in the year to be deleted should be added into the appropriate year of the updated Plan. Tidy Towns Handbook The Tidy Towns Handbook produced by the Tidy Towns Unit at the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government in January 2010 is an excellent document. Your Tidy Towns Committee should examine this in detail as it contains much helpful information and ideas. Analysis of Tidy Towns Marks 2006 – 2010 The following Table gives a breakdown of the marks received by Ballylinan in the Tidy Towns Competition in the period 2006 to 2010.

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Ballylinan, Co Laois 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan

% available marks Adjudication received Category 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 in 2010

Overall Development Approach 37 39 39 39 39 74

Built Environment 28 27 26 24 24 56

Landscaping 32 30 29 28 28 64

Wildlife & Natural Amenities 18 18 18 18 18 36

Litter Control 32 31 28 19 19 64

Waste Minimisation 7 7 6 5 0 35

Tidiness 11 10 11 10 10 37

Residential Areas 25 24 20 19 19 63

Roads, Streets & Back Areas 31 31 30 20 20 62

General Impression 7 7 7 6 6 70

Annual Total Marks 228 224 214 188 183 57

Strengths and Weaknesses From the above Table the following Tidy Towns performance strengths and weaknesses emerge in respect of Ballylinan.

Strong performance categories – (65% or more of available marks achieved in 2010)

1. Overall Development Approach 2. General Impression

Weaker performance categories – (Less than 65% of available marks achieved in 2010)

1. Built Environment 2. Landscaping 3. Wildlife & Natural Amenities

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4. Litter Control 5. Waste Minimisation 6. Tidiness 7. Residential Areas 8. Roads, Streets & Back Areas

Performance Benchmarking It is useful to examine how Ballylinan performs in the Tidy Towns Competition when judged against the performance of the Tidy Towns winner for 2010. In the following Table the performance of Ballylinan in the period 2006 to 2010 is benchmarked against that of Tallanstown, Co Louth the National Tidy Towns Winner for 2010.

Ballylinan, Co laois Tallanstown, Co Louth 350 300 250 200 150 100

Marks 50 0 -50 -100 -150 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Ballylinan 228 224 214 188 183 Tallanstown 308 304 301 295 287 Marks Difference -80 -80 -87 -107 -104

Over the past three years the annual marks gap with Tallanstown has remained in the 80- 87 marks range following a big improvement in 2008.

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In the following Chart each adjudication category performance by Ballylinan is benchmarked against that of all County Winners in 2010.

Benchmarking Ballylinan, Co Laois County Winners 2010 60 50 40 30

20 Marks 10 0 -10 -20 Overall Built Landsc. Wildlife Litter Waste Tidiness Res. Roads General County Winers 2010 44.3 38.3 41 30.5 36.8 11 19.5 29.7 36.5 8.8 Ballylinan 37 28 32 18 32 7 11 25 31 7 Underscoring -7.3 -10.3 -9 -12.5 -4.8 -4 -8.5 -4.7 -5.5 -1.8 Total Marks 50 50 50 50 50 20 30 40 50 10

SWOT Analysis on Ballylinan A SWOT analysis allows the examination of the main Tidy Towns and environmental issues in a town or village. The main strengths are issues or points that need to be highlighted and developed in your annual work for Ballylinan. Weaknesses are issues that require remedial attention as soon as possible. It is accepted that some or all of these issues can be outside the control of your Tidy Towns Committee or community. Opportunities represent potential that your Tidy Towns Committee has to do something new that will help your Tidy Towns work. Threats are other issues that need your ever present attention so that any negative aspects can be minimised in Tidy Towns terms.

The SWOT analysis for Ballylinan is given below.


1. Attractive Park area. 2. Large Tidy Towns Committee of ten people, 3. Good FAS support. 4. Good support from Local Authority. 5. Mature line of trees along the Main Street.

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1. No serious issues at this time.


1. Further development of wildlife aspect of Tidy Towns Competition. 2. Develop Residents Associations in estates that do not have them. 3. Fine a new appropriate productive use for the old RIC Barracks building. 4. Celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty in 2011.


1. Dumped road materials at entrance to Cottage Gate still in place after four years. 2. Unsold units designed as shops.

The adjudication categories There are ten Tidy Towns adjudication categories in which marks can be awarded by the Tidy Towns adjudicator. In the next section of this 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan issues are identified under each adjudication category that need to be considered by the Ballylinan Tidy Towns Committee.

This Report deliberately spends little time highlighting the good and attractive aspects of Ballylinan because these are there for us all to enjoy and appreciate. Your attention needs to focus each year on what you can do to remedy any problem areas identified in the following pages. It is most important that each year you give attention to all adjudication categories and not just those that may find stronger favour with the Ballylinan Tidy Towns Committee or by the community at large.

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Adjudication Boundaries Overall Development The Tidy Towns adjudication boundaries Approach in rural towns and villages are normally defined by the location of the town or Introduction village signs. Where these do not exist This adjudication category has a then the 50 KPH Speed Limit signs will maximum of 50 marks and is concerned act as outward boundaries. with how your Tidy Towns Committee approaches the Tidy Towns In larger urban areas the adjudication Competition. The adjudicator is boundaries will extend in a 1 km radius interested in how you organise your from the centre of the town. work for Tidy Towns. The relationships that you may have with local Extending adjudication organisations and official agencies are boundaries considered here also. There is not a difficulty if a Tidy Towns Committee wishes to request an Under this category the 3 Year Tidy extension outwards of the boundary on Towns Plan and your work in generating any individual approach road. This could Tidy Towns publicity are also examined. be important for example if your Do make sure to give some indication of Committee had developed a wildlife area how you fund your work for the that was just outside the adjudication community. boundary on a particular approach road. 2010 Marks Tidy Towns Entry In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 37 Documentation marks in this adjudication category. In Care and attention to detail is essential the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the when the Ballylinan Tidy Towns entry average mark achieved by the County documentation is being prepared in April Winners was 44 marks or 89% of / May each year. available marks in this adjudication category. 4. Recommendation Each Year The Tidy Towns Plan

3. Recommendation Each The entry form should be completed in Year full or an on-line application likewise completed. What is critically important is that the documentation gives a crystal It is recommended that this Plan is clear picture of your new work for that updated by the Tidy Towns in November year. Well implemented new projects of each year. The year coming to an end can attract additional marks. should be dropped from the Plan and a new year added at the end. Any projects Keep in mind the fact that a longer not completed in the year coming to an document does not necessarily attract the end should be re-allocated to the potential for a higher mark in this appropriate upcoming year. adjudication category.

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Village Map 9. Voluntary Services 10. School(s) 5. Recommendation Each 11. Churches of all denominations Year 7. Recommendation Each The inclusion of a map of the village is Year likewise most important. On this all roads and streets should be marked by Do make sure to submit this list with name together with the location of new your 2010 Tidy Towns entry indicating work for the year. in a few words the work that each has been asked to do for that year and what Are all organisations /agencies they actually did for Tidy Towns. involved? Best Practice 6. Recommendation 2010 8. Recommendation Each Year At your next Tidy Towns Committee meeting it is suggested that a fully comprehensive list be drawn up of all In your Tidy Towns entry associations, organisations and agencies documentation it is important to indicate in Ballylinan regardless of their core that you have adopted best practice activity. where this is so. Do give specific details – for example your Tidy Towns The question then needs to be asked if Committee may not approve of the use each and every one of these is doing of Weedkiller and actively discourages something for Tidy Towns in 2010 that the practice. is appropriate to their own work. For The Media example a project could be as simple as repainting an entrance gate. All 9. Recommendation Each organisations and agencies then need to Year be approached to secure their firm commitment to specific work for Tidy Continuing regular publicity for the Towns. work of Tidy Towns is essential. The following initiatives are recommended in The list of organisations and agencies is this regard – an indicative one designed to suggest possibilities and not all will apply to a. Tidy Towns page(s) on Laois Ballylinan. County Council website. b. Production of Tidy Towns 1. Development Company Newsletter publication three 2. Laois County Partnership times each year. 3. Local businesses 4. GAA Club c. Use of Parish Newsletter to 5. Residents Associations publicise Tidy Towns work for 6. Adult Education the local community. 7. Festivals and Events 8. Community Centre DONALDSON Tourism & Heritage Consultancy Page 13

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d. Provision of regular Tidy Towns the year in question and the plans for the news to local Newspaper(s and year ahead. local Radio Stations. Any local environmental competition Planning Applications awards should be presented at this 10. Recommendation Each function. The presence of a guest Year speaker or celebrity might also be considered. The local media should of course be invited to attend. It is strongly recommended that the Tidy Towns Committee established a rota that 12. Recommendation will allow for the examination of Planning Applications received by Laois County Council for the Ballylinan area. Website Development The Laois Partnership Company will be rolling out a training programme for The Laois County Council website has a community groups who are interested in Planning menu and this allows the hosting their own website. Whether you examination of all Planning Applications have a Tidy Towns website or not it is received / decided for the county. A most strongly recommended that you search for Ballylinan will bring up a map make contact with the Laois Partnership of the town showing the location in red Company to discuss your participation of all such Applications. It is then possible on-line to see the details of each application. The Planning Applications should be examined every three weeks by two Committee members. Using the on-line system this should take no more than one hour. This will allow the Tidy Towns Committee to make written observations to the Planning Authority on any Planning Application that may impact negatively or positively on their work for Tidy Towns. Tidy Towns Evening 11. Recommendation Each Year

It is strongly recommended that the Committee considers the running of a Tidy Towns Evening in Ballylinan in October / November of each year. This should be an opportunity to invite the community to recognise the successes of

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The Built Environment available marks in this adjudication category. Introduction This adjudication category has a Metal Roofed Building maximum of 50 marks and is concerned with the presentation of all aspects of the 13. Recommendation built environment (except residential areas) including any monuments or other Whitewash the front wall of the long structures. This will include both public metal roofed building at the junction at and private buildings regardless of age. the end of the Rahin Road approach.

In this adjudication category the Tidy Towns adjudicator is seeking to examine the overall architectural character of Ballylinan and the impact that it makes.

This category also examines the conservation of any important or heritage buildings in Ballylinan. Derelict sites come under this category also together with civic amenities and the general use of the Irish language. The doors here should be painted in a The use of colour, the painting of different colour; has red or blue been buildings and the use of appropriate considered? building materials also comes into this category. Do remember also that 14. Recommendation adjudication is not confined to just the ground floor elevation of buildings. How well the upper stories are presented Graveyard Mapping is also considered. The Laois Partnership Company is planning a Training Programme for The presentation of the local Graveyard community groups who wish to develop will also be of interest to your their skills in researching and mapping adjudicator. In this adjudication category the graves in their local Graveyard. It is the presentation of shop fronts is most strongly recommended that your especially important Tidy Towns Committee contacts the Laois Partnership Company to discuss Good paving can be really effective in their participation. This course will also the built environment. It is important deal with the management issues that that materials used are characteristic of can arise in respect of old Graveyards. your area. The concept has the full support of the County Heritage Officer. In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 28 marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the average mark achieved by the County Winners was 38 marks or 77% of

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Centra Quite a lot of display material was noted on the pavement outside Centra. This included a gas cylinder, a very large display panel and small advertising displays. This looked a little untidy and could cause problems for someone in a wheelchair or who was otherwise disabled.

Retail Signage

18. Recommendation 15. Recommendation Do try and encourage the provision of The block wall used for the Cemetery more traditional retail signage where extension needs improvement. This possible. Mass produced signage should be plastered and painted a detracted from retail premises that were suitable colour. otherwise of some merit.

Catholic Church

16. Recommendation

The black railings here needed to be painted.

Community Hall 17. Recommendation

Paint the railings to the Community Hall.

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Landscaping Planting for year round effect Introduction 19. Recommendation Each This adjudication category has a Year maximum of 50 marks. The true role of landscaping in any town or village is Planting of shrubs for year round effect important. This is to place emphasis on is important and the adjudicator will areas of the town or village that require look out for this aspect of your highlighting. Landscaping should never landscaping. Year round shrubs can give be an end in itself and must be planned good colour and texture contrasts that carefully. are pleasing on the eye. This is not to say

however that an annual summer blaze of Ideally your landscaping work should be colourful flower beds is to be carried out on a planned basis that has discouraged. They have a role to play been well thought out. If you have a also in the presentation in of Ballylinan. Landscaping Plan then do make sure to include a copy with your Tidy Towns The Committee might ask themselves a entry documentation. Landscaping question as follows “what does our place should be used to create a visual link look like in December / January; is there between your area and the surrounding a lack of natural colour in the built countryside and this will be examined by environment”? your adjudicator. Wildflower Meadow How well you present any Community The Tidy Towns Committee might like Gardens, play areas, picnic sites and to consider the future possibility of amenity areas are also examined under planting a wildflower meadow on some this adjudication category. waste ground or other open space. The cost of this may be about €1 per square The appropriate selection and siting of metre. The end result could look trees, shrubs and flowers is also spectacular. Sowing should be carried considered. Do remember that the out in April. careful siting of new trees can in the Cutting roadside banks future perhaps frame an important local Roadside banks / hedges should not be view. cut in the period 1st March to 31st August 2010 Marks out of consideration to the needs of In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 32 wildlife. This arises from The Wildlife marks in this adjudication category. In Act 1976 Section 40, and The Wildlife the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the Act 2000 Section 46. average mark achieved by the County National School Winners was 41 marks or 82% of available marks in this adjudication 20. Recommendation category. The flower containers at the entrance to the National School were admired as was the Green Flag. The panted area

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Ballylinan, Co Laois 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan inside the kerbing at the car park needed is recommended that the bollards here to be refreshed. are painted matt black. The seat here also needs to be painted. The rather unusual timber water pump feature here was admired.

Opposite Catholic Church Good tree planting was admired together with the three flower boxes opposite the Catholic Church. 23. Recommendation Wynne Park A photograph of the same area taken in 21. Recommendation July 2006 is shown below. The grass area added much to the overall The Park area with the impressive Lime presentation here in contrast to the trees nearby was visited and enjoyed. A present planting. However the painted little litter was evident around the inner white kerb stones of four years ago were edges of the Park by the trees. not totally appropriate.

Area opposite Closed Shop Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes 22. Recommendation The provision of hanging baskets and window boxes in various parts of the The landscaped area at the road junction village were admired and they provided opposite the closed shop was visited. It additional visual interest.

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possibility of having a wildlife habitat Wildlife & Natural Amenities survey of Ballylinan and the surrounding area carried out. Suggested habitats to be Introduction considered in Wildlife Surveys can This adjudication category has a include the following as appropriate – maximum of 50 marks. This is an adjudication category that seems to Urban habitats – gardens, waste ground, cause some difficulties for many towns walls, graveyards, hedges, fences. and villages that enter Tidy Towns each year. Wetland habitats – rivers lakes marshes

bogs and ponds. There is a subtext of education in respect of this category. Your work for Tidy Woodland Habitats – forest, hedgerows Towns in respect of wildlife and natural plantations and parks. amenities should have the overall aim of making your community more aware of Grassland habitats – roadside verges, the critical importance of these aspects parks, wet meadows, dry grasslands. of your area. Species The conservation of natural amenities The Survey should examine the and wildlife areas is considered here. following aspects of the ecology of the Work that your Committee does to area. encourage wildlife will be examined under this adjudication category. a. Plants Amenity walks and nature trails are b. Animals considered also. How both hard and soft c. Insects countryside landscape is managed and d. Birds its effect on wildlife is another important e. Flowers issue. For example the removal of a f. Trees traditional stone wall and its replacement by a concrete block wall will have a The survey should produce a species list negative impact on wildlife. for each of the habitats relevant to the Ballylinan area. This need not be an 2010 Marks expensive survey. Perhaps there is a In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 18 knowledgeable person locally who might marks in this adjudication category. In undertake this task for you. Basically the the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the survey would identify the wildlife that average mark achieved by the County inhabits the Ballylinan area and their Winners was 31 marks or 71% of associated habitats. It should be available marks in this adjudication remembered that to carry out the survey category. properly that it will probably take a year Wildlife Habitat Survey so that all habitats can be assessed at different time of the year. 24. Recommendation

It is recommended that the Ballylinan Tidy Towns Committee examines the

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Record Keeping 27. Recommendation 25. Recommendation Each Year School children It is most important to try and involve the local school children in this project, From the habitat survey you will know and in many Schools there is probably a what wildlife species there are in the teacher who may have an interest in this Ballylinan area. Do consider setting up a area who would be willing to get system to observe the presence or involved. absence of these species at various times of the year. This can give you most 28. Recommendation valuable pointers in regard to the health of individual species. For example -if Information Panels you have noted a sharp decline in the Bat As part of the actions to be undertaken in population in your area from one year to the Wildlife Plan the Tidy Towns another you need to find out why by Committee might like to consider the discussion with some experts. provision of some weather proof display 26. Recommendation panels, illustrating and explaining the wildlife in the Ballylinan area. This has been done very successfully in many Wildlife Plan towns and villages in Ireland. Two Using the results of the wildlife habitat examples are illustrated here. survey the next step should be to draft a straight forward Plan to preserve the identified habitats in the Ballylinan area, and investigate the possibility of the development of new habitat areas.

Having identified the important wildlife habitats in Ballylinan the important issue is that they are conserved as significant landscape features.

Ultimately the objective of the Tidy

Towns Committee should be to encourage the existing wildlife to stay in the area and encourage new species to move in. This can only be done by creating a public awareness and respect for the feeding and shelter needs of the various species in the area.

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Suggested locations for Wildlife Information Panels in Ballylinan include the following –

1. The Park 2. The School 3. Main Street area

Bird Boxes

29. Recommendation

A bird box was noted on the left hand side of the road on the Rahin approach. This location is quite inappropriate and will not encourage its use by wildlife. Even if this is in fact a high bird table the location is not suitable.

The relocation of any such bird boxes to trees is strongly recommended. The box can be attached directly to a tree without the timber upright. It is also recommended that you consult the County Heritage Officer for professional advice on such matters.

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The Crescent Litter Control 31. Recommendation Introduction

This adjudication category has a Litter was evident in The Crescent at the maximum of 50 marks. In this two picnic tables. adjudication category the absence of The Village litter and dumping is examined together with the existence of regular litter patrols 32. Recommendation in Ballylinan. Planned activities including the school or schools and the A scattering of litter was evident in The promotion of anti-litter awareness is Village. considered here also. Bring Centre The presentation of Bring Centres comes under this adjudication category. 33. Recommendation 2010 Marks The Bring Centre at the Community Hall In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 32 was found to be quite tidy. As suggested marks in this adjudication category. In in the Laois Federation of Tidy Towns the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the Competition 2009 large units here are average mark achieved by the County recommended. Winners was 37 marks or 74% of available marks in this adjudication category. County Litter League 30. Recommendation Each Year

Do make sure that Ballylinan is entered each year in the Laois County Council annual Litter League as this will compliment your work for Tidy Towns. Clean Ups If your Tidy Towns Committee carries out regular clean-ups do make sure to detail this in your Tidy Towns entry documentation. Problem Areas The following problem areas in respect of litter were noted. Otherwise litter control as observed on the day of the visit was very good.

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1. Waste reduction and recycling Waste Minimisation measures could include work by the Ballylinan Tidy Towns Introduction Committee on the following This adjudication category has a products – maximum of 20 marks.

Not just about litter 2. Litter gathered during litter- The Waste Minimisation category is a picks. relatively new one that was added just a few years ago. This category is not just 3. Glass gathered during litter- about litter and litter reduction. It is picks. really about measures by which the amount of waste generated in Ballylinan 4. Drink cans gathered during litter- can be reduced and how recycling can be picks. introduced or expanded locally. The educational element is most important. 5. Batteries Work that you do with local businesses and agencies is examined also under this 6. Printer ink cartridges category. 7. Cardboard 2010 Marks In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 7 8. Waste paper marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the 9. Grass clippings average mark achieved by the County Winners was 11 marks or 55% of 10. Plastic containers available marks in this adjudication category. Recommendations Key Principles 35. Recommendations There are three key principles in regard to waste minimisation which are as The following recommendations are follows – offered –

a. Reduce a. Carry out a Ballylinan waste b. Re-use audit – the Race Against Waste c. Recycle booklet at page 9 has some

helpful guidelines on the carrying These should guide your annual work in out of such an audit. This booklet respect of this adjudication category. is available from the Tidy Towns Potential waste minimisation Unit in the Department of the projects Environment, Heritage & Local Government. The Race Against 34. Recommendation Waste website at has many useful ideas for consideration.

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g. Consider the provision of a solar b. Segregate the waste collected powered sign for the School. during litter clean up campaigns. Glass can be collected for h. Make contact with Laois County disposal at the Bring Centre. Council in regard to possible Leaves and grass cuttings can be joint waste minimisation composted. programmes in respect of printer toners, printer cartridges, waste c. Consider running a waste paper, tin cans, glass and old minimisation workshop in batteries. Ballylinan as part of a public Tidy Towns meeting. i. You will find the Waste Management section of the Laois d. Provide leaflets for self catering County Council website accommodation and other visitor ( quite helpful. outlets on where visitors can take glass and other waste for proper j. Encourage domestic composting disposal. This could illustrate and in Ballylinan and bring in an explain where recycling centres expert on this to address a waste are located in this part of Co. minimisation workshop Laois. organised by the Tidy Towns Committee. e. Run a waste awareness day on a Saturday and set up some stalls k. Consider a local programme of in along the wider parts of the rainwater harvesting. street to inform people on what they can do to minimize waste l. Consider using the ESB Home that they create. Major advance Energy efficiency programme publicity will be required for this. free household survey. This will This project could be carried out provide an individual Report for as a joint initiative with other each participating household. interested parties. m. Have you examined the potential f. Develop a waste awareness benefits of community campaign for the school in composting especially in respect Ballylinan area. This could of grass cuttings? involve the school bringing some of the students to a recycling n. Prepare and distribute a local centre in the Co. Laois area. Tidy Towns Newsletter three Possible projects for the school times each year when the Tidy might involve the proper Towns Committee has a waste collection of waste batteries or minimisation programme in printer ink cartridges. Subject in place. both cases to direction on the safe handling of these items. o. Issue a Press Release to the media on the Tidy Towns

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Committee waste minimisation proposals and plans for 1. Use electronic communications Ballylinan. instead of paper.

p. Do remember to keep copies of 2. Turn off all electrical equipment all leaflets, newsletter, and press when not in use. mentions of your plans so that these can be submitted with your 3. Continue to collect rain water for Tidy Towns Entry recycling through the use of documentation in April / May water butts or other methods. each year. 4. Use environmentally friendly Climate Change cleaning products. A new Climate Change Award was introduced to Tidy Towns in 2009. The 5. Walk or cycle to as many events overall aim of this award is to raise as possible to reduce car use and awareness of climate change at town and use car pooling. village level.

6. Avoid the purchase of goods that The following criteria apply to this has excessive cardboard or paper Award – wrapping.

a. How original are your ideas? 7. Repair and reuse goods whenever

possible. b. Can your projects be replicated

in other centres? 8. Reduce the times when a power

mower is used for grass areas and c. What have you done in use a non-powered mower Ballylinan to raise awareness of instead. Doing this even for just climate change? one small grass area can make a

difference. d. How has the carbon footprint in

Ballylinan been genuinely 9. Consult with the Midland Energy reduced year on year? Agency or Tipperary Energy

Agency in respect of potential e. How does the way that you carry group projects where they might out these activities now differ have an involvement in from the way that you carried out Ballylinan. these activities a few years ago?

Do examine the website

which will give you a lot of additional 36. Recommendations 2010 - ideas to consider. 2012

Possible Projects – this is taken from the Tidy Towns information leaflet.

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contribution to Tidy Towns in Ballylinan. Tidiness Kerbside Spoil Introduction This adjudication category has a 39. Recommendation maximum of 30 marks. At various road kerbs an accumulation Here the general lack of clutter is of spoil needed to be taken away. This is examined together with graffiti, traffic an issue that will require quite regular management and inappropriate weed and attention. plant growth. Other issues that arise here is the presence of unused lamp poles and sign poles, blocked foot paths, unsightly electric cabling. The adjudicator will also watch for the presence of any graffiti or fly-posting together with traffic management and the control of weed growth at walls and kerbing. 2010 Marks In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 11 marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the average mark achieved by the County Graveyard Car Park Winners was 20 marks or 65% of available marks in this adjudication 40. Recommendation category. Cables The pile of tar and stone noted at the end of the Graveyard car park should be 37. Recommendation removed.

If overhead cabling can be placed underground it will make a significant contribution to tidiness and the overall appearance of Ballylinan. Cottage Gate 38. Recommendation

The pile of road materials at the entrance to Cottage Gate has evidently been in place for a number of years following 41. Recommendation road works. The responsible Agency should remove the materials and make Consider the plastering and painting of good this area immediately as an urgent the Graveyard road boundary wall.

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Roadside Bollards 42. Recommendation

Paint all roadside bollards including those at the Catholic Church and in the vicinity of Campus. Some of the bollards need to be repaired. Pavement Retail Displays 43. Recommendation

Under the Built Environment section of this Report reference has already been made to pavement advertising signage at Centra. This issue was noted as a problem in other parts of the villager and should be discouraged. Milltown Approach A very untidy area was noted on this road near the 50 KPG signage on the right hand side out of the village. This area is illustrated below. Weed growth here needs early attention together with the repainting of the timber screening panels.

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Residential Areas d. Estates should be encouraged to provide entrance name signs and Introduction directional signage within the This adjudication category has a estate. maximum of 40 marks.

e. Green open space grass areas Elements of some of the adjudication will need to be cut frequently if a categories above also come into this quality presentation is to be adjudication category. The maintenance achieved. Remember that grass of boundary walls, fences and gardens will probably have to be cut back and communal open spaces is examined from the top of kerbing by hand. here. Estate planning, signage and The provision of a few well planting come into this category also. chosen trees ideally adequately 2010 Marks spaced in a clump can often In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 25 transform an open space. marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the f. Areas to the back of estates can average mark achieved by the County sometimes become dumping Winners was 30 marks or 74% of areas for cut grass and other available marks in this adjudication materials. category. g. Simple landscaping at individual houses can often be very Residential areas check list effective if the proper trees and 44. Recommendation shrubs are planted.

h. Year round colour should be The following check list in regard to the encouraged rather than planting general presentation of both estates and for summer presentation only. private houses may be helpful. All points do not especially apply to Ballylinan. i. By their nature estates can sometimes have litter control a. Road boundary walls will problems and this must be probably need to be painted addressed by each individual twice each year especially on estate. busy roads. j. Private hedging alongside a b. Gable end walls though footpath will need to be trimmed sometimes difficult to paint due back to the inside pavement edge to height should be painted when from time to time. the rest of the house is being painted.

c. Timber fencing will require treatment at least twice per year with a proper wood preservative,

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Estates Competition 45. Recommendation

Has the Tidy Towns Committee considered organising a Tidy Estates Competition? This can be a great way of bringing estate residents together to make their place a better place. Perhaps local sponsorship for the prizes may be possible. It is recommended that the prizes are in the form of Vouchers for a The Crescent Garden Centre rather than cash prizes. The planting at the entrance to The Crescent was admired. Estates Signage The Village 46. Recommendation 49. Recommendation Any estates that do not name signage at the estate entrance should provide such Very good grass areas are a key feature signage at an early date. Directional here and the young trees add to the signage within each estate should also be overall presentation. The large green considered at the same time. area is extremely large and would benefit greatly by the provision of some Rahin Road clumps of native species trees. Do get Well presented houses were admired on professional advice in respect of tree the right on the Rahin approach road. planting. Rahin Wood Otherwise this green area is really 47. Recommendation excellently presented and a credit to the estate residents. At Rahin Wood weed growth at kerbing Cul De Sac needed attention. Whitethorn Grove 50. Recommendation

48. Recommendation At the Cul de Sac that ends at the main road (pedestrian access only to main Bad kerb weed here needed attention. road here) near the garage all road The yellow road boundary wall inside boundary walls needed to be repainted. the entrance to the estate would be Behind Camus improved if painted. The large green area wouod be improved by the 51. Recommendation provision of some clumps of native trees. An unnamed estate behind Campus was visited. This estate is unfinished and timber screening is recommended. DONALDSON Tourism & Heritage Consultancy Page 29

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Individual Houses A number of eye catching individual stone house and buildings were noted and these add additional character to Ballylinan. Residents Associations 53. Recommendation

The Tidy Towns Committee should facilitate the setting up of a Residents Association in any estate in Ballylinan that does not have one.

An example of highly successful screening from , Co Laois is illustrated below. This is a relatively low cost temporary solution to unfinished estate areas.

Rahin Towers 52. Recommendation

A very untidy unfinished area was noted at the end of the estate where screening is recommended.

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Athy Approach Roads, Streets & Back Areas 54. Recommendation Introduction This adjudication category has a On the approach to the Graveyard kerb maximum of 50 marks. weed needed attention. N78 Athy From North The presentation of approach roads, streets, connecting roads, laneways and 55. Recommendation bridges is considered under this adjudication category. Good narrow grass verges feature here 2010 Marks on the left. Roadside hedging needed to In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 31 be cut. marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the average mark achieved by the County Winners was 37 marks or 73% of available marks in this adjudication category. Importance of the town / village Approaches All approach roads are most important in that they establish for the visitor a first impression of your area. The following Barrow House Approach are key aspects of approach roads that should receive your ongoing attention – 56. Recommendation

a. Cross roads / Roundabouts On this approach road the left hand b. Road verges verge needed to be cut together with c. Grass verges roadside Briars. d. Town / village nameplates e. Walls, fences and hedging By Thatched Cottage The thatched cottage on this approach Road Surfaces was greatly admired and the standard of The condition of road surfaces in both maintenance and overall presentation is the village / town and on approach roads excellent. will be considered by the annual adjudicator. 57. Recommendation Rahin Approach Good roadside verges on the left were Fine matures trees feature on this admired here. The planting at the approach to Ballylinan. Some rubbish Granite slab caught the eye. It was noted was noted in a corner and a corrugated that this slab appeared to be facing in iron door needed to be painted. Dark towards the village and not out so that it green is suggested. Cut back verge could be read on the village approach. growth opposite the bungalows.

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Milltown Approach Cul de Sac At the Cul de Sac verge / bank growth 60. Recommendation needed to be cut back opposite the bungalows. Growth here needed to be cut back at some of the roadside hedges. Further out hedges had been very neatly cut.

N78 Campus Approach

58. Recommendation

On this approach verges on the right needed to be cut. Road Signs 59. Recommendation

Vegetation needs to be trimmed back from a number of road signs.

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General Impression Introduction This adjudication category has a maximum of 10 marks and considers the overall impression presented by your entry to the adjudicator. A key question is whether Ballylinan is presented from a Tidy Towns point of view as an integrated centre. Another issue is whether you have tried to work on all adjudication categories or selected just a few favoured work areas. 2010 Marks In 2010 Ballylinan received a total of 7 marks in this adjudication category. In the Tidy Towns Competition in 2010 the average mark achieved by the County Winners was 9 marks or 88% of available marks in this adjudication category. My Overall Impression of Ballylinan This Consultant had not been in Ballylinan for some years and was pleased to have the opportunity of returning.

While the 2010 overall Tidy Towns mark was rather low but improved on the 2009 performance good work is obviously taking place here.

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Summary of Recommendations This table summarises the recommendations made under each adjudication category.

Report Introduction 2

Overall Development Approach 10

The Built Environment 8

Landscaping 5

Wildlife & Natural Amenities 6

Litter Control 4

Waste Minimisation 3

Tidiness 7

Residential Areas 10

Roads, Street & Back Areas 7

General Impression 0

Total Recommendations 62

Note that some recommendations have sub-sections with additional recommendations not reflected in the above total.

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Annual Marks Targets In this section of the Report recommendations are offered in regard to annual additional marks targets for the period 2011 to 2013.

Actual Target Target Target Marks marks marks marks received increase increase increase Adjudication Category 2010 2011 2012 2013

Overall Development Approach 37 2 1 1

The Built Environment 28 2 2 2

Landscaping 32 1 1 1

Wildlife & Natural Amenities 18 1 2 2

Litter Control 32 1 0 1

Waste Minimisation 7 1 1 1

Tidiness 11 1 1 1

Residential Areas 25 1 1 2

Roads, Street & Back Areas 31 1 1 1

General Impression 7 0 1 0

2010 Overall Mark 228

Annual Overall Marks Targets 239 250 262

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Note on the annual targets The marks targets that have been suggested for Ballylinan in the period 2009 to 2011 are challenging and this has been done deliberately. The achievement of the targets or near achievement will require a strong performance over the next three years from the Tidy Towns Committee and all the local supporting agencies and organisations. The role of the adjudicator It must however be fully understood that the responsibility for the award of any additional marks in any year, or the reduction of marks on the previous year’s performance rests totally with the Tidy Towns adjudication on adjudication day. Laois Partnership Company Ltd It is recommended that your Tidy Towns Committee makes early contact with Laois Partnership Company Ltd to see if it is possible for them to consider support for any of the projects identified in this Report.

The following projects should be discussed with them

1. Rainwater harvesting (See Waste Minimisation Chapter)

2. Community composting (See Waste Minimisation Chapter)

3. Energy conservation – Midland Energy Agency or Tipperary Energy Agency (See Waste Minimisation Chapter)

4. Graveyard Mapping (See The Built Environment Chapter)

5. Wildlife Survey and associated information panels (See Wildlife & Natural Amenities Chapter)

6. Climate change (See Waste Minimisation Chapter)

7. Website Training (See Overall Development Approach Chapter).


Name: Address: Contact: Email: Phone:

Laois 2 Park Villas, , Co Partnership Laois Company (LEADER):

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Mark and Orla are available to Mark mark@laoispartnershi (057) discuss initiatives that might be Clancy 8661900 eligible for funding under the Orla orla@laoispartnership. “ Rural Development Mulligan ie (LEADER) Programme.

Laois Portlaoise, Co. Laois, County Ireland. Council

Environment Section: Martina mbracken@laoiscoco. 057 Tidy Towns Grant Bracken ie 8674318 Local Agenda 21 grants

Litter Management: Colette [email protected] 057 For advice/ support on litter O’Rourke e 8674320 management issues

Horticulture: Maeve [email protected] 057 Maeve is available to discuss Flynn 8664166 design of planting scheme and choice of trees/ plant varieties for different locations

Environmental Awareness: Anne- [email protected] 057 Anne Marie is involved in a Marie 8674331 wide range of community Kelly sustainability programmes including the Green Schools Programme.

Derelict Sites: Donal [email protected] 057 Donal deals with issues Kiely 8664245 relating to derelict sites and buildings.

Heritage Heritage: Catherine [email protected] 057 Council Catherine Casey is available to Casey 8674348 c/o Laois discuss heritage issues with County Tidy Towns Groups and also Council administers the Heritage Grant Scheme.

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