commence this Spring, and the High Street would be closed except for access. Parish Council The plans are available to view at the Heritage Centre, 21 High Street at the following times:- January Newsletter 2003 No 108 Thurs 16th / Fri 17th – 08.45 – 12.30pm

th th Clerk: Mrs. B.J. Darby Sat 18 / 25 – 08.45- 12.30 and 2.30-4.30pm The School House, 21, High Street, Otford, , TN14 5PG Sun 19th / 26th – 2.30pm – 4.30pm Telephone/answerphone: 01959 524808 Fax: 01959 525298 Monday 20th – Friday 24th – 08.45 – 12.30pm [email protected] Office hours 8.30 to 12.30 Mon to Fri Special evening opening Tuesday 21st – 6.00pm – 9.00pm Traffic Calming Scheme We now have the main points of this scheme and Thursday 23rd – 6.00pm – 9.00pm the plan can be viewed in the Parish Office on weekday mornings and at certain other times You will be invited to fill in a slip to state whether (see below). The scheme would be from the Pond you approve or disapprove and any other almost to Rye Lane and have low level lighting. comments. The decision to investigate traffic calming was instigated by parents taking children to and from Otford Primary School because they believed the Christmas Tree Lights road was dangerous. Some residents who live in For many years John Wickens has climbed up the this part of the High Street have also expressed Christmas Tree on the Green and installed the alarm at the speed of cars at other times. One lighting system. Sadly after just three days of indication of the care now taken by some drivers colourful lighting and heavy rain! a main fuse is that four cars have driven into the village pond blew and the system refused to respond to any in the last twelve months. repairs. The Parish Council will investigate and The scheme involves a dozen pairs of rubber ensure that everything in order by next cushions at 30 to 35m intervals, a raised Christmas. Many thanks to John and to the pedestrian crossing and a built-out gateway in owner of Bubblestone Farm for allowing us to Pilgrims Way West, near Rye Lane and just west connect to their electricity supply. of the bridge. Vans and larger vehicles, but not cars, will be able to ‘miss’ the cushions. Each pair Tree of Light will be lit by a 50 watt high-pressure sodium Fortunately, these lights worked well and many lamp in a fitting suitable for the Conservation appreciative comments have been received. Area. These give a slightly yellowish light (as Donations were made in aid of the Kent Air used in the Riverhead area). The lights will be on Ambulance and amounted to £320. Next year's 4m columns – or buildings if this is acceptable. recipient is open to discussion but Demelza The lighting details are still to be decided. House Hospice for Children at Sittingbourne has The Parish Council is acutely aware this is a already been suggested. major change in Otford and a difficult decision to make. We invite your comments. However, Otford Allotments please note that build-outs were tried in the High Street and did not slow traffic sufficiently to justify expenditure under this heading. Regulations require that flashing speed signs, or traffic lights, are not installed unless there are pedestrian accidents, and thankfully there have been none so far in this stretch of road. Thus we know of no alternative that would be funded as a traffic calming scheme in this or the next financial year, and would slow or deter present or future traffic. We expect traffic to continue to Because of seasonal indulgences we often think increase in the High Street, particularly if offices at this time of year that we should be getting are built at the Dunton Green Cold Store Site more exercise and fresh air. Perhaps you could (their Parish Council has expressed approval) or make it your New Year’s resolution. Otford the M25 is widened in places. Allotments has just the solution for you – plenty The decision on the scheme has to be made by of exercise in the fresh air in the beautiful the Parish Council on Monday 27th. If approved surroundings of the best village in the South and by the District and County Councils, work would South East of . Now is the time of year also to start planning a productive allotment plot team in Otford. We are fortunate that a resident to give you fresh vegetables, flowers and fruit is willing to lead the team. If you would like to throughout the forthcoming season; there is help please submit your names to the Parish always plenty of help and advice available from office and any specific skills you may hold. Thank those who have established their plots over many you years. The added advantage of taking a plot now is that you will be able to join in the annual Children’s Play Areas Allotment Association Members Evening on March st The fact that volunteers play such a large part in 1 when you can meet fellow allotment holders. so many aspects of the life of this village prompts If your appetite has been whetted or your us to ask whether such a person could be willing interest kindled, give Barbara Hine, a ring on to keep a watchful, caring eye on either or both 01959 525468, or call into the Parish Office for of the children’s play areas. The equipment is details. Barbara would be pleased to show maintained, and the grass cut, professionally: interested parties around the allotment site at a the volunteer’s role would be to report any time to suit them. equipment defects that he/she notices and generally to assist in keeping the area(s) tidy. If ‘The Best of Times’ you would be interested in making a contribution This production takes place in Otford Village Hall of this kind, please have a word with the Parish on Thursday 20th February at 7.30pm. Tickets Clerk. Your assistance would be very much £5 / concessions £4 or £3 children from the appreciated – and of great benefit to the children Parish Office (mornings 8.30-12.30 or phone who make such good use of these facilities. 524808) v Time of Our Lives Music Theatre present a Otford Guides Retro Musical Comedy Revue ‘ The Best of 3rd Otford Guides would like to thank those who Times & The Worst of Times’ used their Christmas Post Service for raising v Remembering the 1950s to the 1980s: £164.50 which they were able to donate towards Rationing, Flower Power, the 3 Day Week, educating 2 boys in Uganda, Junior and Martin, ‘Loadsamoney’ and more. at the Koboko Vocational School in Arua through v A Hilarious mix of Pop, Dance, Musical the Ugandan Scout Sunrise Project for street Theatre, Stand-Up Comedy and Sketches. children. This amount was further enhanced by ‘A brilliant evening of sheer entertainment’ – The £113.94 from the Scout and Guide Christmas Kent Messenger Posts New Issue Service. They would also like to ‘A young company of versatile performers’ – The thank Gerry Froggatt who has designed and Stage newspaper. printed the stamps over the last 9 years. Yet another Applause production – they are all Girls aged between 10 and 14/15 who would like good so book up soon. to join the Guide Unit on a Friday evening in Otford would be most welcome and should Village Fete contact Jane Lawrey on 01959 522360. th This year’s Fete will be held on May 26 and has a Circus theme. Police Surgery The next Police Surgery with PC Jackie Allen will be held on Wednesday 5th March between 10am and 12 noon in School House.

The Otford Players

Residents are invited to: The Otford Players next production takes place th th th ¨ Participate in the procession as part of the on March 13 , 14 and 15 in the Otford circus Memorial Hall. It will be a performance of ¨ Provide forms of sponsorship ‘Blythe Spirit’ by Noel Coward. Directed by ¨ Organise a stall or other fund raising activities Chris Masson. The play is one of Noel Coward’s (food stall) delightful comedies. Charles Condomine’s first ¨ Sell raffle tickets wife is ‘recalled’ through a séance and returns to ¨ Join the Fete Committee (it is not too late!) plague Charles and his second wife in spite of For more information and offers of help contact Madame Arcarti’s efforts as a medium to expel Mark Stevens on 01959 523881 or Andrew Hicks her. The dialogue is full of Coward humour and on 01959 525120. the plot light and diverting. The performances start at 8pm and the tickets Emergency Team are £4 (Thursday) and £5 (Friday & Saturday) As reported in the November newsletter we are which includes a programme and refreshments. still looking for people to form an emergency Contact the Box office for tickets on 01959 assistance as they need, from organising the 523017 opening to assisting with everything on the day, such as collecting donations at the gate and Village Design Statement selling refreshments. If you are interested and As reported last month it is intended to produce need further information please contact Cathy a Village Design Statement for Otford to help Clark, Senior Fundraiser, British Red Cross, 2 preserve our village character and setting. This is Lower Chantry Lane, Canterbury, Kent. Tel becoming increasingly important as more houses 01227 459101. are altered, replaced or built. Planners, developers and designers take account of such Otford & District Historical Society statements after they have been adopted by the The February meeting takes place on District Council as Supplementary Planning Wednesday 19th at 8pm in the Village Hall when Guidance, and they can then influence planning the talk by Julia Page will be on Britain v decisions. Napoleon : The Waiting Years 1805 – 8. A nucleus of a Committee has now been formed Membership is only £3 per year and non but if you are interested in becoming involved members are always welcome to each talk for please contact the Parish Office as soon as £1. possible.

Otford & District Wine Club Dog Fouling No apologies for putting this in again. A lot of areas in the village, pavements, grass verges and front gardens are being ruined by selfish dog owners not clearing up after their pet. It is your responsibility, no one else’s. Always take a plastic bag with you when you go for a walk and use it please. Bags can be put in ordinary waste bins but there are dog bins on the Recreation Why not begin 2003 with a Wine Tasting at the Ground. Hale Lane and Telston Park (Plastic bags Otford & District Wine Club in the Memorial Hall are available from the parish office when open) on Wednesday 29th January 2003. The Remember that under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) evening begins at 8pm when a variety of wines Act 1996 the law says that all dog owners must can be sampled together with cheese and clean up after their dog fouls in a public place. If biscuits. There will also be a raffle. Why not you don’t you risk having to pay a fine of up to a enjoy a fun evening out amongst friends. As maximum of £1,000 or a fixed penalty of £25. usual it is free to members but guests will be Dog wardens do patrol the area. Allowing your charged £3. Everyone is welcome so just turn up dog to foul in any public place without clearing on the night if you are interested. If you have up is unpleasant, inconsiderate and a health any queries contact the Secretary on 01732 hazard, particularly to children. 761359.

Otford Gardeners’ Society Otford Gardeners’ Society will be meeting for the first time this year on Tuesday 4th February at 8pm in the Village Hall when they will be holding a Cheese & Wine evening and enjoy a light hearted quiz. There will also be an Early Bulb Show. New members would be especially Citizens Advice Bureau welcome, the cost of the evening is £2 on the v A form filling service has been launched to door. For any information contact the Secretary help minimise the stress of completing benefit Janet Finney on 01959 523760. forms. A special team of volunteers can see people, at the bureau, by appointment, on a British Red Cross Wednesday. The British Red Cross is looking for gardens in v Initially the team can help fill in the new Tax the area to open to raise funds to support the Credit, Income Support (and Minimum charity. The ‘Open Garden’ programme has been Guarantee), Housing / Council Tax, Job running for 70 years throughout the UK. They are Seekers Allowance and Help with Health Care looking for those undiscovered gardens whose Costs forms. In future, the service will be owners are willing to open them to the public to extended to include forms to apply for raise vital funds. Gardens can be of any size or disability benefits. Bankruptcy, Income Tax shape from small cottages to whole villages. The and Court Forms are excluded from this British Red Cross will provide volunteers to particular service. ensure that garden owners receive as much v A 200 Club was successfully formed three types of project that will be suitable for the area. years ago to raise money in support of Projects should also include some public benefit, Sevenoaks CAB. By joining, you can help the for example by being visible from public bureau while at the same time having the footpaths. opportunity of winning one of two cash prizes For more information or site visit contact them drawn each month. They are eager to swell on North West Kent Countryside Project, Mead numbers belonging to the Club, so that prizes Crescent, Mead Road, , Kent, DA1 2SH. grow! If you would like to take part, please Phone/ Fax 01322 294727 e-mail phone 01732 457958 for an application form. [email protected] To find out more contact the trained volunteer The grant will fund advisers at The Library, Buckhurst Lane, · Hedge planting – gapping up and the creation Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1HW. The office is open of new hedges in appropriate locations using from 10am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday native species suitable for the local area. and Friday. Wednesday 10am and 1pm · Hedge management, such as hedgelaying, appointments for form filling that will benefit the landscape. ( Tel No : 01732 - 454443 · Planting of hedgerow trees. ( Fax No : 01732 - 463164 · Small woodland planting in some areas. ( e-mail : [email protected] · Help to work on historic orchards. web page : [email protected] · Management of chalk downland. An adviser from CAB is at the Otford Parish It cannot fund Council office on the 1st Tuesday of each · Schemes already supported by public funds, month between 10am and 12 noon. Please for example through the Countryside use this local service. The next surgery will Stewardship Scheme or Woodland Grant be on 4th February. Scheme. · Repeat management operations. · Works required under planning consents or Otford Methodist Wednesday towards screening of development. Afternoons Women’s Fellowship · Planting of commercial orchard, single line Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings windbreaks, ornamental or coniferous trees. which take place at 2.30pm in the Methodist · Works in gardens. Church Hall and a list of next two months speakers are as follows: - Planning January The following applications were considered by the th 15 – Barbara Darby – Capture the Action! Parish Council at its meeting in January. For nd 22 – Rod Barron – Antique Maps more information, please contact the Parish Clerk th 29 – Brenda Pearson- European Dance or the Strategic Services Director, Sevenoaks February District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent on th 5 – St Barts. Ladies join us for this meeting. 01732 227000 Speaker John Curnow a. New applications th 12 Hilary Towers – Travelling Towers SE/02/02728 19 Tudor Drive th 19 – Elizabeth Waters – Encounters Abroad Proposed two storey extension SE/02/02749 52a Pilgrims Way East Landscape Enhancement Grants in Demolish existing bungalow and erect new AONB dwelling The landscape of the Kent Downs Area of SE/02/02933 37 Tudor Crescent Outstanding Natural Beauty is a nationally White PVCU conservatory to rear important landscape that is specially protected. It b. Amended applications is unique and beautiful, but there are ways that it SE/02/02259 21 Telston Lane can be improved. This small scale grant scheme Erection of a first floor side extension, alteration is available to landowners within the Kent Downs from hipped roof to gable end, rear flat roofed AONB and can assist towards the costs of dormer and formation of attic accommodation. landscape improvements. It is available within Amended plans received 04.1.02 the work area of the N.W Kent Countryside c. Results received Project and will help towards the cost of SE/02/02400 Stradbrook Shoreham Road materials and labour. Funds are limited so there Demolition of existing detached single garage is an upper limit of £1500 of grant aid for each and erection of proposed double garage project. Your project will need to be assessed Allowed and approved by the NW Kent Countryside SE/02/02598 20 Greenhill Road Project before work begins. Your scheme must Single storey front extension, single storey show clear landscape improvements that tie into glazed rear extension. Associated alterations the targets for landscape improvements within Allowed the Kent Downs AONB. The NW Kent Countryside SE/02/02652 24 Coombe Road Project can give you more information on the Erection of a single storey rear extension. Replacement of carpoint with garage, conversion of existing garage to bedroom, together with external alterations Allowed